Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/js/main/core/ |
Current File : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/js/main/core/core_fx.js |
;(function(window){ var defaultOptions = { time: 1.0, step: 0.05, type: 'linear', allowFloat: false } /* options: { start: start value or {param: value, param: value} finish: finish value or {param: value, param: value} time: time to transform in seconds type: linear|accelerated|decelerated|custom func name callback, callback_start, callback_complete, step: time between steps in seconds allowFloat: false|true } */ BX.fx = function(options) { this.options = options; if (null != this.options.time) this.options.originalTime = this.options.time; if (null != this.options.step) this.options.originalStep = this.options.step; if (!this.__checkOptions()) return false; this.__go = BX.delegate(this.go, this); this.PARAMS = {}; } BX.fx.prototype.__checkOptions = function() { if (typeof this.options.start != typeof this.options.finish) return false; if (null == this.options.time) this.options.time = defaultOptions.time; if (null == this.options.step) this.options.step = defaultOptions.step; if (null == this.options.type) this.options.type = defaultOptions.type; if (null == this.options.allowFloat) this.options.allowFloat = defaultOptions.allowFloat; this.options.time *= 1000; this.options.step *= 1000; if (typeof this.options.start != 'object') { this.options.start = {_param: this.options.start}; this.options.finish = {_param: this.options.finish}; } var i; for (i in this.options.start) { if (null == this.options.finish[i]) { this.options.start[i] = null; delete this.options.start[i]; } } if (!BX.type.isFunction(this.options.type)) { if (BX.type.isFunction(window[this.options.type])) this.options.type = window[this.options.type]; else if (BX.type.isFunction(BX.fx.RULES[this.options.type])) this.options.type = BX.fx.RULES[this.options.type]; else this.options.type = BX.fx.RULES[defaultOptions.type]; } return true; } BX.fx.prototype.go = function() { var timeCurrent = new Date().valueOf(); if (timeCurrent < this.PARAMS.timeFinish) { for (var i in this.PARAMS.current) { this.PARAMS.current[i][0] = this.options.type.apply(this, [{ start_value: this.PARAMS.start[i][0], finish_value: this.PARAMS.finish[i][0], current_value: this.PARAMS.current[i][0], current_time: timeCurrent - this.PARAMS.timeStart, total_time: this.options.time }]); } this._callback(this.options.callback); if (!this.paused) this.PARAMS.timer = setTimeout(this.__go, this.options.step); } else { this.stop(); } } BX.fx.prototype._callback = function(cb) { var tmp = {}; cb = cb || this.options.callback; for (var i in this.PARAMS.current) { tmp[i] = (this.options.allowFloat ? this.PARAMS.current[i][0] : Math.round(this.PARAMS.current[i][0])) + this.PARAMS.current[i][1]; } return cb.apply(this, [null != tmp['_param'] ? tmp._param : tmp]); } BX.fx.prototype.start = function() { var i,value, unit; this.PARAMS.start = {}; this.PARAMS.current = {}; this.PARAMS.finish = {}; for (i in this.options.start) { value = +this.options.start[i]; unit = (this.options.start[i]+'').substring((value+'').length); this.PARAMS.start[i] = [value, unit]; this.PARAMS.current[i] = [value, unit]; this.PARAMS.finish[i] = [+this.options.finish[i], unit]; } this._callback(this.options.callback_start); this._callback(this.options.callback); this.PARAMS.timeStart = new Date().valueOf(); this.PARAMS.timeFinish = this.PARAMS.timeStart + this.options.time; this.PARAMS.timer = setTimeout(BX.delegate(this.go, this), this.options.step); return this; } BX.fx.prototype.pause = function() { if (this.paused) { this.PARAMS.timer = setTimeout(this.