Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/components/bitrix/search.page/templates/.default/lang/en/ |
Current File : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/components/bitrix/search.page/templates/.default/lang/en/template.php |
<? $MESS["SEARCH_ALL"] = "(all)"; $MESS["SEARCH_GO"] = "Go"; $MESS["SEARCH_ERROR"] = "Error in search phrase:"; $MESS["SEARCH_CORRECT_AND_CONTINUE"] = "Please correct the search phrase and try again."; $MESS["SEARCH_SINTAX"] = "<b>Search query syntax:</b><br /><br />A common search query is one or more words, for example:<br /><i>contact information</i><br />This query will find pages containing both query words.<br /><br />Logical operators allow building more complex queries, for example: <br /><i>contact information or phone</i><br />This query will find pages containing either words "contact" and "information" or "phone".<br /><br /> <i>contact information not phone</i><br /> This query will find pages containing words "contact" and "information" but not "phone".<br /> You can use brackets to build more complex queries.<br />"; $MESS["SEARCH_LOGIC"] = "Logical operators:"; $MESS["SEARCH_OPERATOR"] = "Operator"; $MESS["SEARCH_SYNONIM"] = " Synonyms"; $MESS["SEARCH_DESCRIPTION"] = "Description"; $MESS["SEARCH_AND"] = "and"; $MESS["SEARCH_AND_ALT"] = "Operator <i>logical and</i> is implied and can be omitted: a query "contact information" is fully equivalent to "contact and information"."; $MESS["SEARCH_OR"] = "or"; $MESS["SEARCH_OR_ALT"] = "Operator <i>logical or</i> allows searching for entities containing at least one of the operands."; $MESS["SEARCH_NOT"] = "not"; $MESS["SEARCH_NOT_ALT"] = "Operator <i>logical not</i> restricts searches to pages not containing the operand."; $MESS["SEARCH_BRACKETS_ALT"] = "<i>Round brackets</i> define the logical operator precedence."; $MESS["SEARCH_MODIFIED"] = "Modified:"; $MESS["SEARCH_NOTHING_TO_FOUND"] = "Unfortunately, your search did not match any documents."; $MESS["SEARCH_PATH"] = "Path:"; $MESS["SEARCH_SORT_BY_RANK"] = "Sort by relevance"; $MESS["SEARCH_SORTED_BY_DATE"] = "Sorted by date"; $MESS["SEARCH_SORTED_BY_RANK"] = "Sorted by relevance"; $MESS["SEARCH_SORT_BY_DATE"] = "Sort by date"; $MESS["CT_BSP_ADDITIONAL_PARAMS"] = "Additional search criteria"; $MESS["CT_BSP_KEYBOARD_WARNING"] = "Query input language changed for \"#query#\"."; ?>