Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/js/main/core/core_uploader/ |
Current File : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/js/main/core/core_uploader/uploader.js |
;(function(window){ if (window.BX["Uploader"]) return; var BX = window.BX, statuses = { "new" : 0, ready : 1, preparing : 2, inprogress : 3, done : 4, failed : 5, error : 5.2, stopped : 6, changed : 7, uploaded : 8}, repo = {}, settings = { phpPostMinSize : 5.5 * 1024 * 1024, // Bytes phpUploadMaxFilesize : 5 * 1024 * 1024, // Bytes 5MB because of Cloud phpPostMaxSize : 11 * 1024 * 1024, // Bytes estimatedTimeForUploadFile : 10 * 60, // in sec maxTimeForUploadFile : 15 * 60, // in sec maxSize : null }; BX.UploaderManager = function() { }; BX.UploaderManager.getById = function(id) { return ( typeof repo[id] != 'undefined' ? repo[id] : false ) }; /** * @params array * @params[input] - BX(id). * DOM-node with id="uploader_somehash" should exist and will be replaced * * @params[dropZone] - DOM node to drag&drop * @params[placeHolder] - DOM node to append files * */ BX.Uploader = function(params) { if (settings.maxSize === null && BX.message["bxDiskQuota"] && BX.message("bxDiskQuota")) settings.maxSize = parseInt(BX.message("bxDiskQuota")); var ii; if (!(typeof params == "object" && params && (BX(params["input"]) || params["input"] === null))) { BX.debug(BX.message("UPLOADER_INPUT_IS_NOT_DEFINED")); } else { if (parseInt(BX.message("phpMaxFileUploads")) <= 0) ii = {phpMaxFileUploads : '20'}; if (parseInt(BX.message('phpPostMaxSize')) <= 0) { ii = (ii || {}); ii["phpPostMaxSize"] = settings.phpPostMaxSize + ''; } if (parseInt(BX.message('phpUploadMaxFilesize')) <= 0) { ii = (ii || {}); ii["phpUploadMaxFilesize"] = settings.phpUploadMaxFilesize + ''; } if (ii) BX.message(ii); this.fileInput = (params["input"] === null ? null : BX(params["input"])); this.controlID = this.controlId = (params["controlId"] || "bitrixUploader"); this.dialogName = "BX.Uploader"; this.id = (BX.type.isNotEmptyString(params["id"]) ? params["id"] : Math.random()); this.CID = (params["CID"] && BX.type.isNotEmptyString(params["CID"]) ? params["CID"] : ("CID" + BX.UploaderUtils.getId())); this.streams = new BX.UploaderStreams(params['streams'], this); // Limits this.limits = { phpMaxFileUploads : parseInt(BX.message('phpMaxFileUploads')), phpPostMaxSize : Math.min(parseInt(BX.message('phpPostMaxSize')), settings.phpPostMaxSize), phpUploadMaxFilesize : Math.min(parseInt(BX.message('phpUploadMaxFilesize')), settings.phpUploadMaxFilesize), uploadMaxFilesize : (params["uploadMaxFilesize"] && params["uploadMaxFilesize"] > 0 ? params["uploadMaxFilesize"] : 0), uploadFileWidth : (params["uploadFileWidth"] && params["uploadFileWidth"] > 0 ? params["uploadFileWidth"] : 0), uploadFileHeight : (params["uploadFileHeight"] && params["uploadFileHeight"] > 0 ? params["uploadFileHeight"] : 0), allowUpload : ((params["allowUpload"] == "A" || params["allowUpload"] == "I" || params["allowUpload"] == "F") ? params["allowUpload"] : "A"), allowUploadExt : (typeof params["allowUploadExt"] === "string" ? params["allowUploadExt"] : "")}; var keys = ["phpMaxFileUploads", "phpPostMaxSize", "phpUploadMaxFilesize"]; for (ii = 0; ii < keys.length; ii++) { this.limits[keys[ii]] = (typeof params[keys[ii]] == "number" && params[keys[ii]] < this.limits[keys[ii]] ? params[keys[ii]] : this.limits[keys[ii]]); } this.limits["phpPostSize"] = Math.min(this.limits["phpPostMaxSize"], settings.phpPostMinSize); // ALLOW_UPLOAD = 'A'll files | 'I'mages | 'F'iles with selected extensions // ALLOW_UPLOAD_EXT = comma-separated list of allowed file extensions (ALLOW_UPLOAD='F') this.limits["uploadFile"] = (params["allowUpload"] == "I" ? "image/*" : ""); this.limits["uploadFileExt"] = this.limits["allowUploadExt"]; if (this.limits["uploadFileExt"].length > 0) { var ext = this.limits["uploadFileExt"].split(this.limits["uploadFileExt"].indexOf(",") >= 0 ? "," : " "); for (ii = 0; ii < ext.length; ii++) ext[ii] = (ext[ii].charAt(0) == "." ? ext[ii].substr(1) : ext[ii]); this.limits["uploadFileExt"] = ext.join(","); } this.params = params; this.params["filesInputName"] = (this.fileInput && this.fileInput["name"] ? this.fileInput["name"] : "FILES"); this.params["filesInputMultiple"] = (this.fileInput && this.fileInput["multiple"] || this.params["filesInputMultiple"] ? "multiple" : false); this.params["uploadFormData"] = (this.params["uploadFormData"] == "N" ? "N" : "Y"); this.params["uploadMethod"] = (this.params["uploadMethod"] == "immediate" ? "immediate" : "deferred"); // Should we start upload immediately or by event this.params["uploadFilesForPackage"] = parseInt(this.params["uploadFilesForPackage"] > 0 ? this.params["uploadFilesForPackage"] : 0); this.params["imageExt"] = "jpg,bmp,jpeg,jpe,gif,png"; this.params["uploadInputName"] = (!!this.params["uploadInputName"] ? this.params["uploadInputName"] : "bxu_files"); this.params["uploadInputInfoName"] = (!!this.params["uploadInputInfoName"] ? this.params["uploadInputInfoName"] : "bxu_info"); this.params["deleteFileOnServer"] = !(this.params["deleteFileOnServer"] === false || this.params["deleteFileOnServer"] === "N"); this.params["pasteFileHashInForm"] = !(this.params["pasteFileHashInForm"] === false || this.params["pasteFileHashInForm"] === "N"); repo[this.id] = this; if (this.init(this.fileInput)) // init fileInput { if (!!params["dropZone"]) this.initDropZone(BX(params["dropZone"])); if (!!params["events"]) { for(ii in params["events"]) { if (params["events"].hasOwnProperty(ii)) { BX.UploaderUtils.bindEvents(this, ii, params["events"][ii]); } } } this.uploadFileUrl = (!!params["uploadFileUrl"] ? params["uploadFileUrl"] : (this.form ? this.form.getAttribute("action") : "")); if (!this.uploadFileUrl || this.uploadFileUrl.length <= 0) { BX.debug(BX.message("UPLOADER_ACTION_URL_NOT_DEFINED")); } this.status = statuses.ready; /* This params only for files. They are here for easy way to change them */ this.fileFields = params["fields"]; this.fileCopies = params["copies"]; var queueFields = (!!params["queueFields"] ? params["queueFields"] : {}); queueFields["placeHolder"] = BX(queueFields["placeHolder"] || params["placeHolder"]); queueFields["showImage"] = (queueFields["showImage"] || params["showImage"]); queueFields["sortItems"] = (queueFields["sortItems"] || params["sortItems"]); queueFields["thumb"] = (queueFields["thumb"] || params["thumb"]); this.queue = new BX.UploaderQueue(queueFields, this.limits, this); this.params["doWeHaveStorage"] = true; BX.addCustomEvent(this, 'onDone', BX.delegate(function(){ this.init(this.fileInput); }, this)); if (!!this.params["filesInputName"] && this.params["pasteFileHashInForm"]) { BX.addCustomEvent(this, 'onFileIsUploaded', BX.delegate(function(id, item){ var node = BX.create("INPUT", {props : { type : "hidden", name : this.params["filesInputName"] + '[]', value : item.hash }}); if (BX(params["placeHolder"]) && BX(id + 'Item')) BX(id + 'Item').appendChild(node); else if (this.fileInput !