Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/js/ui/viewer/ |
Current File : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/js/ui/viewer/ui.viewer.js |
;(function () { 'use strict'; BX.namespace('BX.UI.Viewer'); BX.UI.Viewer.Controller = function(options) { /** * @type {BX.UI.Viewer.Item[]} */ this.items = null; this.currentIndex = null; this.handlers = {}; this.setItems(options.items || []); /** * @type {BX.UI.ActionPanel} */ this.actionPanel = new BX.UI.ActionPanel({ darkMode: true, autoHide: false, showTotalSelectedBlock: false, showResetAllBlock: false, alignItems: 'center', renderTo: function() { return this.getPanelWrapper(); }.bind(this) }); this.init(); this.zIndex = options.zIndex || 999999; this.layout = { container: null, content: null, inner: null, items: null, next: null, prev: null, close: null, error: null, loader: null, loaderContainer: null, panel: null } }; BX.UI.Viewer.Controller.prototype = { handleDocumentClick: function (event) { var target = BX.getEventTarget(event); if (!target.dataset.hasOwnProperty('viewer')) { return; } var indexToShow = 0; var viewer = BX.UI.Viewer.Instance; if (!target.dataset.viewerGroupBy) { viewer.setItems([ BX.UI.Viewer.buildItemByNode(target) ]); } else { var nodes = [].slice.call(target.ownerDocument.querySelectorAll("[data-viewer][data-viewer-group-by='" + target.dataset.viewerGroupBy + "']")); var items = nodes.map(function(node, index) { if (node === target) { indexToShow = index; } return BX.UI.Viewer.buildItemByNode(node); }); viewer.setItems(items); } viewer.open(indexToShow); event.preventDefault(); }, bindEvents: function () { this.handlers.keyPress = this.handleKeyPress.bind(this); this.handlers.touchStart = this.handleTouchStart.bind(this); this.handlers.touchEnd = this.handleTouchEnd.bind(this); this.handlers.resize = this.adjustViewerHeight.bind(this); BX.bind(document, 'keydown', this.handlers.keyPress); BX.bind(window, 'resize', this.handlers.resize); BX.bind(this.getItemListNode(), 'touchstart', this.handlers.touchStart); BX.bind(this.getItemListNode(), 'touchend', this.handlers.touchEnd); BX.bind(this.getNextButton(), 'click', this.showNext.bind(this)); BX.bind(this.getPrevButton(), 'click', this.showPrev.bind(this)); BX.bind(this.getCloseButton(), 'click', this.close.bind(this)); BX.addCustomEvent('SidePanel.Slider:onOpen', function(event) { if (!this.originalZIndex) { this.originalZIndex = this.getZindex(); } this.setZindex(event.getSlider().getZindex() - 1); }.bind(this)); BX.addCustomEvent('SidePanel.Slider:onCloseComplete', function(event) { var slider = BX.SidePanel.Instance.getTopSlider(); if (slider) { this.setZindex(slider.getZindex() - 1); } else { this.setZindex(this.originalZIndex); this.originalZIndex = null; } }.bind(this)); }, unbindEvents: function() { BX.unbind(document, 'keydown', this.handlers.keyPress); BX.unbind(window, 'resize', this.handlers.resize); BX.unbind(this.getItemListNode(), 'touchstart', this.handlers.touchStart); BX.unbind(this.getItemListNode(), 'touchend', this.handlers.touchEnd); }, init: function () {}, getZindex: function () { return this.zIndex; }, setZindex: function (zIndex) { this.zIndex = zIndex; this.getViewerContainer().style.zIndex = zIndex; }, setItems: function (items) { if (!BX.type.isArray(items)) { throw new Error("BX.UI.Viewer.Controller.setItems: 'items' has to be Array."); } BX.onCustomEvent('BX.UI.Viewer.Controller:onSetItems', [this, items]); this.items = items; this.items.forEach(function (item) { item.setController(this); }, this); }, appendItem: function (item) { if (!