Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/image_uploader/flash/ |
Current File : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/image_uploader/flash/aurigma.imageuploaderflash.js |
(function(wnd) { var // Will speed up references to undefined, and allows munging its name. UNDEF, // Global entry AU = wnd.Aurigma ? (wnd.Aurigma.ImageUploaderFlash || {}) : {}, objectCache = { _cache: {}, _uid: 0, put: function (obj) { if (typeof obj != 'undefined') { var id = obj.id(); if (!id) { id = '_obj' + (++this._uid); obj.id(id); } obj._cacheId = id; this._cache[id] = obj; } }, get: function (id) { var c = this._cache; if (c[id]) { return c[id]; } else { for (var i = 0, imax = c.length; i < imax; i++) { if (c[i] && c[i].id() === id) { return c[i]; } } return null; } } }; var browser = AU.browser = new (function () { var a = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); this.isOpera = (a.indexOf("opera") > -1); this.isKonq = (a.indexOf("konqueror") > -1); this.isChrome = (a.indexOf("chrome") > -1); this.isSafari = (a.indexOf("safari") > -1) && !this.isChrome; this.isKhtml = this.isSafari || this.isKonq || this.isChrome; this.isIE = (a.indexOf("msie") != -1) && !this.isOpera; this.isIE6XPSP2 = this.isIE && (a.indexOf("sv1") > -1); this.isIE7 = this.isIE && (a.indexOf("msie 7.0") > -1); this.isIE8 = this.isIE && (a.indexOf("msie 8.0") > -1); this.isBeforeIE6XPSP2 = this.isIE && !this.isIE6XPSP2 && !this.isIE7 && !this.isIE8; this.isWinIE = this.isIE && (a.indexOf('mac') == -1); this.isIE64 = this.isIE && (a.indexOf('win64') > -1); this.isFF = (a.indexOf('firefox') > -1); this.isWindowsOS = (navigator.platform.indexOf("Win") > -1); })(), showInfo = function (msg) { AU.debug().showInfo(msg); }, showError = function (msg) { AU.debug().showError(msg); }, //encode reserved html symbols htmlencode = function (text) { if (text && typeof text.replace === 'function') { var entities = [ ["\"", """], ["'", "'"], ["&", "&"], ["<", "<"], [">", ">"] ]; var rg = /\"|\'|&|<|>/g; return text.replace(rg, function (c) { for (var i = 0, cnt = entities.length; i < cnt; i++) { if (c == entities[i][0]) { return entities[i][1]; } } return c; }); } else { return text; } }, getCurrentUrl = wnd.getCurrentUrl = function () { return document.location.href; }, // get handler name for event // it will be global function called from uploader control getGlobalHandlerName = function (uploader, eventName) { // pattern: '__uploaderID_eventName' return ["__" + uploader.id(), "_", eventName].join(""); }, // get uploader parameters in array of { name: 'name', value: 'value' } objects getParams = function () { /// <summary> /// For internal use only! Get params array for rendering control. /// </summary> var params = [], i, cnt, value; //simple properties just copy to array if (this._simpleProperties && this._simpleProperties.length > 0) { for (i = 0, cnt = this._simpleProperties.length; i < cnt; i++) { if (!this._simpleProperties[i].isAttribute) { value = this[this._simpleProperties[i].name]() + ""; if (value != "null" && value != "undefined") { params.push({ name: this._simpleProperties[i].render || this._simpleProperties[i].name, value: value }); } } } } // getParams from object properties if (this._objectProperties && this._objectProperties.length > 0) { for (i = 0, cnt = this._objectProperties.length; i < cnt; i++) { value = this[this._objectProperties[i].name](); if (typeof value.getParams === "function") { params = params.concat(value.getParams()); } } } return params; }, extend = function (target, options, deep) { // copy reference to target object var name, src, copy; // Handle case when target is a string or something (possible in deep copy) if (typeof target !== "object" && Object.prototype.toString.call(target) !== "[object Function]") { target = {}; } // Only deal with non-null/undefined values if (options != null) { // Extend the base object for (name in options) { src = target[name]; copy = options[name]; // Prevent never-ending loop if (target === copy) { continue; } // Recurse if we're merging object literal values or arrays if (deep && (typeof copy === "object")) { if (!src) { if (Object.prototype.toString.call(copy) === "[object Array]") { src = []; } else { src = {}; } } // Never move original objects, clone them target[name] = extend(src, copy, deep); // Don't bring in undefined values } else if (copy !== undefined) { target[name] = copy; } } } // Return the modified object return target; }, propertyMaker = { createSimpleProperty: function (obj, property) { /// <summary> /// Create method with the name property.name for object obj. /// Method works like property: if we pass argument it set new value, /// if we call method without arguments it return stored value. /// </summary> /// <param name="obj" type="Object"> /// The object for which to create a method. /// </param> /// <param name="property" type="Object"> /// The object which contains method name and defaut value. /// </param> if (typeof property.name === 'string') { var field = "_" + property.name; obj[field] = property.defaultValue; obj[property.name] = function () { if (arguments.length > 0) { // Set value if we pass parameter this[field] = arguments[0]; } else { // Return value if call method without parameter return this[field]; } }; } }, createObjectProperty: function (obj, property, uploader) { /// <summary> /// Create method with the name property.name for object obj. /// Method works like property: if we pass argument it set new value, /// if we call method wothout arguments it return stored value. /// </summary> /// <param name="obj" type="Object"> /// The object for which to create a method. /// </param> /// <param name="property" type="Object"> /// The object which contains method name and defaut value. /// </param> // Create new object for this property var valueObj = new property.type(); var field = "_" + property.name; obj[field] = valueObj; // Init created object // In init usually we create object's simple and object properties if (typeof property.type.init === 'function') { property.type.init(valueObj, uploader); } else { var errMsg = "Can not create property '" + property.name + "'. 'init' method is not a function."; showError(errMsg); throw errMsg; } obj[property.name] = function () { if (arguments.length > 0) { var initObj = arguments[0]; for (var name in initObj) { if (typeof this[field][name] === 'function') { this[field][name](initObj[name]); } else { showError('Control have not ' + name + ' propery'); } } } else { return this[field]; } } }, createControlProperty: function (obj, property) { /// <summary> /// Create method with the name property.name for object obj. /// Method works like property: if we pass argument it set new value, /// if we call method wothout arguments it return stored value. /// The value get from or set to the underlying flash, activex or java control. /// </summary> /// <param name="obj" type="Object"> /// The object for which to create a method. /// </param> /// <param name="property" type="Object"> /// The object which contains method name and defaut value. /// </param> if (typeof property.name === 'string' && !property.renderOnly) { try { // save current property value var oldValue = obj[property.name](), uploader = obj._uploader, element = uploader.getElement(); var getter = property.getter, setter = property.setter; if (getter === 1 || setter === 1) { var propName = property.render || property.name; propName = propName.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + propName.substring(1); if (getter === 1) { getter = "get" + propName; } if (setter === 1) { setter = "set" + propName; } } obj[property.name] = function () { // set value if we pass parameter if (arguments.length > 0) { return element.callFlash(setter, arguments[0]); } else { return element.callFlash(getter); } }; // Set value if (oldValue !== UNDEF && setter) { obj[property.name](oldValue); } } catch (err) { var msg = "Can't create property '" + property.name + "'.\r\n"; if (typeof err === "string") { err = msg + err; } else { err.message = msg + (err.message || err.description || err); } throw err; } } }, createAttributeProperty: function (obj, property) { /// <summary> /// Create method with the name property.name for object obj. /// Method works like property: if we pass argument it set new value, /// if we call method wothout arguments it return stored value. /// The value get from or set to the underlying element <b>attribute</b>. /// </summary> /// <param name="obj" type="Object"> /// The object for which to create a method. /// </param> /// <param name="property" type="Object"> /// The object which contains method name and defaut value. /// </param> var uploader = obj._uploader, element = uploader.getElement(); obj[property.name] = function () { // set value if we pass parameter if (arguments.length > 0) { return element[property.name] = arguments[0]; } else { //return value otherwise return element[property.name]; } }; }, createMethod: function (obj, method) { var uploader = obj._uploader, element = uploader.getElement(); var controlMethodName = method.controlMethodName || method.name; obj[method.name] = function () { // We need to pass incominag arguments to control's function. // 'apply' and 'call' does not work for activex and java functions. var arg = arguments; switch (arg.length) { case 0: return element.callFlash(controlMethodName); case 1: return element.callFlash(controlMethodName, arg[0]); case 2: return element.callFlash(controlMethodName, arg[0], arg[1]); case 3: return element.callFlash(controlMethodName, arg[0], arg[1], arg[2]); case 4: return element.callFlash(controlMethodName, arg[0], arg[1], arg[2], arg[3]); case 5: return element.callFlash(controlMethodName, arg[0], arg[1], arg[2], arg[3], arg[4]); } }; }, _typicalInit: function (obj, uploader) { /// <summary> /// DO NOT CALL THIS FUNCTION, use 'init' method for particular type /// Usually 'init' should create simple and object properties for particular type, /// and in this case we can use this function in type's init method. /// </summary> /// <param name="obj" type="Object"> /// The object for which to create a method. /// </param> /// <param name="uploader" type="Object"> /// The parent uploader object. /// </param> // Add reference to the parent uploader object obj._uploader = uploader; // Init simple properties if (obj._simpleProperties) { for (var i = 0, imax = obj._simpleProperties.length; i < imax; i++) { propertyMaker.createSimpleProperty(obj, obj._simpleProperties[i]); } } // Init object properties if (obj._objectProperties) { for (var i = 0, imax = obj._objectProperties.length; i < imax; i++) { propertyMaker.createObjectProperty(obj, obj._objectProperties[i], uploader); } } }, _typicalReinit: function (obj) { // Map uploader properties to the control if (obj._simpleProperties) { for (var i = 0, imax = obj._simpleProperties.length; i < imax; i++) { var property = obj._simpleProperties[i]; if (!property.isAttribute) { propertyMaker.createControlProperty(obj, property); } } } if (obj._objectProperties) { for (var i = 0, imax = obj._objectProperties.length; i < imax; i++) { var property = obj._objectProperties[i]; if (property.type && typeof property.type.reinit === 'function') { property.type.reinit(obj[property.name]()); } } } if (obj._methods && obj._methods.length > 0) { for (var i = 0, imax = obj._methods.length; i < imax; i++) { propertyMaker.createMethod(obj, obj._methods[i]); } } } }; // Flash Player version detection script. AU.flashDetector = { detectVersion: function() { /// <summary> /// Detect installed flash version. The method returns array of /// three numbers, where first number - major version number, /// second number - minor version number, third number - number of revision. /// For example the latest flash version now is 10.0.45, so method return /// this array [10, 0, 45]. If flash is not installed we return [-1, -1, -1] array. /// </summary> /// <returns type="Array" Array with installed version number. /> var version = null, plugins = navigator.plugins, plg; if (plugins && typeof ((plg = plugins["Shockwave Flash 2.0"] || plugins["Shockwave Flash"])) !== 'undefined') { var flashDescr = plg.description; // Shockwave Flash 10.0 r42 var matches = /^.+\s+(\d+).(\d+)\s+r(\d+)$/.exec(flashDescr); var verMajor = parseInt(matches[1], 10) || 0; var verMinor = parseInt(matches[2], 10) || 0; var revVer = parseInt(matches[3], 10) || 0; version = [verMajor, verMinor, revVer]; } else if (wnd.ActiveXObject) { try { // version will be set for 7.X or greater players var axo = new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.7"); } catch (e) { try { // version will be set for 6.X players only axo = new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.6"); // installed player is some revision of 6.0 // GetVariable("$version") crashes for versions 6.0.22 through 6.0.29, // so we have to be careful. // default to the first public version version = [6, 0, 21]; // "6,0,21,0"; // throws if AllowScripAccess does not exist (introduced in 6.0r47) axo.AllowScriptAccess = "always"; } catch (e) { } } if (axo) { try { var versionStr = axo.GetVariable("$version"); matches = /^\S+\s+(\d+),(\d+),(\d+)(,\d+)?$/.exec(versionStr); verMajor = parseInt(matches[1], 10) || 0; verMinor = parseInt(matches[2], 10) || 0; revVer = parseInt(matches[3], 10) || 0; version = [verMajor, verMinor, revVer]; } catch (e) { } } } if (!version) { version = [-1, -1, -1]; // Flash player is not installed } return version; } } AU.debug = function () { /// <summary> /// Get configure debug object. /// </summary> /// <returns type="$au.debug" /> if (!this._debug) { var f = function () { this.constructor = AU.debug; }; f.prototype = AU.debug.prototype; this._debug = new f(); } return this._debug; }; AU.debug.prototype = { __class: true, // disable debug by default _level: 0, _mode: ['popup', 'console', 'alert'], mode: function (mode) { /// <summary> /// Get or set debug mode. Debug mode specifies where /// the debug messages will be shown. /// </summary> /// <param name="mode" type="Array"> /// An array with possible debug places: 'popup', 'console' or 'alert'. /// </param> /// <returns type="Number" /> if (arguments.length > 0) { var v = arguments[0]; if (v instanceof Array) { this._mode = arguments[0]; } else { this._mode = [arguments[0]]; } } else { return this._mode; } }, level: function (level) { /// <summary> /// Get or set debug level. /// Possible values: /// 0 - no debug messages, /// 1 - errors, /// 2 - errors and debug messages from uploader, /// 3 - errors, debug messages from uploader and informaion messages. /// Default value is 0. /// </summary> /// <param name="level" type="Number"> /// Debug level /// </param> /// <returns type="Number" /> if (arguments.length > 0) { this._level = arguments[0]; } else { return this._level; } }, /// <summary> /// Show error message. /// </summary> /// <param name="msg" type="String"> /// Messsage /// </param> showError: function (msg) { this.showMessage(msg, 1); }, /// <summary> /// Show message from Image Uploader. /// The method called from Image Uploader trace event. /// </summary> /// <param name="msg" type="String"> /// Messsage /// </param> _showUploaderMessage: function (msg) { this.showMessage(msg, 2); }, /// <summary> /// Show information message. /// </summary> /// <param name="msg" type="String"> /// Messsage /// </param> showInfo: function (msg) { this.showMessage(msg, 3); }, showMessage: function (msg, level) { if (level > this._level) { return; } for (var i = 0, imax = this._mode.length; i < imax; i++) { switch (this._mode[i]) { case 'console': // check the console available if (typeof wnd.console != 'undefined' && console.log) { // print message to console console.log(msg); return; } break; case 'popup': if (!this._popupWindow || this._popupWindow.closed) { // open popup window this._popupWindow = wnd.open('', 'ImageUploaderDebugWindow', 'width=300,height=200,menubar=1,status=1,scrollbars=1,resizable=1'); // popup has been blocked if (!this._popupWindow) break; var list = this._popupWindow.document.getElementsByTagName("ol"); if (!list || list.length == 0) { // write log window html var html = []; html.push('<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">\n'); html.push('<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">\n'); html.push('<head>'); html.push('<title>Image Uploader Log Window</title>'); html.push('<style type="text/css">* { margin:0; padding: 0; font-family: "Lucida Console", Monaco, monospace; } li { border-bottom:1px solid #aaa; padding: 10px; } li:nth-child(odd) { background-color: #fafafa; }</style>'); html.push('</head>'); html.push('<body>'); html.push('<input type="button" value="Clear" onclick=\'document.getElementsByTagName("ol")[0].innerHTML = "";\' />'); html.push('<ol>'); html.push('</ol>'); html.push('<input type="button" value="Clear" onclick=\'document.getElementsByTagName("ol")[0].innerHTML = "";\' />'); html.push('</body>'); html.push('</html>'); this._popupWindow.document.write(html.join('')); } } // add log message var el = this._popupWindow.document.createElement("li"), pre = this._popupWindow.document.createElement("pre"), text = this._popupWindow.document.createTextNode(msg); pre.appendChild(text); el.appendChild(pre); this._popupWindow.document.getElementsByTagName("ol")[0].appendChild(el); return; case 'alert': // show alert alert(msg); return; } } } }; var formHelper = (function() { function fieldValue(el) { var n = el.name, t = el.type, tag = el.tagName.toLowerCase(); if (!n || el.disabled || t == 'reset' || t == 'button' || t == 'file' || t == 'submit' || t == 'image' || (t == 'checkbox' || t == 'radio') && !el.checked || tag == 'select' && el.selectedIndex == -1) { return null; } if (tag == 'select') { var index = el.selectedIndex; if (index < 0) return null; var a = [], ops = el.options; var one = (t == 'select-one'); var max = (one ? index + 1 : ops.length); for (var i = (one ? index : 0); i < max; i++) { var op = ops[i]; if (op.selected) { var v = op.value; if (!v) // for IE... v = (op.attributes && op.attributes['value'] && !(op.attributes['value'].specified)) ? op.text : op.value; if (one) return v; a.push(v); } } return a; } return el.value; } function formToArray(form) { var a = []; var els = form.elements; if (!els) return a; for (var i = 0, cnt = els.length; i < cnt; i++) { var el = els[i]; var n = el.name; if (!n) continue; var v = fieldValue(el); if (v && v.constructor == Array) { for (var j = 0, jmax = v.length; j < jmax; j++) a.push({ name: n, value: v[j], array: true, first: (j === 0) }); } else if (v !== null && typeof v != 'undefined') a.push({ name: n, value: v }); } return a; } return { formToArray: formToArray }; })(); // Base prototype for uploader and thumbnail controls function baseControl() { // We inherit from this class, so we can not place this array into prototype this._simpleProperties = [{ name: "id", isAttribute: true}]; } baseControl.prototype = { __class: true, state: function () { if (arguments.length > 0) { this._state = arguments[0]; } else { return this._state; } }, set: function (obj) { /// <summary> /// Set uploader properties /// </summary> /// <param name="obj" type="Object"> /// An object with uploader properties /// </param> for (var name in obj) { if (typeof this[name] === 'function') { this[name](obj[name]); } else { showError('Uploader haven\'t ' + name + ' property.'); } } }, writeHtml: function () { wnd.document.write(this.getHtml()); }, getHtml: function () { var self = this, id = this.id(), events = this.events(); /* create events function*/ var createEventHandler = function (event, eventName) { return function () { var result1 = true; if (event._handlers && event._handlers.length > 0) { for (var i = 0, imax = event._handlers.length; i < imax; i++) { try { var handler = event._handlers[i]; var result; if (typeof handler === 'function') { result = handler.apply(self, arguments); } else if (typeof wnd[handler] === 'function') { result = wnd[handler].apply(self, arguments); } else { showError(eventName + " error:\n \"" + handler + "\" handler is not defined."); } if (eventName === 'beforeUpload' || eventName === 'afterPackageUpload') { // for beforeUpload and afterPackageUpload events // we returns false if any event handler returns false or 0 if (!result1) { // already get false in prev handler result = result1; } else if (result !