Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/fileman/install/js/fileman/html_editor/ |
Current File : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/fileman/install/js/fileman/html_editor/html-parser.js |
/** * Bitrix HTML Editor 3.0 * Date: 24.04.13 * Time: 4:23 * * Parser class */ /** * HTML Sanitizer * Rewrites the HTML based on given rules */ (function() { function BXEditorParser(editor) { this.editor = editor; this.specialParsers = {}; // Rename unknown tags to this this.DEFAULT_NODE_NAME = "span", this.WHITE_SPACE_REG_EXP = /\s+/, this.defaultRules = { tags: {}, classes: {} }; this.convertedBxNodes = []; this.rules = {}; if (!this.editor.util.FirstLetterSupported()) { this.firstNodeCheck = false; this.FIRST_LETTER_CLASS = 'bxe-first-letter'; this.FIRST_LETTER_CLASS_CHROME = 'bxe-first-letter-chrome'; this.FIRST_LETTER_SPAN = 'bxe-first-letter-s'; } } BXEditorParser.prototype = { /** * Iterates over all childs of the element, recreates them, appends them into a document fragment * which later replaces the entire body content */ Parse: function(content, rules, doc, cleanUp, parseBx) { if (!doc) { doc = document; } this.convertedBxNodes = []; this.firstNodeCheck = false; var frag = doc.createDocumentFragment(), el = this.GetAsDomElement(content, doc), newNode, addInvisibleNodes, firstChild; this.SetParseBxMode(parseBx); this.pasteNodeIndexTmp = BX.clone(this.editor.pasteNodeIndex); while (el.firstChild) { firstChild = el.firstChild; el.removeChild(firstChild); newNode = this.Convert(firstChild, cleanUp, parseBx, newNode); if (newNode) { addInvisibleNodes = !parseBx && this.CheckBlockNode(newNode); // mantis: 101249 if (BX.browser.IsFirefox() && newNode.nodeName == 'DIV') { addInvisibleNodes = false; } frag.appendChild(newNode); if (addInvisibleNodes) { frag.appendChild(this.editor.util.GetInvisibleTextNode()); } } } // Clear element contents el.innerHTML = ""; // Insert new DOM tree el.appendChild(frag); content = this.RegexpContentParse(this.editor.GetInnerHtml(el), parseBx); return content; }, SetParseBxMode: function(bParseBx) { this.bParseBx = !!bParseBx; }, // here we can parse content as string, not as DOM CodeParse: function(content) { return content; }, GetAsDomElement: function(html, doc) { if (!doc) doc = document; var el = doc.createElement("DIV"); if (typeof(html) === "object" && html.nodeType) { el.appendChild(html); } else if (this.editor.util.CheckHTML5Support()) { el.innerHTML = html; } else if (this.editor.util.CheckHTML5FullSupport()) { el.style.display = "none"; doc.body.appendChild(el); try { el.innerHTML = html; } catch(e) {} doc.body.removeChild(el); } return el; }, Convert: function(oldNode, cleanUp, parseBx, prevNode) { var bCleanNodeAfterPaste = false, oldNodeType = oldNode.nodeType, oldChilds = oldNode.childNodes, newNode, newChild, i, bxTag; if (oldNodeType == 1) { if (oldNode.nodeName == 'IMG') { if (!oldNode.getAttribute("data-bx-orig-src")) oldNode.setAttribute("data-bx-orig-src", oldNode.getAttribute('src')); else oldNode.setAttribute("src", oldNode.getAttribute('data-bx-orig-src')); } if (this.editor.pasteHandleMode && (parseBx || this.editor.bbParseContentMode)) { if (oldNode.id == 'bx-cursor-node') { return oldNode.ownerDocument.createTextNode(this.editor.INVISIBLE_CURSOR); } var bxPasteFlag = oldNode.getAttribute('data-bx-paste-flag'); bCleanNodeAfterPaste = bxPasteFlag !== 'Y' && !this.pasteNodeIndexTmp[bxPasteFlag]; if (oldNode && oldNode.id) { bxTag = this.editor.GetBxTag(oldNode.id); if (bxTag.tag) { bCleanNodeAfterPaste = false; } } if (bCleanNodeAfterPaste) { oldNode = this.CleanNodeAfterPaste(oldNode, prevNode); if (!oldNode) { return null; } oldChilds = oldNode.childNodes; oldNodeType = oldNode.nodeType; } oldNode.removeAttribute('data-bx-paste-flag'); if (this.pasteNodeIndexTmp[bxPasteFlag]) delete this.pasteNodeIndexTmp[bxPasteFlag]; } else { if (oldNode.id == 'bx-cursor-node') { return oldNode.cloneNode(true); } } // Doublecheck nodetype if (oldNodeType == 1) { if (!oldNode.__bxparsed) { if (this.IsAnchor(oldNode) && !oldNode.getAttribute('data-bx-replace_with_children')) { newNode = oldNode.cloneNode(true); newNode.innerHTML = ''; newChild = null; for (i = 0; i < oldChilds.length; i++) { newChild = this.Convert(oldChilds[i], cleanUp, parseBx, newChild); if (newChild) { newNode.appendChild(newChild); } } var attr = {}; for (i = 0; i < newNode.attributes.length; i++) { if (newNode.attributes[i].name !== 'name') attr[newNode.attributes[i].name] = newNode.attributes[i].value; } oldNode = this.editor.phpParser.GetSurrogateNode("anchor", BX.message('BXEdAnchor') + ": #" + newNode.name, null, { html: newNode.innerHTML, name: newNode.name, attributes: attr }); } else if(this.IsPrintBreak(oldNode)) { oldNode = this.GetPrintBreakSurrogate(oldNode); } if (oldNode && oldNode.id) { bxTag = this.editor.GetBxTag(oldNode.id); if(bxTag.tag) { oldNode.__bxparsed = 1; // We've found bitrix-made node if (this.bParseBx) { newNode = oldNode.ownerDocument.createTextNode('~' + bxTag.id + '~'); this.convertedBxNodes.push(bxTag); } else { newNode = oldNode.cloneNode(true); } return newNode; } } if (!newNode && oldNode.nodeType) { newNode = this.ConvertElement(oldNode, parseBx); } } } } else if (oldNodeType == 3) { newNode = this.HandleText(oldNode); } if (!newNode) { return null; } for (i = 0; i < oldChilds.length; i++) { newChild = this.Convert(oldChilds[i], cleanUp, parseBx); if (newChild) { newNode.appendChild(newChild); } } if (newNode.nodeType == 1) { // Cleanup style="" attribute for elements if (newNode.style && BX.util.trim(newNode.style.cssText) == '' && newNode.removeAttribute) { newNode.removeAttribute('style'); } // Cleanup senseless <span> elements if (this.editor.config.cleanEmptySpans && cleanUp && newNode.childNodes.length <= 1 && newNode.nodeName.toLowerCase() === this.DEFAULT_NODE_NAME && !newNode.attributes.length) { return newNode.firstChild; } } return newNode; }, ConvertElement: function(oldNode, parseBx) { var rule, i, value, newNode, new_rule, tagRules = this.editor.GetParseRules().tags, nodeName = oldNode.nodeName.toLowerCase(), scopeName = oldNode.scopeName; // We already parsed this element ignore it! if (oldNode.__bxparsed) { return null; } oldNode.__bxparsed = 1; if (oldNode.className === "bx-editor-temp") { return null; } if (scopeName && scopeName != "HTML") { nodeName = scopeName + ":" + nodeName; } /** * Repair node * IE is a bit bitchy when it comes to invalid nested markup which includes unclosed tags * A <p> doesn't need to be closed according HTML4-5 spec, we simply replace it with a <div> to preserve its content and layout */ if ( "outerHTML" in oldNode && !this.editor.util.AutoCloseTagSupported() && oldNode.nodeName === "P" && oldNode.outerHTML.slice(-4).toLowerCase() !== "</p>") { nodeName = "div"; } // chrome bug, mantis: #61981 if (!this.editor.util.FirstLetterSupported() && oldNode.className) { if (oldNode.className == this.FIRST_LETTER_CLASS && !this.bParseBx) { this.HandleFirstLetterNode(oldNode); } else if (oldNode.className == this.FIRST_LETTER_CLASS_CHROME && this.bParseBx) { this.HandleFirstLetterNodeBack(oldNode); } } // Add "data-bx-no-border"="Y" for tables without borders if (nodeName == "table" && !this.bParseBx) { var border = parseInt(oldNode.getAttribute('border'), 10); if (!border) { oldNode.removeAttribute("border"); oldNode.setAttribute("data-bx-no-border", "Y"); } } if (nodeName in tagRules) { rule = tagRules[nodeName]; if (!rule || rule.remove) { return null; } if (rule.clean_empty && // Only empty node (oldNode.innerHTML === "" || oldNode.innerHTML === this.editor.INVISIBLE_SPACE) && (!oldNode.className || oldNode.className == "") && // We check lastCreatedId to prevent cleaning elements which just were created (!this.editor.lastCreatedId || this.editor.lastCreatedId != oldNode.getAttribute('data-bx-last-created-id')) ) { return null; } rule = typeof(rule) === "string" ? {rename_tag: rule} : rule; // New rule can be applied throw the attribute 'data-bx-new-rule' new_rule = oldNode.getAttribute('data-bx-new-rule'); if (new_rule) { rule[new_rule] = oldNode.getAttribute('data-bx-' + new_rule); } } else if (oldNode.firstChild) { rule = {rename_tag: this.DEFAULT_NODE_NAME}; } else { // Remove empty unknown elements return null; } if (rule.convert_attributes && parseBx == false) { for (i in rule.convert_attributes) { if (rule.convert_attributes.hasOwnProperty(i) && oldNode.getAttribute(i)) { value = this.ConvertAttributeValueToCss(i,rule.convert_attributes[i], oldNode.getAttribute(i)); if (value !== false) { rule.replace_with_children = false; oldNode.style[rule.convert_attributes[i]] = value; } oldNode.removeAttribute(i); } } } if (rule.replace_with_children) { newNode = oldNode.ownerDocument.createDocumentFragment(); } else { newNode = oldNode.ownerDocument.createElement(rule.rename_tag || nodeName); this.HandleAttributes(oldNode, newNode, rule, parseBx); } if (new_rule) { rule[new_rule] = null; delete rule[new_rule]; } if ((!newNode.className || newNode.className == '') && newNode.removeAttribute) { newNode.removeAttribute('class'); } oldNode = null; return newNode; }, CleanNodeAfterPaste: function(oldNode, prevNode) { var name, i, nodeName = oldNode.nodeName, innerHtml = oldNode.innerHTML, innerHtmlTrimed = BX.util.trim(innerHtml), whiteAttributes = {align: 1, alt: 1, bgcolor: 1, border: 1, cellpadding: 1, cellspacing: 1, color:1, colspan:1, height: 1, href: 1, rowspan: 1, size: 1, span: 1, src: 1, style: 1, target: 1, title: 1, type: 1, value: 1, width: 1}, decorNodes = {"B": 1, "STRONG": 1, "I": 1, "EM": 1, "U": 1, "DEL": 1, "S": 1, "STRIKE": 1}, cleanEmpty = {"A": 1, "SPAN": 1, "B": 1, "STRONG": 1, "I": 1, "EM": 1, "U": 1, "DEL": 1, "S": 1, "STRIKE": 1, "H1": 1, "H2": 1, "H3": 1, "H4": 1, "H5": 1, "H6": 1, "ABBR": 1, "TIME": 1, "FIGURE": 1, "FIGCAPTION": 1}; // Clean iframes if (nodeName == 'IFRAME') { return null; } // Clean items with display: none if (oldNode.style.display == 'none' || oldNode.style.visibility == 'hidden') { return null; } // Clean empty nodes if (cleanEmpty[nodeName] && innerHtml == '') { return null; } var cleanAttribute = oldNode.getAttribute('data-bx-clean-attribute'); if (cleanAttribute) { oldNode.removeAttribute(cleanAttribute); oldNode.removeAttribute('data-bx-clean-attribute'); } // Drag & Drop of the images if (nodeName == 'IMG') { var alt = oldNode.getAttribute('alt'); if(alt === '') { oldNode.removeAttribute('alt'); } else if(typeof alt == 'string' && alt !== '' && alt.indexOf('://') !== -1) { this.CheckAltImage(oldNode); } oldNode.removeAttribute('class'); this.CleanNodeCss(oldNode); return oldNode; } // Clean anchors if (nodeName == 'A' && (innerHtmlTrimed == '' || innerHtmlTrimed == ' ')) { return null; } if (nodeName == 'A') { // Todo: clean block nodes from link } // Clean class oldNode.removeAttribute('class'); oldNode.removeAttribute('id'); // Clean attributes corresponding to white list from above i = 0; while (i < oldNode.attributes.length) { name = oldNode.attributes[i].name; if (!whiteAttributes[name] || oldNode.attributes[i].value == '') { oldNode.removeAttribute(name); } else { i++; } } //mantis:74639 if (nodeName == 'THEAD') { var trs = oldNode.getElementsByTagName('TR'), st; for (i = 0; i < trs.length; i++) { if (trs[i] && trs[i].getAttribute) { st = trs[i].getAttribute('style'); if (st && st.indexOf('mso-yfti-irow') !