Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/js/fileman/html_editor/ |
Current File : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/js/fileman/html_editor/html-controls.js |
/** * Bitrix HTML Editor 3.0 * Date: 24.04.13 * Time: 4:23 * */ ;(function() { function __run() { var Button = window.BXHtmlEditor.Button, Dialog = window.BXHtmlEditor.Dialog; function ColorPicker(editor, wrap, params) { this.editor = editor; this.params = params || {}; this.className = 'bxhtmled-top-bar-btn bxhtmled-top-bar-color'; this.activeClassName = 'bxhtmled-top-bar-btn-active'; this.disabledClassName = 'bxhtmled-top-bar-btn-disabled'; this.bCreated = false; this.zIndex = 3009; this.disabledForTextarea = true; this.posOffset = {top: 6, left: 0}; this.id = 'color'; this.title = BX.message('BXEdForeColor'); this.actionColor = 'foreColor'; this.actionBg = 'backgroundColor'; this.showBgMode = !this.editor.bbCode; this.disabledForTextarea = !editor.bbCode; this.Create(); if (wrap) { wrap.appendChild(this.GetCont()); } } ColorPicker.prototype = { Create: function () { this.pCont = BX.create("SPAN", {props: {className: this.className, title: this.title || ''}}); this.pContLetter = this.pCont.appendChild(BX.create("SPAN", {props: {className: 'bxhtmled-top-bar-btn-text'}, html: 'A'})); this.pContStrip = this.pCont.appendChild(BX.create("SPAN", {props: {className: 'bxhtmled-top-bar-color-strip'}})); this.currentAction = this.actionColor; BX.bind(this.pCont, "click", BX.delegate(this.OnClick, this)); BX.bind(this.pCont, "mousedown", BX.delegate(this.OnMouseDown, this)); if (this.params.registerActions !== false) { this.editor.RegisterCheckableAction(this.actionColor, { action: this.actionColor, control: this, value: this.value }); this.editor.RegisterCheckableAction(this.actionBg, { action: this.actionBg, control: this, value: this.value }); } }, GetCont: function() { return this.pCont; }, Check: function(bFlag) { if(bFlag != this.checked && !this.disabled) { this.checked = bFlag; if(this.checked) { BX.addClass(this.pCont, 'bxhtmled-top-bar-btn-active'); } else { BX.removeClass(this.pCont, 'bxhtmled-top-bar-btn-active'); } } }, Disable: function (bFlag) { if(bFlag != this.disabled) { this.disabled = !!bFlag; if(bFlag) { BX.addClass(this.pCont, 'bxhtmled-top-bar-btn-disabled'); } else { BX.removeClass(this.pCont, 'bxhtmled-top-bar-btn-disabled'); } } }, GetValue: function() { return !!this.checked; }, SetValue: function(active, state, action) { if (state && state[0]) { var color = action == this.actionColor ? state[0].style.color : state[0].style.backgroundColor; this.SelectColor(color, action); } else { this.SelectColor(null, action); } }, OnClick: function() { if(this.disabled) { return false; } if (this.bOpened) { return this.Close(); } this.Open(); }, OnMouseUp: function() { this.editor.selection.RestoreBookmark(); if(!this.checked) { BX.removeClass(this.pCont, this.activeClassName); } BX.unbind(document, 'mouseup', BX.proxy(this.OnMouseUp, this)); BX.removeCustomEvent(this.editor, "OnIframeMouseUp", BX.proxy(this.OnMouseUp, this)); }, OnMouseDown: function() { if (!this.disabled) { if (this.disabledForTextarea || !this.editor.synchro.IsFocusedOnTextarea()) { this.editor.selection.SaveBookmark(); } BX.addClass(this.pCont, this.activeClassName); BX.bind(document, 'mouseup', BX.proxy(this.OnMouseUp, this)); BX.addCustomEvent(this.editor, "OnIframeMouseUp", BX.proxy(this.OnMouseUp, this)); } }, Close: function () { var _this = this; this.popupShownTimeout = setTimeout(function(){_this.editor.popupShown = false;}, 300); this.pValuesCont.style.display = 'none'; BX.removeClass(this.pCont, this.activeClassName); this.editor.overlay.Hide(); BX.unbind(window, "keydown", BX.proxy(this.OnKeyDown, this)); BX.unbind(document, 'mousedown', BX.proxy(this.CheckClose, this)); this.bOpened = false; }, CheckClose: function(e) { if (!this.bOpened) { return BX.unbind(document, 'mousedown', BX.proxy(this.CheckClose, this)); } var pEl; if (e.target) pEl = e.target; else if (e.srcElement) pEl = e.srcElement; if (pEl.nodeType == 3) pEl = pEl.parentNode; if (pEl !== this.custInp && !BX.findParent(pEl, {className: 'lhe-colpick-cont'})) { this.Close(); } }, Open: function() { this.editor.popupShown = true; if (this.popupShownTimeout) { this.popupShownTimeout = clearTimeout(this.popupShownTimeout); } var _this = this; if (!this.bCreated) { this.pValuesCont = document.body.appendChild(BX.create("DIV", {props: {className: "bxhtmled-popup bxhtmled-color-cont"}, style: {zIndex: this.zIndex}, html: '<div class="bxhtmled-popup-corner"></div>'})); if (this.showBgMode) { this.pTextColorLink = this.pValuesCont.appendChild(BX.create("SPAN", {props: {className: "bxhtmled-color-link bxhtmled-color-link-active"}, text: this.params.ForeColorMess || BX.message('BXEdForeColor')})); this.pTextColorLink.setAttribute('data-bx-type', 'changeColorAction'); this.pTextColorLink.setAttribute('data-bx-value', this.actionColor); this.pBgColorLink = this.pValuesCont.appendChild(BX.create("SPAN", {props: {className: "bxhtmled-color-link"}, text: this.params.BgColorMess || BX.message('BXEdBackColor')})); this.pBgColorLink.setAttribute('data-bx-type', 'changeColorAction'); this.pBgColorLink.setAttribute('data-bx-value', this.actionBg); } this.pValuesContWrap = this.pValuesCont.appendChild(BX.create("DIV", {props: {className: "bxhtmled-color-wrap"}})); BX.bind(this.pValuesCont, 'mousedown', function(e) { var target = e.target || e.srcElement, type; if (target != _this.pValuesCont) { type = (target && target.getAttribute) ? target.getAttribute('data-bx-type') : null; if (!type) { target = BX.findParent(target, function(n) { return n == _this.pValuesCont || (n.getAttribute && n.getAttribute('data-bx-type')); }, _this.pValuesCont); type = (target && target.getAttribute) ? target.getAttribute('data-bx-type') : null; } if (type == 'customColorAction') { var val = target.getAttribute('data-bx-value'); if (val == 'link') { _this.ShowCustomColor(true, _this.colorCell.style.backgroundColor); BX.PreventDefault(e); } if (val == 'button') { _this.SelectColor(_this.custInp.value); if (_this.params.checkAction !== false && _this.editor.action.IsSupported(_this.currentAction)) { _this.editor.action.Exec(_this.currentAction, _this.custInp.value); } } } else if (type == 'changeColorAction') { if (_this.showBgMode) { _this.SetMode(target.getAttribute('data-bx-value')); BX.PreventDefault(e); } } else if (target && type) { target.setAttribute('data-bx-action', _this.currentAction); if(_this.params.checkAction !== false) { _this.editor.CheckCommand(target); } _this.SelectColor(target.getAttribute('data-bx-value')); } } }); var arColors = [ '#FF0000', '#FFFF00', '#00FF00', '#00FFFF', '#0000FF', '#FF00FF', '#FFFFFF', '#EBEBEB', '#E1E1E1', '#D7D7D7', '#CCCCCC', '#C2C2C2', '#B7B7B7', '#ACACAC', '#A0A0A0', '#959595', '#EE1D24', '#FFF100', '#00A650', '#00AEEF', '#2F3192', '#ED008C', '#898989', '#7D7D7D', '#707070', '#626262', '#555555', '#464646', '#363636', '#262626', '#111111', '#000000', '#F7977A', '#FBAD82', '#FDC68C', '#FFF799', '#C6DF9C', '#A4D49D', '#81CA9D', '#7BCDC9', '#6CCFF7', '#7CA6D8', '#8293CA', '#8881BE', '#A286BD', '#BC8CBF', '#F49BC1', '#F5999D', '#F16C4D', '#F68E54', '#FBAF5A', '#FFF467', '#ACD372', '#7DC473', '#39B778', '#16BCB4', '#00BFF3', '#438CCB', '#5573B7', '#5E5CA7', '#855FA8', '#A763A9', '#EF6EA8', '#F16D7E', '#EE1D24', '#F16522', '#F7941D', '#FFF100', '#8FC63D', '#37B44A', '#00A650', '#00A99E', '#00AEEF', '#0072BC', '#0054A5', '#2F3192', '#652C91', '#91278F', '#ED008C', '#EE105A', '#9D0A0F', '#A1410D', '#A36209', '#ABA000', '#588528', '#197B30', '#007236', '#00736A', '#0076A4', '#004A80', '#003370', '#1D1363', '#450E61', '#62055F', '#9E005C', '#9D0039', '#790000', '#7B3000', '#7C4900', '#827A00', '#3E6617', '#045F20', '#005824', '#005951', '#005B7E', '#003562', '#002056', '#0C004B', '#30004A', '#4B0048', '#7A0045', '#7A0026' ]; var row, cell, colorCell, tbl = BX.create("TABLE", {props:{className: 'bxhtmled-color-tbl'}}), i, l = arColors.length; this.pDefValueRow = tbl.insertRow(-1); cell = this.pDefValueRow.insertCell(-1); cell.colSpan = 5; var defBut = cell.appendChild(BX.create("SPAN", {props:{className: 'bxhtmled-color-def-but'}})); defBut.innerHTML = BX.message('BXEdDefaultColor'); defBut.setAttribute('data-bx-type', 'action'); defBut.setAttribute('data-bx-action', this.action); defBut.setAttribute('data-bx-value', ''); colorCell = this.pDefValueRow.insertCell(-1); colorCell.colSpan = 5; colorCell.className = 'bxhtmled-color-inp-cell'; colorCell.style.backgroundColor = arColors[38]; this.colorCell = colorCell; cell = this.pDefValueRow.insertCell(-1); cell.colSpan = 6; this.custLink = cell.appendChild(BX.create("SPAN", {props:{className: 'bxhtmled-color-custom'}, html: BX.message('BXEdColorOther')})); this.custLink.setAttribute('data-bx-type', 'customColorAction'); this.custLink.setAttribute('data-bx-value', 'link'); this.custInp = cell.appendChild(BX.create('INPUT', {props: {type: 'text', className: 'bxhtmled-color-custom-inp'}, style: {display: 'none'}})); this.custInp.setAttribute('data-bx-type', 'customColorAction'); this.custInp.setAttribute('data-bx-value', 'input'); this.custBut = cell.appendChild(BX.create('INPUT', {props: {type: 'button', className: 'bxhtmled-color-custom-but', value: 'ok'}, style: {display: 'none'}})); this.custBut.setAttribute('data-bx-type', 'customColorAction'); this.custBut.setAttribute('data-bx-value', 'button'); for(i = 0; i < l; i++) { if (Math.round(i / 16) == i / 16) // new row { row = tbl.insertRow(-1); } cell = row.insertCell(-1); cell.innerHTML = ' '; cell.className = 'bxhtmled-color-col-cell'; cell.style.backgroundColor = arColors[i]; cell.id = 'bx_color_id__' + i; cell.setAttribute('data-bx-type', 'action'); cell.setAttribute('data-bx-action', this.action); cell.setAttribute('data-bx-value', arColors[i]); cell.onmouseover = function (e) { this.className = 'bxhtmled-color-col-cell bxhtmled-color-col-cell-over'; colorCell.style.backgroundColor = arColors[this.id.substring('bx_color_id__'.length)]; }; cell.onmouseout = function (e){this.className = 'bxhtmled-color-col-cell';}; cell.onclick = function (e) { _this.Select(arColors[this.id.substring('bx_color_id__'.length)]); }; } this.pValuesContWrap.appendChild(tbl); this.bCreated = true; } document.body.appendChild(this.pValuesCont); this.pDefValueRow.style.display = _this.editor.synchro.IsFocusedOnTextarea() ? 'none' : ''; this.pValuesCont.style.display = 'block'; var pOverlay = this.editor.overlay.Show(), pos = BX.pos(this.pCont), left = pos.left - this.pValuesCont.offsetWidth / 2 + this.pCont.offsetWidth / 2 + this.posOffset.left, top = pos.bottom + this.posOffset.top; if (left < 0) { var corner = this.pValuesCont.getElementsByClassName("bxhtmled-popup-corner")[0]; corner.style.transform = "translateX(" + left + "px)"; left = 0; } BX.bind(window, "keydown", BX.proxy(this.OnKeyDown, this)); BX.addClass(this.pCont, this.activeClassName); pOverlay.onclick = function(){_this.Close()}; this.pValuesCont.style.left = left + 'px'; this.pValuesCont.style.top = top + 'px'; this.bOpened = true; setTimeout(function() { BX.bind(document, 'mousedown', BX.proxy(_this.CheckClose, _this)); },100); this.ShowCustomColor(false, ''); }, SetMode: function(action) { this.currentAction = action; var cnActiv = 'bxhtmled-color-link-active'; if (action == this.actionColor) { BX.addClass(this.pTextColorLink, cnActiv); BX.removeClass(this.pBgColorLink, cnActiv); } else { BX.addClass(this.pBgColorLink, cnActiv); BX.removeClass(this.pTextColorLink, cnActiv); } }, SelectColor: function(color, action) { if (!action) { action = this.currentAction; } if (this.params.callback && typeof this.params.callback == 'function') { this.params.callback(action, this.editor.util.RgbToHex(color)); } if (action == this.actionColor) { this.pContLetter.style.color = color || '#000'; this.pContStrip.style.backgroundColor = color || '#000'; } else { this.pContLetter.style.backgroundColor = color || 'transparent'; } }, ShowCustomColor: function(show, value) { if (show !== false) { this.custInp.style.display = ''; this.custBut.style.display = ''; this.custLink.style.display = 'none'; } else { this.custInp.style.display = 'none'; this.custBut.style.display = 'none'; this.custLink.style.display = ''; } if (value) value = this.editor.util.RgbToHex(value); this.custInp.value = value.toUpperCase() || ''; } }; // Buttons and controls of editor // Search and replace function SearchButton(editor, wrap) { // Call parrent constructor SearchButton.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); this.id = 'search'; this.title = BX.message('ButtonSearch'); this.className += ' bxhtmled-button-search'; this.Create(); this.bInited = false; if (wrap) wrap.appendChild(this.GetCont()); } BX.extend(SearchButton, Button); SearchButton.prototype.OnClick = function() { if (this.disabled) return; if (!this.bInited) { var _this = this; this.pSearchCont = BX('bx-html-editor-search-cnt-' + this.editor.id); this.pSearchWrap = this.pSearchCont.appendChild(BX.create('DIV', {props: {className: 'bxhtmled-search-cnt-search'}})); this.pReplaceWrap = this.pSearchCont.appendChild(BX.create('DIV', {props: {className: 'bxhtmled-search-cnt-replace'}})); this.pSearchInput = this.pSearchWrap.appendChild(BX.create('INPUT', {props: {className: 'bxhtmled-top-search-inp', type: 'text'}})); //this.pSearchBut = this.pSearchWrap.appendChild(BX.create('INPUT', {props: {type: 'button', value: 'Search'}})); this.pShowReplace = this.pSearchWrap.appendChild(BX.create('INPUT', {props: {type: 'checkbox', value: 'Y'}})); this.pReplaceInput = this.pReplaceWrap.appendChild(BX.create('INPUT', {props: {type: 'text'}})); BX.bind(this.pShowReplace, 'click', function(){_this.ShowReplace(!!this.checked);}) this.animation = null; this.animationStartHeight = 0; this.animationEndHeight = 0; this.height0 = 0; this.height1 = 37; this.height2 = 66; this.bInited = true; this.bReplaceOpened = false; } if (!this.bOpened) this.OpenPanel(); else this.ClosePanel(); }; SearchButton.prototype.SetPanelHeight = function(height, opacity) { this.pSearchCont.style.height = height + 'px'; this.pSearchCont.style.opacity = opacity / 100; this.editor.SetAreaContSize(this.origAreaWidth, this.origAreaHeight - height, {areaContTop: this.editor.toolbar.GetHeight() + height}); }; SearchButton.prototype.OpenPanel = function(bShowReplace) { this.pSearchCont.style.display = 'block'; if (this.animation) this.animation.stop(); if (bShowReplace) { this.animationStartHeight = this.height1; this.animationEndHeight = this.height2; } else { this.origAreaHeight = parseInt(this.editor.dom.areaCont.style.height, 10); this.origAreaWidth = parseInt(this.editor.dom.areaCont.style.width, 10); this.pShowReplace.checked = false; this.pSearchCont.style.opacity = 0; this.animationStartHeight = this.height0; this.animationEndHeight = this.height1; } var _this = this; this.animation = new BX.easing({ duration : 300, start : {height: this.animationStartHeight, opacity : bShowReplace ? 100 : 0}, finish : {height: this.animationEndHeight, opacity : 100}, transition : BX.easing.makeEaseOut(BX.easing.transitions.quart), step : function(state) { _this.SetPanelHeight(state.height, state.opacity); }, complete : BX.proxy(function() { this.animation = null; }, this) }); this.animation.animate(); this.bOpened = true; }; SearchButton.prototype.ClosePanel = function(bShownReplace) { if (this.animation) this.animation.stop(); this.pSearchCont.style.opacity = 1; if (bShownReplace) { this.animationStartHeight = this.height2; this.animationEndHeight = this.height1; } else { this.animationStartHeight = this.bReplaceOpened ? this.height2 : this.height1; this.animationEndHeight = this.height0; } var _this = this; this.animation = new BX.easing({ duration : 200, start : {height: this.animationStartHeight, opacity : bShownReplace ? 100 : 0}, finish : {height: this.animationEndHeight, opacity : 100}, transition : BX.easing.makeEaseOut(BX.easing.transitions.quart), step : function(state) { _this.SetPanelHeight(state.height, state.opacity); }, complete : BX.proxy(function() { if (!bShownReplace) this.pSearchCont.style.display = 'none'; this.animation = null; }, this) }); this.animation.animate(); if (!bShownReplace) this.bOpened = false; }; SearchButton.prototype.ShowReplace = function(bShow) { if (bShow) { this.OpenPanel(true); this.bReplaceOpened = true; } else { this.ClosePanel(true); this.bReplaceOpened = false; } }; // Change ViewMode function ChangeView(editor, wrap) { // Call parrent constructor ChangeView.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); this.id = 'change_view'; this.title = BX.message('ButtonViewMode'); this._className = this.className; this.activeClassName = 'bxhtmled-top-bar-btn-active bxhtmled-top-bar-dd-active'; this.topClassName = 'bxhtmled-top-bar-dd'; this.arValues = [ { id: 'view_wysiwyg', title: BX.message('ViewWysiwyg'), className: this.className + ' bxhtmled-button-viewmode-wysiwyg', action: 'changeView', value: 'wysiwyg' }, { id: 'view_code', title: BX.message('ViewCode'), className: this.className + ' bxhtmled-button-viewmode-code', action: 'changeView', value: 'code' } ]; if (!editor.bbCode) { this.arValues.push({ id: 'view_split_hor', title: BX.message('ViewSplitHor'), className: this.className + ' bxhtmled-button-viewmode-split-hor', action: 'splitMode', value: '0' }); this.arValues.push({ id: 'view_split_ver', title: BX.message('ViewSplitVer'), className: this.className + ' bxhtmled-button-viewmode-split-ver', action: 'splitMode', value: '1' }); } this.className += ' bxhtmled-top-bar-dd'; this.disabledForTextarea = false; this.Create(); if (wrap) wrap.appendChild(this.GetCont()); var _this = this; BX.addCustomEvent(this.editor, 'OnSetViewAfter', function() { var currentValueId = 'view_' + _this.editor.currentViewName; if (_this.editor.currentViewName == 'split') { currentValueId += '_' + (_this.editor.GetSplitMode() ? 'ver' : 'hor'); } if (currentValueId !== _this.currentValueId) { _this.SelectItem(currentValueId); } }); } BX.extend(ChangeView, window.BXHtmlEditor.DropDown); ChangeView.prototype.Open = function() { var shift = this.editor.IsExpanded(); if (!shift) { var pos = BX.pos(this.editor.dom.cont); if (pos.left < 45) shift = true; } this.posOffset.left = shift ? 40 : -4; ChangeView.superclass.Open.apply(this, arguments); this.pValuesCont.firstChild.style.left = shift ? '20px' : ''; }; ChangeView.prototype.SelectItem = function(id, val) { val = ChangeView.superclass.SelectItem.apply(this, [id, val]); if (val) { this.pCont.className = this.topClassName + ' ' + val.className; } else { this.pCont.className = this.topClassName + ' ' + this.className; } this.currentValueId = id; }; function BbCodeButton(editor, wrap) { // Call parrent constructor BbCodeButton.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); this.id = 'bbcode'; this.title = BX.message('BXEdBbCode'); this.className += ' bxhtmled-button-bbcode'; this.disabledForTextarea = false; this.Create(); var _this = this; BX.addCustomEvent(this.editor, 'OnSetViewAfter', function() { _this.Check(_this.editor.GetViewMode() == 'code'); }); if (wrap) wrap.appendChild(this.GetCont()); } BX.extend(BbCodeButton, Button); BbCodeButton.prototype.OnClick = function() { if(this.disabled) return; if (this.editor.GetViewMode() == 'wysiwyg') { this.editor.SetView('code', true); this.Check(true); } else { this.editor.SetView('wysiwyg', true); this.Check(false); } }; function UndoButton(editor, wrap) { // Call parrent constructor UndoButton.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); this.id = 'undo'; this.title = BX.message('Undo'); this.className += ' bxhtmled-button-undo'; this.action = 'doUndo'; this.Create(); if (wrap) wrap.appendChild(this.GetCont()); var _this = this; this.Disable(true); this._disabled = true; BX.addCustomEvent(this.editor, "OnEnableUndo", function(bFlag) { _this._disabled = !bFlag; _this.Disable(!bFlag); }); } BX.extend(UndoButton, Button); UndoButton.prototype.Disable = function(bFlag) { bFlag = bFlag || this._disabled; if(bFlag != this.disabled) { this.disabled = !!bFlag; if(bFlag) BX.addClass(this.pCont, 'bxhtmled-top-bar-btn-disabled'); else BX.removeClass(this.pCont, 'bxhtmled-top-bar-btn-disabled'); } }; function RedoButton(editor, wrap) { // Call parrent constructor RedoButton.