Mini Shell

Mini Shell

Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/controller/lang/en/admin/
Upload File :
Create Path :
Current File : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/controller/lang/en/admin/controller_update.php

$MESS["SUP_TITLE_BASE"] = "SiteUpdate";
$MESS["SUP_CHECK_UPDATES"] = "Check for updates";
$MESS["SUP_SETTINGS"] = "Modify settings";
$MESS["SUP_HISTORY"] = "History of updates";
$MESS["SUP_REGISTERED"] = "Registered for:";
$MESS["SUP_LICENSE_KEY"] = "License key";
$MESS["SUP_EDITION"] = "Edition:";
$MESS["SUP_ACTIVE"] = "Updates are available:";
$MESS["SUP_SERVER"] = "Update server:";
$MESS["SUP_STABLE_OFF_PROMT"] = "Beta versions of updates are allowed to be installed on your site. If you prefer to install only stable updates, please disable beta versions in the update system settings.";
$MESS["SUP_STABLE_ON_PROMT"] = "Only stable updates are allowed to be installed on your site. If you want to download and the install beta versions of system updates, please enable beta versions in the update system settings.";
$MESS["SUP_CANT_CONNECT"] = "Cannot connect to the update server";
$MESS["SUP_ERROR"] = "Error";
$MESS["SUP_TAB_UPDATES"] = "Install updates";
$MESS["SUP_TAB_UPDATES_ALT"] = "Install updates for your site";
$MESS["SUP_TAB_UPDATES_LIST_ALT"] = "Choose updates to install";
$MESS["SUP_TAB_SETTINGS"] = "Settings";
$MESS["SUP_SUBT_LICENCE"] = "License agreement";
$MESS["SUP_SUBT_LICENCE_HINT"] = "You have to accept the new license agreement before using the update system";
$MESS["SUP_SUBT_LICENCE_BUTTON"] = "View the license agreement";
$MESS["SUP_SUBT_AGREE"] = "I accept the license agreement";
$MESS["SUP_APPLY"] = "Apply";
$MESS["SUP_SUBT_ERROR_LICENCE"] = "Error accepting the license agreement";
$MESS["SUP_SUBK_KEY"] = "Enter license key";
$MESS["SUP_SUBK_HINT"] = "Please type the license key of your product copy. You can find the license key on the CD box or in the e-mail message. The license key must be in the following format: <span style=\"white-space:nowrap\">SMX-XX-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX</span>, where X is an arbitrary digit or letter.";
$MESS["SUP_SUBK_GET_KEY"] = "Get a trial license key";
$MESS["SUP_SUBK_BUTTON"] = "Enter license key";
$MESS["SUP_SUBK_PROMT"] = "License key";
$MESS["SUP_SUBK_SAVE"] = "Save license key";
$MESS["SUP_SUBK_NO_KEY"] = "No license key is specified";
$MESS["SUP_SUBK_ERROR"] = "Error saving the license key";
$MESS["SUP_SUBA_ACTIVATE"] = "Activate license key";
$MESS["SUP_SUBA_ACTIVATE_HINT"] = "You have to activate your license key before using the update system";
$MESS["SUP_SUBA_REGINFO"] = "Registration information";
$MESS["SUP_SUBA_RI_NAME"] = "Key owner (company name or person)";
$MESS["SUP_SUBA_RI_NAME1"] = "The name of company or person who owns this product copy";
$MESS["SUP_SUBA_RI_EMAIL"] = "E-mail address for licensing and usage contacts";
$MESS["SUP_SUBA_RI_EMAIL1"] = "This e-mail address can be used for correspondence regarding licensing and usage issues";
$MESS["SUP_SUBA_RI_CONTACT_PERSON"] = "Contact person responsible for this product copy";
$MESS["SUP_SUBA_RI_CONTACT_PERSON1"] = "First and last names of responsible person";
$MESS["SUP_SUBA_RI_CONTACT_EMAIL"] = "E-mail address for technical contacts";
$MESS["SUP_SUBA_RI_CONTACT_EMAIL1"] = "E-mail address for technical contacts, registration information delivery and techsupport subscription reminders";
$MESS["SUP_SUBA_RI_CONTACT_PHONE"] = "Contact person phone";
$MESS["SUP_SUBA_RI_CONTACT_PHONE1"] = "Contact person phone";
