Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/components/bitrix/mail.client.message.list/templates/.default/ |
Current File : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/components/bitrix/mail.client.message.list/templates/.default/script.js |
;(function () { BX.namespace('BX.Mail.Client.Message.List'); BX.Mail.Client.Message.List = function (options) { this.gridId = options.gridId; this.mailboxId = options.mailboxId; this.canMarkSpam = options.canMarkSpam; this.canDelete = options.canDelete; this.connectedMailboxesLicenseInfo = options.connectedMailboxesLicenseInfo; this.ERROR_CODE_CAN_NOT_DELETE = options.ERROR_CODE_CAN_NOT_DELETE; this.ERROR_CODE_CAN_NOT_MARK_SPAM = options.ERROR_CODE_CAN_NOT_MARK_SPAM; this.disabledClassName = 'js-disabled'; this.userInterfaceManager = new BX.Mail.Client.Message.List.UserInterfaceManager(options); this.userInterfaceManager.reloadGrid = this.reloadGrid.bind(this); this.userInterfaceManager.resetGridSelection = this.resetGridSelection.bind(this); this.userInterfaceManager.isSelectedRowsHaveClass = this.isSelectedRowsHaveClass.bind(this); this.userInterfaceManager.getGridInstance = this.getGridInstance.bind(this); this.addEventHandlers(); BX.Mail.Client.Message.List[options.id] = this; }; BX.Mail.Client.Message.List.prototype = { addEventHandlers: function () { // todo delete this hack // it is here to prevent grid's title changing after filter apply BX.ajax.UpdatePageData = (function() {}); }, showLicensePopup: function (code) { B24.licenseInfoPopup.show( code, BX.message('MAIL_MAILBOX_LICENSE_CONNECTED_MAILBOXES_LIMIT_TITLE'), this.connectedMailboxesLicenseInfo ); }, onCrmClick: function (id) { this.resetGridSelection(); var selectedIds = this.getGridInstance().getRows().getSelectedIds(); var row = this.getGridInstance().getRows().getById(id ? id : selectedIds[0]); if (!(row && row.node)) { return; } var addToCrm = this.userInterfaceManager.isAddToCrmActionAvailable(row.node); var messageIdNode = row.node.querySelector('[data-message-id]'); if (!(messageIdNode.dataset && messageIdNode.dataset.messageId)) { return; } if (addToCrm) { if (typeof this.isAddingToCrmInProgress !== "object") { this.isAddingToCrmInProgress = {}; } if (this.isAddingToCrmInProgress[id] === true) { return; } this.isAddingToCrmInProgress[id] = true; BX.ajax.runComponentAction( 'bitrix:mail.client', 'createCrmActivity', { mode: 'ajax', data: { messageId: messageIdNode.dataset.messageId } } ).then(function (id, json) { this.isAddingToCrmInProgress[id] = false; if (json.data && json.data.length > 0) { this.notify(BX.message('MAIL_MESSAGE_LIST_NOTIFY_ADDED_TO_CRM')); this.userInterfaceManager.onBindingCreated(); } else { this.notify(BX.message('MAIL_MESSAGE_LIST_NOTIFY_NOT_ADDED_TO_CRM')); } }.bind(this, id)); } else { BX.ajax.runComponentAction( 'bitrix:mail.client', 'removeCrmActivity', { mode: 'ajax', data: { messageId: messageIdNode.dataset.messageId } } ).then(function (messageIdNode) { this.userInterfaceManager.onCrmBindingDeleted(messageIdNode.dataset.messageId); this.notify(BX.message('MAIL_MESSAGE_LIST_NOTIFY_EXCLUDED_FROM_CRM')); }.bind(this, messageIdNode)); } }, onViewClick: function (id) { if (id === undefined && this.getGridInstance().getRows().getSelectedIds().length === 0) { return; } // @TODO: path BX.SidePanel.Instance.open("/mail/message/" + id, { width: 1080 }); }, onDeleteClick: function (id) { if (id === undefined && this.getGridInstance().getRows().getSelectedIds().length === 0) { return; } if (!this.canDelete) { this.showSettingsSlider(); return; } var options = { onSuccess: function () { this.reloadGrid({}); } }; if (id !