== null) this.fileInput.parentNode.insertBefore(node, this.fileInput); }, this)); } if (this.params["deleteFileOnServer"]) { BX.addCustomEvent(this, 'onFileIsDeleted', BX.delegate(function(id, file){ if (!!file && !!file.hash) { var data = this.preparePost({mode : "delete", hash : file.hash}, false); BX.ajax.get( this.uploadFileUrl, data.data ); } }, this)); } BX.onCustomEvent(window, "onUploaderIsInited", [this.id, this]); this.uploads = new BX.UploaderUtils.Hash(); this.upload = null; if (this.params["bindBeforeUnload"] === false) { this.__beforeunload = BX.delegate(this.terminate, this); } else { this.__beforeunload = BX.delegate(function(e) { if (this.uploads && this.uploads.length > 0) { var confirmationMessage = BX.message("UPLOADER_UPLOADING_ONBEFOREUNLOAD"); (e || window.event).returnValue = confirmationMessage; return confirmationMessage; } }, this); } BX.bind(window, 'beforeunload', this.__beforeunload); } } }; BX.Uploader.prototype = { init : function(fileInput) { this.log('input is initialized'); if (BX(fileInput)) { if (fileInput == this.fileInput && !this.form) this.form = this.fileInput.form; if (fileInput == this.fileInput) fileInput = this.fileInput = this.mkFileInput(fileInput); else fileInput = this.mkFileInput(fileInput); BX.onCustomEvent(this, "onFileinputIsReinited", [fileInput, this]); if (fileInput) { BX.bind(fileInput, "change", BX.delegate(this.onChange, this)); return true; } } else if (fileInput === null && this.fileInput === null) { this.log('Initialized && null'); return true; } return false; }, destruct : function () { this.releaseDropZone(); }, log : function(text) { BX.UploaderUtils.log('uploader', text); }, initDropZone : function(node) { var dropZone = null; if (!!BX.DD && BX.type.isDomNode(node) && node.parentNode) { dropZone = new BX.DD.dropFiles(node); if (dropZone && dropZone.supported() && BX.ajax.FormData.isSupported()) { dropZone.f = { dropFiles : BX.delegate(function(files, e) { if (e && e["dataTransfer"] && e["dataTransfer"]["items"] && e["dataTransfer"]["items"].length > 0) { var dt = e["dataTransfer"], ii, entry, fileCopy = [], replace = false; for (ii = 0; ii < dt["items"].length; ii++) { if (dt["items"][ii]["webkitGetAsEntry"] && dt["items"][ii]["getAsFile"]) { replace = true; entry = dt["items"][ii]["webkitGetAsEntry"](); if (entry && entry.isFile) { fileCopy.push(dt["items"][ii]["getAsFile"]()); } } } if (replace) files = fileCopy; } this.onChange(files); }, this), dragEnter : function(e) { var isFileTransfer = false; if (e && e["dataTransfer"] && e["dataTransfer"]["types"]) { for (var i = 0; i < e["dataTransfer"]["types"].length; i++) { if (e["dataTransfer"]["types"][i] === "Files") { isFileTransfer = true; break; } } } if (isFileTransfer) BX.addClass(dropZone.DIV, "bxu-file-input-over"); }, dragLeave : function() { BX.removeClass(dropZone.DIV, "bxu-file-input-over"); } }; BX.addCustomEvent(dropZone, 'dropFiles', dropZone.f.dropFiles); BX.addCustomEvent(dropZone, 'dragEnter', dropZone.f.dragEnter); BX.addCustomEvent(dropZone, 'dragLeave' , dropZone.f.dragLeave); } if (this.params["dropZone"] == node) { this.dropZone = dropZone; } } return dropZone; }, releaseDropZone : function() { if (this.dropZone) { BX.unbindAll(this.dropZone.DIV); this.dropZone.DIV.removeAttribute('dropzone'); BX.removeCustomEvent(this.dropZone, 'dropFiles', this.dropZone.f.dropFiles); BX.removeCustomEvent(this.dropZone, 'dragEnter', this.dropZone.f.dragEnter); BX.removeCustomEvent(this.dropZone, 'dragLeave' , this.dropZone.f.dragLeave); delete this.dropZone.f.dropFiles; delete this.dropZone.f.dragEnter; delete this.dropZone.f.dragLeave; delete this.dropZone._cancelLeave; delete this.dropZone._prepareLeave; delete this.dropZone; } }, onAttach : function(files, nodes, check) { check = (check !== false); if (typeof files !== "undefined" && files.length > 0) { if (!this.params["doWeHaveStorage"]) this.queue.clear(); if (!BX.type.isArray(files)) // FileList { var result = []; for (var j=0; j < files.length; j++) { result.push(files[j]); } files = result; } BX.onCustomEvent(this, "onAttachFiles", [files, nodes, this]); var added = false, ext, type; nodes = (typeof nodes == "object" && !!nodes && nodes.length > 0 ? nodes : []); for (var i=0, f; i < files.length; i++) { f = files[i]; if (BX(f) && f.value) { ext = (f.value.name || '').split('.').pop(); } else { ext = (f['name'] || f['tmp_url'] || '').split('.').pop(); if (ext.indexOf('?') > 0) ext = ext.substr(0, ext.indexOf('?')); } ext = (BX.type.isNotEmptyString(ext) ? ext : '').toLowerCase(); type = (BX.type.isNotEmptyString(f['type']) ? f['type'] : '').toLowerCase(); if ( check && ( ( this.limits["uploadFile"] == "image/*" && ( (BX.type.isNotEmptyString(type) && type.indexOf("image/") !== 0) || (!BX.type.isNotEmptyString(type) && this.params["imageExt"].indexOf(ext) < 0) ) ) || ( this.limits["uploadFileExt"].length > 0 && this.limits["uploadFileExt"].indexOf(ext) < 0 ) ) ) { continue; } BX.onCustomEvent(this, "onItemIsAdded", [f, (nodes[i] || null), this]); added = true; } if (added) { BX.onCustomEvent(this, "onItemsAreAdded", [this]); if (this.params["uploadMethod"] == "immediate") this.submit(); } } return false; }, onChange : function(fileInput) { BX.onCustomEvent(this, "onFileinputWillBeChanged", [fileInput, this]); BX.PreventDefault(fileInput); var files = fileInput; if (fileInput && fileInput.target) files = fileInput.target.files; else if (!fileInput && BX(this.fileInput)) files = this.fileInput.files; if (BX(this.fileInput) && this.fileInput.disabled) { BX.DoNothing(); } else { BX.onCustomEvent(this, "onFileinputIsChanged", [fileInput, this]); this.init((fileInput && fileInput["target"] ? fileInput.target : fileInput)); this.onAttach(files); } return false; }, mkFileInput : function(oldNode) { if (!BX(oldNode)) return false; BX.unbindAll(oldNode); var node = oldNode.cloneNode(true); BX.adjust(node, { props : { value : "" }, attrs: { name: (this.params["uploadInputName"] + '[]'), multiple : this.params["filesInputMultiple"], accept : this.limits["uploadFile"], value : "" }}); oldNode.parentNode.insertBefore(node, oldNode); oldNode.parentNode.removeChild(oldNode); return node; }, preparePost : function(data, prepareForm) { var siteId = (BX.message.SITE_ID ? BX.message("SITE_ID") : ""); if (prepareForm === true && this.params["uploadFormData"] == "Y" && !this.post) { var post2 = {data : {"AJAX_POST" : "Y", SITE_ID : siteId, USER_ID : BX.message("USER_ID")}, filesCount : 0, size : 10}; post2 = (this.form ? BX.UploaderUtils.FormToArray(this.form, post2) : post2); if (!!post2.data[this.params["filesInputName"]]) { post2.data[this.params["filesInputName"]] = null; delete post2.data[this.params["filesInputName"]]; } if (!!post2.data[this.params["uploadInputInfoName"]]) { post2.data[this.params["uploadInputInfoName"]] = null; delete post2.data[this.params["uploadInputInfoName"]]; } if (!!post2.data[this.params["uploadInputName"]]) { post2.filesCount -= post2.data[this.params["uploadInputName"]].length; post2.data[this.params["uploadInputName"]] = null; delete post2.data[this.params["uploadInputName"]]; } if (this.limits["phpMaxFileUploads"] <= post2.filesCount) { BX.debug('You can not upload any file from your list.'); return false; } post2.size = BX.UploaderUtils.sizeof(post2.data); this.post = post2; } var post = (prepareForm === true && this.params["uploadFormData"] == "Y" ? this.post : {data : {"AJAX_POST" : "Y", SITE_ID : siteId, USER_ID : BX.message("USER_ID")}, filesCount : 0, size : 10}), size = 0; post.data["sessid"] = BX.bitrix_sessid(); post.size += (6 + BX.bitrix_sessid().length); if (data) { post.data[this.params["uploadInputInfoName"]] = { controlId : this.controlId, CID : this.CID, inputName : this.params["uploadInputName"], version : BX.Uploader.getVersion() }; for (var ii in data) { if (data.hasOwnProperty(ii)) { post.data[this.params["uploadInputInfoName"]][ii] = data[ii]; } } size = BX.UploaderUtils.sizeof(this.params["uploadInputInfoName"]) + BX.UploaderUtils.sizeof(post.data[this.params["uploadInputInfoName"]]); } post.length = post.size + size; return post; }, submit : function() { this.start(); }, stop : function() { this.terminate(); }, adjustProcess : function(streamId, item, status, params, pIndex) { var text = '', percent = 0; if (this.queue.itFailed.hasItem(item.id)) { text = 'response [we do not work with errors]'; } else if (status == statuses.error) { delete item.progress; this.queue.itFailed.setItem(item.id, item); this.queue.itForUpload.removeItem(item.id); BX.onCustomEvent(this, "onFileIsUploadedWithError", [item.id, item, params, this, pIndex]); BX.onCustomEvent(item, "onUploadError", [item, params, this, pIndex]); text = 'response [error]'; } else if (status == statuses.uploaded) { delete item.progress; this.queue.itUploaded.setItem(item.id, item); this.queue.itForUpload.removeItem(item.id); BX.onCustomEvent(this, "onFileIsUploaded", [item.id, item, params, this, pIndex]); BX.onCustomEvent(item, "onUploadDone", [item, params, this, pIndex]); text = 'response [uploaded]'; } else if (status == statuses.inprogress) { if (typeof params == "number") { if (params == 0 && item.progress.status == statuses["new"]) { BX.onCustomEvent(item, "onUploadStart", [item, 0, this, pIndex]); item.progress.status = statuses.inprogress; } percent = item.progress.uploaded + (item.progress.streams[streamId] * params) / 100; } else { item.progress.uploaded += item.progress.streams[streamId]; item.progress.streams[streamId] = 0; percent = item.progress.uploaded; } text = 'response [uploading]. Uploaded: ' + percent; BX.onCustomEvent(item, "onUploadProgress", [item, percent, this, pIndex]); } else if (status == statuses.failed) { if (item.progress.streams[streamId] == item.progress.percentPerChunk) { item.progress = null; delete item.progress; } else { item.progress.streams[streamId] -= item.progress.percentPerChunk / params.packages; item.progress.streams[streamId] = (item.progress.streams[streamId] > 0 ? item.progress.streams[streamId] : 0); } } else { if (status == statuses["new"]) { var chunks = (item.getThumbs("getCount") > 0 ? item.getThumbs("getCount") : 0) + 2;// props + (default canvas || file) item.progress = { percentPerChunk : (100 / chunks), streams : {}, uploaded : 0, status : statuses["new"] }; item.progress.streams[streamId] = item.progress.percentPerChunk; text = 'request preparing [start]. Prepared: ' + item.progress.streams[streamId]; } else if (status == statuses.preparing) { item.progress.streams[streamId] = (item.progress.streams[streamId] > 0 ? item.progress.streams[streamId] : 0); item.progress.streams[streamId] += item.progress.percentPerChunk / params.packages; text += 'request preparing [cont]. Prepared: ' + item.progress.streams[streamId]; } else { text = 'request preparing [finish]. '; } BX.onCustomEvent(item, "onUploadPrepared", [item, params, this, pIndex]); } this.log(item.name + ': ' + text); }, terminate : function(pIndex) { var packageFormer, packagesFormer; if (!pIndex || pIndex == 'beforeunload') { packagesFormer = this.uploads; this.uploads = new BX.UploaderUtils.Hash(); this.upload = null; while ((packageFormer = packagesFormer.getFirst()) && packageFormer) { packagesFormer.removeItem(packageFormer.id); this.terminate(packageFormer); } return; } else if (BX.type.isNotEmptyString(pIndex)) { packageFormer = this.uploads.removeItem(pIndex); } else if (typeof pIndex == "object") { packageFormer = pIndex; } if (packageFormer && packageFormer["stop"]) { packageFormer.stop(); this.log(packageFormer.id + ' Uploading is canceled'); BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'onTerminated', [packageFormer.id, packageFormer]); } }, start : function() { if (this.queue.itForUpload.length <= 0) { BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'onStart', [null, {filesCount : 0}, this]); BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'onDone', [null, null, {filesCount : 0}]); BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'onFinish', [null, null, {filesCount : 0}]); return; } var pIndex = 'pIndex' + BX.UploaderUtils.getId(), queue = this.queue.itForUpload; this.queue.itForUpload = new BX.UploaderUtils.Hash(); this.post = false; this.log('create new package ' + pIndex); var packageFormer = new BX.UploaderPackage({ id : pIndex, data : queue, post : this.preparePost({}, true), uploadFileUrl : this.uploadFileUrl, limits : this.limits, params : this.params }, this); BX.addCustomEvent(packageFormer, 'adjustProcess', BX.proxy(this.adjustProcess, this)); BX.addCustomEvent(packageFormer, 'startStream', BX.proxy(function(stream, pack, files){ BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'startPackage', [stream, pack.id, files]); }, this)); BX.addCustomEvent(packageFormer, 