Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/calendar/classes/general/ |
Current File : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/calendar/classes/general/calendar_event.php |
<? IncludeModuleLangFile($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"].BX_ROOT."/modules/calendar/classes/general/calendar.php"); use \Bitrix\Main\Loader; use \Bitrix\Disk\Uf\FileUserType; use \Bitrix\Disk\AttachedObject; use \Bitrix\Main\Localization\Loc; class CCalendarEvent { public static $eventUFDescriptions; public static $TextParser; private static $fields = array(), $lastAttendeesList = array(); public static function GetLastAttendees() { $res = array(); if (isset(self::$lastAttendeesList) && is_array(self::$lastAttendeesList)) { foreach(self::$lastAttendeesList as $id => $attendees) { $res[$id] = array(); foreach($attendees as $user) { $name = trim($user["USER_NAME"]); $type = (intVal($user["USER_ID"]) > 0) ? "int" : "ext"; if ($type == "int") { $user["ID"] = intVal($user["USER_ID"]); $name = CCalendar::GetUserName($user); } $res[$id][] = array( "type" => $type, "id" => intVal($user["USER_ID"]), "name" => $name, "email" => trim($user["USER_EMAIL"]), // For ext only "photo" => $user["PERSONAL_PHOTO"], "status" => trim($user["STATUS"]), "desc" => trim($user["DESCRIPTION"]), "color" => trim($user["COLOR"]), "text_color" => trim($user["TEXT_COLOR"]), "accessibility" => trim($user["ACCESSIBILITY"]) ); } } } return $res; } public static function SetLastAttendees($attendees) { self::$lastAttendeesList = $attendees; } public static function CheckRRULE($RRule = array()) { if ($RRule['FREQ'] != 'WEEKLY' && isset($RRule['BYDAY'])) unset($RRule['BYDAY']); return $RRule; } public static function Edit($params = array()) { global $DB, $CACHE_MANAGER; $entryFields = $params['arFields']; $arAffectedSections = array(); $significantChanges = isset($params['significantChanges']) ? $params['significantChanges'] : false; $sendInvitations = $params['sendInvitations'] !== false; $sendEditNotification = $params['sendEditNotification'] !== false; $result = false; $attendeesCodes = array(); // Get current user id $userId = (isset($params['userId']) && intVal($params['userId']) > 0) ? intVal($params['userId']) : CCalendar::GetCurUserId(); if(!$userId && isset($entryFields['CREATED_BY'])) { $userId = intVal($entryFields['CREATED_BY']); } $path = !empty($params['path']) ? $params['path'] : CCalendar::GetPath($entryFields['CAL_TYPE'], $entryFields['OWNER_ID'], true); $isNewEvent = !isset($entryFields['ID']) || $entryFields['ID'] <= 0; $entryFields['TIMESTAMP_X'] = CCalendar::Date(mktime(), true, false); if ($isNewEvent) { if (!isset($entryFields['CREATED_BY'])) { $entryFields['CREATED_BY'] = ($entryFields['IS_MEETING'] && $entryFields['CAL_TYPE'] == 'user' && $entryFields['OWNER_ID']) ? $entryFields['OWNER_ID'] : $userId; } if (!isset($entryFields['DATE_CREATE'])) { $entryFields['DATE_CREATE'] = $entryFields['TIMESTAMP_X']; } } if (!isset($entryFields['OWNER_ID']) || !$entryFields['OWNER_ID']) { $entryFields['OWNER_ID'] = 0; } // Current event $currentEvent = array(); if ($entryFields['IS_MEETING'] && !isset($entryFields['ATTENDEES']) && isset($entryFields['ATTENDEES_CODES'])) { $entryFields['ATTENDEES'] = \CCalendar::getDestinationUsers($entryFields['ATTENDEES_CODES']); } if (!$isNewEvent) { $currentEvent = isset($params['currentEvent']) ? $params['currentEvent'] : CCalendarEvent::GetById($entryFields['ID']); if(empty($entryFields['LOCATION']['OLD'])) { if(!isset($entryFields['LOCATION'])) { $entryFields['LOCATION'] = array('NEW' => ''); } $entryFields['LOCATION']['OLD'] = $currentEvent['LOCATION']; } if($currentEvent['IS_MEETING'] && !isset($entryFields['ATTENDEES']) && $currentEvent['PARENT_ID'] == $currentEvent['ID'] && $entryFields['IS_MEETING']) { $entryFields['ATTENDEES'] = array(); $attendees = self::GetAttendees($currentEvent['PARENT_ID']); if($attendees[$currentEvent['PARENT_ID']]) { for($i = 0, $l = count($attendees[$currentEvent['PARENT_ID']]); $i < $l; $i++) { $entryFields['ATTENDEES'][] = $attendees[$currentEvent['PARENT_ID']][$i]['USER_ID']; } } } if($currentEvent['PARENT_ID']) { $entryFields['PARENT_ID'] = $currentEvent['PARENT_ID']; } } if ($userId > 0 && self::CheckFields($entryFields, $currentEvent, $userId)) { // if (!$isNewEvent && !isset($params['significantChanges']) && $entryFields) // { // //$significantChanges = self::CheckSignificantChangesFields($entryFields, $currentEvent); // } if ($entryFields['CAL_TYPE'] == 'user') { $CACHE_MANAGER->ClearByTag('calendar_user_'.$entryFields['OWNER_ID']); } $attendees = is_array($entryFields['ATTENDEES']) ? $entryFields['ATTENDEES'] : array(); if (!$entryFields['PARENT_ID'] || $entryFields['PARENT_ID'] == $entryFields['ID']) { $fromTs = $entryFields['DATE_FROM_TS_UTC']; $toTs = $entryFields['DATE_TO_TS_UTC']; if ($entryFields['DT_SKIP_TIME'] == "Y") { //$toTs += CCalendar::GetDayLen(); } else { $fromTs += date('Z', $entryFields['DATE_FROM_TS_UTC']); $toTs += date('Z', $entryFields['DATE_TO_TS_UTC']); } $entryFields['LOCATION'] = CCalendar::SetLocation( $entryFields['LOCATION']['OLD'], $entryFields['LOCATION']['NEW'], array( // UTC timestamp + date('Z', $timestamp) /*offset of the server*/ 'dateFrom' => CCalendar::Date($fromTs, $entryFields['DT_SKIP_TIME'] !== "Y"), 'dateTo' => CCalendar::Date($toTs, $entryFields['DT_SKIP_TIME'] !== "Y"), 'parentParams' => $params, 'name' => $entryFields['NAME'], 'persons' => count($attendees), 'attendees' => $attendees, 'bRecreateReserveMeetings' => $entryFields['LOCATION']['RE_RESERVE'] !== 'N' ) ); } else { $entryFields['LOCATION'] = CCalendar::GetTextLocation($entryFields['LOCATION']['NEW']); } if (!isset($entryFields['IS_MEETING']) && isset($entryFields['ATTENDEES']) && is_array($entryFields['ATTENDEES']) && empty($entryFields['ATTENDEES'])) { $entryFields['IS_MEETING'] = false; } if (is_array($entryFields['MEETING'])) { $entryFields['~MEETING'] = $entryFields['MEETING']; $entryFields['MEETING']['REINVITE'] = false; $entryFields['MEETING'] = serialize($entryFields['MEETING']); } if ($entryFields['IS_MEETING']) { if (!$isNewEvent && $entryFields['PARENT_ID'] != $eventId) { $entryChanges = self::CheckEntryChanges($entryFields, $currentEvent); $significantChanges = count($entryChanges) > 0; } $attendeesCodes = $entryFields['ATTENDEES_CODES']; if (is_array($entryFields['ATTENDEES_CODES']) && !empty($entryFields['ATTENDEES_CODES'])) { $entryFields['ATTENDEES_CODES'] = implode(',', $entryFields['ATTENDEES_CODES']); } if (!isset($entryFields['MEETING_STATUS']) && $entryFields['MEETING_HOST'] == $entryFields['CREATED_BY']) { $entryFields['MEETING_STATUS'] = 'H'; } } if (is_array($entryFields['RELATIONS'])) { $entryFields['~RELATIONS'] = $entryFields['RELATIONS']; $entryFields['RELATIONS'] = serialize($entryFields['RELATIONS']); } $arReminders = array(); if (isset($entryFields['REMIND'])) { if (is_array($entryFields['REMIND'])) { foreach($entryFields['REMIND'] as $remind) { if(is_array($remind) && isset($remind['type']) && in_array($remind['type'], array('min', 'hour', 'day'))) { $arReminders[] = array('type' => $remind['type'], 'count' => floatVal($remind['count'])); } } } } elseif($currentEvent['REMIND']) { $arReminders = $currentEvent['REMIND']; } $entryFields['REMIND'] = count($arReminders) > 0 ? serialize($arReminders) : ''; $AllFields = self::GetFields(); $dbFields = array(); foreach($entryFields as $field => $val) { if(isset($AllFields[$field]) && $field != "ID") { $dbFields[$field] = $entryFields[$field]; } } CTimeZone::Disable(); if ($isNewEvent) // Add { $eventId = $DB->Add("b_calendar_event", $dbFields, array('DESCRIPTION', 'MEETING', 'EXDATE')); } else // Update { $eventId = $entryFields['ID']; $strUpdate = $DB->PrepareUpdate("b_calendar_event", $dbFields); $strSql = "UPDATE b_calendar_event SET ". $strUpdate. " WHERE ID=".IntVal($eventId); $DB->QueryBind($strSql, array( 'DESCRIPTION' => $entryFields['DESCRIPTION'], 'MEETING' => $entryFields['MEETING'], 'EXDATE' => $entryFields['EXDATE'] )); } CTimeZone::Enable(); if ($isNewEvent && !isset($dbFields['DAV_XML_ID'])) { $strSql = "UPDATE b_calendar_event SET ". $DB->PrepareUpdate("b_calendar_event", array('DAV_XML_ID' => $eventId)). " WHERE ID=".IntVal($eventId); $DB->Query($strSql, false, "File: ".__FILE__."<br>Line: ".__LINE__); } // *** Check and update section links *** $sectionId = (is_array($entryFields['SECTIONS']) && $entryFields['SECTIONS'][0]) ? intVal($entryFields['SECTIONS'][0]) : false; if ($sectionId) { if (!$isNewEvent) { $arAffectedSections[] = $currentEvent['SECT_ID']; } self::ConnectEventToSection($eventId, $sectionId); } else { // It's new event we have to find section where to put it automatically if ($isNewEvent) { if ($entryFields['IS_MEETING'] && $entryFields['PARENT_ID'] && $entryFields['CAL_TYPE'] == 'user') { $sectionId = CCalendar::GetMeetingSection($entryFields['OWNER_ID']); } else { $sectionId = CCalendarSect::GetLastUsedSection($entryFields['CAL_TYPE'], $entryFields['OWNER_ID'], $userId); } if ($sectionId) { $res = CCalendarSect::GetList(array('arFilter' => array('CAL_TYPE' => $entryFields['CAL_TYPE'],'OWNER_ID' => $entryFields['OWNER_ID'], 'ID'=> $sectionId))); if (!$res || !$res[0]) { $sectionId = false; } } else { $sectionId = false; } if (!$sectionId) { $sectRes = CCalendarSect::GetSectionForOwner($entryFields['CAL_TYPE'], $entryFields['OWNER_ID'], true); $sectionId = $sectRes['sectionId']; } self::ConnectEventToSection($eventId, $sectionId); } else { // It's existing event, we take it's section to update modification lables (no db changes in b_calendar_event_sect) $sectionId = $currentEvent['SECT_ID']; } } $arAffectedSections[] = $sectionId; if (count($arAffectedSections) > 0) CCalendarSect::UpdateModificationLabel($arAffectedSections); if ($entryFields['IS_MEETING'] || (!$isNewEvent && $currentEvent['IS_MEETING'])) { if (!$entryFields['PARENT_ID']) { $DB->Query("UPDATE b_calendar_event SET ".$DB->PrepareUpdate("b_calendar_event", array("PARENT_ID" => $eventId))." WHERE ID=".intVal($eventId), false, "FILE: ".__FILE__."<br> LINE: ".__LINE__); } if (!$entryFields['PARENT_ID'] || $entryFields['PARENT_ID'] == $eventId) { self::CreateChildEvents($eventId, $entryFields, $params); } if (!$entryFields['PARENT_ID']) { $entryFields['PARENT_ID'] = intVal($eventId); } } else { if (($isNewEvent && !$entryFields['PARENT_ID']) || (!$isNewEvent && !$currentEvent['PARENT_ID'])) { $DB->Query("UPDATE b_calendar_event SET ".$DB->PrepareUpdate("b_calendar_event", array("PARENT_ID" => $eventId))." WHERE ID=".intVal($eventId), false, "FILE: ".__FILE__."<br> LINE: ".__LINE__); if (!$entryFields['PARENT_ID']) { $entryFields['PARENT_ID'] = intVal($eventId); } } if (Loader::includeModule("pull")) { $curUserId = $userId; if ($entryFields['PARENT_ID'] && $entryFields['PARENT_ID'] !== $entryFields['ID']) { $curUserId = $entryFields['OWNER_ID']; } \Bitrix\Pull\Event::add($curUserId, Array( 'module_id' => 'calendar', 'command' => 'event_update', 'params' => array( 'EVENT' => CCalendarEvent::OnPullPrepareArFields($entryFields), 'ATTENDEES' => array(), 'NEW' => $isNewEvent ? 'Y' : 'N' ) )); } } // Clean old reminders and add new reminders if ($entryFields["CAL_TYPE"] != 'user' || $entryFields['OWNER_ID'] != $userId || $eventId == $entryFields['PARENT_ID']) { CCalendarReminder::UpdateReminders( array( 'id' => $eventId, 'reminders' => $arReminders, 'arFields' => $entryFields, 'userId' => $userId, 'path' => $path, 'bNew' => $isNewEvent ) ); } // Update search index self::updateSearchIndex($eventId); // Send invitations and notifications if ($entryFields['IS_MEETING']) { $fromTo = CCalendarEvent::GetEventFromToForUser($entryFields, $entryFields['OWNER_ID']); $nowUtc = time() - date('Z', time()); // If it's event in the past we skipping notifications. // The past is the past... if ($entryFields['DATE_TO_TS_UTC'] > $nowUtc) { if ($params['saveAttendeesStatus'] && $sendEditNotification) { if ($entryFields['PARENT_ID'] != $eventId && $entryFields['MEETING_STATUS'] == "Y" && $significantChanges) { $CACHE_MANAGER->ClearByTag('calendar_user_'.