Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/components/bitrix/bizproc.automation/templates/.default/ |
Current File : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/components/bitrix/bizproc.automation/templates/.default/script.js |
;if (!BX.getClass('BX.Bizproc.Automation.Component')) (function(BX) { 'use strict'; BX.namespace('BX.Bizproc.Automation'); var Component = function(baseNode) { if (!BX.type.isDomNode(baseNode)) throw 'baseNode must be Dom Node Element'; this.node = baseNode; //set current instance Designer.component = this; }; Component.ViewMode = { View : 1, Edit: 2 }; Component.LogStatus = { Waiting : 0, Running: 1, Completed: 2, AutoCompleted: 3 }; Component.idIncrement = 0; Component.generateUniqueId = function() { ++Component.idIncrement; return 'bizproc-automation-cmp-' + Component.idIncrement; }; Component.prototype = { init: function(data, viewMode) { var me = this; this.viewMode = viewMode || Component.ViewMode.View; if (typeof data === 'undefined') data = {}; this.data = data; this.initData(); this.initTracker(); this.initTriggerManager(); this.initTemplateManager(); this.initButtons(); this.initButtonsPosition(); this.initHelpTips(); this.setTitle(); this.fixTitleColors(); window.onbeforeunload = function() { if (me.templateManager.needSave() || me.triggerManager.needSave()) { return BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_CMP_NEED_SAVE'); } }; }, initData: function() { this.documentType = this.data.DOCUMENT_TYPE; this.documentId = this.data.DOCUMENT_ID; this.documentCategoryId = this.data.DOCUMENT_CATEGORY_ID; this.documentSigned = this.data.DOCUMENT_SIGNED; this.bizprocEditorUrl = this.data.WORKFLOW_EDIT_URL; this.documentStatuses = this.data.DOCUMENT_STATUS_LIST; this.statusesSort = []; for(var i = 0; i < this.documentStatuses.length; ++i) { this.statusesSort.push(this.documentStatuses[i]['STATUS_ID']); } this.setDocumentStatus(this.data.DOCUMENT_STATUS); this.userOptions = {}; if (BX.type.isPlainObject(this.data.USER_OPTIONS)) { this.userOptions = this.data.USER_OPTIONS; } this.frameMode = BX.type.isBoolean(this.data.FRAME_MODE) ? this.data.FRAME_MODE : false; }, setDocumentStatus: function(status) { this.documentStatus = status; this.currentStatusIndex = -1; for(var i = 0; i < this.statusesSort.length; ++i) { if (this.statusesSort[i] == status) { this.currentStatusIndex = i; break; } } return this; }, isPreviousStatus: function(needle) { var needleIndex = 0; for (var i = 0; i < this.statusesSort.length; ++i) { if (needle == this.statusesSort[i]) needleIndex = i; } return this.currentStatusIndex > -1 && needleIndex < this.currentStatusIndex; }, isCurrentStatus: function(needle) { return needle == this.documentStatus; }, isNextStatus: function(needle) { var needleIndex = 0; for (var i = 0; i < this.statusesSort.length; ++i) { if (needle == this.statusesSort[i]) needleIndex = i; } return this.currentStatusIndex > -1 && needleIndex > this.currentStatusIndex; }, initTriggerManager: function() { this.triggerManager = new TriggerManager(this); this.triggerManager.init(this.data, this.viewMode); }, reInitTriggerManager: function(triggers) { if (BX.type.isArray(triggers)) this.data.TRIGGERS = triggers; this.triggerManager.reInit(this.data, this.viewMode); }, initTemplateManager: function() { this.templateManager = new TemplateManager(this); this.templateManager.init(this.data, this.viewMode); }, reInitTemplateManager: function(templates) { if (BX.type.isArray(templates)) this.data.TEMPLATES = templates; this.templateManager.reInit(this.data, this.viewMode); }, initButtons: function() { var buttonsNode = this.node.querySelector('[data-role="automation-buttons"]'); if (buttonsNode) { if (this.viewMode === Component.ViewMode.View) { BX.hide(buttonsNode); } } this.bindSaveButton(); this.bindCancelButton(); this.bindChangeViewButton(); }, initButtonsPosition: function() { var buttonsNode = this.node.querySelector('[data-role="automation-buttons"]'); if (buttonsNode) { if (this.frameMode) { BX.addClass(buttonsNode, 'bizproc-automation-buttons-fixed-slider'); } } }, initHelpTips: function() { BX.UI.Hint.init(this.node); }, reInitButtons: function() { var buttonsNode = this.node.querySelector('[data-role="automation-buttons"]'); if (buttonsNode && this.viewMode === Component.ViewMode.View) { BX.hide(buttonsNode); } else if (buttonsNode && this.viewMode === Component.ViewMode.Edit) { BX.show(buttonsNode); } var changeViewBtn = this.node.querySelector('[data-role="automation-btn-change-view"]'); if (changeViewBtn) { changeViewBtn.innerHTML = changeViewBtn.getAttribute('data-label-' +(this.viewMode === Component.ViewMode.View ? 'edit' : 'view')); } }, setTitle: function() { var titleNode = this.node.querySelector('[data-role="automation-title"]'); if (titleNode) { titleNode.innerHTML = titleNode.getAttribute('data-title-' +(this.viewMode === Component.ViewMode.View ? 'view' : 'edit') ); } }, fixTitleColors: function() { var i, bgcolor, titles = this.node.querySelectorAll('[data-role="automation-status-title"]'); for (i = 0; i < titles.length; ++i) { bgcolor = titles[i].getAttribute('data-bgcolor'); if (bgcolor) { var bigint = parseInt(bgcolor, 16); var r = (bigint >> 16) & 255; var g = (bigint >> 8) & 255; var b = bigint & 255; var y = 0.21 * r + 0.72 * g + 0.07 * b; if (y < 145) // dark background { titles[i].style.color = 'white'; } } } }, initTracker: function() { this.tracker = new Tracker(this); this.tracker.init(this.data.LOG); }, bindSaveButton: function() { var me = this, button = BX('ui-button-panel-save'); if (button) { BX.bind(button, 'click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); me.saveAutomation(); button.classList.remove('ui-btn-wait'); }); } }, bindCancelButton: function() { var me = this, button = this.node.querySelector('[data-role="automation-btn-cancel"]'); if (button) { BX.bind(button, 'click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); me.changeViewMode(Component.ViewMode.View, true); }); } }, bindChangeViewButton: function() { var me = this, button = this.node.querySelector('[data-role="automation-btn-change-view"]'); if (button) { button.innerHTML = button.getAttribute('data-label-' +(this.viewMode === Component.ViewMode.View ? 'edit' : 'view')); if (me.canEdit()) { BX.bind(button, 'click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var viewMode = me.viewMode === Component.ViewMode.Edit? Component.ViewMode.View : Component.ViewMode.Edit; me.changeViewMode(viewMode); }); } } }, getAjaxUrl: function() { return BX.util.add_url_param(this.data.AJAX_URL, { site_id: BX.message('SITE_ID'), sessid: BX.bitrix_sessid() }); }, saveAutomation: function(callback) { var me = this, data = { ajax_action: 'save_automation', document_signed: this.documentSigned, triggers: this.triggerManager.serialize(), templates: this.templateManager.serialize() }; return BX.ajax({ method: 'POST', dataType: 'json', url: this.getAjaxUrl(), data: data, onsuccess: function(response) { if (response.SUCCESS) { me.reInitTemplateManager(response.DATA.templates); me.reInitTriggerManager(response.DATA.triggers); me.changeViewMode(Component.ViewMode.View); if (callback) { callback(response.DATA) } } else alert(response.ERRORS[0]); } }); }, changeViewMode: function(mode, silent) { if (!silent && (this.templateManager.needSave() || this.triggerManager.needSave())) { alert(BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_CMP_NEED_SAVE')); return; } if (mode !== Component.ViewMode.View && mode !== Component.ViewMode.Edit) throw 'Unknown view mode'; this.viewMode = mode; this.reInitTriggerManager(); this.reInitTemplateManager(); this.reInitButtons(); this.setTitle(); }, canEdit: function() { return this.data['CAN_EDIT']; }, updateTracker: function() { var me = this; BX.ajax({ method: 'POST', dataType: 'json', url: this.getAjaxUrl(), data: { ajax_action: 'get_log', document_signed: this.documentSigned }, onsuccess: function (response) { if (response.DATA && response.DATA.LOG) { me.tracker.reInit(response.DATA.LOG); if (me.viewMode === Component.ViewMode.View) { me.templateManager.reInit(); } } } }); }, onGlobalHelpClick: function(e) { e.preventDefault(); if (this.data['B24_TARIF_ZONE'] === 'en') { window.open('https://helpdesk.bitrix24.com/open/4781101/'); } else if (this.data['B24_TARIF_ZONE'] === 'de') { window.open('https://helpdesk.bitrix24.de/open/4781105/'); } else if (this.data['B24_TARIF_ZONE'] === 'es') { window.open('https://helpdesk.bitrix24.es/open/5859003/'); } else if (BX.Helper && BX.Helper.frameOpenUrl.indexOf('//helpdesk.bitrix24.ru/') > 0) { BX.Helper.show("redirect=detail&HD_ID=5265469"); } else { window.open('https://helpdesk.bitrix24.ru/open/5265469/'); } }, getUserOption: function(category, key, defaultValue) { var result = defaultValue; if (this.userOptions[category] && this.userOptions[category][key]) { result = this.userOptions[category][key]; } return result; }, setUserOption: function(category, key, value) { if (!BX.type.isPlainObject(this.userOptions[category])) { this.userOptions[category] = {}; } var storedValue = this.userOptions[category][key]; if (storedValue !== value) { this.userOptions[category][key] = value; BX.userOptions.save( 'bizproc.automation', category, key, value, false ); } return this; } }; var TemplateManager = function(component) { this.component = component; }; TemplateManager.prototype = { init: function(data, viewMode) { if (!BX.type.isPlainObject(data)) data = {}; this.viewMode = viewMode || Component.ViewMode.View; this.availableRobots = BX.type.isArray(data.AVAILABLE_ROBOTS) ? data.AVAILABLE_ROBOTS : []; this.availableRobotsMap = {}; for (var i = 0; i < this.availableRobots.length; ++i) { this.availableRobotsMap[this.availableRobots[i]['CLASS']] = this.availableRobots[i]; } this.templatesData = BX.type.isArray(data.TEMPLATES) ? data.TEMPLATES : []; this.initTemplates(); }, reInit: function(data, viewMode) { if (!BX.type.isPlainObject(data)) data = {}; this.viewMode = viewMode || Component.ViewMode.View; if (BX.type.isArray(data.TEMPLATES)) this.templatesData = data.TEMPLATES; this.reInitTemplates(this.templatesData); }, initTemplates: function() { this.templates = []; this.templatesMap = {}; for (var i = 0; i < this.templatesData.length; ++i) { var tpl = new Template(this); tpl.init(this.templatesData[i], this.viewMode); this.templates.push(tpl); this.templatesMap[tpl.getStatusId()] = tpl; } }, reInitTemplates: function(templates) { for (var i = 0; i < this.templates.length; ++i) { if (templates[i]) { this.templates[i].reInit(templates[i], this.viewMode); } } }, getAvailableRobots: function() { return this.availableRobots; }, getRobotDescription: function(type) { return this.availableRobotsMap[type] || null; }, serialize: function() { var templates = []; for (var i = 0; i < this.templates.length; ++i) { templates.push(this.templates[i].serialize()); } return templates; }, getTemplateByColumnNode: function(node) { var statusId = node.getAttribute('data-status-id'); return this.getTemplateByStatusId(statusId); }, getTemplateByStatusId: function(statusId) { return this.templatesMap[statusId] || null; }, needSave: function() { var modified = false; for (var i = 0; i < this.templates.length; ++i) { if (this.templates[i].isModified()) { modified = true; break; } } return modified; } }; var Template = function(manager) { this.manager = manager; this.component = manager.component; this.data = {}; }; Template.prototype = { init: function(data, viewMode) { if (BX.type.isPlainObject(data)) this.data = data; this.viewMode = viewMode || Component.ViewMode.View; this.node = this.component.node.querySelector('[data-role="automation-template"][data-status-id="'+this.getStatusId()+'"]'); this.listNode = this.node.querySelector('[data-role="robot-list"]'); this.buttonsNode = this.node.querySelector('[data-role="buttons"]'); this.initRobots(); this.initButtons(); this.modified = false; if (!this.isExternalModified()) { //register DD jsDD.registerDest(this.node, 10); } }, reInit: function(data, viewMode) { BX.cleanNode(this.listNode); BX.cleanNode(this.buttonsNode); this.init(data, viewMode) }, initRobots: function() { this.robots = []; this.robotsMap = {}; if (BX.type.isArray(this.data.ROBOTS)) { for (var i = 0; i < this.data.ROBOTS.length; ++i) { var robot = new Robot(this); robot.init(this.data.ROBOTS[i], this.viewMode); this.insertRobotNode(robot.node); this.robots.push(robot); this.robotsMap[robot.getId()] = robot; } } }, getStatusId: function() { return this.data.DOCUMENT_STATUS; }, getTemplateId: function() { var id = parseInt(this.data.ID); return !isNaN(id) ? id : 0; }, initButtons: function() { if (this.isExternalModified()) { this.createExternalLocker(); } else if (this.viewMode === Component.ViewMode.Edit) { if (!this.isExternalModified()) this.createAddButton(); if (this.getTemplateId() > 0) this.createExternalEditTemplateButton(); } if (this.viewMode === Component.ViewMode.View && this.component.canEdit()) { this.createEditButton(); } }, createAddButton: function() { var me = this, anchor = BX.create('a', { text: BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_CMP_ADD'), props: { href: '#' }, events: { click: function(e) { e.preventDefault(); me.onAddButtonClick(this); } }, attrs:{ className: 'bizproc-automation-robot-btn-add' } }); this.buttonsNode.appendChild(anchor); }, createEditButton: function() { var me = this, anchor = BX.create('a', { text: BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_CMP_AUTOMATION_EDIT'), props: { href: '#' }, events: { click: function(e) { e.preventDefault(); me.manager.component.changeViewMode(Component.ViewMode.Edit); } }, attrs: { className: "bizproc-automation-robot-btn-set" } }); this.buttonsNode.appendChild(anchor); }, createExternalEditTemplateButton: function() { if (this.manager.component.bizprocEditorUrl === null) { return false; } var me = this, anchor = BX.create('a', { text: BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_CMP_EXTERNAL_EDIT'), props: { href: '#' }, events: { click: function(e) { e.preventDefault(); me.onExternalEditTemplateButtonClick(this); } }, attrs: { className: "bizproc-automation-robot-btn-set" } }); if (!this.manager.component.bizprocEditorUrl.length) { BX.addClass(anchor, 'bizproc-automation-robot-btn-set-locked'); } this.buttonsNode.appendChild(anchor); }, createExternalLocker: function() { var me = this, div = BX.create("div", { attrs: { className: "bizproc-automation-robot-container" }, children: [ BX.create('div', { attrs: { className: 'bizproc-automation-robot-container-wrapper bizproc-automation-robot-container-wrapper-lock' }, children: [ BX.create("div", { attrs: { className: "bizproc-automation-robot-deadline" } }), BX.create("div", { attrs: { className: "bizproc-automation-robot-title" }, text: BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_CMP_EXTERNAL_EDIT_TEXT') }) ] }) ] }); if (this.viewMode === Component.ViewMode.Edit) { var settingsBtn = BX.create('div', { attrs: { className: 'bizproc-automation-robot-btn-settings' }, text: BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_CMP_EDIT') }); BX.bind(div, 'click', function(e) { me.onExternalEditTemplateButtonClick(this); }); div.appendChild(settingsBtn); BX.addClass(div.firstChild, 'bizproc-automation-robot-container-wrapper-border'); var deleteBtn = BX.create('SPAN', { attrs: { className: 'bizproc-automation-robot-btn-delete' } }); BX.bind(deleteBtn, 'click', function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); me.onUnsetExternalModifiedClick(this); }); div.lastChild.appendChild(deleteBtn); } this.listNode.appendChild(div); }, onAddButtonClick: function(button) { var me = this, i, j, menuItems = {employee: [], client: [], ads: [], other: []}; var title, settings, categories, availableRobots = this.manager.getAvailableRobots(); var menuItemClickHandler = function(e, item) { var robotData = BX.clone(item.robotData); if ( robotData['ROBOT_SETTINGS'] && robotData['ROBOT_SETTINGS']['TITLE_CATEGORY'] && robotData['ROBOT_SETTINGS']['TITLE_CATEGORY'][item.category] ) { robotData['NAME'] = robotData['ROBOT_SETTINGS']['TITLE_CATEGORY'][item.category]; } else if (robotData['ROBOT_SETTINGS'] && robotData['ROBOT_SETTINGS']['TITLE']) { robotData['NAME'] = robotData['ROBOT_SETTINGS']['TITLE']; } me.addRobot(robotData, function(robot) { me.openRobotSettingsDialog(robot, {ADD_MENU_CATEGORY: item.category}); }); this.getRootMenuWindow().close(); }; for (i = 0; i < availableRobots.length; ++i) { if (availableRobots[i]['EXCLUDED']) { continue; } settings = BX.type.isPlainObject(availableRobots[i]['ROBOT_SETTINGS']) ? availableRobots[i]['ROBOT_SETTINGS'] : {} ; title = availableRobots[i].NAME; if (settings['TITLE']) title = settings['TITLE']; categories = []; if (settings['CATEGORY']) { categories = BX.type.isArray(settings['CATEGORY']) ? settings['CATEGORY'] : [settings['CATEGORY']]; } if (!categories.length) { categories.push('other'); } for (j = 0; j < categories.length; ++j) { if (!menuItems[categories[j]]) continue; menuItems[categories[j]].push({ text: title, robotData: availableRobots[i], category: categories[j], onclick: menuItemClickHandler }); } } if (menuItems['other'].length > 0) { menuItems['other'].push({delimiter: true}); } if (BX.getClass('BX.rest.Marketplace')) { menuItems['other'].push({ text: BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_ROBOT_CATEGORY_OTHER_MARKETPLACE'), onclick: function() { BX.rest.Marketplace.open({}, me.component.data['MARKETPLACE_ROBOT_CATEGORY']); this.getRootMenuWindow().close(); } }); } else { menuItems['other'].push({ text: BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_ROBOT_CATEGORY_OTHER_MARKETPLACE'), href: '/marketplace/category/%category%/' .replace('%category%', this.component.data['MARKETPLACE_ROBOT_CATEGORY']), target: '_blank' }); } var menuId = button.getAttribute('data-menu-id'); if (!menuId) { menuId = Component.generateUniqueId(); button.setAttribute('data-menu-id', menuId); } var rootMenuItems = []; if (menuItems['employee'].length > 0) { rootMenuItems.push({ text: BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_ROBOT_CATEGORY_EMPLOYEE'), items: menuItems['employee'] }); } if (menuItems['client'].length > 0) { rootMenuItems.push({ text: BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_ROBOT_CATEGORY_CLIENT'), items: menuItems['client'] }); } if (menuItems['ads'].length > 0) { rootMenuItems.push({ text: BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_ROBOT_CATEGORY_ADS'), items: menuItems['ads'] }); } rootMenuItems.push({ text: BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_ROBOT_CATEGORY_OTHER'), items: menuItems['other'] }); BX.PopupMenu.show( menuId, button, rootMenuItems, { autoHide: true, offsetLeft: (BX.pos(button)['width'] / 2), angle: { position: 'top', offset: 0 }, maxHeight: 550 } ); }, onExternalEditTemplateButtonClick: function(button) { if (!this.manager.component.bizprocEditorUrl.length) { if (BX.getClass('B24.licenseInfoPopup')) { B24.licenseInfoPopup.show( 'bizproc_automation_designer', BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_CMP_EXTERNAL_EDIT'), BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_CMP_EXTERNAL_EDIT_LOCKED') ); } return; } var templateId = this.getTemplateId(); if (templateId > 0) this.openBizprocEditor(templateId); }, onUnsetExternalModifiedClick: function(button) { this.data['IS_EXTERNAL_MODIFIED'] = false; this.reInit(null, this.viewMode); }, openBizprocEditor: function(templateId) { var url = this.manager.component.bizprocEditorUrl.replace('#ID#', templateId); top.window.location.href = url; }, addRobot: function(robotData, callback) { var robot = new Robot(this); var initData = { Type: robotData['CLASS'], Properties: { Title: robotData['NAME'] } }; if (this.robots.length > 0) { var parentRobot = this.robots[this.robots.length - 1]; if (!parentRobot.delay.isNow() || parentRobot.isExecuteAfterPrevious()) { initData['Delay'] = parentRobot.delay.serialize(); initData['ExecuteAfterPrevious'] = 1; } } robot.init(initData, this.viewMode); robot.draft = true; if (callback) callback(robot); }, insertRobot: function(robot, beforeRobot) { if (beforeRobot) { for (var i = 0; i < this.robots.length; ++i) { if (this.robots[i] !== beforeRobot) continue; this.robots.splice(i, 0, robot); break; } } else { this.robots.push(robot); } this.modified = true; }, getNextRobot: function(robot) { for (var i = 0; i < this.robots.length; ++i) { if (this.robots[i] === robot) { return (this.robots[i + 1] || null); } } return null; }, deleteRobot: function(robot, callback) { for(var i = 0; i < this.robots.length; ++i) { if (this.robots[i] === robot) { this.robots.splice(i, 1); break; } } if (callback) callback(robot); this.modified = true; }, insertRobotNode: function(robotNode, beforeNode) { if (beforeNode) { this.listNode.insertBefore(robotNode, beforeNode); } else { this.listNode.appendChild(robotNode); } }, /** * @param {Robot} robot * @param {Object} [context] */ openRobotSettingsDialog: function(robot, context) { if (Designer.getRobotSettingsDialog()) return; var me = this, formName = 'bizproc_automation_robot_dialog'; var form = BX.create('form', { props: { name: formName } }); form.appendChild(me.renderDelaySettings(robot)); form.appendChild(me.renderConditionSettings(robot)); var iconHelp = BX.create('div', { attrs: { className: 'bizproc-automation-robot-help' }, events: {click: BX.delegate(this.component.onGlobalHelpClick, this.component)} }); form.appendChild(iconHelp); if (!BX.type.isPlainObject(context)) context = {}; context['DOCUMENT_CATEGORY_ID'] = this.manager.component.documentCategoryId; Designer.setRobotSettingsDialog({ template: this, context: context, robot: robot, form: form }); BX.ajax({ method: 'POST', dataType: 'html', url: this.manager.component.getAjaxUrl(), data: { ajax_action: 'get_robot_dialog', document_signed: this.component.documentSigned, document_status: this.component.documentStatus, context: context, robot: robot.serialize(), form_name: formName }, onsuccess: function(html) { if (html) { var dialogRows = BX.create('div', { html: html }); form.appendChild(dialogRows); } me.showRobotSettingsPopup(robot, form); } }); }, showRobotSettingsPopup: function(robot, form) { BX.addClass(this.component.node, 'automation-base-blocked'); this.initRobotSettingsControls(robot, form); var popupWidth = parseInt(this.component.getUserOption('defaults', 'robot_settings_popup_width', 580)); var popupMinWidth = 580; if (robot.data.Type === 'CrmSendEmailActivity' || robot.data.Type === 'MailActivity') { popupMinWidth += 124; if (popupWidth < popupMinWidth) { popupWidth = popupMinWidth; } } var me = this, popup = new BX.PopupWindow(Component.generateUniqueId(), null, { titleBar: robot.getTitle(), content: form, closeIcon: true, width: popupWidth, resizable: { minWidth: popupMinWidth, minHeight: 100 }, // zIndex: 9, offsetLeft: 0, offsetTop: 0, closeByEsc: true, draggable: {restrict: false}, overlay: false, events: { onPopupClose: function(popup) { me.currentRobot = null; Designer.setRobotSettingsDialog(null); me.destroyRobotSettingsControls(); popup.destroy(); BX.removeClass(me.component.node, 'automation-base-blocked'); }, onPopupResize: function() { me.onResizeRobotSettings(); }, onPopupResizeEnd: function() { me.component.setUserOption( 'defaults', 'robot_settings_popup_width', this.getWidth() ); } }, buttons: [ new BX.PopupWindowButton({ text : BX.message('JS_CORE_WINDOW_SAVE'), className : "popup-window-button-accept", events : { click: function() { me.saveRobotSettings(form, robot, BX.delegate(function() { this.popupWindow.close() }, this)); } } }), new BX.PopupWindowButtonLink({ text : BX.message('JS_CORE_WINDOW_CANCEL'), className : "popup-window-button-link-cancel", events : { click: function(){ this.popupWindow.close() } } }) ] }); me.currentRobot = robot; Designer.getRobotSettingsDialog().popup = popup; popup.show(); }, initRobotSettingsControls: function(robot, node) { if (!BX.type.isArray(this.robotSettingsControls)) { this.robotSettingsControls = []; } var controlNodes = node.querySelectorAll('[data-role]'); for (var i = 0; i < controlNodes.length; ++i) { this.initRobotSettingsControl(robot, controlNodes[i]); } }, initRobotSettingsControl: function(robot, controlNode) { if (!BX.type.isArray(this.robotSettingsControls)) { this.robotSettingsControls = []; } var control = null; var role = controlNode.getAttribute('data-role'); if (role === 'user-selector') { control = BX.Bizproc.UserSelector.decorateNode(controlNode); } else if (role === 'file-selector') { control = new FileSelector(robot, controlNode); } else if (role === 'inline-selector-target') { control = new InlineSelector(robot, controlNode); } else if (role === 'inline-selector-html') { control = new InlineSelectorHtml(robot, controlNode); } else if (role === 'time-selector') { control = new TimeSelector(controlNode); } else if (role === 'save-state-checkbox') { control = new SaveStateCheckbox(controlNode, robot); } BX.UI.Hint.init(controlNode); if (control) { this.robotSettingsControls.push(control); } }, destroyRobotSettingsControls: function () { if (BX.type.isArray(this.robotSettingsControls)) { for (var i = 0; i < this.robotSettingsControls.length; ++i) { if (BX.type.isFunction(this.robotSettingsControls[i].destroy)) this.robotSettingsControls[i].destroy(); } } this.robotSettingsControls = null; }, onBeforeSaveRobotSettings: function () { if (BX.type.isArray(this.robotSettingsControls)) { for (var i = 0; i < this.robotSettingsControls.length; ++i) { if (BX.type.isFunction(this.robotSettingsControls[i].onBeforeSave)) this.robotSettingsControls[i].onBeforeSave(); } } }, onResizeRobotSettings: function () { if (BX.type.isArray(this.robotSettingsControls)) { for (var i = 0; i < this.robotSettingsControls.length; ++i) { if (BX.type.isFunction(this.robotSettingsControls[i].onPopupResize)) this.robotSettingsControls[i].onPopupResize(); } } }, /** * @param {Robot} robot */ renderDelaySettings: function(robot) { var delay = BX.clone(robot.getDelayInterval()); var isExecuteAfterPrevious = robot.isExecuteAfterPrevious(); var idSalt = Component.generateUniqueId(); var executeAfterPreviousCheckbox = BX.create("input", { attrs: { type: "checkbox", id: "param-group-3-1" + idSalt, name: "execute_after_previous", value: '1', style: 'vertical-align: middle' } }); var delayTypeNode = BX.create("input", { attrs: { type: "hidden", name: "delay_type", value: delay.type } }); var delayValueNode = BX.create("input", { attrs: { type: "hidden", name: "delay_value", value: delay.value } }); var delayValueTypeNode = BX.create("input", { attrs: { type: "hidden", name: "delay_value_type", value: delay.valueType } }); var delayBasisNode = BX.create("input", { attrs: { type: "hidden", name: "delay_basis", value: delay.basis } }); var delayWorkTimeNode = BX.create("input", { attrs: { type: "hidden", name: "delay_worktime", value: delay.workTime ? 1 : 0 } }); var delayLocalTimeNode = BX.create("input", { attrs: { type: "hidden", name: "delay_localtime", value: delay.localTime ? 1 : 0 } }); if (isExecuteAfterPrevious) { executeAfterPreviousCheckbox.setAttribute('checked', 'checked'); } var delayIntervalLabelNode = BX.create("span", { attrs: { className: "bizproc-automation-popup-settings-link bizproc-automation-delay-interval-basis" } }); var basisFields = []; if (BX.type.isArray(this.component.data['DOCUMENT_FIELDS'])) { var i, field; for (i = 0; i < this.component.data['DOCUMENT_FIELDS'].length; ++i) { field = this.component.data['DOCUMENT_FIELDS'][i]; if (field['Type'] == 'date' || field['Type'] == 'datetime') { basisFields.push(field); } } } var delayIntervalSelector = new DelayIntervalSelector({ labelNode: delayIntervalLabelNode, onchange: function(delay) { delayTypeNode.value = delay.type; delayValueNode.value = delay.value; delayValueTypeNode.value = delay.valueType; delayBasisNode.value = delay.basis; delayWorkTimeNode.value = delay.workTime ? 1 : 0; delayLocalTimeNode.value = delay.localTime ? 1 : 0; }, basisFields: basisFields }); var div = BX.create("div", { attrs: { className: "bizproc-automation-popup-settings bizproc-automation-popup-settings-flex" }, children: [ BX.create("div", { attrs: { className: "bizproc-automation-popup-settings-block bizproc-automation-popup-settings-block-flex" }, children: [ BX.create("span", { attrs: { className: "bizproc-automation-popup-settings-title-wrapper" }, children: [ delayTypeNode, delayValueNode, delayValueTypeNode, delayBasisNode, delayWorkTimeNode, delayLocalTimeNode, BX.create("span", { attrs: { className: "bizproc-automation-popup-settings-title bizproc-automation-popup-settings-title-left" }, text: BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_CMP_TO_EXECUTE') + ":" }), delayIntervalLabelNode ] }) ] }), BX.create("div", { attrs: { className: "bizproc-automation-popup-settings-block" }, children: [ executeAfterPreviousCheckbox, BX.create("label", { attrs: { for: "param-group-3-1" + idSalt, style: 'color: #535C69' }, text: BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_CMP_AFTER_PREVIOUS_WIDE') }) ] }) ] }); delayIntervalSelector.init(delay); return div; }, /** * @param {Object} formFields * @param {Robot} robot * @returns {*} */ setDelaySettingsFromForm: function(formFields, robot) { var delay = new DelayInterval(); delay.setType(formFields['delay_type']); delay.setValue(formFields['delay_value']); delay.setValueType(formFields['delay_value_type']); delay.setBasis(formFields['delay_basis']); delay.setWorkTime(formFields['delay_worktime'] === '1'); delay.setLocalTime(formFields['delay_localtime'] === '1'); var executeAfterPrevious = (formFields['execute_after_previous'] && (formFields['execute_after_previous']) === '1'); robot.setDelayInterval(delay); robot.setExecuteAfterPrevious(executeAfterPrevious); return this; }, /** * @param {Robot} robot */ renderConditionSettings: function(robot) { /** @var {ConditionGroup} conditionGroup */ var conditionGroup = BX.clone(robot.getCondition()); var selector = new ConditionGroupSelector(conditionGroup, { fields: this.component.data['DOCUMENT_FIELDS'] }); return BX.create("div", { attrs: { className: "bizproc-automation-popup-settings" }, children: [ BX.create("div", { attrs: { className: "bizproc-automation-popup-settings-block" }, children: [ BX.create("span", { attrs: { className: "bizproc-automation-popup-settings-title" }, text: BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_ROBOT_CONDITION') + ":" }), selector.createNode() ] }) ] }); }, /** * @param {Object} formFields * @param {Robot} robot * @returns {*} */ setConditionSettingsFromForm: function(formFields, robot) { var i, conditionGroup = new ConditionGroup(); if (BX.type.isArray(formFields['condition_field'])) { for (i = 0; i < formFields['condition_field'].length; ++i) { if (formFields['condition_field'][i] === '') { continue; } var condition = new Condition(); condition.setField(formFields['condition_field'][i]); condition.setOperator(formFields['condition_operator'][i]); condition.setValue(formFields['condition_value'][i]); var joiner = ConditionGroup.Joiner.And; if (formFields['condition_joiner'] && formFields['condition_joiner'][i] === ConditionGroup.Joiner.Or) { joiner = ConditionGroup.Joiner.Or; } conditionGroup.addItem(condition, joiner); } } robot.setCondition(conditionGroup); return this; }, saveRobotSettings: function(form, robot, callback) { this.onBeforeSaveRobotSettings(); var me = this, formData = BX.ajax.prepareForm(form); BX.ajax({ method: 'POST', dataType: 'json', url: this.manager.component.getAjaxUrl(), data: { ajax_action: 'save_robot_settings', document_signed: this.component.documentSigned, robot: robot.serialize(), form_data: formData['data'] }, onsuccess: function(response) { if (response.SUCCESS) { robot.updateData(response.DATA.robot); me.setDelaySettingsFromForm(formData['data'], robot); me.setConditionSettingsFromForm(formData['data'], robot); if (robot.draft) { me.robots.push(robot); me.insertRobotNode(robot.node) } delete robot.draft; robot.reInit(); me.modified = true; if (callback) { callback(response.DATA) } } else alert(response.ERRORS[0]); } }); }, serialize: function() { var data = this.data; data['IS_EXTERNAL_MODIFIED'] = this.isExternalModified() ? 