Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/js/fileman/block_editor/ |
Current File : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/js/fileman/block_editor/helper.js |
function BXBlockEditorHelper() { } BXBlockEditorHelper.prototype.colorHexToRgb = function(color) { if(!color) { return color; } var shortFormatRegex = /^#?([a-f\d])([a-f\d])([a-f\d])$/i; color = color.replace(shortFormatRegex, function(m, r, g, b) { return r + r + g + g + b + b; }); var result = /^#?([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})$/i.exec(color); return result ? "rgb(" + parseInt(result[1], 16) + ", " + parseInt(result[2], 16) + ", " + parseInt(result[3], 16) + ")" : null; }; BXBlockEditorHelper.prototype.appendChildNode = function(node, anchorNode, before) { before = before || null; if(before) { anchorNode.parentNode.insertBefore(node, anchorNode); } else { var nextSibling = BX.findNextSibling(anchorNode); if(nextSibling) { anchorNode.parentNode.insertBefore(node, nextSibling); } else { anchorNode.parentNode.appendChild(node); } } }; BXBlockEditorHelper.prototype.colorRgbToHex = function(color) { if(!color || color.substring(0, 1) === '#') { return color; } var parsedDigits = /(.*?)rgb\(\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*\)/.exec(color); if(!parsedDigits) return null; var r = parseInt(parsedDigits[2]); var g = parseInt(parsedDigits[3]); var b = parseInt(parsedDigits[4]); var rgb = b | (g << 8) | (r << 16); var rgbString = '000000' + rgb.toString(16); rgbString = rgbString.substring(rgbString.length,rgbString.length-6); return parsedDigits[1] + '#' + rgbString; }; BXBlockEditorHelper.prototype.column = function(node, param, value) { var nodeCount = 1; var inner = BX.findParent(node, {'className': 'bxBlockInn'}, true); if(inner) { for(var i in inner.childNodes) { if(inner.childNodes[i] && inner.childNodes[i].nodeName == '#text') { BX.remove(inner.childNodes[i]); } } if(typeof value !== "undefined") { var newNode; var diffCount = inner.childNodes.length - value; if(diffCount > 0) { // remove last blocks while(diffCount > 0) { BX.remove(inner.childNodes[inner.childNodes.length-1]); diffCount--; } } else if(diffCount < 0) { // clone new blocks // remove last blocks while(diffCount < 0) { newNode = BX.clone(inner.childNodes[0]); inner.appendChild(newNode); diffCount++; } } var width = null; if(inner.childNodes.length == 3) { width = '188'; } else if(inner.childNodes.length == 2) { width = '282'; } for(var i in inner.childNodes) { if(inner.childNodes[i] && inner.childNodes[i].setAttribute) { inner.childNodes[i].setAttribute('width', width); } } } nodeCount = inner.childNodes.length; } return nodeCount.toString(); }; BXBlockEditorHelper.prototype.color = function(node, color, value) { if(typeof(value) !== "undefined") { var valueHex = value; if(value.length > 0) { value = this.colorHexToRgb(value); } this.style(node, color, value); if(color == 'background-color' && node.tagName == 'TABLE') { this.attr(node, 'bgcolor', valueHex); } } value = this.style(node, color); return this.colorRgbToHex(value); }; BXBlockEditorHelper.prototype.style = function(node, style, value) { if(!node) { return; } if(typeof(value) !== "undefined") { if(value.length > 0) node.style[style] = value; else node.style[style] = null; } return node.style[style]; }; BXBlockEditorHelper.prototype.attr = function(node, attr, value) { if(!node) { return; } if(typeof(value) !== "undefined") { if(value !== null && value.length > 0) { node.setAttribute(attr, value); } else { node.removeAttribute(attr); } } return node.getAttribute(attr); }; BXBlockEditorHelper.prototype.paddings = function(node, param, value) { if(!node) { return; } if(typeof(value) !== "undefined") { if(value == 'Y') { BX.addClass(node, 'bxBlockPadding'); } else { BX.removeClass(node, 'bxBlockPadding'); } } if(BX.hasClass(node, 'bxBlockPadding')) { return 'Y'; } else { return 'N'; } }; BXBlockEditorHelper.prototype.each = function(itemList, callback, context) { if(!BX.type.isFunction(callback)) { return; } if(!itemList || itemList.length == 0) { return; } for(var key in itemList) { if(typeof(itemList[key]) === "undefined") { return; } var item = itemList[key]; var eachContext = context || item; callback.apply(eachContext, [item, key]); } }; BXBlockEditorHelper.prototype.imageAutoWidth = function(node, nearTargetNode) { /* nearTargetNode = nearTargetNode || node; var nodeContainer = BX.findParent(nearTargetNode, {'attribute': 'data-bx-block-editor-place'}, true); var rect = nodeContainer.getBoundingClientRect(); var containerWidth = rect.right - rect.left; var imgWidth = 500; if(containerWidth > 500) imgWidth = 500; else if(containerWidth > 346) imgWidth = 346; else if(containerWidth > 264) imgWidth = 264; else imgWidth = 176; */ //node.querySelectorAll('img.bxImage') var imgList = BX.findChildren(node, {'tag': 'img'}, true); this.each(imgList, function(img){ img.removeAttribute('width'); }); var _this = this; setTimeout(function(){ _this.each(imgList, function(img){ img.setAttribute('width', img.offsetWidth); }); }, 1000); }; BXBlockEditorHelper.prototype.imageTextAlign = function(node, value) { var nodeOuter = BX.findChild(node, {'className': 'bxBlockOut'}, true); var nodeContList = BX.findChildren(nodeOuter, {'className': 'bxBlockContentItemImageText'}, true); var isFirstImg = false; if(BX.findChild(nodeContList[0], {'className': 'bxBlockContentImage'}, true)) { isFirstImg = true; } value = value || null; if(value) { var nodeImage = isFirstImg ? nodeContList[0] : nodeContList[1]; var nodeText = isFirstImg ? nodeContList[1] : nodeContList[0]; switch (value){ case 'left': nodeText.parentNode.insertBefore(nodeImage, nodeText); break; case 'right': nodeText.parentNode.appendChild(nodeImage); break; } } if(isFirstImg) result = 'left'; else result = 'right'; return result; }; BXBlockEditorHelper.prototype.imageTextPart = function(node, value) { var nodeInn = BX.findChild(node, {'className': 'bxBlockInn'}, true); var nodeContList = BX.findChildren(nodeInn, {'className': 'bxBlockContentItemImageText'}, true); var isFirstImg = false; if(nodeContList && BX.findChild(nodeContList[0], {'className': 'bxBlockContentImage'}, true)) { isFirstImg = true; } var nodeImage = isFirstImg ? nodeContList[0] : nodeContList[1]; var nodeText = isFirstImg ? nodeContList[1] : nodeContList[0]; value = value || null; var defaultValue = '1/2'; var fullWidth = 580; var nodeImageWidthDict = { '1/4': parseInt(fullWidth/4), '1/3': parseInt(fullWidth/3), '1/2': parseInt(fullWidth/2), '2/3': parseInt(2*fullWidth/3) }; var imgWidth = nodeImageWidthDict[defaultValue]; if(value) { imgWidth = nodeImageWidthDict[value]; nodeText.setAttribute('width', fullWidth - imgWidth); nodeImage.setAttribute('width', imgWidth); } var result = defaultValue; imgWidth = parseInt(nodeImage.getAttribute('width')); for(var key in nodeImageWidthDict) { if(imgWidth == nodeImageWidthDict[key]) { result = key; break; } } return result; }; BXBlockEditorHelper.prototype.imageSrc = function (node, value) { if (typeof value !== "undefined") { if (!value || value == "") { value = '/bitrix/images/fileman/block_editor/photo-default.png'; this.attr(node, 'data-bx-editor-def-image', '1'); } else { this.attr(node, 'data-bx-editor-def-image', '0'); } this.attr(node, 'src', value); //this.imageAutoWidth(node.parentNode); } if(this.attr(node, 'data-bx-editor-def-image') == '1') { return ""; } else { return this.attr(node, 'src'); } }; BXBlockEditorHelper.prototype.groupImageSrc = function (node, value) { var result = []; var itemList; var getImageContentNode = function() { var imageContainerHtml = '<table align="left" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="260">' + '<tbody><tr>' + '<td valign="top" class="bxBlockPadding bxBlockContentImage">' + '<a href="#"><img align="left" data-bx-editor-def-image="1" src="/bitrix/images/fileman/block_editor/photo-default.png" class="bxImage"></a></td>' + '</tr>' + '</tbody></table>'; // equalize the amount of image containers if(!this.imageTempContainer) { this.imageTempContainer = BX.create('DIV'); } BX.adjust(this.imageTempContainer, {'html': imageContainerHtml}); return BX.findChild(this.imageTempContainer, {}); }; if (typeof value !== "undefined") { var valueList = value.split(','); if(!value || value == "") { valueList = []; } var imageContainer; itemList = BX.findChildren(node, {}); var diffLength = valueList.length - itemList.length; var diffLengthAbs = Math.abs(diffLength); var diffDelete = diffLength < 0; if (diffLength != 0) { for (var i = 0; i < diffLengthAbs; i++) { if (diffDelete) { BX.remove(itemList.pop()); } else { imageContainer = getImageContentNode(); node.appendChild(imageContainer); } } } if(!value || value == "") { for(var i = 1; i <= 2; i++) { imageContainer = getImageContentNode(); node.appendChild(imageContainer); } } else { // set values itemList = BX.findChildren(node, {}); for (var i in itemList) { var imgNode = BX.findChild(itemList[i], {'tag': 'img'}, true); if(!imgNode) { continue; } this.attr(imgNode, 'src', valueList[i]); this.attr(imgNode, 'data-bx-editor-def-image', '0'); } } } itemList = BX.findChildren(node, {'tag': 'img'}, true); for (var i in itemList) { if(this.attr(itemList[i], 'data-bx-editor-def-image') == '1') { continue; } result.push(this.attr(itemList[i], 'src')); } return result; }; BXBlockEditorHelper.prototype.textContent = function(node, value) { if(!node) { return; } if(typeof(value) !== "undefined") { if(value.length > 0) { node.textContent = value.trim(); } else { node.textContent = ''; } } return node.textContent.trim(); }; BXBlockEditorHelper.prototype.innerHTML = function(node, value) { if(!node) { return; } if(typeof(value) !== "undefined") { if(value.length > 0) { node.innerHTML = value.trim(); } else { node.innerHTML = ''; } } return node.innerHTML.trim(); }; BXBlockEditorHelper.prototype.htmlEscape = function(str) { return String(str) .replace(/&/g, '&') .replace(/"/g, '"') .replace(/'/g, ''') .replace(/</g, '<') .replace(/>/g, '>'); };