$entryFields['OWNER_ID']); $fromTo = CCalendarEvent::GetEventFromToForUser($entryFields, $entryFields['OWNER_ID']); CCalendarNotify::Send(array( 'mode' => 'change_notify', 'name' => $entryFields['NAME'], "from" => $fromTo['DATE_FROM'], "to" => $fromTo['DATE_TO'], "location" => CCalendar::GetTextLocation($entryFields["LOCATION"]), "guestId" => $entryFields['OWNER_ID'], "eventId" => $entryFields['PARENT_ID'], "userId" => $userId, "fields" => $entryFields, "entryChanges" => $entryChanges )); } } elseif ($sendInvitations && $entryFields['PARENT_ID'] != $eventId && $entryFields['MEETING_STATUS'] == 'Q') { $CACHE_MANAGER->ClearByTag('calendar_user_'.$entryFields['OWNER_ID']); $fromTo = CCalendarEvent::GetEventFromToForUser($entryFields, $entryFields['OWNER_ID']); CCalendarNotify::Send(array( "mode" => 'invite', "name" => $entryFields['NAME'], "from" => $fromTo['DATE_FROM'], "to" => $fromTo['DATE_TO'], "location" => CCalendar::GetTextLocation($entryFields["LOCATION"]), "guestId" => $entryFields['OWNER_ID'], "eventId" => $entryFields['PARENT_ID'], "userId" => $userId, "fields" => $entryFields )); } elseif ($sendEditNotification) { if ($entryFields['PARENT_ID'] != $eventId && $entryFields['MEETING_STATUS'] == "Y" && $significantChanges) { $CACHE_MANAGER->ClearByTag('calendar_user_'.$entryFields['OWNER_ID']); $fromTo = CCalendarEvent::GetEventFromToForUser($entryFields, $entryFields['OWNER_ID']); CCalendarNotify::Send(array( 'mode' => 'change_notify', 'name' => $entryFields['NAME'], "from" => $fromTo['DATE_FROM'], "to" => $fromTo['DATE_TO'], "location" => CCalendar::GetTextLocation($entryFields["LOCATION"]), "guestId" => $entryFields['OWNER_ID'], "eventId" => $entryFields['PARENT_ID'], "userId" => $userId, "fields" => $entryFields, "entryChanges" => $entryChanges )); } } } } if ($entryFields['IS_MEETING'] && !empty($entryFields['ATTENDEES_CODES']) && $entryFields['PARENT_ID'] == $eventId) { CCalendarLiveFeed::OnEditCalendarEventEntry(array( 'eventId' => $eventId, 'arFields' => $entryFields, 'attendeesCodes' => $attendeesCodes )); } CCalendar::ClearCache('event_list'); $result = $eventId; } if ($isNewEvent) { foreach(\Bitrix\Main\EventManager::getInstance()->findEventHandlers("calendar", "OnAfterCalendarEntryAdd") as $event) { ExecuteModuleEventEx($event, array('id' => $eventId,'entryFields' => $entryFields)); } } else { foreach(\Bitrix\Main\EventManager::getInstance()->findEventHandlers("calendar", "OnAfterCalendarEntryUpdate") as $event) { ExecuteModuleEventEx($event, array('id' => $eventId,'entryFields' => $entryFields)); } } return $result; } public static function GetById($ID, $checkPermissions = true) { if ($ID > 0) { $Event = CCalendarEvent::GetList( array( 'arFilter' => array( "ID" => $ID, "DELETED" => "N" ), 'parseRecursion' => false, 'fetchAttendees' => $checkPermissions, 'checkPermissions' => $checkPermissions, 'setDefaultLimit' => false ) ); if ($Event && is_array($Event[0])) return $Event[0]; } return false; } public static function GetList($params = array()) { global $DB, $USER_FIELD_MANAGER; $getUF = $params['getUserfields'] !== false; $checkPermissions = $params['checkPermissions'] !== false; $bCache = CCalendar::CacheTime() > 0; $params['setDefaultLimit'] = $params['setDefaultLimit'] === true; $userId = isset($params['userId']) ? intVal($params['userId']) : CCalendar::GetCurUserId(); $params['parseDescription'] = isset($params['parseDescription']) ? $params['parseDescription'] : true; $fetchSection = $params['fetchSection']; $attendees = array(); $result = null; CTimeZone::Disable(); if($bCache) { $cache = new CPHPCache; $cacheId = 'event_list_'.md5(serialize($params)); if ($checkPermissions) $cacheId .= 'chper'.CCalendar::GetCurUserId().'|'; if (CCalendar::IsSocNet() && CCalendar::IsSocnetAdmin()) $cacheId .= 'socnetAdmin|'; $cacheId .= CCalendar::GetOffset(); $cachePath = CCalendar::CachePath().'event_list'; if ($cache->InitCache(CCalendar::CacheTime(), $cacheId, $cachePath)) { $res = self::PrepareFromCache($cache->GetVars()); $result = $res["result"]; $attendees = $res["attendees"]; } } if (!$bCache || !isset($result)) { $arFilter = $params['arFilter']; if ($getUF) { $obUserFieldsSql = new CUserTypeSQL(); $obUserFieldsSql->SetEntity("CALENDAR_EVENT", "CE.ID"); $obUserFieldsSql->SetSelect(array("UF_*")); $obUserFieldsSql->SetFilter($arFilter); } $params['fetchAttendees'] = $params['fetchAttendees'] !== false; if ($params['setDefaultLimit'] !== false) // Deprecated { if (!isset($arFilter["FROM_LIMIT"])) // default 3 month back $arFilter["FROM_LIMIT"] = CCalendar::Date(time() - 31 * 3 * 24 * 3600, false); if (!isset($arFilter["TO_LIMIT"])) // default one year into the future $arFilter["TO_LIMIT"] = CCalendar::Date(time() + 365 * 24 * 3600, false); } // Array('ID' => 'asc') $arOrder = isset($params['arOrder']) ? $params['arOrder'] : Array(); $arFields = self::GetFields(); if ($arFilter["DELETED"] === false) unset($arFilter["DELETED"]); elseif (!isset($arFilter["DELETED"])) $arFilter["DELETED"] = "N"; $join = ''; $arSqlSearch = array(); if(is_array($arFilter)) { $filter_keys = array_keys($arFilter); for($i = 0, $l = count($filter_keys); $i<$l; $i++) { $n = strtoupper($filter_keys[$i]); $val = $arFilter[$filter_keys[$i]]; if(is_string($val) && strlen($val) <=0 || strval($val) == "NOT_REF") continue; if($n == 'FROM_LIMIT') { $ts = CCalendar::Timestamp($val, false); if ($ts > 0) $arSqlSearch[] = "CE.DATE_TO_TS_UTC>=".$ts; } elseif($n == 'TO_LIMIT') { $ts = CCalendar::Timestamp($val, false); if ($ts > 0) $arSqlSearch[] = "CE.DATE_FROM_TS_UTC<=".($ts + 86399); } elseif($n == 'ID') { if(is_array($val)) { $val = array_map('intval', $val); $arSqlSearch[] = 'CE.ID IN (\''.implode('\',\'', $val).'\')'; } else if (intVal($val) > 0) { $arSqlSearch[] = "CE.ID=".intVal($val); } } elseif($n == '>ID' && intVal($val) > 0) { $arSqlSearch[] = "CE.ID > ".intVal($val); } elseif($n == 'OWNER_ID') { if(is_array($val)) { $val = array_map('intval', $val); $arSqlSearch[] = 'CE.OWNER_ID IN (\''.implode('\',\'', $val).'\')'; } else if (intVal($val) > 0) { $arSqlSearch[] = "CE.OWNER_ID=".intVal($val); } } elseif($n == 'MEETING_HOST') { if(is_array($val)) { $val = array_map('intval', $val); $arSqlSearch[] = 'CE.MEETING_HOST IN (\''.implode('\',\'', $val).'\')'; } else if (intVal($val) > 0) { $arSqlSearch[] = "CE.MEETING_HOST=".intVal($val); } } elseif($n == 'NAME') { $arSqlSearch[] = "CE.NAME='".CDatabase::ForSql($val)."'"; } elseif($n == 'CREATED_BY') { if(is_array($val)) { $val = array_map('intval', $val); $arSqlSearch[] = 'CE.CREATED_BY IN (\''.implode('\',\'', $val).'\')'; } else if (intVal($val) > 0) { $arSqlSearch[] = "CE.CREATED_BY=".intVal($val); } } elseif($n == 'SECTION') { if (!is_array($val)) $val = array($val); $q = ""; if (is_array($val)) { $sval = ''; foreach($val as $sectid) if (intVal($sectid) > 0) $sval .= intVal($sectid).','; $sval = trim($sval, ' ,'); if ($sval != '') $q = 'CES.SECT_ID in ('.$sval.')'; } if ($q != "") $arSqlSearch[] = $q; } elseif($n == 'ACTIVE_SECTION' && $val == "Y") { $arSqlSearch[] = "CS.ACTIVE='Y'"; $join .= 'LEFT JOIN b_calendar_section CS ON (CES.SECT_ID=CS.ID)'; } elseif($n == 'DAV_XML_ID' && is_array($val)) { $val = array_map(array($DB, 'ForSQL'), $val); $arSqlSearch[] = 'CE.DAV_XML_ID IN (\''.implode('\',\'', $val).'\')'; } elseif($n == 'DAV_XML_ID' && is_string($val)) { $arSqlSearch[] = "CE.DAV_XML_ID='".CDatabase::ForSql($val)."'"; } elseif($n == '*SEARCHABLE_CONTENT') // Full text index match { $sqlWhere = new CSQLWhere(); $arSqlSearch[] = $sqlWhere->match('SEARCHABLE_CONTENT', $val, true); } elseif($n == '*%SEARCHABLE_CONTENT') // partial full text match based on LIKE { $sqlWhere = new CSQLWhere(); $arSqlSearch[] = $sqlWhere->matchLike('SEARCHABLE_CONTENT', $val); } elseif(isset($arFields[$n])) { $arSqlSearch[] = GetFilterQuery($arFields[$n]["FIELD_NAME"], $val, 'N'); } } } if ($getUF) { $r = $obUserFieldsSql->GetFilter(); if (strlen($r) > 0) { $arSqlSearch[] = "(".$r.")"; } } $selectList = ""; foreach($arFields as $field) { $selectList .= $field['FIELD_NAME'].", "; } if ($fetchSection && $arFilter['ACTIVE_SECTION'] == 'Y') { $selectList .= "CS.CAL_DAV_CAL as SECTION_DAV_XML_ID,"; } $strSqlSearch = GetFilterSqlSearch($arSqlSearch); $strOrderBy = ''; foreach($arOrder as $by=>$order) { if(isset($arFields[strtoupper($by)])) { $strOrderBy .= $arFields[strtoupper($by)]["FIELD_NAME"].' '.(strtolower($order)=='desc'?'desc'.(strtoupper($DB->type) == "ORACLE"?" NULLS LAST":""):'asc'.(strtoupper($DB->type)=="ORACLE"?" NULLS FIRST":"")).','; } } if(strlen($strOrderBy) > 0) { $strOrderBy = "ORDER BY ".rtrim($strOrderBy, ","); } $strLimit = ''; if (isset($params['limit']) && intVal($params['limit']) > 0) { $strLimit = 'LIMIT '.intVal($params['limit']); } $strSql = " SELECT ". $selectList. "CES.SECT_ID, CES.REL ".($getUF ? $obUserFieldsSql->GetSelect() : '')." FROM b_calendar_event CE LEFT JOIN b_calendar_event_sect CES ON (CE.ID=CES.EVENT_ID) ".$join." ".($getUF ? $obUserFieldsSql->GetJoin("CE.ID") : '')." WHERE $strSqlSearch $strOrderBy $strLimit"; $res = $DB->Query($strSql, false, "File: ".__FILE__."<br>Line: ".__LINE__); if ($getUF) { $res->SetUserFields($USER_FIELD_MANAGER->GetUserFields("CALENDAR_EVENT")); } $result = Array(); $arMeetingIds = array(); $arEvents = array(); $bIntranet = CCalendar::IsIntranetEnabled(); $defaultMeetingSection = false; while($event = $res->Fetch()) { $event['IS_MEETING'] = intVal($event['IS_MEETING']) > 0; if ($event['IS_MEETING'] && $event['CAL_TYPE'] == 'user' && $event['OWNER_ID'] == $userId && !$event['SECT_ID']) { if (!$defaultMeetingSection) { $defaultMeetingSection = CCalendar::GetMeetingSection($userId); if (!$defaultMeetingSection || !CCalendarSect::GetById($defaultMeetingSection, false)) { $sectRes = CCalendarSect::GetSectionForOwner($event['CAL_TYPE'], $userId); $defaultMeetingSection = $sectRes['sectionId']; } } self::ConnectEventToSection($event['ID'], $defaultMeetingSection); $event['SECT_ID'] = $defaultMeetingSection; } $arEvents[] = $event; if ($bIntranet && $event['IS_MEETING']) { $arMeetingIds[] = $event['PARENT_ID']; } } if ($params['fetchAttendees'] && count($arMeetingIds) > 0) $attendees = self::GetAttendees($arMeetingIds); foreach($arEvents as $event) { $event["ACCESSIBILITY"] = trim($event["ACCESSIBILITY"]); if ($bIntranet && isset($event['MEETING']) && $event['MEETING'] != "") { $event['MEETING'] = unserialize($event['MEETING']); if (!is_array($event['MEETING'])) $event['MEETING'] = array(); } if (isset($event['RELATIONS']) && $event['RELATIONS'] != "") { $event['RELATIONS'] = unserialize($event['RELATIONS']); if (!is_array($event['RELATIONS'])) $event['RELATIONS'] = array(); } if (isset($event['REMIND']) && $event['REMIND'] != "") { $event['REMIND'] = unserialize($event['REMIND']); if (!is_array($event['REMIND'])) $event['REMIND'] = array(); } if ($bIntranet && $event['IS_MEETING'] && isset($attendees[$event['PARENT_ID']]) && count($attendees[$event['PARENT_ID']]) > 0) { $event['~ATTENDEES'] = $attendees[$event['PARENT_ID']]; } if ($checkPermissions) { $checkPermissionsForEvent = $userId != $event['CREATED_BY']; // It's creator // It's event in user's calendar if($checkPermissionsForEvent && $event['CAL_TYPE'] == 'user' && $userId == $event['OWNER_ID']) $checkPermissionsForEvent = false; if($checkPermissionsForEvent && $event['IS_MEETING'] && $event['USER_MEETING'] && $event['USER_MEETING']['ATTENDEE_ID'] == $userId) $checkPermissionsForEvent = false; if($checkPermissionsForEvent && $event['IS_MEETING'] && is_array($event['~ATTENDEES'])) { foreach($event['~ATTENDEES'] as $att) { if($att['USER_ID'] == $userId) { $checkPermissionsForEvent = false; break; } } } if($checkPermissionsForEvent) { $event = self::ApplyAccessRestrictions($event, $userId); } } if ($event !