'progressStream', BX.proxy(function(stream, pack, proc){ BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'processPackage', [stream, pack.id, proc]); }, this)); BX.addCustomEvent(packageFormer, 'doneStream', BX.proxy(function(stream, pack, data){ BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'donePackage', [stream, pack.id, data]); }, this)); BX.addCustomEvent(packageFormer, 'stopPackage', BX.proxy(function(pack){ this.log('restore files: '+ pack.data.length); this.queue.restoreFiles(pack.data); }, this)); BX.addCustomEvent(packageFormer, 'donePackage', BX.proxy(function(stream, pack, data){ BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'onDone', [stream, pack.id, pack, data]); var res = this.checkUploads(pack.id); if (!res) BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'onFinish', [stream, pack.id, pack, data]); }, this)); BX.addCustomEvent(packageFormer, 'errorPackage', BX.proxy(function(stream, pack, data){ BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'error', [stream, pIndex, data]); BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'onError', [stream, pIndex, data]); this.checkUploads(pack.id); }, this)); BX.addCustomEvent(packageFormer, 'processPackage', BX.proxy(function(stream, pack, procent){ BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'processPackage', [stream, pack, procent]); }, this)); BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'onStart', [pIndex, packageFormer, this]); this.uploads.setItem(pIndex, packageFormer); this.checkUploads(); }, checkUploads : function(pIndex) { if (pIndex) this.uploads.removeItem(pIndex); this.upload = this.uploads.getFirst(); if (this.upload) this.upload.start(this.streams); return this.upload; }, // public functions getItem : function(id) { return this.queue.getItem(id); }, getItems : function() { return this.queue.items; }, restoreItems : function() { this.queue.restoreFiles.apply(this.queue, arguments); }, clear : function() { var item; while((item = this.queue.items.getFirst()) && item) { item.deleteFile(); } } }; BX.UploaderSimple = function(params) { BX.UploaderSimple.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); this.dialogName = "BX.UploaderSimple"; this.previews = new BX.UploaderUtils.Hash(); if (this.params["uploadMethod"] != "immediate") { BX.addCustomEvent(this, "onFileNeedsPreview", BX.delegate(function(id, item) { this.previews.setItem(item.id, item); this.log('onFileNeedsPreview: ' + item.id); setTimeout(BX.delegate(this.onFileNeedsPreview, this), 500); }, this)); BX.addCustomEvent(this, "onStart", BX.delegate(function(pIndex, packageFormer) { if (packageFormer && packageFormer.filesCount > 0) { var queue = packageFormer.raw.getIds(), ii; for (ii = 0; ii < queue.length; ii++) { this.previews.removeItem(queue[ii]); } } }, this)); } else { BX.addCustomEvent(this, "onFileIsUploaded", BX.delegate(function(id, item, data) { this.dealWithFile(item, data); }, this)); } this.streams = new BX.UploaderStreams(1, this); return this; }; BX.extend(BX.UploaderSimple, BX.Uploader); BX.UploaderSimple.prototype.preparePost = function() { var post = BX.UploaderSimple.superclass.preparePost.apply(this, arguments); if (post && post.data && post.data[this.params["uploadInputInfoName"]] && !post.data[this.params["uploadInputInfoName"]]["simpleUploader"]) { post.data[this.params["uploadInputInfoName"]]["simpleUploader"] = "Y"; post.size += 15; } return post; }; BX.UploaderSimple.prototype.init = function(fileInput, del) { this.log('input is initialized: ' + (del !== false ? 'drop' : ' does not drop')); if (BX(fileInput)) { if (fileInput == this.fileInput && !this.form) this.form = this.fileInput.form; if (fileInput == this.fileInput) fileInput = this.fileInput = this.mkFileInput(fileInput, del); else fileInput = this.mkFileInput(fileInput, del); BX.onCustomEvent(this, "onFileinputIsReinited", [fileInput, this]); if (fileInput) { BX.bind(fileInput, "change", BX.delegate(this.onChange, this)); return true; } } else if (fileInput === null && this.fileInput === null) { this.log('Initialized && null'); return true; } return false; }; BX.UploaderSimple.prototype.log = function(text) { BX.UploaderUtils.log('simpleup', text); }; BX.UploaderSimple.prototype.mkFileInput = function(oldNode, del) { if (!BX(oldNode)) return false; BX.unbindAll(oldNode); var node = oldNode.cloneNode(true); BX.adjust(node, { attrs: { id : "", name: (this.params["uploadInputName"] + '[file' + BX.UploaderUtils.getId() + '][default]'), multiple : false, accept : this.limits["uploadFile"] }}); oldNode.parentNode.insertBefore(node, oldNode); if (del !== false) oldNode.parentNode.removeChild(oldNode); return node; }; BX.UploaderSimple.prototype.onChange = function(fileInput) { BX.PreventDefault(fileInput); fileInput = (fileInput.target || fileInput.srcElement || this.fileInput); if (BX(this.fileInput) && this.fileInput.disabled) { BX.DoNothing(); } else { this.init(fileInput, false); this.onAttach([fileInput]); } return false; }; BX.UploaderSimple.prototype.dealWithFile = function(item, data) { var file; if (data && data["status"] == "uploaded" && data["hash"] && data["file"] && data["file"]["files"] && data["file"]["files"]["default"]) { file = data["file"]["files"]["default"]; } if (file) { item.file = { "name" : file["name"], "~name" : file["~name"], size : parseInt(file["size"]), type : file["type"], id : item.id, hash : data["hash"], copy : "default", url : file["url"], uploadStatus : statuses.done }; item.nonProcessRun = true; BX.onCustomEvent(item, "onFileHasGotPreview", [item.id, item]); } else { BX.onCustomEvent(item, "onFileHasNotGotPreview", [item.id, item]); } }; BX.UploaderSimple.prototype.onFileNeedsPreviewCallback = function(pack, data) { if (!(data && data["files"])) { this.log('onFileNeedsPreviewCallback is failed.'); return; } this.log('onFileNeedsPreviewCallback'); this.onFileNeedsPreview(); var item; while((item = pack.result.getFirst()) && !!item) { pack.result.removeItem(item.id); this.dealWithFile(item, data["files"][item.id]); } }; BX.UploaderSimple.prototype.onFileNeedsPreview = function() { this.log('onFileNeedsPreview'); var queue = new BX.UploaderUtils.Hash(), item; while (queue.length < this.limits["phpMaxFileUploads"] && (item = this.previews.getFirst()) && item && item !