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); this.id = 'redo'; this.title = BX.message('Redo'); this.className += ' bxhtmled-button-redo'; this.action = 'doRedo'; this.Create(); if (wrap) wrap.appendChild(this.GetCont()); var _this = this; this.Disable(true); this._disabled = true; BX.addCustomEvent(this.editor, "OnEnableRedo", function(bFlag) { _this._disabled = !bFlag; _this.Disable(!bFlag); }); } BX.extend(RedoButton, Button); RedoButton.prototype.Disable = function(bFlag) { bFlag = bFlag || this._disabled; if(bFlag != this.disabled) { this.disabled = !!bFlag; if(bFlag) BX.addClass(this.pCont, 'bxhtmled-top-bar-btn-disabled'); else BX.removeClass(this.pCont, 'bxhtmled-top-bar-btn-disabled'); } }; function StyleSelectorList(editor, wrap) { // Call parrent constructor StyleSelectorList.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); this.id = 'style_selector'; this.title = BX.message('StyleSelectorTitle'); this.className += ' '; this.action = 'formatStyle'; this.itemClassNameGroup = 'bxhtmled-dd-list-item-gr'; this.OPEN_DELAY = 800; this.checkedClasses = []; this.checkedTags = this.editor.GetBlockTags(); this.arValues = this.GetStyleListValues(); this.Create(); if (wrap) wrap.appendChild(this.GetCont()); BX.addCustomEvent(this.editor, "OnApplySiteTemplate", BX.proxy(this.OnTemplateChanged, this)); } BX.extend(StyleSelectorList, window.BXHtmlEditor.DropDownList); StyleSelectorList.prototype.OnTemplateChanged = function () { if (this.bOpened) this.Close(); this.arValues = this.GetStyleListValues(); this.Create(); }; StyleSelectorList.prototype.GetStyleListValues = function () { // Basic styles this.arValues = [ { id: '', name: BX.message('StyleNormal'), topName: BX.message('StyleSelectorName'), tagName: false, action: 'formatStyle', value: '', defaultValue: true }, { name: BX.message('StyleH2'), className: 'bxhtmled-style-h2', tagName: 'H2', action: 'formatStyle', value: 'H2' }, { name: BX.message('StyleH3'), className: 'bxhtmled-style-h3', tagName: 'H3', action: 'formatStyle', value: 'H3' }, { id: 'headingsMore', name: BX.message('HeadingMore'), className: 'bxhtmled-style-heading-more', items: [ { name: BX.message('StyleH1'), className: 'bxhtmled-style-h1', tagName: 'H1', action: 'formatStyle', value: 'H1' }, { name: BX.message('StyleH4'), className: 'bxhtmled-style-h4', tagName: 'H4', action: 'formatStyle', value: 'H4' }, { name: BX.message('StyleH5'), className: 'bxhtmled-style-h5', tagName: 'H5', action: 'formatStyle', value: 'H5' }, { name: BX.message('StyleH6'), className: 'bxhtmled-style-h6', tagName: 'H6', action: 'formatStyle', value: 'H6' } ] } ]; // Meta classes from template's .style.php var stylesDescription = this.editor.GetStylesDescription(); this.metaClasses = this.GetMetaClassSections(); var cl, metaClass, arValues = [], metaInd = {}, tags, tagi, j; for (cl in stylesDescription) { if ( stylesDescription.hasOwnProperty(cl) && typeof stylesDescription[cl] == 'object' ) { metaClass = stylesDescription[cl]; if(stylesDescription[cl].section) { if (typeof metaInd[metaClass.section] == 'undefined') { metaInd[metaClass.section] = arValues.length; arValues.push({ id: this.metaClasses[metaClass.section].id, name: this.metaClasses[metaClass.section].name, defaultValue: false, items: [] }); } arValues[metaInd[metaClass.section]].items.push({ id: cl, name: metaClass.title || cl, action: 'formatStyle', value: {className: cl, tag: metaClass.tag || false}, html: metaClass.html || false, defaultValue: false }); } else { arValues.push({ id: cl, name: metaClass.title || cl, action: 'formatStyle', value: {className: cl, tag: metaClass.tag || false}, html: metaClass.html || false, defaultValue: false }); } this.checkedClasses.push(cl); if (metaClass.tag) { tags = metaClass.tag.indexOf(',') === -1 ? [metaClass.tag] : metaClass.tag.split(','); for (j = 0; j < tags.length; j++) { tagi = BX.util.trim(tags[j]).toUpperCase(); if (!BX.util.in_array(tagi, this.checkedTags)) this.checkedTags.push(tagi); } } } } if (arValues.length > 0) { this.arValues = this.arValues.concat(['separator'], arValues); } this.arValues.push('separator'); this.arValues.push({ id: 'P', name: BX.message('StyleParagraph'), action: 'formatStyle', value: 'P' }); this.arValues.push({ id: 'DIV', name: BX.message('StyleDiv'), action: 'formatStyle', value: 'DIV' }); this.editor.On("GetStyleList", [this.styleList]); return this.arValues; }; StyleSelectorList.prototype.GetMetaClassSections = function() { var res = { 'quote':{ id: 'quote', name: BX.message('BXEdMetaClass_quote') }, 'text': { id: 'text', name: BX.message('BXEdMetaClass_text') }, 'block': { id: 'block', name: BX.message('BXEdMetaClass_block') }, 'block_icon': { id: 'block_icon', name: BX.message('BXEdMetaClass_block_icon') }, 'list' : { id: 'list', name: BX.message('BXEdMetaClass_list'), activateNodes: ['OL', 'UL'] } }; return res; }; StyleSelectorList.prototype.SetValue = function (active, state) { this.FilterMetaClasses(); var selected = false, k, val; if (active) { if (state && state.nodeName) { this.FilterMetaClasses(state.nodeName); if (state.className && state.className !== '') { val = state.className; if (state.nodeName == 'UL') { var customBullitClass = this.editor.action.actions.insertUnorderedList.getCustomBullitClass(state); if (customBullitClass) val = state.className + '~~' + customBullitClass; } for (k in this.valueIndex) { if (this.valueIndex.hasOwnProperty(k) && k.indexOf(val) !== -1) { this.SelectItem(k, false, false); selected = true; break; } } } } if (!selected) { var nodeName = state.nodeName.toUpperCase(); this.SelectItem(nodeName, false, false); selected = true; } } if (!active || !selected) { this.SelectItem('', false, false); } }; StyleSelectorList.prototype.FilterMetaClasses = function(tagName) { for (var i in this.metaClasses) { if (this.metaClasses.hasOwnProperty(i) && this.metaClasses[i].activateNodes && this.metaClasses[i].itemNode) { if (!tagName) { this.metaClasses[i].itemNode.style.display = 'none'; } else if (BX.util.in_array(tagName.toUpperCase(), this.metaClasses[i].activateNodes)) { this.metaClasses[i].itemNode.style.display = ''; } } } }; StyleSelectorList.prototype.Create = function() { if (!this.pCont) { this.pCont = BX.create("SPAN", {props: {className: this.className, title: this.title}, attrs: {unselectable: 'on'}, text: ''}); if (this.width) this.pCont.style.width = this.width + 'px'; BX.bind(this.pCont, 'click', BX.proxy(this.OnClick, this)); } if (!this.pValuesCont) { this.pValuesCont = BX.create("DIV", {props: {className: "bxhtmled-popup bxhtmled-dropdown-list-cont"}, html: '<div class="bxhtmled-popup-corner"></div>'}); this.pValuesContWrap = this.pValuesCont.appendChild(BX.create("DIV", {props: {className: "bxhtmled-dd-list-wrap"}})); } else { BX.cleanNode(this.pValuesContWrap); } this.valueIndex = {}; this.itemIndex = {}; if(this.zIndex) { this.pValuesCont.style.zIndex = this.zIndex; } var value, i; for (i = 0; i < this.arValues.length; i++) { value = this.arValues[i]; if (value.items && value.items.length > 0) // Group { this.CreateSubmenuItem(value, this.pValuesContWrap, i); } else if (!value.items) // single item { this.CreateItem(value, this.pValuesContWrap, i); } } if (this.action && this.checkableAction) { this.editor.RegisterCheckableAction(this.action, { action: this.action, control: this }); } }; StyleSelectorList.prototype.CreateItem = function (item, parentCont, index) { if (item == 'separator') // Separator { parentCont.appendChild(BX.create("I", {props: {className: 'bxhtmled-dd-list-sep'}})); } else { if (item.tagName) { item.tagName = item.tagName.toUpperCase(); if (!item.id) item.id = item.tagName; } var _this = this, itemClass = this.itemClassName + (item.className ? ' ' + item.className : ''); if (!item.html) { item.html = item.tagName ? ('<' + item.tagName + '>' + item.name + '</' + item.tagName + '>') : item.name; } var but = parentCont.appendChild(BX.create("SPAN", {props: {title: item.title || item.name, className: itemClass}, html: item.html, style: item.style})); but.setAttribute('data-bx-dropdown-value', item.id); this.valueIndex[item.id] = index; this.itemIndex[item.id] = item; if (item.defaultValue) { this.SelectItem(null, item); } BX.bind(but, 'mousedown', function(e) { _this.SelectItem(this.getAttribute('data-bx-dropdown-value')); if (item.action && _this.editor.action.IsSupported(item.action)) { _this.editor.action.Exec(item.action, item.value || false); } }); this.arValues[index].listCont = but; } }; StyleSelectorList.prototype.CreateSubmenuItem = function (item, parentCont, index) { var _this = this, itemClass = this.itemClassName + ' ' + this.itemClassNameGroup + (item.className ? ' ' + item.className : ''), but = parentCont.appendChild(BX.create("SPAN", {props: {title: item.title || item.name, className: itemClass}, html: item.name + '<i class="bxed-arrow"></i>', style: item.style || ''})); but.setAttribute('data-bx-dropdown-value', item.id); this.valueIndex[item.id] = index; // this.itemIndex[item.id] = item; this.arValues[index].listCont = but; var timeout, hover = false; var par_ind = this.valueIndex[item.id]; var i, ind; for (i = 0; i < item.items.length; i++) { if (item.items[i].tagName) { item.items[i].tagName = item.items[i].tagName.toUpperCase(); if (!item.items[i].id) item.items[i].id = item.items[i].tagName; } ind = par_ind + '_' + i; if (!this.arValues[ind]) this.arValues[ind] = item.items[i]; this.valueIndex[item.items[i].id] = ind; item.items[i].listSubmenuCont = but; } BX.bind(but, 'mouseover', function(e) { hover = true; if (timeout) clearTimeout(timeout); timeout = setTimeout(function() { if (hover) { _this.OpenSubmenu(item); } }, _this.OPEN_DELAY); }); BX.bind(but, 'mouseout', function(e) { hover = false; if (timeout) timeout = clearTimeout(timeout); }); if (this.metaClasses && this.metaClasses[item.id]) { this.metaClasses[item.id].itemNode = but; } }; StyleSelectorList.prototype.OpenSubmenu = function (item) { // Hack for load font awesome css (used in some templates to customize bullet list styles) if (item.id == 'list') BX.loadCSS(['/bitrix/css/main/font-awesome.css']); if (!this.pSubmenuCont) { this.pSubmenuCont = BX.create("DIV", {props: {className: "bxhtmled-popup bxhtmled-popup-left bxhtmled-dropdown-list-cont bxhtmled-dropdown-list-cont-submenu"}, html: '<div class="bxhtmled-popup-corner"></div>'}); this.pSubmenuContWrap = this.pSubmenuCont.appendChild(BX.create("DIV", {props: {className: "bxhtmled-dd-list-wrap"}})); } else { BX.cleanNode(this.pSubmenuContWrap); } if(this.zIndex) { this.pSubmenuCont.style.zIndex = this.zIndex; } document.body.appendChild(this.pSubmenuCont); this.pSubmenuCont.style.display = 'block'; if (this.curSubmenuItem) { BX.removeClass(this.curSubmenuItem, 'bxhtmled-dd-list-item-selected'); } this.curSubmenuItem = item.listCont; BX.addClass(this.curSubmenuItem, 'bxhtmled-dd-list-item-selected'); var _this = this, pos = BX.pos(this.curSubmenuItem), left = pos.right + 17, top = pos.top - 9; this.pSubmenuCont.style.top = top + 'px'; this.pSubmenuCont.style.left = left + 'px'; var par_ind = this.valueIndex[item.id]; var i, ind; for (i = 0; i < item.items.length; i++) { ind = par_ind + '_' + i; if (!this.arValues[ind]) this.arValues[ind] = item.items[i]; this.CreateItem(item.items[i], this.pSubmenuContWrap, ind); } BX.onCustomEvent(this.curSubmenuItem, "OnStyleListSubmenuOpened", []); }; StyleSelectorList.prototype.CloseSubmenu = function() { if (this.pSubmenuCont && this.pSubmenuContWrap) { BX.cleanNode(this.pSubmenuContWrap); this.pSubmenuCont.style.display = 'none'; } if (this.curSubmenuItem) { BX.removeClass(this.curSubmenuItem, 'bxhtmled-dd-list-item-selected'); } }; StyleSelectorList.prototype.SelectItem = function (valDropdown, val, bClose) { var _this = this; bClose = bClose !== false; if (!val) { val = this.arValues[this.valueIndex[valDropdown]]; if (!val && this.valueIndex[valDropdown.toUpperCase()]) { val = this.arValues[this.valueIndex[valDropdown.toUpperCase()]]; } if (!val && this.valueIndex[valDropdown.toLowerCase()]) { val = this.arValues[this.valueIndex[valDropdown.toLowerCase()]]; } } if (this.lastActiveSubmenuItem) BX.removeClass(this.lastActiveSubmenuItem, this.activeListClassName); if (this.lastActiveItem) BX.removeClass(this.lastActiveItem, this.activeListClassName); if (val) { this.pCont.innerHTML = BX.util.htmlspecialchars((val.topName || val.name || val.id)); this.pCont.title = this.title + ': ' + (val.title || val.name); // Select value in list as active if (val.listSubmenuCont && BX.isNodeInDom(val.listSubmenuCont)) { this.lastActiveSubmenuItem = val.listSubmenuCont; BX.addClass(val.listSubmenuCont, this.activeListClassName); } if (val.listCont && BX.isNodeInDom(val.listCont)) { this.lastActiveItem = val.listCont; BX.addClass(val.listCont, this.activeListClassName); } else { // Item can be in submenu function submenu() { if (val.listCont && BX.isNodeInDom(val.listCont)) { if (_this.lastActiveItem) BX.removeClass(_this.lastActiveItem, _this.activeListClassName); _this.lastActiveItem = val.listCont; BX.addClass(val.listCont, _this.activeListClassName); } BX.removeCustomEvent(val.listSubmenuCont, "OnStyleListSubmenuOpened", submenu); } if (val.listSubmenuCont) { BX.addCustomEvent(val.listSubmenuCont, "OnStyleListSubmenuOpened", submenu); } } } if (this.bOpened && bClose) { this.Close(); } }; StyleSelectorList.prototype.Open = function () { StyleSelectorList.superclass.Open.apply(this, arguments); }; StyleSelectorList.prototype.Close = function () { this.CloseSubmenu(); StyleSelectorList.superclass.Close.apply(this, arguments); }; function FontSelectorList(editor, wrap) { // Call parrent constructor FontSelectorList.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); this.id = 'font_selector'; this.title = BX.message('FontSelectorTitle'); this.action = 'fontFamily'; this.zIndex = 3008; var fontList = this.editor.GetFontFamilyList(); this.disabledForTextarea = !editor.bbCode; this.arValues = [ { id: '', name: BX.message('NoFontTitle'), topName: BX.message('FontSelectorTitle'), title: BX.message('NoFontTitle'), className: '', style: '', action: 'fontFamily', value: '', defaultValue: true } ]; var i, name, val, style; for (i in fontList) { if (fontList.hasOwnProperty(i)) { val = fontList[i].value; if (typeof val != 'object') val = [val]; name = fontList[i].name; style = fontList[i].arStyle || {fontFamily: val.join(',')}; this.arValues.push( { id: name, name: name, title: name, className: fontList[i].className || '', style: fontList[i].arStyle || {fontFamily: val.join(',')}, action: 'fontFamily', value: val.join(',') } ); } } this.Create(); if (wrap) { wrap.appendChild(this.GetCont()); } } BX.extend(FontSelectorList, window.BXHtmlEditor.DropDownList); FontSelectorList.prototype.SetValue = function(active, state) { if (active) { var i, j, arFonts, valueId, l = this.arValues.length, node = state[0], value = BX.util.trim(BX.style(node, 'fontFamily')); if (value !== '' && BX.type.isString(value)) { arFonts = value.split(','); for (i in arFonts) { valueId = false; if (arFonts.hasOwnProperty(i)) { for (j = 0; j < l; j++) { arFonts[i] = arFonts[i].replace(/'|"/ig, ''); if (this.arValues[j].value.indexOf(arFonts[i]) !== -1) { valueId = this.arValues[j].id; break; } } if (valueId !== false) { break; } } } this.SelectItem(valueId, false, false); } else { this.SelectItem('', false, false); } } else { this.SelectItem('', false, false); } }; function FontSizeButton(editor, wrap) { // Call parrent constructor FontSizeButton.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); this.id = 'font_size'; this.title = BX.message('FontSizeTitle'); this.className += ' bxhtmled-button-fontsize'; this.activeClassName = 'bxhtmled-top-bar-btn-active bxhtmled-button-fontsize-active'; this.disabledClassName = 'bxhtmled-top-bar-btn-disabled bxhtmled-button-fontsize-disabled'; this.action = 'fontSize'; this.zIndex = 3007; this.disabledForTextarea = !editor.bbCode; var fontSize = [6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,18,20,22,24,26,28,36,48,72]; this.arValues = [{ id: 'font-size-0', className: 'bxhtmled-top-bar-btn bxhtmled-button-remove-fontsize', action: this.action, value: '<i></i>' }]; var i, val; for (i in fontSize) { if (fontSize.hasOwnProperty(i)) { val = fontSize[i]; this.arValues.push( { id: 'font-size-' + val, action: this.action, value: val } ); } } this.Create(); if (wrap) wrap.appendChild(this.pCont_); BX.addCustomEvent(this, "OnPopupClose", BX.proxy(this.OnPopupClose, this)); } BX.extend(FontSizeButton, window.BXHtmlEditor.DropDown); FontSizeButton.prototype.Create = function () { this.pCont_ = BX.create("SPAN", {props: {className: 'bxhtmled-button-fontsize-wrap', title: this.title}}); this.pCont = this.pButCont = this.pCont_.appendChild(BX.create("SPAN", {props: {className: this.className}, html: '<i></i>'})); this.pListCont = this.pCont_.appendChild(BX.create("SPAN", {props: {className: 'bxhtmled-top-bar-select', title: this.title}, attrs: {unselectable: 'on'}, text: '', style: {display: 'none'}})); this.pValuesCont = BX.create("DIV", {props: {className: "bxhtmled-popup bxhtmled-dropdown-cont"}, html: '<div class="bxhtmled-popup-corner"></div>'}); this.pValuesCont.style.zIndex = this.zIndex; this.pValuesContWrap = this.pValuesCont.appendChild(BX.create("DIV", {props: {className: "bxhtmled-dropdown-cont bxhtmled-font-size-popup"}})); this.valueIndex = {}; var but, value, _this = this, i, itemClass = 'bxhtmled-dd-list-item'; for (i = 0; i < this.arValues.length; i++) { value = this.arValues[i]; but = this.pValuesContWrap.appendChild(BX.create("SPAN", {props: {className: value.className || itemClass}, html: value.value, style: value.style || {}})); but.setAttribute('data-bx-dropdown-value', value.id); this.valueIndex[value.id] = i; if (value.action) { but.setAttribute('data-bx-type', 'action'); but.setAttribute('data-bx-action', value.action); if (value.value) but.setAttribute('data-bx-value', value.value); } BX.bind(but, 'mousedown', function(e) { _this.SelectItem(this.getAttribute('data-bx-dropdown-value')); _this.editor.CheckCommand(this); _this.Close(); }); } this.editor.RegisterCheckableAction(this.action, { action: this.action, control: this }); BX.bind(this.pCont_, 'click', BX.proxy(this.OnClick, this)); BX.bind(this.pCont, "mousedown", BX.delegate(this.OnMouseDown, this)); }; FontSizeButton.prototype.SetValue = function(active, state) { if (state && state[0]) { var element = state[0]; var value = element.style.fontSize; this.SelectItem(false, {value: parseInt(value, 10), title: value}); } else { this.SelectItem(false, {value: 0}); } }; FontSizeButton.prototype.SelectItem = function(valDropdown, val) { if (!val) val = this.arValues[this.valueIndex[valDropdown]]; if (val.value) { this.pListCont.innerHTML = val.value; this.pListCont.title = this.title + ': ' + (val.title || val.value); this.pListCont.style.display = ''; this.pButCont.style.display = 'none'; } else { this.pListCont.title = this.title; this.pButCont.style.display = ''; this.pListCont.style.display = 'none'; } }; FontSizeButton.prototype.GetPopupBindCont = function() { return this.pCont_; }; FontSizeButton.prototype.Open = function() { FontSizeButton.superclass.Open.apply(this, arguments); // Show or hide first value of the list this.pValuesContWrap.firstChild.style.display = this.editor.bbCode && this.editor.synchro.IsFocusedOnTextarea() ? 'none' : ''; BX.addClass(this.pListCont, 'bxhtmled-top-bar-btn-active'); }; FontSizeButton.prototype.Close = function() { FontSizeButton.superclass.Close.apply(this, arguments); BX.removeClass(this.pListCont, 'bxhtmled-top-bar-btn-active'); }; FontSizeButton.prototype.OnPopupClose = function() { var more = this.editor.toolbar.controls.More; setTimeout(function() { if (more && more.bOpened) { more.CheckOverlay(); } }, 100); }; function BoldButton(editor, wrap) { // Call parrent constructor BoldButton.