Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/bizproc/classes/general/ |
Current File : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/bizproc/classes/general/helper.php |
<? IncludeModuleLangFile(__FILE__); class CBPHelper { const DISTR_B24 = 'b24'; const DISTR_BOX = 'box'; private static $serverName; protected static $cAccess; protected static $groupsCache = array(); protected static function getAccessProvider() { if (self::$cAccess === null) { self::$cAccess = new CAccess; } return self::$cAccess; } private static function UsersArrayToStringInternal($arUsers, $arWorkflowTemplate, $arAllowableUserGroups, $appendId = true) { if (is_array($arUsers)) { $r = []; $keys = array_keys($arUsers); foreach ($keys as $key) { $r[$key] = self::UsersArrayToStringInternal($arUsers[$key], $arWorkflowTemplate, $arAllowableUserGroups, $appendId); } if (count($r) == 2) { $keys = array_keys($r); if ($keys[0] == 0 && $keys[1] == 1 && is_string($r[0]) && is_string($r[1])) { if (in_array($r[0], array("Document", "Template", "Variable", "User")) || preg_match('#^A\d+_\d+_\d+_\d+$#i', $r[0]) || is_array($arWorkflowTemplate) && CBPWorkflowTemplateLoader::FindActivityByName($arWorkflowTemplate, $r[0]) != null ) { return "{=".$r[0].":".$r[1]."}"; } } } return implode(", ", $r); } else { if (array_key_exists(strtolower($arUsers), $arAllowableUserGroups)) { return $arAllowableUserGroups[strtolower($arUsers)]; } if (CBPActivity::isExpression($arUsers)) { return $arUsers; } $userId = 0; if (substr($arUsers, 0, strlen("user_")) == "user_") { $userId = intval(substr($arUsers, strlen("user_"))); } if ($userId > 0) { $db = CUser::GetList( ($by = "LAST_NAME"), ($order = "asc"), array("ID_EQUAL_EXACT" => $userId), array( "NAV_PARAMS" => false, ) ); if ($ar = $db->Fetch()) { $str = CUser::FormatName(COption::GetOptionString("bizproc", "name_template", CSite::GetNameFormat(false), SITE_ID), $ar, true, false); if ($appendId) { $str = $str." [".$ar["ID"]."]"; } return str_replace(",", " ", $str); } } else if (strpos($arUsers, 'group_') === 0) { $str = self::getExtendedGroupName($arUsers, $appendId); return str_replace(array(',', ';'), array(' ', ' '), $str); } return str_replace(",", " ", $arUsers); } } public static function UsersArrayToString($arUsers, $arWorkflowTemplate, $documentType, $appendId = true) { if (!is_array($arUsers) && strlen($arUsers) <= 0 || is_array($arUsers) && count($arUsers) <= 0) { return ""; } $arAllowableUserGroups = []; $arAllowableUserGroupsTmp = CBPDocument::GetAllowableUserGroups($documentType); foreach ($arAllowableUserGroupsTmp as $k1 => $v1) { $arAllowableUserGroups[strtolower($k1)] = str_replace(",", " ", $v1); } return self::UsersArrayToStringInternal($arUsers, $arWorkflowTemplate, $arAllowableUserGroups, $appendId); } public static function UsersStringToArray($strUsers, $documentType, &$arErrors, $callbackFunction = null) { $arErrors = []; $strUsers = trim($strUsers); if (strlen($strUsers) <= 0) { return ($callbackFunction != null) ? array(array(), array()) : array(); } if (CBPActivity::isExpression($strUsers)) { return ($callbackFunction != null) ? array(array($strUsers), array()) : array($strUsers); } $arUsers = []; $strUsers = str_replace(";", ",", $strUsers); $arUsersTmp = explode(",", $strUsers); foreach ($arUsersTmp as $user) { $user = trim($user); if (strlen($user) > 0) { $arUsers[] = $user; } } $arAllowableUserGroups = null; $arResult = $arResultAlt = []; foreach ($arUsers as $user) { $bCorrectUser = false; $bNotFoundUser = true; if (preg_match(CBPActivity::ValuePattern, $user, $arMatches)) { $bCorrectUser = true; $arResult[] = $arMatches[0]; } else { if ($arAllowableUserGroups == null) { $arAllowableUserGroups = []; $arAllowableUserGroupsTmp = CBPDocument::GetAllowableUserGroups($documentType); foreach ($arAllowableUserGroupsTmp as $k1 => $v1) { $arAllowableUserGroups[strtolower($k1)] = strtolower($v1); } } if (array_key_exists(strtolower($user), $arAllowableUserGroups)) { $bCorrectUser = true; $arResult[] = $user; } elseif (($k1 = array_search(strtolower($user), $arAllowableUserGroups)) !== false) { $bCorrectUser = true; $arResult[] = $k1; } elseif (preg_match('#\[([A-Z]{1,}[0-9A-Z_]+)\]#i', $user, $arMatches)) { $bCorrectUser = true; $arResult[] = "group_".strtolower($arMatches[1]); } else { $ar = self::SearchUserByName($user); $cnt = count($ar); if ($cnt == 1) { $bCorrectUser = true; $arResult[] = "user_".$ar[0]; } elseif ($cnt > 1) { $bNotFoundUser = false; $arErrors[] = array( "code" => "Ambiguous", "message" => str_replace("#USER#", htmlspecialcharsbx($user), GetMessage("BPCGHLP_AMBIGUOUS_USER")), ); } elseif ($callbackFunction != null) { $s = call_user_func_array($callbackFunction, array($user)); if ($s != null) { $arResultAlt[] = $s; $bCorrectUser = true; } } } } if (!$bCorrectUser) { if ($bNotFoundUser) { $arErrors[] = array( "code" => "NotFound", "message" => str_replace("#USER#", htmlspecialcharsbx($user), GetMessage("BPCGHLP_INVALID_USER")), ); } } } return ($callbackFunction != null) ? array($arResult, $arResultAlt) : $arResult; } private static function SearchUserByName($user) { $user = trim($user); if (strlen($user) <= 0) { return []; } $userId = 0; if ($user."|" == intval($user)."|") { $userId = intval($user); } if ($userId <= 0) { $arMatches = []; if (preg_match('#\[(\d+)\]#i', $user, $arMatches)) { $userId = intval($arMatches[1]); } } $arResult = []; $dbUsers = false; if ($userId > 0) { $arFilter = array("ID_EQUAL_EXACT" => $userId); $dbUsers = CUser::GetList( ($by = "LAST_NAME"), ($order = "asc"), $arFilter, ['NAV_PARAMS' => false] ); } else { $userLogin = ""; $arMatches = []; if (preg_match('#\((.+?)\)#i', $user, $arMatches)) { $userLogin = $arMatches[1]; $user = trim(str_replace("(".$userLogin.")", "", $user)); } $userEmail = ""; $arMatches = []; if (preg_match("#<(.+?)>#i", $user, $arMatches)) { if (check_email($arMatches[1])) { $userEmail = $arMatches[1]; $user = trim(Str_Replace("<".$userEmail.">", "", $user)); } } $arUser = []; $arUserTmp = explode(" ", $user); foreach ($arUserTmp as $s) { $s = trim($s); if (strlen($s) > 0) { $arUser[] = $s; } } if (strlen($userLogin) > 0) { $arUser[] = $userLogin; } $dbUsers = CUser::SearchUserByName($arUser, $userEmail, true); } if ($dbUsers) { while ($arUsers = $dbUsers->GetNext()) { $arResult[] = $arUsers["ID"]; } } return $arResult; } public static function FormatTimePeriod($period) { $period = intval($period); $days = intval($period / 86400); $period = $period - $days * 86400; $hours = intval($period / 3600); $period = $period - $hours * 3600; $minutes = intval($period / 60); $period = $period - $minutes * 60; $seconds = intval($period); $s = ""; if ($days > 0) { $s .= str_replace( array("#VAL#", "#UNIT#"), array($days, self::MakeWord($days, array(GetMessage("BPCGHLP_DAY1"), GetMessage("BPCGHLP_DAY2"), GetMessage("BPCGHLP_DAY3")))), "#VAL# #UNIT# " ); } if ($hours > 0) { $s .