Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/ |
Current File : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/component_ajax.php |
<?php /** * Bitrix Framework * @package bitrix * @subpackage main * @copyright 2001-2013 Bitrix */ class CComponentAjax { var $componentID = ''; var $bAjaxSession = false; var $bIFrameMode = false; var $componentName; var $componentTemplate; var $arParams; var $arCSSList; var $arHeadScripts; var $bShadow = true; var $bJump = true; var $bStyle = true; var $bHistory = true; var $bWrongRedirect = false; var $buffer_start_counter; var $buffer_finish_counter; var $bRestartBufferCalled; var $RestartBufferHandlerId; var $LocalRedirectHandlerId; var $currentUrl = false; var $dirname_currentUrl = false; var $basename_currentUrl = false; var $__nav_params = null; public function __construct($componentName, $componentTemplate, &$arParams, $parentComponent) { /** @global CMain $APPLICATION */ global $APPLICATION, $USER; if ($USER->IsAdmin()) { if ($_GET['bitrix_disable_ajax'] == 'N') { unset($_SESSION['bitrix_disable_ajax']); } if ($_GET['bitrix_disable_ajax'] == 'Y' || $_SESSION['bitrix_disable_ajax'] == 'Y') { $_SESSION['bitrix_disable_ajax'] = 'Y'; return null; } } if ($parentComponent && $this->_checkParent($parentComponent)) return false; $this->componentName = $componentName; $this->componentTemplate = $componentTemplate; $this->arParams = $arParams; $this->bShadow = $this->arParams['AJAX_OPTION_SHADOW'] != 'N'; $this->bJump = $this->arParams['AJAX_OPTION_JUMP'] != 'N'; $this->bStyle = $this->arParams['AJAX_OPTION_STYLE'] != 'N'; $this->bHistory = $this->arParams['AJAX_OPTION_HISTORY'] != 'N'; if (!$this->CheckSession()) return false; CJSCore::Init(array('ajax')); $arParams['AJAX_ID'] = $this->componentID; if ($this->bAjaxSession) { // dirty hack: try to get breadcrumb call params for ($i = 0, $cnt = count($APPLICATION->buffer_content_type); $i < $cnt; $i++) { if ($APPLICATION->buffer_content_type[$i]['F'][1] == 'GetNavChain') { $this->__nav_params = $APPLICATION->buffer_content_type[$i]['P']; } } $APPLICATION->RestartBuffer(); define('PUBLIC_AJAX_MODE', 1); if (is_set($_REQUEST, 'AJAX_CALL')) { $this->bIFrameMode = true; } } if ($this->bStyle) $this->arCSSList = $APPLICATION->sPath2css; $this->arHeadScripts = $APPLICATION->arHeadScripts; if (!$this->bAjaxSession) $APPLICATION->AddBufferContent(array($this, '__BufferDelimiter')); $this->buffer_start_counter = count($APPLICATION->buffer_content); $this->LocalRedirectHandlerId = AddEventHandler('main', 'OnBeforeLocalRedirect', array($this, "LocalRedirectHandler")); $this->RestartBufferHandlerId = AddEventHandler('main', 'OnBeforeRestartBuffer', array($this, 'RestartBufferHandler')); return null; } /** * @param CBitrixComponent $parent * @return bool */ function _checkParent($parent) { if ('Y' == $parent->arParams['AJAX_MODE']) return true; elseif (($parentComponent = $parent->GetParent())) return $this->_checkParent($parentComponent); return false; } function __BufferDelimiter() { return ''; } function __removeHandlers() { RemoveEventHandler('main', 'OnBeforeRestartBuffer', $this->RestartBufferHandlerId); RemoveEventHandler('main', 'OnBeforeLocalRedirect', $this->LocalRedirectHandlerId); } function RestartBufferHandler() { /** @global CMain $APPLICATION */ global $APPLICATION; $this->bRestartBufferCalled = true; //ob_end_clean(); $APPLICATION->AddBufferContent(array($this, '__BufferDelimiter')); $this->buffer_start_counter = count($APPLICATION->buffer_content); $this->__removeHandlers(); } function LocalRedirectHandler(&$url) { if (!$this->bAjaxSession) return; if ($this->__isAjaxURL($url)) { if (!$this->bIFrameMode) Header('X-Bitrix-Ajax-Status: OK'); } else { if (!$this->bRestartBufferCalled) ob_end_clean(); if (!$this->bIFrameMode) Header('X-Bitrix-Ajax-Status: Redirect'); $this->bWrongRedirect = true; echo '<script type="text/javascript">'.($this->bIFrameMode ? 