Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/fileman/install/js/fileman/light_editor/ |
Current File : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/fileman/install/js/fileman/light_editor/le_core.js |
function JCLightHTMLEditor(arConfig) {this.Init(arConfig);} JCLightHTMLEditor.items = {}; JCLightHTMLEditor.prototype = { Init: function(arConfig) { this.id = arConfig.id; JCLightHTMLEditor.items[this.id] = this; var _this = this; this.arConfig = arConfig; this.bxTags = {}; this.bFocused = false; arConfig.timeoutCount = arConfig.timeoutCount || 0; this.bPopup = false; this.buttonsIndex = {}; this.parseAlign = true; this.parseTable = true; this.lastCursorId = 'bxed-last-cursor'; this.bHandleOnPaste = this.arConfig.bHandleOnPaste !== false; this.arBBTags = ['p', 'u', 'div', 'table', 'tr', 'td', 'th', 'img', 'a', 'center', 'left', 'right', 'justify']; this._turnOffCssCount = 0; if (this.arConfig.arBBTags) this.arBBTags = this.arBBTags.concat(this.arConfig.arBBTags); this.arConfig.width = this.arConfig.width ? parseInt(this.arConfig.width) + (this.arConfig.width.indexOf('%') == -1 ? "px" : '%') : "100%"; this.arConfig.height = this.arConfig.height ? parseInt(this.arConfig.height) + (this.arConfig.height.indexOf('%') == -1 ? "px" : '%') : "100%"; this.SetConstants(); this.sEditorMode = 'html'; this.toolbarLineCount = 1; this.CACHE = {}; this.arVideos = {}; // Set content from config; this.content = this.arConfig.content; this.oSpecialParsers = {}; BX.onCustomEvent(window, 'LHE_OnBeforeParsersInit', [this]); this.oSpecialParsers.cursor = { Parse: function(sName, sContent, pLEditor) { return sContent.replace(/#BXCURSOR#/ig, '<span id="' + pLEditor.lastCursorId + '"></span>'); }, UnParse: function(bxTag, pNode, pLEditor) { return '#BXCURSOR#'; } }; if (arConfig.parsers) { for (var p in arConfig.parsers) { if (arConfig.parsers[p]) this.oSpecialParsers[p] = arConfig.parsers[p]; } } this.bDialogOpened = false; // Sceleton this.pFrame = BX('bxlhe_frame_' + this.id); if (!this.pFrame) { if (arConfig.timeoutCount < 100) { setTimeout(function() { arConfig.timeoutCount++; _this.Init(arConfig); }, 1); } return; } this.pFrame.style.display = "block"; this.pFrame.style.width = this.arConfig.width; this.pFrame.style.height = this.arConfig.height; this.pFrameTable = this.pFrame.firstChild; this.pButtonsCell = this.pFrameTable.rows[0].cells[0]; this.pButtonsCont = this.pButtonsCell.firstChild; this.pEditCont = this.pFrameTable.rows[1].cells[0]; if (this.arConfig.height.indexOf('%') == -1) { var h = parseInt(this.arConfig.height) - this.toolbarLineCount * 27; if (h > 0) this.pEditCont.style.height = h + 'px'; } // iFrame this.CreateFrame(); // Textarea this.pSourceDiv = this.pEditCont.appendChild(BX.create("DIV", {props: {className: 'lha-source-div' }})); this.pTextarea = this.pSourceDiv.appendChild(BX.create("TEXTAREA", {props: {className: 'lha-textarea', rows: 25, id: this.arConfig.inputId}})); this.pHiddenInput = this.pFrame.appendChild(BX.create("INPUT", {props: {type: 'hidden', name: this.arConfig.inputName}})); this.pTextarea.onfocus = function(){_this.bTextareaFocus = true;}; this.pTextarea.onblur = function(){_this.bTextareaFocus = false;}; this.pTextarea.style.fontFamily = this.arConfig.fontFamily; this.pTextarea.style.fontSize = this.arConfig.fontSize; this.pTextarea.style.fontSize = this.arConfig.lineHeight; if (this.pHiddenInput.form) { BX.bind(this.pHiddenInput.form, 'submit', function(){ try{ _this.SaveContent(); _this.pHiddenInput.value = _this.pTextarea.value = _this.pHiddenInput.value.replace(/#BXCURSOR#/ig, ''); } catch(e){} }); } // Sort smiles if (this.arConfig.arSmiles && this.arConfig.arSmiles.length > 0) { this.sortedSmiles = []; var i, l, smile, j, k, arCodes; for (i = 0, l = this.arConfig.arSmiles.length; i < l; i++) { smile = this.arConfig.arSmiles[i]; if (!smile['codes'] || smile['codes'] == smile['code']) { this.sortedSmiles.push(smile); } else if(smile['codes'].length > 0) { arCodes = smile['codes'].split(' '); for(j = 0, k = arCodes.length; j < k; j++) this.sortedSmiles.push({name: smile.name, path: smile.path, code: arCodes[j]}); } } //this.sortedSmiles = BX.clone(this.arConfig.arSmiles); this.sortedSmiles = this.sortedSmiles.sort(function(a, b){return b.code.length - a.code.length;}); } if (!this.arConfig.bBBCode && this.arConfig.bConvertContentFromBBCodes) this.arConfig.bBBCode = true; this.bBBCode = this.arConfig.bBBCode; if (this.bBBCode) { if (this.InitBBCode && typeof this.InitBBCode == 'function') this.InitBBCode(); } this.bBBParseImageSize = this.arConfig.bBBParseImageSize; if (this.arConfig.bResizable) { if (this.arConfig.bManualResize) { this.pResizer = BX('bxlhe_resize_' + this.id); /*this.pResizer.style.width = this.arConfig.width;*/ this.pResizer.title = BX.message.ResizerTitle; if (!this.arConfig.minHeight || parseInt(this.arConfig.minHeight) <= 0) this.arConfig.minHeight = 100; if (!this.arConfig.maxHeight || parseInt(this.arConfig.maxHeight) <= 0) this.arConfig.maxHeight = 2000; this.pResizer.unselectable = "on"; this.pResizer.ondragstart = function (e){return BX.PreventDefault(e);}; this.pResizer.onmousedown = function(){_this.InitResizer(); return false;}; } if (this.arConfig.bAutoResize) { BX.bind(this.pTextarea, 'keydown', BX.proxy(this.AutoResize, this)); BX.addCustomEvent(this, 'onShow', BX.proxy(this.AutoResize, this)); } } // Add buttons this.AddButtons(); // Check if ALIGN tags allowed this.parseAlign = !this.arConfig.bBBCode || !!(this.buttonsIndex['Justify'] || this.buttonsIndex['JustifyLeft']); this.parseTable = !this.arConfig.bBBCode || !!this.buttonsIndex['Table']; if (!this.parseAlign || !this.parseTable) { var arBBTags = []; for (var k in this.arBBTags) { // Align tags if (!this.parseAlign && ( this.arBBTags[k] == 'center' || this.arBBTags[k] == 'left' || this.arBBTags[k] == 'right' || this.arBBTags[k] == 'justify' )) continue; // Table tags if (!this.parseTable && ( this.arBBTags[k] == 'table' || this.arBBTags[k] == 'tr' || this.arBBTags[k] == 'td' || this.arBBTags[k] == 'th' )) continue; arBBTags.push(this.arBBTags[k]); } this.arBBTags = arBBTags; } this.SetContent(this.content); this.SetEditorContent(this.content); this.oTransOverlay = new LHETransOverlay({zIndex: 995}, this); // TODO: Fix it //this.oContextMenu = new LHEContextMenu({zIndex: 1000}, this); BX.onCustomEvent(window, 'LHE_OnInit', [this, false]); // Init events BX.bind(this.pEditorDocument, 'click', BX.proxy(this.OnClick, this)); BX.bind(this.pEditorDocument, 'mousedown', BX.proxy(this.OnMousedown, this)); //BX.bind(this.pEditorDocument, 'contextmenu', BX.proxy(this.OnContextMenu, this)); if (this.arConfig.bSaveOnBlur) BX.bind(document, "mousedown", BX.proxy(this.OnDocMousedown, this)); if (this.arConfig.ctrlEnterHandler && typeof window[this.arConfig.ctrlEnterHandler] == 'function') this.ctrlEnterHandler = window[this.arConfig.ctrlEnterHandler]; // Android < 4.x if (BX.browser.IsAndroid() && /Android\s[1-3].[0-9]/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) { this.arConfig.bSetDefaultCodeView = true; } if (this.arConfig.bSetDefaultCodeView) { if (this.sourseBut) this.sourseBut.oBut.handler(this.sourseBut); else this.SetView('code'); } BX.ready(function(){ if (_this.pFrame.offsetWidth == 0 && _this.pFrame.offsetWidth == 0) { _this.onShowInterval = setInterval(function(){ if (_this.pFrame.offsetWidth != 0 && _this.pFrame.offsetWidth != 0) { BX.onCustomEvent(_this, 'onShow'); clearInterval(_this.onShowInterval); } }, 500); } else { BX.onCustomEvent(_this, 'onShow'); } }); this.adjustBodyInterval = 1000; this._AdjustBodyWidth(); BX.removeClass(this.pButtonsCont, "lhe-stat-toolbar-cont-preload"); /**/ }, CreateFrame: function() { if (this.iFrame && this.iFrame.parentNode) { this.pEditCont.removeChild(this.iFrame); this.iFrame = null; } this.iFrame = this.pEditCont.appendChild(BX.create("IFRAME", {props: { id: 'LHE_iframe_' + this.id, className: 'lha-iframe', src: "javascript:void(0)", frameborder: 0}})); if (this.iFrame.contentDocument && !BX.browser.IsIE()) this.pEditorDocument = this.iFrame.contentDocument; else this.pEditorDocument = this.iFrame.contentWindow.document; this.pEditorWindow = this.iFrame.contentWindow; }, ReInit: function(content) { if (typeof content == 'undefined') content = ''; this.SetContent(content); this.CreateFrame(); this.SetEditorContent(this.content); this.SetFocus(); BX.onCustomEvent(window, 'LHE_OnInit', [this, true]); }, SetConstants: function() { //this.reBlockElements = /^(BR|TITLE|TABLE|SCRIPT|TR|TBODY|P|DIV|H1|H2|H3|H4|H5|H6|ADDRESS|PRE|OL|UL|LI)$/i; this.reBlockElements = /^(TITLE|TABLE|SCRIPT|TR|TBODY|H1|H2|H3|H4|H5|H6|ADDRESS|PRE|OL|UL|LI)$/i; this.oneGif = this.arConfig.oneGif; this.imagePath = this.arConfig.imagePath; if (!this.arConfig.fontFamily) this.arConfig.fontFamily = 'Helvetica, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif'; if (!this.arConfig.fontSize) this.arConfig.fontSize = '12px'; if (!this.arConfig.lineHeight) this.arConfig.lineHeight = '16px'; this.arColors = [ '#FF0000', '#FFFF00', '#00FF00', '#00FFFF', '#0000FF', '#FF00FF', '#FFFFFF', '#EBEBEB', '#E1E1E1', '#D7D7D7', '#CCCCCC', '#C2C2C2', '#B7B7B7', '#ACACAC', '#A0A0A0', '#959595', '#EE1D24', '#FFF100', '#00A650', '#00AEEF', '#2F3192', '#ED008C', '#898989', '#7D7D7D', '#707070', '#626262', '#555', '#464646', '#363636', '#262626', '#111', '#000000', '#F7977A', '#FBAD82', '#FDC68C', '#FFF799', '#C6DF9C', '#A4D49D', '#81CA9D', '#7BCDC9', '#6CCFF7', '#7CA6D8', '#8293CA', '#8881BE', '#A286BD', '#BC8CBF', '#F49BC1', '#F5999D', '#F16C4D', '#F68E54', '#FBAF5A', '#FFF467', '#ACD372', '#7DC473', '#39B778', '#16BCB4', '#00BFF3', '#438CCB', '#5573B7', '#5E5CA7', '#855FA8', '#A763A9', '#EF6EA8', '#F16D7E', '#EE1D24', '#F16522', '#F7941D', '#FFF100', '#8FC63D', '#37B44A', '#00A650', '#00A99E', '#00AEEF', '#0072BC', '#0054A5', '#2F3192', '#652C91', '#91278F', '#ED008C', '#EE105A', '#9D0A0F', '#A1410D', '#A36209', '#ABA000', '#588528', '#197B30', '#007236', '#00736A', '#0076A4', '#004A80', '#003370', '#1D1363', '#450E61', '#62055F', '#9E005C', '#9D0039', '#790000', '#7B3000', '#7C4900', '#827A00', '#3E6617', '#045F20', '#005824', '#005951', '#005B7E', '#003562', '#002056', '#0C004B', '#30004A', '#4B0048', '#7A0045', '#7A0026' ]; this.systemCSS = "img.bxed-anchor{background-image: url(" + this.imagePath + "lhe_iconkit.gif)!important; background-position: -260px 0!important; height: 20px!important; width: 20px!important;}\n" + "body{font-family:" + this.arConfig.fontFamily + "; font-size: " + this.arConfig.fontSize + "; line-height:" + this.arConfig.lineHeight + "}\n" + "p{padding:0!important; margin: 0!important;}\n" + "span.bxed-noscript{color: #0000a0!important; padding: 2px!important; font-style:italic!important; font-size: 90%!important;}\n" + "span.bxed-noindex{color: #004000!important; padding: 2px!important; font-style:italic!important; font-size: 90%!important;}\n" + "img.bxed-flash{border: 1px solid #B6B6B8!important; background: url(" + this.imagePath + "flash.gif) #E2DFDA center center no-repeat !important;}\n" + "table{border: 1px solid #B6B6B8!important; border-collapse: collapse;}\n" + "table td{border: 1px solid #B6B6B8!important; padding: 2px 5px;}\n" + "img.bxed-video{border: 1px solid #B6B6B8!important; background-color: #E2DFDA!important; background-image: url(" + this.imagePath + "video.gif); background-position: center center!important; background-repeat:no-repeat!important;}\n" + "img.bxed-hr{padding: 2px!important; width: 100%!important; height: 2px!important;}\n"; if (this.arConfig.documentCSS) this.systemCSS += "\n" + this.arConfig.documentCSS; this.tabNbsp = " "; // x 6 this.tabNbspRe1 = new RegExp(String.fromCharCode(160) + String.fromCharCode(160) + String.fromCharCode(160) + String.fromCharCode(160) + String.fromCharCode(160) + String.fromCharCode(160), 'ig'); // this.tabNbspRe2 = new RegExp(String.fromCharCode(160) + String.fromCharCode(160) + String.fromCharCode(160) + String.fromCharCode(160) + String.fromCharCode(160) + ' ', 'ig'); // }, OnMousedown: function(e) { if (!e) e = window.event; this.bFocused = true; }, OnClick: function(e) { this.bFocused = true; this.CheckBr(); }, OnDblClick: function(e) { return; }, OnContextMenu: function(e, pElement) { return; var _this = this, oFramePos, x, y; if (!e) e = this.pEditorWindow.event; if(e.pageX || e.pageY) { x = e.pageX - this.pEditorDocument.body.scrollLeft; y = e.pageY - this.pEditorDocument.body.scrollTop; } else if(e.clientX || e.clientY) { x = e.clientX; y = e.clientY; } oFramePos = this.CACHE['frame_pos']; if (!oFramePos) this.CACHE['frame_pos'] = oFramePos = BX.pos(this.pEditCont); x += oFramePos.left; y += oFramePos.top; var targ; if (e.target) targ = e.target; else if (e.srcElement) targ = e.srcElement; if (targ.nodeType == 3) // defeat Safari bug targ = targ.parentNode; if (!targ || !targ.nodeName) return; var res = this.oContextMenu.Show({oPos: {left : x, top : y}, pElement: targ}); return BX.PreventDefault(e); }, OnKeyDown: function(e) { if(!e) e = window.event; BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'OnDocumentKeyDown', [e]); var key = e.which || e.keyCode; if (e.ctrlKey && !e.shiftKey && !e.altKey) { // if (!BX.browser.IsIE() && !BX.browser.IsOpera()) // { switch (key) { case 66 : // B case 98 : // b this.executeCommand('Bold'); return BX.PreventDefault(e); case 105 : // i case 73 : // I this.executeCommand('Italic'); return BX.PreventDefault(e); case 117 : // u case 85 : // U this.executeCommand('Underline'); return BX.PreventDefault(e); case 81 : // Q - quote if (this.quoteBut) { this.quoteBut.oBut.handler(this.quoteBut); return BX.PreventDefault(e); } } //} } if (this.bHandleOnPaste && ( (e.ctrlKey && !e.shiftKey && !e.altKey && e.keyCode == 86) /* Ctrl+V */ || (!e.ctrlKey && e.shiftKey && !e.altKey && e.keyCode == 45) /*Shift+Ins*/ || (e.metaKey && !e.shiftKey && !e.altKey && e.keyCode == 86) /* Cmd+V */ ) ) { this.OnPaste(); } // Shift +Del - Deleting code fragment in WYSIWYG if (this.bCodeBut && e.shiftKey && e.keyCode == 46 /* Del*/) { var pSel = this.GetSelectionObject(); if (pSel) { if (pSel.className == 'lhe-code') { pSel.parentNode.removeChild(pSel); return BX.PreventDefault(e); } else if(pSel.parentNode) { var pCode = BX.findParent(pSel, {className: 'lhe-code'}); if (pCode) { pCode.parentNode.removeChild(pCode); return BX.PreventDefault(e); } } } } // Tab if (key == 9 && this.arConfig.bReplaceTabToNbsp) { this.InsertHTML(this.tabNbsp); return BX.PreventDefault(e); } if (this.bCodeBut && e.keyCode == 13) { if (BX.browser.IsIE() || BX.browser.IsSafari() || BX.browser.IsChrome()) { var pElement = this.GetSelectionObject(); if (pElement) { var bFind = false; if (pElement && pElement.nodeName && pElement.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'pre') bFind = true; if (!bFind) bFind = !!BX.findParent(pElement, {tagName: 'pre'}); if (bFind) { if (BX.browser.IsIE()) this.InsertHTML("<br/><img src=\"" + this.oneGif + "\" height=\"20\" width=\"1\"/>"); else if (BX.browser.IsSafari() || BX.browser.IsChrome()) this.InsertHTML(" \r\n"); return BX.PreventDefault(e); } } } } // Ctrl + Enter if ((e.keyCode == 13 || e.keyCode == 10) && e.ctrlKey && this.ctrlEnterHandler) { this.SaveContent(); this.ctrlEnterHandler(); } if (this.arConfig.bAutoResize && this.arConfig.bResizable) { if (this._resizeTimeout) { clearTimeout(this._resizeTimeout); this._resizeTimeout = null; } this._resizeTimeout = setTimeout(BX.proxy(this.AutoResize, this), 200); } if (this._CheckBrTimeout) { clearTimeout(this._CheckBrTimeout); this._CheckBrTimeout = null; } this._CheckBrTimeout = setTimeout(BX.proxy(this.CheckBr, this), 1000); }, OnDocMousedown: function(e) { if (this.bFocused) { if (!e) e = window.event; var pEl; if (e.target) pEl = e.target; else if (e.srcElement) pEl = e.srcElement; if (pEl.nodeType == 3) pEl = pEl.parentNode; if (!this.bPopup && !BX.findParent(pEl, {className: 'bxlhe-frame'})) { this.SaveContent(); this.bFocused = false; } } }, SetView: function(sType) { if (this.sEditorMode == sType) return; this.SaveContent(); if (sType == 'code') { this.iFrame.style.display = "none"; this.pSourceDiv.style.display = "block"; this.SetCodeEditorContent(this.GetContent()); } else { this.iFrame.style.display = "block"; this.pSourceDiv.style.display = "none"; this.SetEditorContent(this.GetContent()); this.CheckBr(); } this.sEditorMode = sType; BX.onCustomEvent(this, "OnChangeView"); }, SaveContent: function() { var sContent = this.sEditorMode == 'code' ? this.GetCodeEditorContent() : this.GetEditorContent(); if (this.bBBCode) sContent = this.OptimizeBB(sContent); this.SetContent(sContent); BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'OnSaveContent', [sContent]); }, SetContent: function(sContent) { this.pHiddenInput.value = this.pTextarea.value = this.content = sContent; }, GetContent: function() { return this.content.toString(); }, SetEditorContent: function(sContent) { if (this.pEditorDocument) { sContent = this.ParseContent(sContent); if (this.pEditorDocument.designMode) { try{ this.pEditorDocument.designMode = 'off'; }catch(e){alert('SetEditorContent: designMode=\'off\'');} } this.pEditorDocument.open(); this.pEditorDocument.write('<html><head></head><body>' + sContent + '</body></html>'); this.pEditorDocument.close(); this.pEditorDocument.body.style.padding = "8px"; this.pEditorDocument.body.style.margin = "0"; this.pEditorDocument.body.style.borderWidth = "0"; this.pEditorDocument.body.style.fontFamily = this.arConfig.fontFamily; this.pEditorDocument.body.style.fontSize = this.arConfig.fontSize; this.pEditorDocument.body.style.lineHeight = this.arConfig.lineHeight; // Set events BX.bind(this.pEditorDocument, 'keydown', BX.proxy(this.OnKeyDown, this)); if(BX.browser.IsIE()) { if (this.bHandleOnPaste) BX.bind(this.pEditorDocument.body, 'paste', BX.proxy(this.OnPaste, this)); this.pEditorDocument.body.contentEditable = true; } else if (this.pEditorDocument.designMode) { this.pEditorDocument.designMode = "on"; this._TurnOffStyleWithCSS(true); } if (this.arConfig.bConvertContentFromBBCodes) this.ShutdownBBCode(); } }, _TurnOffStyleWithCSS: function(bTimeout) { try{ this._turnOffCssCount++; if (this._turnOffCssCount < 5 && bTimeout !