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); this.id = 'bold'; this.title = BX.message('Bold'); this.className += ' bxhtmled-button-bold'; this.action = 'bold'; this.disabledForTextarea = !editor.bbCode; this.Create(); if (wrap) wrap.appendChild(this.GetCont()); } BX.extend(BoldButton, Button); function ItalicButton(editor, wrap) { // Call parrent constructor ItalicButton.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); this.id = 'italic'; this.title = BX.message('Italic'); this.className += ' bxhtmled-button-italic'; this.action = 'italic'; this.disabledForTextarea = !editor.bbCode; this.Create(); if (wrap) wrap.appendChild(this.GetCont()); } BX.extend(ItalicButton, Button); function UnderlineButton(editor, wrap) { // Call parrent constructor UnderlineButton.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); this.id = 'underline'; this.title = BX.message('Underline'); this.className += ' bxhtmled-button-underline'; this.action = 'underline'; this.disabledForTextarea = !editor.bbCode; this.Create(); if (wrap) wrap.appendChild(this.GetCont()); } BX.extend(UnderlineButton, Button); function StrikeoutButton(editor, wrap) { // Call parrent constructor StrikeoutButton.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); this.id = 'strike'; this.title = BX.message('Strike'); this.className += ' bxhtmled-button-strike'; this.action = 'strikeout'; this.disabledForTextarea = !editor.bbCode; this.Create(); if (wrap) wrap.appendChild(this.GetCont()); } BX.extend(StrikeoutButton, Button); function RemoveFormatButton(editor, wrap) { // Call parrent constructor RemoveFormatButton.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); this.id = 'remove_format'; this.title = BX.message('RemoveFormat'); this.className += ' bxhtmled-button-remove-format'; this.action = 'removeFormat'; this.checkableAction = false; this.Create(); if (wrap) wrap.appendChild(this.GetCont()); } BX.extend(RemoveFormatButton, Button); function TemplateSelectorList(editor, wrap) { // Call parrent constructor TemplateSelectorList.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); this.id = 'template_selector'; this.title = BX.message('TemplateSelectorTitle'); this.className += ' '; this.width = 85; this.zIndex = 3007; this.arValues = []; var templateId = this.editor.GetTemplateId(), templates = this.editor.config.templates, i, template; for (i in templates) { if (templates.hasOwnProperty(i)) { template = templates[i]; this.arValues.push( { id: template.value, name: template.name, title: template.name, className: 'bxhtmled-button-viewmode-wysiwyg', action: 'changeTemplate', value: template.value, defaultValue: template.value == templateId } ); } } this.Create(); if (wrap) wrap.appendChild(this.GetCont()); this.SelectItem(templateId); } BX.extend(TemplateSelectorList, window.BXHtmlEditor.DropDownList); function OrderedListButton(editor, wrap) { // Call parrent constructor OrderedListButton.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); this.id = 'ordered-list'; this.title = BX.message('OrderedList'); this.className += ' bxhtmled-button-ordered-list'; this.action = 'insertOrderedList'; this.disabledForTextarea = !editor.bbCode; this.Create(); if (wrap) { wrap.appendChild(this.GetCont()); } } BX.extend(OrderedListButton, Button); OrderedListButton.prototype.OnClick = function() { if(!this.disabled) { if (!this.editor.bbCode || !this.editor.synchro.IsFocusedOnTextarea()) { OrderedListButton.superclass.OnClick.apply(this, arguments); } else // bbcode in textarea - always new link { this.editor.GetDialog('InsertList').Show({type: 'ol'}); } } }; function UnorderedListButton(editor, wrap) { // Call parrent constructor UnorderedListButton.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); this.id = 'unordered-list'; this.title = BX.message('UnorderedList'); this.className += ' bxhtmled-button-unordered-list'; this.action = 'insertUnorderedList'; this.disabledForTextarea = !editor.bbCode; this.Create(); if (wrap) { wrap.appendChild(this.GetCont()); } } BX.extend(UnorderedListButton, Button); UnorderedListButton.prototype.OnClick = function() { if(!this.disabled) { if (!this.editor.bbCode || !this.editor.synchro.IsFocusedOnTextarea()) { OrderedListButton.superclass.OnClick.apply(this, arguments); } else // bbcode in textarea - always new link { this.editor.GetDialog('InsertList').Show({type: 'ul'}); } } }; function IndentButton(editor, wrap) { // Call parrent constructor IndentButton.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); this.id = 'indent'; this.title = BX.message('Indent'); this.className += ' bxhtmled-button-indent'; this.action = 'indent'; this.checkableAction = false; this.Create(); if (wrap) { wrap.appendChild(this.GetCont()); } } BX.extend(IndentButton, Button); function OutdentButton(editor, wrap) { // Call parrent constructor OutdentButton.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); this.id = 'outdent'; this.title = BX.message('Outdent'); this.className += ' bxhtmled-button-outdent'; this.action = 'outdent'; this.checkableAction = false; this.Create(); if (wrap) { wrap.appendChild(this.GetCont()); } } BX.extend(OutdentButton, Button); function AlignList(editor, wrap) { // Call parrent constructor AlignList.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); this.id = 'align-list'; this.title = BX.message('BXEdTextAlign'); this.posOffset.left = 0; this.action = 'align'; var cn = this.className; this.className += ' bxhtmled-button-align-left'; this.disabledForTextarea = !editor.bbCode; this.arValues = [ { id: 'align_left', title: BX.message('AlignLeft'), className: cn + ' bxhtmled-button-align-left', action: 'align', value: 'left' }, { id: 'align_center', title: BX.message('AlignCenter'), className: cn + ' bxhtmled-button-align-center', action: 'align', value: 'center' }, { id: 'align_right', title: BX.message('AlignRight'), className: cn + ' bxhtmled-button-align-right', action: 'align', value: 'right' }, { id: 'align_justify', title: BX.message('AlignJustify'), className: cn + ' bxhtmled-button-align-justify', action: 'align', value: 'justify' } ]; this.Create(); if (wrap) wrap.appendChild(this.GetCont()); } BX.extend(AlignList, window.BXHtmlEditor.DropDown); AlignList.prototype.SetValue = function(active, state) { if (this.disabled) { this.SelectItem(null); } else { if (state && state.value) { this.SelectItem('align_' + state.value); } else { this.SelectItem(null); } } }; function InsertLinkButton(editor, wrap) { // Call parrent constructor InsertLinkButton.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); this.id = 'insert-link'; this.title = BX.message('InsertLink'); this.className += ' bxhtmled-button-link'; this.posOffset = {top: 6, left: 0}; this.disabledForTextarea = !editor.bbCode; this.arValues = [ { id: 'edit_link', title: BX.message('EditLink'), className: this.className + ' bxhtmled-button-link' }, { id: 'remove_link', title: BX.message('RemoveLink'), className: this.className + ' bxhtmled-button-remove-link', action: 'removeLink' } ]; this.Create(); if (wrap) { wrap.appendChild(this.GetCont()); } } BX.extend(InsertLinkButton, window.BXHtmlEditor.DropDown); InsertLinkButton.prototype.OnClick = function() { if(this.disabled) return; if (!this.editor.bbCode || !this.editor.synchro.IsFocusedOnTextarea()) { var i, link, lastLink, linksCount = 0, nodes = this.editor.action.CheckState('formatInline', {}, "a"); if (nodes) { // Selection contains links for (i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { link = nodes[i]; if (link) { lastLink = link; linksCount++; } if (linksCount > 1) { break; } } } // Link exists: show drop down with two buttons - edit or remove if (linksCount === 1 && lastLink) { if (this.bOpened) { this.Close(); } else { this.Open(); } } else // No link: show dialog to add new one { this.editor.GetDialog('Link').Show(nodes, this.savedRange); } } else // bbcode in textarea - always new link { this.editor.GetDialog('Link').Show(false, false); } }; InsertLinkButton.prototype.SelectItem = function(id) { if (id == 'edit_link') { this.editor.GetDialog('Link').Show(false, this.savedRange); } }; function InsertImageButton(editor, wrap) { // Call parrent constructor InsertImageButton.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); this.id = 'image'; this.title = BX.message('InsertImage'); this.className += ' bxhtmled-button-image'; this.disabledForTextarea = !editor.bbCode; this.Create(); if (wrap) { wrap.appendChild(this.GetCont()); } } BX.extend(InsertImageButton, Button); InsertImageButton.prototype.OnClick = function() { if(!this.disabled) { this.editor.GetDialog('Image').Show(false, this.savedRange); } }; function InsertVideoButton(editor, wrap) { // Call parrent constructor InsertVideoButton.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); this.id = 'video'; this.title = BX.message('BXEdInsertVideo'); this.className += ' bxhtmled-button-video'; this.disabledForTextarea = !editor.bbCode; this.Create(); if (wrap) { wrap.appendChild(this.GetCont()); } } BX.extend(InsertVideoButton, Button); InsertVideoButton.prototype.OnClick = function() { if (!this.disabled) { this.editor.GetDialog('Video').Show(false, this.savedRange); } }; function InsertAnchorButton(editor, wrap) { // Call parrent constructor InsertAnchorButton.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); this.id = 'insert-anchor'; this.title = BX.message('BXEdAnchor'); this.className += ' bxhtmled-button-anchor'; this.action = 'insertAnchor'; this.Create(); if (wrap) { wrap.appendChild(this.GetCont()); } } BX.extend(InsertAnchorButton, Button); InsertAnchorButton.prototype.OnClick = function(e) { var _this = this; if (this.disabled) return; if (!this.pPopup) { this.pPopup = new BX.PopupWindow(this.id + '-popup', this.GetCont(), { zIndex: 3005, lightShadow : true, offsetTop: 4, overlay: {opacity: 1}, offsetLeft: -128, autoHide: true, closeByEsc: true, className: 'bxhtmled-popup', content : '' }); this.pPopupCont = BX(this.id + '-popup'); this.pPopupCont.className = 'bxhtmled-popup'; this.pPopupCont.innerHTML = '<div class="bxhtmled-popup-corner"></div>'; this.pPopupContWrap = this.pPopupCont.appendChild(BX.create("DIV")); this.pPopupContInput = this.pPopupContWrap.appendChild(BX.create("INPUT", {props: {type: 'text', placeholder: BX.message('BXEdAnchorName') + '...', title: BX.message('BXEdAnchorInsertTitle')}, style: {width: '150px'}})); this.pPopupContBut = this.pPopupContWrap.appendChild(BX.create("INPUT", {props: {type: 'button', value: BX.message('BXEdInsert')}, style: {marginLeft: '6px'}})); BX.bind(this.pPopupContInput, 'keyup', BX.proxy(this.OnKeyUp, this)); BX.bind(this.pPopupContBut, 'click', BX.proxy(this.Save, this)); BX.addCustomEvent(this.pPopup, "onPopupClose", function() { _this.pPopup.destroy(); _this.pPopup = null; }); } this.pPopupContInput.value = ''; this.pPopup.show(); BX.focus(this.pPopupContInput); }; InsertAnchorButton.prototype.Save = function() { var name = BX.util.trim(this.pPopupContInput.value); if (name !== '') { name = name.replace(/[^ a-z0-9_\-]/gi, ""); if (this.savedRange) { this.editor.selection.SetBookmark(this.savedRange); } var node = this.editor.phpParser.GetSurrogateNode("anchor", BX.message('BXEdAnchor') + ": #" + name, null, { html: '', name: name } ); this.editor.selection.InsertNode(node); var sur = this.editor.util.CheckSurrogateNode(node.parentNode); if (sur) { this.editor.util.InsertAfter(node, sur); } this.editor.selection.SetInvisibleTextAfterNode(node); this.editor.synchro.StartSync(100); if (this.editor.toolbar.controls.More) { this.editor.toolbar.controls.More.Close(); } } this.pPopup.close(); }; InsertAnchorButton.prototype.OnKeyUp = function(e) { if (e.keyCode === this.editor.KEY_CODES['enter']) { this.Save(); } }; function InsertTableButton(editor, wrap) { // Call parrent constructor InsertTableButton.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); this.id = 'insert-table'; this.title = BX.message('BXEdTable'); this.className += ' bxhtmled-button-table'; this.itemClassName = 'bxhtmled-dd-list-item'; this.action = 'insertTable'; this.disabledForTextarea = !editor.bbCode; this.PATTERN_ROWS = 10; this.PATTERN_COLS = 10; this.zIndex = 3007; this.posOffset = {top: 6, left: 0}; this.Create(); if (wrap) { wrap.appendChild(this.GetCont()); } BX.addCustomEvent(this, "OnPopupClose", BX.proxy(this.OnPopupClose, this)); } BX.extend(InsertTableButton, window.BXHtmlEditor.DropDown); InsertTableButton.prototype.Create = function() { this.pCont = BX.create("SPAN", {props: {className: this.className, title: this.title}, html: '<i></i>'}); this.pValuesCont = BX.create("DIV", {props: {className: "bxhtmled-popup bxhtmled-dropdown-cont"}, html: '<div class="bxhtmled-popup-corner"></div>'}); this.pValuesCont.style.zIndex = this.zIndex; this.valueIndex = {}; this.pPatternWrap = this.pValuesCont.appendChild(BX.create("DIV")); // this.pValuesContWrap = this.pValuesCont.appendChild(BX.create("DIV")); var _this = this, i, row, cell, lastNode, overPattern = false, l = this.PATTERN_ROWS * this.PATTERN_COLS, but; // Selectable table this.pPatternTbl = this.pPatternWrap.appendChild(BX.create("TABLE", {props: {className: "bxhtmled-pattern-tbl"}})); function markPatternTable(row, cell) { var r, c, pCell; for(r = 0; r < _this.PATTERN_ROWS; r++) { for(c = 0; c < _this.PATTERN_COLS; c++) { pCell = _this.pPatternTbl.rows[r].cells[c]; pCell.className = (r <= row && c <= cell) ? 'bxhtmled-td-selected' : ''; } } } BX.bind(this.pPatternTbl, "mousemove", function(e) { var node = e.target || e.srcElement; if (lastNode !== node) { lastNode = node; if (node.nodeName == "TD") { overPattern = true; markPatternTable(node.parentNode.rowIndex, node.cellIndex); } else if (node.nodeName == "TABLE") { overPattern = false; markPatternTable(-1, -1); } } }); BX.bind(this.pPatternWrap, "mouseout", function(e) { overPattern = false; setTimeout(function() { if (!overPattern) { markPatternTable(-1, -1); } }, 300); }); BX.bind(this.pPatternTbl, "click", function(e) { var node = e.target || e.srcElement; if (node.nodeName == "TD") { if (_this.editor.action.IsSupported(_this.action)) { if (_this.savedRange) { _this.editor.selection.SetBookmark(_this.savedRange); } _this.editor.action.Exec( _this.action, { rows: node.parentNode.rowIndex + 1, cols: node.cellIndex + 1, border: 1, cellPadding: 1, cellSpacing: 1 }); } if (_this.editor.toolbar.controls.More) { _this.editor.toolbar.controls.More.Close(); } _this.Close(); } }); for(i = 0; i < l; i++) { if (i % this.PATTERN_COLS == 0) // new row { row = this.pPatternTbl.insertRow(-1); } cell = row.insertCell(-1); cell.innerHTML = ' '; cell.title = (cell.cellIndex + 1) + 'x' + (row.rowIndex + 1); } but = this.pValuesContWrap.appendChild(BX.create("SPAN", {props: {title: BX.message('BXEdInsertTableTitle'), className: this.itemClassName}, html: BX.message('BXEdInsertTable')})); BX.bind(but, 'mousedown', function(e) { _this.editor.GetDialog('Table').Show(false, _this.savedRange); if (_this.editor.toolbar.controls.More) { _this.editor.toolbar.controls.More.Close(); } _this.Close(); }); BX.bind(this.pCont, 'click', BX.proxy(this.OnClick, this)); BX.bind(this.pCont, "mousedown", BX.delegate(this.OnMouseDown, this)); }; InsertTableButton.prototype.OnPopupClose = function() { var more = this.editor.toolbar.controls.More; setTimeout(function() { if (more && more.bOpened) { more.CheckOverlay(); } }, 100); }; function InsertCharButton(editor, wrap) { // Call parrent constructor InsertCharButton.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); this.id = 'specialchar'; this.title = BX.message('BXEdSpecialchar'); this.className += ' bxhtmled-button-specialchar'; this.itemClassName = 'bxhtmled-dd-list-item'; this.CELLS_COUNT = 10; this.posOffset = {top: 6, left: 0}; this.zIndex = 3007; this.Create(); if (wrap) { wrap.appendChild(this.GetCont()); } BX.addCustomEvent(this, "OnPopupClose", BX.proxy(this.OnPopupClose, this)); } BX.extend(InsertCharButton, window.BXHtmlEditor.DropDown); InsertCharButton.prototype.Create = function() { this.pCont = BX.create("SPAN", {props: {className: this.className, title: this.title}, html: '<i></i>'}); this.pValuesCont = BX.create("DIV", {props: {className: "bxhtmled-popup bxhtmled-dropdown-cont"}, html: '<div class="bxhtmled-popup-corner"></div>'}); this.pValuesCont.style.zIndex = this.zIndex; this.valueIndex = {}; this.pPatternWrap = this.pValuesCont.appendChild(BX.create("DIV")); // this.pValuesContWrap = this.pValuesCont.appendChild(BX.create("DIV")); var lastUsedChars = this.editor.GetLastSpecialchars(), _this = this, i, row, cell, l = lastUsedChars.length, but; this.pLastChars = this.pPatternWrap.appendChild(BX.create("TABLE", {props: {className: "bxhtmled-last-chars"}})); for(i = 0; i < l; i++) { if (i % this.CELLS_COUNT == 0) // new row { row = this.pLastChars.insertRow(-1); } cell = row.insertCell(-1); } BX.bind(this.pLastChars, 'click', function(e) { var ent, target = e.target || e.srcElement; if (target.nodeType == 3) { target = target.parentNode; } if (target && target.getAttribute && target.getAttribute('data-bx-specialchar') && _this.editor.action.IsSupported('insertHTML')) { if (_this.savedRange) { _this.editor.selection.SetBookmark(_this.savedRange); } ent = target.getAttribute('data-bx-specialchar'); _this.editor.On('OnSpecialcharInserted', [ent]); _this.editor.action.Exec('insertHTML', ent); } if (_this.editor.toolbar.controls.More) { _this.editor.toolbar.controls.More.Close(); } _this.Close(); }); but = this.pValuesContWrap.appendChild(BX.create("SPAN", {props: {title: BX.message('BXEdSpecialcharMoreTitle'), className: this.itemClassName}, html: BX.message('BXEdSpecialcharMore')})); BX.bind(but, 'mousedown', function() { _this.editor.GetDialog('Specialchar').Show(_this.savedRange); if (_this.editor.toolbar.controls.More) { _this.editor.toolbar.controls.More.Close(); } _this.Close(); }); BX.bind(this.pCont, 'click', BX.proxy(this.OnClick, this)); BX.bind(this.pCont, "mousedown", BX.delegate(this.OnMouseDown, this)); }; InsertCharButton.prototype.OnClick = function() { if (this.disabled) return; var lastUsedChars = this.editor.GetLastSpecialchars(), i, r = -1, c = -1, cell, l = lastUsedChars.length; for(i = 0; i < l; i++) { if (i % this.CELLS_COUNT == 0) // new row { r++; c = -1; } c++; cell = this.pLastChars.rows[r].cells[c]; if (cell) { cell.innerHTML = lastUsedChars[i]; cell.setAttribute('data-bx-specialchar', lastUsedChars[i]); cell.title = BX.message('BXEdSpecialchar') + ': ' + lastUsedChars[i].substr(1, lastUsedChars[i].length - 2); } } InsertCharButton.superclass.OnClick.apply(this, arguments); }; InsertCharButton.prototype.OnPopupClose = function() { var more = this.editor.toolbar.controls.More; setTimeout(function() { if (more && more.bOpened) { more.CheckOverlay(); } }, 100); }; function PrintBreakButton(editor, wrap) { // Call parrent constructor PrintBreakButton.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); this.id = 'print_break'; this.title = BX.message('BXEdPrintBreak'); this.className += ' bxhtmled-button-print-break'; this.Create(); if (wrap) { wrap.appendChild(this.GetCont()); } } BX.extend(PrintBreakButton, Button); PrintBreakButton.prototype.OnClick = function() { if (this.disabled) return; if (this.editor.action.IsSupported('insertHTML')) { if (this.savedRange) { this.editor.selection.SetBookmark(this.savedRange); } var doc = this.editor.GetIframeDoc(), id = this.editor.SetBxTag(false, {tag: 'printbreak', params: {innerHTML: '<span style="display: none"> </span>'}, name: BX.message('BXEdPrintBreakName'), title: BX.message('BXEdPrintBreakTitle')}), node = BX.create('IMG', {props: {src: this.editor.EMPTY_IMAGE_SRC, id: id,className: "bxhtmled-printbreak", title: BX.message('BXEdPrintBreakTitle')}}, doc); this.editor.selection.InsertNode(node); var sur = this.editor.util.CheckSurrogateNode(node.parentNode); if (sur) { this.editor.util.InsertAfter(node, sur); } this.editor.selection.SetAfter(node); this.editor.Focus(); this.editor.synchro.StartSync(100); } if (this.editor.toolbar.controls.More) { this.editor.toolbar.controls.More.Close(); } }; function PageBreakButton(editor, wrap) { // Call parrent constructor PageBreakButton.