Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/components/bitrix/main.post.list/templates/.default/ |
Current File : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/components/bitrix/main.post.list/templates/.default/scripts_for_form.js |
;(function(){ window["UC"] = (window["UC"] || {}); if (!!window["FCForm"]) return; window.FCForm = function(arParams) { this.url = ''; this.lhe = ''; this.entitiesId = {}; this.form = BX(arParams['formId']); this.handler = window.LHEPostForm.getHandler(arParams['editorId']); this.editorName = arParams['editorName']; this.editorId = arParams['editorId']; this.windowEvents = { OnUCUnlinkForm : BX.delegate(function(entityId) { if (!!entityId && !!this.entitiesId[entityId]) { var res = {}, empty = true; for (var ii in this.entitiesId) { if (this.entitiesId.hasOwnProperty(ii) && ii != entityId) { empty = false; res[ii] = this.entitiesId[ii]; } } this.entitiesId = res; if (empty && !!this.windowEvents) { for (ii in this.windowEvents) { if (this.windowEvents.hasOwnProperty(ii) && ii) BX.removeCustomEvent(window, ii, this.windowEvents[ii]); } this.windowEventsSet = false; } } }, this), OnUCUserQuote : BX.delegate(function(entityId, author, res, safeEdit, loaded) { var origRes = BX.util.htmlspecialchars(res); if (this.entitiesId[entityId]) { if (!this._checkTextSafety([entityId, 0], safeEdit)) return; this.show([entityId, 0]); if (loaded !== true) { this.handler.exec(this.windowEvents.OnUCUserQuote, [entityId, author, res, safeEdit, true]); } else if (!this.handler.oEditor.toolbar.controls.Quote) { BX.DoNothing(); } else if (!author && !res) { this.handler.oEditor.action.Exec('quote'); } else { res = origRes; var haveWrittenText = author.gender ? BX.message("MPL_HAVE_WRITTEN_"+author.gender) : BX.message("MPL_HAVE_WRITTEN"); if (this.handler.oEditor.GetViewMode() == 'wysiwyg') // BB Codes { res = res.replace(/\n/g, '<br/>'); if (author) { if (author.id > 0) { author = '<span id="' + this.handler.oEditor.SetBxTag(false, {tag: "postuser", params: {value : author.id}}) + '" class="bxhtmled-metion">' + author.name.replace(/</gi, '<').replace(/>/gi, '>') + '</span>'; } else { author = '<span>' + author.name.replace(/</gi, '<').replace(/>/gi, '>') + '</span>'; } author = (author !== '' ? (author + haveWrittenText + '<br/>') : ''); res = author + res; } } else if(this.handler.oEditor.bbCode) { if (author) { if (author.id > 0) { author = "[USER=" + author.id + "]" + author.name + "[/USER]"; } else { author = author.name; } author = (author !== '' ? (author + haveWrittenText + '\n') : ''); res = author + res; } } if (this.handler.oEditor.action.actions.quote.setExternalSelectionFromRange) { // Here we take selected text via editor tools // we don't use "res" this.handler.oEditor.action.actions.quote.setExternalSelectionFromRange(); var extSel = this.handler.oEditor.action.actions.quote.getExternalSelection(); if (extSel === '' && origRes !== '') { extSel = origRes; } extSel = (BX.type.isNotEmptyString(author) ? author : '') + extSel; if (BX.type.isNotEmptyString(extSel)) this.handler.oEditor.action.actions.quote.setExternalSelection(extSel); } else { // For compatibility with old fileman (< 16.0.1) this.handler.oEditor.action.actions.quote.setExternalSelection(res); } this.handler.oEditor.action.Exec('quote'); } } }, this), OnUCUserReply : BX.delegate(function(entityId, authorId, authorName, safeEdit) { if (!this._checkTextSafety([entityId, 0], safeEdit)) return; if (this.entitiesId[entityId]) { this.show([entityId, 0]); if (authorId > 0) { this.handler.exec(window.BxInsertMention, [{ item: {entityId: authorId, name: authorName}, type: 'users', formID: this.form.id, editorId: this.editorId, bNeedComa: true, insertHtml: true }]); } } }, this), OnUCAfterRecordEdit : BX.delegate(function(entityId, id, data, act) { if (!!this.entitiesId[entityId]) { if (act === "EDIT") { this.show([entityId, id], data['messageBBCode'], data['messageFields']); this.editing = true; } else { this.hide(true); if (!!data['errorMessage']) { this.id = [entityId, id]; this.showError(data['errorMessage']); } else if (!!data['okMessage']) { this.id = [entityId, id]; this.showNote(data['okMessage']); this.id = null; } } } }, this), OnUCUsersAreWriting : BX.delegate(function(entityId, authorId, authorName, authorAvatar, timeL) { if (!!this.entitiesId[entityId]) { this.showAnswering([entityId, 0], authorId, authorName, authorAvatar, timeL); } }, this), OnUCRecordHasDrawn : BX.delegate(function(entityId, id, data/*, params*/) { if (!!this.entitiesId[entityId]) { var authorId = parseInt(data && data["AUTHOR"] ? data["AUTHOR"]["ID"] : 0); if (authorId > 0) this.hideAnswering([entityId, 0], authorId); } }, this) }; this.linkEntity(arParams['entitiesId']); BX.remove(BX("micro" + arParams['editorName'])); BX.remove(BX("micro" + arParams['editorId'])); this.eventNode = this.handler.eventNode; if (this.eventNode) { BX.addCustomEvent(this.eventNode, 'OnBeforeHideLHE', BX.delegate(function(/*show, obj*/) { BX.removeClass(document.documentElement, 'bx-ios-fix-frame-focus'); if (top && top["document"]) BX.removeClass(top["document"]["documentElement"], 'bx-ios-fix-frame-focus'); if (!!this.id && !!BX('uc-writing-' + this.form.id + '-' + this.id[0])) BX.hide(BX('uc-writing-' + this.form.id + '-' + this.id[0])); }, this)); BX.addCustomEvent(this.eventNode, 'OnAfterHideLHE', BX.delegate(function(/*show, obj*/) { var node = this._getPlacehoder(); if (node) { BX.hide(node); } node = this._getSwitcher(); if (node) { BX.show(node); BX.focus(node.firstChild); } this.__content_length = 0; if (!!this.id) { BX.onCustomEvent(this.eventNode, 'OnUCFormAfterHide', [this]); this.showAnswering(this.id); } clearTimeout(this._checkWriteTimeout); this._checkWriteTimeout = 0; this.clear(); BX.onCustomEvent(window, "OnUCFeedChanged", [this.id]); }, this)); BX.addCustomEvent(this.eventNode, 'OnBeforeShowLHE', BX.delegate(function(/*show, obj*/) { if (BX.browser.IsIOS() && BX.browser.IsMobile()) { BX.addClass(window["document"]["documentElement"], 'bx-ios-fix-frame-focus'); if (top && top["document"]) BX.addClass(top["document"]["documentElement"], 'bx-ios-fix-frame-focus'); } var node = this._getPlacehoder(); if (node) { BX.removeClass(node, 'feed-com-add-box-no-form'); BX.removeClass(node, 'feed-com-add-box-header'); BX.show(node); } node = this._getSwitcher(); if (node) { BX.hide(node); } if (!!this.id && !!BX('uc-writing-' + this.form.id + '-' + this.id[0])) BX.hide(BX('uc-writing-' + this.form.id + '-' + this.id[0])); }, this)); BX.addCustomEvent(this.eventNode, 'OnAfterShowLHE', BX.delegate(function(show, obj){ this._checkWrite(show, obj); if (!!this.id) this.showAnswering(this.id); BX.onCustomEvent(window, "OnUCFeedChanged", [this.id]); }, this)); BX.addCustomEvent(this.eventNode, 'OnClickSubmit', BX.delegate(this.submit, this)); BX.addCustomEvent(this.eventNode, 'OnClickCancel', BX.delegate(this.cancel, this)); BX.onCustomEvent(this.eventNode, 'OnUCFormInit', [this]); } this.id = null; this.jsCommentId = null; // Lock the submit button when inserting an