Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/js/sale/ |
Current File : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/js/sale/core_ui_pager.js |
BX.ui.scrollablePager = function(opts, nf){ this.parentConstruct(BX.ui.scrollablePager, opts); BX.merge(this, { opts: { // default options areaHeight: 100, // the default height for top and bottom areas eventTimeout: 100, // scroll event throttle timeout pageRenderer: false, setTopReachedOnPage: false, setBottomReachedOnPage: false }, vars: { // significant variables pages: 0, // number of pages already loaded boundsReached: {top: false, bottom: false}, // flags for indicate that bounds were reached already prevScrollTop: false, // container.scrollTop got on the last scroll event scrollEventLock: false, // when true, no scroll events handled pageRange: false, renderer: false }, sys: { code: 'pager' } }); //this.disableInFuncStack('init', BX.some.parent); this.handleInitStack(nf, BX.ui.scrollablePager, opts); }; BX.extend(BX.ui.scrollablePager, BX.ui.widget); // the following functions can be overrided with inheritance BX.merge(BX.ui.scrollablePager.prototype, { // member of stack of initializers, must be defined even if do nothing init: function(){ this.ctrls.pane = this.getControl('pane'); this.vars.scrollEventDispatcher = BX.throttle(this.checkScrollState, this.opts.eventTimeout, this); if(this.opts.pageRenderer !== false) this.vars.renderer = this.opts.pageRenderer; else this.vars.renderer = new BX.ui.scrollablePager.renderers.native(); this.vars.renderer.init({ scope: this.ctrls.scope, pane: this.ctrls.pane, parent: this }); this.pushFuncStack('buildUpDOM', BX.ui.scrollablePager); this.pushFuncStack('bindEvents', BX.ui.scrollablePager); }, buildUpDOM: function(){ var sc = this.ctrls; // add areas to the top and the bottom of the pane var nodes = null; if(typeof this.template('pager-area') != 'undefined') nodes = this.createNodesByTemplate('pager-area', {}, true); if(nodes == null || !BX.type.isDomNode(nodes[0])) nodes = BX.create('div', {style: {'height': parseInt(this.opts.areaHeight)+'px'}}); else nodes = nodes[0]; sc.areas = { top: {node: nodes, height: 0}, bottom: {node: BX.clone(nodes), height: 0} }; sc.pool = BX.create('div'); BX.append(sc.areas.top.node, sc.pane); BX.append(sc.pool, sc.pane); BX.append(sc.areas.bottom.node, sc.pane); this.vars.renderer.update(); }, bindEvents: function(){ BX.addCustomEvent(this.vars.renderer, 'bx-ui-pagerenderer-scroll-changed', BX.proxy(function(){ this.dispatchScrollEvents(); }, this)); this.vars.renderer.bindScrollEvents(); }, ////////// PUBLIC: free to use outside ////////// scrolling scrollTo: function(height, ignoreEvents, sign){ var sv = this.vars; if(ignoreEvents) sv.scrollEventLock = true; sv.renderer.setScrollTop(height, sign); if(ignoreEvents) sv.scrollEventLock = false; return true; }, scrollToNode: function(node){ // not implemented }, // to dispatch scroll events manually dispatchScrollEvents: function(){ if(this.vars.scrollEventLock) return false; this.vars.scrollEventDispatcher(); }, // to disable scroll events lockScrollEvents: function(){ this.vars.scrollEventLock = true; }, // to enable scroll events back unLockScrollEvents: function(){ this.vars.scrollEventLock = false; }, ////////// paging prependPage: function(data){ this.addPage(data, this.vars.pageRange == false ? 0 : this.vars.pageRange[0] - 1); }, appendPage: function(data){ this.addPage(data, this.vars.pageRange == false ? 0 : this.vars.pageRange[1] + 1); }, getFreePageNumber: function(bound){ if(this.vars.pageRange == false) return 0; if(bound == 0) return this.vars.pageRange[0] - 1; if(bound == 1) return this.vars.pageRange[1] + 1; return false; }, getPageCount: function(){ return this.vars.pages; }, // all content already shown at the top setTopReached: function(way){ if(typeof way == 'undefined') way = true; this.manageBounds(way, true); }, // all content already shown at the bottom setBottomReached: function(way){ if(typeof way == 'undefined') way = true; this.manageBounds(way, false); }, //////////cleaning cleanUp: function(){ this.ctrls.pool.innerHTML = ''; this.setTopReached(false); this.setBottomReached(false); this.vars.pages = 0; this.vars.pageRange = false; this.vars.renderer.update(); }, // lately should appear as an item in remove stack remove: function(){ // drop scope if(BX.type.isDomNode(this.ctrls.scope)) this.ctrls.scope.innerHTML = ''; // ubind custom events BX.unbindAll(this); this.vars.renderer.remove(); }, ////////// PRIVATE: forbidden to use outside (for compatibility reasons) addPage: function(data, pageNum){ var sv = this.vars, so = this.opts, wrapper = this.getPageWrapper(); var st = this.ctrls.scope.scrollTop; // check range integrity here if(sv.pageRange != false){ if(pageNum != sv.pageRange[1] + 1 && pageNum != sv.pageRange[0] - 1) throw new Error('Not allowed to break page range integrity'); } // manage top bound here based on pageNum if(so.setTopReachedOnPage !