Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/js/landing/ui/field/ |
Current File : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/js/landing/ui/field/range_field.js |
;(function() { "use strict"; BX.namespace("BX.Landing.UI.Field"); /** * Implements interface for works with range field * * @extends {BX.Landing.UI.Field.BaseField} * * @param {object} data * @constructor */ BX.Landing.UI.Field.Range = function(data) { this.items = BX.type.isArray(data.items) ? data.items : []; this.values = new BX.Landing.Collection.BaseCollection(); this.isMultiple = typeof data.type === "string" && data.type === "multiple"; this.inputInner = this.createInputInner(); this.container = BX.create("div", {props: {className: "landing-ui-field-range-container"}}); this.output = this.createOutput(); this.sliderFrom = null; this.sliderTo = this.createSlider(); this.sliderValue = this.createValue(); this.elements = []; this.frame = typeof data.frame === "object" ? data.frame : null; this.format = typeof data.format === "function" ? data.format : (function() {}); this.postfix = typeof data.postfix === "string" ? data.postfix : ""; this.changeHandler = typeof data.onChange === "function" ? data.onChange : (function() {}); this.onValueChangeHandler = data.onValueChange ? data.onValueChange : (function() {}); this.dragStartHandler = typeof data.onDragStart === "function" ? data.onDragStart : (function() {}); this.dragEndHandler = typeof data.onDragEnd === "function" ? data.onDragEnd : (function() {}); this.jsDD = this.frame ? window.top.jsDD : window.jsDD; this.value = null; this.valueFrom = null; this.valueTo = null; BX.Landing.UI.Field.BaseField.apply(this, arguments); this.layout.classList.add("landing-ui-field-range"); this.stepPercent = 100 /this.values.length; if ((this.content === null || this.content === undefined || this.content === "")) { if (this.isMultiple) { this.content = { from: this.items[0].value, to: this.items[this.items.length-1].value } } else { this.content = this.items[0].value; this.value = this.items[0].value; } } this.setValue(this.content, true); }; BX.Landing.UI.Field.Range.prototype = { constructor: BX.Landing.UI.Field.Range, __proto__: BX.Landing.UI.Field.BaseField.prototype, init: function () { this.input.appendChild(this.inputInner); this.input.appendChild(this.sliderValue); this.layout.appendChild(this.container); this.container.appendChild(this.input); if (!this.isMultiple) { this.container.appendChild(this.output); } if (this.isMultiple) { this.sliderFrom = this.createSlider(); this.inputInner.appendChild(this.sliderFrom); } this.inputInner.appendChild(this.sliderTo); this.items.forEach(function(item, index) { this.values.add({ value: item.value, valuePercent: this.valueToPercent(index), left: this.valueToLeftPercent(item.value), name: item.name }); }, this); if (this.isMultiple) { this.sliderFrom.onbxdragstart = this.onDragStart.bind(this); this.sliderFrom.onbxdrag = this.onDrag.bind(this); this.sliderFrom.onbxdragstop = this.onDragEnd.bind(this); this.jsDD.registerObject(this.sliderFrom); } this.sliderTo.onbxdragstart = this.onDragStart.bind(this); this.sliderTo.onbxdrag = this.onDrag.bind(this); this.sliderTo.onbxdragstop = this.onDragEnd.bind(this); this.jsDD.registerObject(this.sliderTo); if (this.isMultiple) { requestAnimationFrame(function () { this.sliderFrom.style.transform = "translateX(-" + this.values[this.values.length-1].valuePercent + "%)"; this.sliderFrom.style.left = this.values[this.values.length-1].valuePercent + "%"; }.bind(this)); } if (this.frame) { this.onFrameLoad(); } }, createOutput: function() { this.outputInput = BX.create("div", {props: {className: "landing-ui-field-range-output-input"}, text: "0"}); return BX.create("div", { props: {className: "landing-ui-field-range-output"}, children: [ this.outputInput, BX.create("div", { props: {className: "landing-ui-field-range-output-arrows"}, children: [ BX.create("div", { props: {className: "landing-ui-field-range-output-arrows-up"}, events: { click: this.onArrowUpClick.bind(this) } }), BX.create("div", { props: {className: "landing-ui-field-range-output-arrows-down"}, events: { click: this.onArrowDownClick.bind(this) } }) ] }) ] }); }, onArrowUpClick: function() { var index = !!this.value ? this.values.length-1 : 0; var result; this.values.forEach(function(item, i) { if (item.value === this.value) { index = i; } }, this); result = this.values[index+1] ? this.values[index+1] : this.values[index]; this.setValue(result.value); }, onArrowDownClick: function() { var index = 0; var result; this.values.forEach(function(item, i) { // noinspection EqualityComparisonWithCoercionJS if (item.value == this.value) { index = i; } }, this); result = this.values[index-1] ? this.values[index-1] : this.values[index]; this.setValue(result.value); }, onFrameLoad: function () { this.elements = [].slice.call(this.frame.document.querySelectorAll(this.selector)); if (this.elements.length) { var element = this.elements[0]; if (this.isMultiple) { var from = this.values.find(function(item) { return element.classList.contains(item.value); }); var to = this.values.find(function(item) { return element.classList.contains(item.value) && item.value !