== false) { $event = self::PreHandleEvent($event, array('parseDescription' => $params['parseDescription'])); if ($params['parseRecursion'] && self::CheckRecurcion($event)) { self::ParseRecursion($result, $event, array( 'fromLimit' => $arFilter["FROM_LIMIT"], 'toLimit' => $arFilter["TO_LIMIT"], 'loadLimit' => $params["limit"], 'instanceCount' => isset($params['maxInstanceCount']) ? $params['maxInstanceCount'] : false, 'preciseLimits' => isset($params['preciseLimits']) ? $params['preciseLimits'] : false )); } else { self::HandleEvent($result, $event); } } } if ($bCache) { $cache->StartDataCache(CCalendar::CacheTime(), $cacheId, $cachePath); $cache->EndDataCache(self::PrepareForCache(array( "result" => $result, "attendees" => $attendees ))); } } CTimeZone::Enable(); if (!is_array(self::$lastAttendeesList)) { self::$lastAttendeesList = $attendees; } elseif(is_array($attendees)) { foreach($attendees as $eventId => $att) self::$lastAttendeesList[$eventId] = $att; } return $result; } private static function PrepareFromCache($data = array()) { if (is_array($data['result'])) { foreach ($data['result'] as $i => $event) { if ($event['IS_MEETING'] && is_array($event['~ATTENDEES'])) { foreach ($event['~ATTENDEES'] as $j => $attender) { $tmp = $attender['STATUS']; $data['result'][$i]['~ATTENDEES'][$j] = $data['users'][$attender['USER_ID']]; $data['result'][$i]['~ATTENDEES'][$j]['STATUS'] = $attender['STATUS']; } } } } if (is_array($data['attendees'])) { foreach($data['attendees'] as $eventId => $att) { foreach ($att as $j => $at) { $data['attendees'][$eventId][$j] = $data['users'][$at['USER_ID']]; $data['attendees'][$eventId][$j]['STATUS'] = $at['STATUS']; } } } unset($data['users']); return $data; } private static function PrepareForCache($data = array()) { $data['users'] = array(); if (is_array($data['result'])) { foreach ($data['result'] as $i => $event) { if ($event['IS_MEETING'] && is_array($event['~ATTENDEES'])) { foreach ($event['~ATTENDEES'] as $j => $user) { $data['result'][$i]['~ATTENDEES'][$j] = array( 'USER_ID' => $user['USER_ID'], 'STATUS' => $user['STATUS'] ); unset($user['STATUS']); //if (!array_key_exists($user['USER_ID'], $data['users'])) $data['users'][$user['USER_ID']] = $user; } } } } if (is_array($data['attendees'])) { foreach($data['attendees'] as $eventId => $att) { foreach ($att as $j => $user) { $data['attendees'][$eventId][$j] = array( 'USER_ID' => $user['USER_ID'], 'STATUS' => $user['STATUS'] ); unset($user['STATUS']); //if (!array_key_exists($user['USER_ID'], $data['users'])) $data['users'][$user['USER_ID']] = $user; } } } return $data; } private static function GetFields() { global $DB; if (!count(self::$fields)) { CTimeZone::Disable(); self::$fields = array( "ID" => Array("FIELD_NAME" => "CE.ID", "FIELD_TYPE" => "int"), "PARENT_ID" => Array("FIELD_NAME" => "CE.PARENT_ID", "FIELD_TYPE" => "int"), "ACTIVE" => Array("FIELD_NAME" => "CE.ACTIVE", "FIELD_TYPE" => "string"), "DELETED" => Array("FIELD_NAME" => "CE.DELETED", "FIELD_TYPE" => "string"), "CAL_TYPE" => Array("FIELD_NAME" => "CE.CAL_TYPE", "FIELD_TYPE" => "string"), "OWNER_ID" => Array("FIELD_NAME" => "CE.OWNER_ID", "FIELD_TYPE" => "int"), "EVENT_TYPE" => Array("FIELD_NAME" => "CE.EVENT_TYPE", "FIELD_TYPE" => "string"), "CREATED_BY" => Array("FIELD_NAME" => "CE.CREATED_BY", "FIELD_TYPE" => "int"), "NAME" => Array("FIELD_NAME" => "CE.NAME", "FIELD_TYPE" => "string"), "DATE_FROM" => Array("FIELD_NAME" => $DB->DateToCharFunction("CE.DATE_FROM").' as DATE_FROM', "FIELD_TYPE" => "date"), "DATE_TO" => Array("FIELD_NAME" => $DB->DateToCharFunction("CE.DATE_TO").' as DATE_TO', "FIELD_TYPE" => "date"), "TZ_FROM" => Array("FIELD_NAME" => "CE.TZ_FROM", "FIELD_TYPE" => "string"), "TZ_TO" => Array("FIELD_NAME" => "CE.TZ_TO", "FIELD_TYPE" => "string"), "TZ_OFFSET_FROM" => Array("FIELD_NAME" => "CE.TZ_OFFSET_FROM", "FIELD_TYPE" => "int"), "TZ_OFFSET_TO" => Array("FIELD_NAME" => "CE.TZ_OFFSET_TO", "FIELD_TYPE" => "int"), "DATE_FROM_TS_UTC" => Array("FIELD_NAME" => "CE.DATE_FROM_TS_UTC", "FIELD_TYPE" => "int"), "DATE_TO_TS_UTC" => Array("FIELD_NAME" => "CE.DATE_TO_TS_UTC", "FIELD_TYPE" => "int"), "TIMESTAMP_X" => Array("FIELD_NAME" => $DB->DateToCharFunction("CE.TIMESTAMP_X").' as TIMESTAMP_X', "FIELD_TYPE" => "date"), "DATE_CREATE" => Array("FIELD_NAME" => $DB->DateToCharFunction("CE.DATE_CREATE").' as DATE_CREATE', "FIELD_TYPE" => "date"), "DESCRIPTION" => Array("FIELD_NAME" => "CE.DESCRIPTION", "FIELD_TYPE" => "string"), "DT_SKIP_TIME" => Array("FIELD_NAME" => "CE.DT_SKIP_TIME", "FIELD_TYPE" => "string"), "DT_LENGTH" => Array("FIELD_NAME" => "CE.DT_LENGTH", "FIELD_TYPE" => "int"), "PRIVATE_EVENT" => Array("FIELD_NAME" => "CE.PRIVATE_EVENT", "FIELD_TYPE" => "string"), "ACCESSIBILITY" => Array("FIELD_NAME" => "CE.ACCESSIBILITY", "FIELD_TYPE" => "string"), "IMPORTANCE" => Array("FIELD_NAME" => "CE.IMPORTANCE", "FIELD_TYPE" => "string"), "IS_MEETING" => Array("FIELD_NAME" => "CE.IS_MEETING", "FIELD_TYPE" => "string"), "MEETING_HOST" => Array("FIELD_NAME" => "CE.MEETING_HOST", "FIELD_TYPE" => "int"), "MEETING_STATUS" => Array("FIELD_NAME" => "CE.MEETING_STATUS", "FIELD_TYPE" => "string"), "MEETING" => Array("FIELD_NAME" => "CE.MEETING", "FIELD_TYPE" => "string"), "LOCATION" => Array("FIELD_NAME" => "CE.LOCATION", "FIELD_TYPE" => "string"), "REMIND" => Array("FIELD_NAME" => "CE.REMIND", "FIELD_TYPE" => "string"), "COLOR" => Array("FIELD_NAME" => "CE.COLOR", "FIELD_TYPE" => "string"), "TEXT_COLOR" => Array("FIELD_NAME" => "CE.TEXT_COLOR", "FIELD_TYPE" => "string"), "RRULE" => Array("FIELD_NAME" => "CE.RRULE", "FIELD_TYPE" => "string"), "EXDATE" => Array("FIELD_NAME" => "CE.EXDATE", "FIELD_TYPE" => "string"), "ATTENDEES_CODES" => Array("FIELD_NAME" => "CE.ATTENDEES_CODES", "FIELD_TYPE" => "string"), "DAV_XML_ID" => Array("FIELD_NAME" => "CE.DAV_XML_ID", "FIELD_TYPE" => "string"), // "DAV_EXCH_LABEL" => Array("FIELD_NAME" => "CE.DAV_EXCH_LABEL", "FIELD_TYPE" => "string"), // Exchange sync label "CAL_DAV_LABEL" => Array("FIELD_NAME" => "CE.CAL_DAV_LABEL", "FIELD_TYPE" => "string"), // CalDAV sync label "VERSION" => Array("FIELD_NAME" => "CE.VERSION", "FIELD_TYPE" => "string"), // Version used for outlook sync "RECURRENCE_ID" => Array("FIELD_NAME" => "CE.RECURRENCE_ID", "FIELD_TYPE" => "int"), "RELATIONS" => Array("FIELD_NAME" => "CE.RELATIONS", "FIELD_TYPE" => "int"), "SEARCHABLE_CONTENT" => Array("FIELD_NAME" => "CE.SEARCHABLE_CONTENT", "FIELD_TYPE" => "string") ); CTimeZone::Enable(); } return self::$fields; } public static function ConnectEventToSection($eventId, $sectionId) { global $DB; $DB->Query( "DELETE FROM b_calendar_event_sect WHERE EVENT_ID=".intVal($eventId), false, "FILE: ".__FILE__."<br> LINE: ".__LINE__); $DB->Query( "INSERT INTO b_calendar_event_sect(EVENT_ID, SECT_ID) ". "SELECT ".intVal($eventId).", ID ". "FROM b_calendar_section ". "WHERE ID=".intVal($sectionId), false, "FILE: ".__FILE__."<br> LINE: ".__LINE__); } public static function GetAttendees($eventIdList = array()) { global $DB; $attendees = array(); if (CCalendar::IsSocNet()) { $eventIdList = is_array($eventIdList) ? array_map('intval', array_unique($eventIdList)) : array(intval($eventIdList)); if(count($eventIdList)) { $strSql = " SELECT CE.OWNER_ID AS USER_ID, CE.ID, CE.PARENT_ID, CE.MEETING_STATUS, CE.MEETING_HOST, U.LOGIN, U.NAME, U.LAST_NAME, U.SECOND_NAME, U.EMAIL, U.PERSONAL_PHOTO, U.WORK_POSITION, BUF.UF_DEPARTMENT FROM b_calendar_event CE LEFT JOIN b_user U ON (U.ID=CE.OWNER_ID) LEFT JOIN b_uts_user BUF ON (BUF.VALUE_ID = CE.OWNER_ID) WHERE U.ACTIVE = 'Y' AND CE.ACTIVE = 'Y' AND CE.CAL_TYPE = 'user' AND CE.DELETED = 'N' AND CE.PARENT_ID in (".implode(',', $eventIdList).")"; $res = $DB->Query($strSql, false, "File: ".__FILE__."<br>Line: ".__LINE__); while($entry = $res->Fetch()) { $parentId = $entry['PARENT_ID']; $attendeeId = $entry['USER_ID']; if(!isset($attendees[$parentId])) { $attendees[$parentId] = array(); } $entry["STATUS"] = trim($entry["MEETING_STATUS"]); if ($parentId == $entry['ID'] || $entry['USER_ID'] == $entry['MEETING_HOST']) { $entry["STATUS"] = "H"; } CCalendar::SetUserDepartment($attendeeId, (empty($entry['UF_DEPARTMENT']) ? array() : unserialize($entry['UF_DEPARTMENT']))); $entry['DISPLAY_NAME'] = CCalendar::GetUserName($entry); $entry['URL'] = CCalendar::GetUserUrl($attendeeId); $entry['AVATAR'] = CCalendar::GetUserAvatarSrc($entry); $entry['EVENT_ID'] = $entry['ID']; unset($entry['ID'], $entry['PARENT_ID'], $entry['MEETING_STATUS'], $entry['UF_DEPARTMENT'], $entry['EMAIL'], $entry['LOGIN']); $attendees[$parentId][] = $entry; } } } return $attendees; } public static function ApplyAccessRestrictions($event, $userId = false) { $sectId = $event['SECT_ID']; if (!$event['ACCESSIBILITY']) $event['ACCESSIBILITY'] = 'busy'; $private = $event['PRIVATE_EVENT'] && $event['CAL_TYPE'] == 'user'; $bAttendee = false; if (isset($event['~ATTENDEES'])) { foreach($event['~ATTENDEES'] as $user) { if ($user['USER_ID'] == $userId) $bAttendee = true; } } if(!$userId) { $userId = CCalendar::GetUserId(); } $settings = CCalendar::GetSettings(array('request' => false)); $isManager = (Loader::includeModule('intranet') && $event['CAL_TYPE'] == 'user' && $settings['dep_manager_sub']) && Bitrix\Calendar\Util::isManagerForUser($userId, $event['OWNER_ID']); if ($event['CAL_TYPE'] == 'user' && $event['IS_MEETING'] && $event['OWNER_ID'] != $userId) { if ($bAttendee) { $sectId = CCalendar::GetMeetingSection($userId); } elseif (isset($event['USER_MEETING']['ATTENDEE_ID']) && $event['USER_MEETING']['ATTENDEE_ID'] !== $userId) { $sectId = CCalendar::GetMeetingSection($event['USER_MEETING']['ATTENDEE_ID']); $event['SECT_ID'] = $sectId; $event['OWNER_ID'] = $event['USER_MEETING']['ATTENDEE_ID']; } } if ($private || (!CCalendarSect::CanDo('calendar_view_full', $sectId, $userId) && !$isManager && !$bAttendee)) { if ($private) { $event['NAME'] = '['.GetMessage('EC_ACCESSIBILITY_'.strtoupper($event['ACCESSIBILITY'])).']'; if (!$isManager && !CCalendarSect::CanDo('calendar_view_time', $sectId, $userId)) return false; } else { if (!CCalendarSect::CanDo('calendar_view_title', $sectId, $userId)) { if (CCalendarSect::CanDo('calendar_view_time', $sectId, $userId)) $event['NAME'] = '['.GetMessage('EC_ACCESSIBILITY_'.strtoupper($event['ACCESSIBILITY'])).']'; else return false; } else { $event['NAME'] = $event['NAME'].' ['.GetMessage('EC_ACCESSIBILITY_'.strtoupper($event['ACCESSIBILITY'])).']'; } } $event['~IS_MEETING'] = $event['IS_MEETING']; // Clear information about unset($event['DESCRIPTION'], $event['IS_MEETING'],$event['MEETING_HOST'],$event['MEETING'],$event['LOCATION'],$event['REMIND'],$event['USER_MEETING'],$event['~ATTENDEES'],$event['ATTENDEES_CODES']); foreach($event as $k => $value) { if (substr($k, 0, 3) == 'UF_') unset($event[$k]); } } return $event; } private static function PreHandleEvent($item, $params = array()) { $item['LOCATION'] = trim($item['LOCATION']); if ($item['IS_MEETING'] && $item['MEETING'] != "" && !is_array($item['MEETING'])) { $item['MEETING'] = unserialize($item['MEETING']); if (!is_array($item['MEETING'])) $item['MEETING'] = array(); } if (self::CheckRecurcion($item)) { $item['~RRULE_DESCRIPTION'] = CCalendarEvent::GetRRULEDescription($item, false); $tsFrom = CCalendar::Timestamp($item['DATE_FROM']); $tsTo = CCalendar::Timestamp($item['DATE_TO']); if (($tsTo - $tsFrom) > $item['DT_LENGTH'] + CCalendar::DAY_LENGTH) { $toTS = $tsFrom + $item['DT_LENGTH']; if ($item['DT_SKIP_TIME'] == 'Y') { $toTS -= CCalendar::GetDayLen(); } $item['DATE_TO'] = CCalendar::Date($toTS); } } if ($item['IS_MEETING']) { if ($item['ATTENDEES_CODES'] != '') { $item['ATTENDEES_CODES'] = explode(',', $item['ATTENDEES_CODES']); } if ($item['ID'] == $item['PARENT_ID']) { $item['MEETING_STATUS'] = 'H'; } } if (!isset($item['~IS_MEETING'])) { $item['~IS_MEETING'] = $item['IS_MEETING']; } $item['DT_SKIP_TIME'] = $item['DT_SKIP_TIME'] === 'Y' ? 