Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/js/fileman/html_editor/ |
Current File : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/js/fileman/html_editor/html-base-controls.js |
/** * Bitrix HTML Editor 3.0 * Date: 24.04.13 * Time: 4:23 * * Taskbarmanager * Taskbar * Context Menu * Search/Replace */ ;(function() { function TaskbarManager(editor, init) { this.editor = editor; this.bShown = false; this.closedWidth = 20; this.MIN_CLOSED_WIDTH = 120; this.width = this.editor.config.taskbarWidth || 250; this.taskbars = {}; this.freezeOnclickHandler = false; if (init) { this.Init(); } } TaskbarManager.prototype = { Init: function() { this.pCont = this.editor.dom.taskbarCont; this.pCont.setAttribute('data-bx-type', 'taskbarmanager'); this.pResizer = BX('bx-html-editor-tskbr-res-' + this.editor.id); this.pResizer.setAttribute('data-bx-type', 'taskbarflip'); this.pTopCont = BX('bx-html-editor-tskbr-top-' + this.editor.id); BX.bind(this.pResizer, 'mousedown', BX.proxy(this.StartResize, this)); BX.bind(this.pCont, 'click', BX.proxy(this.OnClick, this)); // Search this.pSearchCont = BX('bxhed-tskbr-search-cnt-' + this.editor.id); this.pSearchAli = BX('bxhed-tskbr-search-ali-' + this.editor.id); this.pSearchInput = BX('bxhed-tskbr-search-inp-' + this.editor.id); this.pSearchNothingNotice = BX('bxhed-tskbr-search-nothing-' + this.editor.id); BX.bind(this.pSearchInput, 'keyup', BX.proxy(this.TaskbarSearch, this)); }, OnClick: function(e) { if (!e) e = window.event; if (this.freezeOnclickHandler) return; var _this = this, target = e.target || e.srcElement, type = (target && target.getAttribute) ? target.getAttribute('data-bx-type') : null; if (!type) { target = BX.findParent(target, function(node) { return node == _this.pCont || (node.getAttribute && node.getAttribute('data-bx-type')); }, this.pCont); type = (target && target.getAttribute) ? target.getAttribute('data-bx-type') : null; } if (type == 'taskbarflip' || (!this.bShown && (type == 'taskbarmanager' || !type))) { if (this.bShown) { this.Hide(); } else { this.Show(); } } else if(type == 'taskbargroup_title') { BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'taskbargroupTitleClick', [target]); } else if(type == 'taskbarelement') { BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'taskbarelementClick', [target]); } else if(type == 'taskbar_title_but') { BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'taskbarTitleClick', [target]); } else if(type == 'taskbar_top_menu') { BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'taskbarMenuClick', [target]); } else if(type == 'taskbar_search_cancel') { this.pSearchInput.value = ''; this.TaskbarSearch(); } }, Show: function(saveValue) { if (!this.bShown) { this.bShown = true; this.pCont.className = 'bxhtmled-taskbar-cnt bxhtmled-taskbar-shown'; } this.pCont.style.width = this.GetWidth(true) + 'px'; this.editor.ResizeSceleton(); if (saveValue !== false) { this.editor.SaveOption('taskbar_shown', 1); } }, Hide: function(saveValue) { if (this.bShown) { this.bShown = false; this.pCont.className = 'bxhtmled-taskbar-cnt bxhtmled-taskbar-hidden'; } this.pCont.style.width = this.GetWidth() + 'px'; this.editor.ResizeSceleton(); if (saveValue !== false) { this.editor.SaveOption('taskbar_shown', 0); } }, GetWidth: function(bCheck, maxWidth) { var width; if (this.bShown) { width = bCheck ? Math.max(this.width, this.closedWidth + this.MIN_CLOSED_WIDTH) : this.width; if(maxWidth && width > maxWidth) { width = this.width = Math.round(maxWidth); } } else { width = this.closedWidth; } return width; }, AddTaskbar: function(oTaskbar) { this.taskbars[oTaskbar.id] = oTaskbar; this.pCont.appendChild(oTaskbar.GetCont()); this.pTopCont.appendChild(oTaskbar.GetTitleCont()); }, ShowTaskbar: function(taskbarId) { this.pSearchInput.value = ''; for(var id in this.taskbars) { if (this.taskbars.hasOwnProperty(id)) { if (id == taskbarId) { this.taskbars[id].Activate(); this.pSearchInput.placeholder = this.taskbars[id].searchPlaceholder; } else { this.taskbars[id].Deactivate(); } this.activeTaskbarId = taskbarId; this.taskbars[id].ClearSearchResult(); } } }, GetActiveTaskbar: function() { return this.taskbars[this.activeTaskbarId]; }, StartResize: function(e) { if(!e) e = window.event; var target = e.target || e.srcElement; if (target.getAttribute('data-bx-tsk-split-but') == 'Y') return true; this.freezeOnclickHandler = true; var width = this.GetWidth(), overlay = this.editor.dom.resizerOverlay, dX = 0, newWidth, windowScroll = BX.GetWindowScrollPos(), startX = e.clientX + windowScroll.scrollLeft, _this = this; overlay.style.display = 'block'; function moveResizer(e, bFinish) { if(!e) e = window.event; var x = e.clientX + windowScroll.scrollLeft; if(startX == x) return; dX = startX - x; newWidth = width + dX; if (bFinish) { _this.width = Math.max(newWidth, _this.closedWidth + _this.MIN_CLOSED_WIDTH); if (isNaN(_this.width)) { _this.width = _this.closedWidth + _this.MIN_CLOSED_WIDTH; } } else { _this.width = newWidth; } if (newWidth > _this.closedWidth + (bFinish ? 20 : 0)) { _this.Show(); } else { _this.Hide(); } } function finishResizing(e) { moveResizer(e, true); BX.unbind(document, 'mousemove', moveResizer); BX.unbind(document, 'mouseup', finishResizing); overlay.style.display = 'none'; setTimeout(function(){_this.freezeOnclickHandler = false;}, 10); BX.PreventDefault(e); _this.editor.SaveOption('taskbar_width', _this.GetWidth(true)); } BX.bind(document, 'mousemove', moveResizer); BX.bind(document, 'mouseup', finishResizing); }, Resize: function(w, h) { var topHeight = parseInt(this.pTopCont.offsetHeight, 10); for(var id in this.taskbars) { if (this.taskbars.hasOwnProperty(id) && this.taskbars[id].pTreeCont) { this.taskbars[id].pTreeCont.style.height = (h - topHeight - 42) + 'px'; } } this.pSearchCont.style.width = w + 'px'; if (!BX.browser.IsDoctype()) { this.pSearchAli.style.width = (w - 20) + 'px'; } var _this = this; if (this.resizeTimeout) { this.resizeTimeout = clearTimeout(this.resizeTimeout); } this.resizeTimeout = setTimeout(function() { if (parseInt(_this.pTopCont.offsetHeight, 10) !== topHeight) { _this.Resize(w, h); } }, 100); }, TaskbarSearch: function(e) { var taskbar = this.GetActiveTaskbar(), value = this.pSearchInput.value; if (e && e.keyCode == this.editor.KEY_CODES['escape']) { value = this.pSearchInput.value = ''; } if (value.length < 2) { taskbar.ClearSearchResult(); } else { taskbar.Search(value); } } }; /* * * * */ function Taskbar(editor) { this.editor = editor; this.manager = this.editor.taskbarManager; this.searchIndex = []; this._searchResult = []; this._searchResultSect = []; BX.addCustomEvent(this.manager, 'taskbargroupTitleClick', BX.proxy(this.OnGroupTitleClick, this)); BX.addCustomEvent(this.manager, 'taskbarelementClick', BX.proxy(this.OnElementClick, this)); BX.addCustomEvent(this.manager, 'taskbarTitleClick', BX.proxy(this.OnTitleClick, this)); BX.addCustomEvent(this.manager, 'taskbarMenuClick', BX.proxy(this.OnMenuClick, this)); } Taskbar.prototype = { GetCont: function() { return this.pTreeCont; }, GetTitleCont: function() { return this.pTitleCont; }, BuildSceleton: function() { // Build title & menu this.pTitleCont = BX.create("span", {props: {className: "bxhtmled-split-btn"},html: '<span class="bxhtmled-split-btn-l"><span class="bxhtmled-split-btn-bg">' + this.title + '</span></span><span class="bxhtmled-split-btn-r"><span data-bx-type="taskbar_top_menu" data-bx-taskbar="' + this.id + '" class="bxhtmled-split-btn-bg"></span></span>'}); this.pTitleCont.setAttribute('data-bx-type', 'taskbar_title_but'); this.pTitleCont.setAttribute('data-bx-taskbar', this.id); this.pTreeCont = BX.create("DIV", {props: {className: "bxhtmled-taskbar-tree-cont"}}); this.pTreeInnerCont = this.pTreeCont.appendChild(BX.create("DIV", {props: {className: "bxhtmled-taskbar-tree-inner-cont"}})); }, BuildTree: function(sections, elements) { BX.cleanNode(this.pTreeCont); this.treeSectionIndex = {}; this.BuildTreeSections(sections); this.BuildTreeElements(elements); }, BuildTreeSections: function(sections) { this.sections = []; for (var i = 0; i < sections.length; i++) { this.BuildSection(sections[i]); } }, GetSectionsTreeInfo: function() { return this.sections; }, BuildSection: function(section) { var parentCont = this.GetSectionContByPath(section.path), pGroup = BX.create("DIV", {props: {className: "bxhtmled-tskbr-sect-outer"}}), pGroupTitle = pGroup.appendChild(BX.create("DIV", {props: {className: "bxhtmled-tskbr-sect"}})), icon = pGroupTitle.appendChild(BX.create("SPAN", {props: {className: "bxhtmled-tskbr-sect-icon"}})), title = pGroupTitle.appendChild(BX.create("SPAN", {props: {className: "bxhtmled-tskbr-sect-title"}, text: section.title || section.name})), childCont = pGroup.appendChild(BX.create("DIV", {props: {className: "bxhtmled-tskb-child"}})), elementsCont = pGroup.appendChild(BX.create("DIV", {props: {className: "bxhtmled-tskb-child-elements"}})); var key = section.path == '' ? section.name : section.path + ',' + section.name; var depth = section.path == '' ? 