Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/fileman/classes/general/ |
Current File : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/fileman/classes/general/editor_utils.php |
<? IncludeModuleLangFile(__FILE__); class CEditorUtils { function RenderComponents($arParams) { global $USER; $bLPA = !$USER->CanDoOperation('edit_php'); $startCount = CEditorUtils::StartFetchCSS(); // Start fetch CSS files $arParams['name'] = addslashes($arParams['name']); $arParams['template'] = addslashes($arParams['template']); $arParams['siteTemplateId'] = addslashes($arParams['siteTemplateId']); if ($arParams['siteTemplateId'] && !defined("SITE_TEMPLATE_ID")) define("SITE_TEMPLATE_ID", $arParams['siteTemplateId']); // Report only errors error_reporting(E_ERROR); if ($arParams['name']) // one component by name $s = CEditorUtils::_RenderOneComponent($arParams, $bLPA); elseif ($arParams['source']) // all components from content $s = CEditorUtils::_RenderAllComponents($arParams, $bLPA); CEditorUtils::GetCSS($startCount); // Echo path to css // Cut out all scripts $s = preg_replace("/<script[^>]*?>[\s|\S]*?<\/script>/is", '', $s); // Cut out <div class="bx-component-panel"> .... </div> $s = preg_replace("/<div[^>]*?class=\"bx-component-panel\"[^>]*?>[^<]*?<table[\s|\S]*?<\/table>[^<]*?<\/div>/is", '', $s); echo $s; } function _RenderOneComponent($arParams, $bLPA) { global $APPLICATION, $USER; $arProperties = CEditorUtils::GetCompProperties($arParams['name'], $arParams['template'], $arParams['siteTemplateId']); $code = '$APPLICATION->IncludeComponent("'.$arParams['name'].'","'.$arParams['template'].'",'; $arProperties['BX_EDITOR_RENDER_MODE'] = Array('NAME' => 'Workin in render mode *For Visual editor rendering only*', 'TYPE' => 'CHECKBOX', 'DEFAULT' => 'Y'); // Add description of the system parameter $arProps = $arParams['params']; if (!$arProps) // Get default properties { $arProps = array(); foreach($arProperties as $key => $Prop) $arProps[$key] = $Prop['DEFAULT']; } else { if ($bLPA) { $arPHPparams = Array(); CMain::LPAComponentChecker($arProps, $arPHPparams); $len = count($arPHPparams); // Replace values from 'DEFAULT' field for ($e = 0; $e < $len; $e++) { $par_name = $arPHPparams[$e]; $arProps[$par_name] = isset($arProperties[$par_name]['DEFAULT']) ? $arProperties[$par_name]['DEFAULT'] : ''; } } } foreach($arProps as $key => $val) { $val = trim($val); if ($key != addslashes($key)) { unset($arProps[$key]); continue; } if (strtolower($val) == 'array()') { $arProps[$key] = Array(); } elseif (substr(strtolower($val), 0, 6) == 'array(') { $str = array(); $tArr = array(); PHPParser::GetParamsRec($val, $str, $tArr); if (is_array($tArr)) { foreach($tArr as $k => $v) { if(substr($v, 0, 2) == "={" && substr($v, -1, 1)=="}" && strlen($v)>3) $v = substr($v, 2, -1); unset($tArr[$k]); $tArr[addslashes($k)] = addslashes(trim($v, " \"'")); } } $arProps[$key] = $tArr; } else { $arProps[$key] = addslashes($val); } } $arProps['BX_EDITOR_RENDER_MODE'] = 'Y'; //Set system parameter $params = PHPParser::ReturnPHPStr2($arProps, $arParameters); $code .= 'Array('.$params.')'; $code .= ');'; ob_start(); echo '#BX_RENDERED_COMPONENT#'; eval($code); echo '#BX_RENDERED_COMPONENT#'; $s = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $s; } function _RenderAllComponents($arParams, $bLPA) { global $APPLICATION, $USER; $s = ''; $arPHP = PHPParser::ParseFile($arParams['source']); $l = count($arPHP); if ($l > 0) { $new_source = ''; $end = 0; $comp_count = 0; ob_start(); for ($n = 0; $n<$l; $n++) { //Trim php tags $src = $arPHP[$n][2]; if (SubStr($src, 0, 5) == "<?"