Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/js/report/js/dashboard/ |
Current File : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/js/report/js/dashboard/rowlayouts.js |
;(function () { "use strict"; BX.namespace("BX.Report.Dashboard.Row"); /** * @param options * @constructor */ BX.Report.Dashboard.Row.BaseLayout = function (options) { this.cellCount = options.cellCount; this.row = options.row; this.cells = []; }; BX.Report.Dashboard.Row.BaseLayout.prototype = { getClassName: function() { return 'BX.Report.Dashboard.Row.BaseLayout'; }, getRow: function () { return this.row; }, getWidgets: function () { return this.getRow().getWidgets(); }, getCells: function() { return this.cells; }, getFirstEmptyCell: function() { var cells = this.getCells(); for (var id = 1; id <= cells.length; id++) { if (cells[id] instanceof BX.Report.Dashboard.Cell && cells[id].isEmpty()) { return cells[id]; } } return null; }, getMiniatureContainer: function() { var miniatureContainer = BX.create('div', { attrs: { className: 'report-visualconstructor-dashboard-miniature-container' }, events: { click: this.handlerRowAddByMiniature.bind(this) } }); for (var i = 1; i <= this.cellCount; i++) { var linearCell = BX.create('div', { attrs: { className: 'report-visualconstructor-dashboard-miniature-cell' } }); miniatureContainer.appendChild(linearCell); } return miniatureContainer; }, getPseudoRowId: function() { return "pseudo_" + Math.floor(Math.random()* (99999 - 15000)) + 15000 + ""; }, getPseudoCellId: function() { return "js_" + BX.util.getRandomString(); }, handlerRowAddByMiniature: function() { this.getRow().getBoard().addRow(new BX.Report.Dashboard.Row({ id: this.getPseudoRowId(), pseudo: true, maxWidgetCount: "" + this.cellCount, layoutMap: this.getLayoutMap() }), this.getRow(), false); this.getRow().addRowPopup.close(); }, getLayoutMap: function() { var elements = []; for (var widgetContainerWrapperNum = 1; widgetContainerWrapperNum <= this.cellCount; widgetContainerWrapperNum++) { var element = { type: 'cell', id: this.getPseudoCellId(), removable: 0 }; elements.push(element); } /* elements.push({ type: 'cell', id: this.getPseudoCellId(), flexValue: 2 });*/ return { type: 'cell-container', orientation: 'horizontal', elements: elements }; } }; /** * Analog of base layout class * @param options * @extends {BX.Report.Dashboard.Row.BaseLayout} * @constructor */ BX.Report.Dashboard.Row.HorizontalLinear = function (options) { BX.Report.Dashboard.Row.BaseLayout.apply(this, arguments); }; BX.Report.Dashboard.Row.HorizontalLinear.prototype = { __proto__: BX.Report.Dashboard.Row.BaseLayout.prototype, constructor: BX.Report.Dashboard.Row.HorizontalLinear, getClassName: function() { return 'BX.Report.Dashboard.Row.HorizontalLinear'; } }; /** * @param options * @constructor */ BX.Report.Dashboard.Row.LayoutFabric = function(options) { this.row = options.row; this.map = options.map; this.layout = null; this.cells = []; }; BX.Report.Dashboard.Row.LayoutFabric.prototype = { render: function() { var layout = this.getLayout(); this.fillCellsWithWidgets(); return layout; }, getRow: function() { return this.row; }, getCells: function() { return this.cells; }, getWidgets: function () { return this.getRow().getWidgets(); }, getMapWithoutDomElements: function(params, nested) { if (!nested) { params = this.getMap(); } var map = {}; if (params['type'] === 'cell-container') { map['type'] = params['type']; map['orientation'] = params['orientation']; map['elements'] = []; for (var i in params['elements']) { map['elements'].push(this.getMapWithoutDomElements(params['elements'][i], true)) } } else if (params['type'] === 'cell') { map['type'] = params['type']; map['id'] = params['id']; map['flexValue'] = params['flexValue']; map['height'] = params['height']; } return