Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/components/bitrix/calendar.livefeed.view/templates/.default/ |
Current File : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/components/bitrix/calendar.livefeed.view/templates/.default/script.js |
;(function(window){ window.ViewEventManager = function(config) { this.id = config.id; this.config = config; this.userId = BX.message('sonetLCurrentUserID'); this.viewEventUrl = this.config.viewEventUrlTemplate; this.viewEventUrl = this.viewEventUrl.replace(/#user_id#/ig, this.userId); this.viewEventUrl = this.viewEventUrl.replace(/#event_id#/ig, this.config.eventId); if (this.config.EVENT.DATE_FROM && this.config.EVENT.RRULE) { this.viewEventUrl += '&EVENT_DATE=' + BX.formatDate(BX.parseDate(this.config.EVENT.DATE_FROM), BX.message('FORMAT_DATE')); } BX.ready(BX.proxy(this.Init, this)); }; window.ViewEventManager.prototype = { Init: function() { this.pViewIconLink = BX('feed-event-view-icon-link-' + this.id); this.pViewLink = BX('feed-event-view-link-' + this.id); this.pViewLink.href = this.pViewIconLink.href = this.viewEventUrl; this.pFrom = BX('feed-event-view-from-' + this.id); var event = this.config.EVENT; if (event.DATE_FROM && event.DATE_TO) { event.dateFrom = BX.parseDate(event.DATE_FROM); event.dateTo = BX.parseDate(event.DATE_TO); event.DT_FROM_TS = event.dateFrom.getTime(); event.DT_TO_TS = event.dateTo.getTime(); if (event.DT_SKIP_TIME !== "Y") { event.DT_FROM_TS -= event['~USER_OFFSET_FROM'] * 1000; event.DT_TO_TS -= event['~USER_OFFSET_TO'] * 1000; } this.pFrom.innerHTML = this.GetFromHtml(event.DT_FROM_TS, event.DT_SKIP_TIME); } else // Copatibility with old records { this.pFrom.innerHTML = this.GetFromHtml(BX.date.getBrowserTimestamp(event.DT_FROM_TS), event.DT_SKIP_TIME); } var pViewTzHint = BX('feed-event-tz-hint-' + this.id); if (pViewTzHint) { new BX.CHint({parent: pViewTzHint, hint: pViewTzHint.getAttribute('data-bx-hint')}); } this.InitPopups(); // Invite controls var status = null; if (event.IS_MEETING && this.config.attendees[this.userId]) { status = this.config.attendees[this.userId].STATUS; this.ShowUserStatus(status); BX.viewElementBind( 'bx-feed-cal-view-files-' + this.id, {showTitle: true}, function(node){ return BX.type.isElementNode(node) && (node.getAttribute('data-bx-viewer') || node.getAttribute('data-bx-image')); } ); } else { this.ShowUserStatus(false); } }, InitPopups: function() { var _this = this; var rand = Math.round(Math.random() * 100000); this.pMoreAttLinkY = BX('feed-event-more-att-link-y-' + this.id); this.pMoreAttLinkN = BX('feed-event-more-att-link-n-' + this.id); this.pMoreAttPopupContY = BX('feed-event-more-attendees-y-' + this.id); this.pMoreAttPopupContN = BX('feed-event-more-attendees-n-' + this.id); if (this.pMoreAttLinkY && this.pMoreAttPopupContY) { this.pMoreAttLinkY.onclick = function() { if (_this.popupNotifyMoreY) { _this.popupNotifyMoreY.destroy(); } _this.popupNotifyMoreY = new BX.PopupWindow('bx_event_attendees_window_y_' + _this.id + '_' + rand, _this.pMoreAttLinkY, { zIndex: 100, lightShadow : true, offsetTop: -2, offsetLeft: 3, autoHide: true, closeByEsc: true, bindOptions: {position: "top"}, content : _this.pMoreAttPopupContY } ); _this.popupNotifyMoreY.setAngle({}); _this.popupNotifyMoreY.show(); _this.pMoreAttPopupContY.style.display = "block"; } } if (this.pMoreAttLinkN && this.pMoreAttPopupContN) { this.pMoreAttLinkN.onclick = function() { if (_this.popupNotifyMoreN) { _this.popupNotifyMoreN.destroy(); } _this.popupNotifyMoreN = new BX.PopupWindow('bx_event_attendees_window_n_' + _this.id + '_' + rand, _this.pMoreAttLinkN, { zIndex: 100, lightShadow : true, offsetTop: -2, offsetLeft: 3, autoHide: true, closeByEsc: true, bindOptions: {position: "top"}, content : _this.pMoreAttPopupContN } ); _this.popupNotifyMoreN.setAngle({}); _this.popupNotifyMoreN.show(); _this.pMoreAttPopupContN.style.display = "block"; } } }, ShowAttendees: function(attendees, pRow, params) { pRow.style.display = attendees.length > 0 ? "" : "none"; if (!pRow || attendees.length <= 0) return; var contentCell = pRow.cells[1], i, cnt = 0, att, avatarSize = this.config.AVATAR_SIZE, bShowAll = attendees.length <= this.config.ATTENDEES_SHOWN_COUNT_MAX, popupContent = '', attCellContent = ''; for(i = 0; i < attendees.length; i++) { att = attendees[i]; cnt++; if (!bShowAll && cnt > this.config.ATTENDEES_SHOWN_COUNT) { // Put to popup popupContent += '<a href="' + att.URL + '" target="_blank" class="bxcal-att-popup-img bxcal-att-popup-att-full">' + '<span class="bxcal-att-popup-avatar">' + (att.AVATAR_SRC ? '<img src="' + att.AVATAR_SRC + '" width="' + avatarSize + '" height="' + avatarSize + '" class="bxcal-att-popup-img-not-empty" />' : '') + '</span>' + '<span class="bxcal-att-popup-name">' + BX.util.htmlspecialchars(att.DISPLAY_NAME) + '</span>' + '</a>'; } else // Display avatar { attCellContent += '<a title="' + BX.util.htmlspecialchars(att.DISPLAY_NAME) + '" href="' + att.URL + '" target="_blank" class="bxcal-att-popup-img">' + '<span class="bxcal-att-popup-avatar">' + (att.AVATAR_SRC ? '<img src="' + att.AVATAR_SRC + '" width="' + avatarSize + '" height="' + avatarSize + '" class="bxcal-att-popup-img-not-empty" />' : '') + '</span>' + '</a>'; } } contentCell.innerHTML = attCellContent; if (!bShowAll && params.MORE_MESSAGE) { var prefix = params.prefix; contentCell.appendChild(BX.create("SPAN", {props: {id: "feed-event-more-att-link-" + prefix + "-" + this.id, className: "bxcal-more-attendees"}, text: params.MORE_MESSAGE})); contentCell.appendChild(BX.create("DIV", {props: {id: "feed-event-more-attendees-" + prefix + "-" + this.id, className: "bxcal-more-attendees-popup"}, style: {display: "none"}, html: popupContent})); } }, ShowUserStatus: function(status) { var _this = this, inviteCont = BX('feed-event-invite-controls-' + this.id); if (status && status != 'H') { var rand = Math.round(Math.random() * 100000); inviteCont.className = 'feed-cal-view-inv-controls' + ' feed-cal-view-inv-controls-' + status.toLowerCase(); if (status == 'Y') { var linkY = BX('feed-event-stat-link-y-' + this.id); linkY.onclick = function() { if (!_this.popupAccepted) { _this.popupAccepted = new BX.PopupWindow('bx_event_change_win_y_' + _this.id + '_' + rand, linkY, { zIndex: 200, lightShadow : true, offsetTop: -5, offsetLeft: (linkY.offsetWidth || 100) + 10, autoHide: true, closeByEsc: true, bindOptions: {position: "top"}, content : BX('feed-event-stat-link-popup-y-' + _this.id) }); _this.popupAccepted.setAngle({}); } _this.popupAccepted.show(); }; if (_this.config.EVENT.RRULE || _this.config.EVENT.RECURRENCE_ID) { BX('feed-rec-decline-' + this.id).style.display = 'block'; BX('feed-event-decline-2-' + this.id).style.display = 'none'; BX('feed-rec-decline-this-' + this.id).onclick = function(){_this.Decline('this');}; BX('feed-rec-decline-next-' + this.id).onclick = function(){_this.Decline('next');}; BX('feed-rec-decline-all-' + this.id).onclick = function(){_this.Decline('all');}; } else { BX('feed-event-decline-2-' + this.id).style.display = ''; BX('feed-event-decline-2-' + this.id).onclick = BX.proxy(this.Decline, this); BX('feed-rec-decline-' + this.id).style.display = 'none'; } } else if (status == 'N') { var linkN = BX('feed-event-stat-link-n-' + this.id); linkN.onclick = function(){ if(!