Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/components/bitrix/landing.site_edit/templates/.default/ |
Current File : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/components/bitrix/landing.site_edit/templates/.default/script.js |
BX.namespace("BX.Landing"); /** * Bbase script for component. * @param {Object} params Some params. * @returns {void} */ BX.Landing.EditComponent = function () { this.actionCloseId = BX("action-close"); if (this.actionCloseId) { BX.bind(this.actionCloseId, "click", BX.delegate(this.actionClose, this)); } }; BX.Landing.EditComponent.prototype = { /** * Close the slider. * @returns {void} */ actionClose: function () { if ( typeof top.BX.Bitrix24 !== 'undefined' && typeof top.BX.Bitrix24.PageSlider !== 'undefined' ) { top.BX.Bitrix24.PageSlider.close(); } else if (typeof top.BX.SidePanel !== 'undefined') { setTimeout(function() { top.BX.SidePanel.Instance.close(); }, 300); } } }; /** * SELECT control with color preview * @param params * @constructor */ BX.Landing.SelectColor = function (params) { this.id = params.id ? params.id : ''; this.options = params.options ? params.options : []; this.value = params.value ? params.value : ''; this.DOM = {}; }; BX.Landing.SelectColor.prototype = { show: function () { this.initSectionSelector(); }, initSectionSelector: function () { this.DOM.sectionWrap = BX(this.id + '_select_color_wrap'); this.DOM.sectionInput = BX(this.id + '_select_color'); this.DOM.sectionSelect = this.DOM.sectionWrap.appendChild(BX.create('DIV', { props: {className: 'select-color-field'} })); this.DOM.sectionSelectInner = this.DOM.sectionSelect.appendChild(BX.create('DIV', { props: {className: 'select-color-field-icon'}, style: {backgroundColor: this.options[this.value].color} })); this.DOM.sectionSelectInnerText = this.DOM.sectionSelect.appendChild(BX.create('SPAN', { text: this.options[this.value].name })); BX.bind(this.DOM.sectionSelect, 'click', showPopup); var _this = this, options = this.options; function showPopup() { if (_this.sectionMenu && _this.sectionMenu.popupWindow && _this.sectionMenu.popupWindow.isShown()) { return _this.sectionMenu.close(); } var i, menuItems = [], icon; for (var id in options) { menuItems.push({ id: 'bx-select-color-option-' + id, text: BX.util.htmlspecialchars(options[id].name), color: options[id].color, className: 'select-color-popup-menu-item ' + (options[id].class ? options[id].class : ''), onclick: (function (value) { return function () { var section = options[value]; _this.DOM.sectionInput.value = value; _this.DOM.sectionSelectInner.style.backgroundColor = section.color; _this.DOM.sectionSelectInnerText.innerHTML = BX.util.htmlspecialchars(section.name); _this.sectionMenu.close(); } })(id) }); }; _this.sectionMenu = BX.PopupMenu.create( "selectColor" + _this.id, _this.DOM.sectionSelect, menuItems, { closeByEsc: true, autoHide: true, offsetTop: 0, offsetLeft: 0 } ); _this.sectionMenu.popupWindow.contentContainer.style.maxHeight = "300px"; _this.sectionMenu.popupWindow.setWidth(_this.DOM.sectionSelect.offsetWidth - 2); _this.sectionMenu.show(); // Paint round icons for section menu for (i = 0; i < _this.sectionMenu.menuItems.length; i++) { if (_this.sectionMenu.menuItems[i].layout.item) { icon = _this.sectionMenu.menuItems[i].layout.item.querySelector('.menu-popup-item-icon'); if (icon) { icon.style.backgroundColor = _this.sectionMenu.menuItems[i].color; } } } BX.addClass(_this.DOM.sectionSelect, 'active'); BX.addCustomEvent(_this.sectionMenu.popupWindow, 'onPopupClose', function () { BX.removeClass(_this.DOM.sectionSelect, 'active'); _this.sectionMenu = null; BX.PopupMenu.destroy("selectColor" + _this.id); }); } } } ;