1 : 0; data['ROBOTS'] = []; for (var i = 0; i < this.robots.length; ++i) { data['ROBOTS'].push(this.robots[i].serialize()); } return data; }, isExternalModified: function() { return (this.data['IS_EXTERNAL_MODIFIED'] === true); }, getRobotById: function(id) { return this.robotsMap[id] || null; }, isModified: function() { return this.modified; } }; var Robot = function(template) { this.template = template; this.templateManager = template.manager; this.component = this.templateManager.component; this.tracker = template.manager.component.tracker; }; Robot.generateName = function() { return 'A' + parseInt(Math.random()*100000) + '_'+parseInt(Math.random()*100000) + '_'+parseInt(Math.random()*100000) + '_'+parseInt(Math.random()*100000); }; Robot.prototype = { init: function(data, viewMode) { if (data) this.data = data; if (!this.data.Name) { this.data.Name = Robot.generateName(); } this.delay = new DelayInterval(this.data.Delay); this.condition = new ConditionGroup(this.data.Condition); this.viewMode = viewMode || Component.ViewMode.View; this.node = this.createNode(); }, reInit: function(data, viewMode) { var node = this.node; this.node = this.createNode(); if (node.parentNode) node.parentNode.replaceChild(this.node, node); }, getProperty: function(name) { return this.data.Properties[name] || null; }, setProperty: function(name, value) { this.data.Properties[name] = value; return this; }, getId: function() { return this.data.Name || null; }, getLogStatus: function() { var status = Component.LogStatus.Waiting; var log = this.tracker.getRobotLog(this.getId()); if (log) { status = parseInt(log['STATUS']); } else if (this.data.DelayName) { //If delay was executed, we can set Running status to parent robot. log = this.tracker.getRobotLog(this.data.DelayName); if (log && parseInt(log['STATUS']) > Component.LogStatus.Waiting) status = Component.LogStatus.Running; } return status; }, getLogErrors: function() { var errors = [], log = this.tracker.getRobotLog(this.getId()); if (log && log.ERRORS) { errors = log.ERRORS; } return errors; }, createNode: function() { var me = this, status = this.getLogStatus(), loader; var settings = this.getDescriptionSettings(); var wrapperClass = 'bizproc-automation-robot-container-wrapper'; if (this.viewMode === Component.ViewMode.Edit) { wrapperClass += ' bizproc-automation-robot-container-wrapper-draggable'; } var targetLabel = BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_CMP_TO'); var targetNode = BX.create("a", { attrs: { className: "bizproc-automation-robot-settings-name", title: BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_CMP_AUTOMATICALLY') }, text: BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_CMP_AUTOMATICALLY') }); if (BX.type.isPlainObject(this.data.viewData) && this.data.viewData.responsibleLabel) { var labelText = this.data.viewData.responsibleLabel .replace('{=Document:ASSIGNED_BY_ID}', BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_CMP_RESPONSIBLE')) .replace('author', BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_CMP_RESPONSIBLE')); if (labelText.indexOf('{=Document') >= 0 && BX.type.isArray(this.component.data['DOCUMENT_FIELDS'])) { var i, field; for (i = 0; i < this.component.data['DOCUMENT_FIELDS'].length; ++i) { field = this.component.data['DOCUMENT_FIELDS'][i]; labelText = labelText.replace(field['SystemExpression'], field['Name']); } } targetNode.textContent = labelText; targetNode.setAttribute('title', labelText); if (this.data.viewData.responsibleUrl) { targetNode.href = this.data.viewData.responsibleUrl; if (this.component.frameMode) { targetNode.setAttribute('target', '_blank'); } } if (parseInt(this.data.viewData.responsibleId) > 0) { targetNode.setAttribute('bx-tooltip-user-id', this.data.viewData.responsibleId); } } var delayLabel = formatDelayInterval(this.getDelayInterval(), BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_CMP_AT_ONCE'), this.component.data['DOCUMENT_FIELDS'] ); if (this.isExecuteAfterPrevious()) { delayLabel = (delayLabel !== BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_CMP_AT_ONCE')) ? delayLabel + ', ' : ''; delayLabel += BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_CMP_AFTER_PREVIOUS'); } if (this.getCondition().items.length > 0) { delayLabel += ', ' + BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_CMP_BY_CONDITION'); } var delayNode; if (this.viewMode === Component.ViewMode.Edit) { delayNode = BX.create("a", { attrs: { className: "bizproc-automation-robot-link", title: delayLabel }, text: delayLabel }); } else { delayNode = BX.create("span", { attrs: { className: "bizproc-automation-robot-text" }, text: delayLabel }); } if (this.viewMode === Component.ViewMode.View) { switch (status) { case Component.LogStatus.Running: if (this.component.isCurrentStatus(this.template.getStatusId())) { loader = BX.create("div", { attrs: { className: "bizproc-automation-robot-loader" } }); } break; case Component.LogStatus.Completed: case Component.LogStatus.AutoCompleted: wrapperClass += ' bizproc-automation-robot-container-wrapper-complete'; break; } var errors = this.getLogErrors(); if (errors.length > 0) { loader = BX.create("div", { attrs: { className: "bizproc-automation-robot-errors", 'data-text': errors.join('\n') } }); HelpHint.bindToNode(loader); } } var titleClassName = 'bizproc-automation-robot-title-text'; if (this.viewMode === Component.ViewMode.Edit) { titleClassName += ' bizproc-automation-robot-title-text-editable'; } var div = BX.create("div", { attrs: { className: "bizproc-automation-robot-container", 'data-role': 'robot-container', 'data-type': 'item-robot', 'data-id': this.getId() }, children: [ BX.create('div', { attrs: { className: wrapperClass }, children: [ BX.create("div", { attrs: { className: "bizproc-automation-robot-deadline" }, children: [delayNode] }), BX.create("div", { attrs: { className: "bizproc-automation-robot-title" }, children: [ BX.create("div", { attrs: { className: titleClassName }, html: this.clipTitle(this.getTitle()), events: { click: this.viewMode === Component.ViewMode.Edit ? this.onTitleEditClick.bind(this) : null } }) ] }), BX.create("div", { attrs: { className: "bizproc-automation-robot-settings" }, children: [ BX.create("div", { attrs: { className: "bizproc-automation-robot-settings-title" }, text: targetLabel + ':' }), targetNode ] }), loader ] }) ] }); if (this.viewMode === Component.ViewMode.Edit) { this.registerItem(div); var deleteBtn = BX.create('SPAN', { attrs: { className: 'bizproc-automation-robot-btn-delete' } }); BX.bind(deleteBtn, 'click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); me.onDeleteButtonClick(this); }); div.lastChild.appendChild(deleteBtn); var settingsBtn = BX.create('div', { attrs: { className: 'bizproc-automation-robot-btn-settings' }, text: BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_CMP_EDIT') }); BX.bind(div, 'click', me.onSettingsButtonClick.bind(me)); div.appendChild(settingsBtn); BX.addClass(div.firstChild, 'bizproc-automation-robot-container-wrapper-border'); var copyBtn = BX.create('div', { attrs: { className: 'bizproc-automation-robot-btn-copy' }, text: BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_CMP_COPY') || 'copy' }); BX.bind(copyBtn, 'click', me.onCopyButtonClick.bind(me)); div.appendChild(copyBtn); } return div; }, onDeleteButtonClick: function() { BX.remove(this.node); this.template.deleteRobot(this); }, onSettingsButtonClick: function() { this.template.openRobotSettingsDialog(this); }, onCopyButtonClick: function(event) { event.stopPropagation(); var robot = new Robot(this.template); var beforeRobot = this.template.getNextRobot(this); var robotData = this.serialize(); delete robotData['Name']; delete robotData['DelayName']; if (robotData['Properties'] && robotData['Properties']['Title']) { robotData['Properties']['Title'] += ' ' + BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_CMP_COPY_CAPTION'); } robot.init(robotData, this.viewMode); this.template.insertRobot(robot, beforeRobot); this.template.insertRobotNode(robot.node, beforeRobot ? beforeRobot.node : null); }, onTitleEditClick: function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); var me = this, formName = 'bizproc_automation_robot_title_dialog'; var form = BX.create('form', { props: { name: formName }, style: {"min-width": '540px'} }); form.appendChild(BX.create("span", { attrs: { className: "bizproc-automation-popup-settings-title bizproc-automation-popup-settings-title-autocomplete" }, text: BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_CMP_ROBOT_NAME') + ':' })); form.appendChild(BX.create("div", { attrs: { className: "bizproc-automation-popup-settings" }, children: [BX.create("input", { attrs: { className: 'bizproc-automation-popup-input', type: "text", name: "name", value: this.getTitle() } })] })); BX.addClass(this.component.node, 'automation-base-blocked'); var popup = new BX.PopupWindow(Component.generateUniqueId(), null, { titleBar: BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_CMP_ROBOT_NAME'), content: form, closeIcon: true, zIndex: -100, offsetLeft: 0, offsetTop: 0, closeByEsc: true, draggable: {restrict: false}, overlay: false, events: { onPopupClose: function(popup) { popup.destroy(); BX.removeClass(me.component.node, 'automation-base-blocked'); } }, buttons: [ new BX.PopupWindowButton({ text : BX.message('JS_CORE_WINDOW_SAVE'), className : "popup-window-button-accept", events : { click: function() { var nameNode = form.elements.name; me.setProperty('Title', nameNode.value); me.reInit(); me.template.modified = true; this.popupWindow.close(); } } }), new BX.PopupWindowButtonLink({ text : BX.message('JS_CORE_WINDOW_CANCEL'), className : "popup-window-button-link-cancel", events : { click: function(){ this.popupWindow.close() } } }) ] }); popup.show(); }, clipTitle: function (fullTitle) { var title = fullTitle; var arrTitle = title.split(" "); var lastWord = "<span>" + arrTitle[arrTitle.length - 1] + "</span>"; arrTitle.splice(arrTitle.length - 1); title = arrTitle.join(" ") + " " + lastWord; return title; }, updateData: function(data) { if (BX.type.isPlainObject(data)) { this.data = data; } else throw 'Invalid data'; }, serialize: function() { var result = BX.clone(this.data); var fixData = function(data) { for (var key in data) { if (data.hasOwnProperty(key)) { if (typeof(data[key]) === "boolean") { data[key] = data[key] ? 1 : 0; } else if (data[key] === null) { data[key] = ''; } else if (BX.type.isPlainObject(data[key])) { fixData(data[key]); } } } }; if (BX.type.isPlainObject(result.Properties)) { fixData(result.Properties); } result.Delay = this.delay.serialize(); result.Condition = this.condition.serialize(); return result; }, /** * @returns {DelayInterval} */ getDelayInterval: function() { return this.delay; }, setDelayInterval: function(delay) { this.delay = delay; return this; }, /** * @returns {ConditionGroup} */ getCondition: function() { return this.condition; }, setCondition: function(condition) { this.condition = condition; return this; }, setExecuteAfterPrevious: function(flag) { this.data.ExecuteAfterPrevious = flag ? 1 : 0; return this; }, isExecuteAfterPrevious: function() { return (this.data.ExecuteAfterPrevious === 1) }, registerItem: function(object) { object.onbxdragstart = BX.proxy(this.dragStart, this); object.onbxdrag = BX.proxy(this.dragMove, this); object.onbxdragstop = BX.proxy(this.dragStop, this); object.onbxdraghover = BX.proxy(this.dragOver, this); jsDD.registerObject(object); jsDD.registerDest(object, 1); }, dragStart: function() { this.draggableItem = BX.proxy_context; this.draggableItem.className = "bizproc-automation-robot-container"; if (!this.draggableItem) { jsDD.stopCurrentDrag(); return; } if (!this.stub) { var itemWidth = this.draggableItem.offsetWidth; this.stub = this.draggableItem.cloneNode(true); this.stub.style.position = "absolute"; this.stub.className = "bizproc-automation-robot-container bizproc-automation-robot-container-drag"; this.stub.style.width = itemWidth + "px"; document.body.appendChild(this.stub); } }, dragMove: function(x,y) { this.stub.style.left = x + "px"; this.stub.style.top = y + "px"; }, dragOver: function(destination, x, y) { if (this.droppableItem) { this.droppableItem.className = "bizproc-automation-robot-container"; } if (this.droppableColumn) { this.droppableColumn.className = "bizproc-automation-robot-list"; } var type = destination.getAttribute("data-type"); if (type === "item-robot") { this.droppableItem = destination; this.droppableColumn = null; } if (type === "column-robot") { this.droppableColumn = destination.children[0]; this.droppableItem = null; } if (this.droppableItem) { this.droppableItem.className = "bizproc-automation-robot-container bizproc-automation-robot-container-pre"; } if (this.droppableColumn) { this.droppableColumn.className = "bizproc-automation-robot-list bizproc-automation-robot-list-pre"; } }, dragStop: function(x, y, event) { event = event || window.event; var isCopy = event && event.ctrlKey; var tpl, beforeRobot; if (this.draggableItem) { if (this.droppableItem) { this.droppableItem.className = "bizproc-automation-robot-container"; tpl = this.templateManager.getTemplateByColumnNode(this.droppableItem.parentNode); if (tpl) { beforeRobot = tpl.getRobotById(this.droppableItem.getAttribute('data-id')); if (isCopy) { this.copyTo(tpl, beforeRobot) } else if (this !== beforeRobot) this.moveTo(tpl, beforeRobot); } } else if (this.droppableColumn) { this.droppableColumn.className = "bizproc-automation-robot-list"; tpl = this.templateManager.getTemplateByColumnNode(this.droppableColumn); if (tpl) { isCopy ? this.copyTo(tpl) : this.moveTo(tpl); } } } this.stub.parentNode.removeChild(this.stub); this.stub = null; this.draggableItem = null; this.droppableItem = null; }, moveTo: function(template, beforeRobot) { BX.remove(this.node); this.template.deleteRobot(this); this.template = template; this.template.insertRobot(this, beforeRobot); this.node = this.createNode(); this.template.insertRobotNode(this.node, beforeRobot ? beforeRobot.node : null); }, copyTo: function(template, beforeRobot) { var robot = new Robot(template); var robotData = this.serialize(); delete robotData['Name']; delete robotData['DelayName']; robot.init(robotData, this.viewMode); template.insertRobot(robot, beforeRobot); template.insertRobotNode(robot.node, beforeRobot ? beforeRobot.node : null); }, getDescriptionSettings: function() { var settings = {}; var description = this.templateManager.getRobotDescription(this.data['Type']); if (description && description['ROBOT_SETTINGS']) { settings = description['ROBOT_SETTINGS']; } return settings; }, getTitle: function() { return this.getProperty('Title') || this.getDescriptionTitle(); }, getDescriptionTitle: function() { var name = 'untitled'; var description = this.templateManager.getRobotDescription(this.data['Type']); if (description['NAME']) { name = description['NAME']; } if (description['ROBOT_SETTINGS'] && description['ROBOT_SETTINGS']['TITLE']) { name = description['ROBOT_SETTINGS']['TITLE']; } return name; }, getReturnFieldsDescription: function() { var fields = []; var description = this.templateManager.getRobotDescription(this.data['Type']); if (description && description['RETURN']) { for (var fieldId in description['RETURN']) { if (description['RETURN'].hasOwnProperty(fieldId)) { var field = description['RETURN'][fieldId]; fields.push({ Id: fieldId, Name: field['NAME'], Type: field['TYPE'], Expression: '{{~'+this.getId()+':'+fieldId+' # '+this.getTitle()+': '+field['NAME']+'}}' }); } } } return fields; } }; var TriggerManager = function(component) { this.component = component; }; TriggerManager.prototype = { init: function(data, viewMode) { if (!BX.type.isPlainObject(data)) data = {}; this.viewMode = viewMode || Component.ViewMode.View; this.availableTriggers = BX.type.isArray(data.AVAILABLE_TRIGGERS) ? data.AVAILABLE_TRIGGERS : []; this.triggersData = BX.type.isArray(data.TRIGGERS) ? data.TRIGGERS : []; this.columnNodes = document.querySelectorAll('[data-type="column-trigger"]'); this.listNodes = this.component.node.querySelectorAll('[data-role="trigger-list"]'); this.buttonsNodes = this.component.node.querySelectorAll('[data-role="trigger-buttons"]'); this.initButtons(); this.initTriggers(); this.modified = false; //register DD for(var i = 0; i < this.columnNodes.length; i++) { jsDD.registerDest(this.columnNodes[i], 10); } top.BX.addCustomEvent( top, 'Rest:AppLayout:ApplicationInstall', this.onRestAppInstall.bind(this) ); }, reInit: function(data, viewMode) { if (!BX.type.isPlainObject(data)) data = {}; var i; this.viewMode = viewMode || Component.ViewMode.View; for (i = 0; i < this.listNodes.length; ++i) { BX.cleanNode(this.listNodes[i]); } for (i = 0; i < this.buttonsNodes.length; ++i) { BX.cleanNode(this.buttonsNodes[i]); } this.triggersData = BX.type.isArray(data.TRIGGERS) ? data.TRIGGERS : []; this.initTriggers(); this.initButtons(); this.modified = false; }, initTriggers: function() { this.triggers = []; for (var i = 0; i < this.triggersData.length; ++i) { var trigger = new Trigger(this); trigger.init(this.triggersData[i], this.viewMode); this.insertTriggerNode(trigger.getStatusId(), trigger.node); this.triggers.push(trigger); } }, initButtons: function() { if (this.viewMode === Component.ViewMode.Edit) { for (var i = 0; i < this.buttonsNodes.length; ++i) { this.createAddButton(this.buttonsNodes[i]); } } }, createAddButton: function(containerNode) { var me = this, div = BX.create('a', { text: BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_CMP_ADD'), props: { href: '#' }, events: { click: function(e) { e.preventDefault(); me.onAddButtonClick(this); } }, attrs: { className: 'bizproc-automation-btn-add', 'data-status-id': containerNode.getAttribute('data-status-id') } }); containerNode.appendChild(div); }, onAddButtonClick: function(button) { var me = this, i, menuItems = []; var onMenuClick = function(e, item) { me.addTrigger(item.triggerData, function(trigger) { me.openTriggerSettingsDialog(trigger); }); this.popupWindow.close(); }; for (i = 0; i < this.availableTriggers.length; ++i) { if (this.availableTriggers[i].CODE === 'APP') { menuItems.push(this.createAppTriggerMenuItem( button.getAttribute('data-status-id'), this.availableTriggers[i] )); continue; } menuItems.push({ text: this.availableTriggers[i].NAME, triggerData: { DOCUMENT_STATUS: button.getAttribute('data-status-id'), CODE: this.availableTriggers[i].CODE }, onclick: onMenuClick }); } BX.PopupMenu.show( Component.generateUniqueId(), button, menuItems, { autoHide: true, offsetLeft: (BX.pos(button)['width'] / 2), angle: { position: 'top', offset: 0 }, events : { onPopupClose : function() {this.destroy()} } } ); }, createAppTriggerMenuItem: function(status, triggerData) { var me = this, menuItems = []; var onMenuClick = function(e, item) { me.addTrigger(item.triggerData, function(trigger) { me.openTriggerSettingsDialog(trigger); }); this.getRootMenuWindow().close(); }; for (var i = 0; i < triggerData['APP_LIST'].length; ++i) { var item = triggerData['APP_LIST'][i]; var itemName = '[' + item['APP_NAME'] + '] ' + item['NAME']; menuItems.push({ text: BX.util.htmlspecialchars(itemName), triggerData: { DOCUMENT_STATUS: status, NAME: itemName, CODE: triggerData.CODE, APPLY_RULES: { APP_ID: item['APP_ID'], CODE: item['CODE'] } }, onclick: onMenuClick }); } if (BX.getClass('BX.rest.Marketplace')) { if (menuItems.length) menuItems.push({delimiter: true}); menuItems.push({ text: BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_ROBOT_CATEGORY_OTHER_MARKETPLACE'), onclick: function() { BX.rest.Marketplace.open({PLACEMENT: me.component.data['MARKETPLACE_TRIGGER_PLACEMENT']}); this.getRootMenuWindow().close(); } }); } return { text: triggerData.NAME, items: menuItems } }, addTrigger: function(triggerData, callback) { var trigger = new Trigger(this); trigger.init(triggerData, this.viewMode); trigger.draft = true; if (callback) callback(trigger); }, deleteTrigger: function(trigger, callback) { if (trigger.getId() > 0) { trigger.markDeleted(); } else { for(var i = 0; i < this.triggers.length; ++i) { if (this.triggers[i] === trigger) this.triggers.splice(i, 1); } } if (callback) callback(trigger); this.modified = true; }, insertTriggerNode: function(documentStatus, triggerNode) { var listNode = this.component.node.querySelector('[data-role="trigger-list"][data-status-id="'+documentStatus+'"]'); if (listNode) { listNode.appendChild(triggerNode); } }, serialize: function() { var triggers = []; for (var i = 0; i < this.triggers.length; ++i) { triggers.push(this.triggers[i].serialize()); } return triggers; }, getTriggerName: function(code) { for (var i = 0; i < this.availableTriggers.length; ++i) { if (code == this.availableTriggers[i]['CODE']) return this.availableTriggers[i]['NAME']; } return code; }, getAvailableTrigger: function(code) { for (var i = 0; i < this.availableTriggers.length; ++i) { if (code == this.availableTriggers[i]['CODE']) return this.availableTriggers[i]; } return null; }, needSave: function() { return this.modified; }, openTriggerSettingsDialog: function(trigger) { var me = this, formName = 'bizproc_automation_trigger_dialog'; var form = BX.create('form', { props: { name: formName }, style: {"min-width": '540px'} }); form.appendChild(me.renderConditionSettings(trigger)); var iconHelp = BX.create('div', { attrs: { className: 'bizproc-automation-robot-help' }, events: {click: BX.delegate(this.component.onGlobalHelpClick, this.component)} }); form.appendChild(iconHelp); var title = this.getTriggerName(trigger.data['CODE']); form.appendChild(BX.create("span", { attrs: { className: "bizproc-automation-popup-settings-title bizproc-automation-popup-settings-title-autocomplete" }, text: BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_CMP_TRIGGER_NAME') + ':' })); form.appendChild(BX.create("div", { attrs: { className: "bizproc-automation-popup-settings" }, children: [BX.create("input", { attrs: { className: 'bizproc-automation-popup-input', type: "text", name: "name", value: trigger.data['NAME'] || title } })] })); //TODO: refactoring var triggerData = this.getAvailableTrigger(trigger.data['CODE']); if (trigger.data['CODE'] === 'WEBHOOK') { if (!trigger.data['APPLY_RULES']['code']) trigger.data['APPLY_RULES']['code'] = BX.util.getRandomString(5); form.appendChild(BX.create("span", { attrs: { className: "bizproc-automation-popup-settings-title bizproc-automation-popup-settings-title-autocomplete" }, text: "URL:" })); form.appendChild(BX.create('input', { props: { type: 'hidden', value: trigger.data['APPLY_RULES']['code'], name: 'code' } })); var hookLinkTextarea = BX.create("textarea", { attrs: { className: "bizproc-automation-popup-textarea", placeholder: "...", readonly: 'readonly', name: 'webhook_handler' }, events: { click: function(e) {this.select();} } }); form.appendChild(BX.create("div", { attrs: { className: "bizproc-automation-popup-settings" }, children: [hookLinkTextarea] })); form.appendChild(BX.create("span", { attrs: { className: "bizproc-automation-popup-settings-title bizproc-automation-popup-settings-title-autocomplete" }, text: BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_CMP_WEBHOOK_ID') })); if (triggerData && triggerData['HANDLER']) { var url = window.location.protocol + '//' + window.location.host + triggerData['HANDLER']; url = BX.util.add_url_param(url, {code: trigger.data['APPLY_RULES']['code']}); url = url.replace('{{DOCUMENT_TYPE}}', this.component.documentType[2]); hookLinkTextarea.value = url; } } else if (trigger.data['CODE'] === 'EMAIL_LINK') { form.appendChild(BX.create("span", { attrs: { className: "bizproc-automation-popup-settings-title bizproc-automation-popup-settings-title-autocomplete" }, text: BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_TRIGGER_EMAIL_LINK_URL') + ':' })); form.appendChild(BX.create("div", { attrs: { className: "bizproc-automation-popup-settings" }, children: [BX.create("textarea", { attrs: { className: "bizproc-automation-popup-textarea", placeholder: "https://example.com" }, props: {name: 'url'}, text: trigger.data['APPLY_RULES']['url'] || '' })] })); } else if (trigger.data['CODE'] == 'WEBFORM') { if (triggerData && triggerData['WEBFORM_LIST']) { var select = BX.create('select', { attrs: {className: 'bizproc-automation-popup-settings-dropdown'}, props: { name: 'form_id', value: '' }, children: [BX.create('option', { props: {value: ''}, text: BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_TRIGGER_WEBFORM_ANY') })] }); for (var i = 0; i < triggerData['WEBFORM_LIST'].length; ++i) { var item = triggerData['WEBFORM_LIST'][i]; select.appendChild(BX.create('option', { props: {value: item['ID']}, text: item['NAME'] })); } if (BX.type.isPlainObject(trigger.data['APPLY_RULES']) && trigger.data['APPLY_RULES']['form_id']) { select.value = trigger.data['APPLY_RULES']['form_id']; } var div = BX.create('div', {attrs: {className: 'bizproc-automation-popup-settings'}, children: [BX.create('span', {attrs: { className: 'bizproc-automation-popup-settings-title' }, text: BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_TRIGGER_WEBFORM_LABEL') + ':'}), select] }); form.appendChild(div); } } else if (trigger.data['CODE'] == 'CALLBACK') { if (triggerData && triggerData['WEBFORM_LIST']) { var select = BX.create('select', { attrs: {className: 'bizproc-automation-popup-settings-dropdown'}, props: { name: 'form_id', value: '' }, children: [BX.create('option', { props: {value: ''}, text: BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_TRIGGER_WEBFORM_ANY') })] }); for (var i = 0; i < triggerData['WEBFORM_LIST'].length; ++i) { var item = triggerData['WEBFORM_LIST'][i]; select.appendChild(BX.create('option', { props: {value: item['ID']}, text: item['NAME'] })); } if (BX.type.isPlainObject(trigger.data['APPLY_RULES']) && trigger.data['APPLY_RULES']['form_id']) { select.value = trigger.data['APPLY_RULES']['form_id']; } var div = BX.create('div', {attrs: {className: 'bizproc-automation-popup-settings'}, children: [BX.create('span', {attrs: { className: 'bizproc-automation-popup-settings-title' }, text: BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_TRIGGER_WEBFORM_LABEL') + ':'}), select] }); form.appendChild(div); } } else if (trigger.data['CODE'] == 'STATUS') { if (triggerData && triggerData['STATUS_LIST']) { var select = BX.create('select', { attrs: {className: 'bizproc-automation-popup-settings-dropdown'}, props: { name: 'STATUS', value: '' }, children: [BX.create('option', { props: {value: ''}, text: BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_TRIGGER_STATUS_ANY') })] }); for (var i = 0; i < triggerData['STATUS_LIST'].length; ++i) { var item = triggerData['STATUS_LIST'][i]; select.appendChild(BX.create('option', { props: {value: item['ID']}, text: item['NAME'] })); } if (BX.type.isPlainObject(trigger.data['APPLY_RULES']) && trigger.data['APPLY_RULES']['STATUS']) { select.value = trigger.data['APPLY_RULES']['STATUS']; } var div = BX.create('div', {attrs: {className: 'bizproc-automation-popup-settings'}, children: [BX.create('span', {attrs: { className: 'bizproc-automation-popup-settings-title' }, text: triggerData['STATUS_LABEL'] + ':'}), select] }); form.appendChild(div); } } else if (trigger.data['CODE'] == 'CALL') { if (triggerData && triggerData['LINES']) { var select = BX.create('select', { attrs: {className: 'bizproc-automation-popup-settings-dropdown'}, props: { name: 'LINE_NUMBER', value: '' }, children: [BX.create('option', { props: {value: ''}, text: BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_TRIGGER_WEBFORM_ANY') })] }); for (var i = 0; i < triggerData['LINES'].length; ++i) { var item = triggerData['LINES'][i]; select.appendChild(BX.create('option', { props: {value: item['LINE_NUMBER']}, text: item['SHORT_NAME'] })); } if (trigger.data['APPLY_RULES']['LINE_NUMBER']) { select.value = trigger.data['APPLY_RULES']['LINE_NUMBER']; } var div = BX.create('div', {attrs: {className: 'bizproc-automation-popup-settings'}, children: [BX.create('span', {attrs: { className: 'bizproc-automation-popup-settings-title' }, text: BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_TRIGGER_CALL_LABEL') + ':'}), select] }); form.appendChild(div); } } else if (trigger.data['CODE'] == 'OPENLINE' || trigger.data['CODE'] == 'OPENLINE_MSG') { if (triggerData && triggerData['CONFIG_LIST']) { var select = BX.create('select', { attrs: {className: 'bizproc-automation-popup-settings-dropdown'}, props: { name: 'config_id', value: '' }, children: [BX.create('option', { props: {value: ''}, text: BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_TRIGGER_WEBFORM_ANY') })] }); for (var i = 0; i < triggerData['CONFIG_LIST'].length; ++i) { var item = triggerData['CONFIG_LIST'][i]; select.appendChild(BX.create('option', { props: {value: item['ID']}, text: item['NAME'] })); } if (BX.type.isPlainObject(trigger.data['APPLY_RULES']) && trigger.data['APPLY_RULES']['config_id']) { select.value = trigger.data['APPLY_RULES']['config_id']; } var div = BX.create('div', {attrs: {className: 'bizproc-automation-popup-settings'}, children: [BX.create('span', {attrs: { className: 'bizproc-automation-popup-settings-title' }, text: BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_TRIGGER_OPENLINE_LABEL') + ':'}), select] }); form.appendChild(div); } } form.appendChild(BX.create("div", { attrs: { className: "bizproc-automation-popup-checkbox" }, children: [ BX.create("div", { attrs: { className: "bizproc-automation-popup-checkbox-item" }, children: [ BX.create("label", { attrs: { className: "bizproc-automation-popup-chk-label" }, children: [ BX.create("input", { attrs: { className: 'bizproc-automation-popup-chk', type: "checkbox", name: "allow_backwards", value: 'Y' }, props: { checked: trigger.isBackwardsAllowed() } }), document.createTextNode(BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_CMP_TRIGGER_ALLOW_REVERSE')) ] }) ] }) ] })); BX.addClass(this.component.node, 'automation-base-blocked'); Designer.component = this.component; var popup = new BX.PopupWindow(Component.generateUniqueId(), null, { titleBar: title, content: form, closeIcon: true, zIndex: -100, offsetLeft: 0, offsetTop: 0, closeByEsc: true, draggable: {restrict: false}, overlay: false, events: { onPopupClose: function(popup) { popup.destroy(); BX.removeClass(me.component.node, 'automation-base-blocked'); } }, buttons: [ new BX.PopupWindowButton({ text : BX.message('JS_CORE_WINDOW_SAVE'), className : "popup-window-button-accept", events : { click: function() { var formData = BX.ajax.prepareForm(form); trigger.data['NAME'] = formData['data']['name']; //TODO: refactoring if (trigger.data['CODE'] === 'WEBFORM') { trigger.data['APPLY_RULES'] = { form_id: formData['data']['form_id'] } } if (trigger.data['CODE'] === 'CALLBACK') { trigger.data['APPLY_RULES'] = { form_id: formData['data']['form_id'] } } if (trigger.data['CODE'] === 'STATUS') { trigger.data['APPLY_RULES'] = { STATUS: formData['data']['STATUS'] } } if (trigger.data['CODE'] === 'CALL' && 'LINE_NUMBER' in formData['data']) { trigger.data['APPLY_RULES'] = { LINE_NUMBER: formData['data']['LINE_NUMBER'] } } if (trigger.data['CODE'] === 'OPENLINE' || trigger.data['CODE'] === 'OPENLINE_MSG') { trigger.data['APPLY_RULES'] = { config_id: formData['data']['config_id'] } } if (trigger.data['CODE'] === 'WEBHOOK') { trigger.data['APPLY_RULES'] = { code: formData['data']['code'] } } if (trigger.data['CODE'] === 'EMAIL_LINK') { trigger.data['APPLY_RULES'] = { url: formData['data']['url'] } } me.setConditionSettingsFromForm(formData['data'], trigger); trigger.setAllowBackwards(formData['data']['allow_backwards'] === 'Y'); if (trigger.draft) { me.triggers.push(trigger); me.insertTriggerNode(trigger.getStatusId(), trigger.node) } delete trigger.draft; trigger.reInit(); me.modified = true; this.popupWindow.close(); } } }), new BX.PopupWindowButtonLink({ text : BX.message('JS_CORE_WINDOW_CANCEL'), className : "popup-window-button-link-cancel", events : { click: function(){ this.popupWindow.close() } } }) ] }); popup.show(); }, /** * @param {Trigger} trigger */ renderConditionSettings: function(trigger) { /** @var {ConditionGroup} conditionGroup */ var conditionGroup = BX.clone(trigger.getCondition()); var selector = new ConditionGroupSelector(conditionGroup, { fields: this.component.data['DOCUMENT_FIELDS'] }); return BX.create("div", { attrs: { className: "bizproc-automation-popup-settings" }, children: [ BX.create("div", { attrs: { className: "bizproc-automation-popup-settings-block" }, children: [ BX.create("span", { attrs: { className: "bizproc-automation-popup-settings-title" }, text: BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_ROBOT_CONDITION') + ":" }), selector.createNode() ] }) ] }); }, /** * @param {Object} formFields * @param {Trigger} trigger * @returns {*} */ setConditionSettingsFromForm: function(formFields, trigger) { var i, conditionGroup = new ConditionGroup(); if (BX.type.isArray(formFields['condition_field'])) { for (i = 0; i < formFields['condition_field'].length; ++i) { if (formFields['condition_field'][i] === '') { continue; } var condition = new Condition(); condition.setField(formFields['condition_field'][i]); condition.setOperator(formFields['condition_operator'][i]); condition.setValue(formFields['condition_value'][i]); var joiner = ConditionGroup.Joiner.And; if (formFields['condition_joiner'] && formFields['condition_joiner'][i] === ConditionGroup.Joiner.Or) { joiner = ConditionGroup.Joiner.Or; } conditionGroup.addItem(condition, joiner); } } trigger.setCondition(conditionGroup); return this; }, onRestAppInstall: function(installed, eventResult) { eventResult.redirect = false; var me = this; setTimeout(function() { BX.ajax({ method: 'POST', dataType: 'json', url: me.component.getAjaxUrl(), data: { ajax_action: 'get_available_triggers', document_signed: me.component.documentSigned }, onsuccess: function(response) { if (BX.type.isArray(response['DATA'])) { me.availableTriggers = response['DATA']; } } }); }, 1500); } }; var Trigger = function(manager) { this.manager = manager; this.component = manager.component; this.tracker = manager.component.tracker; this.data = {}; this.deleted = false; this.draggableItem = null; this.droppableItem = null; this.droppableColumn = null; this.stub = null; this.column = null; }; Trigger.prototype = { init: function(data, viewMode) { this.data = data || {}; if (!BX.type.isPlainObject(this.data['APPLY_RULES'])) { this.data['APPLY_RULES'] = {}; } if (this.data.APPLY_RULES.Condition) { this.condition = new ConditionGroup(this.data.APPLY_RULES.Condition); } else { this.condition = new ConditionGroup(); } this.viewMode = viewMode || Component.ViewMode.View; this.node = this.createNode(); }, reInit: function(data, viewMode) { var node = this.node; this.node = this.createNode(); if (node.parentNode) node.parentNode.replaceChild(this.node, node); }, getId: function() { return this.data['ID'] || 0; }, getStatusId: function() { return this.data['DOCUMENT_STATUS'] || ''; }, getLogStatus: function() { var log = this.tracker.getTriggerLog(this.getId()); return log ? parseInt(log['STATUS']) : null; }, /** * @returns {ConditionGroup} */ getCondition: function() { return this.condition; }, setCondition: function(condition) { this.condition = condition; return this; }, isBackwardsAllowed: function() { return (this.data['APPLY_RULES']['ALLOW_BACKWARDS'] === 'Y'); }, setAllowBackwards: function(flag) { this.data['APPLY_RULES']['ALLOW_BACKWARDS'] = flag ? 