image. BX.addCustomEvent(window, 'OnImageDataUriHandle', BX.delegate(this.showWait, this)); BX.addCustomEvent(window, 'OnImageDataUriCaughtUploaded', BX.delegate(this.closeWait, this)); BX.addCustomEvent(window, 'OnImageDataUriCaughtFailed', BX.delegate(this.closeWait, this)); }; window.FCForm.prototype = { linkEntity : function(Ent) { if (!!Ent) { for(var ii in Ent) { if (Ent.hasOwnProperty(ii)) { BX.onCustomEvent(window, 'OnUCUnlinkForm', [ii]); this.entitiesId[ii] = Ent[ii]; } } } if (!this.windowEventsSet && !!this.entitiesId) { BX.addCustomEvent(window, 'OnUCUnlinkForm', this.windowEvents.OnUCUnlinkForm); BX.addCustomEvent(window, 'OnUCUserReply', this.windowEvents.OnUCUserReply); BX.addCustomEvent(window, 'OnUCUserQuote', this.windowEvents.OnUCUserQuote); BX.addCustomEvent(window, 'OnUCAfterRecordEdit', this.windowEvents.OnUCAfterRecordEdit); BX.addCustomEvent(window, 'OnUCUsersAreWriting', this.windowEvents.OnUCUsersAreWriting); BX.addCustomEvent(window, 'OnUCRecordHasDrawn', this.windowEvents.OnUCRecordHasDrawn); this.windowEventsSet = true; } }, _checkTextSafety : function(id, checkObj) { if (checkObj === true) { checkObj = id; if (this.id && this.id.join('-') != id.join('-') && this.handler.editorIsLoaded && this.handler.oEditor.IsContentChanged()) return window.confirm(BX.message('MPL_SAFE_EDIT')); return true; } return checkObj === false; }, _checkWrite : function(show, obj) { if (this.handler.editorIsLoaded && this._checkWriteTimeout !== false) { this.__content_length = (this.__content_length > 0 ? this.__content_length : 0); var content = this.handler.oEditor.GetContent(), func = BX.delegate(function(){this._checkWrite(show, obj);}, this), time = 2000; if(content.length >= 4 && this.__content_length != content.length && !!this.id) { BX.onCustomEvent(window, 'OnUCUserIsWriting', [this.id[0], this.id[1], this.jsCommentId]); time = 30000; } this._checkWriteTimeout = setTimeout(func, time); this.__content_length = content.length; } }, _getPlacehoder : function(res) {res = (!!res ? res : this.id); return (!!res ? BX('record-' + res.join('-') + '-placeholder') : null); }, _getSwitcher : function(res) {res = (!!res ? res : this.id); return (!!res ? BX('record-' + res[0] + '-switcher') : null); }, hide : function(quick) {if (this.eventNode.style.display != 'none') { BX.onCustomEvent(this.eventNode, 'OnShowLHE', [(quick === true ? false : 'hide')]); } if (quick) { document.body.appendChild(this.form); }}, clear : function() { //var form = this.form, filesForm = null; this.editing = false; var res = this._getPlacehoder(); if (!!res) BX.hide(res); var nodes = BX.findChildren(res, {'tagName' : "DIV", 'className' : "feed-add-error"}, true); if (!!nodes) { res = nodes.pop(); do { BX.remove(res); } while ((res = nodes.pop()) && res); } BX.onCustomEvent(this.eventNode, 'OnUCFormClear', [this]); var filesForm = BX.findChild(this.form, {'className': 'wduf-placeholder-tbody' }, true, false); if(filesForm !== null && typeof filesForm != 'undefined') BX.cleanNode(filesForm, false); filesForm = BX.findChild(this.form, {'className': 'wduf-selectdialog' }, true, false); if(filesForm !== null && typeof filesForm != 'undefined') BX.hide(filesForm); filesForm = BX.findChild(this.form, {'className': 'file-placeholder-tbody' }, true, false); if(filesForm !