_this.popupDeclined) { _this.popupDeclined = new BX.PopupWindow('bx_event_change_win_n_' + _this.id + '_' + rand, linkN, { zIndex: 200, lightShadow : true, offsetTop: -5, offsetLeft: (linkN.offsetWidth || 100) + 10, autoHide: true, closeByEsc: true, bindOptions: {position: "top"}, content : BX('feed-event-stat-link-popup-n-' + _this.id) }); _this.popupDeclined.setAngle({}); } _this.popupDeclined.show(); }; BX('feed-event-accept-2-' + this.id).onclick = BX.proxy(this.Accept, this); } else { BX('feed-event-accept-' + this.id).onclick = BX.proxy(this.Accept, this); BX('feed-event-decline-' + this.id).onclick = BX.proxy(this.Decline, this); } } else { inviteCont.style.display = 'none'; } }, SetStatus: function(status, recMode) { var _this = this; if (this.popupDeclined) this.popupDeclined.close(); if (this.popupAccepted) this.popupAccepted.close(); BX.ajax.get( this.config.actionUrl, { event_feed_action: status, sessid: BX.bitrix_sessid(), event_id: this.config.eventId, parent_id: this.config.EVENT.PARENT_ID || false, ajax_params: this.config.AJAX_PARAMS, reccurent_mode: recMode || false, current_date_from: this.config.EVENT.DATE_FROM }, function(result) { setTimeout(function() { if (result.indexOf('#EVENT_FEED_RESULT_OK#') !== -1 && _this.config.EVENT.IS_MEETING) { _this.ShowUserStatus(status == 'accept' ? "Y" : "N"); if (window.ViewEventManager.requestResult) { // Show or hide accepted row + show users _this.ShowAttendees( window.ViewEventManager.requestResult['ACCEPTED_ATTENDEES'], BX('feed-event-accepted-row-' + _this.id), window.ViewEventManager.requestResult['ACCEPTED_PARAMS'] ); // Show or hide declined row + show users _this.ShowAttendees( window.ViewEventManager.requestResult['DECLINED_ATTENDEES'], BX('feed-event-declined-row-' + _this.id), window.ViewEventManager.requestResult['DECLIINED_PARAMS'] ); } _this.InitPopups(); } }, 150); } ); }, Accept: function() { return this.SetStatus('accept'); }, Decline: function(recMode) { return this.SetStatus('decline', recMode); }, DeleteEvent: function() { if (!this.config.eventId || !confirm(this.config.EC_JS_DEL_EVENT_CONFIRM)) return false; BX.ajax.get( this.config.actionUrl, { event_feed_action: 'delete_event', sessid: BX.bitrix_sessid(), event_id: this.config.eventId }, function(result) { if (result.indexOf('#EVENT_FEED_RESULT_OK#') !== -1) BX.reload(); } ); }, GetFromHtml: function(DT_FROM_TS, DT_SKIP_TIME) { var fromDate = new Date(DT_FROM_TS), dateFormat = BX.date.convertBitrixFormat(BX.message('FORMAT_DATE')), timeFormat = BX.message('FORMAT_DATETIME'), timeFormat2 = BX.util.trim(timeFormat.replace(BX.message('FORMAT_DATE'), '')), html; if (timeFormat2 == dateFormat) timeFormat = "HH:MI"; else timeFormat = timeFormat2.replace(/:SS/ig, ''); timeFormat = BX.date.convertBitrixFormat(timeFormat); if (DT_SKIP_TIME == 'Y') { html = BX.date.format([ ["today", "today"], ["tommorow", "tommorow"], ["yesterday", "yesterday"], ["" , dateFormat] ], fromDate); } else { html = BX.date.format([ ["today", "today"], ["tommorow", "tommorow"], ["yesterday", "yesterday"], ["" , dateFormat] ], fromDate); html += ', ' + BX.date.format(timeFormat, fromDate); } return html; } }; })(window);