Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/js/main/core/ |
Current File : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/js/main/core/core_webrtc.js |
/** * Class for unification and work with WebRTC commands * @param params * @constructor */ ;(function (window) { if (window.BX.webrtc) return; var BX = window.BX; // this is constructor, you must inherit BX.webrtc = function () { this.debug = false; this.audioMuted = false; this.videoMuted = false; this.enabled = false; this.detectedBrowser = 'none'; this.pcConfig = {}; this.oneway = false; this.lastUserMediaParams = {}; this.pcConstraints = {}; this.sdpConstraints = {'mandatory': { 'OfferToReceiveAudio':true, 'OfferToReceiveVideo':true }}; this.defaultMicrophone = null; this.defaultCamera = null; this.defaultSpeaker = null; this.enableMicAutoParameters = true; this.useFallbackConstraints = false; this.configVideo = { aspectRatio: 1.7777777778 }; this.configVideoGroup = this.configVideo; this.configVideoMobile = this.configVideo; this.configVideoAfterError = { }; this.callStreamSelf = null; this.callStreamMain = null; this.callStreamUsers = {}; this.pc = {}; this.pcStart = {}; this.connected = {}; this.iceCandidates = {}; this.initiator = false; this.callUserId = 0; this.callChatId = 0; this.callToGroup = false; this.callGroupUsers = []; this.callInit = false; this.callInitUserId = 0; this.callActive = false; this.callVideo = false; this.callRequestUserMedia = {}; this.needPeerConnection = true; this.createAnswerTimeout = {}; this.initPeerConnectionTimeout = {}; this.iceCandidateTimeout = {}; this.pcConnectTimeout = {}; this.init(); this.setTurnServer(); }; // this function needed to execute, after constructor BX.inheritWebrtc = function(child) { child.prototype = Object.create(BX.webrtc.prototype); child.prototype.constructor = child; child.prototype.parent = BX.webrtc.prototype; }; BX.webrtc.prototype.init = function() { if (navigator.mediaDevices && navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia) this.enabled = true; else return; if (navigator.userAgent.substr(navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Firefox/')+8, 2) >= 27) this.detectedBrowser = 'firefox'; else if (navigator.appVersion.substr(navigator.appVersion.indexOf('Chrome/')+7, 2) >= 29) this.detectedBrowser = 'chrome'; }; BX.webrtc.prototype.attachMediaStream = function(element, stream) { element.src = URL.createObjectURL(stream); if(BX.type.isNotEmptyString(this.defaultSpeaker) && element.setSinkId) { this.log('Trying to set output device: ' + this.defaultSpeaker); element.setSinkId(this.defaultSpeaker); } }; // this is public function, don't overwrite BX.webrtc.prototype.ready = function () { return this.enabled; }; // this is public function, don't overwrite BX.webrtc.prototype.setTurnServer = function (params) { if (!this.ready()) return false; params = params || {}; this.turnServer = params.turnServer || 'turn.calls.bitrix24.com'; this.turnServerFirefox = params.turnServerFirefox || ''; this.turnServerLogin = params.turnServerLogin || 'bitrix'; this.turnServerPassword = params.turnServerPassword || 'bitrix'; if (this.detectedBrowser == 'firefox') { this.pcConfig = { "iceServers": [ { url:"stun:"+this.turnServerFirefox}, { url:"turn:"+this.turnServerFirefox, credential:this.turnServerPassword, username: this.turnServerLogin} ] }; this.pcConstraints = {"optional": [{"DtlsSrtpKeyAgreement": true}]}; } else if (this.detectedBrowser == 'chrome') { this.pcConfig = { "iceServers": [ { url:"stun:"+this.turnServer}, { url:"turn:"+this.turnServerLogin+"@"+this.turnServer, username: this.turnServerLogin, credential:this.turnServerPassword} ] }; this.pcConstraints = {"optional": [{"DtlsSrtpKeyAgreement": true}]}; } return true; }; // this is public