Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/components/bitrix/main.post.form/templates/mobile_app/ |
Current File : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/components/bitrix/main.post.form/templates/mobile_app/script.js |
;(function(){ if (!window["BX"] || window["BX"]["MPF"] || !window["app"]) return; var repo = {}, fileObj = (function(){ var d = function(uri) { if (BX.type.isNotEmptyString(uri)) { this.id = uri; this.url = uri; this.name = uri.substr(uri.lastIndexOf('/') + 1); if (this.name.indexOf("?") >= 0) this.name = this.name.substr(0, this.name.indexOf("?")); this.ext = (this.name.lastIndexOf('.') > 0 ? this.name.substr(this.name.lastIndexOf('.') + 1).toLowerCase() : ""); } else { for (var ii in uri) { if (uri.hasOwnProperty(ii)) { this[ii] = uri[ii]; } } } }; d.prototype = { getErrorText : function(text) { return (text || BX.message("MPFFileWasNotUploaded")); } }; return d; })(), diskController = (function(){ var d = function(manager, id, params) { this.id = id; this.url = window.location.protocol + '//' + window.location.host + this.urlUpload; this.values = {}; this.params = params; this.propertyName = this.params["FIELD_NAME"]; this.catchUF = BX.delegate(this.catchUF, this); this.parseUF = BX.delegate(this.parseUF, this); this.prepareToSaveUF = BX.delegate(this.prepareToSaveUF, this); }; d.prototype = { prefixHTMLNode : 'disk-attach-', userTypeId : 'disk_file', urlUpload : '/bitrix/tools/disk/uf.php?action=uploadFile&ncc=1', uploadBase64 : function(fileObj) { var options = new window.FileUploadOptions(), ft = new window.FileTransfer(), good = BX.proxy(function (response) { response = BX.parseJSON(response.response); if (response == null) bad(); else this.uploadBase64Response(fileObj, response); }, this), bad = BX.proxy(function () { this.uploadBase64Failure(fileObj, BX.message("MPFIncorrectResponse")); }, this); options.fileKey = this.userTypeId; options.fileName = fileObj.name; options.params = { sessid: BX.bitrix_sessid() }; options.mimeType = "image/jpeg"; options.chunkedMode = false; ft.upload(fileObj.url, this.url, good, BX.proxy(function() { window.app.BasicAuth({ 'success': BX.proxy(function(auth_data) { options.params.sessid = auth_data.sessid_md5; ft.upload( fileObj.url, this.url, good, bad, options ); }, this), failure : bad }); }, this), options); }, uploadBase64Failure : function(fileObj, text) { BX.onCustomEvent(fileObj, "onUploadError", [fileObj.getErrorText(text)]); }, uploadBase64Response : function(fileObj, response) { var text; if (response.status != 'success') { text = response['message']; if (!text && BX.type.isArray(response["errors"])) { for (var ii = 0; ii < response["errors"].length; ii++) { if (response["errors"][ii] && response["errors"][ii]["message"]) { text = (text || '') + response["errors"][ii]["message"]; } } } this.uploadBase64Failure(fileObj, text); } else { response = response.data; var id = (response["attachId"] || response["id"]), iconUrl = "blank"; if (BX.util.in_array(fileObj.ext, ["jpg", "bmp", "jpeg", "jpe", "gif", "png"])) iconUrl = "img"; else if (BX.util.in_array(fileObj.ext, ["doc", "pdf", "ppt", "rar", "xls", "zip"])) iconUrl = fileObj.ext; BX.onCustomEvent(fileObj, 'onUploadOk', ['[DISK FILE ID=' + id + ']', { extension: response["ext"], iconUrl: "/bitrix/components/bitrix/mobile.disk.file.detail/images/" + iconUrl + ".png", previewImageUrl : '', id : id, fileId : id, xmlID : "0", name: response["name"], type: response["ext"], propertyName : this.propertyName, fieldName : this.propertyName + (this.params["MULTIPLE"] == "Y" ? "[]" : ""), fieldValue : id, url: (BX.message('MobileSiteDir') || '/') + "mobile/ajax.php?attachedId=" + id + "&action=download&ncc=1&mobile_action=disk_uf_view&filename=" + ["name"] }, this]); } }, catchUF : function(UF, files, extraData) { if (UF && UF[this.propertyName] && UF[this.propertyName]["USER_TYPE_ID"] == this.userTypeId && BX.type.isArray(UF[this.propertyName]["VALUE"])) { extraData["uf"] = (extraData["uf"] || {}); UF = UF[this.propertyName]; var getId = function() { var tempId = 'id' + Math.random(); while (extraData["uf"][tempId]) tempId = 'id' + Math.random(); return tempId; }; for (var ii = 0, node, id, name, ext, iconUrl, data, tempId; ii < UF["VALUE"].length; ii++) { id = UF["VALUE"][ii]; node = BX(this.prefixHTMLNode + id); name = (node.getAttribute("data-bx-title") || "noname"); ext = (name.lastIndexOf('.') > 0 ? name.substr(name.lastIndexOf('.') + 1).toLowerCase() : ""); iconUrl = "blank"; tempId = getId(); if (BX.util.in_array(ext, ["jpg", "bmp", "jpeg", "jpe", "gif", "png"])) iconUrl = "img"; else if (BX.util.in_array(ext, ["doc", "pdf", "ppt", "rar", "xls", "zip"])) iconUrl = ext; if (node) { data = { extension: ext, iconUrl: "/bitrix/components/bitrix/mobile.disk.file.detail/images/" + iconUrl + ".png", previewImageUrl : (node.getAttribute("data-bx-src") || node.getAttribute("src") || undefined), id: tempId, fileId: node.getAttribute("bx-attach-file-id"), xmlID: node.getAttribute("bx-attach-xml-id"), name: name, type: ext, propertyName : this.propertyName, fieldName : this.propertyName + (this.params["MULTIPLE"] == "Y" ? "[]" : ""), fieldValue : id, url: (BX.message('MobileSiteDir') || '/') + "mobile/ajax.php?attachedId=" + id + "&action=download&ncc=1&mobile_action=disk_uf_view&filename=" + name }; extraData["uf"][tempId] = data; files.push(data); } } } }, parseUF : function(data, files) { if (files && files.length > 0) { var text = data.text, ii, file; if (BX.type.isNotEmptyString(text)) { for (ii = 0; ii < files.length; ii++) { file = files[ii]; if (file.propertyName == this.propertyName) { if (parseInt(file.fileId) > 0) // edit, already saved disk file { text = text.replace("[DISK FILE ID=n" + file.fileId + "]", "[DISK FILE ID=" + file.id + "]"); } else if ( files.length == 1 && BX.util.in_array(file.type, ['gif','jpg','jpeg','png','jpe','bmp']) ) // only one image in the attachment { text += "[DISK FILE ID=" + (file.fieldValue ? file.fieldValue : "n" + file.fileId) + "]"; } } } } else { for (ii = 0; ii < files.length; ii++) { file = files[ii]; if (file.propertyName == this.propertyName) { text += "[DISK FILE ID=" + (file.fieldValue ? file.fieldValue : "n" + file.fileId) + "]"; } } } data.text = text; } }, prepareToSaveUF : function(attachments, queue) { if (attachments.length > 0) { var ii, file, files = []; for (ii = 0; ii < attachments.length; ii++) { file = attachments[ii]; if (!file["propertyName"] && (!file["disk"] || file["base64"])) // I am sorry { file["propertyName"] = this.propertyName; files.push(file); } else if (!file["propertyName"] && file["VALUE"]) // I am sorry { file["name"] = file["NAME"]; file["ext"] = (file["name"].lastIndexOf('.') > 0 ? file["name"].substr(file["name"].lastIndexOf('.') + 1).toLowerCase() : ""); file["id"] = file["ID"]; file["fileId"] = file["ID"]; file["xmlID"] = 0; file["type"] = file["ext"]; file["propertyName"] = this.propertyName; file["fieldName"] = this.propertyName + (this.params["MULTIPLE"] == "Y" ? "[]" : ""); file["fieldValue"] = file["VALUE"]; file["url"] = file["URL"]["URL"]; } else if (!file["propertyName"] && file["dataAttributes"] && file["dataAttributes"]["VALUE"]) // I am sorry { var f = file["dataAttributes"]; file["name"] = f["NAME"]; file["ext"] = (file["name"].lastIndexOf('.') > 0 ? file["name"].substr(file["name"].lastIndexOf('.') + 1).toLowerCase() : ""); file["id"] = f["ID"]; file["fileId"] = f["ID"]; file["xmlID"] = 0; file["type"] = file["ext"]; file["propertyName"] = this.propertyName; file["fieldName"] = this.propertyName + (this.params["MULTIPLE"] == "Y" ? "[]" : ""); file["fieldValue"] = f["VALUE"]; file["url"] = f["URL"]["URL"]; } } if (files.length > 0) { queue.add(this, files); } } else { attachments.push({ fieldName : this.propertyName + (this.params["MULTIPLE"] == "Y" ? "[]" : ""), fieldValue : "" }); } }, upload : function(files) { var file = files.pop(); if (file) { var f0 = BX.proxy(function(text, fileD){ BX.removeCustomEvent(file, "onUploadOk", f0); BX.removeCustomEvent(file, "onUploadError", f1); for (var ii in fileD) { if (fileD.hasOwnProperty(ii)) { file[ii] = fileD[ii]; } } this.upload(files); }, this), f1 = BX.proxy(function(text){ BX.removeCustomEvent(file, "onUploadOk", f0); BX.removeCustomEvent(file, "onUploadError", f1); BX.onCustomEvent(this, "onUploadError", [text]); }, this); BX.addCustomEvent(file, "onUploadOk", f0); BX.addCustomEvent(file, "onUploadError", f1); this.uploadBase64(file); return; } BX.onCustomEvent(this, "onUploadOk", []); } }; return d; })(), uploadQueue = (function(){ var d = function() { }; d.prototype = { files : [], queue : {}, getId : function() { return 'id' + Math.random(); }, add : function(controller, files) { if (!controller["__queueId"]) { controller.__queueId = this.getId(); controller.__onUploadOk = BX.delegate(function(){this.start(controller);}, this); controller.__onUploadError = BX.delegate(this.error, this); BX.addCustomEvent(controller, "onUploadOk", controller.__onUploadOk); BX.addCustomEvent(controller, "onUploadError", controller.__onUploadError); } else { var file, files1 = (this.queue[controller.__queueId] || [controller, []])[1]; while ((file = files.pop()) && file) { files1.push(file); } files = files1; } this.queue[controller.__queueId] = [controller, files]; }, start : function(controller) { if (controller && controller.__queueId) { this.clear(controller); } var q; for (var ii in this.queue) { if (this.queue.hasOwnProperty(ii)) { q = this.queue[ii]; delete this.queue[ii]; if (q[0] && q[0]["upload"]) { q[0]["upload"](q[1]); } else { this.start(q[0]); } return; } } BX.onCustomEvent(this, "onUploadOk", []); }, clear : function(controller) { if (controller.__queueId) { delete this.queue[controller.__queueId]; delete controller.__queueId; BX.removeCustomEvent(controller, "onUploadOk", controller.__onUploadOk); BX.removeCustomEvent(controller, "onUploadError", controller.__onUploadError); delete controller.__onUploadOk; delete controller.__onUploadError; } }, error : function() { var res = [], ii; for (ii in this.queue) { if (this.queue.hasOwnProperty(ii)) { res.push(ii); } } while ((ii = res.pop()) && ii) this.clear(this.queue[ii]); BX.onCustomEvent(this, "onUploadError", [BX.message("MPFFileWasNotUploaded")]); }, hasSmthToUpload : function() { for (var ii in this.queue) { if (this.queue.hasOwnProperty(ii)) { return true; } } return false; } }; return d; })(), simpleForm = (function(){ var d = function(handler) { this.handler = handler; this.id = BX.util.getRandomString(8); this.params = { placeholder : BX.message("MPFPlaceholder"), onEvent : BX.delegate(this.handleAppCallback, this), onSend: BX.delegate(this.handleAppData, this) }; }; d.prototype = { handleAppData : function(data, repeat) { data = (BX.type.isNotEmptyString(data) ? {text : data} : (BX.type.isPlainObject(data) ? data : {})); var attachedFiles = (data["attachedFiles"] || []), text = (data["text"] || ""); if (!repeat) { this.handler.comment.node = null; } for (var ii = 0; ii < attachedFiles.length; ii++) { attachedFiles[ii] = new fileObj(attachedFiles[ii]); } this.stopCheckWriting(); BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'onFormSubmitted', [text, attachedFiles]); }, handleAppFile : function(uri, repeat) { if (!repeat) { this.handler.comment.node = null; } this.stopCheckWriting(); var __this = this; window.BXMobileApp.UI.Page.TextPanel.getText(function(txt){ BX.onCustomEvent(__this, 'onFileSubmitted', [txt, new fileObj(uri)]); }); }, handleAppCallback : function(e) { if (this.writingParams.lastEvent != e && (!e || e["event"] != "removeFocus")) { this.writingParams.lastEvent = e; this.writingParams.text += e.text; this.writingParams["~text"] = e.text; window.BXMobileApp.onCustomEvent("main.post.form/text", [e.text], true, true); if (this.writingParams.text.length > 4) { this.writingParams.text = ''; this.startCheckWriting(); } } }, init : function(text) { text = (text || ''); this.params.text = text; //window.BXMobileApp.UI.Page.TextPanel.show(this.params); window.BX.MobileUI.TextField.show(this.params); if (BX.type.isNotEmptyString(text)) { //setTimeout(function(){ window.BXMobileApp.UI.Page.TextPanel.setText(text); }, 100); this.writingParams["~text"] = text; } else { //window.BXMobileApp.UI.Page.TextPanel.clear(); this.writingParams["~text"] = ''; } this.writingParams.text = ''; }, show : function(text) { if (BX.type.isString(text)) { window.BXMobileApp.UI.Page.TextPanel.setText(text); this.writingParams["~text"] = text; } window.BXMobileApp.UI.Page.TextPanel.focus(); }, clear : function() { this.writingParams.text = ''; this.writingParams["~text"] = ''; window.BXMPage.TextPanel.clear(); }, writingParams : { lastFired : 0, lastEvent : null, // Because of mobile version bug frequency : 10000, text : '', '~text' : '' }, stopCheckWriting : function(){ this.writingParams.text = ''; }, startCheckWriting : function() { var time = new Date(); if ((time - this.writingParams.lastFired) > this.writingParams.frequency) { BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'onUserIsWriting', [this]); this.writingParams.lastFired = time; } }, showWait : function() { window.BXMobileApp.UI.Page.TextPanel.showLoading(true); }, closeWait : function() { window.BXMobileApp.UI.Page.TextPanel.showLoading(false); } }; return d; })(), extendedForm = (function(){ var d = function(handler, params) { this.handler = handler; this.formSettings = { attachButton : { items : this.initFiles(params["CID"]) }, attachFileSettings: { resize: [40, 1, 1, 1000, 1000, 0, 0, false, true, false, null, 0], sendLocalFileMethod: "base64", saveToPhotoAlbum: true }, attachedFiles : [], extraData: {}, mentionButton: { dataSource: { return_full_mode: "YES", outsection: "NO", okname: BX.message("MPFButtonSend"), cancelname: BX.message("MPFButtonCancel"), multiple: "NO", alphabet_index: "YES", url: BX.message('MobileSiteDir') + 'mobile/index.php?mobile_action=get_user_list' } }, smileButton: {}, message : { text : "" }, okButton: { callback: BX.delegate(this.applyExtendedForm, this), name: BX.message("MPFButtonSend") }, cancelButton : { callback : BX.delegate(this.cancelExtendedForm, this), name : BX.message("MPFButtonCancel") } }; }; d.prototype = { initFiles : function(controllers) { this.controllers = { /* common : { storage : "bfile", parser : "postimage", node : window, obj : null, init : false } */ }; if (!controllers || typeof controllers !== "object") return []; var cid, buttons = [], button; for (cid in controllers) { if (controllers.hasOwnProperty(cid)) { if (controllers[cid]["USER_TYPE_ID"] == "disk_file") { button = { id: "disk", name: BX.message('MPFPostFormDisk'), dataSource: { multiple: "NO", url: BX.message('SITE_DIR') + 'mobile/?mobile_action=disk_folder_list&type=user&path=%2F&entityId=' + BX.message('USER_ID') } }; button.dataSource[ (window["platform"] == "ios" ? "table_settings" : "TABLE_SETTINGS") ] = { searchField: "YES", showtitle: "YES", modal: "YES", name: BX.message('MPFPostFormDiskTitle') }; buttons.push(button); } } } if (buttons.length > 0) { buttons.push({ id: "mediateka", name: BX.message('MPFPostFormPhotoGallery') }); buttons.push({ id: "camera", name: BX.message('MPFPostFormPhotoCamera') }); } return buttons; }, applyExtendedForm : function(data) { this.stopCheckWriting(); data.text = (data.text || ''); data.attachedFiles = (data.attachedFiles || []); for (var ii = 0; ii < data.attachedFiles.length; ii++) { data.attachedFiles[ii] = new