0 : 1; // Todo.... var sect = { key: key, children: [], section: section } this.treeSectionIndex[key] = { icon: icon, outerCont: pGroup, cont: pGroupTitle, childCont: childCont, elementsCont: elementsCont, sect: sect }; this.GetSectionByPath(section.path).push(sect); if (depth > 0) { BX.addClass(pGroupTitle, "bxhtmled-tskbr-sect-" + depth); BX.addClass(icon, "bxhtmled-tskbr-sect-icon-" + depth); } pGroupTitle.setAttribute('data-bx-type', 'taskbargroup_title'); pGroupTitle.setAttribute('data-bx-taskbar', this.id); pGroup.setAttribute('data-bx-type', 'taskbargroup'); pGroup.setAttribute('data-bx-path', key); pGroup.setAttribute('data-bx-taskbar', this.id); parentCont.appendChild(pGroup); }, BuildTreeElements: function(elements) { this.elements = elements; for (var i in elements) { if (elements.hasOwnProperty(i)) { this.BuildElement(elements[i]); } } }, BuildElement: function(element) { var _this = this, parentCont = this.GetSectionContByPath(element.key || element.path, true), pElement = BX.create("DIV", {props: {className: "bxhtmled-tskbr-element"}, html: '<span class="bxhtmled-tskbr-element-icon"></span><span class="bxhtmled-tskbr-element-text">' + element.title + '</span>'}); var dd = pElement.appendChild(BX.create("IMG", {props: { src: this.editor.util.GetEmptyImage(), className: "bxhtmled-drag" }})); this.HandleElementEx(pElement, dd, element); this.searchIndex.push({ content: (element.title + ' ' + element.name).toLowerCase(), element: pElement }); dd.onmousedown = function (e) { if (!e) { e = window.event; } var target = e.target || e.srcElement, bxTag = _this.editor.GetBxTag(target); return _this.OnElementMouseDownEx(e, target, bxTag); }; dd.ondblclick = function(e) { var target = e.target || e.srcElement, bxTag = _this.editor.GetBxTag(target); return _this.OnElementDoubleClick(e, target, bxTag); }; dd.ondragend = function (e) { if (!e) { e = window.event; } _this.OnDragEndHandler(e, this); }; pElement.setAttribute('data-bx-type', 'taskbarelement'); parentCont.appendChild(pElement); }, HandleElementEx: function(dd) { }, GetSectionContByPath: function(path, bElement) { if (path == '' || !this.treeSectionIndex[path]) { return this.pTreeCont; } else { return bElement ? this.treeSectionIndex[path].elementsCont : this.treeSectionIndex[path].childCont; } }, GetSectionByPath: function(path) { if (path == '' || !this.treeSectionIndex[path]) { return this.sections; } else { return this.treeSectionIndex[path].sect.children; } }, // Open or close ToggleGroup: function(cont, bOpen) { // TODO: animation var path = cont.getAttribute('data-bx-path'); if (path) { var group = this.treeSectionIndex[path]; if (!group) { return; } if (bOpen !== undefined) { group.opened = !bOpen; } if (group.opened) { BX.removeClass(group.cont, 'bxhtmled-tskbr-sect-open'); BX.removeClass(group.icon, 'bxhtmled-tskbr-sect-icon-open'); BX.removeClass(group.outerCont, 'bxhtmled-tskbr-sect-outer-open'); group.childCont.style.display = 'none'; group.elementsCont.style.display = 'none'; group.opened = false; } else { BX.addClass(group.cont, 'bxhtmled-tskbr-sect-open'); BX.addClass(group.icon, 'bxhtmled-tskbr-sect-icon-open'); BX.addClass(group.outerCont, 'bxhtmled-tskbr-sect-outer-open'); group.childCont.style.display = 'block'; group.elementsCont.style.display = group.elementsCont.childNodes.length > 0 ? 'block' : 'none'; group.opened = true; } } }, OnDragEndHandler: function(e, node) { var _this = this; this.editor.skipPasteHandler = true; this.editor.skipPasteControl = true; if (this.editor.iframeView.pasteHandlerTimeout) this.editor.iframeView.pasteHandlerTimeout = clearTimeout(this.editor.iframeView.pasteHandlerTimeout); setTimeout(function() { var dd = _this.editor.GetIframeElement(node.id); if (dd && dd.parentNode) { var sur = _this.editor.util.CheckSurrogateNode(dd.parentNode); if (sur) { _this.editor.util.InsertAfter(dd, sur); } } _this.editor.synchro.FullSyncFromIframe(); _this.editor.skipPasteHandler = false; _this.editor.skipPasteControl = false; }, 20); }, OnElementMouseDownEx: function(e) { return true; }, OnElementClick: function(e) { this.OnElementClickEx(); return true; }, OnElementClickEx: function() { return true; }, OnElementDoubleClick: function(e, target, bxTag) { if (target) { var dd = target.cloneNode(true); this.editor.Focus(); this.editor.selection.InsertNode(dd); this.editor.synchro.FullSyncFromIframe(); } }, OnGroupTitleClick: function(pElement) { if (pElement && pElement.getAttribute('data-bx-taskbar') == this.id) { return this.ToggleGroup(pElement.parentNode); } return true; }, OnTitleClick: function(pElement) { if (pElement && pElement.getAttribute('data-bx-taskbar') == this.id) { return this.manager.ShowTaskbar(this.id); } return true; }, OnMenuClick: function(pElement) { if (pElement && pElement.getAttribute('data-bx-taskbar') == this.id) return this.ShowMenu(pElement); return true; }, Activate: function() { this.pTreeCont.style.display = 'block'; this.bActive = true; return true; }, Deactivate: function() { this.pTreeCont.style.display = 'none'; this.bActive = false; return true; }, IsActive: function() { return !!this.bActive; }, ShowMenu: function(pElement) { var arItems = this.GetMenuItems(); BX.PopupMenu.destroy(this.uniqueId + "_menu"); BX.PopupMenu.show(this.uniqueId + "_menu", pElement, arItems, { overlay: {opacity: 0.1}, events: { onPopupClose: function(){BX.removeClass(this.bindElement, "bxec-add-more-over");} }, offsetLeft: 1, zIndex: 3005 } ); return true; }, GetMenuItems: function() { return []; }, Search: function(value) { this.ClearSearchResult(); var bFoundItems = false, pSect, el, i, l = this.searchIndex.length; value = BX.util.trim(value.toLowerCase()); BX.addClass(this.pTreeCont, 'bxhtmled-taskbar-tree-cont-search'); BX.addClass(this.manager.pSearchCont, 'bxhtmled-search-cont-res'); for(i = 0; i < l; i++) { el = this.searchIndex[i]; if (el.content.indexOf(value) !== -1) // Show element { bFoundItems = true; BX.addClass(el.element, 'bxhtmled-tskbr-search-res'); this._searchResult.push(el.element); pSect = BX.findParent(el.element, function(node) { return node.getAttribute && node.getAttribute('data-bx-type') == 'taskbargroup'; }, this.pTreeCont); while (pSect) { BX.addClass(pSect, 'bxhtmled-tskbr-search-res'); this.ToggleGroup(pSect, true); this._searchResultSect.push(pSect); pSect = BX.findParent(pSect, function(node) { return node.getAttribute && node.getAttribute('data-bx-type') == 'taskbargroup'; }, this.pTreeCont); } } } if (!bFoundItems) { this.manager.pSearchNothingNotice.style.display = 'block'; } }, ClearSearchResult: function() { BX.removeClass(this.pTreeCont, 'bxhtmled-taskbar-tree-cont-search'); BX.removeClass(this.manager.pSearchCont, 'bxhtmled-search-cont-res'); this.manager.pSearchNothingNotice.style.display = 'none'; var i; if (this._searchResult) { for(i = 0; i < this._searchResult.length; i++) { BX.removeClass(this._searchResult[i], 'bxhtmled-tskbr-search-res'); } this._searchResult = []; } if (this._searchResultSect) { for(i = 0; i < this._searchResultSect.length; i++) { BX.removeClass(this._searchResultSect[i], 'bxhtmled-tskbr-search-res'); this.ToggleGroup(this._searchResultSect[i], false); } this._searchResultSect = []; } }, GetId: function() { return this.id; } }; function ComponentsControl(editor) { // Call parrent constructor ComponentsControl.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); this.id = 'components'; this.title = BX.message('ComponentsTitle'); this.templateId = this.editor.templateId; this.uniqueId = 'taskbar_' + this.editor.id + '_' + this.id; this.searchPlaceholder = BX.message('BXEdCompSearchPlaceHolder'); this.Init(); } BX.extend(ComponentsControl, Taskbar); ComponentsControl.prototype.Init = function() { this.BuildSceleton(); // Build structure var list = this.editor.components.GetList(); this.BuildTree(list.groups, list.items); }; ComponentsControl.prototype.HandleElementEx = function(wrap, dd, params) { this.editor.SetBxTag(dd, {tag: "component_icon", params: params}); if (params.complex == "Y") { params.className = 'bxhtmled-surrogate-green'; BX.addClass(wrap, 'bxhtmled-tskbr-element-green'); wrap.title = BX.message('BXEdComplexComp'); } }; ComponentsControl.prototype.OnElementMouseDownEx = function(e, target, bxTag) { if (!bxTag || bxTag.tag !== 'component_icon') { return false; } this.editor.components.LoadParamsList({ name: bxTag.params.name }); }; ComponentsControl.prototype.GetMenuItems = function() { var _this = this; return [ { text : BX.message('RefreshTaskbar'), title : BX.message('RefreshTaskbar'), className : "", onclick: function() { _this.editor.componentsTaskbar.ClearSearchResult(); _this.editor.components.ReloadList(); BX.PopupMenu.destroy(_this.uniqueId + "_menu"); } } ]; }; // Editor dialog function Dialog(editor, params) { this.editor = editor; this.id = params.id; this.params = params; this.className = "bxhtmled-dialog" + (params.className ? ' ' + params.className : ''); this.zIndex = params.zIndex || 3008; this.firstFocus = false; this.Init(); } Dialog.prototype = { Init: function() { var _this = this, config = { title : this.params.title || this.params.name || '', width: this.params.width || 600, resizable: false }; if (this.params.resizable) { config.resizable = true; config.min_width = this.params.min_width || 400; config.min_height = this.params.min_height || 250; config.resize_id = this.params.resize_id || this.params.id + '_res'; } this.oDialog = new BX.CDialog(config); config.height = this.params.height || false; BX.addCustomEvent(this.oDialog, 'onWindowResize', BX.proxy(this.OnResize, this)); BX.addCustomEvent(this.oDialog, 'onWindowResizeFinished', BX.proxy(this.OnResizeFinished, this)); BX.addClass(this.oDialog.PARTS.CONTENT, this.className); // Clear dialog height for auto resizing if (!config.height) { this.oDialog.PARTS.CONTENT_DATA.style.height = null; } // Buttons this.oDialog.SetButtons([ new BX.CWindowButton( { title: BX.message('DialogSave'), className: 'adm-btn-save', action: function() { BX.onCustomEvent(_this, "OnDialogSave"); _this.oDialog.Close(); } }), this.oDialog.btnCancel ]); BX.addCustomEvent(this.oDialog, 'onWindowUnRegister', function() { BX.unbind(window, "keydown", BX.proxy(_this.OnKeyDown, _this)); _this.dialogShownTimeout = setTimeout(function(){_this.editor.dialogShown = false;}, 300); _this.RestoreWindowOverflow(); }); }, Show: function() { var _this = this; this.editor.dialogShown = true; if (this.dialogShownTimeout) { this.dialogShownTimeout = clearTimeout(this.dialogShownTimeout); } this.oDialog.Show(); this.oDialog.DIV.style.zIndex = this.zIndex; this.oDialog.OVERLAY.style.zIndex = this.zIndex - 2; var top = parseInt(this.oDialog.DIV.style.top) - 180, scrollPos = BX.GetWindowScrollPos(document), scrollTop = scrollPos.scrollTop, minTop = scrollTop + 50; this.oDialog.DIV.style.top = (top > minTop ? top : minTop) + 'px'; BX.bind(window, "keydown", BX.proxy(this.OnKeyDown, this)); this.savedBodyOverflow = this.savedScrollLeft = this.savedScrollTop = false; setTimeout(function() { // Hack for Opera if (BX.browser.IsOpera()) _this.oDialog.Move(1, 1); _this.oDialog.