= str_replace( array("#VAL#", "#UNIT#"), array($hours, self::MakeWord($hours, array(GetMessage("BPCGHLP_HOUR1"), GetMessage("BPCGHLP_HOUR2"), GetMessage("BPCGHLP_HOUR3")))), "#VAL# #UNIT# " ); } if ($minutes > 0) { $s .= str_replace( array("#VAL#", "#UNIT#"), array($minutes, self::MakeWord($minutes, array(GetMessage("BPCGHLP_MIN1"), GetMessage("BPCGHLP_MIN2"), GetMessage("BPCGHLP_MIN3")))), "#VAL# #UNIT# " ); } if ($seconds > 0) { $s .= str_replace( array("#VAL#", "#UNIT#"), array($seconds, self::MakeWord($seconds, array(GetMessage("BPCGHLP_SEC1"), GetMessage("BPCGHLP_SEC2"), GetMessage("BPCGHLP_SEC3")))), "#VAL# #UNIT# " ); } return $s; } private static function MakeWord($val, $arWords) { if ($val > 20) { $val = ($val % 10); } if ($val == 1) { return $arWords[0]; } elseif ($val > 1 && $val < 5) { return $arWords[1]; } else { return $arWords[2]; } } public static function GetFilterOperation($key) { $strNegative = "N"; if (substr($key, 0, 1)=="!") { $key = substr($key, 1); $strNegative = "Y"; } $strOrNull = "N"; if (substr($key, 0, 1)=="+") { $key = substr($key, 1); $strOrNull = "Y"; } if (substr($key, 0, 2)==">=") { $key = substr($key, 2); $strOperation = ">="; } elseif (substr($key, 0, 1)==">") { $key = substr($key, 1); $strOperation = ">"; } elseif (substr($key, 0, 2)=="<=") { $key = substr($key, 2); $strOperation = "<="; } elseif (substr($key, 0, 1)=="<") { $key = substr($key, 1); $strOperation = "<"; } elseif (substr($key, 0, 1)=="@") { $key = substr($key, 1); $strOperation = "="; $strNegative = 'N'; } elseif (substr($key, 0, 1)=="~") { $key = substr($key, 1); $strOperation = "LIKE"; } elseif (substr($key, 0, 1)=="%") { $key = substr($key, 1); $strOperation = "QUERY"; } else { $strOperation = "="; } return array("FIELD" => $key, "NEGATIVE" => $strNegative, "OPERATION" => $strOperation, "OR_NULL" => $strOrNull); } public static function PrepareSql(&$arFields, $arOrder, $arFilter, $arGroupBy, $arSelectFields) { global $DB; $strSqlSelect = ""; $strSqlFrom = ""; $strSqlWhere = ""; $strSqlGroupBy = ""; $strSqlOrderBy = ""; $arOrder = array_change_key_case($arOrder, CASE_UPPER); $arGroupByFunct = array("COUNT", "AVG", "MIN", "MAX", "SUM"); $arAlreadyJoined = []; // GROUP BY --> if (is_array($arGroupBy) && count($arGroupBy)>0) { $arSelectFields = $arGroupBy; foreach ($arGroupBy as $key => $val) { $val = strtoupper($val); $key = strtoupper($key); if (array_key_exists($val, $arFields) && !in_array($key, $arGroupByFunct)) { if (strlen($strSqlGroupBy) > 0) $strSqlGroupBy .= ", "; $strSqlGroupBy .= $arFields[$val]["FIELD"]; if (!empty($arFields[$val]["FROM"])) { $toJoin = (array)$arFields[$val]["FROM"]; foreach ($toJoin as $join) { if (in_array($join, $arAlreadyJoined)) { continue; } if (strlen($strSqlFrom) > 0) { $strSqlFrom .= " "; } $strSqlFrom .= $join; $arAlreadyJoined[] = $join; } } } } } // <-- GROUP BY // SELECT --> $arFieldsKeys = array_keys($arFields); if (is_array($arGroupBy) && count($arGroupBy)==0) { $strSqlSelect = "COUNT(%%_DISTINCT_%% ".$arFields[$arFieldsKeys[0]]["FIELD"].") as CNT "; } else { if (isset($arSelectFields) && !is_array($arSelectFields) && is_string($arSelectFields) && strlen($arSelectFields)>0 && array_key_exists($arSelectFields, $arFields)) $arSelectFields = array($arSelectFields); if (!isset($arSelectFields) || !is_array($arSelectFields) || count($arSelectFields)<=0 || in_array("*", $arSelectFields)) { for ($i = 0, $cnt = count($arFieldsKeys); $i < $cnt; $i++) { if (isset($arFields[$arFieldsKeys[$i]]["WHERE_ONLY"]) && $arFields[$arFieldsKeys[$i]]["WHERE_ONLY"] == "Y") { continue; } if (strlen($strSqlSelect) > 0) $strSqlSelect .= ", "; if ($arFields[$arFieldsKeys[$i]]["TYPE"] == "datetime") { if (array_key_exists($arFieldsKeys[$i], $arOrder)) $strSqlSelect .= $arFields[$arFieldsKeys[$i]]["FIELD"]." as ".$arFieldsKeys[$i]."_X1, "; $strSqlSelect .= $DB->DateToCharFunction($arFields[$arFieldsKeys[$i]]["FIELD"], "FULL")." as ".$arFieldsKeys[$i]; } elseif ($arFields[$arFieldsKeys[$i]]["TYPE"] == "date") { if (array_key_exists($arFieldsKeys[$i], $arOrder)) $strSqlSelect .= $arFields[$arFieldsKeys[$i]]["FIELD"]." as ".$arFieldsKeys[$i]."_X1, "; $strSqlSelect .= $DB->DateToCharFunction($arFields[$arFieldsKeys[$i]]["FIELD"], "SHORT")." as ".$arFieldsKeys[$i]; } else $strSqlSelect .= $arFields[$arFieldsKeys[$i]]["FIELD"]." as ".$arFieldsKeys[$i]; if (!empty($arFields[$arFieldsKeys[$i]]["FROM"])) { $toJoin = (array)$arFields[$arFieldsKeys[$i]]["FROM"]; foreach ($toJoin as $join) { if (in_array($join, $arAlreadyJoined)) continue; if (strlen($strSqlFrom) > 0) $strSqlFrom .= " "; $strSqlFrom .= $join; $arAlreadyJoined[] = $join; } } } } else { foreach ($arOrder as $by => $order) { if ( isset($arFields[$by]) && !in_array($by, $arSelectFields) && ($arFields[$by]["TYPE"] == "date" || $arFields[$by]["TYPE"] == "datetime") ) $arSelectFields[] = $by; } foreach ($arSelectFields as $key => $val) { $val = strtoupper($val); $key = strtoupper($key); if (array_key_exists($val, $arFields)) { if (strlen($strSqlSelect) > 0) $strSqlSelect .= ", "; if (in_array($key, $arGroupByFunct)) { $strSqlSelect .= $key."(".$arFields[$val]["FIELD"].") as ".$val; } else { if ($arFields[$val]["TYPE"] == "datetime") { if (array_key_exists($val, $arOrder)) $strSqlSelect .= $arFields[$val]["FIELD"]." as ".$val."_X1, "; $strSqlSelect .= $DB->DateToCharFunction($arFields[$val]["FIELD"], "FULL")." as ".$val; } elseif ($arFields[$val]["TYPE"] == "date") { if (array_key_exists($val, $arOrder)) $strSqlSelect .= $arFields[$val]["FIELD"]." as ".$val."_X1, "; $strSqlSelect .= $DB->DateToCharFunction($arFields[$val]["FIELD"], "SHORT")." as ".$val; } else $strSqlSelect .= $arFields[$val]["FIELD"]." as ".$val; } if (!empty($arFields[$val]["FROM"])) { $toJoin = (array)$arFields[$val]["FROM"]; foreach ($toJoin as $join) { if (in_array($join, $arAlreadyJoined)) continue; if (strlen($strSqlFrom) > 0) $strSqlFrom .= " "; $strSqlFrom .= $join; $arAlreadyJoined[] = $join; } } } } } if (strlen($strSqlGroupBy) > 0) { if (strlen($strSqlSelect) > 0) $strSqlSelect .= ", "; $strSqlSelect .= "COUNT(%%_DISTINCT_%% ".$arFields[$arFieldsKeys[0]]["FIELD"].") as CNT"; } else $strSqlSelect = "%%_DISTINCT_%% ".$strSqlSelect; } // <-- SELECT // WHERE --> $arSqlSearch = []; if (!is_array($arFilter)) $filter_keys = []; else $filter_keys = array_keys($arFilter); for ($i = 0, $cnt = count($filter_keys); $i < $cnt; $i++) { $vals = $arFilter[$filter_keys[$i]]; if (!is_array($vals)) $vals = array($vals); $key = $filter_keys[$i]; $key_res = CBPHelper::GetFilterOperation($key); $key = $key_res["FIELD"]; $strNegative = $key_res["NEGATIVE"]; $strOperation = $key_res["OPERATION"]; $strOrNull = $key_res["OR_NULL"]; if (array_key_exists($key, $arFields)) { $arSqlSearch_tmp = array(); for ($j = 0, $cntj = count($vals); $j < $cntj; $j++) { $val = $vals[$j]; if (isset($arFields[$key]["WHERE"])) { $arSqlSearch_tmp1 = call_user_func_array( $arFields[$key]["WHERE"], array($val, $key, $strOperation, $strNegative, $arFields[$key]["FIELD"], $arFields, $arFilter) ); if ($arSqlSearch_tmp1 !