== false && pageNum == so.setTopReachedOnPage) this.setTopReached(); if(so.setBottomReachedOnPage !== false && pageNum == so.setBottomReachedOnPage) this.setBottomReached(); var actAppend = sv.pageRange == false || pageNum > sv.pageRange[1]; if(BX.type.isString(data)) wrapper.innerHTML = data; else if(BX.type.isDomNode(data)) BX.append(data, wrapper); else if('length' in data && data.length > 0){ for(var k in data) { if(data.hasOwnProperty(k)) if(BX.type.isDomNode(data[k])) BX.append(data[k], wrapper); } }else return false; // smth strange passed var scrollBefore = this.vars.renderer.getScrollTop(); BX[actAppend ? 'append' : 'prepend'](wrapper, this.ctrls.pool); if(!sv.boundsReached.top && sv.pages == 0){ // scroll to the first page in the pager this.scrollTo(this.ctrls.areas.top.node.offsetHeight, true); }else{ if(actAppend){ // on append this.scrollTo(scrollBefore, true); // special for ie }else // on prepend this.scrollTo(wrapper.offsetHeight, true, +1); } this.vars.renderer.update(); // modify range if(sv.pageRange == false){ sv.pageRange = [pageNum, pageNum]; }else{ if(actAppend) sv.pageRange[1]++ else sv.pageRange[0]--; } sv.pages++; this.dispatchScrollEvents(); }, checkScrollState: function(){ var sv = this.vars; var scopeScroll = sv.renderer.getScrollTop(); if(scopeScroll != 0 && sv.prevScrollTop == scopeScroll) return false; if(this.checkScrolledToTop(scopeScroll) && !sv.boundsReached.top) this.fireEvent('scroll-to-top'); if(this.checkScrolledToBottom(scopeScroll) && !sv.boundsReached.bottom) this.fireEvent('scroll-to-bottom'); sv.prevScrollTop = scopeScroll; }, getPageWrapper: function(){ return BX.create('div', {props: {className: 'bx-ui-'+this.sys.code+'-page-wrapper'}}); }, topOn: function(){ this.manageBounds(false, true); }, topOff: function(){ this.manageBounds(true, true); }, // bounds are those two small areas at the top and the bottom manageBounds: function(way, isTop){ way = !!way; isTop = !!isTop; var sv = this.vars, sc = this.ctrls; if(isTop){ // must affect scrollTop var scroll = this.vars.renderer.getScrollTop(); var flip = (!sv.boundsReached.top && way)/*shown, need to be hidden*/ || (sv.boundsReached.top && !way)/*hidden, need to be shown*/; if(flip){ var hidden = BX.style(sc.areas.top.node, 'display') == 'none'; // bad solution var areaTopH = 0; if(hidden){//sv.boundsReached.top){ // hidden BX.show(sc.areas.top.node); areaTopH = sc.areas.top.node.offsetHeight; }else{ // shown areaTopH = sc.areas.top.node.offsetHeight; BX.hide(sc.areas.top.node); } this.scrollTo(areaTopH, true, way ? -1 : +1); } }else BX[way ? 'hide' : 'show'](this.ctrls.areas.bottom.node); this.vars.boundsReached[isTop ? 'top' : 'bottom'] = way; this.vars.renderer.update(); }, checkFreeBottomSpace: function(){ return this.vars.renderer.getScrollTop() <= this.vars.renderer.getClientHeight(); }, checkScrolledToTop: function(scopeScroll){ return scopeScroll <= this.ctrls.areas.top.node.offsetHeight; }, checkScrolledToBottom: function(scopeScroll){ var sc = this.ctrls; return scopeScroll >= this.vars.renderer.getScrollHeight() - this.vars.renderer.getClientHeight() - sc.areas.bottom.node.offsetHeight; } }); // renderer based on native controls // it takes div being scrolled as SCOPE // and scrolled contens of SCOPE as PANE BX.ui.scrollablePager.renderers = { native: function(){ this.opts = {}; this.wheelLock = false; this.init = function(opts){ this.opts = opts; }; this.remove = function(){ BX.unbind(this.opts.scope, 'scroll', this.fireEvent); BX.unbind(this.opts.scope, 'mousewheel', this.fireEvent); BX.unbind(this.opts.pane, 'touchstart', this.fireEvent); BX.unbind(window, 'resize', this.fireEvent); this.opts = null; }; this.update = function(){}; this.setScrollTop = function(height, sign){ if(typeof height == 'undefined') return false; height = parseInt(height); if(height.toString() == 'NaN') return false; if(sign != 1 && sign != -1) this.opts.scope.scrollTop = height; else this.opts.scope.scrollTop += sign*height; }; this.getScrollTop = function(){ return this.opts.scope.scrollTop; }; this.getScrollHeight = function(){ return this.opts.scope.scrollHeight; }; this.getClientHeight = function(){ return this.opts.scope.clientHeight; }; this.bindScrollEvents = function(){ var ctx = this; BX.bind(this.opts.scope, 'mousewheel', function(e){ var wData = BX.getWheelData(e); var jam = false; if(wData > 0 && ctx.getScrollTop() == 0) // move up jam = true; if(wData < 0 && (ctx.getScrollTop() >= ctx.getScrollHeight() - ctx.getClientHeight())) // move down jam = true; if(jam){ BX.PreventDefault(e); BX.eventCancelBubble(e); return false; } }); this.fireEvent = function(e){ BX.onCustomEvent(ctx, 'bx-ui-pagerenderer-scroll-changed', []); }; BX.bind(this.opts.scope, 'scroll', this.fireEvent); BX.bind(this.opts.pane, 'touchstart', this.fireEvent); BX.bind(window, 'resize', this.fireEvent); }; return this; } }