Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/catalog/lib/ebay/ |
Current File : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/catalog/lib/ebay/exportoffer.php |
<?php namespace Bitrix\Catalog\Ebay; use Bitrix\Main, Bitrix\Main\SystemException, Bitrix\Currency; class ExportOffer implements \Iterator { /*Constructor input vars*/ protected $iBlockId; protected $xmlData; /*Counted by constructor vars*/ protected $bAllSections; protected $arSections = array(); protected $arIblock; protected $startPosition = null; protected $includeSubsections = true; protected $intMaxSectionID = 0; protected $arSectionIDs = array(); /*Iterator vars*/ protected $currentKey = 0; protected $currentRecord = array(); /*other vars*/ protected $cnt = 0; /** @var null|\CIBlockResult $dbItems */ protected $dbItems = NULL; protected $catalogType; protected $onlyAvailableElements = false; // export with flag "available" public function __construct($catalogType, $params) { if(!isset($params["IBLOCK_ID"]) || intval($params["IBLOCK_ID"]) <= 0) throw new SystemException("Incorrect iBlock ID (".__CLASS__."::".__METHOD__.")"); $this->catalogType = $catalogType; $this->iBlockId = $params["IBLOCK_ID"]; $this->xmlData = $params["XML_DATA"]; $this->arIblock = $this->getIblockProps($params["SETUP_SERVER_NAME"]); $this->arSections = $this->getSections($params["PRODUCT_GROUPS"]); if(isset($params["START_POSITION"]) && $params["START_POSITION"]) $this->startPosition = $params["START_POSITION"]; if(isset($params["INCLUDE_SUBSECTION"])) $this->includeSubsections = $params["INCLUDE_SUBSECTION"]; $this->bAllSections = in_array(0, $this->arSections) ? true : false; $availGroups = $this->getAvailGroups(); $this->intMaxSectionID = $this->getMaxSectionId($availGroups); $this->arSectionIDs = $this->getSectionIDs($availGroups); } /*Iterator methods*/ /** * Return the current element. * * @return array */ public function current() { return $this->currentRecord; } /** * Return the key of the current element. * * @return int */ public function key() { return $this->currentKey; } /** * Move forward to next element. * * @return void */ public function next() { $this->currentKey++; $this->currentRecord = $this->nextItem(); $this->checkDiscountCache(); } /** * Rewind the Iterator to the first element. * * @return void */ public function rewind() { $this->currentKey = 0; $this->dbItems = $this->createDbResObject(); $this->currentRecord = $this->nextItem(); $this->cnt = 100; $this->checkDiscountCache(); } /** * Checks if current position is valid. * * @return bool */ public function valid () { return is_array($this->currentRecord); } protected function createDbResObject() { // order need for limiting by ID $order = array("ID" => "ASC"); $arSelect = array("ID", "LID", "IBLOCK_ID", "IBLOCK_SECTION_ID", "NAME", "PREVIEW_PICTURE", "PREVIEW_TEXT", "PREVIEW_TEXT_TYPE", "DETAIL_PICTURE", "LANG_DIR", "DETAIL_PAGE_URL", "DETAIL_TEXT"); $filter = array("IBLOCK_ID" => $this->iBlockId); // if set start position - limit result by ID if($this->startPosition) $filter[">=ID"] = $this->startPosition; if (!$this->bAllSections && !empty($this->arSections)) { $filter["INCLUDE_SUBSECTIONS"] = $this->includeSubsections ? "Y" : "N"; $filter["SECTION_ID"] = $this->arSections; } if($this->onlyAvailableElements) $filter["CATALOG_AVAILABLE"] = "Y"; $filter["ACTIVE"] = "Y"; $filter["SECTION_GLOBAL_ACTIVE"] = "Y"; $filter["ACTIVE_DATE"] = "Y"; return \CIBlockElement::GetList($order, $filter, false, false, $arSelect); } protected function getMaxSectionId(array $arAvailGroups) { $result = 0; foreach($arAvailGroups as $group) if ($result < $group["ID"]) $result = $group["ID"]; $result += 100000000; return $result; } protected function getAvailGroups() { $arAvailGroups = array(); if (!