Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/components/bitrix/wiki.edit/templates/.default/ |
Current File : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/components/bitrix/wiki.edit/templates/.default/script.js |
var BXWikiEditor = function(params) { this.element = params.element || null; this.elementId = params.elementId; this.wikiTextHtmlInit = params.wikiTextHtmlInit; this.editUrl = params.editUrl; this.htmlEditorId = params.editorId; this.htmlEditor = null; this.charset = params.charset; this.maxImageWidth = params.maxImageWidth; this.myAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); this.myVersion = parseInt(navigator.appVersion); this.wikitags = []; this.arWikiImg = {}; this.arWikiCodeStorage = []; this.rng = null; this.sel = null; this.selLength = null; this.selStart = null; this.selEnd = null; this.oPrevRange = null; this.currentMode = 'text'; this.is_ie = ((this.myAgent.indexOf("msie") != -1) && (this.myAgent.indexOf("opera") == -1)); this.is_nav = ((this.myAgent.indexOf('mozilla')!=-1) && (this.myAgent.indexOf('spoofer')==-1) && (this.myAgent.indexOf('compatible') == -1) && (this.myAgent.indexOf('opera')==-1) && (this.myAgent.indexOf('webtv')==-1) && (this.myAgent.indexOf('hotjava')==-1)); this.is_opera = (this.myAgent.indexOf("opera") != -1); this.is_win = ((this.myAgent.indexOf("win")!=-1) || (this.myAgent.indexOf("16bit") != -1)); this.is_mac = (this.myAgent.indexOf("mac")!=-1); if (!window.phpVars) // For anonymus users window.phpVars = {}; }; BXWikiEditor.prototype.init = function() { if(!this.element) { this.element = document.getElementById(this.elementId); } var htmlEditor = this.getHtmlEditor(this.htmlEditorId); if(htmlEditor) { this.htmlEditor = htmlEditor; } if(this.element) { this.bindEventHandlers(); if(this.wikiTextHtmlInit) setTimeout(function(){this.showEditField('html', 'N')}.bind(this), 100); else this.showEditField('text', 'N'); } }; BXWikiEditor.prototype.getHtmlEditor = function(editorId) { if(window['JCLightHTMLEditor'] && window['JCLightHTMLEditor'].items[editorId]) return window['JCLightHTMLEditor'].items[editorId]; else return null; }; BXWikiEditor.prototype.bindEventHandlers = function() { BX.addCustomEvent(window, 'LHE_OnInit', function(editor) { if(editor.id === this.htmlEditorId) { this.htmlEditor = editor; } }.bind(this)); var handlers = { 'wiki-wcode-bold': this.wiki_bold.bind(this), 'wiki-wcode-italic': this.wiki_italic.bind(this), 'wiki-wcode-wheader': this.wiki_header.bind(this), 'wiki-wcode-category': this.ShowCategoryInsert.bind(this), 'wiki-wcode-url': this.ShowInsertLink.bind(this, false), 'wiki-wcode-signature': this.wiki_signature.bind(this), 'wiki-wcode-line': this.wiki_line.bind(this), 'wiki-wcode-ignore': this.wiki_nowiki.bind(this), 'wiki-wcode-external-url': this.ShowInsertLink.bind(this,true), 'wiki-wcode-img': this.ShowImageInsert.bind(this), 'wiki-wcode-img-upload': this.ShowImageUpload.bind(this), 'wiki-wcode-code': this.WikiInsertCode.bind(this) }; for(var buttonClass in handlers) { var button = this.element.querySelector('a.' + buttonClass); if(button && handlers.hasOwnProperty(buttonClass)) { button.addEventListener('click', handlers[buttonClass]); } } var switchToTextElement = this.element.querySelector('#wki-text-text'); if(switchToTextElement) switchToTextElement.addEventListener('click', this.showEditField.bind(this, 'text', 'Y')); var switchToHtmlElement = this.element.querySelector('#wki-text-html'); if(switchToHtmlElement) switchToHtmlElement.addEventListener('click', this.showEditField.bind(this, 'html', 'Y')); var messageElement = this.element.querySelector('#MESSAGE'); if(messageElement) messageElement.addEventListener('keydown',this.check_ctrl_enter); }; BXWikiEditor.prototype.wiki_bold = function() { this.simpletag("'''"); }; BXWikiEditor.prototype.wiki_italic = function() { this.simpletag("''"); }; BXWikiEditor.prototype.wiki_header = function() { this.simpletag("=="); }; BXWikiEditor.prototype.wiki_line = function() { this.doInsert('----', '', false); }; BXWikiEditor.prototype.wiki_signature = function() { if(this.htmlEditor && this.currentMode === 'html') { this.htmlEditor.InsertHTML('--~~~~'); } else { this.doInsert('--~~~~', '', false); } }; BXWikiEditor.prototype.wiki_nowiki = function() { this.simpletag("<NOWIKI>"); }; // Insert simple tags: B, I, U, CODE, QUOTE BXWikiEditor.prototype.simpletag = function(thetag) { if (this.doInsert(thetag, this.checkTag(thetag), true)) { // Change the button status this.wikitags.push(thetag); this.cstat(); } }; BXWikiEditor.prototype.showDialog = function(params, buttons) { var bxd = new BX.CDialog(params); bxd.ClearButtons(); bxd.SetButtons(buttons); bxd.adjustSizeEx(); BX.addCustomEvent(bxd, 'onWindowUnRegister', function() { if (bxd.DIV && bxd.DIV.parentNode) bxd.DIV.parentNode.removeChild(bxd.DIV); }); bxd.Show(); }; BXWikiEditor.prototype.ShowImageUpload = function() { var wikiEditor = this; var params = { title: BX.message('WIKI_IMAGE_UPLOAD'), content: this.getTemplate('template-image-upload'), height: 150, width: 400, min_height: 150, min_width: 400 }; var _BTN = [ { 'title': BX.message('WIKI_SAVE'), 'id': 'wk_upload', 'action': function() { this.disableUntilError(); BX.ajax.submitAjax( document.forms['load_form'], { url: this.editUrl, method: 'POST', dataType: 'json', onsuccess: function(data) { if(data.hasOwnProperty('ERROR_MESSAGE')) { BX.WindowManager.Get().ShowError(data['ERROR_MESSAGE']); return; } if(!data.hasOwnProperty('IMAGE')) { return; } var image = { id: parseInt(data['IMAGE']['ID']), name: data['IMAGE']['ORIGINAL_NAME'], html: data['IMAGE']['FILE_SHOW'] }; var imgTable = document.getElementById('wiki-post-image'); var newImageElement = document.createElement('div'); newImageElement.classList.add('wiki-post-image-item'); newImageElement.innerHTML = wikiEditor.render(wikiEditor.getTemplate('template-image-item'), image); imgTable.appendChild(newImageElement); wikiEditor.arWikiImg[image.id] = image.name; wikiEditor.doInsert('[File:' + image.name + ']', '', false, image.id); BX.closeWait(); BX.WindowManager.Get().Close(); }, onerror: function() { BX.closeWait(); } }); } }, /*BX.CAdminDialog.btnSave,*/ BX.CDialog.btnCancel ]; this.getSelectedText(); this.showDialog(params, _BTN); }; BXWikiEditor.prototype.ShowImageInsert = function() { var wikiEditor = this; this.getSelectedText(); var params = { title: BX.message('WIKI_INSERT_IMAGE'), content: this.getTemplate('template-insert-image'), height: 150, width: 400, min_height: 150, min_width: 400 }; var _BTN = [ { 'title': BX.message('WIKI_BUTTON_INSERT'), 'id': 'wk_insert', 'action': function () { wikiEditor.wiki_tag_image(BX('image_url').value); this.parentWindow.Close(); } }, BX.CDialog.btnCancel ]; this.showDialog(params, _BTN); }; BXWikiEditor.prototype.ShowCategoryInsert = function() { var wikiEditor = this; this.getSelectedText(); var params = { title: BX.message('WIKI_INSERT_CATEGORY'), content: this.getTemplate('template-insert-category'), height: 120, width: 400, min_height: 120, min_width: 400 }; var bxd = new BX.CDialog(params); var _BTN = [ { 'title': BX.message('WIKI_BUTTON_INSERT'), 'id': 'wk_insert', 'action': function () { wikiEditor.wiki_tag_category(BX('category_name').value); this.parentWindow.Close(); } }, BX.CDialog.btnCancel ]; this.showDialog(params, _BTN); }; BXWikiEditor.prototype.ShowInsertLink = function(external) { var wikiEditor = this; var template = (external ? this.getTemplate('template-insert-external-link') : this.getTemplate('template-insert-internal-link')); var selectedText = this.getSelectedText(); var data = { linkName: (selectedText ? selectedText : '') }; var content = this.render(template, data); var params = { title: (external ? BX.message('WIKI_INSERT_EXTERANL_HYPERLINK') : BX.message('WIKI_INSERT_HYPERLINK')), content: content, height: 120, width: 400, min_height: 120, min_width: 400 }; var _BTN = [ { 'title': BX.message('WIKI_BUTTON_INSERT'), 'id': 'wk_insert', 'action': function () { if (external) wikiEditor.wiki_tag_url_external(BX('bx_url_type').value,BX('link_url').value, BX('link_name').value); else wikiEditor.wiki_tag_url(BX('link_url').value, BX('link_name').value); this.parentWindow.Close(); } }, BX.CDialog.btnCancel ]; this.showDialog(params, _BTN); }; //Insert tag {{{ code }}} BXWikiEditor.prototype.WikiInsertCode = function() { var text = this.getSelectedText(); if(!text) text=" "; if(this.doInsert("{{{"+text+"}}}","" , false, null, true)) { // Change the button status this.wikitags.push("{{{"); this.cstat(); } }; // Insert url tag BXWikiEditor.prototype.wiki_tag_url = function(URL, TEXT) { var text; if (TEXT && !URL) URL = TEXT; text = '[['+ URL + (TEXT && TEXT != '' ? '|' + TEXT : '') + ']]'; if(this.htmlEditor && this.currentMode === 'html') { this.htmlEditor.SelectRange(this.oPrevRange); this.htmlEditor.InsertHTML(text); } else { this.doInsert(text, "", false, null, true); } }; BXWikiEditor.prototype.wiki_tag_url_external = function(prefix, URL, TEXT) { var text = ''; if (!URL) return ; if(this.htmlEditor && this.currentMode === 'html') { text = '<a href="'+prefix+URL+'" >'+TEXT+'</a>'; this.htmlEditor.SelectRange(this.oPrevRange); this.htmlEditor.InsertHTML(text); } else { text = '[' +prefix+ URL + (TEXT && TEXT != '' ? ' ' + TEXT : '') + ']'; this.doInsert(text, "", false, null, true); } }; // Insert image tag BXWikiEditor.prototype.wiki_tag_image = function(URL) { if (URL) { if(this.htmlEditor && this.currentMode === 'html') { var _str = '<img ' + 'id="' + this.htmlEditor.SetBxTag(false, {'tag': 'wiki_img', 'params': {'id' : URL, 'file_name' : URL}}) + '" ' + 'src="' + URL + '">'; this.htmlEditor.SelectRange(this.oPrevRange); this.htmlEditor.InsertHTML(_str); } else { this.doInsert("[" + BX.message('FILE_NAME') + ":" + URL + "]", "", false, null, true); } } }; //Insert image tag BXWikiEditor.prototype.wiki_tag_category = function(TEXT) { if (TEXT) { if(this.htmlEditor && this.currentMode === 'html') { var _str = "[[" + BX.message('CATEGORY_NAME') + ":" + TEXT + "]]<br />"; this.htmlEditor.SelectRange(this.oPrevRange); this.htmlEditor.InsertHTML(_str); } else { this.doInsert("[[" + BX.message('CATEGORY_NAME') + ":" + TEXT + "]]\n", "", false, null, true); } } }; // Close all tags BXWikiEditor.prototype.closeall = function() { while(this.wikitags.length > 0) { var tagRemove = this.wikitags.pop(); document.getElementById("MESSAGE").value += this.checkTag(tagRemove); } this.wikitags = []; this.cstat(); }; // Show statistic BXWikiEditor.prototype.cstat = function() { document.getElementById("MESSAGE").focus(); }; BXWikiEditor.prototype.getSelectedText = function() { var selectedText = false; if(this.htmlEditor && this.currentMode === 'html') { this.oPrevRange = this.htmlEditor.GetSelectionRange(); if (this.oPrevRange.startContainer && this.oPrevRange.endContainer) // DOM Model { if (this.oPrevRange.startContainer == this.oPrevRange.endContainer && (this.oPrevRange.endContainer.nodeType == 3 || this.oPrevRange.endContainer.nodeType == 1)) selectedText = this.oPrevRange.startContainer.textContent.substring(this.oPrevRange.startOffset, this.oPrevRange.endOffset) || ''; } else // IE { if (this.oPrevRange.text == this.oPrevRange.htmlText) selectedText = this.oPrevRange.text || ''; else if (this.oPrevRange.htmlText) selectedText = this.oPrevRange.htmlText; } if (!selectedText) { if(this.is_ie) selectedText = this.oPrevRange.text || ''; else selectedText = this.oPrevRange || ''; } } else { var textarea = document.getElementById("MESSAGE"); var currentScroll = textarea.scrollTop; if (this.is_ie) { textarea.focus(); this.sel = document.selection; this.rng = this.sel.createRange(); var stored_rng = this.rng.duplicate(); stored_rng.moveToElementText(textarea); stored_rng.setEndPoint('EndToEnd', this.rng); this.selStart = stored_rng.text.length - this.rng.text.length; this.selEnd = this.selStart + this.rng.text.length; this.rng.collapse(); if ((this.sel.type == "Text" || this.sel.type == "None") && this.rng.text.length > 0) selectedText = this.rng.text; } else { this.selLength = textarea.textLength; this.selStart = textarea.selectionStart; this.selEnd = textarea.selectionEnd; if(textarea.selectionEnd > textarea.selectionStart) selectedText = (textarea.value).substring(textarea.selectionStart, textarea.selectionEnd); } } return selectedText; }; BXWikiEditor.prototype.mozillaWr = function(textarea, open, close, replace) { if (!this.selLength) { this.selLength = textarea.textLength; } if (!this.selStart) this.selStart = textarea.selectionStart; if (!this.selEnd) this.selEnd = textarea.selectionEnd; if (this.selEnd == 1 || this.selEnd == 2) this.selEnd = this.selLength; var s1 = (textarea.value).substring(0,this.selStart); var s2 = (textarea.value).substring(this.selStart, this.selEnd); var s3 = (textarea.value).substring(this.selEnd, this.selLength); if (replace === true) textarea.value = s1 + open + close + s3; else textarea.value = s1 + open + s2 + close + s3; textarea.selectionEnd = 0; textarea.selectionStart = this.selEnd + open.length + close.length; textarea.setSelectionRange(this.selStart, this.selEnd); this.selLength = null; this.selStart = null; this.selEnd = null; }; BXWikiEditor.prototype.checkTag = function(tag) { var bracketEnd = ''; var bracketStart = ''; if (tag.substr(0, 1) == '[' || tag.substr(0, 1) == '<') { bracketStart = tag.substr(0, 1) + '/'; tag = tag.substring(1,tag.length); bracketEnd = tag.substr(tag.length, 1); } return bracketStart + tag + bracketEnd; }; BXWikiEditor.prototype.doInsert = function(ibTag, ibClsTag, isSingle, imgID, replace) { if(imgID > 0 && this.htmlEditor && this.currentMode === 'html') { var __image = document.getElementById(imgID); var imageSrc = __image.src; var _img_width = null; var _img_height = null; var _img_style = ''; if (!