Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/js/calendar/ |
Current File : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/js/calendar/cal-core.js |
function JCEC(params) // Javascript Class Event Calendar { this.arConfig = params; top.BXCRES = {}; // Data this.dayLength = 86400000; this.id = params.id; this.pCalCnt = BX(this.id + '_bxcal'); this.dragDrop = new ECDragDropControl({calendar: this}); this.arEvents = []; this.arAttendees = {}; this.arSections = params.sections; this.type = params.type; this.bSuperpose = params.bSuperpose || false; this.bTasks = params.bTasks || false; this.userId = params.userId; this.userName = params.userName; this.ownerId = params.ownerId || false; this.sectionControlsDOMId = params.sectionControlsDOMId; this.PERM = params.perm; this.permEx = params.permEx; this.settings = params.settings; this.userSettings = params.userSettings; this.pathToUser = params.pathToUser; this.bIntranet = !!params.bIntranet; this.allowMeetings = !!params.bSocNet && this.bIntranet; this.allowReminders = !!params.bSocNet && this.bIntranet; this.days = params.days; this.bReadOnly = !!params.readOnly; this.bAnonym = !!params.bAnonym; this.startupEvent = params.startupEvent; this.accessColors = params.accessColors; this.initMonth = params.init_month; this.initYear = params.init_year; this.weekHolidays = params.week_holidays; this.yearHolidays = params.year_holidays; this.yearWorkdays = params.year_workdays; this.new_section_access = params.new_section_access || {}; this.bExtranet = !!params.bExtranet; this.Colors = params.arCalColors; this.bAMPM = params.bAMPM; this.bWideDate = params.bWideDate; this.weekStart = params.week_start; this.weekDays = params.week_days; this.lastSection = params.lastSection; this.requests = {}; //Object.defineProperty(this, 'requests', descriptor) this.DATE_FORMAT = BX.date.convertBitrixFormat(BX.message("FORMAT_DATE")); this.DATETIME_FORMAT = BX.date.convertBitrixFormat(BX.message("FORMAT_DATETIME")); if ((this.DATETIME_FORMAT.substr(0, this.DATE_FORMAT.length) == this.DATE_FORMAT)) this.TIME_FORMAT = BX.util.trim(this.DATETIME_FORMAT.substr(this.DATE_FORMAT.length)); else this.TIME_FORMAT = BX.date.convertBitrixFormat(this.bAMPM ? 'H:MI:SS T' : 'HH:MI:SS'); this.TIME_FORMAT_SHORT = this.TIME_FORMAT.replace(':s', ''); this.bCalDAV = !!params.bCalDAV; if (this.bCalDAV) this.arConnections = params.connections; // Init vars this.arSectionsInd = {}; this.oActiveSections = {}; this.dayHeight = 100; this.darkColor = '#E6E6E6'; this.brightColor = '#000000'; this.arMenuItems = {}; // Access names this.arNames = {}; this.HandleAccessNames(params.accessNames); var ind, sectId, i, sect; this.activeSectionsCount = 0; for (ind in this.arSections) { if (this.arSections.hasOwnProperty(ind)) { sect = this.arSections[ind]; if (sect.EXPORT && !sect.EXPORT.ALLOW) sect.EXPORT = false; if (!sect.TEXT_COLOR) sect.TEXT_COLOR = ''; sectId = sect.ID; if (this.bCalDAV && sect.CAL_DAV_CAL && sect.CAL_DAV_CON && this.arConnections && this.arConnections.length > 0) { for (i in this.arConnections) { if (this.arConnections.hasOwnProperty(i) && this.arConnections[i].id == sect.CAL_DAV_CON) { sect['~CAL_DAV_LAST_SYNC'] = this.arConnections[i].last_result; break; } } } this.arSectionsInd[sectId] = ind; if (sect.ACTIVE !== 'N') this.oActiveSections[sectId] = true; if (sect.ACTIVE !== 'N' && this.IsCurrentViewSect(sect)) this.activeSectionsCount++; if (!this.lastSection && sect.PERM && sect.PERM.add && sect.ACTIVE !== 'N') this.lastSection = parseInt(sectId); } } this.bOnunload = false; this.actionUrl = params.page; this.path = params.path; this.bUser = this.type == 'user'; this.meetingRooms = params.meetingRooms || []; this.allowResMeeting = !!params.allowResMeeting; this.bUseMR = this.bIntranet && this.allowResMeeting && this.meetingRooms.length > 0; if (this.bTasks) { this.taskBgColor = "#F5B39A"; this.taskTextColor = "#000000"; //Event handlers for handle result after Adding, Editing and Deleting of tasks from popups BX.addCustomEvent('onCalendarPopupTaskAdded', BX.delegate(this.OnTaskChanged, this)); BX.addCustomEvent('onCalendarPopupTaskChanged', BX.delegate(this.OnTaskChanged, this)); BX.addCustomEvent('onCalendarPopupTaskDeleted', BX.delegate(this.OnTaskKilled, this)); this.oActiveSections.tasks = true;// !params.hiddenSections['tasks']; } // Set hidden sections for (ind in params.hiddenSections) { if (params.hiddenSections.hasOwnProperty(ind)) { this.oActiveSections[params.hiddenSections[ind]] = false; } } this.typeAccess = this.PERM.access ? (params.TYPE_ACCESS || {}) : null; this.Init(); } JCEC.prototype = { Init: function() { this.DaysTitleCont = BX(this.id + '_days_title'); this.DaysGridCont = BX(this.id + '_days_grid'); //Prevent selection while drag DenyDragEx(this.DaysGridCont); this.maxEventCount = 3; // max count of visible events in day this.activeDateDays = {}; this._bScelTableSixRows = false; this.oDate = new Date(); this.currentDate = { date: this.oDate.getDate(), day: this.ConvertDayIndex(this.oDate.getDay()), month: this.oDate.getMonth(), year: this.oDate.getFullYear() }; this.activeDate = BX.clone(this.currentDate); if (this.initMonth && this.initYear) { this.activeDate.month = this.initMonth - 1; this.activeDate.year = this.initYear; } this.activeDate.week = this.GetWeekByDate(this.activeDate); this.arLoadedMonth = {}; this.arLoadedMonth[this.activeDate.month + '.' + this.activeDate.year] = true; this.arLoadedEventsId = {}; this.arLoadedParentId = {}; this.Event = new window.JSECEvent(this); this.arConfig.attendees = []; this.HandleEvents(this.arConfig.events, this.arConfig.attendees); var i, _this = this; //Days selection init this.selectDaysMode = false; this.selectDaysStartObj = false; this.selectDaysEndObj = false; this.curTimeSelection = {}; this.curDayTSelection = {}; this.week_holidays = {}; for (i = 0; i < this.weekHolidays.length; i++) this.week_holidays[this.weekHolidays[i]] = true; this.year_holidays = {}; for (i in this.yearHolidays) this.year_holidays[this.yearHolidays[i]] = true; this.year_workdays = {}; for (i in this.yearWorkdays) this.year_workdays[this.yearWorkdays[i]] = true; window.onbeforeunload = function(){_this.bOnunload = true;}; // mantis #60948 BX.addCustomEvent('onPopupClose', BX.proxy(this._OnPopupCloseHandler, this)); this.BuildSectionBlock(); this.Selector = new ECMonthSelector(this); this.ColorPicker = new ECColorPicker({}); this.BuildButtonsCont(); this.pCalCnt.className = "bxcal"; this.InitTabControl(); setTimeout(function(){BX.bind(window, "resize", BX.proxy(_this.OnResize, _this))},200); if (this.arConfig.syncInfo && typeof this.arConfig.syncInfo === 'object') new ECSyncPannel(this); if (this.arConfig.showNewEventDialog && !this.bReadOnly) setTimeout(function(){_this.ShowEditEventPopup({bChooseMR: _this.arConfig.bChooseMR});}, 1000); }, InitTabControl: function() { this.Tabs = {}; this.InitTab({id: 'month', tabContId: this.id + '_tab_month', bodyContId: this.id + '_scel_table_month'}); this.InitTab({id: 'week', tabContId: this.id + '_tab_week', bodyContId: this.id + '_scel_table_week', daysCount: 7}); this.InitTab({id: 'day', tabContId: this.id + '_tab_day', bodyContId: this.id + '_scel_table_day', daysCount: 1}); this.SetTab(this.userSettings.tabId, true); }, InitTab : function(arParams) { var pTabCont = BX(arParams.tabContId); if (!pTabCont) return; var _this = this; pTabCont.onclick = function() {_this.SetTab(arParams.id);}; this.Tabs[arParams.id] = { id : arParams.id, pTabCont : pTabCont, bodyContId : arParams.bodyContId, daysCount : arParams.daysCount || false, needRefresh: false, setActiveDate : false } }, SetTab : function(tabId, bFirst, P) { var _this = this, oTab = this.Tabs[tabId]; if (tabId == this.activeTabId) return; var prevTabId = this.activeTabId, tblDis = ''; if (!oTab.bLoaded || bFirst) { oTab.pBodyCont = BX(oTab.bodyContId); BX.bind(oTab.pBodyCont, 'click', BX.proxy(this.EventClick, this)); DenyDragEx(oTab.pBodyCont); //Prevent selection while drag } if (this.activeTabId) { BX.removeClass(this.Tabs[this.activeTabId].pTabCont, 'bxec-tab-div-act'); // Deactivate TAB this.Tabs[this.activeTabId].pBodyCont.style.display = 'none'; // Hide body cont } BX.addClass(oTab.pTabCont, 'bxec-tab-div-act'); // Activate cur tab this.activeTabId = tabId; this.Selector.ChangeMode(tabId); if (!oTab.bLoaded || bFirst) // Called ONCE! { var ad = this.activeDate, cd = this.currentDate, d, w, m, y; if ((ad.month && ad.month != cd.month) || (ad.year && ad.year != cd.year)) { d = 1; w = 0; m = ad.month; y = ad.year; } else { var xd = (prevTabId == 'day' && ad) ? ad : cd; w = this.GetWeekByDate(xd); d = xd.date; m = xd.month; y = xd.year; } switch (tabId) { case 'month': setTimeout(BX.delegate(this.BuildDaysTitle, this), 0); this.SetMonth(m, y); break; case 'week': this.BuildWeekDaysTable(); this.SetWeek(w, m, y); break; case 'day': this.BuildSingleDayTable(); if (!P || P.bSetDay !== false) this.SetDay(d, m, y); break; } oTab.bLoaded = true; } else if(!P || P.bSetDay !== false) { if (prevTabId == 'day' && tabId == 'week') oTab.setActiveDate = true; if (oTab.needRefresh) { if (tabId == 'month') this.DisplayEventsMonth(true); else setTimeout(function(){_this.ReBuildEvents(tabId);}, 20); } else if (oTab.setActiveDate) { switch (tabId) { case 'month': this.SetMonth(this.activeDate.month, this.activeDate.year); break; case 'week': this.SetWeek(this.GetWeekByDate(this.activeDate), this.activeDate.month, this.activeDate.year); break; case 'day': this.SetDay(1, this.activeDate.month, this.activeDate.year); break; } } } if (this.startupEvent && !this.startupEvent.viewed) this.ShowStartUpEvent(); oTab.needRefresh = false; oTab.setActiveDate = false; this.Selector.Show(tabId); oTab.pBodyCont.style.display = tblDis; // Show tab content oTab.bLoaded = true; if (this._bScelTableSixRows) { if (this.activeTabId == 'month') BX.addClass(this.pCalCnt, 'BXECSceleton-six-rows'); else BX.removeClass(this.pCalCnt, 'BXECSceleton-six-rows'); } if (!bFirst) BX.userOptions.save('calendar', 'user_settings', 'tabId', tabId); }, GetWeekByDate : function(oDate) { var D1 = new Date(); D1.setFullYear(oDate.year, oDate.month, 1); // 1'st day of month var day = this.GetWeekDayByInd(D1.getDay()); var offset = this.GetWeekDayOffset(day) - 1; var dd = oDate.date + offset; var weekIndex = Math.floor(dd / 7); return weekIndex; //return Math.floor((oDate.date + this.ConvertDayIndex(D1.getDay()) - 1) / 7); }, SetTabNeedRefresh : function(tabId, bNewDate) { var i, Tab; for (i in this.Tabs) { Tab = this.Tabs[i]; if (typeof Tab != 'object' || Tab.id == tabId) continue; if (!bNewDate && Tab.needRefresh === false) Tab.needRefresh = true; else if (bNewDate && Tab.setActiveDate === false) Tab.setActiveDate = true; } }, BuildButtonsCont : function() { this.ButtonsCont = BX(this.id + '_buttons_cont'); var addSeparator = false, _this = this; if (!this.bReadOnly) { var pAddBut = this.ButtonsCont.appendChild(BX.create('SPAN', {props: {className: 'bxec-add-but', title: EC_MESS.AddNewEvent}})), pIcon = pAddBut.appendChild(BX.create('I')), pText = pAddBut.appendChild(BX.create('SPAN', {props: {}, html: EC_MESS.Add})), pMore = pAddBut.appendChild(BX.create('A', {props: {href: 'javascript: void(0);', className: 'bxec-add-more'}})); addSeparator = true; pIcon.onclick = pText.onclick = BX.proxy(this.ShowEditEventPopup, this); var arMenuItems = []; arMenuItems.push({ text : EC_MESS.Event, title : EC_MESS.AddNewEvent, className : "bxec-menu-add-event", onclick: function(){_this.ClosePopupMenu();_this.ShowEditEventPopup();} }); if (this.bTasks) { arMenuItems.push({ text : EC_MESS.NewTask, title : EC_MESS.NewTaskTitle, className : "bxec-menu-add-task", onclick: function(){_this.ClosePopupMenu();_this.Event.Edit({bTasks: true});} }); } if ((this.type == 'user' && this.userId == this.ownerId) || this.permEx.section_edit) { arMenuItems.push({ text : EC_MESS.NewSect, title : EC_MESS.NewSectTitle, className : "bxec-menu-add-sect", onclick: function(){_this.ClosePopupMenu();_this.ShowSectionDialog();} }); } // External - only for users calendars and only for owner if (this.bCalDAV && this.type == 'user' && this.userId == this.ownerId) { arMenuItems.push({ text : EC_MESS.NewExtSect, title : EC_MESS.NewExtSectTitle, className : "bxec-menu-add-sect-ex", onclick: function(){_this.ClosePopupMenu();_this.ShowExternalDialog({});} }); } pMore.onclick = function() { BX.PopupMenu.show('bxec_add_menu' + _this.id, pMore, arMenuItems, {events: {onPopupClose: function() {BX.removeClass(this.bindElement, "bxec-add-more-over");}}, offsetLeft: -(pAddBut.offsetWidth - 15)}); BX.addClass(pMore, "bxec-add-more-over"); }; } if(!this.bAnonym) { // User settings if (addSeparator) this.ButtonsCont.appendChild(BX.create('SPAN', {props: {className: 'bxec-but-sep'}})); this.ButtonsCont.appendChild(BX.create('SPAN', {props: {className: 'bxec-settings-but', title: EC_MESS.Settings}, events: {click: BX.proxy(this.ShowSetDialog, this)}})); } this.accessSettingsWrap = BX(this.id + '-access-settings-wrap'); if (this.accessSettingsWrap && this.type !