function, don't overwrite BX.webrtc.prototype.toggleAudio = function(changeVariable) { if (!this.ready()) return false; changeVariable = typeof(changeVariable) != 'undefined'? changeVariable: true; if (changeVariable) this.audioMuted = this.audioMuted? false: true; if (this.callStreamSelf && this.callStreamSelf.getAudioTracks() && this.callStreamSelf.getAudioTracks().length>0) { for (var i = 0; i < this.callStreamSelf.getAudioTracks().length; i++) { this.callStreamSelf.getAudioTracks()[i].enabled = !this.audioMuted; } } return true; }; // this is public function, don't overwrite BX.webrtc.prototype.toggleVideo = function(changeVariable) { if (!this.ready()) return false; changeVariable = typeof(changeVariable) != 'undefined'? changeVariable: true; if (changeVariable) this.videoMuted = this.videoMuted? false: true; if (this.callStreamSelf && this.callStreamSelf.getVideoTracks() && this.callStreamSelf.getVideoTracks().length>0) { for (var i = 0; i < this.callStreamSelf.getVideoTracks().length; i++) { this.callStreamSelf.getVideoTracks()[i].enabled = !this.videoMuted; } } return true; }; // this is public function, don't overwrite BX.webrtc.prototype.signalingReady = function() { return (this.ready() && BX.PULL && BX.PULL.getPullServerStatus()); }; // this is public function, don't overwrite BX.webrtc.prototype.log = function() { var text = ''; if (BX.desktop && BX.desktop.ready()) { for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { try { text = text+' | '+(typeof(arguments[i]) == 'object'? JSON.stringify(arguments[i]): arguments[i]); } catch (e) { text = text+' | (circular structure)'; } } BX.desktop.log(BX.message('USER_ID')+'.video.log', text.substr(3)); } if (this.debug) { if (console) console.log('WebRTC Log', arguments); } }; /* UserMedia API */ // this is public function, you can inherit BX.webrtc.prototype.startGetUserMedia = function(video, audio) { if (this.oneway && !this.initiator) { this.onUserMediaSuccess(); return true; } this.lastUserMediaParams = {video: video, audio: audio}; if (this.callRequestUserMedia[this.callVideo? 'video': 'audio']) return false; if(typeof(video) != 'undefined' && video !== true) { //nop } else { if(this.useFallbackConstraints) video = this.configVideoAfterError; else if(this.callToGroup) video = this.configVideoGroup; else video = this.configVideo; } if(video && this.defaultCamera) { video.deviceId = {ideal: this.defaultCamera}; } audio = typeof(audio) != 'undefined' && audio !== true? audio: {}; if(audio && this.defaultMicrophone) { audio.deviceId = {ideal: this.defaultMicrophone}; } /* for unknown reason, these constraints do not work in chrome, when paired with video resolution constraints */ if(false && this.enableMicAutoParameters === false) { audio.optional = [ {echoCancellation:false}, {googEchoCancellation:false}, {googEchoCancellation2:false}, {googDAEchoCancellation:false}, {googAutoGainControl: false}, {googAutoGainControl2: false}, {mozAutoGainControl: false}, {googNoiseSuppression: false}, {googNoiseSuppression2: false}, {googHighpassFilter: false}, {googTypingNoiseDetection: false}, {googAudioMirroring: false} ]; } var constraints = { "audio": audio, "video": video }; this.log("Requested access to local media with constraints: \"" + JSON.stringify(constraints) + "\""); try { this.callRequestUserMedia[this.callVideo? 'video': 'audio'] = true; navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia(constraints).then(BX.delegate(this.onUserMediaSuccess, this), BX.delegate(this.onUserMediaError, this)); } catch (e) { this.debug = true; this.log("Method getUserMedia failed with exception: " + e.message); } return true; } // this is protected function, you must inherit BX.webrtc.prototype.onUserMediaSuccess = function(stream) { this.log('Media stream received'); if(stream && stream.getTracks) { stream.getTracks().forEach(function(track) { this.log(BX.webrtc.mediaStreamTrackToString(track)); }.bind(this)); } if (!this.oneway || this.initiator) { this.callRequestUserMedia[this.callVideo? 