== false) bTimeout = true; this.pEditorDocument.execCommand("styleWithCSS", false, false); try{this.pEditorDocument.execCommand("useCSS", false, true);}catch(e){} } catch(e) { if (bTimeout === true) setTimeout(BX.proxy(this._TurnOffStyleWithCSS, this), 500); } }, _AdjustBodyWidth: function() { if (!BX.browser.IsChrome()) { if (this.pEditorDocument && this.pEditorDocument.body) { var html = this.pEditorDocument.body.innerHTML; if (html != this.lastEditedBodyHtml) { this.adjustBodyInterval = 500; var _this = this; this.pEditorDocument.body.style.width = null; this.lastEditedBodyHtml = html; setTimeout(function(){ var scrollWidth = BX.GetWindowScrollSize(_this.pEditorDocument).scrollWidth - 16; if (scrollWidth > 0) _this.pEditorDocument.body.style.width = scrollWidth + 'px'; }, 50); } else { this.adjustBodyInterval = 5000; } } setTimeout(BX.proxy(this._AdjustBodyWidth, this), this.adjustBodyInterval) } }, GetEditorContent: function() { var sContent = this.UnParseContent(); return sContent; }, SetCodeEditorContent: function(sContent) { this.pHiddenInput.value = this.pTextarea.value = sContent; }, GetCodeEditorContent: function() { return this.pTextarea.value; }, OptimizeHTML: function(str) { var iter = 0, bReplasing = true, arTags = ['b', 'em', 'font', 'h\\d', 'i', 'li', 'ol', 'p', 'small', 'span', 'strong', 'u', 'ul'], replaceEmptyTags = function(){i--; bReplasing = true; return ' ';}, re, tagName, i, l; while(iter++ < 20 && bReplasing) { bReplasing = false; for (i = 0, l = arTags.length; i < l; i++) { tagName = arTags[i]; re = new RegExp('<'+tagName+'[^>]*?>\\s*?</'+tagName+'>', 'ig'); str = str.replace(re, replaceEmptyTags); re = new RegExp('<' + tagName + '\\s+?[^>]*?/>', 'ig'); str = str.replace(re, replaceEmptyTags); // Replace <b>text1</b> <b>text2</b> ===>> <b>text1 text2</b> re = new RegExp('<((' + tagName + '+?)(?:\\s+?[^>]*?)?)>([\\s\\S]+?)<\\/\\2>\\s*?<\\1>([\\s\\S]+?)<\\/\\2>', 'ig'); str = str.replace(re, function(str, b1, b2, b3, b4) { bReplasing = true; return '<' + b1 + '>' + b3 + ' ' + b4 + '</' + b2 + '>'; } ); } } return str; }, _RecursiveDomWalker: function(pNode, pParentNode) { var oNode = { arAttributes : {}, arNodes : [], type : null, text : "", arStyle : {} }; switch(pNode.nodeType) { case 9: oNode.type = 'document'; break; case 1: if(pNode.tagName.length <= 0 || pNode.tagName.substring(0, 1) == "/") return; oNode.text = pNode.tagName.toLowerCase(); if (oNode.text == 'script') break; oNode.type = 'element'; var attr = pNode.attributes, j, l = attr.length; if (pNode.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'a' && pNode.innerHTML == '' && (this.bBBCode || !pNode.getAttribute("name"))) return; for(j = 0; j < l; j++) { if(attr[j].specified || (oNode.text == "input" && attr[j].nodeName.toLowerCase()=="value")) { var attrName = attr[j].nodeName.toLowerCase(); if(attrName == "style") { oNode.arAttributes[attrName] = pNode.style.cssText; oNode.arStyle = pNode.style; if(oNode.arStyle.display == 'none') { oNode.type = 'text'; oNode.text = ''; break; } if(oNode.arStyle.textAlign && (oNode.text == 'div' || oNode.text == 'p' || oNode.text == 'span')) { var align = oNode.arStyle.textAlign; BX.util.in_array(oNode.arStyle.textAlign, ['left', 'right', 'center', 'justify']) { oNode.arStyle = {}; oNode.text = 'span'; oNode.arAttributes['style'] = 'text-align:' + align + ';display:block;'; oNode.arStyle.textAlign = align; oNode.arStyle.display = 'block'; } } } else if(attrName=="src" || attrName=="href" || attrName=="width" || attrName=="height") { oNode.arAttributes[attrName] = pNode.getAttribute(attrName, 2); } else if(!this.bBBCode && attrName == 'align' && BX.util.in_array(attr[j].nodeValue, ['left', 'right', 'center', 'justify'])) { oNode.text = 'span'; oNode.arAttributes['style'] = 'text-align:' + attr[j].nodeValue + ';display:block;'; oNode.arStyle.textAlign = attr[j].nodeValue; oNode.arStyle.display = 'block'; } else { oNode.arAttributes[attrName] = attr[j].nodeValue; } } } break; case 3: oNode.type = 'text'; var res = pNode.nodeValue; if (this.arConfig.bReplaceTabToNbsp) { res = res.replace(this.tabNbspRe1, "\t"); res = res.replace(this.tabNbspRe2, "\t"); } if(!pParentNode || (pParentNode.text != 'pre' && pParentNode.arAttributes['class'] != 'lhe-code')) { res = res.replace(/\n+/g, ' '); res = res.replace(/ +/g, ' '); } oNode.text = res; break; } if (oNode.type != 'text') { var arChilds = pNode.childNodes, i, l = arChilds.length; for(i = 0; i < l; i++) oNode.arNodes.push(this._RecursiveDomWalker(arChilds[i], oNode)); } return oNode; }, _RecursiveGetHTML: function(pNode) { if (!pNode || typeof pNode != 'object' || !pNode.arAttributes) return ""; var ob, res = "", id = pNode.arAttributes["id"]; if (pNode.text == 'img' && !id) // Images pasted by Ctrl+V id = this.SetBxTag(false, {tag: 'img', params: {src: pNode.arAttributes["src"]}}); if (id) { var bxTag = this.GetBxTag(id); if(bxTag.tag) { var parser = this.oSpecialParsers[bxTag.tag]; if (parser && parser.UnParse) return parser.UnParse(bxTag, pNode, this); else if (bxTag.params && bxTag.params.value) return '\n' + bxTag.params.value + '\n'; else return ''; } } if (pNode.arAttributes["_moz_editor_bogus_node"]) return ''; if (this.bBBCode) { var bbRes = this.UnParseNodeBB(pNode); if (bbRes !== false) return bbRes; } bFormatted = true; if (pNode.text.toLowerCase() != 'body') res = this.GetNodeHTMLLeft(pNode); var bNewLine = false; var sIndent = ''; if (typeof pNode.bFormatted != 'undefined') bFormatted = !!pNode.bFormatted; if (bFormatted && pNode.type != 'text') { if (this.reBlockElements.test(pNode.text) && !(pNode.oParent && pNode.oParent.text && pNode.oParent.text.toLowerCase() == 'pre')) { for (var j = 0; j < pNode.iLevel - 3; j++) sIndent += " "; bNewLine = true; res = "\r\n" + sIndent + res; } } for (var i = 0; i < pNode.arNodes.length; i++) res += this._RecursiveGetHTML(pNode.arNodes[i]); if (pNode.text.toLowerCase() != 'body') res += this.GetNodeHTMLRight(pNode); if (bNewLine) res += "\r\n" + (sIndent == '' ? '' : sIndent.substr(2)); return res; }, // Redeclared in BBCode mode GetNodeHTMLLeft: function(pNode) { if(pNode.type == 'text') return BX.util.htmlspecialchars(pNode.text); var atrVal, attrName, res; if(pNode.type == 'element') { res = "<" + pNode.text; for(attrName in pNode.arAttributes) { atrVal = pNode.arAttributes[attrName]; if(attrName.substring(0,4).toLowerCase() == '_moz') continue; if(pNode.text.toUpperCase()=='BR' && attrName.toLowerCase() == 'type' && atrVal == '_moz') continue; if(attrName == 'style') { if (atrVal.length > 0 && atrVal.indexOf('-moz') != -1) // Kill -moz* styles from firefox atrVal = BX.util.trim(atrVal.replace(/-moz.