Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/components/bitrix/map.yandex.search/templates/.default/ |
Current File : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/components/bitrix/map.yandex.search/templates/.default/script.js |
var JCBXYandexSearch = function(map_id, obOut, jsMess) { this.map_id = map_id; this.map = GLOBAL_arMapObjects[this.map_id]; this.obOut = obOut; if (null == this.map) return false; this.arSearchResults = []; this.jsMess = jsMess; }; JCBXYandexSearch.prototype.__searchResultsLoad = function(res) { if (null == this.obOut) return; this.obOut.innerHTML = ''; this.clearSearchResults(); var obList = null, len = res.geoObjects.getLength(); if (len > 0) { obList = document.createElement('UL'); obList.className = 'bx-yandex-search-results'; var str = ''; str += this.jsMess.mess_search + ': <b>' + len + '</b> ' + this.jsMess.mess_found + '.'; // i rly dont khow why this doesnt work in one loop ;-( for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { this.arSearchResults.push(res.geoObjects.get(i)); } for (i = 0; i < this.arSearchResults.length; i++) { this.map.geoObjects.add(this.arSearchResults[i]); var obListElement = obList.appendChild(BX.create('LI', { children: [ BX.create('A', { attrs: { href: "javascript:void(0)" }, events: { click: BX.proxy(this.__showSearchResult, this.arSearchResults[i]) }, text: this.arSearchResults[i].properties.get('metaDataProperty').GeocoderMetaData.text }) ] })); } } else { var str = this.jsMess.mess_search_empty; } this.obOut.innerHTML = str; if (null != obList) this.obOut.appendChild(obList); }; // called in the context of ymaps.Placement. JCBXYandexSearch.prototype.__showSearchResult = function() { this.balloon.open(); this.getMap().panTo(this.geometry.getCoordinates()); }; JCBXYandexSearch.prototype.searchByAddress = function(str) { str = str.replace(/^[\s\r\n]+/g, '').replace(/[\s\r\n]+$/g, ''); if (str == '') return; ymaps.geocode(str).then( BX.proxy(this.__searchResultsLoad, this), this.handleError ); } JCBXYandexSearch.prototype.handleError = function(error) { alert(this.jsMess.mess_error + ': ' + error.message); } JCBXYandexSearch.prototype.clearSearchResults = function() { for (var i = 0; i < this.arSearchResults.length; i++) { this.arSearchResults[i].balloon.close(); this.map.geoObjects.remove(this.arSearchResults[i]); delete this.arSearchResults[i]; } this.arSearchResults = []; }