Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/components/bitrix/sale.personal.order.detail/ |
Current File : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/components/bitrix/sale.personal.order.detail/class.php |
<?php /** * Bitrix Framework * @package bitrix * @subpackage sale * @copyright 2001-2014 Bitrix */ use Bitrix\Main, Bitrix\Main\Config, Bitrix\Main\Localization, Bitrix\Highloadblock as HL, Bitrix\Main\Loader, Bitrix\Sale, Bitrix\Iblock, Bitrix\Main\Data, Bitrix\Sale\Location, Bitrix\Sale\Cashbox\CheckManager; if (!defined("B_PROLOG_INCLUDED") || B_PROLOG_INCLUDED !== true) die(); class CBitrixPersonalOrderDetailComponent extends CBitrixComponent { const E_SALE_MODULE_NOT_INSTALLED = 10000; const E_ORDER_NOT_FOUND = 10001; const E_CATALOG_MODULE_NOT_INSTALLED = 10003; const E_NOT_AUTHORIZED = 10004; /** * Fatal error list. Any fatal error makes useless further execution of a component code. * In most cases, there will be only one error in a list according to the scheme "one shot - one dead body" * * @var string[] Array of fatal errors. */ protected $errorsFatal = array(); /** * Non-fatal error list. Some non-fatal errors may occur during component execution, so certain functions of the component * may became defunct. Still, user should stay informed. * There may be several non-fatal errors in a list. * * @var string[] Array of non-fatal errors. */ protected $errorsNonFatal = array(); /** * Contains some valuable info from $_REQUEST * * @var object request info */ protected $requestData = array(); /** * Gathered options that are required * * @var string[] options */ protected $options = array(); /** * Variable remains true if there is 'catalog' module installed * * @var bool flag */ protected $useCatalog = true; /** * Variable remains true if there is 'highloadiblocks' module installed * * @var bool flag */ protected $useHL = true; /** * Variable remains true if there is 'iblock' module installed * * @var bool flag */ protected $useIBlock = true; /**@var Data\Cache $this->currentCache */ protected $currentCache = null; /** * Loaded order for displaying * * @var Sale\Order order */ protected $order = null; /** * @var Sale\Registry registry */ protected $registry = null; protected $dbResult = array(); /** * A convert map for method self::formatDate() * * @var string[] keys */ protected $orderDateFields2Convert = array( 'DATE_INSERT', 'DATE_STATUS', 'PAY_VOUCHER_DATE', 'DATE_DEDUCTED', 'DATE_UPDATE', 'PS_RESPONSE_DATE', 'DATE_PAY_BEFORE', 'DATE_BILL', 'DATE_CANCELED', 'DATE_PAYED' ); protected $compatibilityPaymentFields = array( 'DATE_PAID' => 'DATE_PAYED', 'PAY_SYSTEM_ID', 'EMP_PAID_ID' => 'EMP_PAYED_ID', 'PAY_VOUCHER_NUM', 'PAY_VOUCHER_DATE', 'PS_STATUS', 'PS_STATUS_CODE', 'PS_STATUS_DESCRIPTION', 'PS_STATUS_MESSAGE', 'PS_SUM', 'PS_CURRENCY', 'PS_RESPONSE_DATE', 'DATE_PAY_BEFORE', 'DATE_BILL', ); protected $compatibilityShipmentFields = array( 'DELIVERY_ID', 'TRACKING_NUMBER', 'ALLOW_DELIVERY', 'DATE_ALLOW_DELIVERY', 'EMP_ALLOW_DELIVERY_ID', 'DEDUCTED', 'DATE_DEDUCTED', 'EMP_DEDUCTED_ID', 'REASON_UNDO_DEDUCTED', 'RESERVED', 'DELIVERY_DOC_NUM', 'DELIVERY_DOC_DATE', 'DELIVERY_DATE_REQUEST', 'STORE_ID', ); protected $compatibilityUserFields = array( 'LOGIN', 'NAME', 'LAST_NAME', 'EMAIL', ); public function __construct($component = null) { parent::__construct($component); Localization\Loc::loadMessages(__FILE__); } /** * Function checks if required modules installed. If not, throws an exception * @throws Main\SystemException * @return void */ protected function checkRequiredModules() { if (!Loader::includeModule('sale')) throw new Main\SystemException(Localization\Loc::getMessage("SPOD_SALE_MODULE_NOT_INSTALL"), self::E_SALE_MODULE_NOT_INSTALLED); $this->useCatalog = Loader::includeModule('catalog'); $this->useHL = Loader::includeModule('highloadblock'); $this->useIBlock = Loader::includeModule('iblock'); } /** * Function checks if user is authorized or not. If not, auth form will be shown. * @return void * @throws Main\SystemException */ protected function checkAuthorized() { global $USER, $APPLICATION; $context = \Bitrix\Main\Context::getCurrent(); $request = $context->getRequest(); if ($access = $request->get('access')) { $this->loadOrder(urldecode(urldecode($this->arParams["ID"]))); if ( $this->order && $this->order->getHash() === $request->get('access') && \Bitrix\Sale\Helpers\Order::isAllowGuestView($this->order) ) { $this->requestData['hash'] = $request->get('access'); $this->arParams['GUEST_MODE'] = 'Y'; return; } } if (!$USER->IsAuthorized()) { $msg = Localization\Loc::getMessage("SPOD_ACCESS_DENIED"); // for compatibility reasons: by default AuthForm() is shown in class.php, as it used to be. // BUT the better way is to show it in template.php, as it required by MVC paradigm if(!$this->arParams['AUTH_FORM_IN_TEMPLATE']) { $APPLICATION->AuthForm($msg, false, false, 'N', false); } throw new Main\SystemException($msg, self::E_NOT_AUTHORIZED); } } /** * Function checks and prepares all the parameters passed. Everything about $arParam modification is here. * @param mixed[] $arParams List of unchecked parameters * @return mixed[] Checked and valid parameters */ public function onPrepareComponentParams($arParams) { global $APPLICATION; $this->tryParseInt($arParams["CACHE_TIME"], 3600, true); $arParams['CACHE_GROUPS'] = (isset($arParams['CACHE_GROUPS']) && $arParams['CACHE_GROUPS'] == 'N' ? 'N' : 'Y'); $this->tryParseString($arParams["PATH_TO_LIST"], $APPLICATION->GetCurPage()); $this->tryParseString($arParams["PATH_TO_PAYMENT"], "payment.php"); $this->tryParseString($arParams["PATH_TO_CANCEL"], $APPLICATION->GetCurPage()."?"."ID=#ID#"); $arParams["PATH_TO_CANCEL"] .= (strpos($arParams["PATH_TO_CANCEL"], "?") === false ? "?" : "&"); $this->tryParseString($arParams["ACTIVE_DATE_FORMAT"], "d.m.Y"); // fields & props to select from IBlock if(!is_array($arParams["CUSTOM_SELECT_PROPS"])) $arParams["CUSTOM_SELECT_PROPS"] = array(); else $this->tryParseArray($arParams["CUSTOM_SELECT_PROPS"]); // resample sizes $this->tryParseInt($arParams["PICTURE_WIDTH"], 110); $this->tryParseInt($arParams["PICTURE_HEIGHT"], 110); // resample type for images if(!in_array($arParams['RESAMPLE_TYPE'], array(BX_RESIZE_IMAGE_EXACT, BX_RESIZE_IMAGE_PROPORTIONAL, BX_RESIZE_IMAGE_PROPORTIONAL_ALT))) $arParams['RESAMPLE_TYPE'] = BX_RESIZE_IMAGE_PROPORTIONAL; $this->tryParseBoolean($arParams['AUTH_FORM_IN_TEMPLATE']); if (empty($arParams['REFRESH_PRICES'])) { $arParams['REFRESH_PRICES'] = "N"; } if (empty($arParams['ALLOW_INNER'])) { $arParams['ALLOW_INNER'] = "N"; } if (empty($arParams['ONLY_INNER_FULL'])) { $arParams['ONLY_INNER_FULL'] = "Y"; } if (!CBXFeatures::IsFeatureEnabled('SaleAccounts')) { $arParams['ALLOW_INNER'] = "N"; } if (!is_array($arParams['HIDE_USER_INFO'])) { $arParams['HIDE_USER_INFO'] = array(); } return $arParams; } /** * Function parses an array: strip empty values, duplicate ones * @param mixed[] $fld Field value * @return array Parsed value */ public static function tryParseArray(&$fld) { foreach($fld as $k => &$item) { $item = trim($item); if(!strlen($item)) unset($fld[$k]); } $fld = array_unique($fld); return $fld; } /** * Function reduces input value to integer type, and, if gets null, passes the default value. * * @param int &$fld Field value. * @param int $default Default value. * @param bool $allowZero Allows zero-value of the parameter * @return int */ public static function tryParseInt(&$fld, $default, $allowZero = false) { $fld = (int)$fld; if (!