__resizeOverlay(); if (_this.firstFocus) { BX.focus(_this.firstFocus); if (_this.selectFirstFocus) _this.firstFocus.select(); } }, 100 ); }, BuildTabControl: function(pCont, arTabs) { var i, pTabsWrap = BX.create('DIV', {props: {className: 'bxhtmled-dlg-tabs-wrap'}}), pContWrap = BX.create('DIV', {props: {className: 'bxhtmled-dlg-cont-wrap'}}); for (i = 0; i < arTabs.length; i++) { arTabs[i].tab = pTabsWrap.appendChild(BX.create('SPAN', {props: {className: 'bxhtmled-dlg-tab' + (i == 0 ? ' bxhtmled-dlg-tab-active' : '')}, attrs: {'data-bx-dlg-tab-ind': i.toString()}, text: arTabs[i].name})); arTabs[i].cont = pContWrap.appendChild(BX.create('DIV', {props: {className: 'bxhtmled-dlg-cont'}, style: {'display' : i == 0 ? '' : 'none'}})); } BX.bind(pTabsWrap, 'click', function(e) { var ind, target = e.target || e.srcElement; if (target && target.getAttribute) { ind = parseInt(target.getAttribute('data-bx-dlg-tab-ind')); if (!isNaN(ind)) { for (i = 0; i < arTabs.length; i++) { if (i == ind) { arTabs[i].cont.style.display = ''; BX.addClass(arTabs[i].tab, 'bxhtmled-dlg-tab-active'); } else { arTabs[i].cont.style.display = 'none'; BX.removeClass(arTabs[i].tab, 'bxhtmled-dlg-tab-active'); } } } } }); pCont.appendChild(pTabsWrap); pCont.appendChild(pContWrap); return { cont: pCont, tabsWrap : pTabsWrap, contWrap : pContWrap, tabs: arTabs }; }, OnKeyDown: function(e) { if (e.keyCode == 13 && this.closeByEnter !== false) { var target = e.target || e.srcElement; if (target && target.nodeName !== 'TEXTAREA') { this.oDialog.PARAMS.buttons[0].emulate(); } } }, SetContent: function(html) { return this.oDialog.SetContent(html); }, SetTitle: function(title) { return this.oDialog.SetTitle(title); }, OnResize: function() { }, OnResizeFinished: function() { }, GetContentSize: function() { return { width : this.oDialog.PARTS.CONTENT_DATA.offsetWidth, height : this.oDialog.PARTS.CONTENT_DATA.offsetHeight }; }, Save: function() { if (this.savedRange) { this.editor.selection.SetBookmark(this.savedRange); } if (this.action && this.editor.action.IsSupported(this.action)) { this.editor.action.Exec(this.action, this.GetValues()); } }, Close: function() { if (this.IsOpen()) { this.oDialog.Close(); } }, IsOpen: function() { return this.oDialog.isOpen; }, DisableKeyCheck: function() { this.closeByEnter = false; BX.WindowManager.disableKeyCheck(); }, EnableKeyCheck: function() { var _this = this; setTimeout(function() { _this.closeByEnter = true; BX.WindowManager.enableKeyCheck(); }, 200); }, AddTableRow: function (tbl, firstCell) { var r, c1, c2; r = tbl.insertRow(-1); c1 = r.insertCell(-1); c1.className = 'bxhtmled-left-c'; if (firstCell && firstCell.label) { c1.appendChild(BX.create('LABEL', {props: {className: firstCell.required ? 'bxhtmled-req' : ''}, text: firstCell.label})).setAttribute('for', firstCell.id); } c2 = r.insertCell(-1); c2.className = 'bxhtmled-right-c'; return {row: r, leftCell: c1, rightCell: c2}; }, SetValues: BX.DoNothing, GetValues: BX.DoNothing, CheckSize: function(timeout) { var _this = this; if (this.checkSizeTimeout) this.checkSizeTimeout = clearTimeout(this.checkSizeTimeout); if (timeout !== true) { this.checkSizeTimeout = setTimeout(function() { _this.CheckSize(true); }, 50); return; } var innerSize = BX.GetWindowInnerSize(document), dialogBottom = this.oDialog.DIV.offsetHeight + 50; if (dialogBottom >= innerSize.innerHeight) { var scrollPos = BX.GetWindowScrollPos(document); this.savedBodyOverflow = document.body.style.overflow; this.savedScrollTop = scrollPos.scrollTop; this.savedScrollLeft = scrollPos.scrollLeft; document.body.style.overflow = "auto"; if (this.editor.expanded) BX.unbind(window, "scroll", BX.proxy(this.editor.PreventScroll, this.editor)); } else { this.RestoreWindowOverflow(); } }, RestoreWindowOverflow: function() { if (this.savedBodyOverflow !== false) { document.body.style.overflow = this.savedBodyOverflow; this.savedBodyOverflow = false; } if (this.savedScrollTop !== false) { window.scrollTo(this.savedScrollLeft, this.savedScrollTop); this.savedScrollLeft = this.savedScrollTop = false; } if (this.editor.expanded) BX.bind(window, "scroll", BX.proxy(this.editor.PreventScroll, this.editor)); } }; function ContextMenu(editor) { this.editor = editor; BX.addCustomEvent(this.editor, 'OnIframeContextMenu', BX.delegate(this.Show, this)); this.Init(); } ContextMenu.prototype = { Init: function() { var _this = this, defaultItem = { TEXT: BX.message('ContMenuDefProps'), ACTION: function() { _this.editor.selection.SetBookmark(_this.savedRange); _this.editor.GetDialog('Default').Show(false, _this.savedRange); _this.Hide(); } }; // Remove format ? // Replace Node by children ? this.items = { // Surrogates 'php' : [ { TEXT: BX.message('BXEdContMenuPhpCode'), ACTION: function() { var items = _this.GetTargetItem(); if (items && items.php) { _this.editor.GetDialog('Source').Show(items.php.bxTag); } _this.Hide(); } } ], 'anchor' : [ { TEXT: BX.message('BXEdEditAnchor'), ACTION: function() { var items = _this.GetTargetItem(); if (items && items.anchor) { _this.editor.GetDialog('Anchor').Show(items.anchor.bxTag); } _this.Hide(); } } ], 'javascript' : [ { TEXT: BX.message('BXEdContMenuJavascript'), ACTION: function() { var items = _this.GetTargetItem(); if (items && items.javascript) { _this.editor.GetDialog('Source').Show(items.javascript.bxTag); } _this.Hide(); } } ], 'htmlcomment' : [ { TEXT: BX.message('BXEdContMenuHtmlComment'), ACTION: function() { var items = _this.GetTargetItem(); if (items && items.htmlcomment) { _this.editor.GetDialog('Source').Show(items.htmlcomment.bxTag); } _this.Hide(); } } ], 'iframe' : [ { TEXT: BX.message('BXEdContMenuIframe'), ACTION: function() { var items = _this.GetTargetItem(); if (items && items.iframe) { _this.editor.GetDialog('Source').Show(items.iframe.bxTag); } _this.Hide(); } } ], 'style' : [ { TEXT: BX.message('BXEdContMenuStyle'), ACTION: function() { var items = _this.GetTargetItem(); if (items && items.style) { _this.editor.GetDialog('Source').Show(items.style.bxTag); } _this.Hide(); } } ], 'object' : [ { TEXT: BX.message('BXEdContMenuObject'), ACTION: function() { var items = _this.GetTargetItem(); if (items && items.object) { _this.editor.GetDialog('Source').Show(items.object.bxTag); } _this.Hide(); } } ], 'component' : [ { TEXT: BX.message('BXEdContMenuComponent'), ACTION: function() { var items = _this.GetTargetItem(); if (items && items.component) { // Show dialog _this.editor.components.ShowPropertiesDialog(items.component.bxTag.params, _this.editor.GetBxTag(items.component.bxTag.surrogateId)); } _this.Hide(); } }, { TEXT: BX.message('BXEdContMenuComponentRemove'), ACTION: function() { var items = _this.GetTargetItem(); if (items && items.component) { BX.remove(items.component.element); } _this.Hide(); } } ], 'printbreak' : [ { TEXT: BX.message('NodeRemove'), ACTION: function(e) { var node = _this.GetTargetItem('printbreak'); if (node && node.element) { _this.editor.selection.RemoveNode(node.element); } _this.Hide(); } } ], 'video': [ { TEXT: BX.message('BXEdVideoProps'), bbMode: true, ACTION: function() { var node = _this.GetTargetItem('video'); if (node) { _this.editor.GetDialog('Video').Show(node.bxTag); } _this.Hide(); } }, { TEXT: BX.message('BXEdVideoDel'), bbMode: true, ACTION: function(e) { var node = _this.GetTargetItem('video'); if (node && node.element) { _this.editor.selection.RemoveNode(node.element); } _this.Hide(); } } ], 'smile' : [], // Nodes 'A' : [ { TEXT: BX.message('ContMenuLinkEdit'), bbMode: true, ACTION: function() { var node = _this.GetTargetItem('A'); if (node) { _this.editor.GetDialog('Link').Show([node], this.savedRange); } _this.Hide(); } }, { TEXT: BX.message('ContMenuLinkDel'), bbMode: true, ACTION: function() { var link = _this.GetTargetItem('A'); if (link && _this.editor.action.IsSupported('removeLink')) { _this.editor.action.Exec('removeLink', [link]); } _this.Hide(); } } ], 'IMG': [ { TEXT: BX.message('ContMenuImgEdit'), bbMode: true, ACTION: function() { var node = _this.GetTargetItem('IMG'); if (node) { _this.editor.GetDialog('Image').Show([node], _this.savedRange); } _this.Hide(); } }, { TEXT: BX.message('ContMenuImgDel'), bbMode: true, ACTION: function() { var node = _this.GetTargetItem('IMG'); if (node) { _this.editor.selection.RemoveNode(node); } _this.Hide(); } } ], 'DIV': [ { TEXT: BX.message('ContMenuCleanDiv'), title: BX.message('ContMenuCleanDiv_Title'), ACTION: function() { var node = _this.GetTargetItem('DIV'); if (node) { _this.editor.On('OnHtmlContentChangedByControl'); _this.editor.util.ReplaceWithOwnChildren(node); _this.editor.synchro.FullSyncFromIframe(); } _this.Hide(); } }, defaultItem ], 'TABLE': [ { TEXT: BX.message('BXEdTableInsertMenu'), HIDE_ITEM: function() { var cells = _this.editor.action.actions.tableOperation.getSelectedCells(_this.savedRange, _this.GetTargetItem('TABLE')); return !cells || cells.length != 1; }, MENU: [ // Column { TEXT: BX.message('BXEdTableInsColLeft'), ACTION: function() { _this.editor.action.Exec('tableOperation', { actionType: 'insertColumnLeft', tableNode: _this.GetTargetItem('TABLE'), range: _this.savedRange }); _this.Hide(); } }, { TEXT: BX.message('BXEdTableInsColRight'), ACTION: function() { _this.editor.action.Exec('tableOperation', { actionType: 'insertColumnRight', tableNode: _this.GetTargetItem('TABLE'), range: _this.savedRange }); _this.Hide(); } }, // Row { TEXT: BX.message('BXEdTableInsRowUpper'), ACTION: function() { _this.editor.action.Exec('tableOperation', { actionType: 'insertRowUpper', tableNode: _this.GetTargetItem('TABLE'), range: _this.savedRange }); _this.Hide(); } }, { TEXT: BX.message('BXEdTableInsRowLower'), ACTION: function() { _this.editor.action.Exec('tableOperation', { actionType: 'insertRowLower', tableNode: _this.GetTargetItem('TABLE'), range: _this.savedRange }); _this.Hide(); } }, // Cell { TEXT: BX.message('BXEdTableInsCellBefore'), ACTION: function() { _this.editor.action.Exec('tableOperation', { actionType: 'insertCellLeft', tableNode: _this.GetTargetItem('TABLE'), range: _this.savedRange }); _this.Hide(); } }, { TEXT: BX.message('BXEdTableInsCellAfter'), ACTION: function() { _this.editor.action.Exec('tableOperation', { actionType: 'insertCellRight', tableNode: _this.GetTargetItem('TABLE'), range: _this.savedRange }); _this.Hide(); } } ] }, { TEXT: BX.message('BXEdTableRemoveMenu'), MENU: [ { TEXT: BX.message('BXEdTableDelCol'), ACTION: function() { _this.editor.action.Exec('tableOperation', { actionType: 'removeColumn', tableNode: _this.GetTargetItem('TABLE'), range: _this.savedRange }); _this.Hide(); }, HIDE_ITEM: function() { var cells = _this.editor.action.actions.tableOperation.getSelectedCells(_this.savedRange, _this.GetTargetItem('TABLE')); return !cells || cells.length != 1; } }, { TEXT: BX.message('BXEdTableDelRow'), ACTION: function() { _this.editor.action.Exec('tableOperation', { actionType: 'removeRow', tableNode: _this.GetTargetItem('TABLE'), range: _this.savedRange }); _this.Hide(); }, HIDE_ITEM: function() { var cells = _this.editor.action.actions.tableOperation.getSelectedCells(_this.savedRange, _this.GetTargetItem('TABLE')); return !cells || cells.length != 1; } }, { TEXT: BX.message('BXEdTableDellCell'), ACTION: function() { _this.editor.action.Exec('tableOperation', { actionType: 'removeCell', tableNode: _this.GetTargetItem('TABLE'), range: _this.savedRange }); _this.Hide(); }, HIDE_ITEM: function() { var cells = _this.editor.action.actions.tableOperation.getSelectedCells(_this.savedRange, _this.GetTargetItem('TABLE')); return !cells || cells.length != 1; } }, { TEXT: BX.message('BXEdTableDellSelectedCells'), ACTION: function() { _this.editor.action.Exec('tableOperation', { actionType: 'removeSelectedCells', tableNode: _this.GetTargetItem('TABLE'), range: _this.savedRange }); _this.Hide(); }, HIDE_ITEM: function() { var cells = _this.editor.action.actions.tableOperation.getSelectedCells(_this.savedRange, _this.GetTargetItem('TABLE')); return !cells || cells.length === 1; } } ] }, { TEXT: BX.message('BXEdTableMergeMenu'), MENU: [ { TEXT: BX.message('BXEdTableMergeSelectedCells'), ACTION: function() { _this.editor.action.Exec('tableOperation', { actionType: 'mergeSelectedCells', tableNode: _this.GetTargetItem('TABLE'), range: _this.savedRange }); _this.Hide(); }, HIDE_ITEM: function() { if (!_this.savedRange.collapsed) { return !_this.editor.action.actions.tableOperation.canBeMerged(false, _this.savedRange, _this.GetTargetItem('TABLE')); } return true; } }, { TEXT: BX.message('BXEdTableMergeRight'), ACTION: function() { _this.editor.action.Exec('tableOperation', { actionType: 'mergeRightCell', tableNode: _this.GetTargetItem('TABLE'), range: _this.savedRange }); _this.Hide(); }, HIDE_ITEM: function() { return !_this.editor.action.actions.tableOperation.canBeMergedWithRight(_this.savedRange, _this.GetTargetItem('TABLE')); } }, { TEXT: BX.message('BXEdTableMergeBottom'), ACTION: function() { _this.editor.action.Exec('tableOperation', { actionType: 'mergeBottomCell', tableNode: _this.GetTargetItem('TABLE'), range: _this.savedRange }); _this.Hide(); }, HIDE_ITEM: function() { return !_this.editor.action.actions.tableOperation.canBeMergedWithBottom(_this.savedRange, _this.GetTargetItem('TABLE')); } }, { TEXT: BX.message('BXEdTableMergeRowCells'), ACTION: function() { _this.editor.action.Exec('tableOperation', { actionType: 'mergeRow', tableNode: _this.GetTargetItem('TABLE'), range: _this.savedRange }); _this.Hide(); }, HIDE_ITEM: function() { var cells = _this.editor.action.actions.tableOperation.getSelectedCells(_this.savedRange, _this.GetTargetItem('TABLE')); return !cells || cells.length > 1; } }, { TEXT: BX.message('BXEdTableMergeColCells'), ACTION: function() { _this.editor.action.Exec('tableOperation', { actionType: 'mergeColumn', tableNode: _this.GetTargetItem('TABLE'), range: _this.savedRange }); _this.Hide(); }, HIDE_ITEM: function() { var cells = _this.editor.action.actions.tableOperation.getSelectedCells(_this.savedRange, _this.GetTargetItem('TABLE')); return !cells || cells.length > 1; } } ] }, { TEXT: BX.message('BXEdTableSplitMenu'), HIDE_ITEM: function() { var cells = _this.editor.action.actions.tableOperation.getSelectedCells(_this.savedRange, _this.GetTargetItem('TABLE')); return !cells || cells.length != 1; }, MENU: [ { TEXT: BX.message('BXEdTableSplitCellHor'), ACTION: function() { _this.editor.action.Exec('tableOperation', { actionType: 'splitHorizontally', tableNode: _this.GetTargetItem('TABLE'), range: _this.savedRange }); _this.Hide(); } }, { TEXT: BX.message('BXEdTableSplitCellVer'), ACTION: function() { _this.editor.action.Exec('tableOperation', { actionType: 'splitVertically', tableNode: _this.GetTargetItem('TABLE'), range: _this.savedRange }); _this.Hide(); } } ] }, {SEPARATOR: true}, { TEXT: BX.message('BXEdTableTableCellProps'), ACTION: function() { var node = _this.GetTargetItem('TABLE'); if (node) { var cells = _this.editor.action.actions.tableOperation.getSelectedCells(_this.savedRange, _this.GetTargetItem('TABLE')); _this.editor.GetDialog('Default').Show(cells, _this.savedRange); } _this.Hide(); }, HIDE_ITEM: function() { var cells = _this.editor.action.actions.tableOperation.getSelectedCells(_this.savedRange, _this.GetTargetItem('TABLE')); return !cells || cells.length != 1; } }, { TEXT: BX.message('BXEdTableTableProps'), ACTION: function() { var node = _this.GetTargetItem('TABLE'); if (node) { _this.editor.GetDialog('Table').Show([node], _this.savedRange); } _this.Hide(); } }, { TEXT: BX.message('BXEdTableDeleteTable'), bbMode: true, ACTION: function() { var node = _this.GetTargetItem('TABLE'); if (node) { _this.editor.selection.RemoveNode(node); } _this.Hide(); } } ], // ... 'DEFAULT': [defaultItem] }; }, Show: function(e, target, collapsedSelection) { this.savedRange = this.editor.selection.GetBookmark(); this.Hide(); this.editor.contextMenuShown = true; if (this.contextMenuShownTimeout) { this.contextMenuShownTimeout = clearTimeout(this.contextMenuShownTimeout); } this.nodes = []; this.tagIndex = {}; var bxTag, i, j, k, menuItems, item, itemGr, arItems = [], maxIter = 20, iter = 0, element = target, label; this.targetItems = {}; while (true) { if (element.nodeName && element.nodeName.toUpperCase() != 'BODY') { if (element.nodeType != 3) { bxTag = this.editor.GetBxTag(element); if (bxTag && bxTag.tag == 'surrogate_dd') { var origTag = this.editor.GetBxTag(bxTag.params.origId); element = this.editor.GetIframeElement(origTag.id); this.PushTargetItem(origTag.tag, {element: element, bxTag: origTag}); this.nodes = [element]; this.tagIndex[origTag.tag] = 0; iter = 0; element = element.parentNode; continue; } else if (bxTag && bxTag.tag && this.items[bxTag.tag]) { this.nodes = [element]; this.PushTargetItem(bxTag.tag, {element: element, bxTag: bxTag.tag}); this.nodes = [element]; this.tagIndex[bxTag.tag] = 0; iter = 0; element = element.parentNode; continue; } label = element.nodeName; this.PushTargetItem(label, element); this.nodes.push(element); this.tagIndex[label] = this.nodes.length - 1; } iter++; } if (!element || element.nodeName && element.nodeName.toUpperCase() == 'BODY' || iter >= maxIter) { break; } element = element.parentNode; } for (i in this.items) { if (this.items.hasOwnProperty(i) && this.tagIndex[i] != undefined) { if (arItems.length > 0) { arItems.push({SEPARATOR : true}); } for (j = 0; j < this.items[i].length; j++) { if (typeof this.items[i][j].HIDE_ITEM == 'function' && this.items[i][j].HIDE_ITEM() === true) continue; if (this.editor.bbCode && !this.items[i][j].bbMode) continue; if (this.items[i][j].MENU) { itemGr = BX.clone(this.items[i][j]); menuItems = []; for (k = 0; k < itemGr.MENU.length; k++) { item = itemGr.MENU[k]; if (typeof item.HIDE_ITEM == 'function' && item.HIDE_ITEM() === true) continue; if (this.editor.bbCode && !item.bbMode) continue; menuItems.push(item); } if (menuItems.length === 0) continue; itemGr.MENU = menuItems; arItems.push(itemGr); } else { arItems.push(this.items[i][j]); } } } } if (arItems.length == 0 && (!this.editor.bbCode || this.items['DEFAULT'].bbMode)) { if (!this.savedRange || (!this.savedRange.collapsed && !collapsedSelection)) { for (j = 0; j < this.items['DEFAULT'].length; j++) { arItems.push(this.items['DEFAULT'][j]); } } } var x = e.clientX, y = e.clientY; if (!this.dummyTarget) { this.dummyTarget = this.editor.dom.iframeCont.appendChild(BX.create('DIV', {props: {className: 'bxhtmled-dummy-target'}})); } this.dummyTarget.style.left = x + 'px'; this.dummyTarget.style.top = y + 'px'; this.dummyTarget.style.zIndex = '2002'; if (arItems.length > 0) { this.OPENER = new BX.COpener({ DIV: this.dummyTarget, MENU: arItems, TYPE: 'click', ACTIVE_CLASS: 'adm-btn-active', CLOSE_ON_CLICK: true }); this.OPENER.Open(); var popupDiv = this.OPENER.GetMenu().DIV; popupDiv.style.zIndex = '3005'; popupDiv.id = 'bx-admin-prefix'; BX.addClass(popupDiv, 'bx-core-popup-menu-editor'); this.isOpened = true; BX.addCustomEvent(this.editor, 'OnIframeClick', BX.proxy(this.Hide, this)); BX.addCustomEvent(this.editor, 'OnIframeKeyup', BX.proxy(this.CheckEscapeClose, this)); return BX.PreventDefault(e); } }, Hide: function() { if (this.OPENER) { var _this = this; this.contextMenuShownTimeout = setTimeout(function(){_this.editor.contextMenuShown = false;}, 300); this.OPENER.bMenuInit = true; this.OPENER.Close(); this.isOpened = false; BX.removeCustomEvent(this.editor, 'OnIframeClick', BX.proxy(this.Hide, this)); BX.removeCustomEvent(this.editor, 'OnIframeKeyup', BX.proxy(this.CheckEscapeClose, this)); } }, CheckEscapeClose: function(e, keyCode) { if (keyCode == this.editor.KEY_CODES['escape']) this.Hide(); }, GetTargetItem: function(tag) { return tag ? (this.targetItems[tag] || null) : this.targetItems; }, PushTargetItem: function(key, tag) { if (!this.targetItems[key]) this.targetItems[key] = tag; } }; function Toolbar(editor, topControls) { this.editor = editor; this.pCont = editor.dom.toolbar; this.controls = {}; this.bCompact = false; this.topControls = topControls; this.showMoreButton = false; this.shown = true; this.height = 34; this.Init(); } Toolbar.prototype = { Init: function() { this.BuildControls(); // Init Event handlers BX.addCustomEvent(this.editor, "OnIframeFocus", BX.delegate(this.EnableWysiwygButtons, this)); BX.addCustomEvent(this.editor, "OnTextareaFocus", BX.delegate(this.DisableWysiwygButtons, this)); }, BuildControls: function() { BX.cleanNode(this.pCont); var i, wrap, moreCont, cont, map = this.GetControlsMap(), wraps = { left: this.pCont.appendChild(BX.create('span', {props: {className: 'bxhtmled-top-bar-left-wrap'}, style: {display: 'none'}})), main: this.pCont.appendChild(BX.create('span', {props: {className: 'bxhtmled-top-bar-wrap'}, style: {display: 'none'}})), right: this.pCont.appendChild(BX.create('span', {props: {className: 'bxhtmled-top-bar-right-wrap'}, style: {display: 'none'}})), hidden: this.pCont.appendChild(BX.create('span', {props: {className: 'bxhtmled-top-bar-hidden-wrap'}})) }; this.hiddenWrap = wraps.hidden; this.editor.normalWidth = this.editor.NORMAL_WIDTH; for (i = 0; i < map.length; i++) { if(map[i].hidden) { map[i].wrap = 'hidden'; this.showMoreButton = true; } else if (map[i].checkWidth && map[i].offsetWidth) { this.editor.normalWidth += map[i].offsetWidth; } wrap = wraps[(map[i].wrap || 'main')]; if (!wrap) { // We trying to find wrap as dom element by Id wrap = BX(map[i].wrap); if (wrap) { wraps[map[i].wrap] = wrap; } else { wrap = wraps['main']; } } if (wrap.style.display == 'none') wrap.style.display = ''; if (map[i].separator) { wrap.appendChild(this.GetSeparator()); // Show separator } else if(this.topControls[map[i].id]) { if (!this.controls[map[i].id]) { this.controls[map[i].id] = new this.topControls[map[i].id](this.editor, wrap); } else { cont = this.controls[map[i].id].GetPopupBindCont ? this.controls[map[i].id].GetPopupBindCont() : this.controls[map[i].id].GetCont(); if (this.controls[map[i].id].CheckBeforeShow && !this.controls[map[i].id].CheckBeforeShow()) continue; if (this.controls.More && ((this.bCompact && !map[i].compact) || map[i].hidden)) { if (!moreCont) { moreCont = this.controls.More.GetPopupCont(); } moreCont.appendChild(cont); } else { wrap.appendChild(cont); } } } } for (i in wraps) { if (wraps.hasOwnProperty(i) && i !