*?;/ig, '')); if (pNode.text == 'td') // Kill border-image: none; styles from firefox for <td> atrVal = BX.util.trim(atrVal.replace(/border-image:\s*none;/ig, '')); if(atrVal.length <= 0) continue; } res += ' ' + attrName + '="' + (pNode.bDontUseSpecialchars ? atrVal : BX.util.htmlspecialchars(atrVal)) + '"'; } if(pNode.arNodes.length <= 0 && !this.IsPairNode(pNode.text)) return res + " />"; return res + ">"; } return ""; }, // Redeclared in BBCode mode GetNodeHTMLRight: function(pNode) { if(pNode.type == 'element' && (pNode.arNodes.length>0 || this.IsPairNode(pNode.text))) return "</" + pNode.text + ">"; return ""; }, IsPairNode: function(text) { if(text.substr(0, 1) == 'h' || text == 'br' || text == 'img' || text == 'input') return false; return true; }, executeCommand: function(commandName, sValue) { this.SetFocus(); //try{ var res = this.pEditorWindow.document.execCommand(commandName, false, sValue); //}catch(e){}; this.SetFocus(); //this.OnEvent("OnSelectionChange"); //this.OnChange("executeCommand", commandName); if (this.arConfig.bAutoResize && this.arConfig.bResizable) this.AutoResize(); return res; }, queryCommand: function(commandName) { var sValue = ''; if (!this.pEditorDocument.queryCommandEnabled || !this.pEditorDocument.queryCommandValue) return null; if(!this.pEditorDocument.queryCommandEnabled(commandName)) return null; return this.pEditorDocument.queryCommandValue(commandName); }, SetFocus: function() { if (this.sEditorMode != 'html') return; BX.focus(this.pEditorWindow.focus ? this.pEditorWindow : this.pEditorDocument.body); this.bFocused = true; }, SetFocusToEnd: function() { this.CheckBr(); var ss = BX.GetWindowScrollSize(this.pEditorDocument); this.pEditorWindow.scrollTo(0, ss.scrollHeight); this.SetFocus(); this.SelectElement(this.pEditorDocument.body.lastChild); }, SetCursorFF: function() { if (this.sEditorMode != 'code' && !BX.browser.IsIE()) { var _this = this; try{ this.iFrame.blur(); this.iFrame.focus(); setTimeout(function(){ _this.iFrame.blur(); _this.iFrame.focus(); }, 600); setTimeout(function(){ _this.iFrame.blur(); _this.iFrame.focus(); }, 1000); }catch(e){} } }, CheckBr: function() { if (this.CheckBrTimeout) { clearTimeout(this.CheckBrTimeout); this.CheckBrTimeout = false; } var _this = this; this.CheckBrTimeout = setTimeout(function() { var lastChild = _this.pEditorDocument.body.lastChild; if (lastChild && lastChild.nodeType == 1) { var nn = lastChild.nodeName.toUpperCase(); var reBlockElements = /^(TITLE|TABLE|SCRIPT|DIV|H1|H2|H3|H4|H5|H6|ADDRESS|PRE|OL|UL|LI|BLOCKQUOTE|FORM|CENTER|)$/i; if (reBlockElements.test(nn)) _this.pEditorDocument.body.appendChild(_this.pEditorDocument.createElement("BR")); } }, 200); }, ParseContent: function(sContent, bJustParse) // HTML -> WYSIWYG { var _this = this; var arCodes = []; sContent = sContent.replace(/\[code\]((?:\s|\S)*?)\[\/code\]/ig, function(str, code) { var strId = ''; if (!_this.bBBCode) strId = " id=\"" + _this.SetBxTag(false, {tag: "code"}) + "\" "; arCodes.push('<pre ' + strId + 'class="lhe-code" title="' + BX.message.CodeDel + '">' + BX.util.htmlspecialchars(code) + '</pre>'); return '#BX_CODE' + (arCodes.length - 1) + '#'; }); if (!bJustParse) BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'OnParseContent'); if (this.arConfig.bBBCode) sContent = this.ParseBB(sContent); sContent = sContent.replace(/(<td[^>]*>)\s*(<\/td>)/ig, "$1<br _moz_editor_bogus_node=\"on\">$2"); if (this.arConfig.bReplaceTabToNbsp) sContent = sContent.replace(/\t/ig, this.tabNbsp); if (!BX.browser.IsIE()) { sContent = sContent.replace(/<hr[^>]*>/ig, function(sContent) { return '<img class="bxed-hr" src="' + _this.imagePath + 'break_page.gif" id="' + _this.SetBxTag(false, {tag: "hr", params: {value : sContent}}) + '"/>'; } ); } for (var p in this.oSpecialParsers) { if (this.oSpecialParsers[p] && this.oSpecialParsers[p].Parse) sContent = this.oSpecialParsers[p].Parse(p, sContent, this); } if (!bJustParse) setTimeout(function(){ _this.AppendCSS(_this.systemCSS); // Hack for chrome: we have to unset font family // because than user paste text - chrome wraps it with [FONT=..... setTimeout(function(){ _this.pEditorDocument.body.style.fontFamily = ''; _this.pEditorDocument.body.style.fontSize = ''; }, 1); }, 300); if (arCodes.length > 0) // Replace back CODE content without modifications sContent = sContent.replace(/#BX_CODE(\d+)#/ig, function(s, num){return arCodes[num] || s;}); if (this.bBBCode) { sContent = sContent.replace(/&#91;/ig, "["); sContent = sContent.replace(/&#93;/ig, "]"); } sContent = BX.util.trim(sContent); // Add <br> in the end of the message if text not ends with <br> if (this.arConfig.bBBCode && !sContent.match(/(<br[^>]*>)$/ig)) sContent += '<br/>'; return sContent; }, UnParseContent: function() // WYSIWYG - > html { BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'OnUnParseContent'); var sContent = this._RecursiveGetHTML(this._RecursiveDomWalker(this.pEditorDocument.body, false)); if (this.bBBCode) { if (!BX.browser.IsIE()) sContent = sContent.replace(/\r/ig, ''); sContent = sContent.replace(/\n/ig, ''); } var arDivRules = [ ['#BR#(#TAG_BEGIN#)', "$1"], // 111<br><div>... => 111<> ['(#TAG_BEGIN#)(?:#BR#)*?(#TAG_END#)', "$1$2"], // [DIV]#BR#[/DIV] ==> [DIV][/DIV] ['(#TAG_BEGIN#)([\\s\\S]*?)#TAG_END#(?:\\n|\\r|\\s)*?#TAG_BEGIN#([\\s\\S]*?)(#TAG_END#)', function(str, s1, s2,s3,s4){return s1 + s2 + '#BR#' + s3 + s4;}, true], ['^#TAG_BEGIN#', ""], //kill [DIV] in the begining of the text ['([\\s\\S]*?(\\[\\/\\w+\\])*?)#TAG_BEGIN#([\\s\\S]*?)#TAG_END#([\\s\\S]*?)', function(str, s1, s2,s3,s4) { if (s2 && s2.toLowerCase && s2.toLowerCase() == '[/list]') return s1 + s3 + '#BR#' + s4; return s1 + '#BR#' + s3 + '#BR#' + s4; }, true], // [/list][DIV]wwww[/div]wwww => [/list]wwww#BR#wwwww, text[DIV]wwww[/div]wwww => text#BR#www#BR# ['#TAG_END#', "#BR#"] // [/DIV] ==> \n ]; var re, i, l = arDivRules.length, str; if (this.bBBCode) { // if (BX.browser.IsOpera()) sContent = sContent.replace(/(?:#BR#)*?\[\/P\]/ig, "[/P]"); // #BR#[/P] ==> [/P] for opera for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { re = arDivRules[i][0]; re = re.replace(/#TAG_BEGIN#/g, '\\[P\\]'); re = re.replace(/#TAG_END#/g, '\\[\\/P\\]'); re = re.replace(/\\\\/ig, '\\\\'); re = new RegExp(re, 'igm'); if (arDivRules[i][2] === true) while(true) { str = sContent.replace(re, arDivRules[i][1]); if (str == sContent) break; else sContent = str; } else sContent = sContent.replace(re, arDivRules[i][1]); } sContent = sContent.replace(/^((?:\s|\S)*?)(?:\n|\r|\s)+$/ig, "$1\n\n"); //kill multiple \n in the end // Handle [DIV] tags from safari, chrome for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { re = arDivRules[i][0]; re = re.replace(/#TAG_BEGIN#/g, '\\[DIV\\]'); re = re.replace(/#TAG_END#/g, '\\[\\/DIV\\]'); re = re.replace(/\\\\/ig, '\\\\'); if (arDivRules[i][2] === true) while(true) { str = sContent.replace(new RegExp(re, 'igm'), arDivRules[i][1]); if (str == sContent) break; else sContent = str; } else sContent = sContent.replace(new RegExp(re, 'igm'), arDivRules[i][1]); } sContent = sContent.replace(/#BR#/ig, "\n"); sContent = sContent.replace(/\[DIV]/ig, ""); sContent = BX.util.htmlspecialcharsback(sContent); } this.__sContent = sContent; BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'OnUnParseContentAfter'); sContent = this.__sContent; return sContent; }, InitResizer: function() { this.oTransOverlay.Show(); var _this = this, coreContPos = BX.pos(this.pFrame), newHeight = false; var MouseMove = function(e) { e = e || window.event; BX.fixEventPageY(e); newHeight = e.pageY - coreContPos.top; // New height if (newHeight < _this.arConfig.minHeight) { newHeight = _this.arConfig.minHeight; document.body.style.cursor = "not-allowed"; } else if (newHeight > _this.arConfig.maxHeight) { newHeight = _this.arConfig.maxHeight; document.body.style.cursor = "not-allowed"; } else { document.body.style.cursor = "n-resize"; } _this.pFrame.style.height = newHeight + "px"; _this.ResizeFrame(newHeight); }; var MouseUp = function(e) { if (_this.arConfig.autoResizeSaveSize) BX.userOptions.save('fileman', 'LHESize_' + _this.id, 'height', newHeight); _this.arConfig.height = newHeight; document.body.style.cursor = ""; if (_this.oTransOverlay && _this.oTransOverlay.bShowed) _this.oTransOverlay.Hide(); BX.unbind(document, "mousemove", MouseMove); BX.unbind(document, "mouseup", MouseUp); }; BX.bind(document, "mousemove", MouseMove); BX.bind(document, "mouseup", MouseUp); }, AutoResize: function() { var heightOffset = parseInt(this.arConfig.autoResizeOffset || 80), maxHeight = parseInt(this.arConfig.autoResizeMaxHeight || 0), minHeight = parseInt(this.arConfig.autoResizeMinHeight || 50), newHeight, _this = this; if (this.autoResizeTimeout) clearTimeout(this.autoResizeTimeout); this.autoResizeTimeout = setTimeout(function() { if (_this.sEditorMode == 'html') { //newHeight = _this.pEditorDocument.body.offsetHeight + heightOffset; newHeight = _this.pEditorDocument.body.offsetHeight; var body = _this.pEditorDocument.body, node = body.lastChild, offsetTop = false, i; while (true) { if (!node) break; if (node.offsetTop) { offsetTop = node.offsetTop + (node.offsetHeight || 0); newHeight = offsetTop + heightOffset; break; } else { node = node.previousSibling; } } var oEdSize = BX.GetWindowSize(_this.pEditorDocument); if (oEdSize.scrollHeight - oEdSize.innerHeight > 5) newHeight = Math.max(oEdSize.scrollHeight + heightOffset, newHeight); } else { newHeight = (_this.pTextarea.value.split("\n").length /* rows count*/ + 5) * 17; } if (newHeight > parseInt(_this.arConfig.height)) { if (BX.browser.IsIOS()) maxHeight = Infinity; else if (!maxHeight || maxHeight < 10) maxHeight = Math.round(BX.GetWindowInnerSize().innerHeight * 0.9); // 90% from screen height newHeight = Math.min(newHeight, maxHeight); newHeight = Math.max(newHeight, minHeight); _this.SmoothResizeFrame(newHeight); } }, 300); }, MousePos: function (e) { if(window.event) e = window.event; if(e.pageX || e.pageY) { e.realX = e.pageX; e.realY = e.pageY; } else if(e.clientX || e.clientY) { e.realX = e.clientX + (document.documentElement.scrollLeft || document.body.scrollLeft) - document.documentElement.clientLeft; e.realY = e.clientY + (document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop) - document.documentElement.clientTop; } return e; }, SmoothResizeFrame: function(height) { var _this = this, curHeight = parseInt(this.pFrame.offsetHeight), count = 0, bRise = height > curHeight, timeInt = BX.browser.IsIE() ? 