'top.' : 'window.').'location.href = \''.CUtil::JSEscape($url).'\'</script>'; require_once($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"].BX_ROOT."/modules/main/include/epilog_after.php"); exit(); } $url = CAjax::AddSessionParam($url, $this->componentID); $this->__removeHandlers(); } function CheckSession() { if ($this->componentID = CAjax::GetComponentID($this->componentName, $this->componentTemplate, $this->arParams['AJAX_OPTION_ADDITIONAL'])) { if ($current_session = CAjax::GetSession()) { if ($this->componentID == $current_session) { $this->bAjaxSession = true; return true; } else { return false; } } return true; } return false; } function __GetSEFRealUrl($url) { $arResult = \Bitrix\Main\UrlRewriter::getList(SITE_ID, array('QUERY' => $url)); if (is_array($arResult) && count($arResult) > 0) return $arResult[0]['PATH']; else return false; } function __isAjaxURL($url) { /** @global CMain $APPLICATION */ global $APPLICATION; if(preg_match("/^(#|mailto:|javascript:|callto:)/", $url)) return false; if (strpos($url, '://') !== false) return false; $url = preg_replace('/#.*/', '', $url); if ($this->arParams['SEF_MODE'] == 'Y') { if ($url == POST_FORM_ACTION_URI) return true; $test_str = '/bitrix/urlrewrite.php?SEF_APPLICATION_CUR_PAGE_URL='; if (strncmp($url, $test_str, 52) === 0) { $url = urldecode(substr($url, 52)); } $url = $this->__GetSEFRealUrl($url); if ($url === false) return false; } else { if (strpos($url, '?') !== false) $url = substr($url, 0, strpos($url, '?')); if (substr($url, -4) != '.php') { if (substr($url, -1) != '/') $url .= '/'; $url .= 'index.php'; } } if (!$this->currentUrl) { $currentUrl = $APPLICATION->GetCurPage(); if ($this->arParams['SEF_MODE'] == 'Y') $currentUrl = $this->__getSEFRealUrl($currentUrl); if (strpos($currentUrl, '?') !== false) $currentUrl = substr($currentUrl, 0, strpos($currentUrl, '?')); if (substr($currentUrl, -4) != '.php') { if (substr($currentUrl, -1) != '/') $currentUrl .= '/'; $currentUrl .= 'index.php'; } $this->currentUrl = $currentUrl; $this->dirname_currentUrl = dirname($currentUrl); $this->basename_currentUrl = basename($currentUrl); } $dirname = dirname($url); if ( ( $dirname == $this->dirname_currentUrl || $dirname == '' || $dirname == '.' ) && basename($url) == $this->basename_currentUrl ) return true; return false; } function _checkPcreLimit($data) { $pcre_backtrack_limit = intval(ini_get("pcre.backtrack_limit")); $text_len = function_exists('mb_strlen') ? mb_strlen($data, 'latin1') : strlen($data); $text_len++; if ($pcre_backtrack_limit > 0 && $pcre_backtrack_limit < $text_len) { @ini_set("pcre.backtrack_limit", $text_len); $pcre_backtrack_limit = intval(ini_get("pcre.backtrack_limit")); } return $pcre_backtrack_limit >= $text_len; } function __PrepareLinks(&$data) { $add_param = CAjax::GetSessionParam($this->componentID); $regexp_links = '/(<a\s[^>]*?>.*?<\/a>)/is'.BX_UTF_PCRE_MODIFIER; $regexp_params = '/([\w\-]+)\s*=\s*([\"\'])(.*?)\2/is'.BX_UTF_PCRE_MODIFIER; $this->_checkPcreLimit($data); $arData = preg_split($regexp_links, $data, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); $cData = count($arData); if($cData < 2) return; $arIgnoreAttributes = array('onclick' => true, 'target' => true); $arSearch = array( $add_param.'&', $add_param, 'AJAX_CALL=Y&', 'AJAX_CALL=Y' ); $bDataChanged = false; for($iData = 1; $iData < $cData; $iData += 2) { if(!preg_match('/^<a\s([^>]*?)>(.*?)<\/a>$/is'.BX_UTF_PCRE_MODIFIER, $arData[$iData], $match)) continue; $params = $match[1]; if(!preg_match_all($regexp_params, $params, $arLinkParams)) continue; $strAdditional = ' '; $url_key = -1; $bIgnoreLink = false; foreach ($arLinkParams[0] as $pkey => $value) { if ($value == '') continue; $param_name = strtolower($arLinkParams[1][$pkey]); if ($param_name === 'href') $url_key = $pkey; elseif (isset($arIgnoreAttributes[$param_name])) { $bIgnoreLink = true; break; } else $strAdditional .= $value.' '; } if ($url_key >= 0 && !