Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/image_uploader/ |
Current File : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/image_uploader/aurigma.uploader.installationprogress.js |
(function (window, undefined) { var // local variable for global namespace AU = window.Aurigma ? (window.Aurigma.ImageUploader || {}) : {}; AU.installationProgress = function (uploader) { if (!(this instanceof AU.installationProgress)) { return new AU.installationProgress(uploader); } this._uploader = uploader; //Show Loading Screen and Installation Screen by default. this._showDownloadingScreen = this._showInstallationScreen = true; // Register ActiveX render callbacks. uploader.registerCallback('activeXBeforeOpenTagRender', this.onActiveXBeforeOpenTagRender, this); uploader.registerCallback('activeXBeforeCloseTagRender', this.onActiveXBeforeCloseTagRender, this); uploader.registerCallback('activeXAfterCloseTagRender', this.onActiveXAfterCloseTagRender, this); // Register Java render callbacks. uploader.registerCallback('javaBeforeOpenTagRender', this.onJavaBeforeOpenTagRender, this); uploader.registerCallback('javaAfterCloseTagRender', this.onJavaAfterCloseTagRender, this); uploader.registerCallback('javaRenderStyleAttribute', this.onJavaRenderStyleAttribute, this); uploader.registerCallback('javaBeforeCloseTagRender', this.onJavaBeforeCloseTagRender, this); // Register Flash render callbacks. uploader.registerCallback('flashBeforeOpenTagRender', this.onFlashBeforeOpenTagRender, this); uploader.registerCallback('flashRenderStyleAttribute', this.onFlashRenderStyleAttribute, this); uploader.registerCallback('flashAfterCloseTagRender', this.onFlashAfterCloseTagRender, this); uploader.registerCallback('flashBeforeCloseTagRender', this.onFlashBeforeCloseTagRender, this); this._splashscreentimeout = 120000; // hide splash screen after 2 minutes var id = uploader.id(); var f = function () { var splash_screen = document.getElementById(id + "-progress"); var uploader = document.getElementById(id); if (splash_screen) splash_screen.style.display = "none"; if (uploader) { uploader.style.position = ""; uploader.style.left = "0"; uploader.style.visibility = ""; } }; uploader.events().initComplete().add(f); //show control after 2 min timeout // even if it is not loaded setTimeout(f, this._splashscreentimeout); //CSS classes this._progressCssClass = ""; this._instructionsCssClass = ""; //Common description this._commonHtml = "<p>Aurigma Image Uploader control is necessary to upload " + "your files quickly and easily. You will be able to select multiple images " + "in user-friendly interface instead of clumsy input fields with <strong>Browse</strong> button.</p>"; // Installation progress messages this._progressHtml = "<p><img src=\"{0}\" />" + "<br />" + "Loading Aurigma Image Uploader...</p>"; this._flashProgressHtml = "<p><img src=\"{0}\" />" + "<br />" + "Loading Aurigma Flash Uploader...</p>"; this._progressImageUrl = "Scripts/InstallationProgress.gif"; //Before IE 6 Windows XP SP2 this._beforeIE6XPSP2ProgressHtml = "<p>To install Image Uploader, please wait until the control will be loaded and click " + "the <strong>Yes</strong> button when you see the installation dialog.</p>"; this._beforeIE6XPSP2InstructionsHtml = "<p>To install Image Uploader, please reload the page and click " + "the <strong>Yes</strong> button when you see the control installation dialog. " + "If you don't see installation dialog, please check your security settings.</p>"; //IE 6 Windows XP SP2 this._IE6XPSP2ProgressHtml = "<p>Please wait until the control will be loaded.</p>"; this._IE6XPSP2InstructionsHtml = "<p>To install Image Uploader, please click on the <strong>Information Bar</strong> and select " + "<strong>Install ActiveX Control</strong> from the dropdown menu. After page reload click <strong>Install</strong> when " + "you see the control installation dialog. If you don't see Information Bar, please try to reload the page and/or check your security settings.</p>"; //IE 7 this._IE7ProgressHtml = this._IE6XPSP2ProgressHtml; this._IE7InstructionsHtml = "<p>To install Image Uploader, please click on the <strong>Information Bar</strong> " + "and select <strong>Install ActiveX Control</strong> or <strong>Run ActiveX Control</strong> from the dropdown menu.