Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/bizproc/classes/general/ |
Current File : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/bizproc/classes/general/stateservice.php |
<? include_once($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."/bitrix/modules/bizproc/classes/general/runtimeservice.php"); use Bitrix\Bizproc\WorkflowStateTable; use Bitrix\Main; class CBPAllStateService extends CBPRuntimeService { const COUNTERS_CACHE_TAG_PREFIX = 'b_bp_wfi_cnt_'; public function SetStateTitle($workflowId, $stateTitle) { global $DB; $workflowId = trim($workflowId); if (strlen($workflowId) <= 0) throw new Exception("workflowId"); $DB->Query( "UPDATE b_bp_workflow_state SET ". " STATE_TITLE = ".(strlen($stateTitle) > 0 ? "'".$DB->ForSql($stateTitle)."'" : "NULL").", ". " MODIFIED = ".$DB->CurrentTimeFunction()." ". "WHERE ID = '".$DB->ForSql($workflowId)."' " ); } public function SetStatePermissions($workflowId, $arStatePermissions = array(), $bRewrite = true) { global $DB; $workflowId = trim($workflowId); if (strlen($workflowId) <= 0) throw new Exception("workflowId"); // @TODO: add new logic to CBPSetPermissionsMode::Rewrite if (!is_array($bRewrite) && $bRewrite == true || is_array($bRewrite) && isset($bRewrite['setMode']) && $bRewrite['setMode'] == CBPSetPermissionsMode::Clear) { $DB->Query( "DELETE FROM b_bp_workflow_permissions ". "WHERE WORKFLOW_ID = '".$DB->ForSql($workflowId)."' " ); } $arState = self::GetWorkflowState($workflowId); $documentService = $this->runtime->GetService("DocumentService"); $documentService->SetPermissions($arState["DOCUMENT_ID"], $workflowId, $arStatePermissions, $bRewrite); $documentType = $documentService->GetDocumentType($arState["DOCUMENT_ID"]); if ($documentType) $arStatePermissions = $documentService->toInternalOperations($documentType, $arStatePermissions); foreach ($arStatePermissions as $permission => $arObjects) { foreach ($arObjects as $object) { $DB->Query( "INSERT INTO b_bp_workflow_permissions (WORKFLOW_ID, OBJECT_ID, PERMISSION) ". "VALUES ('".$DB->ForSql($workflowId)."', '".$DB->ForSql($object)."', '".$DB->ForSql($permission)."')" ); } } } public function GetStateTitle($workflowId) { global $DB; $workflowId = trim($workflowId); if (strlen($workflowId) <= 0) throw new Exception("workflowId"); $db = $DB->Query("SELECT STATE_TITLE FROM b_bp_workflow_state WHERE ID = '".$DB->ForSql($workflowId)."' "); if ($ar = $db->Fetch()) return $ar["STATE_TITLE"]; return ""; } public static function GetStateDocumentId($workflowId) { global $DB; $workflowId = trim($workflowId); if (strlen($workflowId) <= 0) throw new Exception("workflowId"); $db = $DB->Query("SELECT MODULE_ID, ENTITY, DOCUMENT_ID FROM b_bp_workflow_state WHERE ID = '".