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); this.id = 'page_break'; this.title = BX.message('BXEdPageBreak'); this.className += ' bxhtmled-button-page-break'; this.Create(); if (wrap) { wrap.appendChild(this.GetCont()); } } BX.extend(PageBreakButton, Button); PageBreakButton.prototype.OnClick = function() { if (this.savedRange) this.editor.selection.SetBookmark(this.savedRange); var node = this.editor.phpParser.GetSurrogateNode("pagebreak", BX.message('BXEdPageBreakSur'), BX.message('BXEdPageBreakSurTitle') ); this.editor.selection.InsertNode(node); var sur = this.editor.util.CheckSurrogateNode(node.parentNode); if (sur) { this.editor.util.InsertAfter(node, sur); } this.editor.selection.SelectNode(node); this.NormilizeBreakElement(node); this.editor.selection.SetInvisibleTextAfterNode(node); this.editor.synchro.StartSync(100); if (this.editor.toolbar.controls.More) { this.editor.toolbar.controls.More.Close(); } }; PageBreakButton.prototype.NormilizeBreakElement = function(breakNode) { if (breakNode.parentNode && breakNode.parentNode.nodeName !== 'BODY') { var next = this.editor.util.GetNextNotEmptySibling(breakNode), prev = this.editor.util.GetPreviousNotEmptySibling(breakNode); if (!next || !prev) { if (!next) this.editor.util.InsertAfter(breakNode, breakNode.parentNode); if (!prev) breakNode.parentNode.parentNode.insertBefore(breakNode, breakNode.parentNode); return this.NormilizeBreakElement(breakNode); } // TODO: split break's parent nodes using SplitNodeAt //this.util.IsSplitPoint //this.editor.util.SplitNodeAt(par, range.endContainer, range.endOffset); // var node = breakNode; // while(node.parentNode) // { // var parent = node.parentNode; // if (parent.nodeName == 'BODY') // { // break; // } // node = parent; // } } }; function InsertHrButton(editor, wrap) { // Call parrent constructor InsertHrButton.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); this.id = 'hr'; this.title = BX.message('BXEdInsertHr'); this.className += ' bxhtmled-button-hr'; this.action = 'insertHr'; this.Create(); if (wrap) { wrap.appendChild(this.GetCont()); } } BX.extend(InsertHrButton, Button); function SpellcheckButton(editor, wrap) { // Call parrent constructor SpellcheckButton.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); this.id = 'spellcheck'; this.title = BX.message('BXEdSpellcheck'); this.className += ' bxhtmled-button-spell'; this.Create(); if (wrap) { wrap.appendChild(this.GetCont()); } } BX.extend(SpellcheckButton, Button); SpellcheckButton.prototype.OnClick = function() { if (this.disabled) return; if (this.editor.config.usePspell !== "Y") { alert(BX.message('BXEdNoPspellWarning')) } else { var _this = this; if (!window.BXHtmlEditor.Spellchecker) return BX.loadScript(this.editor.config.spellcheck_path, BX.proxy(this.OnClick, this)); if (!this.editor.Spellchecker) { this.editor.Spellchecker = new window.BXHtmlEditor.Spellchecker(this.editor); } this.editor.GetDialog('Spell').Show(this.savedRange); this.editor.Spellchecker.CheckDocument(); } }; function SettingsButton(editor, wrap) { // Call parrent constructor SettingsButton.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); this.id = 'settings'; this.title = BX.message('BXEdSettings'); this.className += ' bxhtmled-button-settings'; this.disabledForTextarea = false; this.Create(); if (wrap) { wrap.appendChild(this.GetCont()); } } BX.extend(SettingsButton, Button); SettingsButton.prototype.OnClick = function() { this.editor.GetDialog('Settings').Show(); }; function SubButton(editor, wrap) { // Call parrent constructor SubButton.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); this.id = 'sub'; this.title = BX.message('BXEdSub'); this.className += ' bxhtmled-button-sub'; this.action = 'sub'; this.Create(); if (wrap) { wrap.appendChild(this.GetCont()); } } BX.extend(SubButton, Button); function SupButton(editor, wrap) { // Call parrent constructor SupButton.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); this.id = 'sup'; this.title = BX.message('BXEdSup'); this.className += ' bxhtmled-button-sup'; this.action = 'sup'; this.Create(); if (wrap) { wrap.appendChild(this.GetCont()); } } BX.extend(SupButton, Button); function FullscreenButton(editor, wrap) { // Call parrent constructor FullscreenButton.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); this.id = 'fullscreen'; this.title = BX.message('BXEdFullscreen'); this.className += ' bxhtmled-button-fullscreen'; this.action = 'fullscreen'; this.disabledForTextarea = false; this.Create(); if (wrap) { wrap.appendChild(this.GetCont()); } } BX.extend(FullscreenButton, Button); FullscreenButton.prototype.Check = function(bFlag) { this.GetCont().title = bFlag ? BX.message('BXEdFullscreenBack') : BX.message('BXEdFullscreen'); // Call parrent Check() FullscreenButton.superclass.Check.apply(this, arguments); }; function SmileButton(editor, wrap) { // Call parrent constructor SmileButton.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); this.id = 'smile'; this.title = BX.message('BXEdSmile'); this.className += ' bxhtmled-button-smile'; //this.action = 'smile'; this.checkableAction = false; this.zIndex = 3007; this.smileSizeDef = 20; this.posOffset = {top: 6, left: 0}; this.smiles = editor.config.smiles || []; this.smileSets = editor.config.smileSets || []; this.disabledForTextarea = !editor.bbCode; this.Create(); if (wrap && this.smiles.length > 0) { wrap.appendChild(this.GetCont()); } BX.addCustomEvent(this, "OnPopupClose", BX.proxy(this.OnPopupClose, this)); } BX.extend(SmileButton, window.BXHtmlEditor.DropDown); SmileButton.prototype.CheckBeforeShow = function() { return this.editor.config.smiles && this.editor.config.smiles.length > 0; }; SmileButton.prototype.Create = function() { this.pCont = BX.create("SPAN", {props: {className: this.className, title: this.title}, html: '<i></i>'}); this.pValuesCont = BX.create("DIV", {props: {className: "bxhtmled-popup bxhtmled-dropdown-cont bxhtmled-smile-cont"}, html: '<div class="bxhtmled-popup-corner"></div>'}); this.pValuesCont.style.zIndex = this.zIndex; this.valueIndex = {}; var _this = this, i, smileImg, setInd, setLength = this.smileSets.length, blockWidth = Math.round(100 / setLength) + '%', sliderWidth = (100 * setLength) + '%'; if (setLength > 1) { this.smileSetsIndex = {}; this.smileTabsWrap = this.pValuesCont.appendChild(BX.create('DIV', {props: {className: 'bxhtmled-smile-tabs-wrap'}})); this.smileSliderWrap = this.pValuesCont.appendChild(BX.create('DIV', {props: {className: 'bxhtmled-smile-slider-wrap'}})); this.smileSlider = this.smileSliderWrap.appendChild(BX.create('DIV', {props: {className: 'bxhtmled-smile-slider'}, style: {width: sliderWidth}})); for(i = 0; i < this.smileSets.length; i++) { if (!this.smileSets[i].ID && this.smileSets[i].id) this.smileSets[i].ID = this.smileSets[i].id; this.smileSetsIndex[this.smileSets[i].ID] = i; this.smileSets[i].butWrap = this.smileTabsWrap.appendChild(BX.create('SPAN', {props: {className: 'bxhtmled-smile-tab'}})); this.smileSets[i].butWrap.setAttribute('data-bx-smile-set', this.smileSets[i].ID); this.smileSets[i].butWrapImage = false; this.smileSets[i].smilesBlock = this.smileSlider.appendChild(BX.create('DIV', {props: {className: 'bxhtmled-smiles-wrap'}, style: {width: blockWidth}})); if (i == 0) { BX.addClass(this.smileSets[i].butWrap, 'bxhtmled-smile-tab-active'); this.currentTab = this.smileSets[i].butWrap; } } } for(i = 0; i < this.smiles.length; i++) { smileImg = BX.create("IMG", {props: { className: 'bxhtmled-smile-img', src: this.smiles[i].path, title: this.smiles[i].name || this.smiles[i].code } }); if (this.smiles[i].width) { smileImg.style.width = parseInt(this.smiles[i].width) + 'px'; } if (this.smiles[i].height) { smileImg.style.height = parseInt(this.smiles[i].height) + 'px'; } BX.bind(smileImg, 'error', function(){BX.remove(this)}); if (this.smiles[i].set_id && this.smileSetsIndex && this.smileSetsIndex[this.smiles[i].set_id] !== undefined) { setInd = this.smileSetsIndex[this.smiles[i].set_id]; this.smileSets[setInd].smilesBlock.appendChild(smileImg); if (!this.smileSets[setInd].butWrapImage) { this.smileSets[setInd].butWrapImage = smileImg.cloneNode(); this.smileSets[setInd].butWrapImage.style.cssText = ''; this.smileSets[setInd].butWrapImage.className = ''; this.smileSets[setInd].butWrapImage.title = ''; this.smileSets[setInd].butWrap.appendChild(this.smileSets[setInd].butWrapImage); var h = this.smiles[i].height; if (h < this.smileSizeDef) { this.smileSets[setInd].butWrapImage.style.marginTop = Math.round((this.smileSizeDef - h) / 2) + 'px'; } } } else { this.pValuesCont.appendChild(smileImg); } smileImg.setAttribute('data-bx-type', 'action'); smileImg.setAttribute('data-bx-action', 'insertSmile'); smileImg.setAttribute('data-bx-value', this.smiles[i].code); } BX.bind(this.pCont, 'click', BX.proxy(this.OnClick, this)); BX.bind(this.pCont, "mousedown", BX.delegate(this.OnMouseDown, this)); BX.bind(this.pValuesCont, 'mousedown', function(e) { var target = e.target || e.srcElement; if (target && target.getAttribute('data-bx-smile-set') !== null) { return _this.ShowSetTab(target.getAttribute('data-bx-smile-set')); } else if(target && target.parentNode && target.parentNode.getAttribute('data-bx-smile-set') !== null) { return _this.ShowSetTab(target.parentNode.getAttribute('data-bx-smile-set')); } _this.editor.CheckCommand(e.target || e.srcElement); _this.Close(); }); }; SmileButton.prototype.ShowSetTab = function(setId) { if (this.smileSetsIndex[setId] !== undefined) { var _this = this, smileSet = this.smileSets[this.smileSetsIndex[setId]], start = parseInt(this.smileSlider.style.marginLeft) || 0, end = - parseInt(this.smileSetsIndex[setId] * 100); if (this.currentTab) BX.removeClass(this.currentTab, 'bxhtmled-smile-tab-active'); BX.addClass(smileSet.butWrap, 'bxhtmled-smile-tab-active'); this.currentTab = smileSet.butWrap; this.ani = new BX.easing({ duration : 300, start : {marginLeft: start}, finish : {marginLeft: end}, transition : BX.easing.makeEaseOut(BX.easing.transitions.quart), step : function(state) { if (_this.smileSlider) _this.smileSlider.style.marginLeft = state.marginLeft + '%'; }, complete : function() { if (_this.smileSlider) _this.smileSlider.style.marginLeft = '-' + end + '%'; _this.ani = null; } }); this.ani.animate(); } return false; }; InsertTableButton.prototype.OnPopupClose = function() { var more = this.editor.toolbar.controls.More; setTimeout(function() { if (more && more.bOpened) { more.CheckOverlay(); } }, 100); }; function QuoteButton(editor, wrap) { // Call parrent constructor QuoteButton.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); this.id = 'quote'; this.title = BX.message('BXEdQuote'); this.className += ' bxhtmled-button-quote'; this.action = 'quote'; this.disabledForTextarea = !editor.bbCode; this.Create(); if (wrap) { wrap.appendChild(this.GetCont()); } } BX.extend(QuoteButton, Button); QuoteButton.prototype.OnMouseDown = function() { this.editor.action.actions.quote.setExternalSelection(false); this.editor.action.actions.quote.setRange(false); var range = this.editor.selection.GetRange(this.editor.selection.GetSelection(document)); if (!this.editor.synchro.IsFocusedOnTextarea() && this.editor.iframeView.isFocused) { this.savedRange = this.editor.selection.SaveBookmark(); this.editor.action.actions.quote.setRange(this.savedRange); } if ((this.editor.synchro.IsFocusedOnTextarea() || !this.editor.iframeView.isFocused || this.savedRange.collapsed) && range && !range.collapsed) { this.editor.action.actions.quote.setExternalSelectionFromRange(range); } QuoteButton.superclass.OnMouseDown.apply(this, arguments); }; function CodeButton(editor, wrap) { // Call parrent constructor CodeButton.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); this.id = 'code'; this.title = BX.message('BXEdCode'); this.className += ' bxhtmled-button-code'; this.action = 'code'; this.disabledForTextarea = !editor.bbCode; this.lastStatus = null; this.allowedControls = ['SearchButton','ChangeView','Undo','Redo','RemoveFormat','TemplateSelector','InsertChar','Settings','Fullscreen','Spellcheck','Code','More','BbCode']; this.Create(); if (wrap) { wrap.appendChild(this.GetCont()); } } BX.extend(CodeButton, Button); CodeButton.prototype.SetValue = function(value, actionState, action) { if (this.lastStatus !== value) { var tlbr = this.editor.toolbar; for (var i in tlbr.controls) { if (tlbr.controls.hasOwnProperty(i) && typeof tlbr.controls[i].Disable == 'function' && !BX.util.in_array(i, this.allowedControls)) { tlbr.controls[i].Disable(value); } } } this.lastStatus = value; this.Check(value); } function MoreButton(editor, wrap) { // Call parrent constructor MoreButton.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); this.id = 'more'; this.title = BX.message('BXEdMore'); this.className += ' bxhtmled-button-more'; this.Create(); this.posOffset.left = -8; BX.addClass(this.pValuesContWrap, 'bxhtmled-more-cnt'); this.disabledForTextarea = false; if (wrap) { wrap.appendChild(this.GetCont()); } var _this = this; BX.bind(this.pValuesContWrap, "click", function(e) { var target = e.target || e.srcElement, bxType = (target && target.getAttribute) ? target.getAttribute('data-bx-type') : false; _this.editor.CheckCommand(target); }); } BX.extend(MoreButton, window.BXHtmlEditor.DropDown); MoreButton.prototype.Open = function() { this.pValuesCont.style.width = ''; MoreButton.superclass.Open.apply(this, arguments); var bindCont = this.GetPopupBindCont(), pos = BX.pos(bindCont), left = Math.round(pos.left - this.pValuesCont.offsetWidth / 2 + bindCont.offsetWidth / 2 + this.posOffset.left); this.pValuesCont.style.width = this.pValuesCont.offsetWidth + 'px'; this.pValuesCont.style.left = left + 'px'; }; MoreButton.prototype.GetPopupCont = function() { return this.pValuesContWrap; }; MoreButton.prototype.CheckClose = function(e) { if (!this.bOpened) { return BX.unbind(document, 'mousedown', BX.proxy(this.CheckClose, this)); } var pEl; if (e.target) pEl = e.target; else if (e.srcElement) pEl = e.srcElement; if (pEl.nodeType == 3) pEl = pEl.parentNode; if (pEl.style.zIndex > this.zIndex) { this.CheckOverlay(); } else if (!BX.findParent(pEl, {className: 'bxhtmled-popup'})) { this.Close(); } }; MoreButton.prototype.CheckOverlay = function() { var _this = this; this.editor.overlay.Show({zIndex: this.zIndex - 1}).onclick = function(){_this.Close()}; }; // Todo: Keyboard switcher // if (e.keyCode == 84) // { // textarea.value = textarea.value.substring(0, selectionStart)+BX.correctText(resultText, {replace_way: 'AUTO', mixed:true})+textarea.value.substring(selectionEnd, textarea.value.length); // textarea.selectionStart = selectionStart; // textarea.selectionEnd = selectionEnd; // } /* ~~~~ Editor dialogs ~~~~*/ // Image function ImageDialog(editor, params) { params = { id: 'bx_image', width: 700, resizable: false, className: 'bxhtmled-img-dialog' }; this.id = 'image'; this.action = 'insertImage'; this.loremIpsum = BX.message('BXEdLoremIpsum') + "\n" + BX.message('BXEdLoremIpsum'); // Call parrent constructor ImageDialog.superclass.constructor.apply(this, [editor, params]); this.readyToShow = false; if (!this.editor.fileDialogsLoaded) { var _this = this; this.editor.LoadFileDialogs(function() { _this.SetContent(_this.Build()); _this.readyToShow = true; }); } else { this.SetContent(this.Build()); this.readyToShow = true; } BX.addCustomEvent(this, "OnDialogSave", BX.proxy(this.Save, this)); } BX.extend(ImageDialog, Dialog); ImageDialog.prototype.Build = function() { function addRow(tbl, c1Par, bAdditional) { var r, c1, c2; r = tbl.insertRow(-1); if (bAdditional) { r.className = 'bxhtmled-add-row'; } c1 = r.insertCell(-1); c1.className = 'bxhtmled-left-c'; if (c1Par && c1Par.label) { c1.appendChild(BX.create('LABEL', {props: {className: c1Par.required ? 'bxhtmled-req' : ''},text: c1Par.label})).setAttribute('for', c1Par.id); } c2 = r.insertCell(-1); c2.className = 'bxhtmled-right-c'; return {row: r, leftCell: c1, rightCell: c2}; } var _this = this, r, c; this.pCont = BX.create('DIV', {props: {className: 'bxhtmled-img-dialog-cnt'}}); var pTableWrap = BX.create('TABLE', {props: {className: 'bxhtmled-dialog-tbl bxhtmled-img-dialog-tbl'}}); // Preview row r = pTableWrap.insertRow(-1); r.className = 'bxhtmled-img-preview-row'; c = BX.adjust(r.insertCell(-1), {props: {colSpan: 2, className: 'bxhtmled-img-prev-c'}}); this.pPreview = c.appendChild(BX.create('DIV', {props: {className: 'bxhtmled-img-preview' + (this.editor.bbCode ? ' bxhtmled-img-preview-bb' : ''), id: this.id + '-preview'}, html: this.editor.bbCode ? '' : this.loremIpsum})); this.pPreviewRow = r; // Src r = addRow(pTableWrap, {label: BX.message('BXEdImgSrc') + ':', id: this.id + '-src', required: true}); this.pSrc = r.rightCell.appendChild(BX.create('INPUT', {props: {type: 'text', id: this.id + '-src', className: 'bxhtmled-80-input'}})); this.pSrc.placeholder = BX.message('BXEdImgSrcRequired'); BX.bind(this.pSrc, 'blur', BX.proxy(this.SrcOnChange, this)); BX.bind(this.pSrc, 'change', BX.proxy(this.SrcOnChange, this)); BX.bind(this.pSrc, 'keyup', BX.proxy(this.SrcOnChange, this)); this.firstFocus = this.pSrc; if (!this.editor.bbCode) { var butMl = BX('bx-open-file-medialib-but-' + this.editor.id); if (butMl) { r.rightCell.appendChild(butMl); } else { var butFd = BX('bx_open_file_medialib_button_' + this.editor.id); if (butFd) { r.rightCell.appendChild(butFd); BX.bind(butFd, 'click', window['BxOpenFileBrowserImgFile' + this.editor.id]); } else { var butMl_1 = BX('bx_ml_bx_open_file_medialib_button_' + this.editor.id); if (butMl_1) { r.rightCell.appendChild(butMl_1); } } } } else { butMl = BX('bx-open-file-medialib-but-' + this.editor.id); butFd = BX('bx_open_file_medialib_button_' + this.editor.id); if (butMl) { butMl.style.display = 'none'; } if (butFd) { butFd.style.display = 'none'; } } // Size r = addRow(pTableWrap, {label: BX.message('BXEdImgSize') + ':', id: this.id + '-size'}); r.rightCell.appendChild(this.GetSizeControl()); BX.addClass(r.leftCell,'bxhtmled-left-c-top'); r.leftCell.style.paddingTop = '12px'; this.pSizeRow = r.row; if (!this.editor.bbCode) { // Title r = addRow(pTableWrap, {label: BX.message('BXEdImgTitle') + ':', id: this.id + '-title'}); this.pTitle = r.rightCell.appendChild(BX.create('INPUT', {props: {type: 'text', id: this.id + '-title', className: 'bxhtmled-90-input'}})); } // *** Additional params *** r = pTableWrap.insertRow(-1); var addTitleCell = r.insertCell(-1); BX.adjust(addTitleCell, {props: {className: 'bxhtmled-title-cell bxhtmled-title-cell-foldable', colSpan: 2}, text: BX.message('BXEdLinkAdditionalTitle')}); addTitleCell.onclick = function() { _this.ShowRows(['align', 'style', 'alt', 'link'], true, !_this.bAdditional); _this.bAdditional = !