'Y' : 'N'; return this; }, createNode: function() { var me = this, status = this.getLogStatus(); var wrapperClass = 'bizproc-automation-trigger-item-wrapper'; if (this.viewMode === Component.ViewMode.Edit) { wrapperClass += ' bizproc-automation-trigger-item-wrapper-draggable'; var settingsBtn = BX.create("div", { attrs: { className: "bizproc-automation-trigger-item-wrapper-edit" }, text: BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_CMP_EDIT') }); } else { if (status == Component.LogStatus.Completed) { wrapperClass += ' bizproc-automation-trigger-item-wrapper-complete'; } else if (this.component.isPreviousStatus(this.getStatusId())) { wrapperClass += ' bizproc-automation-trigger-item-wrapper-complete-light'; } } var triggerName = this.data['NAME']; if (!triggerName) { triggerName = this.manager.getTriggerName(this.data['CODE']); } var div = BX.create('DIV', { attrs: { 'data-role': 'trigger-container', className: 'bizproc-automation-trigger-item', 'data-type': 'item-trigger' }, children: [ BX.create("div", { attrs: { className: wrapperClass }, children: [ BX.create("div", { attrs: { className: "bizproc-automation-trigger-item-wrapper-text" }, text: triggerName }) ] }), settingsBtn ] }); if (this.viewMode === Component.ViewMode.Edit) { this.registerItem(div); var deleteBtn = BX.create('SPAN', { attrs: { 'data-role': 'btn-delete-trigger', className: 'bizproc-automation-trigger-btn-delete' } }); BX.bind(deleteBtn, 'click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); me.onDeleteButtonClick(this); }); div.appendChild(deleteBtn); BX.addClass(div.firstChild, 'bizproc-automation-trigger-item-wrapper-border'); } if (this.viewMode === Component.ViewMode.Edit) { BX.bind(div, 'click', function(e) { me.onSettingsButtonClick(this); }); } return div; }, onSettingsButtonClick: function(button) { this.manager.openTriggerSettingsDialog(this); }, registerItem: function(object) { object.onbxdragstart = BX.proxy(this.dragStart, this); object.onbxdrag = BX.proxy(this.dragMove, this); object.onbxdragstop = BX.proxy(this.dragStop, this); object.onbxdraghover = BX.proxy(this.dragOver, this); jsDD.registerObject(object); jsDD.registerDest(object, 1); }, dragStart: function() { this.draggableItem = BX.proxy_context; this.draggableItem.className = "bizproc-automation-trigger-item"; if (!this.draggableItem) { jsDD.stopCurrentDrag(); return; } if (!this.stub) { var itemWidth = this.draggableItem.offsetWidth; this.stub = this.draggableItem.cloneNode(true); this.stub.style.position = "absolute"; this.stub.className = "bizproc-automation-trigger-item bizproc-automation-trigger-item-drag"; this.stub.style.width = itemWidth + "px"; document.body.appendChild(this.stub); } }, dragMove: function(x,y) { this.stub.style.left = x + "px"; this.stub.style.top = y + "px"; }, dragOver: function(destination, x, y) { if (this.droppableItem) { this.droppableItem.className = "bizproc-automation-trigger-item"; } if (this.droppableColumn) { this.droppableColumn.className = "bizproc-automation-trigger-list"; } var type = destination.getAttribute("data-type"); if (type === "item-trigger") { this.droppableItem = destination; this.droppableColumn = null; } if (type === "column-trigger") { this.droppableColumn = destination.children[0]; this.droppableItem = null; } if (this.droppableItem) { this.droppableItem.className = "bizproc-automation-trigger-item bizproc-automation-trigger-item-pre"; } if (this.droppableColumn) { this.droppableColumn.className = "bizproc-automation-trigger-list bizproc-automation-trigger-list-pre"; } }, dragStop: function(x, y, event) { event = event || window.event; var trigger, isCopy = event && event.ctrlKey; var copyTrigger = function(parent, statusId) { var trigger = new Trigger(parent.manager); var initData = parent.serialize(); delete initData['ID']; //TODO: refactoring if (initData['CODE'] === 'WEBHOOK') { initData['APPLY_RULES'] = {}; } initData['DOCUMENT_STATUS'] = statusId; trigger.init(initData, parent.viewMode); return trigger; }; if (this.draggableItem) { if (this.droppableItem) { this.droppableItem.className = "bizproc-automation-trigger-item"; var thisColumn = this.droppableItem.parentNode; if (!isCopy) { thisColumn.insertBefore(this.draggableItem, this.droppableItem); this.moveTo(thisColumn.getAttribute('data-status-id')); } else { trigger = copyTrigger(this, thisColumn.getAttribute('data-status-id')); thisColumn.insertBefore(trigger.node, this.droppableItem); } } else if (this.droppableColumn) { this.droppableColumn.className = "bizproc-automation-trigger-list"; if (!isCopy) { this.droppableColumn.appendChild(this.draggableItem); this.moveTo(this.droppableColumn.getAttribute('data-status-id')); } else { trigger = copyTrigger(this, this.droppableColumn.getAttribute('data-status-id')); this.droppableColumn.appendChild(trigger.node); } } if (trigger) { this.manager.triggers.push(trigger); this.manager.modified = true; } } this.stub.parentNode.removeChild(this.stub); this.stub = null; this.draggableItem = null; this.droppableItem = null; }, onDeleteButtonClick: function(button) { BX.remove(button.parentNode); this.manager.deleteTrigger(this); }, updateData: function(data) { if (BX.type.isPlainObject(data)) { this.data = data; } else throw 'Invalid data'; }, markDeleted: function() { this.deleted = true; return this; }, serialize: function() { var data = BX.clone(this.data); if (this.deleted) { data['DELETED'] = 'Y'; } if (!BX.type.isPlainObject(data.APPLY_RULES)) { data.APPLY_RULES = {}; } if (!this.condition.items.length) { delete data.APPLY_RULES.Condition; } else { data.APPLY_RULES.Condition = this.condition.serialize(); } return data; }, moveTo: function(statusId) { this.data['DOCUMENT_STATUS'] = statusId; //TODO: ref. this.manager.modified = true; } }; var Tracker = function(component) { this.component = component; }; Tracker.prototype = { init: function(log) { if (!BX.type.isPlainObject(log)) log = {}; this.log = log; this.triggers = {}; this.robots = {}; for (var statusId in log) { if (!log.hasOwnProperty(statusId)) continue; if (log[statusId]['trigger']) { this.triggers[log[statusId]['trigger']['ID']] = log[statusId]['trigger']; } if (log[statusId]['robots']) { for (var robotId in log[statusId]['robots']) { if (!log[statusId]['robots'].hasOwnProperty(robotId)) continue; this.robots[robotId] = log[statusId]['robots'][robotId]; } } } }, reInit: function(log) { this.init(log); }, getRobotLog: function(id) { return this.robots[id] || null; }, getTriggerLog: function(id) { return this.triggers[id] || null; } }; // -> FileSelector var FileSelector = function(robot, container) { var config, configString = container.getAttribute('data-config'); if (configString) { config = BX.parseJSON(configString); } if (!BX.type.isPlainObject(config)) config = {}; this.container = container; //read configuration this.type = config.type || FileSelector.Type.File; if (config.selected && !config.selected.length) { this.type = FileSelector.Type.None; } this.multiple = config.multiple || false; this.required = config.required || false; this.valueInputName = config.valueInputName || ''; this.typeInputName = config.typeInputName || ''; this.useDisk = config.useDisk || false; this.label = config.label || 'Attachment'; this.labelFile = config.labelFile || 'File'; this.labelDisk = config.labelDisk || 'Disk'; this.setFileFields(robot.component.data['DOCUMENT_FIELDS']); this.createDom(); if (config.selected && config.selected.length > 0) { this.addItems(BX.clone(config.selected)); } }; FileSelector.Type = {None: '', Disk: 'disk', File: 'file'}; FileSelector.prototype = { setFileFields: function(documentFields) { var fields = []; for (var i = 0; i < documentFields.length; ++i) { if (documentFields[i]['Type'] === 'file') { fields.push(documentFields[i]); } } this.fileFields = fields; return this; }, createDom: function() { this.container.appendChild(this.createBaseNode()); this.showTypeControllerLayout(this.type); }, createBaseNode: function() { var idSalt = Component.generateUniqueId(); var typeRadio1 = null; if (this.fileFields.length > 0) { typeRadio1 = BX.create("input", { attrs: { className: "bizproc-automation-popup-select-input", type: "radio", id: "type-1" + idSalt, name: this.typeInputName, value: FileSelector.Type.File } }); if (this.type === FileSelector.Type.File) { typeRadio1.setAttribute('checked', 'checked'); } } var typeRadio2 = BX.create("input", { attrs: { className: "bizproc-automation-popup-select-input", type: "radio", id: "type-2" + idSalt, name: this.typeInputName, value: FileSelector.Type.Disk } }); if (this.type === FileSelector.Type.Disk) { typeRadio2.setAttribute('checked', 'checked'); } var children = [BX.create("span", { attrs: { className: "bizproc-automation-popup-settings-title" }, text: this.label + ":" })]; if (typeRadio1) { children.push(typeRadio1, BX.create("label", { attrs: { className: "bizproc-automation-popup-settings-link", for: "type-1" + idSalt }, text: this.labelFile, events: { click: this.onTypeChange.bind(this, FileSelector.Type.File) } })); } children.push(typeRadio2, BX.create("label", { attrs: { className: "bizproc-automation-popup-settings-link", for: "type-2" + idSalt }, text: this.labelDisk, events: { click: this.onTypeChange.bind(this, FileSelector.Type.Disk) } })); return BX.create("div", { attrs: { className: "bizproc-automation-popup-settings" }, children: [ BX.create("div", { attrs: { className: "bizproc-automation-popup-settings-block" }, children: children }) ] }); }, showTypeControllerLayout: function(type) { if (type === FileSelector.Type.Disk) { this.hideFileControllerLayout(); this.showDiskControllerLayout(); } else if (type === FileSelector.Type.File) { this.hideDiskControllerLayout(); this.showFileControllerLayout(); } else { this.hideFileControllerLayout(); this.hideDiskControllerLayout(); } }, showDiskControllerLayout: function() { if (!this.diskControllerNode) { this.diskControllerNode = BX.create('div'); this.container.appendChild(this.diskControllerNode); var diskUploader = this.getDiskUploader(); diskUploader.layout(this.diskControllerNode); diskUploader.show(true); } else { BX.show(this.diskControllerNode); } }, hideDiskControllerLayout: function() { if (this.diskControllerNode) { BX.hide(this.diskControllerNode); } }, showFileControllerLayout: function() { if (!this.fileControllerNode) { this.fileItemsNode = BX.create('span'); this.fileControllerNode = BX.create('div', {children: [this.fileItemsNode]}); this.container.appendChild(this.fileControllerNode); var addButtonNode = BX.create('a', { attrs: {className: 'bizproc-automation-popup-settings-link bizproc-automation-popup-settings-link-thin'}, text: BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_CMP_ADD') }); this.fileControllerNode.appendChild(addButtonNode); BX.bind(addButtonNode, 'click', this.onFileFieldAddClick.bind(this, addButtonNode)); } else { BX.show(this.fileControllerNode); } }, hideFileControllerLayout: function() { if (this.fileControllerNode) { BX.hide(this.fileControllerNode); } }, getDiskUploader: function() { if (!this.diskUploader) { this.diskUploader = BX.Bizproc.Automation.DiskUploader.create( '', { msg: { 'diskAttachFiles' : BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_CMP_DISK_ATTACH_FILE'), 'diskAttachedFiles' : BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_CMP_DISK_ATTACHED_FILES'), 'diskSelectFile' : BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_CMP_DISK_SELECT_FILE'), 'diskSelectFileLegend' : BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_CMP_DISK_SELECT_FILE_LEGEND'), 'diskUploadFile' : BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_CMP_DISK_UPLOAD_FILE'), 'diskUploadFileLegend' : BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_CMP_DISK_UPLOAD_FILE_LEGEND') } } ); this.diskUploader.setMode(1); } return this.diskUploader; }, onTypeChange: function(newType) { if (this.type !== newType) { this.type = newType; this.showTypeControllerLayout(this.type); } }, isFileItemSelected: function(item) { var itemNode = this.fileItemsNode.querySelector('[data-file-id="'+item.id+'"]'); return !!itemNode; }, addFileItem: function(item) { if (this.isFileItemSelected(item)) { return false; } var node = this.createFileItemNode(item); if (!this.multiple) { BX.cleanNode(this.fileItemsNode) } this.fileItemsNode.appendChild(node); }, addItems: function(items) { if (this.type === FileSelector.Type.File) { for(var i = 0; i < items.length; ++i) { this.addFileItem(items[i]) } } else { this.getDiskUploader() .setValues( this.convertToDiskItems(items) ); } }, convertToDiskItems: function(items) { var diskItems = []; for (var i = 0; i < items.length; ++i) { var item = items[i]; diskItems.push({ ID: item['id'], NAME: item['name'], SIZE: item['size'], VIEW_URL: '' }); } return diskItems; }, removeFileItem: function(item) { var itemNode = this.fileItemsNode.querySelector('[data-file-id="'+item.id+'"]'); if (itemNode) { this.fileItemsNode.removeChild(itemNode); } }, onFileFieldAddClick: function(addButtonNode, e) { var me = this, i, menuItems = []; var fields = this.fileFields; for (i = 0; i < fields.length; ++i) { menuItems.push({ text: BX.util.htmlspecialchars(fields[i]['Name']), field: fields[i], onclick: function(e, item) { this.popupWindow.close(); me.onFieldSelect(item.field); } }); } if (!this.menuId) { this.menuId = Component.generateUniqueId(); } BX.PopupMenu.show( this.menuId, addButtonNode, menuItems, { zIndex: 200, autoHide: true, offsetLeft: (BX.pos(addButtonNode)['width'] / 2), angle: { position: 'top', offset: 0 } } ); this.menu = BX.PopupMenu.currentItem; e.preventDefault(); }, onFieldSelect: function(field) { this.addFileItem({ id: field.Id, expression: field.Expression, name: field.Name, type: FileSelector.Type.File }); }, destroy: function() { if (this.menu) { this.menu.popupWindow.close(); } }, createFileItemNode: function(item) { return BX.create('span', { attrs: { className: 'bizproc-automation-popup-autocomplete-item', 'data-file-id': item.id, 'data-file-expression': item.expression }, children: [ BX.create('span', { attrs: { className: 'bizproc-automation-popup-autocomplete-name' }, text: item.name || '' }), BX.create('span', { attrs: { className: 'bizproc-automation-popup-autocomplete-delete' }, events: { click: this.removeFileItem.bind(this, item) } }) ] }); }, onBeforeSave: function() { var ids = []; if (this.type === FileSelector.Type.Disk) { ids = this.getDiskUploader().getValues(); } else if (this.type === FileSelector.Type.File) { this.fileItemsNode.childNodes.forEach(function(node) { var id = node.getAttribute('data-file-expression'); if (id !