Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/js/calendar/ |
Current File : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/js/calendar/cal-dialogs.js |
// # # # # # # Add Event Dialog # # # # # # JCEC.prototype.ShowAddEventDialog = function(bShowCalendars) { var _this = this; if (this.bReadOnly) return; if (!this.CheckSectionsCount()) return alert(EC_MESS.NoCalendarsAlert); var D = this.oAddEventDialog; var b24Limits = BX(this.id + '-bitrix24-limit'); if (!D) { D = new BX.PopupWindow("BXCAddEvent" + this.id, null, { overlay: {opacity: 10}, autoHide: true, closeByEsc : true, zIndex: 0, offsetLeft: 0, offsetTop: 0, draggable: true, bindOnResize: false, titleBar: EC_MESS.NewEvent, closeIcon: { right : "12px", top : "10px"}, className: 'bxc-popup-window', buttons: b24Limits ? [ new BX.PopupWindowButton({ text: EC_MESS.Close, events: {click : function(){_this.CloseAddEventDialog(true);}} }) ] : [ new BX.PopupWindowButton({ text: EC_MESS.Edit, title: EC_MESS.GoExtTitle, events: {click : function(){_this.OpenExFromSimple();}} }), new BX.PopupWindowButton({ text: EC_MESS.Add, className: "popup-window-button-accept", events: {click : function() { var format = BX.date.convertBitrixFormat(D.CAL.selectTime ? BX.message("FORMAT_DATETIME") : BX.message("FORMAT_DATE")), fd = D.CAL.Params.from, td = D.CAL.Params.to, res = { name: D.CAL.DOM.Name.value, desc: '',//Ob.oDesc.value, calendar: D.CAL.DOM.SectSelect.value, date_from: BX.date.format(format, fd.getTime() / 1000), date_to: BX.date.format(format, td.getTime() / 1000), default_tz: D.CAL.DOM.DefTimezone.value, skip_time: D.CAL.selectTime ? 'N' : 'Y' }; if (D.CAL.DOM.Accessibility) res.accessibility = D.CAL.DOM.Accessibility.value; _this.Event.Save(res); if (!_this.arConfig.userTimezoneName) { _this.arConfig.userTimezoneName = D.CAL.DOM.DefTimezone.value; } _this.CloseAddEventDialog(true); }} }), new BX.PopupWindowButtonLink({ text: EC_MESS.Close, className: "popup-window-button-link-cancel", events: {click : function(){_this.CloseAddEventDialog(true);}} }) ], content: BX('bxec_add_ed_' + this.id), events: {} }); D.CAL = { DOM: { Name: BX(this.id + '_add_ed_name'), PeriodText: BX(this.id + '_add_ed_per_text'), SectSelect: BX(this.id + '_add_ed_calend_sel'), Warn: BX(this.id + '_add_sect_sel_warn'), DefTimezone: BX('event-simple-tz-def' + this.id), DefTimezoneWrap: BX('event-simple-tz-def-wrap' + this.id) } }; this.oAddEventDialog = D; if (!b24Limits) { new BX.CHint({parent: BX('event-tz-simple-def-tip' + this.id), hint: EC_MESS.eventTzDefHint}); if (this.bIntranet && (this.Personal() || this.type != 'user')) { D.CAL.DOM.Accessibility = BX(this.id + '_add_ed_acc'); if (D.CAL.DOM.Accessibility && BX.browser.IsIE()) D.CAL.DOM.Accessibility.style.width = '250px'; } D.CAL.DOM.SectSelect.onchange = function () { _this.SaveLastSection(this.value); D.CAL.DOM.Warn.style.display = _this.oActiveSections[D.CAL.DOM.SectSelect.value] ? 'none' : 'block'; }; } BX.addCustomEvent(D, 'onPopupClose', BX.proxy(this.CloseAddEventDialog, this)); } if (b24Limits) { D.show(); return; } var f, t, cts, a, cdts, perHTML, time_f = '', time_t = ''; D.CAL.DOM.Name.value = ''; this.BuildSectionSelect(D.CAL.DOM.SectSelect, this.GetLastSection()); D.CAL.DOM.Warn.style.display = _this.oActiveSections[D.CAL.DOM.SectSelect.value] ? 'none' : 'block'; D.CAL.DOM.DefTimezoneWrap.style.display = 'none'; D.CAL.selectTime = this.selectTimeMode && (!this.selectDaysMode && !this.selectDayTMode) if (this.selectDaysMode) // Month view { var start_ind = parseInt(this.selectDaysStartObj.id.substr(9)), end_ind = parseInt(this.selectDaysEndObj.id.substr(9)); if (start_ind > end_ind) // swap start_ind and end_ind { a = end_ind; end_ind = start_ind; start_ind = a; } f = this.activeDateDays[start_ind]; t = this.activeDateDays[end_ind]; } else if (this.selectTimeMode) // Week view - time select { cts = this.curTimeSelection; f = new Date(cts.sDay.year, cts.sDay.month, cts.sDay.date, cts.sHour, cts.sMin); t = new Date(cts.eDay.year, cts.eDay.month, cts.eDay.date, cts.eHour, cts.eMin); if (f.getTime() > t.getTime()) { a = f; f = t; t = a; // swap "f" and "t" } // Default timezone if (this.arConfig.userTimezoneName) { D.CAL.DOM.DefTimezoneWrap.style.display = 'none'; D.CAL.DOM.DefTimezone.value = this.arConfig.userTimezoneName; } else { D.CAL.DOM.DefTimezoneWrap.style.display = ''; D.CAL.DOM.DefTimezone.value = this.arConfig.userTimezoneDefault || ''; } } else if (this.selectDayTMode) // Week view - days select { cdts = this.curDayTSelection; f = new Date(cdts.sDay.year, cdts.sDay.month, cdts.sDay.date); t = new Date(cdts.eDay.year, cdts.eDay.month, cdts.eDay.date); } else return; var f_day = this.ConvertDayIndex(f.getDay()), t_day = this.ConvertDayIndex(t.getDay()); if (f.getTime() == t.getTime()) // one day { perHTML = this.days[f_day][0] + ' ' + bxFormatDate(f.getDate(), f.getMonth() + 1, f.getFullYear()); } else { var d_f = f.getDate(), m_f = f.getMonth() + 1, y_f = f.getFullYear(), h_f = f.getHours(), mi_f = f.getMinutes(), d_t = t.getDate(), m_t = t.getMonth() + 1, y_t = t.getFullYear(), h_t = t.getHours(), mi_t = t.getMinutes(), bTime = !(h_f == h_t && h_f == 0 && mi_f == mi_t && mi_f == 0); if (bTime) { time_f = this.FormatTimeByNum(h_f, mi_f); time_t = this.FormatTimeByNum(h_t, mi_t); } if (m_f == m_t && y_f == y_t && d_f == d_t && bTime) // Same day, different time perHTML = this.days[f_day][0] + ' ' + bxFormatDate(d_f, m_f, y_f) + ', ' + time_f + ' — ' + time_t; else perHTML = this.days[f_day][0] + ' ' + bxFormatDate(d_f, m_f, y_f) + ' ' + time_f + ' — ' + this.days[t_day][0] + ' ' + bxFormatDate(d_t, m_t, y_t) + ' ' + time_t; } D.CAL.DOM.PeriodText.innerHTML = perHTML; D.CAL.Params = { from: f, to: t, time_f: time_f || '', time_t: time_t || '' }; setTimeout(function(){BX.focus(D.CAL.DOM.Name);}, 500); if (this.bIntranet && (this.Personal() || this.type != 'user')) D.CAL.DOM.Accessibility.value = 'busy'; var pos = this.GetAddDialogPosition(); if (pos) { D.popupContainer.style.top = pos.top + "px"; D.popupContainer.style.left = pos.left + "px"; } D.show(); }; JCEC.prototype.OpenExFromSimple = function(bCallback) { this.CloseAddEventDialog(true); if (!bCallback) return this.ShowEditEventPopup({bExFromSimple: true}); var D1 = this.oAddEventDialog, con = this.oEditEventDialog.oController, f = D1.CAL.Params.from, t = D1.CAL.Params.to; con._FromDateValue = con.pFromDate.value = bxFormatDate(f.getDate(), f.getMonth() + 1, f.getFullYear()); con.pToDate.value = bxFormatDate(t.getDate(), t.getMonth() + 1, t.getFullYear()); var bTime = !!(D1.CAL.Params.time_f || D1.CAL.Params.time_t); con.pFullDay.checked = !bTime; if (bTime) { con._FromTimeValue = con.pFromTime.value = D1.CAL.Params.time_f; con.pToTime.value = D1.CAL.Params.time_t || ''; } else { if (con.pFromDate.value == con.pToDate.value) // Same day { var fromDate = this.ParseDate(BX.util.trim(con.pFromDate.value) + ' ' + BX.util.trim(con.pFromTime.value), true); if (fromDate) { var newToDate = new Date(fromDate.getTime() + 3600000 /* one hour*/); con.pToDate.value = this.FormatDate(newToDate); con.pToTime.value = this.FormatTime(newToDate); } } else { con.pToTime.value = con.pFromTime.value; } } con.FullDay(false, bTime); if (!this.arConfig.userTimezoneName && D1.CAL.DOM.DefTimezone.value) { con.pDefTimezone.value = D1.CAL.DOM.DefTimezone.value; } con.pName.value = D1.CAL.DOM.Name.value; if (this.bIntranet && con.pAccessibility && D1.CAL.DOM.Accessibility) con.pAccessibility.value = D1.CAL.DOM.Accessibility.value; if (D1.CAL.DOM.SectSelect.value) { con.pSectSelect.value = D1.CAL.DOM.SectSelect.value; if (con.pSectSelect.onchange) con.pSectSelect.onchange(); } }; JCEC.prototype.CloseAddEventDialog = function(bClosePopup) { if (!this.oAddEventDialog) return; switch (this.activeTabId) { case 'month': this.DeSelectDays(); break; case 'week': this.DeSelectTime(this.activeTabId); this.DeSelectDaysT(); break; case 'day': break; } if (bClosePopup === true) this.oAddEventDialog.close(); }; JCEC.prototype.GetAddDialogPosition = function() { if (this.activeTabId == 'month') { var last_selected = this.arSelectedDays[this.bInvertedDaysSelection ? 