Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/landing/install/ |
Current File : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/landing/install/index.php |
<?php use \Bitrix\Landing\Template; use \Bitrix\Landing\Landing as LandingCore; use \Bitrix\Landing\Site; use \Bitrix\Main\Localization\Loc; use \Bitrix\Main\ModuleManager; use \Bitrix\Main\Config\Option; Loc::loadMessages(__FILE__); if (class_exists('Landing')) { return; } class Landing extends \CModule { public $MODULE_ID = 'landing'; public $MODULE_GROUP_RIGHTS = 'Y'; public $MODULE_VERSION; public $MODULE_VERSION_DATE; public $MODULE_NAME; public $MODULE_DESCRIPTION; public $docRoot = ''; public $installDirs = array( 'admin' => 'admin', 'js' => 'landing', 'images' => 'landing', 'tools' => 'landing', 'blocks' => 'bitrix', 'components' => 'bitrix', 'templates' => 'landing24' ); public $installPubDirs = array( 'sites' => 'sites' ); /** * Constructor. */ public function __construct() { $arModuleVersion = array(); $context = \Bitrix\Main\Application::getInstance()->getContext(); $server = $context->getServer(); $this->docRoot = $server->getDocumentRoot(); $path = str_replace('\\', '/', __FILE__); $path = substr($path, 0, strlen($path) - strlen('/index.php')); include($path . '/version.php'); if (is_array($arModuleVersion) && array_key_exists('VERSION', $arModuleVersion)) { $this->MODULE_VERSION = $arModuleVersion['VERSION']; $this->MODULE_VERSION_DATE = $arModuleVersion['VERSION_DATE']; } $this->MODULE_NAME = Loc::getMessage('LANDING_MODULE_NAME'); $this->MODULE_DESCRIPTION = Loc::getMessage('LANDING_MODULE_DESCRIPTION'); } /** * Call all install methods. * @returm void */ public function doInstall() { global $DB, $APPLICATION; $this->installFiles(); $this->installDB(); $GLOBALS['APPLICATION']->includeAdminFile( Loc::getMessage('LANDING_INSTALL_TITLE'), $this->docRoot . '/bitrix/modules/landing/install/step1.php' ); } /** * Call all uninstall methods, include several steps. * @returm void */ public function doUninstall() { global $APPLICATION; $step = isset($_GET['step']) ? intval($_GET['step']) : 1; if ($step < 2) { $APPLICATION->includeAdminFile( Loc::getMessage('LANDING_UNINSTALL_TITLE'), $this->docRoot . '/bitrix/modules/landing/install/unstep1.php' ); } elseif ($step == 2) { $this->uninstallDB(array( 'savedata' => isset($_GET['savedata']) && $_GET['savedata'] == 'Y' )); $this->uninstallFiles(); $APPLICATION->includeAdminFile( Loc::getMessage('LANDING_UNINSTALL_TITLE'), $this->docRoot . '/bitrix/modules/landing/install/unstep2.php' ); } } /** * Install DB, events, etc. * @return boolean */ public function installDB() { global $DB, $APPLICATION; // db $errors = $DB->runSQLBatch( $this->docRoot . '/bitrix/modules/landing/install/db/' . strtolower($DB->type) . '/install.sql' ); if ($errors !== false) { $APPLICATION->throwException(implode('', $errors)); return false; } // module registerModule($this->MODULE_ID); // events $eventManager = Bitrix\Main\EventManager::getInstance(); $eventManager->registerEventHandler( 'rest', 'OnRestServiceBuildDescription', $this->MODULE_ID, '\Bitrix\Landing\Publicaction', 'restBase' ); $eventManager->registerEventHandler( 'rest', 'OnRestAppDelete', $this->MODULE_ID, '\Bitrix\Landing\Publicaction', 'restApplicationDelete' ); $eventManager->registerEventHandler( 