== false) $arSqlSearch_tmp[] = $arSqlSearch_tmp1; } else { if ($arFields[$key]["TYPE"] == "int") { if ((IntVal($val) == 0) && (strpos($strOperation, "=") !== False)) $arSqlSearch_tmp[] = "(".$arFields[$key]["FIELD"]." IS ".(($strNegative == "Y") ? "NOT " : "")."NULL) ".(($strNegative == "Y") ? "AND" : "OR")." ".(($strNegative == "Y") ? "NOT " : "")."(".$arFields[$key]["FIELD"]." ".$strOperation." 0)"; else $arSqlSearch_tmp[] = (($strNegative == "Y") ? " ".$arFields[$key]["FIELD"]." IS NULL OR NOT " : "")."(".$arFields[$key]["FIELD"]." ".$strOperation." ".IntVal($val)." )"; } elseif ($arFields[$key]["TYPE"] == "double") { $val = str_replace(",", ".", $val); if ((DoubleVal($val) == 0) && (strpos($strOperation, "=") !== False)) $arSqlSearch_tmp[] = "(".$arFields[$key]["FIELD"]." IS ".(($strNegative == "Y") ? "NOT " : "")."NULL) ".(($strNegative == "Y") ? "AND" : "OR")." ".(($strNegative == "Y") ? "NOT " : "")."(".$arFields[$key]["FIELD"]." ".$strOperation." 0)"; else $arSqlSearch_tmp[] = (($strNegative == "Y") ? " ".$arFields[$key]["FIELD"]." IS NULL OR NOT " : "")."(".$arFields[$key]["FIELD"]." ".$strOperation." ".DoubleVal($val)." )"; } elseif ($arFields[$key]["TYPE"] == "string" || $arFields[$key]["TYPE"] == "char") { if ($strOperation == "QUERY") { $arSqlSearch_tmp[] = GetFilterQuery($arFields[$key]["FIELD"], $val, "Y"); } else { if ((strlen($val) == 0) && (strpos($strOperation, "=") !== False)) $arSqlSearch_tmp[] = "(".$arFields[$key]["FIELD"]." IS ".(($strNegative == "Y") ? "NOT " : "")."NULL) ".(($strNegative == "Y") ? "AND NOT" : "OR")." (".$DB->Length($arFields[$key]["FIELD"])." <= 0) ".(($strNegative == "Y") ? "AND NOT" : "OR")." (".$arFields[$key]["FIELD"]." ".$strOperation." '".$DB->ForSql($val)."' )"; else $arSqlSearch_tmp[] = (($strNegative == "Y") ? " ".$arFields[$key]["FIELD"]." IS NULL OR NOT " : "")."(".$arFields[$key]["FIELD"]." ".$strOperation." '".$DB->ForSql($val)."' )"; } } elseif ($arFields[$key]["TYPE"] == "datetime") { if (strlen($val) <= 0) $arSqlSearch_tmp[] = ($strNegative=="Y"?"NOT":"")."(".$arFields[$key]["FIELD"]." IS NULL)"; else $arSqlSearch_tmp[] = ($strNegative=="Y"?" ".$arFields[$key]["FIELD"]." IS NULL OR NOT ":"")."(".$arFields[$key]["FIELD"]." ".$strOperation." ".$DB->CharToDateFunction($DB->ForSql($val), "FULL").")"; } elseif ($arFields[$key]["TYPE"] == "date") { if (strlen($val) <= 0) $arSqlSearch_tmp[] = ($strNegative=="Y"?"NOT":"")."(".$arFields[$key]["FIELD"]." IS NULL)"; else $arSqlSearch_tmp[] = ($strNegative=="Y"?" ".$arFields[$key]["FIELD"]." IS NULL OR NOT ":"")."(".$arFields[$key]["FIELD"]." ".$strOperation." ".$DB->CharToDateFunction($DB->ForSql($val), "SHORT").")"; } } } if (!empty($arFields[$key]["FROM"])) { $toJoin = (array)$arFields[$key]["FROM"]; foreach ($toJoin as $join) { if (in_array($join, $arAlreadyJoined)) continue; if (strlen($strSqlFrom) > 0) $strSqlFrom .= " "; $strSqlFrom .= $join; $arAlreadyJoined[] = $join; } } $strSqlSearch_tmp = ""; for ($j = 0, $cntj = count($arSqlSearch_tmp); $j < $cntj; $j++) { if ($j > 0) $strSqlSearch_tmp .= ($strNegative=="Y" ? " AND " : " OR "); $strSqlSearch_tmp .= "(".$arSqlSearch_tmp[$j].")"; } if ($strOrNull == "Y") { if (strlen($strSqlSearch_tmp) > 0) $strSqlSearch_tmp .= ($strNegative=="Y" ? " AND " : " OR "); $strSqlSearch_tmp .= "(".$arFields[$key]["FIELD"]." IS ".($strNegative=="Y" ? "NOT " : "")."NULL)"; if (strlen($strSqlSearch_tmp) > 0) $strSqlSearch_tmp .= ($strNegative=="Y" ? " AND " : " OR "); if ($arFields[$key]["TYPE"] == "int" || $arFields[$key]["TYPE"] == "double") $strSqlSearch_tmp .= "(".$arFields[$key]["FIELD"]." ".($strNegative=="Y" ? "<>" : "=")." 0)"; elseif ($arFields[$key]["TYPE"] == "string" || $arFields[$key]["TYPE"] == "char") $strSqlSearch_tmp .= "(".$arFields[$key]["FIELD"]." ".($strNegative=="Y" ? "<>" : "=")." '')"; } if ($strSqlSearch_tmp != "") $arSqlSearch[] = "(".$strSqlSearch_tmp.")"; } } for ($i = 0, $cnt = count($arSqlSearch); $i < $cnt; $i++) { if (strlen($strSqlWhere) > 0) $strSqlWhere .= " AND "; $strSqlWhere .= "(".$arSqlSearch[$i].")"; } // <-- WHERE // ORDER BY --> $arSqlOrder = Array(); foreach ($arOrder as $by => $order) { $by = strtoupper($by); $order = strtoupper($order); if ($order != "ASC") $order = "DESC"; else $order = "ASC"; if (array_key_exists($by, $arFields)) { if ($arFields[$by]["TYPE"] == "datetime" || $arFields[$by]["TYPE"] == "date") $arSqlOrder[] = " ".$by."_X1 ".$order." "; else $arSqlOrder[] = " ".$arFields[$by]["FIELD"]." ".$order." "; if (!empty($arFields[$by]["FROM"])) { $toJoin = (array)$arFields[$by]["FROM"]; foreach ($toJoin as $join) { if (in_array($join, $arAlreadyJoined)) continue; if (strlen($strSqlFrom) > 0) $strSqlFrom .= " "; $strSqlFrom .= $join; $arAlreadyJoined[] = $join; } } } } $strSqlOrderBy = ""; DelDuplicateSort($arSqlOrder); for ($i = 0, $cnt = count($arSqlOrder); $i < $cnt; $i++) { if (strlen($strSqlOrderBy) > 0) $strSqlOrderBy .= ", "; $strSqlOrderBy .= $arSqlOrder[$i]; } // <-- ORDER BY return array( "SELECT" => $strSqlSelect, "FROM" => $strSqlFrom, "WHERE" => $strSqlWhere, "GROUPBY" => $strSqlGroupBy, "ORDERBY" => $strSqlOrderBy ); } public static function ParseDocumentId($parameterDocumentId) { if (!is_array($parameterDocumentId)) { $parameterDocumentId = array($parameterDocumentId); } $moduleId = ""; $entity = ""; $documentId = ""; $cnt = count($parameterDocumentId); if ($cnt > 2) { $documentId = $parameterDocumentId[2]; $entity = $parameterDocumentId[1]; $moduleId = $parameterDocumentId[0]; } elseif ($cnt == 2) { $documentId = $parameterDocumentId[1]; $entity = $parameterDocumentId[0]; } $moduleId = trim($moduleId); if (!is_array($documentId)) { $documentId = trim($documentId); } if ($documentId === '') { throw new CBPArgumentNullException("documentId"); } $entity = trim($entity); if ($entity === '') { throw new CBPArgumentNullException("entity"); } return [$moduleId, $entity, $documentId]; } public static function ParseDocumentIdArray($parameterDocumentId) { if (!is_array($parameterDocumentId)) { $parameterDocumentId = array($parameterDocumentId); } $moduleId = ""; $entity = ""; $documentId = ""; $cnt = count($parameterDocumentId); if ($cnt > 2) { $documentId = $parameterDocumentId[2]; $entity = $parameterDocumentId[1]; $moduleId = $parameterDocumentId[0]; } elseif ($cnt == 2) { $documentId = $parameterDocumentId[1]; $entity = $parameterDocumentId[0]; } $moduleId = trim($moduleId); $entity = trim($entity); if (strlen($entity) <= 0) { throw new Exception("entity"); } if (is_array($documentId)) { $a = []; foreach ($documentId as $v) { $v = trim($v); if (strlen($v) > 0) { $a[] = $v; } } $documentId = $a; if (count($documentId) <= 0) { throw new CBPArgumentNullException("documentId"); } } else { $documentId = trim($documentId); if (strlen($documentId) <= 0) { throw new CBPArgumentNullException("documentId"); } $documentId = array($documentId); } return [$moduleId, $entity, $documentId]; } public static function GetFieldValuePrintable($fieldName, $fieldType, $result) { $newResult = null; switch ($fieldType) { case "user": if (is_array($result)) { $newResult = []; foreach ($result as $r) { $newResult[] = CBPHelper::ConvertUserToPrintableForm($r); } } else { $newResult = CBPHelper::ConvertUserToPrintableForm($result); } break; case "file": if (is_array($result)) { $newResult = array(); foreach ($result as $r) { $r = intval($r); $dbImg = CFile::GetByID($r); if ($arImg = $dbImg->Fetch()) { $newResult[] = "[url=/bitrix/tools/bizproc_show_file.php?f=".urlencode($arImg["FILE_NAME"])."&i=".$r."]".htmlspecialcharsbx($arImg["ORIGINAL_NAME"])."[/url]"; } } } else { $result = intval($result); $dbImg = CFile::GetByID($result); if ($arImg = $dbImg->Fetch()) { $newResult = "[url=/bitrix/tools/bizproc_show_file.php?f=".urlencode($arImg["FILE_NAME"])."&i=".$result."]".htmlspecialcharsbx($arImg["ORIGINAL_NAME"])."[/url]"; } } break; default: $newResult = $result; } return $newResult; } public static function ConvertUserToPrintableForm($userId, $nameTemplate = "") { if (substr($userId, 0, strlen("user_")) == "user_") { $userId = substr($userId, strlen("user_")); } if (empty($nameTemplate)) { $nameTemplate = COption::GetOptionString("bizproc", "name_template", CSite::GetNameFormat(false), SITE_ID); } $userId = intval($userId); $db = CUser::GetList( ($by = "LAST_NAME"), ($order = "asc"), array("ID_EQUAL_EXACT" => $userId), array( "NAV_PARAMS" => false, ) ); $str = ""; if ($ar = $db->Fetch()) { $str = CUser::FormatName($nameTemplate, $ar, true); $str = $str." [".$ar["ID"]."]"; $str = str_replace(",", " ", $str); } return $str; } public static function GetJSFunctionsForFields($objectName, $arDocumentFields, $arDocumentFieldTypes) { ob_start(); echo CAdminCalendar::ShowScript(); ?> <script type="text/javascript"> <?= $objectName ?>.GetGUIFieldEdit = function(field, value, showAddButton, inputName) { alert("Deprecated method GetGUIFieldEdit used"); if (!this.arDocumentFields[field]) return ""; if (typeof showAddButton == "undefined") showAddButton = false; if (typeof inputName == "undefined") inputName = field; var type = this.arDocumentFields[field]["Type"]; var bAddSelection = false; var bAddButton = true; s = ""; if (type == "int" || type == "double") { s += '<input type="text" size="10" id="id_' + field + '" name="' + inputName + '" value="' + this.HtmlSpecialChars(value) + '">'; } else if (type == "select") { s += '<select name="' + inputName + '_1">'; s += '<option value=""></option>'; for (k in this.arDocumentFields[field]["Options"]) { s += '<option value="' + k + '"' + (value == this.arDocumentFields[field]["Options"][k] ? " selected" : "") + '>' + this.arDocumentFields[field]["Options"][k] + '</option>'; if (value == this.arDocumentFields[field]["Options"][k]) value = ""; } s += '</select>'; bAddSelection = true; } else if (type == "file") { s += '<input type="file" id="id_' + field + '_1" name="' + inputName + '">'; bAddSelection = true; bAddButton = true; } else if (type == "bool") { s += '<select name="' + inputName + '_1">'; s += '<option value=""></option>'; s += '<option value="Y"' + (value == "Y" ? " selected" : "") + '><?= GetMessage("BPCGHLP_YES") ?></option>'; s += '<option value="N"' + (value == "N" ? " selected" : "") + '><?= GetMessage("BPCGHLP_NO") ?></option>'; s += '</select>'; bAddSelection = true; if (value == "Y" || value == "N") value = ""; } else if (type == "datetime" || type == "date") { s += '<span style="white-space:nowrap;">'; s += '<input type="text" name="' + inputName + '" id="id_' + field + '" size="10" value="' + this.HtmlSpecialChars(value) + '">'; s += '<a href="javascript:void(0);" title="<?= GetMessage("BPCGHLP_CALENDAR") ?>">'; s += '<img src="<?= ADMIN_THEMES_PATH ?>/<?= ADMIN_THEME_ID ?>/images/calendar/icon.gif" alt="<?= GetMessage("BPCGHLP_CALENDAR") ?>" class="calendar-icon" onclick="jsAdminCalendar.Show(this, \'' + inputName + '\', \'\', \'\', ' + ((type == "datetime") ? 'true' : 'false') + ', <?= time() + date("Z") + CTimeZone::GetOffset() ?>);" onmouseover="this.className+=\' calendar-icon-hover\';" onmouseout="this.className = this.className.replace(/\s*calendar-icon-hover/ig, \'\');">'; s += '</a></span>'; } else // type == "S" { s += '<input type="text" size="40" id="id_' + field + '" name="' + inputName + '" value="' + this.HtmlSpecialChars(value) + '">'; } if (bAddSelection) s += '<br /><input type="text" id="id_' + field + '" name="' + inputName + '" value="' + this.HtmlSpecialChars(value) + '">'; if (bAddButton && showAddButton) s += '<input type="button" value="..." onclick="BPAShowSelector(\'id_' + field + '\', \'' + type + '\');">'; return s; } <?= $objectName ?>.SetGUIFieldEdit = function(field) { alert("Deprecated method SetGUIFieldEdit used"); } <?= $objectName ?>.GetGUIFieldEditSimple = function(type, value, name) { alert("Deprecated method GetGUIFieldEditSimple used"); if (typeof name == "undefined" || name.length <= 0) name = "BPVDDefaultValue"; if (typeof value == "undefined") { value = ""; var obj = document.getElementById('id_' + name); if (obj) { if (obj.type.substr(0, "select".length) == "select") value = obj.options[obj.selectedIndex].value; else value = obj.value; } } s = ""; if (type == "file") { s += ''; } else if (type == "bool") { s += '<select name="' + name + '" id="id_' + name + '">'; s += '<option value=""></option>'; s += '<option value="Y"' + (value == "Y" ? " selected" : "") + '><?= GetMessage("BPCGHLP_YES") ?></option>'; s += '<option value="N"' + (value == "N" ? " selected" : "") + '><?= GetMessage("BPCGHLP_NO") ?></option>'; s += '</select>'; } else if (type == "user") { s += '<input type="text" size="10" id="id_' + name + '" name="' + name + '" value="' + this.HtmlSpecialChars(value) + '">'; s += '<input type="button" value="..." onclick="BPAShowSelector(\'id_' + name + '\', \'user\')">'; } else { s += '<input type="text" size="10" id="id_' + name + '" name="' + name + '" value="' + this.HtmlSpecialChars(value) + '">'; } return s; } <?= $objectName ?