'Y' : 'N'; $item['ACCESSIBILITY'] = trim($item['ACCESSIBILITY']); $item['IMPORTANCE'] = trim($item['IMPORTANCE']); if ($item['IMPORTANCE'] == '') $item['IMPORTANCE'] = 'normal'; $item['PRIVATE_EVENT'] = trim($item['PRIVATE_EVENT']); if ($params['parseDescription']) { if($item['PARENT_ID']) { $item['~DESCRIPTION'] = self::ParseText($item['DESCRIPTION'], $item['PARENT_ID'], $item['UF_WEBDAV_CAL_EVENT']); } else { $item['~DESCRIPTION'] = self::ParseText($item['DESCRIPTION'], $item['ID'], $item['UF_WEBDAV_CAL_EVENT']); } } if (isset($item['UF_CRM_CAL_EVENT']) && is_array($item['UF_CRM_CAL_EVENT']) && count($item['UF_CRM_CAL_EVENT']) == 0) $item['UF_CRM_CAL_EVENT'] = ''; unset($item['SEARCHABLE_CONTENT']); return $item; } public static function CheckRecurcion($event) { return $event['RRULE'] != ''; } public static function ParseText($text = "", $eventId = 0, $arUFWDValue = array()) { if ($text != "") { if (!is_object(self::$TextParser)) { self::$TextParser = new CTextParser(); self::$TextParser->allow = array("HTML" => "N", "ANCHOR" => "Y", "BIU" => "Y", "IMG" => "Y", "QUOTE" => "Y", "CODE" => "Y", "FONT" => "Y", "LIST" => "Y", "SMILES" => "Y", "NL2BR" => "Y", "VIDEO" => "Y", "TABLE" => "Y", "CUT_ANCHOR" => "N", "ALIGN" => "Y", "USER" => "Y"); } self::$TextParser->allow["USERFIELDS"] = self::__GetUFForParseText($eventId, $arUFWDValue); $text = self::$TextParser->convertText($text); } return $text; } public static function __GetUFForParseText($eventId = 0, $arUFWDValue = array()) { if (!isset(self::$eventUFDescriptions)) { global $USER_FIELD_MANAGER; $USER_FIELDS = $USER_FIELD_MANAGER->GetUserFields("CALENDAR_EVENT", $eventId, LANGUAGE_ID); $USER_FIELDS = array( 'UF_WEBDAV_CAL_EVENT' => $USER_FIELDS['UF_WEBDAV_CAL_EVENT'] ); self::$eventUFDescriptions = $USER_FIELDS; } else { $USER_FIELDS = self::$eventUFDescriptions; } if (empty($arUFWDValue)) { $arUFWDValue = $USER_FIELDS['UF_WEBDAV_CAL_EVENT']['VALUE']; } $USER_FIELDS['UF_WEBDAV_CAL_EVENT']['VALUE'] = $arUFWDValue; $USER_FIELDS['UF_WEBDAV_CAL_EVENT']['ENTITY_VALUE_ID'] = $eventId; return $USER_FIELDS; } public static function ParseRecursion(&$res, $event, $params = array()) { $event['DT_LENGTH'] = intVal($event['DT_LENGTH']);// length in seconds $length = $event['DT_LENGTH']; $rrule = self::ParseRRULE($event['RRULE']); $exDate = self::GetExDate($event['EXDATE']); $tsFrom = CCalendar::Timestamp($event['DATE_FROM']); $tsTo = CCalendar::Timestamp($event['DATE_TO']); if (($tsTo - $tsFrom) > $event['DT_LENGTH'] + CCalendar::DAY_LENGTH) { $toTS = $tsFrom + $event['DT_LENGTH']; if ($event['DT_SKIP_TIME'] == 'Y') { $toTS -= CCalendar::GetDayLen(); } $event['DATE_TO'] = CCalendar::Date($toTS); } $h24 = CCalendar::GetDayLen(); $instanceCount = ($params['instanceCount'] && $params['instanceCount'] > 0) ? $params['instanceCount'] : false; $loadLimit = ($params['loadLimit'] && $params['loadLimit'] > 0) ? $params['loadLimit'] : false; $preciseLimits = $params['preciseLimits']; if ($length < 0) // Protection from infinite recursion $length = $h24; // Time boundaries if (isset($params['fromLimitTs'])) $limitFromTS = intVal($params['fromLimitTs']); else if ($params['fromLimit']) $limitFromTS = CCalendar::Timestamp($params['fromLimit']); else $limitFromTS = CCalendar::Timestamp(CCalendar::GetMinDate()); if (isset($params['toLimitTs'])) $limitToTS = intVal($params['toLimitTs']); else if ($params['toLimit']) $limitToTS = CCalendar::Timestamp($params['toLimit']); else $limitToTS = CCalendar::Timestamp(CCalendar::GetMaxDate()); $evFromTS = CCalendar::Timestamp($event['DATE_FROM']); $limitFromTS += $event['TZ_OFFSET_FROM']; $limitToTS += $event['TZ_OFFSET_TO']; $limitToTS += CCalendar::GetDayLen(); $limitFromTSReal = $limitFromTS; if ($limitFromTS < $event['DATE_FROM_TS_UTC']) $limitFromTS = $event['DATE_FROM_TS_UTC']; if ($limitToTS > $event['DATE_TO_TS_UTC']) $limitToTS = $event['DATE_TO_TS_UTC']; $skipTime = $event['DT_SKIP_TIME'] === 'Y'; $fromTS = $evFromTS; if ($skipTime) { $event['~DATE_FROM'] = CCalendar::Date(CCalendar::Timestamp($event['DATE_FROM']), false); $event['~DATE_TO'] = CCalendar::Date(CCalendar::Timestamp($event['DATE_TO']), false); } else { $event['~DATE_FROM'] = $event['DATE_FROM']; $event['~DATE_TO'] = $event['DATE_TO']; } $hour = date("H", $fromTS); $min = date("i", $fromTS); $sec = date("s", $fromTS); $orig_d = date("d", $fromTS); $orig_m = date("m", $fromTS); $orig_y = date("Y", $fromTS); $count = 0; $realCount = 0; $dispCount = 0; while(true) { $d = date("d", $fromTS); $m = date("m", $fromTS); $y = date("Y", $fromTS); $toTS = mktime($hour, $min, $sec + $length, $m, $d, $y); if ( (!$fromTS || $fromTS < $evFromTS - CCalendar::GetDayLen()) // Emergensy exit (mantis: 56981) || ($rrule['COUNT'] > 0 && $realCount >= $rrule['COUNT']) || (!$rrule['COUNT'] && $fromTS >= $limitToTS) || ($instanceCount && $dispCount >= $instanceCount) || ($loadLimit && $dispCount >= $loadLimit) ) { break; } // Common handling $event['DATE_FROM'] = CCalendar::Date($fromTS, !$skipTime, false); $event['RRULE'] = $rrule; $event['RINDEX'] = $realCount; $exclude = false; if (count($exDate) > 0) { $fromDate = CCalendar::Date($fromTS, false); $exclude = in_array($fromDate, $exDate); } if ($rrule['FREQ'] == 'WEEKLY') { $weekDay = CCalendar::WeekDayByInd(date("w", $fromTS)); if ($rrule['BYDAY'][$weekDay]) { if (($preciseLimits && $toTS >= $limitFromTSReal) || (!$preciseLimits && $toTS > $limitFromTS - $h24)) { if ($event['DT_SKIP_TIME'] == 'Y') { $toTS -= CCalendar::GetDayLen(); } $event['DATE_TO'] = CCalendar::Date($toTS - ($event['TZ_OFFSET_FROM'] - $event['TZ_OFFSET_TO']), !$skipTime, false); if (!$exclude) { self::HandleEvent($res, $event); $dispCount++; } } $realCount++; } if (isset($weekDay) && $weekDay == 'SU') $delta = ($rrule['INTERVAL'] - 1) * 7 + 1; else $delta = 1; $fromTS = mktime($hour, $min, $sec, $m, $d + $delta, $y); } else // HOURLY, DAILY, MONTHLY, YEARLY { if ($event['DT_SKIP_TIME'] == 'Y') { $toTS -= CCalendar::GetDayLen(); } if (($preciseLimits && $toTS >= $limitFromTSReal) || (!$preciseLimits && $toTS > $limitFromTS - $h24)) { $event['DATE_TO'] = CCalendar::Date($toTS - ($event['TZ_OFFSET_FROM'] - $event['TZ_OFFSET_TO']), !$skipTime, false); //$event['DATE_TO'] = CCalendar::Date($toTS, !$skipTime, false); if (!$exclude) { self::HandleEvent($res, $event); $dispCount++; } } $realCount++; switch ($rrule['FREQ']) { case 'DAILY': $fromTS = mktime($hour, $min, $sec, $m, $d + $rrule['INTERVAL'], $y); break; case 'MONTHLY': $durOffset = $realCount * $rrule['INTERVAL']; $day = $orig_d; $month = $orig_m + $durOffset; $year = $orig_y; if ($month > 12) { $delta_y = floor($month / 12); $delta_m = $month - $delta_y * 12; $month = $delta_m; $year = $orig_y + $delta_y; } // 1. Check only for 29-31 dates. 2.We are out of range in this month if ($orig_d > 28 && $orig_d > date("t", mktime($hour, $min, $sec, $month, 1, $year))) { $month++; $day = 1; } $fromTS = mktime($hour, $min, $sec, $month, $day, $year); break; case 'YEARLY': $fromTS = mktime($hour, $min, $sec, $orig_m, $orig_d, $y + $rrule['INTERVAL']); break; } } $count++; } } public static function ParseRRULE($rule = '') { $res = array(); if (!$rule || $rule === '') return $res; if (is_array($rule)) return isset($rule['FREQ']) ? $rule : $res; $arRule = explode(";", $rule); if (!is_array($arRule)) return $res; foreach($arRule as $par) { $arPar = explode("=", $par); if ($arPar[0]) { switch($arPar[0]) { case 'FREQ': if (in_array($arPar[1], array('HOURLY', 'DAILY', 'WEEKLY', 'MONTHLY', 'YEARLY'))) $res['FREQ'] = $arPar[1]; break; case 'COUNT': case 'INTERVAL': if (intVal($arPar[1]) > 0) $res[$arPar[0]] = intVal($arPar[1]); break; case 'UNTIL': $res['UNTIL'] = CCalendar::Timestamp($arPar[1]) ? $arPar[1] : CCalendar::Date(intVal($arPar[1]), false, false); break; case 'BYDAY': $res[$arPar[0]] = array(); foreach(explode(',', $arPar[1]) as $day) { $matches = array(); if (preg_match('/((\-|\+)?\d+)?(MO|TU|WE|TH|FR|SA|SU)/', $day, $matches)) $res[$arPar[0]][$matches[3]] = $matches[1] == '' ? $matches[3] : $matches[1]; } if (count($res[$arPar[0]]) == 0) unset($res[$arPar[0]]); break; case 'BYMONTHDAY': $res[$arPar[0]] = array(); foreach(explode(',', $arPar[1]) as $day) if (abs($day) > 0 && abs($day) <= 31) $res[$arPar[0]][intVal($day)] = intVal($day); if (count($res[$arPar[0]]) == 0) unset($res[$arPar[0]]); break; case 'BYYEARDAY': case 'BYSETPOS': $res[$arPar[0]] = array(); foreach(explode(',', $arPar[1]) as $day) if (abs($day) > 0 && abs($day) <= 366) $res[$arPar[0]][intVal($day)] = intVal($day); if (count($res[$arPar[0]]) == 0) unset($res[$arPar[0]]); break; case 'BYWEEKNO': $res[$arPar[0]] = array(); foreach(explode(',', $arPar[1]) as $day) if (abs($day) > 0 && abs($day) <= 53) $res[$arPar[0]][intVal($day)] = intVal($day); if (count($res[$arPar[0]]) == 0) unset($res[$arPar[0]]); break; case 'BYMONTH': $res[$arPar[0]] = array(); foreach(explode(',', $arPar[1]) as $m) if ($m > 0 && $m <= 12) $res[$arPar[0]][intVal($m)] = intVal($m); if (count($res[$arPar[0]]) == 0) unset($res[$arPar[0]]); break; } } } if ($res['FREQ'] == 'WEEKLY' && (!isset($res['BYDAY']) || !is_array($res['BYDAY']) || count($res['BYDAY']) == 0)) $res['BYDAY'] = array('MO' => 'MO'); if ($res['FREQ'] != 'WEEKLY' && isset($res['BYDAY'])) unset($res['BYDAY']); $res['INTERVAL'] = intVal($res['INTERVAL']); if ($res['INTERVAL'] <= 1) $res['INTERVAL'] = 1; $res['~UNTIL'] = $res['UNTIL']; if ($res['UNTIL'] == CCalendar::GetMaxDate()) { $res['~UNTIL'] = ''; } return $res; } public static function GetExDate($exDate = '') { if (!is_array($exDate)) $exDate = $exDate == '' ? array() : explode(';', $exDate); return $exDate; } private static function HandleEvent(&$res, $item = array()) { $userId = CCalendar::GetCurUserId(); $item['~USER_OFFSET_FROM'] = $item['~USER_OFFSET_TO'] = CCalendar::GetTimezoneOffset($item['TZ_FROM']) - CCalendar::GetCurrentOffsetUTC($userId); if ($item['TZ_FROM'] !== $item['TZ_TO']) $item['~USER_OFFSET_TO'] = CCalendar::GetTimezoneOffset($item['TZ_TO']) - CCalendar::GetCurrentOffsetUTC($userId); $res[] = $item; } public static function CheckFields(&$arFields, $currentEvent = array(), $userId = false) { if (!isset($arFields['TIMESTAMP_X'])) $arFields['TIMESTAMP_X'] = CCalendar::Date(mktime(), true, false); if (!$userId) $userId = CCalendar::GetCurUserId(); if (!isset($arFields['DT_SKIP_TIME']) && isset($currentEvent['DT_SKIP_TIME'])) { $arFields['DT_SKIP_TIME'] = $currentEvent['DT_SKIP_TIME']; } if (!isset($arFields['DATE_FROM']) && isset($currentEvent['DATE_FROM'])) { $arFields['DATE_FROM'] = $currentEvent['DATE_FROM']; } if (!isset($arFields['DATE_TO']) && isset($currentEvent['DATE_TO'])) { $arFields['DATE_TO'] = $currentEvent['DATE_TO']; } $isNewEvent = !isset($arFields['ID']) || $arFields['ID'] <= 0; if (!isset($arFields['DATE_CREATE']) && $isNewEvent) { $arFields['DATE_CREATE'] = $arFields['TIMESTAMP_X']; } // Skip time if (isset($arFields['SKIP_TIME'])) { $arFields['DT_SKIP_TIME'] = $arFields['SKIP_TIME'] ? 'Y' : 'N'; unset($arFields['SKIP_TIME']); } elseif(isset($arFields['DT_SKIP_TIME']) && $arFields['DT_SKIP_TIME'] != 'Y' && $arFields['DT_SKIP_TIME'] != 'N') { unset($arFields['DT_SKIP_TIME']); } unset($arFields['DT_FROM']); unset($arFields['DT_TO']); $arFields['DT_SKIP_TIME'] = $arFields['DT_SKIP_TIME'] !== 'Y' ? 'N' : 'Y'; $fromTs = CCalendar::Timestamp($arFields['DATE_FROM'], false, $arFields['DT_SKIP_TIME'] !== 'Y'); $toTs = CCalendar::Timestamp($arFields['DATE_TO'], false, $arFields['DT_SKIP_TIME'] !== 'Y'); $arFields['DATE_FROM'] = CCalendar::Date($fromTs); $arFields['DATE_TO'] = CCalendar::Date($toTs); if (!$fromTs) { $arFields['DATE_FROM'] = FormatDate("SHORT", time()); $fromTs = CCalendar::Timestamp($arFields['DATE_FROM'], false, false); if (!$toTs) { $arFields['DATE_TO'] = $arFields['DATE_FROM']; $toTs = $fromTs; $arFields['DT_SKIP_TIME'] = 'Y'; } } elseif (!$toTs) { $arFields['DATE_TO'] = $arFields['DATE_FROM']; $toTs = $fromTs; } if ($arFields['DT_SKIP_TIME'] !== 'Y') { $arFields['DT_SKIP_TIME'] = 'N'; if (!isset($arFields['TZ_FROM']) && isset($currentEvent['TZ_FROM'])) { $arFields['TZ_FROM'] = $currentEvent['TZ_FROM']; } if (!isset($arFields['TZ_TO']) && isset($currentEvent['TZ_TO'])) { $arFields['TZ_TO'] = $currentEvent['TZ_TO']; } if (!isset($arFields['TZ_FROM']) && !isset($arFields['TZ_TO'])) { $userTimezoneOffsetUTC = CCalendar::GetCurrentOffsetUTC($userId); $userTimezoneName = CCalendar::GetUserTimezoneName($userId, true); $arFields['TZ_FROM'] = $userTimezoneName; $arFields['TZ_TO'] = $userTimezoneName; } if (!isset($arFields['TZ_OFFSET_FROM'])) { $arFields['TZ_OFFSET_FROM'] = CCalendar::GetTimezoneOffset($arFields['TZ_FROM'], $fromTs); } if (!isset($arFields['TZ_OFFSET_TO'])) { $arFields['TZ_OFFSET_TO'] = CCalendar::GetTimezoneOffset($arFields['TZ_TO'], $toTs); } } if (!isset($arFields['TZ_OFFSET_FROM'])) { $arFields['TZ_OFFSET_FROM'] = 0; } if (!isset($arFields['TZ_OFFSET_TO'])) { $arFields['TZ_OFFSET_TO'] = 0; } if (!isset($arFields['DATE_FROM_TS_UTC'])) { $arFields['DATE_FROM_TS_UTC'] = $fromTs - $arFields['TZ_OFFSET_FROM']; } if (!isset($arFields['DATE_TO_TS_UTC'])) { $arFields['DATE_TO_TS_UTC'] = $toTs - $arFields['TZ_OFFSET_TO']; } if ($arFields['DATE_FROM_TS_UTC'] > $arFields['DATE_TO_TS_UTC']) { $arFields['DATE_TO'] = $arFields['DATE_FROM']; $arFields['DATE_TO_TS_UTC'] = $arFields['DATE_FROM_TS_UTC']; $arFields['TZ_OFFSET_TO'] = $arFields['TZ_OFFSET_FROM']; $arFields['TZ_TO'] = $arFields['TZ_FROM']; } $h24 = 60 * 60 * 24; // 24 hours if ($arFields['DT_SKIP_TIME'] == 'Y') { unset($arFields['TZ_FROM']); unset($arFields['TZ_TO']); unset($arFields['TZ_OFFSET_FROM']); unset($arFields['TZ_OFFSET_TO']); } // Event length in seconds if (!isset($arFields['DT_LENGTH']) || $arFields['DT_LENGTH'] == 0) { if($fromTs == $toTs && date('H:i', $fromTs) == '00:00' && $arFields['DT_SKIP_TIME'] == 'Y') // One day { $arFields['DT_LENGTH'] = $h24; } else { $arFields['DT_LENGTH'] = intVal($arFields['DATE_TO_TS_UTC'] - $arFields['DATE_FROM_TS_UTC']); if ($arFields['DT_SKIP_TIME'] == "Y") // We have dates without times { $arFields['DT_LENGTH'] += $h24; } } } if (!