Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/components/bitrix/calendar.livefeed.edit/templates/.default/ |
Current File : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/components/bitrix/calendar.livefeed.edit/templates/.default/script.js |
;(function(window){ window.EditEventManager = function(config) { this.config = config; this.id = this.config.id; this.bAMPM = this.config.bAMPM; this.dayLength = 86400000; this.plannerId = 'calendarLiveFeedPlanner'; this.ajaxAction = '/bitrix/components/bitrix/calendar.livefeed.edit/ajax_action.php'; this.DATE_FORMAT = BX.date.convertBitrixFormat(BX.message("FORMAT_DATE")); this.DATETIME_FORMAT = BX.date.convertBitrixFormat(BX.message("FORMAT_DATETIME")); if ((this.DATETIME_FORMAT.substr(0, this.DATE_FORMAT.length) == this.DATE_FORMAT)) this.TIME_FORMAT = BX.util.trim(this.DATETIME_FORMAT.substr(this.DATE_FORMAT.length)); else this.TIME_FORMAT = BX.date.convertBitrixFormat(this.bAMPM ? 'H:MI:SS T' : 'HH:MI:SS'); this.TIME_FORMAT_SHORT = this.TIME_FORMAT.replace(':s', ''); this.bFullDay = false; this.bReminder = false; this.bAdditional = false; var _this = this; BX.addCustomEvent('onCalendarLiveFeedShown', function() { _this.Init(); _this.defaultValues = { remind: {count: 15, type: 'min'} }; _this.config.arEvent = _this.HandleEvent(_this.config.arEvent); _this.ShowFormData(_this.config.arEvent); }); }; window.EditEventManager.prototype = { Init: function() { var _this = this; // From-to this.pFromToCont = BX('feed-cal-from-to-cont' + this.id); this.pFromDate = BX('feed-cal-event-from' + this.id); this.pToDate = BX('feed-cal-event-to' + this.id); this.pFromTime = BX('feed_cal_event_from_time' + this.id); this.pToTime = BX('feed_cal_event_to_time' + this.id); this.pFullDay = BX('event-full-day' + this.id); // Timezones controls this.pDefTimezone = BX('feed-cal-tz-def' + this.id); this.pDefTimezoneWrap = BX('feed-cal-tz-def-wrap' + this.id); this.pFromTz = BX('feed-cal-tz-from' + this.id); this.pToTz = BX('feed-cal-tz-to' + this.id); this.pDefTimezone.onchange = BX.proxy(this.DefaultTimezoneOnChange, this); this.pTzOuterCont = BX('feed-cal-tz-cont-outer' + this.id); this.pTzSwitch = BX('feed-cal-tz-switch' + this.id); this.pTzCont = BX('feed-cal-tz-cont' + this.id); this.pTzInnerCont = BX('feed-cal-tz-inner-cont' + this.id); this.pTzSwitch.onclick = BX.proxy(this.TimezoneSwitch, this); this.pFromTz.onchange = BX.proxy(this.TimezoneFromOnChange, this); this.pToTz.onchange = BX.proxy(this.TimezoneToOnChange, this); // Hints for dialog new BX.CHint({parent: BX('feed-cal-tz-tip' + this.id), hint: _this.config.message.eventTzHint}); new BX.CHint({parent: BX('feed-cal-tz-def-tip' + this.id), hint: _this.config.message.eventTzDefHint}); //Reminder this.pReminderCont = BX('feed-cal-reminder-cont' + this.id); this.pReminder = BX('event-reminder' + this.id); this.pEventName = BX('feed-cal-event-name' + this.id); this.pForm = this.pEventName.form; this.pLocation = BX('event-location' + this.id); this.pImportance = BX('event-importance' + this.id); this.pAccessibility = BX('event-accessibility' + this.id); this.pSection = BX('event-section' + this.id); this.pRemCount = BX('event-remind_count' + this.id); this.pRemType = BX('event-remind_type' + this.id); // Planner this.pPlannerBlock = BX('event-planner-block' + this.id); this.pPlannerTitle = BX('event-planner-block-title' + this.id); this.pPlannerLinkWrap = BX('event-planner-expand-link-wrap' + this.id); BX.bind(this.pPlannerBlock, 'click', BX.proxy(this.ExpandPlanner, this)); this.pPlannerProposeLink = BX('event-planner-propose-link' + this.id); BX.bind(this.pPlannerProposeLink, 'click', BX.proxy(this.ProposeTime, this)); // Location if (this.config.meetingRooms) { this.Location = new BXInputPopup({ id: this.id + '_loc_mr', values: this.config.meetingRooms, input: this.pLocation, defaultValue: this.config.message.SelectMR, openTitle: this.config.message.OpenMRPage, className: 'calendar-inp calendar-inp-time calendar-inp-loc', noMRclassName: 'calendar-inp calendar-inp-time calendar-inp-loc' }); this.Loc = {}; BX.addCustomEvent(this.Location, 'onInputPopupChanged', BX.proxy(this.LocationOnChange, this)); BX.addClass(this.pLocation, "calendar-inp-time"); this.Location.Set(false, ''); } // Control events this.pFullDay.onclick = BX.proxy(this.FullDay, this); this.pReminder.onclick = BX.proxy(this.Reminder, this); BX.bind(this.pFullDay, 'click', BX.proxy(this.RefreshPlannerState, this)); BX.bind(this.pForm, 'submit', BX.proxy(this.OnSubmit, this)); // *************** Init events *************** BX("feed-cal-additional-show").onclick = BX("feed-cal-additional-hide").onclick = BX.proxy(this.ShowAdditionalParams, this); this.InitDateTimeControls(); var oEditor = window["BXHtmlEditor"].Get(this.config.editorId); if (oEditor && oEditor.IsShown()) { this.CustomizeHtmlEditor(oEditor); } else { BX.addCustomEvent(window["BXHtmlEditor"], 'OnEditorCreated', function(editor) { if (editor.id == _this.config.editorId) { _this.CustomizeHtmlEditor(editor); } }); } // repeat this.pRepeat = BX('event-repeat' + this.id); this.pRepeatDetails = BX('event-repeat-details' + this.id); this.RepeatEndsOnNever = BX(this.id + 'event-endson-never'); this.RepeatEndsOnCount = BX(this.id + 'event-endson-count'); this.RepeatEndsOnUntil = BX(this.id + 'event-endson-until'); this.RepeatDiapTo = BX('event-repeat-to' + this.id); this.RepeatCountInp = BX(this.id + 'event-endson-count-input'); this.pRepeat.onchange = function() { var value = this.value; _this.pRepeatDetails.className = "feed-cal-repeat-details feed-cal-repeat-details-" + value.toLowerCase(); }; this.pRepeat.onchange(); BX.bind(this.RepeatEndsOnNever, 'change', BX.proxy(this.EndsOnChange, this)); BX.bind(this.RepeatEndsOnCount, 'change', BX.proxy(this.EndsOnChange, this)); BX.bind(this.RepeatEndsOnUntil, 'change', BX.proxy(this.EndsOnChange, this)); BX.bind(this.RepeatDiapTo, 'click', BX.proxy(function() { this.RepeatEndsOnUntil.checked = 'checked'; BX.calendar({node: this.RepeatDiapTo, field: this.RepeatDiapTo, bTime: false}); BX.focus(this.RepeatDiapTo); this.EndsOnChange(); }, this)); BX.bind(this.RepeatCountInp, 'click', BX.proxy(function() { this.RepeatEndsOnCount.checked = 'checked'; BX.focus(this.RepeatCountInp); this.EndsOnChange(); }, this)); this.eventNode = BX('div' + this.config.editorId); if (this.eventNode) { BX.onCustomEvent(this.eventNode, 'OnShowLHE', ['justShow']); } BX.addCustomEvent('OnDestinationLivefeedChanged', BX.proxy(this.CheckPlannerState, this)); // planner events BX.addCustomEvent('OnCalendarPlannerSelectorChanged', function(params) { _this.pFromDate.value = _this.FormatDate(params.dateFrom); _this.pFromTime.value = _this.FormatTime(params.dateFrom); _this.pToDate.value = _this.FormatDate(params.dateTo); _this.pToTime.value = _this.FormatTime(params.dateTo); _this.pFullDay.checked = params.fullDay; _this.FullDay(false, !params.fullDay); }); BX.addCustomEvent('OnCalendarPlannerScaleChanged', function(params) { _this.UpdatePlanner({ entrieIds: params.entrieIds, entries: params.entries, from: params.from, to: params.to, location: _this.Loc ? _this.Loc.NEW : _this.pLocation.value, focusSelector: params.focusSelector === true, params: params.params }); }); setTimeout(function(){BX.bind(window, "resize", BX.proxy(_this.OnResize, _this))},200); }, EndsOnChange: function() { if (this.RepeatEndsOnNever.checked) { this.RepeatCountInp.value = ''; this.RepeatDiapTo.value = ''; } else if (this.RepeatEndsOnCount.checked) { this.RepeatDiapTo.value = ''; if (!this.RepeatCountInp.value) this.RepeatCountInp.value = this.RepeatCountInp.placeholder; BX.focus(this.RepeatCountInp); this.RepeatCountInp.select(); } else { this.RepeatCountInp.value = ''; BX.focus(this.RepeatDiapTo); this.RepeatDiapTo.select(); } }, OnResize: function() { var plannerShown = this.pPlannerBlock && BX.hasClass(this.pPlannerBlock, 'feed-event-planner-block-shown'); if (plannerShown) { var plannerBlockWidth = this.pPlannerBlock.offsetWidth - this.pPlannerTitle.offsetWidth - this.pPlannerLinkWrap.offsetWidth - 80; // Update scale type only for simple view if (this.pPlannerTitle.offsetWidth > 0) { var scale = '15min'; if (plannerBlockWidth < 800) scale = '30min'; if (plannerBlockWidth < 500) scale = '1hour'; if (plannerBlockWidth < 400) scale = '2hour'; BX.onCustomEvent('OnCalendarPlannerDoSetConfig', [ { plannerId: this.plannerId, config: { scaleType : scale } } ]); } BX.onCustomEvent('OnCalendarPlannerDoResize', [ { plannerId: this.plannerId, timeoutCheck: true, width: plannerBlockWidth } ]); } }, CustomizeHtmlEditor: function(editor) { if (editor.toolbar.controls && editor.toolbar.controls.spoiler) { BX.remove(editor.toolbar.controls.spoiler.pCont); } }, InitDateTimeControls: function() { var _this = this; // Date this.pFromDate.onclick = function(){BX.calendar({node: this.parentNode, field: this, bTime: false});}; this.pToDate.onclick = function(){BX.calendar({node: this.parentNode, field: this, bTime: false});}; this.pFromDate.onchange = function() { var prevF = _this._FromDateValue ? BX.parseDate(_this._FromDateValue) : false; if(prevF && prevF.getTime) { var F = BX.parseDate(_this.pFromDate.value), T = BX.parseDate(_this.pToDate.value); if (F && T) { var duration = T.getTime() - prevF.getTime(); if (duration < 0) duration = 0; T = new Date(F.getTime() + duration); if (T) _this.pToDate.value = bxFormatDate(T.getDate(), T.getMonth() + 1, T.getFullYear()); } _this._FromDateValue = _this.pFromDate.value; } _this.RefreshPlannerState(); }; // Time this.pFromTime.parentNode.onclick = this.pFromTime.onclick = window['bxShowClock_' + 'feed_cal_event_from_time' + this.id]; this.pToTime.parentNode.onclick = this.pToTime.onclick = window['bxShowClock_' + 'feed_cal_event_to_time' + this.id]; this.pFromTime.onchange = function() { var fromDate = _this.ParseDate(BX.util.trim(_this.pFromDate.value) + ' ' + BX.util.trim(_this.pFromTime.value)); if (_this.pToDate.value == '') _this.pToDate.value = _this.pFromDate.value; var toDate = _this.ParseDate(BX.util.trim(_this.pToDate.value) + ' ' + BX.util.trim(_this.pToTime.value)); if (_this._FromTimeValue) { var prefFromDate = _this.ParseDate(BX.util.trim(_this.pFromDate.value) + ' ' + _this._FromTimeValue); var duration = toDate.getTime() - prefFromDate.getTime(); if (duration < 0) duration = 3600000; // 1 hour var newToDate = new Date(fromDate.getTime() + duration); _this.pToDate.value = _this.FormatDate(newToDate); _this.pToTime.value = _this.FormatTime(newToDate); } _this._FromTimeValue = _this.pFromTime.value; _this.RefreshPlannerState(); }; BX.bind(this.pToDate, 'change', BX.proxy(this.RefreshPlannerState, this)); BX.bind(this.pToTime, 'change', BX.proxy(this.RefreshPlannerState, this)); }, OnSubmit: function(e) { if (!this.CheckUserAccessibility()) { alert(this.config.message.EC_BUSY_ALERT); setBlogPostFormSubmitted(false); return BX.PreventDefault(e); } var _this = this, fromTime = this.parseTime(this.pFromTime.value), toTime = this.parseTime(this.pToTime.value), fromDate = BX.parseDate(BX.util.trim(this.pFromDate.value)), toDate = BX.parseDate(BX.util.trim(this.pToDate.value)); if (fromDate && fromTime) fromDate.setHours(fromTime.h, fromTime.m, 0); if (toDate && toTime) toDate.setHours(toTime.h, toTime.m, 0); BX(this.id + '_time_from_real').value = BX.date.format(this.TIME_FORMAT, fromDate.getTime() / 1000); BX(this.id + '_time_to_real').value = BX.date.format(this.TIME_FORMAT, toDate.getTime() / 1000); // Check Meeting and Video Meeting rooms accessibility if (this.Loc && this.Loc.NEW && this.Loc.NEW.substr(0, 5) == 'ECMR_' && !this.bLocationChecked && window.setBlogPostFormSubmitted) { top.BXCRES_Check = null; this.CheckMeetingRoom( { from : this.FormatDateTime(fromDate), to : this.FormatDateTime(toDate), location : this.Loc.NEW }, function() { setTimeout(function() { var check = top.BXCRES_Check; if ((!check || check == 'reserved') && BX("blog-submit-button-save")) { setBlogPostFormSubmitted(false); BX.removeClass(BX("blog-submit-button-save"), 'ui-btn-clock'); } if (!check) { return alert(_this.config.message.MRReserveErr); } if (check == 'reserved') { return alert(_this.config.message.MRNotReservedErr); } _this.bLocationChecked = true; BX('event-location-new' + _this.id).name = _this.pLocation.name; BX('event-location-new' + _this.id).value = _this.Loc.NEW; _this.pLocation.name = ''; setBlogPostFormSubmitted(false); submitBlogPostForm(); }, 100); } ); return BX.PreventDefault(e); } else if (this.Loc && this.Loc.NEW != undefined && !this.bLocationChecked) { BX('event-location' + this.id).value = this.Loc.NEW; } }, CheckUserAccessibility: function() { var i, res = true; if (this.plannerData) { for (i in this.plannerData.entries) { if (this.plannerData.entries.hasOwnProperty(i) && this.plannerData.entries[i].id && this.plannerData.entries[i].status != 'h' && this.plannerData.entries[i].strictStatus && !this.plannerData.entries[i].currentStatus ) { res = false; break; } } } return res; }, HandleEvent: function(oEvent) { if(oEvent) { oEvent.DT_FROM_TS = BX.date.getBrowserTimestamp(oEvent.DT_FROM_TS); oEvent.DT_TO_TS = BX.date.getBrowserTimestamp(oEvent.DT_TO_TS); if (oEvent.DT_FROM_TS > oEvent.DT_TO_TS) oEvent.DT_FROM_TS = oEvent.DT_TO_TS; if ((oEvent.RRULE && oEvent.RRULE.FREQ && oEvent.RRULE.FREQ != 'NONE')) { oEvent['~DT_FROM_TS'] = BX.date.getBrowserTimestamp(oEvent['~DT_FROM_TS']); oEvent['~DT_TO_TS'] = BX.date.getBrowserTimestamp(oEvent['~DT_TO_TS']); if (oEvent.RRULE && oEvent.RRULE.UNTIL) oEvent.RRULE.UNTIL = BX.date.getBrowserTimestamp(oEvent.RRULE.UNTIL); } } return oEvent; }, ShowFormData: function(oEvent) { var bNew = false; if (!oEvent || !oEvent.ID) { bNew = true; oEvent = {}; } // Name this.pEventName.value = oEvent.NAME || ''; this.linkFromToTz = true; this.linkFromToDefaultTz = true; // Default Timezone if (this.config.userTimezoneName) { this.pDefTimezoneWrap.style.display = 'none'; this.pDefTimezone.value = this.config.userTimezoneName; this.pFromTz.value = this.pToTz.value = this.config.userTimezoneName; } else { this.pDefTimezoneWrap.style.display = ''; this.pFromTz.value = this.pToTz.value = this.pDefTimezone.value = this.config.userTimezoneDefault || ''; } // Dafault values for from-to fields var dateFrom = this.GetUsableDateTime(new Date().getTime(), 30); var dateTo = this.GetUsableDateTime(dateFrom.getTime() + 3600000 /* one hour*/, 30); this.pFromDate.value = this.FormatDate(dateFrom); this.pToDate.value = this.FormatDate(dateTo); this.pFromTime.value = this.FormatTime(dateFrom); this.pToTime.value = this.FormatTime(dateTo); this._FromDateValue = this.pFromDate.value; this._FromTimeValue = this.pFromTime.value; // Default Timezone if (this.config.userTimezoneName) { this.pDefTimezoneWrap.style.display = 'none'; this.pDefTimezone.value = this.config.userTimezoneName; this.pFromTz.value = this.pToTz.value = this.config.userTimezoneName; } else { this.pDefTimezoneWrap.style.display = ''; this.pFromTz.value = this.pToTz.value = this.pDefTimezone.value = this.config.userTimezoneDefault || ''; } this.pFullDay.checked = oEvent.DT_SKIP_TIME == "Y"; this.FullDay(false, oEvent.DT_SKIP_TIME !== "Y"); if (bNew) { this.pLocation.value = ''; if (this.Location) { this.Location.Set(false, ''); } this.pImportance.value = 'normal'; this.pAccessibility.value = 'busy'; if (this.pSection.options && this.pSection.options.length > 0) this.pSection.value = this.pSection.options[0].value; this.pReminder.checked = !!this.defaultValues.remind; this.pRemCount.value = (this.defaultValues.remind && this.defaultValues.remind.count) || '15'; this.pRemType.value = (this.defaultValues.remind && this.defaultValues.remind.type) || 'min'; } else { this.pLocation.value = oEvent.LOCATION; this.pImportance.value = oEvent.IMPORTANCE; this.pAccessibility.value = oEvent.ACCESSIBILITY; this.pSection.value = oEvent.SECT_ID; // Remind this.pReminder.checked = oEvent.REMIND && oEvent.REMIND[0]; this.pRemCount.value = oEvent.REMIND[0].count; this.pRemType.value = oEvent.REMIND[0].type; } this.Reminder(false, true); var _this = this; setTimeout(function() { BX.focus(_this.pEventName); }, 100); }, FullDay: function(bSaveOption, value) { if (value == undefined) value = !this.bFullDay; if (value) BX.removeClass(this.pFromToCont, 'feed-cal-full-day'); else BX.addClass(this.pFromToCont, 'feed-cal-full-day'); this.bFullDay = value; }, Reminder: function(bSaveOption, value) { if (value == undefined) value = !this.bReminder; this.pReminderCont.className = value ? 'feed-event-reminder' : 'feed-event-reminder-collapsed'; this.bReminder = value; }, ShowAdditionalParams: function() { var value = !this.bAdditional; if (!this.pAdditionalCont) this.pAdditionalCont = BX("feed-cal-additional"); if (value) BX.removeClass(this.pAdditionalCont, 'feed-event-additional-hidden'); else BX.addClass(this.pAdditionalCont, 'feed-event-additional-hidden'); this.bAdditional = value; }, parseTime: function(str) { var date = this.parseDate(BX.date.format(this.DATE_FORMAT, new Date()) + ' ' + str, false); return date ? { h: date.getHours(), m: date.getMinutes() } : date; }, parseDate: function(str, format, trimSeconds) { var i, cnt, k, regMonths, bUTC = false; if (!format) format = BX.message('FORMAT_DATETIME'); str = BX.util.trim(str); if (trimSeconds !== false) format = format.replace(':SS', ''); if (BX.type.isNotEmptyString(str)) { regMonths = ''; for (i = 1; i <= 12; i++) { regMonths = regMonths + '|' + BX.message('MON_'+i); } var expr = new RegExp('([0-9]+|[a-z]+' + regMonths + ')', 'ig'), aDate = str.match(expr), aFormat = BX.message('FORMAT_DATE').match(/(DD|MI|MMMM|MM|M|YYYY)/ig), aDateArgs = [], aFormatArgs = [], aResult = {}; if (!aDate) { return null; } if(aDate.length > aFormat.length) { aFormat = format.match(/(DD|MI|MMMM|MM|M|YYYY|HH|H|SS|TT|T|GG|G)/ig); } for(i = 0, cnt = aDate.length; i < cnt; i++) { if(BX.util.trim(aDate[i]) != '') { aDateArgs[aDateArgs.length] = aDate[i]; } } for(i = 0, cnt = aFormat.length; i < cnt; i++) { if(BX.util.trim(aFormat[i]) != '') { aFormatArgs[aFormatArgs.length] = aFormat[i]; } } var m = BX.util.array_search('MMMM', aFormatArgs); if (m > 0) { aDateArgs[m] = BX.getNumMonth(aDateArgs[m]); aFormatArgs[m] = "MM"; } else { m = BX.util.array_search('M', aFormatArgs); if (m > 0) { aDateArgs[m] = BX.getNumMonth(aDateArgs[m]); aFormatArgs[m] = "MM"; } } for(i = 0, cnt = aFormatArgs.length; i < cnt; i++) { k = aFormatArgs[i].toUpperCase(); aResult[k] = k == 'T' || k == 'TT' ? aDateArgs[i] : parseInt(aDateArgs[i], 10); } if(aResult['DD'] > 0 && aResult['MM'] > 0 && aResult['YYYY'] > 0) { var d = new Date(); if(bUTC) { d.setUTCDate(1); d.setUTCFullYear(aResult['YYYY']); d.setUTCMonth(aResult['MM'] - 1); d.setUTCDate(aResult['DD']); d.