$this->bAllSections) { for ($i = 0, $intSectionsCount = count($this->arSections); $i < $intSectionsCount; $i++) { $db_res = \CIBlockSection::GetNavChain($this->iBlockId, $this->arSections[$i]); $curLEFT_MARGIN = 0; $curRIGHT_MARGIN = 0; while ($ar_res = $db_res->Fetch()) { $curLEFT_MARGIN = (int)$ar_res["LEFT_MARGIN"]; $curRIGHT_MARGIN = (int)$ar_res["RIGHT_MARGIN"]; $arAvailGroups[$ar_res["ID"]] = array( "ID" => (int)$ar_res["ID"], "IBLOCK_SECTION_ID" => (int)$ar_res["IBLOCK_SECTION_ID"], "NAME" => $ar_res["NAME"] ); } $filter = array("IBLOCK_ID"=>$this->iBlockId, ">LEFT_MARGIN"=>$curLEFT_MARGIN, "<RIGHT_MARGIN"=>$curRIGHT_MARGIN, "ACTIVE"=>"Y", "IBLOCK_ACTIVE"=>"Y", "GLOBAL_ACTIVE"=>"Y"); $db_res = \CIBlockSection::GetList(array("left_margin"=>"asc"), $filter); while ($ar_res = $db_res->Fetch()) { $arAvailGroups[$ar_res["ID"]] = array( "ID" => (int)$ar_res["ID"], "IBLOCK_SECTION_ID" => (int)$ar_res["IBLOCK_SECTION_ID"], "NAME" => $ar_res["NAME"] ); } } } else { $filter = array("IBLOCK_ID"=>$this->iBlockId, "ACTIVE"=>"Y", "IBLOCK_ACTIVE"=>"Y", "GLOBAL_ACTIVE"=>"Y"); $db_res = \CIBlockSection::GetList(array("left_margin"=>"asc"), $filter); while ($ar_res = $db_res->Fetch()) { $arAvailGroups[$ar_res["ID"]] = array( "ID" => (int)$ar_res["ID"], "IBLOCK_SECTION_ID" => (int)$ar_res["IBLOCK_SECTION_ID"], "NAME" => $ar_res["NAME"] ); } } return $arAvailGroups; } protected function getSections($selectedGroups) { $arSections = array(); if (is_array($selectedGroups)) { foreach ($selectedGroups as $value) { $arSections[] = (int)$value; if ($value == 0) break; } } return $arSections; } protected function getIblockProps($serverName) { $dbIblock = \CIBlock::GetByID($this->iBlockId); $arIblock = $dbIblock->Fetch(); if($arIblock) { if (strlen($serverName) <= 0) { if (strlen($arIblock['SERVER_NAME']) <= 0) { $b = "sort"; $o = "asc"; $rsSite = \CSite::GetList($b, $o, array("LID" => $arIblock["LID"])); if($arSite = $rsSite->Fetch()) $arIblock["SERVER_NAME"] = $arSite["SERVER_NAME"]; if(strlen($arIblock["SERVER_NAME"])<=0 && defined("SITE_SERVER_NAME")) $arIblock["SERVER_NAME"] = SITE_SERVER_NAME; if(strlen($arIblock["SERVER_NAME"])<=0) $arIblock["SERVER_NAME"] = \COption::GetOptionString("main", "server_name", ""); } } else { $arIblock['SERVER_NAME'] = $serverName; } $arIblock['PROPERTY'] = array(); $rsProps = \CIBlockProperty::GetList( array('SORT' => 'ASC', 'NAME' => 'ASC'), array('IBLOCK_ID' => $this->iBlockId, 'ACTIVE' => 'Y', 'CHECK_PERMISSIONS' => 'N') ); while ($arProp = $rsProps->Fetch()) { $arProp['ID'] = (int)$arProp['ID']; $arProp['USER_TYPE'] = (string)$arProp['USER_TYPE']; $arProp['CODE'] = (string)$arProp['CODE']; $arIblock['PROPERTY'][$arProp['ID']] = $arProp; } } return $arIblock; } protected function getQuantity($productId) { $result = 0; $rsProducts = \CCatalogProduct::GetList( array(), array('ID' => $productId), false, false, array('ID', 'QUANTITY', 'QUANTITY_TRACE', 'CAN_BUY_ZERO') ); if ($arProduct = $rsProducts->Fetch()) { $arProduct['QUANTITY'] = doubleval($arProduct['QUANTITY']); if (0 >= $arProduct['QUANTITY'] && ('Y' != $arProduct['QUANTITY_TRACE'] || 'N' != $arProduct['CAN_BUY_ZERO'])) $result = 1; else $result = $arProduct['QUANTITY']; } return $result; } /** * Return ruble currency code. * * @return string */ public static function getRub() { $currencyList = Currency\CurrencyManager::getCurrencyList(); return (isset($currencyList['RUR']) ? 