Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/js/report/js/dashboard/ |
Current File : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/js/report/js/dashboard/board.js |
;(function () { "use strict"; BX.namespace("BX.Report.Dashboard"); /** * * @param options * @constructor */ BX.Report.Dashboard.Board = function (options) { if (!BX.type.isPlainObject(options)) { throw new Error("BX.Report.Dashboard.Board: 'options' is not an object."); } if (!BX.type.isDomNode(options.renderTo)) { throw new Error("BX.Report.Dashboard.Board: 'renderTo' is not a DOMNode."); } window.addEventListener('scroll', BX.throttle(this.lazyLoad, 100, this)); this.renderTo = options.renderTo; this.id = options.id || null; this.rendered = false; this.designerMode = options.designerMode; this.defaultWidgetClass = options.defaultWidgetClass || 'BX.Report.Dashboard.Widget'; this.rowsOrder = []; this.layout = { outerContainer: null, innerContainer: null, boardContainer: null, emptyBoardContainer: null }; this.rowWithPseudoRows = null; this.addRows(options.rows); this.init(); }; BX.Report.Dashboard.Board.prototype = { isEmpty: function() { return this.empty; }, setEmpty: function(value) { this.empty = value; if (this.empty) { BX.cleanNode(this.getBoardContainer()); this.getBoardContainer().appendChild(this.getEmptyBoardContent()); } else { BX.cleanNode(this.getBoardContainer()); } }, init: function () { BX.Report.Dashboard.BoardRepository.addBoard(this); }, getId: function () { return this.id; }, toggleDesignerMode: function () { if (this.isDesignerMode()) { this.setDesignerMode(false); } else { this.setDesignerMode(true); } }, setDesignerMode: function (mode) { this.designerMode = mode; if (this.designerMode) { this.getInnerContainer().classList.add('report-visualconstructor-dashboard-designer-mode') } else { this.getInnerContainer().classList.remove('report-visualconstructor-dashboard-designer-mode') } }, isDesignerMode: function () { return this.designerMode; }, getRenderToContainer: function () { return this.renderTo; }, /** * * @returns {Element} */ getOuterContainer: function () { if (this.layout.outerContainer) { return this.layout.outerContainer; } this.layout.outerContainer = BX.create("div", { props: { className: "report-visualconstructor" } }); return this.layout.outerContainer; }, /** * * @returns {Element} */ getInnerContainer: function () { if (this.layout.innerContainer) { return this.layout.innerContainer; } this.layout.innerContainer = BX.create("div", { props: { className: "report-visualconstructor-inner" } }); return this.layout.innerContainer; }, getBoardContainer: function () { if (this.layout.boardContainer) { return this.layout.boardContainer; } this.layout.boardContainer = BX.create('div', { props: { className: 'report-visualconstructor-dashboard-container' } }); return this.layout.boardContainer; }, lazyLoad: function () { var rows = this.getRows(); var clientHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight; rows.forEach(function (row) { var rowPos = row.getRowWrapper().getBoundingClientRect(); if ( rowPos.top >= 0 && rowPos.top <= clientHeight || rowPos.bottom >= 0 && rowPos.bottom <= clientHeight ) { row.lazyLoadWidgets(); } }); }, addRow: function (options, targetRow, isBefore) { if (this.isEmpty()) { this.setEmpty(false); } var row = this.getRowObject(options); row.setBoard(this); if (isBefore === true) { this.addRowBefore(row, targetRow); } else { this.addRowAfter(row, targetRow); } jsDD.refreshDestArea(); return row; }, getRowObject: function (options) { var row; if (BX.type.isPlainObject(options) && !