Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/ |
Current File : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/menu.php |
<? /** * Bitrix Framework * @package bitrix * @subpackage main * @copyright 2001-2013 Bitrix */ IncludeModuleLangFile(__FILE__); class CMenu { var $type = "left"; var $arMenu = array(); var $bMenuCalc = false; var $MenuDir = ""; var $MenuExtDir = ""; var $MenuTemplate = ""; var $template = ""; var $LAST_ERROR = ""; /** @var CDebugInfo */ var $debug = null; public function __construct($type="left") { $this->type = $type; } function disableDebug() { $this->debug = false; } function Init($InitDir, $bMenuExt=false, $template=false, $onlyCurrentDir=false) { global $USER; if( $this->debug !== false && $_SESSION["SESS_SHOW_INCLUDE_TIME_EXEC"] == "Y" && ( $USER->IsAdmin() || $_SESSION["SHOW_SQL_STAT"]=="Y" ) ) { $this->debug = new CDebugInfo(false); $this->debug->Start(); } $io = CBXVirtualIo::GetInstance(); $aMenuLinks = array(); $bFounded = false; if($template === false) $sMenuTemplate = ''; else $sMenuTemplate = $template; $InitDir = str_replace("\\", "/", $InitDir); $Dir = $InitDir; $site_dir = false; if(defined("SITE_DIR") && SITE_DIR <> '') { $site_dir = SITE_DIR; } elseif(array_key_exists("site", $_REQUEST) && $_REQUEST["site"] <> '') { $rsSites = CSite::GetByID($_REQUEST["site"]); if($arSite = $rsSites->Fetch()) $site_dir = $arSite["DIR"]; } while($Dir <> '') { if($site_dir !== false && (strlen(trim($Dir, "/")) < strlen(trim($site_dir, "/")))) break; $Dir = rtrim($Dir, "/"); $menu_file_name = $io->CombinePath($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"], $Dir, ".".$this->type.".menu.php"); if($io->FileExists($menu_file_name)) { include($io->GetPhysicalName($menu_file_name)); $this->MenuDir = $Dir."/"; $this->arMenu = $aMenuLinks; $this->template = $sMenuTemplate; $bFounded = true; break; } if($Dir == "") break; $pos = bxstrrpos($Dir, "/"); if($pos===false || $onlyCurrentDir == true) break; $Dir = substr($Dir, 0, $pos+1); } if($bMenuExt) { $Dir = $InitDir; while($Dir <> '') { if($site_dir !== false && (strlen(trim($Dir, "/")) < strlen(trim($site_dir, "/")))) break; $Dir = rtrim($Dir, "/"); $menu_file_name = $io->CombinePath($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"], $Dir, ".".$this->type.".menu_ext.php"); if($io->FileExists($menu_file_name)) { include($io->GetPhysicalName($menu_file_name)); if(!$bFounded) $this->MenuDir = $Dir."/"; $this->MenuExtDir = $Dir."/"; $this->arMenu = $aMenuLinks; $this->template = $sMenuTemplate; $bFounded = true; break; } if($Dir == "") break; $pos = bxstrrpos($Dir, "/"); if($pos===false || $onlyCurrentDir == true) break; $Dir = substr($Dir, 0, $pos+1); } } return $bFounded; } function RecalcMenu($bMultiSelect = false, $bCheckSelected = true) { if($this->bMenuCalc !== false) return true; /** * @global CAllMain $APPLICATION * @global CCacheManager $CACHE_MANAGER * @noinspection PhpUnusedLocalVariableInspection */ global $USER, $DB, $APPLICATION, $CACHE_MANAGER; $result = array(); $cur_page = $APPLICATION->GetCurPage(true); $cur_page_no_index = $APPLICATION->GetCurPage(false); $APPLICATION->_menu_recalc_counter++; $this->bMenuCalc = true; if(strlen($this->template)>0 && file_exists($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"].$this->template)) { $this->MenuTemplate = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"].$this->template; } else { if(defined("SITE_TEMPLATE_PATH") && file_exists($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"].SITE_TEMPLATE_PATH."/".$this->type.".menu_template.php")) { $this->template = SITE_TEMPLATE_PATH."/".