== -1 && st.indexOf('mso-yfti-irow:0') === -1 && st.indexOf('mso-yfti-irow:-1') === -1 && st.indexOf('mso-yfti-firstrow:yes') === -1 ) { oldNode.setAttribute('data-bx-new-rule', 'rename_tag'); oldNode.setAttribute('data-bx-rename_tag', 'TBODY'); break; } } } } // Clean pasted div's if (nodeName == 'DIV' || oldNode.style.display == 'block' || nodeName == 'FORM') { if (!oldNode.lastChild || (oldNode.lastChild && oldNode.lastChild.nodeName != 'BR')) { oldNode.appendChild(oldNode.ownerDocument.createElement("BR")).setAttribute('data-bx-paste-flag', 'Y'); } // mantis #54501 if (prevNode && typeof prevNode == 'object' && prevNode.nodeType == 3 && oldNode.firstChild) { oldNode.insertBefore(oldNode.ownerDocument.createElement("BR"), oldNode.firstChild).setAttribute('data-bx-paste-flag', 'Y'); } oldNode.setAttribute('data-bx-new-rule', 'replace_with_children'); oldNode.setAttribute('data-bx-replace_with_children', '1'); } // Content pasted from google docs sometimes comes with unused <b style="font-weight: normal"> wrapping if (nodeName == 'B' && oldNode.style.fontWeight == 'normal') { oldNode.setAttribute('data-bx-new-rule', 'replace_with_children'); oldNode.setAttribute('data-bx-replace_with_children', '1'); } if (decorNodes[nodeName] && this.editor.config.pasteSetDecor) { oldNode.setAttribute('data-bx-new-rule', 'replace_with_children'); oldNode.setAttribute('data-bx-replace_with_children', '1'); } if (decorNodes[nodeName] && this.editor.config.pasteSetDecor) { oldNode.setAttribute('data-bx-new-rule', 'replace_with_children'); oldNode.setAttribute('data-bx-replace_with_children', '1'); } if (this.IsAnchor(oldNode) && (oldNode.name == '' || BX.util.trim(oldNode.name == ''))) { oldNode.setAttribute('data-bx-new-rule', 'replace_with_children'); oldNode.setAttribute('data-bx-replace_with_children', '1'); } if (BX.util.in_array(nodeName, this.editor.TABLE_TAGS) && this.editor.config.pasteClearTableDimen) { oldNode.removeAttribute('width'); oldNode.removeAttribute('height'); } this.CleanNodeCss(oldNode); // Clear useless spans if (nodeName == 'SPAN' && oldNode.style.cssText == '') { oldNode.setAttribute('data-bx-new-rule', 'replace_with_children'); oldNode.setAttribute('data-bx-replace_with_children', '1'); } // Replace <p> </p> ==> <p> </p>, <span> </span> ==> <span> </span> if ((nodeName == 'P' || nodeName == 'SPAN' || nodeName == 'FONT') && BX.util.trim(oldNode.innerHTML) == " ") { oldNode.innerHTML = ' '; } return oldNode; }, CleanNodeCss: function(node) { var styles, j, styleName, styleValue, i, nodeName = node.nodeName, whiteCssList = { 'width': ['auto'], 'height': ['auto'] }; if (BX.util.in_array(nodeName, this.editor.TABLE_TAGS) && this.editor.config.pasteClearTableDimen) { whiteCssList = {}; } if (!this.editor.config.pasteSetColors) { whiteCssList['color'] = ['#000000', '#000', 'black']; whiteCssList['background-color'] = ['transparent', '#fff', '#ffffff', 'white']; whiteCssList['background'] = 1; } if (!this.editor.config.pasteSetBorders) { whiteCssList['border-collapse'] = 1; whiteCssList['border-color'] = ['transparent', '#fff', '#ffffff', 'white']; whiteCssList['border-style'] = ['none', 'hidden']; whiteCssList['border-top'] = ['0px', '0']; whiteCssList['border-right'] = ['0px', '0']; whiteCssList['border-bottom'] = ['0px', '0']; whiteCssList['border-left'] = ['0px', '0']; whiteCssList['border-top-color'] = ['transparent', '#fff', '#ffffff', 'white']; whiteCssList['border-right-color'] = ['transparent', '#fff', '#ffffff', 'white']; whiteCssList['border-bottom-color'] = ['transparent', '#fff', '#ffffff', 'white']; whiteCssList['border-left-color'] = ['transparent', '#fff', '#ffffff', 'white']; whiteCssList['border-top-style'] = ['none', 'hidden']; whiteCssList['border-right-style'] = ['none', 'hidden']; whiteCssList['border-bottom-style'] = ['none', 'hidden']; whiteCssList['border-left-style'] = ['none', 'hidden']; whiteCssList['border-top-width'] = ['0px', '0']; whiteCssList['border-right-width'] = ['0px', '0']; whiteCssList['border-bottom-width'] = ['0px', '0']; whiteCssList['border-left-width'] = ['0px', '0']; whiteCssList['border-width'] = ['0px', '0']; whiteCssList['border'] = ['0px', '0']; } if (!this.editor.config.pasteSetDecor) { whiteCssList['font-style'] = ['normal']; whiteCssList['font-weight'] = ['normal']; whiteCssList['text-decoration'] = ['none']; } // Clean style if (node.style && BX.util.trim(node.style.cssText) != '' && nodeName !== 'BR') { styles = []; for (i in node.style) { if (node.style.hasOwnProperty(i)) { if (parseInt(i).toString() === i) { styleName = node.style[i]; styleValue = node.style.getPropertyValue(styleName); } else { styleName = i; styleValue = node.style.getPropertyValue(styleName); } if (styleValue === null) continue; if (!whiteCssList[styleName] || styleValue.match(/^-(moz|webkit|ms|o)/ig) || styleValue == 'inherit' || styleValue == 'initial' || (styleName == 'color' && nodeName == 'A') || // Color for links ((nodeName == 'SPAN' || nodeName == 'P') && (styleName == 'width' || styleName == 'height')) || // Sizes for SPAN and P (typeof whiteCssList[styleName] == 'object' && BX.util.in_array(styleValue.toLowerCase(), whiteCssList[styleName]))) { continue; } // Clean colors like rgb(0,0,0) if (styleName.indexOf('color') !== -1) { styleValue = this.editor.util.RgbToHex(styleValue); if ((typeof whiteCssList[styleName] == 'object' && BX.util.in_array(styleValue.toLowerCase(), whiteCssList[styleName])) || styleValue == 'transparent') { continue; } } // Clean hidden borders, for example: border-top: medium none; if (styleName.indexOf('border') !== -1 && styleValue.indexOf('none') !== -1) { continue; } styles.push({name: styleName, value: styleValue}); } } node.removeAttribute('style'); if (styles.length > 0) { for (j = 0; j < styles.length; j++) { node.style[styles[j].name] = styles[j].value; } } } else { node.removeAttribute('style'); } }, CheckAltImage: function(img) { var doc = this.editor.GetIframeDoc(); function getImageBySrc(src) { var i, imgs = doc.getElementsByTagName('IMG'); for (i = 0; i < imgs.length; i++) { if (imgs[i].src === src) { return imgs[i]; } } } function onload() { if (img.src === img.alt && img.getAttribute('data-bx-orig-src') !== img.src) { img.setAttribute("data-bx-orig-src", img.getAttribute('src')); } BX.unbind(img, 'load', onload); BX.unbind(img, 'error', onerror); } function onerror() { var alt = img.getAttribute('alt'), imgNode = getImageBySrc(img.src); if (!imgNode) { BX.unbind(img, 'load', onload); BX.unbind(img, 'error', onerror); return; } if (img.getAttribute('src') !== img.alt) { imgNode.setAttribute("src", alt); } else { imgNode.setAttribute("src", img.getAttribute('data-bx-orig-src')); BX.unbind(img, 'load', onload); BX.unbind(img, 'error', onerror); } } BX.bind(img, 'load', onload); BX.bind(img, 'error', onerror); }, HandleText: function(node) { var data = node.data; if (this.editor.pasteHandleMode && data.indexOf('EndFragment:') !== -1) { // Clean content inserted from OpenOffice in MacOs data = data.replace(/Version:\d\.\d(?:\s|\S)*?StartHTML:\d+(?:\s|\S)*?EndHTML:\d+(?:\s|\S)*?StartFragment:\d+(?:\s|\S)*?EndFragment:\d+(?:\s|\n|\t|\r)*/g, ''); } return node.ownerDocument.createTextNode(data); }, HandleAttributes: function(oldNode, newNode, rule, parseBx) { var attributes = {}, // fresh new set of attributes to set on newNode setClass = rule.set_class, // classes to set addClass = rule.add_class, // add classes based on existing attributes addCss = rule.add_css, // add classes based on existing attributes setAttributes = rule.set_attributes, // attributes to set on the current node checkAttributes = rule.check_attributes, // check/convert values of attributes clearAttributes = rule.clear_attributes, // clean all unknown attributes allowedClasses = this.editor.GetParseRules().classes, i = 0, newName, skipAttributes = {}, st, classes = [], newClasses = [], newUniqueClasses = [], oldClasses = [], classesLength, newClassesLength, currentClass, newClass, attribute, attributeName, newAttributeValue, handler; if (checkAttributes) { for (attributeName in checkAttributes) { handler = this.GetCheckAttributeHandler(checkAttributes[attributeName]); if (!handler) continue; newAttributeValue = handler(this.GetAttributeEx(oldNode, attributeName)); if (typeof(newAttributeValue) === "string" && newAttributeValue !== '') attributes[attributeName] = newAttributeValue; } } var cleanAttribute = oldNode.getAttribute('data-bx-clean-attribute'); if (cleanAttribute) { oldNode.removeAttribute(cleanAttribute); oldNode.removeAttribute('data-bx-clean-attribute'); } if (!clearAttributes) { for (i = 0; i < oldNode.attributes.length; i++) { attribute = oldNode.attributes[i]; if (parseBx) { if (attribute.name.substr(0, 15) == 'data-bx-app-ex-') { newName = attribute.name.substr(15); attributes[newName] = oldNode.getAttribute(attribute.name); skipAttributes[newName] = true; } if (skipAttributes[attribute.name]) { continue; } } // clear bitrix attributes if (attribute.name.substr(0, 8) == 'data-bx-' && attribute.name != 'data-bx-noindex' && this.bParseBx) { continue; } attributes[attribute.name] = this.GetAttributeEx(oldNode, attribute.name); } } if (setClass) classes.push(setClass); if (addCss) { for (st in addCss) { if (addCss.hasOwnProperty(st)) newNode.style[st] = addCss[st]; } } /* // TODO: if (addClass) { var addClassMethods = { align_img: (function() { var mapping = { left: "wysiwyg-float-left", right: "wysiwyg-float-right" }; return function(attributeValue) { return mapping[String(attributeValue).toLowerCase()]; }; })(), align_text: (function() { var mapping = { left: "wysiwyg-text-align-left", right: "wysiwyg-text-align-right", center: "wysiwyg-text-align-center", justify: "wysiwyg-text-align-justify" }; return function(attributeValue) { return mapping[String(attributeValue).toLowerCase()]; }; })(), clear_br: (function() { var mapping = { left: "wysiwyg-clear-left", right: "wysiwyg-clear-right", both: "wysiwyg-clear-both", all: "wysiwyg-clear-both" }; return function(attributeValue) { return mapping[String(attributeValue).toLowerCase()]; }; })(), size_font: (function() { var mapping = { "1": "wysiwyg-font-size-xx-small", "2": "wysiwyg-font-size-small", "3": "wysiwyg-font-size-medium", "4": "wysiwyg-font-size-large", "5": "wysiwyg-font-size-x-large", "6": "wysiwyg-font-size-xx-large", "7": "wysiwyg-font-size-xx-large", "-": "wysiwyg-font-size-smaller", "+": "wysiwyg-font-size-larger" }; return function(attributeValue) { return mapping[String(attributeValue).charAt(0)]; }; })() }; for (attributeName in addClass) { handler = addClassMethods[addClass[attributeName]]; if (!handler) continue; newClass = handler(this.GetAttributeEx(oldNode, attributeName)); if (typeof(newClass) === "string") classes.push(newClass); } } */ // add old classes last oldClasses = oldNode.getAttribute("class"); if (oldClasses) classes = classes.concat(oldClasses.split(this.WHITE_SPACE_REG_EXP)); classesLength = classes.length; for (; i<classesLength; i++) { currentClass = classes[i]; if (allowedClasses[currentClass]) newClasses.push(currentClass); } if (newUniqueClasses.length) attributes["class"] = newUniqueClasses.join(" "); // set attributes on newNode for (attributeName in attributes) { // Setting attributes can cause a js error in IE under certain circumstances // eg. on a <img> under https when it's new attribute value is non-https // TODO: Investigate this further and check for smarter handling try { newNode.setAttribute(attributeName, attributes[attributeName]); } catch(e) {} } // IE8 sometimes loses the width/height attributes when those are set before the "src" // so we make sure to set them again if (attributes.src) { if (typeof(attributes.width) !