Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/js/calendar/new/ |
Current File : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/js/calendar/new/calendar-view-month.js |
;(function(window) { var View = window.BXEventCalendarView; function MonthView() { View.apply(this, arguments); this.name = 'month'; this.title = BX.message('EC_VIEW_MONTH'); this.contClassName = 'calendar-month-view'; this.dayCount = 7; this.slotHeight = 20; this.eventHolderTopOffset = 25; this.preBuild(); } MonthView.prototype = Object.create(View.prototype); MonthView.prototype.constructor = MonthView; MonthView.prototype.preBuild = function() { this.viewCont = BX.create('DIV', {props: {className: this.contClassName}, style: {display: 'none'}}); }; MonthView.prototype.build = function() { this.titleCont = this.viewCont.appendChild(BX.create('DIV', {props: {className: 'calendar-grid-month-row-days-week'}})); this.gridWrap = this.viewCont.appendChild(BX.create('DIV', {props: {className: 'calendar-grid-wrap'}})); this.gridMonthContainer = this.gridWrap.appendChild(BX.create('DIV', {props: {className: 'calendar-grid-month-container'}})); this.grid = this.gridMonthContainer.appendChild(BX.create('DIV', {props: {className: 'calendar-grid-month calendar-grid-month-current'}})); }; MonthView.prototype.show = function() { View.prototype.show.apply(this, arguments); this.buildDaysTitle(); this.buildDaysGrid(); if (this.calendar.navCalendar) this.calendar.navCalendar.hide(); this.displayEntries(); this.calendar.initialViewShow = false; }; MonthView.prototype.hide = function() { View.prototype.hide.apply(this, arguments); }; MonthView.prototype.increaseViewRangeDate = function() { this.changeViewRangeDate(1); var nextGrid = this.gridMonthContainer.appendChild(BX.create('DIV', {props: {className: 'calendar-grid-month calendar-grid-month-next' + ' ' + this.animateClass}})); BX.addClass(this.grid, this.animateClass); this.setTitle(); this.buildDaysGrid({grid: nextGrid}); // Prepare entries while animatin goes this.preloadEntries(); setTimeout(BX.delegate(function() { // Start CSS animation BX.addClass(this.gridMonthContainer, "calendar-change-month-next"); // Wait till the animation ends setTimeout(BX.delegate(function() { // Clear old grid, now it's hidden and use new as old one BX.removeClass(this.gridMonthContainer, "calendar-change-month-next"); BX.removeClass(nextGrid, "calendar-grid-month-next"); BX.addClass(nextGrid, "calendar-grid-month-current"); BX.remove(this.grid); this.grid = nextGrid; BX.removeClass(this.grid, this.animateClass); // Display loaded entries for new view range this.displayEntries(); }, this), 400); }, this), 0); }; MonthView.prototype.decreaseViewRangeDate = function() { this.changeViewRangeDate(-1); var previousGrid = this.gridMonthContainer.insertBefore(BX.create('DIV', {props: {className: 'calendar-grid-month calendar-grid-month-previous' + ' ' + this.animateClass}}), this.grid); BX.addClass(this.grid, this.animateClass); this.setTitle(); this.buildDaysGrid({grid: previousGrid}); // Prepare entries while animatin goes this.preloadEntries(); setTimeout(BX.delegate(function() { // Start CSS animation BX.addClass(this.gridMonthContainer, "calendar-change-month-previous"); // Wait till the animation ends setTimeout(BX.delegate(function() { // Clear old grid, now it's hidden and use new as old one BX.removeClass(this.gridMonthContainer, "calendar-change-month-previous"); BX.removeClass(previousGrid, "calendar-grid-month-previous"); BX.addClass(previousGrid, "calendar-grid-month-current"); BX.remove(this.grid); this.grid = previousGrid; BX.removeClass(this.grid, this.animateClass); // Display loaded entries for new view range this.displayEntries(); }, this), 400); }, this), 0); }; MonthView.prototype.getViewRange = function() { var viewRangeDate = this.calendar.getViewRangeDate(), endDate = new Date(viewRangeDate.getTime()); endDate.setMonth(viewRangeDate.getMonth() + 1); return {start: viewRangeDate, end: endDate}; }; MonthView.prototype.changeViewRangeDate = function(value) { var viewRangeDate = this.calendar.getViewRangeDate(), newDate = new Date(viewRangeDate.getTime()); newDate.setMonth(newDate.getMonth() + value); this.calendar.setViewRangeDate(newDate); return newDate; }; MonthView.prototype.adjustViewRangeToDate = function(date) { var currentViewRangeDate = this.calendar.getViewRangeDate(), viewRangeDate = false; var diff = date.getMonth() - currentViewRangeDate.getMonth(); if (diff == 1) { this.increaseViewRangeDate(); } else if (diff == -1) { this.decreaseViewRangeDate(); } else { if (date && date.getTime) { viewRangeDate = new Date(date.getTime()); viewRangeDate.setDate(1); viewRangeDate.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); this.calendar.setViewRangeDate(viewRangeDate); } this.fadeAnimation(this.getContainer(), 100, BX.delegate(function(){ this.show(); this.getContainer().style.opacity = 0; this.showAnimation(this.getContainer(), 300) }, this)); } return viewRangeDate; }; MonthView.prototype.getAdjustedDate = function(date, viewRange) { if (!date) { date = new Date(); } if (date.getTime() < viewRange.start.getTime()) { date = new Date(viewRange.start.getTime()); } if (date.getTime() > viewRange.end.getTime()) { date = new Date(viewRange.end.getTime()); } var currentViewRangeDate = this.calendar.getViewRangeDate(), viewRangeDate = false; if (date && date.getTime) { viewRangeDate = new Date(date.getTime()); viewRangeDate.setDate(1); viewRangeDate.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); } return viewRangeDate; }; MonthView.prototype.buildDaysTitle = function() { BX.cleanNode(this.titleCont); var i, day, weekDays = this.util.getWeekDays(); for (i = 0; i < weekDays.length; i++) { day = weekDays[i]; this.titleCont.appendChild(BX.create('DIV', { props: { className: 'calendar-grid-month-cell' }, html: '<span class="calendar-grid-cell-inner">' + BX.message('EC_MONTH_WEEK_TITLE').replace('#DAY_OF_WEEK#', day[1]) + '</span>' })); } }; MonthView.prototype.buildDaysGrid = function(params) { if (!params) params = {}; var i, dayOffset, grid = params.grid || this.grid, viewRangeDate = this.calendar.getViewRangeDate(), year = viewRangeDate.getFullYear(), month = viewRangeDate.getMonth(), height = this.util.getViewHeight(), displayedRange = BX.clone(this.getViewRange(), true), date = new Date(); BX.cleanNode(grid); date.setFullYear(year, month, 1); this.dayIndex = {}; this.days = []; this.entryHolders = []; this.currentMonthRow = false; this.monthRows = []; if (this.util.getWeekStart() != this.util.getWeekDayByInd(date.getDay())) { dayOffset = this.util.getWeekDayOffset(this.util.getWeekDayByInd(date.getDay())); date.setDate(date.getDate() - dayOffset); displayedRange.start = new Date(date.getTime()); displayedRange.start.