Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/js/landing/node/ |
Current File : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/js/landing/node/text.js |
;(function() { "use strict"; BX.namespace("BX.Landing"); var escapeText = BX.Landing.Utils.escapeText; var headerTagMatcher = BX.Landing.Utils.Matchers.headerTag; var changeTagName = BX.Landing.Utils.changeTagName; var textToPlaceholders = BX.Landing.Utils.textToPlaceholders; /** * Implements interface for works with text node of blocks * * @param {nodeOptions} options * * @extends {BX.Landing.Block.Node} * @inheritDoc */ BX.Landing.Block.Node.Text = function(options) { BX.Landing.Block.Node.apply(this, arguments); this.onClick = this.onClick.bind(this); this.onPaste = this.onPaste.bind(this); this.onDrop = this.onDrop.bind(this); this.onInput = this.onInput.bind(this); this.onMousedown = this.onMousedown.bind(this); this.onMouseup = this.onMouseup.bind(this); // Bind on node events this.node.addEventListener("mousedown", this.onMousedown); this.node.addEventListener("click", this.onClick); this.node.addEventListener("paste", this.onPaste); this.node.addEventListener("drop", this.onDrop); this.node.addEventListener("input", this.onInput); this.node.addEventListener("keydown", this.onInput); document.addEventListener("mouseup", this.onMouseup); }; /** * Stores node with active editor * @type {?BX.Landing.Block.Node.Text} */ BX.Landing.Block.Node.Text.currentNode = null; BX.Landing.Block.Node.Text.prototype = { __proto__: BX.Landing.Block.Node.prototype, superClass: BX.Landing.Block.Node.prototype, constructor: BX.Landing.Block.Node.Text, /** * Handles allow inline edit event */ onAllowInlineEdit: function() { // Show title "Click to edit" for node this.node.setAttribute("title", escapeText(BX.message("LANDING_TITLE_OF_TEXT_NODE"))); }, /** * Handles change event * @param {boolean} [preventAdjustPosition] * @param {boolean} [preventHistory] */ onChange: function(preventAdjustPosition, preventHistory) { this.superClass.onChange.call(this, arguments); if (!preventAdjustPosition) { BX.Landing.UI.Panel.EditorPanel.getInstance().adjustPosition(this.node); } if (!preventHistory) { BX.Landing.History.getInstance().push( new BX.Landing.History.Entry({ block: this.getBlock().id, selector: this.selector, command: "editText", undo: this.lastValue, redo: this.getValue() }) ); } }, onInput: function(event) { clearTimeout(this.inputTimeout); var key = event.keyCode || event.which; if (!(key === 90 && (top.window.navigator.userAgent.match(/win/i) ? event.ctrlKey : event.metaKey))) { this.inputTimeout = setTimeout(function() { if (this.lastValue !== this.getValue()) { this.onChange(true); this.lastValue = this.getValue(); } }.bind(this), 400); } }, /** * Handles escape press event */ onEscapePress: function() { // Hide editor by press on Escape button if (this.isEditable()) { if (this === BX.Landing.Block.Node.Text.currentNode) { BX.Landing.UI.Panel.EditorPanel.getInstance().hide(); } this.disableEdit(); } }, /** * Handles drop event on this node * * @param {DragEvent} event */ onDrop: function(event) { // Prevents drag and drop any content into editor area event.preventDefault(); }, /** * Handles paste event on this node * * @param {ClipboardEvent} event * @param {function} event.preventDefault * @param {object} event.clipboardData */ onPaste: function(event) { event.preventDefault(); var text; // Prevents XSS and prevents insert potential dangerously code if (event.clipboardData && event.clipboardData.getData) { text = event.clipboardData.getData("text/plain"); if (!this.manifest.textOnly) { text = text.replace(new RegExp('\n', 'g'), '<br>'); } document.execCommand("insertHTML", false, text); } else { // ie11 text = window.clipboardData.getData("text"); if (!this.manifest.textOnly) { text = text.replace(new RegExp('\n', 'g'), '<br>'); } document.execCommand("paste", true, text); } this.onChange(); }, /** * Handles click on document */ onDocumentClick: function(event) { if (this.isEditable() && !this.fromNode) { BX.Landing.UI.Panel.EditorPanel.getInstance().hide(); this.disableEdit(); } this.fromNode = false; }, onMousedown: function(event) { this.fromNode = true; if (this.manifest.allowInlineEdit !