(item instanceof BX.UI.Viewer.Item)) { throw new Error("BX.UI.Viewer.Controller.appendItem: 'item' has to be instance of BX.UI.Viewer.Item."); } item.setController(this); this.items.push(item); }, show: function (index, forceReload) { if (typeof index === 'undefined') { index = 0; } BX.onCustomEvent('BX.UI.Viewer.Controller:onBeforeShow', [this, index]); var item = this.getItemByIndex(index); if (!item) { return; } var prevItem = this.getCurrentItem(); this.currentIndex = index; this.hideErrorBlock(); if (prevItem) { this.hideCurrentItem(); } this.actionPanel.removeItems(); this.actionPanel.addItems( this.refineActions(this.getCurrentItem().getActions(), this.getCurrentItem()) ); this.showLoading(); var promise; if (forceReload) { promise = item.reload(); } else { promise = item.load(); } promise.then(function (item) { if (this.getCurrentItem() === item) { this.processShowItem.call(this, item); } }.bind(this)) .catch(function (reason) { this.processError.call(this, reason, item); }.bind(this)) ; this.updateControls(); this.lockScroll(); this.adjustViewerHeight(); }, reload: function (item) { var isCurrentVisibleItem = this.getCurrentItem() === item; if (isCurrentVisibleItem) { this.show(this.currentIndex, true); } }, reloadCurrentItem: function () { return this.reload(this.getCurrentItem()); }, processShowItem: function(item) { BX.cleanNode(this.layout.items); // this.actionPanel.addItems(this.getCurrentItem().getActions()); this.hideLoading(); var contentWrapper = BX.create('div', { props: { className: 'ui-viewer-inner-content-wrapper' } }); var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment(); fragment.appendChild(item.render()); var title = item.getTitle(); if (title) { fragment.appendChild(BX.create('div', { props: { className: 'viewer-inner-caption' }, text: title })); } contentWrapper.appendChild(fragment); this.layout.items.appendChild(contentWrapper); item.afterRender(); }, processError: function(reason, item) { this.hideCurrentItem(); this.hideLoading(); this.layout.container.appendChild(this.getErrorBlock()); }, hideErrorBlock: function() { if (this.layout.error) { BX.remove(this.layout.error); } }, getErrorBlock: function(options) { options = options || {}; var title = options.title || BX.message('JS_UI_VIEWER_DEFAULT_ERROR_TITLE'); var description = options.description; this.layout.error = BX.create('div', { props: { className: 'ui-viewer-error' }, children: [ BX.create('div', { props: { className: 'ui-viewer-error-title' }, text: title }), BX.create('div', { props: { className: 'ui-viewer-error-text' }, text: description }) ] }); return this.layout.error; }, refineActions: function (actions, item) { var defaultActions = { download: { id: 'download', type: 'download', text: BX.message('JS_UI_VIEWER_ITEM_ACTION_DOWNLOAD'), href: item.src, buttonIconClass: 'ui-btn-icon-download' }, edit: { id: 'edit', type: 'edit', text: BX.message('JS_UI_VIEWER_ITEM_ACTION_EDIT'), buttonIconClass: 'ui-btn-icon-edit' }, share: { id: 'share', type: 'share', text: BX.message('JS_UI_VIEWER_ITEM_ACTION_SHARE'), buttonIconClass: 'ui-btn-icon-share' }, info: { id: 'info', type: 'info', text: '', buttonIconClass: 'ui-btn-icon-info ui-action-panel-item-last' }, delete: { id: 'delete', type: 'delete', text: BX.message('JS_UI_VIEWER_ITEM_ACTION_DELETE'), buttonIconClass: 'ui-btn-icon-remove' } }; return actions.map(function(action) { if (defaultActions[action.type]) { action = BX.mergeEx(defaultActions[action.type], action) } if (BX.type.isString(action.action) && (typeof eval(action.action) === 'function')) { var fn = eval(action.action); action.onclick = function(event, panelItem) { fn.call(this, item, panelItem); }; } return action; }, this); }, getLoader: function(options) { if (!this.layout.loader) { this.layout.loader = BX.create('div', { props: { className: 'ui-viewer-loader' }, children: [ this.layout.loaderContainer = BX.create('div', { props: { className: 'ui-viewer-loader-container' } }), BX.create('div', { props: { className: 'ui-viewer-loader-text' }, text: '' }) ] }); var loader = new BX.Loader({size: 130}); loader.show(this.layout.loaderContainer); } return this.layout.loader; }, getPrevButton: function() { if (!this.layout.prev) { this.layout.prev = BX.create('div', { props: { className: 'ui-viewer-prev' } }) } return this.layout.prev; }, getNextButton: function() { if (!this.layout.next) { this.layout.next = BX.create('div', { props: { className: 'ui-viewer-next' } }); } return this.layout.next; }, getCloseButton: function() { if (!this.layout.close) { this.layout.close = BX.create('div', { props: { className: 'ui-viewer-close' }, html: '<div class="ui-viewer-close-icon"></div>' }); } return this.layout.close; }, isOpen: function () { return this._isOpen; }, open: function(index) { document.body.appendChild(this.getViewerContainer()); this.show(index); this.showPanel(); this.bindEvents(); this._isOpen = true; }, getPanelWrapper: function() { if (!this.layout.panel) { this.layout.panel = BX.create('div', { props: { className: 'ui-viewer-panel' } }); } return this.layout.panel; }, showPanel: function() { this.actionPanel.layout.container.style.zIndex = '9999999'; this.actionPanel.layout.container.style.background = 'none'; this.actionPanel.layout.container.style.maxWidth = this.layout.inner.offsetWidth + 'px'; this.actionPanel.draw(); this.actionPanel.showPanel(); }, hideCurrentItem: function() { BX.cleanNode(this.layout.items); }, updateControls: function() { if (this.currentIndex + 1 >= this.items.length) { BX.addClass(this.getNextButton(), 'ui-viewer-navigation-hide'); } else { BX.removeClass(this.getNextButton(), 'ui-viewer-navigation-hide'); } if (this.currentIndex === 0) { BX.addClass(this.getPrevButton(), 'ui-viewer-navigation-hide'); } else { BX.removeClass(this.getPrevButton(), 'ui-viewer-navigation-hide'); } }, /** * @return {BX.UI.Viewer.Item} */ getCurrentItem: function () { return this.getItemByIndex(this.currentIndex); }, /** * * @param index * @returns BX.UI.Viewer.Item */ getItemByIndex: function (index) { index = parseInt(index, 10); BX.onCustomEvent('BX.UI.Viewer.Controller:onGetItemByIndex', [this, index]); if (index < 0 || (index - 1) > this.items.length) { return null; } return this.items[index]; }, showNext: function () { this.show(this.currentIndex + 1); }, showPrev: function () { this.show(this.currentIndex - 1); }, close: function () { this._isOpen = false; BX.onCustomEvent('BX.UI.Viewer.Controller:onClose', [this]); this.layout.container.parentNode.removeChild(this.layout.container); this.actionPanel.hidePanel(); this.unLockScroll(); this.unbindEvents(); // this.items = null; // this.currentIndex = null; // this.layout.container = null; // this.layout.close = null; }, showLoading: function () { this.layout.inner.appendChild(this.getLoader()); }, hideLoading: function () { BX.remove(this.layout.loader); }, lockScroll: function() { document.body.style.overflow = 'hidden'; }, unLockScroll: function() { document.body.style.overflow = null; }, adjustViewerHeight: function() { if(!this.layout.container) return; this.layout.container.style.height = document.documentElement.clientHeight + 'px'; }, getViewerContainer: function() { if (!this.layout.container) { this.layout.container = BX.create('div', { props: { className: 'ui-viewer' }, style: { zIndex: this.zIndex, height: window.clientHeight + 'px' }, children: [ this.layout.inner = BX.create('div', { props: { className: 'ui-viewer-inner' }, children: [ this.getItemListNode() ] }), this.getCloseButton(), this.getPrevButton(), this.getNextButton(), this.getPanelWrapper() ] }); } return this.layout.container; }, getItemListNode: function() { if (!this.layout.items) { this.layout.items = BX.create('div', { props: { className: 'ui-viewer-inner-content' } }); } return this.layout.items }, handleTouchStart: function(event) { var touchObject = event.changedTouches[0]; this.swipeDirection = null; this.startX = touchObject.pageX; this.startY = touchObject.pageY; this.startTime = (new Date()).getTime(); event.preventDefault(); }, handleTouchEnd: function(event) { var touchObject = event.changedTouches[0]; var allowedTime = 300; var threshold = 80; var restraint = 100; var distanceX = touchObject.pageX - this.startX; var distanceY = touchObject.pageY - this.startY; var elapsedTime = (new Date()).getTime() - this.startTime; if (elapsedTime <= allowedTime) { if (Math.abs(distanceX) >= threshold && Math.abs(distanceY) <= restraint) { this.swipeDirection = (distanceX < 0) ? 