== UNDEF) { // convert to boolean and save to temp var result1 = (result === false || result === 0 ? false : true); } } } catch (err) { showError(eventName + " error:\n" + (err.message || err.description || err)); throw err; } } } // return result from last handler return result; }; }; // fire preRender event if (events.preRender().count() > 0) { (createEventHandler(events.preRender(), 'preRender'))(); } if (AU.debug().level() >= 2 && events.trace) { // add trace events events.trace().add(function (msg) { AU.debug()._showUploaderMessage(msg); }); } for (var i in events) { if (i != 'getParams' && i != 'preRender') { var event = events[i]; if (typeof event === 'function' && event() instanceof AU.event && event().count() > 0) { wnd[getGlobalHandlerName(this, i)] = createEventHandler(event(), i); } } } return flashRenderer(this).html(); }, getElement: function () { return wnd.document.getElementById(this.id()); }, getParams: function () { var params = getParams.call(this); //set debug options params.push({ name: 'debugMode', value: (AU.debug().level() >= 2) }); params.push({ name: 'traceToJS', value: true }); return params; }, registerCallback: function (name, callback, context) { this._clbs = this._clbs || {}; this._clbs[name] = this._clbs[name] || []; this._clbs[name].push({ 'func': callback, 'ctx': context }); }, _invokeCallback: function (name, args) { if (!this._clbs || !this._clbs[name]) { return; } var clbs = this._clbs[name] for (var i = 0, imax = clbs.length; i < imax; i++) { var clb = clbs[i]; clb.func.apply(clb.ctx, args); } }, id: function (value) { /// <summary> /// Get or set control id /// </summary> /// <param name="value" type="String"> /// id /// </param> /// <returns type="String" /> } }; function baseEvents(initObj) { // We inherit from this class, so we can not place this array into prototype this._eventNames = ["initComplete", "preRender"]; }; baseEvents.prototype = { __class: true, initComplete: function () { /// <summary> /// Init complete event. /// </summary> /// <returns type="$au.event" /> /* will be created while initialization*/ }, preRender: function () { /// <summary> /// Prerender event. /// </summary> /// <returns type="$au.event" /> /* will be created while initialization*/ }, getParams: function () { var params = []; for (var i = 0, imax = this._eventNames.length; i < imax; i++) { var eventName = this._eventNames[i], evt = this[eventName]; if (typeof evt === 'function' && evt().count() > 0) { params.push({ name: eventName.toLowerCase() + "listener", value: getGlobalHandlerName(this._uploader, eventName) }); } } return params; } }; baseEvents.init = function (obj, uploader) { obj._uploader = uploader; var events = obj._eventNames; var f = function () { var eventObj = new AU.event(); return function () { if (arguments.length > 0) { eventObj.add(arguments[0]); } return eventObj; }; } for (var i = 0, imax = events.length; i < imax; i++) { obj[events[i]] = f(); } }; baseEvents.prototype.constructor = baseEvents; AU.commonDialog = function() { /// <summary> /// Common dialog window properties. /// </summary> /// <returns type="$au.commonDialog" /> }; AU.commonDialog.prototype = { __class: true, _simpleProperties: [ { name: "cancelButtonText", getter: 1, setter: 1, render: "CommonDialogCancelButtonText" }, { name: "okButtonText", getter: 1, setter: 1, render: "CommonDialogOkButtonText" } ], getParams: getParams, cancelButtonText: function(value) { /// <summary> /// Gets or sets the text of the Cancel button. /// </summary> /// <param name="value" type="String" /> /// <returns type="String" /> }, okButtonText: function(value) { /// <summary> /// Gets or sets the text of the OK button. /// </summary> /// <param name="value" type="String" /> /// <returns type="String" /> } }; AU.commonDialog.init = propertyMaker._typicalInit; AU.commonDialog.reinit = propertyMaker._typicalReinit; AU.converter = function (json) { if (AU.converter.init) { AU.converter.init(); } this.mode('*.*=SourceFile'); if (json) { this.set(json); } }; AU.converter.init = function () { // Init simple properties var obj = AU.converter.prototype; if (obj._simpleProperties) { for (var i = 0, imax = obj._simpleProperties.length; i < imax; i++) { var prop = obj._simpleProperties[i]; propertyMaker.createSimpleProperty(obj, prop); } } delete AU.converter.init; } AU.converter.prototype = { __class: true, _simpleProperties: [ { name: "thumbnailBgColor", getter: 1, setter: 1, render: "ConverterThumbnailBgColor" }, { name: "thumbnailCopyExif", getter: 1, setter: 1, render: "ConverterThumbnailCopyExif" }, { name: "thumbnailCopyIptc", getter: 1, setter: 1, render: "ConverterThumbnailCopyIptc" }, { name: "thumbnailFitMode", getter: 1, setter: 1, render: "ConverterThumbnailFitMode" }, { name: "thumbnailHeight", getter: 1, setter: 1, render: "ConverterThumbnailHeight" }, { name: "thumbnailJpegQuality", getter: 1, setter: 1, render: "ConverterThumbnailJpegQuality" }, { name: "thumbnailWidth", getter: 1, setter: 1, render: "ConverterThumbnailWidth" } ], // for mode need additional validation mode: function() { /// <summary> /// Get or set converter mode string. /// </summary> /// <param name="value" type="String"> /// "mask11,mask12,...=mode1,mode2,...;mask21,mask22,...=mode1,mode2,...;..." /// Where mask is the file extension, mode is the one of the string "SourceFile", "Thumbnail", "Icon", "Zip". /// For example, "*.*=SourceFile" - source file will be uploaded, /// "*.jpg,*.png,*.gif=Thumbnail;*.*=Icon" - thumbnail will be uploaded for jpg, png, gif images, /// and file icon for other files. /// </param> /// <returns type="String" /> /* will be created while initialization */ if (arguments.length > 0) { if (arguments[0]) { this._validateMode(arguments[0]); this._mode = arguments[0]; } } else { return this._mode; } }, thumbnailBgColor: function (value) { /// <summary> /// Get or set thumbnail background color /// </summary> /// <param name="value" type="String"> /// Color /// </param> /// <returns type="String" /> /* will be created while initialization */ }, thumbnailCopyExif: function (value) { /// <summary> /// Get or set whether to copy EXIF data from original JPEG image to thumbnail /// </summary> /// <param name="value" type="Boolean" /> /// <returns type="Boolean" /> /* will be created while initialization */ }, thumbnailCopyIptc: function (value) { /// <summary> /// Get or set whether to copy IPTC data from original JPEG image to thumbnail /// </summary> /// <param name="value" type="Boolean" /> /// <returns type="Boolean" /> /* will be created while initialization */ }, thumbnailFitMode: function (value) { /// <summary> /// Get or set how the thumbnail will be resized. /// </summary> /// <param name="value" type="String"> /// One of the values "Fit", "Width", "Height", "ActualSize" or their number evuivalent. /// </param> /// <returns type="Number" /> /* will be created while initialization */ }, thumbnailHeight: function (value) { /// <summary> /// Get or set maximum thumbnail height. /// </summary> /// <param name="value" type="Number"> /// </param> /// <returns type="Number" /> /* will be created while initialization */ }, thumbnailJpegQuality: function (value) { /// <summary> /// Get or set JPEG quality for thumbnail. /// </summary> /// <param name="value" type="Number"> /// Integer number from 0 to 100. /// </param> /// <returns type="Number" /> /* will be created while initialization */ }, thumbnailWidth: function (value) { /// <summary> /// Get or set maximum thumbnail width. /// </summary> /// <param name="value" type="Number"> /// Width /// </param> /// <returns type="Number" /> /* will be created while initialization */ }, set: function(json) { if (json) { if (typeof json.toJson == 'function') json = json.toJson(); for (var p in json) { if (!json.hasOwnProperty || json.hasOwnProperty(p)) { if (typeof this[p] === 'function' && json[p] != null) { this[p](json[p]); } } } } }, toJson: function() { var obj = {}, value, prop; if (this.mode()) { obj.mode = this.mode(); } if (this._simpleProperties) { for (var i = 0, imax = this._simpleProperties.length; i < imax; i++) { prop = this._simpleProperties[i]; value = this[prop.name](); if (value != null) { obj[prop.name] = value; } } } return obj; }, _validateMode: function(modeString) { var rg = /^((.*=)?(SourceFile|Thumbnail|Icon|None|Zip);)*(.*=)?(SourceFile|Thumbnail|Icon|None|Zip);?$/; if (rg.test(modeString)) { return true; } else { showError("Converter mode string is not valid.\n" + modeString); return false; } } }; AU.converter.prototype.mode.isUploaderProperty = true; AU.converter.prototype.constructor = AU.converter; //change prototype to work with rendered control AU.converter.reinit = function (converter, element) { converter.mode = function () { if (arguments.length > 0) { if (arguments[0]) { this._validateMode(arguments[0]); element.callFlash("setConverterMode", this._index, arguments[0]); } } else { return element.callFlash("getConverterMode", this._index); } }; converter.mode.isUploaderProperty = true; if (converter._simpleProperties) { for (var i = 0, imax = converter._simpleProperties.length; i < imax; i++) { var property = converter._simpleProperties[i]; if (!property.isAttribute) { // Use closure to capture "getter" and "setter" values (function (property) { var getter = property.getter, setter = property.setter; if (getter === 1 || setter === 1) { var p = property.render || property.name; p = p.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + p.substring(1); if (getter === 1) { getter = "get" + p; } if (setter === 1) { setter = "set" + p; } } // replace property function to the new, which get/set value from/to uploader, // instead of internal variable converter[property.name] = function () { if (arguments.length > 0) { if (arguments[0] != null) { return element.callFlash(setter, this._index, arguments[0]); } } else return element.callFlash(getter, this._index); } // mark that function is uploader's property converter[property.name].isUploaderProperty = true; })(property); } } } }; AU.converters = function () { /// <summary> /// Get or set upload converters properties /// </summary> /// <returns type="$au.converters" /> } AU.converters.prototype = { __class: true, add: function() { /// <summary> /// Add new converter to uploader. /// </summary> /// <returns type="$au.converter" /> var th; if (arguments[0] instanceof AU.converter) { th = arguments[0]; } else { th = new AU.converter(arguments[0]); } this._converters.push(th); return th; }, count: function() { /// <summary> /// Get count of added converters. /// </summary> /// <returns type="Number" /> return this._converters.length; }, get: function(index) { /// <summary> /// Get added converter. /// </summary> /// <param name="index" type="Number"> /// Converter index /// </param> /// <returns type="$au.converter" /> return this._converters[index]; }, remove: function(index) { /// <summary> /// Remove converter. /// </summary> /// <param name="index" type="Number"> /// Converter index /// </param> this._converters.splice(index, 1); }, removeAll: function() { /// <summary> /// Remove all converters. /// </summary> this._converters.length = 0; while (this.count() > 0) { this.remove(0); } } }; AU.converters.init = function (obj, uploader) { obj._uploader = uploader; obj._converters = [new AU.converter({ mode: "*.