Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/components/bitrix/voting.current/templates/.userfield/ |
Current File : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/components/bitrix/voting.current/templates/.userfield/script.js |
;(function(window) { var BX = window.BX; if (BX["Vote"]) return; BX.Vote = (function() { var d = function(){ }; d.prototype = { }; return d; })(); var repo = {}; BX.Vote.init = function(params) { repo[params['cid'] + '_count'] = (repo[params['cid'] + '_count'] || 1); if (repo[params['cid'] + '_count'] > 100) throw "Vote with cid " + params['cid'] + " could not be found."; else if (!BX('vote-' + params['cid'])) setTimeout(function(){ BX.Vote.init(params);}, 100); else if (!BX('vote-' + params['cid']).hasAttribute("data-bx-bound")) { BX('vote-' + params['cid']).setAttribute("data-bx-bound", "vote"); repo[params['cid']] = new BVotedUser({ 'CID' : params['cid'], 'controller': BX('vote-' + params['cid']), 'urlTemplate' : params['urlTemplate'], 'nameTemplate' : params['nameTemplate'], 'url' : params['url'], 'voteId' : params['id'], 'startCheck' : params['startCheck'] }); // continue or stop voting if (BX('vote-' + params['cid'] + '-stop')) { BX.bind(BX('vote-' + params['cid'] + '-stop'), "click", function(e) { voteAJAX(this, params['cid'], this.href, { VOTE_ID : params['id'], stopVoting : params['id'] }); return BX.PreventDefault(e); }); } else if (BX('vote-' + params['cid'] + '-resume')) { BX.bind(BX('vote-' + params['cid'] + '-resume'), "click", function(e) { voteAJAX(this, params['cid'], this.href, { VOTE_ID : params['id'], resumeVoting : params['id'] }); return BX.PreventDefault(e); }); } if (BX('vote-' + params['cid'] + '-revote')) { BX.bind(BX('vote-' + params['cid'] + '-revote'), "click", function(e) { voteAJAX(this, params['cid'], this.href, { VOTE_ID : params['id'], view_form : 'Y' }); return BX.PreventDefault(e); }); } if (BX('vote-' + params['cid'] + '-act')) { BX.bind(BX('vote-' + params['cid'] + '-act'), "click", function(e) { BX.addClass(BX('vote-' + params['cid'] + '-act'), "feed-add-button-load"); var form = BX('vote-form-' + params['cid']); if (!!form) { voteAJAX( this, params['cid'], form.action, BX.ajax.prepareForm(form).data ); } return BX.PreventDefault(e); }); } if (BX('vote-' + params['cid'] + '-results')) { BX.bind(BX('vote-' + params['cid'] + '-results'), "click", function(e) { var link = this, controller = repo[params['cid']].controller; VCLinkShowWait(link); BX.addCustomEvent( controller, 'OnBeforeChangeData', function() { var res = BX.findParent(controller, {"className" : "bx-vote-block"}); BX.addClass(res, "bx-vote-block-result"); VCLinkCloseWait(link); } ); BX.addCustomEvent( controller, 'OnAfterChangeData', function() { if (!!link) BX.hide(link); } ); repo[params['cid']].send(true); return BX.PreventDefault(e); }); } } }; var VCLinkCloseWait = function(el) { BX.removeClass(el, 'bx-vote-loading'); }, VCLinkShowWait = function(el) { BX.addClass(el, 'bx-vote-loading'); }, voteAJAX = function(link, CID, url, data) { if (link.disabled === true) return false; url = url. replace(/.AJAX_RESULT=Y/g,''). replace(/.AJAX_POST=Y/g,''). replace(/.sessid=[^&]*/g, ''). replace(/.VOTE_ID=([\d]+)/,''). replace(/.view_form=Y/g, ''). replace(/.view_result=Y/g, ''); data["AJAX_POST"] = "Y"; data["sessid"] = BX.bitrix_sessid(); VCLinkShowWait(link); BX.ajax({ 