$MESS["SUP_SUBA_RI_CONTACT"] = "Contact information";
$MESS["SUP_SUBA_RI_CONTACT1"] = "Address and/or other contacts of the product copy owner";
$MESS["SUP_SUBA_RI_URI"] = "Site address";
$MESS["SUP_SUBA_RI_URI1"] = "All domains that the site will operate, including those under construction";
$MESS["SUP_SUBA_RI_PHONE"] = "Phone number of the product copy owner";
$MESS["SUP_SUBA_RI_PHONE1"] = "Phone number of the product copy owner (company or person)";
$MESS["SUP_SUBA_USERINFO"] = "Username at the Bitrix company site";
$MESS["SUP_SUBA_UI_HINT"] = "If you are not registered at <a href=\"http://www.bitrixsoft.com\" target=\"_blank\">www.bitrixsoft.com</a>, please ensure that the \"Create user\" option is checked, and enter your information (first and last names, login and password) in the form fields. Having registered at www.bitrixsoft.com enables you to use the <a href=\"http://www.bitrixsoft.com/support/\" target=\"_blank\">techsupport service</a> and the <a href=\"http://www.bitrixsoft.com/support/forum/\" target=\"_blank\">private forum</a> to resolve your problems and get answers to your questions.";
$MESS["SUP_SUBA_UI_CREATE"] = "Create user at www.bitrixsoft.com";
$MESS["SUP_SUBA__UI_NAME"] = "First name";
$MESS["SUP_SUBA_UI_LASTNAME"] = "Last name";
$MESS["SUP_SUBA_UI_LOGIN"] = "Login (at least 3 symbols)";
$MESS["SUP_SUBA_UI_PASSWORD_CONF"] = "Confirm password";
$MESS["SUP_SUBA_FE_NAME"] = "Company (or individual person) name";
$MESS["SUP_SUBA_FE_EMAIL"] = "Contact e-mail";
$MESS["SUP_SUBA_FE_CONTACT"] = "Contact information";
$MESS["SUP_SUBA_FE_URI"] = "Site address";
$MESS["SUP_SUBA_FE_CONTACT_PERSON"] = "Contact person";
$MESS["SUP_SUBA_FE_FNAME"] = "First name";
$MESS["SUP_SUBA_FE_LNAME"] = "Last name";
$MESS["SUP_SUBA_FE_LOGIN"] = "User login";
$MESS["SUP_SUBA_FE_PASSWORD_CONF"] = "Confirm password";
$MESS["SUP_SUBA_FE_CONF_ERR"] = "The password confirmation does not match the password";
$MESS["SUP_SUBA_FE_PROMT"] = "Fields with errors";
$MESS["SUP_SUBA_FE_ERRGEN"] = "Error activating the key";
$MESS["SUP_SUBU_UPDATE"] = "Updating the update system";
$MESS["SUP_SUBU_HINT"] = "A new version of the update system is available. You have to install it before you continue";
$MESS["SUP_SUBU_BUTTON"] = "Update SiteUpdate";
$MESS["SUP_SUBU_ERROR"] = "Error updating";
$MESS["SUP_SUBR_REG"] = "Product registration";
$MESS["SUP_SUBR_HINT"] = "Your license allows you to obtain the fully-functional version of the system. Time-based evaluation restrictions do not apply to the fully-functional version.";
$MESS["SUP_SUBR_BUTTON"] = "Register";
$MESS["SUP_SUBR_ERR"] = "Error registering";
$MESS["SUP_SUBS_SOURCES"] = "Download source code";
$MESS["SUP_SUBS_HINT"] = "Your license permits you to obtain the source code of the system modules. This requires that you have the latest versions of all modules installed on your system (in other words, no updates may be available). If any of the module updates are available, please install them first.";
$MESS["SUP_SUBS_BUTTON"] = "Download source code";
$MESS["SUP_INITIAL"] = "Initialising...";
$MESS["SUP_SUBS_SUCCESS"] = "The source code has been downloaded successfully";
$MESS["SUP_SUBS_MED"] = "Downloaded source code for";
$MESS["SUP_SUB_SUCCESS"] = "Updates has been installed successfully";
$MESS["SUP_SUB_ERROR"] = "Some updates could not be installed";
$MESS["SUP_SUB_PROGRESS"] = "Installing updates";
$MESS["SUP_SUB_STOP"] = "Stop";
$MESS["SUP_SU_TITLE1"] = "Install updates";
$MESS["SUP_SU_TITLE2"] = "The system has been updated";
$MESS["SUP_SU_RECOMEND"] = "Recommended updates";