== 'main' && i !== 'left' && i !== 'right' && i !== 'hidden' && wraps[i].getAttribute('data-bx-check-command') !== 'N') { wraps[i].setAttribute('data-bx-check-command', 'N'); BX.bind(wraps[i], "click", BX.proxy(function(e) { this.editor.CheckCommand(e.target || e.srcElement); }, this)); } } }, GetControlsMap: function() { if (this.controlsMap) return this.controlsMap; var res = this.editor.config.controlsMap; if (!res) { res = [ //{id: 'SearchButton', wrap: 'left', compact: true}, {id: 'ChangeView', wrap: 'left', compact: true, sort: 10}, {id: 'Undo', compact: false, sort: 20}, {id: 'Redo', compact: false, sort: 30}, {id: 'StyleSelector', compact: true, sort: 40}, {id: 'FontSelector', compact: false, sort: 50}, {id: 'FontSize', compact: false, sort: 60}, {separator: true, compact: false, sort: 70}, {id: 'Bold', compact: true, sort: 80}, {id: 'Italic', compact: true, sort: 90}, {id: 'Underline', compact: true, sort: 100}, {id: 'Strikeout', compact: true, sort: 110}, {id: 'RemoveFormat', compact: true, sort: 120}, {id: 'Color', compact: true, sort: 130}, {separator: true, compact: false, sort: 140}, {id: 'OrderedList', compact: true, sort: 150}, {id: 'UnorderedList', compact: true, sort: 160}, {id: 'IndentButton', compact: true, sort: 170}, {id: 'OutdentButton', compact: true, sort: 180}, {id: 'AlignList',compact: true, sort: 190}, {separator: true, compact: false, sort: 200}, {id: 'InsertLink', compact: true, sort: 210}, {id: 'InsertImage', compact: true, sort: 220}, {id: 'InsertVideo', compact: true, sort: 230}, {id: 'InsertAnchor', compact: false, sort: 240}, {id: 'InsertTable', compact: false, sort: 250}, {id: 'InsertChar', compact: false, hidden: true, sort: 260}, {id: 'PrintBreak', compact: false, hidden: true, sort: 270}, {id: 'PageBreak', compact: false, hidden: true, sort: 275}, {id: 'Spellcheck', compact: false, hidden: true, sort: 280}, {id: 'InsertHr', compact: false, hidden: true, sort: 290}, {id: 'Sub', compact: false, hidden: true, sort: 310}, {id: 'Sup', compact: false, hidden: true, sort: 320}, {id: 'TemplateSelector', compact: false, sort: 330}, {id: 'Fullscreen', compact: true, sort: 340}, {id: 'More', compact: true, sort: 400}, {id: 'Settings', wrap: 'right', compact: true, sort: 500} ]; } this.editor.On("GetControlsMap", [res]); res = res.sort(function(a, b){return a.sort - b.sort}); this.controlsMap = res; return res; }, GetSeparator: function() { return BX.create('span', {props: {className: 'bxhtmled-top-bar-separator'}}); }, GetHeight: function() { var res = 0; if (this.shown) { if (!this.height) this.height = parseInt(this.editor.dom.toolbarCont.offsetHeight); res = this.height; } return res; }, DisableWysiwygButtons: function(bDisable) { bDisable = bDisable !== false; for (var i in this.controls) { if (this.controls.hasOwnProperty(i) && typeof this.controls[i].Disable == 'function' && this.controls[i].disabledForTextarea !== false) this.controls[i].Disable(bDisable); } }, EnableWysiwygButtons: function() { this.DisableWysiwygButtons(false); }, AdaptControls: function(width) { var bCompact = width < this.editor.normalWidth; if (this.controls.More) { if (bCompact || this.showMoreButton) { this.controls.More.GetCont().style.display = ''; } else { this.controls.More.GetCont().style.display = 'none'; } if (this.controls.More.pCont && this.controls.More.pCont.style.display !== 'none') this.controls.More.Close(); } if (!bCompact && this.showMoreButton) { var moreCont = this.controls.More.GetPopupCont(); while (this.hiddenWrap.firstChild) { moreCont.appendChild(this.hiddenWrap.firstChild); } } if (this.bCompact != bCompact) { this.bCompact = bCompact; this.BuildControls(); } }, Hide: function() { this.shown = false; this.editor.dom.toolbarCont.style.display = 'none'; this.editor.ResizeSceleton(); }, Show: function() { this.shown = true; this.editor.dom.toolbarCont.style.display = ''; this.editor.ResizeSceleton(); }, IsShown: function() { return this.shown; } }; function NodeNavi(editor) { this.editor = editor; this.bShown = false; this.pCont = editor.dom.navCont; this.controls = {}; this.height = 28; this.Init(); } NodeNavi.prototype = { Init: function() { BX.addCustomEvent(this.editor, "OnIframeMouseDown", BX.proxy(this.OnIframeMousedown, this)); BX.addCustomEvent(this.editor, "OnIframeKeyup", BX.proxy(this.OnIframeKeyup, this)); BX.addCustomEvent(this.editor, "OnTextareaFocus", BX.delegate(this.Disable, this)); BX.addCustomEvent(this.editor, "OnHtmlContentChangedByControl", BX.delegate(this.OnIframeKeyup, this)); BX.bind(this.pCont, 'click', BX.delegate(this.ShowMenu, this)); var _this = this; this.items = { // Surrogates 'php' : function(node, bxTag) { _this.editor.GetDialog('Source').Show(bxTag); }, 'anchor' : function(node, bxTag) { _this.editor.GetDialog('Anchor').Show(bxTag); }, 'javascript' : function(node, bxTag) { _this.editor.GetDialog('Source').Show(bxTag); }, 'htmlcomment' : function(node, bxTag) { _this.editor.GetDialog('Source').Show(bxTag); }, 'iframe' : function(node, bxTag) { _this.editor.GetDialog('Source').Show(bxTag); }, 'style' : function(node, bxTag) { _this.editor.GetDialog('Source').Show(bxTag); }, 'video' : function(node, bxTag) { _this.editor.GetDialog('Video').Show(bxTag); }, 'component' : function(node, bxTag) { _this.editor.components.ShowPropertiesDialog(bxTag.params, _this.editor.GetBxTag(bxTag.surrogateId)); }, 'printbreak' : false, // Nodes 'A' : function(node) { _this.editor.GetDialog('Link').Show([node]); }, 'IMG' : function(node) { _this.editor.GetDialog('Image').Show([node]); }, 'TABLE' : function(node) { _this.editor.GetDialog('Table').Show([node]); }, 'DEFAULT' : function(node) { _this.editor.GetDialog('Default').Show([node]); } }; }, Show: function(bShow) { this.bShown = bShow = bShow !== false; this.pCont.style.display = bShow ? 'block' : 'none'; }, GetHeight: function() { if (!this.bShown) return 0; if (!this.height) this.height = parseInt(this.pCont.offsetHeight); return this.height; }, OnIframeMousedown: function(e, target, bxTag) { this.BuildNavi(target); }, OnIframeKeyup: function(e, keyCode, target) { this.BuildNavi(target); }, BuildNavi: function(node) { BX.cleanNode(this.pCont); if (!node) { node = this.editor.GetIframeDoc().body; } this.nodeIndex = []; var itemCont, label, bxTag; while (node) { if (node.nodeType != 3) { bxTag = this.editor.GetBxTag(node); if (bxTag.tag) { if (bxTag.tag == "surrogate_dd") { node = node.parentNode; continue; } BX.cleanNode(this.pCont); this.nodeIndex = []; label = bxTag.name || bxTag.tag; } else { label = node.nodeName; } itemCont = BX.create("SPAN", {props: {className: "bxhtmled-nav-item"}, text: label}); itemCont.setAttribute('data-bx-node-ind', this.nodeIndex.length.toString()); this.nodeIndex.push({node: node, bxTag: bxTag.tag}); if (this.pCont.firstChild) { this.pCont.insertBefore(itemCont, this.pCont.firstChild); if(!this.AdjustSize()) { break; } } else { this.pCont.appendChild(itemCont); } } if (node.nodeName && node.nodeName.toUpperCase() == 'BODY') { break; } node = node.parentNode; } this.AdjustSize(); }, AdjustSize: function() { if (this.pCont.lastChild && this.pCont.lastChild.offsetTop > 0) { BX.remove(this.pCont.firstChild); return false; } return true; }, ShowMenu: function(e) { if (!this.nodeIndex) { return; } var _this = this, nodeIndex, origNode, target; if (e.target) { target = e.target; } else if (e.srcElement) { target = e.srcElement; } if (target.nodeType == 3) { target = target.parentNode; } if (target) { nodeIndex = target.getAttribute('data-bx-node-ind'); if (!this.nodeIndex[nodeIndex]) { target = BX.findParent(target, function(node) { return node == _this.pCont || (node.getAttribute && node.getAttribute('data-bx-node-ind') >= 0); }, this.pCont); nodeIndex = target.getAttribute('data-bx-node-ind') } if (this.nodeIndex[nodeIndex]) { var id = 'bx_node_nav_' + Math.round(Math.random() * 1000000000); origNode = this.nodeIndex[nodeIndex].node; var arItems = []; if (origNode.nodeName && origNode.nodeName.toUpperCase() != 'BODY') { if (!this.nodeIndex[nodeIndex].bxTag || !this.editor.phpParser.surrogateTags[this.nodeIndex[nodeIndex].bxTag]) { arItems.push({ text : BX.message('NodeSelect'), title : BX.message('NodeSelect'), className : "", onclick: function() { _this.editor.action.Exec('selectNode', origNode); this.popupWindow.close(); this.popupWindow.destroy(); } }); } arItems.push({ text : BX.message('NodeRemove'), title : BX.message('NodeRemove'), className : "", onclick: function() { if (origNode && origNode.parentNode) { _this.BuildNavi(origNode.parentNode); _this.editor.selection.RemoveNode(origNode); } this.popupWindow.close(); this.popupWindow.destroy(); } }); var showProps = !