$DB->ForSql($workflowId)."' "); if ($ar = $db->Fetch()) return array($ar["MODULE_ID"], $ar["ENTITY"], $ar["DOCUMENT_ID"]); return false; } public function AddWorkflow($workflowId, $workflowTemplateId, $documentId, $starterUserId = 0) { global $DB; $arDocumentId = CBPHelper::ParseDocumentId($documentId); $workflowId = trim($workflowId); if (strlen($workflowId) <= 0) throw new Exception("workflowId"); $workflowTemplateId = intval($workflowTemplateId); if ($workflowTemplateId <= 0) throw new Exception("workflowTemplateId"); $starterUserId = intval($starterUserId); if ($starterUserId <= 0) $starterUserId = "NULL"; $dbResult = $DB->Query( "SELECT ID ". "FROM b_bp_workflow_state ". "WHERE ID = '".$DB->ForSql($workflowId)."' " ); if ($arResult = $dbResult->Fetch()) throw new Exception("WorkflowAlreadyExists"); $DB->Query( "INSERT INTO b_bp_workflow_state (ID, MODULE_ID, ENTITY, DOCUMENT_ID, DOCUMENT_ID_INT, WORKFLOW_TEMPLATE_ID, MODIFIED, STARTED, STARTED_BY) ". "VALUES ('".$DB->ForSql($workflowId)."', ".((strlen($arDocumentId[0]) > 0) ? "'".$DB->ForSql($arDocumentId[0])."'" : "NULL").", '".$DB->ForSql($arDocumentId[1])."', '".$DB->ForSql($arDocumentId[2])."', ".intval($arDocumentId[2]).", ".intval($workflowTemplateId).", ".$DB->CurrentTimeFunction().", ".$DB->CurrentTimeFunction().", ".$starterUserId.")" ); if (is_int($starterUserId)) self::cleanRunningCountersCache($starterUserId); } public static function DeleteWorkflow($workflowId) { global $DB; $workflowId = trim($workflowId); if (strlen($workflowId) <= 0) throw new Exception("workflowId"); $info = self::getWorkflowStateInfo($workflowId); if (!empty($info['STARTED_BY'])) self::cleanRunningCountersCache($info['STARTED_BY']); $DB->Query( "DELETE FROM b_bp_workflow_permissions ". "WHERE WORKFLOW_ID = '".$DB->ForSql($workflowId)."' " ); $DB->Query( "DELETE FROM b_bp_workflow_state ". "WHERE ID = '".$DB->ForSql($workflowId)."' " ); } public function DeleteAllDocumentWorkflows($documentId) { self::DeleteByDocument($documentId); } public function onStatusChange($workflowId, $status) { if ($status == CBPWorkflowStatus::Completed || $status == CBPWorkflowStatus::Terminated) { $info = $this->getWorkflowStateInfo($workflowId); $userId = isset($info['STARTED_BY']) ? (int)$info['STARTED_BY'] : 0; if ($userId > 0) { self::cleanRunningCountersCache($userId); } foreach (GetModuleEvents('bizproc', 'OnWorkflowComplete', true) as $event) ExecuteModuleEventEx($event, array($workflowId, $status)); } } private static function __ExtractState(&$arStates, $arResult) { if (!array_key_exists($arResult["ID"], $arStates)) { $arStates[$arResult["ID"]] = array( "ID" => $arResult["ID"], "TEMPLATE_ID" => $arResult["WORKFLOW_TEMPLATE_ID"], "TEMPLATE_NAME" => $arResult["NAME"], "TEMPLATE_DESCRIPTION" => $arResult["DESCRIPTION"], "STATE_MODIFIED" => $arResult["MODIFIED"], "STATE_NAME" => $arResult["STATE"], "STATE_TITLE" => $arResult["STATE_TITLE"], "STATE_PARAMETERS" => (strlen($arResult["STATE_PARAMETERS"]) > 0 ? unserialize($arResult["STATE_PARAMETERS"]) : array()), "WORKFLOW_STATUS" => $arResult["STATUS"], "STATE_PERMISSIONS" => array(), "DOCUMENT_ID" => array($arResult["MODULE_ID"], $arResult["ENTITY"], $arResult["DOCUMENT_ID"]), "STARTED" => $arResult["STARTED"], "STARTED_BY" => $arResult["STARTED_BY"], "STARTED_FORMATTED" => $arResult["STARTED_FORMATTED"], ); } if (strlen($arResult["PERMISSION"]) > 0 && strlen($arResult["OBJECT_ID"]) > 0) { $arResult["PERMISSION"] = strtolower($arResult["PERMISSION"]); if (!array_key_exists($arResult["PERMISSION"], $arStates[$arResult["ID"]]["STATE_PERMISSIONS"])) $arStates[$arResult["ID"]]["STATE_PERMISSIONS"][$arResult["PERMISSION"]] = array(); $arStates[$arResult["ID"]]["STATE_PERMISSIONS"][$arResult["PERMISSION"]][] = $arResult["OBJECT_ID"]; } } public static function CountDocumentWorkflows($documentId) { global $DB; $arDocumentId = CBPHelper::ParseDocumentId($documentId); $dbResult = $DB->Query( "SELECT COUNT(WI.ID) CNT ". "FROM b_bp_workflow_instance WI ". "WHERE WI.DOCUMENT_ID = '".$DB->ForSql($arDocumentId[2])."' ". " AND WI.ENTITY = '".$DB->ForSql($arDocumentId[1])."' ". " AND WI.MODULE_ID ".((strlen($arDocumentId[0]) > 0) ? "= '".$DB->ForSql($arDocumentId[0])."'" : "IS NULL"). " AND WI.STARTED_EVENT_TYPE <> ".(int)CBPDocumentEventType::Automation ); if ($arResult = $dbResult->Fetch()) { return (int) $arResult['CNT']; } return 0; } public static function GetDocumentStates($documentId, $workflowId = "") { global $DB; $arDocumentId = CBPHelper::ParseDocumentId($documentId); $ids = (array) $arDocumentId[2]; $idsCondition = array(); foreach ($ids as $id) { $idsCondition[] = 'WS.DOCUMENT_ID = \''.$DB->ForSql($id).'\''; } $sqlAdditionalFilter = ""; $workflowId = trim($workflowId); if (strlen($workflowId) > 0) $sqlAdditionalFilter = " AND WS.ID = '".$DB->ForSql($workflowId)."' "; $dbResult = $DB->Query( "SELECT WS.ID, WS.WORKFLOW_TEMPLATE_ID, WS.STATE, WS.STATE_TITLE, WS.STATE_PARAMETERS, ". " ".$DB->DateToCharFunction("WS.MODIFIED", "FULL")." as MODIFIED, ". " WS.MODULE_ID, WS.ENTITY, WS.DOCUMENT_ID, ". " WT.NAME, WT.DESCRIPTION, WP.OBJECT_ID, WP.PERMISSION, WI.STATUS, ". " WS.STARTED, WS.STARTED_BY ". "FROM b_bp_workflow_state WS ". " LEFT JOIN b_bp_workflow_permissions WP ON (WS.ID = WP.WORKFLOW_ID) ". " LEFT JOIN b_bp_workflow_template WT ON (WS.WORKFLOW_TEMPLATE_ID = WT.ID) ". " LEFT JOIN b_bp_workflow_instance WI ON (WS.ID = WI.ID) ". "WHERE (".implode(' OR ', $idsCondition).") ". " AND WS.ENTITY = '".$DB->ForSql($arDocumentId[1])."' ". " AND WS.MODULE_ID ".((strlen($arDocumentId[0]) > 0) ? "= '".$DB->ForSql($arDocumentId[0])."'" : "IS NULL")." ". $sqlAdditionalFilter ); $arStates = array(); while ($arResult = $dbResult->Fetch()) self::__ExtractState($arStates, $arResult); return $arStates; } public static function getIdsByDocument(array $documentId) { $documentId = \CBPHelper::ParseDocumentId($documentId); $rows = WorkflowStateTable::getList([ 'select' => ['ID'], 'filter' => [ '=MODULE_ID' => $documentId[0], '=ENTITY' => $documentId[1], '=DOCUMENT_ID' => $documentId[2] ] ])->fetchAll(); return array_column($rows, 'ID'); } public static function GetWorkflowState($workflowId) { global $DB; $workflowId = trim($workflowId); if (strlen($workflowId) <= 0) throw new Exception("workflowId"); $dbResult = $DB->Query( "SELECT WS.ID, WS.WORKFLOW_TEMPLATE_ID, WS.STATE, WS.STATE_TITLE, WS.STATE_PARAMETERS, ". " ".