</p>" + "<p>Then either click <strong>Run</strong> or after the page reload click <strong>Install</strong> " + "when you see the control installation dialog. If you don't see Information Bar, please try to reload the page and/or check your security settings.</p>"; //IE 8 this._IE8ProgressHtml = this._IE6XPSP2ProgressHtml; this._IE8InstructionsHtml = "<p>To install Image Uploader, please click on the <strong>Information Bar</strong> " + "and select <strong>Install This Add-on</strong> or <strong>Run Add-on</strong> from the dropdown menu.</p>" + "<p>Then either click <strong>Run</strong> or after the page reload click <strong>Install</strong> " + "when you see the control installation dialog. If you don't see Information Bar, please try to reload the page and/or check your security settings.</p>"; //Alternative standalone installer this._altInstallerHtml = ""; /************************************** * Update ActiveX control instructions * ***************************************/ this._updateInstructions = "You need to update Image Uploader control. Click <strong>Install</strong> or <strong>Run</strong> button when you see the control installation dialog." + " If you don't see installation dialog, please try to reload the page."; /**************************** * Install Java instructions * *****************************/ //Mac //On Mac install/update Java from Software Update this._macInstallJavaHtml = "<p>Use the <a href=\"http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1338\">Software Update</a> feature " + "(available on the Apple menu) to check that you have the most up-to-date version of Java for your Mac.</p>"; //Other browsers this._installJavaHtml = "<p>Please <a href=\"http://www.java.com/getjava/\">download</a> and install Java.</p>"; /************************************ * Install flash player instructions * *************************************/ //One message for all browsers. this._installFlashPlayerHtml = "<p>You need to install Flash Player for running Aurigma Flash Uploader. Download latest version from <a href='http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer' title='Download Flash Player'>here</a>.</p>"; } AU.installationProgress.prototype.__class = true; /******************************************************* * Render progress and installation screens for ActiveX * ********************************************************/ AU.installationProgress.prototype.onActiveXBeforeOpenTagRender = function (uploader, args) { // Create Loading Screen html for ActiveX control if Loading Screen enabled. if (this.showDownloadingScreen()) { args.resultHtml = this._createProgressScreen(uploader, 'ax'); } }; AU.installationProgress.prototype.onActiveXAfterCloseTagRender = function (uploader, args) { if (this.showDownloadingScreen() && uploader.activeXControl().isActiveXSupported()) { // If Loading Screen enabled we wrap control into div container. // This is the closing tag for this div. args.resultHtml = '</div>'; } }; AU.installationProgress.prototype.onActiveXBeforeCloseTagRender = function (uploader, args) { // Create Installation instructions html for ActiveX control if Installation Screen enabled. if (this.showInstallationScreen()) { var html = []; html.push('<div '); html.push('id="' + uploader.id() + '-install-bg"'); html.push(' style="background-color:#fff;position:relative;z-index:1000;">'); html.push('<div '); html.push('id="' + uploader.id() + '-install"'); var w = uploader.width(), h = uploader.height(); // if value is without units add 'px' w = parseInt(w) + '' == w ? w + 'px' : w; h = parseInt(h) + '' == h ? h + 'px' : h; html.push(' style="margin:0;padding:0;border:0 none;overflow: hidden;width:' + w + ';height:' + h + '"'); if (this._instructionsCssClass) { html.push(' class="' + this._instructionsCssClass + '"'); } html.push(">"); html.push(this._commonHtml); if (uploader.activeXControl().getActiveXInstalledToUpdate()) { html.push(this._updateInstructions); } else { if (AU.browser.isBeforeIE6XPSP2) { html.push(this._beforeIE6XPSP2InstructionsHtml) } else if (AU.browser.isIE6XPSP2) { html.push(this._IE6XPSP2InstructionsHtml) } else if (AU.browser.isIE7) { html.push(this._IE7InstructionsHtml) } else { html.push(this._IE8InstructionsHtml) } if (this._altInstallerHtml) { html.push(this._altInstallerHtml); } } html.push("</div>"); html.push("</div>"); args.resultHtml = html.join(''); } }; /******************************************************* * Render progress and installation screens for Java * ********************************************************/ AU.installationProgress.prototype.onJavaAfterCloseTagRender = function (uploader, args) { if (this.showDownloadingScreen() && uploader.javaControl().isJavaSupported()) { // If Loading Screen enabled we wrap control into div container. // This is the closing tag for this div. args.resultHtml = '</div>'; } // Special code for Opera. // Opera trying to load applet even if installed version of Java less then // required version. Obviously it is fails, but the message inside <object> tag is not showing. // So we show this message and comment <object> tag. if (this.showInstallationScreen() && AU.browser.isOpera && !uploader.javaControl().isJavaSupported() && AU.javaDetector.getJREs().length > 0) { args.resultHtml += " -->"; } }; AU.installationProgress.prototype.onJavaBeforeCloseTagRender = function (uploader, args) { // Create Installation instructions html for Java control if Installation Screen enabled. if (this.showInstallationScreen()) { var html = []; html.push('<div '); html.push('id="' + uploader.id() + '-install-bg"'); html.push(' style="background-color:#fff;position:relative;z-index:1000;">'); html.push('<div '); html.push('id="' + uploader.id() + '-install"'); var w = uploader.width(), h = uploader.height(); // if value is without units add 'px' w = parseInt(w) + '' == w ? w + 'px' : w; h = parseInt(h) + '' == h ? h + 'px' : h; html.push(' style="margin:0;padding:0;border:0 none;overflow:hidden;width:' + w + ';height:' + h + '"'); if (this._instructionsCssClass) { html.push(' class="' + this._instructionsCssClass + '"'); } html.push(">"); if (navigator.platform.toLowerCase().indexOf("mac") > -1) { // Java installation instructions for Mac html.push(this._macInstallJavaHtml); } else { // Java installation instructions for other browsers html.push(this._installJavaHtml); } if (!AU.browser.isIE && false) { // If we use object tag and define html to show if java is not installed, // then FF and Chrome doesn't show standard toolbar with request to install java. // So we add empty <embed> to trigger plugin installation tollbar in FF and Chrome. var javaVersion = uploader.javaControl().javaVersionRequired; javaVersion = javaVersion[0] + '.' + javaVersion[1]; html.push('<embed code="empty.class" width="0" height="0" java_version="' + javaVersion + '+" type="application/x-java-applet;version=' + javaVersion + '" pluginspage=' + '"http://javadl.sun.com/webapps/download/GetFile/1.6.0_16-b01/windows-i586/xpiinstall.exe"></embed>'); } html.push("</div>"); html.push("</div>"); args.resultHtml = html.join(''); } }; AU.installationProgress.prototype.onJavaBeforeOpenTagRender = function (uploader, args) { // Create Loading screen html for Java control if Loading Screen enabled. if (this.showDownloadingScreen() && uploader.javaControl().isJavaSupported()) { // Loading screen html args.resultHtml = this._createProgressScreen(uploader, 'j'); } // Special code for Opera. // Opera trying to load applet even if installed version of Java less then // required version. Obviously it is fails, but the message inside <object> tag is not showing. // So we show this message and comment <object> tag. // This is the opening tag for comment if (this.showInstallationScreen() && AU.browser.isOpera && !uploader.javaControl().isJavaSupported() && AU.javaDetector.getJREs().length > 0) { this.onJavaBeforeCloseTagRender(uploader, args); args.resultHtml += "<!