(this.nodeIndex[nodeIndex] && this.nodeIndex[nodeIndex].bxTag && this.items[this.nodeIndex[nodeIndex].bxTag] == false); if (showProps) { arItems.push({ text : BX.message('NodeProps'), title : BX.message('NodeProps'), className : "", onclick: function() { _this.ShowNodeProperties(origNode); this.popupWindow.close(); this.popupWindow.destroy(); } }); } } else { arItems = [ { text : BX.message('NodeSelectBody'), title : BX.message('NodeSelectBody'), className : "", onclick: function() { _this.editor.iframeView.CheckContentLastChild(); _this.editor.action.Exec('selectNode', origNode); _this.editor.Focus(); this.popupWindow.close(); this.popupWindow.destroy(); } }, { text : BX.message('NodeRemoveBodyContent'), title : BX.message('NodeRemoveBodyContent'), className : "", onclick: function() { _this.BuildNavi(origNode); _this.editor.On('OnHtmlContentChangedByControl'); _this.editor.iframeView.Clear(); _this.editor.util.Refresh(origNode); _this.editor.synchro.FullSyncFromIframe(); _this.editor.Focus(); this.popupWindow.close(); this.popupWindow.destroy(); } } ]; } BX.PopupMenu.show(id + "_menu", target, arItems, { overlay: {opacity: 1}, events: { onPopupClose: function() { //BX.removeClass(this.bindElement, "bxec-add-more-over"); } }, offsetLeft: 1, zIndex: 4000, bindOptions: { position: "top" } } ); } } }, ShowNodeProperties: function(node) { var bxTag, key; if (node.nodeName && node.nodeType == 1) { bxTag = this.editor.GetBxTag(node); key = bxTag.tag ? bxTag.tag : node.nodeName; if (this.items[key] && typeof this.items[key] == 'function') { this.items[key](node, bxTag); } else { this.items['DEFAULT'](node, bxTag); } } }, // TODO: hide it ?? Disable: function() { this.BuildNavi(false); }, Enable: function() { } }; function Overlay(editor, params) { this.editor = editor; this.id = 'bxeditor_overlay' + this.editor.id; this.zIndex = params && params.zIndex ? params.zIndex : 3001; } Overlay.prototype = { Create: function () { this.bCreated = true; this.bShown = false; var ws = BX.GetWindowScrollSize(); this.pWnd = document.body.appendChild(BX.create("DIV", {props: {id: this.id, className: "bxhtmled-overlay"}, style: {zIndex: this.zIndex, width: ws.scrollWidth + "px", height: ws.scrollHeight + "px"}})); this.pWnd.ondrag = BX.False; this.pWnd.onselectstart = BX.False; }, Show: function(arParams) { if (!this.bCreated) this.Create(); this.bShown = true; if (this.shownTimeout) { this.shownTimeout = clearTimeout(this.shownTimeout); } var ws = BX.GetWindowScrollSize(); this.pWnd.style.display = 'block'; this.pWnd.style.width = ws.scrollWidth + "px"; this.pWnd.style.height = ws.scrollHeight + "px"; if (!arParams) { arParams = {}; } this.pWnd.style.zIndex = arParams.zIndex || this.zIndex; BX.bind(window, "resize", BX.proxy(this.Resize, this)); return this.pWnd; }, Hide: function () { if (!this.bShown) { return; } var _this = this; _this.shownTimeout = setTimeout(function(){_this.bShown = false;}, 300); this.pWnd.style.display = 'none'; BX.unbind(window, "resize", BX.proxy(this.Resize, this)); this.pWnd.onclick = null; }, Resize: function () { if (this.bCreated) { var ws = BX.GetWindowScrollSize(); this.pWnd.style.width = ws.scrollWidth + "px"; this.pWnd.style.height = ws.scrollHeight + "px"; } } } function Button(editor) { this.editor = editor; this.className = 'bxhtmled-top-bar-btn'; this.activeClassName = 'bxhtmled-top-bar-btn-active'; this.disabledClassName = 'bxhtmled-top-bar-btn-disabled'; this.checkableAction = true; this.disabledForTextarea = true; } Button.prototype = { Create: function () { this.pCont = BX.create("SPAN", {props: {className: this.className, title: this.title || ''}, html: '<i></i>'}); BX.bind(this.pCont, "click", BX.delegate(this.OnClick, this)); BX.bind(this.pCont, "mousedown", BX.delegate(this.OnMouseDown, this)); BX.bind(this.pCont, "dblclick", function(e){return BX.PreventDefault(e);}); if (this.action) { this.pCont.setAttribute('data-bx-type', 'action'); this.pCont.setAttribute('data-bx-action', this.action); if (this.value) this.pCont.setAttribute('data-bx-value', this.value); if (this.checkableAction) { this.editor.RegisterCheckableAction(this.action, { action: this.action, control: this, value: this.value }); } } }, GetCont: function() { return this.pCont; }, Check: function (bFlag) { if(bFlag == this.checked || this.disabled) return; this.checked = bFlag; if(this.checked) { BX.addClass(this.pCont, this.activeClassName); } else { BX.removeClass(this.pCont, this.activeClassName); } }, Disable: function(bFlag) { if(bFlag != this.disabled) { this.disabled = !!bFlag; if(bFlag) { if (this.action) { this.pCont.setAttribute('data-bx-type', ''); } BX.addClass(this.pCont, this.disabledClassName); } else { if (this.action) { this.pCont.setAttribute('data-bx-type', 'action'); 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this.className = 'bxhtmled-top-bar-btn'; this.activeClassName = 'bxhtmled-top-bar-btn-active'; this.activeListClassName = 'bxhtmled-top-bar-btn-active'; this.arValues = []; this.checkableAction = true; this.disabledForTextarea = true; this.posOffset = {top: 6, left: -4}; this.zIndex = 3005; } DropDown.prototype = { Create: function () { this.pCont = BX.create("SPAN", {props: {className: this.className}, html: '<i></i>'}); this.pValuesCont = BX.create("DIV", {props: {className: "bxhtmled-popup bxhtmled-dropdown-cont"}, html: '<div class="bxhtmled-popup-corner"></div>'}); if (this.title) { this.pCont.title = this.title; } if(this.zIndex) { this.pValuesCont.style.zIndex = this.zIndex; } this.valueIndex = {}; this.pValuesContWrap = this.pValuesCont.appendChild(BX.create("DIV")); var but, value, _this = this; for (var i = 0; i < this.arValues.length; i++) { value = this.arValues[i]; but = this.pValuesContWrap.appendChild(BX.create("SPAN", {props: {title: value.title, className: value.className}, html: '<i></i>'})); but.setAttribute('data-bx-dropdown-value', value.id); this.valueIndex[value.id] = i; if (value.action) { but.setAttribute('data-bx-type', 'action'); but.setAttribute('data-bx-action', value.action); if (value.value) { but.setAttribute('data-bx-value', value.value); } } BX.bind(but, 'mousedown', function(e) { _this.SelectItem(this.getAttribute('data-bx-dropdown-value')); _this.editor.CheckCommand(this); _this.Close(); }); this.arValues[i].listCont = but; } if (this.action && this.checkableAction) { this.editor.RegisterCheckableAction(this.action, { action: this.action, control: this }); } BX.bind(this.pCont, 'click', BX.proxy(this.OnClick, this)); BX.bind(this.pCont, "mousedown", BX.delegate(this.OnMouseDown, this)); }, GetCont: function() { return this.pCont; }, GetPopupBindCont: function() { return this.pCont; }, Disable: function(bFlag) { if(bFlag != this.disabled) { this.disabled = !!bFlag; if(bFlag) { BX.addClass(this.pCont, 'bxhtmled-top-bar-btn-disabled'); } else { BX.removeClass(this.pCont, 'bxhtmled-top-bar-btn-disabled'); } } }, OnKeyDown: function(e) { if(e.keyCode == 27) { this.Close(); } }, OnClick: function() { if(!this.disabled) { if (this.bOpened) { this.Close(); } else { this.Open(); } } }, OnMouseUp: function() { this.editor.selection.RestoreBookmark(); if(!this.checked) { BX.removeClass(this.pCont, this.activeClassName); } BX.unbind(document, 'mouseup', BX.proxy(this.OnMouseUp, this)); BX.removeCustomEvent(this.editor, "OnIframeMouseUp", BX.proxy(this.OnMouseUp, this)); }, OnMouseDown: function() { if (!this.disabled) { if (this.disabledForTextarea || !this.editor.synchro.IsFocusedOnTextarea()) { this.savedRange = this.editor.selection.SaveBookmark(); } BX.addClass(this.pCont, this.activeClassName); BX.bind(document, 'mouseup', BX.proxy(this.OnMouseUp, this)); BX.addCustomEvent(this.editor, "OnIframeMouseUp", BX.proxy(this.OnMouseUp, this)); } }, Close: function () { var _this = this; this.popupShownTimeout = setTimeout(function(){_this.editor.popupShown = false;}, 300); BX.removeClass(this.pCont, this.activeClassName); this.pValuesCont.style.display = 'none'; this.editor.overlay.Hide(); BX.unbind(window, "keydown", BX.proxy(this.OnKeyDown, this)); BX.unbind(document, 'mousedown', BX.proxy(this.CheckClose, this)); BX.onCustomEvent(this, "OnPopupClose"); this.bOpened = false; }, CheckClose: function(e) { if (!this.bOpened) { return BX.unbind(document, 'mousedown', BX.proxy(this.CheckClose, this)); } var pEl; if (e.target) pEl = e.target; else if (e.srcElement) pEl = e.srcElement; if (pEl.nodeType == 3) pEl = pEl.parentNode; if (!BX.findParent(pEl, {className: 'bxhtmled-popup'})) { this.Close(); } }, Open: function () { this.editor.popupShown = true; if (this.popupShownTimeout) { this.popupShownTimeout = clearTimeout(this.popupShownTimeout); } document.body.appendChild(this.pValuesCont); this.pValuesCont.style.display = 'block'; BX.addClass(this.pCont, this.activeClassName); var pOverlay = this.editor.overlay.Show({zIndex: this.zIndex - 1}), bindCont = this.GetPopupBindCont(), pos = BX.pos(bindCont), left = Math.round(pos.left - this.pValuesCont.offsetWidth / 2 + bindCont.offsetWidth / 2 + this.posOffset.left), top = Math.round(pos.bottom + this.posOffset.top), _this = this; BX.bind(window, "keydown", BX.proxy(this.OnKeyDown, this)); pOverlay.onclick = function(){_this.Close()}; this.pValuesCont.style.top = top + 'px'; this.pValuesCont.style.left = left + 'px'; this.bOpened = true; setTimeout(function() { BX.bind(document, 'mousedown', BX.proxy(_this.CheckClose, _this)); },100); }, SelectItem: function(id, val) { if (!val) val = this.arValues[this.valueIndex[id]]; if (this.lastActiveItem) BX.removeClass(this.lastActiveItem, this.activeListClassName); if (val) { // Select value in list as active if (val.listCont) { this.lastActiveItem = val.listCont; BX.addClass(val.listCont, this.activeListClassName); } this.pCont.className = val.className; this.pCont.title = BX.util.htmlspecialchars(val.title || val.name || ''); } else { this.pCont.className = this.className; this.pCont.title = this.title; } if (this.disabled) { this.disabled = false; this.Disable(true); } return val; }, SetValue: function() { }, GetValue: function() { } }; function DropDownList(editor) { // Call parrent constructor DropDownList.