_this.bAdditional; }; if (!this.editor.bbCode) { // Align r = addRow(pTableWrap, {label: BX.message('BXEdImgAlign') + ':', id: this.id + '-align'}); this.pAlign = r.rightCell.appendChild(BX.create('SELECT', {props: {id: this.id + '-align'}})); this.pAlign.options.add(new Option(BX.message('BXEdImgAlignNone'), '', true, true)); this.pAlign.options.add(new Option(BX.message('BXEdImgAlignTop'), 'top', true, true)); this.pAlign.options.add(new Option(BX.message('BXEdImgAlignLeft'), 'left', true, true)); this.pAlign.options.add(new Option(BX.message('BXEdImgAlignRight'), 'right', true, true)); this.pAlign.options.add(new Option(BX.message('BXEdImgAlignBottom'), 'bottom', true, true)); this.pAlign.options.add(new Option(BX.message('BXEdImgAlignMiddle'), 'middle', true, true)); BX.bind(this.pAlign, 'change', BX.delegate(this.ShowPreview, this)); this.pAlignRow = r.row; } // Alt if (!this.editor.bbCode) { r = addRow(pTableWrap, {label: BX.message('BXEdImgAlt') + ':', id: this.id + '-alt'}); this.pAlt = r.rightCell.appendChild(BX.create('INPUT', {props: {type: 'text', id: this.id + '-alt', className: 'bxhtmled-90-input'}})); this.pAltRow = r.row; } // Style if (!this.editor.bbCode) { r = addRow(pTableWrap, {label: BX.message('BXEdCssClass') + ':', id: this.id + '-style'}, true); this.pClass = r.rightCell.appendChild(BX.create('INPUT', {props: {type: 'text', id: this.id + '-style'}})); this.pStyleRow = r.row; } // Link on image r = addRow(pTableWrap, {label: BX.message('BXEdImgLinkOnImage') + ':', id: this.id + '-link'}); this.pLink = r.rightCell.appendChild(BX.create('INPUT', {props: {type: 'text', id: this.id + '-link', className: 'bxhtmled-80-input'}})); this.pEditLinkBut = r.rightCell.appendChild(BX.create('SPAN', {props: {className: 'bxhtmled-top-bar-btn bxhtmled-button-link', title: BX.message('EditLink')}, html: '<i></i>'})); BX.bind(this.pEditLinkBut, 'click', function() { if (BX.util.trim(_this.pSrc.value) == '') { BX.focus(_this.pSrc); } else { var parLinkHref = _this.pLink.value; _this.pLink.value = 'bx-temp-link-href'; _this.Save(); _this.oDialog.Close(); var i, link, links = _this.editor.GetIframeDoc().getElementsByTagName('A'); for (i = 0; i < links.length; i++) { var href = links[i].getAttribute('href'); if (href == 'bx-temp-link-href') { link = links[i]; link.setAttribute('href', parLinkHref); _this.editor.selection.SelectNode(link); _this.editor.GetDialog('Link').Show([link]); break; } } } }); this.pCont.appendChild(pTableWrap); this.pLinkRow = r.row; if (!this.editor.bbCode) { window['OnFileDialogImgSelect' + this.editor.id] = function(filename, path, site) { var url; if (typeof filename == 'object') // Using medialibrary { url = filename.src; if (_this.pTitle) _this.pTitle.value = filename.description || filename.name; if (_this.pAlt) _this.pAlt.value = filename.description || filename.name; } else // Using file dialog { url = (path == '/' ? '' : path) + '/' + filename; } _this.pSrc.value = url; BX.focus(_this.pSrc); _this.pSrc.select(); _this.SrcOnChange(); }; } this.rows = { preview : { cont: this.pPreviewRow, height: 200 }, size: { cont: this.pSizeRow, height: 68 }, align: { cont: this.pAlignRow, height: 36 }, style: { cont: this.pStyleRow, height: 36 }, alt: { cont: this.pAltRow, height: 36 }, link: { cont: this.pLinkRow, height: 36 } }; return this.pCont; }; ImageDialog.prototype.GetSizeControl = function() { var lastWidth, lastHeight, _this = this, setPercTimeout, i, percVals = [100, 90, 80, 70, 60, 50, 40, 30, 20], cont = BX.create('DIV'), percWrap = cont.appendChild(BX.create('SPAN', {props: {className: 'bxhtmled-size-perc'}})); this.percVals = percVals; this.pPercWrap = percWrap; this.pSizeCont = cont; this.oSize = {}; BX.bind(percWrap, 'click', function(e) { var node = e.target || e.srcElement; if (node) { var perc = parseInt(node.getAttribute('data-bx-size-val'), 10); if (perc) { _this.SetPercentSize(perc, true); } } }); function sizeControlChecker(e) { var level = 0, res, node = e.target || e.srcElement; if (node !== percWrap) { node = BX.findParent(node, function(n) { level++; return n == percWrap || level > 3; }, percWrap); } if (node !== percWrap) { _this.SetPercentSize(_this.savedPerc, false); if (_this.sizeControlChecker) { BX.unbind(document, 'mousemove', sizeControlChecker); _this.sizeControlChecker = false; } } } BX.bind(percWrap, 'mouseover', function(e) { var perc, node = e.target || e.srcElement; if (!_this.sizeControlChecker) { BX.bind(document, 'mousemove', sizeControlChecker); _this.sizeControlChecker = true; } perc = parseInt(node.getAttribute('data-bx-size-val'), 10); _this.overPerc = perc > 0; if (_this.overPerc) { _this.SetPercentSize(perc, false); } else { if (setPercTimeout) { clearTimeout(setPercTimeout); } setPercTimeout = setTimeout(function() { if (!_this.overPerc) { _this.SetPercentSize(_this.savedPerc, false); if (_this.sizeControlChecker) { BX.unbind(document, 'mousemove', sizeControlChecker); _this.sizeControlChecker = false; } } }, 200); } }); BX.bind(percWrap, 'mouseout', function(e) { var perc, node = e.target || e.srcElement; if (setPercTimeout) { clearTimeout(setPercTimeout); } setPercTimeout = setTimeout(function() { if (!_this.overPerc) { _this.SetPercentSize(_this.savedPerc, false); if (_this.sizeControlChecker) { BX.unbind(document, 'mousemove', sizeControlChecker); _this.sizeControlChecker = false; } } }, 200); }); function widthOnchange() { var w = parseInt(_this.pWidth.value); if (!isNaN(w) && lastWidth != w) { if (!_this.sizeRatio && _this.originalWidth && _this.originalHeight) { _this.sizeRatio = _this.originalWidth / _this.originalHeight; } if (_this.sizeRatio) { _this.pHeight.value = Math.round(w / _this.sizeRatio); lastWidth = w; _this.ShowPreview(); } } } function heightOnchange() { var h = parseInt(_this.pHeight.value); if (!isNaN(h) && lastHeight != h) { if (!_this.sizeRatio && _this.originalWidth && _this.originalHeight) { _this.sizeRatio = _this.originalWidth / _this.originalHeight; } if (_this.sizeRatio) { _this.pWidth.value = parseInt(h * _this.sizeRatio); lastHeight = h; _this.ShowPreview(); } } } // Second row: width, height cont.appendChild(BX.create('LABEL', {text: BX.message('BXEdImgWidth') + ': '})).setAttribute('for', this.id + '-width'); this.pWidth = cont.appendChild(BX.create('INPUT', {props: {type: 'text', id: this.id + '-width'}, style:{width: '40px', marginBottom: '4px'}})); cont.appendChild(BX.create('LABEL', {style: {marginLeft: '20px'}, text: BX.message('BXEdImgHeight') + ': '})).setAttribute('for', this.id + '-height'); this.pHeight = cont.appendChild(BX.create('INPUT', {props: {type: 'text', id: this.id + '-height'}, style:{width: '40px', marginBottom: '4px'}})); // "No dimentions" checkbox this.pNoSize = cont.appendChild(BX.create('INPUT', {props: {type: 'checkbox', id: this.id + '-no-size', className: 'bxhtmled-img-no-size-ch'}})); cont.appendChild(BX.create('LABEL', {props: {className: 'bxhtmled-img-no-size-lbl'}, text: BX.message('BXEdImgNoSize')})).setAttribute('for', this.id + '-no-size'); BX.bind(this.pNoSize, 'click', BX.proxy(this.NoSizeCheck, this)); BX.bind(this.pWidth, 'blur', widthOnchange); BX.bind(this.pWidth, 'change', widthOnchange); BX.bind(this.pWidth, 'keyup', widthOnchange); BX.bind(this.pHeight, 'blur', heightOnchange); BX.bind(this.pHeight, 'change', heightOnchange); BX.bind(this.pHeight, 'keyup', heightOnchange); for (i = 0; i < percVals.length; i++) { percWrap.appendChild(BX.create('SPAN', {props: {className: 'bxhtmled-size-perc-i'}, attrs: {'data-bx-size-val': percVals[i]}, html: percVals[i] + '%'})); } return cont; }; ImageDialog.prototype.NoSizeCheck = function() { if (this.pNoSize.checked) { BX.addClass(this.pSizeCont, 'bxhtmled-img-no-size-cont'); this.pSizeRow.cells[0].style.height = this.pSizeRow.cells[1].style.height = ''; } else { BX.removeClass(this.pSizeCont, 'bxhtmled-img-no-size-cont'); } this.ShowPreview(); }; ImageDialog.prototype.SetPercentSize = function(perc, bSet) { var n, i, activeCn = 'bxhtmled-size-perc-i-active'; if (bSet) { for (i = 0; i < this.pPercWrap.childNodes.length; i++) { n = this.pPercWrap.childNodes[i]; if (perc && n.getAttribute('data-bx-size-val') == perc) { BX.addClass(n, activeCn); } else { BX.removeClass(n, activeCn); } } } if (perc !== false) { perc = perc / 100; this.pWidth.value = Math.round(this.originalWidth * perc) || ''; this.pHeight.value = Math.round(this.originalHeight * perc) || ''; } else if (this.savedWidth && this.savedHeight) { this.pWidth.value = this.savedWidth; this.pHeight.value = this.savedHeight; } this.ShowPreview(); if (bSet) { this.savedWidth = this.pWidth.value; this.savedHeight = this.pHeight.value; this.savedPerc = perc !== false ? (perc || 1) * 100 : false; } }; ImageDialog.prototype.SrcOnChange = function(updateSize) { var i, resPerc, perc, perc1, perc2, _this = this, src = this.pSrc.value; updateSize = updateSize !== false; if (this.lastSrc !== src) { this.lastSrc = src; if (!this.pInvisCont) { this.pInvisCont = this.pCont.appendChild(BX.create('DIV', {props: {className: 'bxhtmled-invis-cnt'}})); } else { BX.cleanNode(this.pInvisCont); } this.dummyImg = this.pInvisCont.appendChild(BX.create('IMG')); BX.bind(this.dummyImg, 'load', function() { setTimeout(function(){ _this.originalWidth = _this.dummyImg.offsetWidth; _this.originalHeight = _this.dummyImg.offsetHeight; if (updateSize) { _this.pWidth.value = _this.originalWidth; _this.pHeight.value = _this.originalHeight; resPerc = 100; } else { resPerc = false; perc1 = Math.round(10000 * parseInt(_this.pWidth.value) / parseInt(_this.originalWidth)) / 100; perc2 = Math.round(10000* parseInt(_this.pHeight.value) / parseInt(_this.originalHeight)) / 100; // difference max 0.1% if (Math.abs(perc1 - perc2) <= 0.1) { perc = (perc1 + perc2) / 2; // inaccuracy 0.1% for calculating percent size for (i = 0; i < _this.percVals.length; i++) { if (Math.abs(_this.percVals[i] - perc) <= 0.1) { resPerc = _this.percVals[i]; break; } } } } _this.sizeRatio = _this.originalWidth / _this.originalHeight; _this.SetPercentSize(resPerc, true); if (_this.bEmptySrcRowsHidden) { _this.ShowRows((_this.bAdditional ? ['preview', 'size', 'align', 'style', 'alt'] : ['preview', 'size']), true, true); _this.bEmptySrcRowsHidden = false; } _this.ShowPreview(); }, 100); }); BX.bind(this.dummyImg, 'error', function() { _this.pWidth.value = ''; _this.pHeight.value = ''; }); this.dummyImg.src = src; } }; ImageDialog.prototype.ShowPreview = function() { if (!this.pPreviewImg) { this.pPreviewImg = BX.create('IMG'); if (this.pAlign) { this.pPreview.insertBefore(this.pPreviewImg, this.pPreview.firstChild); } else { this.pPreview.appendChild(this.pPreviewImg); } } if (this.pPreviewImg.src != this.pSrc.value) { this.pPreviewImg.src = this.pSrc.value; } // Size if (this.pNoSize.checked) { this.pPreviewImg.style.width = ''; this.pPreviewImg.style.height = ''; } else { this.pPreviewImg.style.width = this.pWidth.value + 'px'; this.pPreviewImg.style.height = this.pHeight.value + 'px'; } // Align if (this.pAlign) { var align = this.pAlign.value; if (align != this.pPreviewImg.align) { if (align == '') { this.pPreviewImg.removeAttribute('align'); } else { this.pPreviewImg.align = align; } } } }; ImageDialog.prototype.SetValues = function(params) { if (!params) { params = {}; } var i, row, rows = ['preview', 'size', 'align', 'style', 'alt']; this.lastSrc = ''; this.bEmptySrcRowsHidden = this.bNewImage; if (this.bNewImage) { for (i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) { row = this.rows[rows[i]]; if (row && row.cont) { row.cont.style.display = 'none'; this.SetRowHeight(row.cont, 0, 0); } } } else { for (i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) { row = this.rows[rows[i]]; if (row && row.cont) { row.cont.style.display = ''; this.SetRowHeight(row.cont, row.height, 100); } } } this.pSrc.value = this.editor.util.spaceUrlDecode(params.src || ''); if (this.pTitle) this.pTitle.value = params.title || ''; if (this.pAlt) this.pAlt.value = params.alt || ''; this.savedWidth = this.pWidth.value = params.width || ''; this.savedHeight = this.pHeight.value = params.height || ''; if (this.pAlign) this.pAlign.value = params.align || ''; if (this.pClass) this.pClass.value = params.className || ''; this.pLink.value = params.link || ''; this.pNoSize.checked = params.noWidth && params.noHeight; this.NoSizeCheck(); this.ShowRows(['align', 'style', 'alt', 'link'], false, false); this.bAdditional = false; this.SrcOnChange(!params.width || !params.height); if (this.pClass) { if (!this.oClass) { this.oClass = new window.BXHtmlEditor.ClassSelector(this.editor, { id: this.id + '-class-selector', input: this.pClass, filterTag: 'IMG', value: this.pClass.value } ); var _this = this; BX.addCustomEvent(this.oClass, "OnComboPopupClose", function() { _this.closeByEnter = true; }); BX.addCustomEvent(this.oClass, "OnComboPopupOpen", function() { _this.closeByEnter = false; }); } else { this.oClass.OnChange(); } } }; ImageDialog.prototype.GetValues = function() { var res = { src: this.pSrc.value, width: this.pNoSize.checked ? '' : this.pWidth.value, height: this.pNoSize.checked ? '' : this.pHeight.value, link: this.pLink.value || '', image: this.image || false }; if (this.pTitle) res.title = this.pTitle.value; if (this.pAlt) res.alt = this.pAlt.value; if (this.pAlign) res.align = this.pAlign.value; if (this.pClass) res.className = this.pClass.value || ''; return res; }; ImageDialog.prototype.Show = function(nodes, savedRange) { var _this = this, range, value = {}, bxTag, i, img = false; if (!this.readyToShow) { return setTimeout(function(){_this.Show(nodes, savedRange);}, 100); } this.savedRange = savedRange; if (!this.editor.bbCode || !this.editor.synchro.IsFocusedOnTextarea()) { if (!this.editor.iframeView.IsFocused()) { this.editor.iframeView.Focus(); } if (this.savedRange) { this.editor.selection.SetBookmark(this.savedRange); } if (!nodes) { range = this.editor.selection.GetRange(); nodes = range.getNodes([1]); } } if (nodes) { for (i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { img = nodes[i]; bxTag = this.editor.GetBxTag(img); if (bxTag.tag || !img.nodeName || img.nodeName != 'IMG') { img = false; } else { break; } } } this.bNewImage = !img; this.image = img; if (img) { value.src = img.getAttribute('src'); // Width if (img.style.width) { value.width = img.style.width; } if (!value.width && img.getAttribute('width')) { value.width = img.getAttribute('width'); } if (!value.width) { value.width = img.offsetWidth; value.noWidth = true; } // Height if (img.style.height) { value.height = img.style.height; } if (!value.height && img.getAttribute('height')) { value.height = img.getAttribute('height'); } if (!value.height) { value.height = img.offsetHeight; value.noHeight = true; } var cleanAttribute = img.getAttribute('data-bx-clean-attribute'); if (cleanAttribute) { img.removeAttribute(cleanAttribute); img.removeAttribute('data-bx-clean-attribute'); } value.alt = img.alt || ''; value.title = img.title || ''; value.title = img.title || ''; value.className = img.className; value.align = img.align || ''; var parentLink = img.parentNode.nodeName == 'A' ? img.parentNode : null; if (parentLink && parentLink.href) { value.link = parentLink.getAttribute('href'); } } if (!this.editor.bbCode) { // Mantis: 60197 window['OnFileDialogSelect' + this.editor.id] = window['OnFileDialogImgSelect' + this.editor.id] = function(filename, path, site) { var url; if (typeof filename == 'object') // Using medialibrary { url = filename.src; if (_this.pTitle) _this.pTitle.value = filename.description || filename.name; if (_this.pAlt) _this.pAlt.value = filename.description || filename.name; } else // Using file dialog { url = (path == '/' ? '' : path) + '/' + filename; } _this.pSrc.value = url; BX.focus(_this.pSrc); _this.pSrc.select(); _this.SrcOnChange(); }; } this.SetValues(value); this.SetTitle(BX.message('InsertImage')); // Call parrent Dialog.Show() ImageDialog.superclass.Show.apply(this, arguments); }; ImageDialog.prototype.SetPanelHeight = function(height, opacity) { this.pSearchCont.style.height = height + 'px'; this.pSearchCont.style.opacity = opacity / 100; this.editor.SetAreaContSize(this.origAreaWidth, this.origAreaHeight - height, {areaContTop: this.editor.toolbar.GetHeight() + height}); }; ImageDialog.prototype.ShowRows = function(rows, animate, show) { var _this = this, startHeight, endHeight, startOpacity, endOpacity, i, row; if (animate) { for (i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) { row = this.rows[rows[i]]; if (row && row.cont) { if (row.animation) row.animation.stop(); row.cont.style.display = ''; if (show) { startHeight = 0; endHeight = row.height; startOpacity = 0; endOpacity = 100; } else { startHeight = row.height; endHeight = 0; startOpacity = 100; endOpacity = 0; } row.animation = new BX.easing({ _row: row, duration : 300, start : {height: startHeight, opacity : startOpacity}, finish : {height: endHeight, opacity : endOpacity}, transition : BX.easing.makeEaseOut(BX.easing.transitions.quart), step : function(state) { _this.SetRowHeight(this._row.cont, state.height, state.opacity); }, complete : function() { _this.CheckSize(); this._row.animation = null; } }); row.animation.animate(); } } } else { for (i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) { row = this.rows[rows[i]]; if (row && row.cont) { if (show) { row.cont.style.display = ''; this.SetRowHeight(row.cont, row.height, 100); } else { row.cont.style.display = 'none'; this.SetRowHeight(row.cont, 0, 0); } } } this.CheckSize(); } }; ImageDialog.prototype.SetRowHeight = function(tr, height, opacity) { if (tr && tr.cells) { if (height == 0 || opacity == 0) { tr.style.display = 'none'; } else { tr.style.display = ''; } tr.style.opacity = opacity / 100; for (var i = 0; i < tr.cells.length; i++) { tr.cells[i].style.height = height + 'px'; } } }; /* SearchButton.prototype.ClosePanel = function(bShownReplace) { if (this.animation) this.animation.stop(); this.pSearchCont.style.opacity = 1; if (bShownReplace) { this.animationStartHeight = this.height2; this.animationEndHeight = this.height1; } else { this.animationStartHeight = this.bReplaceOpened ? this.height2 : this.height1; this.animationEndHeight = this.height0; } var _this = this; this.animation = new BX.easing({ duration : 200, start : {height: this.animationStartHeight, opacity : bShownReplace ? 100 : 0}, finish : {height: this.animationEndHeight, opacity : 100}, transition : BX.easing.makeEaseOut(BX.easing.transitions.quart), step : function(state) { _this.SetPanelHeight(state.height, state.opacity); }, complete : BX.proxy(function() { if (!bShownReplace) this.pSearchCont.style.display = 'none'; this.animation = null; }, this) }); this.animation.animate(); if (!bShownReplace) this.bOpened = false; }; */ // Link function LinkDialog(editor, params) { params = { id: 'bx_link', width: 600, resizable: false, className: 'bxhtmled-link-dialog' }; // Call parrent constructor LinkDialog.superclass.constructor.apply(this, [editor, params]); this.id = 'link' + this.editor.id; this.action = 'createLink'; this.selectFirstFocus = true; this.readyToShow = false; if (!this.editor.fileDialogsLoaded) { var _this = this; this.editor.LoadFileDialogs(function() { _this.SetContent(_this.Build()); _this.readyToShow = true; }); } else { this.SetContent(this.Build()); this.readyToShow = true; } BX.addCustomEvent(this, "OnDialogSave", BX.proxy(this.Save, this)); } BX.extend(LinkDialog, Dialog); LinkDialog.prototype.Build = function() { function addRow(tbl, c1Par, bAdditional) { var r, c1, c2; r = tbl.insertRow(-1); if (bAdditional) { r.className = 'bxhtmled-add-row'; } c1 = r.insertCell(-1); c1.className = 'bxhtmled-left-c'; if (c1Par && c1Par.label) { c1.appendChild(BX.create('LABEL', {text: c1Par.label})).setAttribute('for', c1Par.id); } c2 = r.insertCell(-1); c2.className = 'bxhtmled-right-c'; return {row: r, leftCell: c1, rightCell: c2}; } var r, cont = BX.create('DIV'); var pTableWrap = BX.create('TABLE', {props: {className: 'bxhtmled-dialog-tbl bxhtmled-dialog-tbl-collapsed'}}); if (!this.editor.bbCode) { // Link type r = addRow(pTableWrap, {label: BX.message('BXEdLinkType') + ':', id: this.id + '-type'}); this.pType = r.rightCell.appendChild(BX.create('SELECT', {props: {id: this.id + '-type'}})); this.pType.options.add(new Option(BX.message('BXEdLinkTypeInner'), 'internal', true, true)); this.pType.options.add(new Option(BX.message('BXEdLinkTypeOuter'), 'external', false, false)); this.pType.options.add(new Option(BX.message('BXEdLinkTypeAnchor'), 'anchor', false, false)); this.pType.options.add(new Option(BX.message('BXEdLinkTypeEmail'), 'email', false, false)); BX.bind(this.pType, 'change', BX.delegate(this.ChangeType, this)); } // Link text r = addRow(pTableWrap, {label: BX.message('BXEdLinkText') + ':', id: this.id + '-text'}); this.pText = r.rightCell.appendChild(BX.create('INPUT', {props: {type: 'text', id: this.id + '-text', placeholder: BX.message('BXEdLinkTextPh')}})); this.pTextCont = r.row; // Link html (for dificult cases (html without text nodes)) r = addRow(pTableWrap, {label: BX.message('BXEdLinkInnerHtml') + ':', id: this.id + '-innerhtml'}); this.pInnerHtml = r.rightCell.appendChild(BX.create('DIV', {props: {className: 'bxhtmled-ld-html-wrap'}})); this.pInnerHtmlCont = r.row; this.firstFocus = this.pText; // Link href // 1. Internal r = addRow(pTableWrap, {label: BX.message('BXEdLinkHref') + ':', id: this.id + '-href'}); this.pHrefIn = r.rightCell.appendChild(BX.create('INPUT', {props: {type: 'text', id: this.id + '-href', placeholder: BX.message('BXEdLinkHrefPh')}})); if (!this.editor.bbCode) { this.pHrefIn.style.minWidth = '80%'; var butMl = BX('bx-open-file-link-medialib-but-' + this.editor.id); if (butMl) { r.rightCell.appendChild(butMl); } else { var butFd = BX('bx_open_file_link_medialib_button_' + this.editor.id); if (butFd) { r.rightCell.appendChild(butFd); BX.bind(butFd, 'click', window['BxOpenFileBrowserImgFile' + this.editor.id]); } else { var butMl_1 = BX('bx_ml_bx_open_file_link_medialib_button_' + this.editor.id); if (butMl_1) { r.rightCell.appendChild(butMl_1); } } } } else { butMl = BX('bx-open-file-link-medialib-but-' + this.editor.id); butFd = BX('bx_open_file_link_medialib_button_' + this.editor.id); if (butMl) { butMl.style.display = 'none'; } if (butFd) { butFd.style.display = 'none'; } } this.pHrefIntCont = r.row; // 2. External r = addRow(pTableWrap, {label: BX.message('BXEdLinkHref') + ':', id: this.id + '-href-ext'}); this.pHrefType = r.rightCell.appendChild(BX.create('SELECT', {props: {id: this.id + '-href-type'}})); this.pHrefType.options.add(new Option('http://', 'http://', false, false)); this.pHrefType.options.add(new Option('https://', 'https://', false, false)); this.pHrefType.options.add(new Option('ftp://', 'ftp://', false, false)); this.pHrefType.options.add(new Option('', '', false, false)); this.pHrefExt = r.rightCell.appendChild(BX.create('INPUT', {props: {type: 'text', id: this.id + '-href-ext', placeholder: BX.message('BXEdLinkHrefExtPh')}, style: {minWidth: '250px'}})); this.pHrefExtCont = r.row; // 3. Anchor r = addRow(pTableWrap, {label: BX.message('BXEdLinkHrefAnch') + ':', id: this.id + '-href-anch'}); this.pHrefAnchor = r.rightCell.appendChild(BX.create('INPUT', {props: {type: 'text', id: this.id + '-href-anchor', placeholder: BX.message('BXEdLinkSelectAnchor')}})); this.pHrefAnchCont = r.row; // 4. E-mail r = addRow(pTableWrap, {label: BX.message('BXEdLinkHrefEmail') + ':', id: this.id + '-href-email'}); var emailType = BX.browser.IsIE() || BX.browser.IsIE9() ? 