$DB->DateToCharFunction("WS.MODIFIED", "FULL")." as MODIFIED, ". " WS.MODULE_ID, WS.ENTITY, WS.DOCUMENT_ID, ". " WT.NAME, WT.DESCRIPTION, WP.OBJECT_ID, WP.PERMISSION, WI.STATUS, ". " WS.STARTED, WS.STARTED_BY, ".$DB->DateToCharFunction("WS.STARTED", "FULL")." as STARTED_FORMATTED ". "FROM b_bp_workflow_state WS ". " LEFT JOIN b_bp_workflow_permissions WP ON (WS.ID = WP.WORKFLOW_ID) ". " LEFT JOIN b_bp_workflow_template WT ON (WS.WORKFLOW_TEMPLATE_ID = WT.ID) ". " LEFT JOIN b_bp_workflow_instance WI ON (WS.ID = WI.ID) ". "WHERE WS.ID = '".$DB->ForSql($workflowId)."' " ); $arStates = array(); while ($arResult = $dbResult->Fetch()) self::__ExtractState($arStates, $arResult); $keys = array_keys($arStates); if (count($keys) > 0) $arStates = $arStates[$keys[0]]; return $arStates; } public static function getWorkflowStateInfo($workflowId) { global $DB; $workflowId = trim($workflowId); if (strlen($workflowId) <= 0) throw new Exception("workflowId"); $dbResult = $DB->Query( "SELECT WS.ID, WS.STATE_TITLE, WS.MODULE_ID, WS.ENTITY, WS.DOCUMENT_ID, WI.STATUS, WS.STARTED_BY, WS.WORKFLOW_TEMPLATE_ID, WT.NAME WORKFLOW_TEMPLATE_NAME ". "FROM b_bp_workflow_state WS ". "LEFT JOIN b_bp_workflow_instance WI ON (WS.ID = WI.ID) ". "LEFT JOIN b_bp_workflow_template WT ON (WS.WORKFLOW_TEMPLATE_ID = WT.ID) ". "WHERE WS.ID = '".$DB->ForSql($workflowId)."' " ); $state = false; $result = $dbResult->Fetch(); if ($result) { $state = array( 'ID' => $result["ID"], 'WORKFLOW_TEMPLATE_ID' => $result['WORKFLOW_TEMPLATE_ID'], 'WORKFLOW_TEMPLATE_NAME' => $result['WORKFLOW_TEMPLATE_NAME'], "STATE_TITLE" => $result["STATE_TITLE"], "WORKFLOW_STATUS" => $result["STATUS"], "DOCUMENT_ID" => array($result["MODULE_ID"], $result["ENTITY"], $result["DOCUMENT_ID"]), "STARTED_BY" => $result["STARTED_BY"], ); } return $state; } public static function getWorkflowIntegerId($workflowId) { global $DB; $workflowId = trim($workflowId); if (strlen($workflowId) <= 0) throw new Exception("workflowId"); $dbResult = $DB->Query( "SELECT ID FROM b_bp_workflow_state_identify WHERE WORKFLOW_ID = '".$DB->ForSql($workflowId)."' " ); $result = $dbResult->fetch(); if (!$result) { $strSql = "INSERT INTO b_bp_workflow_state_identify (WORKFLOW_ID) ". "VALUES ('".$DB->ForSql($workflowId)."')"; $DB->Query($strSql); $result = array('ID' => $DB->LastID()); } return (int)$result['ID']; } public static function getWorkflowByIntegerId($integerId) { global $DB; $integerId = intval($integerId); if ($integerId <= 0) throw new Exception("integerId"); $dbResult = $DB->Query( "SELECT WORKFLOW_ID FROM b_bp_workflow_state_identify WHERE ID = ".$integerId." " ); $result = $dbResult->fetch(); if ($result) { return $result['WORKFLOW_ID']; } return false; } public static function DeleteByDocument($documentId) { global $DB; $arDocumentId = CBPHelper::ParseDocumentId($documentId); $users = array(); $dbRes = $DB->Query( "SELECT ID, STARTED_BY ". "FROM b_bp_workflow_state ". "WHERE DOCUMENT_ID = '".$DB->ForSql($arDocumentId[2])."' ". " AND ENTITY = '".