*=SourceFile" })]; } // change prototype to work with rendered control // for internal use AU.converters.reinit = function (converters) { try { showInfo("Reinit converters."); var element = converters._uploader.getElement(); //save converters added before var convertersArr = [], i, cnt; for (i = 0, cnt = converters.count(); i < cnt; i++) { var cv = converters.get(i); convertersArr.push(cv.toJson()); } // remove converters from control while (element.callFlash("getConverterCount") > 0) { element.callFlash("removeConverter", 0); } //clear internal converters array converters._items = []; converters.add = function () { /// <summary> /// Add converter to uploader /// </summary> /// <returns type="$au.converter" added converter /> var index = element.callFlash("addConverter", "*.*=SourceFile"); if (index >= 0) { if (arguments[0]) { var conv = this.get(index); conv.set(arguments[0]); return conv; } } else { showError("Converter hasn't been added."); return null; } }; converters.count = function () { return element.callFlash("getConverterCount"); }; converters.get = function (index) { /// <summary> /// Get converter /// </summary> /// <param name="index" type="Number"> /// Converter index /// </param> /// <returns type="$au.converter" /> if (index < this.count()) { if (this._items && this._items[index]) { return this._items[index]; } else { this._items = this._items || []; //create object to provide methods to work with thumbnail var converter = new AU.converter(); converter._index = index; AU.converter.reinit(converter, element); this._items[index] = converter; return converter; } } else { return null; } }; converters.remove = function (index) { /// <summary> /// Remove thumbnail /// </summary> /// <param name="index" type="Number"> /// thumbnail index /// </param> // remove from control element.callFlash("removeConverter", index); //remove from internal array this._items.splice(index, 1); // re-index items for (var i = 0, imax = this._items.length; i < imax; i++) { this._items[i]._index = i; } }; // add saved converters to uploader control for (i = 0, cnt = convertersArr.length; i < cnt; i++) { converters.add(convertersArr[i]); } } catch (err) { showError('Converters initialization failed.\n' + (err.message || err.description || err)); throw err; } }; AU.descriptionEditor = function () { /// <summary> /// Get or set descriptionEditor properties /// </summary> /// <param name="descriptionEditor" type="Object"> /// An object with restrictions parameters /// </param> /// <returns type="$au.descriptionEditor" /> } AU.descriptionEditor.prototype = { __class: true, _simpleProperties: [ { name: "cancelButtonText", getter: 1, setter: 1, render: "DescriptionEditorCancelButtonText" }, { name: "saveButtonText", getter: 1, setter: 1, render: "DescriptionEditorSaveButtonText" } ], getParams: getParams, cancelButtonText: function (value) { /// <summary> /// Cancel button text. /// </summary> /// <param name="value" type="String" /> /// <returns type="String" /> /* will be created while initialization */ }, saveButtonText: function (value) { /// <summary> /// Save button text. /// </summary> /// <param name="value" type="String" /> /// <returns type="String" /> /* will be created while initialization */ } } AU.descriptionEditor.init = propertyMaker._typicalInit; AU.descriptionEditor.reinit = propertyMaker._typicalReinit; AU.events = function (initObj) { /// <summary> /// Get or set uploader events /// </summary> /// <param name="initObj" type="Array"> /// java control parameters. /// </param> /// <returns type="$au.events" /> /* will be created while initialization */ }; AU.events.prototype = new baseEvents(); extend(AU.events.prototype, { _eventNames: [UNDEF /*base event*/, UNDEF /*base event*/, "beforeUpload", "afterUpload", "beforePackageUpload", "afterPackageUpload", "progress", "itemsAdded", "error", "restrictionFailed", "trace"], beforeUpload: function () { /// <summary> /// BeforeUpload event /// </summary> /// <returns type="$au.event" /> }, afterUpload: function () { /// <summary> /// AfterUpload event /// </summary> /// <returns type="$au.event" /> }, beforePackageUpload: function () { /// <summary> /// BeforePackageUpload event /// </summary> /// <returns type="$au.event" /> }, afterPackageUpload: function () { /// <summary> /// AfterPackageUpload event /// </summary> /// <returns type="$au.event" /> }, progress: function () { /// <summary> /// AfterPackageUpload event /// </summary> /// <returns type="$au.event" /> }, itemsAdded: function () { /// <summary> /// AfterPackageUpload event /// </summary> /// <returns type="$au.event" /> }, error: function () { /// <summary> /// Error event /// </summary> /// <returns type="$au.event" /> }, restrictionFailed: function () { /// <summary> /// RestrictionFailed event /// </summary> /// <returns type="$au.event" /> }, trace: function () { /// <summary> /// Trace event. /// Trace event used to receive debug messages from uploader. /// </summary> /// <returns type="$au.event" /> } }, true); AU.events.init = baseEvents.init; AU.events.prototype.constructor = AU.events; AU.file = function (json) { if (json) { this.set(json); } this.constructor = AU.file.prototype; }; AU.file.prototype = { __class: true, angle: function (angle) { /// <summary> /// Get or set rotate angle. /// </summary> /// <param name="value" type="Number"> /// Angle /// </param> /// <returns type="Number" /> /* will be created while initialization */ }, description: function (description) { /// <summary> /// Get or set description for uploaded file. /// </summary> /// <param name="value" type="String"> /// Description text /// </param> /// <returns type="String" /> /* will be created while initialization */ }, height: function() { /// <summary> /// Get height of the file in the upload pane. Returns 0 for non-image file. /// </summary> /// <returns type="Number" /> /* will be created while initialization */ }, name: function () { /// <summary> /// Get name of the file in the upload pane. /// </summary> /// <returns type="String" /> /* will be created while initialization */ }, selected: function(selected) { /// <summary> /// Check if file seleced in the upload pane. /// </summary> /// <returns type="Boolean" /> /* will be created while initialization */ }, size: function () { /// <summary> /// Get size of the file in the upload pane. /// </summary> /// <returns type="Number" /> /* will be created while initialization */ }, width: function () { /// <summary> /// Get width of the file in the upload pane. Returns 0 for non-image file. /// </summary> /// <returns type="Number" /> /* will be created while initialization */ }, remove: function () { /// <summary> /// Remove file from upload list. /// </summary> /* will be created while initialization */ } }; //change object to work with rendered control AU.file.reinit = function (element, obj) { obj.angle = function (angle) { if (angle || angle === 0) { element.callFlash("setUploadFileAngle", this._index, angle); } else { return element.callFlash("getUploadFileAngle", this._index); } }; obj.description = function (description) { if (description !== UNDEF) { element.callFlash("setUploadFileDescription", this._index, description); } else { return element.callFlash("getUploadFileDescription", this._index); } }; obj.height = function () { return element.callFlash("getUploadFileHeight", this._index); }; obj.name = function () { return element.callFlash("getUploadFileName", this._index); }; obj.selected = function (selected) { if (selected !== UNDEF) { element.callFlash("setUploadFileSelected", this._index, selected); } else { return element.callFlash("getUploadFileSelected", this._index); } }; obj.size = function () { return element.callFlash("getUploadFileSize", this._index); }; obj.width = function () { return element.callFlash("getUploadFileWidth", this._index); }; obj.remove = function () { return element.callFlash("removeAt", this._index); }; }; AU.files = function () { /// <summary> /// Get collection of files to upload. /// </summary> /// <returns type="$au.files" /> }; AU.files.prototype = { __class: true, count: function() { /// <summary> /// Get count of files selected to upload. /// </summary> /// <returns type="Number" /> // can't select files before uploader initialization return 0; }, get: function(index) { /// <summary> /// Get file to upload /// </summary> /// <param name="index" type="Number"> /// Index of files in the list view /// </param> /// <returns type="$au.file" /> // can't select files before uploader initialization return null; }, remove: function (index) { /// <summary> /// Remove file from upload list /// </summary> /// <param name="index" type="Number"> /// Index of files in the upload list /// </param> } }; AU.files.init = propertyMaker._typicalInit; // change object to work with rendered control // for internal use AU.files.reinit = function (obj) { showInfo("Reinit files API."); var element = obj._uploader.getElement(); obj.count = function() { return element.callFlash("getUploadFileCount"); }; obj.removeAll = function() { return element.callFlash("removeAll"); }; obj.get = function(index) { if (index < this.count()) { if (this._items && this._items[index]) { return this._items[index]; } else { this._items = this._items || []; //create object to provide methods to work with file var f = new AU.file(); AU.file.reinit(element, f); f._index = index; this._items[index] = f; return f; } } else { return null; } }; obj.remove = function (index) { return element.callFlash("removeAt", index); }; }; AU.flashControl = function() { /// <summary> /// Get or set flash control parameters /// </summary> /// <param name="initObj" type="Object"> /// flash control parameters. /// </param> /// <returns type="$au.flashControl" /> /* will be created while initialization */ }; AU.flashControl.prototype = { _simpleProperties: [ { name: "codeBase", defaultValue: "Scripts/aurigma.imageuploaderflash.swf", isAttribute: true }, { name: "themeUrl", getter: 