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); for (i = 0; i < dayOffset; i++) { this.buildDayCell({date: date, month: 'previous', grid: grid}); date.setDate(date.getDate() + 1); } } date.setFullYear(year, month, 1); while(date.getMonth() == month) { this.buildDayCell({date: date, grid: grid}); date.setDate(date.getDate() + 1); } if (this.util.getWeekStart() != this.util.getWeekDayByInd(date.getDay())) { dayOffset = this.util.getWeekDayOffset(this.util.getWeekDayByInd(date.getDay())); date.setFullYear(year, month + 1, 1); for (i = dayOffset; i < 7; i++) { this.buildDayCell({date: date, month: 'next', grid: grid}); date.setDate(date.getDate() + 1); } displayedRange.end = new Date(date.getTime()); displayedRange.end.setHours(23, 59, 59, 59); } this.calendar.setDisplayedViewRange(displayedRange); // Adjusting rows height to the height of the view if (this.monthRows.length > 0) { this.rowHeight = Math.round(height / this.monthRows.length); this.slotsCount = Math.floor((this.rowHeight - this.eventHolderTopOffset) / this.slotHeight); for (i = 0; i < this.monthRows.length; i++) { this.monthRows[i].style.height = this.rowHeight + 'px'; } } }; MonthView.prototype.buildDayCell = function(params) { var date = params.date, className = '', time = Math.round(date.getTime() / 1000) * 1000, day = date.getDay(), dayCode = this.util.getDayCode(date), weekDay = this.util.getWeekDayByInd(day), weekNumber = false, startNewWeek = this.util.getWeekStart() == weekDay; if (startNewWeek) { this.currentMonthRow = params.grid.appendChild(BX.create('DIV', {props: {className: 'calendar-grid-month-row'}})); this.monthRows.push(this.currentMonthRow); if (this.util.showWeekNumber()) { weekNumber = this.util.getWeekNumber(time); } } if (params.month == 'previous') { className += ' calendar-grid-previous-month-day'; } else if (params.month == 'next') { className += ' calendar-grid-next-month-day'; } if (this.util.isHoliday(date)) { className += ' calendar-grid-holiday'; } if (this.util.isToday(date)) { className += ' calendar-grid-today'; } this.days.push({ date: new Date(date.getTime()), dayOffset: this.util.getWeekDayOffset(weekDay), rowIndex: this.monthRows.length - 1, holderIndex: this.entryHolders.length, node: this.currentMonthRow.appendChild(BX.create('DIV', { props: {className: BX.util.trim('calendar-grid-month-cell' + className)}, attrs: {'data-bx-calendar-month-day': dayCode}, html: '<span class="calendar-grid-cell-inner">' + '<span class="calendar-num-day" data-bx-calendar-date="' + time + '">' + (date.getDate() == 1 ? BX.message('EC_MONTH_SHORT') .replace('#MONTH#', BX.date.format('M', time / 1000)) .replace('#DATE#', date.getDate()) : date.getDate()) + '</span>' + (weekNumber ? '<span class="calendar-num-week" data-bx-cal-time="' + time + '" data-bx-calendar-weeknumber="' + weekNumber + '">' + weekNumber + '</span>' : '') + '</span>' })), dayCode: dayCode }); this.dayIndex[this.days[this.days.length - 1].dayCode] = this.days.length - 1; this.calendar.dragDrop.registerDay(this.days[this.days.length - 1]); if (this.currentMonthRow && this.util.getWeekEnd() == weekDay) { this.entryHolders.push(this.currentMonthRow.appendChild(BX.create('DIV', {props: {className: 'calendar-grid-month-events-holder'}}))); } }; MonthView.prototype.setTitle = function() { var viewRangeDate = this.calendar.getViewRangeDate(); View.prototype.setTitle.apply(this, [BX.date.format('f', viewRangeDate.getTime() / 1000) + ', #GRAY_START#' + viewRangeDate.getFullYear() + '#GRAY_END#']); }; MonthView.prototype.displayEntries = function(params) { var prevElement, i, j, entry, part, dayPos, entryPart, day, entryStarted, partsStorage = [], entryDisplayed, showHiddenLink, viewRange = this.calendar.getDisplayedViewRange(); if (!params) params = {}; if (params.reloadEntries !