'text' : 'email'; this.pHrefEmail = r.rightCell.appendChild(BX.create('INPUT', {props: {type: emailType, id: this.id + '-href-email'}})); this.pHrefEmailCont = r.row; if (!this.editor.bbCode) { // *** Additional params *** r = pTableWrap.insertRow(-1); var addTitleCell = r.insertCell(-1); BX.adjust(addTitleCell, {props: {className: 'bxhtmled-title-cell bxhtmled-title-cell-foldable', colSpan: 2}, text: BX.message('BXEdLinkAdditionalTitle')}); addTitleCell.onclick = function() { BX.toggleClass(pTableWrap, 'bxhtmled-dialog-tbl-collapsed'); }; if (this.editor.config.useLinkStat !== false) { // Use statistics r = addRow(pTableWrap, false, true); this.pStatCont = r.row; this.pStat = r.leftCell.appendChild(BX.create('INPUT', {props: {type: 'checkbox', id: this.id + '-stat'}})); r.rightCell.appendChild(BX.create('LABEL', {text: BX.message('BXEdLinkStat')})).setAttribute('for', this.id + '-stat'); var wrap, statInfoCont = r.rightCell.appendChild(BX.create('DIV', {props: {className: 'bxhtmled-stat-wrap'}})); wrap = statInfoCont.appendChild(BX.create('DIV', {html: '<label for="event1">' + BX.message('BXEdLinkStatEv1') + ':</label> '})); this.pStatEvent1 = wrap.appendChild(BX.create('INPUT', {props: {type: 'text', id: "event1"}, style: {minWidth: '50px'}})); wrap = statInfoCont.appendChild(BX.create('DIV', {html: '<label for="event2">' + BX.message('BXEdLinkStatEv2') + ':</label> '})); this.pStatEvent2 = wrap.appendChild(BX.create('INPUT', {props: {type: 'text', id: "event2"}, style: {minWidth: '50px'}})); wrap = statInfoCont.appendChild(BX.create('DIV', {html: '<label for="event3">' + BX.message('BXEdLinkStatEv3') + ':</label> '})); this.pStatEvent3 = wrap.appendChild(BX.create('INPUT', {props: {type: 'text', id: "event3"}, style: {minWidth: '50px'}})); BX.addClass(r.leftCell,'bxhtmled-left-c-top'); BX.bind(this.pStat, 'click', BX.delegate(this.CheckShowStatParams, this)); } // Link title r = addRow(pTableWrap, {label: BX.message('BXEdLinkTitle') + ':', id: this.id + '-title'}, true); this.pTitle = r.rightCell.appendChild(BX.create('INPUT', {props: {type: 'text', id: this.id + '-title'}})); // Link class selector r = addRow(pTableWrap, {label: BX.message('BXEdCssClass') + ':', id: this.id + '-style'}, true); this.pClass = r.rightCell.appendChild(BX.create('INPUT', {props: {type: 'text', id: this.id + '-style'}})); // Link target r = addRow(pTableWrap, {label: BX.message('BXEdLinkTarget') + ':', id: this.id + '-target'}, true); this.pTarget = r.rightCell.appendChild(BX.create('SELECT', {props: {id: this.id + '-target'}})); this.pTarget.options.add(new Option(BX.message('BXEdLinkTargetBlank'), '_blank', false, false)); this.pTarget.options.add(new Option(BX.message('BXEdLinkTargetParent'), '_parent', false, false)); this.pTarget.options.add(new Option(BX.message('BXEdLinkTargetSelf'), '_self', true, true)); this.pTarget.options.add(new Option(BX.message('BXEdLinkTargetTop'), '_top', false, false)); // Nofollow noindex r = addRow(pTableWrap, false, true); this.pNoindex = r.leftCell.appendChild(BX.create('INPUT', {props: {type: 'checkbox', id: this.id + '-noindex'}})); r.rightCell.appendChild(BX.create('LABEL', {text: BX.message('BXEdLinkNoindex')})).setAttribute('for', this.id + '-noindex'); BX.bind(this.pNoindex, 'click', BX.delegate(this.CheckNoindex, this)); // Link id r = addRow(pTableWrap, {label: BX.message('BXEdLinkId') + ':', id: this.id + '-id'}, true); this.pId = r.rightCell.appendChild(BX.create('INPUT', {props: {type: 'text', id: this.id + '-id'}})); // Link rel r = addRow(pTableWrap, {label: BX.message('BXEdLinkRel') + ':', id: this.id + '-rel'}, true); this.pRel = r.rightCell.appendChild(BX.create('INPUT', {props: {type: 'text', id: this.id + '-rel'}})); // *** Additional params END *** } cont.appendChild(pTableWrap); return cont; }; LinkDialog.prototype.OpenFileDialog = function() { var run = window['BxOpenFileBrowserWindFile' + this.editor.id]; if (run && typeof run == 'function') { var _this = this; window['OnFileDialogSelect' + this.editor.id] = function(filename, path, site) { _this.pHrefIn.value = (path == '/' ? '' : path) + '/' + filename; _this.pHrefIn.focus(); _this.pHrefIn.select(); // Clean function window['OnFileDialogSelect' + _this.editor.id] = null; }; run(); } }; LinkDialog.prototype.ChangeType = function() { var type = this.pType ? this.pType.value : (this.editor.config.linkDialogType || 'internal'); this.pHrefIntCont.style.display = 'none'; this.pHrefExtCont.style.display = 'none'; this.pHrefAnchCont.style.display = 'none'; this.pHrefEmailCont.style.display = 'none'; if (this.pStatCont) this.pStatCont.style.display = 'none'; if (type == 'internal') { this.pHrefIntCont.style.display = ''; } else if (type == 'external') { if (this.pStatCont) this.pStatCont.style.display = ''; this.pHrefExtCont.style.display = ''; } else if (type == 'anchor') { this.pHrefAnchCont.style.display = ''; } else if (type == 'email') { this.pHrefEmailCont.style.display = ''; } this.editor.config.linkDialogType = type; this.editor.SaveOption('link_dialog_type', this.editor.config.linkDialogType); }; LinkDialog.prototype.CheckShowStatParams = function() { if (this.pStat && this.pStat.checked) { BX.removeClass(this.pStatCont, 'bxhtmled-link-stat-hide'); } else { BX.addClass(this.pStatCont, 'bxhtmled-link-stat-hide'); } }; LinkDialog.prototype.CheckNoindex = function() { if (this.pNoindex.checked) { this.pRel.value = 'nofollow'; this.pRel.disabled = true; } else { this.pRel.value = this.pRel.value == 'nofollow' ? '' : this.pRel.value; this.pRel.disabled = false; } }; LinkDialog.prototype.SetValues = function(values) { this.pHrefAnchor.value = ''; if (!this.editor.bbCode && this.pStat) { this.pStatEvent1.value = this.pStatEvent2.value = this.pStatEvent3.value = ''; this.pStat.checked = false; } if (!values) { values = {}; } else { // 1. Detect type var href = this.editor.util.spaceUrlDecode(values.href || ''); if (this.editor.bbCode) { values.type = 'internal'; this.pHrefIn.value = href || ''; this.firstFocus = this.pHrefIn; } else if (href != '') { if(href.substring(0, 'mailto:'.length).toLowerCase() == 'mailto:') // email { values.type = 'email'; this.pHrefEmail.value = href.substring('mailto:'.length); } else if(href.substr(0, 1) == '#') // anchor { values.type = 'anchor'; this.pHrefAnchor.value = href; this.firstFocus = this.pHrefAnchor; } else if (href.indexOf("://") !== -1 || href.substr(0, 'www.'.length) == 'www.' || href.indexOf("&goto=") !== -1) { values.type = 'external'; // Fix link in statistic if (this.pStat && href.substr(0, '/bitrix/redirect.php'.length) == '/bitrix/redirect.php') { this.pStat.checked = true; this.CheckShowStatParams(); var sParams = href.substring('/bitrix/redirect.php'.length); function __ExtrParam(p, s) { var pos = s.indexOf(p + '='); if (pos < 0) { return ''; } var pos2 = s.indexOf('&', pos + p.length+1); if (pos2 < 0) { s = s.substring(pos + p.length + 1); } else { s = s.substr(pos+p.length+1, pos2 - pos - 1 - p.length); } return unescape(s); } this.pStatEvent1.value = __ExtrParam('event1', sParams); this.pStatEvent2.value = __ExtrParam('event2', sParams); this.pStatEvent3.value = __ExtrParam('event3', sParams); href = __ExtrParam('goto', sParams); } if (href.substr(0, 'www.'.length) == 'www.') href = "http://" + href; var prot = href.substr(0, href.indexOf("://") + 3); this.pHrefType.value = prot; if (this.pHrefType.value != prot) this.pHrefType.value = ''; this.pHrefExt.value = href.substring(href.indexOf("://") + 3); this.firstFocus = this.pHrefExt; } else // link to page on server { values.type = 'internal'; this.pHrefIn.value = href || ''; this.firstFocus = this.pHrefIn; } } if (!values.type) { if (values.text && values.text.match(this.editor.autolinkEmailRegExp)) { this.pHrefEmail.value = values.text; values.type = 'email'; this.firstFocus = this.pHrefEmail; } else { if (this.editor.config.linkDialogType && BX.util.in_array(this.editor.config.linkDialogType, ['internal', 'external', 'anchor', 'email'])) { values.type = this.editor.config.linkDialogType; if(values.type == 'email') { this.pHrefEmail.value = ''; this.firstFocus = this.pHrefEmail; } else if(values.type == 'anchor') { this.pHrefAnchor.value = ''; this.firstFocus = this.pHrefAnchor; } else if(values.type == 'internal') { this.pHrefIn.value = ''; this.firstFocus = this.pHrefIn; } else { this.pHrefExt.value = ''; this.firstFocus = this.pHrefExt; } } else { values.type = 'internal'; this.pHrefIn.value = href || ''; this.firstFocus = this.pHrefIn; } } } if (this.pType) { this.pType.value = values.type; } this.pInnerHtmlCont.style.display = 'none'; this.pTextCont.style.display = 'none'; // Text if (values.bTextContent) // Simple text { this.pText.value = values.text || ''; this.pTextCont.style.display = ''; } else // { if (!values.text && values.innerHtml) { this.pInnerHtml.innerHTML = values.innerHtml; this.pInnerHtmlCont.style.display = ''; } else { this.pText.value = values.text || ''; this.pTextCont.style.display = ''; } this._originalText = values.text; } } if (!this.editor.bbCode) { this.pTitle.value = values.title || ''; this.pTarget.value = values.target || '_self'; this.pClass.value = values.className || ''; this.pId.value = values.id || ''; this.pRel.value = values.rel || ''; this.pNoindex.checked = values.noindex; } this.ChangeType(); if (!this.editor.bbCode) { this.CheckShowStatParams(); this.CheckNoindex(); if (!this.oClass) { this.oClass = new window.BXHtmlEditor.ClassSelector(this.editor, { id: this.id + '-class-selector', input: this.pClass, filterTag: 'A', value: this.pClass.value } ); var _this = this; BX.addCustomEvent(this.oClass, "OnComboPopupClose", function() { _this.closeByEnter = true; }); BX.addCustomEvent(this.oClass, "OnComboPopupOpen", function() { _this.closeByEnter = false; }); } else { this.oClass.OnChange(); } } }; LinkDialog.prototype.GetValues = function() { var type = this.pType ? this.pType.value : 'internal', value = { text: this.pText.value }; if (!this.editor.bbCode) { value.className = ''; value.title = this.pTitle.value; value.id = this.pId.value; value.rel = this.pRel.value; value.noindex = !!this.pNoindex.checked; } if (type == 'internal') { value.href = this.pHrefIn.value; } else if (type == 'external') { value.href = this.pHrefExt.value; if (this.pHrefType.value && value.href.indexOf('://') == -1) { value.href = this.pHrefType.value + value.href; } if(this.pStat && this.pStat.checked) { value.href = '/bitrix/redirect.php?event1=' + escape(this.pStatEvent1.value) + '&event2=' + escape(this.pStatEvent2.value) + '&event3=' + escape(this.pStatEvent3.value) + '&goto=' + escape(value.href); } } else if (type == 'anchor') { value.href = this.pHrefAnchor.value; } else if (type == 'email') { value.href = 'mailto:' + this.pHrefEmail.value; } if (this.pTarget && this.pTarget.value !== '_self') { value.target = this.pTarget.value; } if (this.pClass && this.pClass.value) { value.className = this.pClass.value; } value.node = this.lastLink || false; return value; }; LinkDialog.prototype.Show = function(nodes, savedRange) { var _this = this, values = {}, i, l, link, lastLink, linksCount = 0; this.lastLink = false; if (!this.readyToShow) { return setTimeout(function(){_this.Show(nodes, savedRange);}, 100); } this.savedRange = savedRange; if (!this.editor.bbCode || !this.editor.synchro.IsFocusedOnTextarea()) { if (!nodes) { nodes = this.editor.action.CheckState('formatInline', {}, "a"); } if (nodes) { // Selection contains links for (i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { link = nodes[i]; if (link) { lastLink = link; linksCount++; } if (linksCount > 1) { break; } } // One link if (linksCount === 1 && lastLink && lastLink.querySelector) { // 1. Link contains only text if (!lastLink.querySelector("*")) { values.text = this.editor.util.GetTextContent(lastLink); values.bTextContent = true; } // Link contains else { values.text = this.editor.util.GetTextContent(lastLink); if (BX.util.trim(values.text) == '') { values.innerHtml = lastLink.innerHTML; } values.bTextContent = false; } var cleanAttribute = lastLink.getAttribute('data-bx-clean-attribute'); if (cleanAttribute) { lastLink.removeAttribute(cleanAttribute); lastLink.removeAttribute('data-bx-clean-attribute'); } values.noindex = lastLink.getAttribute('data-bx-noindex') == "Y"; values.href = lastLink.getAttribute('href'); values.title = lastLink.title; values.id = lastLink.id; values.rel = lastLink.getAttribute('rel'); values.target = lastLink.target; values.className = lastLink.className; this.lastLink = lastLink; } } else { var text = BX.util.trim(this.editor.selection.GetText()); if (text && text != this.editor.INVISIBLE_SPACE) { values.text = text; } } this.bNewLink = nodes && linksCount > 0; var anchors = [], bxTag; if (document.querySelectorAll) { var surrs = this.editor.sandbox.GetDocument().querySelectorAll('.bxhtmled-surrogate'); l = surrs.length; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { bxTag = this.editor.GetBxTag(surrs[i]); if (bxTag.tag == 'anchor') { anchors.push({ NAME: '#' + bxTag.params.name, DESCRIPTION: BX.message('BXEdLinkHrefAnch') + ': #' + bxTag.params.name, CLASS_NAME: 'bxhtmled-inp-popup-item' }); } } } if (anchors.length > 0) { this.oHrefAnchor = new BXInputPopup({ id: this.id + '-href-anchor-cntrl' + Math.round(Math.random() * 1000000000), values: anchors, input: this.pHrefAnchor, className: 'bxhtmled-inp-popup' }); BX.addCustomEvent(this.oHrefAnchor, "onInputPopupShow", function(anchorPopup) { if (anchorPopup && anchorPopup.oPopup && anchorPopup.oPopup.popupContainer) { anchorPopup.oPopup.popupContainer.style.zIndex = 3010; if (anchors.length > 20) { anchorPopup.oPopup.popupContainer.style.overflow = 'auto'; anchorPopup.oPopup.popupContainer.style.paddingRight = '20px'; anchorPopup.oPopup.popupContainer.style.maxHeight = '300px'; } } }); } } else { values.text = this.editor.textareaView.GetTextSelection(); } if (!this.editor.bbCode) { // Mantis: 60197 window['OnFileDialogImgSelect' + this.editor.id] = window['OnFileDialogSelect' + this.editor.id] = function(filename, path, site) { var url; if (typeof filename == 'object') // Using medialibrary { url = filename.src; if (_this.pTitle) _this.pTitle.value = filename.description || filename.name; if (_this.pAlt) _this.pAlt.value = filename.description || filename.name; } else // Using file dialog { url = (path == '/' ? '' : path) + '/' + filename; } _this.pHrefIn.value = url; _this.pHrefIn.focus(); _this.pHrefIn.select(); }; } this.SetValues(values); this.SetTitle(BX.message('InsertLink')); // Call parrent Dialog.Show() LinkDialog.superclass.Show.apply(this, arguments); }; // Video dialog function VideoDialog(editor, params) { params = { id: 'bx_video', width: 600, className: 'bxhtmled-video-dialog' }; this.sizes = [ {key:'560x315', width: 560, height: 315}, {key:'640x360', width: 640, height: 360}, {key:'853x480', width: 853, height: 480}, {key:'1280x720', width: 1280, height: 720} ]; // Call parrent constructor VideoDialog.superclass.constructor.apply(this, [editor, params]); this.id = 'video_' + this.editor.id; this.waitCounter = false; this.SetContent(this.Build()); BX.addCustomEvent(this, "OnDialogSave", BX.proxy(this.Save, this)); } BX.extend(VideoDialog, Dialog); VideoDialog.prototype.Build = function() { this.pCont = BX.create('DIV', {props: {className: 'bxhtmled-video-dialog-cnt bxhtmled-video-cnt bxhtmled-video-empty'}}); var _this = this, r, c, pTableWrap = BX.create('TABLE', {props: {className: 'bxhtmled-dialog-tbl bxhtmled-video-dialog-tbl'}}); // Source r = this.AddTableRow(pTableWrap, {label: BX.message('BXEdVideoSource') + ':', id: this.id + '-source'}); this.pSource = r.rightCell.appendChild(BX.create('INPUT', {props: {id: this.id + '-source', type: 'text', className: 'bxhtmled-90-input', placeholder: BX.message('BXEdVideoSourcePlaceholder')}})); BX.bind(this.pSource, 'change', BX.delegate(this.VideoSourceChanged, this)); BX.bind(this.pSource, 'mouseup', BX.delegate(this.VideoSourceChanged, this)); BX.bind(this.pSource, 'keyup', BX.delegate(this.VideoSourceChanged, this)); this.pErrorRow = pTableWrap.insertRow(-1); this.pErrorRow.style.display = 'none'; c = BX.adjust(this.pErrorRow.insertCell(-1), {props:{className: 'bxhtmled-video-error-cell'}, attrs: {colSpan: 2}}); this.pError = c.appendChild(BX.create('SPAN', {props: {className: 'bxhtmled-video-error'}})); r = pTableWrap.insertRow(-1); c = BX.adjust(r.insertCell(-1), {props:{className: 'bxhtmled-video-params-wrap'}, attrs: {colSpan: 2}}); var pParTbl = c.appendChild(BX.create('TABLE', {props: {className: 'bxhtmled-dialog-tbl bxhtmled-video-dialog-tbl'}})); // Title r = this.AddTableRow(pParTbl, {label: BX.message('BXEdVideoInfoTitle') + ':', id: this.id + '-title'}); this.pTitle = r.rightCell.appendChild(BX.create('INPUT', {props: {id: this.id + '-title', type: 'text', className: 'bxhtmled-90-input', disabled: !!this.editor.bbCode}})); BX.addClass(r.row, 'bxhtmled-video-ext-row bxhtmled-video-ext-loc-row'); // Size r = this.AddTableRow(pParTbl, {label: BX.message('BXEdVideoSize') + ':', id: this.id + '-size'}); this.pSize = r.rightCell.appendChild(BX.create('SELECT', {props: {id: this.id + '-size'}})); BX.addClass(r.row, 'bxhtmled-video-ext-row'); this.pUserSizeCnt = r.rightCell.appendChild(BX.create('SPAN', {props: {className: 'bxhtmled-user-size'}, style: {display: 'none'}})); this.pUserSizeCnt.appendChild(BX.create('LABEL', {props: {className: 'bxhtmled-width-lbl'}, text: BX.message('BXEdImgWidth') + ': ', attrs: {'for': this.id + '-width'}})); this.pWidth = this.pUserSizeCnt.appendChild(BX.create('INPUT', {props: {id: this.id + '-width', type: 'text'}})); this.pUserSizeCnt.appendChild(BX.create('LABEL', {props: {className: 'bxhtmled-width-lbl'}, text: BX.message('BXEdImgHeight') + ': ', attrs: {'for': this.id + '-height'}})); this.pHeight = this.pUserSizeCnt.appendChild(BX.create('INPUT', {props: {id: this.id + '-height', type: 'text'}})); BX.bind(this.pSize, 'change', function() { _this.pUserSizeCnt.style.display = _this.pSize.value == '' ? '' : 'none' }); // Preview this.pPreviewCont = pParTbl.insertRow(-1); c = BX.adjust(this.pPreviewCont.insertCell(-1), {props:{title: BX.message('BXEdVideoPreview')},attrs: {colSpan: 2}}); this.pPreview = c.appendChild(BX.create('DIV', {props: {className: 'bxhtmled-video-preview-cnt'}})); BX.addClass(this.pPreviewCont, 'bxhtmled-video-ext-row bxhtmled-video-ext-loc-row'); this.pCont.appendChild(pTableWrap); return this.pCont; }; VideoDialog.prototype.VideoSourceChanged = function() { var value = BX.util.trim(this.pSource.value); if (value !