Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/js/sale/ |
Current File : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/js/sale/pay_system.js |
/** * Class BX.Sale.PaySystem */ (function(window) { if (!BX.Sale) BX.Sale = {}; if (BX.Sale.PaySystem) return; BX.Sale.PaySystem = { ajaxUrl: "sale_pay_system_ajax.php", setLHEClass: function (lheDivId) { BX.ready( function () { var lheDivObj = BX(lheDivId); if (lheDivObj) BX.addClass(lheDivObj, 'adm-sale-lhe-frame-dlvrs-dscr'); }); }, getRestrictionParamsHtml: function (params) { if (!params.class) return; params.params = params.params || {}; params.restrictionId = params.restrictionId || 0; params.sort = params.sort || 100; ShowWaitWindow(); var postData = { action: "get_restriction_params_html", className: params.class, params: params.params, paySystemId: params.paySystemId, sort: params.sort, lang: params.lang, sessid: BX.bitrix_sessid() }; BX.ajax({ timeout: 30, method: 'POST', dataType: 'json', url: this.ajaxUrl, data: postData, onsuccess: function (result) { CloseWaitWindow(); if (result && result.RESTRICTION_HTML && !result.ERROR) { var data = BX.processHTML(result.RESTRICTION_HTML); BX.Sale.PaySystem.showRestrictionParamsDialog(data['HTML'], params); window["paySystemGetRestrictionHtmlScriptsLoadingStarted"] = false; //process scripts var scrs = function (loadScripts) { if (!loadScripts) BX.removeCustomEvent('paySystemGetRestrictionHtmlScriptsReady', scrs); for (var i in data['SCRIPT']) { BX.evalGlobal(data['SCRIPT'][i]['JS']); delete(data['SCRIPT'][i]); //It can be nesessary at first to load some JS for restriction form if (loadScripts && window["paySystemGetRestrictionHtmlScriptsLoadingStarted"]) return; } }; BX.addCustomEvent('paySystemGetRestrictionHtmlScriptsReady', scrs); scrs(true); BX.loadCSS(data['STYLE']); } else if (result && result.ERROR) { BX.debug("Error receiving restriction params html: " + result.ERROR); } else { BX.debug("Error receiving restriction params html!"); } }, onfailure: function () { CloseWaitWindow(); BX.debug("Error adding restriction!"); } }); }, showRestrictionParamsDialog: function (content, rstrParams) { var width = (rstrParams.class == '\\Bitrix\\Sale\\PaySystem\\Restrictions\\ByLocation' ? 1030 : 420), dialog = new BX.CDialog({ 'content': '<form id="sale-paysystem-restriction-edit-form">' + content + '</form>', 'title': BX.message("SALE_RDL_RESTRICTION") + " " + rstrParams.title, 'width': width, 'height': 500, 'resizable': true }); dialog.ClearButtons(); dialog.SetButtons([ { 'title': BX.message("SALE_RDL_SAVE"), 'action': function () { var form = BX("sale-paysystem-restriction-edit-form"), prepared = BX.ajax.prepareForm(form), values = !!prepared && prepared.data ? prepared.data : {}; BX.Sale.PaySystem.saveRestriction(rstrParams, values); this.parentWindow.Close(); } }, BX.CDialog.prototype.btnCancel ]); BX.addCustomEvent(dialog, 'onWindowClose', function (dialog) { dialog.DIV.parentNode.removeChild(dialog.DIV); }); dialog.Show(); dialog.adjustSizeEx(); }, saveRestriction: function (rstrParams, values) { ShowWaitWindow(); var params = values.RESTRICTION || {}, postData = { action: "save_restriction", params: params, sort: values.SORT, className: rstrParams.class, paySystemId: rstrParams.paySystemId, restrictionId: rstrParams.restrictionId, sessid: BX.bitrix_sessid(), lang: BX.message('LANGUAGE_ID') }; BX.ajax({ timeout: 30, method: 'POST', dataType: 'json', url: this.ajaxUrl, data: postData, onsuccess: function (result) { CloseWaitWindow(); if (result && !result.ERROR) { if (result.HTML) BX.Sale.PaySystem.insertAjaxRestrictionHtml(result.HTML); } else { alert(result.ERROR); } }, onfailure: function () { CloseWaitWindow(); } }); }, deleteRestriction: function (restrictionId, paySystemId) { if (!restrictionId) return; ShowWaitWindow(); var postData = { action: "delete_restriction", restrictionId: restrictionId, paySystemId: paySystemId, sessid: BX.bitrix_sessid(), lang: BX.message('LANGUAGE_ID') }; BX.ajax({ timeout: 30, method: 'POST', dataType: 'json', url: this.ajaxUrl, data: postData, onsuccess: function (result) { CloseWaitWindow(); if (result && !result.ERROR) { if (result.HTML) BX.Sale.PaySystem.insertAjaxRestrictionHtml(result.HTML); if (result.ERROR) BX.debug("Error deleting restriction: " + result.ERROR); } else { BX.debug("Error deleting restriction!"); } }, onfailure: function () { CloseWaitWindow(); BX.debug("Error refreshing restriction!"); } }); }, insertAjaxRestrictionHtml: function (html) { var data = BX.processHTML(html), container = BX("sale-paysystem-restriction-container"); if (!container) return; BX.loadCSS(data['STYLE']); container.innerHTML = data['HTML']; for (var i in data['SCRIPT']) BX.evalGlobal(data['SCRIPT'][i]['JS']); }, getHandlerOptions: function (link) { var handlerType = link.value; if (handlerType == '') return; ShowWaitWindow(); var postData = { action: "getHandlerDescription", handler: handlerType, paySystemId: BX('ID').value, sessid: BX.bitrix_sessid(), lang: BX.message('LANGUAGE_ID') }; BX.ajax({ timeout: 30, method: 'POST', dataType: 'json', url: this.ajaxUrl, data: postData, onsuccess: function (result) { CloseWaitWindow(); if (result && !result.ERROR) { if (result.BUS_VAL) { var data = BX.processHTML(result.BUS_VAL); var busValSettings = BX('paysystem-business-value-settings'); if (!busValSettings) return; BX.loadCSS(data['STYLE']); busValSettings.innerHTML = data['HTML']; for (var i in data['SCRIPT']) BX.evalGlobal(data['SCRIPT'][i]['JS']); } var tariffSettings = BX('pay_system_tariff'); if (result.TARIF) { data = BX.processHTML(result.TARIF); if (!tariffSettings) return; BX.loadCSS(data['STYLE']); tariffSettings.innerHTML = data['HTML']; for (i in data['SCRIPT']) BX.evalGlobal(data['SCRIPT'][i]['JS']); BX.Sale.PaySystem.initTariffLoad(); } else { tariffSettings.innerHTML = ''; } var psMode = BX('pay_system_ps_mode'); var isOrderHandler = BX('ACTION_FILE').value === 'orderdocument'; if (result.PAYMENT_MODE || isOrderHandler) { var tr = BX.create('tr', {props : {'width': '40%'}}); tr.setAttribute('valign', 'top'); var tdTitle = BX.create('td', {props : {'width': '40%'}}); BX.addClass(tdTitle, 'adm-detail-content-cell-l'); tdTitle.innerHTML = result.PAYMENT_MODE_TITLE+':'; var tdContent = BX.create('td', {props : {'width': '60%'}}); BX.addClass(tdContent, 'adm-detail-content-cell-r'); if (result.PAYMENT_MODE) { tdContent.innerHTML = result.PAYMENT_MODE; } if (isOrderHandler) { var span = BX.create( 'span', { text: BX.message('SALE_TEMPLATE_DOCUMENT_ADD'), attrs: { class: 'bx-button-add-template', style: 'margin-left: 5px' } } ); BX.bind(span, 'click', function () { BX.SidePanel.Instance.open(result.ORDER_DOC_ADD_LINK, {width: 930, events: {onCloseComplete: function() {BX.Sale.PaySystem.getHandlerOptions(BX("ACTION_FILE"));}}}); }); tdContent.appendChild(span); } tr.appendChild(tdTitle); tr.appendChild(tdContent); psMode.innerHTML = ''; psMode.appendChild(tr); } else { psMode.innerHTML = ''; } var psDesc = BX('pay_system_ps_description'); if (psDesc) psDesc.innerHTML = ''; if (result.DESCRIPTION) { var tBody = BX.create('tr', { children :[ BX.create('td', {props : {'width': '40%', className : 'adm-detail-content-cell-l'}}), BX.create('td', {props : {'width': '60%', className : 'adm-detail-content-cell-r'}, html : result.DESCRIPTION}) ] }); psDesc.appendChild(tBody); } if (result.NAME !== undefined) BX('NAME').value = result.NAME; if (result.PSA_NAME !== undefined) BX('PSA_NAME').value = result.PSA_NAME; if (result.SORT) BX('SORT').value = result.SORT; var id = BX('ID').value; var logo = BX('LOGOTIP'); var parent = BX.findParent(logo, {tag : 'div'}); var img = BX.findChild(parent.parentNode, {tag : 'img'}); if (result.LOGOTIP) { if (result.LOGOTIP.NAME) logo.previousElementSibling.innerHTML = result.LOGOTIP.NAME; if (img) { if (result.LOGOTIP.PATH) img.src = result.LOGOTIP.PATH; } else { img = BX.create('img', { attrs: { 'src': result.LOGOTIP.PATH, 'width': 95, 'height': 55 } }); BX.insertAfter(img, parent); BX.insertAfter(BX.create('br'), parent); } } else if (id <= 0) { if (img) BX.remove(img); logo.previousElementSibling.innerHTML = BX.message('JSADM_FILE'); } } else { BX.debug(result.ERROR); }}, onfailure: function () { CloseWaitWindow(); var psDesc = BX('pay_system_ps_description'); if (psDesc) psDesc.innerHTML = ''; var psMode = BX('pay_system_ps_mode'); if (psMode) psMode.innerHTML = ''; BX.debug("Error"); } }); }, toggleNextSiblings : function(obj, siblNumber, hide) { if (!obj.nextElementSibling) return false; var nextObj = obj.nextElementSibling; for (var i=0; i < siblNumber; i++) { if(nextObj.style.display == 'none' && !hide) nextObj.style.display = ''; else nextObj.style.display = 'none'; if(nextObj.nextElementSibling) nextObj = nextObj.nextElementSibling; else break; } return true; }, deleteObjectAndNextSiblings : function (obj, siblNumber, parentsCount) { if (!obj) return false; var i; var firstObj = obj; if (parentsCount && parentsCount > 0) { for (i = 0; i < parentsCount; i++) { if(firstObj.parentNode) firstObj = firstObj.parentNode; else return false; } } var newNextObj = false; var nextObj = firstObj; for (i = 0; i <= siblNumber; i++) { if (nextObj.nextElementSibling) newNextObj = nextObj.nextElementSibling; nextObj.parentNode.removeChild(nextObj); if (newNextObj) nextObj = newNextObj; else break; } return true; }, initTariffLoad : function () { var i; var tabControlLayout = BX("tabControl_layout"); if (tabControlLayout) { var rowsToHide = window.parent.BX.findChildren(tabControlLayout, {'tag': 'tr', 'class': 'ps-admin-hide'}, true); for (i in rowsToHide) BX.Sale.PaySystem.toggleNextSiblings(rowsToHide[i], 4, true); } window.parent.BX.onCustomEvent('onAdminTabsChange'); } } })(window);