== false) { // Get list of entries this.entries = this.entryController.getList({ startDate: new Date(viewRange.start.getFullYear(), viewRange.start.getMonth(), 1), finishDate: new Date(viewRange.end.getFullYear(), viewRange.end.getMonth() + 1, 1), viewRange: viewRange, finishCallback: BX.proxy(this.displayEntries, this) }); } // Clean holders this.entryHolders.forEach(function(holder) { BX.cleanNode(holder); }); // Clean days this.days.forEach(function(day) { day.slots = []; day.entries = { list: [], started: [], hidden: [] }; }); if (this.entries === false || !this.entries || !this.entries.length) return; // Prepare for arrangement for (i = 0; i < this.entries.length; i++) { entry = this.entries[i]; this.entriesIndex[entry.uid] = i; entry.cleanParts(); entryStarted = false; for (dayPos = this.dayIndex[entry.startDayCode]; dayPos < this.days.length; dayPos++) { day = this.days[dayPos]; if (day.dayCode == entry.startDayCode || entryStarted && day.dayOffset == 0) { entryStarted = true; part = entry.startPart({ from: day, daysCount: 0 }); day.entries.started.push({ entry: entry, part: part }); } if(entryStarted) { day.entries.list.push({ entry: entry, part: part }); part.daysCount++; part.to = day; if (day.dayCode == entry.endDayCode || day.dayOffset == this.dayCount - 1) { // here we know where part of event starts and ends partsStorage.push({part: part, entry: entry}); // Event finished if (day.dayCode == entry.endDayCode) { break; } } } } } // Display parts for (i = 0; i < partsStorage.length; i++) { this.displayEntryPiece(partsStorage[i]); } // Final arrangement on the grid for (dayPos = 0; dayPos < this.days.length; dayPos++) { day = this.days[dayPos]; if (day.entries.started.length > 0) { if (day.entries.started.length > 0) day.entries.started.sort(this.calendar.entryController.sort); for(i = 0; i < day.entries.started.length; i++) { element = day.entries.started[i]; if (element) { entry = element.entry; entryPart = element.part; entryDisplayed = false; for(j = 0; j < this.slotsCount; j++) { if (day.slots[j] !== false) { this.occupySlot({slotIndex: j, startIndex: dayPos, endIndex: dayPos + entryPart.daysCount}); entryDisplayed = true; entry.getWrap(entryPart.partIndex).style.top = (j * this.slotHeight) + 'px'; break; } } if (!entryDisplayed) { prevElement = day.entries.started[i - 1]; if (prevElement) { day.entries.hidden.push(prevElement); prevElement.entry.getWrap(prevElement.part.partIndex).style.display = 'none'; } day.entries.hidden.push(element); entry.getWrap(entryPart.partIndex).style.display = 'none'; } } } } // Here we check all entries in the day and if any of it // was hidden, we going to show 'show all' link if (day.entries.list.length > 0) { showHiddenLink = false; for(i = 0; i < day.entries.list.length; i++) { if (day.entries.list[i].part.params.wrapNode.style.display == 'none') { showHiddenLink = true; break; } } if (showHiddenLink) { day.hiddenStorage = this.entryHolders[day.holderIndex].appendChild(BX.create('DIV', { props: { className: 'calendar-event-line-wrap calendar-event-more-btn-container' }, attrs: {'data-bx-calendar-show-all-events': day.dayCode}, style: { top: (this.rowHeight - 42) + 'px', //top: (this.rowHeight < 135 ? (this.rowHeight - 42) : (this.rowHeight - 45)) + 'px', left: 'calc((100% / ' + this.dayCount + ') * (' + (day.dayOffset + 1) + ' - 1) + 2px)', width: 'calc(100% / ' + this.dayCount + ' - 3px)' } })); day.hiddenStorageText = day.hiddenStorage.appendChild(BX.create('span', {props: {className: 