50 : 50, dy = 5; if (!bRise) return; if (this.smoothResizeInterval) clearInterval(this.smoothResizeInterval); this.smoothResizeInterval = setInterval(function() { if (bRise) { curHeight += Math.round(dy * count); if (curHeight > height) { clearInterval(_this.smoothResizeInterval); if (curHeight > height) curHeight = height; } } else { curHeight -= Math.round(dy * count); if (curHeight < height) { curHeight = height; clearInterval(_this.smoothResizeInterval); } } _this.pFrame.style.height = curHeight + "px"; _this.ResizeFrame(curHeight); count++; }, timeInt ); }, ResizeFrame: function(newHeight) { var deltaWidth = 7, resizeHeight = this.arConfig.bManualResize ? 3 : 0, // resize row height = newHeight || parseInt(this.pFrame.offsetHeight), width = this.pFrame.offsetWidth; this.pFrameTable.style.height = height + 'px'; var contHeight = height - this.buttonsHeight - resizeHeight; if (contHeight > 0) { this.pEditCont.style.height = contHeight + 'px'; this.pTextarea.style.height = contHeight + 'px'; } this.pTextarea.style.width = (width > deltaWidth) ? (width - deltaWidth) + 'px' : 'auto'; this.pButtonsCell.style.height = this.buttonsHeight + 'px'; /*if (this.arConfig.bResizable) this.pResizer.parentNode.style.height = resizeHeight + 'px';*/ }, AddButtons: function() { var i, l, butId, grInd, arButtons, toolbarConfig = this.arConfig.toolbarConfig; this.buttonsCount = 0; if(!toolbarConfig) toolbarConfig = [ //'Source', 'Bold', 'Italic', 'Underline', 'Strike', 'RemoveFormat', 'InsertHR', 'Anchor', 'CreateLink', 'DeleteLink', 'Image', //'SpecialChar', 'Justify', 'InsertOrderedList', 'InsertUnorderedList', 'Outdent', 'Indent', 'BackColor', 'ForeColor', 'Video', 'StyleList', 'HeaderList', 'FontList', 'FontSizeList', 'Table' //smiles:['SmileList'] ]; if (oBXLEditorUtils.oTune && oBXLEditorUtils.oTune[this.id]) { var ripButtons = oBXLEditorUtils.oTune[this.id].ripButtons, addButtons = oBXLEditorUtils.oTune[this.id].buttons; if (ripButtons) { i = 0; while(i < toolbarConfig.length) { if (ripButtons[toolbarConfig[i]]) toolbarConfig = BX.util.deleteFromArray(toolbarConfig, i); else i++; } } if (addButtons) { for (var j = 0, n = addButtons.length; j < n; j++) { if (addButtons[j].ind == -1 || addButtons[j].ind >= toolbarConfig.length) toolbarConfig.push(addButtons[j].but.id); else toolbarConfig = BX.util.insertIntoArray(toolbarConfig, addButtons[j].ind, addButtons[j].but.id); } } } var begWidth = 0, endWidth = 0, // 4 curLineWidth = begWidth, pCont, butContWidth = parseInt(this.pButtonsCont.offsetWidth); this.ToolbarStartLine(true); for(i in toolbarConfig) { butId = toolbarConfig[i]; if (typeof butId != 'string' || !toolbarConfig.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue; if (butId == '=|=') { this.ToolbarNewLine(); curLineWidth = begWidth; } else if (LHEButtons[butId]) { if (this.bBBCode && LHEButtons[butId].bBBHide) continue; this.buttonsIndex[butId] = i; pCont = this.AddButton(LHEButtons[butId], butId); if (pCont) { curLineWidth += parseInt(pCont.style.width) || 23; if (curLineWidth + endWidth > butContWidth && butContWidth > 0) { butContWidth = parseInt(this.pButtonsCont.offsetWidth); // Doublecheck if (curLineWidth + endWidth > butContWidth && butContWidth > 0) { this.ToolbarNewLine(); this.pButtonsCont.appendChild(pCont); curLineWidth = begWidth; } } } } } this.ToolbarEndLine(); if (typeof this.arConfig.controlButtonsHeight == 'undefined') this.buttonsHeight = this.toolbarLineCount * 27; else this.buttonsHeight = parseInt(this.arConfig.controlButtonsHeight || 0); this.arConfig.minHeight += this.buttonsHeight; this.arConfig.maxHeight += this.buttonsHeight; BX.addCustomEvent(this, 'onShow', BX.proxy(this.ResizeFrame, this)); }, AddButton: function(oBut, buttonId) { if (oBut.parser && oBut.parser.obj) this.oSpecialParsers[oBut.parser.name] = oBut.parser.obj; this.buttonsCount++; var result; if (!oBut.type || !oBut.type == 'button') { if (buttonId == 'Code') this.bCodeBut = true; var pButton = new window.LHEButton(oBut, this); if (pButton && pButton.oBut) { if (buttonId == 'Source') this.sourseBut = pButton; else if(buttonId == 'Quote') this.quoteBut = pButton; result = this.pButtonsCont.appendChild(pButton.pCont); } } else if (oBut.type == 'Colorpicker') { var pColorpicker = new window.LHEColorPicker(oBut, this); result = this.pButtonsCont.appendChild(pColorpicker.pCont); } else if (oBut.type == 'List') { var pList = new window.LHEList(oBut, this); result = this.pButtonsCont.appendChild(pList.pCont); } if (oBut.parsers) { for(var i = 0, cnt = oBut.parsers.length; i < cnt; i++) if (oBut.parsers[i] && oBut.parsers[i].obj) this.oSpecialParsers[oBut.parsers[i].name] = oBut.parsers[i].obj; } return result; }, AddParser: function(parser) { if (parser && parser.name && typeof parser.obj == 'object') this.oSpecialParsers[parser.name] = parser.obj; }, ToolbarStartLine: function(bFirst) { // Hack for IE 7 if (!bFirst && BX.browser.IsIE()) this.pButtonsCont.appendChild(BX.create("IMG", {props: {src: this.oneGif, className: "lhe-line-ie"}})); this.pButtonsCont.appendChild(BX.create("DIV", {props: {className: 'lhe-line-begin'}})); }, ToolbarEndLine: function() { this.pButtonsCont.appendChild(BX.create("DIV", {props: {className: 'lhe-line-end'}})); }, ToolbarNewLine: function() { this.toolbarLineCount++; this.ToolbarEndLine(); this.ToolbarStartLine(); }, OpenDialog: function(arParams) { var oDialog = new window.LHEDialog(arParams, this); }, GetSelectionObject: function() { var oSelection, oRange, root; if(this.pEditorDocument.selection) // IE { oSelection = this.pEditorDocument.selection; oRange = oSelection.createRange(); if(oSelection.type=="Control") return oRange.commonParentElement(); return oRange.parentElement(); } else // FF { oSelection = this.pEditorWindow.getSelection(); if(!oSelection) return false; var container, i, rangeCount = oSelection.rangeCount, obj; for(var i = 0; i < rangeCount; i++) { oRange = oSelection.getRangeAt(i); container = oRange.startContainer; if(container.nodeType != 3) { if(container.nodeType == 1 && container.childNodes.length <= 0) obj = container; else obj = container.childNodes[oRange.startOffset]; } else { temp = oRange.commonAncestorContainer; while(temp && temp.nodeType == 3) temp = temp.parentNode; obj = temp; } root = (i == 0) ? obj : BXFindParentElement(root, obj); } return root; } }, GetSelectionObjects: function() { var oSelection; if(this.pEditorDocument.selection) // IE { oSelection = this.pEditorDocument.selection; var s = oSelection.createRange(); if(oSelection.type=="Control") return s.commonParentElement(); return s.parentElement(); } else // FF { oSelection = this.pEditorWindow.getSelection(); if(!oSelection) return false; var oRange; var container, temp; var res = []; for(var i = 0; i < oSelection.rangeCount; i++) { oRange = oSelection.getRangeAt(i); container = oRange.startContainer; if(container.nodeType != 3) { if(container.nodeType == 1 && container.childNodes.length <= 0) res[res.length] = container; else res[res.length] = container.childNodes[oRange.startOffset]; } else { temp = oRange.commonAncestorContainer; while(temp && temp.nodeType == 3) temp = temp.parentNode; res[res.length] = temp; } } if(res.length > 1) return res; return res[0]; } }, GetSelectionRange: function(doc, win) { try{ var oDoc = doc || this.pEditorDocument, oWin = win || this.pEditorWindow, oRange, oSel = this.GetSelection(oDoc, oWin); if (oSel) { if (oDoc.createRange) { if (oSel.getRangeAt) oRange = oSel.getRangeAt(0); else { oRange = document.createRange(); oRange.setStart(oSel.anchorNode, oSel.anchorOffset); oRange.setEnd(oSel.focusNode, oSel.focusOffset); } } else oRange = oSel.createRange(); } else { oRange = false; } } catch(e) {oRange = false;} return oRange; }, SelectRange: function(oRange, doc, win) { try{ // IE9 sometimes generete JS error if (!oRange) return; var oDoc = doc || this.pEditorDocument, oWin = win || this.pEditorWindow; this.ClearSelection(oDoc, oWin); if (oDoc.createRange) // FF { var oSel = oWin.getSelection(); oSel.removeAllRanges(); oSel.addRange(oRange); } else //IE { oRange.select(); } }catch(e){} }, SelectElement: function(pElement) { try{ var oRange, oDoc = this.pEditorDocument, oWin = this.pEditorWindow; if(oWin.getSelection) { var oSel = oWin.getSelection(); oSel.selectAllChildren(pElement); oRange = oSel.getRangeAt(0); if (oRange.selectNode) oRange.selectNode(pElement); } else { oDoc.selection.empty(); oRange = oDoc.selection.createRange(); oRange.moveToElementText(pElement); oRange.select(); } return oRange; }catch(e){} }, GetSelectedText: function(oRange) { // Get selected text var selectedText = ''; if (oRange.startContainer && oRange.endContainer) // DOM Model { if (oRange.startContainer == oRange.endContainer && (oRange.endContainer.nodeType == 3 || oRange.endContainer.nodeType == 1)) selectedText = oRange.startContainer.textContent.substring(oRange.startOffset, oRange.endOffset); } else // IE { if (oRange.text == oRange.htmlText) selectedText = oRange.text; } return selectedText || ''; }, ClearSelection: function(doc, win) { var oDoc = doc || this.pEditorDocument, oWin = win || this.pEditorWindow; if (oWin.getSelection) oWin.getSelection().removeAllRanges(); else oDoc.selection.empty(); }, GetSelection: function(oDoc, oWin) { if (!oDoc) oDoc = document; if (!oWin) oWin = window; var oSel = false; if (oWin.getSelection) oSel = oWin.getSelection(); else if (oDoc.getSelection) oSel = oDoc.getSelection(); else if (oDoc.selection) oSel = oDoc.selection; return oSel; }, InsertHTML: function(sContent) { try{ // Don't clear "try catch"... Some times browsers generetes failures this.SetFocus(); if(BX.browser.IsIE()) { var oRng = this.pEditorDocument.selection.createRange(); if (oRng.pasteHTML) { oRng.pasteHTML(sContent); oRng.collapse(false); oRng.select(); } } else if(BX.browser.IsIE11()) { this.PasteHtmlAtCaret(sContent); } else { this.pEditorWindow.document.execCommand('insertHTML', false, sContent); } }catch(e){} if (this.arConfig.bAutoResize && this.arConfig.bResizable) this.AutoResize(); }, PasteHtmlAtCaret: function(html, selectPastedContent) { var win = this.pEditorWindow, doc = this.pEditorDocument, sel, range; if (win.getSelection) { // IE9 and non-IE sel = win.getSelection(); if (sel.getRangeAt && sel.rangeCount) { range = sel.getRangeAt(0); range.deleteContents(); // Range.createContextualFragment() would be useful here but is // only relatively recently standardized and is not supported in // some browsers (IE9, for one) var el = doc.createElement("div"); el.innerHTML = html; var frag = doc.createDocumentFragment(), node, lastNode; while ((node = el.firstChild)) lastNode = frag.appendChild(node); var firstNode = frag.firstChild; range.insertNode(frag); // Preserve the selection if (lastNode) { range = range.cloneRange(); range.setStartAfter(lastNode); if (selectPastedContent) range.setStartBefore(firstNode); else range.collapse(true); sel.removeAllRanges(); sel.addRange(range); } } } else if ((sel = doc.selection) && sel.type != "Control") { // IE < 9 var originalRange = sel.createRange(); originalRange.collapse(true); sel.createRange().pasteHTML(html); if (selectPastedContent) { range = sel.createRange(); range.setEndPoint("StartToStart", originalRange); range.select(); } } }, AppendCSS: function(styles) { styles = BX.util.trim(styles); if (styles.length <= 0) return false; var pDoc = this.pEditorDocument, pHeads = pDoc.getElementsByTagName("HEAD"); if(pHeads.length != 1) return false; if(BX.browser.IsIE()) { setTimeout(function() { try{ if (pDoc.styleSheets.length == 0) pHeads[0].appendChild(pDoc.createElement("STYLE")); pDoc.styleSheets[0].cssText += styles; }catch(e){} }, 100); } else { try{ var xStyle = pDoc.createElement("STYLE"); pHeads[0].appendChild(xStyle); xStyle.appendChild(pDoc.createTextNode(styles)); }catch(e){} } return true; }, SetBxTag: function(pElement, params) { var id; if (params.id || pElement && pElement.id) id = params.id || pElement.id; if (!id) id = 'bxid_' + Math.round(Math.random() * 1000000); else if (this.bxTags[id] && !params.tag) params.tag = this.bxTags[id].tag; params.id = id; if (pElement) pElement.id = params.id; this.bxTags[params.id] = params; return params.id; }, GetBxTag: function(id) { if (id) { if (typeof id != "string" && id.id) id = id.id; if (id && id.length > 0 && this.bxTags[id] && this.bxTags[id].tag) { this.bxTags[id].tag = this.bxTags[id].tag.toLowerCase(); return this.bxTags[id]; } } return {tag: false}; }, GetAttributesList: function(str) { str = str + " "; var arParams = {}, arPHP = [], bPhp = false, _this = this; // 1. Replace PHP by #BXPHP# str = str.replace(/<\?.*?\?>/ig, function(s) { arPHP.push(s); return "#BXPHP" + (arPHP.length - 1) + "#"; }); // 2.0 Parse params - without quotes str = str.replace(/([^\w]??)(\w+?)=([^\s\'"]+?)(\s)/ig, function(s, b0, b1, b2, b3) { b2 = b2.replace(/#BXPHP(\d+)#/ig, function(s, num){return arPHP[num] || s;}); arParams[b1.toLowerCase()] = BX.util.htmlspecialcharsback(b2); return b0; }); // 2.1 Parse params str = str.replace(/([^\w]??)(\w+?)\s*=\s*("|\')([^\3]*?)\3/ig, function(s, b0, b1, b2, b3) { // 3. Replace PHP back b3 = b3.replace(/#BXPHP(\d+)#/ig, function(s, num){return arPHP[num] || s;}); arParams[b1.toLowerCase()] = BX.util.htmlspecialcharsback(b3); return b0; }); return arParams; }, RidOfNode: function (pNode, bHard) { if (!pNode || pNode.nodeType != 1) return; var i, nodeName = pNode.tagName.toLowerCase(), nodes = ['span', 'strike', 'del', 'font', 'code', 'div']; if (BX.util.in_array(nodeName, nodes)) // Check node names { if (bHard !== true) { for (i = pNode.attributes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (BX.util.trim(pNode.getAttribute(pNode.attributes[i].nodeName.toLowerCase())) != "") return false; // Node have attributes, so we cant get rid of it without loosing info } } var arNodes = pNode.childNodes; while(arNodes.length > 0) pNode.parentNode.insertBefore(arNodes[0], pNode); pNode.parentNode.removeChild(pNode); //this.OnEvent("OnSelectionChange"); return true; } return false; }, WrapSelectionWith: function (tagName, arAttributes) { this.SetFocus(); var oRange, oSelection; if (!tagName) tagName = 'SPAN'; var sTag = 'FONT', i, pEl, arTags, arRes = []; try{this.pEditorDocument.execCommand("styleWithCSS", false, false);}catch(e){} this.executeCommand("FontName", "bitrixtemp"); arTags = this.pEditorDocument.getElementsByTagName(sTag); for(i = arTags.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (arTags[i].getAttribute('face') != 'bitrixtemp') continue; pEl = BX.create(tagName, arAttributes, this.pEditorDocument); arRes.push(pEl); while(arTags[i].firstChild) pEl.appendChild(arTags[i].firstChild); arTags[i].parentNode.insertBefore(pEl, arTags[i]); arTags[i].parentNode.removeChild(arTags[i]); } if (this.arConfig.bAutoResize && this.arConfig.bResizable) this.AutoResize(); return arRes; }, SaveSelectionRange: function() { if (this.sEditorMode == 'code') this.oPrevRangeText = this.GetSelectionRange(document, window); else this.oPrevRange = this.GetSelectionRange(); }, RestoreSelectionRange: function() { if (this.sEditorMode == 'code') this.IESetCarretPos(this.oPrevRangeText); else if(this.oPrevRange) this.SelectRange(this.oPrevRange); }, focus: function(el, bSelect) { setTimeout(function() { try{ el.focus(); if(bSelect) el.select(); }catch(e){} }, 100); }, // Methods below used in BB-mode // Earlier was in bb.js InitBBCode: function() { this.stack = []; var _this = this; this.pTextarea.onkeydown = BX.proxy(this.OnKeyDownBB, this); // Backup parser functions this._GetNodeHTMLLeft = this.GetNodeHTMLLeft; this._GetNodeHTMLRight = this.GetNodeHTMLRight; this.GetNodeHTMLLeft = this.GetNodeHTMLLeftBB; this.GetNodeHTMLRight = this.GetNodeHTMLRightBB; }, ShutdownBBCode: function() { this.bBBCode = false; this.arConfig.bBBCode = false; this.pTextarea.onkeydown = null; // Restore parser functions this.GetNodeHTMLLeft = this._GetNodeHTMLLeft; this.GetNodeHTMLRight = this._GetNodeHTMLRight; this.arConfig.bConvertContentFromBBCodes = false; }, FormatBB: function(params) { var pBut = params.pBut, value = params.value, tag = params.tag.toUpperCase(), tag_end = tag; if (tag == 'FONT' || tag == 'COLOR' || tag == 'SIZE') tag += "=" + value; if ((!BX.util.in_array(tag, this.stack) || this.GetTextSelection()) && !