$DB->ForSql($arDocumentId[1])."' ". " AND MODULE_ID ".((strlen($arDocumentId[0]) > 0) ? "= '".$DB->ForSql($arDocumentId[0])."'" : "IS NULL")." " ); while ($arRes = $dbRes->Fetch()) { $DB->Query( "DELETE FROM b_bp_workflow_permissions ". "WHERE WORKFLOW_ID = '".$DB->ForSql($arRes["ID"])."' " ); if (!empty($arRes['STARTED_BY'])) $users[] = $arRes['STARTED_BY']; } $DB->Query( "DELETE FROM b_bp_workflow_state ". "WHERE DOCUMENT_ID = '".$DB->ForSql($arDocumentId[2])."' ". " AND ENTITY = '".$DB->ForSql($arDocumentId[1])."' ". " AND MODULE_ID ".((strlen($arDocumentId[0]) > 0) ? "= '".$DB->ForSql($arDocumentId[0])."'" : "IS NULL")." " ); self::cleanRunningCountersCache($users); } public static function deleteCompletedStates(array $documentId) { $connection = Main\Application::getConnection(); $helper = $connection->getSqlHelper(); list($moduleId, $entity, $docId) = \CBPHelper::ParseDocumentId($documentId); $connection->queryExecute(sprintf('DELETE P FROM b_bp_workflow_permissions P ' .'INNER JOIN b_bp_workflow_state S ON (P.WORKFLOW_ID = S.ID) ' .'LEFT JOIN b_bp_workflow_instance I ON (S.ID = I.ID)' .'WHERE I.ID IS NULL AND S.MODULE_ID = \'%s\' AND S.ENTITY = \'%s\' AND S.DOCUMENT_ID = \'%s\'', $helper->forSql($moduleId), $helper->forSql($entity), $helper->forSql($docId) )); $connection->queryExecute(sprintf('DELETE S FROM b_bp_workflow_state S LEFT JOIN b_bp_workflow_instance I ' .'ON (S.ID = I.ID) ' .'WHERE I.ID IS NULL AND S.MODULE_ID = \'%s\' AND S.ENTITY = \'%s\' AND S.DOCUMENT_ID = \'%s\'', $helper->forSql($moduleId), $helper->forSql($entity), $helper->forSql($docId) )); } public static function MergeStates($firstDocumentId, $secondDocumentId) { global $DB; $arFirstDocumentId = CBPHelper::ParseDocumentId($firstDocumentId); $arSecondDocumentId = CBPHelper::ParseDocumentId($secondDocumentId); $DB->Query( "UPDATE b_bp_workflow_state SET ". " DOCUMENT_ID = '".$DB->ForSql($arFirstDocumentId[2])."', ". " DOCUMENT_ID_INT = ".intval($arFirstDocumentId[2]).", ". " ENTITY = '".$DB->ForSql($arFirstDocumentId[1])."', ". " MODULE_ID = '".$DB->ForSql($arFirstDocumentId[0])."' ". "WHERE DOCUMENT_ID = '".$DB->ForSql($arSecondDocumentId[2])."' ". " AND ENTITY = '".$DB->ForSql($arSecondDocumentId[1])."' ". " AND MODULE_ID = '".$DB->ForSql($arSecondDocumentId[0])."' " ); } public static function MigrateDocumentType($oldType, $newType, $workflowTemplateIds) { global $DB; $arOldType = CBPHelper::ParseDocumentId($oldType); $arNewType = CBPHelper::ParseDocumentId($newType); $DB->Query( "UPDATE b_bp_workflow_state SET ". " ENTITY = '".$DB->ForSql($arNewType[1])."', ". " MODULE_ID = '".$DB->ForSql($arNewType[0])."' ". "WHERE ENTITY = '".$DB->ForSql($arOldType[1])."' ". " AND MODULE_ID = '".$DB->ForSql($arOldType[0])."' ". " AND WORKFLOW_TEMPLATE_ID IN (".implode(",", $workflowTemplateIds).") " ); } public function SetState($workflowId, $arState, $arStatePermissions = array()) { global $DB; $workflowId = trim($workflowId); if (strlen($workflowId) <= 0) throw new Exception("workflowId"); $state = trim($arState["STATE"]); $stateTitle = trim($arState["TITLE"]); $stateParameters = ""; if (count($arState["PARAMETERS"]) > 0) $stateParameters = serialize($arState["PARAMETERS"]); $DB->Query( "UPDATE b_bp_workflow_state SET ". " STATE = ".