$bIgnoreLink) { $url = \Bitrix\Main\Text\Converter::getHtmlConverter()->decode($arLinkParams[3][$url_key]); $url = str_replace($arSearch, '', $url); if ($this->__isAjaxURL($url)) { $real_url = $url; $pos = strpos($url, '#'); if ($pos !== false) $real_url = substr($real_url, 0, $pos); $real_url .= strpos($url, '?') === false ? '?' : '&'; $real_url .= $add_param; $url_str = CAjax::GetLinkEx($real_url, $url, $match[2], 'comp_'.$this->componentID, $strAdditional); $arData[$iData] = $url_str; $bDataChanged = true; } } } if($bDataChanged) $data = implode('', $arData); } function __PrepareForms(&$data) { $this->_checkPcreLimit($data); $arData = preg_split('/(<form([^>]*)>)/i'.BX_UTF_PCRE_MODIFIER, $data, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); $bDataChanged = false; for ($key = 0, $l = count($arData); $key < $l; $key++) { if ($key % 3 != 0) { $arIgnoreAttributes = array('target'); $bIgnore = false; foreach ($arIgnoreAttributes as $attr) { if (strpos($arData[$key], $attr.'="') !== false) { $bIgnore = true; break; } } if (!$bIgnore) { preg_match_all('/action=(["\']{1})(.*?)\1/i', $arData[$key], $arAction); $url = $arAction[2][0]; if ($url === '' || $this->__isAjaxURL($url) || $this->__isAjaxURL(urldecode($url))) { $arData[$key] = CAjax::GetForm($arData[$key+1], 'comp_'.$this->componentID, $this->componentID, true, $this->bShadow); } else { $new_url = str_replace(CAjax::GetSessionParam($this->componentID), '', $url); $arData[$key] = str_replace($url, $new_url, $arData[$key]); } $bDataChanged = true; } unset($arData[$key+1]); $key++; } } if ($bDataChanged) $data = implode('', $arData); } function __prepareScripts(&$data) { $regexp = '/(<script(?:[^>]*)?>)(.*?)<\/script>/is'.BX_UTF_PCRE_MODIFIER; $this->_checkPcreLimit($data); $scripts_num = preg_match_all($regexp, $data, $out); $arScripts = array(); if (false !== $scripts_num) { for ($i = 0; $i < $scripts_num; $i++) { $data = str_replace($out[0][$i], '', $data); if (strlen($out[1][$i]) > 0 && strpos($out[1][$i], 'src=') !== false) { $regexp_src = '/src="([^"]*)?"/i'; if (preg_match($regexp_src, $out[1][$i], $out1) != 0) { $arScripts[] = array( 'TYPE' => 'SCRIPT_SRC', 'DATA' => $out1[1], ); } } else { $out[2][$i] = str_replace('<!--', '', $out[2][$i]); $arScripts[] = array( 'TYPE' => 'SCRIPT', 'DATA' => $out[2][$i], ); } } } if (count($arScripts) > 0) { $data .= " <script type=\"text/javascript\"> parent.bxcompajaxframeonload = function() { parent.BX.CaptureEventsGet(); parent.BX.CaptureEvents(parent, 'load'); parent.BX.evalPack(".CUtil::PhpToJsObject($arScripts)."); setTimeout('parent.BX.ajax.__runOnload();', 300); }</script> "; } } function _PrepareAdditionalData() { /** @global CMain $APPLICATION */ global $APPLICATION; // get CSS changes list if ($this->bStyle) { $arCSSList = $APPLICATION->sPath2css; $cnt_old = count($this->arCSSList); $cnt_new = count($arCSSList); $arCSSNew = array(); if ($cnt_old != $cnt_new) for ($i = $cnt_old; $i<$cnt_new; $i++) { $css_path = $arCSSList[$i]; if(strtolower(substr($css_path, 0, 7)) != 'http://' && strtolower(substr($css_path, 0, 8)) != 'https://') { if(($p = strpos($css_path, "?"))>0) $css_file = substr($css_path, 0, $p); else $css_file = $css_path; if(file_exists($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"].$css_file)) $arCSSNew[] = $arCSSList[$i]; } else $arCSSNew[] = $arCSSList[$i]; } } // get scripts changes list $arHeadScripts = $APPLICATION->arHeadScripts; $cnt_old = count($this->arHeadScripts); $cnt_new = count($arHeadScripts); $arHeadScriptsNew = array(); if ($cnt_old != $cnt_new) for ($i = $cnt_old; $i<$cnt_new; $i++) $arHeadScriptsNew[] = $arHeadScripts[$i]; if(!