Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/js/main/ |
Current File : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/js/main/public_tools.js |
function JCPopup(arParams) { if (!arParams) arParams = {}; this.suffix = arParams.suffix ? '_' + arParams.suffix.toString().toLowerCase() : ''; this.div_id = 'bx_popup_form_div' + this.suffix; this.overlay_id = 'bx_popup_overlay' + this.suffix; this.form_name = 'bx-popup-form' + this.suffix; this.class_name = 'bx-popup-form'; this.url = ''; this.zIndex = arParams.zIndex || 1020; this.arParams = null; this.bDenyClose = false; this.bDenyEscKey = false; this.__arRuntimeResize = {}; this.bodyOverflow = ""; this.currentScroll = 0; this.div = null; this.div_inner = null; this.x = 0; this.y = 0; this.error_dy = null; this.arAdditionalResize = []; this.onClose = []; var _this = this; // Event handlers window['JCPopup_OnKeyPress' + this.suffix] = function(e){_this.__OnKeyPress(e)}; window['JCPopup_OverlayResize' + this.suffix] = function(e){_this.OverlayResize(e)}; window['JCPopup_AjaxAction' + this.suffix] = function(result) {_this.AjaxAction(result);}; window['JCPopup_AjaxPostAction' + this.suffix] = function(result) {_this.__AjaxPostAction(result);}; window['JCPopup_stopResize' + this.suffix] = function(e) {_this.stopResize(e);}; window['JCPopup_startResize' + this.suffix] = function(e) {_this.startResize(e);}; window['JCPopup_doResize' + this.suffix] = function(e) {_this.doResize(e);}; jsExtLoader.jsPopup_name = 'jsPopup' + this.suffix; } JCPopup.prototype.addOnClose = function(func) { this.onClose[this.onClose.length] = func; } JCPopup.prototype.addAdditionalResize = function(id) { this.arAdditionalResize[this.arAdditionalResize.length] = document.getElementById(id); }; JCPopup.prototype.clearAdditionalResize = function() { this.arAdditionalResize = []; }; JCPopup.prototype.DenyClose = function(bDeny) { if (bDeny !== false) bDeny = true; this.bDenyClose = bDeny; if (!this.obSaveButton) { this.obSaveButton = document.getElementById('btn_popup_save' + this.suffix); this.obCloseButton = document.getElementById('btn_popup_close' + this.suffix); this.obCancelButton = document.getElementById('btn_popup_cancel' + this.suffix); } if (this.obSaveButton) this.obSaveButton.disabled = bDeny; if (this.obCloseButton) this.obCloseButton.disabled = bDeny; if (this.obCancelButton) this.obCancelButton.disabled = bDeny; }; JCPopup.prototype.AllowClose = function() { this.DenyClose(false); }; JCPopup.prototype.__OnKeyPress = function(e) { if(this.bDenyEscKey) return; if (!e) e = window.event if (!e) return; if (this.bDenyClose) return; if (e.keyCode == 27) { jsUtils.removeEvent(document, "keypress", window['JCPopup_OnKeyPress' + this.suffix]); this.CloseDialog(); } }; JCPopup.prototype.AjaxAction = function(result) { CloseWaitWindow(); if (this.suffix) jsPopup.bDenyClose = true; var div = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement("DIV")); div.id = this.div_id; div.className = this.class_name; div.style.position = 'absolute'; div.style.zIndex = this.zIndex; div.innerHTML = result; if (null != this.arParams.height) div.style.height = this.arParams.height + 'px'; if (null != this.arParams.width) div.style.width = this.arParams.width + 'px'; var windowSize = jsUtils.GetWindowInnerSize(); var windowScroll = jsUtils.GetWindowScrollPos(); var left = parseInt(windowScroll.scrollLeft + windowSize.innerWidth / 2 - div.offsetWidth / 2); var top = parseInt(windowScroll.scrollTop + windowSize.innerHeight / 2 - div.offsetHeight / 2); jsFloatDiv.Show(div, left, top, 5, true); jsUtils.addEvent(document, "keypress", window['JCPopup_OnKeyPress' + this.suffix]); this.div = div; this.div_inner = document.getElementById('bx_popup_content' + this.suffix); if(this.div_inner) { if(this.div.style.width) this.div_inner.style.width = parseInt(parseInt(this.div.style.width) - 12) + 'px'; if(this.div.style.height) { var aDivId = ['bx_popup_title', 'bx_popup_description_container', 'bx_popup_buttons']; var h=0; for(var i=0; i < aDivId.length; i++) { var dv = document.getElementById(aDivId[i] + this.suffix); if(dv) h += dv.offsetHeight; } this.div_inner.style.height = parseInt(parseInt(this.div.style.height) - h - 16) + 'px'; } } var _this = this; setTimeout(function() {_this.AdjustShadow();}, 10); if (this.arParams.resize && null != this.div && null != this.div_inner) this.createResizer(); return div; }; JCPopup.prototype.