(strlen($state) > 0 ? "'".$DB->ForSql($state)."'" : "NULL").", ". " STATE_TITLE = ".(strlen($stateTitle) > 0 ? "'".$DB->ForSql($stateTitle)."'" : "NULL").", ". " STATE_PARAMETERS = ".(strlen($stateParameters) > 0 ? "'".$DB->ForSql($stateParameters)."'" : "NULL").", ". " MODIFIED = ".$DB->CurrentTimeFunction()." ". "WHERE ID = '".$DB->ForSql($workflowId)."' " ); if ($arStatePermissions !== false) { $arState = self::GetWorkflowState($workflowId); $runtime = $this->runtime; if (!isset($runtime) || !is_object($runtime)) $runtime = CBPRuntime::GetRuntime(); $documentService = $runtime->GetService("DocumentService"); $documentService->SetPermissions($arState["DOCUMENT_ID"], $workflowId, $arStatePermissions, true); $documentType = $documentService->GetDocumentType($arState["DOCUMENT_ID"]); if ($documentType) $arStatePermissions = $documentService->toInternalOperations($documentType, $arStatePermissions); $DB->Query( "DELETE FROM b_bp_workflow_permissions ". "WHERE WORKFLOW_ID = '".$DB->ForSql($workflowId)."' " ); foreach ($arStatePermissions as $permission => $arObjects) { foreach ($arObjects as $object) { $DB->Query( "INSERT INTO b_bp_workflow_permissions (WORKFLOW_ID, OBJECT_ID, PERMISSION) ". "VALUES ('".$DB->ForSql($workflowId)."', '".$DB->ForSql($object)."', '".$DB->ForSql($permission)."')" ); } } } } public function SetStateParameters($workflowId, $arStateParameters = array()) { global $DB; $workflowId = trim($workflowId); if (strlen($workflowId) <= 0) throw new Exception("workflowId"); $stateParameters = ""; if (count($arStateParameters) > 0) $stateParameters = serialize($arStateParameters); $DB->Query( "UPDATE b_bp_workflow_state SET ". " STATE_PARAMETERS = ".(strlen($stateParameters) > 0 ? "'".$DB->ForSql($stateParameters)."'" : "NULL").", ". " MODIFIED = ".$DB->CurrentTimeFunction()." ". "WHERE ID = '".$DB->ForSql($workflowId)."' " ); } public function AddStateParameter($workflowId, $arStateParameter) { global $DB; $workflowId = trim($workflowId); if (strlen($workflowId) <= 0) throw new Exception("workflowId"); $dbResult = $DB->Query( "SELECT STATE_PARAMETERS ". "FROM b_bp_workflow_state ". "WHERE ID = '".$DB->ForSql($workflowId)."' " ); if ($arResult = $dbResult->Fetch()) { $stateParameters = array(); if (strlen($arResult["STATE_PARAMETERS"]) > 0) $stateParameters = unserialize($arResult["STATE_PARAMETERS"]); $stateParameters[] = $arStateParameter; $stateParameters = serialize($stateParameters); $DB->Query( "UPDATE b_bp_workflow_state SET ". " STATE_PARAMETERS = ".(strlen($stateParameters) > 0 ? "'".$DB->ForSql($stateParameters)."'" : "NULL").", ". " MODIFIED = ".$DB->CurrentTimeFunction()." ". "WHERE ID = '".