== "undefined") newNode.setAttribute("width", attributes.width); if (typeof(attributes.height) !== "undefined") newNode.setAttribute("height", attributes.height); } }, ConvertAttributeValueToCss: function(attribute, css, value) { if (attribute == 'size' && css == 'fontSize') // fontsize { var fontSizeMap = { 1: '9px', 2: '13px', 3: '16px', 4: '18px', 5: '24px', 6: '32px', 7: '48px' }; if (fontSizeMap[value]) { value = fontSizeMap[value]; } else if (value < 1) { value = false; } else if (value > 7) { value = fontSizeMap[7]; } } return value; }, GetAttributeEx: function(node, attributeName) { attributeName = attributeName.toLowerCase(); var res, nodeName = node.nodeName; if (nodeName == "IMG" && attributeName == "src" && this.IsLoadedImage(node) === true) { res = node.getAttribute('src'); } else if (!this.editor.util.CheckGetAttributeTruth() && "outerHTML" in node) { var outerHTML = node.outerHTML.toLowerCase(), hasAttribute = outerHTML.indexOf(" " + attributeName + "=") != -1; res = hasAttribute ? node.getAttribute(attributeName) : null; } else { res = node.getAttribute(attributeName); } return res; }, IsLoadedImage: function(node) { try { return node.complete && !node.mozMatchesSelector(":-moz-broken"); } catch(e) { if (node.complete && node.readyState === "complete") return true; } return false; }, GetCheckAttributeHandler: function(attrName) { var methods = this.GetCheckAttributeHandlers(); return methods[attrName]; }, GetCheckAttributeHandlers: function() { return { url: function(attributeValue) { return attributeValue; // if (!attributeValue || !attributeValue.match(/^https?:\/\//i)) // return null; // return attributeValue.replace(/^https?:\/\//i, function(match){return match.toLowerCase();}); }, alt: function(attributeValue) { if (!attributeValue) { return ""; } return attributeValue.replace(/[^ a-z0-9_\-]/gi, ""); }, numbers: function(attributeValue) { attributeValue = (attributeValue || "").replace(/\D/g, ""); return attributeValue || null; } }; }, HandleBitrixNode: function(node) { return node; }, RegexpContentParse: function(content, parseBx) { // parse color inside style attributes RGB ==> HEX // TODO: it will cause wrong replace if rgba will be not inside style attribute... if (content.indexOf('rgb') !== -1) { content = content.replace(/rgba?\((\d+),\s*(\d+),\s*(\d+)(?:,\s*(\d+))?\)/ig, function(str, h1, h2, h3, h4) { function hex(x) { return ("0" + parseInt(x).toString(16)).slice(-2); } return "#" + hex(h1) + hex(h2) + hex(h3); }); } if (parseBx && content.indexOf('data-bx-noindex') !== -1) { content = content.replace(/(<a[^<]*?)data\-bx\-noindex="Y"([\s\S]*?>[\s\S]*?\/a>)/ig, function(s, s1, s2) { return '<!--noindex-->' + s1 + s2 + '<!--\/noindex-->'; }); } if (parseBx) { content = content.replace(/\uFEFF/ig, ''); } else { content = content.replace(/\uFEFF+/ig, this.editor.INVISIBLE_SPACE); } if (parseBx && content.indexOf('#BXAPP') !== -1) { var _this = this; content = content.replace(/#BXAPP(\d+)#/g, function(str, ind) { ind = parseInt(ind, 10); return _this.editor.phpParser.AdvancedPhpGetFragmentByIndex(ind, true); }); } return content; }, IsAnchor: function(n) { return n.nodeName == 'A' && !n.href; }, IsPrintBreak: function(n) { return n.style.pageBreakAfter == 'always'; }, GetPrintBreakSurrogate: function(node) { var doc = this.editor.GetIframeDoc(), id = this.editor.SetBxTag(false, {tag: 'printbreak', params: {innerHTML: BX.util.trim(node.innerHTML)}, name: BX.message('BXEdPrintBreakName'), title: BX.message('BXEdPrintBreakTitle')}); return BX.create('IMG', {props: {src: this.editor.EMPTY_IMAGE_SRC, id: id,className: "bxhtmled-printbreak", title: BX.message('BXEdPrintBreakTitle')}}, doc); }, CheckBlockNode: function(node) { return this.editor.phpParser.IsSurrogate(node) || (node.nodeType == 1 && ( node.style.display == 'block' || node.style.display == 'inline-block' || node.nodeName == 'BLOCKQUOTE' || node.nodeName == 'DIV' ) ); }, // For chrome only HandleFirstLetterNode: function(node) { this.firstNodeCheck = true; node.className = this.FIRST_LETTER_CLASS_CHROME; var createSpan = true, doc = this.editor.GetIframeDoc(), textContent, firstSpanContent, flTextNode = this._GetFlTextNode(node), flSpan = this._GetFlSpan(node); if (flTextNode) { textContent = BX.util.trim(this.editor.util.GetTextContent(flTextNode)); if (flSpan) { this._FLCleanNodesBeforeFirstSpan(flSpan); firstSpanContent = BX.util.trim(this.editor.util.GetTextContent(flSpan)); if (textContent.substr(0, 1) == firstSpanContent && firstSpanContent.length == 1) { createSpan = false; } else if (textContent == firstSpanContent && firstSpanContent.length > 1) { createSpan = false; this.editor.SetCursorNode(); this.editor.util.InsertAfter(doc.createTextNode(textContent.substr(1)), flSpan); this.editor.RestoreCursor(); flSpan.innerHTML = textContent.substr(0, 1); } this._FLCleanNodesBeforeFirstSpan(flSpan); } if (createSpan) { if (flSpan) { this.editor.SetCursorNode(); this.editor.util.ReplaceWithOwnChildren(flSpan); this.editor.RestoreCursor(); } flSpan = BX.create('SPAN', {props: {className: this.FIRST_LETTER_SPAN}, text: textContent.substr(0, 1)}, node.ownerDocument); this.editor.util.SetTextContent(flTextNode, textContent.substr(1)); flTextNode.parentNode.insertBefore(flSpan, flTextNode); this._FLCleanNodesBeforeFirstSpan(flSpan); } this._FLCleanBogusSpans(node); } }, HandleFirstLetterNodeBack: function(node) { this.firstNodeCheck = true; node.className = this.FIRST_LETTER_CLASS; var flSpan = this._GetFlSpan(node); if (flSpan) { this.editor.util.ReplaceWithOwnChildren(flSpan); } }, _GetFlSpan: function(node) { return BX.findChild(node, {className: this.FIRST_LETTER_SPAN}, 1); }, _GetFlTextNode: function(node) { if (node.innerHTML == '' || !node.firstChild) return null; if (node.firstChild && node.firstChild.nodeType == 3 && node.firstChild.nodeValue && BX.util.trim(node.firstChild.nodeValue) !== '') return node.firstChild; var iter = 0, _this = this, nodeI = node; while(iter++ <= 100) { nodeI = BX.findChild(nodeI, function(n){return (BX.util.trim(_this.editor.util.GetTextContent(n)) !== '');}, false); if (nodeI.nodeType == 3 && nodeI.nodeValue && BX.util.trim(nodeI.nodeValue) !== '') { return nodeI; } } return null; }, FirstLetterCheckNodes: function(content, contentTextarea, hardCheck) { var doc = this.editor.GetIframeDoc(), i; if (this.firstNodeCheck || content.indexOf(this.FIRST_LETTER_CLASS) !== -1 || hardCheck === true) { var html, nodes1 = doc.querySelectorAll('.' + this.FIRST_LETTER_CLASS), nodes2 = doc.querySelectorAll('.' + this.FIRST_LETTER_CLASS_CHROME); for (i = 0; i < nodes2.length; i++) { html = BX.util.trim(nodes2[i].innerHTML); if (html == '' || html == '<br>') { BX.remove(nodes2[i]); continue; } this.HandleFirstLetterNode(nodes2[i]); } for (i = 0; i < nodes1.length; i++) { this.HandleFirstLetterNode(nodes1[i]); } this.firstNodeCheck = !!(nodes1.length || nodes2.length); } if (!this.firstNodeCheck && content.indexOf(this.FIRST_LETTER_SPAN) !== -1) { var spans = doc.querySelectorAll('.' + this.FIRST_LETTER_SPAN); for (i = 0; i < spans.length; i++) { this.editor.util.ReplaceWithOwnChildren(spans[i]); } } }, _FLCleanNodesBeforeFirstSpan: function(span) { while (span.previousSibling) { BX.remove(span.previousSibling); } }, _FLCleanBogusSpans: function(node) { var i, spans = node.getElementsByTagName('SPAN'); for (i = spans.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (!spans[i].className && spans[i].style.lineHeight && spans[i].style.fontSize) this.editor.util.ReplaceWithOwnChildren(spans[i]); } }, FirstLetterBackspaceHandler: function(range) { if (range.collapsed && range.startOffset == 0) { var flSpan = range.startContainer.previousSibling; if (flSpan && flSpan.className.indexOf(this.FIRST_LETTER_SPAN) !== -1) { this.editor.selection.SetAfter(flSpan.lastChild); } } } }; function BXEditorPhpParser(editor) { this.PHP_PATTERN = '#BXPHP_IND#'; this.editor = editor; this.allowed = { php: this.editor.allowPhp || this.editor.lpa, javascript: true, style: true, htmlcomment: true, iframe: true, video: true, audio: true, 'object': true }; this.bUseAPP = true; // APP - AdvancedPHPParser this.APPConfig = { arTags_before : ['tbody','thead','tfoot','tr','td','th'], arTags_after : ['tbody','thead','tfoot','tr','td','th'], arTags : { 'a' : ['href','title','class','style'], 'img' : ['src','alt','class','style','width','height'], 'input' : ['id','name','value'] } }; this.customParsers = []; this.arScripts = {}; // object which contains all php codes with indexes this.arJavascripts = {}; // object which contains all javascripts codes with indexes this.arHtmlComments = {}; // object which contains all html comments with indexes this.arIframes = {}; // object which contains all iframes with indexes this.arVideos = {}; // object which contains all iframes with emeded videos this.arAudio = {}; this.arStyles = {}; // object which contains all <style> tags with indexes this.arObjects = {}; // object which contains all <object> tags with indexes this.surrClass = 'bxhtmled-surrogate'; this.surrogateTags = { component: 1, php: 1, javascript: 1, style: 1, htmlcomment: 1, anchor: 1, iframe: 1, video: 1, audio: 1, 'object': 1 }; BX.addCustomEvent(this.editor, "OnIframeMouseDown", BX.proxy(this.OnSurrogateMousedown, this)); //BX.addCustomEvent(this.editor, "OnIframeClick", BX.proxy(this.OnSurrogateClick, this)); BX.addCustomEvent(this.editor, "OnIframeDblClick", BX.proxy(this.OnSurrogateDblClick, this)); BX.addCustomEvent(this.editor, "OnIframeKeydown", BX.proxy(this.OnSurrogateKeydown, this)); //BX.addCustomEvent(this.editor, "OnIframeKeyup", BX.proxy(this.OnSurrogateKeyup, this)); BX.addCustomEvent(this.editor, "OnAfterCommandExec", BX.proxy(this.RenewSurrogates, this)); } //BX.extend(BXEditorPhpParser, BXEditorParser); BXEditorPhpParser.prototype = { ParsePhp: function(content) { var _this = this; //1. All fragments of the php code we replace by special str - #BXPHP_IND# if (this.IsAllowed('php')) { content = this.ReplacePhpBySymCode(content); } else { content = this.CleanPhp(content); } // Custom parse content = this.CustomContentParse(content); // Javascript content = this.ReplaceJavascriptBySymCode(content); // Html comments content = this.ReplaceHtmlCommentsBySymCode(content); // Iframe & Video content = this.ReplaceIframeBySymCode(content); // Audio content = this.ReplaceAudioBySymCode(content); // Style content = this.ReplaceStyleBySymCode(content); // Object && embed content = this.ReplaceObjectBySymCode(content); // <Break> content = this.ParseBreak(content); //2. We trying to resolve html tags with PHP code inside content = this.AdvancedPhpParse(content); //3. We replace all #BXPHP_IND# and other sym codes by visual custom elements content = this.ParseSymCode(content); // 4. LPA if (this.editor.lpa) { content = content.replace(/#PHP(\d+)#/g, function(str) { return _this.GetSurrogateHTML("php_protected", BX.message('BXEdPhpCode') + " *", BX.message('BXEdPhpCodeProtected'), {value : str}); }); content = content.replace(/#BXAPP(\d+)#/g, function(str, appInd) { appInd = parseInt(appInd); return _this.editor.phpParser.AdvancedPhpGetFragmentByIndex(appInd, false); }); } return content; }, // Example: // <?...?