__AjaxPostAction = function(result) { CloseWaitWindow(); if (this.suffix) jsPopup.bDenyClose = true; this.div.innerHTML = result; this.div_inner = document.getElementById('bx_popup_content' + this.suffix); this.AdjustShadow(); if (this.arParams.resize && null != this.div && null != this.div_inner) this.createResizer(); }; JCPopup.prototype.ShowDialog = function(url, arParams) { if (document.getElementById(this.div_id)) this.CloseDialog(); if (!arParams) arParams = {}; if (null == arParams.resize) arParams.resize = true; if (!arParams.min_width) arParams.min_width = 250; if (!arParams.min_height) arParams.min_height = 200; var pos = url.indexOf('?'); if (pos == -1) url += "?mode=public"; else url = url.substring(0, pos) + "?mode=public&" + url.substring(pos+1); this.check_url = pos == -1 ? url : url.substring(0, pos); if (arParams.resize && null != this.__arRuntimeResize[this.check_url]) { arParams.width = this.__arRuntimeResize[this.check_url].width; arParams.height = this.__arRuntimeResize[this.check_url].height; var ipos = url.indexOf('bxpiheight'); if (ipos == -1) url += (pos == -1 ? '?' : '&') + 'bxpiheight=' + this.__arRuntimeResize[this.check_url].iheight; else url = url.substring(0, ipos) + 'bxpiheight=' + this.__arRuntimeResize[this.check_url].iheight; } this.url = url; this.arParams = arParams; this.CreateOverlay(); jsExtLoader.onajaxfinish = window['JCPopup_AjaxAction' + this.suffix]; if(arParams['postData']) jsExtLoader.startPost(url, arParams['postData']); else jsExtLoader.start(url); }; JCPopup.prototype.RemoveOverlay = function() { //var overlay = document.getElementById(this.overlay_id); if (this.overlay) this.overlay.parentNode.removeChild(this.overlay); jsUtils.removeEvent(window, "resize", window['JCPopup_OverlayResize' + this.suffix]); }; JCPopup.prototype.OverlayResize = function() { //var overlay = document.getElementById(this.overlay_id); if (!this.overlay) return; var windowSize = jsUtils.GetWindowScrollSize(); this.overlay.style.width = windowSize.scrollWidth + "px"; }; JCPopup.prototype.CreateOverlay = function() { var opacity = new COpacity(); if (!opacity.GetOpacityProperty()) return; //Create overlay this.overlay = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement("DIV")); this.overlay.className = "bx-popup-overlay"; this.overlay.id = this.overlay_id; this.overlay.style.zIndex = this.zIndex - 5; var windowSize = jsUtils.GetWindowScrollSize(); this.overlay.style.width = windowSize.scrollWidth + "px"; this.overlay.style.height = windowSize.scrollHeight + "px"; jsUtils.addEvent(window, "resize", window['JCPopup_OverlayResize' + this.suffix]); }; JCPopup.prototype.CloseDialog = function() { jsUtils.onCustomEvent('OnBeforeCloseDialog', this.suffix); for(var i=0; i<this.onClose.length; i++) this.onClose[i](); if (this.bDenyClose) return false; if (this.suffix) jsPopup.bDenyClose = false; jsUtils.removeEvent(document, "keypress", window['JCPopup_OnKeyPress' + this.suffix]); var div = document.getElementById(this.div_id); if (!div) return; jsFloatDiv.Close(div); div.parentNode.removeChild(div); this.clearAdditionalResize(); this.RemoveOverlay(); return true; }; JCPopup.prototype.GetParameters = function(form_name) { if (null == form_name) var form = document.forms[this.form_name]; else var form = document.forms[form_name]; if(!form) return ""; var i, s = ""; var n = form.elements.length; var delim = ''; for(i=0; i<n; i++) { if (s != '') delim = '&'; var el = form.elements[i]; if (el.disabled) continue; switch(el.type.toLowerCase()) { case 'text': case 'textarea': case 'password': case 'hidden': if (null == form_name && el.name.substr(el.name.length-4) == '_alt' && form.elements[el.name.substr(0, el.name.length-4)]) break; s += delim + el.name + '=' + encodeURIComponent(el.value); break; case 'radio': if(el.checked) s += delim + el.name + '=' + encodeURIComponent(el.value); break; case 'checkbox': s += delim + el.name + '=' + encodeURIComponent(el.checked ? 'Y':'N'); break; case 'select-one': var val = ""; if (null == form_name && form.elements[el.name + '_alt'] && el.selectedIndex == 0) val = form.elements[el.name+'_alt'].value; else val = el.value; s += delim + el.name + '=' + encodeURIComponent(val); break; case 'select-multiple': var j, bAdded = false; var l = el.options.length; for (j=0; j<l; j++) { if (el.options[j].selected) { s += delim + el.name + '=' + encodeURIComponent(el.options[j].value); bAdded = true; } } if (!bAdded) s += delim + el.name + '='; break; default: break; } } if (null != this.arParams && this.arParams.resize && this.div_inner) { var inner_width = parseInt(this.div_inner.style.width); var inner_height = parseInt(this.div_inner.style.height); if (inner_width > 0) s += '&bxpiwidth=' + inner_width; if (inner_height > 0) s += '&bxpiheight=' + inner_height; } return s; }; JCPopup.prototype.PostParameters = function(params) { var _this = this; jsExtLoader.onajaxfinish = window['JCPopup_AjaxPostAction' + this.suffix]; ShowWaitWindow(); var url = this.url; if (null != params) { index = url.indexOf('?') if (index == -1) url += '?' + params; else url = url.substring(0, index) + '?' + params + "&" + url.substring(index+1); } jsExtLoader.startPost(url, this.GetParameters()); }; JCPopup.prototype.AdjustShadow = function() { if (this.div) jsFloatDiv.AdjustShadow(this.div); }; JCPopup.prototype.HideShadow = function() { if (this.div) jsFloatDiv.HideShadow(this.div); }; JCPopup.prototype.UnhideShadow = function() { if (this.div) jsFloatDiv.UnhideShadow(this.div); }; JCPopup.prototype.DragPanel = function(event, td) { var div = jsUtils.FindParentObject(td, 'div'); div.style.left = div.offsetLeft+'px'; div.style.top = div.offsetTop+'px'; jsFloatDiv.StartDrag(event, div); }; // ************* resizers ************* // JCPopup.prototype.createResizer = function() { this.diff_x = null; this.diff_y = null; this.arPos = jsUtils.GetRealPos(this.div); var zIndex = parseInt(jsUtils.GetStyleValue(this.div, jsUtils.IsIE() ? 'zIndex' : 'z-index')) + 1; this.obResizer = document.createElement('DIV'); this.obResizer.className = 'bxresizer'; this.obResizer.style.position = 'absolute'; this.obResizer.style.zIndex = zIndex; this.obResizer.onmousedown = window['JCPopup_startResize' + this.suffix]; //this.obResizer.onmousedown = this.startResize; this.div.appendChild(this.obResizer); }; JCPopup.prototype.startResize = function (e) { if(!e) e = window.event; this.wndSize = jsUtils.GetWindowScrollPos(); this.wndSize.innerWidth = jsUtils.GetWindowInnerSize().innerWidth; this.x = e.clientX + this.wndSize.scrollLeft; this.y = e.clientY + this.wndSize.scrollTop; this.obDescr = document.getElementById('bx_popup_description_container' + this.suffix); if (jsUtils.IsIE()) { this.arPos = this.div.getBoundingClientRect(); this.arPos = { left: this.arPos.left + this.wndSize.scrollLeft, top: this.arPos.top + this.wndSize.scrollTop, right: this.arPos.right + this.wndSize.scrollLeft, bottom: this.arPos.bottom + this.wndSize.scrollTop } this.arPosInner = this.div_inner.getBoundingClientRect(); this.arPosInner = { left: this.arPosInner.left + this.wndSize.scrollLeft, top: this.arPosInner.top + this.wndSize.scrollTop, right: this.arPosInner.right + this.wndSize.scrollLeft, bottom: this.arPosInner.bottom + this.wndSize.scrollTop } } else { this.arPos = jsUtils.GetRealPos(this.div); this.arPosInner = jsUtils.GetRealPos(this.div_inner); } document.onmouseup = window['JCPopup_stopResize' + this.suffix]; jsUtils.addEvent(document, "mousemove", window['JCPopup_doResize' + this.suffix]); if(document.body.setCapture) document.body.setCapture(); var b = document.body; b.ondrag = jsUtils.False; b.onselectstart = jsUtils.False; b.style.MozUserSelect = this.div.style.MozUserSelect = 'none'; b.style.cursor = this.obResizer.style.cursor; this.HideShadow(); }; JCPopup.prototype.doResize = function(e) { if(!e) e = window.event; var x = e.clientX + this.wndSize.scrollLeft; var y = e.clientY + this.wndSize.scrollTop; if(this.x == x && this.y == y || x > this.wndSize.innerWidth + this.wndSize.scrollLeft - 10) return; this.Resize(x, y); this.x = x; this.y = y; }; JCPopup.prototype.Resize = function(x, y) { if (null == this.diff_x) { this.diff_x = this.div.offsetWidth - this.div_inner.offsetWidth; this.diff_y = this.div.offsetHeight - this.div_inner.offsetHeight; if (this.arAdditionalResize.length > 0) { for (var i = 0, cnt = this.arAdditionalResize.length; i < cnt; i++) { if (null != this.arAdditionalResize[i]) { var borderX = jsUtils.IsOpera() ? 0 : parseInt(jsUtils.GetStyleValue( this.arAdditionalResize[i], jsUtils.IsIE() ? 'borderLeftWidth' : 'border-left-width' )) + parseInt(jsUtils.GetStyleValue( this.arAdditionalResize[i], jsUtils.IsIE() ? 'borderRightWidth' : 'border-right-width' )); var borderY = jsUtils.IsOpera() || jsUtils.IsIE() ? 0 : parseInt(jsUtils.GetStyleValue(this.arAdditionalResize[i], 'border-top-width')) + parseInt(jsUtils.GetStyleValue(this.arAdditionalResize[i], 'border-bottom-width')); this.arAdditionalResize[i].diff_x = this.div.offsetWidth - this.arAdditionalResize[i].offsetWidth + borderX; this.arAdditionalResize[i].diff_y = this.div.offsetHeight - this.arAdditionalResize[i].offsetHeight + borderY; } } } } var new_width = x - this.arPos.left; var new_height = y - this.arPos.top; var dx = new_width - this.div.offsetWidth; //var dy = y - this.y; if (null != this.obDescr) var descrHeight = this.obDescr.offsetHeight; var bResizeX = false; if (new_width > this.arParams.min_width) { bResizeX = true; this.div.style.width = new_width + 'px'; this.div_inner.style.width = (new_width - this.diff_x) + 'px'; } if (null != this.obDescr) var dy = this.obDescr.offsetHeight - descrHeight; else var dy = 0; this.diff_y += dy; var bResizeY = false; if (new_height > this.arParams.min_height) { bResizeY = true; this.div_inner.style.height = (new_height - this.diff_y) + 'px'; this.div.style.height = new_height + 'px'; } if (this.arAdditionalResize.length > 0) { for (var i = 0, cnt = this.arAdditionalResize.length; i < cnt; i++) { if (null != this.arAdditionalResize[i]) { if (bResizeY) this.arAdditionalResize[i].style.height = (new_height - this.arAdditionalResize[i].diff_y) + 'px'; if (bResizeX) this.arAdditionalResize[i].style.width = (new_width - this.arAdditionalResize[i].diff_x) + 'px'; } } } if (jsUtils.IsIE()) this.AdjustShadow(); }; JCPopup.prototype.stopResize = function () { if(document.body.releaseCapture) document.body.releaseCapture(); jsUtils.removeEvent(document, "mousemove", window['JCPopup_doResize' + this.suffix]); document.onmouseup = null; var b = document.body; b.ondrag = null; b.onselectstart = null; b.style.MozUserSelect = this.div.style.MozUserSelect = ''; b.style.cursor = ''; this.UnhideShadow(); this.AdjustShadow(); this.SavePosition(); }; JCPopup.prototype.SavePosition = function() { var arPos = { width: parseInt(this.div.style.width), height: parseInt(this.div.style.height), iheight: parseInt(this.div_inner.style.height) }; if (null != this.error_dy) arPos.iheight += this.error_dy; jsUserOptions.SaveOption('jsPopup' + this.suffix, 'size_' + this.check_url, 