'calendar-event-more-btn'}})); day.hiddenStorage.style.display = 'block'; day.hiddenStorageText.innerHTML = BX.message('EC_SHOW_ALL') + ' ' + day.entries.list.length; } else if (day.hiddenStorage) { day.hiddenStorage.style.display = 'none'; } } } BX.addClass(this.gridMonthContainer, 'calendar-events-holder-show'); }; MonthView.prototype.displayEntryPiece = function(params) { var res = false, entry = params.entry, from = params.part.from, daysCount = params.part.daysCount, partWrap, dotNode, innerNode, nameNode, timeNode, endTimeNode, innerContainer, entryClassName = 'calendar-event-line-wrap', deltaPartWidth = 0, startArrow, endArrow, holder = params.holder || this.entryHolders[from.holderIndex]; if (holder) { if (entry.isFullDay()) { entryClassName += ' calendar-event-line-fill'; } else if (entry.isLongWithTime()) { entryClassName += ' calendar-event-line-border'; } if (entry.isExternal()) { entryClassName += ' calendar-event-line-intranet'; } if (!params.popupMode && this.util.getDayCode(entry.from) !== this.util.getDayCode(from.date)) { entryClassName += ' calendar-event-line-start-yesterday'; deltaPartWidth += 8; startArrow = this.getArrow('left', entry.color, entry.isFullDay()); } if (!params.popupMode && this.util.getDayCode(entry.to) !== this.util.getDayCode(params.part.to.date)) { entryClassName += ' calendar-event-line-finish-tomorrow'; endArrow = this.getArrow('right', entry.color, entry.isFullDay()); deltaPartWidth += 12; } if (startArrow && !endArrow) { deltaPartWidth += 4; } if (deltaPartWidth == 0) { deltaPartWidth = 5; } partWrap = BX.create('DIV', { attrs: {'data-bx-calendar-entry': entry.uid}, props: {className: entryClassName}, style: { top: 0, left: 'calc((100% / ' + this.dayCount + ') * (' + (from.dayOffset + 1) + ' - 1) + 2px)', width: 'calc(' + daysCount + ' * 100% / ' + this.dayCount + ' - ' + deltaPartWidth + 'px)' } }); if (startArrow) { partWrap.appendChild(startArrow); partWrap.style.left = '9px'; } if (endArrow) { partWrap.appendChild(endArrow); } innerContainer = partWrap.appendChild(BX.create('DIV', {props: {className: 'calendar-event-line-inner-container'}})); innerNode = innerContainer.appendChild(BX.create('DIV', {props: {className: 'calendar-event-line-inner'}})); dotNode = innerNode.appendChild(BX.create('DIV', {props: {className: 'calendar-event-line-dot'}})); if (entry.isFullDay()) { innerNode.style.maxWidth = 'calc(200% / ' + daysCount + ' - 3px)'; } else if (entry.isLongWithTime()) { partWrap.style.borderColor = entry.color; innerNode.style.maxWidth = 'calc(200% / ' + daysCount + ' - 3px)'; // first part if (params.part.partIndex == 0) { timeNode = innerNode.appendChild(BX.create('SPAN', {props: {className: 'calendar-event-line-time'}, text: this.calendar.util.formatTime(entry.from.getHours(), entry.from.getMinutes())})); innerNode.style.width = 'calc(100% / ' + daysCount + ' - 3px)'; } // Last part if (params.part.partIndex == entry.parts.length - 1) { if (daysCount > 1 && entry.parts.length > 1) { innerNode.style.width = 'calc(' + (daysCount - 1) + '00% / ' + daysCount + ' - 3px)'; } if (!params.popupMode) { endTimeNode = innerNode.appendChild(BX.create('SPAN', { props: {className: (entry.parts.length > 1 && daysCount == 1) ? 