== 'group' && this.type !== 'user' && !this.bAnonym) { var _this = this; this.accessSettingsWrap.style.display = 'block'; this.accessSettingsLink = BX(this.id + '-access-settings'); if (this.PERM.access) { BX.bind(this.accessSettingsLink, 'click', function(){_this.ShowSetDialog({tabId: _this.id + 'set-tab-2'});}); } else { new BX.CHint({parent: this.accessSettingsLink, hint: EC_MESS.accessSettingsWarn}); BX.bind(this.accessSettingsLink, 'click', function(){alert(EC_MESS.accessSettingsWarn);}); } } }, ClosePopupMenu: function() { if (BX.PopupMenu && BX.PopupMenu.currentItem && BX.PopupMenu.currentItem.popupWindow) BX.PopupMenu.currentItem.popupWindow.close(); }, SetView : function(P) { if (!bxInt(P.week) && P.week !== 0) P.week = this.activeDate.week; if (!bxInt(P.date)) P.date = this.activeDate.date; switch (this.activeTabId) { case 'month': return this.SetMonth(P.month, P.year); case 'week': return this.SetWeek(P.week, P.month, P.year); case 'day': return this.SetDay(P.date || 1, P.month, P.year); } }, SetMonth : function(m, y) { if (!this.arLoadedMonth[m + '.'+ y]) { return this.LoadEvents(m, y); } var bSetActiveDate = this.activeDate.month != m || this.activeDate.year != y; this.activeDate.month = m; this.activeDate.year = y; if (!this.activeDate.week) this.activeDate.week = 0; if (bSetActiveDate) this.SetTabNeedRefresh('month', true); this.Selector.OnChange(y, m); this.BuildDaysGrid(m, y); }, BuildDaysTitle : function() { var i, day, w = this.DaysTitleCont.offsetWidth / 7; w = Math.round(w * 10) / 10; for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) { day = this.DaysTitleCont.childNodes[i]; day.style.width = w + 'px'; if (i == 6) day.style.width = Math.abs(w - 2) + 'px'; } this.DaysTitleCont.style.visibility = 'visible'; }, BuildDaysGrid : function(month, year) { BX.cleanNode(this.DaysGridCont); var oDate = new Date(); oDate.setFullYear(year, month, 1); this.dragDrop.Reset(); this.activeDateDays = []; // array of dates of current displayed days, (contains dates) this.activeDateObjDays = []; // array of meta info of current displayed days, (contains objects) this.arWeeks = []; this.oDaysGridTable = BX.create('TABLE', {props: {className : 'bxec-days-grid-table', cellPadding: 0, cellSpacing: 0}}); if (this.GetWeekStart() != this.GetWeekDayByInd(oDate.getDay())) this.BuildPrevMonthDays(this.GetWeekDayByInd(oDate.getDay()), month, year); var date; while(oDate.getMonth() == month) { date = oDate.getDate(); this.BuildDayCell(date, this.GetWeekDayByInd(oDate.getDay()), true, month, year); oDate.setDate(date + 1); } this.BuildNextMonthDays(this.GetWeekDayByInd(oDate.getDay()), month, year); //this.maxEventCount = this.oDaysGridTable.rows.length > 5 ? 2 : 3; this.DaysGridCont.appendChild(this.oDaysGridTable); var rowLength = this.oDaysGridTable.rows.length; if (rowLength == 6 && !this._bScelTableSixRows) { this._bScelTableSixRows = true; BX.addClass(this.pCalCnt, 'BXECSceleton-six-rows'); } else if(this.pCalCnt && this._bScelTableSixRows && rowLength < 6) { this._bScelTableSixRows = false; BX.removeClass(this.pCalCnt, 'BXECSceleton-six-rows'); } this.BuildEventHolder(); }, BuildPrevMonthDays : function(day, curMonth, curYear) { var i, dayOffset = this.GetWeekDayOffset(day), oDate = new Date(); oDate.setFullYear(curYear, curMonth, 1); oDate.setDate(oDate.getDate() - dayOffset); for (i = 0; i < dayOffset; i++) { this.BuildDayCell(oDate.getDate(), this.GetWeekDayByInd(oDate.getDay()), false, oDate.getMonth(), oDate.getFullYear()); oDate.setDate(oDate.getDate() + 1); } }, BuildNextMonthDays : function(day, curMonth, curYear) { if (this.GetWeekStart() != day) { var i, dayOffset = this.GetWeekDayOffset(day); var oDate = new Date(); oDate.setFullYear(curYear, curMonth + 1, 1); for (i = dayOffset; i < 7; i++) { this.BuildDayCell(oDate.getDate(), this.GetWeekDayByInd(oDate.getDay()), false, oDate.getMonth(), oDate.getFullYear()); oDate.setDate(oDate.getDate() + 1); } } }, BuildDayCell : function(date, day, bCurMonth, month, year) { var oDay, cn, _this = this; if (this.GetWeekStart() == day) this._curRow = this.oDaysGridTable.insertRow(-1); var dayInd = this.activeDateDays.length; // Make className //It's Holliday var bHol = (this.week_holidays[{MO: 0,TU: 1,WE: 2, TH: 3,FR: 4,SA: 5,SU: 6}[day]] || this.year_holidays[date + '.' + month]) && !this.year_workdays[date + '.' + month]; cn = 'bxec-day'; if (!bCurMonth && !bHol) cn += ' bxec-day-past'; else if(!bCurMonth) cn += ' bxec-day-past-hol'; else if (bHol) cn += ' bxec-holiday'; if (date == this.currentDate.date && month == this.currentDate.month && year == this.currentDate.year) cn += ' bxec-current-day'; oDay = this._curRow.insertCell(-1); oDay.id = 'bxec_ind_' + dayInd; oDay.className = cn; var dayCont = oDay.appendChild(BX.create('DIV', {props: {className: 'bxc-day'}, style: {height: this.dayHeight + 'px'}})), title = dayCont.appendChild(BX.create('DIV', {props: {className: 'bxc-day-title'}})), link = title.appendChild(BX.create('A', {props: {href: 'javascript:void(0)', className: 'bxc-day-link', title: EC_MESS.GoToDay, id: 'bxec-day-lnk-' + dayInd}, html: date})); this.dragDrop.RegisterDay(dayCont); link.onmousedown = function(e){return BX.PreventDefault(e);}; link.onclick = function(e) { var date = _this.activeDateDays[this.id.substr('bxec-day-lnk-'.length)]; _this.SetTab('day', false, {bSetDay: false}); _this.SetDay(date.getDate(), date.getMonth(), date.getFullYear()); return BX.PreventDefault(e); }; if (this.GetWeekDayOffset(day) == 6) // Layout hack oDay.style.borderRight = '0px'; if (!this.bReadOnly) { oDay.onmouseover = function(){_this.oDayOnMouseOver(this);}; oDay.onmousedown = function(){_this.oDayOnMouseDown(this)}; oDay.onmouseup = function() {_this.oDayOnMouseUp(this)}; } this.activeDateDays.push(new Date(year, month, date)); this.activeDateObjDays.push( { pDiv: oDay, pDayCont: dayCont, arEvents: {begining : [], all : []} }); }, oDayOnMouseOver : function(pDay) { if (this.selectDaysMode) { this.selectDaysEndObj = pDay; this.SelectDays(); } }, oDayOnMouseDown : function(pDay) { this.selectDaysMode = true; this.selectDaysStartObj = this.selectDaysEndObj = pDay; if (pDay.className.indexOf('bxec-day-selected') == -1) return this.SelectDays(); this.selectDaysMode = false; this.DeSelectDays(); this.CloseAddEventDialog(); }, oDayOnMouseUp : function(pDay) { if (!this.selectDaysMode) return; this.selectDaysEndObj = pDay; this.SelectDays(); this.ShowAddEventDialog(); this.selectDaysMode = false; }, oDayOnDoubleClick : function(pDay) {}, oDayOnContextMenu : function(pDay) {}, RefreshEventsOnWeeks : function(arWeeks) { for (var i = 0, l = arWeeks.length; i < l; i++) this.RefreshEventsOnWeek(arWeeks[i]); }, RefreshEventsOnWeek : function(ind) { var startDayInd = ind * 7, endDayInd = (ind + 1) * 7, day, i, k, arEv, j, ev, arAll, arHid, slots = [], step = 0; for(j = 0; j < this.maxEventCount; j++) slots[j] = 0; for (i = startDayInd; i < endDayInd; i++) { day = this.activeDateObjDays[i]; if (!day) continue; day.arEvents.hidden = []; arEv = day.arEvents.begining; arHid = []; if (arEv.length > 0) { arEv.sort(function(a, b) { if (b.daysCount == a.daysCount && a.daysCount == 1) return a.oEvent.DT_FROM_TS - b.oEvent.DT_FROM_TS; return b.daysCount - a.daysCount; }); eventloop: for(k = 0; k < arEv.length; k++) { ev = arEv[k]; if (!ev) continue; if (!this.arEvents[ev.oEvent.ind]) { day.arEvents.begining = arEv = BX.util.deleteFromArray(arEv, k); ev = arEv[k]; if (!ev) continue; //break ? } for(j = 0; j < this.maxEventCount; j++) { if (slots[j] - step <= 0) { slots[j] = step + ev.daysCount; this.ShowEventOnLevel(ev.oEvent.oParts[ev.partInd], j, ind); continue eventloop; } } arHid[ev.oEvent.ID] = true; day.arEvents.hidden.push(ev); } } // For all events in the day arAll = day.arEvents.all; for (var x = 0; x < arAll.length; x++) { ev = arAll[x]; if (!ev || arHid[ev.oEvent.ID]) continue; if (!this.arEvents[ev.oEvent.ind]) { day.arEvents.all = arAll = BX.util.deleteFromArray(arAll, x); ev = arAll[x]; if (!ev) continue; } if (ev.oEvent.oParts && ev.partInd != undefined && ev.oEvent.oParts[ev.partInd] && ev.oEvent.oParts[ev.partInd].style.display == 'none') day.arEvents.hidden.push(ev); } this.ShowMoreEventsSelect(day); step++; } }, ShowEventOnLevel : function(pDiv, level, week) { if (!this.arWeeks[week]) this.arWeeks[week] = {top: parseInt(this.oDaysGridTable.rows[week].cells[0].offsetTop) + 22}; var top = this.arWeeks[week].top + level * 18; pDiv.style.display = 'block'; pDiv.style.top = top + 'px'; }, ShowMoreEventsSelect : function(oDay) { var arEv = oDay.arEvents.hidden; if (arEv.length <= 0) { if(oDay.pMoreDiv) oDay.pMoreDiv.style.display = 'none'; return; // Exit } if (!oDay.pMoreDiv) oDay.pMoreDiv = oDay.pDayCont.appendChild(BX.create('DIV', {props: {className: 'bxc-day-more'}})); var _this = this, i, el, part, arHidden = []; for (i = 0; i < arEv.length; i++) { el = arEv[i]; part = el.oEvent.oParts[el.partInd]; part.style.display = "none"; // Hide event from calendar grid if (!el.oEvent.pMoreDivs) el.oEvent.pMoreDivs = []; el.oEvent.pMoreDivs.push(oDay.pMoreDiv); arHidden.push({pDiv: part, oEvent: el.oEvent}); } BX.adjust(oDay.pMoreDiv, { style: {display: 'block'}, html: EC_MESS.MoreEvents + ' (' + arHidden.length + ' ' + EC_MESS.Item + ')' }); oDay.pMoreDiv.onmousedown = function(e){if(!e) e = window.event; BX.PreventDefault(e);}; oDay.pMoreDiv.onclick = function(){_this.ShowMoreEventsWin({Events: arHidden, id: oDay.pDiv.id, pDay: oDay.pDiv, pSelect: oDay.pMoreDiv});}; }, SelectDays : function() { if (!this.arSelectedDays) this.arSelectedDays = []; this.bInvertedDaysSelection = false; if (this.arSelectedDays.length > 0) this.DeSelectDays(); if (!this.selectDaysStartObj || !this.selectDaysEndObj) return; var start_ind = this.GetDayIndexByElement(this.selectDaysStartObj), end_ind = this.GetDayIndexByElement(this.selectDaysEndObj), el, i, _a; if (start_ind > end_ind) // swap start_ind and end_ind { _a = end_ind; end_ind = start_ind; start_ind = _a; this.bInvertedDaysSelection = true; } for (i = start_ind; i <= end_ind; i++) { el = this.activeDateObjDays[i]; if (!el || !el.pDiv) continue; BX.addClass(el.pDiv, 'bxec-day-selected'); this.arSelectedDays.push(el.pDiv); } }, GetDayIndexByElement: function(pDay) { return parseInt(pDay.id.substr(9)); }, GetDayByIndex: function(ind) { return this.activeDateObjDays[ind]; }, DeSelectDays : function() { if (!this.arSelectedDays) return; var i, l; for (i = 0, l = this.arSelectedDays.length; i < l; i++) BX.removeClass(this.arSelectedDays[i], 'bxec-day-selected'); this.arSelectedDays = []; }, DisplayError : function(str, bReloadPage) { var _this = this; setTimeout(function(){ if (!