'width', arPos.width); jsUserOptions.SaveOption('jsPopup' + this.suffix, 'size_' + this.check_url, 'height', arPos.height); jsUserOptions.SaveOption('jsPopup' + this.suffix, 'size_' + this.check_url, 'iheight', arPos.iheight); for (var i = 0, cnt = this.arAdditionalResize.length; i < cnt; i++) { if (null != this.arAdditionalResize[i] && null != this.arAdditionalResize[i].BXResizeCacheID) { jsUserOptions.SaveOption('jsPopup' + this.suffix, 'size_' + this.check_url, this.arAdditionalResize[i].BXResizeCacheID + '_height', parseInt(this.arAdditionalResize[i].style.height)); jsUserOptions.SaveOption('jsPopup' + this.suffix, 'size_' + this.check_url, this.arAdditionalResize[i].BXResizeCacheID + '_width', parseInt(this.arAdditionalResize[i].style.width)); } } this.__arRuntimeResize[this.check_url] = arPos; }; JCPopup.prototype.IncludePrepare = function() { var obFrame = window.frames.editor; if (null == obFrame) return false; var obSrcForm = obFrame.document.forms.inner_form; var obDestForm = document.forms[this.form_name]; if (null == obSrcForm || null == obDestForm) return false; obDestForm.include_data.value = obSrcForm.filesrc_pub.value; return true; }; JCPopup.prototype.ShowError = function(error_text) { CloseWaitWindow(); this.AllowClose(); this.obDescr = document.getElementById('bx_popup_description_container' + this.suffix); if (null != this.obDescr) { var descrHeight = this.obDescr.offsetHeight; var obError = document.getElementById('bx_popup_description_error' + this.suffix); if (!obError) { obError = document.createElement('P'); obError.id = 'bx_popup_description_error' + this.suffix; this.obDescr.firstChild.appendChild(obError); } obError.innerHTML = '<font class="errortext">' + error_text + '</font>'; if (this.obDescr.offsetHeight != descrHeight) { this.error_dy = this.obDescr.offsetHeight - descrHeight; if (this.div_inner) this.div_inner.style.height = (parseInt(jsUtils.GetStyleValue(this.div_inner, 'height')) - this.error_dy) + 'px'; } } else alert(error_text); }; function JCComponentUtils() { } JCComponentUtils.prototype.ClearCache = function(params) { CHttpRequest.Action = function(result){window.location = window.location.href;}; ShowWaitWindow(); CHttpRequest.Send('/bitrix/admin/clear_component_cache.php?' + params); }; JCComponentUtils.prototype.EnableComponent = function(params) { CHttpRequest.Action = function(result){window.location = window.location.href;}; ShowWaitWindow(); CHttpRequest.Send('/bitrix/admin/enable_component.php?' + params); }; function COpacity(element) { this.element = element; this.opacityProperty = this.GetOpacityProperty(); this.startOpacity = null; this.finishOpacity = null; this.delay = 30; this.currentOpacity = null; this.fadingTimeoutID = null; } COpacity.prototype.SetElementOpacity = function(opacity) { if (!this.opacityProperty) return false; if (this.opacityProperty == "filter") { opacity = opacity * 100; var alphaFilter = this.element.filters['DXImageTransform.Microsoft.alpha'] || this.element.filters.alpha; if (alphaFilter) alphaFilter.opacity = opacity; else this.element.style.filter += "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(opacity="+opacity+")"; } else this.element.style[this.opacityProperty] = opacity; return true; } COpacity.prototype.GetOpacityProperty = function() { var m; if (typeof document.body.style.opacity == 'string') return 'opacity'; else if (typeof document.body.style.MozOpacity == 'string') return 'MozOpacity'; else if (typeof document.body.style.KhtmlOpacity == 'string') return 'KhtmlOpacity'; else if (document.body.filters && (m = navigator.appVersion.match(/MSIE ([\d.]