'main', 'OnPanelCreate', $this->MODULE_ID, '\Bitrix\Landing\Manager', 'addPanelButtons' ); $eventManager->registerEventHandler( 'main', 'OnBeforeSiteDelete', $this->MODULE_ID, '\Bitrix\Landing\Site', 'onBeforeMainSiteDelete' ); $eventManager->registerEventHandler( 'main', 'OnSiteDelete', $this->MODULE_ID, '\Bitrix\Landing\Site', 'onMainSiteDelete' ); if ($this->isB24()) { $eventManager->registerEventHandler( 'bitrix24', 'OnDomainChange', $this->MODULE_ID, '\Bitrix\Landing\Update\Block\NodeAttributes', 'updateFormDomain' ); } if ($this->isB24Connector()) { $eventManager->registerEventHandler( 'socialservices', '\Bitrix\Socialservices\ApTable::OnAfterAdd', $this->MODULE_ID, '\Bitrix\Landing\Update\Block\NodeAttributes', 'updateFormDomainByConnector' ); } // agents \CAgent::addAgent( 'Bitrix\Landing\Agent::clearRecycle();', $this->MODULE_ID, 'N', 7200 ); // agents \CAgent::addAgent( 'Bitrix\Landing\Agent::clearFiles();', $this->MODULE_ID, 'N', 3600 ); // templates if (\Bitrix\Main\Loader::includeModule($this->MODULE_ID)) { $this->installTemplates(); $this->setOptions(); } $this->setSiteTemplates(); return true; } /** * Is B24 portal? * @return bool */ private function isB24() { if ( defined('LANDING_DISABLE_B24_MODE') && LANDING_DISABLE_B24_MODE === true ) { return false; } else { return ModuleManager::isModuleInstalled('bitrix24') || ModuleManager::isModuleInstalled('intranet'); } } /** * Its SMN with b24connector module installed. * @return bool */ private function isB24Connector() { static $isConnector = null; if ($isConnector === null) { $isConnector = ModuleManager::isModuleInstalled('b24connector') && ModuleManager::isModuleInstalled('socialservices'); } return $isConnector; } /** * Install or uninstall main site templates. * @param boolean $install Call type. * @return void */ public function setSiteTemplates($install = true) { $clearCache = false; $tplFields = array( 'TEMPLATE' => Option::get('landing', 'site_template_id') ); // uninstall tpl in site (always, and before the install) $resCheck = \Bitrix\Main\SiteTemplateTable::getList(array( 'filter' => $tplFields )); while ($rowCheck = $resCheck->fetch()) { $clearCache = true; \Bitrix\Main\SiteTemplateTable::delete( $rowCheck['ID'] ); } // set template for every site if ($install) { $res = \Bitrix\Main\SiteTable::getList(array( 'select' => array( 'LID', 'DIR' ), 'order' => array( 'SORT' => 'ASC' ) )); while ($row = $res->fetch()) { // only for b24 if (ModuleManager::isModuleInstalled('bitrix24')) { $clearCache = true; \Bitrix\Main\SiteTemplateTable::add( $tplFields + array( 'SITE_ID' => $row['LID'], 'SORT' => 0, 'CONDITION' => 'CSite::InDir(\'' . rtrim($row['DIR'], '/') . '/pub/site/\')' ) ); } // more short address for smn if (!$this->isB24()) { if (!Option::get('landing', 'pub_path_' . $row['LID'])) { Option::set('landing', 'pub_path_' . $row['LID'], '/lp/'); } } } } // only for B24 smn if ( !ModuleManager::isModuleInstalled('bitrix24') && ModuleManager::isModuleInstalled('intranet') ) { $clearCache = true; \Bitrix\Main\SiteTemplateTable::add( $tplFields + array( 'SITE_ID' => 's1',//@todo 'SORT' => 500, 'CONDITION' => 'preg_match(\'#/sites/site/[\d]+/view/[\d]+/#\', ' . '$GLOBALS[\'APPLICATION\']->GetCurPage(0))' ) ); } if ($clearCache) { $GLOBALS['CACHE_MANAGER']->clean('b_site_template'); } } /** * Settings