0 : this.arSelectedDays.length - 1]; if (!last_selected) return false; var pos = BX.pos(last_selected); pos.top += parseInt(this.dayCellHeight / 2) + 20; pos.left += parseInt(this.dayCellWidth / 2) + 20; pos.right = pos.left; pos.bottom = pos.top; pos = BX.align(pos, 360, 180); return pos; } else //if (this.activeTabId == 'week') { return false; } }; // # # # # # # Edit Event Dialog # # # # # # JCEC.prototype.CreateEditEventPopup = function(bCheck) { var _this = this, content = BX.create('DIV'); var D = new BX.PopupWindow("BXCEditEvent" + this.id, null, { overlay: {opacity: 10}, autoHide: false, closeByEsc : true, zIndex: -100, offsetLeft: 0, offsetTop: 0, draggable: true, titleBar: EC_MESS.NewEvent, contentColor : "white", contentNoPaddings : true, closeIcon: { right : "12px", top : "10px"}, className: "bxc-popup-tabed bxc-popup-window", buttons: [ new BX.PopupWindowButton({ text: EC_MESS.Delete, id: this.id + 'ed-del-button', events: {click : function(){ if (_this.Event.Delete(D.CAL.oEvent)) _this.CloseEditEventDialog(true); }} }), new BX.PopupWindowButton({ text: EC_MESS.Save, id: this.id + 'ed-save-button', className: "popup-window-button-accept", events: {click : function() { _this.oEditEventDialog.oController.SaveForm({callback: function(){_this.CloseEditEventDialog(true);}}); }} }), new BX.PopupWindowButtonLink({ text: EC_MESS.Close, className: "popup-window-button-link-cancel", events: {click : function(){_this.CloseEditEventDialog(true);}} }) ], content: content, events: {} }); BX.addCustomEvent(D, 'onPopupClose', BX.proxy(this.CloseEditEventDialog, this)); D.CAL = { DOM: { content: content, Title: D.titleBar.firstChild, DelBut: BX(this.id + 'ed-del-button'), SaveBut: BX(this.id + 'ed-save-button') } }; BX.addClass(D.CAL.DOM.Title, 'bxce-dialog-title'); this.oEditEventDialog = D; }; JCEC.prototype.ShowEditEventPopup = function(params) { if (!this.oEditEventDialog) this.CreateEditEventPopup(); if (this.showDialogRequest || this.oEditEventDialog.bShowed) return; if (window.LHEPostForm && window.LHEPostForm.unsetHandler && LHEPostForm.getHandler(this.id + '_event_editor')) { window.LHEPostForm.unsetHandler(this.id + '_event_editor'); } if (!params) params = {}; var _this = this, eventId, D = this.oEditEventDialog; D.bExFromSimple = !!params.bExFromSimple; D.CAL.oEvent = params.oEvent || {}; eventId = (D.CAL.oEvent && D.CAL.oEvent.ID) ? D.CAL.oEvent.ID : 0; if (eventId) { D.CAL.DOM.DelBut.style.display = ''; D.CAL.DOM.Title.innerHTML = EC_MESS.EditEvent; } else { D.CAL.DOM.DelBut.style.display = 'none'; D.CAL.DOM.Title.innerHTML = EC_MESS.NewEvent; } this.showDialogRequest = true; BX.ajax.get( this.actionUrl, this.GetReqData('get_edit_event_dialog', { event_id : eventId , js_id: this.id }), function(html) { if (_this.showDialogRequest) { BX.removeClass(D.popupContainer.firstChild, 'bxc-popup-window-loader'); _this.showDialogRequest = false; D.CAL.DOM.content.innerHTML = BX.util.trim(html); } } ); BX.addClass(D.popupContainer.firstChild, 'bxc-popup-window-loader'); D.CAL.DOM.content.innerHTML = '<div class="bxec-popup" style="width: 750px; height: 300px;"><div class="bxce-popup-loader"><div class="bxce-loader-curtain"></div></div></div>'; _this.oEditEventDialog.show(); var cnt = 0; // Destination function f() { D.CAL.DOM.pTabs = BX(_this.id + '_edit_tabs'); cnt++; if (!D.CAL.DOM.pTabs) { if (cnt < 10) return setTimeout(f, 100); else return; } if (!D.CAL.DOM.pTabs) { if (!BX(_this.id + '-bitrix24-limit')) { _this.oEditEventDialog.close(); _this.Event.ReloadAll(); } else { D.CAL.DOM.DelBut.style.display = 'none'; D.CAL.DOM.SaveBut.style.display = 'none'; } cnt = 0; return; } _this.ChargePopupTabs(D, _this.id + 'ed-tab-'); if (window.__ATTENDEES_ACC) D.CAL.oEvent['~ATTENDEES'] = window.__ATTENDEES_ACC; D.oController = new EditEventPopupController({ form: document.forms.event_edit_form, oEC: _this, oEvent: D.CAL.oEvent, id: _this.id, editorContId: "bx_cal_editor_cont_" + _this.id, LHEJsObjName: 'pLHEEvDesc', LHEId: 'LHEEvDesc', WDControllerCID : window.__UPLOAD_WEBDAV_ELEMENT_CID, arFiles: window.__UPLOAD_WEBDAV_ELEMENT_VALUE, Title: D.CAL.DOM.Title, userTimezoneName: _this.arConfig.userTimezoneName, userTimezoneDefault: _this.arConfig.userTimezoneDefault }); if (window.editEventDestinationFormName) { BxEditEventGridSetLinkName(window.editEventDestinationFormName); BX.bind(BX('event-grid-dest-input'), 'keyup', BxEditEventGridSearch); BX.bind(BX('event-grid-dest-input'), 'keydown', BxEditEventGridSearchBefore); BX.bind(BX('event-grid-dest-add-link'), 'click', function(e){BX.SocNetLogDestination.openDialog(editEventDestinationFormName); BX.PreventDefault(e); }); BX.bind(BX('event-grid-dest-cont'), 'click', function(e){BX.SocNetLogDestination.openDialog(editEventDestinationFormName); BX.PreventDefault(e);}); } BX.removeCustomEvent('onAjaxSuccessFinish', f); if (D.bExFromSimple) _this.OpenExFromSimple(true); } BX.addCustomEvent('onAjaxSuccessFinish', f); }; JCEC.prototype.CloseEditEventDialog = function(bClosePopup) { if (this.oEditEventDialog) { if (bClosePopup === true) { if (this.oEditEventDialog.oController && this.oEditEventDialog.oController.Location && this.oEditEventDialog.oController.Location.oPopup) this.oEditEventDialog.oController.Location.oPopup.destroy(); this.oEditEventDialog.close(); } if (this.oEditEventDialog.oController) this.oEditEventDialog.oController.DestroyDestinationControls(); this.showDialogRequest = false; this.OnResize(); } }; // # # # # # # View Event Dialog # # # # # # JCEC.prototype.CreateViewEventPopup = function() { var _this = this, content = BX.create('DIV'), D = new BX.PopupWindow("BXCViewEvent" + this.id, null, { overlay: {opacity: 10}, autoHide: false, closeByEsc : true, zIndex: -100, offsetLeft: 0, offsetTop: 0, draggable: true, titleBar: EC_MESS.ViewingEvent, contentColor : "white", contentNoPaddings : true, closeIcon: {right : "12px", top : "10px"}, className: "bxc-popup-tabed bxc-popup-window", buttons: [ new BX.PopupWindowButton({ text: EC_MESS.Delete, id: this.id + '_viewev_del_but', events: {click : function(){ if(_this.Event.Delete(D.CAL.oEvent)) _this.CloseViewDialog(true); }} }), new BX.PopupWindowButton({ text: EC_MESS.Edit, id: this.id + '_viewev_edit_but', events: {click : function(){ _this.ShowEditEventPopup({oEvent: D.CAL.oEvent}); _this.CloseViewDialog(true); }} }), new BX.PopupWindowButton({ text: EC_MESS.Close, className: "popup-window-button-accept", events: {click : function(){_this.CloseViewDialog(true);}} }) ], content: content, events: {} }); BX.addCustomEvent(D, 'onPopupClose', BX.proxy(this.CloseViewDialog, this)); D.CAL = { DOM: { content: content, TITLE: D.titleBar.firstChild, delBut : BX(this.id + '_viewev_del_but'), editBut : BX(this.id + '_viewev_edit_but') } }; BX.addClass(D.CAL.DOM.TITLE, 'bxce-dialog-title'); BX.bind(D.CAL.DOM.content, "click", function(e) { var targ = e.target || e.srcElement; if (targ && targ.parentNode) { var bxMoreUsers = targ.getAttribute('data-bx-more-users'); if (!!bxMoreUsers) { var attCont = BX(bxMoreUsers); if (attCont) BX.addClass(attCont, 'bx-cal-view-att-cont-full'); return; } var bxSetStatusLink = targ.getAttribute('data-bx-set-status') || targ.parentNode.getAttribute('data-bx-set-status'); if (!!bxSetStatusLink) { if (_this.Event.SetMeetingStatus(bxSetStatusLink == 'Y')) { D.close(); } return BX.PreventDefault(e || window.event); } } }); this.oViewEventDialog = D; }; JCEC.prototype.ShowViewEventPopup = function(oEvent) { if (!this.oViewEventDialog) this.CreateViewEventPopup(); var _this = this, D = this.oViewEventDialog, eventId = oEvent.ID; BX.addCustomEvent("OnUCFeedChanged", BX.proxy(function(){this.AdjustOverlay(this.oViewEventDialog);}, this)); if (D.adjustInterval) clearInterval(D.adjustInterval); D.adjustInterval = setInterval(function(){_this.AdjustOverlay(D, false);}, 1000); D.CAL.DOM.delBut.style.display = "none"; D.CAL.DOM.editBut.style.display = "none"; BX.addClass(D.popupContainer.firstChild, 'bxc-popup-window-loader'); D.CAL.DOM.content.innerHTML = '<div class="bxec-popup" style="width: 700px; height: 200px;"><div class="bxce-popup-loader"><div class="bxce-loader-curtain"></div></div></div>'; _this.oViewEventDialog.show(); var cnt = 0, cnt2 = 0; D.CAL.oEvent = oEvent; BX.ajax.get( this.actionUrl, this.GetReqData('get_view_event_dialog', { event_id : eventId, js_id: this.id, section_name: this.oSections[oEvent.SECT_ID] ? this.oSections[oEvent.SECT_ID].NAME : '', date_from: oEvent.DATE_FROM, date_from_offset: oEvent.TZ_OFFSET_FROM }), f ); function f(html) { D.CAL.DOM.content.innerHTML = html; D.CAL.DOM.pTabs = BX(_this.id + '_viewev_tabs'); cnt++; if (!D.CAL.DOM.pTabs && cnt < 10) return setTimeout(function(){f(html);}, 100); if (!D.CAL.DOM.pTabs) { if (!BX(_this.id + '-bitrix24-limit')) { _this.oViewEventDialog.close(); _this.Event.ReloadAll(); } cnt = 0; return; } _this.ChargePopupTabs(D, _this.id + 'view-tab-'); BX.removeClass(D.popupContainer.firstChild, 'bxc-popup-window-loader'); D.CAL.DOM.TITLE.innerHTML = EC_MESS.ViewingEvent + ': ' + BX.util.htmlspecialchars(oEvent.NAME); // Hide edit & delete links for read only events if(oEvent.PRIVATE_EVENT && !