== '') { ids.push(id); } }) } for (var i = 0; i < ids.length; ++i) { this.container.appendChild(BX.create('input', { props: { type: 'hidden', name: this.valueInputName + (this.multiple ? '[]' : ''), value: ids[i] } })); } } }; // <- FileSelector // -> InlineSelector /** * @param {Robot} robot * @param {Node} targetInput * */ var InlineSelector = function(robot, targetInput) { var me = this; this.robot = robot; this.component = robot.component; this.documentFields = this.component.data['DOCUMENT_FIELDS']; this.targetInput = BX.clone(targetInput); this.menuButton = BX.create('span', { attrs: {className: 'bizproc-automation-popup-select-dotted'}, events: { click: BX.delegate(me.openMenu, this) } }); var wrapper = BX.create('div', { attrs: {className: 'bizproc-automation-popup-select'}, children: [ this.targetInput, this.menuButton ] }); targetInput.parentNode.replaceChild(wrapper, targetInput); BX.bind(this.targetInput, 'keydown', function(e) { me.onKeyDown(this, e); }); this.targetInput.setAttribute('autocomplete', 'off'); var fieldType = this.targetInput.getAttribute('data-selector-type'); if (fieldType === 'date' || fieldType === 'datetime') { this.initDateTimeControl(fieldType); } this.replaceOnWrite = (this.targetInput.getAttribute('data-selector-write-mode') === 'replace'); }; InlineSelector.prototype = { onKeyDown: function(container, e) { if (e.keyCode == 45 && e.altKey === false && e.ctrlKey === false && e.shiftKey === false) { this.openMenu(e); e.preventDefault(); } }, openMenu: function(e) { var me = this, i, field, fields = this.getFields(); var itemClickHandler = function(e, item) { (this.getRootMenuWindow() || this.popupWindow).close(); me.onFieldSelect(item.field); }; var menuItems = [], menuGroups = {'ROOT': { text: this.component.data['ENTITY_NAME'], items: [] }}; for (i = 0; i < fields.length; ++i) { field = fields[i]; var groupKey = field['Id'].indexOf('.') < 0 ? 'ROOT' : field['Id'].split('.')[0]; var fieldName = field['Name']; var groupName = ''; if (fieldName && fieldName.indexOf(': ') >= 0) { var names = fieldName.split(': '); groupName = names.shift(); fieldName = names.join(': '); } if (!menuGroups[groupKey]) { menuGroups[groupKey] = { text: groupName, items: [] }; } menuGroups[groupKey]['items'].push({ text: fieldName || field['Id'], field: field, onclick: itemClickHandler }); } var skipId = this.robot.getId(); var robotResults = []; this.robot.template.robots.forEach(function(robot) { if (robot.getId() !== skipId) { var fields = []; robot.getReturnFieldsDescription().forEach(function(field) { fields.push({ text: field['Name'] || field['Id'], field: field, onclick: itemClickHandler }); }); if (fields.length) { robotResults.push({ text: robot.getTitle(), items: fields }); } } }); if (robotResults.length) { menuGroups['__RESULT'] = { text: BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_CMP_ROBOT_LIST'), items: robotResults }; } if (Object.keys(menuGroups).length < 2) { menuItems = menuGroups['ROOT']['items']; } else { menuItems.push(menuGroups['ROOT']); delete menuGroups['ROOT']; for (groupKey in menuGroups) { if (menuGroups.hasOwnProperty(groupKey)) { menuItems.push(menuGroups[groupKey]) } } } var menuId = this.menuButton.getAttribute('data-selector-id'); if (!menuId) { menuId = Component.generateUniqueId(); this.menuButton.setAttribute('data-selector-id', menuId); } BX.PopupMenu.show( menuId, this.menuButton, menuItems, { zIndex: 200, autoHide: true, offsetLeft: (BX.pos(this.menuButton)['width'] / 2), angle: { position: 'top', offset: 0 }, maxWidth: 300, maxHeight: 500 } ); this.menu = BX.PopupMenu.currentItem; }, onFieldSelect: function(field) { if (this.replaceOnWrite) { this.targetInput.value = field['Expression']; this.targetInput.selectionEnd = this.targetInput.value.length; } else { var beforePart = this.targetInput.value.substr(0, this.targetInput.selectionEnd), middlePart = field['Expression'], afterPart = this.targetInput.value.substr(this.targetInput.selectionEnd); this.targetInput.value = beforePart + middlePart + afterPart; this.targetInput.selectionEnd = beforePart.length + middlePart.length; } BX.fireEvent(this.targetInput, 'change'); }, destroy: function() { if (this.menu) this.menu.popupWindow.close(); }, initDateTimeControl: function(fieldType) { var basisFields = []; if (BX.type.isArray(this.component.data['DOCUMENT_FIELDS'])) { var i, field; for (i = 0; i < this.component.data['DOCUMENT_FIELDS'].length; ++i) { field = this.component.data['DOCUMENT_FIELDS'][i]; if (field['Type'] == 'date' || field['Type'] == 'datetime') { basisFields.push(field); } } } this.documentFields = basisFields; var delayIntervalSelector = new DelayIntervalSelector({ labelNode: this.targetInput, basisFields: basisFields, useAfterBasis: true, onchange: (function(delay) { this.targetInput.value = delay.toExpression(basisFields); }).bind(this) }); delayIntervalSelector.init(DelayInterval.fromString(this.targetInput.value, basisFields)); }, getFields: function() { var printablePrefix = BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_CMP_MOD_PRINTABLE_PREFIX'); var names = []; this.documentFields.forEach(function(field) { names.push(field['Name']); }); var namesStr = names.join('\n'); var fields = []; this.documentFields.forEach(function(field) { var custom = (field['BaseType'] === 'string' && field['Type'] !== 'string'); if (!custom) { fields.push(field); } if ( field['Type'] === 'user' || field['Type'] === 'bool' || field['Type'] === 'file' || custom ) { var printableName = field['Name'] + ' ' + printablePrefix; if (namesStr.indexOf(printableName) < 0) { var printableField = BX.clone(field); var printableTag = (field['Type'] === 'user') ? 'friendly' : 'printable'; printableField['Name'] = printableName; printableField['Type'] = 'string'; printableField['SystemExpression'] = '{=Document:'+printableField['Id']+' > '+printableTag+'}'; printableField['Expression'] = '{{'+field['Name']+' > '+printableTag+'}}'; fields.push(printableField); } } }); return fields; } }; // <- InlineSelector // -> InlineSelectorHtml var InlineSelectorHtml = function(robot, targetNode) { var me = this; this.robot = robot; this.component = robot.component; this.documentFields = this.component.data['DOCUMENT_FIELDS']; this.editorNode = targetNode.firstElementChild.firstElementChild; this.menuButton = BX.create('span', { attrs: {className: 'bizproc-automation-popup-select-dotted'}, events: { click: BX.delegate(me.openMenu, this) } }); targetNode.firstElementChild.appendChild(this.menuButton); this.bindEvents(); }; BX.extend(InlineSelectorHtml, InlineSelector); InlineSelectorHtml.prototype.getEditor = function() { var editor; if (this.editorNode) { var editorId = this.editorNode.id.split('-'); editor = BXHtmlEditor.Get(editorId[editorId.length -1]); } return editor; }; InlineSelectorHtml.prototype.bindEvents = function() { this.editorInitFunction = this.bindEditorHooks.bind(this); BX.addCustomEvent('OnEditorInitedAfter', this.editorInitFunction); }; InlineSelectorHtml.prototype.unBindEvents = function() { BX.removeCustomEvent('OnEditorInitedAfter', this.editorInitFunction); }; InlineSelectorHtml.prototype.bindEditorHooks = function(editor) { var header = '', footer = ''; if (editor.dom.cont !== this.editorNode) { return false; } BX.addCustomEvent(editor, "OnParse", function(mode) { if (!mode) { var content = this.content; content = content.replace(/(^[\s\S]*?)(<body.*?>)/i, function(str){ header = str; return ''; } ); content = content.replace(/(<\/body>[\s\S]*?$)/i, function(str){ footer = str; return ''; } ); this.content = content; } }); BX.addCustomEvent(editor, "OnAfterParse", function(mode) { if (mode) { var content = this.content; content = content.replace(/^[\s\S]*?<body.*?>/i, ""); content = content.replace(/<\/body>[\s\S]*?$/i, ""); if (header !== '' && footer !== '') { content = header + content + footer; } this.content = content; } }); }; InlineSelectorHtml.prototype.onFieldSelect = function(field) { var insertText = '{{' + field['Name'] + '}}'; var editor = this.getEditor(); if (editor && editor.InsertHtml) { editor.InsertHtml(insertText); } }; InlineSelectorHtml.prototype.destroy = function() { if (this.menu) this.menu.popupWindow.close(); this.unBindEvents(); }; InlineSelectorHtml.prototype.onBeforeSave = function() { var editor = this.getEditor(); if (editor && editor.SaveContent) { editor.SaveContent(); } }; InlineSelectorHtml.prototype.onPopupResize = function() { var editor = this.getEditor(); if (editor && editor.ResizeSceleton) { editor.ResizeSceleton(); } }; // <- InlineSelectorHtml // -> TimeSelector var TimeSelector = function(targetInput) { this.targetInput = targetInput; var d = new Date(), currentValue = this.unFormatTime(targetInput.value); d.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); d.setTime(d.getTime() + currentValue * 1000); targetInput.value = this.formatTime(d); //convert to site format on client side. BX.bind(targetInput, 'click', BX.delegate(this.showClock, this)); }; TimeSelector.prototype = { showClock: function (e) { if (!this.clockInstance) { this.clockInstance = new BX.CClockSelector({ start_time: this.unFormatTime(this.targetInput.value), node: this.targetInput, callback: BX.delegate(this.onTimeSelect, this), zIndex: 200 }); } this.clockInstance.Show(); }, onTimeSelect: function(v) { this.targetInput.value = v; BX.fireEvent(this.targetInput, 'change'); this.clockInstance.closeWnd(); }, unFormatTime: function(time) { var q = time.split(/[\s:]+/); if (q.length == 3) { var mt = q[2]; if (mt == 'pm' && q[0] < 12) q[0] = parseInt(q[0], 10) + 12; if (mt == 'am' && q[0] == 12) q[0] = 0; } return parseInt(q[0], 10) * 3600 + parseInt(q[1], 10) * 60; }, formatTime: function(date) { var dateFormat = BX.date.convertBitrixFormat(BX.message('FORMAT_DATE')).replace(/:?\s*s/, ''), timeFormat = BX.date.convertBitrixFormat(BX.message('FORMAT_DATETIME')).replace(/:?\s*s/, ''), str1 = BX.date.format(dateFormat, date), str2 = BX.date.format(timeFormat, date); return BX.util.trim(str2.replace(str1, '')); }, destroy: function() { if (this.clockInstance) this.clockInstance.closeWnd(); } }; // <- TimeSelector // -> SaveStateCheckbox var SaveStateCheckbox = function(checkbox, robot) { this.checkbox = checkbox; this.robot = robot; this.needSync = robot.draft; if (this.needSync) { var key = this.getKey(); var savedState = robot.component.getUserOption('save_state_checkboxes', key, 'N'); if (savedState === 'Y') { checkbox.checked = true; } } }; SaveStateCheckbox.prototype = { getKey: function() { return this.checkbox.getAttribute('data-save-state-key'); }, destroy: function() { if (this.needSync) { var key = this.getKey(); var value = this.checkbox.checked? 'Y' : 'N'; this.robot.component.setUserOption('save_state_checkboxes', key, value); } } }; // <- SaveStateCheckbox // -> DelayIntervalSelector var DelayIntervalSelector = function(options) { this.basisFields = []; this.onchange = null; if (BX.type.isPlainObject(options)) { this.labelNode = options.labelNode; this.useAfterBasis = options.useAfterBasis; if (BX.type.isArray(options.basisFields)) this.basisFields = options.basisFields; this.onchange = options.onchange; } }; DelayIntervalSelector.prototype = { init: function(delay) { this.delay = delay; this.setLabelText(); this.bindLabelNode(); this.prepareBasisFields(); }, setLabelText: function() { if (this.delay && this.labelNode) { this.labelNode.textContent = formatDelayInterval( this.delay, BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_CMP_AT_ONCE'), this.basisFields ); } }, bindLabelNode: function() { if (this.labelNode) { BX.bind(this.labelNode, 'click', BX.delegate(this.onLabelClick, this)); } }, onLabelClick: function(e) { this.showDelayIntervalPopup(); e.preventDefault(); }, showDelayIntervalPopup: function() { var me = this, delay = this.delay; var uid = Component.generateUniqueId(); var form = BX.create("form", { attrs: { className: "bizproc-automation-popup-select-block" } }); var radioNow = BX.create("input", { attrs: { className: "bizproc-automation-popup-select-input", id: uid + "now", type: "radio", value: 'now', name: "type" } }); if (delay.isNow()) radioNow.setAttribute('checked', 'checked'); var labelNow = BX.create("label", { attrs: { className: "bizproc-automation-popup-select-wrapper", for: uid + "now" }, children: [ BX.create('span', { attrs: {className: 'bizproc-automation-popup-settings-title'}, text: BX.message(this.useAfterBasis ? 'BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_CMP_BASIS_NOW' : 'BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_CMP_AT_ONCE_2') }) ] }); var labelNowHelpNode = BX.create('span', { attrs: { className: "bizproc-automation-status-help bizproc-automation-status-help-right", 'data-hint': BX.message(this.useAfterBasis ? 'BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_CMP_DELAY_NOW_HELP_2' : 'BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_CMP_DELAY_NOW_HELP') } }); labelNow.appendChild(labelNowHelpNode); form.appendChild(BX.create("div", { attrs: { className: "bizproc-automation-popup-select-item" }, children: [radioNow, labelNow] })); form.appendChild(this.createAfterControlNode()); if (this.basisFields.length > 0) { form.appendChild(this.createBeforeControlNode()); form.appendChild(this.createInControlNode()); } var workTimeRadio = BX.create("input", { attrs: { type: "checkbox", id: uid + "worktime", name: "worktime", value: '1', style: 'vertical-align: middle' }, props: { checked: delay.workTime } }); var workTimeHelpNode = BX.create('span', { attrs: { className: "bizproc-automation-status-help bizproc-automation-status-help-right", 'data-hint': BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_CMP_DELAY_WORKTIME_HELP') } }); form.appendChild(BX.create("div", { attrs: { className: "bizproc-automation-popup-settings-title" }, children: [ workTimeRadio, BX.create("label", { attrs: { className: "bizproc-automation-popup-settings-lbl", for: uid + "worktime" }, text: BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_CMP_WORK_TIME') }), workTimeHelpNode ] })); var localTimeRadio = BX.create("input", { attrs: { type: "checkbox", id: uid + "localtime", name: "localtime", value: '1', style: 'vertical-align: middle' }, props: { checked: delay.localTime } }); var localTimeHelpNode = BX.create('span', { attrs: { className: "bizproc-automation-status-help bizproc-automation-status-help-right", 'data-hint': BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_CMP_DELAY_LOCALTIME_HELP') } }); form.appendChild(BX.create("br")); form.appendChild(BX.create("div", { attrs: { className: "bizproc-automation-popup-settings-title" }, children: [ localTimeRadio, BX.create("label", { attrs: { className: "bizproc-automation-popup-settings-lbl", for: uid + "localtime" }, text: BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_CMP_LOCAL_TIME') }), localTimeHelpNode ] })); //init modern Help tips BX.UI.Hint.init(form); var popup = new BX.PopupWindow('bizproc-automation-popup-set', this.labelNode, { autoHide: true, closeByEsc: true, closeIcon: false, titleBar: false, zIndex: 0, angle: true, offsetLeft: 20, content: form, buttons: [ new BX.PopupWindowButton({ text: BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_CMP_CHOOSE'), className: "webform-button webform-button-create bizproc-automation-button-left" , events: { click: function(){ var formData = BX.ajax.prepareForm(form); me.saveFormData(formData['data']); this.popupWindow.close(); }} }) ], events: { onPopupClose: function() { if (me.fieldsMenu) { me.fieldsMenu.popupWindow.close(); } if (me.valueTypeMenu) { me.valueTypeMenu.popupWindow.close(); } } }, overlay: { backgroundColor: 'transparent' } }); popup.show(); }, saveFormData: function(formData) { if (formData['type'] === 'now') { this.delay.setNow(); } else if (formData['type'] === DelayInterval.Type.In) { this.delay.setType(DelayInterval.Type.In); this.delay.setValue(0); this.delay.setValueType('i'); this.delay.setBasis(formData['basis_in']); } else { this.delay.setType(formData['type']); this.delay.setValue(formData['value_' + formData['type']]); this.delay.setValueType(formData['value_type_'+formData['type']]); if (formData['type'] === DelayInterval.Type.After) { if (this.useAfterBasis) this.delay.setBasis(formData['basis_after']); else this.delay.setBasis(DelayInterval.Basis.CurrentDateTime); } else this.delay.setBasis(formData['basis_before']); } this.delay.setWorkTime(formData['worktime']); this.delay.setLocalTime(formData['localtime']); this.setLabelText(); if (this.onchange) { this.onchange(this.delay); } }, createAfterControlNode: function() { var me = this, delay = this.delay; var uid = Component.generateUniqueId(); var radioAfter = BX.create("input", { attrs: { className: "bizproc-automation-popup-select-input", id: uid, type: "radio", value: DelayInterval.Type.After, name: "type" } }); if (delay.type === DelayInterval.Type.After && delay.value > 0) radioAfter.setAttribute('checked', 'checked'); var valueNode = BX.create('input', { attrs: { type: 'text', name: 'value_after', className: 'bizproc-automation-popup-settings-input' }, props: { value: delay.type === DelayInterval.Type.After && delay.value ? delay.value : '5' } }); var labelAfter = BX.create("label", { attrs: { className: "bizproc-automation-popup-select-wrapper", for: uid }, children: [ BX.create('span', { attrs: {className: 'bizproc-automation-popup-settings-title'}, text: BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_CMP_THROUGH_3') }), valueNode, this.createValueTypeSelector('value_type_after') ] }); if (this.useAfterBasis) { labelAfter.appendChild(BX.create('span', { attrs: {className: 'bizproc-automation-popup-settings-title bizproc-automation-popup-settings-title-auto-width'}, text: BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_CMP_AFTER') })); var basisField = this.getBasisField(delay.basis, true); var basisValue = delay.basis; if (!basisField) { basisField = this.getBasisField(DelayInterval.Basis.CurrentDateTime, true); basisValue = basisField.SystemExpression; } var beforeBasisValueNode = BX.create('input', { attrs: { type: "hidden", name: "basis_after", value: basisValue } }); var beforeBasisNode = BX.create('span', { attrs: { className: "bizproc-automation-popup-settings-link bizproc-automation-delay-interval-basis" }, text: basisField ? basisField.Name : BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_CMP_CHOOSE_DATE_FIELD'), events: { click: function(e) { me.onBasisClick(e, this, function(field) { beforeBasisNode.textContent = field.Name; beforeBasisValueNode.value = field.SystemExpression; }, DelayInterval.Type.After); } } }); labelAfter.appendChild(beforeBasisValueNode); labelAfter.appendChild(beforeBasisNode); } if (!this.useAfterBasis) { var afterHelpNode = BX.create('span', { attrs: { className: "bizproc-automation-status-help bizproc-automation-status-help-right", 'data-hint': BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_CMP_DELAY_AFTER_HELP') } }); labelAfter.appendChild(afterHelpNode); } return BX.create("div", { attrs: { className: "bizproc-automation-popup-select-item" }, children: [radioAfter, labelAfter] }); }, createBeforeControlNode: function() { var me = this, delay = this.delay; var uid = Component.generateUniqueId(); var radioBefore = BX.create("input", { attrs: { className: "bizproc-automation-popup-select-input", id: uid, type: "radio", value: DelayInterval.Type.Before, name: "type" } }); if (delay.type === DelayInterval.Type.Before) radioBefore.setAttribute('checked', 'checked'); var valueNode = BX.create('input', { attrs: { type: 'text', name: 'value_before', className: 'bizproc-automation-popup-settings-input' }, props: { value: delay.type === DelayInterval.Type.Before && delay.value ? delay.value : '5' } }); var labelBefore = BX.create("label", { attrs: { className: "bizproc-automation-popup-select-wrapper", for: uid }, children: [ BX.create('span', { attrs: {className: 'bizproc-automation-popup-settings-title'}, text: BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_CMP_FOR_TIME_3') }), valueNode, this.createValueTypeSelector('value_type_before'), BX.create('span', { attrs: {className: 'bizproc-automation-popup-settings-title bizproc-automation-popup-settings-title-auto-width'}, text: BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_CMP_BEFORE_1') }) ] }); var basisField = this.getBasisField(delay.basis); var basisValue = delay.basis; if (!basisField) { basisField = this.basisFields[0]; basisValue = basisField.SystemExpression; } var beforeBasisValueNode = BX.create('input', { attrs: { type: "hidden", name: "basis_before", value: basisValue } }); var beforeBasisNode = BX.create('span', { attrs: { className: "bizproc-automation-popup-settings-link bizproc-automation-delay-interval-basis" }, text: basisField ? basisField.Name : BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_CMP_CHOOSE_DATE_FIELD'), events: { click: function(e) { me.onBasisClick(e, this, function(field) { beforeBasisNode.textContent = field.Name; beforeBasisValueNode.value = field.SystemExpression; }); } } }); labelBefore.appendChild(beforeBasisValueNode); labelBefore.appendChild(beforeBasisNode); if (!this.useAfterBasis) { var beforeHelpNode = BX.create('span', { attrs: { className: "bizproc-automation-status-help bizproc-automation-status-help-right", 'data-hint': BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_CMP_DELAY_BEFORE_HELP') } }); labelBefore.appendChild(beforeHelpNode); } return BX.create("div", { attrs: {className: "bizproc-automation-popup-select-item"}, children: [radioBefore, labelBefore] }); }, createInControlNode: function() { var me = this, delay = this.delay; var uid = Component.generateUniqueId(); var radioIn = BX.create("input", { attrs: { className: "bizproc-automation-popup-select-input", id: uid, type: "radio", value: DelayInterval.Type.In, name: "type" } }); if (delay.type === DelayInterval.Type.In) radioIn.setAttribute('checked', 'checked'); var labelIn = BX.create("label", { attrs: { className: "bizproc-automation-popup-select-wrapper", for: uid }, children: [ BX.create('span', { attrs: {className: 'bizproc-automation-popup-settings-title'}, text: BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_CMP_IN_TIME_2') }) ] }); var basisField = this.getBasisField(delay.basis); var basisValue = delay.basis; if (!basisField) { basisField = this.basisFields[0]; basisValue = basisField.SystemExpression; } var inBasisValueNode = BX.create('input', { attrs: { type: "hidden", name: "basis_in", value: basisValue } }); var inBasisNode = BX.create('span', { attrs: { className: "bizproc-automation-popup-settings-link bizproc-automation-delay-interval-basis" }, text: basisField ? basisField.Name : BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_CMP_CHOOSE_DATE_FIELD'), events: { click: function(e) { me.onBasisClick(e, this, function(field) { inBasisNode.textContent = field.Name; inBasisValueNode.value = field.SystemExpression; }); } } }); labelIn.appendChild(inBasisValueNode); labelIn.appendChild(inBasisNode); if (!this.useAfterBasis) { var helpNode = BX.create('span', { attrs: { className: "bizproc-automation-status-help bizproc-automation-status-help-right", 'data-hint': BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_CMP_DELAY_IN_HELP') } }); labelIn.appendChild(helpNode); } return BX.create("div", { attrs: {className: "bizproc-automation-popup-select-item"}, children: [radioIn, labelIn] }); }, createValueTypeSelector: function(name) { var delay = this.delay; var labelTexts = { i: BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_CMP_INTERVAL_M'), h: BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_CMP_INTERVAL_H'), d: BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_CMP_INTERVAL_D') }; var label = BX.create('label', { attrs: {className: 'bizproc-automation-popup-settings-link'}, text: labelTexts[delay.valueType] }); var input = BX.create('input', { attrs: { type: 'hidden', name: name }, props: { value: delay.valueType } }); BX.bind(label, 'click', this.onValueTypeSelectorClick.bind(this, label, input)); return BX.create('span', { children: [label, input] }) }, onValueTypeSelectorClick: function(label, input) { var uid = Component.generateUniqueId(); var handler = function(e, item) { this.popupWindow.close(); input.value = item.valueId; label.textContent = item.text; }; var menuItems = [ { text: BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_CMP_INTERVAL_M'), valueId: 'i', onclick: handler },{ text: BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_CMP_INTERVAL_H'), valueId: 'h', onclick: handler },{ text: BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_CMP_INTERVAL_D'), valueId: 'd', onclick: handler } ]; BX.PopupMenu.show( uid, label, menuItems, { autoHide: true, offsetLeft: 25, angle: { position: 'top'}, zIndex: 200, events: { onPopupClose: function () { this.destroy(); } }, overlay: { backgroundColor: 'transparent' } } ); this.valueTypeMenu = BX.PopupMenu.currentItem; }, onBasisClick: function(e, labelNode, callback, delayType) { var me = this, i, menuItems = []; if (delayType === DelayInterval.Type.After) { menuItems.push({ text: BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_CMP_BASIS_NOW'), field: {Name: BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_CMP_BASIS_NOW'), SystemExpression: DelayInterval.Basis.CurrentDateTime}, onclick: function(e, item) { if (callback) callback(item.field); this.popupWindow.close(); } },{ text: BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_CMP_BASIS_NOW_LOCAL'), field: {Name: BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_CMP_BASIS_NOW_LOCAL'), SystemExpression: DelayInterval.Basis.CurrentDateTimeLocal}, onclick: function(e, item) { if (callback) callback(item.field); this.popupWindow.close(); } },{ text: BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_CMP_BASIS_DATE'), field: {Name: BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_CMP_BASIS_DATE'), SystemExpression: DelayInterval.Basis.CurrentDate}, onclick: function(e, item) { if (callback) callback(item.field); this.popupWindow.close(); } }, {delimiter: true}); } for (i = 0; i < this.basisFields.length; ++i) { menuItems.push({ text: this.basisFields[i].Name, field: this.basisFields[i], onclick: function(e, item) { if (callback) callback(item.field || item.options.field); this.popupWindow.close(); } }); } var menuId = labelNode.getAttribute('data-menu-id'); if (!menuId) { menuId = Component.generateUniqueId(); labelNode.setAttribute('data-menu-id', menuId); } BX.PopupMenu.show( menuId, labelNode, menuItems, { zIndex: 200, autoHide: true, offsetLeft: (BX.pos(labelNode)['width'] / 2), angle: { position: 'top', offset: 0 }, overlay: { backgroundColor: 'transparent' } } ); this.fieldsMenu = BX.PopupMenu.currentItem; }, getBasisField: function(basis, system) { if (system && basis === DelayInterval.Basis.CurrentDateTime) return {Name: BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_CMP_BASIS_NOW'), SystemExpression: DelayInterval.Basis.CurrentDateTime}; if (system && basis === DelayInterval.Basis.CurrentDateTimeLocal) return {Name: BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_CMP_BASIS_NOW_LOCAL'), SystemExpression: DelayInterval.Basis.CurrentDateTimeLocal}; if (system && basis === DelayInterval.Basis.CurrentDate) return {Name: BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_CMP_BASIS_DATE'), SystemExpression: DelayInterval.Basis.CurrentDate}; var field = null; for (var i = 0; i < this.basisFields.length; ++i) { if (basis === this.basisFields[i].SystemExpression) field = this.basisFields[i]; } return field; }, prepareBasisFields: function() { var i, fld, fields = []; for (i = 0; i < this.basisFields.length; ++i) { fld = this.basisFields[i]; if ( fld['Id'].indexOf('DATE_CREATE') < 0 && fld['Id'].indexOf('DATE_MODIFY') < 0 && fld['Id'].indexOf('EVENT_DATE') < 0 && fld['Id'].indexOf('BIRTHDATE') < 0 ) fields.push(fld); } this.basisFields = fields; } }; // <- DelayIntervalSelector var Designer = { setRobotSettingsDialog: function(dialog) { this.robotSettingsDialog = dialog; this.component = dialog ? dialog.robot.component : null; }, getRobotSettingsDialog: function() { return this.robotSettingsDialog; } }; //Private helpers var DelayInterval = function (params) { this.basis = DelayInterval.Basis.CurrentDateTime; this.type = DelayInterval.Type.After; this.value = 0; this.valueType = 'i'; this.workTime = false; this.localTime = false; if (BX.type.isPlainObject(params)) { if (params['type']) this.setType(params['type']); if (params['value']) this.setValue(params['value']); if (params['valueType']) this.setValueType(params['valueType']); if (params['basis']) this.setBasis(params['basis']); if (params['workTime']) this.setWorkTime(params['workTime']); if (params['localTime']) this.setLocalTime(params['localTime']); } }; DelayInterval.Type = { After: 'after', Before: 'before', In: 'in' }; DelayInterval.Basis = { CurrentDate: '{=System:Date}', CurrentDateTime: '{=System:Now}', CurrentDateTimeLocal: '{=System:NowLocal}' }; DelayInterval.isSystemBasis = function(basis) { return ( basis === this.Basis.CurrentDate || basis === this.Basis.CurrentDateTime || basis === this.Basis.CurrentDateTimeLocal ); }; DelayInterval.fromString = function(intervalString, basisFields) { intervalString = intervalString.toString(); var params = { basis: DelayInterval.Basis.CurrentDateTime, i: 0, h: 0, d: 0, workTime: false, localTime: false }; if (intervalString.indexOf('=dateadd(') === 0 || intervalString.indexOf('=workdateadd(') === 0) { if (intervalString.indexOf('=workdateadd(') === 0) { intervalString = intervalString.substr(13); params['workTime'] = true; } else { intervalString = intervalString.substr(9); } var fnArgs = intervalString.split(','); params['basis'] = fnArgs[0].trim(); fnArgs[1] = fnArgs[1].replace(/['")]+/g, ''); params['type'] = fnArgs[1].indexOf('-') === 0 ? DelayInterval.Type.Before : DelayInterval.Type.After; var match, re = /s*([\d]+)\s*(i|h|d)\s*/ig; while (match = re.exec(fnArgs[1])) { params[match[2]] = parseInt(match[1]); } } else { params['basis'] = intervalString; } if (!DelayInterval.isSystemBasis(params['basis']) && BX.type.isArray(basisFields)) { var found = false; for (var i = 0, s = basisFields.length; i < s; ++i) { if (params['basis'] === basisFields[i].SystemExpression || params['basis'] === basisFields[i].Expression) { params['basis'] = basisFields[i].SystemExpression; found = true; break; } } if (!found) { params['basis'] = DelayInterval.Basis.CurrentDateTime; } } var minutes = params['i'] + params['h'] * 60 + params['d'] * 60 * 24; if (minutes % 1440 === 0) { params['value'] = minutes / 1440; params['valueType'] = 'd'; } else if (minutes % 60 === 0) { params['value'] = minutes / 60; params['valueType'] = 'h'; } else { params['value'] = minutes; params['valueType'] = 'i'; } if (!params['value'] && params['basis'] !== DelayInterval.Basis.CurrentDateTime && params['basis']) { params['type'] = DelayInterval.Type.In; } return new DelayInterval(params); }; DelayInterval.prototype = { setType: function(type) { if ( type !== DelayInterval.Type.After && type !== DelayInterval.Type.Before && type !== DelayInterval.Type.In ) { type = DelayInterval.Type.After; } this.type = type; }, setValue: function(value) { value = parseInt(value); this.value = value >= 0 ? value : 0; }, setValueType: function(valueType) { if (valueType !== 'i' && valueType !== 'h' && valueType !== 'd') valueType = 'i'; this.valueType = valueType; }, setBasis: function(basis) { if (BX.type.isNotEmptyString(basis)) this.basis = basis; }, setWorkTime: function(flag) { this.workTime = !!flag; }, setLocalTime: function(flag) { this.localTime = !!flag; }, isNow: function() { return ( this.type === DelayInterval.Type.After && this.basis === DelayInterval.Basis.CurrentDateTime && !this.value ); }, setNow: function() { this.setType(DelayInterval.Type.After); this.setValue(0); this.setValueType('i'); this.setBasis(DelayInterval.Basis.CurrentDateTime); }, serialize: function() { return { type: this.type, value: this.value, valueType: this.valueType, basis: this.basis, workTime: this.workTime ? 1 : 0, localTime: this.localTime ? 1 : 0 } }, toExpression: function(basisFields) { var basis = this.basis ? this.basis : DelayInterval.Basis.CurrentDate; if (!DelayInterval.isSystemBasis(basis) && BX.type.isArray(basisFields)) { for (var i = 0, s = basisFields.length; i < s; ++i) { if (basis === basisFields[i].SystemExpression) { basis = basisFields[i].Expression; break; } } } if (!this.workTime && (this.type === DelayInterval.Type.In || this.isNow())) { return basis; } var days = 0, hours = 0, minutes = 0; switch (this.valueType) { case 'i': minutes = this.value; break; case 'h': hours = this.value; break; case 'd': days = this.value; break; } var add = ''; if (this.type === DelayInterval.Type.Before) add = '-'; if (days > 0) add += days+'d'; if (hours > 0) add += hours+'h'; if (minutes > 0) add += minutes+'i'; var fn = this.workTime ? 