Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/js/fileman/light_editor/ |
Current File : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/js/fileman/light_editor/le_controls.js |
function LHEButton(oBut, pLEditor) { if (!oBut.name) oBut.name = oBut.id; if (!oBut.title) oBut.title = oBut.name; this.disabled = false; this.pLEditor = pLEditor; this.oBut = oBut; if (this.oBut && typeof this.oBut.OnBeforeCreate == 'function') this.oBut = this.oBut.OnBeforeCreate(this.pLEditor, this.oBut); if(this.oBut) this.Create(); } LHEButton.prototype = { Create: function () { var _this = this; this.pCont = BX.create("DIV", {props: {className: 'lhe-button-cont'}}); this.pWnd = this.pCont.appendChild(BX.create("IMG", {props: {src: this.oBut.src || this.pLEditor.oneGif, title: this.oBut.title, className: "lhe-button lhe-button-normal", id: "lhe_btn_" + this.oBut.id.toLowerCase()}})); if (this.oBut.disableOnCodeView) BX.addCustomEvent(this.pLEditor, "OnChangeView", BX.proxy(this.OnChangeView, this)); if (this.oBut.width) { this.pCont.style.width = parseInt(this.oBut.width) + 5 + "px"; this.pWnd.style.width = parseInt(this.oBut.width) + "px"; } this.pWnd.onmouseover = function(e){_this.OnMouseOver(e, this)}; this.pWnd.onmouseout = function(e){_this.OnMouseOut(e, this)}; this.pWnd.onmousedown = function(e){_this.OnClick(e, this);}; }, OnMouseOver: function (e, pEl) { if(this.disabled) return; pEl.className = 'lhe-button lhe-button-over'; }, OnMouseOut: function (e, pEl) { if(this.disabled) return; if(this.checked) pEl.className = 'lhe-button lhe-button-checked'; else pEl.className = 'lhe-button lhe-button-normal'; }, OnClick: function (e, pEl) { if(this.disabled) return false; var res = false; if (this.pLEditor.sEditorMode == 'code' && this.pLEditor.bBBCode && typeof this.oBut.bbHandler == 'function') { res = this.oBut.bbHandler(this) !== false; } else { if(typeof this.oBut.handler == 'function') res = this.oBut.handler(this) !== false; if(this.pLEditor.sEditorMode != 'code' && !res && this.oBut.cmd) res = this.pLEditor.executeCommand(this.oBut.cmd); this.pLEditor.SetFocus(); BX.defer(this.pLEditor.SetFocus, this.pLEditor)(); } return res; }, Check: function (bFlag) { if(bFlag == this.checked || this.disabled) return; this.checked = bFlag; if(this.checked) BX.addClass(this.pWnd, 'lhe-button-checked'); else BX.removeClass(this.pWnd, 'lhe-button-checked'); }, Disable: function (bFlag) { if(bFlag == this.disabled) return false; this.disabled = bFlag; if(bFlag) BX.addClass(this.pWnd, 'lhe-button-disabled'); else BX.removeClass(this.pWnd, 'lhe-button-disabled'); }, OnChangeView: function() { if (this.oBut.disableOnCodeView) this.Disable(this.pLEditor.sEditorMode == 'code'); } } // Dialog function LHEDialog(arParams, pLEditor) { this.pSel = arParams.obj || false; this.pLEditor = pLEditor; this.id = arParams.id; this.arParams = arParams; this.Create(); }; LHEDialog.prototype = { Create: function() { if (!window.LHEDailogs[this.id] || typeof window.LHEDailogs[this.id] != 'function') return; var oDialog = window.LHEDailogs[this.id](this); if (!oDialog) return; this.prevTextSelection = ""; if (this.pLEditor.sEditorMode == 'code') this.prevTextSelection = this.pLEditor.GetTextSelection(); this.pLEditor.SaveSelectionRange(); if (BX.browser.IsIE() && !this.arParams.bCM && this.pLEditor.sEditorMode != 'code') { if (this.pLEditor.GetSelectedText(this.pLEditor.oPrevRange) == '') { this.pLEditor.InsertHTML('<img id="bx_lhe_temp_bogus_node" src="' + this.pLEditor.oneGif + '" _moz_editor_bogus_node="on" style="border: 0px !important;"/>'); this.pLEditor.oPrevRange = this.pLEditor.GetSelectionRange(); } } var arDConfig = { title : oDialog.title || this.name || '', width: oDialog.width || 500, height: 200, resizable: false }; if (oDialog.height) arDConfig.height = oDialog.height; if (oDialog.resizable) { arDConfig.resizable = true; arDConfig.min_width = oDialog.min_width; arDConfig.min_height = oDialog.min_height; arDConfig.resize_id = oDialog.resize_id; } window.obLHEDialog = new BX.CDialog(arDConfig); var _this = this; BX.addCustomEvent(obLHEDialog, 'onWindowUnRegister', function() { _this.pLEditor.bPopup = false; if (obLHEDialog.DIV && obLHEDialog.DIV.parentNode) obLHEDialog.DIV.parentNode.removeChild(window.obLHEDialog.DIV); if (_this.arParams.bEnterClose !== false) BX.unbind(window, "keydown", BX.proxy(_this.OnKeyPress, _this)); }); if (this.arParams.bEnterClose !== false) BX.bind(window, "keydown", BX.proxy(this.OnKeyPress, this)); this.pLEditor.bPopup = true; obLHEDialog.Show(); obLHEDialog.SetContent(oDialog.innerHTML); if (oDialog.OnLoad && typeof oDialog.OnLoad == 'function') oDialog.OnLoad(); obLHEDialog.oDialog = oDialog; obLHEDialog.SetButtons([ new BX.CWindowButton( { title: BX.message.DialogSave, action: function() { var res = true; if (oDialog.OnSave && typeof oDialog.OnSave == 'function') { _this.pLEditor.RestoreSelectionRange(); res = oDialog.OnSave(); } if (res !== false) window.obLHEDialog.Close(); } }), obLHEDialog.btnCancel ]); BX.addClass(obLHEDialog.PARTS.CONTENT, "lhe-dialog"); obLHEDialog.adjustSizeEx(); // Hack for Opera setTimeout(function(){obLHEDialog.Move(1, 1);}, 100); }, OnKeyPress: function(e) { if(!e) e = window.event if (e.keyCode == 13) obLHEDialog.PARAMS.buttons[0].emulate(); }, Close: function(floatDiv) { this.RemoveOverlay(); if (!floatDiv) floatDiv = this.floatDiv; if (!floatDiv || !floatDiv.parentNode) return; this.pLEditor.bDialogOpened = false; jsFloatDiv.Close(floatDiv); floatDiv.parentNode.removeChild(floatDiv); if (window.jsPopup) jsPopup.AllowClose(); }, CreateOverlay: function() { var ws = BX.GetWindowScrollSize(); this.overlay = document.body.appendChild(BX.create("DIV", {props: {id: this.overlay_id, className: "lhe-overlay"}, style: {zIndex: this.zIndex - 5, width: ws.scrollWidth + "px", height: ws.scrollHeight + "px"}})); this.overlay.ondrag = BX.False; this.overlay.onselectstart = BX.False; }, RemoveOverlay: function() { if (this.overlay && this.overlay.parentNode) this.overlay.parentNode.removeChild(this.overlay); } } // List function LHEList(oBut, pLEditor) { if (!oBut.name) oBut.name = oBut.id; if (!oBut.title) oBut.title = oBut.name; this.disabled = false; this.zIndex = 5000; this.pLEditor = pLEditor; this.oBut = oBut; this.Create(); this.bRunOnOpen = false; if (this.oBut && typeof this.oBut.OnBeforeCreate == 'function') this.oBut = this.oBut.OnBeforeCreate(this.pLEditor, this.oBut); if (this.oBut) { if (oBut.OnCreate && typeof oBut.OnCreate == 'function') this.bRunOnOpen = true; if (this.oBut.disableOnCodeView) BX.addCustomEvent(this.pLEditor, "OnChangeView", BX.proxy(this.OnChangeView, this)); } else { BX.defer(function(){BX.remove(this.pCont);}, this)(); } } LHEList.prototype = { Create: function () { var _this = this; this.pWnd = BX.create("IMG", {props: {src: this.pLEditor.oneGif, title: this.oBut.title, className: "lhe-button lhe-button-normal", id: "lhe_btn_" + this.oBut.id.toLowerCase()}}); this.pWnd.onmouseover = function(e){_this.OnMouseOver(e, this)}; this.pWnd.onmouseout = function(e){_this.OnMouseOut(e, this)}; this.pWnd.onmousedown = function(e){_this.OnClick(e, this)}; this.pCont = BX.create("DIV", {props: {className: 'lhe-button-cont'}}); this.pCont.appendChild(this.pWnd); this.pValuesCont = BX.create("DIV", {props: {className: "lhe-list-val-cont"}, style: {zIndex: this.zIndex}}); if (this.oBut && typeof this.oBut.OnAfterCreate == 'function') this.oBut.OnAfterCreate(this.pLEditor, this); }, OnChangeView: function() { if (this.oBut.disableOnCodeView) this.Disable(this.pLEditor.sEditorMode == 'code'); }, Disable: function (bFlag) { if(bFlag == this.disabled) return false; this.disabled = bFlag; if(bFlag) BX.addClass(this.pWnd, 'lhe-button-disabled'); else BX.removeClass(this.pWnd, 'lhe-button-disabled'); }, OnMouseOver: function (e, pEl) { if(this.disabled) return; BX.addClass(pEl, 'lhe-button-over'); }, OnMouseOut: function (e, pEl) { if(this.disabled) return; BX.removeClass(pEl, 'lhe-button-over'); if(this.checked) BX.addClass(pEl, 'lhe-button-checked'); // if(this.checked) // pEl.className = 'lhe-button lhe-button-checked'; // else // pEl.className = 'lhe-button lhe-button-normal'; }, OnKeyPress: function(e) { if(!e) e = window.event if(e.keyCode == 27) this.Close(); }, OnClick: function (e, pEl) { this.pLEditor.SaveSelectionRange(); if(this.disabled) return false; if (this.bOpened) return this.Close(); this.Open(); }, Close: function () { this.pValuesCont.style.display = 'none'; this.pLEditor.oTransOverlay.Hide(); BX.unbind(window, "keypress", BX.proxy(this.OnKeyPress, this)); BX.unbind(document, 'mousedown', BX.proxy(this.CheckClose, this)); this.bOpened = false; }, CheckClose: function(e) { if (!this.bOpened) return BX.unbind(document, 'mousedown', BX.proxy(this.CheckClose, this)); var pEl; if (e.target) pEl = e.target; else if (e.srcElement) pEl = e.srcElement; if (pEl.nodeType == 3) pEl = pEl.parentNode; if (!BX.findParent(pEl, {className: 'lhe-colpick-cont'})) this.Close(); }, Open: function () { if (this.bRunOnOpen) { if (this.oBut.OnCreate && typeof this.oBut.OnCreate == 'function') this.oBut.OnCreate(this); this.bRunOnOpen = false; } document.body.appendChild(this.pValuesCont); this.pValuesCont.style.display = 'block'; var pOverlay = this.pLEditor.oTransOverlay.Show(), pos = BX.align(BX.pos(this.pWnd), parseInt(this.pValuesCont.offsetWidth) || 150, parseInt(this.pValuesCont.offsetHeight) || 200), _this = this; BX.bind(window, "keypress", BX.proxy(this.OnKeyPress, this)); pOverlay.onclick = function(){_this.Close()}; this.pLEditor.oPrevRange = this.pLEditor.GetSelectionRange(); if (this.oBut.OnOpen && typeof this.oBut.OnOpen == 'function') this.oBut.OnOpen(this); this.pValuesCont.style.top = pos.top + 'px'; this.pValuesCont.style.left = pos.left + 'px'; this.bOpened = true; setTimeout(function() { BX.bind(document, 'mousedown', BX.proxy(_this.CheckClose, _this)); },100); }, SelectItem: function(bSelect) { var pItem = this.arItems[this.pSelectedItemId || 0].pWnd; if (bSelect) { pItem.style.border = '1px solid #4B4B6F'; pItem.style.backgroundColor = '#FFC678'; } else { pItem.style.border = ''; pItem.style.backgroundColor = ''; } } } function LHETransOverlay(arParams, pLEditor) { this.pLEditor = pLEditor; this.id = 'lhe_trans_overlay'; this.zIndex = arParams.zIndex || 100; } LHETransOverlay.prototype = { Create: function () { this.bCreated = true; this.bShowed = false; var ws = BX.GetWindowScrollSize(); this.pWnd = document.body.appendChild(BX.create("DIV", {props: {id: this.id, className: "lhe-trans-overlay"}, style: {zIndex: this.zIndex, width: ws.scrollWidth + "px", height: ws.scrollHeight + "px"}})); this.pWnd.ondrag = BX.False; this.pWnd.onselectstart = BX.False; }, Show: function(arParams) { if (!this.bCreated) this.Create(); this.bShowed = true; this.pLEditor.bPopup = true; var ws = BX.GetWindowScrollSize(); this.pWnd.style.display = 'block'; this.pWnd.style.width = ws.scrollWidth + "px"; this.pWnd.style.height = ws.scrollHeight + "px"; if (!arParams) arParams = {}; if (arParams.zIndex) this.pWnd.style.zIndex = arParams.zIndex; BX.bind(window, "resize", BX.proxy(this.Resize, this)); return this.pWnd; }, Hide: function () { var _this = this; setTimeout(function(){_this.pLEditor.bPopup = false;}, 50); if (!this.bShowed) return; this.bShowed = false; this.pWnd.style.display = 'none'; BX.unbind(window, "resize", BX.proxy(this.Resize, this)); this.pWnd.onclick = null; }, Resize: function () { if (this.bCreated) this.pWnd.style.width = BX.GetWindowScrollSize().scrollWidth + "px"; } } function LHEColorPicker(oPar, pLEditor) { if (!oPar.name) oPar.name = oPar.id; if (!oPar.title) oPar.title = oPar.name; this.disabled = false; this.bCreated = false; this.bOpened = false; this.zIndex = 5000; this.pLEditor = pLEditor; this.oPar = oPar; this.BeforeCreate(); } LHEColorPicker.prototype = { BeforeCreate: function() { var _this = this; this.pWnd = BX.create("IMG", {props: {src: this.pLEditor.oneGif, title: this.oPar.title, className: "lhe-button lhe-button-normal", id: "lhe_btn_" + this.oPar.id.toLowerCase()}}); this.pWnd.onmouseover = function(e){_this.OnMouseOver(e, this)}; this.pWnd.onmouseout = function(e){_this.OnMouseOut(e, this)}; this.pWnd.onmousedown = function(e){_this.OnClick(e, this)}; this.pCont = BX.create("DIV", {props: {className: 'lhe-button-cont'}}); this.pCont.appendChild(this.pWnd); if (this.oPar && typeof this.oPar.OnBeforeCreate == 'function') this.oPar = this.oPar.OnBeforeCreate(this.pLEditor, this.oPar); if (this.oPar.disableOnCodeView) BX.addCustomEvent(this.pLEditor, "OnChangeView", BX.proxy(this.OnChangeView, this)); }, Create: function () { var _this = this; this.pColCont = document.body.appendChild(BX.create("DIV", {props: {className: "lhe-colpick-cont"}, style: {zIndex: this.zIndex}})); var arColors = this.pLEditor.arColors, row, cell, colorCell, tbl = BX.create("TABLE", {props: {className: 'lha-colpic-tbl'}}), i, l = arColors.length; row = tbl.insertRow(-1); cell = row.insertCell(-1); cell.colSpan = 8; var defBut = cell.appendChild(BX.create("SPAN", {props: {className: 'lha-colpic-def-but'}, text: BX.message.DefaultColor})); defBut.onmouseover = function() { this.className = 'lha-colpic-def-but lha-colpic-def-but-over'; colorCell.style.backgroundColor = 'transparent'; }; defBut.onmouseout = function(){this.className = 'lha-colpic-def-but';}; defBut.onmousedown = function(e){_this.Select(false);} colorCell = row.insertCell(-1); colorCell.colSpan = 8; colorCell.className = 'lha-color-inp-cell'; colorCell.style.backgroundColor = arColors[38]; for(i = 0; i < l; i++) { if (Math.round(i / 16) == i / 16) // new row row = tbl.insertRow(-1); cell = row.insertCell(-1); cell.innerHTML = ' '; cell.className = 'lha-col-cell'; cell.style.backgroundColor = arColors[i]; cell.id = 'lhe_color_id__' + i; cell.onmouseover = function (e) { this.className = 'lha-col-cell lha-col-cell-over'; colorCell.style.backgroundColor = arColors[this.id.substring('lhe_color_id__'.length)]; }; cell.onmouseout = function (e){this.className = 'lha-col-cell';}; cell.onmousedown = function (e) { var k = this.id.substring('lhe_color_id__'.length); _this.Select(arColors[k]); }; } this.pColCont.appendChild(tbl); this.bCreated = true; }, OnChangeView: function() { if (this.oPar.disableOnCodeView) this.Disable(this.pLEditor.sEditorMode == 'code'); }, Disable: function (bFlag) { if(bFlag == this.disabled) return false; this.disabled = bFlag; if(bFlag) BX.addClass(this.pWnd, 'lhe-button-disabled'); else BX.removeClass(this.pWnd, 'lhe-button-disabled'); }, OnClick: function (e, pEl) { this.pLEditor.SaveSelectionRange(); if(this.disabled) return false; if (!this.bCreated) this.Create(); if (this.bOpened) return this.Close(); this.Open(); }, Open: function () { var pOverlay = this.pLEditor.oTransOverlay.Show(), pos = BX.align(BX.pos(this.pWnd), 325, 155), _this = this; this.pLEditor.oPrevRange = this.pLEditor.GetSelectionRange(); BX.bind(window, "keypress", BX.proxy(this.OnKeyPress, this)); pOverlay.onclick = function(){_this.Close()}; this.pColCont.style.display = 'block'; this.pColCont.style.top = pos.top + 'px'; this.pColCont.style.left = pos.left + 'px'; this.bOpened = true; setTimeout(function() { BX.bind(document, 'mousedown', BX.proxy(_this.CheckClose, _this)); },100); }, Close: function () { this.pColCont.style.display = 'none'; this.pLEditor.oTransOverlay.Hide(); BX.unbind(window, "keypress", BX.proxy(this.OnKeyPress, this)); BX.unbind(document, 'mousedown', BX.proxy(this.CheckClose, this)); this.bOpened = false; }, CheckClose: function(e) { if (!this.bOpened) return BX.unbind(document, 'mousedown', BX.proxy(this.CheckClose, this)); var pEl; if (e.target) pEl = e.target; else if (e.srcElement) pEl = e.srcElement; if (pEl.nodeType == 3) pEl = pEl.parentNode; if (!BX.findParent(pEl, {className: 'lhe-colpick-cont'})) this.Close(); }, OnMouseOver: function (e, pEl) { if(this.disabled) return; pEl.className = 'lhe-button lhe-button-over'; }, OnMouseOut: function (e, pEl) { if(this.disabled) return; pEl.className = 'lhe-button lhe-button-normal'; }, OnKeyPress: function(e) { if(!e) e = window.event if(e.keyCode == 27) this.Close(); }, Select: function (color) { this.pLEditor.RestoreSelectionRange(); if (this.oPar.OnSelect && typeof this.oPar.OnSelect == 'function') this.oPar.OnSelect(color, this); this.Close(); } }; // CONTEXT MENU FOR EDITING AREA function LHEContextMenu(arParams, pLEditor) { this.zIndex = arParams.zIndex; this.pLEditor = pLEditor; this.Create(); } LHEContextMenu.prototype = { Create: function() { this.pref = 'LHE_CM_' + this.pLEditor.id.toUpperCase()+'_'; this.oDiv = document.body.appendChild(BX.create('DIV', {props: {className: 'lhe-cm', id: this.pref + '_cont'}, style: {zIndex: this.zIndex}, html: '<table><tr><td class="lhepopup"><table id="' + this.pref + '_cont_items"><tr><td></td></tr></table></td></tr></table>'})); // Part of logic of JCFloatDiv.Show() Prevent bogus rerendering window in IE... And SpeedUp first context menu calling document.body.appendChild(BX.create('IFRAME', {props: {id: this.pref + '_frame', src: "javascript:void(0)"}, style: {position: 'absolute', zIndex: this.zIndex - 5, left: '-1000px', top: '-1000px', visibility: 'hidden'}})); this.menu = new PopupMenu(this.pref + '_cont'); }, Show: function(arParams) { if (!arParams.pElement || !this.FetchAndBuildItems(arParams.pElement)) return; try{this.pLEditor.SelectElement(arParams.pElement);}catch(e){} this.pLEditor.oPrevRange = this.pLEditor.GetSelectionRange(); this.oDiv.style.width = parseInt(this.oDiv.firstChild.offsetWidth) + 'px'; var _this = this, w = parseInt(this.oDiv.offsetWidth), h = parseInt(this.oDiv.offsetHeight), pOverlay = this.pLEditor.oTransOverlay.Show(); pOverlay.onclick = function(){_this.Close()}; BX.bind(window, "keypress", BX.proxy(this.OnKeyPress, this)); arParams.oPos.right = arParams.oPos.left + w; arParams.oPos.bottom = arParams.oPos.top; this.menu.PopupShow(arParams.oPos); }, Close: function() { this.menu.PopupHide(); this.pLEditor.oTransOverlay.Hide(); BX.unbind(window, "keypress", BX.proxy(this.OnKeyPress, this)); }, FetchAndBuildItems: function(pElement) { var pElementTemp, i, k, arMenuItems = [], arUsed = {}, strPath, strPath1, __bxtagname = false; this.arSelectedElement = {}; //Adding elements while(pElement && (pElementTemp = pElement.parentNode) != null) { if(pElementTemp.nodeType == 1 && pElement.tagName && (strPath = pElement.tagName.toUpperCase()) && strPath != 'TBODY' && !arUsed[strPath]) { strPath1 = strPath; if (pElement.getAttribute && (__bxtagname = pElement.getAttribute('__bxtagname'))) strPath1 = __bxtagname.toUpperCase(); arUsed[strPath] = pElement; if(LHEContMenu[strPath1]) { this.arSelectedElement[strPath1] = pElement; if (arMenuItems.length > 0) arMenuItems.push('separator'); for(i = 0, k = LHEContMenu[strPath1].length; i < k; i++) arMenuItems.push(LHEContMenu[strPath1][i]); } } else { pElement = pElementTemp; continue; } } if (arMenuItems.length == 0) return false; //Cleaning menu var contTbl = document.getElementById(this.pref + '_cont_items'); while(contTbl.rows.length>0) contTbl.deleteRow(0); return this.BuildItems(arMenuItems, contTbl); }, BuildItems: function(arMenuItems, contTbl, parentName) { var n = arMenuItems.length; var _this = this; var arSubMenu = {}; this.subgroup_parent_id = ''; this.current_opened_id = ''; var _hide = function() { var cs = document.getElementById("__curent_submenu"); if (!cs) return; _over(cs); _this.current_opened_id = ''; _this.subgroup_parent_id = ''; cs.style.display = "none"; cs.id = ""; }; var _over = function(cs) { if (!cs) return; var t = cs.parentNode.nextSibling; t.parentNode.className = ''; }; var _refresh = function() {setTimeout(function() {_this.current_opened_id = '';_this.subgroup_parent_id = '';}, 400);} var i, row, cell, el_params, _atr, _innerHTML, oItem; //Creation menu elements for(var i = 0; i < n; i++) { oItem = arMenuItems[i]; row = contTbl.insertRow(-1); cell = row.insertCell(-1); if(oItem == 'separator') { cell.innerHTML = '<div class="popupseparator"></div>'; } else { if (oItem.isgroup) { var c = BX.browser.IsIE() ? 'arrow_ie' : 'arrow'; cell.innerHTML = '<div id="_oSubMenuDiv_' + oItem.id + '" style="position: relative;"></div>'+ '<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="popupitem" id="'+oItem.id+'">'+ ' <tr>'+ ' <td class="gutter"></td>'+ ' <td class="item">' + oItem.name + '</td>' + ' <td class="'+c+'"></td>'+ ' </tr>'+ '</table>'; var oTable = cell.childNodes[1]; var _LOCAL_CACHE = {}; arSubMenu[oItem.id] = oItem.elements; oTable.onmouseover = function(e) { var pTbl = this; pTbl.className = 'popupitem popupitemover'; _over(document.getElementById("__curent_submenu")); setTimeout(function() { //pTbl.parentNode.className = 'popup_open_cell'; if (_this.current_opened_id && _this.current_opened_id == _this.subgroup_parent_id) { _refresh(); return; } if (pTbl.className == 'popupitem') return; _hide(); _this.current_opened_id = pTbl.id; var _oSubMenuDiv = document.getElementById("_oSubMenuDiv_" + pTbl.id); var left = parseInt(oTable.offsetWidth) + 1 + 'px'; var oSubMenuDiv = BX.create('DIV', {props: {className : 'popupmenu'}, style: {position: 'absolute', zIndex: 1500, left: left, top: '-1px'}}); _oSubMenuDiv.appendChild(oSubMenuDiv); oSubMenuDiv.onmouseover = function(){pTbl.parentNode.className = 'popup_open_cell';}; var contTbl = oSubMenuDiv.appendChild(BX.create('TABLE', {props: {cellPadding:0, cellSpacing:0}})); _this.BuildItems(arSubMenu[pTbl.id], contTbl, pTbl.id); oSubMenuDiv.style.display = "block"; oSubMenuDiv.id = "__curent_submenu"; }, 400); }; oTable.onmouseout = function(e){this.className = 'popupitem';}; continue; } _innerHTML = '<table class="popupitem" id="lhe_cm__' + oItem.id + '"><tr>' + ' <td class="gutter"><div class="lhe-button" id="lhe_btn_' + oItem.id.toLowerCase()+'"></div></td>' + ' <td class="item">' + (oItem.name_edit || oItem.name) + '</td>' + '</tr></table>'; cell.innerHTML = _innerHTML; var oTable = cell.firstChild; oTable.onmouseover = function(e){this.className='popupitem popupitemover';} oTable.onmouseout = function(e){this.className = 'popupitem';}; oTable.onmousedown = function(e){_this.OnClick(this);}; } } this.oDiv.style.width = contTbl.parentNode.offsetWidth; return true; }, OnClick: function(pEl) { var oItem = LHEButtons[pEl.id.substring('lhe_cm__'.length)]; if(!oItem || oItem.disabled) return false; this.pLEditor.RestoreSelectionRange(); var res = false; if(oItem.handler) res = oItem.handler(this) !== false; if(!res && oItem.cmd) { this.pLEditor.executeCommand(oItem.cmd); this.pLEditor.SetFocus(); } this.Close(); }, OnKeyPress: function(e) { if(!e) e = window.event if(e.keyCode == 27) this.Close(); } }