."php") $src = SubStr($src, 5); else $src = SubStr($src, 2); $src = SubStr($src, 0, -2); $comp2_begin = '$APPLICATION->INCLUDECOMPONENT('; if (strtoupper(substr($src, 0, strlen($comp2_begin))) != $comp2_begin) continue; $arRes = PHPParser::CheckForComponent2($arPHP[$n][2]); if ($arRes) { $comp_name = CMain::_ReplaceNonLatin($arRes['COMPONENT_NAME']); $template_name = CMain::_ReplaceNonLatin($arRes['TEMPLATE_NAME']); $arParams = $arRes['PARAMS']; $arParams['BX_EDITOR_RENDER_MODE'] = 'Y'; if ($bLPA) { $arPHPparams = Array(); CMain::LPAComponentChecker($arParams, $arPHPparams); $len = count($arPHPparams); } $br = "\r\n"; $code = '$APPLICATION->IncludeComponent('.$br. "\t".'"'.$comp_name.'",'.$br. "\t".'"'.$template_name.'",'.$br; // If exist at least one parameter with php code inside if (count($arParams) > 0) { // Get array with description of component params $arCompParams = CComponentUtil::GetComponentProps($comp_name); $arTemplParams = CComponentUtil::GetTemplateProps($comp_name,$template_name,$template); $arParameters = array(); if (isset($arCompParams["PARAMETERS"]) && is_array($arCompParams["PARAMETERS"])) $arParameters = $arParameters + $arCompParams["PARAMETERS"]; if (is_array($arTemplParams)) $arParameters = $arParameters + $arTemplParams; if ($bLPA) { // Replace values from 'DEFAULT' for ($e = 0; $e < $len; $e++) { $par_name = $arPHPparams[$e]; $arParams[$par_name] = isset($arParameters[$par_name]['DEFAULT']) ? $arParameters[$par_name]['DEFAULT'] : ''; } } foreach($arParams as $key => $val) { if ($key != addslashes($key)) unset($arParams[$key]); else $arParams[$key] = addslashes($val); } //ReturnPHPStr $params = PHPParser::ReturnPHPStr2($arParams, $arParameters); $code .= "\t".'Array('.$br."\t".$params.$br."\t".')'; } else { $code .= "\t".'Array()'; } $parent_comp = CMain::_ReplaceNonLatin($arRes['PARENT_COMP']); $arExParams_ = $arRes['FUNCTION_PARAMS']; $bEx = isset($arExParams_) && is_array($arExParams_) && count($arExParams_) > 0; if (!$parent_comp || strtolower($parent_comp) == 'false') $parent_comp = false; if ($parent_comp) { if ($parent_comp == 'true' || intVal($parent_comp) == $parent_comp) $code .= ','.$br."\t".$parent_comp; else $code .= ','.$br."\t\"".$parent_comp.'"'; } if ($bEx) { if (!$parent_comp) $code .= ','.$br."\tfalse"; $arExParams = array(); foreach ($arExParams_ as $k => $v) { $k = CMain::_ReplaceNonLatin($k); $v = CMain::_ReplaceNonLatin($v); if (strlen($k) > 0 && strlen($v) > 0) $arExParams[$k] = $v; } $exParams = PHPParser::ReturnPHPStr2($arExParams); $code .= ','.$br."\tArray(".$exParams.')'; } $code .= $br.');'; echo '#BX_RENDERED_COMPONENT_'.$comp_count.'#'; eval($code); echo '#BX_RENDERED_COMPONENT_'.$comp_count.'#'; } $comp_count++; } $s = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); } return $s; } function GetCompProperties($name, $template = '', $siteTemplateId = '', $arCurVals = array()) { $stid = $siteTemplateId; $arProps = CComponentUtil::GetComponentProps($name, $arCurVals); $arTemplateProps = CComponentUtil::GetTemplateProps($name, $template, $stid, $arCurVals); return $arProps['PARAMETERS'] + $arTemplateProps; } function StartFetchCSS() { return count($GLOBALS['APPLICATION']->sPath2css); } function GetCSS($startCount) { global $APPLICATION; $arCSS = array(); $res = ''; $curCount = count($APPLICATION->sPath2css); if ($curCount <= $startCount) return; for ($i = $startCount; $i < $curCount; $i++) { $path = $APPLICATION->sPath2css[$i]; if (!in_array($path, $arCSS)) $arCSS[] = $path; } echo "<script>window.arUsedCSS = [];\n"; for ($i = 0, $l = count($arCSS); $i < $l; $i++) { $path = $arCSS[$i]; if (strpos($path, '?') !== false) $path = substr($path, 0, strpos($path, '?')); $filename = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"].$path; if (file_exists($filename)) echo 'window.arUsedCSS.push("'.$path.'");'."\n"; } echo '</script>'; } function UnJSEscapeArray($ar) { //$APPLICATION->UnJSEscape foreach($ar as $key => $val) { if (is_array($val)) $ar[$key] = CEditorUtils::UnJSEscapeArray($val); elseif (is_string($val)) $ar[$key] = $GLOBALS['APPLICATION']->UnJSEscape($val); } return $ar; } } ?>