Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/js/landing/node/ |
Current File : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/js/landing/node/img.js |
(function() { "use strict"; BX.namespace("BX.Landing"); var attr = BX.Landing.Utils.attr; var data = BX.Landing.Utils.data; var encodeDataValue = BX.Landing.Utils.encodeDataValue; var decodeDataValue = BX.Landing.Utils.decodeDataValue; /** * Implements interface for works with image node * * @extends {BX.Landing.Block.Node} * @param {nodeOptions} options * @property node {HTMLImageElement|HTMLElement} * * @constructor */ BX.Landing.Block.Node.Img = function(options) { BX.Landing.Block.Node.apply(this, arguments); this.editPanel = null; this.lastValue = null; this.field = null; this.uploadParams = options.uploadParams; if (!this.isGrouped()) { this.node.addEventListener("click", this.onClick.bind(this)); } if (this.isAllowInlineEdit()) { this.node.setAttribute("title", BX.message("LANDING_TITLE_OF_IMAGE_NODE")); } }; /** * Checks that node use backgroundImage * @param {BX.Landing.Block.Node.Img} node * @return {boolean} */ function isBackground(node) { return node.node.nodeName !== "IMG"; } /** * Checks that node is image * @param {BX.Landing.Block.Node.Img} node * @return {boolean} */ function isImage(node) { return node.node.nodeName === "IMG"; } /** * Checks that node is icon * @param {BX.Landing.Block.Node.Img} node * @return {boolean} */ function isIcon(node) { return node.node.nodeName === "SPAN" || node.node.nodeName === "I" || node.node.nodeName === "EM"; } /** * Gets background url * @param {BX.Landing.Block.Node.Img} node * @return {boolean} */ function getBackgroundUrl(node) { var style = node.node.getAttribute('style'); var res = style.split(";")[0].match(/url\((.*)\)/); if (res && res[1]) { return res[1].replace(/["|']/g, ""); } return ""; } /** * Gets background url 2x * @param {BX.Landing.Block.Node.Img} node * @return {boolean} */ function getBackgroundUrl2x(node) { var style = node.node.getAttribute('style'); var res = style.match(/1x, url\(["|'](.*)["|']\) 2x\); /); if (res && res[1]) { return res[1].replace(/["|']/g, ""); } return ""; } /** * Gets file id * @param {BX.Landing.Block.Node.Img} node * @return {int} */ function getFileId(node) { var fileId = parseInt(node.node.dataset.fileid); return fileId === fileId ? fileId : -1; } /** * Gets file id 2x * @param {BX.Landing.Block.Node.Img} node * @return {int} */ function getFileId2x(node) { var fileId = parseInt(node.node.dataset.fileid2x); return fileId === fileId ? fileId : -1; } /** * Gets image alt * @param {BX.Landing.Block.Node.Img} node * @return {string} */ function getAlt(node) { var alt = attr(node.node, "alt"); return !!alt ? alt : ""; } function getPseudoUrl(node) { var url = data(node.node, "data-pseudo-url"); return !!url ? url : ""; } /** * Gets image src * @param {BX.Landing.Block.Node.Img} node * @return {string} */ function getImageSrc(node) { var src = attr(node.node, "src"); return !!src ? src : ""; } /** * Gets image src 2x * @param {BX.Landing.Block.Node.Img} node * @return {string} */ function getImageSrc2x(node) { var src = attr(node.node, "srcset"); return !!src ? src.replace(" 2x", "") : ""; } /** * Sets image value or converts to image and sets value * @param {BX.Landing.Block.Node.Img} node * @param {object} value */ function setImageValue(node, value) { if (!isImage(node)) { var newNode = BX.create("img", { attrs: {src: value.src, alt: value.alt, "data-fileid": value.id} }); node.node.parentNode.insertBefore(newNode, node.node); BX.remove(node.node); node.node = newNode; } else { node.node.src = value.src; node.node.alt = value.alt; node.node.dataset.fileid = value.id || -1; node.node.srcset = value.src2x ? value.src2x + " 2x" : ""; node.node.dataset.fileid2x = value.fileid2x || -1; } } /** * Sets background value or converts to div and sets value * @param {BX.Landing.Block.Node.Img} node * @param {object} value */ function setBackgroundValue(node, value) { if (!isBackground(node)) { var newNode = BX.create("div", { attrs: { style: "background-image: url(\""+value.src+"\")", "data-fileid": value.id } }); node.node.parentNode.insertBefore(newNode, node.node); BX.remove(node.node); node.node = newNode; } else { node.node.style.backgroundImage = "url(\""+value.src+"\")"; if (value.src2x) { var style = [ "background-image: url(\""+value.src+"\");", "background-image: -webkit-image-set(url(\""+value.src+"\") 1x, url(\""+value.src2x+"\") 2x);", "background-image: image-set(url(\""+value.src+"\") 1x, url(\""+value.src2x+"\") 2x);" ].join(' '); node.node.setAttribute("style", style); } node.node.dataset.fileid = value.id || -1; node.node.dataset.fileid2x = value.id2x || -1; } } BX.Landing.Block.Node.Img.prototype = { __proto__: BX.Landing.Block.Node.prototype, constructor: BX.Landing.Block.Node.Img, /** * Click on field - edit mode. * @param {MouseEvent} event */ onClick: function(event) { if (this.manifest.allowInlineEdit !