$this->type.".menu_template.php"; $this->MenuTemplate = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"].$this->template; } elseif(file_exists($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"].BX_PERSONAL_ROOT."/php_interface/".LANG."/".$this->type.".menu_template.php")) { $this->template = BX_PERSONAL_ROOT."/php_interface/".LANG."/".$this->type.".menu_template.php"; $this->MenuTemplate = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"].$this->template; } else { $this->template = BX_PERSONAL_ROOT."/templates/.default/".$this->type.".menu_template.php"; $this->MenuTemplate = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"].$this->template; } } if(!file_exists($this->MenuTemplate)) { $this->LAST_ERROR = "Template ".$this->MenuTemplate." is not found."; return false; } $arMenuCache = false; $bCached = false; $bCacheIsAllowed = CACHED_menu!==false && !$USER->IsAuthorized() && $this->MenuExtDir == ''; if($bCacheIsAllowed) { $cache_id = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"].",".$this->MenuDir.",,".$this->type; if($CACHE_MANAGER->Read(CACHED_menu, $cache_id, "menu")) { $arMenuCache = $CACHE_MANAGER->Get($cache_id); $bCached = true; } } $arUserRights = $USER->GetAccessCodes(); $ITEM_INDEX = -1; $cur_selected = -1; $cur_selected_len = -1; $previousDepthLevel = -1; $arParents = array(); //Stack of menu items foreach($this->arMenu as $iMenuItem=>$MenuItem) { $TEXT = $MenuItem[0]; if($bCached) { $LINK = $arMenuCache[$iMenuItem]["LINK"]; } else { //if the link is relative let's transform it to absolute if(!preg_match("'^(([A-Za-z]+://)|mailto:|javascript:|#)'i", $MenuItem[1])) { $LINK = Rel2Abs($this->MenuDir, $MenuItem[1]); } else { $LINK = $MenuItem[1]; } $arMenuCache[$iMenuItem]["LINK"] = $LINK; } $bSkipMenuItem = false; $ADDITIONAL_LINKS = $MenuItem[2]; $PARAMS = $MenuItem[3]; //Calculate menu items stack for iblock items only if($this->MenuExtDir <> '' && is_array($PARAMS) && isset($PARAMS["FROM_IBLOCK"])) { if($previousDepthLevel == -1) $previousDepthLevel = $PARAMS["DEPTH_LEVEL"]; if($PARAMS["DEPTH_LEVEL"] > $previousDepthLevel) { //Deeper into sections tree if($iMenuItem > 0) $arParents[] = array("INDEX" => $iMenuItem-1, "DEPTH_LEVEL" => $PARAMS["DEPTH_LEVEL"]); } else { //Unwind parents stack while( count($arParents) > 0 && $arParents[count($arParents)-1]["DEPTH_LEVEL"] > $PARAMS["DEPTH_LEVEL"] ) { array_pop($arParents); } } $previousDepthLevel = $PARAMS["DEPTH_LEVEL"]; } elseif($previousDepthLevel != -1) { //End of tree, so reset the stack $previousDepthLevel = -1; $arParents = array(); } if(count($MenuItem)>4) { $CONDITION = $MenuItem[4]; if($CONDITION <> '' && (!eval("return ".$CONDITION.";"))) $bSkipMenuItem = true; } if(!$bSkipMenuItem) $ITEM_INDEX++; if(($pos = strpos($LINK, "?"))!==false) $ITEM_TYPE = "U"; elseif(substr($LINK, -1)=="/") $ITEM_TYPE = "D"; else $ITEM_TYPE = "P"; $SELECTED = false; if($bCached) { $all_links = $arMenuCache[$iMenuItem]["LINKS"]; if(!is_array($all_links)) $all_links = array(); } else { $all_links = array(); if(is_array($ADDITIONAL_LINKS)) { foreach($ADDITIONAL_LINKS as $link) { $tested_link = trim(Rel2Abs($this->MenuDir, $link)); if(strlen($tested_link)>0) $all_links[] = $tested_link; } } $all_links[] = $LINK; $arMenuCache[$iMenuItem]["LINKS"] = $all_links; } if(preg_match("'^(([A-Za-z]+://)|mailto:|javascript:|#)'i", $MenuItem[1])) { $PERMISSION = "Z"; } else { if(!$bSkipMenuItem && $bCheckSelected) { foreach($all_links as $tested_link) { if($tested_link == '') continue; $SELECTED = self::IsItemSelected($tested_link, $cur_page, $cur_page_no_index); if($SELECTED) break; } } if($bCached) $PERMISSION = $arMenuCache[$iMenuItem]["PERM"]; else $arMenuCache[$iMenuItem]["PERM"] = $PERMISSION = $APPLICATION->GetFileAccessPermission(GetFileFromURL($LINK), $arUserRights); } if($SELECTED && !