-- "; } }; AU.installationProgress.prototype.onJavaRenderStyleAttribute = function (uploader, args) { // Create Loading screen html for Java control if Loading Screen enabled. if (this.showDownloadingScreen() && uploader.javaControl().isJavaSupported()) { //In IE "visibility:hidden" doesn't work, // in FF3 "position:absolute;left:-10000px;" doesn't work properly if (AU.browser.isIE) { args.resultHtml = "position:absolute;left:-10000px;"; } else { args.resultHtml = "visibility:hidden;"; } } }; /******************************************************* * Render progress and installation screens for Flash * ********************************************************/ AU.installationProgress.prototype.onFlashAfterCloseTagRender = function (uploader, args) { if (this.showDownloadingScreen() && true || uploader.flashControl().isFlashSupported()) { // If Loading Screen enabled we wrap control into div container. // This is the closing tag for this div. args.resultHtml = '</div>'; } // For non-IE browsers we can't specif what flash version required, so if flash installed and // but its version is less than required we comment flash object code and show Installation message // This is the closing tag for comment if (this.showInstallationScreen() && !uploader.flashControl().isFlashSupported() && !AU.browser.isIE && AU.flashDetector.detectVersion()[0] > -1) { args.resultHtml = " -->"; } }; AU.installationProgress.prototype.onFlashBeforeOpenTagRender = function (uploader, args) { // Create Loading screen html for Flash control if Loading Screen enabled. if (this.showDownloadingScreen() && uploader.flashControl().isFlashSupported()) { // Loading screen html args.resultHtml = this._createProgressScreen(uploader, 'f'); } // For non-IE browsers we can't specif what flash version required, so if flash installed and // but its version is less than required we comment flash object code and show Installation message if (this.showInstallationScreen() && !uploader.flashControl().isFlashSupported() && !AU.browser.isIE && AU.flashDetector.detectVersion()[0] > -1) { this.onFlashBeforeCloseTagRender(uploader, args); args.resultHtml += "<!-- "; } }; AU.installationProgress.prototype.onFlashRenderStyleAttribute = function (uploader, args) { // Create Loading screen html for Java control if Loading Screen enabled. if (this.showDownloadingScreen() && uploader.flashControl().isFlashSupported()) { //In IE "visibility:hidden" doesn't work, // in FF3 "position:absolute;left:-10000px;" doesn't work properly if (AU.browser.isIE) { args.resultHtml = "position:absolute;left:-10000px;"; } else { args.resultHtml = "visibility:hidden;"; } } }; AU.installationProgress.prototype.onFlashBeforeCloseTagRender = function (uploader, args) { // Create Installation instructions html for Java control if Installation Screen enabled. if (this.showInstallationScreen()) { var html = []; html.push('<div '); html.push('id="' + uploader.id() + '-install"'); var w = uploader.width(), h = uploader.height(); // if value is without units add 'px' w = parseInt(w) + '' == w ? w + 'px' : w; h = parseInt(h) + '' == h ? h + 'px' : h; html.push(' style="margin:0;padding:0;border:0 none;position:relative;z-index:1000;overflow:hidden;width:' + w + ';height:' + h + '"'); if (this._instructionsCssClass) { html.push(' class="' + this._instructionsCssClass + '"'); } html.push(">"); html.push(this._installFlashPlayerHtml); html.push("</div>"); if (!AU.browser.isIE) { // If we use object tag and define html to show if java is not installed, // then FF and Chrome doesn't show standard toolbar with request to install java. // So we add empty <object> to trigger plugin installation tollbar in FF and Chrome. html.push('<object width="0" height="0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"></object>'); } html.push("</div>"); args.resultHtml = html.join(''); } }; AU.installationProgress.prototype._createProgressScreen = function (uploader, type) { var html = [], m; var w = uploader.width(); var rg = /^(\d+)([^0-9]+)?$/; if (m = rg.exec(w)) { if (m[2] == '%') { uploader.width('100%'); } // if value is without units add 'px' if (!m[2]) { w += 'px'; } } else { showWarning('InstallationProgress: Can not parse uploader width: ' + w); } var h = uploader.height(); if (m = rg.exec(h)) { if (m[2] == '%') { uploader.height('100%'); } // if value is without units add 'px' if (!m[2]) { h += 'px'; } } else { showWarning('InstallationProgress: Can not parse uploader height: ' + h); } // wrap progress screen and uloader into div html.push('<div '); html.push(' style="position: relative;width:' + w + ';height:' + h + ';"'); html.push('>'); // progress div html.push('<div'); html.push(' id="' + uploader.id() + '-progress"'); html.push(' style="border:0 none;margin:0;padding:0;position:absolute;overflow:hidden;width:100%;height:100%"'); if (this._progressCssClass) { html.push(' class="' + this._progressCssClass + '"'); } html.push('>'); if (type === 'ax') { html.push((this._progressHtml + '').replace('{0}', this._progressImageUrl)); html.push(this._commonHtml); if (uploader.activeXControl().getActiveXInstalledToUpdate()) { html.push(this._updateInstructions); } else { if (AU.browser.isBeforeIE6XPSP2) { html.push(this._beforeIE6XPSP2ProgressHtml) } else if (AU.browser.isIE6XPSP2) { html.push(this._IE6XPSP2ProgressHtml) } else if (AU.browser.isIE7) { html.push(this._IE7ProgressHtml) } else { html.push(this._IE8ProgressHtml) } } } else if (type === 'j') { html.push((this._progressHtml + '').replace('{0}', this._progressImageUrl)); html.push(this._commonHtml); } else if (type === 'f') { html.push((this._flashProgressHtml + '').replace('{0}', this._progressImageUrl)); } html.push("</div>"); return html.join(""); }; AU.installationProgress.prototype._prop = function (name, value, action) { if (action) { // set passed value this['_' + name] = value; } else { // return current value return this['_' + name]; } }; AU.installationProgress.prototype.showDownloadingScreen = function (value) { return this._prop('showDownloadingScreen', arguments[0], arguments.length); }; AU.installationProgress.prototype.showInstallationScreen = function (value) { return this._prop('showInstallationScreen', arguments[0], arguments.length); }; AU.installationProgress.prototype.progressCssClass = function (value) { return this._prop('progressCssClass', arguments[0], arguments.length); }; AU.installationProgress.prototype.instructionsCssClass = function (value) { return this._prop('instructionsCssClass', arguments[0], arguments.length); }; AU.installationProgress.prototype.commonHtml = function (value) { return this._prop('commonHtml', arguments[0], arguments.length); }; AU.installationProgress.prototype.progressHtml = function (value) { return this._prop('progressHtml', arguments[0], arguments.length); }; AU.installationProgress.prototype.flashProgressHtml = function (value) { return this._prop('flashProgressHtml', arguments[0], arguments.length); }; AU.installationProgress.prototype.progressImageUrl = function (value) { return this._prop('progressImageUrl', arguments[0], arguments.length); }; AU.installationProgress.prototype.beforeIE6XPSP2ProgressHtml = function (value) { return this._prop('beforeIE6XPSP2ProgressHtml', arguments[0], arguments.length); }; AU.installationProgress.prototype.beforeIE6XPSP2InstructionsHtml = function (value) { return this._prop('beforeIE6XPSP2InstructionsHtml', arguments[0], arguments.length); }; AU.installationProgress.prototype.IE6XPSP2ProgressHtml = function (value) { return this._prop('IE6XPSP2ProgressHtml', arguments[0], arguments.length); }; AU.installationProgress.prototype.IE6XPSP2InstructionsHtml = function (value) { return this._prop('IE6XPSP2InstructionsHtml', arguments[0], arguments.length); }; AU.installationProgress.prototype.IE7ProgressHtml = function (value) { return this._prop('IE7ProgressHtml', arguments[0], arguments.length); }; AU.installationProgress.prototype.IE7InstructionsHtml = function (value) { return this._prop('IE7InstructionsHtml', arguments[0], arguments.length); }; AU.installationProgress.prototype.IE8ProgressHtml = function (value) { return this._prop('IE8ProgressHtml', arguments[0], arguments.length); }; AU.installationProgress.prototype.IE8InstructionsHtml = function (value) { return this._prop('IE8InstructionsHtml', arguments[0], arguments.length); }; AU.installationProgress.prototype.altInstallerHtml = function (value) { return this._prop('altInstallerHtml', arguments[0], arguments.length); }; AU.installationProgress.prototype.updateInstructions = function (value) { return this._prop('updateInstructions', arguments[0], arguments.length); }; AU.installationProgress.prototype.macInstallJavaHtml = function (value) { return this._prop('macInstallJavaHtml', arguments[0], arguments.length); }; AU.installationProgress.prototype.installJavaHtml = function (value) { return this._prop('installJavaHtml', arguments[0], arguments.length); }; AU.installationProgress.prototype.installFlashPlayerHtml = function (value) { return this._prop('installFlashPlayerHtml', arguments[0], arguments.length); }; //expose to global window.Aurigma = window.Aurigma || { __namespace: true }; window.Aurigma.ImageUploader = AU; })(window);