== null) { this.previews.removeItem(item.id); queue.setItem(item.id, item); } if (queue.length > 0) { this.post = false; var pIndex = 'pIndex' + BX.UploaderUtils.getId(); this.log('create new package for preview ' + pIndex); var packageFormer = new BX.UploaderPackage({ id : pIndex, data : queue, post : this.preparePost({type : "brief"}, true), uploadFileUrl : this.uploadFileUrl, limits : this.limits, params : this.params }); packageFormer["SimpleUploaderUploadsPreview"] = "Y"; BX.addCustomEvent(packageFormer, 'adjustProcess', BX.proxy(function(streamId, item, status, params, pIndex) { if (status == statuses.error) { this.adjustProcess(streamId, item, status, params, pIndex); } }, this)); BX.addCustomEvent(packageFormer, 'startStream', BX.proxy(function(stream, pack, files){ BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'startPackagePreview', [stream, pack.id, files]); }, this)); BX.addCustomEvent(packageFormer, 'progressStream', BX.proxy(function(stream, pack, proc){ BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'processPackagePreview', [stream, pack.id, proc]); }, this)); BX.addCustomEvent(packageFormer, 'doneStream', BX.proxy(function(stream, pack, data){ BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'donePackagePreview', [stream, pack.id, data]); }, this)); BX.addCustomEvent(packageFormer, 'stopPackage', BX.proxy(function(pack){ // this.log('restore preview files: ', pack.repo.length); // this.queue.restoreFiles(pack.repo); }, this)); BX.addCustomEvent(packageFormer, 'donePackage', BX.proxy(function(stream, pack, data){ this.checkUploads(pack.id); this.onFileNeedsPreviewCallback(pack, data); }, this)); BX.addCustomEvent(packageFormer, 'errorPackage', BX.proxy(function(stream, pack, data){ BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'error', [stream, pIndex, data]); BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'onError', [stream, pIndex, data]); this.checkUploads(pack.id); }, this)); BX.addCustomEvent(packageFormer, 'processPackage', BX.proxy(function(stream, pack, procent){ BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'processPackagePreview', [stream, pack, procent]); }, this)); BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'onStartPreview', [pIndex, packageFormer, this]); this.uploads.setItem(pIndex, packageFormer); this.checkUploads(); } }; BX.Uploader.isSupported = function() { return (window.Blob || window["MozBlobBuilder"] || window["WebKitBlobBuilder"] || window["BlobBuilder"]); }; var objName = "BX.UploaderSimple"; if (BX.Uploader.isSupported()) objName = "BX.Uploader"; BX.Uploader.getInstanceName = function() { return objName; }; BX.Uploader.getInstance = function(params) { BX.onCustomEvent(window, "onUploaderIsAlmostInited", [objName, params]); return eval("new " + objName + "(params);"); }; BX.UploaderPackage = function(params, manager) { this.filesCount = 0; this.length = 0; params = (params || {}); this["pIndex"] = this.id = params["id"]; this.limits = params["limits"]; this.params = params["params"]; this.status = statuses.ready; if (params["data"] && params.data.length > 0) { /** * this.length integer * this.repo BX.UploaderUtils.Hash() * this.raw BX.UploaderUtils.Hash() * this.data BX.UploaderUtils.Hash() */ this.length = params.data.length; this.filesCount = params.data.length; this.uploadFileUrl = params["uploadFileUrl"]; this.raw = params.data; this.repo = new BX.UploaderUtils.Hash(); this.data = new BX.UploaderUtils.Hash(); this.result = new BX.UploaderUtils.Hash(); this.init(); this.post = params["post"]; if (!this.post) { var item; while ((item = this.raw.getFirst()) && item) { this.adjustProcess(null, item, statuses.error, {error : BX.message("UPLOADER_UPLOADING_ERROR2")}); this.raw.removeItem(item.id); } BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'errorPackage', [null, this, null]); } else { var ii, data = { packageIndex : this.id, filesCount : this.filesCount, mode : "upload" }; for (ii in data) { if (data.hasOwnProperty(ii)) { this.post.data[this.params["uploadInputInfoName"]][ii] = data[ii]; this.post.size += BX.UploaderUtils.sizeof(ii) + BX.UploaderUtils.sizeof(data[ii]); } } this.post.startSize = this.post.size; BX.onCustomEvent(this, "initializePackage", [this, this.data]); if (manager) BX.onCustomEvent(manager, "onPackageIsInitialized", [this, this.data]); this.log('initialize'); } } this._exec = BX.delegate(this.exec, this); }; BX.UploaderPackage.prototype = { checkFile : function(item) { var error = ""; if (item.file) { if (this.limits["uploadMaxFilesize"] > 0 && item.file.size > this.limits["uploadMaxFilesize"]) { error = BX.message('FILE_BAD_SIZE') + ' (' + BX.UploaderUtils.getFormattedSize(this.limits["uploadMaxFilesize"], 2) + ')'; } else if (settings.maxSize !== null && item.file.size > settings.maxSize) { error = BX.message('UPLOADER_UPLOADING_ERROR6'); } } return error; }, packStream : function(stream) { if (stream.filesSize <= 0) return null; var fd = new BX.UploaderUtils.FormData(), item, data = this.post.data, files = stream.files, res; for (item in data) { if (data.hasOwnProperty(item)) { BX.UploaderUtils.appendToForm(fd, item, data[item]); } } for (var id in files) { if (files.hasOwnProperty(id)) { data = files[id]; if (!!data.props) { res = BX.UploaderUtils.prepareData(data.props); for (item in res) { if (res.hasOwnProperty(item)) { BX.UploaderUtils.appendToForm(fd, this.params["uploadInputName"] + '[' + id + '][' + item + ']', res[item]); } } } if (!!data.files) { for (var ii = 0; ii < data.files.length; ii++) { item = data.files[ii]; item.copy = item.postName = (item.thumb ? item.thumb : 'default'); if (item.packages > 0) { item.postName += ('.ch' + item.package + '.' + (item.start > 0 ? item.start : "0") + '.chs' + item.packages); } fd.append((this.params["uploadInputName"] + '[' + id + '][' + BX.UploaderUtils.prepareData(item.postName) + ']'), item, BX.UploaderUtils.prepareData(item.postName)); } } } } fd.action = this.uploadFileUrl; return fd; }, packFiles : function(item, stream) { if (!item) return statuses.error; else if (item["uploadStatus"] == statuses.done || item["uploadStatus"] == statuses.error) return item["uploadStatus"]; var count = (this.limits["phpMaxFileUploads"] - this.post.filesCount - (stream.filesCount || 0)), size = (this.limits["phpPostMaxSize"] - stream.filesSize - stream.postSize), filesSize = (this.limits["phpPostSize"] - stream.filesSize), blob, file, data = {files : []}, tmp, error, callback, cf; while (size > 0 && count > 0 && filesSize > 0) { file = null; blob = null; error = ''; callback = []; if (item.uploadStatus != statuses.preparing) { error = this.checkFile(item); if (error === '') { data.props = item.getProps(); if (item["restored"]) { data.props["restored"] = item["restored"]; delete item["restored"]; } callback.push(BX.proxy(function() { item.uploadStatus = statuses.preparing; this.adjustProcess(stream.id, item, statuses["new"], {}); }, this)); } else { data.props = {name : item.name, error : true}; this.adjustProcess(stream.id, item, statuses.error, {error : error}); item.uploadStatus = statuses.error; } } if (item.uploadStatus == statuses.error) { } else if (item.nonProcessRun === true) { item.uploadStatus = statuses.done; } else { if (!item["file"]) { file = null; } else if (item.file.uploadStatus != statuses.done) { file = item.file; } else if (item["thumb"] && item.thumb !