== undefined) { options.ids = [id]; } if (this.userInterfaceManager.isCurrentFolderTrash) { var confirmPopup = this.getConfirmDeletePopup(options); confirmPopup.show(); } else { this.runAction('delete', options); } }, onMoveToFolderClick: function (event) { var folderOptions = event.currentTarget.dataset; var id = folderOptions.id; var isDisabled = JSON.parse(folderOptions.isDisabled); var folderPath = folderOptions.folderPath; if ((id === undefined && this.getGridInstance().getRows().getSelectedIds().length === 0) || isDisabled) { return; } var resultIds = this.getGridInstance().getRows().getSelectedIds(); resultIds = resultIds.length ? resultIds : (id ? [id] : []); resultIds = this.filterRowsByClassName(this.disabledClassName, resultIds, true); if (!resultIds.length) { return; } this.resetGridSelection(); this.runAction('moveToFolder', {ids: resultIds, params: {folder: folderPath}}); }, onReadClick: function (id) { if (id === undefined && this.getGridInstance().getRows().getSelectedIds().length === 0) { return; } var actionName = this.isSelectedRowsHaveClass('mail-msg-list-cell-unseen', id) ? 'markAsSeen' : 'markAsUnseen'; var resultIds = this.filterRowsByClassName('mail-msg-list-cell-unseen', id, actionName !== 'markAsSeen'); resultIds = this.filterRowsByClassName(this.disabledClassName, resultIds, true); if (!resultIds.length) { return; } this.userInterfaceManager.onMessagesRead(resultIds, {action: actionName}); this.resetGridSelection(); if (actionName === 'markAsSeen') { this.userInterfaceManager.updateUnreadCounters(-resultIds.length); } else { this.userInterfaceManager.updateUnreadCounters(resultIds.length); } this.runAction(actionName, { ids: resultIds, keepRows: true, successParams: actionName, onSuccess: false }); }, onSpamClick: function (id) { if (id === undefined && this.getGridInstance().getRows().getSelectedIds().length === 0) { return; } if (!this.canMarkSpam) { this.showSettingsSlider(); return; } var actionName = this.isSelectedRowsHaveClass('js-spam', id) ? 'restoreFromSpam' : 'markAsSpam'; var resultIds = this.filterRowsByClassName('js-spam', id, actionName !== 'restoreFromSpam'); resultIds = this.filterRowsByClassName(this.disabledClassName, resultIds, true); if (!resultIds.length) { return; } var options = { onSuccess: function () { this.reloadGrid({}); } }; if (id !== undefined) { options.ids = [id]; } this.runAction(actionName, options); }, getConfirmDeletePopup: function (options) { if (!this.popupConfirm) { var buttons = [ new BX.PopupWindowButton({ text: BX.message("MAIL_MESSAGE_LIST_CONFIRM_CANCEL_BTN"), className: "popup-window-button-cancel", events: { click: BX.delegate(function () { this.popupConfirm.close(); }, this) } }), new BX.PopupWindowButton({ text: BX.message("MAIL_MESSAGE_LIST_CONFIRM_DELETE_BTN"), className: "popup-window-button-decline", events: { click: BX.delegate(function () { this.runAction('delete', options); this.popupConfirm.close(); }, this) } })]; this.popupConfirm = new BX.PopupWindow('bx-mail-message-list-popup-delete-confirm', null, { zIndex: 1000, autoHide: true, buttons: buttons, closeByEsc: true, titleBar: { content: BX.create('div', { html: '<span class="popup-window-titlebar-text">' + BX.message("MAIL_MESSAGE_LIST_CONFIRM_TITLE") + '</span>' }) }, events: { onPopupClose: function () { this.destroy() }, onPopupDestroy: BX.delegate(function () { this.popupConfirm = null }, this) }, content: BX.create("div", { html: BX.message('MAIL_MESSAGE_LIST_CONFIRM_DELETE') }) }); this.popupConfirm.selectedIds = options.ids; } return this.popupConfirm; }, resetGridSelection: function () { this.getGridInstance().getRows().unselectAll(); // todo there is no other way to hide panel for now // please delete this line below document.querySelector('#pagetitle').click(); }, isSelectedRowsHaveClass: function (className, id) { var selectedIds = this.getGridInstance().getRows().getSelectedIds(); var