$bMultiSelect) { /** @noinspection PhpUndefinedVariableInspection */ $new_len = strlen($tested_link); if($new_len > $cur_selected_len) { if($cur_selected !== -1) $result[$cur_selected]['SELECTED'] = false; $cur_selected = count($result); $cur_selected_len = $new_len; } else { $SELECTED = false; } } //Adjust selection for iblock sections tree if( $SELECTED && $this->MenuExtDir <> '' && is_array($PARAMS) && isset($PARAMS["FROM_IBLOCK"]) ) { foreach($arParents as $parentMenuItem) { $parentIndex = $parentMenuItem["INDEX"]; if( is_array($result[$parentIndex]["PARAMS"]) && isset($result[$parentIndex]["PARAMS"]["FROM_IBLOCK"]) ) $result[$parentIndex]["SELECTED"] = true; } } if(!$bSkipMenuItem) { $r = array( "TEXT" => $TEXT, "LINK" => $LINK, "SELECTED" => $SELECTED, "PERMISSION" => $PERMISSION, "ADDITIONAL_LINKS" => $ADDITIONAL_LINKS, "ITEM_TYPE" => $ITEM_TYPE, "ITEM_INDEX" => $ITEM_INDEX, "PARAMS" => $PARAMS ); $result[] = $r; } } $this->arMenu = $result; if($bCacheIsAllowed && !$bCached) { /** @noinspection PhpUndefinedVariableInspection */ $CACHE_MANAGER->Set($cache_id, $arMenuCache); } return true; } public static function IsItemSelected($tested_link, $cur_page, $cur_page_no_index) { //"/admin/" //"/admin/index.php" //"/admin/index.php?module=mail" if(strpos($cur_page, $tested_link) === 0 || strpos($cur_page_no_index, $tested_link) === 0) return true; if(($pos = strpos($tested_link, "?")) !== false) { if(($s = substr($tested_link, 0, $pos)) == $cur_page || $s == $cur_page_no_index) { $params = explode("&", substr($tested_link, $pos+1)); $bOK = true; foreach($params as $param) { $eqpos = strpos($param, "="); $varvalue = ""; if($eqpos === false) { $varname = $param; } elseif($eqpos == 0) { continue; } else { $varname = substr($param, 0, $eqpos); $varvalue = urldecode(substr($param, $eqpos+1)); } $globvarvalue = (isset($GLOBALS[$varname])? $GLOBALS[$varname] : ""); if($globvarvalue != $varvalue) { $bOK = false; break; } } if($bOK) return true; } } return false; } function GetMenuHtmlEx() { /** * @global CAllMain $APPLICATION * @noinspection PhpUnusedLocalVariableInspection */ global $USER, $DB, $APPLICATION; // must be! if(!$this->RecalcMenu()) return false; // $arMENU - menu array copy // $arMENU_LINK - reference to menu array /** @noinspection PhpUnusedLocalVariableInspection */ $arMENU_LINK = $MENU_ITEMS = &$this->arMenu; /** @noinspection PhpUnusedLocalVariableInspection */ $arMENU = $this->arMenu; $sMenu = ""; include($this->MenuTemplate); $result = $sMenu; $arIcons = array(); $bShowButtons = false; $sMenuFile = $this->MenuDir.".".$this->type.".menu.php"; if($APPLICATION->GetShowIncludeAreas()) { $menu_perm = $APPLICATION->GetFileAccessPermission($sMenuFile); $templ_perm = $APPLICATION->GetFileAccessPermission($this->template); if($menu_perm >= "W") { $arIcons[] = array( "URL"=>"/bitrix/admin/fileman_menu_edit.php?lang=".LANGUAGE_ID."&site=".SITE_ID."&back_url=".urlencode($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"])."&path=".urlencode($this->MenuDir)."&name=".$this->type, "ICON"=>"menu-edit", "TITLE"=>GetMessage("MAIN_MENU_EDIT") ); } if($templ_perm>="W" && $USER->IsAdmin()) { $arIcons[] = array( "URL"=>"/bitrix/admin/fileman_file_edit.php?lang=".LANGUAGE_ID."&site=".SITE_ID."&back_url=".urlencode($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"])."&full_src=Y&path=".urlencode($this->template), "ICON"=>"menu-template", "TITLE"=>GetMessage("MAIN_MENU_TEMPLATE_EDIT") ); } if(count($arIcons) > 0) { $result = $APPLICATION->IncludeStringBefore().