$DB->ForSql($workflowId)."' " ); } } public function DeleteStateParameter($workflowId, $name) { global $DB; $workflowId = trim($workflowId); if (strlen($workflowId) <= 0) throw new Exception("workflowId"); $dbResult = $DB->Query( "SELECT STATE_PARAMETERS ". "FROM b_bp_workflow_state ". "WHERE ID = '".$DB->ForSql($workflowId)."' " ); if ($arResult = $dbResult->Fetch()) { $stateParameters = array(); if (strlen($arResult["STATE_PARAMETERS"]) > 0) $stateParameters = unserialize($arResult["STATE_PARAMETERS"]); $ar = array(); foreach ($stateParameters as $v) { if ($v["NAME"] != $name) $ar[] = $v; } $stateParameters = ""; if (count($ar) > 0) $stateParameters = serialize($ar); $DB->Query( "UPDATE b_bp_workflow_state SET ". " STATE_PARAMETERS = ".(strlen($stateParameters) > 0 ? "'".$DB->ForSql($stateParameters)."'" : "NULL").", ". " MODIFIED = ".$DB->CurrentTimeFunction()." ". "WHERE ID = '".$DB->ForSql($workflowId)."' " ); } } public static function __InsertStateHack($id, $moduleId, $entity, $documentId, $templateId, $state, $stateTitle, $stateParameters, $arStatePermissions) { global $DB; $DB->Query( "INSERT INTO b_bp_workflow_state (ID, MODULE_ID, ENTITY, DOCUMENT_ID, DOCUMENT_ID_INT, WORKFLOW_TEMPLATE_ID, MODIFIED, STATE, STATE_TITLE, STATE_PARAMETERS) ". "VALUES ('".$DB->ForSql($id)."', '".$DB->ForSql($moduleId)."', '".$DB->ForSql($entity)."', '".$DB->ForSql($documentId)."', ".intval($documentId).", ".intval($templateId).", ".$DB->CurrentTimeFunction().", '".$DB->ForSql($state)."', '".$DB->ForSql($stateTitle)."', ".(strlen($stateParameters) > 0 ? "'".$DB->ForSql($stateParameters)."'" : "NULL").")" ); foreach ($arStatePermissions as $permission => $arObjects) { foreach ($arObjects as $object) { $DB->Query( "INSERT INTO b_bp_workflow_permissions (WORKFLOW_ID, OBJECT_ID, PERMISSION) ". "VALUES ('".$DB->ForSql($id)."', '".$DB->ForSql($object)."', '".$DB->ForSql($permission)."')" ); } } } public static function getRunningCounters($userId) { global $DB; $counters = array('*' => 0); $cache = \Bitrix\Main\Application::getInstance()->getManagedCache(); $cacheTag = self::COUNTERS_CACHE_TAG_PREFIX.$userId; if ($cache->read(3600*24*7, $cacheTag)) { $counters = (array) $cache->get($cacheTag); } else { $query = "SELECT WI.MODULE_ID AS MODULE_ID, WI.ENTITY AS ENTITY, COUNT('x') AS CNT ". 'FROM b_bp_workflow_instance WI '. 'WHERE WI.STARTED_BY = '.(int)$userId.' '. 'GROUP BY MODULE_ID, ENTITY'; $iterator = $DB->Query($query, true); if ($iterator) { while ($row = $iterator->fetch()) { $cnt = (int)$row['CNT']; $counters[$row['MODULE_ID']][$row['ENTITY']] = $cnt; if (!isset($counters[$row['MODULE_ID']]['*'])) $counters[$row['MODULE_ID']]['*'] = 0; $counters[$row['MODULE_ID']]['*'] += $cnt; $counters['*'] += $cnt; } $cache->set($cacheTag, $counters); } } return $counters; } protected static function cleanRunningCountersCache($users) { $users = (array) $users; $users = array_unique($users); $cache = \Bitrix\Main\Application::getInstance()->getManagedCache(); foreach ($users as $userId) { $cache->clean(self::COUNTERS_CACHE_TAG_PREFIX.$userId); } } } //Compatibility class CBPStateService extends CBPAllStateService { }