__go, this.options.step); this.paused = false; } else { clearTimeout(this.PARAMS.timer); this.paused = true; } } BX.fx.prototype.stop = function(silent) { silent = !!silent; if (this.PARAMS.timer) clearTimeout(this.PARAMS.timer); if (null != this.options.originalTime) this.options.time = this.options.originalTime; if (null != this.options.originalStep) this.options.step = this.options.originalStep; this.PARAMS.current = this.PARAMS.finish; if (!silent) { this._callback(this.options.callback); this._callback(this.options.callback_complete); } } /* type rules of animation - linear - simple linear animation - accelerated - decelerated */ /* params: { start_value, finish_value, current_time, total_time } */ BX.fx.RULES = { linear: function(params) { return params.start_value + (params.current_time/params.total_time) * (params.finish_value - params.start_value); }, decelerated: function(params) { return params.start_value + Math.sqrt(params.current_time/params.total_time) * (params.finish_value - params.start_value); }, accelerated: function(params) { var q = params.current_time/params.total_time; return params.start_value + q * q * (params.finish_value - params.start_value); } } /****************** effects realizaion ************************/ /* type = 'fade' || 'scroll' || 'scale' || 'fold' */ BX.fx.hide = function(el, type, opts) { el = BX(el); if (typeof type == 'object' && null == opts) { opts = type; type = opts.type } if (!opts) opts = {}; if (!BX.type.isNotEmptyString(type)) { el.style.display = 'none'; return; } var fxOptions = BX.fx.EFFECTS[type](el, opts, 0); fxOptions.callback_complete = function () { if (opts.hide !== false) el.style.display = 'none'; if (opts.callback_complete) opts.callback_complete.apply(this, arguments); } return (new BX.fx(fxOptions)).start(); } BX.fx.show = function(el, type, opts) { el = BX(el); if (typeof type == 'object' && null == opts) { opts = type; type = opts.type } if (!opts) opts = {}; if (!BX.type.isNotEmptyString(type)) { el.style.display = 'block'; return; } var fxOptions = BX.fx.EFFECTS[type](el, opts, 1); fxOptions.callback_complete = function () { if (opts.show !== false) el.style.display = 'block'; if (opts.callback_complete) opts.callback_complete.apply(this, arguments); } return (new BX.fx(fxOptions)).start(); } BX.fx.EFFECTS = { scroll: function(el, opts, action) { if (!opts.direction) opts.direction = 'vertical'; var param = opts.direction == 'horizontal' ? 'width' : 'height'; var val = parseInt(BX.style(el, param)); if (isNaN(val)) { val = BX.pos(el)[param]; } if (action == 0) var start = val, finish = opts.min_height ? parseInt(opts.min_height) : 0; else var finish = val, start = opts.min_height ? parseInt(opts.min_height) : 0; return { 'start': start, 'finish': finish, 'time': opts.time || defaultOptions.time, 'type': 'linear', callback_start: function () { if (BX.style(el, 'position') == 'static') el.style.position = 'relative'; el.style.overflow = 'hidden'; el.style[param] = start + 'px'; el.style.display = 'block'; }, callback: function (val) {el.style[param] = val + 'px';} } }, fade: function(el, opts, action) { var fadeOpts = { 'time': opts.time || defaultOptions.time, 'type': action == 0 ? 'decelerated' : 'linear', 'start': action == 0 ? 1 : 0, 'finish': action == 0 ? 0 : 1, 'allowFloat': true }; if (BX.browser.IsIE() && !BX.browser.IsIE9()) { fadeOpts.start *= 100; fadeOpts.finish *= 100; fadeOpts.allowFloat = false; fadeOpts.callback_start = function() { el.style.display = 'block'; el.style.filter += "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(opacity=" + fadeOpts.start + ")"; }; fadeOpts.callback = function (val) { (el.filters['DXImageTransform.Microsoft.alpha']||el.filters.alpha).opacity = val; } } else { fadeOpts.callback_start = function () { el.style.display = 'block'; } fadeOpts.callback = function (val) { el.style.opacity = el.style.KhtmlOpacity = el.style.MozOpacity = val; }; } return fadeOpts; }, fold: function (el, opts, action) // 'fold' is a combination of two consequential 'scroll' hidings. { if (action != 0) return; var pos = BX.pos(el); var coef = pos.height / (pos.width + pos.height); var old_opts = {time: opts.time || defaultOptions.time, callback_complete: opts.callback_complete, hide: opts.hide}; opts.type = 'scroll'; opts.direction = 'vertical'; opts.min_height = opts.min_height || 