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0); } else { d.setDate(1); d.setFullYear(aResult['YYYY']); d.setMonth(aResult['MM'] - 1); d.setDate(aResult['DD']); d.setHours(0, 0, 0); } if( (!isNaN(aResult['HH']) || !isNaN(aResult['GG']) || !isNaN(aResult['H']) || !isNaN(aResult['G'])) && !isNaN(aResult['MI']) ) { if (!isNaN(aResult['H']) || !isNaN(aResult['G'])) { var bPM = (aResult['T']||aResult['TT']||'am').toUpperCase()=='PM'; var h = parseInt(aResult['H']||aResult['G']||0, 10); if(bPM) { aResult['HH'] = h + (h == 12 ? 0 : 12); } else { aResult['HH'] = h < 12 ? h : 0; } } else { aResult['HH'] = parseInt(aResult['HH']||aResult['GG']||0, 10); } if (isNaN(aResult['SS'])) aResult['SS'] = 0; if(bUTC) { d.setUTCHours(aResult['HH'], aResult['MI'], aResult['SS']); } else { d.setHours(aResult['HH'], aResult['MI'], aResult['SS']); } } return d; } } return null; }, TimezoneSwitch: function() { if(this.pTzCont.offsetHeight > 0) { this.pTzCont.style.height = 0; BX.removeClass(this.pTzOuterCont, 'feed-ev-timezone-outer-wrap-opened'); } else { this.pTzCont.style.height = this.pTzInnerCont.offsetHeight + 'px'; BX.addClass(this.pTzOuterCont, 'feed-ev-timezone-outer-wrap-opened'); } }, DefaultTimezoneOnChange: function() { var defTimezoneName = this.pDefTimezone.value; BX.userOptions.save('calendar', 'timezone_name', 'timezone_name', defTimezoneName); if (this.linkFromToDefaultTz) this.pToTz.value = this.pFromTz.value = this.pDefTimezone.value; }, TimezoneFromOnChange: function() { if (this.linkFromToTz) this.pToTz.value = this.pFromTz.value; this.linkFromToDefaultTz = false; this.CheckPlannerState(); }, TimezoneToOnChange: function() { this.linkFromToTz = false; this.linkFromToDefaultTz = false; }, FormatDate: function(date) { return BX.date.format(this.DATE_FORMAT, date.getTime() / 1000); }, FormatTime: function(date, seconds) { return BX.date.format(seconds === true ? this.TIME_FORMAT : this.TIME_FORMAT_SHORT, date.getTime() / 1000); }, FormatDateTime: function(date) { return BX.date.format(this.DATETIME_FORMAT, date.getTime() / 1000); }, GetUsableDateTime: function(timestamp, roundMin) { var r = (roundMin || 10) * 60 * 1000; timestamp = Math.ceil(timestamp / r) * r; return new Date(timestamp); }, ParseDate: function(str, trimSeconds) { var bUTC = false; var format = BX.message('FORMAT_DATETIME'); if (trimSeconds !== false) format = format.replace(':SS', ''); if (BX.type.isNotEmptyString(str)) { var regMonths = ''; for (i = 1; i <= 12; i++) { regMonths = regMonths + '|' + BX.message('MON_'+i); } var expr = new RegExp('([0-9]+|[a-z]+' + regMonths + ')', 'ig'); var aDate = str.match(expr), aFormat = BX.message('FORMAT_DATE').match(/(DD|MI|MMMM|MM|M|YYYY)/ig), i, cnt, aDateArgs=[], aFormatArgs=[], aResult={}; if (!aDate) return null; if(aDate.length > aFormat.length) { aFormat = format.match(/(DD|MI|MMMM|MM|M|YYYY|HH|H|SS|TT|T|GG|G)/ig); } for(i = 0, cnt = aDate.length; i < cnt; i++) { if(BX.util.trim(aDate[i]) != '') { aDateArgs[aDateArgs.length] = aDate[i]; } } for(i = 0, cnt = aFormat.length; i < cnt; i++) { if(BX.util.trim(aFormat[i]) != '') { aFormatArgs[aFormatArgs.length] = aFormat[i]; } } var m = BX.util.array_search('MMMM', aFormatArgs); if (m > 0) { aDateArgs[m] = BX.getNumMonth(aDateArgs[m]); aFormatArgs[m] = "MM"; } else { m = BX.util.array_search('M', aFormatArgs); if (m > 0) { aDateArgs[m] = BX.getNumMonth(aDateArgs[m]); aFormatArgs[m] = "MM"; } } for(i = 0, cnt = aFormatArgs.length; i < cnt; i++) { var k = aFormatArgs[i].toUpperCase(); aResult[k] = k == 'T' || k == 'TT' ? aDateArgs[i] : parseInt(aDateArgs[i], 10); } if(aResult['DD'] > 0 && aResult['MM'] > 0 && aResult['YYYY'] > 0) { var d = new Date(); if(bUTC) { d.setUTCDate(1); d.setUTCFullYear(aResult['YYYY']); d.setUTCMonth(aResult['MM'] - 1); d.setUTCDate(aResult['DD']); d.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0); } else { d.setDate(1); d.setFullYear(aResult['YYYY']); d.setMonth(aResult['MM'] - 1); d.setDate(aResult['DD']); d.setHours(0, 0, 0); } if( (!isNaN(aResult['HH']) || !isNaN(aResult['GG']) || !isNaN(aResult['H']) || !isNaN(aResult['G'])) && !isNaN(aResult['MI']) ) { if (!isNaN(aResult['H']) || !isNaN(aResult['G'])) { var bPM = (aResult['T']||aResult['TT']||'am').toUpperCase()=='PM'; var h = parseInt(aResult['H']||aResult['G']||0, 10); if(bPM) { aResult['HH'] = h + (h == 12 ? 