'video': 'audio'] = false; if (this.callStreamSelf) return false; if (!this.callActive && stream) { BX.webrtc.stopMediaStream(stream); return false; } this.log("User has granted access to local media."); this.callStreamSelf = stream; this.toggleAudio(false); } if (!this.needPeerConnection) return true; if (this.initiator) { if (this.callToGroup) { for (var i = 0; i < this.callGroupUsers.length; i++) { var userId = this.callGroupUsers[i]; if (userId != BX.message('USER_ID')) { clearTimeout(this.initPeerConnectionTimeout[userId]); this.initPeerConnection(userId); } } } else { clearTimeout(this.initPeerConnectionTimeout[this.callUserId]); this.initPeerConnection(this.callUserId); } } else { if (this.callToGroup) { for (var i = 0; i < this.callGroupUsers.length; i++) { var userId = this.callGroupUsers[i]; if (userId != BX.message('USER_ID') && userId != this.callInitUserId && !this.callStreamUsers[userId]) { clearTimeout(this.initPeerConnectionTimeout[userId]); this.initPeerConnection(userId, true); } } } } return true; } // this is protected function, you can inherit BX.webrtc.prototype.onUserMediaError = function(error) { this.debug = true; this.callRequestUserMedia[this.callVideo? 'video': 'audio'] = false; if (!this.callActive) return false; this.log("Failed to get access to local media. Error code was " + JSON.stringify(error)); return true; } /* PeerConnection API */ // this is public function, don't overwrite or inherit BX.webrtc.prototype.initPeerConnection = function(userId, initiator) { if (!this.callActive) return false; initiator = initiator === true; if (this.debug) console.log(userId, 'wait initPeerConnection') if (!this.pcStart[userId] && (!this.oneway && this.callStreamSelf || this.oneway && this.initiator && this.callStreamSelf || this.oneway && !this.initiator)) { if (this.connected[userId]) { this.log("Creating PeerConnection.", userId); this.createPeerConnection(userId); if (!this.pc[userId]) { clearTimeout(this.initPeerConnectionTimeout[userId]); this.initPeerConnectionTimeout[userId] = setTimeout(BX.delegate(function(){ this.initPeerConnection(userId, initiator); }, this), 2000); return false; } this.log("Adding local stream.", userId, this.pc[userId]); this.pcStart[userId] = true; if (this.initiator || initiator) this.sendOfferToPeer(userId); } else { clearTimeout(this.initPeerConnectionTimeout[userId]); this.initPeerConnectionTimeout[userId] = setTimeout(BX.delegate(function(){ this.initPeerConnection(userId, initiator); }, this), 2000); } } else if (!this.connected[userId]) { clearTimeout(this.initPeerConnectionTimeout[userId]); this.initPeerConnectionTimeout[userId] = setTimeout(BX.delegate(function(){ this.initPeerConnection(userId, initiator); }, this), 2000); } return true; } // this protected function, you must inherit BX.webrtc.prototype.setLocalAndSend = function(userId, desc) { if (this.pc[userId] == null || !this.callActive) return false; this.log('set local description and send', userId, JSON.stringify(desc)); this.pc[userId].setLocalDescription(desc, BX.delegate(function(a){this.log('setLocalDescription', a)}, this), BX.delegate(function(a){this.log('setLocalDescription', a)}, this)); // need to send local description to "userId" peer return true; } // this is blank function, you must overwrite BX.webrtc.prototype.onRemoteStreamAdded = function(userId, event, setMainVideo) { } // this is blank function, you can overwrite BX.webrtc.prototype.onRemoteStreamRemoved = function(userId, event) { } // this is blank function, you must