>.SetGUIFieldEditSimple = function(type, name) { alert("Deprecated method SetGUIFieldEditSimple used"); if (typeof name == "undefined" || name.length <= 0) name = "BPVDDefaultValue"; s = ""; if (type != "file") { var obj = document.getElementById('id_' + name); if (obj) { if (obj.type.substr(0, "select".length) == "select") s = obj.options[obj.selectedIndex].value; else s = obj.value; } } return s; } </script> <? $str = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $str; } public static function GetDocumentFieldTypes() { $arResult = array( "string" => array("Name" => GetMessage("BPCGHLP_PROP_STRING"), "BaseType" => "string"), "text" => array("Name" => GetMessage("BPCGHLP_PROP_TEXT"), "BaseType" => "text"), "int" => array("Name" => GetMessage("BPCGHLP_PROP_INT"), "BaseType" => "int"), "double" => array("Name" => GetMessage("BPCGHLP_PROP_DOUBLE"), "BaseType" => "double"), "select" => array("Name" => GetMessage("BPCGHLP_PROP_SELECT"), "BaseType" => "select"), "internalselect" => array("Name" => GetMessage("BPCGHLP_PROP_INTERNALSELECT"), "BaseType" => "internalselect"), "bool" => array("Name" => GetMessage("BPCGHLP_PROP_BOOL"), "BaseType" => "bool"), "date" => array("Name" => GetMessage("BPCGHLP_PROP_DATA"), "BaseType" => "date"), "datetime" => array("Name" => GetMessage("BPCGHLP_PROP_DATETIME"), "BaseType" => "datetime"), "user" => array("Name" => GetMessage("BPCGHLP_PROP_USER"), "BaseType" => "user"), "file" => array("Name" => GetMessage("BPCGHLP_PROP_FILE"), "BaseType" => "file"), ); return $arResult; } /** * @deprecated */ public static function GetGUIFieldEdit($documentType, $formName, $fieldName, $fieldValue, $arDocumentField, $bAllowSelection) { return self::GetFieldInputControl( $documentType, $arDocumentField, array("Form" => $formName, "Field" => $fieldName), $fieldValue, $bAllowSelection ); } public static function GetFieldInputControl($documentType, $arFieldType, $arFieldName, $fieldValue, $bAllowSelection = false) { if (!is_array($fieldValue) || is_array($fieldValue) && CBPHelper::IsAssociativeArray($fieldValue)) { $fieldValue = array($fieldValue); } ob_start(); if ($arFieldType["Type"] == "select") { $fieldValueTmp = $fieldValue; ?> <select id="id_<?= $arFieldName["Field"] ?>" name="<?= $arFieldName["Field"].($arFieldType["Multiple"] ? "[]" : "") ?>"<?= ($arFieldType["Multiple"] ? ' size="5" multiple' : '') ?>> <? if (!$arFieldType["Required"]) echo '<option value="">['.GetMessage("BPCGHLP_NOT_SET").']</option>'; foreach ($arFieldType["Options"] as $k => $v) { $ind = array_search($k, $fieldValueTmp); echo '<option value="'.htmlspecialcharsbx($k).'"'.($ind !== false ? ' selected' : '').'>'.htmlspecialcharsbx($v).'</option>'; if ($ind !== false) unset($fieldValueTmp[$ind]); } ?> </select> <? if ($bAllowSelection) { ?> <br /><input type="text" id="id_<?= $arFieldName["Field"] ?>_text" name="<?= $arFieldName["Field"] ?>_text" value="<? if (count($fieldValueTmp) > 0) { $a = array_values($fieldValueTmp); echo htmlspecialcharsbx($a[0]); } ?>"><? echo CBPHelper::renderControlSelectorButton('id_'.$arFieldName["Field"].'_text', 'select'); } } elseif ($arFieldType["Type"] == "user") { $fieldValue = CBPHelper::UsersArrayToString($fieldValue, null, $documentType); ?><input type="text" size="40" id="id_<?= $arFieldName["Field"] ?>" name="<?= $arFieldName["Field"] ?>" value="<?= htmlspecialcharsbx($fieldValue) ?>"><? echo CBPHelper::renderControlSelectorButton('id_'.$arFieldName["Field"], 'user'); } else { if (!array_key_exists("CBPVirtualDocumentCloneRowPrinted", $GLOBALS) && $arFieldType["Multiple"]) { $GLOBALS["CBPVirtualDocumentCloneRowPrinted"] = 1; ?> <script language="JavaScript"> <!-- function CBPVirtualDocumentCloneRow(tableID) { var tbl = document.getElementById(tableID); var cnt = tbl.rows.length; var oRow = tbl.insertRow(cnt); var oCell = oRow.insertCell(0); var sHTML = tbl.rows[cnt - 1].cells[0].innerHTML; var p = 0; while (true) { var s = sHTML.indexOf('[n', p); if (s < 0) break; var e = sHTML.indexOf(']', s); if (e < 0) break; var n = parseInt(sHTML.substr(s + 2, e - s)); sHTML = sHTML.substr(0, s) + '[n' + (++n) + ']' + sHTML.substr(e + 1); p = s + 1; } var p = 0; while (true) { var s = sHTML.indexOf('__n', p); if (s < 0) break; var e = sHTML.indexOf('_', s + 2); if (e < 0) break; var n = parseInt(sHTML.substr(s + 3, e - s)); sHTML = sHTML.substr(0, s) + '__n' + (++n) + '_' + sHTML.substr(e + 1); p = e + 1; } oCell.innerHTML = sHTML; var patt = new RegExp('<' + 'script' + '>[^\000]*?<' + '\/' + 'script' + '>', 'ig'); var code = sHTML.match(patt); if (code) { for (var i = 0; i < code.length; i++) { if (code[i] != '') { var s = code[i].substring(8, code[i].length - 9); jsUtils.EvalGlobal(s); } } } } //--> </script> <? } if ($arFieldType["Multiple"]) echo '<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" id="CBPVirtualDocument_'.$arFieldName["Field"].'_Table">'; if ($bAllowSelection) { $arFieldType["BaseType"] = "string"; static $arDocumentTypes = null; if (is_null($arDocumentTypes)) $arDocumentTypes = self::GetDocumentFieldTypes($documentType); if (array_key_exists($arFieldType["Type"], $arDocumentTypes)) $arFieldType["BaseType"] = $arDocumentTypes[$arFieldType["Type"]]["BaseType"]; } $fieldValueTmp = $fieldValue; $ind = -1; foreach ($fieldValue as $key => $value) { $ind++; $fieldNameId = 'id_'.$arFieldName["Field"].'__n'.$ind.'_'; $fieldNameName = $arFieldName["Field"].($arFieldType["Multiple"] ? "[n".$ind."]" : ""); if ($arFieldType["Multiple"]) echo '<tr><td>'; switch ($arFieldType["Type"]) { case "int": case "double": unset($fieldValueTmp[$key]); ?><input type="text" size="10" id="<?= $fieldNameId ?>" name="<?= $fieldNameName ?>" value="<?= htmlspecialcharsbx($value) ?>"><? break; case "file": unset($fieldValueTmp[$key]); ?><input type="file" id="<?= $fieldNameId ?>" name="<?= $fieldNameName ?>"><? break; case "bool": if (in_array($value, array("Y", "N"))) unset($fieldValueTmp[$key]); ?> <select id="<?= $fieldNameId ?>" name="<?= $fieldNameName ?>"> <? if (!$arFieldType["Required"]) echo '<option value="">['.GetMessage("BPCGHLP_NOT_SET").']</option>'; ?> <option value="Y"<?= (in_array("Y", $fieldValue) ? ' selected' : '') ?>><?= GetMessage("BPCGHLP_YES") ?></option> <option value="N"<?= (in_array("N", $fieldValue) ? ' selected' : '') ?>><?= GetMessage("BPCGHLP_NO") ?></option> </select> <? break; case "text": unset($fieldValueTmp[$key]); ?><textarea rows="5" cols="40" id="<?= $fieldNameId ?>" name="<?= $fieldNameName ?>"><?= htmlspecialcharsbx($value) ?></textarea><? break; case "date": case "datetime": $v = ""; if (!CBPActivity::isExpression($value)) { $v = $value; unset($fieldValueTmp[$key]); } echo CAdminCalendar::CalendarDate($fieldNameName, $v, 19, ($arFieldType["Type"] == "date")); break; default: unset($fieldValueTmp[$key]); ?><input type="text" size="40" id="<?= $fieldNameId ?>" name="<?= $fieldNameName ?>" value="<?= htmlspecialcharsbx($value) ?