0 : 12); } else { aResult['HH'] = h < 12 ? h : 0; } } else { aResult['HH'] = parseInt(aResult['HH']||aResult['GG']||0, 10); } if (isNaN(aResult['SS'])) aResult['SS'] = 0; if(bUTC) { d.setUTCHours(aResult['HH'], aResult['MI'], aResult['SS']); } else { d.setHours(aResult['HH'], aResult['MI'], aResult['SS']); } } return d; } } }, LocationOnChange: function(oLoc, ind, value) { this.pLocation.className = 'calendar-inp calendar-inp-time calendar-inp-loc'; if (ind === false) { this.Loc.NEW = value || ''; } else { this.Loc.NEW = 'ECMR_' + this.config.meetingRooms[ind].ID; } this.CheckPlannerState(); }, CheckMeetingRoom: function(params, callback) { params.bx_event_calendar_check_meeting_room = 'Y'; params.sessid = BX.bitrix_sessid(); BX.ajax.get( this.ajaxAction, params, function() { if (callback && typeof callback == 'function') callback(); return true; } ); }, CheckPlannerState: function(timeout) { if(timeout !== false) { var _this = this; if (this.checkPlannerTimeout) this.checkPlannerTimeout = !!clearTimeout(this.checkPlannerTimeout); this.checkPlannerTimeout = setTimeout(function(){_this.CheckPlannerState(false)}, 300); } else if (BX('feed-event-dest-cont', true)) { var params = {}, fromDate = this.ParseDate(BX.util.trim(this.pFromDate.value)), toDate = this.ParseDate(BX.util.trim(this.pToDate.value)), arInputs = BX('feed-event-dest-cont', true).getElementsByTagName('INPUT'), i, arCodes = []; for (i = 0; i < arInputs.length; i++) { arCodes.push(arInputs[i].value); } if (fromDate && toDate && fromDate.getTime && toDate.getTime && fromDate.getTime() <= toDate.getTime() && (params.location || arCodes.length > 0)) { params.codes = arCodes; params.from = BX.date.format(this.DATE_FORMAT, (fromDate.getTime() - this.dayLength * 3) / 1000); params.to = BX.date.format(this.DATE_FORMAT, (toDate.getTime() + this.dayLength * 10) / 1000); params.location = this.Loc ? this.Loc.NEW : this.pLocation.value; if (params.location || params.codes.length > 0) this.UpdatePlanner(params); } else if (this.pPlannerBlock && BX.hasClass(this.pPlannerBlock, 'feed-event-planner-block-shown')) { this.HidePlanner(); } } }, UpdatePlanner: function(params) { var _this = this; top.BXCRES_Planner = {}; BX.ajax.get( this.ajaxAction, { codes: params.codes || false, from: params.from, to: params.to, location: params.location, entries: params.entrieIds, sessid: BX.bitrix_sessid(), timezone: this.pFromTz.value, bx_event_calendar_update_planner: 'Y' }, function() { setTimeout(function() { var showPlanner = !!(params.entries || (top.BXCRES_Planner && top.BXCRES_Planner.entries && top.BXCRES_Planner.entries.length > 0)), plannerShown = BX.hasClass(_this.pPlannerBlock, 'feed-event-planner-block-shown'); if (showPlanner) // Show first time { var refreshParams = { show: showPlanner && !plannerShown, params: params.params }; if (params.entries) { top.BXCRES_Planner.entries = params.entries; refreshParams.scaleFrom = params.from; refreshParams.scaleTo = params.to; } refreshParams.loadedDataFrom = params.from; refreshParams.loadedDataTo = params.to; refreshParams.data = top.BXCRES_Planner; refreshParams.focusSelector = params.focusSelector == undefined ? false : params.focusSelector; _this.ShowPlannerAnimation(); _this.RefreshPlannerState(refreshParams); } else if (!showPlanner && plannerShown) // Hide { _this.HidePlanner(); } }, 100); return true; } ); }, RefreshPlannerState: function(params) { if (!params || typeof params !== 'object') params = {}; this.plannerData = params.data; var fromDate, toDate, fullDay = this.pFullDay.checked, config = {}, dayCellWidth = 90, scaleFrom, scaleTo, plannerBlockWidth, daysCount, duration, compactMode, plannerShown = this.pPlannerBlock && BX.hasClass(this.pPlannerBlock, 'feed-event-planner-block-shown'); if (params.focusSelector == undefined) params.focusSelector = true; // Show planner cont if we should if (!plannerShown && params.show) { BX.addClass(this.pPlannerBlock, 'feed-event-planner-block-shown'); BX.removeClass(this.pPlannerBlock, 'feed-event-planner-expanded'); //width: plannerBlockWidth, //scaleDateFrom: scaleFrom, //scaleDateTo: scaleTo config.showTimelineDayTitle = false; config.minWidth = 300; config.adjustCellWidth = true; config.readonly = true; config.compactMode = true; } // Check compactMode = this.pPlannerTitle.offsetWidth > 0; if (fullDay) { fromDate = this.ParseDate(BX.util.trim(this.pFromDate.value)); toDate = this.ParseDate(BX.util.trim(this.pToDate.value)) || fromDate; } else { fromDate = this.ParseDate(BX.util.trim(this.pFromDate.value) + ' ' + BX.util.trim(this.pFromTime.value)); if (this.pToDate.value == '') this.pToDate.value = this.pFromDate.value; toDate = this.ParseDate(BX.util.trim(this.pToDate.value) + ' ' + BX.util.trim(this.pToTime.value)); } if (fromDate && toDate && fromDate.getTime && toDate.getTime && fromDate.getTime() <= toDate.getTime()) { if (!plannerShown && !params.data) { this.CheckPlannerState(); } else { if (compactMode) { plannerBlockWidth = this.pPlannerBlock.offsetWidth - this.pPlannerTitle.offsetWidth - this.pPlannerLinkWrap.offsetWidth - 80; } if (fullDay) { // Event duration duration = Math.round(((toDate.getTime() - fromDate.getTime()) / this.dayLength) + 1); scaleFrom = new Date(fromDate.getTime()); // Scale if (compactMode) { daysCount = Math.floor(plannerBlockWidth / dayCellWidth); if (duration >= daysCount) { scaleTo = new Date(scaleFrom.getTime() + this.dayLength * daysCount); } else { scaleFrom = new Date(scaleFrom.getTime() - this.dayLength); scaleTo = new Date(scaleFrom.getTime() + this.dayLength * (daysCount - 1)); } config.width = daysCount * dayCellWidth; params.focusSelector = false; } else { scaleFrom = params.scaleFrom || new Date(scaleFrom.getTime() - this.dayLength * 3); scaleTo = params.scaleTo || new Date(scaleFrom.getTime() + this.dayLength * 10); } config.scaleType = '1day'; config.scaleDateFrom = scaleFrom; config.scaleDateTo = scaleTo; config.adjustCellWidth = false; } else { // Event duration in hours //duration = Math.round((toDate.getTime() - fromDate.getTime()) / 3600000); if (compactMode) { config.scaleType = '15min'; if (plannerBlockWidth < 800) config.scaleType = '30min'; if (plannerBlockWidth < 500) config.scaleType = '1hour'; if (plannerBlockWidth < 400) config.scaleType = '2hour'; config.width = plannerBlockWidth; config.adjustCellWidth = true; config.scaleDateFrom = new Date(fromDate.getTime()); config.scaleDateTo = new Date(fromDate.getTime()); params.focusSelector = false; } else { config.changeFromFullDay = { scaleType: '1hour', timelineCellWidth: 40 }; } config.shownScaleTimeFrom = parseInt(this.config.workTimeStart); config.shownScaleTimeTo = parseInt(this.config.workTimeEnd); } BX.onCustomEvent('OnCalendarPlannerDoUpdate', [ { plannerId: this.plannerId, config: config, focusSelector: params.focusSelector, selector: { from: fromDate, to: toDate, fullDay: !!this.pFullDay.checked, animation: true, updateScaleLimits: true }, data: params.data || false, loadedDataFrom: params.loadedDataFrom, loadedDataTo: params.loadedDataTo, show: !!params.show, params: params.params } ]); } } else if (plannerShown) { this.HidePlanner(); } }, HidePlanner: function() { var _this = this; BX.onCustomEvent('OnCalendarPlannerDoUpdate', [ { plannerId: this.plannerId, hide: true } ]); // Opacity animation this.pPlannerBlock.style.opacity = 1; this.pPlannerBlock.style.display = ''; this.pPlannerBlock.style.height = this.pPlannerBlock.offsetHeight + 'px'; this.pPlannerBlock.style.overflow = 'hidden'; new BX.easing({ duration: 600, start: {opacity: 100, height: parseInt(this.pPlannerBlock.offsetHeight), padding: 14}, finish: {opacity: 0, height: 0, padding: 0}, transition: BX.easing.makeEaseOut(BX.easing.transitions.quad), step: function(state) { _this.pPlannerBlock.style.opacity = state.opacity / 100; _this.pPlannerBlock.style.height = state.height + 'px'; _this.pPlannerBlock.style.padding = Math.max(Math.round(state.padding), 0) + 'px'; }, complete: function() { // Show planner cont BX.removeClass(_this.pPlannerBlock, 'feed-event-planner-block-shown'); _this.pPlannerBlock.removeAttribute('style'); } }).animate(); }, ShowPlannerAnimation: function() { var _this = this; // Opacity animation this.pPlannerBlock.style.opacity = 0; this.pPlannerBlock.style.display = ''; new BX.easing({ duration: 300, start: {opacity: 0}, finish: {opacity: 100}, transition: BX.easing.makeEaseOut(BX.easing.transitions.quad), step: function(state) { _this.pPlannerBlock.style.opacity = state.opacity / 100; }, complete: function() { _this.pPlannerBlock.removeAttribute('style'); } }).animate(); }, ExpandPlanner: function() { BX.addClass(this.pPlannerBlock, 'feed-event-planner-expanded'); var plannerBlockWidth = this.pPlannerBlock.offsetWidth - 26; BX.onCustomEvent('OnCalendarPlannerDoExpand', [ { plannerId: this.plannerId, config: { scaleType : '1hour', timelineCellWidth: 40, compactMode : false, readonly : false, width: plannerBlockWidth, adjustCellWidth: false } } ]); }, ProposeTime: function() { BX.onCustomEvent('OnCalendarPlannerDoProposeTime', [ { plannerId: this.plannerId } ]); } }; // Calbacks for destination window.BXEvDestSetLinkName = function(name) { if (BX.SocNetLogDestination.getSelectedCount(name) <= 0) BX('feed-event-dest-add-link', 1).innerHTML = BX.message("BX_FPD_LINK_1"); else BX('feed-event-dest-add-link', 1).innerHTML = BX.message("BX_FPD_LINK_2"); }; window.BXEvDestSelectCallback = function(item, type, search) { var type1 = type, prefix = 'S'; if (type == 'sonetgroups') prefix = 'SG'; else if (type == 'groups') { prefix = 'UA'; type1 = 'all-users'; } else if (type == 'users') prefix = 'U'; else if (type == 'department') prefix = 'DR'; BX('feed-event-dest-item').appendChild( BX.create("span", { attrs : { 'data-id' : item.id }, props : { className : "feed-event-destination feed-event-destination-"+type1 }, children: [ BX.create("input", { attrs : { 'type' : 'hidden', 'name' : 'EVENT_PERM[' + prefix + '][]', 'value' : item.id }}), BX.create("span", { props : { 'className' : "feed-event-destination-text" }, html : item.name}), BX.create("span", { props : { 'className' : "feed-event-del-but"}, events : {'click' : function(e){BX.SocNetLogDestination.deleteItem(item.id, type, destinationFormName);BX.PreventDefault(e)}, 'mouseover' : function(){BX.addClass(this.parentNode, 'feed-event-destination-hover')}, 'mouseout' : function(){BX.removeClass(this.parentNode, 'feed-event-destination-hover')}}}) ]}) ); BX.onCustomEvent('OnDestinationLivefeedChanged', [item]); BX('feed-event-dest-input').value = ''; BXEvDestSetLinkName(destinationFormName); }; // remove block window.BXEvDestUnSelectCallback = function(item, type, search) { var elements = BX.findChildren(BX('feed-event-dest-item'), {attribute: {'data-id': ''+item.id+''}}, true); if (elements != null) { for (var j = 0; j < elements.length; j++) BX.remove(elements[j]); } BX('feed-event-dest-input').value = ''; BX.onCustomEvent('OnDestinationLivefeedChanged'); BXEvDestSetLinkName(destinationFormName); }; window.BXEvDestOpenDialogCallback = function() { BX.style(BX('feed-event-dest-input-box'), 'display', 'inline-block'); BX.style(BX('feed-event-dest-add-link'), 'display', 'none'); BX.focus(BX('feed-event-dest-input')); }; window.BXEvDestCloseDialogCallback = function() { if (!BX.SocNetLogDestination.isOpenSearch() && BX('feed-event-dest-input').value.length <= 0) { BX.style(BX('feed-event-dest-input-box'), 'display', 'none'); BX.style(BX('feed-event-dest-add-link'), 'display', 'inline-block'); BXEvDestDisableBackspace(); } }; window.BXEvDestCloseSearchCallback = function() { if (!BX.SocNetLogDestination.isOpenSearch() && BX('feed-event-dest-input').value.length > 0) { BX.style(BX('feed-event-dest-input-box'), 'display', 'none'); BX.style(BX('feed-event-dest-add-link'), 'display', 'inline-block'); BX('feed-event-dest-input').value = ''; BXEvDestDisableBackspace(); } }; window.BXEvDestDisableBackspace = function() { if (BX.SocNetLogDestination.backspaceDisable || BX.SocNetLogDestination.backspaceDisable != null) BX.unbind(window, 'keydown', BX.SocNetLogDestination.backspaceDisable); BX.bind(window, 'keydown', BX.SocNetLogDestination.backspaceDisable = function(e) { if (e.keyCode == 8) { BX.PreventDefault(e); return false; } }); setTimeout(function() { BX.unbind(window, 'keydown', BX.SocNetLogDestination.backspaceDisable); BX.SocNetLogDestination.backspaceDisable = null; }, 5000); }; window.BXEvDestSearchBefore = function(event) { return BX.SocNetLogDestination.searchBeforeHandler(event, { formName: destinationFormName, inputId: 'feed-event-dest-input' }); }; window.BXEvDestSearch = function(event) { return BX.SocNetLogDestination.searchHandler(event, { formName: destinationFormName, inputId: 'feed-event-dest-input', linkId: 'feed-event-dest-add-link', sendAjax: true }); }; function bxFormatDate(d, m, y) { var str = BX.message("FORMAT_DATE"); str = str.replace(/YY(YY)?/ig, y); str = str.replace(/MMMM/ig, BX.message('MONTH_' + this.Number(m))); str = str.replace(/MM/ig, zeroInt(m)); str = str.replace(/M/ig, BX.message('MON_' + this.Number(m))); str = str.replace(/DD/ig, zeroInt(d)); return str; } function zeroInt(x) { x = parseInt(x, 10); if (isNaN(x)) x = 0; return x < 10 ? '0' + x.toString() : x.toString(); } function bxGetDateFromTS(ts, getObject) { var oDate = new Date(ts); if (!getObject) { var ho = oDate.getHours() || 0, mi = oDate.getMinutes() || 0; oDate = { date: oDate.getDate(), month: oDate.getMonth() + 1, year: oDate.getFullYear(), bTime: !!(ho || mi), oDate: oDate }; if (oDate.bTime) { oDate.hour = ho; oDate.min = mi; } } return oDate; } function getUsableDateTime(timestamp, roundMin) { var r = (roundMin || 10) * 60 * 1000; timestamp = Math.ceil(timestamp / r) * r; return bxGetDateFromTS(timestamp); } function formatTimeByNum(h, m, bAMPM) { var res = ''; if (m == undefined) m = '00'; else { m = parseInt(m, 10); if (isNaN(m)) m = '00'; else { if (m > 59) m = 59; m = (m < 10) ? '0' + m.toString() : m.toString(); } } h = parseInt(h, 10); if (h > 24) h = 24; if (isNaN(h)) h = 0; if (bAMPM) { var ampm = 'am'; if (h == 0) { h = 12; } else if (h == 12) { ampm = 'pm'; } else if (h > 12) { ampm = 'pm'; h -= 12; } res = h.toString() + ':' + m.toString() + ' ' + ampm; } else { res = ((h < 10) ? '0' : '') + h.toString() + ':' + m.toString(); } return res; } })(window);