$allowZero && !$fld && isset($default)) $fld = $default; return $fld; } /** * Function processes string value and, if gets null, passes the default value to it * @param mixed &$fld Field value * @param string $default Default value * @return string Parsed value */ public static function tryParseString(&$fld, $default) { $fld = trim((string)$fld); if(!strlen($fld) && isset($default)) $fld = htmlspecialcharsbx($default); return $fld; } /** * Function forces 'Y'/'N' value to boolean * @param mixed $fld Field value * @return string parsed value */ public static function tryParseBoolean(&$fld) { $fld = $fld == 'Y'; return $fld; } /** * Function sets page title, if required * @return void */ protected function setTitle() { global $APPLICATION; if ($this->arParams["SET_TITLE"] == 'Y') $APPLICATION->SetPageProperty('title',Localization\Loc::getMessage("SPOD_TITLE", array("#ID#" => $this->dbResult["ACCOUNT_NUMBER"]))); } /** * Function gets all options required for component * @return void */ protected function loadOptions() { $this->options['USE_ACCOUNT_NUMBER'] = \Bitrix\Sale\Integration\Numerator\NumeratorOrder::isUsedNumeratorForOrder(); $this->options['WEIGHT_UNIT'] = Config\Option::get("sale", "weight_unit", "", SITE_ID); $this->options['WEIGHT_K'] = Config\Option::get("sale", "weight_koef", 1, SITE_ID); } /** * Function could describe what to do when order ID not set. By default, component will redirect to list page. * @return void */ protected function doCaseOrderIdNotSet() { LocalRedirect($this->arParams["PATH_TO_LIST"]); } /** * Function processes and corrects $_REQUEST. Everything about $_REQUEST lies here. * @return void */ protected function processRequest() { $this->requestData["ID"] = urldecode(urldecode($this->arParams["ID"])); if (!strlen($this->requestData["ID"])) $this->doCaseOrderIdNotSet(); } /** * Obtain names for properties passed in $arParams['CUSTOM_SELECT_PROPS'] * @param mixed[] Cached data taken from obtainDataCachedStructure() */ protected function obtainPropertyNames(&$cached) { if($this->useIBlock && !empty($this->arParams['CUSTOM_SELECT_PROPS'])) { $props = array(); foreach($this->arParams['CUSTOM_SELECT_PROPS'] as $prop) { if (strpos($prop, 'PROPERTY_') !== false) { $propId = str_replace('PROPERTY_', '', $prop); if ($propId == (string)intval($propId)) // obviously its an id $filter = array('ID' => intval($propId)); else // its a code $filter = array('CODE' => $propId); $propertyList = Iblock\PropertyTable::getList( array('filter' => $filter) ); if ($result = $propertyList->fetch()) { $props[$result['IBLOCK_ID']][$prop] = $result; } } } $cached["PROPERTY_DESCRIPTION"] = $props; } } /** * Return order tax list * @param array &$cached Cached data. * @return void */ protected function obtainTaxes(&$cached) { $taxClassName = $this->registry->getTaxClassName(); /** @var Sale\Tax $tax */ $tax = $taxClassName::load($this->order); $cached['TAX_LIST'] = $tax->getTaxList(); } /** * Function fetches information about stores in the system, depending on the delivery system. * This method should should be called only after obtainDataCachedStatic(). * @param mixed[] $cached Cached data taken from obtainDataCachedStructure() * @return void */ protected function obtainDeliveryStore(&$cached) { if (empty($this->dbResult["ID"])) return; foreach ($this->dbResult['SHIPMENT'] as $shipment) { if (!empty($shipment["DELIVERY"]) && count($shipment["DELIVERY"]["STORE"]) > 0 && $this->useCatalog) { $storesIdList = $shipment["DELIVERY"]["STORE"]; $resultStore = Bitrix\Catalog\StoreTable::getList( array( 'order' => array( "SORT" => "DESC", "ID" => "DESC"), 'filter' => array( "ACTIVE" => "Y", "ID" => $storesIdList, "ISSUING_CENTER" => "Y" ), 'select' => array( "ID", "TITLE", "ADDRESS", "DESCRIPTION", "IMAGE_ID", "PHONE", "SCHEDULE", "GPS_N", "GPS_S", "ISSUING_CENTER", "SITE_ID", "EMAIL" ) ) ); while ($item = $resultStore->fetch()) { $cached["DELIVERY_STORE_LIST"][$item['ID']] = $item; } } } } /** * Function gets order basket info from the database * @param mixed[] Cached data taken from obtainDataCachedStructure() * @return void */ protected function obtainBasket(&$cached) { if (empty($this->dbResult["ID"])) return; $basket = array(); $basketN = $this->order->getBasket(); $discounts = $this->order->getDiscount(); $showPrices = $discounts->getShowPrices(); foreach ($showPrices['BASKET'] as $basketCode => $data) { $basketItem = $basketN->getItemByBasketCode($basketCode); if ($basketItem instanceof Sale\BasketItemBase) { $basketItem->setFieldNoDemand('BASE_PRICE', $data['SHOW_BASE_PRICE']); $basketItem->setFieldNoDemand('PRICE', $data['SHOW_PRICE']); $basketItem->setFieldNoDemand('DISCOUNT_PRICE', $data['SHOW_DISCOUNT']); } } unset($basketItem, $basketCode, $data); $basketItemsList = $basketN->getBasketItems(); /** @var Sale\BasketItem $basketItem*/ foreach ($basketItemsList as $basketItem) { $basketValues = $basketItem->getFieldValues(); $basketPropertyCollection = $basketItem->getPropertyCollection(); if($this->useCatalog) { $parentList = CCatalogSku::GetProductInfo($basketValues["PRODUCT_ID"]); if(!empty($parentList)) $basketValues['PARENT'] = $parentList; } /** @var Sale\BasketPropertyItem $basketProperty*/ foreach ($basketPropertyCollection as $basketProperty) { $basketPropertyList = $basketProperty->getFieldValues(); if ($basketPropertyList['CODE'] !== "CATALOG.XML_ID"&& $basketPropertyList['CODE'] !== "PRODUCT.XML_ID"&& $basketPropertyList['CODE'] !