_this.Personal()) { D.CAL.DOM.delBut.style.display = "none"; D.CAL.DOM.editBut.style.display = "none"; } else if (_this.bIntranet && _this.Event.IsHost(oEvent) && _this.Event.CanDo(oEvent, 'edit')) { D.CAL.DOM.delBut.style.display = ""; D.CAL.DOM.editBut.style.display = ""; } else if (_this.bIntranet && _this.Event.IsAttendee(oEvent)) { D.CAL.DOM.delBut.style.display = "none"; D.CAL.DOM.editBut.style.display = "none"; } else { if (_this.Event.CanDo(oEvent, 'edit')) { D.CAL.DOM.delBut.style.display = ""; D.CAL.DOM.editBut.style.display = ""; } else { D.CAL.DOM.delBut.style.display = "none"; D.CAL.DOM.editBut.style.display = "none"; } } D.CAL.DOM.pViewTzHint = BX('bxec-view-tz-hint' + _this.id); if (D.CAL.DOM.pViewTzHint) { new BX.CHint({parent: D.CAL.DOM.pViewTzHint, hint: D.CAL.DOM.pViewTzHint.getAttribute('data-bx-hint')}); } BX.viewElementBind( 'bx-cal-view-files-' + _this.id + eventId, {showTitle: true}, function(node){ return BX.type.isElementNode(node) && (node.getAttribute('data-bx-viewer') || node.getAttribute('data-bx-image')); } ); D.CAL.DOM.commentWrap = BX(_this.id + 'comments-cont'); showComments(D.CAL.DOM.commentWrap.querySelector('.feed-com-avatar img')); } function showComments(node) { cnt2++; if (node) { var width = parseInt(BX.style(node, 'width')); if (width > 90 && cnt2 < 20) { return setTimeout(function(){showComments(node);}, 100); } } _this.comAni = new BX.easing({ duration : 200, start : {opacity : 0}, finish : {opacity : 100}, transition : BX.easing.makeEaseOut(BX.easing.transitions.quart), step : function(state) { D.CAL.DOM.commentWrap.style.opacity = state.opacity / 100; }, complete : BX.proxy(function() { D.CAL.DOM.commentWrap.style.opacity = null; _this.comAni = null; }, this) }); _this.comAni.animate(); } }; JCEC.prototype.AdjustOverlay = function(popup, timeout) { if (timeout === false) { if (popup && popup.overlay && popup.resizeOverlay) { popup.resizeOverlay(); } } else { setTimeout(function(){ if (popup && popup.overlay && popup.resizeOverlay) popup.resizeOverlay(); }, 200); } }; JCEC.prototype.CloseViewDialog = function(bClosePopup) { BX.removeCustomEvent("OnUCFeedChanged", BX.proxy(function(){this.AdjustOverlay(this.oViewEventDialog);}, this)); if (this.oViewEventDialog.adjustInterval) this.oViewEventDialog.adjustInterval = clearInterval(this.oViewEventDialog.adjustInterval); if (bClosePopup === true) this.oViewEventDialog.close(); this.OnResize(); }; // # # # # # # EDIT CALENDAR DIALOG # # # # # # JCEC.prototype.CreateSectDialog = function() { var _this = this; var D = new BX.PopupWindow("BXCSection" + this.id, null, { overlay: {opacity: 10}, autoHide: false, closeByEsc : true, zIndex: -100, offsetLeft: 0, offsetTop: 0, draggable: true, titleBar: EC_MESS.NewCalenTitle, closeIcon: {right : "12px", top : "10px"}, className: "bxc-popup-tabed bxc-popup-window", contentColor : "white", contentNoPaddings : true, buttons: [ new BX.PopupWindowButton({ text: EC_MESS.googleHide, id: this.id + '_bxec_cal_hide_but', events: {click : function() { _this.HideCalDavSection(D.CAL.oSect); _this.Event.ReloadAll(); _this.CloseSectDialog(true); }} }), new BX.PopupWindowButton({ text: EC_MESS.DelSect, id: this.id + '_bxec_cal_del_but', events: {click : function() { if (_this.DeleteSection(D.CAL.oSect)) _this.CloseSectDialog(true); }} }), new BX.PopupWindowButton({ text: EC_MESS.Save, className: "popup-window-button-accept", events: {click : function(){if (_this.SaveSection()){_this.CloseSectDialog(true);}}} }), new BX.PopupWindowButtonLink({ text: EC_MESS.Close, className: "popup-window-button-link-cancel", events: {click : function(){_this.CloseSectDialog(true);}} }) ], content: BX('bxec_sect_d_' + this.id), events: {} }); BX.addCustomEvent(D, 'onPopupClose', BX.proxy(this.CloseSectDialog, this)); D.CAL = { DOM: { Title: D.titleBar.firstChild, pTabs: BX(this.id + '_editsect_tabs'), Name: BX(this.id + '_edcal_name'), Desc: BX(this.id + '_edcal_desc'), ExpAllow: BX(this.id + '_bxec_cal_exp_allow'), delBut: BX(this.id + '_bxec_cal_del_but'), hideBut: BX(this.id + '_bxec_cal_hide_but') } }; BX.addClass(D.CAL.DOM.Title, 'bxce-dialog-title'); D.CAL.Access = new ECCalendarAccess({ bind: 'calendar_section', GetAccessName: BX.proxy(this.GetAccessName, this), pCont: BX(this.id + 'access-values-cont'), pLink: BX(this.id + 'access-link') }); D.CAL.ColorControl = this.InitColorDialogControl('sect', function(color, textColor){ D.CAL.Color = color; D.CAL.TextColor = textColor; }); if (this.arConfig.bExchange && this.Personal()) D.CAL.DOM.Exch = BX(this.id + '_bxec_cal_exch'); this.ChargePopupTabs(D, this.id + 'sect-tab-'); this.oSectDialog = D; if (this.bSuperpose && this.Personal()) { D.CAL.DOM.add2SPCont = BX(this.id + '_bxec_cal_add2sp_cont'); D.CAL.DOM.add2SP = BX(this.id + '_bxec_cal_add2sp'); } D.CAL.DOM.ExpAllow.onclick = function() {_this._AllowCalendarExportHandler(this.checked);}; }; JCEC.prototype.ShowSectionDialog = function(oSect) { if (!this.oSectDialog) this.CreateSectDialog(); var D = this.oSectDialog; D.show(); this.SetPopupTab(0, D); // Activate first tab if (!oSect) { oSect = { PERM: { access:true,//this.PERM.access, add:true, edit:true, edit_section:true, view_full:true, view_time:true, view_title:true } }; D.CAL.bNew = true; D.CAL.DOM.Title.innerHTML = EC_MESS.NewCalenTitle; D.CAL.DOM.delBut.style.display = 'none'; D.CAL.DOM.hideBut.style.display = 'none'; oSect.COLOR = this.GetFreeDialogColor(); D.CAL.DOM.ExpAllow.checked = true; this._AllowCalendarExportHandler(true); if (D.CAL.DOM.ExpSet) D.CAL.DOM.ExpSet.value = 'all'; if (this.bSuperpose && this.Personal()) { D.CAL.DOM.add2SP.checked = true; D.CAL.DOM.add2SPCont.style.display = BX.browser.IsIE() ? 'inline' : 'table-row'; } if (this.arConfig.bExchange && this.Personal()) { D.CAL.DOM.Exch.disabled = false; D.CAL.DOM.Exch.checked = true; } // Default access oSect.ACCESS = this.new_section_access; } else // Edit Section { if (this.arConfig.bExchange && this.Personal()) { D.CAL.DOM.Exch.checked = !!oSect.IS_EXCHANGE; D.CAL.DOM.Exch.disabled = true; } D.CAL.bNew = false; D.CAL.DOM.Title.innerHTML = EC_MESS.EditCalenTitle; D.CAL.DOM.delBut.style.display = ''; D.CAL.DOM.hideBut.style.display = 'none'; if (oSect.CAL_DAV_CAL && oSect.CAL_DAV_CON) { D.CAL.DOM.delBut.style.display = 'none'; D.CAL.DOM.hideBut.style.display = ''; } if (!oSect.COLOR) oSect.COLOR = this.arConfig.arCalColors[0]; D.CAL.DOM.ExpAllow.checked = oSect.EXPORT || false; this._AllowCalendarExportHandler(oSect.EXPORT); if (oSect.EXPORT) D.CAL.DOM.ExpSet.value = oSect.EXPORT_SET || 'all'; if (this.bSuperpose && this.Personal()) D.CAL.DOM.add2SPCont.style.display = 'none'; } D.CAL.ColorControl.Set(oSect.COLOR, oSect.TEXT_COLOR); // Access this.ShowPopupTab(D.CAL.Tabs[1], oSect.PERM.access); if (oSect.PERM.access) { if (this.type == 'user' && this.Personal() && oSect.ACCESS['U' + this.ownerId]) delete oSect.ACCESS['U' + this.ownerId]; else if (this.type == 'group' && oSect.ACCESS['SG' + this.ownerId + '_A']) delete oSect.ACCESS['SG' + this.ownerId + '_A']; D.CAL.Access.SetSelected(oSect.ACCESS); } D.CAL.oSect = oSect; this.bEditCalDialogOver = false; D.CAL.DOM.Name.value = oSect.NAME || ''; D.CAL.DOM.Desc.value = oSect.DESCRIPTION || ''; BX.focus(D.CAL.DOM.Name); }; JCEC.prototype.CloseSectDialog = function(bClosePopup) { if (bClosePopup === true) this.oSectDialog.close(); }; JCEC.prototype._AllowCalendarExportHandler = function(bAllow) { if (!this.oSectDialog.CAL.DOM.ExpDiv) this.oSectDialog.CAL.DOM.ExpDiv = BX(this.id + '_bxec_calen_exp_div'); if (!this.oSectDialog.CAL.DOM.ExpSet && bAllow) this.oSectDialog.CAL.DOM.ExpSet = BX(this.id + '_bxec_calen_exp_set'); this.oSectDialog.CAL.DOM.ExpDiv.style.display = bAllow ? 