(tag == 'FONT' && value == 'none')) { if (!this.WrapWith("[" + tag + "]", "[/" + tag_end + "]")) { this.stack.push(tag); if (pBut && pBut.Check) pBut.Check(true); } } else { var res = false; while (res = this.stack.pop()) { this.WrapWith("[/" + res + "]", ""); if (pBut && pBut.Check) pBut.Check(false); if (res == tag) break; } } }, GetTextSelection: function() { var res = false; if (typeof this.pTextarea.selectionStart != 'undefined') { res = this.pTextarea.value.substr(this.pTextarea.selectionStart, this.pTextarea.selectionEnd - this.pTextarea.selectionStart); } else if (document.selection && document.selection.createRange) { res = document.selection.createRange().text; } else if (window.getSelection) { res = window.getSelection(); res = res.toString(); } return res; }, IESetCarretPos: function(oRange) { if (!oRange || !BX.browser.IsIE() || oRange.text.length != 0 /* text selected*/) return; oRange.moveStart('character', - this.pTextarea.value.length); var pos = oRange.text.length; var range = this.pTextarea.createTextRange(); range.collapse(true); range.moveEnd('character', pos); range.moveStart('character', pos); range.select(); }, WrapWith: function (tagBegin, tagEnd, postText) { if (!tagBegin) tagBegin = ""; if (!tagEnd) tagEnd = "" if (!postText) postText = ""; if (tagBegin.length <= 0 && tagEnd.length <= 0 && postText.length <= 0) return true; var bReplaceText = !!postText; var sSelectionText = this.GetTextSelection(); if (!this.bTextareaFocus) this.pTextarea.focus(); // BUG IN IE var isSelect = (sSelectionText ? 'select' : bReplaceText ? 'after' : 'in'); if (bReplaceText) postText = tagBegin + postText + tagEnd; else if (sSelectionText) postText = tagBegin + sSelectionText + tagEnd; else postText = tagBegin + tagEnd; if (typeof this.pTextarea.selectionStart != 'undefined') { var currentScroll = this.pTextarea.scrollTop, start = this.pTextarea.selectionStart, end = this.pTextarea.selectionEnd; this.pTextarea.value = this.pTextarea.value.substr(0, start) + postText + this.pTextarea.value.substr(end); if (isSelect == 'select') { this.pTextarea.selectionStart = start; this.pTextarea.selectionEnd = start + postText.length; } else if (isSelect == 'in') { this.pTextarea.selectionStart = this.pTextarea.selectionEnd = start + tagBegin.length; } else { this.pTextarea.selectionStart = this.pTextarea.selectionEnd = start + postText.length; } this.pTextarea.scrollTop = currentScroll; } else if (document.selection && document.selection.createRange) { var sel = document.selection.createRange(); var selection_copy = sel.duplicate(); postText = postText.replace(/\r?\n/g, '\n'); sel.text = postText; sel.setEndPoint('StartToStart', selection_copy); sel.setEndPoint('EndToEnd', selection_copy); if (isSelect == 'select') { sel.collapse(true); postText = postText.replace(/\r\n/g, '1'); sel.moveEnd('character', postText.length); } else if (isSelect == 'in') { sel.collapse(false); sel.moveEnd('character', tagBegin.length); sel.collapse(false); } else { sel.collapse(false); sel.moveEnd('character', postText.length); sel.collapse(false); } sel.select(); } else { // failed - just stuff it at the end of the message this.pTextarea.value += postText; } return true; }, ParseBB: function (sContent) // BBCode -> WYSIWYG { sContent = BX.util.htmlspecialchars(sContent); // Table sContent = sContent.replace(/[\r\n\s\t]?\[table\][\r\n\s\t]*?\[tr\]/ig, '[TABLE][TR]'); sContent = sContent.replace(/\[tr\][\r\n\s\t]*?\[td\]/ig, '[TR][TD]'); sContent = sContent.replace(/\[tr\][\r\n\s\t]*?\[th\]/ig, '[TR][TH]'); sContent = sContent.replace(/\[\/td\][\r\n\s\t]*?\[td\]/ig, '[/TD][TD]'); sContent = sContent.replace(/\[\/tr\][\r\n\s\t]*?\[tr\]/ig, '[/TR][TR]'); sContent = sContent.replace(/\[\/td\][\r\n\s\t]*?\[\/tr\]/ig, '[/TD][/TR]'); sContent = sContent.replace(/\[\/th\][\r\n\s\t]*?\[\/tr\]/ig, '[/TH][/TR]'); sContent = sContent.replace(/\[\/tr\][\r\n\s\t]*?\[\/table\][\r\n\s\t]?/ig, '[/TR][/TABLE]'); // List sContent = sContent.replace(/[\r\n\s\t]*?\[\/list\]/ig, '[/LIST]'); sContent = sContent.replace(/[\r\n\s\t]*?\[\*\]?/ig, '[*]'); var arSimpleTags = [ 'b','u', 'i', ['s', 'del'], // B, U, I, S 'table', 'tr', 'td', 'th'//, // Table ], bbTag, tag, i, l = arSimpleTags.length, re; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { if (typeof arSimpleTags[i] == 'object') { bbTag = arSimpleTags[i][0]; tag = arSimpleTags[i][1]; } else { bbTag = tag = arSimpleTags[i]; } sContent = sContent.replace(new RegExp('\\[(\\/?)' + bbTag + '\\]', 'ig'), "<$1" + tag + ">"); } // Link sContent = sContent.replace(/\[url\]((?:\s|\S)*?)\[\/url\]/ig, "<a href=\"$1\">$1</a>"); sContent = sContent.replace(/\[url\s*=\s*((?:[^\[\]]*?(?:\[[^\]]+?\])*[^\[\]]*?)*)\s*\]((?:\s|\S)*?)\[\/url\]/ig, "<a href=\"$1\">$2</a>"); // Img var _this = this; sContent = sContent.replace(/\[img(?:\s*?width=(\d+)\s*?height=(\d+))?\]((?:\s|\S)*?)\[\/img\]/ig, function(str, w, h, src) { var strSize = ""; w = parseInt(w); h = parseInt(h); if (w && h && _this.bBBParseImageSize) strSize = ' width="' + w + '" height="' + h + '"'; return '<img src="' + src + '"' + strSize + '/>'; } ); // Font color i = 0; while (sContent.toLowerCase().indexOf('[color=') != -1 && sContent.toLowerCase().indexOf('[/color]') != -1 && i++ < 20) sContent = sContent.replace(/\[color=((?:\s|\S)*?)\]((?:\s|\S)*?)\[\/color\]/ig, "<font color=\"$1\">$2</font>"); // List i = 0; while (sContent.toLowerCase().indexOf('[list=') != -1 && sContent.toLowerCase().indexOf('[/list]') != -1 && i++ < 20) sContent = sContent.replace(/\[list=1\]((?:\s|\S)*?)\[\/list\]/ig, "<ol>$1</ol>"); i = 0; while (sContent.toLowerCase().indexOf('[list') != -1 && sContent.toLowerCase().indexOf('[/list]') != -1 && i++ < 20) sContent = sContent.replace(/\[list\]((?:\s|\S)*?)\[\/list\]/ig, "<ul>$1</ul>"); sContent = sContent.replace(/\[\*\]/ig, "<li>"); // Font i = 0; while (sContent.toLowerCase().indexOf('[font=') != -1 && sContent.toLowerCase().indexOf('[/font]') != -1 && i++ < 20) sContent = sContent.replace(/\[font=((?:\s|\S)*?)\]((?:\s|\S)*?)\[\/font\]/ig, "<font face=\"$1\">$2</font>"); // Font size i = 0; while (sContent.toLowerCase().indexOf('[size=') != -1 && sContent.toLowerCase().indexOf('[/size]') != -1 && i++ < 20) sContent = sContent.replace(/\[size=((?:\s|\S)*?)\]((?:\s|\S)*?)\[\/size\]/ig, "<font size=\"$1\">$2</font>"); // Replace \n => <br/> sContent = sContent.replace(/\n/ig, "<br />"); return sContent; }, UnParseNodeBB: function (pNode) // WYSIWYG -> BBCode { if (pNode.text == "br") return "#BR#"; if (pNode.type == 'text') return false; //[CODE] Handle code tag if (pNode.text == "pre" && pNode.arAttributes['class'] == 'lhe-code') return "[CODE]" + this.RecGetCodeContent(pNode) + "[/CODE]"; pNode.bbHide = true; if (pNode.text == 'font' && pNode.arAttributes.color) { pNode.bbHide = false; pNode.text = 'color'; pNode.bbValue = pNode.arAttributes.color; } else if (pNode.text == 'font' && pNode.arAttributes.size) { pNode.bbHide = false; pNode.text = 'size'; pNode.bbValue = pNode.arAttributes.size; } else if (pNode.text == 'font' && pNode.arAttributes.face) { pNode.bbHide = false; pNode.text = 'font'; pNode.bbValue = pNode.arAttributes.face; } else if(pNode.text == 'del') { pNode.bbHide = false; pNode.text = 's'; } else if(pNode.text == 'strong' || pNode.text == 'b') { pNode.bbHide = false; pNode.text = 'b'; } else if(pNode.text == 'em' || pNode.text == 'i') { pNode.bbHide = false; pNode.text = 'i'; } else if(pNode.text == 'blockquote') { pNode.bbHide = false; pNode.text = 'quote'; } else if(pNode.text == 'ol') { pNode.bbHide = false; pNode.text = 'list'; pNode.bbBreakLineRight = true; pNode.bbValue = '1'; } else if(pNode.text == 'ul') { pNode.bbHide = false; pNode.text = 'list'; pNode.bbBreakLineRight = true; } else if(pNode.text == 'li') { pNode.bbHide = false; pNode.text = '*'; pNode.bbBreakLine = true; pNode.bbHideRight = true; } else if(pNode.text == 'a') { pNode.bbHide = false; pNode.text = 'url'; pNode.bbValue = pNode.arAttributes.href; } else if(this.parseAlign && (pNode.arAttributes.align || pNode.arStyle.textAlign) && !