__image.naturalWidth) { var lgi = new Image(); lgi.src = imageSrc; _img_width = lgi.width; _img_height = lgi.height; } else { _img_width = __image.naturalWidth; _img_height = __image.naturalHeight; } if (_img_width > this.maxImageWidth) _img_style += 'width: ' + this.maxImageWidth; var file_name = this.arWikiImg[imgID]; var _str = '<img id="' + this.htmlEditor.SetBxTag(false, {'tag': 'wiki_img', 'params': {'id' : imgID, 'file_name' : file_name}}) + '"' + 'src="'+imageSrc+'" style="'+_img_style+'">'; this.htmlEditor.InsertHTML(_str); return true; } var isClose = false; var textarea = document.getElementById("MESSAGE"); var currentScroll = textarea.scrollTop; if (isSingle) isClose = true; if (this.is_ie) { textarea.focus(); if (!this.sel) this.sel = document.selection; if (!this.rng) this.rng = this.sel.createRange(); this.rng.collapse(); if ((this.sel.type == "Text" || this.sel.type == "None") && this.rng != null) { if (ibClsTag != "" && this.rng.text.length > 0) { ibTag += this.rng.text + ibClsTag; isClose = false; } else if (ibClsTag != "") { ibTag += this.rng.text + ' ' + ibClsTag; isClose = false; } this.rng.text = ibTag; var new_rng = textarea.createTextRange(); new_rng.move("character", this.selStart); new_rng.select(); } this.rng = null; this.sel = null; } else { if (this.is_nav && document.getElementById) { if (ibClsTag != "" && textarea.selectionEnd > textarea.selectionStart) { this.mozillaWr(textarea, ibTag, ibClsTag, replace); isClose = false; } else if (ibClsTag != "") { this.mozillaWr(textarea, ibTag + ' ', ibClsTag, false); } else this.mozillaWr(textarea, ibTag, '', replace); } else textarea.value += ibTag; } textarea.scrollTop = currentScroll; textarea.focus(); return isClose; }; BXWikiEditor.prototype.check_ctrl_enter = function(e) { if((e.keyCode == 13 || e.keyCode == 10) && e.ctrlKey) { document.REPLIER.submit(); } }; BXWikiEditor.prototype.saveWikiCodes = function(text) { this.arWikiCodeStorage = []; var retText = ''; var _this = this; retText = text.replace(/({{{[\s\S]*?}}}|\[CODE\][\s\S]*?\[\/CODE\])/igm, function(code, offset, text) { var i = _this.arWikiCodeStorage.push(code) - 1; return "##CODE"+i+"##"; }); return retText; }; BXWikiEditor.prototype.restoreWikiCodes = function(text) { var _this = this; return text.replace(/##CODE(\d+)##/igm, function(code, digit, offset, text) { return (_this.arWikiCodeStorage[digit] ? _this.arWikiCodeStorage[digit] : ""); }); }; BXWikiEditor.prototype.convTextForText = function(text) { text = this.saveWikiCodes(text); text = text.replace(/<br(\s*\/)?>\s*(\r*\n)?/igm, "\n"); text = this.restoreWikiCodes(text); text = text.replace(/\[CODE\]/igm, "{{{"); text = text.replace(/\[\/CODE\]/igm, "}}}"); return text; }; BXWikiEditor.prototype.convTextForVisual = function(text) { text = this.saveWikiCodes(text); text = text.replace(/(<\s*\/?(h\d|li|ul|ol|p|table|tbody|td|tr|hr|div|span)\s*>)\s*(\r*\n)/igm, "$1##NN##"); text = text.replace(/(<\s*(ul)\s*>)\s*(\r*\n)/igm, "$1##NN##"); text = text.replace(/\r*\n/igm, "<br />\n"); text = text.replace(/##NN##/igm, "\n"); text = this.restoreWikiCodes(text); text = text.replace(/{{{/igm, "[CODE]"); text = text.replace(/}}}/igm, "[/CODE]"); return text; }; BXWikiEditor.prototype.htmlspecchWikiCodes = function(text) { return text.replace(/({{{(\s|.)*}}}|\[CODE\](\s|.)*\[\/CODE\])/igm, function (code,p1,p2,p3,offset,text){ return BX.util.htmlspecialchars(code); }); }; BXWikiEditor.prototype.htmlspecchWikiCodesBack = function(text) { return text.replace(/({{{(\s|.)