10; opts.hide = false; opts.time = coef * old_opts.time; opts.callback_complete = function() { el.style.whiteSpace = 'nowrap'; opts.direction = 'horizontal'; opts.min_height = null; opts.time = old_opts.time - opts.time; opts.hide = old_opts.hide; opts.callback_complete = old_opts.callback_complete; BX.fx.hide(el, opts); } return BX.fx.EFFECTS.scroll(el, opts, action); }, scale: function (el, opts, action) { var val = {width: parseInt(BX.style(el, 'width')), height: parseInt(BX.style(el, 'height'))}; if (isNaN(val.width) || isNaN(val.height)) { var pos = BX.pos(el) val = {width: pos.width, height: pos.height}; } if (action == 0) var start = val, finish = {width: 0, height: 0}; else var finish = val, start = {width: 0, height: 0}; return { 'start': start, 'finish': finish, 'time': opts.time || defaultOptions.time, 'type': 'linear', callback_start: function () { el.style.position = 'relative'; el.style.overflow = 'hidden'; el.style.display = 'block'; el.style.height = start.height + 'px'; el.style.width = start.width + 'px'; }, callback: function (val) { el.style.height = val.height + 'px'; el.style.width = val.width + 'px'; } } } } // Color animation // // Set animation rule // BX.fx.colorAnimate.addRule('animationRule1',"#FFF","#faeeb4", "background-color", 100, 1, true); // BX.fx.colorAnimate.addRule('animationRule2',"#fc8282","#ff0000", "color", 100, 1, true); // Params: 1 - animation name, 2 - start color, 3 - end color, 4 - count step, 5 - delay each step, 6 - return color on end animation // // Animate color for element // BX.fx.colorAnimate(BX('element'), 'animationRule1,animationRule2'); var defaultOptionsColorAnimation = { arStack: {}, arRules: {}, globalAnimationId: 0 } BX.fx.colorAnimate = function(element, rule, back) { if (element == null) return; animationId = element.getAttribute('data-animation-id'); if (animationId == null) { animationId = defaultOptionsColorAnimation.globalAnimationId; element.setAttribute('data-animation-id', defaultOptionsColorAnimation.globalAnimationId++); } var aRuleList = rule.split(/\s*,\s*/); for (var j = 0; j < aRuleList.length; j++) { rule = aRuleList[j]; if (!defaultOptionsColorAnimation.arRules[rule]) continue; var i=0; if (!defaultOptionsColorAnimation.arStack[animationId]) { defaultOptionsColorAnimation.arStack[animationId] = {}; } else if (defaultOptionsColorAnimation.arStack[animationId][rule]) { i = defaultOptionsColorAnimation.arStack[animationId][rule].i; clearInterval(defaultOptionsColorAnimation.arStack[animationId][rule].tId); } if ((i==0 && back) || (i==defaultOptionsColorAnimation.arRules[rule][3] && !back)) continue; defaultOptionsColorAnimation.arStack[animationId][rule] = {'i':i, 'element': element, 'tId':setInterval('BX.fx.colorAnimate.run("'+animationId+'","'+rule+'")', defaultOptionsColorAnimation.arRules[rule][4]),'back':Boolean(back)}; } } BX.fx.colorAnimate.addRule = function (rule, startColor, finishColor, cssProp, step, delay, back) { defaultOptionsColorAnimation.arRules[rule] = [ BX.util.hex2rgb(startColor), BX.util.hex2rgb(finishColor), cssProp.replace(/\-(.)/g,function(){return arguments[1].toUpperCase();}), step, delay || 1, back || false ]; }; BX.fx.colorAnimate.run = function(animationId, rule) { element = defaultOptionsColorAnimation.arStack[animationId][rule].element; defaultOptionsColorAnimation.arStack[animationId][rule].i += defaultOptionsColorAnimation.arStack[animationId][rule].back?