Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/js/fileman/html_editor/ |
Current File : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/js/fileman/html_editor/html-components.js |
/** * Bitrix HTML Editor 3.0 * Date: 24.04.13 * Time: 4:23 * * Components class */ (function() { function BXEditorComponents(editor) { this.editor = editor; this.phpParser = this.editor.phpParser; this.listLoaded = false; this.components = this.editor.config.components; this.compNameIndex = {}; this.componentIncludeMethod = '$APPLICATION->IncludeComponent'; this.requestUrl = '/bitrix/admin/fileman_component_params.php'; this.HandleList(); this.Init(); } BXEditorComponents.prototype = { Init: function() { BX.addCustomEvent(this.editor, "OnSurrogateDblClick", BX.proxy(this.OnComponentDoubleClick, this)); }, GetList: function() { return this.components; }, HandleList: function() { if (this.components && this.components.items) { for(var i = 0; i < this.components.items.length; i++) this.compNameIndex[this.components.items[i].name] = i; } }, IsComponent: function(code) { code = this.phpParser.TrimPhpBrackets(code); code = this.phpParser.CleanCode(code); var oFunction = this.phpParser.ParseFunction(code); if (oFunction && oFunction.name.toUpperCase() == this.componentIncludeMethod.toUpperCase()) { var componentParams = this.phpParser.ParseParameters(oFunction.params); return { name: componentParams[0], template: componentParams[1] || "", params: componentParams[2] || {}, parentComponent: (componentParams[3] && componentParams[3] != '={false}') ? componentParams[3] : false, exParams: componentParams[4] || false }; } return false; }, IsReady: function() { return this.listLoaded; }, GetSource: function(params, bxid) { if (!this.arVA) { this.arVA = {}; } var res = "<?" + this.componentIncludeMethod + "(\n" + "\t\"" + params.name + "\",\n" + "\t\"" + (params.template || "") + "\",\n"; if (params.params && !this.editor.util.IsEmptyObject(params.params)) { res += "\tArray(\n"; var propValues = params.params, keysSorted = Object.keys(propValues).sort(), i, k, arVal, arLen, j, _len1 = "SEF_URL_TEMPLATES_".length, _len2 = "VARIABLE_ALIASES_".length, SUT, VA, lio, templ_key, params_exist = false; for (k = 0; k < keysSorted.length; k++) { i = keysSorted[k]; if (!propValues.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue; //try{ if (!params_exist) params_exist = true; if (typeof(propValues[i]) == 'string') { propValues[i] = this.editor.util.stripslashes(propValues[i]); } else if (typeof(propValues[i]) == 'object') { arVal = 'array('; arLen = 0; for (j in propValues[i]) { if (propValues[i].hasOwnProperty(j) && typeof(propValues[i][j]) == 'string') { arLen++; arVal += '"' + this.editor.util.stripslashes(propValues[i][j]) + '",'; } } if (arLen > 0) arVal = arVal.substr(0, arVal.length - 1) + ')'; else arVal += ')'; propValues[i] = arVal; } else { continue; } if (propValues["SEF_MODE"] && propValues["SEF_MODE"].toUpperCase() == "Y") { //*** Handling SEF_URL_TEMPLATES in SEF = ON*** if(i.substr(0, _len1) == "SEF_URL_TEMPLATES_") { templ_key = i.substr(_len1); this.arVA[templ_key] = this.CatchVariableAliases(propValues[i]); if (!SUT) { res += "\t\t\"" + i.substr(0, _len1 - 1) + "\" => Array(\n" SUT = true; } res += "\t\t\t\"" + i.substr(_len1) + "\" => "; if (this.IsPHPBracket(propValues[i])) res += this.TrimPHPBracket(propValues[i]); else res += "\"" + this.editor.util.addslashes(propValues[i])+"\""; res += ",\n"; continue; } else if (SUT) { lio = res.lastIndexOf(","); res = res.substr(0,lio)+res.substr(lio+1); SUT = false; res += "\t\t),\n"; } //*** Handling VARIABLE_ALIASES in SEF = ON*** if(i.substr(0, _len2) == "VARIABLE_ALIASES_") continue; } else