Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/js/iblock/ |
Current File : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/js/iblock/iblock_edit.js |
/* * arParams * PREFIX - prefix for vars * FORM_ID - id form * TABLE_PROP_ID - id table with properties * PROP_COUNT_ID - id field with count properties * IBLOCK_ID - id iblock * LANG - lang id * TITLE - window title * OBJ - object var name * Variables * this.PREFIX * this.PREFIX_TR * this.FORM_ID * this.FORM_DATA * this.TABLE_PROP_ID * this.PROP_TBL * this.PROP_COUNT_ID * this.PROP_COUNT * this.PROP_COUNT_VALUE * this.IBLOCK_ID * this.LANG * this.TITLE * this.CELLS * this.CELL_IND * this.CELL_CENT * this.OBJNAME */ function JCIBlockProperty(arParams) { if (!arParams) { return; } this.intERROR = 0; this.PREFIX = arParams.PREFIX; this.PREFIX_TR = this.PREFIX+'ROW_'; this.FORM_ID = arParams.FORM_ID; this.TABLE_PROP_ID = arParams.TABLE_PROP_ID; this.PROP_COUNT_ID = arParams.PROP_COUNT_ID; this.IBLOCK_ID = arParams.IBLOCK_ID; this.LANG = arParams.LANG; this.TITLE = arParams.TITLE; this.CELLS = []; this.CELL_IND = -1; this.CELL_CENT = []; this.OBJNAME = arParams.OBJ; BX.ready(BX.delegate(this.Init,this)); } JCIBlockProperty.prototype.Init = function() { var clButtons = null, i = 0; this.FORM_DATA = BX(this.FORM_ID); if (!this.FORM_DATA) { this.intERROR = -1; return; } this.PROP_TBL = BX(this.TABLE_PROP_ID); if (!this.PROP_TBL) { this.intERROR = -1; return; } this.PROP_COUNT = BX(this.PROP_COUNT_ID); if (!this.PROP_COUNT) { this.intERROR = -1; return; } clButtons = BX.findChildren(this.PROP_TBL, {'tag': 'input','attribute': { 'type':'button'}}, true); if (!!clButtons) { for (i = 0; i < clButtons.length; i++) { BX.bind(clButtons[i], 'click', BX.proxy(this.ShowPropertyDialog, this)); } } BX.addCustomEvent(this.FORM_DATA, 'onAutoSaveRestore', BX.delegate(this.onAutoSaveRestore, this)); }; JCIBlockProperty.prototype.GetPropInfo = function(ID) { if (0 > this.intERROR) return {}; ID = this.PREFIX + ID; return { 'PROPERTY_TYPE' : this.FORM_DATA[ID+'_PROPERTY_TYPE'].value, 'NAME' : this.FORM_DATA[ID+'_NAME'].value, 'ACTIVE' : (this.FORM_DATA[ID+'_ACTIVE_Y'].checked ? this.FORM_DATA[ID+'_ACTIVE_Y'].value : this.FORM_DATA[ID+'_ACTIVE_N'].value), 'MULTIPLE' : (this.FORM_DATA[ID+'_MULTIPLE_Y'].checked ? this.FORM_DATA[ID+'_MULTIPLE_Y'].value : this.FORM_DATA[ID+'_MULTIPLE_N'].value), 'IS_REQUIRED' : (this.FORM_DATA[ID+'_IS_REQUIRED_Y'].checked ? this.FORM_DATA[ID+'_IS_REQUIRED_Y'].value : this.FORM_DATA[ID+'_IS_REQUIRED_N'].value), 'SORT' : this.FORM_DATA[ID+'_SORT'].value, 'CODE' : this.FORM_DATA[ID+'_CODE'].value, 'PROPINFO': this.FORM_DATA[ID+'_PROPINFO'].value }; }; JCIBlockProperty.prototype.SetPropInfo = function(ID,arProp,formsess) { var i = 0, PropActive = null, PropMulti = null, PropReq = null; if (0 > this.intERROR) { return; } if (!formsess) { return; } if (BX.bitrix_sessid() !== formsess) { return; } ID = this.PREFIX+ID; this.FORM_DATA[ID+'_NAME'].value = arProp.NAME; this.FORM_DATA[ID+'_SORT'].value = arProp.SORT; this.FORM_DATA[ID+'_CODE'].value = arProp.CODE; PropActive = BX(ID+'_ACTIVE_Y'); PropActive.checked = ('Y' === arProp.ACTIVE); PropMulti = BX(ID+'_MULTIPLE_Y'); PropMulti.checked = ('Y' === arProp.MULTIPLE); PropReq = BX(ID+'_IS_REQUIRED_Y'); PropReq.checked = ('Y' === arProp.IS_REQUIRED); this.FORM_DATA[ID+'_PROPINFO'].value = arProp.PROPINFO; for (i = 0; i < this.FORM_DATA[ID+'_PROPERTY_TYPE'].length; i++) { if (arProp.PROPERTY_TYPE === this.FORM_DATA[ID+'_PROPERTY_TYPE'].options[i].value) { this.FORM_DATA[ID+'_PROPERTY_TYPE'].options[i].selected = true; } } BX.fireEvent(this.FORM_DATA[ID+'_NAME'], 'change'); }; JCIBlockProperty.prototype.GetProperty = function(strName) { if (0 > this.intERROR) return ''; if (!strName || !this[strName]) return ''; return this[strName]; }; JCIBlockProperty.prototype.SetProperty = function(strName,value) { if (0 > this.intERROR) { return; } if (strName) { this[strName] = value; } }; JCIBlockProperty.prototype.ShowPropertyDialog = function () { if (0 > this.intERROR) { return; } var target = BX.proxy_context, ID = '', arResult = {}; if (!!target && target.hasAttribute('data-propid')) { ID = target.getAttribute('data-propid'); arResult = { 'PARAMS': { 'PREFIX': this.PREFIX, 'ID': ID, 'IBLOCK_ID': this.IBLOCK_ID, 'TITLE': this.TITLE, 'RECEIVER': this.OBJNAME }, 'PROP': this.GetPropInfo(ID), 'sessid': BX.bitrix_sessid() }; (new BX.CAdminDialog({ 'title': this.TITLE, 'content_url': '/bitrix/admin/iblock_edit_property.php?lang='+this.LANG+'&propedit='+ID+'&bxpublic=Y&receiver='+this.OBJNAME, 'content_post': arResult, 'draggable': true, 'resizable': true, 'buttons': [BX.CAdminDialog.btnSave, BX.CAdminDialog.btnCancel] })).Show(); } }; JCIBlockProperty.prototype.SetCells = function(arCells,intIndex,arCenter) { var i = 0; if (0 > this.intERROR) { return; } if (arCells) { this.CELLS = BX.clone(arCells,true); } for (i = 0; i < this.CELLS.length; i++) { this.CELLS[i] = this.CELLS[i].replace(/PREFIX/ig, this.PREFIX); } if (intIndex) { this.CELL_IND = intIndex; } if (arCenter) { this.CELL_CENT = BX.clone(arCenter,true); } }; JCIBlockProperty.prototype.addPropRow = function() { if (0 > this.intERROR) { return; } var i = 0, id = parseInt(this.PROP_COUNT.value, 10), needCell = '', newRow = null, oCell = null, typeHtml = '', clButtons = null; newRow = this.PROP_TBL.insertRow(this.PROP_TBL.rows.length); newRow.id = this.PREFIX_TR+'n'+id; for (i = 0; i < this.CELLS.length; i++) { oCell = newRow.insertCell(-1); typeHtml = this.CELLS[i]; typeHtml = typeHtml.replace(/tmp_xxx/ig, 'n'+id); oCell.innerHTML = typeHtml; } for (i = 0; i < this.CELL_CENT.length; i++) { needCell = newRow.cells[this.CELL_CENT[i]-1]; if (!!needCell) { BX.adjust(needCell, { style: {'textAlign': 'center', 'verticalAlign' : 'middle'} }); } } needCell = newRow.cells[0]; if (!!needCell) { BX.adjust(needCell, { style: {'verticalAlign' : 'middle'} }); } if (newRow.cells[this.CELL_IND]) { needCell = newRow.cells[this.CELL_IND]; clButtons = BX.findChildren(needCell, {'tag': 'input','attribute': { 'type':'button'}}, true); if (!!clButtons) { for (i = 0; i < clButtons.length; i++) { BX.bind(clButtons[i], 'click', BX.proxy(this.ShowPropertyDialog, this)); } } } BX.adminFormTools.modifyFormElements(this.FORM_ID); setTimeout(function() { var i = 0, l = 0, r = BX.findChildren(newRow.parentNode, {tag: /^(input|select|textarea)$/i}, true); if (r && r.length > 0) { for (i=0, l = r.length;i<l;i++) { if (r[i].form && r[i].form.BXAUTOSAVE) { r[i].form.BXAUTOSAVE.RegisterInput(r[i]); } else { break; } } } }, 10); this.PROP_COUNT.value = id + 1; }; JCIBlockProperty.prototype.onAutoSaveRestore = function(ob, data) { while (data['IB_PROPERTY_n' + this.PROP_COUNT.value + '_NAME']) { this.addPropRow(); } }; function JCIBlockAccess(entity_type, iblock_id, id, arSelected, variable_name, table_id, href_id, sSelect, arHighLight) { this.entity_type = entity_type; this.iblock_id = iblock_id; this.id = id; this.arSelected = arSelected; this.variable_name = variable_name; this.table_id = table_id; this.href_id = href_id; this.sSelect = sSelect; this.arHighLight = arHighLight; BX.ready(BX.delegate(this.Init, this)); } JCIBlockAccess.prototype.Init = function() { BX.bind(BX(this.href_id), 'click', BX.delegate(this.Add, this)); var heading = BX(this.variable_name + '_heading'); if(heading) { BX.bind(heading, 'dblclick', BX.delegate(this.ShowInfo, this)); } BX.Access.Init(this.arHighLight); BX.Access.SetSelected(this.arSelected, this.variable_name); }; JCIBlockAccess.prototype.Add = function() { BX.Access.ShowForm({callback: BX.delegate(this.InsertRights, this), bind: this.variable_name}) }; JCIBlockAccess.prototype.InsertRights = function(obSelected) { var tbl = BX(this.table_id); for(var provider in obSelected) { if (obSelected.hasOwnProperty(provider)) { for(var id in obSelected[provider]) { if (obSelected[provider].hasOwnProperty(id)) { var cnt = tbl.rows.length; var row = tbl.insertRow(cnt-1); row.vAlign = 'top'; row.insertCell(-1); row.insertCell(-1); row.cells[0].align = 'right'; row.cells[0].style.textAlign = 'right'; row.cells[0].style.verticalAlign = 'middle'; row.cells[0].innerHTML = BX.Access.GetProviderName(provider)+' '+obSelected[provider][id].name+':'+'<input type="hidden" name="'+this.variable_name+'[][RIGHT_ID]" value=""><input type="hidden" name="'+this.variable_name+'[][GROUP_CODE]" value="'+id+'">'; row.cells[1].align = 'left'; row.cells[1].innerHTML = this.sSelect + ' ' + '<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="JCIBlockAccess.DeleteRow(this, \''+id+'\', \''+this.variable_name+'\')" class="access-delete"></a><span title="'+BX.message('langApplyTitle')+'" id="overwrite_'+id+'"></span>'; var parents = BX.findChildren(tbl, {'class' : this.variable_name + '_row_for_' + id}, true); if(parents) for(var i = 0; i < parents.length; i++) parents[i].className += ' iblock-strike-out'; } } } } if(parseInt(this.id) > 0) { BX.ajax.loadJSON( '/bitrix/admin/iblock_edit.php'+ '?ajax=y'+ '&sessid='+BX.bitrix_sessid()+ '&entity_type='+this.entity_type+ '&iblock_id='+this.iblock_id+ '&id='+this.id, {added: obSelected}, function(result) { if(result) { for(var id in result) { var s = parseInt(result[id][0]); var e = parseInt(result[id][1]); var mess = ''; if(s > 0 && e > 0) mess = BX.message('langApply1Title'); else if (s > 0) mess = BX.message('langApply2Title'); else if (e > 0) mess = BX.message('langApply3Title'); if(mess) BX('overwrite_'+id).innerHTML = '<br><input type="checkbox" name="'+this.variable_name+'[][DO_CLEAN]" value="Y" checked="checked" disabled="disabled">'+mess+' ('+(s+e)+')'; } } } ); } BX.onCustomEvent('onAdminTabsChange'); }; JCIBlockAccess.prototype.ShowInfo = function() { var entity_type = this.entity_type; var iblock_id = this.iblock_id; var id = this.id; var btnOK = new BX.CWindowButton({ 'title': 'Query', 'action': function() { var _user_id = BX('prompt_user_id'); BX('info_result').innerHTML = ''; BX.showWait(); BX.ajax.loadJSON( '/bitrix/admin/iblock_edit.php'+ '?ajax=y'+ '&sessid='+BX.bitrix_sessid()+ '&entity_type='+entity_type+ '&iblock_id='+iblock_id+ '&id='+id, {info: _user_id.value}, function(result) { if(result) { for(var id in result) { BX('info_result').innerHTML += '<span style="display:inline-block;width:200px;height:15px;">' + id + '</span>'; } } BX.closeWait(); } ); } }) if (null == this.iblock_info_obDialog) { this.iblock_info_obDialog = new BX.CDialog({ content: '<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" width="100%"><tr><td width="50%" align="right">User ID:</td><td width="50%" align="left"><input