>"><? } if ($bAllowSelection) { if (!in_array($arFieldType["Type"], array("file", "bool", "date", "datetime"))) { echo CBPHelper::renderControlSelectorButton($fieldNameId, $arFieldType["BaseType"]); } } if ($arFieldType["Multiple"]) echo '</td></tr>'; } if ($arFieldType["Multiple"]) echo "</table>"; if ($arFieldType["Multiple"]) echo '<input type="button" value="'.GetMessage("BPCGHLP_ADD").'" onclick="CBPVirtualDocumentCloneRow(\'CBPVirtualDocument_'.$arFieldName["Field"].'_Table\')"/><br />'; if ($bAllowSelection) { if (in_array($arFieldType["Type"], array("file", "bool", "date", "datetime"))) { ?> <input type="text" id="id_<?= $arFieldName["Field"] ?>_text" name="<?= $arFieldName["Field"] ?>_text" value="<? if (count($fieldValueTmp) > 0) { $a = array_values($fieldValueTmp); echo htmlspecialcharsbx($a[0]); } ?>"><? echo CBPHelper::renderControlSelectorButton('id_'.$arFieldName["Field"].'_text', $arFieldType["BaseType"]); } } } $s = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $s; } public static function GetFieldInputValue($documentType, $arFieldType, $arFieldName, $arRequest, &$arErrors) { $result = []; if ($arFieldType["Type"] == "user") { $value = $arRequest[$arFieldName["Field"]]; if (strlen($value) > 0) { $result = CBPHelper::UsersStringToArray($value, $documentType, $arErrors); if (count($arErrors) > 0) { foreach ($arErrors as $e) { $arErrors[] = $e; } } } } elseif (array_key_exists($arFieldName["Field"], $arRequest) || array_key_exists($arFieldName["Field"]."_text", $arRequest)) { $arValue = []; if (array_key_exists($arFieldName["Field"], $arRequest)) { $arValue = $arRequest[$arFieldName["Field"]]; if (!is_array($arValue) || is_array($arValue) && CBPHelper::IsAssociativeArray($arValue)) { $arValue = array($arValue); } } if (array_key_exists($arFieldName["Field"]."_text", $arRequest)) { $arValue[] = $arRequest[$arFieldName["Field"]."_text"]; } foreach ($arValue as $value) { if (!CBPActivity::isExpression($value)) { if ($arFieldType["Type"] == "int") { if (strlen($value) > 0) { $value = str_replace(" ", "", $value); if ($value."|" == intval($value)."|") { $value = intval($value); } else { $value = null; $arErrors[] = array( "code" => "ErrorValue", "message" => GetMessage("BPCGWTL_INVALID1"), "parameter" => $arFieldName["Field"], ); } } else { $value = null; } } elseif ($arFieldType["Type"] == "double") { if (strlen($value) > 0) { $value = str_replace(" ", "", str_replace(",", ".", $value)); if ($value."|" == doubleval($value)."|") { $value = doubleval($value); } else { $value = null; $arErrors[] = array( "code" => "ErrorValue", "message" => GetMessage("BPCGWTL_INVALID11"), "parameter" => $arFieldName["Field"], ); } } else { $value = null; } } elseif ($arFieldType["Type"] == "select") { if (!is_array($arFieldType["Options"]) || count($arFieldType["Options"]) <= 0 || strlen($value) <= 0) { $value = null; } elseif (!array_key_exists($value, $arFieldType["Options"])) { $value = null; $arErrors[] = array( "code" => "ErrorValue", "message" => GetMessage("BPCGWTL_INVALID35"), "parameter" => $arFieldName["Field"], ); } } elseif ($arFieldType["Type"] == "bool") { if ($value !== "Y" && $value !== "N") { if ($value === true) { $value = "Y"; } elseif ($value === false) { $value = "N"; } elseif (strlen($value) > 0) { $value = strtolower($value); if (in_array($value, array("y", "yes", "true", "1"))) { $value = "Y"; } elseif (in_array($value, array("n", "no", "false", "0"))) { $value = "N"; } else { $value = null; $arErrors[] = array( "code" => "ErrorValue", "message" => GetMessage("BPCGWTL_INVALID45"), "parameter" => $arFieldName["Field"], ); } } else { $value = null; } } } elseif ($arFieldType["Type"] == "file") { if (array_key_exists("name", $value) && strlen($value["name"]) > 0) { if (!array_key_exists("MODULE_ID", $value) || strlen($value["MODULE_ID"]) <= 0) $value["MODULE_ID"] = "bizproc"; $value = CFile::SaveFile($value, "bizproc_wf", true); if (!$value) { $value = null; $arErrors[] = array( "code" => "ErrorValue", "message" => GetMessage("BPCGWTL_INVALID915"), "parameter" => $arFieldName["Field"], ); } } else { $value = null; } } else { if (!is_array($value) && strlen($value) <= 0) $value = null; } } if ($value != null) $result[] = $value; } } if (!$arFieldType["Multiple"]) { if (count($result) > 0) $result = $result[0]; else $result = null; } return $result; } public static function GetFieldInputValuePrintable($documentType, $arFieldType, $fieldValue) { $result = $fieldValue; switch ($arFieldType['Type']) { case "user": $result = CBPHelper::UsersArrayToString($fieldValue, null, $documentType); break; case "bool": if (is_array($fieldValue)) { $result = array(); foreach ($fieldValue as $r) $result[] = ((strtoupper($r) == "Y") ? GetMessage("BPVDX_YES") : GetMessage("BPVDX_NO")); } else { $result = ((strtoupper($fieldValue) == "Y") ? GetMessage("BPVDX_YES") : GetMessage("BPVDX_NO")); } break; case "file": if (is_array($fieldValue)) { $result = array(); foreach ($fieldValue as $r) { $r = intval($r); $dbImg = CFile::GetByID($r); if ($arImg = $dbImg->Fetch()) $result[] = "[url=/bitrix/tools/bizproc_show_file.php?f=".urlencode($arImg["FILE_NAME"])."&i=".$r."]".htmlspecialcharsbx($arImg["ORIGINAL_NAME"])."[/url]"; } } else { $fieldValue = intval($fieldValue); $dbImg = CFile::GetByID($fieldValue); if ($arImg = $dbImg->Fetch()) $result = "[url=/bitrix/tools/bizproc_show_file.php?f=".urlencode($arImg["FILE_NAME"])."&i=".$fieldValue."]".htmlspecialcharsbx($arImg["ORIGINAL_NAME"])."[/url]"; } break; case "select": if (isset($arFieldType["Options"][$fieldValue])) $result = $arFieldType["Options"][$fieldValue]; break; } return $result; } public static function SetGUIFieldEdit($documentType, $fieldName, $arRequest, &$arErrors, $arDocumentField = null) { return self::GetFieldInputValue($documentType, $arDocumentField, array("Field" => $fieldName), $arRequest, $arErrors); } public static function ConvertTextForMail($text, $siteId = false) { if (is_array($text)) { $text = implode(', ', $text); } $text = trim($text); if (strlen($text) <= 0) { return ""; } if (!$siteId) { $siteId = SITE_ID; } $arPattern = $arReplace = []; $arPattern[] = "/\[(code|quote)(.*?)\]/is".BX_UTF_PCRE_MODIFIER; $arReplace[] = "\n>================== \\1 ===================\n"; $arPattern[] = "/\[\/(code|quote)(.*?)\]/is".BX_UTF_PCRE_MODIFIER; $arReplace[] = "\n>===========================================\n"; $arPattern[] = "/\<WBR[\s\/]?\>/is".BX_UTF_PCRE_MODIFIER; $arReplace[] = ""; $arPattern[] = "/^(\r|\n)+?(.*)$/"; $arReplace[] = "\\2"; $arPattern[] = "/\[b\](.+?)\[\/b\]/is".BX_UTF_PCRE_MODIFIER; $arReplace[] = "\\1"; $arPattern[] = "/\[i\](.+?)\[\/i\]/is".BX_UTF_PCRE_MODIFIER; $arReplace[] = "\\1"; $arPattern[] = "/\[u\](.+?)\[\/u\]/is".BX_UTF_PCRE_MODIFIER; $arReplace[] = "_\\1_"; $arPattern[] = "/\[s\](.+?)\[\/s\]/is".BX_UTF_PCRE_MODIFIER; $arReplace[] = "_\\1_"; $arPattern[] = "/\[(\/?)(color|font|size)([^\]]*)\]/is".BX_UTF_PCRE_MODIFIER; $arReplace[] = ""; //$arPattern[] = "/\[url\](\S+?)