'method': 'POST', 'processData': false, 'url': url, 'data': data, 'onsuccess': function(result) { VCLinkCloseWait(link); var ob = BX.processHTML(result, false), res = BX.findParent(link, {"className" : "bx-vote-block"}); if (!!res) { res.innerHTML = ob.HTML; BX.removeClass(res, "bx-vote-block-result"); BX.removeClass(res, "bx-vote-block-result-view"); if (ob.HTML.indexOf('<form') < 0) { BX.addClass(res, "bx-vote-block-result"); } BX.defer(function() { BX.ajax.processScripts(ob.SCRIPT); })(); } if (repo[CID]) { repo[CID].__destruct(); repo[CID] = null; delete repo[CID]; } } }); return true; }; var BVotedUser = (function(){ var d = function(params) { this.CID = params["CID"]; this.url = params["url"]; this.urlTemplate = params["urlTemplate"]; this.nameTemplate = params["nameTemplate"]; this.dateTemplate = params["dateTemplate"]; this.data = {}; this.popup = null; this.controller = params["controller"]; this.startCheck = (!!params["startCheck"] ? parseInt(params["startCheck"]) : false); this.voteId = params["voteId"]; this.status = "ready"; this.__construct(); }; d.prototype = { __construct : function() { var res = BX.findChildren(this.controller, {"tagName" : "A", "className" : "bx-vote-voted-users"}, true), ii, f = BX.delegate(function() { this.get(); }, this); for (ii in res) { if (res.hasOwnProperty(ii)) { BX.bind(res[ii], "click", f); //BX.bind(res[ii], "mouseover", BX.proxy(function(e) { this.init(e); }, this)); //BX.bind(res[ii], "mouseout", BX.proxy(function(e) { this.init(e); }, this)); } } this.onPullEvent = BX.delegate(function(command, params) { if (command == 'voting' && !!params && params["VOTE_ID"] == this.voteId) { var res = BX.findParent(this.controller, {"className" : "bx-vote-block"}); if (!!res && BX.hasClass(res, "bx-vote-block-result")) { this.changeData(params); } } }, this); BX.addCustomEvent("onPullEvent-vote", this.onPullEvent); }, __destruct : function() { var res = BX.findChildren(this.controller, {"tagName" : "A", "className" : "bx-vote-voted-users"}, true), ii; if (!!res) { for (ii in res) { if (res.hasOwnProperty(ii)) { BX.unbindAll(res[ii]); } } } BX.removeCustomEvent("onPullEvent", this.onPullEvent); }, init : function(e) { var node = BX.proxy_context; if (!!node.timeoutOver) { clearTimeout(node.timeoutOver); node.timeoutOver = false; } if (e.type == 'mouseover') { node.timeoutOver = setTimeout(BX.proxy(function() { this.get(node); if (this.popup) { BX.bind( this.popup.popupContainer, 'mouseout', BX.proxy( function() { this.popup.timeoutOut = setTimeout( BX.proxy( function() { if (this.node == node && !!this.popup) { this.popup.close(); } }, this), 400 ); }, this ) ); BX.bind( this.popup.popupContainer, 'mouseover' , BX.proxy( function() { if (this.popup.timeoutOut) clearTimeout(this.popup.timeoutOut); }, this ) ); } }, this), 400); } }, getID : function() { return 'vote' + new Date().getTime(); }, make : function(data, needToCheckData) { if (!this.popup) return true; needToCheckData = (needToCheckData !