== this.lastSourceValue) { this.lastSourceValue = value; if (this.editor.bbCode && this.bEdit && value.toLowerCase().indexOf('[/video]') !== -1) return; this.AnalyzeVideoSource(value); } }; VideoDialog.prototype.AnalyzeVideoSource = function(value) { var _this = this; if (value.match(/<iframe([\s\S]*?)\/iframe>/gi)) { var video = this.editor.phpParser.CheckForVideo(value); if (video) { var videoData = this.editor.phpParser.FetchVideoIframeParams(value, video.provider) || {}; this.ShowVideoParams({ html: value, provider: video.provider || false, title: videoData.origTitle || '', width: videoData.width || false, height: videoData.height || false }); } } else { this.StartWaiting(); this.editor.Request({ getData: this.editor.GetReqData('video_oembed', { video_source: value } ), handler: function(res) { if (res.result) { _this.StopWaiting(); _this.ShowVideoParams(res.data); } else { _this.StopWaiting(); if (res.error !== '') { _this.ShowVideoParams(false, res.error); } } } }); } }; VideoDialog.prototype.StartWaiting = function() { var dot = '', _this = this; this.waitCounter = (this.waitCounter === false || this.waitCounter > 3) ? 0 : this.waitCounter; if (_this.waitCounter == 1) dot = '.'; else if (_this.waitCounter == 2) dot = '..'; else if (_this.waitCounter == 3) dot = '...'; _this.SetTitle(BX.message('BXEdVideoTitle') + dot); this.StopWaiting(false); this.waitingTimeout = setTimeout( function(){ _this.waitCounter++; _this.StartWaiting(); }, 250 ); }; VideoDialog.prototype.StopWaiting = function(title) { if (this.waitingTimeout) { clearTimeout(this.waitingTimeout); this.waitingTimeout = null; } if (title !== false) { this.waitCounter = false; this.SetTitle(title || BX.message('BXEdVideoTitle')); } }; VideoDialog.prototype.ShowVideoParams = function(data, error) { this.data = data || {}; this.pErrorRow.style.display = 'none'; this.pPreviewCont.style.display = 'none'; this.pPreview.innerHTML = ''; BX.removeClass(this.pCont, 'bxhtmled-video-local'); if (data === false || typeof data != 'object') { BX.addClass(this.pCont, 'bxhtmled-video-empty'); if (error) { this.pErrorRow.style.display = ''; this.pError.innerHTML = BX.util.htmlspecialchars(error); } } else if (data.remote && !this.bEdit) { BX.removeClass(this.pCont, 'bxhtmled-video-empty'); this.pTitle.value = data.title || ''; if(data.width && data.height) { this.SetSize(data.width, data.height); } else { this.SetSize(400, 300); } } else if (data.local && !this.bEdit) { // Size this.SetSize(400, 300); BX.removeClass(this.pCont, 'bxhtmled-video-empty'); BX.addClass(this.pCont, 'bxhtmled-video-local'); } else { BX.removeClass(this.pCont, 'bxhtmled-video-empty'); if (data.provider) { this.SetTitle(BX.message('BXEdVideoTitleProvider').replace('#PROVIDER_NAME#', BX.util.htmlspecialchars(data.provider))); } // Title this.pTitle.value = data.title || ''; // Size this.SetSize(data.width, data.height); // Preview if (data.html) { var w = Math.min(data.width, 560), h = Math.min(data.height, 315), previewHtml = data.html; previewHtml = this.UpdateHtml(previewHtml, w, h); this.pPreview.innerHTML = previewHtml; this.pPreviewCont.style.display = ''; } else { this.pPreviewCont.style.display = 'none'; } } }; VideoDialog.prototype.SetSize = function(width, height) { var key = width + 'x' + height; if (!this.sizeIndex[key]) { this.ClearSizeControl([{ key: key, width: width, height: height, title: BX.message('BXEdVideoSizeAuto') + ' (' + width + ' x ' + height + ')' }].concat(this.sizes)); } this.pSize.value = key; }; VideoDialog.prototype.ClearSizeControl = function(sizes) { sizes = sizes || this.sizes; this.pSize.options.length = 0; this.sizeIndex = {}; for (var i = 0; i < sizes.length; i++) { this.sizeIndex[sizes[i].key] = true; this.pSize.options.add(new Option(sizes[i].title || (sizes[i].width + ' x ' + sizes[i].height), sizes[i].key, false, false)); } this.pSize.options.add(new Option(BX.message('BXEdVideoSizeCustom'), '', false, false)); }; VideoDialog.prototype.UpdateHtml = function(html, width, height, title) { var bTitle = false; if (title) { title = BX.util.htmlspecialchars(title); } html = html.replace(/((?:title)|(?:width)|(?:height))\s*=\s*("|')([\s\S]*?)(\2)/ig, function(s, attrName, q, attrValue) { attrName = attrName.toLowerCase(); if (attrName == 'width' && width) { return attrName + '="' + width + '"'; } else if(attrName == 'height' && height) { return attrName + '="' + height + '"'; } else if (attrName == 'title' && title)// title { bTitle = true; return attrName + '="' + title + '"'; } return ''; }); if (!bTitle && title) { html = html.replace(/<iframe\s*/i, function(s) { return s + ' title="' + title + '" '; }); } return html; }; VideoDialog.prototype.Show = function(bxTag, savedRange) { this.savedRange = savedRange; if (this.savedRange) { this.editor.selection.SetBookmark(this.savedRange); } this.SetTitle(BX.message('BXEdVideoTitle')); this.ClearSizeControl(); this.bEdit = bxTag && bxTag.tag == 'video'; this.bxTag = bxTag; if (this.bEdit) { this.pSource.value = this.lastSourceValue = bxTag.params.value; if (!this.editor.bbCode) this.AnalyzeVideoSource(bxTag.params.value); } else { this.ShowVideoParams(false); this.pSource.value = ''; } // Call parrent Dialog.Show() VideoDialog.superclass.Show.apply(this, arguments); }; VideoDialog.prototype.Save = function() { var _this = this, title = this.pTitle.value, width = parseInt(this.pWidth.value) || 100, height = parseInt(this.pHeight.value) || 100, mimeType = this.data.mimeType || ''; if (this.pSize.value !== '') { var sz = this.pSize.value.split('x'); if (sz && sz.length == 2) { width = parseInt(sz[0]); height = parseInt(sz[1]); } } if (this.data && this.data.html) this.data.html = this.UpdateHtml(this.data.html, width, height, title); var bbSource = '', html = ''; if (this.bEdit) { if (this.bxTag && this.editor.bbCode && !this.data) { this.bxTag.params.value = this.pSource.value; } else if (this.data && this.editor.action.IsSupported('insertHTML')) { var node = this.editor.GetIframeElement(this.bxTag.id); if (node) { this.editor.selection.SelectNode(node); BX.remove(node); } html = this.data.html; } } else if (this.data) { if (this.editor.bbCode && this.data.local) { bbSource = this.data.html = '[VIDEO width=' + width + ' height=' + height + ']' + this.data.path + '[/VIDEO]'; html = this.editor.bbParser.GetVideoSourse(this.data.path, {type: false, width: width, height: height, html: this.data.html}, this.data.html); } else if (this.editor.bbCode && this.data.remote) { bbSource = '[VIDEO '; if(mimeType) { bbSource += 'mimetype=\'' + mimeType + '\' '; } bbSource += 'width=' + width + ' height=' + height + ']' + this.data.path + '[/VIDEO]'; this.data.html = bbSource; html = this.editor.bbParser.GetVideoSourse(this.data.path, {type: false, width: width, height: height, html: this.data.html, title: this.data.title}, this.data.html); } else if (this.data.html) { if (this.savedRange) { this.editor.selection.SetBookmark(this.savedRange); } if (_this.editor.synchro.IsFocusedOnTextarea()) { var videoParams = this.editor.phpParser.FetchVideoIframeParams(this.data.html); bbSource = '[VIDEO TYPE=' + this.data.provider.toUpperCase() + ' WIDTH=' + this.data.width + ' HEIGHT=' + this.data.height + ']' + videoParams.src + '[/VIDEO]'; } html = this.data.html; } } if (_this.editor.synchro.IsFocusedOnTextarea()) { if (bbSource !== '') this.editor.textareaView.WrapWith(false, false, bbSource); _this.editor.synchro.Sync(); } else { if (html !== '' && this.editor.action.IsSupported('insertHTML')) { this.editor.action.Exec('insertHTML', html); } setTimeout(function() { _this.editor.synchro.FullSyncFromIframe(); }, 50); } }; // Source dialog (php, javascript, html-comment, iframe, style, etc.) function SourceDialog(editor, params) { params = { id: 'bx_source', height: 400, width: 700, resizable: true, className: 'bxhtmled-source-dialog' }; // Call parrent constructor SourceDialog.superclass.constructor.apply(this, [editor, params]); this.id = 'source_' + this.editor.id; this.SetContent(this.Build()); BX.addCustomEvent(this, "OnDialogSave", BX.proxy(this.Save, this)); } BX.extend(SourceDialog, Dialog); SourceDialog.prototype.Build = function() { this.pValue = BX.create('TEXTAREA', {props: {className: 'bxhtmled-source-value', id: this.id + '-value'}}); return this.pValue; }; SourceDialog.prototype.OnResize = function() { var w = this.oDialog.PARTS.CONTENT_DATA.offsetWidth, h = this.oDialog.PARTS.CONTENT_DATA.offsetHeight; this.pValue.style.width = (w - 30) + 'px'; this.pValue.style.height = (h - 30) + 'px'; }; SourceDialog.prototype.OnResizeFinished = function() { }; SourceDialog.prototype.Save = function() { this.bxTag.params.value = this.pValue.value; this.editor.SetBxTag(false, this.bxTag); var _this = this; setTimeout(function() { _this.editor.synchro.FullSyncFromIframe(); }, 50); }; SourceDialog.prototype.Show = function(bxTag) { this.bxTag = bxTag; if (bxTag && bxTag.tag) { this.SetTitle(bxTag.name); this.pValue.value = bxTag.params.value; // Call parrent Dialog.Show() SourceDialog.superclass.Show.apply(this, arguments); this.OnResize(); BX.focus(this.pValue); } }; // Anchor dialog function AnchorDialog(editor, params) { params = { id: 'bx_anchor', width: 300, resizable: false, className: 'bxhtmled-anchor-dialog' }; // Call parrent constructor AnchorDialog.superclass.constructor.apply(this, [editor, params]); this.id = 'anchor_' + this.editor.id; this.SetContent(this.Build()); BX.addCustomEvent(this, "OnDialogSave", BX.proxy(this.Save, this)); } BX.extend(AnchorDialog, Dialog); AnchorDialog.prototype.Build = function() { var cont = BX.create('DIV'); cont.appendChild(BX.create('LABEL', {text: BX.message('BXEdAnchorName') + ': '})).setAttribute('for', this.id + '-value'); this.pValue = cont.appendChild(BX.create('INPUT', {props: {className: '', id: this.id + '-value'}})); return cont; }; AnchorDialog.prototype.Save = function() { this.bxTag.params.name = BX.util.trim(this.pValue.value.replace(/[^ a-z0-9_\-]/gi, "")); this.editor.SetBxTag(false, this.bxTag); var _this = this; setTimeout(function() { _this.editor.synchro.FullSyncFromIframe(); }, 50); }; AnchorDialog.prototype.Show = function(bxTag) { this.bxTag = bxTag; if (bxTag && bxTag.tag) { this.SetTitle(BX.message('BXEdAnchor')); this.pValue.value = bxTag.params.name; // Call parrent Dialog.Show() AnchorDialog.superclass.Show.apply(this, arguments); BX.focus(this.pValue); this.pValue.select(); } }; // Table dialog function TableDialog(editor, params) { params = { id: 'bx_table', width: editor.bbCode ? 300 : 600, resizable: false, className: 'bxhtmled-table-dialog' }; // Call parrent constructor LinkDialog.superclass.constructor.apply(this, [editor, params]); this.id = 'table' + this.editor.id; this.action = 'insertTable'; this.SetContent(this.Build()); BX.addCustomEvent(this, "OnDialogSave", BX.proxy(this.Save, this)); } BX.extend(TableDialog, Dialog); TableDialog.prototype.Build = function() { var pInnerTable, r, c, cont = BX.create('DIV'); var pTableWrap = BX.create('TABLE', {props: {className: 'bxhtmled-dialog-tbl bxhtmled-dialog-tbl-hide-additional'}}); r = pTableWrap.insertRow(-1); // 1 row c = BX.adjust(r.insertCell(-1), {attrs: {colSpan: 4}}); // First row pInnerTable = c.appendChild(BX.create('TABLE', {props: {className: 'bxhtmled-dialog-tbl'}})); r = pInnerTable.insertRow(-1); // 1.1 row // Rows c = BX.adjust(r.insertCell(-1), {props: {className: 'bxhtmled-lbl-cell'}}); c.appendChild(BX.create('LABEL', {text: BX.message('BXEdTableRows') + ':', attrs: {'for': this.id + '-rows'}})); c = BX.adjust(r.insertCell(-1), {props: {className: 'bxhtmled-val-cell'}}); this.pRows = c.appendChild(BX.create('INPUT', {props: {type: 'text', id: this.id + '-rows'}})); // Width if (!this.editor.bbCode) { c = BX.adjust(r.insertCell(-1), {props: {className: 'bxhtmled-lbl-cell'}}); c.appendChild(BX.create('LABEL', {text: BX.message('BXEdTableWidth') + ':', attrs: {'for': this.id + '-width'}})); c = BX.adjust(r.insertCell(-1), {props: {className: 'bxhtmled-val-cell'}}); this.pWidth = c.appendChild(BX.create('INPUT', {props: {type: 'text', id: this.id + '-width'}})); } r = pInnerTable.insertRow(-1); // 1.2 row // Cols c = BX.adjust(r.insertCell(-1), {props: {className: 'bxhtmled-lbl-cell'}}); c.appendChild(BX.create('LABEL', {text: BX.message('BXEdTableCols') + ':', attrs: {'for': this.id + '-cols'}})); c = BX.adjust(r.insertCell(-1), {props: {className: 'bxhtmled-val-cell'}}); this.pCols = c.appendChild(BX.create('INPUT', {props: {type: 'text', id: this.id + '-cols'}})); // Height if (!this.editor.bbCode) { c = BX.adjust(r.insertCell(-1), {props: {className: 'bxhtmled-lbl-cell'}}); c.appendChild(BX.create('LABEL', {text: BX.message('BXEdTableHeight') + ':', attrs: {'for': this.id + '-height'}})); c = BX.adjust(r.insertCell(-1), {props: {className: 'bxhtmled-val-cell'}}); this.pHeight = c.appendChild(BX.create('INPUT', {props: {type: 'text', id: this.id + '-height'}})); } if (!this.editor.bbCode) { // *** Additional params *** r = pTableWrap.insertRow(-1); var addTitleCell = BX.adjust(r.insertCell(-1), {props: {className: 'bxhtmled-title-cell bxhtmled-title-cell-foldable', colSpan: 4}, text: BX.message('BXEdLinkAdditionalTitle')}); BX.bind(addTitleCell, "click", function() { BX.toggleClass(pTableWrap, 'bxhtmled-dialog-tbl-hide-additional'); }); var pTbody = pTableWrap.appendChild(BX.create('TBODY', {props: {className: 'bxhtmled-additional-tbody'}})); r = pTbody.insertRow(-1); // 3rd row // Header cells c = BX.adjust(r.insertCell(-1), {props: {className: 'bxhtmled-lbl-cell'}}); c.appendChild(BX.create('LABEL', {text: BX.message('BXEdTableHeads') + ':', attrs: {'for': this.id + '-th'}})); c = BX.adjust(r.insertCell(-1), {props: {className: 'bxhtmled-val-cell'}}); this.pHeaders = c.appendChild(BX.create('SELECT', {props: {id: this.id + '-th'}, style: {width: '130px'}})); this.pHeaders.options.add(new Option(BX.message('BXEdThNone'), '', true, true)); this.pHeaders.options.add(new Option(BX.message('BXEdThTop'), 'top', false, false)); this.pHeaders.options.add(new Option(BX.message('BXEdThLeft'), 'left', false, false)); this.pHeaders.options.add(BX.adjust(new Option(BX.message('BXEdThTopLeft'), 'topleft', false, false), {props: {title: BX.message('BXEdThTopLeftTitle')}})); // CellSpacing c = BX.adjust(r.insertCell(-1), {props: {className: 'bxhtmled-lbl-cell'}}); c.appendChild(BX.create('LABEL', {text: BX.message('BXEdTableCellSpacing') + ':', attrs: {'for': this.id + '-cell-spacing'}})); c = BX.adjust(r.insertCell(-1), {props: {className: 'bxhtmled-val-cell'}}); this.pCellSpacing = c.appendChild(BX.create('INPUT', {props: {type: 'text', id: this.id + '-cell-spacing'}})); r = pTbody.insertRow(-1); // 4th row // Border c = BX.adjust(r.insertCell(-1), {props: {className: 'bxhtmled-lbl-cell'}}); c.appendChild(BX.create('LABEL', {text: BX.message('BXEdTableBorder') + ':', attrs: {'for': this.id + '-border'}})); c = BX.adjust(r.insertCell(-1), {props: {className: 'bxhtmled-val-cell'}}); this.pBorder = c.appendChild(BX.create('INPUT', {props: {type: 'text', id: this.id + '-border'}})); // CellPadding c = BX.adjust(r.insertCell(-1), {props: {className: 'bxhtmled-lbl-cell'}}); c.appendChild(BX.create('LABEL', {text: BX.message('BXEdTableCellPadding') + ':', attrs: {'for': this.id + '-cell-padding'}})); c = BX.adjust(r.insertCell(-1), {props: {className: 'bxhtmled-val-cell'}}); this.pCellPadding = c.appendChild(BX.create('INPUT', {props: {type: 'text', id: this.id + '-cell-padding'}})); r = pTbody.insertRow(-1); // 5th row c = BX.adjust(r.insertCell(-1), {attrs: {colSpan: 4}}); pInnerTable = c.appendChild(BX.create('TABLE', {props: {className: 'bxhtmled-dialog-inner-tbl'}})); // Table align r = pInnerTable.insertRow(-1); // 5.0 align row c = BX.adjust(r.insertCell(-1), {props: {className: 'bxhtmled-inner-lbl-cell'}}); c.appendChild(BX.create('LABEL', {text: BX.message('BXEdTableAlign') + ':', attrs: {'for': this.id + '-align'}})); c = BX.adjust(r.insertCell(-1), {props: {className: 'bxhtmled-inner-val-cell'}}); this.pAlign = c.appendChild(BX.create('SELECT', {props: {id: this.id + '-align'}, style: {width: '130px'}})); this.pAlign.options.add(new Option(BX.message('BXEdTableAlignLeft'), 'left', true, true)); this.pAlign.options.add(new Option(BX.message('BXEdTableAlignCenter'), 'center', false, false)); this.pAlign.options.add(new Option(BX.message('BXEdTableAlignRight'), 'right', false, false)); r = pInnerTable.insertRow(-1); // 5.1 th row // Table caption c = BX.adjust(r.insertCell(-1), {props: {className: 'bxhtmled-inner-lbl-cell'}}); c.appendChild(BX.create('LABEL', {text: BX.message('BXEdTableCaption') + ':', attrs: {'for': this.id + '-caption'}})); c = BX.adjust(r.insertCell(-1), {props: {className: 'bxhtmled-inner-val-cell'}}); this.pCaption = c.appendChild(BX.create('INPUT', {props: {type: 'text', id: this.id + '-caption'}})); r = pInnerTable.insertRow(-1); // 5.2 th row // CSS class selector c = BX.adjust(r.insertCell(-1), {props: {className: 'bxhtmled-inner-lbl-cell'}}); c.appendChild(BX.create('LABEL', {text: BX.message('BXEdCssClass') + ':', attrs: {'for': this.id + '-class'}})); c = BX.adjust(r.insertCell(-1), {props: {className: 'bxhtmled-inner-val-cell'}}); this.pClass = c.appendChild(BX.create('INPUT', {props: {type: 'text', id: this.id + '-class'}})); r = pInnerTable.insertRow(-1); // 5.3 th row // Id c = BX.adjust(r.insertCell(-1), {props: {className: 'bxhtmled-inner-lbl-cell'}}); c.appendChild(BX.create('LABEL', {text: BX.message('BXEdTableId') + ':', attrs: {'for': this.id + '-id'}})); c = BX.adjust(r.insertCell(-1), {props: {className: 'bxhtmled-inner-val-cell'}}); this.pId = c.appendChild(BX.create('INPUT', {props: {type: 'text', id: this.id + '-id'}})); // *** Additional params END *** } cont.appendChild(pTableWrap); return cont; }; TableDialog.prototype.SetValues = function(values) { this.pRows.value = values.rows || 3; this.pCols.value = values.cols || 4; if (!this.editor.bbCode) { this.pWidth.value = values.width || ''; this.pHeight.value = values.height || ''; this.pId.value = values.id || ''; this.pCaption.value = values.caption || ''; this.pCellPadding.value = values.cellPadding || ''; this.pCellSpacing.value = values.cellSpacing || ''; this.pBorder.value = values.border || ''; this.pClass.value = values.className || ''; this.pHeaders.value = values.headers || ''; this.pRows.disabled = this.pCols.disabled = !!this.currentTable; this.pAlign.value = values.align || 'left'; if (!this.oClass) { this.oClass = new window.BXHtmlEditor.ClassSelector(this.editor, { id: this.id + '-class-selector', input: this.pClass, filterTag: 'TABLE', value: this.pClass.value } ); var _this = this; BX.addCustomEvent(this.oClass, "OnComboPopupClose", function() { _this.closeByEnter = true; }); BX.addCustomEvent(this.oClass, "OnComboPopupOpen", function() { _this.closeByEnter = false; }); } else { this.oClass.OnChange(); } } }; TableDialog.prototype.GetValues = function() { var res = { table: this.currentTable || false, rows: parseInt(this.pRows.value) || 1, cols: parseInt(this.pCols.value) || 1 }; if (!this.editor.bbCode) { res.width = BX.util.trim(this.pWidth.value); res.height = BX.util.trim(this.pHeight.value); res.id = BX.util.trim(this.pId.value); res.caption = BX.util.trim(this.pCaption.value); res.cellPadding = isNaN(parseInt(this.pCellPadding.value)) ? '' : parseInt(this.pCellPadding.value); res.cellSpacing = isNaN(parseInt(this.pCellSpacing.value)) ? '' : parseInt(this.pCellSpacing.value); res.border = isNaN(parseInt(this.pBorder.value)) ? '' : parseInt(this.pBorder.value); res.headers = this.pHeaders.value; res.className = this.pClass.value; res.align = this.pAlign.value; } return res; }; TableDialog.prototype.Show = function(nodes, savedRange) { var table, value = {}; this.savedRange = savedRange; if (this.savedRange) { this.editor.selection.SetBookmark(this.savedRange); } if (!nodes) { nodes = this.editor.action.CheckState('insertTable'); } if (nodes && nodes.nodeName) { table = nodes; } else if ((nodes && nodes[0] && nodes[0].nodeName)) { table = nodes[0]; } this.currentTable = false; if (table) { this.currentTable = table; value.rows = table.rows.length; value.cols = table.rows[0].cells.length; // Width if (table.style.width) { value.width = table.style.width; } if (!value.width && table.width) { value.width = table.width; } // Height if (table.style.height) { value.height = table.style.height; } if (!value.height && table.height) { value.height = table.height; } value.cellPadding = table.getAttribute('cellPadding') || ''; value.cellSpacing = table.getAttribute('cellSpacing') || ''; value.border = table.getAttribute('border') || 0; value.id = table.getAttribute('id') || ''; var pCaption = BX.findChild(table, {tag: 'CAPTION'}, false); value.caption = pCaption ? BX.util.htmlspecialcharsback(pCaption.innerHTML) : ''; value.className = table.className || ''; // Determine headers var r, c, pCell, bTop = true, bLeft = true; for(r = 0; r < table.rows.length; r++) { for(c = 0; c < table.rows[r].cells.length; c++) { pCell = table.rows[r].cells[c]; if (r == 0) { bTop = pCell.nodeName == 'TH' && bTop; } if (c == 0) { bLeft = pCell.nodeName == 'TH' && bLeft; } } } if (!bTop && !bLeft) { value.headers = ''; } else if(bTop && bLeft) { value.headers = 'topleft'; } else if(bTop) { value.headers = 'top'; } else { value.headers = 'left'; } // Align value.align = table.getAttribute('align'); } this.SetValues(value); this.SetTitle(BX.message('BXEdTable')); // Call parrent Dialog.Show() TableDialog.superclass.Show.apply(this, arguments); }; // Table dialog END // Setting dialog function SettingsDialog(editor, params) { params = { id: 'bx_settings', width: 600, resizable: false }; this.id = 'settings'; // Call parrent constructor DefaultDialog.superclass.constructor.apply(this, [editor, params]); this.SetContent(this.Build()); BX.addCustomEvent(this, "OnDialogSave", BX.proxy(this.Save, this)); } BX.extend(SettingsDialog, Dialog); SettingsDialog.prototype.Build = function() { this.pCont = BX.create('DIV', {props: {className: 'bxhtmled-settings-dialog-cnt'}}); var r, c, pTableWrap = BX.create('TABLE', {props: {className: 'bxhtmled-dialog-tbl'}}); // Clean spans r = this.AddTableRow(pTableWrap); this.pCleanSpans = r.leftCell.appendChild(BX.create('INPUT', {props: {id: this.id + '-clean-spans', type: 'checkbox'}})); r.rightCell.appendChild(BX.create('LABEL', {html: BX.message('BXEdSettingsCleanSpans')})).setAttribute('for', this.id + '-clean-spans'); r = pTableWrap.insertRow(-1); c = r.insertCell(-1); BX.adjust(c, {props: {className: 'bxhtmled-title-cell', colSpan: 2}, text: BX.message('BXEdPasteSettings')}); r = this.AddTableRow(pTableWrap); this.pPasteSetColors = r.leftCell.appendChild(BX.create('INPUT', {props: {id: this.id + '-ps-colors', type: 'checkbox'}})); r.rightCell.appendChild(BX.create('LABEL', {html: BX.message('BXEdPasteSetColors')})).setAttribute('for', this.id + '-ps-colors'); r = this.AddTableRow(pTableWrap); this.pPasteSetBgBorders = r.leftCell.appendChild(BX.create('INPUT', {props: {id: this.id + '-ps-border', type: 'checkbox'}})); r.rightCell.appendChild(BX.create('LABEL', {html: BX.message('BXEdPasteSetBgBorders')})).setAttribute('for', this.id + '-ps-border'); r = this.AddTableRow(pTableWrap); this.pPasteSetDecor = r.leftCell.appendChild(BX.create('INPUT', {props: {id: this.id + '-ps-decor', type: 'checkbox'}})); r.rightCell.appendChild(BX.create('LABEL', {html: BX.message('BXEdPasteSetDecor')})).setAttribute('for', this.id + '-ps-decor'); r = this.AddTableRow(pTableWrap); this.pPasteTblDimen = r.leftCell.appendChild(BX.create('INPUT', {props: {id: this.id + '-ps-tbl-dim', type: 'checkbox'}})); r.rightCell.appendChild(BX.create('LABEL', {html: BX.message('BXEdPasteSetTableDimen')})).setAttribute('for', this.id + '-ps-tbl-dim'); r = pTableWrap.insertRow(-1); c = r.insertCell(-1); BX.adjust(c, {props: {className: 'bxhtmled-title-cell', colSpan: 2}, text: BX.message('BXEdViewSettings')}); r = this.AddTableRow(pTableWrap); this.pShowSnippets = r.leftCell.appendChild(BX.create('INPUT', {props: {id: this.id + '-show-snippets', type: 'checkbox'}})); r.rightCell.appendChild(BX.create('LABEL', {html: BX.message('BXEdShowSnippets') + '*'})).setAttribute('for', this.id + '-show-snippets'); r = pTableWrap.insertRow(-1); c = r.insertCell(-1); BX.adjust(c, {props: {className: 'bxhtmled-notice-cell', colSpan: 2}, text: '* ' + BX.message('BXEdRefreshNotice')}); this.pCont.appendChild(pTableWrap); return this.pCont; }; SettingsDialog.prototype.Show = function() { var value = {}; this.SetValues(value); this.SetTitle(BX.message('BXEdSettings')); this.pCleanSpans.checked = this.editor.config.cleanEmptySpans; this.pPasteSetColors.checked = this.editor.config.pasteSetColors; this.pPasteSetBgBorders.checked = this.editor.config.pasteSetBorders; this.pPasteSetDecor.checked = this.editor.config.pasteSetDecor; this.pPasteTblDimen.checked = this.editor.config.pasteClearTableDimen; this.pShowSnippets.checked = this.editor.config.showSnippets; // Call parrent Dialog.Show() SettingsDialog.superclass.Show.apply(this, arguments); }; SettingsDialog.prototype.Save = function() { this.editor.config.cleanEmptySpans = this.pCleanSpans.checked; this.editor.config.pasteSetColors = this.pPasteSetColors.checked; this.editor.config.pasteSetBorders = this.pPasteSetBgBorders.checked; this.editor.config.pasteSetDecor = this.pPasteSetDecor.checked; this.editor.config.pasteClearTableDimen = this.pPasteTblDimen.checked; this.editor.config.showSnippets = this.pShowSnippets.checked; this.editor.SaveOption('clean_empty_spans', this.editor.config.cleanEmptySpans ? 'Y' : 'N'); this.editor.SaveOption('paste_clear_colors', this.editor.config.pasteSetColors ? 'Y' : 'N'); this.editor.SaveOption('paste_clear_borders', this.editor.config.pasteSetBorders ? 'Y' : 'N'); this.editor.SaveOption('paste_clear_decor', this.editor.config.pasteSetDecor ? 'Y' : 'N'); this.editor.SaveOption('paste_clear_table_dimen', this.editor.config.pasteClearTableDimen ? 'Y' : 'N'); this.editor.SaveOption('show_snippets', this.editor.config.showSnippets ? 'Y' : 'N'); }; // Default properties dialog function DefaultDialog(editor, params) { params = { id: 'bx_default', width: 500, resizable: false, className: 'bxhtmled-default-dialog' }; this.id = 'default'; this.action = 'universalFormatStyle'; // Call parrent constructor DefaultDialog.superclass.constructor.apply(this, [editor, params]); this.SetContent(this.Build()); BX.addCustomEvent(this, "OnDialogSave", BX.proxy(this.Save, this)); } BX.extend(DefaultDialog, Dialog); DefaultDialog.prototype.Show = function(nodes, savedRange) { var nodeNames = [], i, style, renewNodes = typeof nodes !== 'object' || nodes.length == 0, className; this.savedRange = savedRange; if (this.savedRange) { this.editor.selection.SetBookmark(this.savedRange); } if (renewNodes) { nodes = this.editor.action.CheckState(this.action); } if (!nodes) { nodes = []; } var isBody = nodes.length == 1 && nodes[0].nodeName == 'BODY'; if (nodes.length == 1 && BX.util.in_array(nodes[0].nodeName, ['TD', 'TH', 'TR', 'TABLE'])) { this.colorRow.style.display = ''; } else { this.colorRow.style.display = 'none'; } // if (nodes.length == 1 && BX.util.in_array(nodes[0].nodeName, ['TD', 'TH'])) // { // this.widthRow.style.display = ''; // this.heightRow.style.display = ''; // } // else // { // this.widthRow.style.display = 'none'; // this.heightRow.style.display = 'none'; // } if (!isBody) { for (i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { if (style === undefined && className === undefined) { style = nodes[i].style.cssText; className = nodes[i].className; } else { style = nodes[i].style.cssText === style ? style : false; className = nodes[i].className === className ? className : false; } nodeNames.push(nodes[i].nodeName); } } this.SetValues({ nodes: nodes, renewNodes: renewNodes, style: style, className: className }); if (isBody) this.SetTitle(BX.message('BXEdDefaultPropDialog').replace('#NODES_LIST#', BX.message('BXEdDefaultPropDialogTextNode'))); else this.SetTitle(BX.message('BXEdDefaultPropDialog').replace('#NODES_LIST#', nodeNames.join(', '))); // Call parrent Dialog.Show() DefaultDialog.superclass.Show.apply(this, arguments); }; DefaultDialog.prototype.Build = function() { var r, c, _this = this, cont = BX.create('DIV'); var pTableWrap = BX.create('TABLE', {props: {className: 'bxhtmled-dialog-tbl'}}); // Css class r = pTableWrap.insertRow(-1); c = BX.adjust(r.insertCell(-1), {props: {className: 'bxhtmled-left-c'}}); c.appendChild(BX.create('LABEL', {text: BX.message('BXEdCssClass') + ':', attrs: {'for': this.id + '-css-class'}})); c = BX.adjust(r.insertCell(-1), {props: {className: 'bxhtmled-right-c'}}); this.pCssClass = c.appendChild(BX.create('INPUT', {props: {type: 'text', id: this.id + '-css-class'}})); // Inline css r = pTableWrap.insertRow(-1); c = BX.adjust(r.insertCell(-1), {props: {className: 'bxhtmled-left-c'}}); c.appendChild(BX.create('LABEL', {text: BX.message('BXEdCSSStyle') + ':', attrs: {'for': this.id + '-css-style'}})); c = BX.adjust(r.insertCell(-1), {props: {className: 'bxhtmled-right-c'}}); this.pCssStyle = c.appendChild(BX.create('INPUT', {props: {type: 'text', id: this.id + '-css-style'}})); // Cell background r = pTableWrap.insertRow(-1); c = BX.adjust(r.insertCell(-1), {props: {className: 'bxhtmled-left-c'}}); c.appendChild(BX.create('LABEL', {text: BX.message('BXEdColorpickerDialog') + ':', attrs: {'for': this.id + '-css-class'}})); c = BX.adjust(r.insertCell(-1), {props: {className: 'bxhtmled-right-c'}}); this.textColor = c.appendChild(BX.create('INPUT', {props: {type: 'hidden', id: this.id + '-s'}})); this.bgColor = c.appendChild(BX.create('INPUT', {props: {type: 'hidden', id: this.id + '-s'}})); var colorPicker = new window.BXHtmlEditor.Controls.Color(this.editor, c, { registerActions: false, checkAction: false, BgColorMess: BX.message('BXEdBgColor'), callback: function(action, value) { var cssTextNew, cssText = ' ' +_this.pCssStyle.value; if (action == 'foreColor') { cssTextNew = cssText.replace(/\s+color\s*:\s*([\s\S]*?);/ig, (value ? ' color: ' + value + ';' : '')); if (cssTextNew.toLowerCase() != cssText.toLowerCase()) cssText = cssTextNew; else if (value) cssText += ' color: ' + value + ';'; } else if (action == 'backgroundColor') { cssTextNew = cssText.replace(/background-color\s*:\s*([\s\S]*?);/ig, 'background-color: ' + value + ';'); if (cssTextNew.toLowerCase() != cssText.toLowerCase()) cssText = cssTextNew; else if (value) cssText += ' background-color: ' + value + ';'; } _this.pCssStyle.value = BX.util.trim(cssText); } }); this.colorRow = r; // r = pTableWrap.insertRow(-1); // c = BX.adjust(r.insertCell(-1), {props: {className: 'bxhtmled-left-c'}}); // c.appendChild(BX.create('LABEL', {text: BX.message('BXEdTableWidth') + ':', attrs: {'for': this.id + '-cell-width'}})); // c = BX.adjust(r.insertCell(-1), {props: {className: 'bxhtmled-right-c'}}); // this.pWidth = c.appendChild(BX.create('INPUT', {props: {type: 'text', id: this.id + '-cell-width'}})); // this.widthRow = r; // // r = pTableWrap.insertRow(-1); // c = BX.adjust(r.insertCell(-1), {props: {className: 'bxhtmled-left-c'}}); // c.appendChild(BX.create('LABEL', {text: BX.message('BXEdTableHeight') + ':', attrs: {'for': this.id + '-cell-height'}})); // c = BX.adjust(r.insertCell(-1), {props: {className: 'bxhtmled-right-c'}}); // this.pWidth = c.appendChild(BX.create('INPUT', {props: {type: 'text', id: this.id + '-cell-height'}})); // this.heightRow = r; cont.appendChild(pTableWrap); return cont; }; DefaultDialog.prototype.SetValues = function(values) { if (!values) { values = {}; } this.nodes = values.nodes || []; this.renewNodes = values.renewNodes; this.pCssStyle.value = this.editor.util.RgbToHex(values.style || ''); this.pCssClass.value = values.className || ''; if (!this.oClass) { this.oClass = new window.BXHtmlEditor.ClassSelector(this.editor, { id: this.id + '-class-selector', input: this.pCssClass, filterTag: 'A', value: this.pCssClass.value } ); var _this = this; BX.addCustomEvent(this.oClass, "OnComboPopupClose", function() { _this.closeByEnter = true; }); BX.addCustomEvent(this.oClass, "OnComboPopupOpen", function() { _this.closeByEnter = false; }); } else { this.oClass.OnChange(); } }; DefaultDialog.prototype.GetValues = function() { return { className: this.pCssClass.value, style: this.pCssStyle.value, nodes: this.renewNodes ? [] : this.nodes }; }; // Specialchars dialog function SpecialcharDialog(editor, params) { this.editor = editor; params = { id: 'bx_char', width: 570, resizable: false, className: 'bxhtmled-char-dialog' }; this.id = 'char' + this.editor.id; // Call parrent constructor SpecialcharDialog.superclass.constructor.apply(this, [editor, params]); this.oDialog.ClearButtons(); this.oDialog.SetButtons([this.oDialog.btnCancel]); this.SetContent(this.Build()); BX.addCustomEvent(this, "OnDialogSave", BX.proxy(this.Save, this)); } BX.extend(SpecialcharDialog, Dialog); SpecialcharDialog.prototype.Build = function() { var _this = this, r, c, i, cells = 18, ent, l = this.editor.HTML_ENTITIES.length, cont = BX.create('DIV'); var pTableWrap = BX.create('TABLE', {props: {className: 'bxhtmled-specialchar-tbl'}}); for(i = 0; i < l; i++) { if (i % cells == 0) // new row { r = pTableWrap.insertRow(-1); } ent = this.editor.HTML_ENTITIES[i]; c = r.insertCell(-1); c.innerHTML = ent; c.setAttribute('data-bx-specialchar', ent); c.title = BX.message('BXEdSpecialchar') + ': ' + ent.substr(1, ent.length - 2); } BX.bind(pTableWrap, 'click', function(e) { var ent, target = e.target || e.srcElement; if (target.nodeType == 3) { target = target.parentNode; } if (target && target.getAttribute && target.getAttribute('data-bx-specialchar') && _this.editor.action.IsSupported('insertHTML')) { if (_this.savedRange) { _this.editor.selection.SetBookmark(_this.savedRange); } ent = target.getAttribute('data-bx-specialchar'); _this.editor.On('OnSpecialcharInserted', [ent]); _this.editor.action.Exec('insertHTML', ent); } _this.oDialog.Close(); }); cont.appendChild(pTableWrap); return cont; }; SpecialcharDialog.prototype.SetValues = BX.DoNothing; SpecialcharDialog.prototype.GetValues = BX.DoNothing; SpecialcharDialog.prototype.Show = function(savedRange) { this.savedRange = savedRange; if (this.savedRange) { this.editor.selection.SetBookmark(this.savedRange); } this.SetTitle(BX.message('BXEdSpecialchar')); // Call parrent Dialog.Show() SpecialcharDialog.superclass.Show.apply(this, arguments); }; // Specialchars dialog END // InsertListDialog dialog function InsertListDialog(editor, params) { this.editor = editor; params = { id: 'bx_list', width: 360, resizable: false, className: 'bxhtmled-list-dialog' }; this.id = 'list' + this.editor.id; // Call parrent constructor InsertListDialog.superclass.constructor.apply(this, [editor, params]); this.SetContent(this.Build()); BX.addCustomEvent(this, "OnDialogSave", BX.proxy(this.Save, this)); } BX.extend(InsertListDialog, Dialog); InsertListDialog.prototype.Build = function() { var _this = this, r, c, i, cells = 18, ent, l = this.editor.HTML_ENTITIES.length, cont = BX.create('DIV'); this.itemsWrap = cont.appendChild(BX.create('DIV', {props: {className: 'bxhtmled-list-wrap'}})); this.addItem = cont.appendChild(BX.create('span', {props: {className: 'bxhtmled-list-add-item'}, text: BX.message('BXEdAddListItem')})); BX.bind(this.addItem, 'click', BX.proxy(this.AddItem, this)); return cont; }; InsertListDialog.prototype.BuildList = function(type) { if (this.pList) { BX.remove(this.pList); } this.pList = this.itemsWrap.appendChild(BX.create(type, {props: {className: 'bxhtmled-list'}})); this.AddItem({focus: true}); this.AddItem({focus: false}); this.AddItem({focus: false}); }; InsertListDialog.prototype.AddItem = function(params) { if (typeof params !== 'object') params = {}; var pLi = BX.create("LI"), pInput = pLi.appendChild(BX.create("INPUT", {props: {type: 'text', value: "", size: 35}})); this.pList.appendChild(pLi); var delBut = pLi.appendChild(BX.create("SPAN", {props: {className: "bxhtmled-list-del-item", title: BX.message('DelListItem')}})); if (params.focus !== false) { setTimeout(function(){BX.focus(pInput);}, 100); } BX.bind(pInput, 'keyup', BX.proxy(this.CheckList, this)); BX.bind(pInput, 'mouseup', BX.proxy(this.CheckList, this)); //BX.bind(pInput, 'keyup', BX.proxy(this.InputKeyNavigation, this)); BX.bind(pInput, 'focus', BX.proxy(this.CheckList, this)); BX.bind(delBut, 'click', BX.proxy(this.RemoveItem, this)); }; InsertListDialog.prototype.RemoveItem = function(e) { var target = e.target || e.srcElement, li = BX.findParent(target, {tag: "LI"}); if (li) { BX.remove(li); } }; InsertListDialog.prototype.CheckList = function() { var items = this.pList.getElementsByTagName('LI'); if (items.length < 3) { this.AddItem({focus: false}); this.CheckList({focus: false}); } else { if (items[items.length - 1].firstChild && items[items.length - 1].firstChild.value !== '') { this.AddItem({focus: false}); } } }; InsertListDialog.prototype.InputKeyNavigation = function(e) { var target = e.target || e.srcElement, key = e.keyCode; }; InsertListDialog.prototype.SetValues = BX.DoNothing; InsertListDialog.prototype.GetValues = BX.DoNothing; InsertListDialog.prototype.Show = function(params) { this.type = params.type; this.SetTitle(params.type == 'ul' ? BX.message('UnorderedList') : BX.message('OrderedList')); this.BuildList(params.type); // Call parrent Dialog.Show() InsertListDialog.superclass.Show.apply(this, arguments); }; InsertListDialog.prototype.Save = function() { var i, items = [], inputs = this.pList.getElementsByTagName('INPUT'); for (i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) { if (inputs[i].value !== '') { items.push(inputs[i].value); } } this.editor.action.Exec(this.type == 'ul' ? 'insertUnorderedList' : 'insertOrderedList', {items: items}); }; // InsertListDialog dialog END /* ~~~~ Editor dialogs END~~~~*/ window.BXHtmlEditor.Controls = { SearchButton: SearchButton, ChangeView: ChangeView, Undo: UndoButton, Redo: RedoButton, StyleSelector: StyleSelectorList, FontSelector: FontSelectorList, FontSize: FontSizeButton, Bold: BoldButton, Italic: ItalicButton, Underline: UnderlineButton, Strikeout: StrikeoutButton, Color: ColorPicker, RemoveFormat: RemoveFormatButton, TemplateSelector: TemplateSelectorList, OrderedList: OrderedListButton, UnorderedList: UnorderedListButton, IndentButton: IndentButton, OutdentButton: OutdentButton, AlignList: AlignList, InsertLink: InsertLinkButton, InsertImage: InsertImageButton, InsertVideo: InsertVideoButton, InsertAnchor: InsertAnchorButton, InsertTable: InsertTableButton, InsertChar: InsertCharButton, Settings: SettingsButton, Fullscreen: FullscreenButton, PrintBreak: PrintBreakButton, PageBreak: PageBreakButton, InsertHr: InsertHrButton, Spellcheck: SpellcheckButton, Code: CodeButton, Quote: QuoteButton, Smile: SmileButton, Sub: SubButton, Sup: SupButton, More: MoreButton, BbCode: BbCodeButton }; window.BXHtmlEditor.dialogs.Image = ImageDialog; window.BXHtmlEditor.dialogs.Link = LinkDialog; window.BXHtmlEditor.dialogs.Video = VideoDialog; window.BXHtmlEditor.dialogs.Source = SourceDialog; window.BXHtmlEditor.dialogs.Anchor = AnchorDialog; window.BXHtmlEditor.dialogs.Table = TableDialog; window.BXHtmlEditor.dialogs.Settings = SettingsDialog; window.BXHtmlEditor.dialogs.Default = DefaultDialog; window.BXHtmlEditor.dialogs.Specialchar = SpecialcharDialog; window.BXHtmlEditor.dialogs.InsertList = InsertListDialog; } if (window.BXHtmlEditor && window.BXHtmlEditor.Button && window.BXHtmlEditor.Dialog) __run(); else BX.addCustomEvent(window, "OnEditorBaseControlsDefined", __run); })();