== "SUM_OF_CHARGE" ) { $basketValues['PROPS'][] = $basketPropertyList; } } $basketValues['FORMATED_SUM'] = SaleFormatCurrency($basketValues["PRICE"] * $basketValues['QUANTITY'], $basketValues["CURRENCY"]); $basket[$basketValues['ID']] = $basketValues; } // fetching all properties $this->obtainBasketProps($basket); $cached["BASKET"] = $basket; } /** * Function fills all required data about basket item properties * * @param array $basketItems List of basket items * @return array Basket items */ public function obtainBasketProps(&$basketItems) { // prepare some indexes $productIds = // a collection of PRODUCT_IDs and parent PRODUCT_IDs $skuParentMap = // a mapping SKU PRODUCT_IDs to PARENT PRODUCT_IDs $parentList = // also $skuPropertyCodes = []; if(self::isNonemptyArray($basketItems)) { foreach($basketItems as &$item) { $productId = (int)$item["PRODUCT_ID"]; if ($item['PARENT']) { $parentId = (int)$item['PARENT']["ID"]; $productIds[] = $parentId; $skuParentMap[$productId] = $parentId; $parentList[$productId] = [ "PRODUCT_ID" => $parentId, "IBLOCK_ID" => (int)$item['PARENT']["IBLOCK_ID"] ]; } $productIds[] = $productId; if (is_array($item['PROPS'])) { foreach ($item['PROPS'] as $property) { if (!empty($property['CODE']) && !in_array($property['CODE'], $skuPropertyCodes)) { $skuPropertyCodes[] = $property['CODE']; } } } } foreach ($this->arParams['CUSTOM_SELECT_PROPS'] as $customProperty) { if (strpos($customProperty, "PROPERTY_") !== false) { $code = str_replace('PROPERTY_', '', $customProperty); if (!in_array($code , $skuPropertyCodes)) { $skuPropertyCodes[] = $code; } } } // fetching iblock props $this->obtainBasketPropsElement($basketItems, $productIds, $skuParentMap); // fetching sku props, if any $this->obtainBasketPropsSKU($basketItems, $skuPropertyCodes, $parentList); } return $basketItems; } /** * For each basket items it fills information about properties stored in * * @param array $basketItems List of basket items. * @param array $elementIds Array of element id. * @param array $skuParentMap Mapping between sku ids and their parent ids. * @return void */ public function obtainBasketPropsElement(&$basketItems, $elementIds, $skuParentMap) { $imgFields = array("PREVIEW_PICTURE", "DETAIL_PICTURE"); $productPropertySelect = array_merge(['ID'], $imgFields); if (is_array($this->arParams['CUSTOM_SELECT_PROPS'])) { $productPropertySelect = array_merge($productPropertySelect, $this->arParams['CUSTOM_SELECT_PROPS']); } // get BASKET product properties data (from iblocks): id, pictures and some any PROPERTY_* $productProperties = $this->obtainProductProps($elementIds, $productPropertySelect); if (self::isNonemptyArray($basketItems)) { foreach ($basketItems as &$item) { // catalog-specific logic farther if(!$this->cameFromCatalog($item)) { continue; } $productId = (int)$item["PRODUCT_ID"]; // merge items with properties we obtained by calling $this->obtainProductProps(): pictures and PROPERTY_* if (array_key_exists($productId, $productProperties) && is_array($productProperties[$productId])) { foreach ($productProperties[$productId] as $key => $value) { if (strpos($key, "PROPERTY_") !== false || in_array($key, $imgFields)) { $item[$key] = $value; } } } // if we have SKU product with parent... if (array_key_exists($productId, $skuParentMap)) // if sku element doesn't have value of some property - we'll show parent element value instead { $arFieldsToFill = array_merge($this->arParams['CUSTOM_SELECT_PROPS'], $imgFields); // fields to be filled with parents' values if empty foreach ($arFieldsToFill as $field) { if(!strlen($field)) continue; $field = strtoupper($field); $fieldVal = (in_array($field, $imgFields)) ? $field : $field."_VALUE"; $parentId = $skuParentMap[$item["PRODUCT_ID"]]; if ((!isset($item[$fieldVal]) || (isset($item[$fieldVal]) && strlen($item[$fieldVal]) == 0)) && (isset($productProperties[$parentId][$fieldVal]) && !empty($productProperties[$parentId][$fieldVal]))) // can be array or string { $item[$fieldVal] = $productProperties[$parentId][$fieldVal]; } } } // resampling picture if(intval($item["DETAIL_PICTURE"])) { $pict = $item["DETAIL_PICTURE"]; } else { $pict = $item["PREVIEW_PICTURE"]; } if($pict) { $arImage = CFile::GetFileArray($pict); if ($arImage && ($this->arParams['PICTURE_WIDTH'] || $this->arParams['PICTURE_HEIGHT'])) { $arFileTmp = CFile::ResizeImageGet( $arImage, array("width" => $this->arParams['PICTURE_WIDTH'], "height" => $this->arParams['PICTURE_HEIGHT']), $this->arParams['PICTURE_RESAMPLE_TYPE'], true ); $item["PICTURE"] = array_change_key_case($arFileTmp, CASE_UPPER); } else { $item["PICTURE"] = $arImage; } } } } } /** * Creates an array of iBlock properties for the elements with certain IDs * * @param mixed[] $elementIdList $arElementIds Array of element id. * @param mixed[] $select Fields to select. * @return mixed[] Array of properties' values in the form of array("ELEMENT_ID" => array of props) */ public function obtainProductProps($elementIdList, $select) { if (!$this->useIBlock) return array(); if (empty($elementIdList)) return array(); $productDataList = array(); $productDataRow = \CIBlockElement::GetList( array("SORT" => "ASC"), array( "ID" => $elementIdList ), false, false, $select ); while ($product = $productDataRow->GetNext()) { $productDataList[$product['ID']] = $product; } return $productDataList; } /** * For each basket items it fills information about SKU properties stored in * * @param array $basketItems List of basket items * @param array $skuPropertyCodes Sku properties to search for * @param array $parentList Specially formed array, see code below * @return void */ public function obtainBasketPropsSKU(&$basketItems, $skuPropertyCodes, $parentList) { $skuIblocks = array(); if (self::isNonemptyArray($basketItems) && self::isNonemptyArray($parentList)) { foreach ($basketItems as &$item) { // catalog-specific logic farther if(!$this->cameFromCatalog($item)) continue; if (array_key_exists($item["PRODUCT_ID"], $parentList)) { $skuInfo = \CCatalogSku::GetInfoByProductIBlock($parentList[$item["PRODUCT_ID"]]["IBLOCK_ID"]); if (!array_key_exists($skuInfo["IBLOCK_ID"], $skuIblocks)) { $skuIblocks[$skuInfo["IBLOCK_ID"]] = $skuInfo; } $item["IBLOCK_ID"] = $skuInfo["IBLOCK_ID"]; $item["SKU_PROPERTY_ID"] = $skuInfo["SKU_PROPERTY_ID"]; } } unset($item); if($this->useIBlock) { if(!self::isNonemptyArray($skuPropertyCodes)) { $skuPropertyCodes = []; } $skuProperties = $this->getSkuPropertyData(array_keys($skuIblocks), $skuPropertyCodes); $selectFields = ['ID']; foreach ($skuPropertyCodes as $code) { $selectFields[] = "PROPERTY_".$code; } foreach ($basketItems as &$item) // for each item in the basket { // catalog-specific logic farther: iblocks, catalogs and other friends if(!$this->cameFromCatalog($item)) continue; $productId = $item['PRODUCT_ID']; if ((int)($item["IBLOCK_ID"]) > 0 && array_key_exists($item["IBLOCK_ID"], $skuProperties)) { $skuItemData = $skuProperties[$item["IBLOCK_ID"]]; $item["SKU_DATA"] = $skuItemData; $usedValues = array(); $arTmpRes = array(); $filter = array( "IBLOCK_ID" => $item["IBLOCK_ID"], "PROPERTY_".