_this.bOnunload) { alert(str || '[Event Calendar] Error!'); if (bReloadPage) BX.reload(); } }, 200); }, BuildSectionBlock : function() { this.oSections = {}; var bMove = (this.sectionControlsDOMId && (this.pSidebar = BX(this.sectionControlsDOMId))); this.pSectCont = BX(this.id + '_sect_cont'); if (!this.pSectCont) return; if (bMove) { if (this.pSidebar.firstChild) this.pSidebar.insertBefore(this.pSectCont, this.pSidebar.firstChild); else this.pSidebar.appendChild(this.pSectCont); BX.addClass(this.pSectCont, "bxec-sect-cont-side"); } else { BX.addClass(this.pSectCont, "bxec-sect-cont-top"); } var _this = this; if (this.arSections.length < 1 && this.bReadOnly) { this.pSectCont.style.display = "none"; return; } this.pSectCont.style.display = "block"; this.pOwnerSectCont = BX(this.id + 'sections'); if(this.pOwnerSectCont) { this.pOwnerSectCont.onmouseover = function(){if(_this._sect_over_timeout){clearInterval(_this._sect_over_timeout);} BX.addClass(_this.pOwnerSectCont, 'bxec-hover');}; this.pOwnerSectCont.onmouseout = function(){_this._sect_over_timeout = setTimeout(function(){BX.removeClass(_this.pOwnerSectCont, 'bxec-hover');}, 100);}; } this.pOwnerSectBlock = BX(this.id + 'sections-cont'); if (!this.pOwnerSectBlock) return; BX.cleanNode(this.pOwnerSectBlock); this.pOwnerSectBlock.style.display = ''; // Prepare block for superposed sections this.pSPSectCont = BX(this.id + 'sp-sections'); if (this.bSuperpose) { this.pSPSectCont.onmouseover = function(){if(_this._sect_over_timeout){clearInterval(_this._sect_over_timeout);} BX.addClass(_this.pSPSectCont, 'bxec-hover');}; this.pSPSectCont.onmouseout = function(){_this._sect_over_timeout = setTimeout(function(){BX.removeClass(_this.pSPSectCont, 'bxec-hover');}, 100);}; this.pSpSectBlock = BX(this.id + 'sp-sections-cont'); var pManageSPBut = BX(this.id + '-manage-superpose'); pManageSPBut.onclick = function(){_this.ShowSuperposeDialog()}; } this.BuildSectionElements(); var pAddSectBut = BX(this.id + '-add-section'); if (this.Personal() || this.permEx.section_edit) { if (pAddSectBut) pAddSectBut.onclick = function(){_this.ShowSectionDialog();}; } else { if (pAddSectBut) BX.cleanNode(pAddSectBut, true); } }, BuildSectionElements : function() { var bShowOwnerSection = false, bShowSuperpose = false, i, oSect; for (i = 0; i < this.arSections.length; i++) { oSect = this.arSections[i]; if (!oSect.DOM) oSect.DOM = {}; if (oSect.ACTIVE !== 'N') { // Add to owner's sections only if section added first time if (!this.bSuperpose || (oSect.CAL_TYPE == this.type && oSect.OWNER_ID == this.ownerId)) { if (oSect.DOM.pEl) this.BuildSectionMenu(oSect.ID); else this.BuildSectionElement(oSect, this.oActiveSections[oSect.ID]); if (!bShowOwnerSection) bShowOwnerSection = true; } // Add to superposed section if (this.bSuperpose && !this.bAnonym) { // Add to superpose block if (oSect.SUPERPOSED) { if (oSect.DOM.pSPEl) this.BuildSectionMenu(oSect.ID, true); else this.BuildSectionElement(oSect, this.oActiveSections[oSect.ID], true); } // Section was superposed, but now we have to remove it from superposed else if (!oSect.SUPERPOSED && oSect.DOM.pSPEl) { // Clean DOM and vars if (oSect.DOM.pSPEl.parentNode) oSect.DOM.pSPEl.parentNode.removeChild(oSect.DOM.pSPEl); var menuId = 'bxec-sect-sp-' + oSect.ID; if (this.arMenuItems[menuId]) { if (BX.PopupMenu.Data[menuId]) { BX.PopupMenu.Data[menuId].popupWindow.destroy(); BX.PopupMenu.Data[menuId] = false; } this.arMenuItems[menuId] = null; delete this.arMenuItems[menuId]; } oSect.DOM.pSPEl = oSect.DOM.pSPWrap = oSect.DOM.pSPText = null; delete oSect.DOM.pSPEl; delete oSect.DOM.pSPWrap; delete oSect.DOM.pSPText; } if (oSect.SUPERPOSED && !bShowSuperpose) bShowSuperpose = true; } } } if (this.bTasks && !this.oSections['tasks']) { bShowOwnerSection = true; this.BuildSectionElement({ ID: 'tasks', CAL_TYPE : 'user', COLOR : this.taskBgColor, CREATED_BY : this.userId, DESCRIPTION : EC_MESS.MyTasks, DOM : {}, NAME : EC_MESS.MyTasks, OWNER_ID : this.userId, PERM : {}, SORT : 100, SUPERPOSED : false, TEXT_COLOR : this.taskTextColor }, this.oActiveSections.tasks); } if (this.pSPSectCont) this.pSPSectCont.style.display = bShowSuperpose ? "" : "none"; this.pOwnerSectCont.style.display = bShowOwnerSection ? "" : "none"; return true; }, BuildSectionElement : function(el, bChecked, bSuperpose) { bSuperpose = !!bSuperpose; if (!el.DOM) el.DOM = {}; // Determine container var isGoogle = this.bCalDAV && el.CAL_DAV_CAL && el.CAL_DAV_CON && el['~CAL_DAV_LAST_SYNC'], isTask = this.bTasks && el.ID == 'tasks', pCont = this.pOwnerSectBlock; if (bSuperpose) // Superposed { pCont = this.pSpSectBlock; } else { if (isTask) // My tasks { pCont = BX(this.id + 'tasks-sections-cont'); } else { if (!this.pSectSubCont) this.pSectSubCont = this.pOwnerSectBlock.appendChild(BX.create("DIV")); pCont = this.pSectSubCont; } } el.bDark = this.ColorIsDark(el.COLOR); var _this = this, menu = [], menuId = 'bxec-sect-' + (bSuperpose ? 'sp-' : '') + el.ID, pEl = pCont.appendChild(BX.create('DIV', {props: {id: 'el-' + menuId, className: 'bxec-sect-el'}})), pWrap = pEl.appendChild(BX.create("DIV", {props: {className: 'bxec-sect-el-wrap' + (isTask ? ' bxec-task-el-wrap' : '')}})); pWrap.appendChild(BX.create("SPAN", {props: {className: 'bxec-spr bxec-checkbox'}})); if(isTask) pWrap.appendChild(BX.create("SPAN", {props: {className: 'bxec-spr bxec-tasks-sect'}})); if (isGoogle) { if (el['~CAL_DAV_LAST_SYNC'].indexOf("[200]") >= 0) el.DOM.pStatus = pWrap.appendChild(BX.create("SPAN", {props: {className: 'bxec-spr bxec-cal-dav-google'}})); else el.DOM.pStatus = pWrap.appendChild(BX.create("SPAN", {props: {className: 'bxec-spr bxec-cal-dav-google-fail', title: EC_MESS.SyncError + ': ' + el['~CAL_DAV_LAST_SYNC']}})); } var pText = pWrap.appendChild(BX.create("DIV", {text: el.NAME, props: {className: 'bxc-sect-text-wrap'}})), pMenu = pEl.appendChild(BX.create("A", {props: {id: menuId, href: "javascript: void(0);", className: 'bxec-spr bxec-sect-menu', hidefocus: true}})); pMenu.onclick = function(e){_this.ShowCPopup(this.id, this);return BX.PreventDefault(e);}; if (bSuperpose) // For superposed { el.DOM.pSPEl = pEl; el.DOM.pSPWrap = pWrap; el.DOM.pSPText = pText; } else { el.DOM.pEl = pEl; el.DOM.pWrap = pWrap; el.DOM.pText = pText; } pEl.onclick = function() {_this.ShowCalendar(el, this.className.indexOf('bxec-sect-el-checked') == -1);}; this.oSections[el['ID']] = el; this.oActiveSections[el['ID']] = bChecked; this.BuildSectionMenu(el['ID'], bSuperpose); this.ShowCalendar(el, bChecked, true); }, BuildSectionMenu : function(sectionId, bSuperpose) { var el = this.oSections[sectionId]; if (!el || (this.bTasks && el.ID == 'tasks')) return false; if (!el.PERM) el.PERM = {}; var _this = this, menu = [], isGoogle = el.CAL_DAV_CAL && el.CAL_DAV_CON, isFirstExchange = this.arConfig.bExchange && el.IS_EXCHANGE && el.DAV_EXCH_CAL == 'calendar_' + el.OWNER_ID, pEl = bSuperpose ? el.DOM.pSPEl : el.DOM.pEl, menuId = 'bxec-sect-' + (bSuperpose ? 'sp-' : '') + el.ID; if (BX.PopupMenu.Data[menuId] && BX.PopupMenu.Data[menuId].popupWindow) { BX.PopupMenu.Data[menuId].popupWindow.destroy(); BX.PopupMenu.Data[menuId] = false; } if (el.LINK) { menu.push({ text: EC_MESS.OpenCalendar, href: el.LINK, className: "bxec-menu-sect-add2sp" }); } if (el.PERM.edit_section && this.permEx.section_edit && !bSuperpose) { menu.push({ text : EC_MESS.Edit, title : EC_MESS.EditCalendarTitle, className : "bxec-menu-sect-edit", onclick: function(){_this.CloseCPopup();_this.ShowSectionDialog(el);} }); } if (!el.SUPERPOSED) { menu.push({ text : EC_MESS.CalAdd2SP, title : EC_MESS.CalAdd2SPTitle, className : "bxec-menu-sect-add2sp", onclick: function(){_this.CloseCPopup();_this.SetSuperposed(el, true);} }); } else if(el.SUPERPOSED) { menu.push({ text : EC_MESS.CalHide, title : EC_MESS.CalHideTitle, className : "bxec-menu-sect-del-from-sp", onclick: function(){_this.CloseCPopup();_this.SetSuperposed(el, false);} }); } if (el.OUTLOOK_JS && !isGoogle && !BX.browser.IsMac()) { menu.push({ text : EC_MESS.ConnectToOutlook, title : EC_MESS.ConnectToOutlookTitle, className : "bxec-menu-sect-outlook", onclick: function(){ _this.CloseCPopup(); if (!window.jsOutlookUtils) BX.loadScript('/bitrix/js/calendar/outlook.js', function(){try{eval(el.OUTLOOK_JS);}catch(e){}}); else try{eval(el.OUTLOOK_JS);}catch(e){}; } }); } if (el.EXPORT && el.EXPORT.ALLOW) { menu.push({ text : EC_MESS.Export, title : EC_MESS.ExportTitle, className : "bxec-menu-sect-export", onclick: function(){_this.CloseCPopup();_this.ShowExportDialog(el);} }); } if (el.PERM.edit_section && this.permEx.section_edit && !isGoogle && !bSuperpose && !isFirstExchange) { menu.push({ text : EC_MESS.Delete, title : EC_MESS.DelCalendarTitle, className : "bxec-menu-sect-del", onclick: function(){_this.CloseCPopup();_this.DeleteSection(el);} }); } if (el.PERM.edit_section && isGoogle && !bSuperpose) { menu.push({ text : EC_MESS.Refresh, className : "bxec-menu-sect-edit", onclick: function(){ _this.CloseCPopup(); _this.bSyncGoogle = true; _this.Event.ReloadAll(); } }); menu.push({ text : EC_MESS.Adjust, title : EC_MESS.CalDavDialogTitle, className : "bxec-menu-sect-edit", onclick: function(){_this.CloseCPopup();_this.ShowExternalDialog({});} }); menu.push({ text: EC_MESS.googleHide, className: "bxec-menu-sect-del", onclick: function () { _this.CloseCPopup(); _this.HideCalDavSection(el); _this.Event.ReloadAll(); } }); } this.arMenuItems[menuId] = menu; if (menu.length > 0) { pEl.onmouseover = function(){if(_this['_sect_el_over_timeout' + this.id]){clearInterval(_this['_sect_el_over_timeout' + this.id]);} BX.addClass(pEl, 'bxec-sect-el-hover');}; pEl.onmouseout = function(){_this['_sect_el_over_timeout' + this.id] = setTimeout(function(){BX.removeClass(pEl, 'bxec-sect-el-hover');}, 100);}; } else { pEl.onmouseover = BX.False; pEl.onmouseout = BX.False; } }, ShowCPopup: function(menuId, pEl) { if (this.arMenuItems[menuId]) { BX.PopupMenu.show(menuId, pEl, this.arMenuItems[menuId], {events: {onPopupClose: function(){BX.removeClass(this.bindElement, "bxec-menu-over");}}}); BX.addClass(pEl, "bxec-menu-over"); } }, CloseCPopup: function() { BX.PopupMenu.currentItem.popupWindow.close(); }, ColorIsDark: function(color) { if (!color) return false; if (color.charAt(0) == "#") color = color.substring(1, 7); var r = parseInt(color.substring(0, 2), 16), g = parseInt(color.substring(2, 4), 16), b = parseInt(color.substring(4, 6), 16), light = (r * 0.8 + g + b * 0.2) / 510 * 100; return light < 50; }, AppendCalendarHint: function(el, bSuperpose) { if (el.oHint && el.oHint.Destroy) el.oHint.Destroy(); //append Hint var hintContent; if (bSuperpose && el.SP_PARAMS) hintContent = '<b>' + el.SP_PARAMS.GROUP_TITLE + ' > ' + el.SP_PARAMS.NAME + ' > ' + el.NAME + '</b>'; else hintContent = '<b>' + el.NAME + '</b>'; var desc_len = el.DESCRIPTION.length, max_len = 350; if (desc_len > 0) { if (desc_len < max_len) hintContent += "<br>" + el.DESCRIPTION; else hintContent += "<br>" + el.DESCRIPTION.substr(0, max_len) + '...'; } el.oHint = new BX.CHintSimple({parent: el._pElement, hint: hintContent}); }, ShowCalendar : function(el, bShow, bDontReload) { if (!el) return; if (bShow) { if (el.DOM.pEl) { el.DOM.pEl.style.backgroundColor = el.COLOR; BX.addClass(el.DOM.pEl, 'bxec-sect-el-checked'); } // text color var txtColor = el.TEXT_COLOR; if (!txtColor) txtColor = el.bDark ? this.darkColor : this.brightColor; if (el.DOM.pText) el.DOM.pText.style.color = txtColor; // For superposed if (el.DOM.pSPEl) { BX.addClass(el.DOM.pSPEl, 'bxec-sect-el-checked'); el.DOM.pSPEl.style.backgroundColor = el.COLOR; } if (el.DOM.pSPText) el.DOM.pSPText.style.color = txtColor; } else { if (el.DOM.pEl) { BX.removeClass(el.DOM.pEl, 'bxec-sect-el-checked'); el.DOM.pEl.style.backgroundColor = 'transparent'; } if (el.DOM.pText) el.DOM.pText.style.color = '#484848'; // For superposed if (el.DOM.pSPEl) { BX.removeClass(el.DOM.pSPEl, 'bxec-sect-el-checked'); el.DOM.pSPEl.style.backgroundColor = 'transparent'; } if (el.DOM.pSPText) el.DOM.pSPText.style.color = '#484848'; } this.oActiveSections[el.ID] = el.bShowed = !!bShow; if (!bDontReload) { this.SetTabNeedRefresh(this.activeTabId); this.Event.ReloadAll(); } }, SaveSection : function() { var D = this.oSectDialog, oSect = D.CAL.oSect; D.CAL.DOM.Name.value = BX.util.trim(D.CAL.DOM.Name.value); if (D.CAL.DOM.Name.value == "") { alert(EC_MESS.CalenNameErr); this.bEditCalDialogOver = true; return false; } var postData = this.GetReqData('section_edit', { name : D.CAL.DOM.Name.value, desc : D.CAL.DOM.Desc.value, //color : D.CAL.DOM.Color.value color : D.CAL.Color, text_color : D.CAL.TextColor }); if (D.CAL.Access) postData.access = D.CAL.Access.GetValues(); if (oSect.ID) postData.id = bxInt(oSect.ID); if (D.CAL.DOM.Exch) postData.is_exchange = D.CAL.DOM.Exch.checked ? 