== false); var res1 = (this.popup && this.popup.contentContainer ? this.popup.contentContainer : BX('popup-window-content-bx-vote-popup-cont-' + this.CID)), node = false, res = false, i; if (this.popup.isNew) { node = BX.create("SPAN", { props : {className : "bx-ilike-popup"}, children : [ BX.create("SPAN", { props : {className: "bx-ilike-bottom_scroll"} }) ] } ); res = BX.create("SPAN", { props : {className : "bx-ilike-wrap-block"}, children : [ node ] }); } else { node = BX.findChild(this.popup.contentContainer, {className : "bx-ilike-popup"}, true); } if (!!node && typeof data.items == "object") { var avatarNode = null; for (i in data.items) { if (data.items.hasOwnProperty(i) && !BX.findChild(node, {tag : "A", attr : {id : ("a" + data["answer_id"] + "u" + data.items[i]['ID'])}}, true)) { if (data.items[i]['PHOTO_SRC'].length > 0) { avatarNode = BX.create("IMG", { attrs: {src: data.items[i]['PHOTO_SRC']}, props: {className: "bx-ilike-popup-avatar-img"} }); } else { avatarNode = BX.create("IMG", { attrs: {src: '/bitrix/images/main/blank.gif'}, props: {className: "bx-ilike-popup-avatar-img bx-ilike-popup-avatar-img-default"} }); } node.appendChild( BX.create("A", { attrs : {id : ("a" + data["answer_id"] + "u" + data.items[i]['ID'])}, props: { href:data.items[i]['URL'], target: "_blank", className: "bx-ilike-popup-img" + (!!data.items[i]['TYPE'] ? " bx-ilike-popup-img-" + data.items[i]['TYPE'] : "") }, text: "", children: [ BX.create("SPAN", { props: {className: "bx-ilike-popup-avatar-new"}, children: [ avatarNode, BX.create("SPAN", { props: {className: "bx-ilike-popup-avatar-status-icon"} }) ] } ), BX.create("SPAN", { props: {className: "bx-ilike-popup-name-new"}, html : data.items[i]['FULL_NAME'] } ) ] }) ); } } } if (this.popup.isNew) { this.popup.isNew = false; if (!!res1) { try { res1.removeChild(res1.firstChild); } catch(e) { } res1.appendChild(res); } } this.adjustWindow(); if (needToCheckData) this.popupScroll(); return true; }, show : function() { if (this.popup != null && this.node.id != this.popup.nodeID) this.popup.close(); if (this.popup == null) { this.popup = new BX.PopupWindow('bx-vote-popup-cont-' + this.CID, this.node, { lightShadow : true, offsetTop: -2, offsetLeft: 3, autoHide: true, closeByEsc: true, bindOptions: {position: "top"}, events : { onPopupClose : function() { this.destroy() }, onPopupDestroy : BX.proxy(function() { this.popup = null; }, this) }, content : BX.create("SPAN", { props: {className: "bx-ilike-wait"}}) }); this.popup.nodeID = this.node.id; this.popup.isNew = true; this.popup.show(); } this.popup.setAngle({position:'bottom'}); this.adjustWindow(); }, adjustWindow : function() { if (this.popup != null) { this.popup.bindOptions.forceBindPosition = true; this.popup.adjustPosition(); this.popup.bindOptions.forceBindPosition = false; } }, popupScroll : function() { if (this.popup) { var res = BX.findChild(this.popup.contentContainer, {"className" : "bx-ilike-popup"}, true); BX.bind(res, 'scroll' , BX.proxy(this.popupScrollCheck, this)); } }, popupScrollCheck : function() { var res = BX.proxy_context; if (res.scrollTop > (res.scrollHeight - res.offsetHeight) / 1.5) { BX.unbind(res, 'scroll' , BX.proxy(this.popupScrollCheck, this)); this.get(this.popup.bindElement); } }, get : function(node) { this.node = (!!node ? node : BX.proxy_context); if (!this.node) return false; if (!this.node.getAttribute("id")) this.node.setAttribute("id", this.getID()); if ((!this.node.getAttribute("rel") && !this.node.getAttribute("rev")) || parseInt(this.node.innerHTML) <= 0) return false; if (this.node.getAttribute("status") === "busy") return false; if (!this.node.getAttribute("inumpage")) this.node.setAttribute("inumpage", "1"); else if (this.node.getAttribute("inumpage") != "done") this.node.setAttribute("inumpage", (parseInt(this.node.getAttribute("inumpage")) + 1) + ""); this.show(); if (this.data[this.node.getAttribute("id")]) this.make(this.data[this.node.getAttribute("id")], (this.node.getAttribute("inumpage") != "done")); if (this.node.getAttribute("inumpage") != "done") { this.node.setAttribute("status", "busy"); BX.ajax({ url: "/bitrix/components/bitrix/voting.current/templates/.userfield/users.php", method: 'POST', dataType: 'json', data: { 'ID' : this.node.getAttribute("rel"), 'answer_id' : this.node.getAttribute("rev"), 'request_id' : this.node.getAttribute("id"), 'iNumPage' : this.node.getAttribute("inumpage"), 'URL_TEMPLATE' : this.urlTemplate, 'NAME_TEMPLATE' : this.nameTemplate, 'sessid': BX.bitrix_sessid() }, onsuccess: BX.proxy(function(data) { if (!!data && !!data.items) { data["StatusPage"] = (!!data["StatusPage"] ? data["StatusPage"] : false); if (data.StatusPage == "done" || data.items.length <= 0) this.node.setAttribute("inumpage", "done"); var res, items = (this.data[this.node.getAttribute("id")] ? this.data[this.node.getAttribute("id")]["items"] : []); for (res=0; res<data.items.length; res++) { items.push(data.items[res]); } this.data[this.node.getAttribute("id")] = data; this.data[this.node.getAttribute("id")]["items"] = items; this.make(this.data[this.node.getAttribute("id")], (this.node.getAttribute("inumpage") != "done")); } this.node.setAttribute("status", "ready"); }, this), onfailure: BX.proxy(function() { this.node.setAttribute("status", "ready"); }, this) }); } return true; }, send : function() { if (this.status === "ready") { this.status = "busy"; BX.ajax({ url: this.url.replace(/.AJAX_RESULT=Y/g,''). replace(/.AJAX_POST=Y/g,''). replace(/.sessid=[^&]*/g, ''). replace(/.VOTE_ID=([\d]+)/,''). replace(/.view_form=Y/g, ''). replace(/.view_result=Y/g, ''), method: 'POST', dataType: 'json', data: { 'VOTE_ID' : this.voteId, 'AJAX_RESULT' : 'Y', 'view_result' : 'Y', 'sessid': BX.bitrix_sessid() }, onsuccess: BX.proxy(function(data) { this.changeData(data);this.status = "ready"; }, this), onfailure: BX.proxy(function() { this.status = "ready"; }, this) }); } }, changeData : function(data) { data = data["QUESTIONS"]; BX.onCustomEvent(this.controller, 'OnBeforeChangeData'); var question, answer, i, q, per; for (q in data) { if (data.hasOwnProperty(q)) { question = BX.findChild(this.controller, {"attr" : {"id" : "question" + q}}, true); if (!!question) { for (i in data[q]) { if (data[q].hasOwnProperty(i)) { answer = BX.findChild(question, {"attr" : {"id" : ("answer" + i)}}, true); if (!!answer) { per = parseInt(data[q][i]["PERCENT"]); per = (isNaN(per) ? 0 : per); BX.adjust(BX.findChild(answer, {"tagName" : "A", "className" : "bx-vote-voted-users"}, true), {"attrs" : {"id" : "", "rel" : data[q][i]["USERS"], "rev" : i, "inumpage" : false}, "html" : data[q][i]["COUNTER"]}); BX.adjust(BX.findChild(answer, {"tagName" : "SPAN", "className" : "bx-vote-data-percent"}, true), {"html" : per + '%'}); BX.adjust(BX.findChild(answer, {"tagName" : "DIV", "className" : "bx-vote-result-bar"}, true), {"style" : {"width" : per + '%'}}); } } } } } } BX.onCustomEvent(this.controller, 'OnAfterChangeData'); } }; return d; })(); })(window);