== null && typeof filesForm != 'undefined') BX.cleanNode(filesForm, false); this.id = null; this.jsCommentId = null; }, show : function(id, text, data) { if (this.id && !!id && this.id.join('-') == id.join('-')) { var placeholderNode = this._getPlacehoder(id); this.handler.oEditor.Focus(); setTimeout(function() { placeholderNode.scrollIntoView(false); }, 100); return true; } else { this.hide(true); } this.id = id; this.jsCommentId = BX.util.getRandomString(20); var node = this._getPlacehoder(); BX.removeClass(node, 'feed-com-add-box-no-form'); BX.removeClass(node, 'feed-com-add-box-header'); node.appendChild(this.form); BX.onCustomEvent(this.eventNode, 'OnUCFormBeforeShow', [this, text, data]); BX.onCustomEvent(this.eventNode, 'OnShowLHE', ['show']); BX.onCustomEvent(this.eventNode, 'OnUCFormAfterShow', [this, text, data]); return true; }, submit : function() { if (this.busy === true) return 'busy'; var text = (this.handler.editorIsLoaded ? this.handler.oEditor.GetContent() : ''); if (!text) { this.showError(BX.message('JERROR_NO_MESSAGE')); return false; } this.showWait(); this.busy = true; var post_data = {}; window.convertFormToArray(this.form, post_data); post_data['REVIEW_TEXT'] = text; post_data['NOREDIRECT'] = "Y"; post_data['MODE'] = "RECORD"; post_data['AJAX_POST'] = "Y"; post_data['id'] = this.id; if (this.jsCommentId !== null) post_data['COMMENT_EXEMPLAR_ID'] = this.jsCommentId; post_data['SITE_ID'] = BX.message("SITE_ID"); post_data['LANGUAGE_ID'] = BX.message("LANGUAGE_ID"); if (this.editing === true) { post_data['REVIEW_ACTION'] = "EDIT"; post_data["FILTER"] = {"ID" : this.id[1]}; } BX.onCustomEvent(this.eventNode, 'OnUCFormSubmit', [this, post_data]); BX.onCustomEvent(window, 'OnUCFormSubmit', [this.id[0], this.id[1], this, post_data]); var actionUrl = this.form.action; actionUrl = BX.util.remove_url_param(actionUrl, [ 'b24statAction' ]); actionUrl = BX.util.add_url_param(actionUrl, { b24statAction: (this.id[1] > 0 ? 'editComment' : 'addComment') }); this.form.action = actionUrl; BX.ajax({ method: 'POST', url: this.form.action, data: post_data, dataType: 'json', onsuccess: BX.proxy(function(data) { this.closeWait(); var true_data = data, ENTITY_XML_ID = this.id[0]; BX.onCustomEvent(this.eventNode, 'OnUCFormResponse', [this, data]); if (!!this.OnUCFormResponseData) data = this.OnUCFormResponseData; if (!!data) { if (data['errorMessage']) { this.showError(data['errorMessage']); } else if (data["status"] == "error") { this.showError((BX.type.isNotEmptyString(data["message"]) ? data["message"] : "")); } else { BX.onCustomEvent(window, 'OnUCAfterRecordAdd', [this.id[0], data, true_data]); this.hide(true); } } this.busy = false; BX.onCustomEvent(window, 'OnUCFormResponse', [ENTITY_XML_ID, data["messageId"], this, data]); }, this), onfailure: BX.delegate(function(){this.closeWait(); this.busy = false; BX.onCustomEvent(window, 'OnUCFormResponse', [this.id[0], this.id[1], this, []]);}, this) }); }, cancel : function() {}, showError : function(text) { if (!text) return; var node = this._getPlacehoder(), nodes = BX.findChildren(node, {'tagName' : "DIV", 'className' : "feed-add-error"}, true); if (!!nodes) { var res = nodes.pop(); do { BX.remove(res); BX.remove(res); } while ((res = nodes.pop()) && !!res); } BX.addClass(node, (!node.firstChild ? 'feed-com-add-box-no-form' : 'feed-com-add-box-header')); node.insertBefore(BX.create( 'div', { attrs : { class: "feed-add-error" }, html: '<span class="feed-add-info-text"><span class="feed-add-info-icon"></span>' + '<b>' + BX.message('FC_ERROR') + '</b><br />' + text + '</span>' }), node.firstChild); BX.show(node); }, showNote : function(text) { if (!text) return; var node = this._getPlacehoder(), nodes = BX.findChildren(node, {'tagName' : "DIV", 'className' : "feed-add-successfully"}, true), res = null; if (!!nodes) { while ((res = nodes.pop()) && !!res) { BX.remove(res); } } BX.addClass(node, (!node.firstChild ? 