(options instanceof BX.Report.Dashboard.Row)) { row = new BX.Report.Dashboard.Row(options); } else if (options instanceof BX.Report.Dashboard.Row) { row = options; } else { throw new Error("Unable to create or get row object"); } return row; }, addRowToStart: function (row) { row.setBoard(this); this.rowsOrder.splice(0, 0, row); if (this.isRendered()) { BX.prepend(row.render(), this.getBoardContainer()); } return row; }, addRowBefore: function (row, targetRow) { targetRow = this.getRow(targetRow); var targetRowIndex = BX.util.array_search(targetRow, this.rowsOrder); if (targetRowIndex >= 0) { this.rowsOrder.splice(targetRowIndex, 0, row); if (this.isRendered()) { this.getBoardContainer().insertBefore(row.render(), targetRow.getRowContainer()); } } }, addRowAfter: function (row, targetRow) { targetRow = this.getRow(targetRow); var targetRowIndex = BX.util.array_search(targetRow, this.rowsOrder); var targetNext = this.getNextRowSibling(targetRow); if (targetRowIndex >= 0 && targetNext) { this.rowsOrder.splice(targetRowIndex + 1, 0, row); if (this.isRendered()) { this.getBoardContainer().insertBefore(row.render(), targetNext.getRowContainer()); } } else { this.rowsOrder.push(row); if (this.isRendered()) { this.getBoardContainer().appendChild(row.render()); } } }, addRows: function (options) { options.forEach(function (option) { this.addRow(option); }.bind(this)); }, adjustRowsWeight: function () { var rows = this.getRows(); for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) { rows[i].setWeight(i + 1); } BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'BX.Report.Dashboard.Board:afterRowsAdjust', [rows]); }, getRows: function () { return this.rowsOrder; }, /** * * @param {BX.Report.Dashboard.Row|string|number} row * @returns {BX.Report.Dashboard.Row} */ getRow: function (row) { var rowId = row instanceof BX.Report.Dashboard.Row ? row.getId() : row; for (var i = 0; i < this.rowsOrder.length; i++) { if (this.rowsOrder[i] instanceof BX.Report.Dashboard.Row && this.rowsOrder[i].getId() === rowId) { return this.rowsOrder[i]; } } return null; }, removeRow: function (row) { var rowIndex = BX.util.array_search(row, this.rowsOrder); row.remove(); this.rowsOrder.splice(rowIndex, 1); BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'BX.Report.Dashboard.Board:afterRowRemove', [{row: row}]); }, moveRow: function (row, targetRow) { row = this.getRow(row); targetRow = this.getRow(targetRow); if (!row || row === targetRow) { return false; } var rowIndex = BX.util.array_search(row, this.rowsOrder); this.rowsOrder.splice(rowIndex, 1); var targetRowIndex = BX.util.array_search(targetRow, this.rowsOrder); if (targetRowIndex >= 0) { this.rowsOrder.splice(targetRowIndex, 0, row); if (this.isRendered()) { this.getBoardContainer().insertBefore(row.getRowContainer(), targetRow.getRowContainer()); } } else { this.rowsOrder.push(row); if (this.isRendered()) { this.getBoardContainer().appendChild(row.getRowContainer()); } } this.adjustRowsWeight(); return true; }, /** * * @param {BX.Report.Dashboard.Row} currentRow * @returns {BX.Report.Dashboard.Row} */ getNextRowSibling: function (currentRow) { var rowIndex = this.getRowIndex(currentRow); var rows = this.getRows(); return rowIndex !== -1 && rows[rowIndex + 1] ? rows[rowIndex + 1] : null; }, /** * * @param {BX.Report.Dashboard.Row} currentRow * @returns {BX.Report.Dashboard.Row} */ getPreviousRowSibling: function (currentRow) { var rowIndex = this.getRowIndex(currentRow); var rows = this.getRows(); return rowIndex > 0 && rows[rowIndex - 1] ? rows[rowIndex - 1] : null; }, /** * * @param row * @returns {number} */ getRowIndex: function (row) { row = this.getRow(row); return BX.util.array_search(row, this.getRows()); }, render: function () { this.setDesignerMode(this.isDesignerMode()); var rowFragment = document.createDocumentFragment(); //var widgetFragment = document.createDocumentFragment(); var