$result; $bShowButtons = true; } } if($this->debug) $result .= $this->debug->Output($sMenuFile, $sMenuFile); if($bShowButtons) $result .= $APPLICATION->IncludeStringAfter($arIcons); return $result; } function GetMenuHtml() { /** * @global CAllMain $APPLICATION * @noinspection PhpUnusedLocalVariableInspection */ global $USER, $DB, $APPLICATION; // must be! if(!$this->RecalcMenu()) return false; // $arMENU - menu array copy // $arMENU_LINK - reference to menu array /** @noinspection PhpUnusedLocalVariableInspection */ $arMENU_LINK = $MENU_ITEMS = &$this->arMenu; /** @noinspection PhpUnusedLocalVariableInspection */ $arMENU = $this->arMenu; $result = ""; $sMenuPrologTmp = ""; $sMenuEpilog = ""; $n = count($this->arMenu); for($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) { $m = $this->arMenu[$i]; $sMenuBody = ""; $sMenuProlog = ""; $sMenuEpilog = ""; $ITEM_INDEX = 0; extract($m, EXTR_OVERWRITE); // $TEXT - item text // $LINK - item link // $SELECTED - is item highlighed // $PERMISSION - linked page permission // $ADDITIONAL_LINKS - additional links for highlighting // $ITEM_TYPE - "D" - directory, "P" - page // $ITEM_INDEX - item number // $PARAMS - additional parameters include($this->MenuTemplate); if($ITEM_INDEX == 0) $sMenuPrologTmp = $sMenuProlog; $result .= $sMenuBody; } $result = $sMenuPrologTmp.$result.$sMenuEpilog; $arIcons = array(); $bShowButtons = false; $sMenuFile = $this->MenuDir.".".$this->type.".menu.php"; if($APPLICATION->GetShowIncludeAreas()) { $menu_perm = $APPLICATION->GetFileAccessPermission($sMenuFile); $templ_perm = $APPLICATION->GetFileAccessPermission($this->template); if($menu_perm >= "W") { $arIcons[] = array( "URL"=>"/bitrix/admin/fileman_menu_edit.php?lang=".LANGUAGE_ID."&site=".SITE_ID."&back_url=".urlencode($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"])."&path=".urlencode($this->MenuDir)."&name=".$this->type, "ICON"=>"menu-edit", "TITLE"=>GetMessage("MAIN_MENU_EDIT") ); } if($templ_perm >= "W" && $USER->IsAdmin()) { $arIcons[] = array( "URL"=>"/bitrix/admin/fileman_file_edit.php?lang=".LANGUAGE_ID."&site=".SITE_ID."&back_url=".urlencode($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"])."&full_src=Y&path=".urlencode($this->template), "ICON"=>"menu-template", "TITLE"=>GetMessage("MAIN_MENU_TEMPLATE_EDIT") ); } if(count($arIcons) > 0) { $result = $APPLICATION->IncludeStringBefore().$result; $bShowButtons = true; } } if($this->debug) $result .= $this->debug->Output($sMenuFile, $sMenuFile); if($bShowButtons) $result .= $APPLICATION->IncludeStringAfter($arIcons); return $result; } } class CMenuCustom { var $arItems = array(); function AddItem($type="left", $arItem=array()) { if (count($arItem) <= 0) return; if (!array_key_exists("TEXT", $arItem) || strlen(trim($arItem["TEXT"])) <= 0) return; if (!array_key_exists("LINK", $arItem) || strlen(trim($arItem["LINK"])) <= 0) $arItem["LINK"] = ""; if (!array_key_exists("SELECTED", $arItem)) $arItem["SELECTED"] = false; if (!array_key_exists("PERMISSION", $arItem)) $arItem["PERMISSION"] = "R"; if (!array_key_exists("DEPTH_LEVEL", $arItem)) $arItem["DEPTH_LEVEL"] = 1; if (!array_key_exists("IS_PARENT", $arItem)) $arItem["IS_PARENT"] = false; $this->arItems[$type][] = array( "TEXT" => $arItem["TEXT"], "LINK" => $arItem["LINK"], "SELECTED" => $arItem["SELECTED"], "PERMISSION" => $arItem["PERMISSION"], "DEPTH_LEVEL" => $arItem["DEPTH_LEVEL"], "IS_PARENT" => $arItem["IS_PARENT"], ); } function GetItems($type="left") { if (array_key_exists($type, $this->arItems)) return $this->arItems[$type]; else return false; } } global $BX_MENU_CUSTOM; $BX_MENU_CUSTOM = new CMenuCustom;