if(propValues["SEF_MODE"] == "N") { //*** Handling SEF_URL_TEMPLATES in SEF = OFF *** if (i.substr(0, _len1)=="SEF_URL_TEMPLATES_" || i == "SEF_FOLDER") continue; //*** Handling VARIABLE_ALIASES in SEF = OFF *** if(i.substr(0, _len2) == "VARIABLE_ALIASES_") { if (!VA) { res += "\t\t\"" + i.substr(0, _len2 - 1) + "\" => Array(\n"; VA = true; } res += "\t\t\t\"" + i.substr(_len2) + "\" => \"" + this.editor.util.addslashes(propValues[i]) + "\",\n"; continue; } else if (VA) { lio = res.lastIndexOf(","); res = res.substr(0, lio) + res.substr(lio + 1); VA = false; res += "\t\t),\n"; } } res += "\t\t\"" + i + "\" => "; if (this.IsPHPBracket(propValues[i])) res += this.TrimPHPBracket(propValues[i]); else if (propValues[i].substr(0, 6).toLowerCase() == 'array(') res += propValues[i]; else res += '"' + this.editor.util.addslashes(propValues[i]) + '"'; res += ",\n"; //}catch(e){continue;} } if (VA || SUT) { lio = res.lastIndexOf(","); res = res.substr(0, lio) + res.substr(lio + 1); res += "\t\t),\n"; } if (params_exist) { lio = res.lastIndexOf(","); res = res.substr(0, lio) + res.substr(lio + 1); } res += "\t)"; } else { res += "Array()"; if (this.lastDroppedName == params.name && bxid) { var bxTag = this.editor.GetBxTag(bxid); if (bxTag && bxTag.surrogateId) { this.ShowPropertiesDialog(bxTag.params, this.editor.GetBxTag(bxTag.surrogateId)); } } } if (params.parentComponent !== false || params.exParams !== false) { var pc = params.parentComponent; if (!pc || pc.toLowerCase() == '={false}') { res += ",\nfalse"; } else { if (this.IsPHPBracket(pc)) res += ",\n" + this.TrimPHPBracket(pc); else res += ",\n'" + pc + "'"; } if (params.exParams !== false && typeof params.exParams == 'object') { res += ",\nArray("; for (i in params.exParams) { if (params.exParams.hasOwnProperty(i) && typeof(params.exParams[i]) == 'string') { res += "\n\t'" + i + "' => '" + this.editor.util.stripslashes(params.exParams[i]) + "',"; } } if (res.substr(res.length - 1) == ',') res = res.substr(0, res.length - 1) + "\n"; res += ")"; } } res += "\n);?>"; return res; }, GetOnDropHtml: function(params) { var _params = { name: params.name }; this.lastDroppedName = params.name; return this.GetSource(_params); }, CatchVariableAliases: function(str) { var arRes = [], i, matchRes, res = str.match(/(\?|&)(.+?)=#([^#]+?)#/ig); if (!res) return arRes; for (i = 0; i < res.length; i++) { matchRes = res[i].match(/(\?|&)(.+?)=#([^#]+?)#/i); arRes[matchRes[3]] = matchRes[2]; } return arRes; }, LoadParamsList: function(params) { oBXComponentParamsManager.LoadComponentParams( { name: params.name, parent: false, template: '', exParams: false, currentValues: {} } ); }, GetComponentData: function(name) { var item = this.components.items[this.compNameIndex[name]]; return item || {}; }, IsPHPBracket: function(str) { return str.substr(0, 2) =='={'; }, TrimPHPBracket: function(str) { return str.substr(2, str.length - 3); }, OnComponentDoubleClick: function(bxTag, origTag, target, e) { if (origTag && origTag.tag == 'component') { // Show dialog this.ShowPropertiesDialog(origTag.params, bxTag); } }, ShowPropertiesDialog: function(component, bxTag) { // Used to prevent influence of oBXComponentParamsManager to this array... var comp = BX.clone(component, 1); if (!this.oPropertiesDialog) { //PropertiesDialog this.oPropertiesDialog = this.editor.GetDialog('componentProperties', {oBXComponentParamsManager: oBXComponentParamsManager}); BX.addCustomEvent(this.oPropertiesDialog, "OnDialogSave", BX.proxy(this.SavePropertiesDialog, this)); BX.addCustomEvent(this.oPropertiesDialog.oDialog, "onWindowUnRegister",BX.proxy(this.OnDialogClose, this)); } this.currentViewedComponentTag = bxTag; this.oPropertiesDialog.SetTitle(BX.message('ComponentPropsTitle').replace('#COMPONENT_NAME#', comp.name)); this.oPropertiesDialog.SetContent('<span class="bxcompprop-wait-notice">' + BX.message('ComponentPropsWait') + '</span>'); this.oPropertiesDialog.Show(); if (this.oPropertiesDialog.oDialog.PARTS.CONTENT_DATA) { BX.addClass(this.oPropertiesDialog.oDialog.PARTS.CONTENT_DATA, 'bxcompprop-outer-wrap'); } var _this = this; var pParamsContainer = BX.create("DIV"); BX.onCustomEvent(oBXComponentParamsManager, 'OnComponentParamsDisplay', [{ name: comp.name, parent: !!comp.parentComponent, template: comp.template, exParams: comp.exParams, currentValues: comp.params, container: pParamsContainer, siteTemplate: this.editor.GetTemplateId(), relPath: this.editor.config.relPath, callback: function(params, container){ _this.PropertiesDialogCallback(params, container); } }]); }, PropertiesDialogCallback: function(params, container) { if (this.oPropertiesDialog.oDialog.PARTS.CONTENT_DATA) BX.addClass(this.oPropertiesDialog.oDialog.PARTS.CONTENT_DATA, 'bxcompprop-outer-wrap'); this.oPropertiesDialog.SetContent(container); var size = this.oPropertiesDialog.GetContentSize(); BX.onCustomEvent(oBXComponentParamsManager, 'OnComponentParamsResize', [ size.width, size.height ]); }, SavePropertiesDialog: function() { var ddBxTag = this.currentViewedComponentTag, compBxTag = this.editor.GetBxTag(ddBxTag.params.origId), currentValues = oBXComponentParamsManager.GetParamsValues(), template = oBXComponentParamsManager.GetTemplateValue(); ddBxTag.params.origParams.params = compBxTag.params.params = currentValues; ddBxTag.params.origParams.template = compBxTag.params.template = template; this.editor.synchro.FullSyncFromIframe(); this.lastDroppedName = ''; }, OnDialogClose: function() { if (this.editor.util.IsEmptyObject(this.currentViewedComponentTag.params.origParams.params) && this.lastDroppedName) { this.SavePropertiesDialog(); } }, ReloadList: function() { var _this = this; this.editor.Request({ getData: this.editor.GetReqData('load_components_list', { site_template: this.editor.GetTemplateId(), componentFilter: this.editor.GetComponentFilter(), site: this.editor.GetSiteId() } ), handler: function(res) { _this.components = _this.editor.config.components = res; _this.HandleList(); _this.editor.componentsTaskbar.BuildTree(_this.components.groups, _this.components.items); } }); }, SetComponentIcludeMethod: function(method) { this.componentIncludeMethod = method; } }; function __runcomp() { window.BXHtmlEditor.BXEditorComponents = BXEditorComponents; function PropertiesDialog(editor, params) { params = params || {}; params.id = 'bx_component_properties'; params.height = 600; params.width = 800; params.resizable = true; this.oBXComponentParamsManager = params.oBXComponentParamsManager; this.id = 'components_properties'; // Call parrent constructor PropertiesDialog.superclass.constructor.apply(this, [editor, params]); BX.addClass(this.oDialog.DIV, "bxcompprop-dialog"); BX.addCustomEvent(this, "OnDialogSave", BX.proxy(this.Save, this)); } BX.extend(PropertiesDialog, window.BXHtmlEditor.Dialog); PropertiesDialog.prototype.OnResize = function() { var w = this.oDialog.PARTS.CONTENT_DATA.offsetWidth, h = this.oDialog.PARTS.CONTENT_DATA.offsetHeight; BX.onCustomEvent(this.oBXComponentParamsManager, 'OnComponentParamsResize', [w, h]); }; PropertiesDialog.prototype.OnResizeFinished = function() { }; window.BXHtmlEditor.dialogs.componentProperties = PropertiesDialog; } if (window.BXHtmlEditor && window.BXHtmlEditor.dialogs) __runcomp(); else BX.addCustomEvent(window, "OnEditorBaseControlsDefined", __runcomp); })();