-1:1; var finishPercent = defaultOptionsColorAnimation.arStack[animationId][rule].i/defaultOptionsColorAnimation.arRules[rule][3]; var startPercent = 1 - finishPercent; var aRGBStart = defaultOptionsColorAnimation.arRules[rule][0]; var aRGBFinish = defaultOptionsColorAnimation.arRules[rule][1]; element.style[defaultOptionsColorAnimation.arRules[rule][2]] = 'rgb('+ Math.floor( aRGBStart['r'] * startPercent + aRGBFinish['r'] * finishPercent ) + ','+ Math.floor( aRGBStart['g'] * startPercent + aRGBFinish['g'] * finishPercent ) + ','+ Math.floor( aRGBStart['b'] * startPercent + aRGBFinish['b'] * finishPercent ) +')'; if ( defaultOptionsColorAnimation.arStack[animationId][rule].i == defaultOptionsColorAnimation.arRules[rule][3] || defaultOptionsColorAnimation.arStack[animationId][rule].i ==0) { clearInterval(defaultOptionsColorAnimation.arStack[animationId][rule].tId); if (defaultOptionsColorAnimation.arRules[rule][5]) BX.fx.colorAnimate(defaultOptionsColorAnimation.arStack[animationId][rule].element, rule, true); } } /* options = { delay: 100, duration : 3000, start : { scroll : document.body.scrollTop, left : 0, opacity : 100 }, finish : { scroll : document.body.scrollHeight, left : 500, opacity : 10 }, transition : BitrixAnimation.makeEaseOut(BitrixAnimation.transitions.quart), step : function(state) { document.body.scrollTop = state.scroll; button.style.left = state.left + "px"; button.style.opacity = state.opacity / 100; }, complete : function() { button.style.background = "green"; } } options = { delay : 20, duration : 4000, transition : BXAnimation.makeEaseOut(BXAnimation.transitions.quart), progress : function(progress) { document.body.scrollTop = Math.round(topMax * progress); button.style.left = Math.round(leftMax * progress) + "px"; button.style.opacity = (100 + Math.round((opacityMin - 100) * progress)) / 100; }, complete : function() { button.style.background = "green"; } } */ BX.easing = function(options) { this.options = options; this.timer = null; }; BX.easing.prototype.animate = function() { if (!this.options || !this.options.start || !this.options.finish || typeof(this.options.start) != "object" || typeof(this.options.finish) != "object" ) return null; for (var propName in this.options.start) { if (typeof(this.options.finish[propName]) == "undefined") { delete this.options.start[propName]; } } this.options.progress = function(progress) { var state = {}; for (var propName in this.start) state[propName] = Math.round(this.start[propName] + (this.finish[propName] - this.start[propName]) * progress); if (this.step) { this.step(state); } }; this.animateProgress(); }; BX.easing.prototype.stop = function(completed) { if (this.timer) { cancelAnimationFrame(this.timer); this.timer = null; if (completed) { this.options.complete && this.options.complete(); } } }; BX.easing.prototype.animateProgress = function() { if (!window.requestAnimationFrame) { //For old browsers we skip animation this.options.progress(1); this.options.complete && this.options.complete(); return; } var start = null; var delta = this.options.transition || BX.easing.transitions.linear; var duration = this.options.duration || 1000; var animation = BX.proxy(function(time) { if (start === null) { start = time; } var progress = (time - start) / duration; if (progress > 1) { progress = 1; } this.options.progress(delta(progress)); if (progress == 1) { this.stop(true); } else { this.timer = requestAnimationFrame(animation); } }, this); this.timer = requestAnimationFrame(animation); }; BX.easing.makeEaseInOut = function(delta) { return function(progress) { if (progress < 0.5) return delta( 2 * progress ) / 2; else return (2 - delta( 2 * (1-progress) ) ) / 2; } }; BX.easing.makeEaseOut = function(delta) { return function(progress) { return 1 - delta(1 - progress); }; }; BX.easing.transitions = { linear : function(progress) { return progress; }, quad : function(progress) { return Math.pow(progress, 2); }, cubic : function(progress) { return Math.pow(progress, 3); }, quart : function(progress) { return Math.pow(progress, 4); }, quint : function(progress) { return Math.pow(progress, 5); }, circ : function(progress) { return 1 - Math.sin(Math.acos(progress)); }, back : function(progress) { return Math.pow(progress, 2) * ((1.5 + 1) * progress - 1.5); }, elastic: function(progress) { return Math.pow(2, 10 * (progress-1)) * Math.cos(20 * Math.PI * 1.5/3 * progress); }, bounce : function(progress) { for(var a = 0, b = 1; 1; a += b, b /= 2) { if (progress >= (7 - 4 * a) / 11) { return -Math.pow((11 - 6 * a - 11 * progress) / 4, 2) + Math.pow(b, 2); } } }}; })(window);