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); this.className = 'bxhtmled-top-bar-select'; this.itemClassName = 'bxhtmled-dd-list-item'; this.activeListClassName = 'bxhtmled-dd-list-item-active'; this.disabledForTextarea = true; } BX.extend(DropDownList, DropDown); DropDownList.prototype.Create = function () { this.pCont = BX.create("SPAN", {props: {className: this.className, title: this.title}, attrs: {unselectable: 'on'}, text: ''}); if (this.width) this.pCont.style.width = this.width + 'px'; this.pValuesCont = BX.create("DIV", {props: {className: "bxhtmled-popup bxhtmled-dropdown-list-cont"}, html: '<div class="bxhtmled-popup-corner"></div>'}); this.pValuesContWrap = this.pValuesCont.appendChild(BX.create("DIV", {props: {className: "bxhtmled-dd-list-wrap"}})); this.valueIndex = {}; if(this.zIndex) { this.pValuesCont.style.zIndex = this.zIndex; } var but, value, _this = this, itemClass, i, html; for (i = 0; i < this.arValues.length; i++) { value = this.arValues[i]; itemClass = this.itemClassName; if (value.className) itemClass += ' ' + value.className; html = value.tagName ? ('<' + value.tagName + '>' + value.name + '</' + value.tagName + '>') : value.name; but = this.pValuesContWrap.appendChild(BX.create("SPAN", {props: {title: value.title || value.name, className: itemClass}, html: html, style: value.style})); but.setAttribute('data-bx-dropdown-value', value.id); this.valueIndex[value.id] = i; if (value.defaultValue) this.SelectItem(null, value); if (value.action) { but.setAttribute('data-bx-type', 'action'); but.setAttribute('data-bx-action', value.action); if (value.value) but.setAttribute('data-bx-value', value.value); } BX.bind(but, 'mousedown', function(e) { if (!e) e = window.event; _this.SelectItem(this.getAttribute('data-bx-dropdown-value')); _this.editor.CheckCommand(this); }); this.arValues[i].listCont = but; } if (this.action && this.checkableAction) { this.editor.RegisterCheckableAction(this.action, { action: this.action, control: this }); } BX.bind(this.pCont, 'click', BX.proxy(this.OnClick, this)); }; DropDownList.prototype.SelectItem = function (valDropdown, val, bClose) { bClose = bClose !== false; if (!val) { val = this.arValues[this.valueIndex[valDropdown]]; } if (this.lastActiveItem) { BX.removeClass(this.lastActiveItem, this.activeListClassName); } if (val) { this.pCont.innerHTML = BX.util.htmlspecialchars((val.topName || val.name || val.id)); this.pCont.title = this.title + ': ' + BX.util.htmlspecialchars(val.title || val.name); // Select value in list as active if (val.listCont) { this.lastActiveItem = val.listCont; BX.addClass(val.listCont, this.activeListClassName); } } if (this.bOpened && bClose) { this.Close(); } }; DropDownList.prototype.SetValue = function(active, state) { }; DropDownList.prototype.SetWidth = function(width) { width = parseInt(width, 10); if (width) { this.width = width; this.pCont.style.width = width + 'px'; } }; DropDownList.prototype.Disable = function(bFlag) { if(bFlag != this.disabled) { this.disabled = !!bFlag; if(bFlag) { BX.addClass(this.pCont, 'bxhtmled-top-bar-select-disabled'); } else { BX.removeClass(this.pCont, 'bxhtmled-top-bar-select-disabled'); } } }; // Combobox with multiple choice of values function ComboBox(editor, params) { this.values = []; this.pInput = params.input; this.editor = editor; this.value = params.value || ''; this.defaultValue = params.defaultValue || ''; this.posOffset = {top: 8, left: -4}; this.zIndex = 3010; this.SPLIT_SYMBOL = ','; this.itemClassName = 'bxhtmled-dd-list-item'; this.itemClassNameActive = 'bxhtmled-dd-list-item-active'; } ComboBox.prototype = { Init: function() { BX.bind(this.pInput, 'focus', BX.proxy(this.Focus, this)); BX.bind(this.pInput, 'click', BX.proxy(this.Focus, this)); BX.bind(this.pInput, 'blur', BX.proxy(this.Blur, this)); BX.bind(this.pInput, 'keyup', BX.proxy(this.KeyUp, this)); this.visibleItemsLength = this.values.length; this.currentItem = false; }, UpdateValues: function(values) { this.bCreated = false; this.values = values; this.visibleItemsLength = this.values.length; this.currentItem = false; if (this.bOpened) { this.ClosePopup(); } }, Create: function() { this.pValuesCont = BX.create("DIV", {props: {className: "bxhtmled-popup bxhtmled-combo-cont"}, html: '<div class="bxhtmled-popup-corner"></div>'}); this.pValuesCont.style.zIndex = this.zIndex; if (this.pValuesContWrap) { BX.cleanNode(this.pValuesContWrap); this.pValuesCont.appendChild(this.pValuesContWrap); } else { this.pValuesContWrap = this.pValuesCont.appendChild(BX.create("DIV", {props: {className: "bxhtmled-dd-list-wrap"}})); BX.bind(this.pValuesContWrap, 'mousedown', function(e) { var target = e.target || e.srcElement; if (!target.getAttribute('data-bx-dropdown-value')) { target = BX.findParent(target, function(n) { return n.getAttribute && n.getAttribute('data-bx-dropdown-value'); }, _this.pValuesContWrap); } if (target) { _this.currentItem = parseInt(target.getAttribute('data-bx-dropdown-value'), 10); _this.SetValueFromList(); } _this.ClosePopup(); }); } this.valueIndex = {}; var but, value, _this = this, itemClass, i, html; for (i = 0; i < this.values.length; i++) { value = this.values[i]; itemClass = this.itemClassName || ''; this.values[i].TITLE = this.values[i].TITLE || this.values[i].NAME; if (this.values[i].VALUE && this.values[i].VALUE !== this.values[i].TITLE) { this.values[i].TITLE += ' (' + this.values[i].VALUE + ')'; } else { this.values[i].VALUE = this.values[i].NAME; } but = this.pValuesContWrap.appendChild(BX.create("SPAN", {props: {className: itemClass}, html: value.TITLE})); but.setAttribute('data-bx-dropdown-value', i); this.values[i].cont = but; } this.bCreated = true; }, KeyUp: function(e) { var keyCode = e.keyCode; if (keyCode == this.editor.KEY_CODES['down']) { this.SelectItem(1); } else if (keyCode == this.editor.KEY_CODES['up']) { this.SelectItem(-1); } else if (keyCode == this.editor.KEY_CODES['escape']) { if (this.bOpened) { this.ClosePopup(); return BX.PreventDefault(e); } } else if (keyCode == this.editor.KEY_CODES['enter']) { if (this.bOpened) { this.SetValueFromList(); this.ClosePopup(); return BX.PreventDefault(e); } } else { this.FilterValue(); } }, FilterValue: function() { // Range var i, val, splitedVals = this.GetSplitedValues(), caretPos = this.GetCaretPos(this.pInput); for (i = 0; i < splitedVals.length; i++) { val = splitedVals[i]; if (caretPos >= val.start && caretPos <= val.end) { break; } } // Filter values && highlight values this.FilterAndHighlight(val.value); }, GetSplitedValues: function() { var arVals, i, gStart, gEnd, val, res = [], str = this.pInput.value; if (str.indexOf(this.SPLIT_SYMBOL) === -1 || this.bMultiple === false) { res.push( { start: 0, end: str.length, value: BX.util.trim(str) } ); } else { arVals = str.split(this.SPLIT_SYMBOL); gStart = 0; gEnd = 0; for (i = 0; i < arVals.length; i++) { val = arVals[i]; gEnd += val.length + i; res.push( { start: gStart, end: gEnd, value: BX.util.trim(val) } ); gStart = gEnd; } } return res; }, FilterAndHighlight: function(needle) { needle = BX.util.trim(needle); var val, i, showPopup = false, pos; this.visibleItemsLength = 0; for (i = 0; i < this.values.length; i++) { val = this.values[i]; if (needle === '') { showPopup = true; val.cont.style.display = ''; this.visibleItemsLength++; } else { pos = val.TITLE.toLowerCase().indexOf(needle.toLowerCase()); if (pos !== -1 || needle == '') { val.cont.innerHTML = BX.util.htmlspecialchars(val.TITLE.substr(0, pos)) + '<b>' + BX.util.htmlspecialchars(needle) + '</b>' + BX.util.htmlspecialchars(val.TITLE.substr(pos + needle.length)); showPopup = true; val.cont.style.display = ''; val.cont.setAttribute('data-bx-dropdown-value', this.visibleItemsLength); this.visibleItemsLength++; } else { val.cont.innerHTML = BX.util.htmlspecialchars(val.TITLE); val.cont.style.display = 'none'; } } } this.currentItem = false; if (showPopup && !this.bOpened) { this.ShowPopup(); } else if (!showPopup && this.bOpened) { this.ClosePopup(); } }, GetCaretPos: function(input) { var caretPos = 0; // IE Support if (document.selection) { BX.focus(input); var oSel = document.selection.createRange(); oSel.moveStart ('character', - input.value.length); // The caret position is selection length caretPos = oSel.text.length; } else if (input.selectionStart || input.selectionStart == '0') { caretPos = input.selectionStart; } return (caretPos); }, SetValue: function(value) { this.pInput.value = value; }, SetValueFromList: function() { var ind = 0, val, i; for (i = 0; i < this.values.length; i++) { val = this.values[i]; if (val.cont.style.display != 'none') { if (ind == this.currentItem) { BX.addClass(val.cont, this.itemClassNameActive); break; } ind++; } } var splVal, splitedVals = this.GetSplitedValues(), caretPos = this.GetCaretPos(this.pInput); for (i = 0; i < splitedVals.length; i++) { splVal = splitedVals[i]; if (caretPos >= splVal.start && caretPos <= splVal.end) { break; } } var glue = this.SPLIT_SYMBOL == ' ' ? ' ' : this.SPLIT_SYMBOL + ' ', curValue = this.pInput.value, before = curValue.substr(0, splVal.start), after = curValue.substr(splVal.end); before = before.replace(/^[\s\r\n\,]+/g, '').replace(/[\s\r\n\,]+$/g, ''); after = after.replace(/^[\s\r\n\,]+/g, '').replace(/[\s\r\n\,]+$/g, ''); this.pInput.value = before + (before == '' ? '' : glue) + val.VALUE + (after == '' ? '' : glue) + after; this.FilterAndHighlight(''); }, SelectItem: function(delta) { var ind, val, i, len; if (this.currentItem === false) { this.currentItem = 0; } else if(delta !== undefined) { this.currentItem += delta; if (this.currentItem > this.visibleItemsLength - 1) { this.currentItem = 0; } else if(this.currentItem < 0) { this.currentItem = this.visibleItemsLength - 1; } } if (document.querySelectorAll) { var selected = this.pValuesContWrap.querySelectorAll("." + this.itemClassNameActive); if (selected) { for (i = 0; i < selected.length; i++) { BX.removeClass(selected[i], this.itemClassNameActive); } } } ind = 0; len = this.values.length; for (i = 0; i < this.values.length; i++) { val = this.values[i]; if (val.cont.style.display != 'none') { if (ind == this.currentItem) { BX.addClass(val.cont, this.itemClassNameActive); break; } ind++; } } }, Focus: function(e) { if (this.values.length > 0 && !this.bFocused) { BX.focus(this.pInput); this.bFocused = true; if (this.value == this.defaultValue) { this.value = ''; } this.ShowPopup(); } }, Blur: function() { if (this.values.length > 0 && this.bFocused) { this.bFocused = false; this.ClosePopup(); } }, ShowPopup: function() { if (!this.bCreated) { this.Create(); } this.editor.popupShown = true; if (this.popupShownTimeout) { this.popupShownTimeout = clearTimeout(this.popupShownTimeout); } document.body.appendChild(this.pValuesCont); this.pValuesCont.style.display = 'block'; var i, pos = BX.pos(this.pInput), left = pos.left + this.posOffset.left, top = pos.bottom + this.posOffset.top; this.pValuesCont.style.top = top + 'px'; this.pValuesCont.style.left = left + 'px'; this.bOpened = true; if (document.querySelectorAll) { var selected = this.pValuesContWrap.querySelectorAll("." + this.itemClassNameActive); if (selected) { for (i = 0; i < selected.length; i++) { BX.removeClass(selected[i], this.itemClassNameActive); } } } BX.onCustomEvent(this, "OnComboPopupOpen"); }, ClosePopup: function() { var _this = this; this.popupShownTimeout = setTimeout(function(){_this.editor.popupShown = false;}, 300); this.pValuesCont.style.display = 'none'; this.editor.overlay.Hide(); this.bOpened = false; BX.onCustomEvent(this, "OnComboPopupClose"); }, OnChange: function() { }, CheckClose: function(e) { if (!this.bOpened) { return BX.unbind(document, 'mousedown', BX.proxy(this.CheckClose, this)); } var pEl; if (e.target) pEl = e.target; else if (e.srcElement) pEl = e.srcElement; if (pEl.nodeType == 3) pEl = pEl.parentNode; if (!BX.findParent(pEl, {className: 'bxhtmled-popup'})) this.Close(); } }; function ClassSelector(editor, params) { // Call parrent constructor ClassSelector.