+)/)) && m[1] >=5.5) return 'filter'; return false; } COpacity.prototype.Fading = function(startOpacity, finishOpacity, callback) { if (!this.opacityProperty) return; this.startOpacity = startOpacity; this.finishOpacity = finishOpacity; this.currentOpacity = this.startOpacity; if (this.fadingTimeoutID) clearInterval(this.fadingTimeoutID); var _this = this; this.fadingTimeoutID = setInterval(function () {_this.Run(callback)}, this.delay); } COpacity.prototype.Run = function(callback) { this.currentOpacity = Math.round((this.currentOpacity + 0.1*(this.finishOpacity - this.startOpacity > 0 ? 1: -1) )*10) / 10; this.SetElementOpacity(this.currentOpacity); if (this.currentOpacity == this.startOpacity || this.currentOpacity == this.finishOpacity) { clearInterval(this.fadingTimeoutID); if (typeof(callback) == "function") callback(this); } } COpacity.prototype.Undo = function() { } // this object can be used to load any pages with huge scripts structure via AJAX var jsExtLoader = { obContainer: null, obContainerInner: null, jsPopup_name: 'jsPopup', url: '', httpRequest: null, httpRequest2: null, // for Opera bug fix obTemporary: null, onajaxfinish: null, obFrame: null, start: function(url) { this.url = url; this.obContainer = null; ShowWaitWindow(); this.httpRequest = this._CreateHttpObject(); this.httpRequest.onreadystatechange = jsExtLoader.stepOne; this.httpRequest.open("GET", this.url, true); this.httpRequest.send(""); }, startPost: function(url, data) { this.url = url; this.obContainer = null; ShowWaitWindow(); this.httpRequest = this._CreateHttpObject(); this.httpRequest.onreadystatechange = jsExtLoader.stepOne; this.httpRequest.open("POST", this.url, true); this.httpRequest.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); this.httpRequest.send(data); }, post: function(form_name) { var obForm = document.forms[form_name]; if (null == obForm) return; if (null == this.obFrame) { if (jsUtils.IsIE()) this.obFrame = document.createElement('<iframe src="javascript:void(0)" name="frame_' + form_name + '">'); else { this.obFrame = document.createElement('IFRAME'); this.obFrame.name = 'frame_' + form_name; this.obFrame.src = 'javascript:void(0)'; } this.obFrame.style.display = 'none'; document.body.appendChild(this.obFrame); } obForm.target = this.obFrame.name; if (obForm.action.length <= 0) obForm.action = this.url; window[jsExtLoader.jsPopup_name].DenyClose(); ShowWaitWindow(); obForm.save.click(); if (false === obForm.BXReturnValue) { window[jsExtLoader.jsPopup_name].AllowClose(); CloseWaitWindow(); } obForm.BXReturnValue = true; }, urlencode: function(s) { return escape(s).replace(new RegExp('\\+','g'), '%2B'); }, __prepareOnload: function() { this.obTemporary = window.onload; window.onload = null; }, __runOnload: function() { if (window.onload) window.onload(); window.onload = this.obTemporary; this.obTemporary = null; }, stepOne: function() { if (jsExtLoader.httpRequest.readyState == 4) { var content = jsExtLoader.httpRequest.responseText; var arCode = []; var matchScript; var regexp = new RegExp('<script([^>]*)>', 'i'); var regexp1 = new RegExp('src=["\']([^"\']+)["\']', 'i'); while ((matchScript = content.match(regexp)) !== null) { var end = content.search('<\/script>', 'i'); if (end == -1) break; var bRunFirst = matchScript[1].indexOf('bxrunfirst') != '-1'; var matchSrc; if ((matchSrc = matchScript[1].match(regexp1)) !== null) arCode[arCode.length] = {"bRunFirst": bRunFirst, "isInternal": false, "JS": matchSrc[1]}; else { var start = matchScript.index + matchScript[0].length; var js = content.substr(start, end-start); if (false && arCode.length > 0 && arCode[arCode.length - 1].isInternal && arCode[arCode.length - 1].bRunFirst == bRunFirst) arCode[arCode.length - 1].JS += "\r\n\r\n" + js; else arCode[arCode.length] = {"bRunFirst": bRunFirst, "isInternal": true, "JS": js}; } content = content.substr(0, matchScript.index) + content.substr(end+9); } jsExtLoader.__prepareOnload(); jsExtLoader.processResult(content, arCode); CloseWaitWindow(); jsExtLoader.