*}}}|\[CODE\](\s|.)*\[\/CODE\])/igm, function (code,p1,p2,p3,offset,text){ return BX.util.htmlspecialcharsback(code); }); }; BXWikiEditor.prototype.insertSanitized = function(text, pLEditor) { var _this = this; pLEditor.SetEditorContent(""); var oDivIDHtml = document.getElementById("edit-post-html"); var show = BX.showWait(oDivIDHtml); var textPrepared = this.saveWikiCodes(text); var requestParams = { 'act': 'sanitize', 'sessid': BX.bitrix_sessid(), 'text': textPrepared }; BX.ajax({ url: '/bitrix/components/bitrix/wiki/component.ajax.php', method: 'POST', data: requestParams, onsuccess: function(result) { result = _this.restoreWikiCodes(result); result = _this.convTextForVisual(result); pLEditor.SetEditorContent(result); BX.closeWait(oDivIDHtml, show); } }); }; BXWikiEditor.prototype.setEditorContentAfterLoad = function(pLEditor) { var content = document.getElementById("MESSAGE").value; this.insertSanitized(content,pLEditor); }; BXWikiEditor.prototype.showEditField = function(type, change) { var oDivIDHtml = document.getElementById("edit-post-html"); var oDivIDText = document.getElementById("edit-post-text"); if(type == "html") { oDivIDText.style.display = "none"; if(oDivIDHtml) oDivIDHtml.style.display = "block"; if(change == "Y") { if(this.htmlEditor) { var content = document.getElementById("MESSAGE").value; this.insertSanitized(content, this.htmlEditor); } } this.currentMode = 'html'; } else { if(oDivIDHtml) oDivIDHtml.style.display = "none"; oDivIDText.style.display = "block"; if(change == "Y") { if(this.htmlEditor) { this.htmlEditor.SaveContent(); var _content = this.htmlEditor.GetContent(); _content = this.convTextForText(_content); _content = _content.replace(/(<\s*\/*\s*)(code)(\s*>)/gi, "$1nowiki$3" ); document.getElementById("MESSAGE").value = _content; } } this.currentMode = 'text'; } return false; }; BXWikiEditor.prototype.wikiPostToFeedTogle = function() { var ptf = document.getElementById("post_to_feed"); if(!ptf) return false; if (ptf.value == "Y") ptf.value = "N"; else ptf.value = "Y"; this.wikiSetCheckboxPTF(ptf.value); return true; }; BXWikiEditor.prototype.wikiSetCheckboxPTF = function(value) { var cb = document.getElementById("cb_post_to_feed"); if(!cb) return false; cb.checked = (value == "Y"); return true; }; BXWikiEditor.prototype.replaceLinkByInput = function(linkObj,inputDivId) { if(!linkObj.parentNode) return false; var inputDiv = BX(inputDivId); if(!inputDiv) return false; BX.addClass(linkObj.parentNode,"wiki-post-div-hide"); setTimeout(function() {BX.addClass(linkObj.parentNode,"wiki-post-div-nonedisplay");},300); setTimeout(function() { BX.removeClass(inputDiv,"wiki-post-div-nonedisplay"); inputDiv.parentNode.style.height = "3em"; BX.removeClass(inputDiv,"wiki-post-div-hide"); },295); return false; }; BXWikiEditor.prototype.getTemplate = function(templateName) { var element = document.getElementById(templateName); var result = ''; if(element) { result = element.innerHTML; } return result; }; /** * Replaces placeholders in template with values from data. * @param template Template text. * @param data Data to replaces placeholders. */ BXWikiEditor.prototype.render = function(template, data) { var result; if(typeof template !== 'string') return template; if(typeof data !== 'object') return template; result = template.replace(/#(\w+?)#/g, function(match, variable, offset) { if(data.hasOwnProperty(variable)) return data[variable]; else return match; }); return result; };