$skuIblocks[$item["IBLOCK_ID"]]["SKU_PROPERTY_ID"] => $parentList[$productId]["PRODUCT_ID"] ); $rsOffers = CIBlockElement::GetList( array(), $filter, false, false, $selectFields ); while ($arOffer = $rsOffers->fetch()) { foreach ($skuPropertyCodes as $code) { $value = $usedValues[$productId][$code]; if (empty($arOffer["PROPERTY_".$code."_VALUE"])) { continue; } if (!is_array($value) || !in_array($arOffer["PROPERTY_".$code."_VALUE"], $value)) { $usedValues[$productId][$code][] = $arOffer["PROPERTY_".$code."_VALUE"]; } } } if (!empty($usedValues)) { // add only used values to the item SKU_DATA foreach ($skuItemData as $propertyId => $property) { if (!array_key_exists($property["CODE"], $usedValues[$productId])) continue; $propValues = array(); $skuType = ''; foreach ($property["VALUES"] as $valId => $arValue) { // properties of various type have different values in the used values data if (($property["TYPE"] == "L" && in_array($arValue["NAME"], $usedValues[$productId][$property["CODE"]])) || ($property["TYPE"] == "E" && in_array($arValue["ID"], $usedValues[$productId][$property["CODE"]])) || ($property["TYPE"] == "S" && in_array($arValue["XML_ID"], $usedValues[$productId][$property["CODE"]])) ) { if ($property["TYPE"] == "S") { $arTmpFile = CFile::GetFileArray($arValue["FILE"]); $tmpImg = CFile::ResizeImageGet($arTmpFile, array('width'=>30, 'height'=>30), BX_RESIZE_IMAGE_PROPORTIONAL, true); if (is_array($tmpImg)) { $arValue['PICT'] = array_change_key_case($tmpImg, CASE_UPPER); } $skuType = 'image'; } else $skuType = 'link'; $propValues[$valId] = $arValue; } } $arTmpRes['n'.$propertyId] = array( 'CODE' => $property["CODE"], 'NAME' => $property["NAME"], 'SKU_TYPE' => $skuType, 'VALUES' => $propValues ); } } $item["SKU_DATA"] = $arTmpRes; } if(self::isNonemptyArray($item['PROPS'])) { foreach($item['PROPS'] as $v => $prop) // for each property of basket item { // search for sku property that matches current one // establishing match based on codes even if the code may not set $code = $prop['CODE']; $item["PROPERTY_{$code}_VALUE"] = $prop['VALUE']; if(self::isNonemptyArray($item['SKU_DATA'])) { foreach($item['SKU_DATA'] as $spIndex => $skuProp) { if($skuProp['CODE'] == $code) // if match found { $item['PROPS'][$v]['SKU_PROP'] = $spIndex; $item['PROPS'][$v]['SKU_TYPE'] = $skuProp['SKU_TYPE']; if(self::isNonemptyArray($skuProp['VALUES'])) { foreach($skuProp['VALUES'] as $spValue) // search for a particular value of our property { if ($skuProp['SKU_TYPE'] == 'image') $match = $prop["VALUE"] == $spValue["NAME"] || $prop["VALUE"] == $spValue["XML_ID"]; // for "image" prop we got one condition else $match = $prop["VALUE"] == $spValue["NAME"]; // otherwise - the other if($match) { $item['PROPS'][$v]['SKU_VALUE'] = $spValue; break; } } } } } } } } } } } } /** * @param array $skuIblockIds * @param array $skuPropertyCodes * * @return array */ protected function getSkuPropertyData(array $skuIblockIds, array $skuPropertyCodes) { $result = []; foreach ($skuIblockIds as $skuIblockId) { // possible props values $propertyData = CIBlockProperty::GetList( array('SORT' => 'ASC', 'ID' => 'ASC'), array('IBLOCK_ID' => $skuIblockId, 'ACTIVE' => 'Y') ); while ($property = $propertyData->Fetch()) { $propertyType = $property['PROPERTY_TYPE']; if ( $propertyType !== \Bitrix\Iblock\PropertyTable::LISTBOX && $propertyType !== \Bitrix\Iblock\PropertyTable::TYPE_ELEMENT && !($propertyType == \Bitrix\Iblock\PropertyTable::TYPE_STRING && $property['USER_TYPE'] == 'directory') ) { continue; } if ($property['XML_ID'] == 'CML2_LINK') continue; if (!in_array($property['CODE'], $skuPropertyCodes)) continue; $resultItem = [ 'ID' => $property['ID'], 'CODE' => $property['CODE'], 'NAME' => $property['NAME'], 'TYPE' => $propertyType, 'VALUES' => [] ]; if ($propertyType == \Bitrix\Iblock\PropertyTable::LISTBOX) { $values = array(); $enumsData = CIBlockProperty::GetPropertyEnum($property['ID']); while ($enum = $enumsData->Fetch()) { $values[$enum['ID']] = array( 'ID' => $enum['ID'], 'NAME' => $enum['VALUE'], 'PICT' => false ); } $resultItem['VALUES'] = $values; } elseif ($property['PROPERTY_TYPE'] == \Bitrix\Iblock\PropertyTable::TYPE_ELEMENT) { $arValues = array(); $rsPropEnums = Iblock\ElementTable::getList( array( 'order' => array('SORT' => 'ASC'), 'filter' => array('IBLOCK_ID' => $property['LINK_IBLOCK_ID'], 'ACTIVE' => 'Y'), 'select' => array('ID', 'NAME', 'PREVIEW_PICTURE') ) ); while ($arEnum = $rsPropEnums->fetch()) { $arEnum['PREVIEW_PICTURE'] = CFile::GetFileArray($arEnum['PREVIEW_PICTURE']); if (!is_array($arEnum['PREVIEW_PICTURE'])) continue; $productImg = CFile::ResizeImageGet($arEnum['PREVIEW_PICTURE'], array('width'=>80, 'height'=>80), BX_RESIZE_IMAGE_PROPORTIONAL, false, false); $arEnum['PREVIEW_PICTURE']['SRC'] = $productImg['src']; $arValues[$arEnum['ID']] = array( 'ID' => $arEnum['ID'], 'NAME' => $arEnum['NAME'], 'SORT' => $arEnum['SORT'], 'PICT' => $arEnum['PREVIEW_PICTURE'] ); } $resultItem['VALUES'] = $arValues; } elseif ($property['PROPERTY_TYPE'] == \Bitrix\Iblock\PropertyTable::TYPE_STRING) { $values = []; if ($this->useHL) { $hlBlockResult = HL\HighloadBlockTable::getList([ "filter" => [ "TABLE_NAME" => $property["USER_TYPE_SETTINGS"]["TABLE_NAME"] ] ]); $hlBlock = $hlBlockResult->fetch(); if ($hlBlock) { $entity = HL\HighloadBlockTable::compileEntity($hlBlock); $entityDataClass = $entity->getDataClass(); $directoryData = $entityDataClass::getList(); while ($element = $directoryData->fetch()) { $values[$element['ID']] = array( 'ID' => $element['ID'], 'NAME' => $element['UF_NAME'], 'SORT' => $element['UF_SORT'], 'FILE' => $element['UF_FILE'], 'PICT' => '', 'XML_ID' => $element['UF_XML_ID'] ); } $resultItem['VALUES'] = $values; } } } $result[$skuIblockId][$property['ID']] = $resultItem; unset($resultItem); } } return $result; } /** * Function gets order properties from database * @param mixed[] $cached Cached data taken from obtainDataCachedStructure() * @return void */ protected function obtainProps(&$cached) { if (empty($this->dbResult["ID"])) return; $props = array(); $groupList = array(); $groupListActiveId = array(); $order = $this->order; $propertyCollection = $order->getPropertyCollection(); $groupData = $propertyCollection->getGroups(); foreach ($groupData as $group) { $groupList[$group['ID']] = $group; } /**@var Bitrix\Sale\PropertyValue*/ foreach ($propertyCollection as $property) { if (empty($this->arParams["PROP_" . $this->dbResult["PERSON_TYPE_ID"]]) || !in_array($property->getField("ORDER_PROPS_ID"), $this->arParams["PROP_" . $this->dbResult["PERSON_TYPE_ID"]]) ) { /**@var Bitrix\Sale\PropertyValue $property */ $propertyList = array_merge($property->getFieldValues(), $property->getProperty()); $propertyList['GROUP_NAME'] = $groupList[$propertyList['PROPS_GROUP_ID']]['NAME']; $propertyList['GROUP_SORT'] = $groupList[$propertyList['PROPS_GROUP_ID']]['SORT']; if (!in_array($propertyList["PROPS_GROUP_ID"], $groupListActiveId)) { $propertyList['SHOW_GROUP_NAME'] = 'Y'; $groupListActiveId[] = $propertyList['PROPS_GROUP_ID']; } /** For compatibility*/ $propertyList['PROP_ID'] = $propertyList['ORDER_PROPS_ID']; $propertyList['PROP_SORT'] = $propertyList['SORT']; if ($propertyList["ACTIVE"] == "Y" && $propertyList["UTIL"] == "N") { if (empty($propertyList['VALUE'])) { continue; } if ($propertyList['CODE'] === 'FIO') { $cached['FIO'] = $propertyList['VALUE']; } if ($propertyList['MULTIPLE'] === 'Y') { if ($propertyList['TYPE'] === 'FILE') { $fileList = ""; foreach ($propertyList["VALUE"] as $fileElement) { if (is_array($fileElement)) $fileId = $fileElement['ID']; else $fileId = $fileElement; if ((int)($fileId) > 0) $fileList .