Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/catalog/lib/product/ |
Current File : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/catalog/lib/product/price.php |
<?php namespace Bitrix\Catalog\Product; use Bitrix\Main, Bitrix\Catalog; /** * Class Price * Provides various useful methods for prices. * * @package Bitrix\Catalog\Product */ class Price { /* cache id template */ const CACHE_ID = 'catalog_price_round_'; /* cache time */ const CACHE_TIME = 360000; /* maximal precision */ const VALUE_EPS = 1E-5; /* static cache */ protected static $roundRules = array(); /** * Handler onAfterUpdateCurrencyBaseRate for update field PRICE_SCALE after change currency base rate. * * @param Main\Event $event Event data (old and new currency rate). * @return void */ public static function handlerAfterUpdateCurrencyBaseRate(Main\Event $event) { $params = $event->getParameters(); if (empty($params)) return; $oldBaseRate = (float)$params['OLD_BASE_RATE']; if ($oldBaseRate < 1E-4) return; $currentBaseRate = (float)$params['CURRENT_BASE_RATE']; if (abs($currentBaseRate - $oldBaseRate)/$oldBaseRate < 1E-4) return; $currency = $params['CURRENCY']; $conn = Main\Application::getConnection(); $helper = $conn->getSqlHelper(); $query = 'update '.$helper->quote(Catalog\PriceTable::getTableName()). ' set '.$helper->quote('PRICE_SCALE').' = '.$helper->quote('PRICE').' * '.$currentBaseRate. ' where '.$helper->quote('CURRENCY').' = \''.$helper->forSql($currency).'\''; $conn->queryExecute($query); if (defined('BX_COMP_MANAGED_CACHE')) { $taggedCache = Main\Application::getInstance()->getTaggedCache(); $taggedCache->clearByTag('currency_id_'.$currency); } } /** * Load round rules list for price types. * * @param array $priceTypes Price type ids. * @return void */ public static function loadRoundRules(array $priceTypes) { if (empty($priceTypes)) return; Main\Type\Collection::normalizeArrayValuesByInt($priceTypes); if (empty($priceTypes)) return; $skipCache = (defined('CATALOG_SKIP_CACHE') && CATALOG_SKIP_CACHE); $cacheTime = (int)self::CACHE_TIME; /** @var \Bitrix\Main\Data\ManagedCache $managedCache */ $managedCache = Main\Application::getInstance()->getManagedCache(); $needLoad = array(); foreach ($priceTypes as $priceTypeId) { if (!isset(self::$roundRules[$priceTypeId])) { $rulesFound = false; $cacheId = static::getRulesCacheId($priceTypeId); if (!$skipCache) { $cacheExist = $managedCache->read($cacheTime, $cacheId, Catalog\RoundingTable::getTableName()); if ($cacheExist) { $rulesFound = true; self::$roundRules[$priceTypeId] = $managedCache->get($cacheId); } } if ($skipCache || !$rulesFound) $needLoad[] = $priceTypeId; unset($cacheId, $rulesFound); } } unset($priceTypeId); if (!empty($needLoad)) { foreach ($needLoad as $priceTypeId) self::$roundRules[$priceTypeId] = array(); unset($priceTypeId); $iterator = Catalog\RoundingTable::getList(array( 'select' => array('PRICE', 'ROUND_TYPE', 'ROUND_PRECISION', 'CATALOG_GROUP_ID'), 'filter' => array('@CATALOG_GROUP_ID' => $needLoad), 'order' => array('CATALOG_GROUP_ID' => 'ASC', 'PRICE' => 'DESC') )); while ($row = $iterator->fetch()) { $priceTypeId = (int)$row['CATALOG_GROUP_ID']; self::$roundRules[$priceTypeId][] = $row; unset($priceTypeId); } unset($row, $iterator); if (!$skipCache) { foreach ($needLoad as $priceTypeId) $managedCache->set(static::getRulesCacheId($priceTypeId), self::$roundRules[$priceTypeId]); unset($priceType); } } unset($needLoad); unset($managedCache, $cacheTime, $skipCache); } /** * Return round rules list for price type. * * @param int $priceType Price type id. * @return array */ public static function getRoundRules($priceType) { $priceType = (int)$priceType; if ($priceType <= 0) return array(); if (!isset(self::$roundRules[$priceType])) static::loadRoundRules(array($priceType)); return self::$roundRules[$priceType]; } /** * Clear cache rules for price type. * * @param int $priceType Price type id. * @return void */ public static function clearRoundRulesCache($priceType) { $priceType = (int)$priceType; if ($priceType <= 0) return; if (isset(self::$roundRules[$priceType])) unset(self::$roundRules[$priceType]); Main\Application::getInstance()->getManagedCache()->clean( static::getRulesCacheId($priceType), Catalog\RoundingTable::getTableName() ); } /** * Get rule for price value. * * @param int $priceType Price type id. * @param float|int $price Price value. * @param string $currency Price currency. * @return array */ public static function searchRoundRule( $priceType, $price, /** @noinspection PhpUnusedParameterInspection */ $currency = '' ) { $rules = static::getRoundRules($priceType); if (empty($rules)) return array(); foreach ($rules as $row) { if ($row['PRICE'] < $price) return $row; } return array(); } /** * Round price. * * @param int $priceType Price type id. * @param float|int $price Price value. * @param string $currency Currency. * @return float|int */ public static function roundPrice($priceType, $price, $currency) { $price = (float)$price; if ($price <= 0) return $price; $priceType = (int)$priceType; if ($priceType <= 0) return $price; $rule = static::searchRoundRule($priceType, $price, $currency); if (empty($rule)) return $price; return static::roundValue($price, $rule['ROUND_PRECISION'], $rule['ROUND_TYPE']); } /** * Round value with arbitrary precision. * * @param float|int $value Round value. * @param float|int $precision Precision. * @param int $type Round type. * @return float|int */ public static function roundValue($value, $precision, $type) { $type = (int)$type; if (!in_array($type, Catalog\RoundingTable::getRoundTypes(false))) return $value; $precision = (float)$precision; if ($precision <= 0) return 0; if ($precision >= 1) $precision = (int)$precision; $value = (float)$value; if (abs($value) <= self::VALUE_EPS) return 0; return ($precision < 1 ? static::roundFraction($value, $precision, $type) : static::roundWhole($value, $precision, $type) ); } /** * Return cache id for price type. * * @param string|int $priceType Price type id. * @return string */ protected static function getRulesCacheId($priceType) { return self::CACHE_ID.$priceType; } /** * Round whole part. * * @param float|int $value Round value. * @param float|int $precision Precision. * @param int $type Round type. * @return float|int */ protected static function roundWhole($value, $precision, $type) { $quotient = $value/$precision; $quotientFloor = floor($quotient); switch ($type) { case Catalog\RoundingTable::ROUND_UP: if (($quotient - $quotientFloor) > self::VALUE_EPS) $quotientFloor += 1; break; case Catalog\RoundingTable::ROUND_DOWN: break; case Catalog\RoundingTable::ROUND_MATH: default: if (($quotient - $quotientFloor) >= .5) $quotientFloor += 1; break; } return $quotientFloor*$precision; } /** * Round fraction part. * * @param float|int $value Round value. * @param float|int $precision Precision. * @param int $type Round type. * @return float */ protected static function roundFraction($value, $precision, $type) { $valueFloor = floor($value); $fraction = $value - $valueFloor; if ($fraction <= self::VALUE_EPS) return $value; return $valueFloor + static::roundWhole($fraction, $precision, $type); } }