overwrite BX.webrtc.prototype.onIceCandidate = function (userId, candidates) { // need to send IceCandidate to "userId" peer } // this is blank function, you can overwrite BX.webrtc.prototype.onIceConnectionStateChange = function(userId, event) { } // this is blank function, you can overwrite BX.webrtc.prototype.onSignalingStateChange = function(userId, event) { } // this is blank function, you can overwrite BX.webrtc.prototype.peerConnectionError = function (userId, event) { } // this is public function, you must inherit BX.webrtc.prototype.peerConnectionReconnect = function (userId) { if (!this.pc[userId]) return false; if ((this.pc[userId].iceConnectionState == 'connected' || this.pc[userId].iceConnectionState == 'completed') && this.pc[userId].signalingState == 'stable') return false; this.log('peerConnectionReconnect', this.pc[userId].iceConnectionState, this.pc[userId].signalingState) this.pc[userId].close(); delete this.pc[userId]; delete this.pcStart[userId]; if (this.callStreamMain == this.callStreamUsers[userId]) this.callStreamMain = null; this.callStreamUsers[userId] = null; clearTimeout(this.initPeerConnectionTimeout[userId]); // need to send reconnect command to "userId" peer in your class return true; } // this is public function, you can inherit BX.webrtc.prototype.deleteEvents = function() { this.initiator = false; this.callUserId = 0; this.callChatId = 0; this.callToGroup = false; this.callGroupUsers = []; this.callInit = false; this.callInitUserId = 0; this.callActive = false; this.callVideo = false; this.callRequestUserMedia = {}; this.audioMuted = false; this.videoMuted = false; this.needPeerConnection = true; var i = 0; for (i in this.pc) { if(this.pc.hasOwnProperty(i)) { this.pc[i].close(); delete this.pc[i]; } } this.pc = {}; this.pcStart = {}; this.connected = {}; this.iceCandidates = {}; for (i in this.iceCandidateTimeout) { if (this.iceCandidateTimeout.hasOwnProperty(i)) { clearTimeout(this.iceCandidateTimeout[i]); } } this.iceCandidateTimeout = {}; for (i in this.pcConnectTimeout) { if (this.pcConnectTimeout.hasOwnProperty(i)) { clearTimeout(this.pcConnectTimeout[i]); } } this.pcConnectTimeout = {}; for (i in this.createAnswerTimeout) { if (this.createAnswerTimeout.hasOwnProperty(i)) { clearTimeout(this.createAnswerTimeout[i]); } } this.createAnswerTimeout = {}; for (i in this.initPeerConnectionTimeout) { if (this.initPeerConnectionTimeout.hasOwnProperty(i)) { clearTimeout(this.initPeerConnectionTimeout[i]); } } this.initPeerConnectionTimeout = {}; if (this.callStreamSelf) { BX.webrtc.stopMediaStream(this.callStreamSelf); this.callStreamSelf = null; } if (this.callStreamMain) { BX.webrtc.stopMediaStream(this.callStreamMain); this.callStreamMain = null; } for (i in this.callStreamUsers) { if (this.callStreamUsers.hasOwnProperty(i)) { if (this.callStreamUsers[i]) BX.webrtc.stopMediaStream(this.callStreamUsers[i]); delete this.callStreamUsers[i]; } } } /* Private function */ // this is private function, don't use or overwrite or inherit BX.webrtc.prototype.mergeConstraints = function (cons1, cons2) { if (!this.ready()) return false; var merged = cons1; for (var name in cons2.mandatory) { if (cons2.mandatory.hasOwnProperty(name)) { merged.mandatory[name] = cons2.mandatory[name]; } } merged.optional.concat(cons2.optional); return merged; }; // this is private function, don't use or overwrite or inherit BX.webrtc.prototype.sendOfferToPeer = function(userId) { if (!this.pc[userId]) return false; var constraints = {"optional": [], "mandatory": {"MozDontOfferDataChannel": true}}; if (this.detectedBrowser === "chrome") { for (var prop in constraints.mandatory) { if (constraints.mandatory.hasOwnProperty(prop)) { if (prop.indexOf("Moz") != -1) delete