ids = selectedIds.length ? selectedIds : (id ? [id] : []); var resultIds = []; for (var i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) { var row = this.getGridInstance().getRows().getById(ids[i]); if (row && row.node) { var columns = row.node.getElementsByClassName(className); if (columns && columns.length) { return true; } } } return false; }, filterRowsByClassName: function (className, ids, isReversed) { var resIds = []; if (Array.isArray(ids)) { resIds = ids; } else { var selectedIds = this.getGridInstance().getRows().getSelectedIds(); resIds = selectedIds.length ? selectedIds : (ids ? [ids] : []); } var resultIds = []; for (var i = resIds.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var row = this.getGridInstance().getRows().getById(resIds[i]); if (row && row.node) { var columns = row.node.getElementsByClassName(className); if (!isReversed && (columns && columns.length)) { resultIds.push(resIds[i]); } else if (isReversed && !(columns && columns.length)) { resultIds.push(resIds[i]); } } } return resultIds; }, notify: function (text) { BX.UI.Notification.Center.notify({ autoHideDelay: 2000, content: text ? text : BX.message('MAIL_MESSAGE_LIST_NOTIFY_SUCCESS') }); }, runAction: function (actionName, options) { options = options ? options : {}; var selectedIds = this.getGridInstance().getRows().getSelectedIds(); if (options.ids) { selectedIds = options.ids; } if (!selectedIds.length) { return; } if (!options.keepRows) { this.getGridInstance().tableFade(); } var data = {ids: selectedIds}; if (options.params) { var optionsKeys = Object.keys(Object(options.params)); for (var nextIndex = 0, len = optionsKeys.length; nextIndex < len; nextIndex++) { var nextKey = optionsKeys[nextIndex]; var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(options.params, nextKey); if (desc !== undefined && desc.enumerable) { data[nextKey] = options.params[nextKey]; } } } BX.ajax.runComponentAction('bitrix:mail.client', actionName, { mode: 'ajax', data: data }).then( function (response) { if (options.onSuccess === false) { return; } if (options.onSuccess && typeof(options.onSuccess) === "function") { options.onSuccess.bind(this, selectedIds, options.successParams)(); return; } this.onSuccessRequest(response, actionName); }.bind(this), function (response) { options.onError && typeof(options.onError) === "function" ? options.onError().bind(this, response) : this.onErrorRequest(response) }.bind(this) ); }, onErrorRequest: function (response) { options = {}; this.checkErrorRights(response.errors); options.errorMessage = response.errors[0].message; this.reloadGrid(options) }, checkErrorRights: function (errors) { for (var i = 0; i < errors.length; i++) { if (errors[i].code === this.ERROR_CODE_CAN_NOT_DELETE) { this.canDelete = false; } if (errors[i].code === this.ERROR_CODE_CAN_NOT_MARK_SPAM) { this.canMarkSpam = false; } } }, onSuccessRequest: function (response, action) { this.notify(); this.reloadGrid({}); }, reloadGrid: function (options) { var gridInstance = this.getGridInstance(); if (gridInstance) { options.apply_filter = 'Y'; gridInstance.reloadTable('POST', options); } }, showSettingsSlider: function () { // @TODO: path var url = BX.util.add_url_param("/mail/config/edit", { id: this.mailboxId + '#mail-cfg-dirs' }); BX.SidePanel.Instance.open(url, { width: 760, cacheable: false, allowChangeHistory: false }); this.canDelete = true; this.canMarkSpam = true; }, onDisabledGroupActionClick: function () { }, onUnreadCounterClick: function () { this.userInterfaceManager.onUnreadCounterClick(); }, onUnbindCounterClick: function () { this.userInterfaceManager.onUnbindCounterClick(); }, getGridInstance: function () { return BX.Main.gridManager.getById(this.gridId).instance; } }; })();