'Y' : 'N'; //if (this.bUser) // postData.private_status = D.CAL.DOM.Status.value; //if (this.bUser && this.Personal() && D.CAL.DOM.MeetingCalendarCh.checked) // postData.is_def_meet_calendar = 'Y'; if (D.CAL.DOM.ExpAllow.checked) { postData['export'] = 'Y'; postData.exp_set = D.CAL.DOM.ExpSet ? D.CAL.DOM.ExpSet.value : 'all'; } var _this = this; this.Request({ postData: postData, errorText: EC_MESS.CalenSaveErr, handler: function(oRes) { if (oRes && oRes.calendar && oRes.calendar.ID) { if (oRes.accessNames) _this.HandleAccessNames(oRes.accessNames); _this.SaveSectionClientSide(oRes.calendar); // if (_this.bUser && _this.Personal() && _this.oSectDialog.CAL.DOM.MeetingCalendarCh.checked && _this.userSettings.meetSection != oRes.calendar.ID) // { // //_this.userSettings.meetSection = oRes.calendar.ID; // //_this.Event.ReloadAll(); // } return true; } return false; } }); return true; }, SaveSectionClientSide : function(oSect) { if (oSect.EXPORT && !oSect.EXPORT.ALLOW) oSect.EXPORT = false; this.arSPSections = null; // It's new sections if (typeof this.arSectionsInd[oSect.ID] == 'undefined') { this.arSections.push(oSect); this.arSectionsInd[oSect.ID] = this.arSections.length - 1; this.BuildSectionElement(oSect, true); // Feature - we set new section as default for new events. this.SaveLastSection(oSect.ID); if (this.bSuperpose && this.oSectDialog.CAL.DOM.add2SP) this.SetSuperposed(oSect, (!this.oSectDialog || this.oSectDialog.CAL.DOM.add2SP.checked)); } else // Save and update section { var key, exSect = this.arSections[this.arSectionsInd[oSect.ID]], oldColor = exSect.COLOR, oldTextColor = exSect.TEXT_COLOR, bCol = !exSect || oSect.COLOR != oldColor || oSect.TEXT_COLOR != oldTextColor; if (!exSect) return; // Copy all properties for (key in oSect) { if (oSect.hasOwnProperty(key)) exSect[key] = oSect[key]; } // Rename exSect.DOM.pText.innerHTML = BX.util.htmlspecialchars(exSect.NAME); if (exSect.DOM.pSPText) exSect.DOM.pSPText.innerHTML = BX.util.htmlspecialchars(exSect.NAME); exSect.bDark = this.ColorIsDark(exSect.COLOR); this.BuildSectionMenu(oSect.ID); if (exSect.DOM.pSPEl) this.BuildSectionMenu(oSect.ID, true); if (bCol) this.UpdateSectionColor(exSect, oldColor, oldTextColor); this.ShowCalendar(exSect, exSect.bShowed, true); } }, HideCalDavSection: function(el) { if (el.ID && confirm(EC_MESS.googleHideConfirm)) { var _this = this; this.Request({ getData: this.GetReqData('section_caldav_hide', {id: el.ID}), handler: function (oRes) { if (oRes.refreshView) BX.reload(); return oRes.result ? _this.DeleteSectionClientSide(el) : false; } }); } }, DeleteSection : function(el) { if (!el.ID || !confirm(EC_MESS.DelCalendarConfirm)) return false; var _this = this; this.Request({ getData: this.GetReqData('section_delete', {id : el.ID}), errorText: EC_MESS.DelCalendarErr, handler: function(oRes) { return oRes.result ? _this.DeleteSectionClientSide(el) : false; } }); return true; }, DeleteSectionClientSide : function(oSect) { BX.cleanNode(oSect.DOM.pEl, true); if (oSect.DOM.pSPEl) BX.cleanNode(oSect.DOM.pSPEl, true); var i; for (i = 0; i < this.arSections.length; i++) { if (this.arSections[i].ID == oSect.ID) { this.arSections = BX.util.deleteFromArray(this.arSections, i); break; } } this.arSPSections = null; delete this.oActiveSections[oSect.ID]; delete this.oSections[oSect.ID]; this.Event.ReloadAll(); }, UpdateSectionColor : function(oSect, oldColor, oldTextColor) { if (!oSect) return; var color = oSect.COLOR, txtColor = oSect.TEXT_COLOR ? oSect.TEXT_COLOR : (oSect.bDark ? this.darkColor : this.brightColor); oSect.DOM.pEl.style.backgroundColor = color; oSect.DOM.pText.style.color = txtColor; var setColor, setTextColor, keys = [['oTLParts', 'week'], ['oTLParts', 'day'], ['oDaysT', 'week'], ['oDaysT', 'day']], i, l = this.arEvents.length, ev, j, n, x, y; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { ev = this.arEvents[i]; if (!ev) continue; setColor = !ev.displayColor || !oldColor || ev.displayColor === oldColor; setTextColor = !ev.displayTextColor || !oldTextColor || ev.displayTextColor === oldTextColor; if (ev.SECT_ID != oSect.ID || (!setColor && !setTextColor)) continue; // Month n = ev.oParts.length; for (j = 0; j < n; j++) { if (setColor) ev.oParts[j].style.backgroundColor = color; if (setTextColor) ev.oParts[j].style.color = txtColor; } n = keys.length; for (j = 0; j < n; j++) { if (ev[keys[j][0]] && ev[keys[j][0]][keys[j][1]]) { y = ev[keys[j][0]][keys[j][1]]; if (typeof y == 'object' && y.nodeType) { if (setColor) y.style.backgroundColor = color; if (setTextColor) y.style.color = txtColor; } else { for (x = 0; x < y.length; x++) { if (setColor) y[x].style.backgroundColor = color; if (setTextColor) y[x].style.color = txtColor; } } } } if (setColor) ev.displayColor = color; } }, ShowAllCalendars : function(bShow, bSP) { var arCals = bSP ? this.arSPCalendarsShow : this.arSections; var i, l = arCals.length; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { el = arCals[i]; this.ShowCalendar(el, bShow, true, !bSP); } this.Event.ReloadAll(); }, CheckCalBarGlobChecker : function(bCheck, bSP) { var GlCh = bSP ? 'CalBarGlobCheckerSP' : 'CalBarGlobChecker'; if (bCheck == 'none') { this[GlCh].pWnd.className = 'bxec-cal-bar-none'; this[GlCh].pWnd.title = ''; } else if (bCheck) { this[GlCh].flag = false; this[GlCh].pWnd.className = 'bxec-iconkit bxec-cal-bar-check'; this[GlCh].pWnd.title = EC_MESS.DeSelectAll; } else { this[GlCh].flag = true; this[GlCh].pWnd.className = 'bxec-iconkit bxec-cal-bar-uncheck'; this[GlCh].pWnd.title = EC_MESS.SelectAll; } }, // * * * * * * * * * * * * SUPERPOSED CALENDARS, EVENTS * * * * * * * * * * * * SetSuperposed : function(oSect, bAdd) { if(oSect) oSect.SUPERPOSED = !!bAdd; var _this = this, i, arSPIds = []; for (i = 0; i < this.arSections.length; i++) { if (this.arSections[i].SUPERPOSED) arSPIds.push(parseInt(this.arSections[i].ID)); } this.Request({ getData: this.GetReqData('set_superposed', {sect: arSPIds, trackedUser: oSect && oSect.CAL_TYPE == 'user' ? oSect.OWNER_ID : 0}), errorText: EC_MESS.AppendSPCalendarErr, handler: function(res) { if (res.result) { if (!_this.bSuperpose) return BX.reload(); return _this.BuildSectionElements(); } return false; } }); }, GetCenterWindowPos : function(w, h) { if (!w) w = 400; if (!h) h = 300; var S = BX.GetWindowSize(document); var top = bxInt(bxInt(S.scrollTop) + (S.innerHeight - h) / 2 - 30); var left = bxInt(bxInt(S.scrollLeft) + (S.innerWidth - w) / 2 - 30); return {top: top, left: left}; }, ShowStartUpEvent: function() { var _this = this, event, i, resEvent = false; for (i = 0; i < this.arEvents.length; i++) { event = this.arEvents[i]; if (this.startupEvent.ID == event.ID || (this.startupEvent.PARENT_ID == event.PARENT_ID) && event['~TYPE'] != 'tasks') { if (this.startupEvent.EDIT) { setTimeout(function () { _this.Event.Edit({oEvent: event}); }, 1000); break; } else { if (!resEvent) resEvent = event; if (this.startupEvent.RRULE && this.startupEvent['~CURRENT_DATE'] && this.FormatDate(BX.parseDate(event.DATE_FROM)) == this.startupEvent['~CURRENT_DATE']) { resEvent = event; break; } } } } if (resEvent) { setTimeout(function(){_this.Event.View(resEvent);}, 1000); } this.startupEvent.viewed = true; }, SaveSettings : function() { var D = this.oSetDialog; // Save user settings if (D.CAL.inPersonal) { this.userSettings.blink = D.CAL.DOM.Blink.checked ? 1 : 0; this.userSettings.showDeclined = D.CAL.DOM.ShowDeclined.checked ? 1 : 0; this.userSettings.meetSection = D.CAL.DOM.SectSelect.value; } this.userSettings.showMuted = D.CAL.DOM.ShowMuted.checked ? 1 : 0; this.userSettings.denyBusyInvitation = D.CAL.DOM.denyBusyInvitation.checked ? 1 : 0; if (D.CAL.DOM.TimezoneSelect) this.arConfig.userTimezoneName = D.CAL.DOM.TimezoneSelect.value; // Save settings var postData = this.GetReqData('save_settings', { user_settings: this.userSettings, user_timezone_name: this.arConfig.userTimezoneName }); if (this.PERM.access) { postData.type_access = D.CAL.Access.GetValues(); // Set access for calendar type D.CAL.Access.SetSelected(this.typeAccess); this.settings.work_time_start = D.CAL.DOM.WorkTimeStart.value; this.settings.work_time_end = D.CAL.DOM.WorkTimeEnd.value; this.settings.week_holidays = []; for(var i = 0, l = D.CAL.DOM.WeekHolidays.options.length; i < l; i++) if (D.CAL.DOM.WeekHolidays.options[i].selected) this.settings.week_holidays.push(D.CAL.DOM.WeekHolidays.options[i].value); this.settings.year_holidays = D.CAL.DOM.YearHolidays.value; this.settings.year_workdays = D.CAL.DOM.YearWorkdays.value; //this.settings.week_start = D.CAL.DOM.WeekStart.value; postData.settings = this.settings; } this.Request({ postData: postData, handler: function() { BX.reload(); } }); }, ClearPersonalSettings: function() { this.Request({ postData: this.GetReqData('save_settings', {clear_all: 1}), handler: function(){BX.reload();} }); }, GetUserHref: function(userId) { return this.pathToUser.replace(/#user_id#/ig, userId); }, GetUserProfileLink : function(uid, bHtml, User, cn, bOwner) { var html; if (User.type == 'ext') { html = ''; if (User.email) html = BX.util.htmlspecialchars(User.email); else if (User.name) html = BX.util.htmlspecialchars(User.name); return html; } else { var path = this.arConfig.pathToUser.toLowerCase(); path = path.replace('#user_id#', uid); cn = cn ? ' class="' + cn + '"' : ''; if (!bHtml) return path; html = BX.util.htmlspecialchars(User.name); if (bOwner) html += ' <span style="font-weight: normal !important;">(' + EC_MESS.Host + ')</span>'; return '<a' + cn + ' href="' + path + '" target="_blank" title="' + EC_MESS.UserProfile + ': ' + BX.util.htmlspecialchars(User.name) + '" >' + html + '</a>'; } }, Day : function(day) { return this.days[{MO: 0,TU: 1,WE: 2, TH: 3,FR: 4,SA: 5,SU: 6}[day]]; }, GetWeekDayByInd : function(i) { return ['SU','MO','TU','WE','TH','FR','SA'][i]; }, ConvertDayIndex : function(i) { if (i == 0) return 6; return i - 1; }, Request : function(P) { if (!P.url) P.url = this.actionUrl; if (P.bIter !== false) P.bIter = true; if (!P.postData && !P.getData) P.getData = this.GetReqData(); var errorText; if (!P.errorText) errorText = false; var reqId = P.getData ? P.getData.reqId : P.postData.reqId; P.reqId = reqId; var _this = this, iter = 0, handler; if (P.handler) { handler = function (result) { var handleRes = function () { if (_this.requests[reqId].status !