required options. * @return void */ public function setOptions() { Option::set('landing', 'disabled_namespaces', 'bitrix'); \Bitrix\Landing\Manager::getRestPath(); } /** * Install templates of landing. * @return boolean */ public function installTemplates() { $installTtpl = array( 'empty' => array( 'content' => '#CONTENT#', 'area_count' => 0 ), 'sidebar_left' => array( 'content' => '<div class="landing-layout-flex"> <div class="g-width-25x--lg g-max-width-100x g-overflow-hidden landing-sidebar">#AREA_1#</div> <div class="g-width-75x--lg g-max-width-100x landing-main">#CONTENT#</div> </div>', 'area_count' => 1 ), 'sidebar_right' => array( 'content' => '<div class="landing-layout-flex sidebar-right"> <div class="g-width-25x--lg g-max-width-100x landing-sidebar">#AREA_1#</div> <div class="g-width-75x--lg g-max-width-100x landing-main">#CONTENT#</div> </div>', 'area_count' => 1 ), 'header_footer' => array( 'content' => '<div class="landing-header">#AREA_1#</div> <div class="landing-main">#CONTENT#</div> <div class="landing-footer">#AREA_2#</div>', 'area_count' => 2 ), 'without_left' => array( 'content' => '<div class="landing-header">#AREA_1#</div> <div class="landing-layout-flex without-left"> <div class="g-width-25x--lg g-max-width-100x landing-sidebar">#AREA_2#</div> <div class="g-width-75x--lg g-max-width-100x landing-main">#CONTENT#</div> </div> <div class="landing-footer">#AREA_3#</div>', 'area_count' => 3 ), 'without_right' => array( 'content' => '<div class="landing-header">#AREA_1#</div> <div class="landing-layout-flex"> <div class="g-width-25x--lg g-max-width-100x landing-sidebar">#AREA_2#</div> <div class="g-width-75x--lg g-max-width-100x landing-main">#CONTENT#</div> </div> <div class="landing-footer">#AREA_3#</div>', 'area_count' => 3 ) ); // first check exist $res = Template::getList(array( 'filter' => array( 'XML_ID' => array_keys($installTtpl) ) )); while ($row = $res->fetch()) { $installTtpl[$row['XML_ID']]['id'] = $row['ID']; } // then add / update $i = 0; foreach ($installTtpl as $code => $tpl) { $i += 100; $fields = array( 'XML_ID' => $code, 'ACTIVE' => 'Y', 'SORT' => $i, 'TITLE' => '#' . strtoupper($code) . '#', 'CONTENT' => $tpl['content'], 'AREA_COUNT' => $tpl['area_count'] ); if (isset($tpl['id'])) { Template::update($tpl['id'], $fields); } else { Template::add($fields); } } return true; } /** * Install files. * @return boolean */ public function installFiles() { foreach ($this->installDirs as $dir => $subdir) { copyDirFiles( $this->docRoot . '/bitrix/modules/landing/install/' . $dir, $this->docRoot . '/bitrix/' . $dir, true, true ); } if ($this->isB24()) { foreach ($this->installPubDirs as $dir => $subdir) { if (!file_exists($this->docRoot . '/' . $dir)) { copyDirFiles( $this->docRoot . '/bitrix/modules/landing/install/' . $dir, $this->docRoot . '/' . $dir, true, true ); } } \Bitrix\Main\UrlRewriter::add( 's1',//@todo array( 'ID' => 'bitrix:landing.start', 'PATH' => '/sites/index.php', 'CONDITION' => '#^/sites/#' ) ); $GLOBALS['CACHE_MANAGER']->CleanDir('menu'); \CBitrixComponent::clearComponentCache('bitrix:menu'); } $GLOBALS['CACHE_MANAGER']->clearByTag('landing_blocks'); $GLOBALS['CACHE_MANAGER']->clearByTag('landing_demo'); return true; } /** * Remove all pages and sites first. * @return void */ public function