== null) { file = item.thumb; } else { item.thumb = file = item.getThumbs(null); } var fileConstructor = Object.prototype.toString.call(file); if (file === null) { item.uploadStatus = statuses.done; this.adjustProcess(stream.id, item, statuses.done, {}); item.file.uploadStatus = statuses.done; item.thumb = null; } else if (BX.type.isDomNode(file)) { data.props = (data.props || {name : item.name }); data.files.push(file); callback.push(BX.proxy(function(file) { file.uploadStatus = statuses.done; if (item.file == file) { this.adjustProcess(stream.id, item, statuses.preparing, {canvas : "default", package : 1, packages : 1}); } else { this.adjustProcess(stream.id, item, statuses.preparing, {canvas : item.thumb.thumb, package : 1, packages : 1}); item.thumb = null; } }, this)) } else if (!(fileConstructor == '[object File]' || fileConstructor == '[object Blob]')) { data.props = (data.props || {name : item.name }); data.props["files"] = (data.props["files"] || {}); data.props["files"][(file["thumb"] || "default")] = file; callback.push(BX.proxy(function(file) { file.uploadStatus = statuses.done; if (item.file == file) { this.adjustProcess(stream.id, item, statuses.preparing, {canvas : "default", package : 1, packages : 1}); } else { this.adjustProcess(stream.id, item, statuses.preparing, {canvas : item.thumb.thumb, package : 1, packages : 1}); item.thumb = null; } }, this)) } else { blob = BX.UploaderUtils.getFilePart(file, (size - BX.UploaderUtils.sizeof({name : item.name})), this.limits["phpUploadMaxFilesize"]); if (!blob) { data.props = "error"; this.adjustProcess(stream.id, item, statuses.error, {error : BX.message('FILE_BAD_SIZE')}); item.uploadStatus = statuses.error; } else { data.files.push(blob); data.props = (data.props || {name : item.name}); callback.push(BX.proxy(function(file, blob) { BX.UploaderUtils.applyFilePart(file, blob); if (item.file == file && blob == file) { this.adjustProcess(stream.id, item, statuses.preparing, {canvas : "default", package : 1, packages : 1}); } else if (item.file == file) { this.adjustProcess(stream.id, item, statuses.preparing, {canvas : "default", package : (blob.package + 1), packages : blob.packages, blob : blob}); } else if (blob == file) { this.adjustProcess(stream.id, item, statuses.preparing, {canvas : item.thumb.thumb, package : 1, packages : 1, blob : blob}); item.thumb = null; } else { this.adjustProcess(stream.id, item, statuses.preparing, {canvas : item.thumb.thumb, package : (blob.package + 1), packages : blob.packages, blob : blob}); if (item.thumb.uploadStatus == statuses.done) item.thumb = null; } }, this)); } } } if (data.files.length > 0 || data["props"]) { tmp = BX.UploaderUtils.sizeof(data.files) + (data["props"] ? BX.UploaderUtils.sizeof(data.props) : 0); size -= tmp; filesSize -= tmp; if (size >= 0 && filesSize > 0) { while ((cf=callback.shift()) && cf) cf(file, blob, error); stream.filesSize += tmp; stream.files[item.id] = BX.UploaderUtils.makeAnArray(stream.files[item.id], data); if (data.files.length) { count--; stream.filesCount++; } } else if (stream.filesCount <= 0) { this.adjustProcess(stream.id, item, statuses.error, {error : BX.message('UPLOADER_UPLOADING_ERROR4')}); item.uploadStatus = statuses.error; } data = {files : []}; } if (item.uploadStatus !== statuses.preparing) { break; } } return item.uploadStatus; }, start : function(streams) { this.streams = streams; if (this.status != statuses.ready) return; this.status = statuses.inprogress; this.__onAllStreamsAreKilled = BX.delegate(function(streams, stream){ this.stop(); BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'donePackage', [stream, this, this['lastResponse']]); }, this); BX.addCustomEvent(this.streams, 'onrelease', this.__onAllStreamsAreKilled); BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'startPackage', [this, streams]); this.log('start'); streams.init(this, this._exec); }, stop : function() { this.status = statuses.stopped; this.streams.stop(); BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'stopPackage', [this, this.repo]); BX.removeCustomEvent(this.streams, 'onrelease', this.__onAllStreamsAreKilled); this.log('stop'); }, log : function() { BX.UploaderUtils.log('package', this.id, arguments); }, init : function() { var item, callback = BX.proxy(function(id, item) { if (this.raw.removeItem(id)) { this.data.setItem(id, item); this.repo.setItem(id, item); BX.onCustomEvent(item, "onFileHasToBePrepared", [item.id, item]); this.init(); } } , this); while ((item = this.raw.getFirst()) && item) { BX.addCustomEvent(item, "onFileIsDeleted", BX.delegate(function(item){ this.length--; this.filesCount--; if (this.data.removeItem(item.id)) this.post.data[this.params["uploadInputInfoName"]]['filesCount'] = this.filesCount; this.result.removeItem(item.id); this.repo.removeItem(item.id); }, this)); if (item.status === statuses["new"]) { BX.addCustomEvent(item, "onFileIsInited", callback); break; } else { callback(item.id, item); } } }, exec : function(stream, reinit) { if (this.status !== statuses.inprogress) return; this.log('exec'); var item, exec = false; if (stream.pack != this) { this.log('stream is bound: ' + stream.id); BX.addCustomEvent(stream, 'onsuccess', BX.delegate(this.doneStream, this)); BX.addCustomEvent(stream, 'onfailure', BX.delegate(this.errorStream, this)); BX.addCustomEvent(stream, 'onprogress', BX.delegate(this.progressStream, this)); } if (reinit !== false) { this.log('stream is reinited: ' + stream.id); stream.init(this); } var status, files = stream.filesCount; if (this.filesCount > 0) { while ((item = this.data.getFirst()) && item) { if (item.uploadStatus == statuses.done) { // everything is good so we go to another file } else if (item.preparationStatus != statuses.done) // if file is not initialized { exec = true; break; } status = this.packFiles(item, stream); if (typeof status == "undefined") { break; } else if (status != statuses.error) { files++; if (status == statuses.preparing) // if file is not fitted into package { break; } } this.data.removeItem(item.id); if (this["SimpleUploaderUploadsPreview"] == "Y") // in case if it is a simple Uploader uploads preview { delete item.uploadStatus; } } if (exec === true || (!item && this.raw.length > 0)) // if image is not loaded { setTimeout(BX.proxy(function(){this.exec(stream, false)}, this), 100); return; } } var fd = (files > 0 ? this.packStream(stream) : null); if (fd !