'calendar-event-line-time' : 'calendar-event-line-expired-time'}, text: this.calendar.util.formatTime(entry.to.getHours(), entry.to.getMinutes()) })); } } } else { timeNode = innerNode.appendChild(BX.create('SPAN', {props: {className: 'calendar-event-line-time'}, text: this.calendar.util.formatTime(entry.from.getHours(), entry.from.getMinutes())})); } nameNode = innerNode.appendChild(BX.create('SPAN', {props: {className: 'calendar-event-line-text'}, text: params.entry.name})); if (entry.isFullDay()) { innerContainer.style.backgroundColor = this.calendar.util.hexToRgba(entry.color, 0.3); innerContainer.style.borderColor = this.calendar.util.hexToRgba(entry.color, 0.3); } else { if (entry.isLongWithTime()) { innerContainer.style.borderColor = this.calendar.util.hexToRgba(entry.color, 0.5); } dotNode.style.backgroundColor = entry.color; } holder.appendChild(partWrap); if (entry.opacity !== undefined) { partWrap.style.opacity = entry.opacity; } res = { wrapNode: partWrap, nameNode: nameNode, innerContainer: innerContainer, innerNode: innerNode, timeNode: timeNode || false, endTimeNode: endTimeNode || false, dotNode: dotNode }; if (!params.popupMode) { params.entry.registerPartNode(params.part, res); } this.calendar.dragDrop.registerEntry(partWrap, params); } return res; }; MonthView.prototype.refreshEventsOnWeek = function(ind) { var startDayInd = ind * 7, endDayInd = (ind + 1) * 7, day, i, k, arEv, j, ev, arAll, arHid, slots = [], maxEventCount = 5, step = 0; for(j = 0; j < maxEventCount; j++) slots[j] = 0; for (i = startDayInd; i < endDayInd; i++) { day = this.activeDateObjDays[i]; if (!day) continue; day.arEvents.hidden = []; arEv = day.arEvents.begining; arHid = []; if (arEv.length > 0) { arEv.sort(function(a, b) { if (b.daysCount == a.daysCount && a.daysCount == 1) return a.oEvent.DT_FROM_TS - b.oEvent.DT_FROM_TS; return b.daysCount - a.daysCount; }); eventloop: for(k = 0; k < arEv.length; k++) { ev = arEv[k]; if (!ev) continue; if (!this.arEvents[ev.oEvent.ind]) { day.arEvents.begining = arEv = BX.util.deleteFromArray(arEv, k); ev = arEv[k]; if (!ev) continue; //break ? } for(j = 0; j < this.maxEventCount; j++) { if (slots[j] - step <= 0) { slots[j] = step + ev.daysCount; this.ShowEventOnLevel(ev.oEvent.oParts[ev.partInd], j, ind); continue eventloop; } } arHid[ev.oEvent.ID] = true; day.arEvents.hidden.push(ev); } } // For all events in the day arAll = day.arEvents.all; for (var x = 0; x < arAll.length; x++) { ev = arAll[x]; if (!ev || arHid[ev.oEvent.ID]) { continue; } if (!this.arEvents[ev.oEvent.ind]) { day.arEvents.all = arAll = BX.util.deleteFromArray(arAll, x); ev = arAll[x]; if (!ev) { continue; } } if (ev.oEvent.oParts && ev.partInd != undefined && ev.oEvent.oParts[ev.partInd] && ev.oEvent.oParts[ev.partInd].style.display == 'none') { day.arEvents.hidden.push(ev); } } //this.ShowMoreEventsSelect(day); step++; } }; MonthView.prototype.handleClick = function(params) { if (this.isActive()) { if (!params) params = {}; var dayCode, uid; if (params.specialTarget && (uid = params.specialTarget.getAttribute('data-bx-calendar-entry'))) { this.handleEntryClick( { uid: uid, specialTarget: params.specialTarget, target: params.target, e: params.e }); } else if (params.specialTarget && (dayCode = params.specialTarget.getAttribute('data-bx-calendar-show-all-events'))) { this.deselectEntry(); if (this.dayIndex[dayCode] !== undefined && this.days[this.dayIndex[dayCode]]) { this.showAllEventsInPopup({day: this.days[this.dayIndex[dayCode]]}); } } else if (!this.calendar.util.readOnlyMode() && this.entryController.canDo(false, 'add_event') && (dayCode = params.specialTarget && params.specialTarget.getAttribute('data-bx-calendar-month-day'))) { this.deselectEntry(); if (this.dayIndex[dayCode] !