$arFields['VERSION']) $arFields['VERSION'] = 1; // Accessibility $arFields['ACCESSIBILITY'] = trim(strtolower($arFields['ACCESSIBILITY'])); if (!in_array($arFields['ACCESSIBILITY'], array('busy', 'quest', 'free', 'absent'))) $arFields['ACCESSIBILITY'] = 'busy'; // Importance $arFields['IMPORTANCE'] = trim(strtolower($arFields['IMPORTANCE'])); if (!in_array($arFields['IMPORTANCE'], array('high', 'normal', 'low'))) $arFields['IMPORTANCE'] = 'normal'; // Color $arFields['COLOR'] = CCalendar::Color($arFields['COLOR'], false); // Section if (!is_array($arFields['SECTIONS']) && intVal($arFields['SECTIONS']) > 0) $arFields['SECTIONS'] = array(intVal($arFields['SECTIONS'])); // Check rrules if (is_array($arFields['RRULE']) && isset($arFields['RRULE']['FREQ']) && in_array($arFields['RRULE']['FREQ'], array('HOURLY','DAILY','MONTHLY','YEARLY','WEEKLY'))) { // Interval if (isset($arFields['RRULE']['INTERVAL']) && intval($arFields['RRULE']['INTERVAL']) > 1) $arFields['RRULE']['INTERVAL'] = intval($arFields['RRULE']['INTERVAL']); // Until date $untilTs = CCalendar::Timestamp($arFields['RRULE']['UNTIL'], false, false); if (!$untilTs) { $arFields['RRULE']['UNTIL'] = CCalendar::GetMaxDate(); $untilTs = CCalendar::Timestamp($arFields['RRULE']['UNTIL'], false, false); } $arFields['DATE_TO_TS_UTC'] = $untilTs + CCalendar::GetDayLen(); $arFields['RRULE']['UNTIL'] = CCalendar::Date($untilTs, false); if (isset($arFields['RRULE']['COUNT'])) $arFields['RRULE']['COUNT'] = intval($arFields['RRULE']['COUNT']); if (isset($arFields['RRULE']['BYDAY'])) { if (is_array($arFields['RRULE']['BYDAY'])) { $BYDAY = $arFields['RRULE']['BYDAY']; } else { $BYDAY = array(); $days = array('SU','MO','TU','WE','TH','FR','SA'); $bydays = explode(',', $arFields['RRULE']['BYDAY']); foreach($bydays as $day) { $day = strtoupper($day); if (in_array($day, $days)) $BYDAY[] = $day; } } $arFields['RRULE']['BYDAY'] = implode(',',$BYDAY); } unset($arFields['RRULE']['~UNTIL']); if (isset($arFields["EXDATE"])) $excludeDates = self::GetExDate($arFields["EXDATE"]); else $excludeDates = self::GetExDate($currentEvent['EXDATE']); if (!empty($excludeDates) && $untilTs) { $arFields["EXDATE"] = self::SetExDate($excludeDates, $untilTs); } $arFields['RRULE'] = self::PackRRule($arFields['RRULE']); } else { $arFields['RRULE'] = ''; $arFields['EXDATE'] = ''; } // Location if (!is_array($arFields['LOCATION'])) $arFields['LOCATION'] = Array("NEW" => is_string($arFields['LOCATION']) ? $arFields['LOCATION'] : ""); // Private $arFields['PRIVATE_EVENT'] = isset($arFields['PRIVATE_EVENT']) && $arFields['PRIVATE_EVENT']; //$arFields['SEARCHABLE_CONTENT'] = self::formatSearchIndexContent($arFields); return true; } public static function CheckSignificantChangesFields($newFields = array(), $currentFields = array()) { $significantChanges = false; $significantFieldList = array( 'DATE_FROM', 'DATE_TO', 'RRULE', 'EXDATE', 'NAME', 'DESCRIPTION', 'LOCATION' ); foreach ($significantFieldList as $fieldKey) { if ($newFields[$fieldKey] !== $currentFields[$fieldKey] && $fieldKey != 'LOCATION') { $significantChanges = true; break; } else if ($fieldKey == 'LOCATION' && $newFields['LOCATION']['NEW'] != $currentFields[$fieldKey]) { $significantChanges = true; break; } } return $significantChanges; } public static function CheckEntryChanges($newFields = array(), $currentFields = array()) { $changes = []; $fieldList = [ 'NAME', 'DATE_FROM', 'DATE_TO', 'RRULE', 'EXDATE', 'DESCRIPTION', 'LOCATION', 'IMPORTANCE' ]; //$changes[] = ['fieldKey' => 'NAME', 'oldValue' => $currentFields['NAME'], 'newValue' => $newFields['NAME']]; foreach ($fieldList as $fieldKey) { if ($fieldKey == 'LOCATION') { if (is_array($newFields[$fieldKey]) && $newFields[$fieldKey]['NEW'] != $currentFields[$fieldKey]) { $changes[] = [ 'fieldKey' => $fieldKey, 'oldValue' => $currentFields[$fieldKey], 'newValue' => $newFields[$fieldKey]['NEW'] ]; } else if (!is_array($newFields[$fieldKey]) && $newFields[$fieldKey] != $currentFields[$fieldKey]) { $changes[] = [ 'fieldKey' => $fieldKey, 'oldValue' => $currentFields[$fieldKey], 'newValue' => $newFields[$fieldKey] ]; } } else if ($fieldKey == 'DATE_FROM') { if (($newFields[$fieldKey] !== $currentFields[$fieldKey] || $newFields['TZ_FROM'] !== $currentFields['TZ_FROM'])) { $changes[] = [ 'fieldKey' => $fieldKey, 'oldValue' => $currentFields[$fieldKey], 'newValue' => $newFields[$fieldKey] ]; } } else if ($fieldKey == 'DATE_TO') { if ( ($newFields['DATE_FROM'] === $currentFields['DATE_FROM'] && $newFields['TZ_FROM'] === $currentFields['TZ_FROM']) && ($newFields[$fieldKey] !== $currentFields[$fieldKey] || $newFields['TZ_TO'] !== $currentFields['TZ_TO']) ) { $changes[] = [ 'fieldKey' => $fieldKey, 'oldValue' => $currentFields[$fieldKey], 'newValue' => $newFields[$fieldKey] ]; } } else if ($fieldKey == 'IMPORTANCE') { if ($newFields[$fieldKey] != $currentFields[$fieldKey] && $newFields[$fieldKey] == 'high') { $changes[] = [ 'fieldKey' => $fieldKey, 'oldValue' => $currentFields[$fieldKey], 'newValue' => $newFields[$fieldKey] ]; } } else if ($fieldKey == 'DESCRIPTION') { if (strtolower(trim($newFields[$fieldKey])) != strtolower(trim($currentFields[$fieldKey]))) { $changes[] = [ 'fieldKey' => $fieldKey, 'oldValue' => $currentFields[$fieldKey], 'newValue' => $newFields[$fieldKey] ]; } } else if ($newFields[$fieldKey] !== $currentFields[$fieldKey]) { $changes[] = [ 'fieldKey' => $fieldKey, 'oldValue' => $currentFields[$fieldKey], 'newValue' => $newFields[$fieldKey] ]; } } if (is_array($newFields['ATTENDEES_CODES']) && is_array($currentFields['ATTENDEES_CODES']) && count(array_diff($newFields['ATTENDEES_CODES'], $currentFields['ATTENDEES_CODES']))) { $changes[] = [ 'fieldKey' => 'ATTENDEES', 'oldValue' => $currentFields['ATTENDEES_CODES'], 'newValue' => $newFields['ATTENDEES_CODES'] ]; } return $changes; } private static function PackRRule($RRule = array()) { $strRes = ""; if (is_array($RRule)) { foreach($RRule as $key => $val) $strRes .= $key.'='.$val.';'; } $strRes = trim($strRes, ', '); return $strRes; } public static function CreateChildEvents($parentId, $arFields, $params) { global $DB, $CACHE_MANAGER; $parentId = intVal($parentId); $attendees = $arFields['ATTENDEES']; $bCalDav = CCalendar::IsCalDAVEnabled(); $involvedAttendees = array(); if ($parentId) { // It's new event $isNewEvent = !isset($arFields['ID']) || $arFields['ID'] <= 0; $curAttendeesIndex = array(); $deletedAttendees = array(); if (!$isNewEvent) { $curAttendees = self::GetAttendees($parentId); $curAttendees = $curAttendees[$parentId]; if (is_array($curAttendees)) { foreach($curAttendees as $user) { $curAttendeesIndex[$user['USER_ID']] = $user; if ($user['USER_ID'] !== $arFields['MEETING_HOST'] && ($user['USER_ID'] !== $arFields['OWNER_ID'] || $arFields['CAL_TYPE'] !== 'user')) { $deletedAttendees[$user['USER_ID']] = $user['USER_ID']; $involvedAttendees[] = $user['USER_ID']; } } } } if (is_array($attendees)) { foreach($attendees as $userKey) { $attendeeId = intVal($userKey); $CACHE_MANAGER->ClearByTag('calendar_user_'.$attendeeId); if ($attendeeId) { // Skip creation of child event if it's event inside his own user calendar if ($arFields['CAL_TYPE'] == 'user' && $arFields['OWNER_ID'] == $attendeeId) { continue; } $childParams = $params; $childParams['arFields']['CAL_TYPE'] = 'user'; $childParams['arFields']['PARENT_ID'] = $parentId; $childParams['arFields']['OWNER_ID'] = $attendeeId; $childParams['arFields']['CREATED_BY'] = $attendeeId; if (intVal($arFields['CREATED_BY']) == $attendeeId) { $childParams['arFields']['MEETING_STATUS'] = 'Y'; } elseif ($isNewEvent && $arFields['~MEETING']['MEETING_CREATOR'] == $attendeeId) { $childParams['arFields']['MEETING_STATUS'] = 'Y'; } else { if ($params['saveAttendeesStatus'] && $params['currentEvent'] && $params['currentEvent']['~ATTENDEES']) { foreach($params['currentEvent']['~ATTENDEES'] as $currentAttendee) { if ($currentAttendee['USER_ID'] == $attendeeId) { $childParams['arFields']['MEETING_STATUS'] = $currentAttendee['STATUS']; break; } } } else { $childParams['arFields']['MEETING_STATUS'] = 'Q'; } } unset($childParams['arFields']['SECTIONS']); unset($childParams['currentEvent']); unset($childParams['arFields']['ID']); unset($childParams['arFields']['DAV_XML_ID']); $bExchange = CCalendar::IsExchangeEnabled($attendeeId); if ($isNewEvent || !$curAttendeesIndex[$attendeeId]) { $childSectId = CCalendar::GetMeetingSection($attendeeId, true); if ($childSectId) { $childParams['arFields']['SECTIONS'] = array($childSectId); } // CalDav & Exchange if ($bExchange || $bCalDav) { CCalendarSync::DoSaveToDav(array( 'bCalDav' => $bCalDav, 'bExchange' => $bExchange, 'sectionId' => $childSectId ), $childParams['arFields']); } } $childParams['sendInvitations'] = $params['sendInvitations']; if (!$isNewEvent && $curAttendeesIndex[$attendeeId]) { $childParams['arFields']['ID'] = $curAttendeesIndex[$attendeeId]['EVENT_ID']; if (!$arFields['~MEETING']['REINVITE']) { $childParams['arFields']['MEETING_STATUS'] = $curAttendeesIndex[$attendeeId]['STATUS']; $childParams['sendInvitations'] = $childParams['sendInvitations'] && $curAttendeesIndex[$attendeeId]['STATUS'] != 'Q'; } if ($bExchange || $bCalDav) { $childParams['currentEvent'] = CCalendarEvent::GetById($childParams['arFields']['ID'], false); CCalendarSync::DoSaveToDav(array( 'bCalDav' => $bCalDav, 'bExchange' => $bExchange, 'sectionId' => $childParams['currentEvent']['SECT_ID'] ), $childParams['arFields'], $childParams['currentEvent']); } } self::Edit($childParams); $involvedAttendees[] = $attendeeId; unset($deletedAttendees[$attendeeId]); } } } // Delete $delIdStr = ''; if (!$isNewEvent && count($deletedAttendees) > 0) { foreach($deletedAttendees as $attendeeId) { $att = $curAttendeesIndex[$attendeeId]; if ($params['sendInvitations'] !== false && $att['STATUS'] == 'Y') { $CACHE_MANAGER->ClearByTag('calendar_user_'.$att["USER_ID"]); $fromTo = CCalendarEvent::GetEventFromToForUser($arFields, $att["USER_ID"]); CCalendarNotify::Send(array( "mode" => 'cancel', "name" => $arFields['NAME'], "from" => $fromTo['DATE_FROM'], "to" => $fromTo['DATE_TO'], "location" => CCalendar::GetTextLocation($arFields["LOCATION"]), "guestId" => $att["USER_ID"], "eventId" => $parentId, "userId" => $arFields['MEETING_HOST'], "fields" => $arFields )); } $delIdStr .= ','.intVal($att['EVENT_ID']); $bExchange = CCalendar::IsExchangeEnabled($attendeeId); if ($bExchange || $bCalDav) { $currentEvent = CCalendarEvent::GetList( array( 'arFilter' => array( "PARENT_ID" => $parentId, "OWNER_ID" => $attendeeId, "IS_MEETING" => 1, "DELETED" => "N" ), 'parseRecursion' => false, 'fetchAttendees' => true, 'fetchMeetings' => true, 'checkPermissions' => false, 'setDefaultLimit' => false ) ); $currentEvent = $currentEvent[0]; if ($currentEvent) { CCalendarSync::DoDeleteToDav(array( 'bCalDav' => $bCalDav, 'bExchangeEnabled' => $bExchange, 'sectionId' => $currentEvent['SECT_ID'] ), $currentEvent); } } } } $delIdStr = trim($delIdStr, ', '); if ($delIdStr != '') { $strSql = "UPDATE b_calendar_event SET ". $DB->PrepareUpdate("b_calendar_event", array("DELETED" => "Y")). " WHERE PARENT_ID=".intval($parentId)." AND ID IN(".$delIdStr.")"; $DB->Query($strSql, false, "FILE: ".__FILE__."<br> LINE: ".__LINE__); } if (count($involvedAttendees) > 0) { $involvedAttendees = array_unique($involvedAttendees); CCalendar::UpdateCounter($involvedAttendees); } } } public static function GetEventFromToForUser($params, $userId) { $skipTime = $params['DT_SKIP_TIME'] !== 'N'; $fromTs = CCalendar::Timestamp($params['DATE_FROM'], false, !$skipTime); $toTs = CCalendar::Timestamp($params['DATE_TO'], false, !$skipTime); if (!