> => #BXPHP0# ReplacePhpBySymCode: function(content, cleanPhp) { var arScripts = [], p = 0, i, bSlashed, bInString, ch, posnext, ti, quote_ch, mm = 0; cleanPhp = cleanPhp === true; while((p = content.indexOf("<?", p)) >= 0) { mm = 0; i = p + 1; bSlashed = false; bInString = false; while(i < content.length - 1) { i++; ch = content.substr(i, 1); if(!bInString) { //if it's not comment if(ch == "/" && i + 1 < content.length) { //find end of php fragment php posnext = content.indexOf("?>", i); if(posnext == -1) { //if it's no close tag - so script is unfinished p = content.length; break; } posnext += 2; ti = 0; if(content.substr(i + 1, 1)=="*" && (ti = content.indexOf("*/", i + 2))>=0) { ti += 2; } else if(content.substr(i + 1, 1)=="/" && (ti = content.indexOf("\n", i + 2))>=0) { ti += 1; } if(ti>0) { //find begin - "i" and end - "ti" of comment // check: what is coming sooner: "END of COMMENT" or "END of SCRIPT" if(ti > posnext && content.substr(i + 1, 1) != "*") { //if script is finished - CUT THE SCRIPT arScripts.push([p, posnext, content.substr(p, posnext - p)]); p = posnext; break; } else { i = ti - 1; //End of comment come sooner } } continue; } if(ch == "?" && i + 1 < content.length && content.substr(i + 1, 1) == ">") { i = i + 2; arScripts.push([p, i, content.substr(p, i - p)]); p = i + 1; break; } } if(bInString && ch == "\\") { bSlashed = true; continue; } if(ch == "\"" || ch == "'") { if(bInString) { if(!bSlashed && quote_ch == ch) bInString = false; } else { bInString = true; quote_ch = ch; } } bSlashed = false; } if(i >= content.length) break; p = i; } this.arScripts = {}; if(arScripts.length > 0) { var newstr = "", plast = 0, arScript; if (cleanPhp) { for(i = 0; i < arScripts.length; i++) { arScript = arScripts[i]; newstr += content.substr(plast, arScript[0] - plast); plast = arScript[1]; } } else { for(i = 0; i < arScripts.length; i++) { arScript = arScripts[i]; newstr += content.substr(plast, arScript[0] - plast) + this.SavePhpCode(arScript[2], i); plast = arScript[1]; } } content = newstr + content.substr(plast); } return content; }, CleanPhp: function(content) { return this.ReplacePhpBySymCode(content, true); }, // Example: <script>...</script> => #BXJAVASCRIPT_1# ReplaceJavascriptBySymCode: function(content) { this.arJavascripts = {}; var _this = this, index = 0; content = content.replace(/<script[\s\S]*?\/script>/gi, function(s) { _this.arJavascripts[index] = s; var code = _this.GetPattern(index, false, 'javascript'); index++; return code; } ); return content; }, // Example: <!-- --> => #BXHTMLCOMMENT_1# ReplaceHtmlCommentsBySymCode: function(content) { this.arHtmlComments = {}; var _this = this, index = 0; content = content.replace(/(<!--noindex-->)(?:[\s|\n|\r|\t]*?)<a([\s\S]*?)\/a>(?:[\s|\n|\r|\t]*?)(<!--\/noindex-->)/ig, function(s, s1, s2, s3) { return '<a data-bx-noindex="Y"' + s2 + '/a>'; } ); content = content.replace(/<!--[\s\S]*?-->/ig, function(s) { _this.arHtmlComments[index] = s; return _this.GetPattern(index++, false, 'html_comment'); } ); return content; }, // Example: <iframe src="...."></iframe> => #BXIFRAME_0# // Also looking for embeded video ReplaceIframeBySymCode: function(content) { this.arIframes = {}; var _this = this, index = 0; content = content.replace(/<iframe([\s\S]*?)\/iframe>/gi, function(s, s1) { var video = _this.CheckForVideo(s1); if (video) { _this.arVideos[index] = { html: s, provider: video.provider || false, src: video.src || false }; return _this.GetPattern(index++, false, 'video'); } else { _this.arIframes[index] = s; return _this.GetPattern(index++, false, 'iframe'); } } ); return content; }, // Example: <style type="css/text"></style> => #BXSTYLE_0# ReplaceStyleBySymCode: function(content) { this.arStyles = {}; var _this = this, index = 0; content = content.replace(/<style[\s\S]*?\/style>/gi, function(s) { _this.arStyles[index] = s; return _this.GetPattern(index++, false, 'style'); } ); return content; }, // Example: <audio controls=""><source src="/sound.mp3" type="audio/mpeg"> => #BXAUDIO_0# ReplaceAudioBySymCode: function(content) { this.arAudio = {}; var _this = this, index = 0; content = content.replace(/<audio[\s\S]*?\/audio>/gi, function(s) { _this.arAudio[index] = s; return _this.GetPattern(index++, false, 'audio'); } ); return content; }, ReplaceObjectBySymCode: function(content) { this.arObjects = {}; var _this = this, index = 0; content = content.replace(/<object[\s\S]*?\/object>/gi, function(s) { _this.arObjects[index] = s; return _this.GetPattern(index++, false, 'object'); } ); content = content.replace(/<embed[\s\S]*?(?:\/embed)?>/gi, function(s) { _this.arObjects[index] = s; return _this.GetPattern(index++, false, 'object'); } ); return content; }, CheckForVideo: function(str) { var videoRe = new RegExp('(?:src)\\s*=\\s*("|\')([\\s\\S]*?((?:youtube.com)|(?:youtu.be)|(?:rutube.ru)|(?:vimeo.com)|(?:vk.com)|(?:' + location.host + '))[\\s\\S]*?)(\\1)', 'ig'); var res = videoRe.exec(str); if (res) { return { src: res[2], provider: this.GetVideoProviderName(res[3], str) }; } else { return false; } }, GetVideoProviderName: function(host, url) { var name = ''; if(!BX.type.isNotEmptyString(url)) { url = ''; } switch (host) { case 'youtube.com': case 'youtu.be': name = 'YouTube'; break; case 'rutube.ru': name = 'Rutube'; break; case 'vimeo.com': name = 'Vimeo'; break; case 'vk.com': name = 'Vk'; break; case location.host: var providerRe = /((?:provider))=([\S]+)(?:&*)/ig; res = providerRe.exec(url); if(res) { name = res[2]; } break; } return name; }, SavePhpCode: function(code, index) { this.arScripts[index] = code; return this.GetPhpPattern(index, false); }, GetPhpPattern: function(ind, bRegexp) { if (bRegexp) return new RegExp('#BXPHP_' + ind + '#', 'ig'); else return '#BXPHP_' + ind + '#'; }, GetPattern: function(ind, bRegexp, entity) { var code; switch (entity) { case 'php': code = '#BXPHP_'; break; case 'javascript': code = '#BXJAVASCRIPT_'; break; case 'html_comment': code = '#BXHTMLCOMMENT_'; break; case 'iframe': code = '#BXIFRAME_'; break; case 'style': code = '#BXSTYLE_'; break; case 'video': code = '#BXVIDEO_'; break; case 'audio': code = '#BXAUDIO_'; break; case 'object': code = '#BXOBJECT_'; break; default: return ''; } return bRegexp ? new RegExp(code + ind + '#', 'ig') : code + ind + '#'; }, // Example: // #BXPHP0# => <img ... /> ParseSymCode: function(content) { var _this = this; content = content.replace(/#BX(PHP|JAVASCRIPT|HTMLCOMMENT|IFRAME|STYLE|VIDEO|AUDIO|OBJECT)_(\d+)#/g, function(str, type, ind) { var res = ''; if (_this.IsAllowed(type.toLowerCase())) { switch (type) { case 'PHP': res = _this.GetPhpCodeHTML(_this.arScripts[ind]); break; case 'JAVASCRIPT': res = _this.GetJavascriptCodeHTML(_this.arJavascripts[ind]); break; case 'HTMLCOMMENT': res = _this.GetHtmlCommentHTML(_this.arHtmlComments[ind]); break; case 'IFRAME': res = _this.GetIframeHTML(_this.arIframes[ind]); break; case 'STYLE': res = _this.GetStyleHTML(_this.arStyles[ind]); break; case 'VIDEO': res = _this.GetVideoHTML(_this.arVideos[ind]); break; case 'AUDIO': res = _this.GetAudioHTML(_this.arAudio[ind]); break; case 'OBJECT': res = _this.GetObjectHTML(_this.arObjects[ind]); break; } } return res || str; }); return content; }, GetPhpCodeHTML: function(code) { if (typeof code !== 'string') return null; var result = '', component = this.editor.components.IsComponent(code); if (component !== false) // It's Bitrix Component { var cData = this.editor.components.GetComponentData(component.name), name = cData.title || component.name, title = (cData.params && cData.params.DESCRIPTION) ? cData.params.DESCRIPTION : title; if (cData.className) { component.className = cData.className || ''; } result = this.GetSurrogateHTML('component', name, title, component); } else // ordinary PHP code { if (this.editor.allowPhp) { result = this.GetSurrogateHTML("php", BX.message('BXEdPhpCode'), BX.message('BXEdPhpCode') + ": " + this.GetShortTitle(code, 200), {value : code}); } else { // TODO: add warning for here (access denied or smth ) result = ''; } } return result; }, GetJavascriptCodeHTML: function(code) { if (typeof code !== 'string') return null; return this.GetSurrogateHTML("javascript", "Javascript", "Javascript: " + this.GetShortTitle(code, 200), {value : code}); }, GetHtmlCommentHTML: function(code) { if (typeof code !== 'string') return null; return this.GetSurrogateHTML("htmlcomment", BX.message('BXEdHtmlComment'), BX.message('BXEdHtmlComment') + ": " + this.GetShortTitle(code), {value : code}); }, GetIframeHTML: function(code) { if (typeof code !== 'string') return null; return this.GetSurrogateHTML("iframe", BX.message('BXEdIframe'), BX.message('BXEdIframe') + ": " + this.GetShortTitle(code), {value : code}); }, GetStyleHTML: function(code) { if (typeof code !== 'string') return null; return this.GetSurrogateHTML("style", BX.message('BXEdStyle'), BX.message('BXEdStyle') + ": " + this.GetShortTitle(code), {value : code}); }, GetVideoHTML: function(videoParams) { var tag = "video", params = videoParams.params || this.FetchVideoIframeParams(videoParams.html, videoParams.provider); params.value = videoParams.html; var id = this.editor.SetBxTag(false, {tag: tag, name: params.title, params: params}), surrogateId = this.editor.SetBxTag(false, {tag: "surrogate_dd", params: {origParams: params, origId: id}}); this.editor.SetBxTag({id: id}, { tag: tag, name: params.title, params: params, title: params.title, surrogateId: surrogateId } ); var result = '<span id="' + id + '" title="' + params.title + '" class="' + this.surrClass + ' bxhtmled-video-surrogate' + '" ' + 'style="min-width:' + params.width + 'px; max-width:' + params.width + 'px; min-height:' + params.height + 'px; max-height:' + params.height + 'px"' + '>' + '<img title="' + params.title + '" id="'+ surrogateId +'" class="bxhtmled-surrogate-dd" src="' + this.editor.util.GetEmptyImage() + '"/>' + '<span class="bxhtmled-surrogate-inner"><span class="bxhtmled-video-icon"></span><span class="bxhtmled-comp-lable" spellcheck=false>' + params.title + '</span></span>' + '</span>'; return result; }, GetAudioHTML: function(code) { if (typeof code !