'block' : 'none'; }; // # # # # # # Export Calendar Dialog # # # # # # JCEC.prototype.CreateExportDialog = function() { var _this = this; var D = new BX.PopupWindow("BXCExportDialog" + this.id, null, { overlay: {opacity: 10}, autoHide: false, closeByEsc : true, zIndex: -100, offsetLeft: 0, offsetTop: 0, draggable: true, titleBar: ' ', closeIcon: {right : "12px", top : "10px"}, className: "bxc-popup-window", buttons: [ new BX.PopupWindowButton({ text: EC_MESS.Close, className: "popup-window-button-accept", events: {click : function(){_this.CloseExportDialog(true);}} }) ], content: BX('bxec_excal_' + this.id) }); BX.addCustomEvent(D, 'onPopupClose', BX.proxy(this.CloseExportDialog, this)); D.CAL = { DOM: { Title: D.titleBar.firstChild, Link: BX(this.id + '_excal_link'), NoticeLink: BX(this.id + '_excal_link_outlook'), Text: BX(this.id + '_excal_text'), Warn: BX(this.id + '_excal_warning') } }; D.CAL.DOM.NoticeLink.onclick = function(){this.parentNode.className = "";}; this.oExportDialog = D; }; JCEC.prototype.ShowExportDialog = function(oCalen) { if (oCalen && oCalen.EXPORT && !oCalen.EXPORT.ALLOW) return; if (!this.oExportDialog) this.CreateExportDialog(); var D = this.oExportDialog; D.show(); D.CAL.DOM.NoticeLink.parentNode.className = "bxec-excal-notice-hide"; // Hide help D.CAL.DOM.Warn.className = 'bxec-export-warning-hidden'; // Create link var link = this.path; link += (link.indexOf('?') >= 0) ? '&' : '?'; if (oCalen) { D.CAL.DOM.Title.innerHTML = EC_MESS.ExpDialTitle; D.CAL.DOM.Text.innerHTML = EC_MESS.ExpText; link += 'action=export' + oCalen.EXPORT.LINK; } var webCalLink = 'webcal' + link.substr(link.indexOf('://')); D.CAL.DOM.Link.onclick = function(e) {window.location.href = webCalLink; BX.PreventDefault(e);}; D.CAL.DOM.Link.href = link; D.CAL.DOM.Link.innerHTML = link; BX.ajax.get(link + '&check=Y', "", function(result) { setTimeout(function() { BX.closeWait(D.CAL.DOM.Title); if (!result || result.length <= 0 || result.toUpperCase().indexOf('BEGIN:VCALENDAR') == -1) D.CAL.DOM.Warn.className = 'bxec-export-warning'; }, 300); }); } JCEC.prototype.CloseExportDialog = function(bClosePopup) { if (bClosePopup === true) this.oExportDialog.close(); }; // # # # # # # Superpose Calendar Dialog # # # # # # JCEC.prototype.CreateSuperposeDialog = function() { var _this = this; var D = new BX.PopupWindow("BXCSuperpose" + this.id, null, { overlay: {opacity: 10}, autoHide: false, closeByEsc : true, zIndex: -100, offsetLeft: 0, offsetTop: 0, draggable: true, titleBar: EC_MESS.SPCalendars, closeIcon: { right : "12px", top : "10px"}, className: "bxc-popup-window", buttons: [ new BX.PopupWindowButton({ text: EC_MESS.Save, className: "popup-window-button-accept", events: {click : function(){ _this.SPD_SaveSuperposed(); _this.CloseSuperposeDialog(true); }} }), new BX.PopupWindowButtonLink({ text: EC_MESS.Close, className: "popup-window-button-link-cancel", events: {click : function(){_this.CloseSuperposeDialog(true);}} }) ], content: BX('bxec_superpose_' + this.id), events: {} }); BX.addCustomEvent(D, 'onPopupClose', BX.proxy(this.CloseSuperposeDialog, this)); D.CAL = { DOM: { UserCntInner: BX('bxec_sp_type_user_cont_' + this.id), GroupCnt: BX('bxec_sp_type_group_' + this.id), GroupCntInner: BX('bxec_sp_type_group_cont_' + this.id), CommonCnt: BX('bxec_sp_type_common_' + this.id), DelAllUsersLink: BX('bxec_sp_dell_all_sp_' + this.id), UserSearchCont: BX(this.id + '_sp_user_search_input_cont'), NotFoundNotice: BX(this.id + '_sp_user_nf_notice'), arCat : {} }, arSect: {}, arGroups: {}, arCals: {}, curTrackedUsers: {} }; BX.addCustomEvent(window, "onUserSelectorOnChange", function(arUsers){D.CAL.curTrackedUsers = arUsers;}); D.CAL.DOM.AddUsersLinkCont = BX(this.id + '_user_control_link_sp'); D.CAL.DOM.AddUsersLinkCont.onclick = function(e) { if (BX.PopupMenu && BX.PopupMenu.currentItem) BX.PopupMenu.currentItem.popupWindow.close(); if(!e) e = window.event; if (!D.CAL.DOM.SelectUserPopup) { D.CAL.DOM.SelectUserPopup = BX.PopupWindowManager.create("bxc-user-popup-sp", D.CAL.DOM.AddUsersLinkCont, { offsetTop : 1, autoHide : true, closeByEsc : true, content : BX("BXCalUserSelectSP_selector_content"), className: 'bxc-popup-user-select', buttons: [ new BX.PopupWindowButton({ text: EC_MESS.Add, events: {click : function() { D.CAL.DOM.SelectUserPopup.close(); var users = [], i; for (i in D.CAL.curTrackedUsers) if (D.CAL.curTrackedUsers[i] && i > 0 && parseInt(i) == i) users.push(i); _this.Request({ postData: _this.GetReqData('spcal_user_cals', {users : users}), errorText: EC_MESS.CalenSaveErr, handler: function(oRes) { if (oRes) { if (oRes.sections) { if (!_this.arSPSections) _this.arSPSections = []; _this.SPD_BuildSections(_this.arSPSections.concat(oRes.sections), true); for (var i = 0; i < _this.arSections.length; i++) { if (_this.arSections[i].ID && D.CAL.arSect[_this.arSections[i].ID]) D.CAL.arSect[_this.arSections[i].ID].pCh.checked = !!_this.arSections[i].SUPERPOSED; } } else { _this.oSupDialog.CAL.DOM.NotFoundNotice.style.visibility = 'visible'; setTimeout(function(){_this.oSupDialog.CAL.DOM.NotFoundNotice.style.visibility = 'hidden';}, 4000); } return true; } return false; } }); }} }), new BX.PopupWindowButtonLink({ text: EC_MESS.Close, className: "popup-window-button-link-cancel", events: {click : function(){D.CAL.DOM.SelectUserPopup.close();}} }) ] }); } D.CAL.curTrackedUsers = {}; D.CAL.DOM.SelectUserPopup.show(); BX.PreventDefault(e); }; this.oSupDialog = D; }; JCEC.prototype.SPD_BuildSections = function(arSections, bRegister) { var _this = this, D = this.oSupDialog, pCat, pCatTitle, pCh, i, oSect, pCatCont, pItem, key, catTitle, id; BX.cleanNode(D.CAL.DOM.UserCntInner); BX.cleanNode(D.CAL.DOM.GroupCntInner); BX.cleanNode(D.CAL.DOM.CommonCnt); if (!this.arSPSections) this.arSPSections = []; for (i in arSections) { oSect = arSections[i]; if (!oSect.ID) return; if (oSect.CAL_TYPE == 'user') { pCatCont = D.CAL.DOM.UserCntInner; } else if(oSect.CAL_TYPE == 'group') { pCatCont = D.CAL.DOM.GroupCntInner; D.CAL.DOM.GroupCnt.style.display = "block"; } else { pCatCont = D.CAL.DOM.CommonCnt; D.CAL.DOM.CommonCnt.style.display = "block"; } key = oSect.CAL_TYPE + oSect.OWNER_ID; if (!D.CAL.DOM.arCat[key] || !BX.isNodeInDom(D.CAL.DOM.arCat[key].pCat)) { if (oSect.CAL_TYPE == 'user' || oSect.CAL_TYPE == 'group') catTitle = oSect.OWNER_NAME; else catTitle = oSect.TYPE_NAME; pCat = pCatCont.appendChild(BX.create("DIV", {props: {className: "bxc-spd-cat"}})); pCatTitle = pCat.appendChild(BX.create("DIV", {props: {className: "bxc-spd-cat-title"}, html: '<span class="bxc-spd-cat-plus"></span><span class="bxc-spd-cat-title-inner">' + BX.util.htmlspecialchars(catTitle) + '</span>'})); pCatSections = pCat.appendChild(BX.create("DIV", {props: {className: "bxc-spd-cat-sections"}})); pCatTitle.onclick = function(){BX.toggleClass(this.parentNode, "bxc-spd-cat-collapsed")} // Add link for del user from tracking users list if (oSect.CAL_TYPE == 'user' && oSect.OWNER_ID != this.userId) { pCatTitle.appendChild(BX.create("A", {props: {href: "javascript:void(0);", className: "bxc-spd-del-cat", title: EC_MESS.DeleteDynSPGroupTitle}, text: EC_MESS.DeleteDynSPGroup, events: {click: function(e){_this.SPD_DelTrackingUser(this.getAttribute('bx-data'), this); return BX.PreventDefault(e)}}})).setAttribute('bx-data', oSect.OWNER_ID); } D.CAL.DOM.arCat[key] = { pCat : pCat, pTitle : pCatTitle, pSections : pCatSections }; } id = this.id + "spd-sect" + oSect.ID; pItem = BX.create("DIV", {props: {className: "bxc-spd-sect-cont"}}); pCh = pItem.appendChild(BX.create("SPAN", {props: {className: "bxc-spd-sect-check"}})).appendChild(BX.create("INPUT", {props: {type: "checkbox", id: id}})); pLabel = pItem.appendChild(BX.create("SPAN", {props: {className: "bxc-spd-sect-label"}, html: '<label for="' + id + '"><span>' + BX.util.htmlspecialchars(oSect.NAME) + '</span></label>'})); D.CAL.DOM.arCat[key].pSections.appendChild(pItem); D.CAL.arSect[oSect.ID] = {pCh: pCh, pItem: pItem, oSect: oSect}; if (bRegister) { var found = false; for (i in this.arSPSections) { if (this.arSPSections.hasOwnProperty(i)) { if (this.arSPSections[i].CAL_TYPE == oSect.CAL_TYPE && this.arSPSections[i].OWNER_ID == oSect.OWNER_ID) { found = true; break; } } } if (!found) this.arSPSections.push(oSect); } } }; JCEC.prototype.SPD_SaveSuperposed = function() { var i, item; for (i in this.oSupDialog.CAL.arSect) { item = this.oSupDialog.CAL.arSect[i]; if (item.pCh.checked) { // Section already added to superposed if(this.arSectionsInd[i] && this.arSections[this.arSectionsInd[i]]) { this.arSections[this.arSectionsInd[i]].SUPERPOSED = true; } else if(!this.arSectionsInd[i]) { item.oSect.SUPERPOSED = true; this.arSections.push(item.oSect); this.arSectionsInd[item.oSect.ID] = this.arSections.length - 1; } } else { if (this.arSectionsInd[i] && this.arSections[this.arSectionsInd[i]]) { this.arSections[this.arSectionsInd[i]].SUPERPOSED = false; } } } this.SetSuperposed(); }; JCEC.prototype.SPD_DelTrackingUser = function(userId, pLink) { var pCont = BX.findParent(pLink, {className: 'bxc-spd-cat'}); if (pCont) pCont.parentNode.removeChild(pCont); var i, item; for (i in this.oSupDialog.CAL.arSect) { if (this.oSupDialog.CAL.arSect.hasOwnProperty(i)) { item = this.oSupDialog.CAL.arSect[i]; if (item && item.oSect && item.oSect.CAL_TYPE=='user' && item.oSect.OWNER_ID == userId) item.pCh.checked = false; } } var arSPSections = []; for (i in this.arSPSections) { if (this.arSPSections.hasOwnProperty(i)) { item = this.arSPSections[i]; if (item.CAL_TYPE != 'user' || item.OWNER_ID != userId) arSPSections.push(item); } } this.arSPSections = arSPSections; this.SPD_SaveSuperposed(); this.Request({ postData: this.GetReqData('spcal_del_user', {userId: parseInt(userId)}), handler: function(oRes) { if (oRes) return true; } }); } JCEC.prototype.ShowSuperposeDialog = function() { var _this = this; if (!this.arSPSections) { return this.Request({ getData: _this.GetReqData('get_superposed'), handler: function(oRes) { if (oRes) { _this.arSPSections = oRes.sections || []; return _this.ShowSuperposeDialog(); } return false; } }); } if (!this.oSupDialog) this.CreateSuperposeDialog(); // All sections with checkboxes and groups and categories builds here if (this.arSPSections) this.SPD_BuildSections(this.arSPSections, false); var D = this.oSupDialog; D.show(); for (var i = 0; i < this.arSections.length; i++) { if (this.arSections[i].ID && D.CAL.arSect[this.arSections[i].ID]) D.CAL.arSect[this.arSections[i].ID].pCh.checked = !!this.arSections[i].SUPERPOSED; } } JCEC.prototype.CloseSuperposeDialog = function(bClosePopup) { this.arSPSections = null; if (bClosePopup === true) this.oSupDialog.close(); }; JCEC.prototype.BuildSectionSelect = function(oSel, value) { oSel.options.length = 0; var i, opt, el, selected; oSel.parentNode.className = 'bxec-cal-sel-cel'; for (i = 0; i < this.arSections.length; i++) { el = this.arSections[i]; if (el.PERM.edit_section && this.IsCurrentViewSect(el) && el.ACTIVE !== 'N') { selected = value == el.ID; opt = new Option(el.NAME, el.ID, selected, selected); oSel.options.add(opt); if(!BX.browser.IsIE()) opt.style.backgroundColor = el.COLOR; } } if (oSel.options.length <= 0) oSel.parentNode.className = 'bxec-cal-sel-cel-empty'; }; JCEC.prototype.IsCurrentViewSect = function(el) { return el.CAL_TYPE == this.type && el.OWNER_ID == this.ownerId; }; // # # # # # # User Settings Dialog # # # # # # JCEC.prototype.CreateSetDialog = function() { var _this = this; var D = new BX.PopupWindow("BXCSettings" + this.id, null, { overlay: {opacity: 10}, autoHide: false, closeByEsc : true, zIndex: -100, offsetLeft: 0, offsetTop: 0, draggable: true, titleBar: this.PERM.access ? EC_MESS.Settings : EC_MESS.UserSettings, closeIcon: {right : "12px", top : "10px"}, className: 'bxc-popup-tabed bxc-popup-window', contentColor : "white", contentNoPaddings : true, buttons: [ new BX.PopupWindowButton({ text: EC_MESS.Save, className: "popup-window-button-accept", events: {click : function(){ _this.CloseSetDialog(true); _this.SaveSettings(); }} }), new BX.PopupWindowButtonLink({ text: EC_MESS.Close, className: "popup-window-button-link-cancel", events: {click : function(){_this.CloseSetDialog(true);}} }) ], content: BX('bxec_uset_' + this.id) }); BX.addCustomEvent(D, 'onPopupClose', BX.proxy(this.CloseSetDialog, this)); D.CAL = { inPersonal : this.type == 'user' && this.ownerId == this.userId, DOM: { pTabs: BX(this.id + '_set_tabs'), ShowMuted: BX(this.id + '_show_muted'), denyBusyInvitation: BX(this.id + '_deny_busy_invitation') } }; if (D.CAL.inPersonal) { D.CAL.DOM.SectSelect = BX(this.id + '_set_sect_sel'); D.CAL.DOM.Blink = BX(this.id + '_uset_blink'); D.CAL.DOM.ShowDeclined = BX(this.id + '_show_declined'); D.CAL.DOM.TimezoneSelect = BX(this.id + '_set_tz_sel'); } if (this.PERM.access) { D.CAL.Access = new ECCalendarAccess({ bind: 'calendar_type', GetAccessName: BX.proxy(this.GetAccessName, this), pCont: BX(this.id + 'type-access-values-cont'), pLink: BX(this.id + 'type-access-link') }); D.CAL.DOM.WorkTimeStart = BX(this.id + 'work_time_start'); D.CAL.DOM.WorkTimeEnd = BX(this.id + 'work_time_end'); D.CAL.DOM.WeekHolidays = BX(this.id + 'week_holidays'); D.CAL.DOM.YearHolidays = BX(this.id + 'year_holidays'); D.CAL.DOM.YearWorkdays = BX(this.id + 'year_workdays'); D.CAL.DOM.WeekStart = BX(this.id + 'week_start'); } if (this.bSuperpose) { D.CAL.DOM.ManageSuperpose = BX(this.id + '-set-manage-sp'); D.CAL.DOM.ManageSuperpose.onclick = function(){_this.ShowSuperposeDialog()}; } D.CAL.DOM.ManageCalDav = BX(this.id + '_manage_caldav'); if (D.CAL.DOM.ManageCalDav) D.CAL.DOM.ManageCalDav.onclick = function(){_this.ShowExternalDialog()}; D.CAL.DOM.UsetClearAll = BX(this.id + '_uset_clear'); if (D.CAL.DOM.UsetClearAll) D.CAL.DOM.UsetClearAll.onclick = function() { if (confirm(EC_MESS.ClearUserSetConf)) { _this.CloseSetDialog(true); _this.ClearPersonalSettings(); } }; this.ChargePopupTabs(D, this.id + 'set-tab-'); if (!this.PERM.access && D.CAL.DOM.pTabs) D.CAL.DOM.pTabs.style.display = 'none'; this.oSetDialog = D; }; JCEC.prototype.ShowSetDialog = function(params) { if (!this.oSetDialog) this.CreateSetDialog(); var D = this.oSetDialog; D.show(); if (!params || typeof params != 'object') params = {}; this.SetPopupTab(params.tabId || 0, D); // Activate first tab // Set personal user settings if (D.CAL.inPersonal) { D.CAL.DOM.SectSelect.options.length = 0; var i, opt, el, sel = !this.userSettings.meetSection; D.CAL.DOM.SectSelect.options.add(new Option(' - ' + EC_MESS.FirstInList + ' - ', 0, sel, sel)); for (i = 0; i < this.arSections.length; i++) { el = this.arSections[i]; if (el.CAL_TYPE == 'user' && el.OWNER_ID == this.userId && el.ACTIVE !