$skipTime) { $fromTs = $fromTs - (CCalendar::GetTimezoneOffset($params['TZ_FROM']) - CCalendar::GetCurrentOffsetUTC($userId)); $toTs = $toTs - (CCalendar::GetTimezoneOffset($params['TZ_TO']) - CCalendar::GetCurrentOffsetUTC($userId)); } $dateFrom = CCalendar::Date($fromTs, !$skipTime); $dateTo = CCalendar::Date($toTs, !$skipTime); return array( "DATE_FROM" => $dateFrom, "DATE_TO" => $dateTo, "TS_FROM" => $fromTs, "TS_TO" => $toTs ); } public static function OnPullPrepareArFields($arFields = array()) { $arFields['~DESCRIPTION'] = self::ParseText($arFields['DESCRIPTION']); $arFields['~LOCATION'] = ''; if ($arFields['LOCATION'] !== '') { $arFields['~LOCATION'] = $arFields['LOCATION']; $arFields['LOCATION'] = CCalendar::GetTextLocation($arFields["LOCATION"]); } if (isset($arFields['~MEETING'])) $arFields['MEETING'] = $arFields['~MEETING']; if ($arFields['REMIND'] !== '' && !is_array($arFields['REMIND'])) { $arFields['REMIND'] = unserialize($arFields['REMIND']); if (!is_array($arFields['REMIND'])) $arFields['REMIND'] = array(); } if ($arFields['RRULE'] != '') $arFields['RRULE'] = self::ParseRRULE($arFields['RRULE']); return $arFields; } public static function GetCurrentSectionIds($eventId) { global $DB; $strSql = "SELECT SECT_ID FROM b_calendar_event_sect WHERE EVENT_ID=".intVal($eventId); $res = $DB->Query($strSql, false, "File: ".__FILE__."<br>Line: ".__LINE__); $result = array(); while($e = $res->Fetch()) $result[] = intVal($e['SECT_ID']); return $result; } public static function UpdateUserFields($eventId, $arFields = array()) { $eventId = intVal($eventId); if (!is_array($arFields) || count($arFields) == 0 || $eventId <= 0) return false; global $USER_FIELD_MANAGER; if ($USER_FIELD_MANAGER->CheckFields("CALENDAR_EVENT", $eventId, $arFields)) $USER_FIELD_MANAGER->Update("CALENDAR_EVENT", $eventId, $arFields); foreach(GetModuleEvents("calendar", "OnAfterCalendarEventUserFieldsUpdate", true) as $arEvent) ExecuteModuleEventEx($arEvent, array('ID' => $eventId,'arFields' => $arFields)); self::updateSearchIndex($eventId); return true; } public static function GetChildEvents($parentId) { global $DB; $arFields = self::GetFields(); $childEvents = array(); $selectList = ""; foreach($arFields as $field) $selectList .= $field['FIELD_NAME'].", "; $selectList = trim($selectList, ' ,').' '; if ($parentId > 0) { $strSql = " SELECT ". $selectList. "FROM b_calendar_event CE WHERE CE.PARENT_ID=".intval($parentId); $res = $DB->Query($strSql, false, "File: ".__FILE__."<br>Line: ".__LINE__); while($event = $res->Fetch()) { $childEvents[] = $event; } } return false; } public static function Delete($params) { global $DB, $CACHE_MANAGER; $bCalDav = CCalendar::IsCalDAVEnabled(); $id = intVal($params['id']); $sendNotification = $params['sendNotification'] !== false; if ($id) { $userId = (isset($params['userId']) && $params['userId'] > 0) ? $params['userId'] : CCalendar::GetCurUserId(); $arAffectedSections = array(); $entry = $params['Event']; if (!isset($entry) || !is_array($entry)) { CCalendar::SetOffset(false, 0); $res = CCalendarEvent::GetList( array( 'arFilter' => array( "ID" => $id ), 'parseRecursion' => false ) ); $entry = $res[0]; } if ($entry) { if ($entry['IS_MEETING'] && $entry['PARENT_ID'] !== $entry['ID']) { if ($entry['MEETING_STATUS'] == 'Y' || $entry['MEETING_STATUS'] == 'Q') { self::SetMeetingStatus(array( 'userId' => $userId, 'eventId' => $entry['ID'], 'status' => 'N' )); } } else { foreach(GetModuleEvents("calendar", "OnBeforeCalendarEventDelete", true) as $arEvent) ExecuteModuleEventEx($arEvent, array($id, $entry)); if ($entry['PARENT_ID']) CCalendarLiveFeed::OnDeleteCalendarEventEntry($entry['PARENT_ID'], $entry); else CCalendarLiveFeed::OnDeleteCalendarEventEntry($entry['ID'], $entry); $arAffectedSections[] = $entry['SECT_ID']; // Check location: if reserve meeting was reserved - clean reservation if ($entry['LOCATION'] != "") { $loc = CCalendar::ParseLocation($entry['LOCATION']); if ($loc['mrevid'] || $loc['room_event_id']) { CCalendar::ReleaseLocation($loc); } } if ($entry['CAL_TYPE'] == 'user') $CACHE_MANAGER->ClearByTag('calendar_user_'.$entry['OWNER_ID']); if ($entry['IS_MEETING']) { CCalendarNotify::ClearNotifications($entry['PARENT_ID']); if (Loader::includeModule("im")) { CIMNotify::DeleteBySubTag("CALENDAR|INVITE|".$entry['PARENT_ID']); CIMNotify::DeleteBySubTag("CALENDAR|STATUS|".$entry['PARENT_ID']); } $involvedAttendees = array(); $CACHE_MANAGER->ClearByTag('calendar_user_'.$userId); $childEvents = CCalendarEvent::GetList( array( 'arFilter' => array( "PARENT_ID" => $id ), 'parseRecursion' => false, 'checkPermissions' => false, 'setDefaultLimit' => false ) ); $chEventIds = array(); foreach($childEvents as $chEvent) { $CACHE_MANAGER->ClearByTag('calendar_user_'.$chEvent["OWNER_ID"]); if ($chEvent["MEETING_STATUS"] != "N" && $sendNotification) { if ($chEvent['DATE_TO_TS_UTC'] + date("Z", $chEvent['DATE_TO_TS_UTC']) > (time() - 60 * 5)) { $fromTo = CCalendarEvent::GetEventFromToForUser($entry, $chEvent["OWNER_ID"]); CCalendarNotify::Send(array( 'mode' => 'cancel', 'name' => $chEvent['NAME'], "from" => $fromTo["DATE_FROM"], "to" => $fromTo["DATE_TO"], "location" => CCalendar::GetTextLocation($chEvent["LOCATION"]), "guestId" => $chEvent["OWNER_ID"], "eventId" => $id, "userId" => $userId )); } } $chEventIds[] = $chEvent["ID"]; if ($chEvent["MEETING_STATUS"] == "Q") $involvedAttendees[] = $chEvent["OWNER_ID"]; $bExchange = CCalendar::IsExchangeEnabled($chEvent["OWNER_ID"]); if ($bExchange || $bCalDav) { CCalendarSync::DoDeleteToDav(array( 'bCalDav' => $bCalDav, 'bExchangeEnabled' => $bExchange, 'sectionId' => $chEvent['SECT_ID'] ), $chEvent); } } // Set flag if ($params['bMarkDeleted']) { $strSql = "UPDATE b_calendar_event SET ". $DB->PrepareUpdate("b_calendar_event", array("DELETED" => "Y")). " WHERE PARENT_ID=".$id; $DB->Query($strSql, false, "File: ".__FILE__."<br>Line: ".__LINE__); } else // Actual deleting { $strSql = "DELETE from b_calendar_event WHERE PARENT_ID=".$id; $DB->Query($strSql, false, "File: ".__FILE__."<br>Line: ".__LINE__); $strChEvent = join(',', $chEventIds); if (count($chEventIds) > 0) { // Del link from table $strSql = "DELETE FROM b_calendar_event_sect WHERE EVENT_ID in (".$strChEvent.")"; $DB->Query($strSql, false, "FILE: ".__FILE__."<br> LINE: ".__LINE__); } } if (count($involvedAttendees) > 0) { CCalendar::UpdateCounter($involvedAttendees); } } if ($params['bMarkDeleted']) { $strSql = "UPDATE b_calendar_event SET ". $DB->PrepareUpdate("b_calendar_event", array("DELETED" => "Y")). " WHERE ID=".$id; $DB->Query($strSql, false, "File: ".__FILE__."<br>Line: ".__LINE__); } else { // Real deleting $strSql = "DELETE from b_calendar_event WHERE ID=".$id; $DB->Query($strSql, false, "File: ".__FILE__."<br>Line: ".__LINE__); // Del link from table $strSql = "DELETE FROM b_calendar_event_sect WHERE EVENT_ID=".$id; $DB->Query($strSql, false, "FILE: ".__FILE__."<br> LINE: ".__LINE__); } if (count($arAffectedSections) > 0) { CCalendarSect::UpdateModificationLabel($arAffectedSections); } foreach(\Bitrix\Main\EventManager::getInstance()->findEventHandlers("calendar", "OnAfterCalendarEventDelete") as $event) { ExecuteModuleEventEx($event, array($id, $entry)); } CCalendar::ClearCache('event_list'); } return true; } } return false; } public static function SetMeetingStatusEx($params) { if ($params['reccurentMode'] && $params['currentDateFrom']) { $event = self::GetById($params['parentId'], false); $recurrenceId = $event['RECURRENCE_ID'] ? $event['RECURRENCE_ID'] : $event['ID']; if ($params['reccurentMode'] != 'all') { $res = CCalendar::SaveEventEx(array( 'arFields' => array( "ID" => $params['parentId'] ), 'silentErrorMode' => false, 'recursionEditMode' => $params['reccurentMode'], 'userId' => $event['MEETING_HOST'], 'checkPermission' => false, 'currentEventDateFrom' => $params['currentDateFrom'], 'sendEditNotification' => false )); if ($res && $res['recEventId']) { self::SetMeetingStatus(array( 'userId' => $params['attendeeId'], 'eventId' => $res['recEventId'], 'status' => $params['status'], 'personalNotification' => true )); } } if ($params['reccurentMode'] == 'all' || $params['reccurentMode'] == 'next') { $recRelatedEvents = CCalendarEvent::GetEventsByRecId($recurrenceId, false); if ($params['reccurentMode'] == 'next') { $untilTimestamp = CCalendar::Timestamp($params['currentDateFrom']); } else { $untilTimestamp = false; self::SetMeetingStatus(array( 'userId' => $params['attendeeId'], 'eventId' => $params['eventId'], 'status' => $params['status'], 'personalNotification' => true )); } foreach($recRelatedEvents as $ev) { if ($ev['ID'] == $params['eventId']) continue; if($params['reccurentMode'] == 'all' || ($untilTimestamp && CCalendar::Timestamp($ev['DATE_FROM']) > $untilTimestamp)) { self::SetMeetingStatus(array( 'userId' => $params['attendeeId'], 'eventId' => $ev['ID'], 'status' => $params['status'] )); } } } } else { self::SetMeetingStatus(array( 'userId' => $params['attendeeId'], 'eventId' => $params['eventId'], 'status' => $params['status'] )); } } public static function SetMeetingStatus($params) { CTimeZone::Disable(); global $DB, $CACHE_MANAGER; $eventId = $params['eventId'] = intVal($params['eventId']); $userId = $params['userId'] = intVal($params['userId']); $status = strtoupper($params['status']); if(!in_array($status, array("Q", "Y", "N", "H", "M"))) $status = $params['status'] = "Q"; $event = CCalendarEvent::GetList( array( 'arFilter' => array( "ID" => $eventId, "IS_MEETING" => 1, "DELETED" => "N" ), 'parseRecursion' => false, 'fetchAttendees' => true, 'fetchMeetings' => true, 'checkPermissions' => false, 'setDefaultLimit' => false )); if ($event && count($event) > 0) { $event = $event[0]; } if ($event && $event['IS_MEETING'] && intVal($event['PARENT_ID']) > 0) { $strSql = "UPDATE b_calendar_event SET ". $DB->PrepareUpdate("b_calendar_event", array("MEETING_STATUS" => $status)). " WHERE PARENT_ID=".intVal($event['PARENT_ID'])." AND OWNER_ID=".$userId; $DB->Query($strSql, false, "File: ".__FILE__."<br>Line: ".__LINE__); CCalendarSect::UpdateModificationLabel($event['SECT_ID']); // Clear invitation in messager CCalendarNotify::ClearNotifications($event['PARENT_ID'], $userId); // Add new notification in messenger if ($params['personalNotification'] && intVal(CCalendar::getCurUserId()) == $userId) { $fromTo = CCalendarEvent::GetEventFromToForUser($event, $userId); CCalendarNotify::Send(array( 'mode' => $status == "Y" ? 'status_accept' : 'status_decline', 'name' => $event['NAME'], "from" => $fromTo["DATE_FROM"], "guestId" => $userId, "eventId" => $event['PARENT_ID'], "userId" => $userId, "markRead" => true, "fields" => $event )); } // If it's open meeting and our attendee is not on the list if ($event['MEETING'] && $event['MEETING']['OPEN'] && ($status == 'Y' || $status == 'M')) { $arAttendees = self::GetAttendees(array($event['PARENT_ID'])); $arAttendees = $arAttendees[$event['PARENT_ID']]; $attendeeExist = false; foreach($arAttendees as $attendee) { if ($attendee['USER_ID'] == $userId) { $attendeeExist = true; break; } } if (!$attendeeExist && is_array($event)) { // 1. Create another childEvent for new attendee $AllFields = self::GetFields(); $dbFields = array(); foreach($event as $field => $val) { if(isset($AllFields[$field]) && $field != "ID" && $field != "ATTENDEES_CODES") { $dbFields[$field] = $event[$field]; } } $dbFields['MEETING_STATUS'] = $status; $dbFields['CAL_TYPE'] = 'user'; $dbFields['OWNER_ID'] = $userId; $dbFields['PARENT_ID'] = $event['PARENT_ID']; $dbFields['MEETING'] = serialize($event['MEETING']); $dbFields['REMIND'] = serialize($event['REMIND']); $eventId = $DB->Add("b_calendar_event", $dbFields, array('DESCRIPTION', 'MEETING', 'EXDATE')); $DB->Query("UPDATE b_calendar_event SET ". $DB->PrepareUpdate("b_calendar_event", array('DAV_XML_ID' => $eventId)). " WHERE ID=".IntVal($eventId), false, "File: ".__FILE__."<br>Line: ".__LINE__); $sectionId = CCalendarSect::GetLastUsedSection('user', $userId, $userId); if (!$sectionId || !CCalendarSect::GetById($sectionId, false)) { $sectRes = CCalendarSect::GetSectionForOwner('user', $userId); $sectionId = $sectRes['sectionId']; } if ($eventId && $sectionId) { self::ConnectEventToSection($eventId, $sectionId); } // 2. Update ATTENDEES_CODES $attendeesCodes = $event['ATTENDEES_CODES']; $attendeesCodes[] = 'U'.intVal($userId); $attendeesCodes = array_unique($attendeesCodes); $DB->Query("UPDATE b_calendar_event SET ". "ATTENDEES_CODES='".implode(',', $attendeesCodes)."'". " WHERE PARENT_ID=".intVal($event['PARENT_ID']), false, "FILE: ".