map; }, getMap: function() { return this.map; }, getFirstEmptyCell: function() { var cells = this.getCells(); for (var id = 0; id <= cells.length; id++) { if (cells[id] instanceof BX.Report.Dashboard.Cell && cells[id].isEmpty()) { return cells[id]; } } return null; }, getLayout: function() { if (this.layout) { return this.layout; } this.layout = this.buildNestedCellNodeTree(this.getMap(), false); return this.layout; }, destroy: function() { BX.remove(this.getLayout()); var cells = this.getCells(); for (var i = 0; i < cells.length; i++) { cells[i].destroy(); } }, fillCellsWithWidgets: function() { var widgets = this.getWidgets(); var cells = this.getCells(); BX.Report.Dashboard.Utils.forEach(widgets, BX.delegate(function (key) { for (var i = 0; i < cells.length; i++) { var position = widgets[key].getWeight(); if (position === cells[i].getId() && cells[i].isEmpty()) { cells[i].setWidget(widgets[key]); } } }, this)); }, buildNestedCellNodeTree: function(params, isNested) { if (params['type'] === 'cell') { var cell = new BX.Report.Dashboard.Cell({ id : params['id'], height: params['height'] || 380, flexValue: params['flexValue'] || 1, row: this.getRow() }); this.cells.push(cell); var cellRendered = cell.render(); params['domElement'] = cellRendered; return cellRendered; } if (params['type'] === 'cell-container') { var rowContainer; if (params['orientation'] === 'horizontal') { rowContainer = this.getCellRowContainer(); } else if (params['orientation'] === 'vertical') { rowContainer = this.getCellColumnContainer(); } if (params['elements']) { for (var i = 0; i < params['elements'].length; i++) { rowContainer.appendChild(this.buildNestedCellNodeTree(params['elements'][i], true)); } } if (isNested) { var cellContainer = this.getCellContainer(); cellContainer.style.flex = params['flexValue'] || 1; cellContainer.appendChild(rowContainer); params['domElement'] = cellContainer; return cellContainer; } else { params['domElement'] = rowContainer; return rowContainer; } } }, getCellContainer: function() { return BX.create('div', { attrs: { className: 'report-visualconstructor-dashboard-cell report-visualconstructor-dashboard-cell-container', "data-type": 'cell-container' } }); }, getCellRowContainer: function() { return BX.create('div', { attrs: { className: 'report-visualconstructor-dashboard-row report-visualconstructor-dashboard-row-direction-row' } }); }, getCellColumnContainer: function() { return BX.create('div', { attrs: { className: 'report-visualconstructor-dashboard-row report-visualconstructor-dashboard-row-direction-column' } }); }, transformCellToContainer: function(cell, params) { var parentContainer = this.findContainerContainsCell(cell, this.getMap()); var cellIndexInContainerElements = this.findCellIndexInContainerElements(cell, parentContainer['elements']); var cellToTransferDomContainer = parentContainer['elements'][cellIndexInContainerElements]['domElement']; var cellToTransfer = Object.assign({}, parentContainer['elements'][cellIndexInContainerElements]); var newCellId = this.getPseudoCellId(); cellToTransfer.flexValue = 1; //TODO: remove hardcode from here, separation of container co cells will universal cellToTransfer.height = 380; var elements = [ cellToTransfer ]; for (var i = 1; i < params.cellCount; i++) { elements.push({ type: 'cell', id: newCellId, height: 180, flexValue: 1, removable: 1 }); } parentContainer['elements'][cellIndexInContainerElements] = { type: 'cell-container', flexValue: parentContainer['elements'][cellIndexInContainerElements]['flexValue'] || 1, orientation: params['orientation'], elements: elements }; var oldCellIndex = BX.util.array_search(cell, this.getCells()); this.cells.splice(oldCellIndex, 1); var replaceCellLayout = this.buildNestedCellNodeTree(parentContainer['elements'][cellIndexInContainerElements], true); parentContainer['domElement'].replaceChild(replaceCellLayout, cellToTransferDomContainer); this.fillCellsWithWidgets(); }, findContainerContainsCell: function(cell, containerMap) { var map = containerMap; if (map['type'] === 'cell-container') { for (var i = 0; i < map['elements'].length; i++) { if (map['elements'][i]['type'] === 'cell-container') { var result = this.findContainerContainsCell(cell, map['elements'][i]); if (result) { return result; } } if (map['elements'][i]['type'] === 'cell') { if (cell.getId() === map['elements'][i]['id']) { return containerMap; } } } } return null; }, findCellIndexInContainerElements: function(cell, elements) { for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { if (elements[i]['id'] === cell.getId()) { return i; } } return null; }, getCellById: function(id) { var cells = this.getCells(); for (var i = 0; i < cells.length; i++) { if (cells[i].getId() === id) { return cells[i] } } return false; }, adjustNoEmptyCellsInCellLevel: function(cell) { var cellsContainsContainerMap = this.findContainerContainsCell(cell, this.getMap()); var elementIndex = this.findCellIndexInContainerElements(cell, cellsContainsContainerMap['elements']); var currentCellInMap = cellsContainsContainerMap['elements'][elementIndex]; for (var num = 0; num < cellsContainsContainerMap['elements'].length; num++) { if (cellsContainsContainerMap['elements'][num]['type'] === 'cell') { var cellById = this.getCellById(cellsContainsContainerMap['elements'][num]['id']); if (cellById.getId() !== currentCellInMap['id'] && !cellById.isEmpty()) { var cellClientHeight = cellById.getContainer().clientHeight; var widgetHeight = cellById.getWidget().getHeight(); var maxWidgetsByHeightCanBeHere = Math.round(cellClientHeight / widgetHeight); if (maxWidgetsByHeightCanBeHere > 1) { this.transformCellToContainer(cellById, { orientation: 'vertical', cellCount: 2 }); } } } } }, adjustCellToMaxSize: function(cell) { var cellsContainsContainerMap = this.findContainerContainsCell(cell, this.getMap()); if (cellsContainsContainerMap['orientation'] === 'vertical') { if (!this.isCellsContainerHasFilledCell(cellsContainsContainerMap)) { this.clearCellsFromCollectionByContainer(cellsContainsContainerMap); var oldDomElement = cellsContainsContainerMap.domElement; cellsContainsContainerMap.type = 'cell'; cellsContainsContainerMap.flexValue = 1; cellsContainsContainerMap.id = this.getPseudoCellId(); delete cellsContainsContainerMap.orientation; delete cellsContainsContainerMap.elements; var newDomElement = this.buildNestedCellNodeTree(cellsContainsContainerMap, false); this.getLayout().replaceChild(newDomElement, oldDomElement); cellsContainsContainerMap.domElement = newDomElement; } } }, clearCellsFromCollectionByContainer: function(containerMap) { if (containerMap['type'] === 'cell-container') { for (var num = 0; num < containerMap['elements'].length; num++) { if (containerMap['elements'][num]['type'] === 'cell') { var cell = this.getCellById(containerMap['elements'][num]['id']); var oldCellIndex = BX.util.array_search(cell, this.getCells()); this.cells.splice(oldCellIndex, 1); } else { this.clearCellsFromCollectionByContainer(containerMap['elements'][num]); } } } }, isCellsContainerHasFilledCell: function(cellsContainContainerMap) { for (var number = 0; number < cellsContainContainerMap['elements'].length; number++) { if (cellsContainContainerMap['elements'][number]['type'] === 'cell') { var cellById = this.getCellById(cellsContainContainerMap['elements'][number]['id']); if (!cellById.isEmpty()) { return true; } } } return false; }, getPseudoCellId: function() { return "js_" + BX.util.getRandomString(); } } })();