rows = this.getRows(); BX.Report.Dashboard.Utils.forEach(rows, function (key) { rowFragment.appendChild(rows[key].render()); }.bind(this)); BX.cleanNode(this.getBoardContainer()); this.getBoardContainer().appendChild(rowFragment); if (!this.isRendered()) { this.renderLayout(); this.setRenderStatus(true); BX.onCustomEvent(this, "Dashboard.Board:onFirstRender", [this]); } BX.onCustomEvent(this, "Dashboard.Board:onRender", [this]); }, renderLayout: function () { if (this.getOuterContainer().parentNode) { return; } var innerContainer = this.getInnerContainer(); innerContainer.appendChild(this.getBoardContainer()); this.getRenderToContainer().appendChild(innerContainer); this.lazyLoad(); }, getEmptyBoardContent: function() { if (this.layout.emptyBoardContainer) { return this.layout.emptyBoardContainer; } this.layout.emptyBoardContainer = BX.create('div', { attrs: { className: 'report-visualconstructor-empty-board' }, text: BX.message('DASHBOARD_EMPTY_BOARD_CONTENT') }); return this.layout.emptyBoardContainer; }, setRenderStatus: function (status) { if (BX.type.isBoolean(status)) { this.rendered = status; } else { throw Error('Render status might be boolean'); } }, isRendered: function () { return this.rendered; }, clearRows: function () { this.rowsOrder = []; }, destroy: function () { this.rendered = false; BX.remove(this.getBoardContainer()); var rows = this.getRows(); for (var i in rows) { if (rows.hasOwnProperty(i)) { rows[i].destroy(); } } }, /** * * @param {string|number} param * @returns {BX.Report.Dashboard.Widget} */ getWidget: function (param) { var widgetId = param instanceof BX.Report.Dashboard.Widget ? param.getId() : param; var rows = this.getRows(); for (var rowNum = 0; rowNum < rows.length; rowNum++) { if (rows[rowNum].getWidget(widgetId)) { return rows[rowNum].getWidget(widgetId); } } return null; }, showPriorityPseudoRowsByYPos: function (priorityRows, mouseCurrentYPosition) { var rows = this.getRows(); for (var i in rows) { if (!rows.hasOwnProperty(i)) { continue; } var row = rows[i]; if (row.isPseudo()) { continue; } var rowRectArea = row.getRectArea(); var rowBottom = rowRectArea.bottom; var rowTop = rowRectArea.top; if (rowTop <= mouseCurrentYPosition && rowBottom >= mouseCurrentYPosition) { if (!row.hasShownPriorityPseudoRows) { for (var j = 0; j < priorityRows.length; j++) { row.pseudoRowsList.push(priorityRows[j]); this.addRow(priorityRows[j], row, true); } row.hasShownPriorityPseudoRows = true; } } else { var minPseudoRowTop = 0; //TODO refactor this if (row.hasShownPriorityPseudoRows) { for (var n = 0; n < row.pseudoRowsList.length; n++) { var pseudoRow = row.pseudoRowsList[n]; if (pseudoRow.isRendered()) { var pseudoRowRect = pseudoRow.getRectArea(); if (!minPseudoRowTop) { minPseudoRowTop = pseudoRowRect.top; } else if (minPseudoRowTop > pseudoRowRect.top) { minPseudoRowTop = pseudoRowRect.top; } } } if (mouseCurrentYPosition > rowBottom || mouseCurrentYPosition < minPseudoRowTop) { this.removePseudoRows(); } } } } }, removePseudoRows: function () { var rows = this.getRows(); var removedRowsList = []; for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) { if (rows[i].isPseudo()) { removedRowsList.push(rows[i]); } else { rows[i].hasShownPriorityPseudoRows = false; } } for (var j = 0; j < removedRowsList.length; j++) { this.removeRow(removedRowsList[j]); } jsDD.refreshDestArea(); } }; BX.Report.Dashboard.BoardRepository = { dashboards: [], addBoard: function (board) { this.dashboards.push(board); }, getBoard: function (id) { var boards = this.getBoards(); for (var i = 0; i < boards.length; i++) { if (boards[i].getId() === id) { return boards[i]; } } return false; }, getBoards: function () { return this.dashboards; } } })();