== from; }); this.setValue({ from: !!from ? from.value : null, to: !!to ? to.value : null }, true); } else { var value = this.values.find(function(item) { return element.classList.contains(item.value); }); this.setValue(!!value ? value.value : null, true); } } }, getStartXOffset: function () { var left = parseFloat(this.jsDD.current_node.style.left) * (this.inputInner.getBoundingClientRect().width / 100); return this.jsDD.current_node.getBoundingClientRect().left + window.pageXOffset - (left === left ? left : 0); }, onDragStart: function () { this.offset = this.getStartXOffset(); this.dragStartHandler(); }, onDrag: function (x) { x = ((x - this.offset) / this.inputInner.getBoundingClientRect().width) * 100; x = x < 0 ? 0 : x > 100 ? 100 : x; var xx = x; var pip; var sliderLeft = parseFloat(this.jsDD.current_node.style.left); sliderLeft = sliderLeft === sliderLeft ? sliderLeft : 0; if (x > this.lastPos) { xx += (this.stepPercent / 2); pip = this.values.filter(function (item) { return xx >= item.valuePercent && item.valuePercent > sliderLeft; }, this); pip = pip[pip.length - 1]; } else { xx -= (this.stepPercent / 2); pip = this.values.filter(function (item) { return xx <= item.valuePercent && item.valuePercent < sliderLeft; }, this); pip = pip[0]; } if (pip) { if (this.isMultiple) { if (this.jsDD.current_node === this.sliderFrom) { this.valueFrom = pip.value; } if (this.jsDD.current_node === this.sliderTo) { this.valueTo = pip.value; } this.setValue({from: this.valueFrom, to: this.valueTo}); } else { this.setValue(pip.value); } } this.lastPos = x; }, onChange: function() { this.changeHandler(this.getValue(), this.items, this.postfix, this.property); this.onValueChangeHandler(this); }, onDragEnd: function() { this.dragEndHandler(); }, getValue: function() { var result; if (this.isMultiple) { result = { from: this.toPercent < this.fromPercent ? this.valueTo : this.valueFrom, to: this.toPercent > this.fromPercent ? this.valueTo : this.valueFrom }; } else { result = this.value; } return result; }, setValue: function(value, preventEvent) { if (value && typeof value === "object") { var from = this.values.filter(function(item) { // noinspection EqualityComparisonWithCoercionJS return item.value == value.from; }); var to = this.values.filter(function(item) { // noinspection EqualityComparisonWithCoercionJS return item.value == value.to; }); from = from.length ? from[0] : this.values[0]; to = to.length ? to[0] : this.values[this.values.length-1]; if (from) { requestAnimationFrame(function () { this.sliderFrom.style.transform = "translateX(-" + from.valuePercent + "%)"; this.sliderFrom.style.left = from.valuePercent + "%"; }.bind(this)); this.valueFrom = from.value; this.fromPercent = from.valuePercent; } if (to) { requestAnimationFrame(function () { this.sliderTo.style.transform = "translateX(-" + to.valuePercent + "%)"; this.sliderTo.style.left = to.valuePercent + "%"; }.bind(this)); this.valueTo = to.value; this.toPercent = to.valuePercent; } this.updateValuePosition(from.valuePercent, to.valuePercent); } else if (value) { var result = this.values.filter(function(item) { // noinspection EqualityComparisonWithCoercionJS return item.value == value; }); result = result.length ? result[0] : null; if (result) { requestAnimationFrame(function () { this.sliderTo.style.transform = "translateX(-" + result.valuePercent + "%)"; this.sliderTo.style.left = result.valuePercent + "%"; }.bind(this)); } this.value = value; this.updateValuePosition(result.valuePercent); } if (!preventEvent) { this.onChange(); } }, updateValuePosition: function(from, to) { if (typeof from !== "number" && typeof to !== "number") { from = 0; to = 100; } if (typeof from === "number" && typeof to !== "number") { to = from; from = 0; } requestAnimationFrame(function() { this.sliderValue.style.left = Math.min(from, to) + "%"; this.sliderValue.style.right = (100 - Math.max(from, to)) + "%"; }.bind(this)); var result = this.values.filter(function(item) { // noinspection EqualityComparisonWithCoercionJS return item.valuePercent == to; }); result = result.length ? result[0] : null; this.outputInput.innerText = !!result ? result.name : 0; }, createInputInner: function() { return BX.create("div", {props: {className: "landing-ui-field-range-input-inner"}}); }, createValue: function() { return BX.create("div", {props: {className: "landing-ui-field-range-value"}}); }, createSlider: function() { return BX.create("div", {props: {className: "landing-ui-field-range-input-slider"}}); }, createInput: function() { return BX.create("div", {props: {className: "landing-ui-field-input landing-ui-field-range-input"}}); }, /** * @param value * @return {number} */ valueToPercent: function(value) { return (value / (this.items.length-1)) * 100; }, valueToLeftPercent: function(value) { return (value / this.inputInner.getBoundingClientRect().width) * 100; }, /** * Checks that value changed * @return {boolean} */ isChanged: function() { if (this.isMultiple) { return JSON.stringify(this.content) !== JSON.stringify(this.getValue()); } // noinspection EqualityComparisonWithCoercionJS return this.content != this.getValue(); } }; })();