\[\/url\]/is".BX_UTF_PCRE_MODIFIER; //$arReplace[] = "(URL: \\1)"; //$arPattern[] = "/\[url\s*=\s*(\S+?)\s*\](.*?)\[\/url\]/is".BX_UTF_PCRE_MODIFIER; //$arReplace[] = "\\2 (URL: \\1)"; $arPattern[] = "/\[img\](.+?)\[\/img\]/is".BX_UTF_PCRE_MODIFIER; $arReplace[] = "(IMAGE: \\1)"; $arPattern[] = "/\[video([^\]]*)\](.+?)\[\/video[\s]*\]/is".BX_UTF_PCRE_MODIFIER; $arReplace[] = "(VIDEO: \\2)"; $arPattern[] = "/\[(\/?)list\]/is".BX_UTF_PCRE_MODIFIER; $arReplace[] = "\n"; $text = preg_replace($arPattern, $arReplace, $text); $dbSite = CSite::GetByID($siteId); $arSite = $dbSite->Fetch(); static::$serverName = $arSite["SERVER_NAME"]; if (strLen(static::$serverName) <= 0) { if (defined("SITE_SERVER_NAME") && strlen(SITE_SERVER_NAME) > 0) { static::$serverName = SITE_SERVER_NAME; } else { static::$serverName = COption::GetOptionString("main", "server_name", ""); } } $text = preg_replace_callback( "/\[url\]([^\]]+?)\[\/url\]/i".BX_UTF_PCRE_MODIFIER, array("CBPHelper", "__ConvertAnchorTag"), $text ); $text = preg_replace_callback( "/\[url\s*=\s*([^\]]+?)\s*\](.*?)\[\/url\]/is".BX_UTF_PCRE_MODIFIER, array("CBPHelper", "__ConvertAnchorTag"), $text ); return $text; } public static function __ConvertAnchorTag($url, $text = '', $serverName = '') { if (is_array($url)) { $text = isset($url[2]) ? $url[2] : $url[1]; $url = $url[1]; $serverName = static::$serverName; } if (substr($url, 0, 1) != "/" && !preg_match("/^(http|news|https|ftp|aim|mailto)\:\/\//i".BX_UTF_PCRE_MODIFIER, $url)) $url = 'http://'.$url; if (!preg_match("/^(http|https|news|ftp|aim):\/\/[-_:.a-z0-9@]+/i".BX_UTF_PCRE_MODIFIER, $url)) $url = $serverName.$url; if (!preg_match("/^(http|news|https|ftp|aim|mailto)\:\/\//i".BX_UTF_PCRE_MODIFIER, $url)) $url = 'http://'.$url; $url = str_replace(' ', '%20', $url); if (strlen($text) > 0 && $text !== $url) { return $text." ( ".$url." )"; } return $url; } public static function IsAssociativeArray($ar) { if (!is_array($ar)) { return false; } $fl = false; $arKeys = array_keys($ar); $ind = -1; $indn = -1; foreach ($arKeys as $key) { $ind++; if ($key."!" !== $ind."!") { if (substr($key, 0, 1) === 'n') { $indn++; if (($indn === 0) && ("".$key === "n1")) $indn++; if ("".$key !== "n".$indn) { $fl = true; break; } } else { $fl = true; break; } } } return $fl; } public static function ExtractUsersFromUserGroups($value, $activity) { $result = []; if (!is_array($value)) { $value = array($value); } $l = strlen("user_"); $runtime = CBPRuntime::GetRuntime(); $documentService = $runtime->GetService("DocumentService"); foreach ($value as $v) { if (substr($v, 0, $l) == "user_") { $result[] = $v; } else { $arDSUsers = self::extractUsersFromExtendedGroup($v); if ($arDSUsers === false) { $arDSUsers = $documentService->GetUsersFromUserGroup($v, $activity->GetDocumentId()); } foreach ($arDSUsers as $v1) { $result[] = "user_".$v1; } } } return $result; } /** * Method return array of user ids, extracting from special codes. Supported: user (U), group (G), * intranet (IU, D, DR, Dextranet, UA), socnet (SU, SG1_A, SG1_E, SG1_K) * * @param string $code - group code, ex. group_D1 * @return bool|array */ public static function extractUsersFromExtendedGroup($code) { if (strpos($code, 'group_') !== 0) { return false; } $code = strtoupper(substr($code, strlen('group_'))); if (strpos($code, 'G') === 0) { $group = (int)substr($code, 1); if ($group <= 0) { return []; } $result = []; $iterator = CUser::GetList(($b = "ID"), ($o = "ASC"), array("GROUPS_ID" => $group, "ACTIVE" => "Y")); while ($user = $iterator->fetch()) { $result[] = $user['ID']; } return $result; } if (preg_match('/^(U|IU|SU)([0-9]+)$/i', $code, $match)) { return array($match[2]); } if ($code == 'UA' && CModule::IncludeModule('intranet')) { $result = []; $iterator = CUser::GetList(($by="id"), ($order="asc"), array('ACTIVE' => 'Y', '>UF_DEPARTMENT' => 0), array('FIELDS' => array('ID')) ); while($user = $iterator->fetch()) { $result[] = $user['ID']; } return $result; } if (preg_match('/^(D|DR)([0-9]+)$/', $code, $match) && CModule::IncludeModule('intranet')) { $recursive = $match[1] == 'DR'; $id = $match[2]; $iblockId = COption::GetOptionInt('intranet', 'iblock_structure'); $departmentIds = array($id); if ($recursive) { //TODO: replace with \CIntranetUtils::getSubStructure($id) $iterator = CIBlockSection::GetList( array('ID' => 'ASC'), array('=IBLOCK_ID' => $iblockId, 'ID'=> $id), false, array('ID', 'LEFT_MARGIN', 'RIGHT_MARGIN', 'DEPTH_LEVEL') ); $section = $iterator->fetch(); $filter = array ( '=IBLOCK_ID' => $iblockId, ">LEFT_MARGIN" => $section["LEFT_MARGIN"], "<RIGHT_MARGIN" => $section["RIGHT_MARGIN"], ">DEPTH_LEVEL" => $section['DEPTH_LEVEL'], ); $iterator = CIBlockSection::GetList(array("left_margin"=>"asc"), $filter, false, array('ID')); while($section = $iterator->fetch()) { $departmentIds[] = $section['ID']; } unset($iterator, $section, $filter); } $result = array(); $iterator = CUser::GetList(($by="id"), ($order="asc"), array('ACTIVE' => 'Y', 'UF_DEPARTMENT' => $departmentIds), array('FIELDS' => array('ID')) ); while($user = $iterator->fetch()) { $result[] = $user['ID']; } return $result; } if ($code == 'Dextranet' && CModule::IncludeModule('extranet')) { $result = array(); $iterator = CUser::GetList(($by="id"), ($order="asc"), array(COption::GetOptionString("extranet", "extranet_public_uf_code", "UF_PUBLIC") => "1", "!UF_DEPARTMENT" => false, "GROUPS_ID" => array(CExtranet::GetExtranetUserGroupID()) ), array('FIELDS' => array('ID')) ); while($user = $iterator->fetch()) { $result[] = $user['ID']; } return $result; } if (preg_match('/^SG([0-9]+)_?([AEK])?$/', $code, $match) && CModule::IncludeModule('socialnetwork')) { $groupId = (int)$match[1]; $role = isset($match[2])? $match[2] : 'K'; $iterator = CSocNetUserToGroup::GetList( array("USER_ID" => "ASC"), array( "=GROUP_ID" => $groupId, "<=ROLE" => $role, "USER_ACTIVE" => "Y" ), false, false, array("USER_ID") ); $result = array(); while($user = $iterator->fetch()) { $result[] = $user['USER_ID']; } return $result; } return false; } public static function ExtractUsers($arUsersDraft, $documentId, $bFirst = false) { $result = []; if (!is_array($arUsersDraft)) { $arUsersDraft = array($arUsersDraft); } $l = strlen("user_"); $runtime = CBPRuntime::GetRuntime(); $documentService = $runtime->GetService("DocumentService"); foreach ($arUsersDraft as $user) { if (!is_scalar($user)) { continue; } if (substr($user, 0, $l) === "user_") { $user = intval(substr($user, $l)); if (($user > 0) && !in_array($user, $result)) { if ($bFirst) { return $user; } $result[] = $user; } } else { $users = self::extractUsersFromExtendedGroup($user); if ($users === false) { $users = $documentService->GetUsersFromUserGroup($user, $documentId); } foreach ($users as $u) { $u = (int)$u; if (($u > 0) && !in_array($u, $result)) { if ($bFirst) { return $u; } $result[] = $u; } } } } if (!