__runOnload(); } }, EvalGlobal: function(script) { if (window.execScript) window.execScript(script, 'javascript'); else if (jsUtils.IsSafari()) window.setTimeout(script, 0); else window.eval(script); }, arLoadedScripts: [], __isScriptLoaded: function (script_src) { for (var i=0; i<jsExtLoader.arLoadedScripts.length; i++) if (jsExtLoader.arLoadedScripts[i] == script_src) return true; return false; }, // evaluate external script EvalExternal: function(script_src) { if (/\/bitrix\/js\/main\/public_tools.js$/i.test(script_src)) return; // sorry guys, i cannot execute myself :-) if (jsExtLoader.__isScriptLoaded(script_src)) return; jsExtLoader.arLoadedScripts.push(script_src); if (script_src.substring(0, 8) != '/bitrix/') script_src = '/bitrix/admin/' + script_src; // fix Opera bug with combining syncronous and asynchronuos requests using one XHR object. if (jsUtils.IsOpera()) { if (null == this.httpRequest2) this.httpRequest2 = this._CreateHttpObject(); var httpRequest = this.httpRequest2; } else { var httpRequest = this.httpRequest; } httpRequest.onreadystatechange = function (str) {}; httpRequest.open("GET", script_src, false); httpRequest.send(""); var s = httpRequest.responseText; httpRequest = null; try { this.EvalGlobal(s); } catch(e) { //alert('script_src: ' + script_src + '<pre>' + s + '</pre>'); } }, processResult: function(content, arCode) { //Javascript jsExtLoader.processScripts(arCode, true); if (null == jsExtLoader.obContainer) jsExtLoader.obContainer = jsExtLoader.onajaxfinish(content); else jsExtLoader.obContainer.innerHTML = content; //Javascript jsExtLoader.processScripts(arCode, false); }, processScripts: function(arCode, bRunFirst) { for (var i = 0, length = arCode.length; i < length; i++) { if (arCode[i].bRunFirst != bRunFirst) continue; if (arCode[i].isInternal) { arCode[i].JS = arCode[i].JS.replace('<!--', ''); jsExtLoader.EvalGlobal(arCode[i].JS); } else { jsExtLoader.EvalExternal(arCode[i].JS); } } }, _CreateHttpObject: function() { var obj = null; if(window.XMLHttpRequest) { try {obj = new XMLHttpRequest();} catch(e){} } else if(window.ActiveXObject) { try {obj = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");} catch(e){} if(!obj) try {obj = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");} catch (e){} } return obj; } } /* public jsAdminStyle - external CSS manager */ var jsAdminStyle = { arCSS: {}, bInited: false, httpRequest: null, Init: function() { var arStyles = document.getElementsByTagName('LINK'); if (arStyles.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i<arStyles.length; i++) { if (arStyles[i].href) { var filename = arStyles[i].href; var pos = filename.indexOf('://'); if (pos != -1) filename = filename.substr(filename.indexOf('/', pos + 3)); arStyles[i].bxajaxflag = false; this.arCSS[filename] = arStyles[i]; } } } this.bInited = true; }, Load: function(filename) { if (!this.bInited) this.Init(); if (null != this.arCSS[filename]) { this.arCSS[filename].disabled = false; return; } var link = document.createElement("STYLE"); link.type = 'text/css'; var head = document.getElementsByTagName("HEAD")[0]; head.insertBefore(link, head.firstChild); //head.appendChild(link); if (jsUtils.IsIE()) { link.styleSheet.addImport(filename); } else { try { if (null == this.httpRequest) this.httpRequest = jsExtLoader._CreateHttpObject(); this.httpRequest.onreadystatechange = null; this.httpRequest.open("GET", filename, false); // make *synchronous* request for css source this.httpRequest.send(""); var s = this.httpRequest.responseText; // convert relative resourse paths in css to absolute. current path to css will be lost. var pos = filename.lastIndexOf('/'); if (pos != -1) { var dirname = filename.substring(0, pos); s = s.replace(/url\(([^\/\\].*?)