fileObj(data.attachedFiles[ii]); } data.extraData = (data.extraData || {}); BX.onCustomEvent(this, "onApplyComment", [data, data.attachedFiles]); // Service event for controllers BX.onCustomEvent(this, "onFormSubmitted", [data.text, data.attachedFiles, data.extraData]); }, cancelExtendedForm : function() { this.stopCheckWriting(); }, show : function(text, attachments) { this.formSettings.message = { text: text }; this.formSettings.attachedFiles = []; this.formSettings.extraData = {}; if (attachments) { BX.onCustomEvent(this, "onEditCommentUF", [attachments["UF"], this.formSettings.attachedFiles, this.formSettings.extraData]); BX.onCustomEvent(this, "onEditCommentFiles", [attachments["FILES"], this.formSettings.attachedFiles, this.formSettings.extraData]); } window.app.exec('showPostForm', this.formSettings); }, clear : function() { this.writingParams.text = ''; this.writingParams["~text"] = ''; }, writingParams : { lastFired : 0, lastEvent : null, // Because of mobile version bug frequency : 10000, text : '' }, stopCheckWriting : function(){ this.writingParams.text = ''; }, startCheckWriting : function() { var time = new Date(); if ((time - this.writingParams.lastFired) > this.writingParams.frequency) { //BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'onMPFUserIsWriting', [this]); this.writingParams.lastFired = time; } }, showWait : function() { }, closeWait : function() { } }; return d; })(); BX.MPF = (function(){ var d = function(params) { if (!window.app.enableInVersion(4)) throw this.errors["error00"]; if (repo[params["formId"]]) repo[params["formId"]].destroy(); this.form = BX(params["formId"]); if (!this.form) throw this.errors["error01"]; this.id = this.form.id; BX.hide(this.form); document.body.appendChild(this.form); this.text = this.form.elements[params.text.name]; if (!this.text) { this.text = BX.create('INPUT', {props : { type : "hidden", name : params.text.name, value : "" }}); this.form.appendChild(this.text); } this.block = BX.create("DIV", {className : "bx-additional-block-data"}); this.form.appendChild(this.block); this.simpleForm = new simpleForm(this); this.extendedForm = new extendedForm(this, params); this.currentForm = null; repo[this.id] = this; this.initEvents(); this.controllers = {}; this.initControllers(params["CID"]); BX.onCustomEvent(window, "onMPFIsInitialized", [this]); }; d.prototype = { errors : { error00 : "BX.MPL: Mobile Application is obsolete.", error01 : "BX.MPL: form does not exist." }, initEvents : function() { BX.addCustomEvent(this.simpleForm, 'onFormSubmitted', BX.delegate(this.submitExtended, this)); //BX.addCustomEvent(this.simpleForm, 'onFileSubmitted', BX.delegate(this.submitBase64, this)); BX.addCustomEvent(this.simpleForm, 'onUserIsWriting', BX.delegate(this.writing, this)); BX.addCustomEvent(this.extendedForm, 'onFormSubmitted', BX.delegate(this.submitExtended, this)); }, initControllers : function(controllers) { if (controllers || typeof controllers == "object") { var cid, bound = false; for (cid in controllers) { if (controllers.hasOwnProperty(cid)) { if (controllers[cid]["USER_TYPE_ID"] == "disk_file") { this.controllers[cid] = new diskController(this, cid, controllers[cid]); if (!bound) { BX.addCustomEvent(this, 'onExtendedCheckUpload', this.controllers[cid]["prepareToSaveUF"]); BX.addCustomEvent(this, 'onExtendedCheckData', this.controllers[cid]["parseUF"]); bound = true; } BX.addCustomEvent(this.extendedForm, 'onEditCommentUF', this.controllers[cid]["catchUF"]); BX.addCustomEvent(this.extendedForm, 'onApplyComment', this.controllers[cid]["parseUF"]); } } } } }, destroy : function() { BX.remove(this.form); BX.onCustomEvent(this.handler, 'onMPFHasBeenDestroyed', [this.id, repo[this.id], this]); repo[this.id] = null; }, writing : function() { BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'onMPFUserIsWriting', [this.comment]); }, setForm : function(extended) { this.currentForm = (extended === true ? this.extendedForm : this.simpleForm); }, init : function(comment) { this.comment = comment; this.setForm(false); this.simpleForm.init(comment.text); }, show : function(comment, edit) { BX.onCustomEvent(this, "onShow", [this, comment]); this.comment = comment; this.setForm(edit); this.currentForm.show(comment.text, comment.attachments); }, clear : function() { if (this.currentForm !