== 'canceled') { var erInd = result.toLowerCase().indexOf('bx_event_calendar_action_error'); if (!result || result.length <= 0 || erInd != -1) { var errorText = ''; if (erInd >= 0) { var ind1 = erInd + 'BX_EVENT_CALENDAR_ACTION_ERROR:'.length, ind2 = result.indexOf('-->', ind1); errorText = result.substr(ind1, ind2 - ind1); } if (P.onerror && typeof P.onerror == 'function') P.onerror(); return _this.DisplayError(errorText || P.errorText || ''); } _this.requests[reqId].status = 'complete'; var res = P.handler(_this.GetRequestRes(reqId), result); if (res === false && ++iter < 20 && P.bIter) setTimeout(handleRes, 5); else _this.ClearRequestRes(reqId); } }; setTimeout(handleRes, 50); }; } else { handler = BX.DoNothing(); } this.requests[P.reqId] = { status: 'sent', xhr: P.postData ? BX.ajax.post(P.url, P.postData, handler) : BX.ajax.get(P.url, P.getData, handler) }; return P; }, GetReqData : function(action, O) { if (!O) O = {}; if (action) O.action = action; O.sessid = BX.bitrix_sessid(); O.bx_event_calendar_request = 'Y'; O.reqId = Math.round(Math.random() * 1000000); return O; }, CancelRequest: function(reqId) { if (this.requests[reqId] && this.requests[reqId].status == 'sent') this.requests[reqId].status = 'canceled'; }, GetRequestRes: function(key) { if (top.BXCRES && typeof top.BXCRES[key] != 'undefined') return top.BXCRES[key]; return {}; }, ClearRequestRes: function(key) { if (top.BXCRES) { top.BXCRES[key] = null; delete top.BXCRES[key]; } }, ExtendUserSearchInput : function() { if (!window.SonetTCJsUtils) return; var _this = this; if (!SonetTCJsUtils.EC__GetRealPos) SonetTCJsUtils.EC__GetRealPos = SonetTCJsUtils.GetRealPos; SonetTCJsUtils.GetRealPos = function(el) { var res = SonetTCJsUtils.EC__GetRealPos(el); if (_this.oSuperposeDialog && _this.oSuperposeDialog.bShow) { scrollTop = _this.oSuperposeDialog.oCont.scrollTop; res.top = bxInt(res.top) - scrollTop; res.bottom = bxInt(res.bottom) - scrollTop; } return res; } }, ParseLocation : function(str, bGetMRParams) { if (!str) str = ''; var res = {mrid : false, mrevid : false, str : str}; if (str.length > 5 && str.substr(0, 5) == 'ECMR_') { var ar_ = str.split('_'); if (ar_.length >= 2) { if (!isNaN(parseInt(ar_[1])) && parseInt(ar_[1]) > 0) res.mrid = parseInt(ar_[1]); if (!isNaN(parseInt(ar_[2])) && parseInt(ar_[2]) > 0) res.mrevid = parseInt(ar_[2]); } } if (res.mrid && bGetMRParams === true) { for (var i = 0, l = this.meetingRooms.length; i < l; i++) { if (this.meetingRooms[i].ID == res.mrid) { res.mrind = i; res.MR = this.meetingRooms[i]; break; } } } return res; }, OnResize: function(timeout) { if (this._resizeTimeout) this._resizeTimeout = clearTimeout(this._resizeTimeout); var _this = this; if (timeout !== false) { this._resizeTimeout = setTimeout(function(){_this.OnResize(false);}, timeout || 200); } else { switch (this.activeTabId) { case 'month': setTimeout(BX.delegate(this.BuildDaysTitle, this), 100); break; case 'week': case 'day': this.ResizeTabTitle(this.Tabs[this.activeTabId]); break; } this.bJustRedraw = true; this.SetView({month: this.activeDate.month, year: this.activeDate.year}); setTimeout(function(){_this.bJustRedraw = false;}, 500); } }, _OnPopupCloseHandler: function(popup) { // mantis #60948. We need to handle only timeman popups if (popup && popup.popupContainer && popup.popupContainer.id && popup.popupContainer.id.indexOf('timeman') !== -1) { this.OnResize(); } // Do it once BX.removeCustomEvent('onPopupClose', BX.proxy(this._OnPopupCloseHandler, this)); }, CreateStrut: function(width) { return BX.create("DIV", {style: {width: width + 'px', height: '1px'}}); }, CheckMouseInCont: function(pWnd, e, d) { var pos = BX.pos(pWnd), wndSize = BX.GetWindowScrollPos(), x = e.clientX + wndSize.scrollLeft, y = e.clientY + wndSize.scrollTop; if (typeof d == 'undefined') d = 0; return (x >= pos.left - d && x <= pos.right + d && y <= pos.bottom + d && y >= pos.top - d); }, SaveCalDavConnections: function(Calback, onError) { var connections = [], i, con; for (i = 0; i < this.arConnections.length; i++) { con = this.arConnections[i]; var sections = {}; for (var sectId in con.sections) { if (!con.sections.hasOwnProperty(sectId)) continue; sections[sectId] = con.sections[sectId].checked ? 'Y' : 'N'; } connections.push({ id: con.id || 0, name: con.name, link: con.link, user_name: con.user_name, pass: typeof con.pass == 'undefined' ? 'bxec_not_modify_pass' : con.pass, del: con.del ? 'Y' : 'N', del_calendars: con.pDelCalendars.checked ? 'Y' : 'N', sections: sections }); } this.Request({ postData: this.GetReqData('connections_edit', {connections : connections}), handler: function() { setTimeout(function(){ if (Calback && typeof Calback == 'function') Calback(true); }, 100); }, onerror: function() { if (onError && typeof onError == 'function') onError(); } }); return true; }, IsDavCalendar: function(id) { return this.oSections[id] && (this.oSections[id].IS_EXCHANGE || this.oSections[id].CAL_DAV_CON); }, Section: function(id) { var s = {}; if (this.arSectionsInd[id] && this.arSections[this.arSectionsInd[id]]) s = this.arSections[this.arSectionsInd[id]]; return s; }, CanDo: function(action, id) { var S = this.Section(id); return S.ID && S.PERM[action]; }, // DefaultAction() - for check and reset // DefaultAction(false) - for prevent default action DefaultAction: function(mod) { if(typeof mod == 'undefined' && !this.bDoDefault) // { this.bDoDefault = true; return false; } if(mod === false) // Custom handler set state this.bDoDefault = false; return true; }, OnTaskChanged : function() { if (!this.oActiveSections['tasks']) // Show tasks return this.ShowCalendar(this.oSections['tasks'], true); this.Event.ReloadAll(); }, OnTaskKilled : function(taskId) { for (var i = 0, l = this.arEvents.length; i < l; i++) { if (this.arEvents[i]['~TYPE'] == 'tasks' && this.arEvents[i].ID == taskId) { this.Event.UnDisplay(this.arEvents[i]); break; } } }, HandleAccessNames: function(arNames) { for (var code in arNames) { if (arNames.hasOwnProperty(code)) this.arNames[code] = arNames[code]; } }, GetAccessName: function(code) { return this.arNames[code] || code; }, GetMeetingSection: function() { if (this.userSettings.meetSection && this.oSections[this.userSettings.meetSection] && this.oSections[this.userSettings.meetSection].ACTIVE !== 'N') { return this.userSettings.meetSection; } return this.arSections[0]['ID']; }, CheckMeetingRoom: function(Params, callback) { this.Request({ postData: this.GetReqData('check_meeting_room', Params), handler: function(oRes) { if (oRes) { if (callback && typeof callback == 'function') callback(oRes.check); return true; } } }); }, AddGroupMembers : function() { var _this = this, arPost = {}; this.Request({ postData: this.GetReqData('get_group_members', arPost), handler: function(oRes) { if (oRes) { if (oRes.users) BX.onCustomEvent(_this, 'onGetGroupMembers', [oRes.users]); return true; } } }); }, ItsYou: function(userId) { if (userId == this.userId) return '<span class="bxc-it-is-you"> (' + EC_MESS.ItIsYou + ')</span>'; return ''; }, Personal: function() { return this.type == 'user' && this.ownerId == this.userId; }, GetFreeDialogColor: function() { var result = this.Colors[0], ind, colorMap = {}, color; for (ind in this.Colors) colorMap[this.Colors[ind]] = true; for (ind in this.arSections) { color = this.arSections[ind].COLOR; if (colorMap[color]) colorMap[color] = false; } for (ind in colorMap) { if (colorMap[ind]) { result = ind; break; } } return result; }, FormatDate: function(date) { return BX.date.format(this.DATE_FORMAT, date.getTime() / 1000); }, FormatTime: function(date, seconds) { return BX.date.format(seconds === true ? this.TIME_FORMAT : this.TIME_FORMAT_SHORT, date.getTime() / 1000); }, FormatDateTime: function(date) { return BX.date.format(this.DATETIME_FORMAT, date.getTime() / 1000); }, ParseDate: function(str, trimSeconds) { var bUTC = false; var format = BX.message('FORMAT_DATETIME'); str = BX.util.trim(str); if (trimSeconds !== false) format = format.replace(':SS', ''); if (BX.type.isNotEmptyString(str)) { var regMonths = ''; for (i = 1; i <= 12; i++) { regMonths = regMonths + '|' + BX.message('MON_'+i); } var expr = new RegExp('([0-9]+|[a-z]+' + regMonths + ')', 'ig'); var aDate = str.match(expr), aFormat = BX.message('FORMAT_DATE').match(/(DD|MI|MMMM|MM|M|YYYY)/ig), i, cnt, aDateArgs=[], aFormatArgs=[], aResult={}; if (!aDate) return null; if(aDate.length > aFormat.length) { aFormat = format.match(/(DD|MI|MMMM|MM|M|YYYY|HH|H|SS|TT|T|GG|G)/ig); } for(i = 0, cnt = aDate.length; i < cnt; i++) { if(BX.util.trim(aDate[i]) != '') { aDateArgs[aDateArgs.length] = aDate[i]; } } for(i = 0, cnt = aFormat.length; i < cnt; i++) { if(BX.util.trim(aFormat[i]) != '') { aFormatArgs[aFormatArgs.length] = aFormat[i]; } } var m = BX.util.array_search('MMMM', aFormatArgs); if (m > 0) { aDateArgs[m] = BX.getNumMonth(aDateArgs[m]); aFormatArgs[m] = "MM"; } else { m = BX.util.array_search('M', aFormatArgs); if (m > 0) { aDateArgs[m] = BX.getNumMonth(aDateArgs[m]); aFormatArgs[m] = "MM"; } } for(i = 0, cnt = aFormatArgs.length; i < cnt; i++) { var k = aFormatArgs[i].toUpperCase(); aResult[k] = k == 'T' || k == 'TT' ? aDateArgs[i] : parseInt(aDateArgs[i], 10); } if(aResult['DD'] > 0 && aResult['MM'] > 0 && aResult['YYYY'] > 0) { var d = new Date(); if(bUTC) { d.setUTCDate(1); d.setUTCFullYear(aResult['YYYY']); d.setUTCMonth(aResult['MM'] - 1); d.setUTCDate(aResult['DD']); d.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0); } else { d.setDate(1); d.setFullYear(aResult['YYYY']); d.setMonth(aResult['MM'] - 1); d.setDate(aResult['DD']); d.setHours(0, 0, 0); } if( (!isNaN(aResult['HH']) || !isNaN(aResult['GG']) || !isNaN(aResult['H']) || !isNaN(aResult['G'])) && !isNaN(aResult['MI']) ) { if (!isNaN(aResult['H']) || !isNaN(aResult['G'])) { var bPM = (aResult['T']||aResult['TT']||'am').toUpperCase()=='PM'; var h = parseInt(aResult['H']||aResult['G']||0, 10); if(bPM) { aResult['HH'] = h + (h == 12 ? 0 : 12); } else { aResult['HH'] = h < 12 ? h : 0; } } else { aResult['HH'] = parseInt(aResult['HH']||aResult['GG']||0, 10); } if (isNaN(aResult['SS'])) aResult['SS'] = 0; if(bUTC) { d.setUTCHours(aResult['HH'], aResult['MI'], aResult['SS']); } else { d.setHours(aResult['HH'], aResult['MI'], aResult['SS']); } } return d; } } return null; }, FormatTimeByNum: function(h, m) { var res = ''; if (m == undefined) m = '00'; else { m = parseInt(m, 10); if (isNaN(m)) m = '00'; else { if (m > 59) m = 59; m = (m < 10) ? '0' + m.toString() : m.toString(); } } h = parseInt(h, 10); if (h > 24) h = 24; if (isNaN(h)) h = 0; if (this.bAMPM) { var ampm = 'am'; if (h == 0) { h = 12; } else if (h == 12) { ampm = 'pm'; } else if (h > 12) { ampm = 'pm'; h -= 12; } res = h.toString() + ':' + m.toString() + ' ' + ampm; } else { res = ((h < 10) ? '0' : '') + h.toString() + ':' + m.toString(); } return res; }, ParseTime: function(str) { var h, m, arTime; str = BX.util.trim(str); str = str.toLowerCase(); if (this.bAMPM) { var ampm = 'pm'; if (str.indexOf('am') != -1) ampm = 'am'; str = str.replace(/[^\d:]/ig, ''); arTime = str.split(':'); h = parseInt(arTime[0] || 0, 10); m = parseInt(arTime[1] || 0, 10); if (h == 12) { if (ampm == 'am') h = 0; else h = 12; } else if (h != 0) { if (ampm == 'pm' && h < 12) { h += 12; } } } else { arTime = str.split(':'); h = arTime[0] || 0; m = arTime[1] || 0; if (h.toString().length > 2) h = parseInt(h.toString().substr(0, 2)); m = parseInt(m); } if (isNaN(h) || h > 24) h = 0; if (isNaN(m) || m > 60) m = 0; return {h: h, m: m}; }, CheckType: function(type, ownerId) { return this.type == type && this.ownerId == ownerId; }, CheckSectionsCount: function() { var i; for (i = 0; i < this.arSections.length; i++) { if (this.arSections[i].PERM.edit_section && this.IsCurrentViewSect(this.arSections[i])) return true; } return false; }, GetWeekStart: function() { return this.weekStart; }, GetWeekDayOffset: function(day) { if (!this.weekDayOffsetIndex) { this.weekDayOffsetIndex = {}; for(var i = 0; i < this.weekDays.length; i++) this.weekDayOffsetIndex[this.weekDays[i][2]] = i; } return this.weekDayOffsetIndex[day]; }, SaveLastSection: function(sectionId) { this.lastSection = parseInt(sectionId); BX.userOptions.save('calendar', 'last_section', this.type + '_' + this.ownerId, this.lastSection); }, GetLastSection: function() { return this.lastSection; } }; window.bxInt = function(x) { return parseInt(x, 10); }; window.bxIntEx = function(x) { x = parseInt(x, 10); if (isNaN(x)) x = 0; return x; }; window.bxSpCh = function(str) { if (!str) return ''; str = str.replace(/script_>/g, 'script>'); str = str.replace(/&/g, '&'); str = str.replace(/"/g, '"'); str = str.replace(/</g, '<'); str = str.replace(/>/g, '>'); return str; }; window.bxSpChBack = function(str) { if (!str) return ''; str = str.replace(/</g, '<'); str = str.replace(/>/g, '>'); str = str.replace(/"/g, '"'); str = str.replace(/&/g, '&'); str = str.replace(/script_>/g, 'script>'); return str; }; window.EnterAndNotTextArea = function(e, id) { if(e.keyCode == 13) { var targ = e.target || e.srcElement; if (targ && targ.nodeName && targ.nodeName.toLowerCase() != 'textarea' && targ.id.indexOf(id) == -1) { BX.PreventDefault(e); return true; } } return false; }; function bxGetDateFromTS(ts, getObject) { var oDate = new Date(ts); if (!getObject) { var ho = oDate.getHours() || 0, mi = oDate.getMinutes() || 0; oDate = { date: oDate.getDate(), month: oDate.getMonth() + 1, year: oDate.getFullYear(), bTime: !!