== null) { this.log('stream is packed: ' + stream.id); this.startStreaming(stream); stream.send(fd); this.sended = true; } else { this.log('stream is killed: ' + stream.id); stream.kill(); } }, adjustProcess : function(streamId, item, status, params) { if (item && this.repo.hasItem(item.id)) { if (status == statuses.error || status == statuses.uploaded) { this.data.removeItem(item.id); this.result.setItem(item.id, item); } BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'adjustProcess', [streamId, item, status, params, this.id, this]); } }, adjustPostSize : function(stream, increase) { var result = false, sugestedSize = null; var deltaTime = (stream.xhr.finishTime - stream.xhr.startTime); if (increase !== false) { sugestedSize = Math.ceil(deltaTime > 0 ? ((stream.postSize + stream.filesSize) * 1000/ deltaTime ) * settings.estimatedTimeForUploadFile : 0); if (sugestedSize > this.limits["phpPostSize"]) { sugestedSize = Math.min( this.limits["phpPostSize"] * 2, sugestedSize, this.limits["phpPostMaxSize"] ); } } else if (this.limits["phpPostSize"] > settings.phpPostMinSize) { sugestedSize = Math.ceil(this.limits["phpPostSize"] / 2); } if (sugestedSize > 0 && sugestedSize !== this.limits["phpPostSize"]) { this.limits["phpPostSize"] = Math.max(sugestedSize, settings.phpPostMinSize); result = true; } return result; }, startStreaming : function(stream) { this.log('start streaming'); for (var id in stream.files) { if (stream.files.hasOwnProperty(id)) { this.adjustProcess(stream.id, this.repo.getItem(id), statuses.inprogress, 0); } } BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'startStream', [stream, this.id, stream.files]); }, doneStream : function(stream, data) { this.adjustPostSize(stream, true); var merge = function(ar1, ar2) { for (var jj in ar2) { if (ar2.hasOwnProperty(jj) && !ar1[jj]) { ar1[jj] = ar2[jj] } else if ((typeof ar2[jj] == typeof ar1[jj] == "object") && ar2[jj] !== null && ar1[jj] !== null) { ar1[jj] = merge(ar1[jj], ar2[jj]); } } return ar1; }; this.response = merge((this.response || {}), (data || {})); var item, id, file, nonProcessRun, files, ij, copies; for (id in stream.files) { if (stream.files.hasOwnProperty(id)) { item = this.repo.getItem(id); if (item && (file = data.files[id])) { if (!file) // has never been loaded { this.queue.restoreFiles(new BX.UploaderUtils.Hash([item])); } else if (!file["status"]) // was downloaded partly before but not this time { if (BX.type.isArray(stream.files[id]["files"])) { copies = {}; for (ij = 0; ij < stream.files[id]["files"].length; ij++) { file = stream.files[id]["files"][ij]; if (copies[file["copy"]]) continue; copies[file["copy"]] = "Y"; if (file["copy"] == "default" && file["package"] <= 0) { this.queue.restoreFiles(new BX.UploaderUtils.Hash([item])); break; } if (file["copy"] == "default") { item.uploadStatus = statuses.preparing; item.file["uploadStatus"] = statuses.preparing; item.file["package"] = file["package"]; } if (item.file["copies"]) { item.file["copies"].reset(); var copy; while((copy = item.file["copies"].getNext()) && copy) { delete copy["uploadStatus"]; delete copy["firstChunk"]; delete copy["package"]; delete copy["packages"]; } item.file["copies"].reset(); } } } } else if (file.status == "error") { this.adjustProcess(stream.id, item, statuses.error, file); } else if ((item.hash = file.hash) && file.status == "uploaded") { if (settings.maxSize !== null) settings.maxSize -= item.file.size; this.adjustProcess(stream.id, item, statuses.uploaded, file); } else // chunks { this.adjustProcess(stream.id, item, statuses.inprogress, file); // in case we need to glue chunks only(!) nonProcessRun = false; files = (file["file"] && file["file"]["files"] ? file["file"]["files"] : false); if (typeof files == "object") { for (ij in files) { if (files.hasOwnProperty(ij)) { if (files[ij]["chunksInfo"] && files[ij]["chunksInfo"]["count"] == files[ij]["chunksInfo"]["uploaded"] && files[ij]["chunksInfo"]["count"] > files[ij]["chunksInfo"]["written"]) { nonProcessRun = true; break; } } } item.nonProcessRun = nonProcessRun; if (nonProcessRun == true) { if (!item["nonProcessRunLastTimeWritten"] || item["nonProcessRunLastTimeWritten"] != files[ij]["chunksInfo"]["written"]) { item["nonProcessRunLastTimeWritten"] = files[ij]["chunksInfo"]["written"]; item["nonProcessRunLastTimeWrittenCount"] = 0; } else { item["nonProcessRunLastTimeWrittenCount"]++ } if (item["nonProcessRunLastTimeWrittenCount"] <= 10) { delete item.uploadStatus; this.data.setItem(item.id, item); } else { this.adjustProcess(stream.id, item, statuses.error, {error : BX.message("UPLOADER_UPLOADING_ERROR3")}); } } } } } } } this.log('stream is done: ' + stream.id, data["status"], this.response); this['lastResponse'] = data; if (data["status"] == "inprogress") { BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'continuePackage', [stream, this, data]); } else { if (data["status"] == "error") this.errorStream(stream, data); else { this.stop(); BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'donePackage', [stream, this, data]); } } }, errorStream : function(stream, data) { var item, err, id, copy; this.log('error stream: ' + stream.id, 'status: ', stream.xhr.status, data); if (stream && data == "timeout" && this.adjustPostSize(stream, false) && stream["files"]) { for (id in stream["files"]) { if (stream["files"].hasOwnProperty(id)) { if (this.repo.hasItem(id) && BX.type.isArray(stream["files"][id]["files"]) && stream["files"][id]["files"].length > 0) { item = this.repo.getItem(id); if (stream["files"][id]["files"][0]["package"] <= 0 || item["uploadStatus"] !