'workdateadd' : 'dateadd'; if (fn === 'workdateadd' && add === '') { add = '0d'; } return '='+ fn + '(' + basis + ',"' + add + '")'; } }; //Conditions var Condition = function (params) { this.field = ''; this.operator = '!empty'; this.value = ''; if (BX.type.isPlainObject(params)) { if (params['field']) { this.setField(params['field']); } if (params['operator']) { this.setOperator(params['operator']); } if ('value' in params) { this.setValue(params['value']); } } }; Condition.prototype = { setField: function(field) { if (BX.type.isNotEmptyString(field)) { this.field = field; } }, setOperator: function(operator) { if (!operator) { operator = '='; } this.operator = operator; }, setValue: function(value) { this.value = value; if (this.operator === '=' && this.value === '') { this.operator = 'empty'; } else if (this.operator === '!=' && this.value === '') { this.operator = '!empty'; } }, serialize: function() { var operator = this.operator; var value = this.value; return { field: this.field, operator: operator, value: value } } }; var ConditionGroup = function (params) { this.type = ConditionGroup.Type.Field; this.items = []; if (BX.type.isPlainObject(params)) { if (params['type']) { this.type = params['type']; } if (BX.type.isArray(params['items'])) { var me = this; params['items'].forEach(function(item) { var condition = new Condition(item[0]); me.addItem(condition, item[1]); }); } } }; ConditionGroup.Type = {Field: 'field'}; ConditionGroup.Joiner = { And: 'AND', Or: 'OR', message: function(type) { if (type === this.Or) { return BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_ROBOT_CONDITION_OR'); } return BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_ROBOT_CONDITION_AND'); } }; ConditionGroup.prototype = { /** * @param {Condition} condition * @param {string} joiner */ addItem: function(condition, joiner) { this.items.push([condition, joiner]); }, serialize: function() { var itemsArray = []; this.items.forEach(function(item) { if (item.field !== '') { itemsArray.push([item[0].serialize(), item[1]]); } }); return { type: this.type, items: itemsArray } } }; // -> ConditionGroupSelector /** @param {ConditionGroup} conditionGroup */ var ConditionGroupSelector = function(conditionGroup, options) { this.conditionGroup = conditionGroup; this.fields = []; if (BX.type.isPlainObject(options)) { if (BX.type.isArray(options.fields)) { this.fields = options.fields; } } }; ConditionGroupSelector.prototype = { createNode: function() { var me = this, conditionNodes = [], fields = this.fields; this.conditionGroup.items.forEach(function(item) { var conditionSelector = new ConditionSelector(item[0], { fields: fields, joiner: item[1] }); conditionNodes.push(conditionSelector.createNode()); }); conditionNodes.push(BX.create("a", { attrs: { className: "bizproc-automation-popup-settings-link" }, text: '[+]', events: { click: function() { me.addItem(this); } } })); var div = BX.create("span", { attrs: { className: "bizproc-automation-popup-settings-link-wrapper" }, children: conditionNodes }); return div; }, addItem: function(buttonNode) { var conditionSelector = new ConditionSelector(new Condition(), { fields: this.fields }); buttonNode.parentNode.insertBefore(conditionSelector.createNode(), buttonNode); } }; // <- ConditionGroupSelector // -> ConditionSelector var ConditionSelector = function(condition, options) { this.condition = condition; this.fields = []; this.joiner = ConditionGroup.Joiner.And; if (BX.type.isPlainObject(options)) { if (BX.type.isArray(options.fields)) { this.fields = options.fields; } if (options.joiner && options.joiner === ConditionGroup.Joiner.Or) { this.joiner = ConditionGroup.Joiner.Or; } } }; ConditionSelector.prototype = { createNode: function() { var conditionFieldNode = this.fieldNode = BX.create("input", { attrs: { type: "hidden", name: "condition_field[]", value: this.condition.field } }); var conditionOperatorNode = this.operatorNode = BX.create("input", { attrs: { type: "hidden", name: "condition_operator[]", value: this.condition.operator } }); var conditionValueNode = this.valueNode = BX.create("input", { attrs: { type: "hidden", name: "condition_value[]", value: this.condition.value } }); var conditionJoinerNode = this.joinerNode = BX.create("input", { attrs: { type: "hidden", name: "condition_joiner[]", value: this.joiner } }); var labelNode = this.labelNode = BX.create("span", { attrs: { className: "bizproc-automation-popup-settings-link-wrapper" } }); this.setLabelText(); this.bindLabelNode(); var removeButtonNode = BX.create("span", { attrs: { className: "bizproc-automation-popup-settings-link-remove" }, events: { click: this.removeCondition.bind(this) } }); var joinerButtonNode = BX.create("span", { attrs: { className: "bizproc-automation-popup-settings-link bizproc-automation-condition-joiner" }, text: ConditionGroup.Joiner.message(this.joiner) }); BX.bind(joinerButtonNode, 'click', this.changeJoiner.bind(this, joinerButtonNode)); this.node = BX.create("span", { attrs: { className: "bizproc-automation-popup-settings-link-wrapper bizproc-automation-condition-wrapper" }, children: [ conditionFieldNode, conditionOperatorNode, conditionValueNode, conditionJoinerNode, labelNode, removeButtonNode, joinerButtonNode ] }); return this.node; }, init: function(condition) { this.condition = condition; this.setLabelText(); this.bindLabelNode(); }, setLabelText: function() { if (!this.labelNode || !this.condition) return; BX.cleanNode(this.labelNode); if (this.condition.field !== '') { var field = this.getField(this.condition.field) || '?'; var valueLabel = BX.Bizproc.FieldType.formatValuePrintable( field, this.condition.value ); this.labelNode.appendChild(BX.create("span", { attrs: { className: "bizproc-automation-popup-settings-link" }, text: field.Name })); this.labelNode.appendChild(BX.create("span", { attrs: { className: "bizproc-automation-popup-settings-link" }, text: this.getOperatorLabel(this.condition.operator) })); if (valueLabel) { this.labelNode.appendChild(BX.create("span", { attrs: { className: "bizproc-automation-popup-settings-link" }, text: valueLabel })); } } else { this.labelNode.appendChild(BX.create("span", { attrs: { className: "bizproc-automation-popup-settings-link" }, text: BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_ROBOT_CONDITION_EMPTY') })); } }, bindLabelNode: function() { if (this.labelNode) { BX.bind(this.labelNode, 'click', BX.delegate(this.onLabelClick, this)); } }, onLabelClick: function(e) { this.showPopup(); }, showPopup: function() { var me = this, fields = this.filterFields(); var fieldSelect = BX.create('select', { attrs: {className: 'bizproc-automation-popup-settings-dropdown'} }); for (var i = 0; i < fields.length; ++i) { fieldSelect.appendChild(BX.create('option', { props: {value: fields[i]['Id']}, text: fields[i]['Name'] })); } var selectedField = this.getField(this.condition.field); if (!selectedField) selectedField = fields[0]; var valueInput = (this.condition.operator.indexOf('empty') < 0) ? this.createValueNode(selectedField, this.condition.value) : null; var valueWrapper = BX.create('div', {attrs: {className: 'bizproc-automation-popup-settings'}, children: [valueInput] }); var operatorSelect = this.createOperatorNode(selectedField, valueWrapper); var operatorWrapper = BX.create('div', {attrs: {className: 'bizproc-automation-popup-settings'}, children: [operatorSelect] }); if (this.condition.field !== '') { fieldSelect.value = this.condition.field; operatorSelect.value = this.condition.operator; } var form = BX.create("form", { attrs: { className: "bizproc-automation-popup-select-block" }, children: [ BX.create('div', {attrs: {className: 'bizproc-automation-popup-settings'}, children: [fieldSelect] }), operatorWrapper, valueWrapper ] }); BX.bind(fieldSelect, 'change', this.onFieldChange.bind( this, fieldSelect, operatorWrapper, valueWrapper )); var popup = new BX.PopupWindow('bizproc-automation-popup-set', this.labelNode, { className: 'bizproc-automation-popup-set', autoHide: false, closeByEsc: true, closeIcon: false, titleBar: false, zIndex: 0, angle: true, offsetLeft: 45, content: form, buttons: [ new BX.PopupWindowButton({ text: BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_CMP_CHOOSE'), className: "webform-button webform-button-create" , events: { click: function() { me.condition.setField(fieldSelect.value); me.condition.setOperator(operatorWrapper.firstChild.value); var valueInput = valueWrapper.querySelector('[name="condition_value"]'); if (valueInput) { me.condition.setValue(valueInput.value); } else { me.condition.setValue(''); } me.setLabelText(); me.updateValueNodes(); this.popupWindow.close(); } } }), new BX.PopupWindowButtonLink({ text : BX.message('JS_CORE_WINDOW_CANCEL'), className : "popup-window-button-link-cancel", events : { click: function(){ this.popupWindow.close() } } }) ], overlay: { backgroundColor: 'transparent' } }); popup.show() }, updateValueNodes: function() { if (this.condition) { if (this.fieldNode) { this.fieldNode.value = this.condition.field; } if (this.operatorNode) { this.operatorNode.value = this.condition.operator; } if (this.valueNode) { this.valueNode.value = this.condition.value; } } }, /** * @param {Node} selectNode * @param {Node} conditionWrapper * @param {Node} valueWrapper */ onFieldChange: function(selectNode, conditionWrapper, valueWrapper) { var field = this.getField(selectNode.value); var operatorNode = this.createOperatorNode(field, valueWrapper); conditionWrapper.replaceChild(operatorNode, conditionWrapper.firstChild); this.onOperatorChange(operatorNode, field, valueWrapper); }, /** * @param {Node} selectNode * @param {Object} field * @param {Node} valueWrapper */ onOperatorChange: function(selectNode, field, valueWrapper) { BX.cleanNode(valueWrapper); if (selectNode.value.indexOf('empty') < 0) { var valueNode = this.createValueNode(field); valueWrapper.appendChild(valueNode); } }, getField: function(id) { var field = null; for (var i = 0; i < this.fields.length; ++i) { if (id === this.fields[i].Id) { field = this.fields[i]; } } return field; }, getOperators: function(fieldType) { var list = { '!empty': BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_ROBOT_CONDITION_NOT_EMPTY'), 'empty': BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_ROBOT_CONDITION_EMPTY'), '=': BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_ROBOT_CONDITION_EQ'), '!=': BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_ROBOT_CONDITION_NE') }; switch (fieldType) { case 'file': list = { '!empty': BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_ROBOT_CONDITION_NOT_EMPTY'), 'empty': BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_ROBOT_CONDITION_EMPTY') }; break; case 'bool': case 'select': break; case 'user': list['in'] = BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_ROBOT_CONDITION_IN'); list['contain'] = BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_ROBOT_CONDITION_CONTAIN'); break; default: list['in'] = BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_ROBOT_CONDITION_IN'); list['contain'] = BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_ROBOT_CONDITION_CONTAIN'); list['>'] = BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_ROBOT_CONDITION_GT'); list['>='] = BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_ROBOT_CONDITION_GTE'); list['<'] = BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_ROBOT_CONDITION_LT'); list['<='] = BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_ROBOT_CONDITION_LTE'); } return list; }, getOperatorLabel: function(id) { return this.getOperators()[id]; }, filterFields: function() { var i, type, filtered = []; for (i = 0; i < this.fields.length; ++i) { type = this.fields[i]['Type']; if ( type == 'bool' || type == 'date' || type == 'datetime' || type == 'double' || type == 'file' || type == 'int' || type == 'select' || type == 'string' || type == 'text' || type == 'user' || type == 'UF:money' ) { filtered.push(this.fields[i]); } else { //TODO add support of custom types } } return filtered; }, createValueNode: function(field, value) { return BX.Bizproc.FieldType.renderControl( Designer.component.documentType, field, 'condition_value', value ); }, createOperatorNode: function(field, valueWrapper) { var select = BX.create('select', { attrs: {className: 'bizproc-automation-popup-settings-dropdown'} }); var operatorList = this.getOperators(field['Type']); for (var operatorId in operatorList) { if (!operatorList.hasOwnProperty(operatorId)) continue; select.appendChild(BX.create('option', { props: {value: operatorId}, text: operatorList[operatorId] })); } BX.bind(select, 'change', this.onOperatorChange.bind( this, select, field, valueWrapper )); return select; }, /** * @param {Event} e */ removeCondition: function(e) { this.condition = null; BX.remove(this.node); this.labelNode = this.fieldNode = this.operatorNode = this.valueNode = this.node = null; e.stopPropagation(); }, /** * @param {Element} btn * @param {Event} e */ changeJoiner: function(btn, e) { this.joiner = (this.joiner === ConditionGroup.Joiner.Or ? ConditionGroup.Joiner.And : ConditionGroup.Joiner.Or); btn.textContent = ConditionGroup.Joiner.message(this.joiner); if (this.joinerNode) { this.joinerNode.value = this.joiner; } e.preventDefault(); } }; // <- ConditionSelector var formatDelayInterval = function(delay, emptyText, fields) { var str = emptyText, prefix; if (delay.type == DelayInterval.Type.In) { str = BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_CMP_IN_TIME'); if (BX.type.isArray(fields)) { for (var i = 0; i < fields.length; ++i) { if (delay.basis == fields[i].SystemExpression) { str += ' ' + fields[i].Name; break; } } } } else if (delay.value) { prefix = delay.type == DelayInterval.Type.After ? BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_CMP_THROUGH') : BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_CMP_FOR_TIME_1'); str = prefix + ' ' + getFormattedPeriodLabel(delay.value, delay.valueType); if (BX.type.isArray(fields)) { for (var i = 0; i < fields.length; ++i) { if (delay.basis == fields[i].SystemExpression) { str += ' ' + BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_CMP_BEFORE_1') + ' ' + fields[i].Name; break; } } } } if (delay.workTime) { str += ', ' + BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_CMP_IN_WORKTIME'); } return str; }; var getPeriodLabels = function(period) { var labels = []; if (period === 'i') labels = [ BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_CMP_MIN1'), BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_CMP_MIN2'), BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_CMP_MIN3') ]; else if (period === 'h') labels = [ BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_CMP_HOUR1'), BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_CMP_HOUR2'), BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_CMP_HOUR3') ]; else if (period === 'd') labels = [ BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_CMP_DAY1'), BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_CMP_DAY2'), BX.message('BIZPROC_AUTOMATION_CMP_DAY3') ]; return labels; }; var getFormattedPeriodLabel = function(value, type) { var label = value + ' '; var labelIndex = 0; if (value > 20) value = (value % 10); if (value == 1) labelIndex = 0; else if (value > 1 && value < 5) labelIndex = 1; else labelIndex = 2; var labels = getPeriodLabels(type); return label + (labels ? labels[labelIndex] : ''); }; var HelpHint = { popupHint: null, bindToNode: function(node) { BX.bind(node, 'mouseover', BX.proxy(function(){ this.showHint(BX.proxy_context); }, this)); BX.bind(node, 'mouseout', BX.delegate(this.hideHint, this)); }, showHint: function(node) { var rawText = node.getAttribute('data-text'); if (!rawText) return; var text = BX.util.htmlspecialchars(rawText); text = BX.util.nl2br(text); if (!BX.type.isNotEmptyString(text)) return; this.popupHint = new BX.PopupWindow('bizproc-automation-help-tip', node, { lightShadow: true, autoHide: false, darkMode: true, offsetLeft: 0, offsetTop: 2, bindOptions: {position: "top"}, zIndex: 1100, events : { onPopupClose : function() {this.destroy()} }, content : BX.create("div", { attrs : { style : "padding-right: 5px; width: 250px;" }, html: text}) }); this.popupHint.setAngle({offset:32, position: 'bottom'}); this.popupHint.show(); return true; }, hideHint: function() { if (this.popupHint) this.popupHint.close(); this.popupHint = null; } }; BX.Bizproc.Automation.Component = Component; BX.Bizproc.Automation.Designer = Designer; })(window.BX || window.top.BX);