== undefined && this.days[this.dayIndex[dayCode]]) { this.showNewEntryWrap({dayFrom: this.days[this.dayIndex[dayCode]]}); } } } }; MonthView.prototype.showNewEntryWrap = function(params) { var entryTime, entryName, partWrap, innerNode, innerContainer, entryClassName = 'calendar-event-line-wrap', deltaPartWidth = 0, from = params.dayFrom, daysCount = 1, holder = this.entryHolders[from.holderIndex], section = this.calendar.sectionController.getCurrentSection(), color = section.color; entryTime = this.entryController.getTimeForNewEntry(from.date); entryName = this.entryController.getDefaultEntryName(); partWrap = BX.create('DIV', { props: {className: entryClassName}, style: { opacity: 0, top: 0, left: 'calc((100% / ' + this.dayCount + ') * (' + (from.dayOffset + 1) + ' - 1) + 2px)', width: 'calc(' + daysCount + ' * 100% / ' + this.dayCount + ' - ' + deltaPartWidth + 'px)' } }); innerContainer = partWrap.appendChild(BX.create('DIV', {props: {className: 'calendar-event-line-inner-container'}})); innerNode = innerContainer.appendChild(BX.create('DIV', {props: {className: 'calendar-event-line-inner'}})); innerNode.appendChild(BX.create('SPAN', {props: {className: 'calendar-event-line-time'}, style: {color: '#fff'}, text: this.calendar.util.formatTime(entryTime.from.getHours(), entryTime.from.getMinutes())})); innerNode.appendChild(BX.create('SPAN', {props: {className: 'calendar-event-line-text'}, style: {color: '#fff'}, text: entryName})); partWrap.style.backgroundColor = color; partWrap.style.borderColor = color; holder.appendChild(partWrap); var pos = BX.pos(partWrap); var entryClone = BX.adjust(document.body.appendChild(partWrap.cloneNode(true)), { props: {className: 'calendar-event-line-clone'}, style: { width: (pos.width - 6) + 'px', height: pos.height + 'px', top : pos.top + 'px', left : (pos.left + 1)+ 'px' } }); BX.addClass(holder, 'shifted'); holder.style.height = (this.slotsCount - 1) * this.slotHeight + 'px'; setTimeout(function(){ entryClone.style.opacity = '1'; },100); setTimeout(BX.delegate(function(){ // Show simple add entry popup this.showSimplePopup({ entryTime: entryTime, entryName: entryName, nameNode: entryClone.querySelector('.calendar-event-line-text'), timeNode: entryClone.querySelector('.calendar-event-line-time'), entryNode: entryClone, section: section, closeCallback: function() { BX.cleanNode(entryClone, true); BX.cleanNode(partWrap, true); BX.removeClass(holder, 'shifted'); holder.style.height = '1px'; }, changeDateCallback: BX.delegate(function(date) { var dayCode = this.util.getDayCode(date); if (dayCode && this.dayIndex[dayCode] !== undefined && this.days[this.dayIndex[dayCode]]) { var dayFrom = this.days[this.dayIndex[dayCode]]; partWrap.style.left = 'calc((100% / ' + this.dayCount + ') * (' + (dayFrom.dayOffset + 1) + ' - 1) + 2px)'; this.entryHolders[dayFrom.holderIndex].appendChild(partWrap); var pos = BX.pos(partWrap); BX.adjust(entryClone, { style: { width: (pos.width + 1) + 'px', height: pos.height + 'px', top : pos.top + 'px', left : pos.left + 'px' } }); } }, this), saveCallback: function() { }, changeSectionCallback: function(section) { var color = section.color; if (entryClone) { entryClone.style.background = color; entryClone.style.borderColor = color; } }, fullFormCallback: BX.delegate(this.showEditSlider, this) }); }, this), 200); }; if (window.BXEventCalendar) { window.BXEventCalendar.CalendarMonthView = MonthView; } else { BX.addCustomEvent(window, "onBXEventCalendarInit", function() { window.BXEventCalendar.CalendarMonthView = MonthView; }); } })(window);