(BX.util.in_array(pNode.text.toLowerCase(), ['table', 'tr', 'td', 'th'])) ) { var align = pNode.arStyle.textAlign || pNode.arAttributes.align; if (BX.util.in_array(align, ['left', 'right', 'center', 'justify'])) { pNode.bbHide = false; pNode.text = align; } else { pNode.bbHide = !BX.util.in_array(pNode.text, this.arBBTags); } } else if(BX.util.in_array(pNode.text, this.arBBTags)) //'p', 'u', 'div', 'table', 'tr', 'img', 'td', 'a' { pNode.bbHide = false; } return false; }, RecGetCodeContent: function(pNode) // WYSIWYG -> BBCode { if (!pNode || !pNode.arNodes || !pNode.arNodes.length) return ''; var res = ''; for (var i = 0; i < pNode.arNodes.length; i++) { if (pNode.arNodes[i].type == 'text') res += pNode.arNodes[i].text; else if (pNode.arNodes[i].type == 'element' && pNode.arNodes[i].text == "br") res += (this.bBBCode ? "#BR#" : "\n"); else if (pNode.arNodes[i].arNodes) res += this.RecGetCodeContent(pNode.arNodes[i]); } if (this.bBBCode) { if (BX.browser.IsIE()) res = res.replace(/\r/ig, "#BR#"); else res = res.replace(/\n/ig, "#BR#"); } else if (BX.browser.IsIE()) { res = res.replace(/\n/ig, "\r\n"); } return res; }, GetNodeHTMLLeftBB: function (pNode) { if(pNode.type == 'text') { var text = BX.util.htmlspecialchars(pNode.text); text = text.replace(/\[/ig, "["); text = text.replace(/\]/ig, "]"); return text; } var res = ""; if (pNode.bbBreakLine) res += "\n"; if(pNode.type == 'element' && !pNode.bbHide) { res += "[" + pNode.text.toUpperCase(); if (pNode.bbValue) res += '=' + pNode.bbValue; res += "]"; } return res; }, GetNodeHTMLRightBB: function (pNode) { var res = ""; if (pNode.bbBreakLineRight) res += "\n"; if(pNode.type == 'element' && (pNode.arNodes.length > 0 || this.IsPairNode(pNode.text)) && !pNode.bbHide && !pNode.bbHideRight) res += "[/" + pNode.text.toUpperCase() + "]"; return res; }, OptimizeBB: function (str) { // TODO: kill links without text and names // TODO: Kill multiple line ends var iter = 0, bReplasing = true, arTags = ['b', 'i', 'u', 's', 'color', 'font', 'size', 'quote'], replaceEmptyTags = function(){i--; bReplasing = true; return ' ';}, re, tagName, i, l; while(iter++ < 20 && bReplasing) { bReplasing = false; for (i = 0, l = arTags.length; i < l; i++) { tagName = arTags[i]; // Replace empties: [b][/b] ==> "" re = new RegExp('\\[' + tagName + '[^\\]]*?\\]\\s*?\\[/' + tagName + '\\]', 'ig'); str = str.replace(re, replaceEmptyTags); if (tagName !== 'quote') { re = new RegExp('\\[((' + tagName + '+?)(?:\\s+?[^\\]]*?)?)\\]([\\s\\S]+?)\\[\\/\\2\\](\\s*?)\\[\\1\\]([\\s\\S]+?)\\[\\/\\2\\]', 'ig'); str = str.replace(re, function(str, b1, b2, b3, spacer, b4) { if (spacer.indexOf("\n") != -1) return str; bReplasing = true; return '[' + b1 + ']' + b3 + ' ' + b4 + '[/' + b2 + ']'; } ); //Replace [b]1 [b]2[/b] 3[/b] ===>> [b]1 2 3[/b] // re = new RegExp('(\\[' + tagName + '(?:\\s+?[^\\]]*?)?\\])([\\s\\S]+?)\\1([\\s\\S]+?)(\\[\\/' + tagName + '\\])([\\s\\S]+?)\\4', 'ig'); // str = str.replace(re, function(str, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5) // { // bReplasing = true; // return b1 + b2 + b3 + b5 + b4; // } // ); } } } // str = str.replace(/[\r\n\s\t]*?\[\/list\]/ig, "\n[/LIST]"); str = str.replace(/[\r\n\s\t]*?\[\/list\]/ig, "\n[/LIST]"); // Cut "\n" in the end of the message (only for BB) str = str.replace(/\n*$/ig, ''); return str; }, RemoveFormatBB: function() { var str = this.GetTextSelection(); if (str) { var it = 0, arTags = ['b', 'i', 'u', 's', 'color', 'font', 'size'], i, l = arTags.length; //[b]123[/b] ==> 123 while (it < 30) { str1 = str; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) str = str.replace(new RegExp('\\[(' + arTags[i] + ')[^\\]]*?\\]([\\s\\S]*?)\\[/\\1\\]', 'ig'), "$2"); if (str == str1) break; it++; } this.WrapWith('', '', str); } }, OnKeyDownBB: function(e) { if(!e) e = window.event; var key = e.which || e.keyCode; if (e.ctrlKey && !e.shiftKey && !e.altKey) { switch (key) { case 66 : // B case 98 : // b this.FormatBB({tag: 'B'}); return BX.PreventDefault(e); case 105 : // i case 73 : // I this.FormatBB({tag: 'I'}); return BX.PreventDefault(e); case 117 : // u case 85 : // U this.FormatBB({tag: 'U'}); return BX.PreventDefault(e); case 81 : // Q - quote this.FormatBB({tag: 'QUOTE'}); return BX.PreventDefault(e); } } // Tab if (key == 9) { this.WrapWith('', '', "\t"); return BX.PreventDefault(e); } // Ctrl + Enter if ((e.keyCode == 13 || e.keyCode == 10) && e.ctrlKey && this.ctrlEnterHandler) { this.SaveContent(); this.ctrlEnterHandler(); } }, GetCutHTML: function(e) { if (this.curCutId) { var pCut = this.pEditorDocument.getElementById(this.curCutId); if (pCut) { pCut.parentNode.insertBefore(BX.create("BR", {}, this.pEditorDocument), pCut); pCut.parentNode.removeChild(pCut); } } this.curCutId = this.SetBxTag(false, {tag: "cut"}); return '<img src="' + this.oneGif+ '" class="bxed-cut" id="' + this.curCutId + '" title="' + BX.message.CutTitle + '"/>'; }, OnPaste: function() { if (this.bOnPasteProcessing) return; this.bOnPasteProcessing = true; var _this = this; var scrollTop = this.pEditorDocument.body.scrollTop; setTimeout(function(){ _this.bOnPasteProcessing = false; _this.InsertHTML('<span style="visibility: hidden;" id="' + _this.SetBxTag(false, {tag: "cursor"}) + '" ></span>'); _this.SaveContent(); setTimeout(function() { var content = _this.GetContent(); if (/<\w[^>]*(( class="?MsoNormal"?)|(="mso-))/gi.test(content)) content = _this.CleanWordText(content); _this.SetEditorContent(content); setTimeout(function() { try{ var pCursor = _this.pEditorDocument.getElementById(_this.lastCursorId); if (pCursor && pCursor.parentNode) { var newScrollTop = pCursor.offsetTop - 30; if (newScrollTop > 0) { if (scrollTop > 0 && scrollTop + parseInt(_this.pFrame.offsetHeight) > newScrollTop) _this.pEditorDocument.body.scrollTop = scrollTop; else _this.pEditorDocument.body.scrollTop = newScrollTop; } _this.SelectElement(pCursor); pCursor.parentNode.removeChild(pCursor); _this.SetFocus(); } }catch(e){} }, 100); }, 100); }, 100); }, CleanWordText: function(text) { text = text.replace(/<(P|B|U|I|STRIKE)> <\/\1>/g, ' '); text = text.replace(/<o:p>([\s\S]*?)<\/o:p>/ig, "$1"); //text = text.replace(/<o:p>[\s\S]*?<\/o:p>/ig, " "); text = text.replace(/<span[^>]*display:\s*?none[^>]*>([\s\S]*?)<\/span>/gi, ''); 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[if !vml]> text = text.replace(/<\\?\?xml[^>]*>/ig, ""); //<xml...>, </xml...> text = text.replace(/<o:p>\s*<\/o:p>/ig, ""); text = text.replace(/<\/?[a-z1-9]+:[^>]*>/gi, ""); //<o:p...>, </o:p> text = text.replace(/<([a-z1-9]+[^>]*) class=([^ |>]*)(.*?>)/gi, "<$1$3"); text = text.replace(/<([a-z1-9]+[^>]*) [a-z]+:[a-z]+=([^ |>]*)(.*?>)/gi, "<$1$3"); // xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" text = text.replace(/ /ig, ' '); text = text.replace(/\s+?/gi, ' '); // Remove mso-xxx styles. text = text.replace(/\s*mso-[^:]+:[^;"]+;?/gi, ""); // Remove margin styles. text = text.replace(/\s*margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt\s*;/gi, ""); text = text.replace(/\s*margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt\s*"/gi, "\""); text = text.replace(/\s*TEXT-INDENT: 0cm\s*;/gi, ""); text = text.replace(/\s*TEXT-INDENT: 0cm\s*"/gi, "\""); text = text.replace(/\s*TEXT-ALIGN: [^\s;]+;?"/gi, "\""); text = text.replace(/\s*PAGE-BREAK-BEFORE: [^\s;]+;?"/gi, "\""); text = text.replace(/\s*FONT-VARIANT: [^\s;]+;?"/gi, "\""); text = text.replace(/\s*tab-stops:[^;"]*;?/gi, ""); 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text = text.replace(/(<td[\s\S]*?)valign=("|')[\s\S]*?\2([\s\S]*?>)/gi, "$1$3"); text = text.replace(/(<td[\s\S]*?)nowrap=("|')[\s\S]*?\2([\s\S]*?>)/gi, "$1$3"); text = text.replace(/(<td[\s\S]*?)nowrap([\s\S]*?>)/gi, "$1$3"); text = text.replace(/(<col[\s\S]*?)width=("|')[\s\S]*?\2([\s\S]*?>)/gi, "$1$3"); text = text.replace(/(<col[\s\S]*?)style=("|')[\s\S]*?\2([\s\S]*?>)/gi, "$1$3"); // For Opera (12.10+) only when in text we have reference links. if (BX.browser.IsOpera()) text = text.replace(/REF\s+?_Ref\d+?[\s\S]*?MERGEFORMAT\s([\s\S]*?)\s[\s\S]*?<\/xml>/gi, " $1 "); return text; } }; BXLEditorUtils = function() { this.oTune = {}; this.setCurrentEditorId('default'); }; BXLEditorUtils.prototype = { setCurrentEditorId: function(id) { this.curId = id; }, prepare : function() { if (!this.oTune[this.curId]) this.oTune[this.curId] = { buttons: [], ripButtons: {} }; }, addButton : function(pBut, ind) { if (!pBut || !pBut.id) return false; if (typeof ind == 'undefined') ind = -1; this.prepare(); this.oTune[this.curId].buttons.push({but: pBut, ind: ind}); return true; }, removeButton: function(id) { this.prepare(); this.oTune[this.curId].ripButtons[id] = true; } }; oBXLEditorUtils = new BXLEditorUtils(); function BXFindParentElement(pElement1, pElement2) { var p, arr1 = [], arr2 = []; while((pElement1 = pElement1.parentNode) != null) arr1[arr1.length] = pElement1; while((pElement2 = pElement2.parentNode) != null) arr2[arr2.length] = pElement2; var min, diff1 = 0, diff2 = 0; if(arr1.length<arr2.length) { min = arr1.length; diff2 = arr2.length - min; } else { min = arr2.length; diff1 = arr1.length - min; } for(var i=0; i<min-1; i++) { if(BXElementEqual(arr1[i+diff1], arr2[i+diff2])) return arr1[i+diff1]; } return arr1[0]; } window.BXFindParentByTagName = function (pElement, tagName) { tagName = tagName.toUpperCase(); while(pElement && (pElement.nodeType !=1 || pElement.tagName.toUpperCase() != tagName)) pElement = pElement.parentNode; return pElement; } function SetAttr(pEl, attr, val) { if(attr=='className' && !BX.browser.IsIE()) attr = 'class'; if(val.length <= 0) pEl.removeAttribute(attr); else pEl.setAttribute(attr, val); } function BXCutNode(pNode) { while(pNode.childNodes.length > 0) pNode.parentNode.insertBefore(pNode.childNodes[0], pNode); pNode.parentNode.removeChild(pNode); }