removeData() { if (\Bitrix\Main\Loader::includeModule($this->MODULE_ID)) { // first delete landings $res = LandingCore::getList([ 'select' => [ 'ID' ], 'filter' => [ '=DELETED' => ['Y', 'N'], '=SITE.DELETED' => ['Y', 'N'] ] ]); while ($row = $res->fetch()) { $resDel = LandingCore::delete($row['ID'], true); $resDel->isSuccess();// for trigger } // then delete sites $res = Site::getList([ 'select' => [ 'ID' ], 'filter' => [ '=DELETED' => ['Y', 'N'] ], ]); while ($row = $res->fetch()) { $resDel = Site::delete($row['ID']); $resDel->isSuccess();// for trigger } } } /** * Uninstall DB, events, etc. * @param array $arParams Some params. * @return boolean */ public function uninstallDB($arParams = array()) { global $APPLICATION, $DB; $errors = false; $this->removeData(); // delete DB if (isset($arParams['savedata']) && !$arParams['savedata']) { $errors = $DB->runSQLBatch( $this->docRoot . '/bitrix/modules/landing/install/db/' . strtolower($DB->type) . '/uninstall.sql' ); } if ($errors !== false) { $APPLICATION->throwException(implode('', $errors)); return false; } \CAgent::removeModuleAgents($this->MODULE_ID); // unregister events $eventManager = Bitrix\Main\EventManager::getInstance(); $eventManager->unregisterEventHandler( 'rest', 'OnRestServiceBuildDescription', $this->MODULE_ID, '\Bitrix\Landing\Publicaction', 'restBase' ); $eventManager->unregisterEventHandler( 'rest', 'OnRestAppDelete', $this->MODULE_ID, '\Bitrix\Landing\Publicaction', 'restApplicationDelete' ); $eventManager->unregisterEventHandler( 'main', 'OnPanelCreate', $this->MODULE_ID, '\Bitrix\Landing\Manager', 'addPanelButtons' ); $eventManager->unregisterEventHandler( 'main', 'OnBeforeSiteDelete', $this->MODULE_ID, '\Bitrix\Landing\Site', 'onBeforeMainSiteDelete' ); $eventManager->unregisterEventHandler( 'main', 'OnSiteDelete', $this->MODULE_ID, '\Bitrix\Landing\Site', 'onMainSiteDelete' ); if ($this->isB24()) { $eventManager->unregisterEventHandler( 'bitrix24', 'OnDomainChange', $this->MODULE_ID, '\Bitrix\Landing\Update\Block\NodeAttributes', 'updateFormDomain' ); } if ($this->isB24Connector()) { $eventManager->unregisterEventHandler( 'socialservices', '\Bitrix\Socialservices\ApTable::OnAfterAdd', $this->MODULE_ID, '\Bitrix\Landing\Update\Block\NodeAttributes', 'updateFormDomainByConnector' ); } // module unregisterModule($this->MODULE_ID); // templates $this->setSiteTemplates(false); // delete files finaly if (isset($arParams['savedata']) && !$arParams['savedata']) { $res = \Bitrix\Main\FileTable::getList(array( 'select' => array( 'ID' ), 'filter' => array( '=MODULE_ID' => $this->MODULE_ID ), 'order' => array( 'ID' => 'DESC' ) )); while ($row = $res->fetch()) { \CFile::Delete($row['ID']); } } return true; } /** * Uninstall files. * @return boolean */ public function uninstallFiles() { foreach ($this->installDirs as $dir => $subdir) { if ($dir != 'components') { deleteDirFilesEx('/bitrix/' . $dir . '/' . $subdir); } } $GLOBALS['CACHE_MANAGER']->clearByTag('landing_blocks'); $GLOBALS['CACHE_MANAGER']->clearByTag('landing_demo'); return true; } /** * Get module rights. * @return array */ public function getModuleRightList() { return array( 'reference_id' => array('D', 'W'), 'reference' => array( '[D] ' . Loc::getMessage('LANDING_RIGHT_D'), '[W] ' . Loc::getMessage('LANDING_RIGHT_W') ) ); } }