== 'string') return null; var title = "Audio", params = this.FetchVideoIframeParams(code); if (params && params.src) { title += ': ' + this.GetShortTitle(BX.util.htmlspecialchars(params.src)); } return this.GetSurrogateHTML("audio", title, "Audio: " + this.GetShortTitle(code), {value : code}); }, GetObjectHTML: function(code) { return this.GetSurrogateHTML("object", BX.message('BXEdObjectEmbed'), BX.message('BXEdObjectEmbed') + ": " + this.GetShortTitle(code), {value : code}); }, FetchVideoIframeParams: function(html, provider) { var attrRe = /((?:src)|(?:title)|(?:width)|(?:height))\s*=\s*("|')([\s\S]*?)(\2)/ig, res = { src: '', width: 180, height: 100, title: provider ? BX.message('BXEdVideoTitleProvider').replace('#PROVIDER_NAME#', provider) : BX.message('BXEdVideoTitle'), origTitle : '' }; html.replace(attrRe, function(s, attrName, q, attrValue) { attrName = attrName.toLowerCase(); if (attrName == 'width' || attrName == 'height') { attrValue = parseInt(attrValue, 10); if (attrValue && !isNaN(attrValue)) { res[attrName] = attrValue; } } else if (attrName == 'title')// title { res.origTitle = BX.util.htmlspecialcharsback(attrValue); res.title += ': ' + attrValue; } else { res[attrName] = attrValue; } return s; }); return res; }, GetSurrogateHTML: function(tag, name, title, params) { if (title) { title = BX.util.htmlspecialchars(title); title = title.replace('"', '\"'); } if (!params) { params = {}; } var id = this.editor.SetBxTag(false, {tag: tag, name: name, params: params}), surrogateId = this.editor.SetBxTag(false, {tag: "surrogate_dd", params: {origParams: params, origId: id}}); this.editor.SetBxTag({id: id}, {tag: tag, name: name, params: params, title: title, surrogateId: surrogateId}); if (!this.surrogateTags.tag) { this.surrogateTags.tag = 1; } var result = '<span id="' + id + '" title="' + (title || name) + '" class="' + this.surrClass + (params.className ? ' ' + params.className : '') + '">' + this.GetSurrogateInner(surrogateId, title, name) + '</span>'; return result; }, GetSurrogateNode: function(tag, name, title, params) { var doc = this.editor.GetIframeDoc(), id = this.editor.SetBxTag(false, {tag: tag, name: name, params: params, title: title}), surrogateId = this.editor.SetBxTag(false, {tag: "surrogate_dd", params: {origParams: params, origId: id}}); if (!params) params = {}; this.editor.SetBxTag({id: id}, { tag: tag, name: name, params: params, title: title, surrogateId: surrogateId }); if (!this.surrogateTags.tag) { this.surrogateTags.tag = 1; } return BX.create('SPAN', {props: { id: id, title: title || name, className: this.surrClass + (params.className ? ' ' + params.className : '') }, html: this.GetSurrogateInner(surrogateId, title, name) }, doc); }, GetSurrogateInner: function(surrogateId, title, name) { return '<img title="' + (title || name) + '" id="'+ surrogateId +'" class="bxhtmled-surrogate-dd" src="' + this.editor.util.GetEmptyImage() + '"/>' + '<span class="bxhtmled-surrogate-inner"><span class="bxhtmled-right-side-item-icon"></span><span class="bxhtmled-comp-lable" unselectable="on" spellcheck=false>' + BX.util.htmlspecialchars(name) + '</span></span>'; }, GetShortTitle: function(str, trim) { if (str.length > 100) str = str.substr(0, 100) + '...'; return str; }, _GetUnParsedContent: function(content) { var _this = this; content = content.replace(/#BX(PHP|JAVASCRIPT|HTMLCOMMENT|IFRAME|STYLE|VIDEO|AUDIO|OBJECT)_(\d+)#/g, function(str, type, ind) { var res; switch (type) { case 'PHP': res = _this.arScripts[ind]; break; case 'JAVASCRIPT': res = _this.arJavascripts[ind]; break; case 'HTMLCOMMENT': res = _this.arHtmlComments[ind]; break; case 'IFRAME': res = _this.arIframes[ind]; break; case 'STYLE': res = _this.arStyles[ind]; break; case 'VIDEO': res = _this.arVideos[ind].html; break; case 'AUDIO': res = _this.arAudio[ind]; break; case 'OBJECT': res = _this.arObjects[ind].html; break; } return res; }); return content; }, IsSurrogate: function(node) { return node && BX.hasClass(node, this.surrClass); }, TrimPhpBrackets: function(str) { if (str.substr(0, 2) != "<?") return str; if(str.substr(0, 5).toLowerCase()=="<?php") str = str.substr(5); else str = str.substr(2); str = str.substr(0, str.length-2); return str; }, TrimQuotes: function(str, qoute) { var f_ch, l_ch; str = str.trim(); if (qoute == undefined) { f_ch = str.substr(0, 1); l_ch = str.substr(0, 1); if ((f_ch == '"' && l_ch == '"') || (f_ch == '\'' && l_ch == '\'')) str = str.substring(1, str.length - 1); } else { if (!qoute.length) return str; f_ch = str.substr(0, 1); l_ch = str.substr(0, 1); qoute = qoute.substr(0, 1); if (f_ch == qoute && l_ch == qoute) str = str.substring(1, str.length - 1); } return str; }, CleanCode: function(str) { var bSlashed = false, bInString = false, new_str = "", i=-1, ch, ti, quote_ch; while(i < str.length - 1) { i++; ch = str.substr(i, 1); if(!bInString) { if(ch == "/" && i + 1 < str.length) { ti = 0; if(str.substr(i+1, 1) == "*" && ((ti = str.indexOf("*/", i + 2)) >= 0)) ti += 2; else if(str.substr(i + 1, 1) == "/" && ((ti = str.indexOf("\n", i + 2)) >= 0)) ti += 1; if(ti > 0) { if(i > ti) alert('iti=' + i + '=' + ti); i = ti; } continue; } if(ch == " " || ch == "\r" || ch == "\n" || ch == "\t") continue; } if(bInString && ch == "\\") { bSlashed = true; new_str += ch; continue; } if(ch == "\"" || ch == "'") { if(bInString) { if(!bSlashed && quote_ch == ch) bInString = false; } else { bInString = true; quote_ch = ch; } } bSlashed = false; new_str += ch; } return new_str; }, ParseFunction: function(str) { var pos = str.indexOf("("), lastPos = str.lastIndexOf(")"); if(pos >= 0 && lastPos >= 0 && pos<lastPos) return {name:str.substr(0, pos),params:str.substring(pos+1,lastPos)}; return false; }, ParseParameters: function(str) { str = this.CleanCode(str); var prevAr = this.GetParams(str), tq, j, l = prevAr.length; for (j = 0; j < l; j++) { if (prevAr[j].substr(0, 6).toLowerCase()=='array(' || prevAr[j].substr(0, 1).toLowerCase()=='[') { prevAr[j] = this.GetArray(prevAr[j]); } else { tq = this.TrimQuotes(prevAr[j]); if (this.IsNum(tq) || prevAr[j] != tq) prevAr[j] = tq; else prevAr[j] = this.WrapPhpBrackets(prevAr[j]); } } return prevAr; }, GetArray: function(str) { var php7ArrayStyle = str.substr(0, 1).toLowerCase() == '[', resAr = {}; if (str.substr(0, 6).toLowerCase() != 'array(' && !php7ArrayStyle) { return str; } str = str.substring(php7ArrayStyle ? 1 : 6, str.length - 1); var tempAr = this.GetParams(str), propKey, propValue, p, trimedPropValue, y; for (y = 0; y < tempAr.length; y++) { if (tempAr[y].substr(0, 6).toLowerCase() == 'array(' || tempAr[y].substr(0, 1).toLowerCase() == '[') { resAr[y] = this.GetArray(tempAr[y]); continue; } p = tempAr[y].indexOf("=>"); if (p == -1) { if (tempAr[y] == this.TrimQuotes(tempAr[y])) resAr[y] = this.WrapPhpBrackets(tempAr[y]); else resAr[y] = this.TrimQuotes(tempAr[y]); } else { propKey = this.TrimQuotes(tempAr[y].substr(0, p)); propValue = tempAr[y].substr(p + 2); trimedPropValue = this.TrimQuotes(propValue); if (propValue == trimedPropValue) { propValue = this.WrapPhpBrackets(propValue); if (propValue.substr(0, 6).toLowerCase()=='array(' || propValue.substr(0, 1).toLowerCase()=='[') { propValue = this.GetArray(propValue); } } else { propValue = this.TrimQuotes(propValue); } resAr[propKey] = propValue; } } return resAr; }, WrapPhpBrackets: function(str) { str = str.trim(); var f_ch = str.substr(0, 1), l_ch = str.substr(0, 1); if ((f_ch == '"' && l_ch == '"') || (f_ch == '\'' && l_ch == '\'')) return str; return "={" + str + "}"; }, GetParams: function(params) { var paramsList = [], bracket = 0, sk = 0, ch, sl, q1 = 1, q2 = 1, i, param_tmp = ""; for(i = 0; i < params.length; i++) { ch = params.substr(i, 1); if (ch == "\"" && q2 == 1 && !sl) { q1 *= -1; } else if (ch == "'" && q1 == 1 && !sl) { q2 *=-1; } else if(ch == "\\" && !sl) { sl = true; param_tmp += ch; continue; } if (sl) sl = false; if (q2 == -1 || q1 == -1) { param_tmp += ch; continue; } if(ch == "[") { bracket++; } else if(ch == "]") { bracket--; } else if(ch == "(") { sk++; } else if(ch == ")") { sk--; } else if(ch == "," && bracket == 0 && sk == 0) { paramsList.push(param_tmp); param_tmp = ""; continue; } if(sk < 0 || bracket < 0) { break; } param_tmp += ch; } if(param_tmp != "") { paramsList.push(param_tmp); } return paramsList; }, IsNum: function(val) { var _val = val; val = parseFloat(_val); if (isNaN(val)) val = parseInt(_val); if (!isNaN(val)) return _val == val; return false; }, ParseBxNodes: function(content) { var i, //skipBxNodeIds = [], bxNodes = this.editor.parser.convertedBxNodes, l = bxNodes.length; for(i = 0; i < l; i++) { if (bxNodes[i].tag == 'surrogate_dd') { content = content.replace('~' + bxNodes[i].params.origId + '~', ''); } } this._skipNodeIndex = {}; //_skipNodeIndex - used in Chrome to prevent double parsing of surrogates this._skipNodeList = []; var _this = this; content = content.replace(/~(bxid\d{1,9})~/ig, function(s, bxid) { if (!_this._skipNodeIndex[bxid]) { var bxTag = _this.editor.GetBxTag(bxid); if (bxTag && bxTag.tag) { var node = _this.GetBxNode(bxTag.tag); if (node) { return node.Parse(bxTag.params, bxid); } } } return ''; }); return content; }, // Describe all available surrogates here GetBxNodeList: function() { var _this = this; this.arBxNodes = { component: { Parse: function(params, bxid) { return _this.editor.components.GetSource(params, bxid); } }, component_icon: { Parse: function(params) { return _this.editor.components.GetOnDropHtml(params); } }, surrogate_dd: { Parse: function(params) { if (BX.browser.IsFirefox() || !params || !params.origId) { return ''; } var bxTag = _this.editor.GetBxTag(params.origId); if (bxTag) { _this._skipNodeIndex[params.origId] = true; _this._skipNodeList.push(params.origId); var origNode = _this.GetBxNode(bxTag.tag); if (origNode) { return origNode.Parse(bxTag.params); } } return '#parse surrogate_dd#'; } }, php: { Parse: function(params) { return _this._GetUnParsedContent(params.value); } }, php_protected: { Parse: function(params) { return params.value; } }, javascript: { Parse: function(params) { return _this._GetUnParsedContent(params.value); } }, htmlcomment: { Parse: function(params) { return _this._GetUnParsedContent(params.value); } }, iframe: { Parse: function(params) { return _this._GetUnParsedContent(params.value); } }, style: { Parse: function(params) { return _this._GetUnParsedContent(params.value); } }, video: { Parse: function(params) { return _this._GetUnParsedContent(params.value); } }, audio: { Parse: function(params) { return _this._GetUnParsedContent(params.value); } }, object: { Parse: function(params) { return _this._GetUnParsedContent(params.value); } }, anchor: { Parse: function(params) { var strAtr = ''; if (params.attributes) { for (var k in params.attributes) { if (params.attributes.hasOwnProperty(k)) { strAtr += k + '="' + params.attributes[k] + '" '; } } } return '<a ' + strAtr + (params.name ? 