Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/learning/classes/general/ |
Current File : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/learning/classes/general/import.php |
<?php // 2012-04-19 Checked/modified for compatibility with new data model class CCourseImport { var $package_dir; var $LAST_ERROR = ""; var $arManifest = Array(); var $arSITE_ID = Array(); var $COURSE_ID = 0; var $objXML; var $arDraftFields = Array("detail_text", "preview_text", "description"); var $arUnsetFields = Array("id", "site_id", "timestamp_x", 'date_create', "chapter_id", "course_id", "lesson_id", "question_id", "created_by", 'created_user_name', 'linked_lesson_id', 'childs_cnt', 'is_childs', 'description', 'description_type', 'was_chapter_id'); var $arPicture = Array("detail_picture", "preview_picture", "file_id"); var $arDate = Array("active_from", "active_to"); var $arWarnings = Array(); protected $arPreventUnsetFieldsForTest = array('description', 'description_type'); // List of fields, writable to unilessons protected $arLessonWritableFields = array('NAME', 'ACTIVE', 'CODE', 'PREVIEW_PICTURE', 'PREVIEW_TEXT', 'PREVIEW_TEXT_TYPE', 'DETAIL_PICTURE', 'DETAIL_TEXT', 'DETAIL_TEXT_TYPE', 'LAUNCH', 'KEYWORDS'); // 2012-04-18 Checked/modified for compatibility with new data model public function __construct($PACKAGE_DIR, $arSITE_ID) { //Cut last slash if (substr($PACKAGE_DIR,-1, 1) == "/") $PACKAGE_DIR = substr($PACKAGE_DIR, 0, -1); $this->package_dir = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"].$PACKAGE_DIR; //Dir exists? if (!is_dir($this->package_dir)) { $this->LAST_ERROR = GetMessage("LEARNING_BAD_PACKAGE")."<br>"; return false; } //Manifest exists? if (!is_file($this->package_dir."/imsmanifest.xml")) { $this->LAST_ERROR = GetMessage("LEARNING_MANIFEST_NOT_FOUND")."<br>"; return false; } //Sites check if (!is_array($arSITE_ID) || empty($arSITE_ID)) { $this->LAST_ERROR = GetMessage("LEARNING_BAD_SITE_ID")."<br>"; return false; } $this->arSITE_ID = $arSITE_ID; require_once($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/xml.php"); $this->objXML = new CDataXML(); if (!$this->objXML->Load($this->package_dir."/imsmanifest.xml")) { $this->LAST_ERROR = GetMessage("LEARNING_MANIFEST_NOT_FOUND")."<br>"; return false; } return true; } // 2012-04-18 Checked/modified for compatibility with new data model protected function CreateCourse() { global $APPLICATION; if (strlen($this->LAST_ERROR)>0) return false; if (!$title = $this->objXML->SelectNodes("/manifest/organizations/organization/item/title")) { $this->LAST_ERROR = GetMessage("LEARNING_BAD_NAME"); return false; } $arFields = Array( "NAME" => $title->content, "SITE_ID" => $this->arSITE_ID, ); $course = new CCourse; $this->COURSE_ID = $course->Add($arFields); $res = ($this->COURSE_ID); if(!$res) { if($e = $APPLICATION->GetException()) $this->LAST_ERROR = $e->GetString(); return false; } $r = new CDataXML(); if (!$r->Load($this->package_dir."/res1.xml")) return false; if (!$data = $r->SelectNodes("/coursetoc/")) return false; $ar = $data->__toArray(); $arFields = $this->_MakeFields($ar); $res = $course->Update($this->COURSE_ID, $arFields); if(!$res) { if($e = $APPLICATION->GetException()) $this->LAST_ERROR = $e->GetString(); return false; } CheckDirPath($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."/".(COption::GetOptionString("main", "upload_dir", "upload"))."/learning/".$this->COURSE_ID); CLearnHelper::CopyDirFiles( $this->package_dir."