== false && BX.Landing.Main.getInstance().isControlsEnabled()) { event.stopPropagation(); this.enableEdit(); BX.Landing.UI.Tool.ColorPicker.hideAll(); BX.Landing.UI.Button.FontAction.hideAll(); } requestAnimationFrame(function() { if (event.target.nodeName === "A" || event.target.parentElement.nodeName === "A") { var range = document.createRange(); range.selectNode(event.target); window.getSelection().removeAllRanges(); window.getSelection().addRange(range); } }); }, onMouseup: function() { setTimeout(function() { this.fromNode = false; }.bind(this), 10); }, /** * Click on field - switch edit mode. */ onClick: function(event) { event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); this.fromNode = false; if (event.target.nodeName === "A" || event.target.parentElement.nodeName === "A") { var range = document.createRange(); range.selectNode(event.target); window.getSelection().removeAllRanges(); window.getSelection().addRange(range); } }, /** * Checks that is editable * @return {boolean} */ isEditable: function() { return this.node.isContentEditable; }, /** * Enables edit mode */ enableEdit: function() { if (!this.isEditable() && !BX.Landing.UI.Panel.StylePanel.getInstance().isShown()) { if (this !== BX.Landing.Block.Node.Text.currentNode && BX.Landing.Block.Node.Text.currentNode !== null) { BX.Landing.Block.Node.Text.currentNode.disableEdit(); } BX.Landing.Block.Node.Text.currentNode = this; var buttons = []; buttons.push(this.getDesignButton()); if (this.isHeader()) { buttons.push(this.getChangeTagButton()); this.getChangeTagButton().changeHandler = this.onChangeTag.bind(this); } BX.Landing.UI.Panel.EditorPanel.getInstance().show(this.node, null, buttons); this.lastValue = this.getValue(); this.node.contentEditable = true; this.node.focus(); this.node.setAttribute("title", ""); } }, /** * Gets design button for editor * @return {BX.Landing.UI.Button.Design} */ getDesignButton: function() { if (!this.designButton) { this.designButton = new BX.Landing.UI.Button.Design("design", { html: BX.message("LANDING_TITLE_OF_EDITOR_ACTION_DESIGN"), attrs: {title: BX.message("LANDING_TITLE_OF_EDITOR_ACTION_DESIGN")}, onClick: function() { BX.Landing.UI.Panel.EditorPanel.getInstance().hide(); this.disableEdit(); this.onDesignShow(this.manifest.code); }.bind(this) }); } return this.designButton; }, /** * Disables edit mode */ disableEdit: function() { if (this.isEditable()) { this.node.contentEditable = false; if (this.lastValue !== this.getValue()) { this.onChange(); this.lastValue = this.getValue(); } if (this.isAllowInlineEdit()) { this.node.setAttribute("title", escapeText(BX.message("LANDING_TITLE_OF_TEXT_NODE"))); } } }, /** * Gets form field * @return {BX.Landing.UI.Field.Text} */ getField: function() { if (!this.field) { this.field = new BX.Landing.UI.Field.Text({ selector: this.selector, title: this.manifest.name, content: this.node.innerHTML, textOnly: this.manifest.textOnly, bind: this.node }); if (this.isHeader()) { this.field.changeTagButton = this.getChangeTagButton(); } } else { this.field.setValue(this.node.innerHTML); this.field.content = this.node.innerHTML; } return this.field; }, /** * Sets node value * @param value * @param {?boolean} [preventSave = false] * @param {?boolean} [preventHistory = false] */ setValue: function(value, preventSave, preventHistory) { this.preventSave(preventSave); this.lastValue = this.isSavePrevented() ? this.getValue() : this.lastValue; this.node.innerHTML = value; this.onChange(false, preventHistory); }, /** * Gets node value * @return {string} */ getValue: function() { return textToPlaceholders(this.node.innerHTML); }, /** * Checks that this node is header * @return {boolean} */ isHeader: function() { return headerTagMatcher.test(this.node.nodeName); }, /** * Gets change tag button * @return {BX.Landing.UI.Button.ChangeTag} */ getChangeTagButton: function() { if (!this.changeTagButton) { this.changeTagButton = new BX.Landing.UI.Button.ChangeTag("changeTag", { html: this.node.nodeName, attrs: {title: BX.message("LANDING_TITLE_OF_EDITOR_ACTION_CHANGE_TAG")}, onChange: this.onChangeTag.bind(this) }); } this.changeTagButton.insertAfter = "strikeThrough"; this.changeTagButton.activateItem(this.node.nodeName); return this.changeTagButton; }, /** * Handles change tag event * @param value */ onChangeTag: function(value) { this.node = changeTagName(this.node, value); this.node.addEventListener("mousedown", this.onMousedown); this.node.addEventListener("click", this.onClick); this.node.addEventListener("paste", this.onPaste); this.node.addEventListener("drop", this.onDrop); this.node.addEventListener("input", this.onInput); this.node.addEventListener("keydown", this.onInput); if (!this.getField().isEditable()) { this.disableEdit(); this.enableEdit(); } var data = {}; data[this.selector] = value; this.changeOptionsHandler(data); } }; })();