constraints.mandatory[prop]; } } } this.log('Constraints', constraints); constraints = this.mergeConstraints(constraints, this.sdpConstraints); this.log("Sending offer to peer, with constraints:", userId, "\"" + JSON.stringify(constraints) + "\"."); this.pc[userId].createOffer(BX.delegate(function(desc){this.setLocalAndSend(userId, desc)}, this), BX.delegate(function(a){this.log('createOffer failure', a)}, this), constraints); return true; } // this is private function, don't use or overwrite or inherit BX.webrtc.prototype.createPeerConnection = function(userId) { try { this.pc[userId] = new RTCPeerConnection(this.pcConfig, this.pcConstraints); this.pc[userId].onicecandidate = BX.delegate(function(event) { this.onIceCandidateEvent(userId, event) }, this); this.pc[userId].onaddstream = BX.delegate(function(event) { this.onRemoteStreamAddedEvent(userId, event) }, this); this.pc[userId].onremovestream = BX.delegate(function(event) { this.onRemoteStreamRemovedEvent(userId, event)}, this); this.pc[userId].oniceconnectionstatechange = BX.delegate(function(event) { this.onIceConnectionStateChangeEvent(userId, event)}, this); this.pc[userId].onsignalingstatechange = BX.delegate(function(event) { this.onSignalingStateChangeEvent(userId, event)}, this); if (!this.oneway || this.initiator) { this.pc[userId].addStream(this.callStreamSelf); } this.log("Created RTCPeerConnnection for "+userId+" with:\n" + " config: \"" + JSON.stringify(this.pcConfig) + "\";\n" + " constraints: \"" + JSON.stringify(this.pcConstraints) + "\"."); } catch (e) { if (this.callToGroup && this.callStreamUsers[userId]) return false; this.log('PeerConnection: ', JSON.stringify(this.pcConfig), JSON.stringify(this.pcConstraints)); this.log("Failed to create PeerConnection, exception: " + e.message); this.peerConnectionError(userId, e); } return true; } // this is private function, don't use or overwrite or inherit BX.webrtc.prototype.signalingPeerData = function(userId, peerData) { var signal = JSON.parse(peerData); if (signal.type === 'offer') { if (!this.pcStart[userId]) this.initPeerConnection(userId); this.createAnswer(userId, signal); } else if (signal.type === 'answer' && this.pcStart[userId]) { if (this.pc[userId] == null) return false; this.pc[userId].setRemoteDescription(new RTCSessionDescription(signal), function(){}, function(){}); } else if (signal.type === 'candidate' && this.pcStart[userId]) { if (!this.pc[userId] || this.pc[userId] == null) return false; for (var i = 0; i < signal.candidates.length; i++) { var candidate = new RTCIceCandidate({sdpMLineIndex:signal.candidates[i].label, candidate:signal.candidates[i].candidate}); try{ this.pc[userId].addIceCandidate(candidate); } catch(e) { this.log('Error addIceCandidate', JSON.stringify(e)); this.peerConnectionReconnect(userId); return false; } } } else { this.log('Signaling command "'+(signal && signal.type? signal.type: 'undefined')+'" from user "'+userId+'" skip'); } return true; } // this is private function, don't use or overwrite or inherit BX.webrtc.prototype.onRemoteStreamAddedEvent = function (userId, event) { if (!this.pc[userId]) return false; this.log('Remote stream added', userId, JSON.stringify(event)); var setMainVideo = false; if (!this.callStreamMain) { this.callStreamMain = event.stream; setMainVideo = true; } this.callStreamUsers[userId] = event.stream; this.onRemoteStreamAdded(userId, event, setMainVideo) } // this is private function, don't use or overwrite or inherit BX.webrtc.prototype.onRemoteStreamRemovedEvent = function(userId, event) { if (!this.pc[userId]) return false; this.callStreamUsers[userId] = null; this.onRemoteStreamRemoved(userId, event); } // this is private function, don't use or overwrite or inherit BX.webrtc.prototype.onIceCandidateEvent = function (userId, event) { if (!this.pc[userId]) return false; if (!this.iceCandidates[userId]) this.iceCandidates[userId] = []; if (event.candidate) { this.log("New ICE candidate: ", event.candidate); this.iceCandidates[userId].push({type: 'candidate', label: event.candidate.sdpMLineIndex, id: event.candidate.sdpMid, candidate: event.candidate.candidate}); clearTimeout(this.iceCandidateTimeout[userId]); this.iceCandidateTimeout[userId] = setTimeout(BX.delegate(function(){ if (this.iceCandidates[userId].length === 0) return false; this.onIceCandidate(userId, {'type': 'candidate', 'candidates': this.iceCandidates[userId]}); this.iceCandidates[userId] = []; }, this), 250); } else { this.log("End of candidates of "+userId); } } // this is private function, don't use or overwrite or inherit BX.webrtc.prototype.onIceConnectionStateChangeEvent = function(userId, event) { clearTimeout(this.pcConnectTimeout[userId]); if (!this.pc[userId] || this.pc[userId].iceConnectionState == "close") return false; this.log('iceConnectionStateChange', userId, this.pc[userId].iceConnectionState, this.pc[userId].signalingState); this.pcConnectTimeout[userId] = setTimeout(BX.delegate(function(){ this.peerConnectionReconnect(userId); }, this), 15000); this.onIceConnectionStateChange(userId, event); return true; } // this is private function, don't use or overwrite or inherit BX.webrtc.prototype.onSignalingStateChangeEvent = function(userId, event) { clearTimeout(this.pcConnectTimeout[userId]); if (!this.pc[userId] || this.pc[userId].signalingState == "close") return false; this.log('signalingStateChange', userId, this.pc[userId].iceConnectionState, this.pc[userId].signalingState); this.pcConnectTimeout[userId] = setTimeout(BX.delegate(function(){ this.peerConnectionReconnect(userId); }, this), 15000); this.onSignalingStateChange(userId, event) } // this is private function, don't use or overwrite or inherit BX.webrtc.prototype.createAnswer = function(userId, signal) { if (!this.callActive) return false; if (!this.pcStart[userId]) { clearTimeout(this.createAnswerTimeout[userId]); this.createAnswerTimeout[userId] = setTimeout(BX.delegate(function(){ this.createAnswer(userId, signal); }, this), 2000); return false; } this.pc[userId].setRemoteDescription(new RTCSessionDescription(signal), BX.delegate(function() { if (!this.pc[userId]) return false; this.pc[userId].createAnswer(BX.delegate(function(desc){this.setLocalAndSend(userId, desc)}, this), BX.delegate(function(a){this.log('createAnswer failure', a)}, this), this.sdpConstraints); }, this), function(){}); return true; } BX.webrtc.prototype.setDefaultCamera = function(defaultCamera) { this.defaultCamera = defaultCamera; }; BX.webrtc.prototype.setDefaultMicrophone = function(defaultMicrophone) { this.defaultMicrophone = defaultMicrophone; }; BX.webrtc.prototype.logDevices = function() { var self = this; if(navigator.mediaDevices && navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices) { self.log('Enumerating media devices'); navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices().then(function(devices) { devices.forEach(function(device) { try { self.log(JSON.stringify(device)); } catch (e) { self.log(device); } }); }) } else { self.log('Could not enumerate devices, api is not supported'); } }; BX.webrtc.mediaStreamTrackToString = function(track) { var result = ''; for(key in track) { if(!BX.type.isFunction(track[key])) { result = result + ' ' + key + ': ' + track[key] + ';'; } } return result; }; BX.webrtc.stopMediaStream = function(mediaStream) { if(!(mediaStream instanceof MediaStream)) return; if (typeof mediaStream.getTracks === 'undefined') { // Support for legacy browsers mediaStream.stop(); } else { mediaStream.getTracks().forEach(function(track) { track.stop(); }); } }; })(window);