= CFile::ShowFile((int)$fileId, 0, 90, 90, true)."<br/>"; } $propertyList["VALUE"] = $fileList; } elseif ($propertyList["TYPE"] === "LOCATION") { $location = ''; foreach ($propertyList["VALUE"] as $locationElement) { $location = $location.Location\Admin\LocationHelper::getLocationStringByCode($locationElement)."<br/>"; } $propertyList["VALUE"] = $location; } elseif ($propertyList["TYPE"] === 'ENUM') { $enumList = array(); if (is_array($propertyList["VALUE"])) { foreach ($propertyList["VALUE"] as $value) { $enumList[] = $propertyList["OPTIONS"][$value]; } } else { $enumList[] = $propertyList["OPTIONS"][$propertyList["VALUE"]]; } $propertyList["VALUE"] = serialize($enumList); } else { $propertyList["VALUE"] = serialize($propertyList["VALUE"]); } } else { if ($propertyList['TYPE'] === 'FILE') { $propertyList["VALUE"] = CFile::ShowFile($propertyList["VALUE"]['ID'], 0, 90, 90, true); } elseif ($propertyList["TYPE"] === "LOCATION") { $locationName = Location\Admin\LocationHelper::getLocationStringByCode($propertyList["VALUE"]); $propertyList["VALUE"] = $locationName; } elseif ($propertyList["TYPE"] === 'ENUM') { $propertyList["VALUE"] = $propertyList["OPTIONS"][$propertyList["VALUE"]]; } } $props[] = $propertyList; } } } $cached["ORDER_PROPS"] = $props; } protected function loadOrder($id) { $orderClassName = $this->registry->getOrderClassName(); if ($this->options['USE_ACCOUNT_NUMBER']) { $this->order = $orderClassName::loadByAccountNumber($id); } if ($this->order) { $this->requestData["ID"] = $this->order->getId(); } elseif ((int)$id > 0) { $this->order = $orderClassName::load($id); } } /** * @return void */ protected function checkOrder() { global $USER; if (!($this->order) || ($this->order->getUserId() !== $USER->GetID() && empty($this->requestData['hash']))) { $this->doCaseOrderIdNotSet(); } } /** * Perform reading main data from database, no cache is used for it * @throws Main\SystemException * @return void */ protected function obtainDataOrder() { if (!($this->order)) { $this->loadOrder($this->requestData["ID"]); } $this->checkOrder(); $this->requestData["ID"] = $this->order->getId(); $orderValues = $this->order->getFieldValues(); if (empty($orderValues)) { throw new Main\SystemException( str_replace("#ID#", $this->requestData["ID"], Localization\Loc::getMessage("SPOD_NO_ORDER")), self::E_ORDER_NOT_FOUND ); } if ( is_array($this->arParams['RESTRICT_CHANGE_PAYSYSTEM']) && in_array($orderValues['STATUS_ID'], $this->arParams['RESTRICT_CHANGE_PAYSYSTEM']) ) { $orderValues['LOCK_CHANGE_PAYSYSTEM'] = 'Y'; } $shipmentOrder = array(); /** @var Sale\Shipment $shipment*/ $shipmentCollection = $this->order->getShipmentCollection(); $trackingManager = Sale\Delivery\Tracking\Manager::getInstance(); foreach ($shipmentCollection as $shipment) { if ($shipment->isSystem()) { continue; } $shipmentItems = $shipment->getShipmentItemCollection(); $shipmentFields = $shipment->getFieldValues(); $shipmentFields['ITEMS'] = array(); /** @var \Bitrix\Sale\ShipmentItem $item */ foreach ($shipmentItems as $item) { $basketItem = $item->getBasketItem(); if ($basketItem instanceof Sale\BasketItem) { $quantity = Sale\BasketItem::formatQuantity($item->getQuantity()); $basketId = $basketItem->getId(); $shipmentFields['ITEMS'][$basketId] = array( 'BASKET_ID' => $basketId, 'QUANTITY' => $quantity ); } } if ($shipmentFields["DELIVERY_ID"] > 0 && strlen($shipmentFields["TRACKING_NUMBER"])) { $shipmentFields["TRACKING_URL"] = $trackingManager->getTrackingUrl($shipmentFields["DELIVERY_ID"], $shipmentFields["TRACKING_NUMBER"]); } $shipmentOrder[] = $shipmentFields; } $orderValues['SHIPMENT'] = $shipmentOrder; $paymentOrder = array(); $paymentCollection = $this->order->getPaymentCollection(); /** @var \Bitrix\Sale\Payment $payment*/ foreach ($paymentCollection as $payment) { $paymentFields = $payment->getFieldValues(); $paymentFields['PAY_SYSTEM_NAME'] = htmlspecialcharsbx($paymentFields['PAY_SYSTEM_NAME']); $paymentFields['CHECK_DATA'] = CheckManager::getCheckInfo($payment); $paymentOrder[$paymentFields['ID']] = $paymentFields; } $orderValues['PAYMENT'] = $paymentOrder; $orderValues['IS_ALLOW_PAY'] = $this->order->isAllowPay() ? 'Y' : 'N'; $this->dbResult = $orderValues; } /** * Function gets user info from database, no cache is used for it * @return void */ protected function obtainDataUser() { $resultUser = Main\UserTable::getById($this->dbResult["USER_ID"]); $user = $resultUser->fetch(); foreach ($user as $key => $value) { if ($value instanceof Main\Type\Date || $value instanceof Main\Type\DateTime) { $user[$key] = $value->toString(); } } $this->dbResult["USER"] = $user; } /** * Function accuires all required fine-cacheable information to form $arResult. * To pick up some additional data to the cached part of $arResult, make another method that modifies $cachedData and call it here. * This method should be called only after obtainDataCachedStatic() * * @param mixed[] $cachedData Cached data taken from getDataCached() * @return void */ protected function obtainDataCachedStructure(&$cachedData) { $this->obtainProps($cachedData); $this->obtainBasket($cachedData); $this->obtainDeliveryStore($cachedData); $this->obtainPropertyNames($cachedData); $this->obtainTaxes($cachedData); } /** * Function gets pay system info from database, no cache is used here * @return void */ protected function obtainDataPaySystem() { if (empty($this->dbResult["ID"])) return; foreach ($this->dbResult['PAYMENT'] as &$payment) { if (intval($payment["PAY_SYSTEM_ID"])) { $payment["PAY_SYSTEM"] = \Bitrix\Sale\PaySystem\Manager::getById($payment["PAY_SYSTEM_ID"]); $payment["PAY_SYSTEM"]['NAME'] = htmlspecialcharsbx($payment["PAY_SYSTEM"]['NAME']); $payment["PAY_SYSTEM"]["SRC_LOGOTIP"] = CFile::GetPath($payment["PAY_SYSTEM"]['LOGOTIP']); } if ($payment["PAID"] != "Y" && $this->dbResult["CANCELED"] != "Y" && $this->dbResult["ALLOW_PAY"] != "N") { $payment['BUFFERED_OUTPUT'] = ''; $payment['ERROR'] = ''; $service = new \Bitrix\Sale\PaySystem\Service($payment["PAY_SYSTEM"]); if ($service) { $payment["CAN_REPAY"] = "Y"; if ($service->getField("NEW_WINDOW") == "Y") { $payment["PAY_SYSTEM"]["PSA_ACTION_FILE"] = htmlspecialcharsbx($this->arParams["PATH_TO_PAYMENT"]).'