== 'N') { sel = this.userSettings.meetSection == el.ID; opt = new Option(el.NAME, el.ID, sel, sel); opt.style.backgroundColor = el.COLOR; D.CAL.DOM.SectSelect.options.add(opt); } } D.CAL.DOM.Blink.checked = !!this.userSettings.blink; D.CAL.DOM.ShowDeclined.checked = !!this.userSettings.showDeclined; } if(D.CAL.DOM.TimezoneSelect) { D.CAL.DOM.TimezoneSelect.value = this.arConfig.userTimezoneName || ''; } D.CAL.DOM.ShowMuted.checked = !!this.userSettings.showMuted; if (D.CAL.DOM.denyBusyInvitation) D.CAL.DOM.denyBusyInvitation.checked = !!this.userSettings.denyBusyInvitation; if (this.PERM.access) { // Set access for calendar type D.CAL.Access.SetSelected(this.typeAccess); D.CAL.DOM.WorkTimeStart.value = this.settings.work_time_start; D.CAL.DOM.WorkTimeEnd.value = this.settings.work_time_end; for(i = 0; i < D.CAL.DOM.WeekHolidays.options.length; i++) { D.CAL.DOM.WeekHolidays.options[i].selected = BX.util.in_array(D.CAL.DOM.WeekHolidays.options[i].value, this.settings.week_holidays); } D.CAL.DOM.YearHolidays.value = this.settings.year_holidays; D.CAL.DOM.YearWorkdays.value = this.settings.year_workdays; D.CAL.DOM.WeekStart.value = this.settings.week_start; } }; JCEC.prototype.CloseSetDialog = function(bClosePopup) { if (bClosePopup === true) this.oSetDialog.close(); }; // # # # # # # External Calendars Dialog # # # # # # JCEC.prototype.CreateExternalDialog = function() { var _this = this; var D = new BX.PopupWindow("BXCExternalDialog" + this.id, null, { overlay: {opacity: 10}, autoHide: false, closeByEsc : true, zIndex: -95, offsetLeft: 0, offsetTop: 0, draggable: true, titleBar: EC_MESS.CalDavDialogTitle, closeIcon: {right : "12px", top : "10px"}, className: "bxc-popup-window bxc-popup-window-white", contentColor : "white", contentNoPaddings : true, buttons: [ new BX.PopupWindowButton({ text: EC_MESS.AddCalDav, events: {click : function() { var i = D.CAL.arConnections.length; D.CAL.arConnections.push({bNew: true, name: EC_MESS.NewExCalendar, link: '', user_name: ''}); _this.ExternalCalDialogDisplayConnection(D.CAL.arConnections[i], i); _this.ExternalCalDialogEditConnection(i); }} }), new BX.PopupWindowButton({ text: EC_MESS.Save, className: "popup-window-button-accept", events: {click : function(){ if (D.CAL.bLockClosing) return alert(EC_MESS.CalDavConWait); if (D.CAL.curEditedConInd !== false && D.CAL.arConnections[D.CAL.curEditedConInd]) _this.ExternalCalDialogSaveConnectionData(D.CAL.curEditedConInd); _this.arConnections = D.CAL.arConnections; D.CAL.bLockClosing = true; _this.SaveCalDavConnections( function(res) { D.CAL.bLockClosing = false; if (res) { _this.CloseExternalDialog(true); window.location = window.location; } }, function(){D.CAL.bLockClosing = false;} ); }} }), new BX.PopupWindowButtonLink({ text: EC_MESS.Close, className: "popup-window-button-link-cancel", events: {click : function(){_this.CloseExternalDialog(true);}} }) ], content: BX('bxec_cdav_' + this.id) }); BX.addCustomEvent(D, 'onPopupClose', BX.proxy(this.CloseExternalDialog, this)); D.CAL = { DOM: { List: BX(this.id + '_bxec_dav_list'), EditConDiv: BX(this.id + '_bxec_dav_new'), EditName: BX(this.id + '_bxec_dav_name'), EditLink: BX(this.id + '_bxec_dav_link'), UserName: BX(this.id + '_bxec_dav_username'), Pass: BX(this.id + '_bxec_dav_password'), UserNameCont: BX(this.id + '_bxec_dav_username_cont'), PassCont: BX(this.id + '_bxec_dav_password_cont'), SectionsCont: BX(this.id + '_bxec_dav_sections_cont'), Sections: BX(this.id + '_bxec_dav_sections') } }; this.oExternalDialog = D; } JCEC.prototype.ShowExternalDialog = function() { if (!this.oExternalDialog) this.CreateExternalDialog(); var D = this.oExternalDialog, i; D.show(); D.CAL.curEditedConInd = false; BX.cleanNode(D.CAL.DOM.List); D.CAL.arConnections = BX.clone(this.arConnections); for (i = 0; i < this.arConnections.length; i++) { this.ExternalCalDialogDisplayConnection(D.CAL.arConnections[i], i); } if (this.arConnections.length == 0) // No connections - open form to add new connection { i = D.CAL.arConnections.length; D.CAL.arConnections.push({bNew: true, name: EC_MESS.NewExCalendar, link: '', user_name: ''}); this.ExternalCalDialogDisplayConnection(D.CAL.arConnections[i], i); this.ExternalCalDialogEditConnection(i); } else { this.ExternalCalDialogEditConnection(0); } }; JCEC.prototype.CloseExternalDialog = function(bClosePopup) { if (bClosePopup === true) this.oExternalDialog.close(); }; JCEC.prototype.ExternalCalDialogEditConnection = function(ind) { var D = this.oExternalDialog, con = D.CAL.arConnections[ind]; for(var _ind in D.CAL.arConnections) { if (D.CAL.arConnections[_ind] && _ind != ind && BX.hasClass(D.CAL.arConnections[_ind].pConDiv, "bxec-dav-item-edited")) { if (D.CAL.DOM.EditConDiv.parentNode == D.CAL.arConnections[_ind].pConDiv) this.ExternalCalDialogSaveConnectionData(_ind); BX.removeClass(D.CAL.arConnections[_ind].pConDiv, "bxec-dav-item-edited"); } } if (con.del || D.CAL.curEditedConInd === ind) return; if (D.CAL.curEditedConInd !== false && D.CAL.arConnections[D.CAL.curEditedConInd]) { this.ExternalCalDialogSaveConnectionData(D.CAL.curEditedConInd); BX.removeClass(D.CAL.arConnections[D.CAL.curEditedConInd].pConDiv, "bxec-dav-item-edited"); } if (con.account_type == 'caldav_google_oauth') { D.CAL.DOM.UserNameCont.style.display = 'none'; D.CAL.DOM.PassCont.style.display = 'none'; D.CAL.DOM.SectionsCont.style.display = ''; //D.CAL.DOM.Sections.style.display = 'none'; D.CAL.DOM.EditName.disabled = 'disabled'; D.CAL.DOM.EditLink.disabled = 'disabled'; } else { //D.CAL.DOM.SectionsCont.style.display = 'none'; D.CAL.DOM.EditName.disabled = ''; D.CAL.DOM.EditLink.disabled = ''; D.CAL.DOM.UserNameCont.style.display = ''; D.CAL.DOM.PassCont.style.display = ''; } D.CAL.curEditedConInd = ind; D.CAL.DOM.EditName.value = con.name; D.CAL.DOM.EditLink.value = con.link; D.CAL.DOM.UserName.value = con.user_name; con.sections = {}; BX.cleanNode(D.CAL.DOM.Sections); var i, id, pWrap, pCh; for (i = 0; i < this.arSections.length; i++) { if (this.arSections[i] && this.arSections[i].CAL_DAV_CON == con.id) { id = this.arSections[i].ID; pWrap = D.CAL.DOM.Sections.appendChild(BX.create("DIV", {props: {className: 'bxec-dav-sect'}})); con.sections[id] = pWrap.appendChild(BX.create("SPAN", {props: {className: "bxec-dav-sect-check"}})).appendChild(BX.create("INPUT", {props: {type: "checkbox", id: id, checked: this.arSections[i].ACTIVE == 'Y'}})); pWrap.appendChild(BX.create("SPAN", {props: {className: "bxc-spd-sect-label"}, html: '<label for="' + id + '"><span>' + BX.util.htmlspecialchars(this.arSections[i].NAME) + '</span></label>'})); } } if (con.account_type !== 'caldav_google_oauth') { if (con.id > 0) this.ExD_CheckPass(); else D.CAL.DOM.Pass.value = ''; setTimeout(function () { BX.focus(D.CAL.DOM.EditLink); }, 100); D.CAL.DOM.EditName.onkeyup = D.CAL.DOM.EditName.onfocus = D.CAL.DOM.EditName.onblur = function () { if (D.CAL.changeNameTimeout) clearTimeout(D.CAL.changeNameTimeout); D.CAL.changeNameTimeout = setTimeout(function () { if (D.CAL.curEditedConInd !== false && D.CAL.arConnections[D.CAL.curEditedConInd]) { var val = D.CAL.DOM.EditName.value; if (val.length > 25) val = val.substr(0, 23) + "..."; D.CAL.arConnections[D.CAL.curEditedConInd].pText.innerHTML = BX.util.htmlspecialchars(val); D.CAL.arConnections[D.CAL.curEditedConInd].pText.title = D.CAL.DOM.EditName.value; } }, 50); }; } con.pConDiv.appendChild(D.CAL.DOM.EditConDiv); BX.addClass(con.pConDiv, "bxec-dav-item-edited"); }; JCEC.prototype.ExternalCalDialogDisplayConnection = function(con, ind) { var _this = this, D = this.oExternalDialog, pConDiv = D.CAL.DOM.List.appendChild(BX.create("DIV", {props: {id: 'bxec_dav_con_' + ind, className: 'bxec-dav-item' + (ind % 2 == 0 ? '' : ' bxec-dav-item-1')}})), pTitle = pConDiv.appendChild(BX.create("DIV", {props: {className: 'bxec-dav-item-name'}})), pStatus = pTitle.appendChild(BX.create("IMG", {props: {src: "/bitrix/images/1.gif", className: 'bxec-dav-item-status'}})), pText = pTitle.appendChild(BX.create("SPAN", {text: con.name})), pCount = pTitle.appendChild(BX.create("SPAN", {text: ''})), pEdit = pTitle.appendChild(BX.create("A", {props: {href: 'javascript: void(0);', className: 'bxec-dav-edit'}, text: EC_MESS.CalDavEdit})), pCol = pTitle.appendChild(BX.create("A", {props: {href: 'javascript: void(0);', className: 'bxec-dav-col'}, text: EC_MESS.CalDavCollapse})), pDel = pTitle.appendChild(BX.create("A", {props: {href: 'javascript: void(0);', className: 'bxec-dav-del'}, text: EC_MESS.CalDavDel})), pRest = pTitle.appendChild(BX.create("A", {props: {href: 'javascript: void(0);', className: 'bxec-dav-rest'}, text: EC_MESS.CalDavRestore})), pDelCalendars = pTitle.appendChild(BX.create("DIV", {props: {className: 'bxec-dav-del-cal'}, children: [BX.create("LABEL", {props: {htmlFor: 