$MESS["SUP_SU_RECOMEND_MOD"] = "for <b>#NUM#</b> modules";
$MESS["SUP_SU_RECOMEND_LAN"] = "for <b>#NUM#</b> language files";
$MESS["SUP_SU_OPTION"] = "Optional updates";
$MESS["SUP_SU_OPTION_LAN"] = "for <b>#NUM#</b> language files";
$MESS["SUP_SU_OPTION_HELP"] = "<b>#NUM#</b> updates of help section";
$MESS["SUP_SU_UPD_HINT"] = "You are strongly recommended to install all the available updates to get new features, improve security and performance of your site.";
$MESS["SUP_SU_UPD_BUTTON"] = "Install recommended updates";
$MESS["SUP_SU_UPD_VIEW"] = "View updates list";
$MESS["SUP_SU_UPD_INSMED"] = "Installed update";
$MESS["SUP_SU_UPD_INSSUC"] = "Successfully installed updates";
$MESS["SUP_SUBI_CHECK"] = "Last check for updates";
$MESS["SUP_SUBI_UPD"] = "Updates has been installed";
$MESS["SUP_SULL_CNT"] = "Available updates";
$MESS["SUP_SULL_BUTTON"] = "Install updates";
$MESS["SUP_SULL_CBT"] = "Select all/Select none";
$MESS["SUP_SULL_NAME"] = "Name";
$MESS["SUP_SULL_TYPE"] = "Type";
$MESS["SUP_SULL_REL"] = "Version";
$MESS["SUP_SULL_NOTE"] = "Details";
$MESS["SUP_SULL_VERSION"] = "Version #VER#";
$MESS["SUP_SULL_MODULE"] = "Module &quot;#NAME#&quot;";
$MESS["SUP_SULL_REF_O"] = "Update";
$MESS["SUP_SULL_REF_N"] = "New";
$MESS["SUP_SULL_NOTE_D"] = "Details";
$MESS["SUP_SULL_LANG"] = "Language files for &quot;#NAME#&quot;";
$MESS["SUP_SULL_HELP"] = "Help section for &quot;#NAME#&quot;";
$MESS["SUP_SULL_ADD"] = "Additional";
$MESS["SUP_SULL_ADD1"] = "Help section in other languages";
$MESS["SUP_SULD_DESC"] = "Description";
$MESS["SUP_SULD_CLOSE"] = "Hide description";
$MESS["SUP_SUAC_COUP"] = "Activate coupon";
$MESS["SUP_SUAC_LIMIT"] = "You can create not more than 2 site(s) using this product copy.";
$MESS["SUP_SUAC_HINT"] = "Activate your coupon to renew the techsupport subscription, activate more sites or switch to another product edition.";
$MESS["SUP_SUAC_PROMT"] = "Enter the coupon code";
$MESS["SUP_SUAC_BUTTON"] = "Activate coupon";
$MESS["SUP_SUAC_SUCCESS"] = "The coupon has been activated successfully";
$MESS["SUP_SUAC_ERROR"] = "Error activating the coupon";
$MESS["SUP_SUAC_NO_COUP"] = "Please provide the coupon code to activate";
$MESS["SUP_SUBV_BETA"] = "Change beta version installation mode";
$MESS["SUP_SUBV_HINT"] = "A \"Beta version\" is an update that has been tested internally by the developers prior to its release. Beta versions include latest changes and fixes, and are relatively stable but may cause errors in some cases.";
$MESS["SUP_SUBV_STABB"] = "Allow only stable updates";
$MESS["SUP_SUBV_BETB"] = "Allow beta versions";
$MESS["SUP_SUBV_ERROR"] = "Error changing the mode";
$MESS["SUP_SUSU_TITLE"] = "Update notification subscription";
$MESS["SUP_SUSU_HINT"] = "Get notified about new updates via the e-mail";
$MESS["SUP_SUSU_EMAIL"] = "E-Mail address";
$MESS["SUP_SUSU_BUTTON"] = "Subscribe";
$MESS["SUP_SUSU_SUCCESS"] = "You have successfully subscribed for notifications about new updates";
$MESS["SUP_SUSU_ERROR"] = "Subscription error";
$MESS["SUP_SUSU_NO_EMAIL"] = "The E-Mail address was not specified";
$MESS["SUP_SUG_NOTES"] = "The update system updates the kernel, language files and help section of the system to the latest version. Furthermore, you can register your copy of the product (if still unregistered) and download the source code using the update system.";
$MESS["SUP_SUG_NOTES1"] = "Note. The update system does not collect or send any private information from your site.";
$MESS["SUP_SERVER_ANSWER"] = "Update server response";

Zerion Mini Shell 1.0