(ho || mi), oDate: oDate }; if (oDate.bTime) { oDate.hour = ho; oDate.min = mi; } } return oDate; } window.bxFormatDate = function(d, m, y) { var str = BX.message("FORMAT_DATE"); str = str.replace(/YY(YY)?/ig, y); str = str.replace(/MMMM/ig, BX.message('MONTH_' + Number(m))); str = str.replace(/MM/ig, zeroInt(m)); str = str.replace(/M/ig, BX.message('MON_' + Number(m))); str = str.replace(/DD/ig, zeroInt(d)); return str; }; window.zeroInt = function(x) { x = bxInt(x); if (isNaN(x)) x = 0; return x < 10 ? '0' + x.toString() : x.toString(); }; window.DenyDragEx = function(pEl) { pEl.style.MozUserSelect = 'none'; pEl.ondrag = BX.False; pEl.ondragstart = BX.False; pEl.onselectstart = BX.False; }; JCEC.prototype.GetCurrentSections = function() { var i, superposed = [], active = [], hidden = []; for (i in this.oActiveSections) { if (this.oActiveSections.hasOwnProperty(i)) { if (i != 'tasks') { i = parseInt(i); if (i < 0 || isNaN(i)) continue; } if (this.oActiveSections[i]) { if (this.arSectionsInd[i] && this.arSections[this.arSectionsInd[i]] && this.arSections[this.arSectionsInd[i]].SUPERPOSED) superposed.push(i); else active.push(i); } else { hidden.push(i); } } } return {superposed: superposed, active: active, hidden: hidden}; }; JCEC.prototype.LoadEvents = function(m, y, params) { if (m == undefined) m = this.activeDate.month; if (y == undefined) y = this.activeDate.year; if (params == undefined) params = {}; var sect, ind, _this = this, sections = this.GetCurrentSections(); var req = this.Request({ getData: this.GetReqData('load_events', { month: parseInt(m, 10) + 1, year: y, usecl: 'Y', active_sect: sections.active, hidden_sect: sections.hidden, sup_sect: sections.superposed, cal_dav_data_sync: this.bSyncGoogle ? 'Y' : 'N' }), errorText: EC_MESS.LoadEventsErr, handler: function(oRes) { if (_this.loadEventsLastRequestId) { if (_this.loadEventsLastRequestId == req.reqId) { _this.loadEventsLastRequestId = false; } else { _this.CancelRequest(_this.loadEventsLastRequestId); } } var sectionsNow = _this.GetCurrentSections(); if (!_this.CompareArrays(sections.superposed, sectionsNow.superposed) || !_this.CompareArrays(sections.active, sectionsNow.active) || !_this.CompareArrays(sections.hidden, sectionsNow.hidden) ) { return; } if (_this.bCalDAV && _this.bSyncGoogle && oRes.connections && oRes.connections.length > 0) { _this.arConnections = oRes.connections; for (ind in _this.arSections) { if (_this.arSections.hasOwnProperty(ind)) { sect = _this.arSections[ind]; if (sect.CAL_DAV_CAL && sect.CAL_DAV_CON && sect.DOM.pStatus) { for (i in _this.arConnections) { if (_this.arConnections.hasOwnProperty(i) && _this.arConnections[i].id == sect.CAL_DAV_CON) { sect['~CAL_DAV_LAST_SYNC'] = _this.arConnections[i].last_result; if (sect['~CAL_DAV_LAST_SYNC'].indexOf("[200]") >= 0) { sect.DOM.pStatus.className = 'bxec-spr bxec-cal-dav-google'; sect.DOM.pStatus.title = ''; } else { sect.DOM.pStatus.className = 'bxec-spr bxec-cal-dav-google-fail'; sect.DOM.pStatus.title = EC_MESS.SyncError + ': ' + el['~CAL_DAV_LAST_SYNC']; } break; } } } } } } _this.bSyncGoogle = false; _this.HandleLoadedEvents({ events: oRes.events, attendees: oRes.attendees, month: m, year: y, Params: params }); } }); this.loadEventsLastRequestId = req.reqId; }; JCEC.prototype.HandleLoadedEvents = function(P) { this.HandleEvents(P.events, P.attendees); this.arLoadedMonth[P.month + '.' + P.year] = true; if (!P.Params) P.Params = {}; if (isNaN(bxInt(P.Params.month))) P.Params.month = P.month; if (isNaN(bxInt(P.Params.year))) P.Params.year = P.year; this.SetView(P.Params); }; JCEC.prototype.HandleEvents = function(events, attendees) { var i, e, a, sid, id; if (events && events.length) { for (i = 0; i < events.length; i++) { e = this.Event.PreHandle(events[i]); sid = this.Event.SmartId(e); if (!e.ID) continue; if (this.arLoadedEventsId[sid]) continue; this.arEvents.push(e); this.arLoadedEventsId[sid] = true; } } if(attendees) { for (i in attendees) { id = parseInt(i, 10); a = attendees[i]; if (!isNaN(id) && a && a.length) this.arAttendees[id] = a; } } }; JCEC.prototype.HandleAccessibility = function(accessibility) { var i, userId; if (accessibility) { for (userId in accessibility) { if (accessibility.hasOwnProperty(userId) && accessibility[userId].length > 0) { for (i = 0; i < accessibility[userId].length; i++) { accessibility[userId][i] = this.Event.PreHandle(accessibility[userId][i]); } } } } return accessibility; }; JCEC.prototype.FilterAccessibility = function(accessibility, from, to) { return accessibility; //var i, userId; // //if (accessibility) //{ // for (userId in accessibility) // { // if (accessibility.hasOwnProperty(userId) && accessibility[userId].length > 0) // { // for (i = 0; i < accessibility[userId].length; i++) // { // //accessibility[userId][i] = this.Event.PreHandle(accessibility[userId][i]); // } // } // } //} //return accessibility; }; // BUILDING MONTH JCEC.prototype.BuildEventHolder = function() { if (this.EventHolderCont) { BX.cleanNode(this.EventHolderCont, true); this.EventHolderCont = null; } this.EventHolderCont = this.DaysGridCont.appendChild(BX.create('DIV', {props: {className : 'bxec-event-holder'}})); var _this = this; var c = this.oDaysGridTable.rows[0].cells[0]; setTimeout(function() { _this.arCellCoords = {}; for (var d = 0; d < 7; d ++) { _this.arCellCoords[d] = { left: bxInt(_this.oDaysGridTable.rows[0].cells[d].offsetLeft), width: bxInt(_this.oDaysGridTable.rows[0].cells[d].offsetWidth) }; } _this.dayCellHeight = parseInt(c.offsetHeight); _this.dayCellWidth = parseInt(c.offsetWidth); _this.DisplayEventsMonth(); }, 10); }; JCEC.prototype.EventClick = function(e) { if (!e) e = window.event; var ind, action, ev_action, oEvent, o = e.target || e.srcElement; while(o) { if (o.getAttribute) { ind = parseInt(o.getAttribute('data-bx-event-ind')); action = o.getAttribute('data-bx-event-action'); if (action) ev_action = action; if (!isNaN(ind) && this.arEvents[ind]) { oEvent = this.arEvents[ind]; if (!ev_action || ev_action == 'view') { this.Event.View(oEvent); } else if(ev_action == 'edit') { this.Event.Edit({oEvent: oEvent}); } else if(ev_action == 'del') { if (this.Event.IsAttendee(oEvent) && !this.Event.IsHost(oEvent)) { if(oEvent.MEETING_STATUS != 'N') { this.Event.SetMeetingStatus(false, {eventId: bxInt(oEvent.ID), comment: ''}); } } else if(oEvent['~TYPE'] != 'tasks') { this.Event.Delete(oEvent); } } if (this.MoreEventsWin) this.MoreEventsWin.close(); break; } } o = o.parentNode; } }; JCEC.prototype.DisplayEventsMonth = function(bRefresh) { var i; if (bRefresh || this.bJustRedraw) // Redisplay all events { BX.cleanNode(this.EventHolderCont); for (i = 0; i < this.activeDateObjDays.length; i++) this.activeDateObjDays[i].arEvents = {begining : [], all : []}; } else { this.activeFirst = this.activeDateDays[0].getTime(); this.activeLast = this.activeDateDays[this.activeDateDays.length - 1].getTime(); } for (i = 0; i < this.arEvents.length; i++) { if (this.arEvents[i]) this.HandleEventMonth(this.arEvents[i], i); } this.RefreshEventsOnWeeks([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]); }; JCEC.prototype.HandleEventMonth = function(ev, ind, arPrehandle) { var d_from, d_to, _d_from, _d_to; ev = this.HandleEventCommon(ev, ind); if (!ev) return; ev.oParts = []; ev.oWeeks = []; if (!arPrehandle) { d_from = bxGetDateFromTS(ev.DT_FROM_TS); d_to = bxGetDateFromTS(ev.DT_TO_TS); // Works only for events with 24:00 ent time - in the end of the day for correct displaying if (d_from.bTime && !d_to.bTime) d_to = bxGetDateFromTS(ev.DT_TO_TS - 60 * 60 * 24); d_from = { date: d_from.date, month: d_from.month - 1, year: d_from.year }; d_to = { date: d_to.date, month: d_to.month - 1, year: d_to.year }; _d_from = new Date(d_from.year, d_from.month, d_from.date).getTime(); _d_to = new Date(d_to.year, d_to.month, d_to.date).getTime(); } else { d_from = arPrehandle.d_from; d_to = arPrehandle.d_to; _d_from = arPrehandle._d_from; _d_to = arPrehandle._d_to; } if (_d_from > _d_to || _d_to < this.activeFirst || _d_from > this.activeLast) return; var arInit = { real_from: d_from, real_to: d_to, from: _d_from, to: _d_to, real_from_t: _d_from, real_to_t: _d_to }; if (_d_from < this.activeFirst && _d_to < this.activeLast) // event started earlier but ends in the active period { arInit.from = this.activeFirst; } else if (_d_from > this.activeFirst && _d_to > this.activeLast) // The event began in the active period, but will end in the future { arInit.to = this.activeLast; } else if (_d_from < this.activeFirst && _d_to > this.activeLast) // Event started earlier and ends later { arInit.from = this.activeFirst; arInit.to = this.activeLast; } ev.display = true; var bInPast = (ev.DT_TO_TS + (ev.DT_SKIP_TIME == 'Y' ? this.dayLength : 300000 /* 5 min */)) < new Date().getTime(); ev.bMuted = this.userSettings.showMuted && bInPast; this.DisplayEvent_M(arInit, ev); if (!bInPast) this.Event.Blink(ev, true, true); }; JCEC.prototype.HandleEventCommon = function(ev, ind) { if((!this.userSettings.showDeclined || ev.CREATED_BY !