'name="' + params.name + '"' : '') + '>' + params.html + '</a>'; } }, pagebreak: { Parse: function(params) { return '<BREAK />'; } }, printbreak: { Parse: function(params) { return '<div style="page-break-after: always">' + params.innerHTML + '</div>'; } } }; this.editor.On("OnGetBxNodeList"); return this.arBxNodes; }, AddBxNode: function(key, node) { if (this.arBxNodes == undefined) { var _this = this; BX.addCustomEvent(this.editor, "OnGetBxNodeList", function(){ _this.arBxNodes[key] = node; }); } else { this.arBxNodes[key] = node; } }, GetBxNode: function(tag) { if (!this.arBxNodes) { this.arBxNodes = this.GetBxNodeList(); } return this.arBxNodes[tag] || null; }, OnSurrogateMousedown: function(e, target, bxTag) { var _this = this; // User clicked to surrogate icon if (bxTag.tag == 'surrogate_dd') { BX.bind(target, 'dragstart', function(e){_this.OnSurrogateDragStart(e, this)}); BX.bind(target, 'dragend', function(e){_this.OnSurrogateDragEnd(e, this, bxTag)}); } else { setTimeout(function() { var node = _this.CheckParentSurrogate(_this.editor.selection.GetSelectedNode()); if(node) { _this.editor.selection.SetAfter(node); if (!node.nextSibling || node.nextSibling.nodeType != 3) { var invisText = _this.editor.util.GetInvisibleTextNode(); _this.editor.selection.InsertNode(invisText); _this.editor.selection.SetAfter(invisText); } } }, 0); } }, OnSurrogateDragEnd: function(e, target, bxTag) { if (!document.querySelectorAll) return; var doc = this.editor.GetIframeDoc(), i, surr, surBxTag, usedSurrs = {}, surrs = doc.querySelectorAll('.bxhtmled-surrogate'), surrs_dd = doc.querySelectorAll('.bxhtmled-surrogate-dd'), l = surrs.length; for (i = 0; i < surrs_dd.length; i++) { if (surrs_dd[i] && surrs_dd[i].id == bxTag.id) { BX.remove(surrs_dd[i]); } } for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { surr = surrs[i]; if (usedSurrs[surr.id]) { if (surr.getAttribute('data-bx-paste-flag') == 'Y' || !usedSurrs[surr.id].getAttribute('data-bx-paste-flag')) BX.remove(surr); else if (usedSurrs[surr.id].getAttribute('data-bx-paste-flag')) BX.remove(usedSurrs[surr.id]); } else { usedSurrs[surr.id] = surr; surBxTag = this.editor.GetBxTag(surr.id); surr.innerHTML = this.GetSurrogateInner(surBxTag.surrogateId, surBxTag.title, surBxTag.name); } } }, OnSurrogateDragStart: function(e, target) { // We need to append it to body to prevent loading picture in Firefox if (BX.browser.IsFirefox()) { this.editor.GetIframeDoc().body.appendChild(target); } }, CheckParentSurrogate: function(n) { if (!n) { return false; } if (this.IsSurrogate(n)) { return n; } var _this = this, iter = 0, parentSur = BX.findParent(n, function(node) { return (iter++ > 4) || _this.IsSurrogate(node); }, this.editor.GetIframeDoc().body); return this.IsSurrogate(parentSur) ? parentSur : false; }, CheckSurrogateDd: function(n) { return n && n.nodeType == 1 && this.editor.GetBxTag(n).tag == 'surrogate_dd'; }, OnSurrogateClick: function(e, target) { var bxTag = this.editor.GetBxTag(target); // User clicked to component icon if (bxTag && bxTag.tag == 'surrogate_dd') { var origTag = this.editor.GetBxTag(bxTag.params.origId); this.editor.On("OnSurrogateClick", [bxTag, origTag, target, e]); } }, OnSurrogateDblClick: function(e, target) { var bxTag = this.editor.GetBxTag(target); // User clicked to component icon if (bxTag && bxTag.tag == 'surrogate_dd') { var origTag = this.editor.GetBxTag(bxTag.params.origId); this.editor.On("OnSurrogateDblClick", [bxTag, origTag, target, e]); } }, OnSurrogateKeyup: function(e, keyCode, command, target) { var sur, bxTag, range = this.editor.selection.GetRange(); if (range) { // Collapsed selection if (range.collapsed) { } else { } } }, OnSurrogateKeydown: function(e, keyCode, command, target) { var sur, codes = this.editor.KEY_CODES, range = this.editor.selection.GetRange(), invisText, bxTag, surNode, node = target; if (!range || !range.getNodes) return; if (!range.collapsed) { if (keyCode === codes['backspace'] || keyCode === codes['delete']) { var i, nodes = range.getNodes([3]); for (i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { sur = this.editor.util.CheckSurrogateNode(nodes[i]); if (sur) { bxTag = this.editor.GetBxTag(sur); if (this.surrogateTags[bxTag.tag]) { this.RemoveSurrogate(sur, bxTag); } } } } } if (keyCode === codes['delete'] && range.collapsed) { invisText = this.editor.util.GetInvisibleTextNode(); this.editor.selection.InsertNode(invisText); this.editor.selection.SetAfter(invisText); var nodeNextToCarret = invisText.nextSibling; if (nodeNextToCarret) { if (nodeNextToCarret && nodeNextToCarret.nodeName == 'BR') { nodeNextToCarret = nodeNextToCarret.nextSibling; } if (nodeNextToCarret && nodeNextToCarret.nodeType == 3 && (nodeNextToCarret.nodeValue == '\n' || this.editor.util.IsEmptyNode(nodeNextToCarret))) { nodeNextToCarret = nodeNextToCarret.nextSibling; } if (nodeNextToCarret) { BX.remove(invisText); bxTag = this.editor.GetBxTag(nodeNextToCarret); if (this.surrogateTags[bxTag.tag]) { this.RemoveSurrogate(nodeNextToCarret, bxTag); return BX.PreventDefault(e); } } } } else if (keyCode === codes['backspace'] && range.collapsed) { invisText = this.editor.util.GetInvisibleTextNode(); this.editor.selection.InsertNode(invisText); this.editor.selection.SetAfter(invisText); var nodeBeforeCarret = this.editor.util.GetPreviousNotEmptySibling(invisText); if (nodeBeforeCarret && this.editor.phpParser.IsSurrogate(nodeBeforeCarret)) { BX.remove(nodeBeforeCarret); if (invisText) BX.remove(invisText); return BX.PreventDefault(e); } else { if (invisText) BX.remove(invisText); } } if (range.startContainer && range.startContainer == range.endContainer && range.startContainer.nodeName !== 'BODY') { node = range.startContainer; surNode = this.editor.util.CheckSurrogateNode(node); if (surNode) { bxTag = this.editor.GetBxTag(surNode.id); if (keyCode === codes['backspace'] || keyCode === codes['delete']) { this.RemoveSurrogate(surNode, bxTag); BX.PreventDefault(e); } else if (keyCode === codes['left'] || keyCode === codes['up']) { var prevToSur = surNode.previousSibling; if (prevToSur && prevToSur.nodeType == 3 && this.editor.util.IsEmptyNode(prevToSur)) this.editor.selection._MoveCursorBeforeNode(prevToSur); else this.editor.selection._MoveCursorBeforeNode(surNode); return BX.PreventDefault(e); } else if (keyCode === codes['right'] || keyCode === codes['down']) { var nextToSur = surNode.nextSibling; if (nextToSur && nextToSur.nodeType == 3 && this.editor.util.IsEmptyNode(nextToSur)) this.editor.selection._MoveCursorAfterNode(nextToSur); else this.editor.selection._MoveCursorAfterNode(surNode); return BX.PreventDefault(e); } else if (keyCode === codes.shift || keyCode === codes.ctrl || keyCode === codes.alt || keyCode === codes.cmd || keyCode === codes.cmdRight) { return BX.PreventDefault(e); } else { this.editor.selection._MoveCursorAfterNode(surNode); } } } }, RemoveSurrogate: function(node, bxTag) { this.editor.undoManager.Transact(); BX.remove(node); this.editor.On("OnSurrogateRemove", [node, bxTag]); }, CheckHiddenSurrogateDrag: function() { var dd, i; for (i = 0; i < this.hiddenDd.length; i++) { dd = this.editor.GetIframeElement(this.hiddenDd[i]); if (dd) { dd.style.visibility = ''; } } this.hiddenDd = []; }, GetAllSurrogates: function(bGetAll) { if (!document.querySelectorAll) return []; bGetAll = bGetAll === true; var doc = this.editor.GetIframeDoc(), res = [], i, surr, bxTag, surrs = doc.querySelectorAll(".bxhtmled-surrogate"); for (i = 0; i < surrs.length; i++) { surr = surrs[i]; bxTag = this.editor.GetBxTag(surr.id); if (bxTag.tag || bGetAll) { res.push({ node : surr, bxTag : bxTag }); } } return res; }, RenewSurrogates: function() { var bCheck = true, i, idInd = {}, id, surrs = this.GetAllSurrogates(true); for (i = 0; i < surrs.length; i++) { if (!surrs[i].bxTag.tag) { BX.remove(surrs[i].node); continue; } id = surrs[i].bxTag.surrogateId; if (!idInd[id] || !bCheck) { idInd[id] = id; surrs[i].node.innerHTML = this.GetSurrogateInner(surrs[i].bxTag.surrogateId, surrs[i].bxTag.title, surrs[i].bxTag.name); } else { BX.remove(surrs[i].node); } } }, RedrawSurrogates: function() { var i, surrs = this.GetAllSurrogates(); for (i = 0; i < surrs.length; i++) { if (surrs[i].node) { BX.addClass(surrs[i].node, 'bxhtmled-surrogate-tmp'); } } setTimeout(function(){ for (i = 0; i < surrs.length; i++) { if (surrs[i].node) { BX.removeClass(surrs[i].node, 'bxhtmled-surrogate-tmp'); } } }, 0); }, IsAllowed: function(id) { return this.allowed[id]; }, AdvancedPhpParse: function(content) { if (this.bUseAPP) { this.arAPPFragments = []; //content = this.AdvancedPhpParseBetweenTableTags(content); content = this.AdvancedPhpParseInAttributes(content); } return content; }, AdvancedPhpParseBetweenTableTags: function(str) { var _this = this; function replacePHP_before(str, b1, b2, b3, b4) { _this.arAPPFragments.push(JS_addslashes(b1)); return b2 + b3 + ' data-bx-php-before=\"#BXAPP' + (_this.arAPPFragments.length - 1) + '#\" ' + b4; }; function replacePHP_after(str, b1, b2, b3, b4) { _this.arAPPFragments.push(JS_addslashes(b4)); return b1+'>'+b3+'<'+b2+' style="display:none;" data-bx-php-after=\"#BXAPP'+(_this.arAPPFragments.length-1)+'#\"></'+b2+'>'; }; var arTags_before = _this.APPConfig.arTags_before, arTags_after = _this.APPConfig.arTags_after, tagName, i, re; // PHP fragments before tags for (i = 0; i < arTags_before.length; i++) { tagName = arTags_before[i]; if (_this.limit_php_access) re = new RegExp('#(PHP(?:\\d{4}))#(\\s*)(<'+tagName+'[^>]*?)(>)',"ig"); else re = new RegExp('<\\?(.*?)\\?>(\\s*)(<'+tagName+'[^>]*?)(>)',"ig"); str = str.replace(re, replacePHP_before); } // PHP fragments after tags for (i = 0,l = arTags_after.length; i<l; i++) { tagName = arTags_after[i]; if (_this.limit_php_access) re = new RegExp('(</('+tagName+')[^>]*?)>(\\s*)#(PHP(?:\\d{4}))#',"ig"); else re = new RegExp('(</('+tagName+')[^>]*?)>(\\s*)<\\?(.*?)\\?>',"ig"); str = str.replace(re, replacePHP_after); } return str; }, AdvancedPhpParseInAttributes: function(str) { var _this = this, arTags = this.APPConfig.arTags, tagName, atrName, i, re; function replacePhpInAttributes(str, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6) { var appInd, atrValue; if (b4.match(/#PHP\d+#/g)) { _this.arAPPFragments.push(b4); appInd = _this.arAPPFragments.length - 1; atrValue = '#BXAPP' + appInd + '#'; return b1 + b2 + '="' + atrValue + '"' + b5; } if (b4.indexOf('#BXPHP_') === -1) { return str; } _this.arAPPFragments.push(b4); appInd = _this.arAPPFragments.length - 1; atrValue = _this.AdvancedPhpGetFragmentByIndex(appInd, true); return b1 + b2 + '="' + atrValue + '"' + ' data-bx-app-ex-' + b2 + '=\"#BXAPP' + appInd + '#\"' + b5; } for (tagName in arTags) { if (arTags.hasOwnProperty(tagName)) { for (i = 0; i < arTags[tagName].length; i++) { atrName = arTags[tagName][i]; re = new RegExp('(<' + tagName + '(?:[^>](?:\\?>)*?)*?)(' + atrName + ')\\s*=\\s*((?:"|\')?)([\\s\\S]*?)\\3((?:[^>](?:\\?>)*?)*?>)', "ig"); str = str.replace(re, replacePhpInAttributes); } } } return str; }, AdvancedPhpUnParse: function(content) { return content; }, AdvancedPhpGetFragmentByCode: function(code, handleSiteTemplate) { var appInd = code.substr(6); // #BXAPP***# appInd = parseInt(appInd.substr(0, appInd.length - 1), 10); return this.AdvancedPhpGetFragmentByIndex(appInd, handleSiteTemplate); }, AdvancedPhpGetFragmentByIndex: function(appInd, handleSiteTemplate) { var _this = this, appStr = this.arAPPFragments[appInd]; appStr = appStr.replace(/#BXPHP_(\d+)#/g, function(str, ind) { var res = _this.arScripts[parseInt(ind, 10)]; if (handleSiteTemplate) { var stp = _this.GetSiteTemplatePath(); if(stp) { res = res.replace(/<\?