'RUR' : 'RUB'); } /** * Change setting "export only available elements". * * @param bool $flag */ public function setOnlyAvailableFlag($flag) { if($flag) $this->onlyAvailableElements = true; else $this->onlyAvailableElements = false; } protected function getPrices($productId, $siteId) { $minPrice = 0; $minPriceRUR = 0; $minPriceGroup = 0; $minPriceCurrency = ""; $baseCurrency = Currency\CurrencyManager::getBaseCurrency(); $RUR = $this->getRub(); if ($this->xmlData['PRICE'] > 0) { $rsPrices = \CPrice::GetListEx(array(),array( 'PRODUCT_ID' => $productId, 'CATALOG_GROUP_ID' => $this->xmlData['PRICE'], 'CAN_BUY' => 'Y', 'GROUP_GROUP_ID' => array(2), '+<=QUANTITY_FROM' => 1, '+>=QUANTITY_TO' => 1, ) ); if ($arPrice = $rsPrices->Fetch()) { if ($arOptimalPrice = \CCatalogProduct::GetOptimalPrice( $productId, 1, array(2), // anonymous 'N', array($arPrice), $siteId )) { $minPrice = $arOptimalPrice['RESULT_PRICE']['DISCOUNT_PRICE']; $minPriceCurrency = $baseCurrency; $minPriceRUR = \CCurrencyRates::ConvertCurrency($minPrice, $baseCurrency, $RUR); $minPriceGroup = $arOptimalPrice['PRICE']['CATALOG_GROUP_ID']; } } } else { if ($arPrice = \CCatalogProduct::GetOptimalPrice( $productId, 1, array(2), // anonymous 'N', array(), $siteId )) { $minPrice = $arPrice['RESULT_PRICE']['DISCOUNT_PRICE']; $minPriceCurrency = $baseCurrency; $minPriceRUR = \CCurrencyRates::ConvertCurrency($minPrice, $baseCurrency, $RUR); $minPriceGroup = $arPrice['PRICE']['CATALOG_GROUP_ID']; } } $result = array( "MIN" => $minPrice, "MIN_RUB" => $minPriceRUR, "MIN_GROUP" => $minPriceGroup, "MIN_CURRENCY" => $minPriceCurrency ); return $result; } protected function getDetailPageUrl($detailPageUrl) { if (strlen($detailPageUrl) <= 0) $detailPageUrl = '/'; else $detailPageUrl = str_replace(' ', '%20', $detailPageUrl); $result = "http://".$this->arIblock['SERVER_NAME'].Main\Text\HtmlFilter::encode($detailPageUrl); return $result; } protected function getPictureUrl($pictNo) { $strFile = ""; if ($file = \CFile::GetFileArray($pictNo)) { if(substr($file["SRC"], 0, 1) == "/") $strFile = "http://".$this->arIblock['SERVER_NAME'].implode("/", array_map("rawurlencode", explode("/", $file["SRC"]))); elseif(preg_match("/^(http|https):\\/\\/(.*?)\\/(.*)\$/", $file["SRC"], $match)) $strFile = "http://".$match[2].'/'.implode("/", array_map("rawurlencode", explode("/", $match[3]))); else $strFile = $file["SRC"]; } return $strFile; } protected function getParams($product, $arIblock) { if (isset($arIblock['PROPERTY'])) $arProperties = $arIblock['PROPERTY']; else $arProperties = array(); $arUserTypeFormat = array(); foreach($arProperties as $key => $arProperty) { $arUserTypeFormat[$arProperty["ID"]] = false; if (strlen($arProperty["USER_TYPE"])) { $arUserType = \CIBlockProperty::GetUserType($arProperty["USER_TYPE"]); if (array_key_exists("GetPublicViewHTML", $arUserType)) { $arUserTypeFormat[$arProperty["ID"]] = $arUserType["GetPublicViewHTML"]; $arProperties[$key]['PROPERTY_TYPE'] = 'USER_TYPE'; } } } $result = array(); if (is_array($this->xmlData) && is_array($this->xmlData['XML_DATA']) && is_array($this->xmlData['XML_DATA']['PARAMS'])) { foreach ($this->xmlData['XML_DATA']['PARAMS'] as $key => $propId) { if ($propId) $result[] = $this->getValue($product, 'PARAM_'.$key, $propId, $arProperties, $arUserTypeFormat); } } return $result; } protected function getValue($arOffer, $param, $PROPERTY, $arProperties, $arUserTypeFormat) { $result = array(); $bParam = (strncmp($param, 'PARAM_', 6) == 0); if (isset($arProperties[$PROPERTY]) && !empty($arProperties[$PROPERTY])) { $PROPERTY_CODE = $arProperties[$PROPERTY]['CODE']; $arProperty = ( isset($arOffer['PROPERTIES'][$PROPERTY_CODE]) ? $arOffer['PROPERTIES'][$PROPERTY_CODE] : $arOffer['PROPERTIES'][$PROPERTY] ); $value = array(); if(!is_array($arProperty["VALUE"])) $arProperty["VALUE"] = array($arProperty["VALUE"]); switch ($arProperties[$PROPERTY]['PROPERTY_TYPE']) { case 