type="text" size="6" id="prompt_user_id" value=""></td></tr><tr><td colspan="2" id="info_result"></td></tr></table>', buttons: [btnOK, BX.CDialog.btnCancel], width: 420, height: 200 }); } this.iblock_info_obDialog.Show(); var inp = BX('prompt_user_id'); inp.focus(); inp.select(); }; JCIBlockAccess.DeleteRow = function(ob, id, variable_name) { var row = BX.findParent(ob, {'tag':'tr'}); var tbl = BX.findParent(row, {'tag':'table'}); var parents = BX.findChildren(tbl, {'class' : variable_name + '_row_for_' + id + ' iblock-strike-out'}, true); if(parents) for(var i = 0; i < parents.length; i++) parents[i].className = variable_name + '_row_for_' + id; row.parentNode.removeChild(row); BX.onCustomEvent('onAdminTabsChange'); BX.Access.DeleteSelected(id, variable_name); }; function addNewRow(tableID, row_to_clone) { var tbl = document.getElementById(tableID); var cnt = tbl.rows.length; if(row_to_clone == null) row_to_clone = -2; var sHTML = tbl.rows[cnt+row_to_clone].cells[0].innerHTML; var oRow = tbl.insertRow(cnt+row_to_clone+1); var oCell = oRow.insertCell(0); var s, e, n, p; p = 0; while(true) { s = sHTML.indexOf('[n',p); if(s<0)break; e = sHTML.indexOf(']',s); if(e<0)break; n = parseInt(sHTML.substr(s+2,e-s)); sHTML = sHTML.substr(0, s)+'[n'+(++n)+']'+sHTML.substr(e+1); p=s+1; } p = 0; while(true) { s = sHTML.indexOf('__n',p); if(s<0)break; e = sHTML.indexOf('_',s+2); if(e<0)break; n = parseInt(sHTML.substr(s+3,e-s)); sHTML = sHTML.substr(0, s)+'__n'+(++n)+'_'+sHTML.substr(e+1); p=e+1; } p = 0; while(true) { s = sHTML.indexOf('__N',p); if(s<0)break; e = sHTML.indexOf('__',s+2); if(e<0)break; n = parseInt(sHTML.substr(s+3,e-s)); sHTML = sHTML.substr(0, s)+'__N'+(++n)+'__'+sHTML.substr(e+2); p=e+2; } p = 0; while(true) { s = sHTML.indexOf('xxn',p); if(s<0)break; e = sHTML.indexOf('xx',s+2); if(e<0)break; n = parseInt(sHTML.substr(s+3,e-s)); sHTML = sHTML.substr(0, s)+'xxn'+(++n)+'xx'+sHTML.substr(e+2); p=e+2; } p = 0; while(true) { s = sHTML.indexOf('%5Bn',p); if(s<0)break; e = sHTML.indexOf('%5D',s+3); if(e<0)break; n = parseInt(sHTML.substr(s+4,e-s)); sHTML = sHTML.substr(0, s)+'%5Bn'+(++n)+'%5D'+sHTML.substr(e+3); p=e+3; } var htmlObject = {'html': sHTML}; BX.onCustomEvent(window, 'onAddNewRowBeforeInner', [htmlObject]); sHTML = htmlObject.html; oCell.innerHTML = sHTML; var patt = new RegExp ("<"+"script"+">[^\000]*?<"+"\/"+"script"+">", "ig"); var code = sHTML.match(patt); if(code) { for(var i = 0; i < code.length; i++) { if(code[i] != '') { s = code[i].substring(8, code[i].length-9); jsUtils.EvalGlobal(s); } } } if (BX && BX.adminPanel) { BX.adminPanel.modifyFormElements(oRow); BX.onCustomEvent('onAdminTabsChange'); } setTimeout(function() { var r = BX.findChildren(oCell, {tag: /^(input|select|textarea)$/i}); if (r && r.length > 0) { for (var i=0,l=r.length;i<l;i++) { if (r[i].form && r[i].form.BXAUTOSAVE) r[i].form.BXAUTOSAVE.RegisterInput(r[i]); else break; } } }, 10); } function JCIBlockGroupField(form, groupSection_id, ajaxURL) { this.form = form; this.groupSection = BX(groupSection_id); this.ajaxURL = ajaxURL; } JCIBlockGroupField.prototype.reload = function() { if (!window.JCIBlockGroupFieldIsRunning) { window.JCIBlockGroupFieldIsRunning = true; this.preparePost(); } else { if (window.JCIBlockGroupFieldTimer) clearTimeout(window.JCIBlockGroupFieldTimer); window.JCIBlockGroupFieldTimer = setTimeout(BX.proxy(this.reload, this), 500); } }; JCIBlockGroupField.prototype.preparePost = function() { var i; var values = []; values[values.length] = {name : 'ajax_action', value : 