=\s*SITE_TEMPLATE_PATH;?\s*\?>/i, stp); res = res.replace(/<\?\s*echo\s*SITE_TEMPLATE_PATH;?\s*\?>/i, stp); } } return res; }); return appStr; }, ParseBreak: function(content) { var _this = this; content = content.replace(/<break\s*\/*>/gi, function(s) { return _this.GetSurrogateHTML("pagebreak", BX.message('BXEdPageBreakSur'), BX.message('BXEdPageBreakSurTitle')); } ); return content; }, GetSiteTemplatePath: function() { return this.editor.GetTemplateParams().SITE_TEMPLATE_PATH; }, CustomContentParse: function(content) { for (var i = 0; i < this.customParsers.length; i++) { if (typeof this.customParsers[i] == 'function') { content = this.customParsers[i](content); } } return content; }, AddCustomParser: function(parser) { if (typeof parser == 'function') this.customParsers.push(parser); } }; function BXEditorBbCodeParser(editor) { this.editor = editor; this.parseAlign = true; } BXEditorBbCodeParser.prototype = { Unparse: function(content) // HTML - > Bbcode { var el = this.editor.parser.GetAsDomElement(content, this.editor.GetIframeDoc()); el.setAttribute('data-bx-parent-node', 'Y'); content = this.GetNodeHtml(el, true); content = content.replace(/#BR#/ig, "\n"); content = content.replace(/ /ig, " "); content = content.replace(/\uFEFF/ig, ''); return content; }, Parse: function(content) // // BBCode -> HTML { var _this = this, i, l; content = content.replace(/</ig, "<"); content = content.replace(/>/ig, ">"); function secureAtr(str) { if(!str.replace) return str; return str.replace(/("|<|>)/g, ''); } // [CODE] == > #BX_CODE1# var arCodes = []; content = content.replace(/\[code\]((?:\s|\S)*?)\[\/code\]/ig, function(str, code) { arCodes.push('<pre class="bxhtmled-code">' + code + '</pre>'); return '#BX_CODE' + (arCodes.length - 1) + '#'; }); var parserName, specialParser; for (parserName in this.editor.parser.specialParsers) { if (this.editor.parser.specialParsers.hasOwnProperty(parserName)) { specialParser = this.editor.parser.specialParsers[parserName]; if (specialParser && specialParser.Parse) { content = specialParser.Parse(parserName, content, this.editor); } } } // * * * Handle Smiles * * * if (this.editor.sortedSmiles) { var arUrls = [], arTags = [], smile; content = content.replace(/\[(?:\s|\S)*?\]/ig, function(str) { arTags.push(str); return '#BX_TMP_TAG' + (arTags.length - 1) + '#'; }); content = content.replace(/(?:https?|ftp):\/\//gi, function(str) { arUrls.push(str); return '#BX_TMP_URL' + (arUrls.length - 1) + '#'; }); l = this.editor.sortedSmiles.length; var smHtml, symRe = "\\s.,;:!?\\#\\-\\*\\|\\[\\]\\(\\)\\{\\}<>&\\n\\t\\r", css; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { smile = this.editor.sortedSmiles[i]; if (smile.path && smile.code) { css = ''; if (smile.width) css += 'width:' + parseInt(smile.width) + 'px;'; if (smile.height) css += 'height:' + parseInt(smile.height) + 'px;'; if (css !== '') css = 'style="' + css + '"'; smHtml = '<img id="' + _this.editor.SetBxTag(false, {tag: "smile", params: smile}) + '" src="' + smile.path + '" title="' + (smile.name || smile.code) + '" ' + css + '/>'; content = content.replace( new RegExp('([' + symRe + '])' + BX.util.preg_quote(smile.code) + '([' + symRe + '])', 'ig'), "$1" + smHtml + "$2" ); content = content.replace( new RegExp('([' + symRe + '])' + BX.util.preg_quote(smile.code) + '$', 'ig'), "$1" + smHtml ); content = content.replace( new RegExp('^' + BX.util.preg_quote(smile.code) + '([' + symRe + '])', 'ig'), smHtml + "$1" ); content = content.replace( new RegExp('^' + BX.util.preg_quote(smile.code) + '$', 'ig'), smHtml ); } } // Set urls back if (arUrls.length > 0) { content = content.replace(/#BX_TMP_URL(\d+)#/ig, function(s, num){return arUrls[num] || s;}); } // Set tags back if (arTags.length > 0) { content = content.replace(/#BX_TMP_TAG(\d+)#/ig, function(s, num){return arTags[num] || s;}); } } // * * * Handle Smiles END * * * // Quote //content = content.replace(/\n?\[quote\]/ig, '<blockquote class="bxhtmled-quote">'); content = content.replace(/\[quote\]/ig, '<blockquote class="bxhtmled-quote">'); content = content.replace(/\[\/quote\]\n?/ig, '</blockquote>'); // Table content = content.replace(/[\r\n\s\t]?\[table\][\r\n\s\t]*?\[tr\]/ig, '<table border="1">[TR]'); content = content.replace(/\[tr\][\r\n\s\t]*?\[td\]/ig, '[TR][TD]'); content = content.replace(/\[tr\][\r\n\s\t]*?\[th\]/ig, '[TR][TH]'); content = content.replace(/\[\/td\][\r\n\s\t]*?\[td\]/ig, '[/TD][TD]'); content = content.replace(/\[\/tr\][\r\n\s\t]*?\[tr\]/ig, '[/TR][TR]'); content = content.replace(/\[\/td\][\r\n\s\t]*?\[\/tr\]/ig, '[/TD][/TR]'); content = content.replace(/\[\/th\][\r\n\s\t]*?\[\/tr\]/ig, '[/TH][/TR]'); content = content.replace(/\[\/tr\][\r\n\s\t]*?\[\/table\][\r\n\s\t]?/ig, '[/TR][/TABLE]'); // List content = content.replace(/[\r\n\s\t]*?\[\/list\]/ig, '[/LIST]'); content = content.replace(/[\r\n\s\t]*?\[\*\]?/ig, '[*]'); // Paragraph content = content.replace(/\[p\]/ig, '<p>'); content = content.replace(/\[\/p\]\n?/ig, '</p>'); var arSimpleTags = [ 'b','u', 'i', ['s', 'del'], // B, U, I, S 'table', 'tr', 'td', 'th'//, // Table ], bbTag, tag; l = arSimpleTags.length; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { if (typeof arSimpleTags[i] == 'object') { bbTag = arSimpleTags[i][0]; tag = arSimpleTags[i][1]; } else { bbTag = tag = arSimpleTags[i]; } content = content.replace(new RegExp('\\[(\\/?)' + bbTag + '\\]', 'ig'), "<$1" + tag + ">"); } // Link content = content.replace(/\[url\]((?:\s|\S)*?)\[\/url\]/ig, function(str, href) { return '<a href="' + secureAtr(href) + '">' + href + '</a>'; }); content = content.replace(/\[url\s*=\s*((?:\s|\S)*?)\]((?:\s|\S)*?)\[\/url\]/ig, function(str, href, html) { return '<a href="' + secureAtr(href) + '">' + html + '</a>'; }); // Img content = content.replace(/\[img((?:\s|\S)*?)\]((?:\s|\S)*?)\[\/img\]/ig, function(str, params, src) { params = _this.FetchImageParams(params); src = secureAtr(src); var size = ""; if (params.width) size += 'width:' + parseInt(params.width) + 'px;'; if (params.height) size += 'height:' + parseInt(params.height) + 'px;'; if (size !== '') size = 'style="' + size + '"'; return '<img src="' + src + '"' + size + '/>'; } ); // Font color i = 0; while (content.toLowerCase().indexOf('[color=') != -1 && content.toLowerCase().indexOf('[/color]') != -1 && i++ < 20) { content = content.replace(/\[color=((?:\s|\S)*?)\]((?:\s|\S)*?)\[\/color\]/ig, function(s, value, cont){ return '<span style="color:' + secureAtr(value) + '">' + cont + '</span>' }); } // List i = 0; while (content.toLowerCase().indexOf('[list=') != -1 && content.toLowerCase().indexOf('[/list]') != -1 && i++ < 20) { content = content.replace(/\[list=1\]((?:\s|\S)*?)\[\/list\]/ig, "<ol>$1</ol>"); } i = 0; while (content.toLowerCase().indexOf('[list') != -1 && content.toLowerCase().indexOf('[/list]') != -1 && i++ < 20) { content = content.replace(/\[list\]((?:\s|\S)*?)\[\/list\]/ig, "<ul>$1</ul>"); } content = content.replace(/\[\*\]/ig, "<li>"); // Font i = 0; while (content.toLowerCase().indexOf('[font=') != -1 && content.toLowerCase().indexOf('[/font]') != -1 && i++ < 20) { content = content.replace(/\[font=((?:\s|\S)*?)\]((?:\s|\S)*?)\[\/font\]/ig, function(s, value, cont){ return '<span style="font-family:' + secureAtr(value) + '">' + cont + '</span>' }); } // Font size i = 0; while (content.toLowerCase().indexOf('[size=') != -1 && content.toLowerCase().indexOf('[/size]') != -1 && i++ < 20) { content = content.replace(/\[size=((?:\s|\S)*?)\]((?:\s|\S)*?)\[\/size\]/ig, function(s, value, cont){ return '<span style="font-size:' + secureAtr(value) + '">' + cont + '</span>' }); } if (this.parseAlign) { content = content.replace(/\[(center|left|right|justify)\]/ig, function(s, value){return '<div style="text-align:' + secureAtr(value) + '">';}); content = content.replace(/\[\/(center|left|right|justify)\]/ig, "</div>"); } // VIDEO if (content.toLowerCase().indexOf('[/video]') != -1) { content = content.replace(/\[video((?:\s|\S)*?)\]((?:\s|\S)*?)\[\/video\]/ig, function(s, params, src) { return _this.GetVideoSourse(src, _this.FetchVideoParams(params.trim(params)), s); }); } // Replace \n => <br/> content = content.replace(/\n/ig, "<br />"); // Replace encoded "[", "]" by [ and ] content = content.replace(/[/ig, "["); content = content.replace(/]/ig, "]"); // Replace back CODE content without modifications // #BX_CODE1# ==> <pre>...</pre> if (arCodes.length > 0) { content = content.replace(/#BX_CODE(\d+)#/ig, function(s, num){return arCodes[num] || s;}); } return content; }, GetNodeHtml: function(node, onlyChild) { var oNode = { node: node }, res = ''; if (!onlyChild) { if(node.nodeType == 3) { var text = BX.util.htmlspecialchars(node.nodeValue); if (!text.match(/[^\n]+/ig) && node.previousSibling && node.nextSibling && this.editor.util.IsBlockNode(node.previousSibling) && this.editor.util.IsBlockNode(node.nextSibling)) { return "\n"; } // Mantis: 54329 if (BX.browser.IsChrome() && this.editor.pasteHandleMode && node.nextSibling && node.nextSibling.nodeName == 'P') { text = text.replace(/\n+/ig, "\n"); } // List of tags inside of which \n will be cleaned in textNodes if (node.parentNode && !node.parentNode.getAttribute('data-bx-parent-node') && BX.util.in_array(node.parentNode.nodeName, ['P', 'DIV', 'SPAN', 'TD', 'TH', 'B', 'STRONG', 'I', 'EM', 'U', 'DEL', 'S','STRIKE', 'BLOCKQUOTE'])) { text = text.replace(/\n/ig, " "); } if (BX.browser.IsMac() || BX.browser.IsFirefox()) { text = text.replace(/\n/ig, " "); } text = text.replace(/\[/ig, "["); text = text.replace(/\]/ig, "]"); return text; } if (node.nodeType == 1 && node.nodeName == 'P') { var html = BX.util.trim(node.innerHTML); html = html.replace(/[\n\r\s]/ig, "").toLowerCase(); if(html == '<br>') { node.innerHTML = ''; } } var bbRes = this.UnParseNodeBB(oNode); if (bbRes !== false) { return bbRes; } if (oNode.bbOnlyChild) onlyChild = true; // Left part if (!onlyChild) { if (oNode.breakLineBefore) { res += "\n"; } if(node.nodeType == 1 && !oNode.hide) { res += "[" + oNode.bbTag; if (oNode.bbValue) { res += '=' + oNode.bbValue; } res += "]"; } } } if (oNode.checkNodeAgain) { res += this.GetNodeHtml(node); } else { var i, child, innerContent = ''; // Handle childs for (i = 0; i < node.childNodes.length; i++) { child = node.childNodes[i]; innerContent += this.GetNodeHtml(child); } res += innerContent; } // Right part if (!onlyChild) { if (oNode.breakLineAfter) res += "\n"; if (innerContent == '' && this.IsPairNode(oNode.bbTag) && node.nodeName !== 'P' && node.nodeName !== 'TD' && node.nodeName !== 'TR' && node.nodeName !