== false && BX.Landing.Main.getInstance().isControlsEnabled() && (!BX.Landing.Block.Node.Text.currentNode || !BX.Landing.Block.Node.Text.currentNode.isEditable()) && !BX.Landing.UI.Panel.StylePanel.getInstance().isShown() ) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); BX.Landing.UI.Button.FontAction.hideAll(); BX.Landing.UI.Button.ColorAction.hideAll(); if (!this.editPanel) { this.editPanel = new BX.Landing.UI.Panel.Content(this.selector, { title: BX.message("LANDING_IMAGE_PANEL_TITLE"), className: "landing-ui-panel-edit-image" }); this.editPanel.appendFooterButton( new BX.Landing.UI.Button.BaseButton("save_block_content", { text: BX.message("BLOCK_SAVE"), onClick: this.save.bind(this), className: "landing-ui-button-content-save" }) ); this.editPanel.appendFooterButton( new BX.Landing.UI.Button.BaseButton("cancel_block_content", { text: BX.message("BLOCK_CANCEL"), onClick: this.editPanel.hide.bind(this.editPanel), className: "landing-ui-button-content-cancel" }) ); document.body.appendChild(this.editPanel.layout); } var form = new BX.Landing.UI.Form.BaseForm({title: this.manifest.name}); form.addField(this.getField()); this.editPanel.clear(); this.editPanel.appendForm(form); this.editPanel.show(); BX.Landing.UI.Panel.EditorPanel.getInstance().hide(); BX.Landing.UI.Panel.SmallEditorPanel.getInstance().hide(); } }, /** * Saves value changes */ save: function() { var value = this.editPanel.forms[0].fields[0].getValue(); if (JSON.stringify(this.getValue()) !== JSON.stringify(value)) { this.setValue(value); } this.editPanel.hide(); }, /** * Gets form field * @return {?BX.Landing.UI.Field.Image} */ getField: function() { if (!this.field) { var description = ""; if (this.manifest.dimensions) { description = BX.message("LANDING_CONTENT_IMAGE_RECOMMENDED_SIZE") + " "; description += this.manifest.dimensions.width + "px / "; description += this.manifest.dimensions.height + "px"; } var value = this.getValue(); value.url = decodeDataValue(value.url); var disableLink = !!this.node.closest("a"); this.field = new BX.Landing.UI.Field.Image({ selector: this.selector, title: this.manifest.name, description: description, disableLink: disableLink, content: value, dimensions: !!this.manifest.dimensions ? this.manifest.dimensions : {}, disableAltField: isBackground(this), uploadParams: this.uploadParams }); } else { this.field.setValue(this.getValue()); this.field.content = this.getValue(); requestAnimationFrame(function() { this.field.adjustPreviewBackgroundSize(); }.bind(this)); } return this.field; }, /** * Sets node value * @param value - Path to image * @param {?boolean} [preventSave = false] * @param {?boolean} [preventHistory = false] */ setValue: function(value, preventSave, preventHistory) { this.lastValue = this.lastValue || this.getValue(); this.preventSave(preventSave); value.src = decodeURIComponent(value.src); if (isImage(this)) { setImageValue(this, value); } if (isBackground(this)) { setBackgroundValue(this, value); } if (value.url) { attr(this.node, "data-pseudo-url", value.url); } this.onChange(); if (!preventHistory) { BX.Landing.History.getInstance().push( new BX.Landing.History.Entry({ block: this.getBlock().id, selector: this.selector, command: "editImage", undo: this.lastValue, redo: this.getValue() }) ); } this.lastValue = this.getValue(); }, /** * Gets node value * @return {{src: string}} */ getValue: function() { var value = {type: "", src: "", src2x: "", id: -1, id2x: -1, alt: "", url: ""}; if (isBackground(this)) { value.type = "background"; value.src = getBackgroundUrl(this); value.src2x = getBackgroundUrl2x(this); value.id = getFileId(this); value.id2x = getFileId2x(this); } if (isImage(this)) { value.type = "image"; value.src = getImageSrc(this); value.src2x = getImageSrc2x(this); value.id = getFileId(this); value.id2x = getFileId2x(this); value.alt = getAlt(this); } value.url = ( encodeDataValue(getPseudoUrl(this)) || {text: "", href: "", target: "_self", enabled: false} ); return value; } }; })();