'section_property'}; values[values.length] = {name : 'sessid', value : BX.bitrix_sessid()}; this.gatherInputsValues(values, document.getElementsByName('IBLOCK_SECTION[]')); var toReload = BX.findChildren(this.form, {'tag' : 'tr', 'class' : 'bx-in-group'}, true); if(toReload) { for(i = 0; i < toReload.length; i++) this.gatherInputsValues(values, BX.findChildren(toReload[i], null, true)); } var formHiddens = BX.findChildren(this.form, {'tag' : 'span', 'class' : 'bx-fields-hidden'}, true); if(formHiddens) { for(i = 0; i < formHiddens.length; i++) this.gatherInputsValues(values, BX.findChildren(formHiddens[i], null, true)); } BX.ajax.post( this.ajaxURL, this.values2post(values), BX.delegate(this.postHandler, this) ); }; JCIBlockGroupField.prototype.postHandler = function (result) { var i; if(this.form) { var toDelete = BX.findChildren(this.form, {'tag' : 'tr', 'class' : 'bx-in-group'}, true); if(toDelete) { for(i = 0; i < toDelete.length; i++) this.groupSection.parentNode.removeChild(toDelete[i]); } var responseDOM = document.createElement('DIV'); responseDOM.innerHTML = result; var toInsert = BX.findChildren(responseDOM, {'tag' : 'tr', 'class' : 'bx-in-group'}, true); if(toInsert) { var sibling = this.groupSection.nextSibling; for(i = 0; i < toInsert.length; i++) { var toMove = toInsert[i]; toMove.parentNode.removeChild(toMove); this.groupSection.parentNode.insertBefore(toMove, sibling); } } var formHiddens; formHiddens = BX.findChildren(this.form, {'tag' : 'span', 'class' : 'bx-fields-hidden'}, true); if(formHiddens) for(i = 0; i < formHiddens.length; i++) formHiddens[i].parentNode.removeChild(formHiddens[i]); formHiddens = BX.findChildren(responseDOM, {'tag' : 'span', 'class' : 'bx-fields-hidden'}, true); if(formHiddens) { for(i = 0; i < formHiddens.length; i++) { var span = formHiddens[i]; span.parentNode.removeChild(span); this.form.appendChild(span); } } BX.onCustomEvent('onAdminTabsChange'); BX.adminPanel.modifyFormElements(this.form); } window.JCIBlockGroupFieldIsRunning = false; }; JCIBlockGroupField.prototype.gatherInputsValues = function (values, elements) { if(elements) { for(var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { var el = elements[i]; if (el.disabled || !el.type) continue; switch(el.type.toLowerCase()) { case 'text': case 'textarea': case 'password': case 'hidden': case 'select-one': values[values.length] = {name : el.name, value : el.value}; break; case 'radio': case 'checkbox': if(el.checked) values[values.length] = {name : el.name, value : el.value}; break; case 'select-multiple': for (var j = 0; j < el.options.length; j++) { if (el.options[j].selected) values[values.length] = {name : el.name, value : el.options[j].value}; } break; default: break; } } } }; JCIBlockGroupField.prototype.values2post = function (values) { var post = []; var current = post; var i = 0; while(i < values.length) { var p = values[i].name.indexOf('['); if(p == -1) { current[values[i].name] = values[i].value; current = post; i++; } else { var name = values[i].name.substring(0, p); var rest = values[i].name.substring(p+1); if(!current[name]) current[name] = []; var pp = rest.indexOf(']'); if(pp == -1) { //Error - not balanced brackets current = post; i++; } else if(pp == 0) { //No index specified - so take the next integer current = current[name]; values[i].name = '' + current.length; } else { //Now index name becomes and name and we go deeper into the array current = current[name]; values[i].name = rest.substring(0, pp) + rest.substring(pp+1); } } } return post; }; window.ipropTemplates = []; function JCInheritedPropertiesTemplates(form, ajaxURL) { this.form = form; this.ajaxURL = ajaxURL; } JCInheritedPropertiesTemplates.prototype.updateInheritedPropertiesTemplates = function(start) { for (var i = 0; i < ipropTemplates.length; i++) { var obj_ta = BX(ipropTemplates[i].INPUT_ID); if (obj_ta && obj_ta.type.toLowerCase() == "textarea") { if (obj_ta.scrollHeight > obj_ta.clientHeight) { var dy = obj_ta.offsetHeight - obj_ta.clientHeight; var newHeight = obj_ta.scrollHeight + dy; obj_ta.style.height = newHeight + 'px'; } var ck = BX('ck_' + ipropTemplates[i].INPUT_ID); if (ck) { if (ck.checked) { obj_ta.readOnly = false; BX('mnu_' + ipropTemplates[i].INPUT_ID).disabled = false; } else { obj_ta.readOnly = true; BX('mnu_' + ipropTemplates[i].INPUT_ID).disabled = true; } } } } if (start) setTimeout(function(){InheritedPropertiesTemplates.updateInheritedPropertiesValues(true)}, 100); }; JCInheritedPropertiesTemplates.prototype.updateInheritedPropertiesValues = function(startup, force) { var i, space, input, values, f, k, obj_ta, clearValues; if (startup) { for (i = 0; i < ipropTemplates.length; i++) { space = BX('space_' + ipropTemplates[i].ID); if (space) ipropTemplates[i].SPACE = space.value; } } for (i = 0; i < ipropTemplates.length; i++) { input = BX(ipropTemplates[i].INPUT_ID); if (!input) return; space = BX('space_' + ipropTemplates[i].ID); if (space) this.asciiOnly(space); if ( force || ipropTemplates[i].TEMPLATE != BX(ipropTemplates[i].INPUT_ID).value || ( space && ipropTemplates[i].SPACE != space.value ) ) { values = []; f = new JCIBlockGroupField(BX(this.form)); f.gatherInputsValues(values, BX.findChildren(BX(this.form), null, true)); for (k = 0; k < ipropTemplates.length; k++) { obj_ta = BX(ipropTemplates[k].INPUT_ID); if (obj_ta && obj_ta.readOnly) { values[values.length] = {name : obj_ta.name, value : obj_ta.value} } } //p = f.values2post(values); BX.ajax.post( this.ajaxURL, f.values2post(values), function(data) { var DATA = [], data_test, j, k, div; if (BX.type.isNotEmptyString(data)) { data_test = BX.parseJSON(data); if (data_test) { eval('DATA = ' + data); } } for (j = 0; j < DATA.length; j++) { if (DATA[j].htmlId) { if (BX(DATA[j].htmlId)) BX(DATA[j].htmlId).innerHTML = DATA[j].value; else if (typeof DATA[j].hiddenId != "undefined" && BX(DATA[j].hiddenId)) BX(DATA[j].hiddenId).value = DATA[j].hiddenValue; } else { for (k = 0; k < ipropTemplates.length; k++) { if (ipropTemplates[k].ID == DATA[j].id) { div = BX(ipropTemplates[k].RESULT_ID); if (div) div.innerHTML = DATA[j].value; break; } } } } } ); if (!startup) { clearValues = BX('IPROPERTY_CLEAR_VALUES'); if (clearValues) { clearValues.value = "Y"; if (clearValues.type.toLowerCase() == 'checkbox') clearValues.checked = true; } } this.updateInheritedPropertiesTemplates(); break; } } for (i = 0; i < ipropTemplates.length; i++) { obj_ta = BX(ipropTemplates[i].INPUT_ID); if (obj_ta) { ipropTemplates[i].TEMPLATE = obj_ta.value; space = BX('space_' + ipropTemplates[i].ID); if (space) { ipropTemplates[i].SPACE = space.value; } } } setTimeout(function(){InheritedPropertiesTemplates.updateInheritedPropertiesValues()}, 1000); }; JCInheritedPropertiesTemplates.prototype.insertIntoInheritedPropertiesTemplate = function(text, mnu_id, el_id) { var el = BX(el_id); el.focus(); var val = el.value, endIndex, range; if (typeof el.selectionStart != "undefined" && typeof el.selectionEnd != "undefined") { endIndex = el.selectionEnd; el.value = val.slice(0, el.selectionStart) + text + val.slice(endIndex); el.selectionStart = el.selectionEnd = endIndex + text.length; } else if (typeof document.selection != "undefined" && typeof document.selection.createRange != "undefined") { el.focus(); range = document.selection.createRange(); range.collapse(false); range.text = text; range.select(); } this.updateInheritedPropertiesTemplates(); BX.fireEvent(el, 'change'); el.focus(); }; JCInheritedPropertiesTemplates.prototype.onTabSelect = function() { this.updateInheritedPropertiesValues(); this.updateInheritedPropertiesTemplates(); }; JCInheritedPropertiesTemplates.prototype.enableTextArea = function(el_id) { var el = BX(el_id); var ck = BX('ck_' + el_id); if (el && el.readOnly) { el.readOnly = false; if (ck && !ck.checked) { ck.checked = true; this.updateInheritedPropertiesTemplates(); } } }; JCInheritedPropertiesTemplates.prototype.asciiOnly = function(el) { if (el.value.length > 0) { if (el.value.length > 1) { el.value = el.value.charAt(0); } if (el.value.charCodeAt(0) > 127) { el.value = ''; } } }; function JCPopupEditor(width, height) { this.width = width; this.height = height; this.popup_editor_dialog = null; this.input = null; } JCPopupEditor.prototype.openEditor = function (hiddenId, maxLength) { if (!this.popup_editor_dialog) { this.popup_editor_dialog = new BX.CDialog({ content: '<div width="100%" id="popup_editor_container"></div>', buttons: this.getButtons(), width: this.width, height: this.height }); var popup_editor_container = BX('popup_editor_container'); var popup_editor_start = BX('popup_editor_start'); popup_editor_container.parentNode.appendChild(popup_editor_start); popup_editor_container.parentNode.removeChild(popup_editor_container); popup_editor_start.style.display = ''; LoadLHE_popup_editor_id(); } this.popup_editor_dialog.Show(); this.input = BX(hiddenId); popup_editor.SetEditorContent(this.input.value); popup_editor.SetFocus(); this.startCharCounter(); } JCPopupEditor.prototype.getButtons = function () { var _this = this; var btnOK = new BX.CWindowButton({ title: BX.message('JS_CORE_WINDOW_SAVE'), id: 'savebtn', name: 'savebtn', className: BX.browser.IsIE() && BX.browser.IsDoctype() && !BX.browser.IsIE10() ? '' : 'adm-btn-save', action: function() { _this.stopCharCounter(); this.parentWindow.Hide(); popup_editor.SetView('html'); _this.input.value = popup_editor.GetEditorContent(); _this.input.onchange(); } }); var btnClose = new BX.CWindowButton({ title: BX.message('JS_CORE_WINDOW_CLOSE'), id: 'closebtn', name: 'closebtn', action: function () { _this.stopCharCounter(); //this.parentWindow.Close(); this.parentWindow.Hide(); } }); return [btnOK, btnClose]; } JCPopupEditor.prototype.startCharCounter = function() { if (!this.charCounterContainer) { this.charCounterContainer = BX.create('SPAN'); this.charCounterContainer.style.display = 'inline'; this.popup_editor_dialog.PARTS.BUTTONS_CONTAINER.appendChild(this.charCounterContainer); } if (!this.charCounterTimer) { this.charCounterTimer = setInterval(BX.delegate(function(){ this.updateCharCounter(); }, this), 500); } }; JCPopupEditor.prototype.updateCharCounter = function() { var len = popup_editor.GetEditorContent().length; this.charCounterContainer.innerHTML = len; if (len > 255 && !this.charCounterContainer.style.color) this.charCounterContainer.style.color = 'red'; if (len <= 255 && this.charCounterContainer.style.color) this.charCounterContainer.style.color = ''; }; JCPopupEditor.prototype.stopCharCounter = function() { if (this.charCounterTimer) clearInterval(this.charCounterTimer); this.charCounterTimer = null; };