1, setter: 1, renderOnly: true }, { name: "bgColor", isAttribute: true }, { name: "wmode", isAttribute: true }, { name: "quality", isAttribute: true }, { name: "maxFileToLoadSize", getter: 1, setter: 1 }, { name: "version", isAttribute: true } ], flashVersionRequired: [10, 1, 0], codeBase: function(codeBase) { /// <summary> /// Get or set URL to flash file /// </summary> /// <param name="codeBase" type="String"> /// URL to file /// </param> /// <returns type="String" /> /* will be created while initialization */ }, maxFileToLoadSize: function() { /// <summary> /// Configure max file size can be loaded into memory. /// All other converters except sourceFile or None require to load file into memory. /// </summary> /// <param name="value" type="Number"> /// Ma file size able to be loaded into memory. /// </param> /// <returns type="Number" /> /* will be created while initialization */ }, themeUrl: function() { /// <summary> /// Gets or sets url to flash uploader theme. /// </summary> /// <param name="value" type="String"> /// URL to theme /// </param> /// <returns type="String" /> /* will be created while initialization */ }, bgColor: function() { /// <summary> /// Specifies the background color of the movie. Use this attribute to /// override the background color setting specified in the Flash file. /// </summary> /// <param name="value" type="String"> /// [ hexadecimal RGB value] in the format #RRGGBB. /// </param> /// <returns type="String" /> /* will be created while initialization */ }, wmode: function (value) { /// <summary> /// Possible values: window, opaque, transparent. /// Sets the Window Mode property of the Flash movie for transparency, layering, /// and positioning in the browser. /// </summary> /// <param name="value" type="String"> /// window|opaque|transparent /// </param> /// <returns type="String" /> /* will be created while initialization */ }, quality: function (value) { /// <summary> /// Possible values: low, high, autolow, medium, autohigh, best. /// </summary> /// <param name="value" type="String"> /// low|autolow|autohigh|medium|high|best /// </param> /// <returns type="String" /> /* will be created while initialization */ }, isFlashSupported: function() { // Can we use Flash? var v = AU.flashDetector.detectVersion(); var reqVer = this.flashVersionRequired; for (var i = 0, imax = reqVer.length; i < imax; i++) { if (v[i] < reqVer[i]) { return false; } } return true; }, actualVersion: function () { var el = this._uploader.getElement(); if (el) { return el.callFlash("getActualVersion"); } else { return null; } }, getParams: getParams }; AU.flashControl.init = propertyMaker._typicalInit; AU.flashControl.reinit = propertyMaker._typicalReinit; AU.imagePreviewWindow = function() { /// <summary> /// Get image preview window. /// </summary> /// <returns type="$au.imagePreviewWindow" /> }; AU.imagePreviewWindow.prototype = { _simpleProperties: [ { name: "closePreviewTooltip", getter: 1, setter: 1 } ], closePreviewTooltip: function(text) { /// <summary> /// Gets or sets the text displayed when the mouse pointer hovers /// over the image caption on preview window. /// </summary> /// <param name="text" type="String"> /// New tooltip text of image caption on preview window. /// </param> } }; AU.imagePreviewWindow.init = propertyMaker._typicalInit; AU.imagePreviewWindow.reinit = propertyMaker._typicalReinit; AU.informationBar = function () { /// <summary> /// Get or set information bar properties /// </summary> /// <param name="informationBar" type="Object"> /// An object with information bar parameters /// </param> /// <returns type="$au.informationBar" /> } AU.informationBar.prototype = { __class: true, _simpleProperties: [ ], _methods: [ { name: "show", controlMethodName: "showInformationBar" } ], getParams: getParams, show: function (text) { /// <summary> /// Show message on the information bar. /// </summary> /// <param name="text" type="String"> /// Message text /// </param> } } AU.informationBar.init = propertyMaker._typicalInit; AU.informationBar.reinit = propertyMaker._typicalReinit; AU.informationBar.prototype.constructor = AU.informationBar; AU.uploadPane = function () { /// <summary> /// Get upload pane /// </summary> /// <returns type="$au.uploadPane" /> }; AU.uploadPane.prototype = { _simpleProperties: [ { name: "addFilesButtonText", getter: 1, setter: 1 }, { name: "iconItemWidth", getter: 1, setter: 1 }, { name: "iconSize", getter: 1, setter: 1 }, { name: "tileItemWidth", getter: 1, setter: 1 }, { name: "tilePreviewSize", getter: 1, setter: 1 }, { name: "thumbnailPreviewSize", getter: 1, setter: 1 }, { name: "viewMode", getter: 1, setter: 1 } ], addFilesButtonText: function (value) { /// <summary> /// Get or set 'Add Files Button' button text /// </summary> /// <param name="value" type="String" /> /// <returns type="String" /> }, iconItemWidth: function (value) { /// <summary> /// Gets or sets the icon item width. /// </summary> /// <param name="value" type="Number"> /// New icon item width. /// </param> }, iconSize: function (value) { /// <summary> /// Gets or sets the file icons size. /// </summary> /// <param name="value" type="Number"> /// New file icons size. /// </param> }, tileItemWidth: function (value) { /// <summary> /// Gets or sets the tile item width. /// </summary> /// <param name="value" type="Number"> /// New tile item width. /// </param> }, tilePreviewSize: function (value) { /// <summary> /// Gets or sets the tiles size. /// </summary> /// <param name="value" type="Number"> /// New tiles size. /// </param> }, thumbnailPreviewSize: function (value) { /// <summary> /// Gets or sets the size of thumbnails in list view. /// </summary> /// <param name="value" type="Number"> /// New size of thumbnails in list view. /// </param> }, viewMode: function (value) { /// <summary> /// Gets or sets the list view mode. /// </summary> /// <param name="value" type="String"> /// One of the values "Thumbnails", "Tiles", "Icons" or their equivalent number. /// </param> } }; AU.uploadPane.init = propertyMaker._typicalInit; AU.uploadPane.reinit = propertyMaker._typicalReinit; AU.messages = function () { /// <summary> /// Get status panel /// </summary> /// <returns type="$au.messages" /> } AU.messages.prototype = { __class: true, _simpleProperties: [ { name: "cannotReadFile", getter: 1, setter: 1 }, { name: "dimensionsTooLarge", getter: 1, setter: 1 }, { name: "dimensionsTooSmall", getter: 1, setter: 1 }, { name: "fileSizeTooSmall", getter: 1, setter: 1 }, { name: "filesNotAdded", getter: 1, setter: 1 }, { name: "maxFileCountExceeded", getter: 1, setter: 1 }, { name: "maxFileSizeExceeded", getter: 1, setter: 1 }, { name: "maxTotalFileSizeExceeded", getter: 1, setter: 1 }, { name: "memoryLimitReached", getter: 1, setter: 1 }, { name: "previewNotAvailable", getter: 1, setter: 1 }, { name: "tooFewFiles", getter: 1, setter: 1 }, { name: "tooManyFilesSelectedToOpen", getter: 1, setter: 1 } ], cannotReadFile: function (value) { /// <summary> /// Gets or sets the message displayed when the read file error occurs. /// </summary> /// <param name="value" type="String" /> /// <returns type="String" /> }, dimensionsTooLarge: function (value) { /// <summary> /// Gets or sets a message which states that the width or height of the selected image is too large. /// </summary> /// <param name="value" type="String" /> /// <returns type="String" /> }, dimensionsTooSmall: function (value) { /// <summary> /// Gets or sets a message which states that the width or height of selected image is too small. /// </summary> /// <param name="value" type="String" /> /// <returns type="String" /> }, fileSizeTooSmall: function (value) { /// <summary> /// Gets or sets the message displayed when user tries to add /// file smaller minFileSize restriction. /// </summary> /// <param name="value" type="String" /> /// <returns type="String" /> }, filesNotAdded: function (value) { /// <summary> /// Gets or sets the message displayed when user tries to add files /// and some of them were not added because of restrictions. /// </summary> /// <param name="value" type="String" /> /// <returns type="String" /> }, maxFileCountExceeded: function (value) { /// <summary> /// Gets or sets the message displayed when user tries to upload /// number of files more than the maxFileCount restriction. /// </summary> /// <param name="value" type="String" /> /// <returns type="String" /> }, maxFileSizeExceeded: function (value) { /// <summary> /// Gets or sets the message displayed when user tries to add /// file larger maxFileSize restriction. /// </summary> /// <param name="value" type="String" /> /// <returns type="String" /> }, maxTotalFileSizeExceeded: function (value) { /// <summary> /// Gets or sets the message displayed when user tries to upload files /// with total size bigger than the maxTotalSize restrictions. /// </summary> /// <param name="value" type="String" /> /// <returns type="String" /> }, memoryLimitReached: function (value) { /// <summary> /// Gets or sets the message displayed when user tries to /// add too many images to upload pane. /// </summary> /// <param name="value" type="String" /> /// <returns type="String" /> }, previewNotAvailable: function (value) { /// <summary> /// Gets or sets the message displayed when image preview is not available. /// </summary> /// <param name="value" type="String" /> /// <returns type="String" /> }, tooFewFiles: function (value) { /// <summary> /// Gets or sets the message displayed when user tries to upload /// number of files less than the minFileCount restriction. /// </summary> /// <param name="value" type="String" /> /// <returns type="String" /> }, tooManyFilesSelectedToOpen: function (value) { /// <summary> /// Gets or sets the message displayed when user tries to /// add too many files to upload pane. /// </summary> /// <param name="value" type="String" /> /// <returns type="String" /> } }; AU.messages.init = propertyMaker._typicalInit; AU.messages.reinit = propertyMaker._typicalReinit; AU.metadata = function () { /// <summary> /// Get or set additional upload data /// </summary> /// <returns type="$au.metadata" /> } AU.metadata.prototype = { __class: true, _simpleProperties: [ { name: "exif", getter: 1, setter: 1, render: "ExtractExif" }, { name: "iptc", getter: 1, setter: 1, render: "ExtractIptc" }, { name: "valueSeparator", getter: 1, setter: 1, render: "MetadataValueSeparator" } ], addCustomField: function (name, value, add) { /// <summary> /// Add additional field to upload. /// </summary> /// <param name="name" type="String"> /// Field name /// </param> /// <param name="value" type="String"> /// Field value /// </param> /// <param name="add" type="Boolean"> /// If true, then preserve previous value of the field. Several values will be sent to server. /// If false, then previous value of the field will be overwritten with this value. (Default) /// </param> this._customFields = this._customFields || []; if (name && value != null) { this._customFields.push({ action: "add", name: name, value: value, add: add }); } }, removeCustomField: function (name) { /// <summary> /// Remove additional field. The field wouldn't be sent to server. /// </summary> /// <param name="name" type="String"> /// Field name /// </param> this._customFields = this._customFields || []; if (name) { this._customFields.push({ action: "remove", name: name }); } }, additionalFormName: function (name) { /// <summary> /// Name of the HTML form with additional information which should be sent to the server along with files. /// </summary> /// <param name="name" type="String"> /// Form name /// </param> if (arguments.length == 0) { return this._formName; } else { if (this._beforeUploadHandler) { this._uploader.events().beforeUpload().remove(this._beforeUploadHandler); delete this._beforeUploadHandler; delete this._formName; } if (name) { this._formName = name; this._beforeUploadHandler = function () { var metadata = this.metadata(); var form = document.forms[metadata._formName]; if (form) { var fields = formHelper.formToArray(form), cnt = fields.length; if (cnt > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { var f = fields[i]; if (!f.array || f.first) { metadata.addCustomField(f.name, f.value); } else { metadata.addCustomField(f.name, f.value, true); } } } } }; this._uploader.events().beforeUpload().add(this._beforeUploadHandler); } } }, getParams: getParams, exif: function (value) { /// <summary> /// Get or set EXIF values to extract and upload along with files. /// </summary> /// <param name="value" type="String"> /// EXIF field names separated with a semicolon. /// </param> /// <returns type="String" /> }, iptc: function (value) { /// <summary> /// Get or set IPTC values to extract and upload along with files. /// </summary> /// <param name="value" type="String"> /// IPTC field names separated with a semicolon. /// </param> /// <returns type="String" /> }, valueSeparator: function (value) { /// <summary> /// Get or set value separator for multi-value EXIF and IPTC fields /// </summary> /// <param name="value" type="String"> /// Separator character /// </param> /// <returns type="String" /> } }; AU.metadata.init = propertyMaker._typicalInit; AU.metadata.reinit = function (obj) { showInfo("Reinit metadata."); var element = obj._uploader.getElement(); obj.addCustomField = function (name, value, add) { element.callFlash("addCustomField", name, value, !!add); }; obj.removeCustomField = function (name) { if (name != null) { element.callFlash("removeCustomField", name); } }; // Add or remove custom fields if (obj._customFields && obj._customFields.length > 0) { for (var i = 0, max = obj._customFields.length; i < max; i++) { var f = obj._customFields[i]; switch (f.action) { case "add": obj.addCustomField(f.name, f.value, f.add); break; case "remove": obj.removeCustomField(f.name); break; } } } propertyMaker._typicalReinit(obj); } AU.restrictions = function () { /// <summary> /// Get or set upload restrictions properties /// </summary> /// <param name="restrictions" type="Object"> /// An object with restrictions parameters /// </param> /// <returns type="$au.restrictions" /> } AU.restrictions.prototype = { __class: true, _simpleProperties: [ { name: "fileMask", getter: 1, setter: 1 }, { name: "maxFileCount", getter: 1, setter: 1 }, { name: "maxFileSize", getter: 1, setter: 1 }, { name: "maxImageHeight", getter: 1, setter: 1 }, { name: "maxImageWidth", getter: 1, setter: 1 }, { name: "maxTotalFileSize", getter: 1, setter: 1 }, { name: "minFileCount", getter: 1, setter: 1 }, { name: "minFileSize", getter: 1, setter: 1 }, { name: "minImageHeight", getter: 1, setter: 1 }, { name: "minImageWidth", getter: 1, setter: 1 }, { name: "minImageWidthHeightLogic", getter: 1, setter: 1 } ], getParams: getParams, fileMask: function () { /// <summary> /// Get or set files filter in open files dialog. /// </summary> /// <param name="value" type="Array"> /// File filters. /// </param> /// <returns type="Array" /> /* will be created while initialization */ }, maxFileCount: function (value) { /// <summary> /// Maximum number of files allowed for upload per one session /// </summary> /// <param name="value" type="Number"> /// Number of files allowed for upload. /// </param> /// <returns type="Number" /> /* will be created while initialization */ }, maxFileSize: function () { /// <summary> /// Maximum file size allowed for upload. /// </summary> /// <param name="value" type="Number"> /// Maximum file size. /// </param> /// <returns type="Number" /> /* will be created while initialization */ }, maxImageHeight: function () { /// <summary> /// Maximum image height allowed for upload. /// </summary> /// <param name="value" type="Number"> /// Maximum image height. /// </param> /// <returns type="Number" /> /* will be created while initialization */ }, maxImageWidth: function () { /// <summary> /// Maximum image width allowed for upload. /// </summary> /// <param name="value" type="Number"> /// Maximum image width. /// </param> /// <returns type="Number" /> /* will be created while initialization */ }, maxTotalFileSize: function () { /// <summary> /// Maximum total file size allowed for upload. /// </summary> /// <param name="value" type="Number"> /// Total file size. /// </param> /// <returns type="Number" /> /* will be created while initialization */ }, minFileCount: function (value) { /// <summary> /// Minimum number of files allowed for upload per one session /// </summary> /// <param name="value" type="Number"> /// Number of files allowed for upload. /// </param> /// <returns type="Number" /> /* will be created while initialization */ }, minFileSize: function () { /// <summary> /// Minimum file size allowed for upload. /// </summary> /// <param name="value" type="Number"> /// Minimum file size. /// </param> /// <returns type="Number" /> /* will be created while initialization */ }, minImageHeight: function () { /// <summary> /// Minimum image height allowed for upload. /// </summary> /// <param name="value" type="Number"> /// Minimum image height. /// </param> /// <returns type="Number" /> /* will be created while initialization */ }, minImageWidth: function () { /// <summary> /// Minimum image width allowed for upload. /// </summary> /// <param name="value" type="Number"> /// Minimum image width. /// </param> /// <returns type="Number" /> /* will be created while initialization */ }, minImageWidthHeightLogic: function () { /// <summary> /// If "or" and image width and image height restrictions /// set then add image even if only one restriction passed. /// By default "and" - image width and image height should pass restrictions. /// </summary> /// <param name="value" type="String"> /// and|or /// </param> /// <returns type="String" /> /* will be created while initialization */ } }; AU.restrictions.init = propertyMaker._typicalInit; AU.restrictions.reinit = propertyMaker._typicalReinit; AU.statusPane = function () { /// <summary> /// Get status panel /// </summary> /// <returns type="$au.statusPane" /> } AU.statusPane.prototype = { _simpleProperties: [ { name: "dataUploadedText", getter: 1, setter: 1, render: "StatusPaneDataUploadedText" }, { name: "filesPreparedText", getter: 1, setter: 1, render: "StatusPaneFilesPreparedText" }, { name: "filesToUploadText", getter: 1, setter: 1 }, { name: "filesUploadedText", getter: 1, setter: 1, render: "StatusPaneFilesUploadedText" }, { name: "noFilesToUploadText", getter: 1, setter: 1 }, { name: "preparingText", getter: 1, setter: 1, render: "StatusPanePreparingText" }, { name: "sendingText", getter: 1, setter: 1, render: "StatusPaneSendingText" } ], dataUploadedText: function (value) { /// <summary> /// Get or set bytes uploaded label text. /// </summary> /// <param name="value" type="String" /> /// <returns type="String" /> }, filesPreparedText: function (value) { /// <summary> /// Get or set prepared label text. /// </summary> /// <param name="value" type="String" /> /// <returns type="String" /> }, filesToUploadText: function (value) { /// <summary> /// Gets or sets a text on the status pane which is displayed when /// at least one file is added to the upload pane. /// </summary> /// <param name="value" type="String" /> /// <returns type="String" /> }, filesUploadedText: function (value) { /// <summary> /// Get or set files uploaded label text. /// </summary> /// <param name="value" type="String" /> /// <returns type="String" /> }, noFilesToUploadText: function (value) { /// <summary> /// Gets or sets a text on the status pane which is displayed when the upload pane is empty. /// </summary> /// <param name="value" type="String" /> /// <returns type="String" /> }, preparingText: function (value) { /// <summary> /// Get or set preparing header text. /// </summary> /// <param name="value" type="String" /> /// <returns type="String" /> }, sendingText: function (value) { /// <summary> /// Get or set sending header text. /// </summary> /// <param name="value" type="String" /> /// <returns type="String" /> } }; AU.statusPane.init = propertyMaker._typicalInit; AU.statusPane.reinit = propertyMaker._typicalReinit; AU.topPane = function () { /// <summary> /// Get top panel /// </summary> /// <returns type="$au.topPane" /> } AU.topPane.prototype = { _simpleProperties: [ { name: "addFilesHyperlinkText", getter: 1, setter: 1 }, { name: "clearAllHyperlinkText", getter: 1, setter: 1 }, { name: "orText", getter: 1, setter: 1 }, { name: "showViewComboBox", getter: 1, setter: 1 }, { name: "titleText", getter: 1, setter: 1 }, { name: "viewComboBox", getter: 1, setter: 1 }, { name: "viewComboBoxText", getter: 1, setter: 1 } ], addFilesHyperlinkText: function (value) { /// <summary> /// Get or set 'Add Files' hyperlink text. /// </summary> /// <param name="value" type="String" /> /// <returns type="String" /> }, clearAllHyperlinkText: function (value) { /// <summary> /// Get