== this.userId) && ev.MEETING_STATUS == 'N' && (!this.startupEvent || (this.startupEvent && this.startupEvent.ID != ev.ID))) return false; if (!ev.oParts) ev.oParts = []; if (!ev.oWeeks) ev.oWeeks = []; ev.ind = ind; ev = this.Event.SetColor(ev); return ev; }; JCEC.prototype.DisplayEvent_M = function(arInit, oEvent) { var date, j, n, dayOffset, arEvParams = {partDaysCount: 0}, bEventStart = false, bEventEnd = false; for (j = 0, n = this.activeDateDays.length; j < n; j++) { date = this.activeDateDays[j]; dayOffset = this.GetWeekDayOffset(this.GetWeekDayByInd(date.getDay())); if (date.getTime() == arInit.from) { bEventStart = true; arEvParams = {left: this.arCellCoords[dayOffset].left + 1, arInit: arInit, dayIndex: j, partDaysCount: 0}; } arEvParams.partDaysCount++; if (!bEventStart) continue; this.activeDateObjDays[j].arEvents.all.push({oEvent: oEvent, partInd: oEvent.oParts.length, daysCount: arEvParams.partDaysCount}); if (dayOffset == 6) { bEventEnd = date.getTime() == arInit.to; arEvParams.width = this.arCellCoords[dayOffset].left + this.arCellCoords[dayOffset].width - arEvParams.left - 3; arEvParams.bEnd = bEventEnd && arInit.to == arInit.real_to_t; this.BuildEventDiv(arEvParams, oEvent); if (bEventEnd) break; } if (!bEventEnd && dayOffset == 0 && date.getTime() != arInit.from) arEvParams = {left: this.arCellCoords[0].left + 1, arInit: arInit, dayIndex: j, partDaysCount: 1}; if (date.getTime() == arInit.to) { bEventEnd = true; arEvParams.width = this.arCellCoords[dayOffset].left + this.arCellCoords[dayOffset].width - arEvParams.left - 3; arEvParams.bEnd = true; this.BuildEventDiv(arEvParams, oEvent); break; } } }; JCEC.prototype.BuildEventDiv = function(arAtr, event) { if (parseInt(arAtr.width) <= 0) return; var div, t, r; this.activeDateObjDays[arAtr.dayIndex].arEvents.begining.push({oEvent: event, partInd: event.oParts.length, daysCount: arAtr.partDaysCount}); var isTask = this.Event.IsTask(event), isCrm = this.Event.IsCrm(event); var cn = 'bxec-event'; if(event.bMuted) cn += ' bxec-event-muted'; div = BX.create('DIV', {props: {className : cn}, style: {left: arAtr.left + 'px', width: bxInt(arAtr.width) + 'px', minWidth: bxInt(arAtr.width) + 'px', display: 'none', backgroundColor: event.displayColor, color: event.displayTextColor}}); t = div.appendChild(BX.create('TABLE')); r = t.insertRow(-1); var _this = this; if (event.oParts.length > 0 || arAtr.arInit.real_from_t < arAtr.arInit.from) BX.adjust(r.insertCell(-1), {props: {className: 'bxec-event-ar'}, html: '<i></i>'}); var maxWidth, bEnc = this.Event.IsMeeting(event), statQ = this.Event.GetQuestIcon(event), titleCell = r.insertCell(-1), typeIcon = ''; if (bEnc) typeIcon = '<i class="bxc-e-meeting"></i>'; if (isTask) typeIcon = '<i class="bxc-e-task"></i>'; if (isCrm && !isTask) typeIcon = '<i class="bxc-e-crm"></i>'; titleCell.innerHTML = '<div class="bxec-event-title">' + typeIcon + '<span class="bxec-event-label"' + this.Event.GetLabelStyle(event) + '>' + statQ + BX.util.htmlspecialchars(event.NAME) + '</span></div>'; this.Event.BuildActions({cont: titleCell, oEvent: event, evCont: div}); if (!arAtr.bEnd) BX.adjust(r.insertCell(-1), {props: {className: 'bxec-event-ar'}, html: '<b></b>'}); div.onmouseover = function(){_this.HighlightEvent_M(event, this);}; div.onmouseout = function(){_this.HighlightEvent_M(event, this, true);} div.ondblclick = function(){_this.Event.View(event);}; div.setAttribute('data-bx-event-ind', event.ind); // Drag & Drop this.dragDrop.RegisterEvent(div, event, 'month'); event.oWeeks.push({dayIndex: arAtr.dayIndex, bEnd: arAtr.bEnd}); event.oParts.push(div); // Applied only for last days on the week. mantis #45907 if ((arAtr.dayIndex + 1) % 7 == 0) { maxWidth = bxInt(arAtr.width); } else { // mantis #80526 maxWidth = ((8 - ((arAtr.dayIndex + 1) % 7)) * (bxInt(arAtr.width) - 1)); } if (maxWidth > this.DaysTitleCont.offsetWidth) maxWidth = this.DaysTitleCont.offsetWidth - 10; titleCell.firstChild.style.maxWidth = maxWidth + 'px'; this.EventHolderCont.appendChild(div); }; JCEC.prototype.HighlightEvent_M = function(oEvent, pEl, bUn) { if (!oEvent || !oEvent.oParts || oEvent.oParts.length == 0) return; var i, l, f = bUn ? BX.removeClass : BX.addClass; for (i = 0, l = oEvent.oParts.length; i < l; i++) f(oEvent.oParts[i], 'bxec-event-over'); if (pEl) f(pEl, 'bxec-event-over'); if (oEvent.pMoreDivs) for (i = 0, l = oEvent.pMoreDivs.length; i < l; i++) f(oEvent.pMoreDivs[i], 'bxec-event-over'); }; JCEC.prototype.GetEventWeeks = function(oEvent) { var dind, j, arWeeks = [], i, l; for (i = 0, l = oEvent.oParts.length; i < l; i++) { dind = oEvent.oWeeks[i].dayIndex; for (j = 0; j < 6; j++) { if (dind >= j * 7 && dind < (j + 1) * 7) { arWeeks.push(j); break; } } } return arWeeks; }; // #################################################################################### JCEC.prototype.BuildWeekEventHolder = function() { if (this._bBETimeOut) clearTimeout(this._bBETimeOut); var _this = this; this._bBETimeOut = setTimeout( function() { var Tab = _this.Tabs[_this.activeTabId || _this.userSettings.tabId]; // Days title event holder; if (!Tab.pEventHolder) Tab.pEventHolder = Tab.pBodyCont.querySelector(".bxec-day-t-event-holder"); if (_this.bJustRedraw) _this.ReBuildEvents(Tab.id); else _this.DisplayWeekEvents(Tab); }, 0 ); }; JCEC.prototype.DisplayWeekEvents = function(Tab) { BX.cleanNode(Tab.pEventHolder); for (var i = 0, l = this.arEvents.length; i < l; i++) if (this.arEvents[i]) this.HandleWeekEvent({Tab : Tab, Event: this.arEvents[i], ind: i}); this.RefreshEventsInDayT(Tab); this.ArrangeEventsInTL(Tab); }; JCEC.prototype.ReBuildEvents = function(tabId) { var Tab = this.Tabs[tabId], cont = Tab.pTimelineCont, node, i, l, oDay; BX.cleanNode(Tab.pEventHolder); for (i = 0; i < Tab.daysCount; i++) // Clean days params { oDay = Tab.arDays[i]; oDay.TLine = {}; oDay.Events = {begining: [], hidden: [], all: []}; oDay.EventsCount = 0; } l = cont.childNodes.length; i = 0; while (i < l) { node = cont.childNodes[i]; if (node.className.toString().indexOf('bxec-tl-event') == -1) { i++; continue; } cont.removeChild(node); l = cont.childNodes.length; } this.DisplayWeekEvents(Tab); }; JCEC.prototype.HandleWeekEvent = function(P) { var ev = this.HandleEventCommon(P.Event, P.ind); if (!ev) return; if (!ev.oDaysT) ev.oDaysT = {}; if (!ev.oTLParts) ev.oTLParts = {}; ev.oTLParts[P.Tab.id] = []; var _d_from = ev.DT_FROM_TS, _d_to = ev.DT_TO_TS, d_from = bxGetDateFromTS(_d_from), d_to = bxGetDateFromTS(_d_to); // Event is out of view area if (_d_to < P.Tab.activeFirst || _d_from > P.Tab.activeLast) return; // for excluding displaying events ended in the 00:00 if (ev.DT_SKIP_TIME != 'Y' && _d_to == P.Tab.activeFirst && _d_to !== _d_from) return; // Works only for events with 24:00 ent time - in the end of the day for correct displaying if (d_from.bTime && !d_to.bTime) _d_to -= 1000; var arInit = { real_from: d_from, real_to: d_to, from: _d_from, to: _d_to, real_from_t: _d_from, real_to_t: _d_to }; if (_d_from < P.Tab.activeFirst && _d_to <= P.Tab.activeLast) // event started earlier but ends in the active period { arInit.from = P.Tab.activeFirst; } else if (_d_from >= P.Tab.activeFirst && _d_to > P.Tab.activeLast) // The event began in the active period, but will end in the future { arInit.to = P.Tab.activeLast; } else if (_d_from < P.Tab.activeFirst && _d_to > P.Tab.activeLast) // Event started earlier and ends later { arInit.from = P.Tab.activeFirst; arInit.to = P.Tab.activeLast; } ev.display = true; var bInPast = (ev.DT_TO_TS + (ev.DT_SKIP_TIME == 'Y' ? this.dayLength : 300000 /* 5 min */)) < new Date().getTime(); ev.bMuted = this.userSettings.showMuted && bInPast; //if(!d_from.bTime && !d_to.bTime) if(P.Event.DT_SKIP_TIME == "Y") // Display event on the top sector this.DisplayEvent_DT(arInit, ev, P.Tab); else this.DisplayEventOnTimeline(arInit, ev, P.Tab); if (!bInPast) this.Event.Blink(ev, true, true); }; JCEC.prototype.DisplayEvent_DT = function(arInit, oEvent, Tab) { var _this = this, bEventStart = false, day_from = this.ConvertDayIndex(new Date(arInit.from).getDay()), day_to = this.ConvertDayIndex(new Date(arInit.to).getDay()), _event = {oEvent : oEvent, daysCount: day_to - day_from + 1}, startDay, endDay, isTask = this.Event.IsTask(oEvent), isCrm = this.Event.IsCrm(oEvent), typeIcon = '', i, oDay; for (i = 0; i < Tab.daysCount; i++) { oDay = Tab.arDays[i]; if (oDay.day == day_from) { startDay = oDay; endDay = oDay; bEventStart = true; oDay.Events.begining.push(_event); } if (!bEventStart) continue; oDay.Events.all.push(_event); oDay.EventsCount++; if (oDay.day == day_to) { endDay = oDay; break; } } if (startDay && endDay) { var left = bxInt(startDay.pWnd.offsetLeft) + 2, right = bxInt(endDay.pWnd.offsetLeft) + bxInt(endDay.pWnd.offsetWidth), width = right - left - 5, // Build div oDiv = BX.create('DIV', {props: {className : 'bxec-event'}, style: {left: left.toString()+ 'px', width: width.toString() + 'px', backgroundColor: oEvent.displayColor, color: oEvent.displayTextColor}}), t = oDiv.appendChild(BX.create('TABLE')), r = t.insertRow(-1); oEvent.oDaysT[Tab.id] = oDiv; oDiv.setAttribute('data-bx-event-ind', oEvent.ind); if(oEvent.bMuted) BX.addClass(oDiv, 'bxec-event-muted'); if (arInit.real_from_t < arInit.from) { c = r.insertCell(-1); c.innerHTML = '<img class="bxec-iconkit" src="/bitrix/images/1.gif">'; c.className = 'bxec-event-ar-l'; } if (this.Event.IsMeeting(oEvent)) typeIcon = '<i class="bxc-e-meeting"></i>'; if (isTask) typeIcon = '<i class="bxc-e-task"></i>'; if (isCrm && !isTask) typeIcon = '<i class="bxc-e-crm"></i>'; var statQ = this.Event.GetQuestIcon(oEvent), titleCell = r.insertCell(-1); titleCell.innerHTML = '<div class="bxec-event-title">' + typeIcon + '<span class="bxec-event-label"' + this.Event.GetLabelStyle(oEvent) + '>' + statQ + BX.util.htmlspecialchars(oEvent.NAME) + '</span></div>'; this.Event.BuildActions({cont: titleCell, oEvent: oEvent, evCont: oDiv}); oDiv.onmouseover = function(){_this.HighlightEvent_DT(this);}; oDiv.onmouseout = function(){_this.HighlightEvent_DT(this, true);} oDiv.ondblclick = function(){_this.Event.View(oEvent);}; // Drag & Drop this.dragDrop.RegisterEvent(oDiv, oEvent, 'week_title'); if(Tab.pEventHolder) Tab.pEventHolder.appendChild(oDiv); } }; JCEC.prototype.DisplayEventOnTimeline = function(arInit, oEvent, Tab) { // Mantis: #69527 if (arInit.from == arInit.to) { arInit.to += 60 * 1000; } var bEventStart = false, nd_f = new Date(arInit.from), nd_t = new Date(arInit.to), day_from = this.ConvertDayIndex(nd_f.getDay()), day_to = this.ConvertDayIndex(nd_t.getDay()), h_from = nd_f.getHours() || 0, m_from = nd_f.getMinutes() || 0, h_to = nd_t.getHours(), m_to = nd_t.getMinutes(), startDay, endDay, i, oDay; if (parseInt(oEvent.DT_LENGTH) > 0) { if (!nd_t) { h_to = 23; m_to = 59; } else if (arInit.from == arInit.to) { if (m_to == 59) { h_to++; m_to = 0; } else { m_to++; } } else { if (m_to == 0 && h_to == 0) { if (day_to > day_from) { day_to--; h_to = 23; m_to = 59; } else { m_to = 1; } } else if (m_to == 0 && h_to > 0) { h_to--; m_to = 59; } else if(m_to > 1) { m_to--; } } } for (i = 0; i < Tab.daysCount; i++) { oDay = Tab.arDays[i]; if (oDay.day == day_from) { startDay = oDay; endDay = oDay; bEventStart = true; } if (!bEventStart) continue; if (oDay.day == day_to) { endDay = oDay; break; } } if (startDay && endDay) { this._SetTimeEvent(startDay, h_from, m_from, {oEvent : oEvent, bStart: true, arInit: arInit}); this._SetTimeEvent(endDay, h_to, m_to, {oEvent : oEvent, bStart: false, arInit: arInit}); } }; JCEC.prototype._SetTimeEvent = function(oDay, h, m, oEv) { if (!oDay.TLine) oDay.TLine = {}; h = bxInt(h); m = bxInt(m); if (!oDay.TLine[h]) oDay.TLine[h] = {}; if (!oDay.TLine[h][m]) oDay.TLine[h][m] = []; oDay.TLine[h][m].push(oEv); }; JCEC.prototype.HighlightEvent_DT = function(pWnd, bHide) { var f = bHide ? BX.removeClass : BX.addClass; f(pWnd, 'bxec-event-over'); }; JCEC.prototype.RefreshEventsInDayT = function(Tab) { var slots = [], step = 0, max = 3, day, i, arEv, j, ev, arAll, dis, arHid, top; for(j = 0; j < max; j++) slots[j] = 0; for (i = 0; i < Tab.daysCount; i++) { day = Tab.arDays[i]; arEv = day.Events.begining; n = arEv.length; arHid = []; if (n > 0) { arEv.sort(function(a, b){return b.daysCount - a.daysCount}); eventloop: for(k = 0; k < n; k++) { ev = arEv[k]; if (!ev) continue; if (!this.arEvents[ev.oEvent.ind]) { day.Events.begining = arEv = BX.util.deleteFromArray(arEv, k); ev = arEv[k]; if (!ev) continue; } for(j = 0; j < max; j++) { if (slots[j] - step <= 0) { slots[j] = step + ev.daysCount; top = 21 + j * 18; ev.oEvent.oDaysT[Tab.id].style.top = (21 + j * 18).toString() + 'px'; continue eventloop; } } arHid[ev.oEvent.ID] = true; day.Events.hidden.push(ev); } } // For all events in the day arAll = day.Events.all; for (var x = 0, f = arAll.length; x < f; x++) { ev = arAll[x]; if (!ev || arHid[ev.oEvent.ID]) continue; if (!this.arEvents[ev.oEvent.ind]) { day.Events.all = arAll = BX.util.deleteFromArray(arAll, x); ev = arAll[x]; if (!ev) continue; } dis = ev.oEvent.oDaysT[Tab.id].style.display; if (dis && dis.toLowerCase() == 'none') day.Events.hidden.push(ev); } this.ShowMoreEventsSelectWeek(day, Tab.id); step++; } }; JCEC.prototype.ShowMoreEventsSelectWeek = function(oDay, tabId) { var _this = this, arEv = oDay.Events.hidden, l = arEv.length, arHidden = [], pMoreDiv = oDay.pMoreEvents.firstChild, i, el, p; if (l <= 0) { pMoreDiv.style.display = 'none'; return; } for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { el = arEv[i]; p = el.oEvent.oDaysT[tabId]; p.style.display = "none"; // Hide event arHidden.push({pDiv: p, oEvent: el.oEvent}); } pMoreDiv.style.display = 'block'; pMoreDiv.innerHTML = EC_MESS.MoreEvents + ' (' + l + ' ' + EC_MESS.Item + ')'; pMoreDiv.onmousedown = function(e){if(!e) e = window.event; BX.PreventDefault(e);}; pMoreDiv.onclick = function(){_this.ShowMoreEventsWin({Events: arHidden, id: 'day_t_' + tabId + oDay.day, pDay: oDay.pWnd, mode: 'day_t', pSelect: pMoreDiv});}; }; JCEC.prototype.ArrangeEventsInTL = function(Tab) { try{ var bStarted = false, h, m, e, pDiv, _e, leftDrift = 0, _row, RowSet, Rows, Row, freeRowId, bClosedAllRows, // All rows finished, start new row in rowset startedEvents = {}, startedEventsCount = 0, Day, i, arEv, ev; for (i = 0; i < Tab.daysCount; i++) // For every day { Day = Tab.arDays[i]; RowSet = []; if (startedEventsCount > 0) { if (!Day.TLine) Day.TLine = {}; for (_e in startedEvents) { if (startedEvents[_e] && typeof startedEvents[_e] == 'object' && startedEvents[_e].oEvent) { if (!Day.TLine['0']) Day.TLine['0'] = {}; if (!Day.TLine['0']['0']) Day.TLine['0']['0'] = []; Day.TLine['0']['0'].push({oEvent : startedEvents[_e].oEvent, bStart: true, dontClose: false, arInit: startedEvents[_e].arInit}); } } } if (!bStarted && !Day.TLine) continue; bClosedAllRows = true; if (Day.TLine) // some events starts or ends in this day { for (h = 0; h <= 23; h++) // hour loop { if (!Day.TLine[h] && h != 23) continue; for (m = 0; m < 60; m++) // minutes loop { arEv = Day.TLine[h] && Day.TLine[h][m] ? Day.TLine[h][m] : false; if (h == 23 && m == 59) { if (arEv === false) arEv = []; for (_e in startedEvents) { if (startedEvents[_e] && typeof startedEvents[_e] == 'object' && startedEvents[_e].oEvent) { arEv.push({ oEvent: startedEvents[_e].oEvent, bStart: false, dontClose: true, arInit: startedEvents[_e].arInit }); } } } if (!arEv) continue; // TODO: Sort by event length for (e = 0; e < arEv.length; e++) // events in current moment { ev = arEv[e]; if (ev.bStart) // Event START { startedEvents[ev.oEvent.ID] = ev; startedEventsCount++; if (bClosedAllRows) RowSet.push([]); Rows = RowSet[RowSet.length - 1]; freeRowId = false; bClosedAllRows = false; if (Rows.length > 1) { for(r = 0, rl = Rows.length; r < rl; r++) { Row = Rows[r]; if (!Row.bFilled) { freeRowId = r; break; } } } _row = { bFilled: true, evId: ev.oEvent.ID, h_f: h, m_f: m }; if (freeRowId !== false) // we have free row { _row.arEvents = Rows[freeRowId].arEvents; Rows[freeRowId] = _row; } else // push new row { Rows.push(_row); } } else // Event END { bClosedAllRows = true; if (!ev.dontClose) { startedEvents[ev.oEvent.ID] = false; startedEventsCount--; } for(r = 0; r < Rows.length; r++) { Row = Rows[r]; if (Row.bFilled && Row.evId == ev.oEvent.ID) { Row.bFilled = false; pDiv = this.BuildEventDiv_TL( { Tab: Tab, dayInd: i, from: {h: Row.h_f, m: Row.m_f}, to: {h: h, m: m}, oEvent: ev.oEvent, arInit: ev.arInit, lastPart: !ev.dontClose } ); // Build div if (!Row.arEvents) Row.arEvents = [pDiv]; else Row.arEvents.push(pDiv); } if (Row.bFilled && bClosedAllRows) bClosedAllRows = false; } } } } } } var cell = Tab.pTimelineTable.rows[0].cells[i + 1], arRS, rs, rsl, rowsCount, rowWidth, r, rl, rw, pEv, sWidth = cell.offsetWidth - 15; for (rs = 0, rsl = RowSet.length; rs < rsl; rs++) // For each rowset { arRS = RowSet[rs]; rowsCount = arRS.length; rowWidth = Math.round((sWidth - rowsCount) / rowsCount); for (r = 0; r < arRS.length; r++) // For each row { Row = arRS[r]; if (r == 0) // first row { rw = rowWidth; leftDrift = bxInt(Row.arEvents[0].style.left); rl = false; } else { leftDrift += rowWidth + 1; rl = leftDrift; if (r == arRS.length- 1) // last row rw = sWidth - (rowWidth + 1) * (arRS.length- 1) - 1; else rw = rowWidth; } for (e = 0; e < Row.arEvents.length; e++) // For each event { pEv = Row.arEvents[e]; pEv.style.width = rw + 'px'; pEv.style.minWidth = rw + 'px'; if (rl !== false) pEv.style.left = rl + 'px'; } } } } }catch(e){} }; JCEC.prototype.BuildEventDiv_TL = function(P) { var _this = this, oEvent = P.oEvent, isTask = this.Event.IsTask(oEvent), isCrm = this.Event.IsCrm(oEvent), m_f = P.from.m, m_t = P.to.m, typeIcon = '', rowInd_f = Math.floor((P.from.h + m_f / 60) * 2), rowInd_t = Math.floor((P.to.h + m_t / 60) * 2), cellStart = P.Tab.pTimelineTable.rows[rowInd_f].cells[this.__ConvertCellIndex(rowInd_f, P.dayInd + 1, true)], cellEnd = P.Tab.pTimelineTable.rows[rowInd_t].cells[this.__ConvertCellIndex(rowInd_t, P.dayInd + 1, true)], top = bxInt(cellStart.offsetTop) + 1, bottom = bxInt(cellEnd.offsetTop) - 1, left = bxInt(cellStart.offsetLeft) + 2, // Build div oDiv = BX.create('DIV', { props: {className : 'bxec-tl-event' + (oEvent.bMuted ? ' bxec-event-muted' : '')}, style: {left: left + 'px', backgroundColor: oEvent.displayColor, color: oEvent.displayTextColor}, events: { mouseover: function(e) {_this.HighlightEvent_TL(oEvent, this, false, P.Tab.id, e || window.event);}, mouseout: function(e) {_this.HighlightEvent_TL(oEvent, this, true, P.Tab.id, e || window.event);}, dblclick: function() {_this.Event.View(oEvent);} } }); oDiv.setAttribute('data-bx-event-ind', oEvent.ind); oDiv.setAttribute('data-bx-original-width', ''); oDiv.setAttribute('data-bx-original-height', ''); oEvent._eventViewed = false; oEvent._contentSpan = false; if (this.Event.IsMeeting(oEvent)) typeIcon = '<i class="bxc-e-meeting"></i>'; if (isTask) typeIcon = '<i class="bxc-e-task"></i>'; if (isCrm && !isTask) typeIcon = '<i class="bxc-e-crm"></i>'; var rf = P.arInit.real_from, rt = P.arInit.real_to, statQ = this.Event.GetQuestIcon(oEvent), innerHTML = typeIcon + statQ+ '<u ' + this.Event.GetLabelStyle(oEvent) + '>' + BX.util.htmlspecialchars(oEvent.NAME) + '</u><br />', t1 = this.FormatTimeByNum(rf.hour, rf.min), t2 = this.FormatTimeByNum(rt.hour, rt.min); // consider minutes if (m_f != 30 && m_f != 0) top += Math.round((m_f > 30 ? m_f - 30 : m_f) * 40 / 60) - 1; if (m_t != 30 && m_t != 0) bottom += Math.round((m_t > 30 ? m_t - 30 : m_t) * 40 / 60) + 2; var height = bottom - top; if (height <= 17) height = 17; oDiv.style.top = top + 'px'; oDiv.style.height = height + 'px'; if (rf.year == rt.year && rf.month == rt.month && rf.date == rt.date) // during one day innerHTML += t1 + ' — ' + t2; else innerHTML += bxFormatDate(rf.date, rf.month, rf.year) + ' ' + t1 + ' — ' + bxFormatDate(rt.date, rt.month, rt.year) + ' ' + t2; oDiv.appendChild(BX.create("DIV", {children: [BX.create("SPAN", {props: {className: 'bxec-cnt-sp'}, html: innerHTML})]})); this.Event.BuildActions({cont: oDiv, oEvent: oEvent, evCont: oDiv, bTimeline: true}); if (P.lastPart) { var ddResizer = oDiv.appendChild(BX.create("DIV", {props: {className: "bxec-tl-event-resizer-cnt"}})); this.dragDrop.RegisterTimelineEventResizer(ddResizer, oDiv, oEvent, P.Tab.id); } P.Tab.pTimelineCont.appendChild(oDiv); if (!oEvent.oTLParts[P.Tab.id]) oEvent.oTLParts[P.Tab.id] = []; oEvent.oTLParts[P.Tab.id].push(oDiv); this.dragDrop.RegisterTimelineEvent(oDiv, oEvent, P.Tab.id); return oDiv; }; JCEC.prototype.HighlightEvent_TL = function(oEvent, pWnd, bHide, tabId, e) { var _this = this; var originalWidth = pWnd.getAttribute('data-bx-original-width'); var originalHeight = pWnd.getAttribute('data-bx-original-height'); if (!bHide && !oEvent._eventViewed) { if (this._highlightIntKeypWnd == pWnd && this._highlightInt) return; if (this._highlightInt) clearInterval(this._highlightInt); if (!originalWidth) { originalWidth = parseInt(pWnd.style.width); pWnd.setAttribute('data-bx-original-width', originalWidth); } if (!originalHeight) { originalHeight = parseInt(pWnd.style.height); pWnd.setAttribute('data-bx-original-height', originalHeight); } oEvent._contentSpan = BX.findChild(pWnd, {className: 'bxec-cnt-sp'}, true); var d = 0, w1 = originalWidth, w2 = parseInt(oEvent._contentSpan.offsetWidth) + 20, h1 = originalHeight, h2 = parseInt(oEvent._contentSpan.offsetHeight) + 30; if (w2 <= 60) w2 = 60; if (h2 <= 55) h2 = 55; if (w2 - w1 > 0 || h2 - h1 > 0) { this._highlightIntKeypWnd = pWnd; this._highlightInt = setInterval(function(){ var bWidth = (w2 - w1) <= 0, bHeight = (h2 - h1) <= 0; if (bWidth && bHeight) { oEvent._eventViewed = true; return clearInterval(_this._highlightInt); } d += 12; if (!bWidth) { w1 += d; if (w1 > w2) w1 = w2 + 2; pWnd.style.width = w1 + 'px'; } if (!bHeight) { h1 += d; if (h1 > h2) h1 = h2 + 2; pWnd.style.height = h1 + 'px'; } }, 5); } } else { if (this.CheckMouseInCont(pWnd, e, -2)) return true; this._highlightIntKeypWnd = false; if (this._highlightInt) clearInterval(this._highlightInt); this._highlightInt = false; if (originalWidth) { pWnd.style.width = originalWidth + "px"; oEvent._eventViewed = false; } if (originalHeight) { pWnd.style.height = originalHeight + "px"; oEvent._eventViewed = false; } } if (bHide) { BX.removeClass(pWnd, 'bxec-tl-ev-hlt'); BX.removeClass(pWnd, 'bxec-tl-ev-hlt-s'); } else { BX.addClass(pWnd, 'bxec-tl-ev-hlt'); } if (oEvent.oTLParts && oEvent.oTLParts[tabId]) { var arParts = oEvent.oTLParts[tabId], pl = arParts.length, p, ow, oh; for (p = 0; p < pl; p++) { if (arParts[p] == pWnd) continue; if (bHide) { BX.removeClass(arParts[p], 'bxec-tl-ev-hlt'); BX.removeClass(arParts[p], 'bxec-tl-ev-hlt-s'); ow = arParts[p].getAttribute('data-bx-original-width'); oh = arParts[p].getAttribute('data-bx-original-height'); if (ow) arParts[p].style.width = ow + "px"; if (oh) arParts[p].style.height = oh + "px"; } else { BX.addClass(arParts[p], 'bxec-tl-ev-hlt-s'); } } } }; // More events window JCEC.prototype.ShowMoreEventsWin = function(P) { var _this = this; if(this.MoreEventsWin) { this.MoreEventsWin.close(); this.MoreEventsWin.destroy(); this.MoreEventsWin = null; return; } this.MoreEventsWin = BX.PopupWindowManager.create(this.id + "bxc-month-sel" + P.id, P.pSelect, { autoHide : true, closeByEsc : true, offsetTop : -1, offsetLeft : 1, lightShadow : true, content : BX.create('DIV', {props:{id: 'bxc-more-' + this.id + P.id, className : 'bxec-more-event-popup'}}) }); BX.addCustomEvent(this.MoreEventsWin, 'onPopupClose', function(){ if(_this.MoreEventsWin && _this.MoreEventsWin.destroy) _this.MoreEventsWin.destroy(); }); var pWnd = BX('bxc-more-' + this.id + P.id), pNewDiv, pOldDiv, i; BX.bind(pWnd, 'click', BX.proxy(this.EventClick, this)); pWnd.innerHTML = ""; for (i = 0; i < P.Events.length; i++) { pOldDiv = P.Events[i].pDiv; pNewDiv = pOldDiv.cloneNode(true); BX.addClass(pNewDiv, 'bxec-event-static'); pNewDiv.onmouseover = pOldDiv.onmouseover; pNewDiv.onmouseout = pOldDiv.onmouseout; pNewDiv.ondblclick = pOldDiv.ondblclick; pWnd.appendChild(pNewDiv); // Drag & Drop this.dragDrop.RegisterEvent(pNewDiv, P.Events[i].oEvent, 'month'); } this.MoreEventsWin.show(true); // Show window }; JCEC.prototype.GetUsableDateTime = function(timestamp, roundMin) { var r = (roundMin || 10) * 60 * 1000; timestamp = Math.ceil(timestamp / r) * r; return new Date(timestamp); }; JCEC.prototype.CompareArrays = function(array1, array2) { var res = true; if (array1.length !== array2.length) { res = false; } else { for (i = 0; i < array1.length; i++) { if (array1[i] !== array2[i]) { res = false; break; } } } return res; };