?ORDER_ID='.urlencode(urlencode($this->dbResult["ACCOUNT_NUMBER"])).'&PAYMENT_ID='.$payment['ID']; if (!empty($this->requestData['hash'])) { $payment["PAY_SYSTEM"]["PSA_ACTION_FILE"] .= '&HASH='.htmlspecialcharsbx($this->requestData['hash']); } } else { $handlerFolder = Sale\PaySystem\Manager::getPathToHandlerFolder($service->getField('ACTION_FILE')); $pathToAction = Main\Application::getDocumentRoot().$handlerFolder; $pathToAction = str_replace("\\", "/", $pathToAction); while (substr($pathToAction, strlen($pathToAction) - 1, 1) == "/") $pathToAction = substr($pathToAction, 0, strlen($pathToAction) - 1); if (file_exists($pathToAction)) { if (is_dir($pathToAction) && file_exists($pathToAction."/payment.php")) $pathToAction .= "/payment.php"; $payment["PAY_SYSTEM"]["PSA_ACTION_FILE"] = $pathToAction; } if ($payment["PAY_SYSTEM"]["NEW_WINDOW"] !== 'Y') { /** @var \Bitrix\Sale\PaymentCollection $paymentCollection */ $paymentCollection = $this->order->getPaymentCollection(); if ($paymentCollection) { /** @var \Bitrix\Sale\Payment $paymentItem */ $paymentItem = $paymentCollection->getItemById($payment['ID']); if ($paymentItem) { $initResult = $service->initiatePay($paymentItem, null, Sale\PaySystem\BaseServiceHandler::STRING); if ($initResult->isSuccess()) $payment['BUFFERED_OUTPUT'] = $initResult->getTemplate(); else $payment['ERROR'] = implode('\n', $initResult->getErrorMessages()); } } } } $payment["PAY_SYSTEM"]["PSA_NEW_WINDOW"] = $payment["PAY_SYSTEM"]["NEW_WINDOW"]; } } } unset($payment); // for compatibility $firstPaySystem = reset($this->dbResult['PAYMENT']); $this->dbResult['PAY_SYSTEM'] = $firstPaySystem['PAY_SYSTEM']; $this->dbResult['CAN_REPAY'] = $firstPaySystem['CAN_REPAY']; } /** * Function performs a conversion between a shared cache and the particular structure of our $arResult * @param mixed[] $cached Cached data taken from obtainDataReferences() * @return mixed[] Data structure that is appropriate for our $arResult */ protected function adaptCachedReferences($cached) { $formed = array(); // form person type $formed["PERSON_TYPE"] = $cached['PERSON_TYPE'][$this->dbResult["PERSON_TYPE_ID"]]; // form status $formed['STATUS'] = $cached['STATUS'][$this->dbResult["STATUS_ID"]]; // form delivery foreach ($this->dbResult['SHIPMENT'] as $shipment) { $shipment['DELIVERY'] = $cached['DELIVERY'][$shipment["DELIVERY_ID"]]; $shipment['DELIVERY']['STORE'] = \Bitrix\Sale\Delivery\ExtraServices\Manager::getStoresList($shipment["DELIVERY_ID"]); $formed['SHIPMENT'][] = $shipment; } $formed['DELIVERY'] = $formed['SHIPMENT'][0]['DELIVERY']; return $formed; } /** * Function returns reference data as shared cache between this component and sale.personal.order.list. * * @throws Exception * @return void */ protected function obtainDataReferences() { if ($this->startCache(array('spo-shared'))) { try { $cachedData = array(); $personTypeClassName = $this->registry->getPersonTypeClassName(); // Person type $cachedData['PERSON_TYPE'] = $personTypeClassName::load($this->dbResult['LID']); // Save statuses for Filter form $cachedData['STATUS'] = array(); $orderStatusClassName = $this->registry->getOrderStatusClassName(); $listStatusNames = $orderStatusClassName::getAllStatusesNames(LANGUAGE_ID); foreach($listStatusNames as $key => $data) { $cachedData['STATUS'][$key] = array('ID'=>$key,'NAME'=>$data); } $cachedData['PAYSYS'] = array(); $paySystemsList = Sale\PaySystem\Manager::getList(array()); while ($paySystem = $paySystemsList->fetch()) { $paySystem['NAME'] = htmlspecialcharsbx($paySystem['NAME']); $cachedData['PAYSYS'][$paySystem["ID"]] = $paySystem; } $cachedData['DELIVERY'] = array(); $dbDelivery = \Bitrix\Sale\Delivery\Services\Table::getList(); $deliveryService = array(); while ($delivery = $dbDelivery->fetch()) $deliveryService[$delivery['ID']] = $delivery; foreach ($deliveryService as $delivery) { $cachedData['DELIVERY'][$delivery["ID"]] = $delivery; if ($delivery['PARENT_ID']) { $cachedData['DELIVERY'][$delivery["ID"]]['NAME'] = htmlspecialcharsbx($deliveryService[$delivery['PARENT_ID']]['NAME'].':'.$delivery['NAME']); if (empty($delivery['LOGOTIP'])) $cachedData['DELIVERY'][$delivery["ID"]]['LOGOTIP'] = $deliveryService[$delivery['PARENT_ID']]['LOGOTIP']; } else { $cachedData['DELIVERY'][$delivery["ID"]]['NAME'] = htmlspecialcharsbx($delivery['NAME']); } } } catch (Exception $e) { $this->abortCache(); throw $e; } $this->endCache($cachedData); } else $cachedData = $this->getCacheData(); $this->dbResult = array_merge($this->dbResult, $this->adaptCachedReferences($cachedData)); } /** * Function create cache id. * * @return array */ protected function createCacheId() { global $USER; global $APPLICATION; return array( $APPLICATION->GetCurPage(), $this->dbResult["ID"], $this->dbResult["PERSON_TYPE_ID"], $this->dbResult["DATE_UPDATE"]->toString(), $this->useCatalog, $this->arParams["CACHE_GROUPS"] === "N" ? false : $USER->GetGroups() ); } /** * Function contains a mechanism for cacheing data in the component * * @throws Exception * @return void */ protected function obtainDataCached() { if ($this->startCache($this->createCacheId())) { try { // so we got an array, which is stored in a cache. After all we merge $this->dbResult with $cachedData $cachedData = array(); $this->obtainDataCachedStructure($cachedData); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->abortCache(); throw $e; } $this->endCache($cachedData); } else $cachedData = $this->getCacheData(); $this->dbResult = array_merge($this->dbResult, $cachedData); } /** * Fetches all required data from database. Everything that connected with data obtaining lies here * * @return void */ protected function obtainDataShipmentBasket() { $basket = $this->dbResult['BASKET']; foreach ($this->dbResult['SHIPMENT'] as &$shipment) { if (!