__FILE__."<br> LINE: ".__LINE__); CCalendarSect::UpdateModificationLabel(array($sectionId)); } } // Notify author of event if ($event['MEETING']['NOTIFY'] && $userId != $event['MEETING_HOST'] && $params['hostNotification'] !== false) { // Send message to the author $fromTo = CCalendarEvent::GetEventFromToForUser($event, $event['MEETING_HOST']); CCalendarNotify::Send(array( 'mode' => $status == "Y" ? 'accept' : 'decline', 'name' => $event['NAME'], "from" => $fromTo["DATE_FROM"], "to" => $fromTo["DATE_TO"], "location" => CCalendar::GetTextLocation($event["LOCATION"]), "guestId" => $userId, "eventId" => $event['PARENT_ID'], "userId" => isset($event['MEETING']['MEETING_CREATOR']) ? $event['MEETING']['MEETING_CREATOR'] : $event['MEETING_HOST'], "fields" => $event )); } CCalendarSect::UpdateModificationLabel(array($event['SECTIONS'][0])); if ($status == "N") { $childEvent = CCalendarEvent::GetList( array( 'arFilter' => array( "PARENT_ID" => $event['PARENT_ID'], "CREATED_BY" => $userId, "IS_MEETING" => 1, "DELETED" => "N" ), 'parseRecursion' => false, 'fetchAttendees' => true, 'checkPermissions' => false, 'setDefaultLimit' => false ) ); if ($childEvent && $childEvent[0]) { $childEvent = $childEvent[0]; $bCalDav = CCalendar::IsCalDAVEnabled(); $bExchange = CCalendar::IsExchangeEnabled($userId); if ($bExchange || $bCalDav) { CCalendarSync::DoDeleteToDav(array( 'bCalDav' => $bCalDav, 'bExchangeEnabled' => $bExchange, 'sectionId' => $childEvent['SECT_ID'] ), $childEvent); } } } if ($status == "Y" && $params['affectRecRelatedEvents'] !== false) { //$event = self::GetById($event['PARENT_ID'], false); $event = CCalendarEvent::GetList( array( 'arFilter' => array( "ID" => $eventId, "IS_MEETING" => 1, "DELETED" => "N" ), 'parseRecursion' => false, 'fetchAttendees' => true, 'fetchMeetings' => true, 'checkPermissions' => false, 'setDefaultLimit' => false )); if ($event && count($event) > 0) { $event = $event[0]; } $recurrenceId = $event['RECURRENCE_ID'] ? $event['RECURRENCE_ID'] : $event['ID']; if ($recurrenceId) { $recRelatedEvents = CCalendarEvent::GetEventsByRecId($recurrenceId, false); foreach($recRelatedEvents as $ev) { if ($ev['ID'] == $params['eventId']) continue; self::SetMeetingStatus(array( 'userId' => $userId, 'eventId' => $ev['ID'], 'status' => $status, 'personalNotification' => false, 'hostNotification' => false, 'affectRecRelatedEvents' => false )); } } } CCalendarLiveFeed::OnChangeMeetingStatusEventEntry(array( 'userId' => $userId, 'eventId' => $eventId, 'status' => $status, 'event' => $event )); CCalendar::UpdateCounter($userId); $CACHE_MANAGER->ClearByTag('calendar_user_'.$userId); $CACHE_MANAGER->ClearByTag('calendar_user_'.$event['CREATED_BY']); } else { CCalendarNotify::ClearNotifications($eventId); } CTimeZone::Enable(); CCalendar::ClearCache(array('attendees_list', 'event_list')); } /* * $params['dateFrom'] * $params['dateTo'] * * */ public static function GetMeetingStatus($userId, $eventId) { global $DB; $eventId = intVal($eventId); $userId = intVal($userId); $status = false; $event = CCalendarEvent::GetById($eventId, false); if ($event && $event['IS_MEETING'] && intVal($event['PARENT_ID']) > 0) { if ($event['CREATED_BY'] == $userId) { $status = $event['MEETING_STATUS']; } else { $res = $DB->Query("SELECT MEETING_STATUS from b_calendar_event WHERE PARENT_ID=".intVal($event['PARENT_ID'])." AND CREATED_BY=".$userId, false, "File: ".__FILE__."<br>Line: ".__LINE__); $event = $res->Fetch(); $status = $event['MEETING_STATUS']; } } return $status; } public static function SetMeetingParams($userId, $eventId, $arFields) { $eventId = intVal($eventId); $userId = intVal($userId); // Check $arFields if (!in_array($arFields['ACCESSIBILITY'], array('busy', 'quest', 'free', 'absent'))) $arFields['ACCESSIBILITY'] = 'busy'; $event = CCalendarEvent::GetById($eventId); if (!$event) return false; $res = CCalendarEvent::GetList( array( 'arFilter' => array( "PARENT_ID" => $eventId, "CREATED_BY" => $userId, "IS_MEETING" => 1, "DELETED" => "N" ), 'parseRecursion' => false, 'fetchAttendees' => true, 'fetchMeetings' => true, 'checkPermissions' => true, 'setDefaultLimit' => false ) ); if (!$res || !$res[0]) { $res = CCalendarEvent::GetList( array( 'arFilter' => array( "ID" => $eventId, "CREATED_BY" => $userId, "IS_MEETING" => 1, "DELETED" => "N" ), 'parseRecursion' => false, 'fetchAttendees' => true, 'fetchMeetings' => true, 'checkPermissions' => true, 'setDefaultLimit' => false ) ); } if ($res[0]) { $event = $res[0]; $arReminders = array(); if (isset($arFields['REMIND'])) { if ($arFields['REMIND'] && is_array($arFields['REMIND'])) { foreach ($arFields['REMIND'] as $remind) { if(is_array($remind) && isset($remind['type']) && in_array($remind['type'], array('min', 'hour', 'day'))) { $arReminders[] = array('type' => $remind['type'], 'count' => floatVal($remind['count'])); } } } } $arFields = array( "ID" => $event['ID'], "REMIND" => $arReminders, "ACCESSIBILITY" => $arFields['ACCESSIBILITY'] ); //SaveEvent CCalendar::SaveEvent(array('arFields' => $arFields)); } return true; } public static function GetAccessibilityForUsers($params = array()) { $curEventId = intVal($params['curEventId']); if (!is_array($params['users']) || count($params['users']) == 0) return array(); if (!isset($params['checkPermissions'])) $params['checkPermissions'] = true; $users = array(); $accessibility = array(); foreach($params['users'] as $userId) { $userId = intVal($userId); if ($userId) { $users[] = $userId; $accessibility[$userId] = array(); } } if (count($users) == 0) return array(); $events = CCalendarEvent::GetList( array( 'arFilter' => array( "FROM_LIMIT" => $params['from'], "TO_LIMIT" => $params['to'], "CAL_TYPE" => 'user', "OWNER_ID" => $users, "ACTIVE_SECTION" => "Y" ), 'parseRecursion' => true, 'fetchAttendees' => true, 'fetchSection' => true, 'parseDescription' => false, 'setDefaultLimit' => false, 'checkPermissions' => $params['checkPermissions'] ) ); foreach($events as $event) { if ($curEventId && ($event["ID"] == $curEventId || $event["PARENT_ID"] == $curEventId)) continue; if ($event["ACCESSIBILITY"] == 'free') continue; if ($event["IS_MEETING"] && ($event["MEETING_STATUS"] == "N" || $event["MEETING_STATUS"] == "Q")) continue; if (CCalendarSect::CheckGoogleVirtualSection($event['SECTION_DAV_XML_ID'])) continue; $accessibility[$event['OWNER_ID']][] = array( "ID" => $event["ID"], "NAME" => $event["NAME"], "DATE_FROM" => $event["DATE_FROM"], "DATE_TO" => $event["DATE_TO"], "~USER_OFFSET_FROM" => $event["~USER_OFFSET_FROM"], "~USER_OFFSET_TO" => $event["~USER_OFFSET_TO"], "DT_SKIP_TIME" => $event["DT_SKIP_TIME"], "TZ_FROM" => $event["TZ_FROM"], "TZ_TO" => $event["TZ_TO"], "ACCESSIBILITY" => $event["ACCESSIBILITY"], "IMPORTANCE" => $event["IMPORTANCE"], "EVENT_TYPE" => $event["EVENT_TYPE"] ); } return $accessibility; } public static function GetAbsent($users = false, $params = array()) { // Can be called from agent... So we have to create $USER if it is not exists $tempUser = CCalendar::TempUser(false, true); $checkPermissions = $params['checkPermissions'] !== false; $curUserId = isset($params['userId']) ? intVal($params['userId']) : CCalendar::GetCurUserId(); $arUsers = array(); if ($users !== false && is_array($users)) { foreach($users as $id) { if($id > 0) { $arUsers[] = intVal($id); } } if (!count($arUsers)) { $users = false; } } $arFilter = array( 'DELETED' => 'N', 'ACCESSIBILITY' => 'absent', ); if ($users) { $arFilter['CREATED_BY'] = $users; } if (isset($params['fromLimit'])) $arFilter['FROM_LIMIT'] = CCalendar::Date(CCalendar::Timestamp($params['fromLimit'], false), true, false); if (isset($params['toLimit'])) $arFilter['TO_LIMIT'] = CCalendar::Date(CCalendar::Timestamp($params['toLimit'], false), true, false); $arEvents = CCalendarEvent::GetList( array( 'arFilter' => $arFilter, 'parseRecursion' => true, 'getUserfields' => false, 'fetchAttendees' => false, 'userId' => $curUserId, 'preciseLimits' => true, 'checkPermissions' => false, 'parseDescription' => false, 'skipDeclined' => true ) ); //$bSocNet = Loader::includeModule("socialnetwork"); $result = []; $settings = false; foreach($arEvents as $event) { $userId = $event['CREATED_BY']; if ($users !== false && !in_array($userId, $arUsers)) continue; //if ($bSocNet && !CSocNetFeatures::IsActiveFeature(SONET_ENTITY_USER, $userId, "calendar")) // continue; if ($event['IS_MEETING'] && $event["MEETING_STATUS"] == 'N') continue; if ($checkPermissions && ($event['CAL_TYPE'] != 'user' || $curUserId != $event['OWNER_ID']) && $curUserId != $event['CREATED_BY']) { $sectId = $event['SECT_ID']; if (!$event['ACCESSIBILITY']) $event['ACCESSIBILITY'] = 'busy'; if ($settings === false) { $settings = CCalendar::GetSettings(array('request' => false)); } $private = $event['PRIVATE_EVENT'] && $event['CAL_TYPE'] == 'user'; $isManager = (!$private && CCalendar::IsIntranetEnabled() && Loader::includeModule('intranet') && $event['CAL_TYPE'] == 'user' && $settings['dep_manager_sub']) && Bitrix\Calendar\Util::isManagerForUser($curUserId, $event['OWNER_ID']); if ($private || (!$isManager && !CCalendarSect::CanDo('calendar_view_full', $sectId))) { $event = self::ApplyAccessRestrictions($event, $userId); } } $skipTime = $event['DT_SKIP_TIME'] === 'Y'; $fromTs = CCalendar::Timestamp($event['DATE_FROM'], false, !$skipTime); $toTs = CCalendar::Timestamp($event['DATE_TO'], false, !$skipTime); if ($event['DT_SKIP_TIME'] !== 'Y') { $fromTs -= $event['~USER_OFFSET_FROM']; $toTs -= $event['~USER_OFFSET_TO']; } $result[] = array( 'ID' => $event['ID'], 'NAME' => $event['NAME'], 'DATE_FROM' => CCalendar::Date($fromTs, !$skipTime, false), 'DATE_TO' => CCalendar::Date($toTs, !$skipTime, false), 'DT_FROM_TS' => $fromTs, 'DT_TO_TS' => $toTs, 'CREATED_BY' => $userId, 'DETAIL_TEXT' => '', 'USER_ID' => $userId ); } // Sort by DATE_FROM_TS_UTC usort($result, array('CCalendar', '_NearestSort')); CCalendar::TempUser($tempUser, false); return $result; } public static function DeleteEmpty() { global $DB; $strSql = 'SELECT CE.ID, CE.LOCATION FROM b_calendar_event CE LEFT JOIN b_calendar_event_sect CES ON (CE.ID=CES.EVENT_ID) WHERE CES.SECT_ID is null'; $res = $DB->Query($strSql, false, "FILE: ".__FILE__."<br> LINE: ".__LINE__); $strItems = "0"; while($arRes = $res->Fetch()) { $loc = $arRes['LOCATION']; if ($loc && strlen($loc) > 5 && substr($loc, 0, 5) == 'ECMR_') { $loc = CCalendar::ParseLocation($loc); if ($loc['mrid'] !== false && $loc['mrevid'] !== false) // Release MR CCalendar::ReleaseLocation($loc); } $strItems .= ",".IntVal($arRes['ID']); } // Clean from 'b_calendar_event' if ($strItems != "0") $DB->Query("DELETE FROM b_calendar_event WHERE ID in (".$strItems.")", false, "FILE: ".__FILE__."<br> LINE: ".__LINE__); CCalendar::ClearCache(array('section_list', 'event_list')); } public static function CleanEventsWithDeadParents() { global $DB; $strSql = "SELECT PARENT_ID from b_calendar_event where PARENT_ID in (SELECT ID from b_calendar_event where MEETING_STATUS='H' and DELETED='Y') AND DELETED='N'"; $res = $DB->Query($strSql, false, "FILE: ".__FILE__."<br> LINE: ".__LINE__); $strItems = "0"; while($res = $res->Fetch()) { $strItems .= ",".intval($res['ID']); } if ($strItems != "0") { $strSql = "UPDATE b_calendar_event SET ". $DB->PrepareUpdate("b_calendar_event", array("DELETED" => "Y")). " WHERE PARENT_ID in (".$strItems.")"; $DB->Query($strSql, false, "File: ".__FILE__."<br>Line: ".__LINE__); } CCalendar::ClearCache(array('section_list', 'event_list')); } public static function CheckEndUpdateAttendeesCodes($event) { if ($event['ID'] > 0 && $event['IS_MEETING'] && empty($event['ATTENDEES_CODES']) && is_array($event['~ATTENDEES'])) { $event['ATTENDEES_CODES'] = array(); foreach($event['~ATTENDEES'] as $attendee) { if (intval($attendee['USER_ID']) > 0) { $event['ATTENDEES_CODES'][] = 'U'.IntVal($attendee['USER_ID']); } } $event['ATTENDEES_CODES'] = array_unique($event['ATTENDEES_CODES']); global $DB; $strSql = "UPDATE b_calendar_event SET ". "ATTENDEES_CODES='".implode(',', $event['ATTENDEES_CODES'])."'". " WHERE PARENT_ID=".IntVal($event['ID']); $DB->Query($strSql, false, "FILE: ".