'bxec_dav_con_del_cal_' + ind}, text: EC_MESS.DelConCalendars})]})), pDelCalCh = pDelCalendars.appendChild(BX.create("INPUT", {props: {type: 'checkbox', id: 'bxec_dav_con_del_cal_' + ind, checked: true}})); if (con.id > 0) { var cn = 'bxec-dav-item-status', title; if (con.last_result.indexOf("[200]") >= 0) { cn += ' bxec-dav-ok'; title = EC_MESS.SyncOk + '. ' + EC_MESS.SyncDate + ': ' + con.sync_date; } else { cn += ' bxec-dav-error'; title = EC_MESS.SyncError + ': ' + con.last_result + '. '+ EC_MESS.SyncDate + ': ' + con.sync_date; } pStatus.className = cn; pStatus.title = title; var i, count = 0; for (i = 0; i < this.arSections.length; i++) { if (this.arSections[i] && this.arSections[i].CAL_DAV_CON == con.id) count++; } pCount.innerHTML = " (" + count + ")"; D.CAL.DOM.SectionsCont.style.display = ''; } else { D.CAL.DOM.SectionsCont.style.display = 'none'; } pConDiv.onmouseover = function(){BX.addClass(this, "bxec-dav-item-over");}; pConDiv.onmouseout = function(){BX.removeClass(this, "bxec-dav-item-over");}; pConDiv.onclick = function() { ind = parseInt(this.id.substr('bxec_dav_con_'.length)); _this.ExternalCalDialogEditConnection(ind); }; pCol.onclick = function(e) { var ind = parseInt(this.parentNode.parentNode.id.substr('bxec_dav_con_'.length)); if (D.CAL.arConnections[ind]) { _this.ExternalCalDialogSaveConnectionData(ind); BX.removeClass(D.CAL.arConnections[ind].pConDiv, "bxec-dav-item-edited"); _this.oExternalDialog.curEditedConInd = false; } return BX.PreventDefault(e); }; pDel.onclick = function(e) { var ind = parseInt(this.parentNode.parentNode.id.substr('bxec_dav_con_'.length)); if (D.CAL.arConnections[ind]) { D.CAL.arConnections[ind].del = true; BX.removeClass(D.CAL.arConnections[ind].pConDiv, "bxec-dav-item-edited"); BX.addClass(D.CAL.arConnections[ind].pConDiv, "bxec-dav-item-deleted"); _this.ExternalCalDialogSaveConnectionData(ind); _this.oExternalDialog.curEditedConInd = false; } return BX.PreventDefault(e); }; pRest.onclick = function(e) { var ind = parseInt(this.parentNode.parentNode.id.substr('bxec_dav_con_'.length)); if (D.CAL.arConnections[ind]) { D.CAL.arConnections[ind].del = false; BX.removeClass(D.CAL.arConnections[ind].pConDiv, "bxec-dav-item-deleted"); } return BX.PreventDefault(e); }; pEdit.onclick = function(e) { var ind = parseInt(this.parentNode.parentNode.id.substr('bxec_dav_con_'.length)); _this.ExternalCalDialogEditConnection(ind); return BX.PreventDefault(e); }; con.pConDiv = pConDiv; con.pText = pText; con.pDelCalendars = pDelCalCh; }; JCEC.prototype.ExternalCalDialogSaveConnectionData = function(ind) { var D = this.oExternalDialog, con = D.CAL.arConnections[ind]; con.name = D.CAL.DOM.EditName.value; con.link = D.CAL.DOM.EditLink.value; con.user_name = D.CAL.DOM.UserName.value; con.pass = 'bxec_not_modify_pass'; if (D.CAL.DOM.Pass.type.toLowerCase() == 'password' && D.CAL.DOM.Pass.title != EC_MESS.CalDavNoChange) con.pass = D.CAL.DOM.Pass.value; }; JCEC.prototype.ExD_CheckPass = function() { var D = this.oExternalDialog; if (!BX.browser.IsIE()) { D.CAL.DOM.Pass.type = 'text'; D.CAL.DOM.Pass.value = EC_MESS.CalDavNoChange; } else { D.CAL.DOM.Pass.value = ''; } D.CAL.DOM.Pass.title = EC_MESS.CalDavNoChange; D.CAL.DOM.Pass.className = 'bxec-dav-no-change'; D.CAL.DOM.Pass.onfocus = D.CAL.DOM.Pass.onmousedown = function() { if (!BX.browser.IsIE()) this.type = 'password'; this.value = ''; this.title = ''; this.className = ''; this.onfocus = this.onmousedown = null; BX.focus(this); }; }; // # # # # # # Mobile help Dialog # # # # # # JCEC.prototype.CreateMobileSyncDialog = function() { var _this = this; var D = new BX.PopupWindow("BXCMobileHelp" + this.id, null, { overlay: {opacity: 10}, autoHide: false, closeByEsc : true, zIndex: -100, offsetLeft: 0, offsetTop: 0, draggable: true, titleBar: ' ', closeIcon: {right : "12px", top : "10px"}, className: "bxc-popup-window", buttons: [ new BX.PopupWindowButton({ text: EC_MESS.Close, className: "popup-window-button-accept", events: {click : function(){_this.CloseMobileSyncDialog(true);}} }) ], content: BX('bxec_mobile_' + this.id) }); BX.addCustomEvent(D, 'onPopupClose', BX.proxy(this.CloseMobileSyncDialog, this)); D.CAL = { DOM: { title: D.titleBar.firstChild, iPhoneSyncInfo: BX('bxec-sync-iphone-' + this.id), macosxSyncInfo: BX('bxec-sync-mac-' + this.id), androidSyncInfo: BX('bxec-sync-android-' + this.id) } }; this.oMobileDialog = D; }; JCEC.prototype.ShowMobileSyncDialog = function(sync, calendarId) { calendarId = 'all'; if (!this.oMobileDialog) this.CreateMobileSyncDialog(); var D = this.oMobileDialog; D.show(); D.CAL.DOM.iPhoneSyncInfo.style.display = "none"; D.CAL.DOM.macosxSyncInfo.style.display = "none"; D.CAL.DOM.androidSyncInfo.style.display = "none"; var arLinks = [], i; if (sync == 'iphone') { D.CAL.DOM.title.innerHTML = EC_MESS.SyncTitleIphone; D.CAL.DOM.iPhoneSyncInfo.style.display = 'block'; arLinks = arLinks.concat(BX.findChildren(D.CAL.DOM.iPhoneSyncInfo, {tagName: 'SPAN', className: 'bxec-link'}, true)); for (i = 0; i < arLinks.length; i++) if (arLinks[i] && arLinks[i].nodeName) { arLinks[i].innerHTML = this.arConfig.caldav_link_all; } } else if (sync == 'macosx') { D.CAL.DOM.title.innerHTML = EC_MESS.SyncTitleMacOSX; D.CAL.DOM.macosxSyncInfo.style.display = 'block'; arLinks = BX.findChildren(D.CAL.DOM.macosxSyncInfo, {tagName: 'SPAN', className: 'bxec-link'}, true); for (i = 0; i < arLinks.length; i++) { if (arLinks[i] && arLinks[i].nodeName) { arLinks[i].innerHTML = this.arConfig.caldav_link_all.replace(/^https?:\/\//ig, ''); } } } else if (sync == 'android') { D.CAL.DOM.title.innerHTML = EC_MESS.SyncTitleAndroid; D.CAL.DOM.androidSyncInfo.style.display = 'block'; } D.CAL.calendarId = calendarId; if (sync == 'iphone' || sync == 'macosx') { arLinks = arLinks.concat(BX.findChildren(D.CAL.DOM.iPhoneAllCont, {tagName: 'SPAN', className: 'bxec-link'}, true)); for (i = 0; i < arLinks.length; i++) if (arLinks[i] && arLinks[i].nodeName) arLinks[i].innerHTML = this.arConfig.caldav_link_all; } }; JCEC.prototype.CloseMobileSyncDialog = function(bClosePopup) { if (bClosePopup === true) this.oMobileDialog.close(); }; JCEC.prototype.ChargePopupTabs = function(oPopup, idPrefix) { if (!oPopup || !oPopup.CAL || !oPopup.CAL.DOM || !oPopup.CAL.DOM.pTabs) return; // Set tabs oPopup.CAL.Tabs = []; oPopup.CAL.activeTab = false; var tab, _this = this; for (var i in oPopup.CAL.DOM.pTabs.childNodes) { tab = oPopup.CAL.DOM.pTabs.childNodes[i]; if (tab.nodeType == '1' && tab.className && tab.className.indexOf('popup-window-tab') != -1) { oPopup.CAL.Tabs.push( { tab: tab, cont: BX(tab.id + '-cont'), showed: tab.style.display != 'none' }); tab.onclick = function(){_this.SetPopupTab(parseInt(this.id.substr(idPrefix.length)), oPopup)}; } } }; JCEC.prototype.ShowPopupTab = function(Tab, bShow) { Tab.tab.style.display = bShow ? '' : 'none'; Tab.cont.style.display = bShow ? '' : 'none'; Tab.showed = !!bShow; }; JCEC.prototype.SetPopupTab = function(curInd, oPopup) { var i, Tab, Tabs = oPopup.CAL.Tabs; if (isNaN(parseInt(curInd)) || parseInt(curInd) !== curInd) { for (i in Tabs) { if (Tabs.hasOwnProperty(i) && Tabs[i].tab.id == curInd) { curInd = i; break; } } } curInd = parseInt(curInd); if (Tabs && oPopup.CAL.activeTab !== curInd && !Tabs[curInd].bDisabled) { for (i in Tabs) { if (Tabs.hasOwnProperty(i)) { Tab = Tabs[i]; if (!Tab || !Tab.cont) continue; if (i == curInd) { BX.addClass(Tab.cont, 'popup-window-tab-content-selected'); BX.addClass(Tab.tab, 'popup-window-tab-selected'); } else { BX.removeClass(Tab.cont, 'popup-window-tab-content-selected'); BX.removeClass(Tab.tab, 'popup-window-tab-selected'); } BX.onCustomEvent(Tab, 'OnSetTab', [Tab, (i == curInd)]); } } oPopup.CAL.activeTab = curInd; this.AdjustOverlay(oPopup); } }; JCEC.prototype.InitColorDialogControl = function(key, OnSetValues) { var _this = this, id = this.id + '-' + key, colorCont = BX(id + '-color-cont'), pColor = BX(id + '-color-inp'), pTextColor = BX(id + '-text-color-inp'); function SetColors(color, text_color, check) { if (!text_color || (check && (text_color == '#FFFFFF' || text_color == '#000000'))) text_color = _this.ColorIsDark(color) ? '#FFFFFF' : '#000000'; try { pColor.value = color; pColor.style.backgroundColor = color; pColor.style.color = text_color; } catch(e) { color = this.arConfig.arCalColors[0]; pColor.style.color = '#000000'; } if (OnSetValues && typeof OnSetValues == 'function') OnSetValues(color, text_color); } colorCont.onclick = function(e) { if (!e) e = window.event; var targ = e.target || e.srcElement; if (targ && targ.nodeName && targ.