== 'TH') { return ''; } if(node.nodeType == 1 && (node.childNodes.length > 0 || this.IsPairNode(oNode.bbTag)) && !oNode.hide && !oNode.hideRight) { res += "[/" + oNode.bbTag + "]"; } if (BX.browser.IsFirefox() && this.editor.util.IsBlockNode(node) && BX.util.trim(node.innerHTML.replace(/\uFEFF/ig, '')).toLowerCase() == '<br>') { return '\n'; } // mantis: #54244 & #100442 if (oNode.breakLineAfterEnd || node.nodeType == 1 && this.editor.util.IsBlockNode(node) && this.editor.util.IsBlockNode(this.editor.util.GetNextSibling(node))) { res += "\n"; } } return res; }, UnParseNodeBB: function (oNode) // WYSIWYG -> BBCode { var bxTag, isTableTag, isAlign, nodeName = oNode.node.nodeName.toUpperCase(); oNode.checkNodeAgain = false; if (nodeName == "BR") { return "#BR#"; } if (oNode.node && oNode.node.id) { bxTag = this.editor.GetBxTag(oNode.node.id); if (bxTag.tag) { var parser = this.editor.parser.specialParsers[bxTag.tag]; if (parser && parser.UnParse) { return parser.UnParse(bxTag, oNode, this.editor); } else if (bxTag.tag == 'video') { return bxTag.params.value; } else if (bxTag.tag == 'smile') { return bxTag.params.code; } else { return ''; } } } if (nodeName == "SCRIPT") { return ''; } if (nodeName == "IFRAME" && oNode.node.src) { var src = oNode.node.src.replace(/https?:\/\//ig, '//'), video = this.editor.phpParser.CheckForVideo('src="' + src + '"'); if (video) { var width = parseInt(oNode.node.width), height = parseInt(oNode.node.height); return '[VIDEO TYPE=' + video.provider.toUpperCase() + ' WIDTH=' + width + ' HEIGHT=' + height + ']' + src + '[/VIDEO]'; } } //[CODE] Handle code tag if (nodeName == "PRE" && BX.hasClass(oNode.node, 'bxhtmled-code')) { return "[CODE]" + this.GetCodeContent(oNode.node) + "[/CODE]"; } // Image if (nodeName == "IMG") { var size = ''; if (oNode.node.style.width) size += ' WIDTH=' + parseInt(oNode.node.style.width); else if (oNode.node.width) size += ' WIDTH=' + parseInt(oNode.node.width); if (oNode.node.style.height) size += ' HEIGHT=' + parseInt(oNode.node.style.height); else if (oNode.node.height) size += ' HEIGHT=' + parseInt(oNode.node.height); return "[IMG" + size + "]" + oNode.node.src + "[/IMG]"; } oNode.hide = false; oNode.bbTag = nodeName; isTableTag = BX.util.in_array(nodeName, this.editor.TABLE_TAGS); isAlign = this.parseAlign && (oNode.node.style.textAlign || oNode.node.align) && !isTableTag; if(nodeName == 'STRONG' || nodeName == 'B') { oNode.bbTag = 'B'; } else if(nodeName == 'EM' || nodeName == 'I') { oNode.bbTag = 'I'; } else if(nodeName == 'DEL' || nodeName == 'S') { oNode.bbTag = 'S'; } // List else if((nodeName == 'OL' || nodeName == 'UL')) { oNode.bbTag = 'LIST'; oNode.breakLineAfter = true; oNode.bbValue = nodeName == 'OL' ? '1' : ''; } else if(nodeName == 'LI') { if (oNode.node.lastChild && oNode.node.lastChild.nodeName == 'BR') { oNode.node.removeChild(oNode.node.lastChild); } oNode.bbTag = '*'; oNode.breakLineBefore = true; oNode.hideRight = true; } else if(nodeName == 'A') { oNode.bbTag = 'URL'; oNode.bbValue = this.editor.parser.GetAttributeEx(oNode.node, 'href'); oNode.bbValue = oNode.bbValue.replace(/\[/ig, "[").replace(/\]/ig, "]"); if (oNode.bbValue === '') { oNode.bbOnlyChild = true; } } // Color else if(oNode.node.style.color && !isTableTag) { oNode.bbTag = 'COLOR'; oNode.bbValue = this.editor.util.RgbToHex(oNode.node.style.color); oNode.node.style.color = ''; if (oNode.node.style.cssText != '') { oNode.checkNodeAgain = true; } } // Font family else if(oNode.node.style.fontFamily && !isTableTag) { oNode.bbTag = 'FONT'; oNode.bbValue = oNode.node.style.fontFamily; oNode.node.style.fontFamily = ''; if (oNode.node.style.cssText != '') { oNode.checkNodeAgain = true; } } // Font size else if(oNode.node.style.fontSize && !isTableTag) { oNode.bbTag = 'SIZE'; oNode.bbValue = oNode.node.style.fontSize; oNode.node.style.fontSize = ''; if (oNode.node.style.cssText != '') { oNode.checkNodeAgain = true; } } else if(nodeName == 'BLOCKQUOTE' && oNode.node.className == 'bxhtmled-quote' && !oNode.node.getAttribute('data-bx-skip-check')) { oNode.bbTag = 'QUOTE'; //oNode.breakLineBefore = true; oNode.breakLineAfterEnd = true; if (isAlign) { oNode.checkNodeAgain = true; oNode.node.setAttribute('data-bx-skip-check', 'Y'); } } else if(isAlign) { var align = oNode.node.style.textAlign || oNode.node.align; if (BX.util.in_array(align, ['left', 'right', 'center', 'justify'])) { oNode.hide = false; oNode.bbTag = align.toUpperCase(); } else { oNode.hide = !BX.util.in_array(nodeName, this.editor.BBCODE_TAGS); } } else if(!BX.util.in_array(nodeName, this.editor.BBCODE_TAGS)) //'p', 'u', 'div', 'table', 'tr', 'img', 'td', 'a' { oNode.hide = true; } return false; }, IsPairNode: function(text) { text = text.toUpperCase(); return !(text.substr(0, 1) == 'H' || text == 'BR' || text == 'IMG' || text == 'INPUT'); }, GetCodeContent: function(node) // WYSIWYG -> BBCode { if (!node || this.editor.util.IsEmptyNode(node)) return ''; var i, res = ''; for (i = 0; i < node.childNodes.length; i++) { if (node.childNodes[i].nodeType == 3) res += node.childNodes[i].data; else if (node.childNodes[i].nodeType == 1 && node.childNodes[i].nodeName == "BR") res += "#BR#"; else res += this.GetCodeContent(node.childNodes[i]); } if (BX.browser.IsIE()) res = res.replace(/\r/ig, "#BR#"); else res = res.replace(/\n/ig, "#BR#"); res = res.replace(/\[/ig, "["); res = res.replace(/\]/ig, "]"); return res; }, GetVideoSourse: function(src, params, source, title) { title = title || BX.message.BXEdVideoTitle; return this.editor.phpParser.GetVideoHTML({ params: { width: params.width, height: params.height, title: title, origTitle: '', provider: params.type }, html: source }); }, FetchVideoParams: function(str) { str = BX.util.trim(str); var atr = str.split(' '), i, name, val, atr_, res = { width: 180, height: 100, type: false }; for (i = 0; i < atr.length; i++) { atr_ = atr[i].split('='); name = atr_[0].toLowerCase(); val = atr_[1]; if (name == 'width' || name == 'height') { val = parseInt(val, 10); if (val && !isNaN(val)) { res[name] = Math.max(val, 100); } } else if (name == 'type') { val = val.toUpperCase(); if (val == 'YOUTUBE' || val == 'RUTUBE' || val == 'VIMEO') { res[name] = val; } } } return res; }, FetchImageParams: function(str) { str = BX.util.trim(str); var atr = str.split(' '), i, name, val, atr_, res = {}; for (i = 0; i < atr.length; i++) { atr_ = atr[i].split('='); name = atr_[0].toLowerCase(); val = atr_[1]; if (name == 'width' || name == 'height') { val = parseInt(val, 10); if (val && !isNaN(val)) { res[name] = val; } } } return res; } }; function BXCodeFormatter(editor) { this.editor = editor; var ownLine = ['area', 'hr', 'i?frame', 'link', 'meta', 'noscript', 'style', 'table', 'tbody', 'thead', 'tfoot'], contOwnLine = ['li', 'dt', 'dd', 'h[1-6]', 'option', 'script']; this.reBefore = new RegExp('^<(/?' + ownLine.join('|/?') + '|' + contOwnLine.join('|') + ')[ >]', 'i'); this.reAfter = new RegExp('^<(br|/?' + ownLine.join('|/?') + '|/' + contOwnLine.join('|/') + ')[ >]'); var newLevel = ['blockquote', 'div', 'dl', 'fieldset', 'form', 'frameset', 'map', 'ol', 'p', 'pre', 'select', 'td', 'th', 'tr', 'ul']; this.reLevel = new RegExp('^</?(' + newLevel.join('|') + ')[ >]'); this.lastCode = null; this.lastResult = null; } BXCodeFormatter.prototype = { Format: function(code) { if (code != this.lastCode) { this.lastCode = code; this.lastResult = this.DoFormat(code); } return this.lastResult; }, DoFormat: function(code) { code += ' '; this.level = 0; var _this = this, i, t, point = 0, start = null, end = null, tag = '', result = '', index = 0, cont = ''; this.pieces = {}; code = code.replace(/<pre[\s\S]*?\/pre>/gi, function(s) { _this.pieces[index] = s; var str = '#BX_CODE_PIECE_' + index + '#'; index++; return str; } ); for (i = 0; i < code.length; i++) { point = i; //if no more tags ==> exit if (code.substr(i).indexOf('<') == -1) { result += code.substr(i); result = result.replace(/\n\s*\n/g, '\n'); //blank lines result = result.replace(/^[\s\n]*/, ''); //leading space result = result.replace(/[\s\n]*$/, ''); //trailing space if (result.indexOf('<!--noindex-->') !== -1) { result = result.replace(/(<!--noindex-->)(?:[\s|\n|\r|\t]*?)(<a[\s\S]*?\/a>)(?:[\s|\n|\r|\t]*?)(<!--\/noindex-->)(?:[\n|\r|\t]*)/ig, "$1$2$3"); } result = result.replace(/#BX_CODE_PIECE_(\d+)#/g, function(s, ind){return (ind && _this.pieces[ind]) ? _this.pieces[ind] : s;}); return result; } while (point < code.length && code.charAt(point) !== '<') { point++; } if (i != point) { cont = code.substr(i, point - i); if (cont.match(/^\s+$/)) { cont = cont.replace(/\s+/g, ' '); result += cont; } else { if (result.charAt(result.length - 1) == '\n') { result += this.GetTabs(); } else if (cont.charAt(0) == '\n') { result += '\n' + this.GetTabs(); cont = cont.replace(/^\s+/, ''); } cont = cont.replace(/\n/g, ' '); cont = cont.replace(/\n+/g, ''); cont = cont.replace(/\s+/g, ' '); result += cont; } if (cont.match(/\n/)) { result += '\n' + this.GetTabs(); } } start = point; //find the end of the tag while (point < code.length && code.charAt(point) != '>') { point++; } tag = code.substr(start, point - start); i = point; //if this is a special tag, deal with it if (tag.substr(1, 3) === '!--') { if (!tag.match(/--$/)) { while (code.substr(point, 3) !== '-->') { point++; } point += 2; tag = code.substr(start, point - start); i = point; } if (result.charAt(result.length - 1) !== '\n') { result += '\n'; } result += this.GetTabs(); result += tag + '>\n'; } else if (tag[1] === '!') { result = this.PutTag(tag + '>', result); } else if (tag[1] == '?') { result += tag + '>\n'; } else if (t = tag.match(/^<(script|style)/i)) { t[1] = t[1].toLowerCase(); result = this.PutTag(this.CleanTag(tag), result); //end = String(code.substr(i + 1)).indexOf('</' + t[1]); end = String(code.substr(i + 1)).toLowerCase().indexOf('</' + t[1]); if (end) { cont = code.substr(i + 1, end); i += end; result += cont; } } else { result = this.PutTag(this.CleanTag(tag), result); } } code = code.replace(/#BX_CODE_PIECE_(\d+)#/g, function(s, ind){return (ind && _this.pieces[ind]) ? _this.pieces[ind] : s;}); return code; }, GetTabs: function() { var s = '', j; for (j = 0; j < this.level; j++) { s += '\t'; } return s; }, CleanTag: function(tag) { var m, partRe = /\s*([^= ]+)(?:=((['"']).*?\3|[^ ]+))?/, result = '', suffix = ''; tag = tag.replace(/\n/g, ' '); //remove newlines tag = tag.replace(/[\s]{2,}/g, ' '); //collapse whitespace tag = tag.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ' '); //collapse whitespace if (tag.match(/\/$/)) { suffix = '/'; tag = tag.replace(/\/+$/, ''); } while (m = partRe.exec(tag)) { if (m[2]) result += m[1] + '=' + m[2]; else if (m[1]) result += m[1]; result += ' '; tag = tag.substr(m[0].length); } return result.replace(/\s*$/, '') + suffix + '>'; }, PutTag: function(tag, res) { var nl = tag.match(this.reLevel); if (tag.match(this.reBefore) || nl) { res = res.replace(/\s*$/, ''); res += "\n"; } if (nl && tag.charAt(1) == '/') { this.level--; } if (res.charAt(res.length-1) == '\n') { res += this.GetTabs(); } if (nl && '/' != tag.charAt(1)) { this.level++; } res += tag; if (tag.match(this.reAfter) || tag.match(this.reLevel)) { res = res.replace(/ *$/, ''); res += "\n"; } return res; } }; function __run() { window.BXHtmlEditor.BXCodeFormatter = BXCodeFormatter; window.BXHtmlEditor.BXEditorParser = BXEditorParser; window.BXHtmlEditor.BXEditorPhpParser = BXEditorPhpParser; window.BXHtmlEditor.BXEditorBbCodeParser = BXEditorBbCodeParser; } if (window.BXHtmlEditor) { __run(); } else { BX.addCustomEvent(window, "OnBXHtmlEditorInit", __run); } })();