== null) { this.currentForm.clear(); } }, submitBase64 : function(text, base64) { var result = {filesToPost : false}; BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'onBase64Submitted', [base64, result]); // Let controllers to check and prepare arrays to upload if (result["filesToPost"] !== false) { BX.onCustomEvent(this.comment, "onStart", [this.comment, text, [base64]]); BX.addCustomEvent(base64, "onUploadOk", BX.proxy(function(txt, file) { this.submit((BX.type.isNotEmptyString(text) ? text : txt), [file]);}, this)); BX.addCustomEvent(base64, "onUploadError", BX.proxy(this.error, this)); BX.onCustomEvent(base64, "onUploadStart", [base64]); // Start uploading } else { this.cancel(); } }, submitExtended : function(text, attachments, extraData) { if (!(BX.type.isNotEmptyString(text) || BX.type.isArray(attachments) && attachments.length > 0)) { this.cancel(); return; } if (typeof extraData != 'undefined' && typeof extraData["uf"] != 'undefined') { for (var ii = 0, id, jj; ii < attachments.length; ii++) { if (attachments[ii] && attachments[ii]["id"] && extraData["uf"][attachments[ii]["id"]]) { for (jj in extraData["uf"][attachments[ii]["id"]]) { if (extraData["uf"][attachments[ii]["id"]].hasOwnProperty(jj)) { if (!attachments[ii][jj]) { attachments[ii][jj] = extraData["uf"][attachments[ii]["id"]][jj]; } } } attachments[ii]["id"] = extraData["uf"][attachments[ii]["id"]]["fieldValue"]; } } } BX.onCustomEvent(this.comment, "onStart", [this.comment, text, attachments]); var queue = new uploadQueue(); BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'onExtendedCheckUpload', [attachments, queue]); // Let controllers to check and prepare arrays to upload var callBack = BX.proxy(function(){ var data = {text : text}; BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'onExtendedCheckData', [data, attachments]); if (BX.type.isNotEmptyString(data.text)) this.submit(data.text, attachments); else this.cancel(); }, this); if (queue.hasSmthToUpload()) { this.setForm(false); this.clear(); BX.addCustomEvent(queue, "onUploadOk", callBack); BX.addCustomEvent(queue, "onUploadError", BX.proxy(function(){ this.comment.text = text; this.comment.attachments = attachments; this.comment.extraData = extraData; this.error(); }, this)); queue.start(); // Start uploading } else { callBack(); } }, cancel : function() { this.setForm(false); this.clear(); BX.onCustomEvent(this.comment, "onCancel", [this.comment]); }, error : function(error) { this.setForm(false); this.clear(); BX.onCustomEvent(this.comment, "onError", [this.comment, error]); }, submit : function(text, attachments, extraData) { this.setForm(false); this.clear(); this.comment.text = text; this.text.value = this.comment.getText(); this.comment.attachments = attachments; this.comment.extraData = extraData; BX.onCustomEvent(this.comment, "onSubmit", [this.comment]); }, getForm : function(data) { return BX.ajax.prepareForm(this.form, data).data; }, showWait : function() { if (this.currentForm !== null) this.currentForm.showWait(); }, closeWait : function() { if (this.currentForm !== null) this.currentForm.closeWait(); } }; return d; })(); BX.MPF.createInstance = function(params) { if (!repo[params["ID"]]) new BX.MPF(params); return repo[params["ID"]]; }; BX.MPF.getInstance = function(id) { return repo[id]; }; BX.onCustomEvent(window, "main.post.form/mobile", ["mobile"]); })();