or set 'Remove All Files' hyperlink text. /// </summary> /// <param name="value" type="String" /> /// <returns type="String" /> }, orText: function (value) { /// <summary> /// Get or set 'or' label on top panel. /// </summary> /// <param name="value" type="String" /> /// <returns type="String" /> }, showViewComboBox: function (value) { /// <summary> /// Show or hide view combobox. /// </summary> /// <param name="value" type="Boolean" /> /// <returns type="Boolean" /> }, titleText: function (value) { /// <summary> /// Get or set 'Files for upload' label text on top panel. /// </summary> /// <param name="value" type="String" /> /// <returns type="String" /> }, viewComboBox: function (value) { /// <summary> /// Get or set Change view combobox values. /// </summary> /// <param name="value" type="Array" /> /// <returns type="Array" /> }, viewComboBoxText: function (value) { /// <summary> /// Get or set 'Change view' label text on top panel. /// </summary> /// <param name="value" type="String" /> /// <returns type="String" /> } }; AU.topPane.init = propertyMaker._typicalInit; AU.topPane.reinit = propertyMaker._typicalReinit; AU.uploadSettings = function () { /// <summary> /// Upload options. /// </summary> /// <returns type="$au.uploadSettings" /> } AU.uploadSettings.prototype = { __class: true, _simpleProperties: [ { name: "_actionInternal", getter: 1, setter: 1, render: "ActionUrl", defaultValue: document.location.href }, { name: "chunkSize", getter: 1, setter: 1 }, { name: "progressBytesMode", getter: 1, setter: 1 } ], actionUrl: function(url) { /// <summary> /// Get or set URL to upload /// </summary> /// <param name="url" type="String"> /// URL to to upload /// </param> /// <returns type="String" /> if (url) { if (url == "." || url == "./") { // if default value (".") then use current document url url = document.location.href; } return this._actionInternal(url); } else { return this._actionInternal(); } }, chunkSize: function (size) { /// <summary> /// Get or set size of the chunk. /// </summary> /// <param name="size" type="Number"> /// Max file size per one chunk. Set to zero to disable upload by chunks. /// </param> /// <returns type="Number" /> }, progressBytesMode: function (value) { /// <summary> /// Specifies how to calculate the total size of uploaded data. /// "ByPackageSize" - Total bytes equals the size of the currently uploaded package. /// "BySourceSize" - Total bytes equals the size of the all selected for upload files. /// Only original file counting, the size of thumbnails is not included. /// </summary> /// <param name="value" type="String"> /// One of the strings "ByPackageSize" (0), "BySourceSize" (1) or their number equivalent. /// </param> /// <returns type="String" /> }, redirectUrl: function (url) { /// <summary> /// Get or set URL to redirect after upload /// </summary> /// <param name="url" type="String"> /// URL to redirect after upload /// </param> /// <returns type="String" /> if (arguments.length > 0) { this._redirectUrl = arguments[0]; var uploader = this._uploader; if (this._afterUpload) { uploader.events().afterUpload().remove(this._afterUpload); delete this._afterUpload; } if (this._redirectUrl) { var url = this._redirectUrl; this._afterUpload = function() { setTimeout(function () { wnd.location = url; }, 100); } uploader.events().afterUpload().add(this._afterUpload); } } else { return this._redirectUrl; } }, getParams: getParams }; AU.uploadSettings.init = propertyMaker._typicalInit; AU.uploadSettings.reinit = propertyMaker._typicalReinit; AU.paneItem = function () { /// <summary> /// Get or set pane item properties /// </summary> /// <param name="paneItem" type="Object"> /// An object with pane item parameters /// </param> /// <returns type="$au.paneItem" /> } AU.paneItem.prototype = { __class: true, _simpleProperties: [ { name: "descriptionEditorIconTooltip", getter: 1, setter: 1 }, { name: "enableDisproportionalExifThumbnails", getter: 1, setter: 1 }, { name: "imageTooltip", getter: 1, setter: 1 }, { name: "itemTooltip", getter: 1, setter: 1 }, { name: "removalIconTooltip", getter: 1, setter: 1 }, { name: "rotationIconTooltip", getter: 1, setter: 1 }, { name: "toolbarAlwaysVisible", getter: 1, setter: 1, render: 'paneItemToolbarAlwaysVisible' } ], getParams: getParams, descriptionEditorIconTooltip: function (value) { /// <summary> /// Description editor icon tooltip /// </summary> /// <param name="value" type="String" /> /// <returns type="String" /> }, enableDisproportionalExifThumbnails: function (value) { /// <summary> /// Use disproportional EXIF thumbnails for image preview /// </summary> /// <param name="value" type="Boolean" /> /// <returns type="Boolean" /> }, imageTooltip: function (text) { /// <summary> /// Gets or sets the text displayed when the mouse pointer hovers over the image thumbnail. /// </summary> /// <param name="text" type="String"> /// New tooltip text of image thumbnail. /// </param> }, itemTooltip: function (text) { /// <summary> /// Gets or sets the text displayed when the mouse pointer hovers over the non-image item. /// </summary> /// <param name="text" type="String"> /// New tooltip text of non-image item. /// </param> }, removalIconTooltip: function (value) { /// <summary> /// Removal icon tooltip /// </summary> /// <param name="value" type="String" /> /// <returns type="String" /> }, rotationIconTooltip: function (value) { /// <summary> /// Rotation icon tooltip /// </summary> /// <param name="value" type="String" /> /// <returns type="String" /> }, toolbarAlwaysVisible: function (value) { /// <summary> /// Switch specifies whether icons toolbar visible for all items or only for the item under cursor. /// </summary> /// <param name="value" type="Boolean" /> /// <returns type="Boolean" /> } } AU.paneItem.init = propertyMaker._typicalInit; AU.paneItem.reinit = propertyMaker._typicalReinit; AU.uploadErrorDialog = function () { /// <summary> /// Upload error dialog window. /// </summary> /// <returns type="$au.uploadErrorDialog" /> }; AU.uploadErrorDialog.prototype = { _simpleProperties: [ { name: "hideDetailsButtonText", getter: 1, setter: 1, render: "UploadErrorDialogHideDetailsButtonText" }, { name: "message", getter: 1, setter: 1, render: "UploadErrorDialogMessage" }, { name: "showDetailsButtonText", getter: 1, setter: 1, render: "UploadErrorDialogShowDetailsButtonText" }, { name: "title", getter: 1, setter: 1, render: "UploadErrorDialogTitle" } ], hideDetailsButtonText: function (value) { /// <summary> /// Get or set "Hide details" button text /// </summary> /// <param name="value" type="String" /> /// <returns type="String" /> /* will be created while initialization */ }, message: function (value) { /// <summary> /// Get or set upload error message /// </summary> /// <param name="value" type="String" /> /// <returns type="String" /> /* will be created while initialization */ }, showDetailsButtonText: function (value) { /// <summary> /// Get or set "Show details" button text /// </summary> /// <param name="value" type="String" /> /// <returns type="String" /> /* will be created while initialization */ }, title: function (value) { /// <summary> /// Get or set title of the error dialog window /// </summary> /// <param name="value" type="String" /> /// <returns type="String" /> /* will be created while initialization */ }, getParams: getParams }; AU.uploadErrorDialog.init = propertyMaker._typicalInit; AU.uploadErrorDialog.reinit = propertyMaker._typicalReinit; AU.addFilesProgressDialog = function () { /// <summary> /// Get add files progress dialog. /// </summary> /// <returns type="$au.addFilesProgressDialog" /> }; AU.addFilesProgressDialog.prototype = { _simpleProperties: [ { name: "text", getter: 1, setter: 1, render: "AddFilesProgressDialogText" } ], text: function(value) { /// <summary> /// Gets or sets the text displayed on the add files progress dialog. /// </summary> /// <param name="value" type="String" /> } }; AU.addFilesProgressDialog.init = propertyMaker._typicalInit; AU.addFilesProgressDialog.reinit = propertyMaker._typicalReinit; AU.imageUploaderFlash = function (obj) { /// <summary> /// 1: imageUploaderFlash(id) - Get created uploader. /// 2: imageUploaderFlash(obj) - Create new uploader. /// </summary> /// <param name="obj" type="Object"> /// 1: obj - Init object for new uploader. /// 2: id - An id of existing uploader. /// </param> /// <returns type="$au.imageUploaderFlash" /> return new AU.imageUploaderFlash.fn.init(obj); }; AU.imageUploaderFlash.fn = AU.imageUploaderFlash.prototype = new baseControl(); extend(AU.imageUploaderFlash.fn, { _simpleProperties: [ UNDEF, { name: "cancelUploadButtonText", getter: 1, setter: 1 }, { name: "enableAutoRotation", getter: 1, setter: 1 }, { name: "enableDescriptionEditor", getter: 1, setter: 1 }, { name: "enableRotation", getter: 1, setter: 1 }, { name: "height", isAttribute: true, defaultValue: "400px" }, { name: "licenseKey", getter: 1, setter: 1, renderOnly: true }, { name: "locale", getter: 1, setter: 1 }, { name: "uploadButtonText", getter: 1, setter: 1 }, { name: "width", isAttribute: true, defaultValue: "600px" } ], _objectProperties: [ { name: "flashControl", type: AU.flashControl }, { name: "uploadSettings", type: AU.uploadSettings }, { name: "events", type: AU.events }, { name: "files", type: AU.files }, { name: "restrictions", type: AU.restrictions }, { name: "metadata", type: AU.metadata }, { name: "topPane", type: AU.topPane }, { name: "statusPane", type: AU.statusPane }, { name: "uploadPane", type: AU.uploadPane }, { name: "messages", type: AU.messages }, { name: "imagePreviewWindow", type: AU.imagePreviewWindow }, { name: "uploadErrorDialog", type: AU.uploadErrorDialog }, { name: "commonDialog", type: AU.commonDialog }, { name: "converters", type: AU.converters }, { name: "paneItem", type: AU.paneItem }, { name: "descriptionEditor", type: AU.descriptionEditor }, { name: "addFilesProgressDialog", type: AU.addFilesProgressDialog }, { name: "informationBar", type: AU.informationBar } ], _methods: [ { name: "upload", controlMethodName: "upload" }, { name: "cancelUpload", controlMethodName: "cancelUpload" } ], init: function (initObj) { /// <summary> /// For internal use. /// </summary> /// <returns type="$au.imageUploaderFlash" /> if (typeof initObj === 'string') { return objectCache.get(initObj); } this._uploader = this; // Init simple properties for (var i = 0, imax = this._simpleProperties.length; i < imax; i++) { propertyMaker.createSimpleProperty(this, this._simpleProperties[i]); } // Init object properties for (var i = 0, imax = this._objectProperties.length; i < imax; i++) { var property = this._objectProperties[i]; if (property.type === AU.converters) { // special create logic for events and converters // Create new object for this property var convertersObj = new AU.converters(); // init default value AU.converters.init(convertersObj, this); this[property.name] = function () { var newConverters = arguments[0]; if (newConverters instanceof Array) { // remove old vales from array convertersObj._converters.length = 0; // and remove from actual control while (convertersObj.count() > 0) { convertersObj.remove(0); } //add new converters for (var i = 0, imax = newConverters.length; i < imax; i++) { convertersObj.add(newConverters[i]); } } else { return convertersObj; } } } else { propertyMaker.createObjectProperty(this, property, this); } } //add InitComplete event to know that control rendered this.events().initComplete(function () { this.reinit(); }); showInfo('Start apply uploader init object.'); this.set(initObj); showInfo('Finish apply uploader init object.'); // put object into cache objectCache.put(this); return this; }, reinit: function () { showInfo("Start control re-initialization."); var element = document.getElementById(this.id()), i, cnt; // fix scroll wheel var f = function (e) { if (typeof e.preventDefault === 'function') { e.preventDefault(); } if (typeof e.stopPropagation === 'function') { e.stopPropagation(); } e.returnValue = false; return false; }; if (typeof element.attachEvent !== 'undefined') { element.attachEvent("onmousewheel", f); } else if (typeof element.addEventListener !== 'undefined') { element.addEventListener('DOMMouseScroll', f, false); element.addEventListener('mousewheel', f, false); } showInfo("Reinit control properties."); // Map uploader properties to the control if (this._simpleProperties) { for (var i = 0, imax = this._simpleProperties.length; i < imax; i++) { var property = this._simpleProperties[i]; if (!property.isAttribute) { propertyMaker.createControlProperty(this, property); } else { propertyMaker.createAttributeProperty(this, property); } } } if (this._objectProperties) { for (var i = 0, imax = this._objectProperties.length; i < imax; i++) { var property = this._objectProperties[i]; if (property.type && typeof property.type.reinit === 'function') { property.type.reinit(this[property.name]()); } } } //create methods showInfo("Creating methods."); if (this._methods && this._methods.length > 0) { for (var i = 0, imax = this._methods.length; i < imax; i++) { propertyMaker.createMethod(this, this._methods[i]); } } showInfo("Control re-initialization completed."); this.state(1); }, cancelUploadButtonText: function (value) { /// <summary> /// Get or set Cancel Upload button text /// </summary> /// <param name="value" type="String"> /// Cancel Upload button text /// </param> /// <returns type="String" /> /* will be created while initialization */ }, enableAutoRotation: function (value) { /// <summary> /// Enable or disable automatic EXIF-based rotation /// </summary> /// <param name="value" type="Boolean" /> /// <returns type="Boolean" /> /* will be created while initialization */ }, enableDescriptionEditor: function (value) { /// <summary> /// Enable description editor /// </summary> /// <param name="value" type="Boolean" /> /// <returns type="Boolean" /> }, enableRotation: function (value) { /// <summary> /// Enable rotation /// </summary> /// <param name="value" type="Boolean" /> /// <returns type="Boolean" /> }, height: function (height) { /// <summary> /// Get or set control height /// </summary> /// <param name="height" type="Number"> /// control height /// </param> /// <returns type="Number" /> /* will be created while initialization */ }, licenseKey: function (licenseKey) { /// <summary> /// Get or set license key /// </summary> /// <param name="licenseKey" type="String"> /// License key /// </param> /// <returns type="String" /> /* will be created while initialization */ }, locale: function (value) { /// <summary> /// Get or set locale /// </summary> /// <param name="value" type="String" /> /// <returns type="String" /> /* will be created while initialization */ }, uploadButtonText: function (value) { /// <summary> /// Get or set Upload button text /// </summary> /// <param name="value" type="String"> /// Upload button text /// </param> /// <returns type="String" /> /* will be created while initialization */ }, width: function (width) { /// <summary> /// Get or set control width /// </summary> /// <param name="width" type="Number"> /// control width /// </param> /// <returns type="Number" /> /* will be created while initialization */ }, imagePreviewWindow: AU.imagePreviewWindow, uploadPane: AU.uploadPane, messages: AU.messages, statusPane: AU.statusPane, topPane: AU.topPane, flashControl: AU.flashControl, uploadSettings: AU.uploadSettings, events: AU.events, converters: AU.converters, restrictions: AU.restrictions, metadata: AU.metadata, files: AU.files, uploadErrorDialog: AU.uploadErrorDialog, commonDialog: AU.commonDialog, paneItem: AU.paneItem, descriptionEditor: AU.descriptionEditor, addFilesProgressDialog: AU.addFilesProgressDialog, informationBar: AU.informationBar, upload: function () { /// <summary> /// Upload selected images to server. /// </summary> }, cancelUpload: function () { /// <summary> /// Cancel upload images. /// </summary> } }, true); AU.imageUploaderFlash.__class = true; AU.imageUploaderFlash.prototype.constructor = AU.imageUploaderFlash; // Give the init function the Aurigma.uploader prototype for later instantiation AU.imageUploaderFlash.fn.init.prototype = AU.imageUploaderFlash.fn; AU.event = function evt() { /// <summary> /// Event object. You do not need to directly create it. /// </summary> /// <returns type="$au.event" /> this._handlers = this._handlers || []; }; AU.event.prototype = { __class: true, add: function(handler) { if (handler instanceof Array) { for (var i = 0, cnt = handler.length; i < cnt; i++) this._handlers.push(handler[i]); } else { this._handlers.push(handler); } }, remove: function(handler) { for (var i in this._handlers) { if (this._handlers[i] === handler) { this._handlers.splice(i, 1); return true; } } return false; }, clear: function() { this._handlers = []; }, count: function() { return this._handlers.length; } }; AU.event.prototype.constructor = AU.event; /******************* ** Flash renderer ** *******************/ var flashRenderer = function (uploader) { if (!uploader) return; //create browser specific flash uploader markup var getHtml = function () { //build string with uploader params function createUploaderParam() { var paramsArr = uploader.getParams(); for (var i = 0, cnt = paramsArr.length; i < cnt; i++) { paramsArr[i] = paramsArr[i].name + '=' + paramsArr[i].value; } return paramsArr.join("&"); }; var codeBase = uploader.flashControl().codeBase(); var v = uploader.flashControl().version(); if (v) { // prevent browser cache swf with different version if (codeBase.indexOf('?') > -1) { codeBase = codeBase + '&version=' + v; } else { codeBase += '?version=' + v; } } var html = [], i, tagName, id = uploader.id(), flashVersionRequired = uploader.flashControl().flashVersionRequired.join(","); var attributes = { id: id, name: id, width: uploader.width(), height: uploader.height() }; if (wnd.ActiveXObject) { // ActiveX supported, so we use clsid for classid attribute (Internet Explorer). attributes.classid = "clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"; attributes.codebase = window.location.protocol + "//download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=" + flashVersionRequired; } else { attributes.data = codeBase; attributes.type = "application/x-shockwave-flash"; } var flashControl = uploader.flashControl(); var parameters = { quality: flashControl.quality() ||"high", bgcolor: flashControl.bgColor() || "#869ca7", wmode: flashControl.wmode() || 'window', allowScriptAccess: "always", flashvars: createUploaderParam() // most uploader params here }; if (wnd.ActiveXObject) { parameters.movie = codeBase; } // invoke flashBeforeOpenTagRender callback var flashBeforeOpenTagRenderArgs = [uploader, { resultHtml: ''}], result; uploader._invokeCallback('flashBeforeOpenTagRender', flashBeforeOpenTagRenderArgs); // add before open tag html if any if (result = flashBeforeOpenTagRenderArgs[1].resultHtml) { html.push(result); } /************************************* * Use <object> tag for all browsers. * *************************************/ var tagName = 'object'; html.push('<' + tagName + ' '); // invoke flashRenderStyleAttribute callback var flashRenderStyleAttributeArgs = [uploader, { resultHtml: ''}], result; uploader._invokeCallback('flashRenderStyleAttribute', flashRenderStyleAttributeArgs); // add style attributes if any if (result = flashRenderStyleAttributeArgs[1].resultHtml) { html.push(' style="' + result + '" '); } for (var i in attributes) { if (!attributes.hasOwnProperty || attributes.hasOwnProperty(i)) { html.push(i + '="' + htmlencode(attributes[i]) + '" '); } } html.push('>'); for (var i in parameters) { if (!parameters.hasOwnProperty || parameters.hasOwnProperty(i)) { html.push('<param name="' + i + '" value="' + htmlencode(parameters[i]) + '" /> '); } } // invoke flashBeforeCloseTagRender callback var flashBeforeCloseTagRenderArgs = [uploader, { resultHtml: ''}], result; uploader._invokeCallback('flashBeforeCloseTagRender', flashBeforeCloseTagRenderArgs); // add before close tag html if any if (result = flashBeforeCloseTagRenderArgs[1].resultHtml) { html.push(result); } html.push('</' + tagName + '>'); // invoke flashAfterCloseTagRender callback var flashAfterCloseTagRenderArgs = [uploader, { resultHtml: ''}], result; uploader._invokeCallback('flashAfterCloseTagRender', flashAfterCloseTagRenderArgs); // add after close tag html if any if (result = flashAfterCloseTagRenderArgs[1].resultHtml) { html.push(result); } return html.join(""); }; return { html: getHtml, write: function () { /// <summary> /// write flash uploader markup /// </summary> document.write(this.html()); } }; }; // set namespace property for VS intelisense AU.__namespace = true; //expose to global wnd.Aurigma = wnd.Aurigma || { __namespace: true }; wnd.Aurigma.ImageUploaderFlash = AU; // short alias wnd.$au = AU; })(window);