/resources/res1", $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/" . (COption::GetOptionString("main", "upload_dir", "upload")) . "/learning/" . $this->COURSE_ID . "/res1", true); return true; } // 2012-04-19 Checked/modified for compatibility with new data model protected function CreateContent($arItems = Array(), $PARENT_ID = 0) { if (strlen($this->LAST_ERROR)>0) return false; if (empty($arItems)) { if ($items = $this->objXML->SelectNodes("/manifest/organizations/organization/item/")) { $arItems = $items->__toArray(); $arItems = $arItems["#"]["item"]; } } foreach ($arItems as $ar) { $type = substr($ar["@"]["identifier"], 0, 3); $res_id = $ar["@"]["identifierref"]; $title = $ar["#"]["title"][0]["#"]; $ID = $this->_MakeItems($title, $type, $res_id, $PARENT_ID); if (is_set($ar["#"], "item")) $this->CreateContent($ar["#"]["item"], $ID); } } // 2012-04-19 Checked/modified for compatibility with new data model protected function _MakeItems($TITLE, $TYPE, $RES_ID, $PARENT_ID) { global $APPLICATION; if ($PARENT_ID === 0) $linkToParentLessonId = CCourse::CourseGetLinkedLesson ($this->COURSE_ID); else $linkToParentLessonId = (int) $PARENT_ID; $createUnilesson = false; if ($TYPE == "LES") { $arFields = Array( 'NAME' => $TITLE ); $createUnilesson = true; } elseif ($TYPE == "CHA") { $arFields = Array( 'NAME' => $TITLE ); $createUnilesson = true; } elseif ($TYPE == "QUE") { $arFields = Array( "NAME" => $TITLE, "LESSON_ID" => $linkToParentLessonId ); $cl = new CLQuestion; } elseif ($TYPE == "TES") { $arFields = Array( "NAME" => $TITLE, "COURSE_ID" => $this->COURSE_ID ); $cl = new CTest; } elseif ($TYPE === 'TMK') { $arFields = array(); $cl = new CLTestMark; } else return $PARENT_ID; $r = new CDataXML(); if (!$r->Load($this->package_dir."/".strtolower($RES_ID).".xml")) $r = false; if ($r !== false) { if ($TYPE == "QUE") { if ( ($data = $r->SelectNodes("/questestinterop/item/presentation/")) && ($resp = $r->SelectNodes("/questestinterop/item/resprocessing/")) ) { $arQ = Array(); $arData = $data->__toArray(); $arResp = $resp->__toArray(); if (is_set($arData["#"]["material"][0]["#"], "mattext")) $arQ["NAME"] = $arData["#"]["material"][0]["#"]["mattext"][0]["#"]; if (is_set($arData["#"]["material"][0]["#"], "matimage")) { $imageDescription = ''; if (is_set($arData["#"]["material"][0]["#"], 'image_description')) $imageDescription = $arData["#"]["material"][0]["#"]['image_description'][0]['#']; $arQ["FILE_ID"] = Array( "MODULE_ID" => "learning", "name" =>basename($arData["#"]["material"][0]["#"]["matimage"][0]["@"]["uri"]), "tmp_name" => $this->package_dir."/".$arData["#"]["material"][0]["#"]["matimage"][0]["@"]["uri"], "size" =>@filesize($this->package_dir."/".$arData["#"]["material"][0]["#"]["matimage"][0]["@"]["uri"]), "type" => $arData["#"]["material"][0]["#"]["matimage"][0]["@"]["imagtype"], 'description' => $imageDescription ); } if (is_set($arData["#"]["response_lid"][0]["@"], "rcardinality")) { switch ($arData["#"]["response_lid"][0]["@"]["rcardinality"]) { case "Multiple": $arQ["QUESTION_TYPE"] = 'M'; break; case "Text": $arQ["QUESTION_TYPE"] = 'T'; break; case "Sort": $arQ["QUESTION_TYPE"] = 'R'; break; default: $arQ["QUESTION_TYPE"] = 'S'; break; } } if (is_set($arResp["#"]["respcondition"][0]["#"], "setvar")) $arQ["POINT"] = $arResp["#"]["respcondition"][0]["#"]["setvar"][0]['#']; //Additional if ($bx = $r->SelectNodes("/questestinterop/item/bitrix/")) { $arQ = array_merge($arQ, $this->_MakeFields($bx->__toArray(), $TYPE)); unset($bx); } $arFields = array_merge($arFields,$arQ); $cl = new CLQuestion; $ID = $cl->Add($arFields); if ($ID > 0) { $PARENT_ID = $ID; $arCorrect = Array(); if ( is_set($arResp["#"]["respcondition"][0]["#"], "conditionvar") && is_set($arResp["#"]["respcondition"][0]["#"]["conditionvar"][0]["#"], "varequal") ) { foreach ($arResp["#"]["respcondition"][0]["#"]["conditionvar"][0]["#"]["varequal"] as $ar) $arCorrect[] = $ar["#"]; } if (is_set($arData["#"]["response_lid"][0]["#"], "render_choice") && is_set($arData["#"]["response_lid"][0]["#"]["render_choice"][0]["#"], "response_label") ) { $i = 0; foreach ($arData["#"]["response_lid"][0]["#"]["render_choice"][0]["#"]["response_label"] as $ar) { $i +=10; $cl = new CLAnswer; $arFields = Array( "QUESTION_ID" => $PARENT_ID, "SORT" => $i, "CORRECT" => (in_array($ar["@"]["ident"],$arCorrect) ? "Y": "N"), "ANSWER" => $ar["#"]["material"][0]["#"]["mattext"][0]["#"], ); $AswerID = $cl->Add($arFields); $res = ($AswerID > 0); if (!$res) { if ($e = $APPLICATION->GetException()) $this->arWarnings[$TYPE][] = Array("TITLE" => $TITLE, "TEXT" =>$e->GetString()); } } } } else { if ($e = $APPLICATION->GetException()) $this->arWarnings[$TYPE][] = Array("TITLE" => $TITLE, "TEXT" =>$e->GetString()); } unset($cl); unset($data); unset($arQ); unset($resp); unset($arData); unset($arResp); return $PARENT_ID; } } else { if ($data = $r->SelectNodes("/content/")) { $ar = $data->__toArray(); $arFields = array_merge($arFields,$this->_MakeFields($ar, $TYPE)); if ($TYPE === 'TMK') $arFields['TEST_ID'] = (int) $PARENT_ID; if (is_set($arFields, "COMPLETED_SCORE") && intval($arFields["COMPLETED_SCORE"]) <= 0) unset($arFields["COMPLETED_SCORE"]); if ((is_set($arFields, "PREVIOUS_TEST_ID") && intval($arFields["PREVIOUS_TEST_ID"]) <= 0) || !CTest::GetByID($arFields["PREVIOUS_TEST_ID"])->Fetch()) unset($arFields["PREVIOUS_TEST_ID"], $arFields["PREVIOUS_TEST_SCORE"]); } } } if ($createUnilesson === false) { $ID = $cl->Add($arFields); unset($cl); } else { $bProhibitPublish = false; // properties (in context of parent) by default $arProperties = array('SORT' => 500); // Lesson's sort order in context of parent if (isset($arFields['EDGE_SORT'])) { $arFields['SORT'] = (int) $arFields['EDGE_SORT']; unset ($arFields['EDGE_SORT']); } if (isset($arFields['SORT'])) { $arProperties['SORT'] = (int) $arFields['SORT']; // Lessons doesn't have more SORT field unset ($arFields['SORT']); } if (isset($arFields['META_PUBLISH_PROHIBITED'])) { if ($arFields['META_PUBLISH_PROHIBITED'] === 'Y') $bProhibitPublish = true; unset($arFields['META_PUBLISH_PROHIBITED']); } // unset fields, that are absent in unilesson $arUnilessonFields = $arFields; $arFieldsNames = array_keys($arUnilessonFields); foreach ($arFieldsNames as $fieldName) { if ( ! in_array(strtoupper($fieldName), $this->arLessonWritableFields) ) unset ($arUnilessonFields[$fieldName]); } $ID = CLearnLesson::Add ( $arUnilessonFields, false, // is it course? - No, it isn't. $linkToParentLessonId, $arProperties ); if ($bProhibitPublish && ($ID > 0)) CLearnLesson::PublishProhibitionSetTo($ID, $linkToParentLessonId, $bProhibitPublish); } if ($ID > 0) return $ID; else { if($e = $APPLICATION->GetException()) $this->arWarnings[$TYPE][] = Array("TITLE" => $TITLE, "TEXT" =>$e->GetString()); } } // 2012-04-18 Checked/modified for compatibility with new data model protected function _MakeFields(&$arFields, $itemType = null) { $arRes = Array(); $upload_dir = COption::GetOptionString("main", "upload_dir", "upload"); $arStopList = array(); foreach($arFields["#"] as $field => $arValue) { if (in_array($field, $arStopList)) continue; if (in_array($field, $this->arUnsetFields) && ($itemType !