\)/gi, 'url(' + dirname + '/$1)'); } link.appendChild(document.createTextNode(s)); } catch (e) {} } }, Unload: function(filename) { if (!this.bInited) this.Init(); if (null != this.arCSS[filename]) { this.arCSS[filename].disabled = true; } }, UnloadAll: function() { if (!this.bInited) this.Init(); else for (var i in this.arCSS) { if (this.arCSS[i].bxajaxflag) this.Unload(i); } } } // for compatibility with IE 5.0 browser if (![].pop) { Array.prototype.pop = function() { if (this.length <= 0) return false; var element = this[this.length-1]; delete this[this.length-1]; this.length--; return element; } Array.prototype.shift = function() { if (this.length <= 0) return false; var tmp = this.reverse(); var element = tmp.pop(); this.prototype = tmp.reverse(); return element; } Array.prototype.push = function(element) { this[this.length] = element; } } //************************************************************ function jsWizard() { this.currentStep = null; this.firstStep = null; this.arSteps = {}; this.nextButtonID = "btn_popup_next"; this.prevButtonID = "btn_popup_prev"; this.finishButtonID = "btn_popup_finish"; this.arButtons = {}; } jsWizard.prototype.AddStep = function(stepID, arButtons) { var element = document.getElementById(stepID); if (!element) return; if (typeof(arButtons) != "object") arButtons = {}; this.arSteps[stepID] = {"element": element}; //Actions for (var button in arButtons) this.arSteps[stepID][button] = arButtons[button]; if (this.firstStep === null) this.firstStep = stepID; } jsWizard.prototype.SetCurrentStep = function(stepID) { this.currentStep = stepID; } jsWizard.prototype.SetFirstStep = function(stepID) { this.firstStep = stepID; } jsWizard.prototype.SetNextButtonID = function(buttonID) { this.nextButtonID = buttonID; } jsWizard.prototype.SetPrevButtonID = function(buttonID) { this.prevButtonID = buttonID; } jsWizard.prototype.SetFinishButtonID = function(buttonID) { this.finishButtonID = buttonID; } jsWizard.prototype.SetCancelButtonID = function(buttonID) { this.cancelButtonID = buttonID; } jsWizard.prototype.SetButtonDisabled = function(button, disabled) { if (this.arButtons[button]) this.arButtons[button].disabled = disabled; } jsWizard.prototype.IsStepExists = function(stepID) { if (this.arSteps[stepID]) return true; else return false; } jsWizard.prototype.Display = function() { if (this.firstStep === null) return; this.currentStep = this.firstStep; var _this = this; var arButtons = {"next" : this.nextButtonID, "prev" : this.prevButtonID, "finish" : this.finishButtonID}; for (var button in arButtons) { var buttonElement = document.getElementById(arButtons[button]); if (buttonElement && buttonElement.tagName == "INPUT") { buttonElement.buttonID = button; buttonElement.onclick = function() {_this._OnButtonClick(this.buttonID)}; this.arButtons[button] = buttonElement; } else this.arButtons[button] = null; } this._OnStepShow(); } jsWizard.prototype._OnButtonClick = function(button) { if (this.arSteps[this.currentStep] ) { var callback = this.arSteps[this.currentStep]["on" + button]; if (callback && typeof(callback) == "function") { if (callback(this) === false) return; } } if (!this.arSteps[this.currentStep]) { if (!this.arSteps[this.firstStep]) return; this.currentStep = this.firstStep; } else if (this.arSteps[this.currentStep][button]) this.currentStep = this.arSteps[this.currentStep][button]; this._OnStepShow(); } jsWizard.prototype._OnStepShow = function() { //Display current step and hide others steps for (var stepID in this.arSteps) this.arSteps[stepID].element.style.display = (stepID == this.currentStep ? "" : "none"); //Activate and disable buttons for (var button in this.arButtons) { if (this.arButtons[button]) { var stepID = this.arSteps[this.currentStep][button]; this.arButtons[button].disabled = (stepID && this.arSteps[stepID] ? false : true); } } //Execute onshow function if (this.arSteps[this.currentStep]) { var callback = this.arSteps[this.currentStep]["onshow"]; if (callback && typeof(callback) == "function") callback(this); } } var jsPopup = new JCPopup(); var jsComponentUtils = new JCComponentUtils();