$bFirst) { return $result; } if (count($result) > 0) { return $result[0]; } return null; } public static function MakeArrayFlat($ar) { if (!is_array($ar)) { return array($ar); } $result = []; if (!CBPHelper::IsAssociativeArray($ar) && (count($ar) == 2) && in_array($ar[0], array("Variable", "Document", "Template", "Workflow", "User", "System")) && is_string($ar[1])) { $result[] = $ar; return $result; } foreach ($ar as $val) { if (!is_array($val)) { if (trim($val) !== "") $result[] = $val; } else { foreach (self::MakeArrayFlat($val) as $val1) $result[] = $val1; } } return $result; } public static function getBool($value) { if (empty($value) || $value === 'false' || is_int($value) && ($value == 0) || (strtoupper($value) == 'N')) { return false; } return (bool)$value; } public static function isEmptyValue($value) { $filter = function ($value) { return ($value !== null && $value !== '' && $value !== 0 && $value !== '0'); }; return ( $value === null || $value === '' || $value === 0 || $value === '0' || is_array($value) && count(array_filter($value, $filter)) === 0 ); } public static function ConvertParameterValues($val) { $result = $val; if (is_string($val) && preg_match(CBPActivity::ValuePattern, $val, $arMatches)) { $result = null; if ($arMatches['object'] == "User") { if ($GLOBALS["USER"]->IsAuthorized()) $result = "user_".$GLOBALS["USER"]->GetID(); } elseif ($arMatches['object'] == "System") { if (strtolower($arMatches['field']) === "now") $result = date($GLOBALS["DB"]->DateFormatToPHP(CSite::GetDateFormat("FULL"))); elseif (strtolower($arMatches['field']) == "date") $result = date($GLOBALS["DB"]->DateFormatToPHP(CSite::GetDateFormat("SHORT"))); } } return $result; } public static function StripUserPrefix($value) { if (is_array($value) && !CBPHelper::IsAssociativeArray($value)) { foreach ($value as &$v) { if (substr($v, 0, 5) == "user_") $v = substr($v, 5); } } else { if (substr($value, 0, 5) == "user_") $value = substr($value, 5); } return $value; } /** * @param $userId * @return array */ public static function getUserExtendedGroups($userId) { if (!isset(self::$groupsCache[$userId])) { self::$groupsCache[$userId] = array(); $access = self::getAccessProvider(); $userCodes = $access->GetUserCodesArray($userId); foreach ($userCodes AS $code) { self::$groupsCache[$userId][] = 'group_'.strtolower($code); } } return self::$groupsCache[$userId]; } /** * @param string $group - Extended group code (ex. group_g1) * @param bool $appendId - Append id to group name * @return string */ public static function getExtendedGroupName($group, $appendId = true) { if (strpos($group, 'group_') === 0) $group = substr($group, strlen('group_')); $group = strtoupper($group); $access = self::getAccessProvider(); $arNames = $access->GetNames(array($group)); return $arNames[$group]['name'].($appendId? ' ['.$group.']' : ''); } /** * @param $users * @return array */ public static function convertToExtendedGroups($users) { $users = (array)$users; foreach ($users as &$user) { if (!is_scalar($user)) continue; $user = (string) $user; if (strpos($user, 'user_') === 0) { $user = 'group_u'.substr($user, strlen('user_')); } elseif (preg_match('#^[0-9]+$#', $user)) { $user = 'group_g'.$user; } else $user = strtolower($user); } return $users; } /** * @param $users * @param bool $extractUsers * @return array */ public static function convertToSimpleGroups($users, $extractUsers = false) { $users = (array)$users; $converted = []; foreach ($users as $user) { if (!is_scalar($user)) continue; $user = strtolower((string) $user); if (strpos($user, 'group_u') === 0) { $converted[] = 'user_'.substr($user, strlen('group_u')); } elseif (strpos($user, 'group_g') === 0) { $converted[] = substr($user, strlen('group_g')); } elseif (strpos($user, 'group_') === 0) { if ($extractUsers) { $extracted = self::extractUsersFromExtendedGroup($user); if ($extracted !== false) { foreach ($extracted as $exUser) { $converted[] = 'user_'.$exUser; } } } } else $converted[] = $user; } return $converted; } public static function getForumId() { $forumId = COption::GetOptionString('bizproc', 'forum_id', 0); if (!$forumId && CModule::includeModule('forum')) { $defaultSiteId = CSite::GetDefSite(); $forumId = CForumNew::Add(array( 'NAME' => 'Bizproc Workflow', 'XML_ID' => 'bizproc_workflow', 'SITES' => array($defaultSiteId => '/'), 'ACTIVE' => 'Y', 'DEDUPLICATION' => 'N' )); COption::SetOptionString("bizproc", "forum_id", $forumId); } return $forumId; } public static function getDistrName() { return CModule::IncludeModule('bitrix24') ? static::DISTR_B24 : static::DISTR_BOX; } /** * @param int $headUserId * @param int $subUserId * @return bool */ public static function checkUserSubordination($headUserId, $subUserId) { if (CModule::IncludeModule('intranet')) { $headUserId = (int)$headUserId; $subUserId = (int)$subUserId; if ($headUserId && $subUserId) { $headDepts = (array) CIntranetUtils::GetSubordinateDepartments($headUserId, true); if (!empty($headDepts)) { $subDepts = (array) CIntranetUtils::GetUserDepartments($subUserId); return (sizeof(array_intersect($headDepts, $subDepts)) > 0); } } } return false; } public static function renderControlSelectorButton($controlId, $baseType = 'string', array $options = null) { $selectorProps = \Bitrix\Main\Web\Json::encode(array( 'controlId' => $controlId, 'baseType' => $baseType )); $mode = isset($options['mode']) ? $options['mode'] : ''; $additional = array(); if (isset($options['style'])) $additional[] = 'style="'.htmlspecialcharsbx($options['style']).'"'; if (isset($options['title'])) $additional[] = 'title="'.htmlspecialcharsbx($options['title']).'"'; return '<input type="button" value="..." onclick="BPAShowSelector(\'' .Cutil::JSEscape(htmlspecialcharsbx($controlId)) .'\', \''.Cutil::JSEscape(htmlspecialcharsbx($baseType)) .'\', \''.Cutil::JSEscape(htmlspecialcharsbx($mode)).'\');"' .' data-role="bp-selector-button" data-bp-selector-props="'.htmlspecialcharsbx($selectorProps).'" '.implode(' ', $additional).'>'; } public static function decodeTemplatePostData(&$data) { CUtil::DecodeUriComponent($data); foreach (array('arWorkflowTemplate', 'arWorkflowParameters', 'arWorkflowVariables', 'arWorkflowConstants', 'USER_PARAMS') as $k) { if (!isset($data[$k]) || !is_array($data[$k])) { $data[$k] = isset($data[$k]) ? (array) CUtil::JsObjectToPhp($data[$k]) : array(); } } if (strtolower(LANG_CHARSET) != 'utf-8') { $data = static::decodeArrayKeys($data); } } public static function decodeArrayKeys($item, $reverse = false) { $from = !$reverse ? 'UTF-8' : LANG_CHARSET; $to = !$reverse ? LANG_CHARSET : 'UTF-8'; if (is_array($item)) { $ar = array(); foreach ($item as $k => $v) $ar[$GLOBALS["APPLICATION"]->ConvertCharset($k, $from, $to)] = self::decodeArrayKeys($v, $reverse); return $ar; } return $item; } }