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); this.filterTag = params.filterTag || ''; this.lastTemplateId = this.editor.GetTemplateId(); this.values = this.GetClasses(); this.SPLIT_SYMBOL = ' '; this.Init(); } BX.extend(ClassSelector, ComboBox); ClassSelector.prototype.OnChange = function() { if (this.lastTemplateId != this.editor.GetTemplateId()) { this.lastTemplateId = this.editor.GetTemplateId(); this.values = this.GetClasses(); this.bCreated = false; } }; ClassSelector.prototype.GetClasses = function() { var title, classes = this.editor.GetCurrentCssClasses(this.filterTag); this.values = []; if (classes && classes.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < classes.length; i++) { title = null; if (classes[i].classTitle && typeof classes[i].classTitle == 'object') { if (classes[i].classTitle.title) { title = classes[i].classTitle.title; } else { continue; } } else if (classes[i].classTitle) { title = classes[i].classTitle; } this.values.push( { VALUE: classes[i].className, TITLE: title, NAME: classes[i].className } ); } } return this.values; }; function PasteControl(editor) { this.editor = editor; if (this.editor.config.pasteSetColors !== this.editor.config.pasteSetBorders || this.editor.config.pasteSetColors !== this.editor.config.pasteSetDecor) { this.mode = 'default'; } else { this.mode = this.editor.config.pasteSetColors && this.editor.config.pasteSetBorders && this.editor.config.pasteSetDecor ? 'text' : 'rich'; } var _this = this; this.items = []; if (this.mode == 'default') { this.items = [ { TEXT: BX.message('BXEdPasteDefault'), ACTION: function() { _this.Hide('default'); }, CHECKED: this.mode == 'default', _MODE: 'default' } ]; } this.items.push({ TEXT: BX.message('BXEdPasteText'), ACTION: function() { _this.Hide('text'); }, CHECKED: this.mode == 'text', _MODE: 'text' }); this.items.push({ TEXT: BX.message('BXEdPasteFormattedText'), ACTION: function() { _this.Hide('rich'); }, CHECKED: this.mode == 'rich', _MODE: 'rich' }); // mantis: 71968 BX.addCustomEvent('OnComponentParamsDisplay', BX.proxy(this.Hide, this)); } PasteControl.prototype = { CheckAndShow: function () { var isOpened = this.isOpened, _this = this; this.savedRange = this.editor.selection.GetBookmark(); this.isOpened = true; this.lastPreviewMode = false; if (this.checkTimeout) this.checkTimeout = clearTimeout(this.checkTimeout); this.checkTimeout = setTimeout(function() { var skipPasteHandler = _this.editor.skipPasteHandler; _this.editor.skipPasteHandler = true; _this.PreviewContent({mode: 'rich', doTimeout: false, skipColors: true}); var richContent = _this.editor.iframeView.GetValue(); // Clear images before comparision richContent = richContent.replace(/<img((?:\s|\S)*?)>/ig, ''); richContent = richContent.replace(/id="(\s|\S)*?"/ig, ''); richContent = richContent.replace(/\s+/ig, ' '); _this.PreviewContent({mode: 'text', doTimeout: false}); var textContent = _this.editor.iframeView.GetValue(); // Clear images before comparision textContent = textContent.replace(/<img((?:\s|\S)*?)>/ig, ''); textContent = textContent.replace(/id="(\s|\S)*?"/ig, ''); textContent = textContent.replace(/\s+/ig, ' '); if (richContent != textContent) { _this.isOpened = isOpened; _this.editor.SetCursorNode(_this.savedRange); _this.Show(); } _this.editor.skipPasteHandler = skipPasteHandler; }, 200); }, Show: function () { var _this = this; this.lastPreviewMode = false; this.Hide(); this.pOverlay = this.editor.overlay.Show(); BX.bind(this.pOverlay, 'click', BX.proxy(this.Hide, this)); BX.bind(this.pOverlay, 'mousemove', BX.proxy(function(){this.PreviewContent({mode: 'default'});}, this)); if (!this.dummyTarget) { this.dummyTarget = this.editor.dom.iframeCont.appendChild(BX.create('DIV', {props: {className: 'bxhtmled-dummy-target'}})); } var cursorNode = this.editor.GetIframeElement('bx-cursor-node'), top = 0, left = 0, node; if (cursorNode) { if (cursorNode.parentNode) { top += cursorNode.offsetHeight; node = cursorNode; do { top += node.offsetTop || 0; left += node.offsetLeft || 0; node = node.offsetParent; } while (node && node.nodeName != 'BODY'); } } var scrollPos = BX.GetWindowScrollPos(this.editor.GetIframeDoc()); top -= scrollPos.scrollTop; left -= scrollPos.scrollLeft; var editorSize = this.editor.GetSceletonSize(), maxTop = editorSize.height - this.items.length * 40, maxLeft = editorSize.width - 100; if (top < 0) top = 0; else if (top > maxTop) top = maxTop; if (left < 0) left = 0; else if (left > maxLeft) left = maxLeft; this.dummyTarget.style.left = left + 'px'; this.dummyTarget.style.top = top + 'px'; this.dummyTarget.style.zIndex = '2002'; this.OPENER = new BX.COpener({ DIV: this.dummyTarget, MENU: this.items, TYPE: 'click', ACTIVE_CLASS: 'adm-btn-active', CLOSE_ON_CLICK: true }); this.OPENER.Open(); var popupDiv = this.OPENER.GetMenu().DIV; popupDiv.style.zIndex = '3005'; BX.addClass(popupDiv, 'bxhtmled-paste-control bx-core-popup-menu-editor'); BX.addCustomEvent(this.OPENER.GetMenu(), 'onMenuClose', BX.proxy(this.Hide, this)); var i, items = BX.findChild(popupDiv, {className: 'bx-core-popup-menu-item'}, 1, 1); for (i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { items[i].setAttribute('data-bx-mode', this.items[i]._MODE); } BX.bind(popupDiv, 'mousemove', function(e) { var target = e.target || e.srcElement, mode = (target && target.getAttribute) ? target.getAttribute('data-bx-mode') : null; if (!mode) { target = BX.findParent(target, function(n) { return n == popupDiv || (n.getAttribute && n.getAttribute('data-bx-mode')); }, popupDiv); mode = (target && target.getAttribute) ? target.getAttribute('data-bx-mode') : null; } _this.PreviewContent({mode: mode}); }); this.isOpened = true; BX.addCustomEvent(this.editor, 'OnIframeKeydown', BX.CMenu.broadcastCloseEvent); BX.bind(document.body, "keydown", BX.CMenu.broadcastCloseEvent); }, Hide: function (mode) { if (this.isOpened) { this.editor.overlay.Hide(); if (this.pOverlay) { BX.unbind(this.pOverlay, 'click', BX.proxy(this.Hide, this)); BX.unbind(this.pOverlay, 'mousemove', BX.proxy(this.PreviewContent, this)); } BX.removeCustomEvent(this.editor, 'OnIframeKeydown', BX.CMenu.broadcastCloseEvent); BX.unbind(document.body, "keydown", BX.CMenu.broadcastCloseEvent); if (!mode || typeof mode !== 'string' || (mode !== 'text' && mode !== 'rich')) mode = 'default'; this.PreviewContent({mode: mode}); this.editor.Focus(); this.editor.On("OnIframePaste"); this.editor.On("OnIframeNewWord"); this.isOpened = false; } }, PreviewContent: function(params) { if (this.isOpened) { if (this.lastPreviewMode != params.mode || !this.lastPreviewMode) { if (params.doTimeout !== false) { params.doTimeout = false; var _this = this; if (this.previewTimeout) clearTimeout(this.previewTimeout); this.previewTimeout = setTimeout(function(){_this.PreviewContent(params);}, 200); return; } if (params.mode == 'rich') { this.editor.config.pasteSetColors = !!params.skipColors; this.editor.config.pasteSetBorders = false; this.editor.config.pasteSetDecor = false; } else if (params.mode == 'text') { this.editor.config.pasteSetColors = true; this.editor.config.pasteSetBorders = true; this.editor.config.pasteSetDecor = true; } else // rich { this.editor.config.pasteSetColors = this.defPasteSetColors; this.editor.config.pasteSetBorders = this.defPasteSetBorders; this.editor.config.pasteSetDecor = this.defPasteSetDecor; } this.editor.pasteHandleMode = true; this.editor.bbParseContentMode = true; this.editor.synchro.lastIframeValue = false; this.editor.iframeView.SetValue(this.pastedContent, false); this.editor.synchro.FromIframeToTextarea(true, true); this.editor.pasteHandleMode = false; this.editor.bbParseContentMode = false; this.editor.synchro.lastTextareaValue = false; this.editor.synchro.FromTextareaToIframe(true); this.editor.RestoreCursor(); this.editor.skipPasteHandler = false; // Restore settings if (params.mode != 'default') { this.editor.config.pasteSetColors = this.defPasteSetColors; this.editor.config.pasteSetBorders = this.defPasteSetBorders; this.editor.config.pasteSetDecor = this.defPasteSetDecor; } } this.lastPreviewMode = params.mode; } }, SaveIframeContent: function(content) { // Save default values this.defPasteSetColors = this.editor.config.pasteSetColors; this.defPasteSetBorders = this.editor.config.pasteSetBorders; this.defPasteSetDecor = this.editor.config.pasteSetDecor; this.pastedContent = content; } }; function __run() { window.BXHtmlEditor.TaskbarManager = TaskbarManager; window.BXHtmlEditor.Taskbar = Taskbar; window.BXHtmlEditor.ComponentsControl = ComponentsControl; window.BXHtmlEditor.ContextMenu = ContextMenu; window.BXHtmlEditor.Dialog = Dialog; window.BXHtmlEditor.Toolbar = Toolbar; window.BXHtmlEditor.NodeNavigator = NodeNavi; window.BXHtmlEditor.Button = Button; window.BXHtmlEditor.DropDown = DropDown; window.BXHtmlEditor.DropDownList = DropDownList; window.BXHtmlEditor.ComboBox = ComboBox; window.BXHtmlEditor.ClassSelector = ClassSelector; window.BXHtmlEditor.Overlay = Overlay; window.BXHtmlEditor.PasteControl = PasteControl; BX.onCustomEvent(window.BXHtmlEditor, 'OnEditorBaseControlsDefined'); } if (window.BXHtmlEditor) { __run(); } else { BX.addCustomEvent(window, "OnBXHtmlEditorInit", __run); } })();