$APPLICATION->oAsset->optimizeJs()) { $arHeadScriptsNew = array_merge(CJSCore::GetScriptsList(), $arHeadScriptsNew); } // prepare additional data $arAdditionalData = array(); $arAdditionalData['TITLE'] = htmlspecialcharsback($APPLICATION->GetTitle()); $arAdditionalData['WINDOW_TITLE'] = htmlspecialcharsback($APPLICATION->GetTitle('title')); $arAdditionalData['SCRIPTS'] = array(); $arHeadScriptsNew = array_unique($arHeadScriptsNew); foreach($arHeadScriptsNew as $script) { $arAdditionalData['SCRIPTS'][] = CUtil::GetAdditionalFileURL($script); } if (null !== $this->__nav_params) { $arAdditionalData['NAV_CHAIN'] = $APPLICATION->GetNavChain($this->__nav_params[0], $this->__nav_params[1], $this->__nav_params[2], $this->__nav_params[3], $this->__nav_params[4]); } if ($this->bStyle) { $arAdditionalData["CSS"] = array(); /** @noinspection PhpUndefinedVariableInspection */ $arCSSNew = array_unique($arCSSNew); foreach($arCSSNew as $style) { $arAdditionalData['CSS'][] = CUtil::GetAdditionalFileURL($style); } } $additional_data = '<script type="text/javascript" bxrunfirst="true">'."\n"; $additional_data .= 'var arAjaxPageData = '.CUtil::PhpToJSObject($arAdditionalData).";\r\n"; $additional_data .= 'parent.BX.ajax.UpdatePageData(arAjaxPageData)'.";\r\n"; $additional_data .= '</script><script type="text/javascript">'; if (!$this->bIFrameMode && $this->bHistory) { $additional_data .= 'top.BX.ajax.history.put(window.AJAX_PAGE_STATE.getState(), \''.CUtil::JSEscape(CAjax::encodeURI($APPLICATION->GetCurPageParam('', array(BX_AJAX_PARAM_ID), false))).'\')'.";\r\n"; } if ($this->bJump) { if ($this->bIFrameMode) $additional_data .= 'top.setTimeout(\'BX.scrollToNode("comp_'.$this->componentID.'")\', 100)'.";\r\n"; else $additional_data .= 'top.BX.scrollToNode(\'comp_'.$this->componentID.'\')'.";\r\n"; } $additional_data .= '</script>'; echo $additional_data; } function _PrepareData() { global $APPLICATION; if ($this->bWrongRedirect) return null; $arBuffer = array_slice($APPLICATION->buffer_content, $this->buffer_start_counter, $this->buffer_finish_counter - $this->buffer_start_counter); $delimiter = '###AJAX_'.$APPLICATION->GetServerUniqID().'###'; $data = implode($delimiter, $arBuffer); $this->__PrepareLinks($data); $this->__PrepareForms($data); if (!$this->bAjaxSession) { $data = '<div id="comp_'.$this->componentID.'">'.$data.'</div>'; if ($this->bHistory) { $data = '<script type="text/javascript">if (window.location.hash != \'\' && window.location.hash != \'#\') top.BX.ajax.history.checkRedirectStart(\''.CUtil::JSEscape(BX_AJAX_PARAM_ID).'\', \''.CUtil::JSEscape($this->componentID).'\')</script>' .$data .'<script type="text/javascript">if (top.BX.ajax.history.bHashCollision) top.BX.ajax.history.checkRedirectFinish(\''.CUtil::JSEscape(BX_AJAX_PARAM_ID).'\', \''.CUtil::JSEscape($this->componentID).'\');</script>' .'<script type="text/javascript">top.BX.ready(BX.defer(function() {window.AJAX_PAGE_STATE = new top.BX.ajax.component(\'comp_'.$this->componentID.'\'); top.BX.ajax.history.init(window.AJAX_PAGE_STATE);}))</script>'; } } else { if ($this->bIFrameMode) { $this->__PrepareScripts($data); // fix IE bug; $data = '<html><head></head><body>'.$data.'</body></html>'; } } $arBuffer = explode($delimiter, $data); for ($i = 0, $cnt = count($arBuffer); $i < $cnt; $i++) { $APPLICATION->buffer_content[$this->buffer_start_counter + $i] = $arBuffer[$i]; } return ''; } function Process() { /** @global CMain $APPLICATION */ global $APPLICATION; if ($this->componentID == '') return; $this->buffer_finish_counter = count($APPLICATION->buffer_content)+1; $APPLICATION->AddBufferContent(array($this, '_PrepareData')); $this->__removeHandlers(); if ($this->bAjaxSession) { AddEventHandler('main', 'onAfterAjaxResponse', array($this, '_PrepareAdditionalData')); $APPLICATION->AddBufferContent(array('CComponentAjax', 'ExecuteEvents')); require_once($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"].BX_ROOT."/modules/main/include/epilog_after.php"); exit(); } } // will be called as delay function and not in class entity context function ExecuteEvents() { foreach (GetModuleEvents('main', 'onAfterAjaxResponse', true) as $arEvent) { echo ExecuteModuleEventEx($arEvent); } } }