__FILE__."<br> LINE: ".__LINE__); CCalendar::ClearCache(array('event_list')); } return $event['ATTENDEES_CODES']; } public static function CanView($eventId, $userId) { Loader::includeModule("calendar"); $event = CCalendarEvent::GetList( array( 'arFilter' => array( "ID" => $eventId, ), 'parseRecursion' => false, 'fetchAttendees' => true, 'checkPermissions' => true, 'userId' => $userId, ) ); if (!$event || !is_array($event[0])) { $event = CCalendarEvent::GetList( array( 'arFilter' => array( "PARENT_ID" => $eventId, "CREATED_BY" => $userId ), 'parseRecursion' => false, 'fetchAttendees' => true, 'checkPermissions' => true, 'userId' => $userId, ) ); } if ($event && is_array($event[0])) { // Event is not partly accessible - so it was not cleaned before by ApplyAccessRestrictions if (isset($event[0]['DESCRIPTION']) || isset($event[0]['IS_MEETING']) || isset($event[0]['LOCATION'])) return true; } return false; } public static function GetEventUserFields($event) { global $USER_FIELD_MANAGER; if ($event['PARENT_ID']) { $UF = $USER_FIELD_MANAGER->GetUserFields("CALENDAR_EVENT", $event['PARENT_ID'], LANGUAGE_ID); } else { $UF = $USER_FIELD_MANAGER->GetUserFields("CALENDAR_EVENT", $event['ID'], LANGUAGE_ID); } return $UF; } public static function SetExDate($exDate = array(), $untilTimestamp = false) { if ($untilTimestamp && !empty($exDate) && is_array($exDate)) { $exDateRes = array(); foreach($exDate as $date) { if (CCalendar::Timestamp($date) <= $untilTimestamp) $exDateRes[] = $date; } $exDate = $exDateRes; } return implode(';', $exDate); } public static function GetEventsByRecId($recurrenceId, $checkPermissions = true) { if ($recurrenceId > 0) { $events = CCalendarEvent::GetList( array( 'arFilter' => array( "RECURRENCE_ID" => $recurrenceId, "DELETED" => "N" ), 'parseRecursion' => false, 'fetchAttendees' => false, 'checkPermissions' => $checkPermissions, 'setDefaultLimit' => false ) ); return $events; } return array(); } public static function GetEventCommentXmlId($event) { if (is_array($event['RELATIONS']) && array_key_exists('COMMENT_XML_ID', $event['RELATIONS']) && $event['RELATIONS']['COMMENT_XML_ID']) { $commentXmlId = $event['RELATIONS']['COMMENT_XML_ID']; } else { $eventCommentId = $event['PARENT_ID'] ? $event['PARENT_ID'] : $event['ID']; $commentXmlId = "EVENT_".$eventCommentId; if (CCalendarEvent::CheckRecurcion($event)) { // We have reccurent event which was created from another reccurent event if ($event['RECURRENCE_ID']) { $commentXmlId = "EVENT_".$event['RECURRENCE_ID']; $commentXmlId .= '_'.CCalendar::Date(CCalendar::Timestamp($event['DATE_FROM']), false); } else { if (CCalendar::Date(CCalendar::Timestamp($event['DATE_FROM']), false) !== CCalendar::Date(CCalendar::Timestamp($event['~DATE_FROM']), false) && $event['RINDEX'] > 0) $commentXmlId .= '_'.CCalendar::Date(CCalendar::Timestamp($event['DATE_FROM']), false); } } } return $commentXmlId; } public static function ExtractDateFromCommentXmlId($xmlId = '') { $date = false; if ($xmlId) { $xmlAr = explode('_', $xmlId); if (is_array($xmlAr) && isset($xmlAr[2]) && $xmlAr[2]) { $date = CCalendar::Date(CCalendar::Timestamp($xmlAr[2]), false); } } return $date; } public static function GetRRULEDescription($event, $html = false, $showUntil = true) { $res = ''; if($event['RRULE']) { if(!is_array($event['RRULE'])) $event['RRULE'] = CCalendarEvent::ParseRRULE($event['RRULE']); switch($event['RRULE']['FREQ']) { case 'DAILY': if($event['RRULE']['INTERVAL'] == 1) $res = GetMessage('EC_RRULE_EVERY_DAY'); else $res = GetMessage('EC_RRULE_EVERY_DAY_1', array('#DAY#' => $event['RRULE']['INTERVAL'])); break; case 'WEEKLY': $daysList = array(); foreach($event['RRULE']['BYDAY'] as $day) $daysList[] = GetMessage('EC_'.$day); $daysList = implode(', ', $daysList); if($event['RRULE']['INTERVAL'] == 1) $res = GetMessage('EC_RRULE_EVERY_WEEK', array('#DAYS_LIST#' => $daysList)); else $res = GetMessage('EC_RRULE_EVERY_WEEK_1', array('#WEEK#' => $event['RRULE']['INTERVAL'], '#DAYS_LIST#' => $daysList)); break; case 'MONTHLY': if($event['RRULE']['INTERVAL'] == 1) $res = GetMessage('EC_RRULE_EVERY_MONTH'); else $res = GetMessage('EC_RRULE_EVERY_MONTH_1', array('#MONTH#' => $event['RRULE']['INTERVAL'])); break; case 'YEARLY': if($event['RRULE']['INTERVAL'] == 1) $res = GetMessage('EC_RRULE_EVERY_YEAR', array('#DAY#' => $event['FROM_MONTH_DAY'], '#MONTH#' => $event['FROM_MONTH'])); else $res = GetMessage('EC_RRULE_EVERY_YEAR_1', array('#YEAR#' => $event['RRULE']['INTERVAL'], '#DAY#' => $event['FROM_MONTH_DAY'], '#MONTH#' => $event['FROM_MONTH'])); break; } if ($html) $res .= '<br>'; else $res .= ', '; if (isset($event['~DATE_FROM'])) { $res .= GetMessage('EC_RRULE_FROM', array('#FROM_DATE#' => CCalendar::Date(CCalendar::Timestamp($event['~DATE_FROM']), false))); } else { $res .= GetMessage('EC_RRULE_FROM', array('#FROM_DATE#' => CCalendar::Date(CCalendar::Timestamp($event['DATE_FROM']), false))); } if($showUntil && $event['RRULE']['UNTIL'] != CCalendar::GetMaxDate()) { $res .= ' '.GetMessage('EC_RRULE_UNTIL', array('#UNTIL_DATE#' => CCalendar::Date(CCalendar::Timestamp($event['RRULE']['UNTIL']), false))); } elseif($showUntil && $event['RRULE']['COUNT'] > 0) { $res .= ', '.GetMessage('EC_RRULE_COUNT', array('#COUNT#' => $event['RRULE']['COUNT'])); } } return $res; } public static function ExcludeInstance($eventId, $excludeDate) { global $CACHE_MANAGER; $eventId = intval($eventId); $excludeDateTs = CCalendar::Timestamp($excludeDate); $excludeDate = CCalendar::Date($excludeDateTs, false); $event = CCalendarEvent::GetList( array( 'arFilter' => array( "ID" => $eventId, "DELETED" => "N" ), 'parseRecursion' => false, 'fetchAttendees' => true, 'setDefaultLimit' => false ) ); if ($event && is_array($event[0])) $event = $event[0]; if ($event && CCalendarEvent::CheckRecurcion($event) && $excludeDate) { $excludeDates = CCalendarEvent::GetExDate($event['EXDATE']); $excludeDates[] = $excludeDate; $id = CCalendar::SaveEvent(array( 'arFields' => array( 'ID' => $event['ID'], 'DATE_FROM' => $event['DATE_FROM'], 'DATE_TO' => $event['DATE_TO'], 'EXDATE' => CCalendarEvent::SetExDate($excludeDates) ), 'silentErrorMode' => false, 'recursionEditMode' => 'skip' )); foreach($event['~ATTENDEES'] as $attendee) { if ($attendee['STATUS'] == 'Y') { if ($event['DT_SKIP_TIME'] !== 'Y') { $excludeDate = CCalendar::Date(CCalendar::DateWithNewTime(CCalendar::Timestamp($event['DATE_FROM']), $excludeDateTs)); } $CACHE_MANAGER->ClearByTag('calendar_user_'.$attendee["USER_ID"]); CCalendarNotify::Send(array( "mode" => 'cancel_this', "name" => $event['NAME'], "from" => $excludeDate, "guestId" => $attendee["USER_ID"], "eventId" => $event['PARENT_ID'], "userId" => isset($event['MEETING']['MEETING_CREATOR']) ? $event['MEETING']['MEETING_CREATOR'] : $event['MEETING_HOST'], "fields" => $event )); } } } } public static function GetTextReminders($valueList = array()) { if (is_array($valueList)) { foreach($valueList as $i => $value) { $text = ''; if($value['type'] == 'min') { $value['text'] = Loc::getMessage('EC_REMIND_VIEW_'.$value['count']); if(!$value['text']) { $value['text'] = Loc::getMessage('EC_REMIND_VIEW_MIN_COUNT', array('#COUNT#' => intval($value['count']))); } } elseif($value['type'] == 'hour') { $value['text'] = Loc::getMessage('EC_REMIND_VIEW_HOUR_COUNT', array('#COUNT#' => intval($value['count']))); } elseif($value['type'] == 'day') { $value['text'] = Loc::getMessage('EC_REMIND_VIEW_DAY_COUNT', array('#COUNT#' => intval($value['count']))); } $valueList[$i] = $value; } } return $valueList; } public static function getDiskUFFileNameList($valueList = array()) { $result = array(); if ( !empty($valueList) && is_array($valueList) && Loader::includeModule('disk') ) { $attachedIdList = array(); foreach($valueList as $value) { list($type, $realValue) = FileUserType::detectType($value); if($type == FileUserType::TYPE_NEW_OBJECT) { $file = \Bitrix\Disk\File::loadById($realValue, array('STORAGE')); $result[] = strip_tags($file->getName()); } else { $attachedIdList[] = $realValue; } } if(!empty($attachedIdList)) { $attachedObjects = AttachedObject::getModelList(array( 'with' => array('OBJECT'), 'filter' => array( 'ID' => $attachedIdList ), )); foreach($attachedObjects as $attachedObject) { $file = $attachedObject->getFile(); $result[] = strip_tags($file->getName()); } } } return $result; } public static function getSearchIndexContent($eventId) { $res = ''; if (intval($eventId) > 0) { $events = \CCalendarEvent::getList( array( 'arFilter' => array( "ID" => $eventId, "DELETED" => "N" ), 'parseRecursion' => false, 'fetchAttendees' => true, 'checkPermissions' => false, 'setDefaultLimit' => false ) ); $res = is_array($events[0]) && is_array($events[0]) ? self::formatSearchIndexContent($events[0]) : ''; } return $res; } public static function getSearchIndexContentBatch($eventIdList = array()) { $res = array(); if (is_array($eventIdList)) { $events = \CCalendarEvent::getList( array( 'arFilter' => array( "ID" => $eventIdList, "DELETED" => "N" ), 'parseRecursion' => false, 'fetchAttendees' => true, 'checkPermissions' => false, 'setDefaultLimit' => false ) ); foreach($events as $event) { $res[$event['ID']] = self::formatSearchIndexContent($event); } } return $res; } public static function updateSearchIndex($eventIdList = array(), $params = array()) { global $DB; if (isset($params['events'])) { $events = $params['events']; } else { if (!is_array($eventIdList)) $eventIdList = array($eventIdList); $events = \CCalendarEvent::getList( array( 'arFilter' => array( "ID" => $eventIdList, "DELETED" => false ), 'parseRecursion' => false, 'fetchAttendees' => true, 'checkPermissions' => false, 'setDefaultLimit' => false ) ); } if (is_array($events)) { foreach($events as $event) { $content = self::formatSearchIndexContent($event); $strSql = "UPDATE b_calendar_event SET ". $DB->PrepareUpdate("b_calendar_event", array('SEARCHABLE_CONTENT' => $content)). " WHERE ID=".IntVal($event['ID']); $DB->Query($strSql, false, "File: ".__FILE__."<br>Line: ".__LINE__); } } } public static function formatSearchIndexContent($entry = array()) { $content = ''; if (!empty($entry)) { $content = static::prepareToken($entry['NAME'].' '.$entry['DESCRIPTION']); if ($entry['IS_MEETING']) { if(!empty($entry['~ATTENDEES'])) { foreach($entry['~ATTENDEES'] as $user) { $content .= ' '.static::prepareToken($user['DISPLAY_NAME']); } } if(!empty($entry['ATTENDEES_CODES'])) { $content .= ' '.static::prepareToken(join(' ', Bitrix\Socialnetwork\Item\LogIndex::getEntitiesName($entry['ATTENDEES_CODES']))); } } else { $content .= ' '.static::prepareToken(CCalendar::GetUserName($entry['CREATED_BY'])); } try { if (!empty($entry['UF_WEBDAV_CAL_EVENT']) && \Bitrix\Main\Config\Option::get('disk', 'successfully_converted', false) ) { $fileNameList = self::getDiskUFFileNameList($entry['UF_WEBDAV_CAL_EVENT']); if (!empty($fileNameList)) { $content .= ' '.static::prepareToken(join(' ', $fileNameList)); } } } catch (RuntimeException $e) { } try { if (!empty($entry['UF_CRM_CAL_EVENT']) && Loader::includeModule('crm')) { $uf = $entry['UF_CRM_CAL_EVENT']; foreach ($uf as $item) { $crmElement = explode('_', $item); $type = $crmElement[ 0 ]; $typeId = \CCrmOwnerType::ResolveID(\CCrmOwnerTypeAbbr::ResolveName($type)); $title = \CCrmOwnerType::GetCaption($typeId, $crmElement[ 1 ]); $index[] = $title; $content .= ' '.static::prepareToken($title); } } } catch (RuntimeException $e) { } } return $content; } public static function GetCount() { global $DB; $count = 0; $res = $DB->Query('select count(*) as c from b_calendar_event', false, "File: ".__FILE__."<br>Line: ".__LINE__); if($res = $res->Fetch()) { $count = $res['c']; } return $count; } public static function updateColor($eventId, $color = '') { global $DB; $strSql = "UPDATE b_calendar_event SET ". $DB->PrepareUpdate("b_calendar_event", array('COLOR' => $color)). " WHERE ID=".IntVal($eventId); $DB->Query($strSql, false, "File: ".__FILE__."<br>Line: ".__LINE__); } /** * Applies ROT13 transform to search token, in order to bypass default mysql search blacklist. * @param string $token Search token. * @return string */ public static function prepareToken($token) { return str_rot13($token); } public static function isFullTextIndexEnabled() { return COption::GetOptionString("calendar", "~ft_b_calendar_event", false); } } ?>