$shipment['ITEMS']) { continue; } foreach ($shipment['ITEMS'] as $i => &$item) { if (isset($basket[$item['BASKET_ID']])) { $item['NAME'] = $basket[$item['BASKET_ID']]['NAME']; $item['MEASURE_NAME'] = $basket[$item['BASKET_ID']]['MEASURE_NAME']; } else { unset($shipment['ITEMS'][$i]); } } unset($item); } unset($shipment); } /** * Function aggregates basket's data from basket items * */ protected function obtainDataBasket() { $this->dbResult["WEIGHT_UNIT"] = $this->options['WEIGHT_UNIT']; $this->dbResult["WEIGHT_KOEF"] = $this->options['WEIGHT_K']; if (self::isNonemptyArray($this->dbResult['BASKET'])) { foreach ($this->dbResult['BASKET'] as &$arItem) { $this->dbResult['PRODUCT_SUM'] += $arItem["PRICE"] * $arItem['QUANTITY']; $arItem["QUANTITY"] = doubleval($arItem["QUANTITY"]); $this->dbResult["ORDER_WEIGHT"] += $arItem["WEIGHT"] * $arItem["QUANTITY"]; } } } protected function obtainData() { // Do not reorder calls without a strong need. // Data obtain order is important and calls depend on each other. $this->obtainDataOrder(); $this->obtainDataUser(); // everything that can be well-cached is taken from the following calls: $this->obtainDataReferences(); // references $this->obtainDataCached(); // the rest of the important data // it depends on data taken from obtainDataCached(), so do not relocate $this->obtainDataPaySystem(); $this->obtainDataBasket(); $this->obtainDataShipmentBasket(); } /** * Function formats links in arResult * @return void */ protected function formatResultUrls() { if ($this->arResult["CAN_CANCEL"] === "Y") { $this->arResult["URL_TO_CANCEL"] = CComponentEngine::makePathFromTemplate($this->arParams["PATH_TO_CANCEL"], array("ID" => urlencode(urlencode( $this->arResult["ACCOUNT_NUMBER"])))).'CANCEL=Y'; } if (empty ($this->arParams["PATH_TO_COPY"])) { $urlSign = (strstr($this->arParams["PATH_TO_LIST"], "?")) ? '&' : "?"; $this->arResult["URL_TO_COPY"] = CComponentEngine::makePathFromTemplate($this->arParams["PATH_TO_LIST"].$urlSign.'ID=#ID#', array("ID" => urlencode(urlencode( $this->arResult["ACCOUNT_NUMBER"]))))."&COPY_ORDER=Y"; } else { $this->arResult["URL_TO_COPY"] = CComponentEngine::makePathFromTemplate($this->arParams["PATH_TO_COPY"], array("ID" => urlencode(urlencode( $this->arResult["ACCOUNT_NUMBER"])))); } $this->arResult["URL_TO_LIST"] = $this->arParams["PATH_TO_LIST"]; $this->arResult["SITE_ID"] = $this->arResult["LID"]; } /** * Function formats price info in arResult * @return void */ protected function formatResultPrices() { $arResult =& $this->arResult; $arResult["PRICE_FORMATED"] = SaleFormatCurrency($arResult["PRICE"], $arResult["CURRENCY"]); $arResult["PRODUCT_SUM_FORMATED"] = SaleFormatCurrency($arResult["PRODUCT_SUM"], $arResult["CURRENCY"]); $arResult["PRICE_DELIVERY_FORMATED"] = SaleFormatCurrency($arResult['PRICE_DELIVERY'], $arResult["CURRENCY"]); foreach ($arResult['PAYMENT'] as &$payment) { $payment["PRICE_FORMATED"] = SaleFormatCurrency(floatval($payment['SUM']), $arResult["CURRENCY"]); } unset($payment); foreach ($arResult['SHIPMENT'] as &$shipment) { $shipment["PRICE_DELIVERY_FORMATED"] = SaleFormatCurrency(floatval($shipment['PRICE_DELIVERY']), $arResult["CURRENCY"]); } unset($shipment); if (doubleval($arResult["DISCOUNT_VALUE"])) $arResult["DISCOUNT_VALUE_FORMATED"] = SaleFormatCurrency($arResult["DISCOUNT_VALUE"], $arResult["CURRENCY"]); if ($this->arParams['DISALLOW_CANCEL'] === 'Y') { $arResult["CAN_CANCEL"] = 'N'; } else { $arResult["CAN_CANCEL"] = (($arResult["CANCELED"]!="Y" && $arResult["STATUS_ID"]!="F" && $arResult["PAYED"]!="Y") ? "Y" : "N"); } } /** * Function formats status info in arResult * @return void */ protected function formatResultStatus() { $arResult =& $this->arResult; if (!empty($arResult["STATUS"])) { $arResult["STATUS"]["NAME"] = htmlspecialcharsEx($arResult["STATUS"]["NAME"]); if (doubleval($arResult["SUM_PAID"])) $arResult["SUM_PAID_FORMATED"] = SaleFormatCurrency($arResult["SUM_PAID"], $arResult["CURRENCY"]); } } /** * Function formats user info in arResult * @return void */ protected function formatResultUser() { $arResult =& $this->arResult; if (!empty($arResult['USER']) && is_array($arResult['USER'])) $arResult["USER_NAME"] = CUser::FormatName(CSite::GetNameFormat(false), $arResult['USER'], true, false); } /** * Function formats customer info in arResult * @return void */ protected function formatResultPerson() { $arResult =& $this->arResult; if (!empty($arResult["PERSON_TYPE"])) { $arResult["PERSON_TYPE"]["NAME"] = htmlspecialcharsEx($arResult["PERSON_TYPE"]["NAME"]); $arResult["USER"]["PERSON_TYPE_NAME"] = htmlspecialcharsEx($arResult["PERSON_TYPE"]["NAME"]); } } /** * Function formats pay system info in arResult * @return void */ protected function formatResultPaySystem() { $arResult =& $this->arResult; if (!empty($arResult["PAY_SYSTEM"])) $arResult["PAY_SYSTEM"]["NAME"] = htmlspecialcharsEx($arResult["PAY_SYSTEM"]["NAME"]); } /** * Function formats delivery system info in arResult * @return void */ protected function formatResultDeliverySystem() { $arResult =& $this->arResult; $deliveryStatusClassName = $this->registry->getDeliveryStatusClassName(); $deliveryStatusList = $deliveryStatusClassName::getAllStatusesNames(LANGUAGE_ID); foreach ($arResult['SHIPMENT'] as &$shipment) { if (!empty($shipment["DELIVERY_ID"])) { $shipment["DELIVERY"]["NAME"] = htmlspecialcharsEx($shipment["DELIVERY"]["NAME"]); $shipment["DELIVERY"]["SRC_LOGOTIP"] = CFile::GetPath($shipment["DELIVERY"]['LOGOTIP']); if (!strlen($shipment["DELIVERY"]["SRC_LOGOTIP"])) { $shipment["DELIVERY"]["SRC_LOGOTIP"] = '/bitrix/images/sale/logo-default-d.gif'; } } $shipment['STORE_ID'] = Sale\Delivery\ExtraServices\Manager::getStoreIdForShipment($shipment['ID'], $shipment["DELIVERY_ID"]); // backward compatibility if ((int)$shipment['STORE_ID'] > 0) { $arResult['STORE_ID'] = $shipment['STORE_ID']; } $shipment['STATUS_NAME'] = $deliveryStatusList[$shipment['STATUS_ID']]; } unset($shipment); if (!empty($arResult["DELIVERY"])) { if (!empty($arResult['DELIVERY_STORE_LIST'])) { $arResult["DELIVERY"]['STORE_LIST'] = $arResult['DELIVERY_STORE_LIST']; unset($arResult['DELIVERY_STORE_LIST']); } } } /** * Function formats order basket info in arResult * @return void */ protected function formatResultBasket() { $arResult =& $this->arResult; $arResult["DISCOUNT_VALUE"] = 0; $discountClassName = $this->registry->getDiscountClassName(); if(self::isNonemptyArray($arResult['BASKET'])) { foreach ($arResult["BASKET"] as $k => $arBasket) { $arBasket["WEIGHT_FORMATED"] = roundEx(doubleval($arBasket["WEIGHT"]/$arResult["WEIGHT_KOEF"]), SALE_WEIGHT_PRECISION)." ".$arResult["WEIGHT_UNIT"]; $arBasket["PRICE_FORMATED"] = SaleFormatCurrency($arBasket["PRICE"], $arBasket["CURRENCY"]); $arBasket["BASE_PRICE_FORMATED"] = SaleFormatCurrency($arBasket["BASE_PRICE"], $arBasket["CURRENCY"]); if (doubleval($arBasket["DISCOUNT_PRICE"])) { $arResult["DISCOUNT_VALUE"] += ($arBasket["DISCOUNT_PRICE"] * $arBasket["QUANTITY"]); $arBasket["DISCOUNT_PRICE_PERCENT"] = $discountClassName::calculateDiscountPercent( $arBasket["DISCOUNT_PRICE"] + $arBasket["PRICE"], $arBasket["DISCOUNT_PRICE"] ); $arBasket["DISCOUNT_PRICE_PERCENT_FORMATED"] = $arBasket["DISCOUNT_PRICE_PERCENT"]."