'USER_TYPE': foreach($arProperty["VALUE"] as $oneValue) { $value[] = call_user_func_array($arUserTypeFormat[$PROPERTY], array( $arProperty, array("VALUE" => $oneValue), array('MODE' => 'SIMPLE_TEXT'), )); } break; case 'E': $arCheckValue = array(); foreach ($arProperty['VALUE'] as &$intValue) { $intValue = (int)$intValue; if (0 < $intValue) $arCheckValue[] = $intValue; } if (isset($intValue)) unset($intValue); if (!empty($arCheckValue)) { $dbRes = \CIBlockElement::GetList(array(), array('IBLOCK_ID' => $arProperties[$PROPERTY]['LINK_IBLOCK_ID'], 'ID' => $arCheckValue), false, false, array('NAME')); while ($arRes = $dbRes->Fetch()) { $value[] = $arRes['NAME']; } } break; case 'G': $arCheckValue = array(); foreach ($arProperty['VALUE'] as &$intValue) { $intValue = (int)$intValue; if (0 < $intValue) $arCheckValue[] = $intValue; } if (isset($intValue)) unset($intValue); if (!empty($arCheckValue)) { $dbRes = \CIBlockSection::GetList(array(), array('IBLOCK_ID' => $arProperty['LINK_IBLOCK_ID'], 'ID' => $arCheckValue), false, array('NAME')); while ($arRes = $dbRes->Fetch()) { $value[] = $arRes['NAME']; } } break; case 'L': $value .= $arProperty['VALUE']; break; case 'F': foreach ($arProperty['VALUE'] as &$intValue) { $intValue = (int)$intValue; if ($intValue > 0) { if ($ar_file = \CFile::GetFileArray($intValue)) { if(substr($ar_file["SRC"], 0, 1) == "/") $strFile = "http://".$this->arIblock["SERVER_NAME"].implode("/", array_map("rawurlencode", explode("/", $ar_file["SRC"]))); elseif(preg_match("/^(http|https):\\/\\/(.*?)\\/(.*)\$/", $ar_file["SRC"], $match)) $strFile = "http://".$match[2].'/'.implode("/", array_map("rawurlencode", explode("/", $match[3]))); else $strFile = $ar_file["SRC"]; $value[] = $strFile; } } } if (isset($intValue)) unset($intValue); break; default: $value = $arProperty['VALUE']; } if(is_array($value) && count($value) == 1) $value = implode("", $value); if ($bParam) { $result[$param] = array( "NAME" => $arProperties[$PROPERTY]['NAME'], "VALUES" => $value, ); } else { $result[$param] = $value; } } return $result; } protected function getCategories($productId) { $boolCurrentSections = false; $result = array(); $dbElementGroups = \CIBlockElement::GetElementGroups($productId, false, array('ID', 'ADDITIONAL_PROPERTY_ID')); while ($arElementGroup = $dbElementGroups->Fetch()) { if (0 < (int)$arElementGroup['ADDITIONAL_PROPERTY_ID']) continue; $boolCurrentSections = true; if (in_array((int)$arElementGroup["ID"], $this->arSectionIDs)) $result[] = $arElementGroup["ID"]; } if (!$boolCurrentSections) $result[] = $this->intMaxSectionID; return $result; } protected function getSectionIDs(array $availGroups) { if (!empty($availGroups)) $arSectionIDs = array_keys($availGroups); else $arSectionIDs = array(); return $arSectionIDs; } protected function checkDiscountCache() { $this->cnt++; if (100 <= $this->cnt) { $this->cnt = 0; \CCatalogDiscount::ClearDiscountCache(array( 'PRODUCT' => true, 'SECTIONS' => true, 'PROPERTIES' => true, )); } } protected function nextItem() { if(!$obElement = $this->dbItems->GetNextElement()) return false; $arItem = $obElement->GetFields(); $arItem['PROPERTIES'] = $obElement->GetProperties(); $arItem["QUANTITY"] = $this->getQuantity($arItem["ID"]); $arItem["PRICES"] = $this->getPrices($arItem["ID"], $this->arIblock['LID']); $arItem["CATEGORIES"] = $this->getCategories($arItem["ID"]); $arItem["DETAIL_PICTURE_URL"] = $this->getPictureUrl((int)$arItem["DETAIL_PICTURE"]); $arItem["PREVIEW_PICTURE_URL"] = $this->getPictureUrl((int)$arItem["PREVIEW_PICTURE"]); $arItem["PARAMS"] = $this->getParams($arItem, $this->arIblock); $arItem["DETAIL_PAGE_URL"] = $this->getDetailPageUrl($arItem["~DETAIL_PAGE_URL"]); return $arItem; } }