'left' : 'right'; } else if (Math.abs(distanceY) >= threshold && Math.abs(distanceX) <= restraint) { this.swipeDirection = (distanceY < 0) ? 'up' : 'down'; } } switch (this.swipeDirection) { case 'up': case 'left': this.showPrev(); break; case 'down': case 'right': this.showNext(); break; } event.preventDefault(); }, handleKeyPress: function (event) { switch (event.code) { case 'Space': case 'ArrowRight': case 'PageDown': case 'ArrowDown': this.showNext(); event.preventDefault(); break; case 'ArrowLeft': case 'PageUp': case 'ArrowUp': this.showPrev(); event.preventDefault(); break; case 'Escape': this.close(); event.preventDefault(); break; } } }; /** * @param type * @param {HTMLElement} node * @return {BX.UI.Viewer.Item} */ BX.UI.Viewer.buildItemByTypeAndNode = function (type, node) { var item = new type(); item.setPropertiesByNode(node); item.bindSourceNode(node); return item; }; /** * @param {HTMLElement} node * @returns {BX.UI.Viewer.Item} */ BX.UI.Viewer.buildItemByNode = function (node) { if (!BX.type.isDomNode(node)) { throw new Error("BX.UI.Viewer.buildItemByNode: 'node' has to be DomNode."); } var typeCode = node.dataset.viewerType; if (!typeCode) { if (node.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'img') { typeCode = 'image'; } } switch (typeCode) { case 'image': return BX.UI.Viewer.buildItemByTypeAndNode(BX.UI.Viewer.Image, node); case 'plainText': return BX.UI.Viewer.buildItemByTypeAndNode(BX.UI.Viewer.PlainText, node); case 'unknown': return BX.UI.Viewer.buildItemByTypeAndNode(BX.UI.Viewer.Unknown, node); case 'video': return BX.UI.Viewer.buildItemByTypeAndNode(BX.UI.Viewer.Video, node); case 'document': return BX.UI.Viewer.buildItemByTypeAndNode(BX.UI.Viewer.Document, node); } }; /** * @param {HTMLElement} container * @param filter * @returns {BX.Promise} */ BX.UI.Viewer.bind = function (container, filter) { if (!BX.type.isDomNode(container)) { throw new Error("BX.UI.Viewer.bind: 'container' has to be DomNode."); } if (!BX.type.isPlainObject(filter) && !BX.type.isFunction(filter)) { filter = function(node) { return BX.type.isElementNode(node) && node.dataset.hasOwnProperty('viewer'); }; } BX.bindDelegate(container, 'click', filter, function(event) { var viewer = new BX.UI.Viewer.Controller({}); var nodes = BX.findChildren(container, filter, true); var indexToShow = 0; var targetNode = BX.getEventTarget(event); var items = nodes.map(function(node, index) { if (node === targetNode) { indexToShow = index; } return BX.UI.Viewer.buildItemByNode(node); }); viewer.setItems(items); viewer.open(indexToShow); event.preventDefault(); }); }; var instance = null; /** * @memberOf BX.UI.Viewer * @name BX.UI.Viewer#Instance * @type BX.UI.Viewer.Controller * @static * @readonly */ Object.defineProperty(BX.UI.Viewer, 'Instance', { enumerable: false, get: function() { if (window.top !== window && BX.getClass('window.top.BX.UI.Viewer.Instance')) { return window.top.BX.UI.Viewer.Instance; } if (instance === null) { instance = new BX.UI.Viewer.Controller({}); } return instance; } }); window.document.addEventListener('click', function(event){ if (window.top !== window && !BX.getClass('window.top.BX.UI.Viewer.Instance')) { window.top.BX.loadExt('ui.viewer').then(function () { top.BX.UI.Viewer.Instance.handleDocumentClick(event); }); } else { top.BX.UI.Viewer.Instance.handleDocumentClick(event); } }, true); //try to load ui.viewer to the top window if there is no viewer. if (window.top !== window && !BX.getClass('window.top.BX.UI.Viewer.Instance')) { window.top.BX.loadExt('ui.viewer'); } })();