== 'TMK') && ($itemType !== 'QUE')) { if ( ! ($itemType === 'TES' && in_array($field, $this->arPreventUnsetFieldsForTest)) ) continue; } if (in_array($field, $this->arDraftFields) && ($itemType !== 'TMK')) { if (is_set($arValue[0]["#"], "cdata-section")) { $arRes[strtoupper($field)] = preg_replace( "~([\"'])(cid:resources/(.+?))(\\1)~is", "\\1/".$upload_dir."/learning/".$this->COURSE_ID."/\\3\\1", $arValue[0]["#"]["cdata-section"][0]["#"]); continue; } elseif (isset($arValue[0]["#"])) { $arRes[strtoupper($field)] = preg_replace( "~([\"'])(cid:resources/(.+?))(\\1)~is", "\\1/".$upload_dir."/learning/".$this->COURSE_ID."/\\3\\1", $arValue[0]["#"]); continue; } } if (in_array($field, $this->arDate) && strlen($arValue[0]["#"]) > 0) { $time = date("His", $arValue[0]["#"]); $arRes[strtoupper($field)] = ConvertTimeStamp($arValue[0]["#"], $time == "000000" ? "SHORT" : "FULL"); continue; } if (in_array($field, $this->arPicture) && intval($arValue[0]["#"]) > 0) { $file = $this->package_dir."/dbresources/".$arValue[0]["#"]; if (method_exists('CFile', 'GetImageSize')) { $aImage = @CFile::GetImageSize($file); if($aImage === false) continue; if (function_exists("image_type_to_mime_type")) $image_type_to_mime_type = image_type_to_mime_type($aImage[2]); else $image_type_to_mime_type = CCourseImport::ImageTypeToMimeType($aImage[2]); } else $image_type_to_mime_type = self::ImageTypeToMimeTypeByFileName($file); $arRes[strtoupper($field)] = array( "MODULE_ID" => "learning", "name" =>$arValue[0]["#"], "tmp_name" => $file, "size" =>@filesize($file), "type" => $image_type_to_mime_type ); if (isset($arFields["#"][$field . '_description'][0]['#'])) { $arRes[strtoupper($field)]['description'] = $arFields["#"][$field . '_description'][0]['#']; $arStopList[] = $field . '_description'; } continue; } $arRes[strtoupper($field)] = $arValue[0]["#"]; } unset($arFields); return $arRes; } // 2012-04-18 Checked/modified for compatibility with new data model public function ImportPackage() { if (!$this->CreateCourse()) return false; $this->CreateContent(); CLearnHelper::CopyDirFiles( $this->package_dir."/resources", $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/" . (COption::GetOptionString("main", "upload_dir", "upload")) . "/learning/" . $this->COURSE_ID, true, true); return true; } protected static function ImageTypeToMimeTypeByFileName ($file) { $ext = strtolower(pathinfo ($file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)); switch ($ext) { case 'jpg': case 'jpeg': $type = 'image/jpeg'; break; case 'jp2': $type = 'image/jp2'; break; case 'gif': $type = 'image/gif'; break; case 'png': $type = 'image/png'; break; case 'bmp': $type = 'image/bmp'; break; default: $type = 'application/octet-stream'; break; } return ($type); } // 2012-04-18 Checked/modified for compatibility with new data model public static function ImageTypeToMimeType($type) { $aTypes = array( 1 => "image/gif", 2 => "image/jpeg", 3 => "image/png", 4 => "application/x-shockwave-flash", 5 => "image/psd", 6 => "image/bmp", 7 => "image/tiff", 8 => "image/tiff", 9 => "application/octet-stream", 10 => "image/jp2", 11 => "application/octet-stream", 12 => "application/octet-stream", 13 => "application/x-shockwave-flash", 14 => "image/iff", 15 => "image/vnd.wap.wbmp", 16 => "image/xbm" ); if(!empty($aTypes[$type])) return $aTypes[$type]; else return "application/octet-stream"; } }