%"; $arResult['SHOW_DISCOUNT_TAB'] = 'Y'; } // backward compatibility $arBasket['MEASURE_TEXT'] = $arBasket['MEASURE_NAME']; $arResult["BASKET"][$k] = $arBasket; } } } /** * Function formats taxes info in arResult * @return void */ protected function formatResultTaxes() { $arResult =& $this->arResult; if(self::isNonemptyArray($arResult['TAX_LIST'])) foreach ($arResult["TAX_LIST"] as $k => $tax) { $tax =& $arResult["TAX_LIST"][$k]; if ($tax["IS_IN_PRICE"]=="Y") $tax["VALUE_FORMATED"] = " (".(($tax["IS_PERCENT"]=="Y") ? "".doubleval($tax["VALUE"])."%, " : "").Localization\Loc::getMessage("SPOD_SALE_TAX_INPRICE").")"; else $tax["VALUE_FORMATED"] = " (".(($tax["IS_PERCENT"]=="Y") ? "".doubleval($tax["VALUE"])."%" : "").")"; if (doubleval($tax["VALUE_MONEY"])) $tax["VALUE_MONEY_FORMATED"] = SaleFormatCurrency($tax["VALUE_MONEY"], $arResult["CURRENCY"]); } else $arResult["TAX_LIST"] = array(); $arResult["TAX_VALUE_FORMATED"] = SaleFormatCurrency($arResult["TAX_VALUE"], $arResult["CURRENCY"]); } /** * Function formats weight info in arResult * @return void */ protected function formatResultWeight() { $arResult =& $this->arResult; $arResult["ORDER_WEIGHT_FORMATED"] = roundEx( doubleval($arResult["ORDER_WEIGHT"] / $arResult["WEIGHT_KOEF"]), SALE_WEIGHT_PRECISION)." ".$arResult["WEIGHT_UNIT"]; } /** * Move data read from database to a specially formatted $arResult * @return void */ protected function formatResult() { $this->arResult = $this->dbResult; $this->formatDate($this->arResult); $this->formatResultStatus(); $this->formatResultUser(); $this->formatResultPerson(); $this->formatResultDeliverySystem(); $this->formatResultWeight(); $this->formatResultBasket(); $this->formatResultTaxes(); $this->formatResultPrices(); $this->formatResultUrls(); } /** * Move all errors to $arResult, if there were any * @return void */ protected function formatResultErrors() { $errors = array(); if (!empty($this->errorsFatal)) $errors['FATAL'] = $this->errorsFatal; if (!empty($this->errorsNonFatal)) $errors['NONFATAL'] = $this->errorsNonFatal; if (!empty($errors)) $this->arResult['ERRORS'] = $errors; // backward compatiblity $error = each($this->errorsFatal); if (!empty($error)) $this->arResult['ERROR_MESSAGE'] = $error['value']; } /** * Function implements all the life cycle of the component * @return void */ public function executeComponent() { try { $this->setFrameMode(false); $this->checkRequiredModules(); $this->loadOptions(); $this->setRegistry(); $this->checkAuthorized(); $this->processRequest(); $this->obtainData(); $this->formatResult(); $this->setTitle(); } catch(Exception $e) { $this->errorsFatal[htmlspecialcharsEx($e->getCode())] = htmlspecialcharsEx($e->getMessage()); } $this->formatResultErrors(); $this->includeComponentTemplate(); } /** * Return current class registry * * @param mixed[] array that date conversion performs in * @return void */ protected function setRegistry() { $this->registry = Sale\Registry::getInstance(Sale\Order::getRegistryType()); } /** * Convert dates if date template set * @param mixed[] array that date conversion performs in * @return void */ protected function formatDate(&$arr) { if (strlen($this->arParams['ACTIVE_DATE_FORMAT'])) { foreach ($this->orderDateFields2Convert as $fld) { if (!empty($arr[$fld])) $arr[$fld."_FORMATED"] = CIBlockFormatProperties::DateFormat($this->arParams['ACTIVE_DATE_FORMAT'], MakeTimeStamp($arr[$fld])); } } } /** * Function checks whether a certain item came from 'catalog' module or not * @param mixed[] $item An item from basket * @return boolean */ public static function cameFromCatalog($item) { return $item['MODULE'] == 'catalog'; } /** * The callback that changes body encoding when nescessary. Feature doesn`t work here and in the previous version of the component. Left for backward compatibility. * @param string $content page content * @return void */ public static function changeBodyEncoding($content) { header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=".BX_SALE_ENCODING); } /** * Function checks if it`s argument is a legal array for foreach() construction * @param mixed $arr data to check * @return boolean */ protected static function isNonemptyArray($arr) { return !empty($arr) && is_array($arr); } //////////////////////// // Cache functions //////////////////////// /** * Function checks if cacheing is enabled in component parameters * @return boolean */ final protected function getCacheNeed() { return intval($this->arParams['CACHE_TIME']) > 0 && $this->arParams['CACHE_TYPE'] != 'N' && Config\Option::get("main", "component_cache_on", "Y") == "Y"; } /** * Function perform start of cache process, if needed * @param mixed[]|string $cacheId An optional addition for cache key * @return boolean True, if cache content needs to be generated, false if cache is valid and can be read */ final protected function startCache($cacheId = array()) { if(!$this->getCacheNeed()) return true; $this->currentCache = Data\Cache::createInstance(); return $this->currentCache->startDataCache(intval($this->arParams['CACHE_TIME']), $this->getCacheKey($cacheId)); } /** * Function perform start of cache process, if needed * @throws Main\SystemException * @param bool|mixed[] $data Data to be stored in the cache * @return void */ final protected function endCache($data = false) { if(!$this->getCacheNeed()) return; if($this->currentCache == 'null') throw new Main\SystemException('Cache were not started'); $this->currentCache->endDataCache($data); $this->currentCache = null; } /** * Function discard cache generation * @throws Main\SystemException * @return void */ final protected function abortCache() { if(!$this->getCacheNeed()) return; if($this->currentCache == 'null') throw new Main\SystemException('Cache were not started'); $this->currentCache->abortDataCache(); $this->currentCache = null; } /** * Function return data stored in cache * @throws Main\SystemException * @return bool|mixed[] Data from cache */ final protected function getCacheData() { if(!$this->getCacheNeed()) return false; if($this->currentCache == 'null') throw new Main\SystemException('Cache were not started'); return $this->currentCache->getVars(); } /** * Function leaves the ability to modify cache key in future. * @param array $cacheId * @return string Cache key to be used in CPHPCache() */ final protected function getCacheKey($cacheId = array()) { if(!is_array($cacheId)) $cacheId = array((string) $cacheId); $cacheId['SITE_ID'] = SITE_ID; $cacheId['LANGUAGE_ID'] = LANGUAGE_ID; // if there are two or more caches with the same id, but with different cache_time, make them separate $cacheId['CACHE_TIME'] = intval($this->arResult['CACHE_TIME']); if(defined("SITE_TEMPLATE_ID")) $cacheId['SITE_TEMPLATE_ID'] = SITE_TEMPLATE_ID; return implode('|', $cacheId); } }