== statuses.inprogress) { delete item["uploadStatus"]; delete item.file["uploadStatus"]; delete item.file["firstChunk"]; delete item.file["package"]; delete item.file["packages"]; } else { item.file["package"] = Math.min( stream["files"][id]["files"][0]["package"], item.file["package"]); } if (item.file["copies"]) { item.file["copies"].reset(); while((copy = item.file["copies"].getNext()) && copy) { delete copy["uploadStatus"]; delete copy["firstChunk"]; delete copy["package"]; delete copy["packages"]; } item.file["copies"].reset(); } if (!this.data.hasItem(id)) { this.result.removeItem(id); this.data.unshiftItem(id, item); } } } } BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'resendPackage', [stream, this, data]); } else { this.stop(); var defaultTextError = (data == "timeout" ? BX.message("UPLOADER_UPLOADING_ERROR5") : BX.message("UPLOADER_UPLOADING_ERROR1")); data = (data || {}); data["files"] = (data["files"] ? data["files"] : {}); if ((item = this.repo.getFirst()) && item) { do { if (!this.result.hasItem(item.id)) { if (data.files && data.files[item.id]) err = data.files[item.id]; else if (BX.type.isNotEmptyString(data["error"])) err = data; else if (BX.type.isArray(data["errors"])) { err = {error : ""}; for (var ii = 0; ii < data["errors"].length; ii++) { err.error += (BX.type.isPlainObject(data["errors"][ii]) && data["errors"][ii]["message"] ? data["errors"][ii]["message"] : data["errors"][ii]); } } else err = {error : defaultTextError}; this.adjustProcess(stream.id, item, statuses.error, err); } } while ((item = this.repo.getNext()) && item); } BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'errorPackage', [stream, this, data]); } }, progressStream : function(stream, procent) { var id; stream.files = (stream.files || {}); for (id in stream.files) { if (stream.files.hasOwnProperty(id)) { this.adjustProcess(stream.id, this.repo.getItem(id), statuses.inprogress, procent); } } BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'processPackage', [stream, this, procent]); } }; BX.UploaderStream = function(_id, streamsManager) { this.id = 'stream' + _id; this._id = _id; this.manager = streamsManager; this._onsuccess = BX.delegate(this.onsuccess, this); this._onfailure = BX.delegate(this.onfailure, this); this._onerror = BX.delegate(this.onerror, this); this._onprogress = BX.delegate(this.onprogress, this); }; BX.UploaderStream.prototype = { xhr : {}, init : function(pack) { this["pIndex"] = pack.id; this.pack = pack; this.files = {}; this.filesCount = 0; this.filesSize = 0; this.postSize = pack.post.size; }, send : function(fd) { if (fd && fd.local === true) { BX.adjust(fd.form, { attrs : { action: fd.action} } ); BX.ajax.submit(fd.form, BX.proxy(function(data) { data = BX.util.htmlspecialcharsback(data); while (/^<(.*?)>(.*?)<(.*?)>$/gi.test(data)) data = data.replace(/^<(.*?)>(.*?)<(.*?)>$/gi, "$2"); while (/^<([^<>]+)>(.*?)/gi.test(data)) data = data.replace(/^<(.*?)>(.*?)/gi, "$2"); while (/(.+?)<([^<>]+)>$/gi.test(data)) data = data.replace(/(.+?)<([^<>]+)>$/gi, "$1"); var res = BX.parseJSON(data, {}); if (!!res) { this.onsuccess(res); } else { this.onfailure("processing", data); } }, this) ); this.onprogress(90); } else if (fd) { this.xhr = BX.ajax({ 'method': 'POST', 'dataType': 'json', 'data' : fd, 'url': fd.action, 'onsuccess': this._onsuccess, 'onfailure': this._onfailure, 'onerror': this._onerror, 'start': false, 'preparePost':false, 'processData':true, 'skipAuthCheck': true, 'timeout' : settings.maxTimeForUploadFile }); this.xhr.upload.addEventListener('progress', this._onprogress, false); var d = new Date(); this.xhr.startTime = d.getTime(); this.xhr.send(fd); } else { this.onfailure("empty", null); } }, onsuccess : function(data) { var d = new Date(); this.xhr.finishTime = d.getTime(); try { if (typeof data == "object" && data && data["files"] && data["status"] !== "error") BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'onsuccess', [this, data]); else BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'onfailure', [this, data]); } catch (e) { BX.debug(e); } BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'onrelease', [this]); }, onfailure : function(status, e) { var d = new Date(), data = (e && e["data"] ? BX.parseJSON(e["data"], {}) : ""); if (BX.message("bxUploaderLog") === "Y" && status === "processing") { BX.ajax.post( "/bitrix/tools/upload.php?action=error", { sessid : BX.bitrix_sessid(), path : window.location.pathname, data : e["data"] } ); } this.xhr.finishTime = d.getTime(); BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'onfailure', [this, data]); BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'onrelease', [this]); }, onerror : function() { var d = new Date(); this.xhr.finishTime = d.getTime(); this.onfailure.apply(arguments); }, onprogress : function(e) { var procent = 15; if(typeof e == "object" && e.lengthComputable) { procent = e.loaded * 100 / (e["total"] || e["totalSize"]); } else if (e > procent) procent = e; procent = (procent > 5 ? procent : 5); BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'onprogress', [this, procent]); return procent; }, kill : function() { BX.DoNothing(); BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'onkill', [this]); }, restore : function() { this.manager.restore(this); } }; BX.UploaderStreams = function(count, uploader) { this.streams = new BX.UploaderUtils.Hash(); this.killedStreams = new BX.UploaderUtils.Hash(); this.packages = new BX.UploaderUtils.Hash(); this.uploaded = uploader; this.timeout = 3000; // time between streams this._exec = BX.delegate(this.exec, this); this._restore = BX.delegate(this.restore, this); this._kill = BX.delegate(this.kill, this); this.count = Math.min(5, (count > 1 ? count : 1)); this.status = statuses.ready; }; BX.UploaderStreams.prototype = { init : function(pack, handler) { if (this.package !== pack) { this.package = pack; this.package.log('streams are occupied', handler); this.packages.setItem(pack.id, pack.post); // For compatibility this.handler = handler; var count = this.count, stream; while ((stream = this.streams.getFirst()) && stream) { this.streams.removeItem(stream.id); stream = null; } this.streams = new BX.UploaderUtils.Hash(); while (count-- > 0) { stream = new BX.UploaderStream(count, this); BX.addCustomEvent(stream, 'onrelease', this._restore); BX.addCustomEvent(stream, 'onkill', this._kill); this.streams.setItem(stream.id, stream); } } this.start(); }, exec : function() { if (this.status == statuses.ready) { this.package.log('streams are in executing'); var stream = this.streams.getFirst(); if (stream) { this.streams.removeItem(stream.id); if (this.streams.length > 0) { setTimeout(this._exec, this.timeout); } this.handler(stream); // return to package class } } else { this.package.log('streams are locked'); } }, restore : function(stream) { this.streams.setItem(stream.id, stream); BX.defer_proxy(this.exec, this)(); }, kill : function(stream) { this.killedStreams.setItem(stream.id, stream); if (this.killedStreams.length == this.count) { BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'onrelease', [this, stream]); } }, start : function() { this.status = statuses.ready; this.exec(); }, stop : function() { this.status = statuses.stopped; } }; BX.Uploader.getVersion = function() { return "1"; } }(window));