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'a') { var ind = parseInt(targ.id.substr((id + '-color-').length), 10); if (_this.arConfig.arCalColors[ind]) SetColors(_this.arConfig.arCalColors[ind]); } }; pColor.onblur = pColor.onkeyup = function(){SetColors(this.value);}; pColor.onclick = function(){_this.ColorPicker.Open( { pWnd: this, key: key, id: id + '-bg', onSelect: function(value){SetColors(value, pColor.style.color, true);} }); }; pTextColor.onclick = function(){_this.ColorPicker.Open( { pWnd: this, key: key, id: id + '-text', onSelect: function(value){SetColors(pColor.value, value, false);} }); }; return {Set: SetColors} }; // JCEC.prototype.ShowConfirmDeleteDialog = function(oEvent) { var _this = this; var D = this.oConfirmDeleteDialog; if (D) { D.destroy(); } var content = BX.create('DIV'); D = new BX.PopupWindow("BXCConfirmDelete" + this.id, null, { overlay: {opacity: 10}, autoHide: true, closeByEsc : true, zIndex: 0, offsetLeft: 0, offsetTop: 0, draggable: true, bindOnResize: false, titleBar: EC_MESS.EC_DEL_REC_EVENT, closeIcon: { right : "12px", top : "10px"}, className: 'bxc-popup-window', buttons: [ new BX.PopupWindowButtonLink({ text: EC_MESS.Close, className: "popup-window-button-link-cancel", events: {click : function() { if (_this.oConfirmDeleteDialog) { _this.oConfirmDeleteDialog.close(); } }} }) ], content: content, events: {} }); D.CAL = { butThis: new BX.PopupWindowButton({ text: EC_MESS.EC_REC_EV_ONLY_THIS_EVENT, events: {click : function() { if (_this.Event.IsRecursive(oEvent)) { _this.Event.ExcludeRecursionDate(oEvent, oEvent.DATE_FROM); } else if (oEvent.RECURRENCE_ID) { _this.Event.Delete(oEvent, true, {recursionMode: 'this'}); } if (_this.oConfirmDeleteDialog) { _this.oConfirmDeleteDialog.close(); } }} }), butNext: new BX.PopupWindowButton({ text: EC_MESS.EC_REC_EV_NEXT, events: {click : function() { if (_this.Event.IsRecursive(oEvent) && oEvent.DT_FROM_TS === Math.floor(_this.ParseDate(oEvent['~DATE_FROM']).getTime() / 1000) * 1000 && !oEvent.RECURRENCE_ID) { _this.Event.DeleteAllReccurent(oEvent, true); } else { _this.Event.CutOffRecursiveEvent(oEvent, oEvent.DATE_FROM); } if (_this.oConfirmDeleteDialog) { _this.oConfirmDeleteDialog.close(); } if (_this.oEditEventDialog) { _this.oEditEventDialog.close(); } }} }), butAll: new BX.PopupWindowButton( { text: EC_MESS.EC_REC_EV_ALL, events: {click : function() { _this.Event.DeleteAllReccurent(oEvent, true); if (_this.oConfirmDeleteDialog) { _this.oConfirmDeleteDialog.close(); } if (_this.oEditEventDialog) { _this.oEditEventDialog.close(); } }} }), DOM: { content: content } }; content.appendChild(D.CAL.butThis.buttonNode); content.appendChild(D.CAL.butNext.buttonNode); content.appendChild(D.CAL.butAll.buttonNode); this.oConfirmDeleteDialog = D; D.show(); }; JCEC.prototype.ShowConfirmEditDialog = function(event, params) { var _this = this; var D = this.oConfirmEditDialog; if (D) { D.destroy(); } var content = BX.create('DIV'); D = new BX.PopupWindow("BXCConfirmEdit" + this.id, null, { overlay: {opacity: 10}, autoHide: true, closeByEsc : true, zIndex: 0, offsetLeft: 0, offsetTop: 0, draggable: true, bindOnResize: false, titleBar: EC_MESS.EC_EDIT_REC_EVENT, closeIcon: { right : "12px", top : "10px"}, className: 'bxc-popup-window', buttons: [ new BX.PopupWindowButtonLink({ text: EC_MESS.Close, className: "popup-window-button-link-cancel", events: {click : function() { if (_this.oConfirmEditDialog) { _this.oConfirmEditDialog.close(); } }} }) ], content: content, events: {} }); D.CAL = { butThis: new BX.PopupWindowButton({ text: EC_MESS.EC_REC_EV_ONLY_THIS_EVENT, events: {click : function() { params.params.recurentEventEditMode = 'this'; _this.oEditEventDialog.oController.SaveForm(params.params, true); if (_this.oConfirmEditDialog) { _this.oConfirmEditDialog.close(); } if (_this.oEditEventDialog) { _this.oEditEventDialog.close(); } }} }), butNext: new BX.PopupWindowButton({ text: EC_MESS.EC_REC_EV_NEXT, events: {click : function() { params.params.recurentEventEditMode = 'next'; if (_this.oEditEventDialog.oController.Reinvite && D.CAL.DOM.reiviteInp) { _this.oEditEventDialog.oController.Reinvite.checked = D.CAL.DOM.reiviteInp.checked; } _this.oEditEventDialog.oController.SaveForm(params.params, true); if (_this.oConfirmEditDialog) { _this.oConfirmEditDialog.close(); } if (_this.oEditEventDialog) { _this.oEditEventDialog.close(); } }} }), butAll: new BX.PopupWindowButton( { text: EC_MESS.EC_REC_EV_ALL, events: {click : function() { params.params.recurentEventEditMode = 'all'; _this.oEditEventDialog.oController.SaveForm(params.params, true); if (_this.oConfirmEditDialog) { _this.oConfirmEditDialog.close(); } if (_this.oEditEventDialog) { _this.oEditEventDialog.close(); } }} }), DOM: { content: content } }; content.appendChild(D.CAL.butThis.buttonNode); content.appendChild(D.CAL.butNext.buttonNode); content.appendChild(D.CAL.butAll.buttonNode); if (event.IS_MEETING && event.MEETING) { D.CAL.DOM.reiviteCont = content.appendChild(BX.create("DIV", {props: {className: 'bxec-row-reinvite'}})); D.CAL.DOM.reiviteInp = D.CAL.DOM.reiviteCont.appendChild(BX.create("INPUT", { props: { type: "checkbox", value: "Y", name: 'confirm_meeting_reinvite', checked: this.oEditEventDialog.oController.Reinvite.checked, id: 'reinvite-inp' + this.id } })); D.CAL.DOM.reiviteCont.appendChild(BX.create("LABEL", { attrs: {'for': 'reinvite-inp' + this.id}, text: EC_MESS.EC_REINVITE })); } this.oConfirmEditDialog = D; D.show(); }; JCEC.prototype.ShowConfirmDeclineDialog = function(event, params) { var _this = this; var D = this.oConfirmDeclineDialog; if (D) { D.destroy(); } var content = BX.create('DIV'); D = new BX.PopupWindow("BXCConfirmDecline" + this.id, null, { overlay: {opacity: 10}, autoHide: true, closeByEsc : true, zIndex: 0, offsetLeft: 0, offsetTop: 0, draggable: true, bindOnResize: false, titleBar: EC_MESS.EC_DECLINE_REC_EVENT, closeIcon: { right : "12px", top : "10px"}, className: 'bxc-popup-window', buttons: [ new BX.PopupWindowButtonLink({ text: EC_MESS.Close, className: "popup-window-button-link-cancel", events: {click : function() { if (_this.oConfirmDeclineDialog) { _this.oConfirmDeclineDialog.close(); } }} }) ], content: content, events: {} }); D.CAL = { butThis: new BX.PopupWindowButton({ text: EC_MESS.EC_D_REC_EV_ONLY_THIS_EVENT, events: {click : function() { _this.Event.SetMeetingStatus(false, { confirmed: true, reccurentMode: 'this', currentDateFrom: _this.oViewEventDialog.CAL.oEvent.DATE_FROM }); if (_this.oConfirmDeclineDialog) { _this.oConfirmDeclineDialog.close(); } if (_this.oViewEventDialog) { _this.oViewEventDialog.close(); } }} }), butNext: new BX.PopupWindowButton({ text: EC_MESS.EC_D_REC_EV_NEXT, events: {click : function() { _this.Event.SetMeetingStatus(false, { confirmed: true, reccurentMode: 'next', currentDateFrom: _this.oViewEventDialog.CAL.oEvent.DATE_FROM }); if (_this.oConfirmDeclineDialog) { _this.oConfirmDeclineDialog.close(); } if (_this.oViewEventDialog) { _this.oViewEventDialog.close(); } }} }), butAll: new BX.PopupWindowButton( { text: EC_MESS.EC_D_REC_EV_ALL, events: {click : function() { _this.Event.SetMeetingStatus(false, { confirmed: true, reccurentMode: 'all', currentDateFrom: _this.oViewEventDialog.CAL.oEvent.DATE_FROM }); if (_this.oConfirmDeclineDialog) { _this.oConfirmDeclineDialog.close(); } if (_this.oViewEventDialog) { _this.oViewEventDialog.close(); } }} }), DOM: { content: content } }; content.appendChild(D.CAL.butThis.buttonNode); content.appendChild(D.CAL.butNext.buttonNode); content.appendChild(D.CAL.butAll.buttonNode); this.oConfirmDeclineDialog = D; D.show(); };