Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/components/bitrix/landing.site_edit/ |
Current File : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/components/bitrix/landing.site_edit/class.php |
<?php if (!defined('B_PROLOG_INCLUDED') || B_PROLOG_INCLUDED !== true) { die(); } use \Bitrix\Landing\Site; use \Bitrix\Landing\Landing; use \Bitrix\Landing\Manager; use \Bitrix\Landing\TemplateRef; use \Bitrix\Main\Localization\Loc; \CBitrixComponent::includeComponentClass('bitrix:landing.base.form'); class LandingSiteEditComponent extends LandingBaseFormComponent { /** * B24 service for detect IP for current zone. */ const B24_SERVICE_DETECT_IP = 'https://ip.bitrix24.site/getipforzone/?bx24_zone='; /** * Default IP for DNS. */ const B24_DEFAULT_DNS_IP = ''; /** * Class of current element. * @var string */ protected $class = 'Site'; /** * Local version of table map with available fields for change. * @return array */ protected function getMap() { return array( 'CODE', 'TITLE', 'TYPE', 'TPL_ID', 'DOMAIN_ID', 'LANDING_ID_INDEX', 'LANDING_ID_404', 'LANDING_ID_503' ); } /** * Allowed or not additional fields for this form. * @return boolean */ protected function additionalFieldsAllowed() { return true; } /** * Get IP for DNS record for custom domain. * @return string */ protected function getIpForDNS() { $ip = ''; $http = new \Bitrix\Main\Web\HttpClient; $ip = $http->get($this::B24_SERVICE_DETECT_IP . Manager::getZone()); $ip = \CUtil::jsObjectToPhp($ip); if (isset($ip['IP'])) { return $ip['IP']; } return $this::B24_DEFAULT_DNS_IP; } /** * Base executable method. * @return void */ public function executeComponent() { $init = $this->init(); if ($init) { $this->checkParam('SITE_ID', 0); $this->checkParam('TYPE', ''); $this->checkParam('PAGE_URL_SITES', ''); $this->checkParam('PAGE_URL_LANDING_VIEW', ''); $this->checkParam('TEMPLATE', ''); $this->id = $this->arParams['SITE_ID']; $this->successSavePage = $this->arParams['PAGE_URL_SITES']; $this->template = $this->arParams['TEMPLATE']; $this->arResult['IP_FOR_DNS'] = $this->getIpForDNS(); $this->arResult['TEMPLATES'] = $this->getTemplates(); $this->arResult['SETTINGS'] = \Bitrix\Landing\Hook\Page\Settings::getDataForSite( $this->id ); $this->arResult['DOMAINS'] = $this->getDomains(); $this->arResult['SITE'] = $this->getRow(); $this->arResult['LANDINGS'] = $this->arParams['SITE_ID'] > 0 ? $this->getLandings(array( 'filter' => array( 'SITE_ID' => $this->arParams['SITE_ID'] ) )) : array(); // check landings as areas $areas = \Bitrix\Landing\TemplateRef::landingIsArea( array_keys($this->arResult['LANDINGS']) ); foreach ($this->arResult['LANDINGS'] as &$landingItem) { $landingItem['IS_AREA'] = $areas[$landingItem['ID']] === true; } unset($landingItem); if (!$this->arResult['SITE']) { $this->id = 0; } $this->arResult['HOOKS'] = $this->getHooks(); $this->arResult['TEMPLATES_REF'] = TemplateRef::getForSite($this->id); $this->arResult['CUSTOM_DOMAIN'] = Manager::checkFeature( Manager::FEATURE_CUSTOM_DOMAIN ); } // callback for update site $tplRef = $this->request('TPL_REF', true); if ($tplRef !== false) { Site::callback('OnAfterUpdate', function(\Bitrix\Main\Event $event) use ($tplRef) { $primary = $event->getParameter('primary'); $areaCount = 0; $tplId = $this->arResult['SITE']['TPL_ID']['CURRENT']; $templates = $this->arResult['TEMPLATES']; if (isset($templates[$tplId])) { $areaCount = $templates[$tplId]['AREA_COUNT']; } // set template refs $data = array(); if ($primary && $primary['ID']) { foreach (explode(',', $tplRef) as $ref) { if (strpos($ref, ':') !== false) { list($a, $lid) = explode(':', $ref); $data[$a] = $lid; } } // create empty areas if need for ($i = 1; $i <= $areaCount; $i++) { if (!isset($data[$i]) || !$data[$i]) { $res = Landing::add(array( 'SITE_ID' => $primary['ID'], 'TITLE' => Loc::getMessage('LANDING_CMP_AREA') . ' #' . $i )); if ($res->isSuccess()) { $data[$i] = $res->getId(); } } } } TemplateRef::setForSite( $primary['ID'], $data ); } ); } parent::executeComponent(); } }