'feed-com-add-box-no-form' : 'feed-com-add-box-header')); node.insertBefore(BX.create('div', {attrs : {"class": "feed-add-successfully"}, html: '<span class="feed-add-info-text"><span class="feed-add-info-icon"></span>' + text + '</span>'}), node.firstChild); BX.addClass(node, 'comment-deleted'); BX.show(node); }, showWait : function() { var el = BX('lhe_button_submit_' + this.form.id); this.busy = true; if (!!el) { BX.addClass(el, "ui-btn-clock"); BX.defer(function(){el.disabled = true})(); } }, closeWait : function() { var el = BX('lhe_button_submit_' + this.form.id); this.busy = false; if (!!el ) { el.disabled = false ; BX.removeClass(el, "ui-btn-clock"); } }, objAnswering : null, showAnswering : function(id, userId, name, avatar, time) { userId = (userId > 0 ? userId : 0); if (userId <= 0) return; var _id = 'uc-writing-' + this.form.id + '-' + id[0], placeHolder = BX(_id + '-area'), switcher = this._getSwitcher(id), ucAnsweringStorage = BX.localStorage.get('ucAnsweringStorage'); ucAnsweringStorage = (!!ucAnsweringStorage ? ucAnsweringStorage : {}); if (!placeHolder && switcher) { placeHolder = BX.create('DIV', { attrs : {id : _id + '-area', className : "feed-com-writers"}, //style : { display : "none", "verticalAlign": "top", "fontWeight": "normal", "paddingLeft": "15px", "position": "absolute" }, html : '<div id="' + _id + '-users" class="feed-com-writers-wrap"></div><div class="feed-com-writers-pen"></div>' }); switcher.appendChild(placeHolder); } if (!!placeHolder) { if (userId > 0) { if (!time) { ucAnsweringStorage['userId' + userId] = {id : id[0], userId : userId, name : name, avatar : avatar, 'time' : (new Date())}; BX.localStorage.set('ucAnsweringStorage', ucAnsweringStorage, 3000); } if (!BX(_id + '-user-' + userId)) { BX.adjust( BX(_id + '-users'), { children : [ BX.create('DIV', { attrs : { "className" : 'feed-com-avatar', id : (_id + '-user-' + userId), title : name }, children : (avatar && avatar.length > 0 ? [ BX.create('IMG', { attrs : { src : (avatar && avatar.length > 0 ? avatar : '/bitrix/images/1.gif') } }) ] : [] ) } ) ] } ); } } if (BX(_id + '-users').childNodes.length > 0) { if(BX(placeHolder.parentNode).style.display == 'none') { var node = BX('lhe_buttons_' + this.form.id); if (!node || node.style.display == 'none') node = this.form; node.appendChild(placeHolder); } else if(placeHolder.parentNode != switcher) switcher.appendChild(placeHolder); if (this.objAnswering && this.objAnswering.name != 'show') this.objAnswering.stop(); if (!this.objAnswering || this.objAnswering.name != 'show') { placeHolder.style.display = 'inline-block'; this.objAnswering = (new BX["easing"]({ duration : 500, start : { opacity : 0}, finish : { opacity: 100}, transition : BX.easing.makeEaseOut(BX.easing.transitions.quart), step : function(state){ placeHolder.style.opacity = state.opacity / 100; } })); this.objAnswering.name = 'show'; this.objAnswering.animate(); } var t = setTimeout(BX.delegate(function(){ this.hideAnswering(id, userId); }, this), (!!time ? time : 40500)); if (BX(_id + '-user-' + userId)) { clearTimeout(BX(_id + '-user-' + userId).getAttribute("bx-check-timeout")); BX(_id + '-user-' + userId).setAttribute("bx-check-timeout", (t + '')); } } } }, hideAnswering : function(id, userId) { var _id = 'uc-writing-' + this.form.id + '-' + id[0], placeHolder = BX(_id + '-area'), el = BX(_id + '-user-' + userId, false); if(el && placeHolder) { if(BX(_id + '-users').childNodes.length > 1) { (new BX["easing"]({ duration : 500, start : { opacity: 100}, finish : { opacity : 0}, transition : BX["easing"].makeEaseOut(BX["easing"].transitions.quart), step : function(state){ el.style.opacity = state.opacity / 100; }, complete : function(){ if(!!el && !!el.parentNode) el.parentNode.removeChild(el); } })).animate(); } else { if (this.objAnswering && this.objAnswering.name != 'hide') this.objAnswering.stop(); if (!this.objAnswering || this.objAnswering.name != 'hide') { this.objAnswering = (new BX["easing"]({ duration : 500, start : { opacity: 100}, finish : { opacity : 0}, transition : BX["easing"].makeEaseOut(BX.easing.transitions.quart), step : function(state){ placeHolder.style.opacity = state.opacity / 100; }, complete : function(){ placeHolder.style.display = 'none'; if(!!el && !!el.parentNode) el.parentNode.removeChild(el); } })); this.objAnswering.name = 'hide'; this.objAnswering.animate(); } } } } }; window.convertFormToArray = function(form, data) { data = (!!data ? data : []); if(!!form){ var i, _data = [], n = form.elements.length; for(i=0; i<n; i++) { var el = form.elements[i]; if (el.disabled) continue; switch(el.type.toLowerCase()) { case 'text': case 'textarea': case 'password': case 'hidden': case 'select-one': _data.push({name: el.name, value: el.value}); break; case 'radio': case 'checkbox': if(el.checked) _data.push({name: el.name, value: el.value}); break; case 'select-multiple': for (var j = 0; j < el.options.length; j++) { if (el.options[j].selected) _data.push({name : el.name, value : el.options[j].value}); } break; default: break; } } var current = data; i = 0; while(i < _data.length) { var p = _data[i].name.indexOf('['); if (p == -1) { current[_data[i].name] = _data[i].value; current = data; i++; } else { var name = _data[i].name.substring(0, p); var rest = _data[i].name.substring(p+1); if(!current[name]) current[name] = []; var pp = rest.indexOf(']'); if(pp == -1) { current = data; i++; } else if(pp === 0) { //No index specified - so take the next integer current = current[name]; _data[i].name = '' + current.length; } else { //Now index name becomes and name and we go deeper into the array current = current[name]; _data[i].name = rest.substring(0, pp) + rest.substring(pp+1); } } } } return data; }; window.FCForm.onUCUsersAreWriting = function() { BX.ready(function(){ var res = null, timeL = null, ucAnsweringStorage = BX.localStorage.get('ucAnsweringStorage'); if(!!ucAnsweringStorage) { for (var ii in ucAnsweringStorage) { if (ucAnsweringStorage.hasOwnProperty(ii)) { res = ucAnsweringStorage[ii]; if (!!res && res.userId > 0) { timeL = ((new Date()) - res.time); if (timeL < 30000) { BX.onCustomEvent(window, 'OnUCUsersAreWriting', [res.id, res.userId, res.name, res.avatar, timeL]); } } } } } }); }; window["fRefreshCaptcha"] = function(form) { var captchaIMAGE = null, captchaHIDDEN = BX.findChild(form, {attr : {'name': 'captcha_code'}}, true), captchaINPUT = BX.findChild(form, {attr: {'name':'captcha_word'}}, true), captchaDIV = BX.findChild(form, {'className':'comments-reply-field-captcha-image'}, true); if (captchaDIV) captchaIMAGE = BX.findChild(captchaDIV, {'tag':'img'}); if (captchaHIDDEN && captchaINPUT && captchaIMAGE) { captchaINPUT.value = ''; BX.ajax.getCaptcha(function(result) { captchaHIDDEN.value = result["captcha_sid"]; captchaIMAGE.src = '/bitrix/tools/captcha.php?captcha_code='+result["captcha_sid"]; }); } }; })();