Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/ |
Current File : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/site_checker.php |
<? class CSiteCheckerTest { var $arTestVars; var $percent; var $last_function; var $strCurrentTestName; var $result; var $LogResourse; var $LogResult; var $group_name; var $group_desc; public function __construct($step = 0, $fast = 0, $fix_mode = 0) { if (!$this->step = intval($step)) $this->arTestVars['site_checker_success'] = 'Y'; $this->test_percent = 0; $this->strError = ''; $this->timeout = 10; // sec for one step $this->strResult = ''; $this->fix_mode = intval($fix_mode); $this->cafile = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/bitrix/tmp/cacert.pem'; $this->force_repair = defined('SITE_CHECKER_FORCE_REPAIR') && SITE_CHECKER_FORCE_REPAIR === true; $this->host = $_REQUEST['HTTP_HOST'] ? $_REQUEST['HTTP_HOST'] : 'localhost'; if (!$fix_mode) // no need to know the host in fix mode { if (!preg_match('/^[a-z0-9\.\-]+$/i', $this->host)) // cyrillic domain hack { $host = $this->host; $host0 = \Bitrix\Main\Text\Encoding::convertEncoding($host, 'utf8', 'cp1251'); if (preg_match("/[\xC0-\xFF]/",$host0)) { // utf-8; if (!defined('BX_UTF') && BX_UTF !== true) $host = $host0; } elseif (preg_match("/[\xC0-\xFF]/",$host)) { // windows-1251 if (defined('BX_UTF') && BX_UTF === true) $host = \Bitrix\Main\Text\Encoding::convertEncoding($host, 'cp1251', 'utf8'); } $converter = new CBXPunycode(); $host = $converter->Encode($host); $this->host = $host; } } $this->ssl = $_REQUEST['HTTPS'] == 'on'; $this->port = $_REQUEST['SERVER_PORT'] ? $_REQUEST['SERVER_PORT'] : ($this->ssl ? 443 : 80); $arTestGroup = array(); $arGroupName = array(); $arGroupName[1] = IsModuleInstalled('intranet') ? GetMessage("MAIN_SC_GENERAL") : GetMessage("MAIN_SC_GENERAL_SITE"); $arGroupDesc[1] = GetMessage("MAIN_SC_REQUIRED_MODS_DESC"); $arTestGroup[1] = array( array('check_php_modules' =>GetMessage('SC_T_MODULES')), array('check_php_settings' =>GetMessage('SC_T_PHP')), array('check_security' => GetMessage('SC_T_APACHE')), array('check_server_vars' =>GetMessage('SC_T_SERVER')), array('check_session' => GetMessage('SC_T_SESS')), array('check_mbstring' =>GetMessage('SC_T_MBSTRING')), array('check_install_scripts' => GetMessage('SC_T_INSTALL_SCRIPTS')), array('check_socket' => GetMessage('SC_T_SOCK')), array('check_bx_crontab' => GetMessage("MAIN_SC_AGENTS_CRON")), ); $arGroupName[2] = GetMessage("MAIN_SC_BUSINESS"); $arGroupDesc[2] = GetMessage("MAIN_SC_CORRECT_DESC"); $arTestGroup[2] = array( array('check_pull_stream' => GetMessage("MAIN_SC_TEST_CHAT")), array('check_pull_comments' => GetMessage("MAIN_SC_TEST_COMMENTS")), array('check_turn' => GetMessage("MAIN_SC_TEST_VIDEO")), array('check_access_mobile' => GetMessage("MAIN_SC_TEST_MOBILE")), array('check_push_bitrix' => GetMessage("MAIN_SC_TEST_PUSH")), array('check_access_docs' => GetMessage("MAIN_SC_TEST_DOCS")), array('check_fast_download' => GetMessage("MAIN_SC_TEST_FAST_FILES")), array('check_search' => GetMessage("MAIN_SC_TEST_SEARCH_CONTENTS")), array('check_mail' => GetMessage("MAIN_SC_MAIL_TEST")), array('check_ca_file' => GetMessage("MAIN_SC_CLOUD_TEST")), array('check_connect_mail' => GetMessage("MAIN_SC_TEST_MAIL_INTEGRATION")), array('check_socnet' => GetMessage("MAIN_SC_TEST_SOCNET_INTEGRATION")), array('check_rest' => GetMessage("MAIN_SC_TEST_REST")), array('check_mail_push' => GetMessage("MAIN_SC_TEST_MAIL_PUSH")), ); if (IsModuleInstalled('extranet')) $arTestGroup[2][] = array('check_extranet' => GetMessage("MAIN_SC_EXTRANET_ACCESS")); $arGroupName[4] = GetMessage("MAIN_SC_WINDOWS_ENV"); $arGroupDesc[4] = ''; $arTestGroup[4] = array( array('check_webdav' => GetMessage("MAIN_SC_DOCS_EDIT_MS_OFFICE")), array('check_socket_ssl' => GetMessage("MAIN_SC_EXTERNAL_APPS_TEST")), array('check_ad' => GetMessage("MAIN_SC_TEST_LDAP")), array('check_ntlm' => GetMessage("MAIN_SC_TEST_NTLM")), ); $arGroupName[8] = GetMessage("MAIN_SC_PERFORM"); $arGroupDesc[8] = ''; $arTestGroup[8] = array( array('check_perf' => GetMessage("MAIN_SC_PERF_TEST")), array('check_compression' => GetMessage("MAIN_SC_COMPRESSION_TEST")), ); $arGroupName[16] = GetMessage('SC_GR_EXTENDED'); $arTestGroup[16] = array( array('check_dbconn_settings' => GetMessage('SC_T_DBCONN_SETTINGS')), array('check_dbconn' => GetMessage('SC_T_DBCONN')), array('check_session_ua' => GetMessage('SC_T_SESS_UA')), array('check_sites' => GetMessage('SC_T_SITES')), array('check_clone' => GetMessage('SC_T_CLONE')), array('check_pcre_recursion' => GetMessage('SC_T_RECURSION')), array('check_upload' => GetMessage('SC_T_UPLOAD')), array('check_upload_big' => GetMessage('SC_T_UPLOAD_BIG')), array('check_upload_raw' => GetMessage('SC_T_UPLOAD_RAW')), array('check_post' => GetMessage('SC_T_POST')), array('check_mail' => GetMessage('SC_T_MAIL')), array('check_mail_big' => GetMessage('SC_T_MAIL_BIG')), array('check_mail_b_event' => GetMessage('SC_T_MAIL_B_EVENT')), array('check_localredirect' => GetMessage('SC_T_REDIRECT')), array('check_memory_limit' => GetMessage('SC_T_MEMORY')), array('check_cache' => GetMessage('SC_T_CACHE')), array('check_update' => GetMessage('SC_UPDATE_ACCESS')), array('check_http_auth' => GetMessage('SC_T_AUTH')), array('check_exec' => GetMessage('SC_T_EXEC')), array('check_getimagesize' => GetMessage('SC_T_GETIMAGESIZE')), ); $arGroupName[32] = GetMessage('SC_GR_MYSQL'); $arTestGroup[32] = array( array('check_mysql_bug_version' => GetMessage('SC_T_MYSQL_VER')), array('check_mysql_time' => GetMessage('SC_T_TIME')), array('check_mysql_mode' => GetMessage('SC_T_SQL_MODE')), array('check_mysql_connection_charset' => GetMessage('SC_CONNECTION_CHARSET')), array('check_mysql_db_charset' => GetMessage('SC_DB_CHARSET')), // array('check_mysql_table_status' => GetMessage('SC_T_CHECK')), array('check_mysql_table_charset' => GetMessage('SC_T_CHARSET')), array('check_mysql_table_structure' => GetMessage('SC_T_STRUCTURE')), ); if ($this->fix_mode) { switch ($this->fix_mode) { case 1: $this->arTest = array( array('check_mysql_table_status' => GetMessage('SC_T_CHECK')), ); break; case 2: $this->arTest = array( array('check_mysql_connection_charset' => GetMessage('SC_CONNECTION_CHARSET')), array('check_mysql_db_charset' => GetMessage('SC_DB_CHARSET')), array('check_mysql_table_charset' => GetMessage('SC_T_CHARSET')), array('check_mysql_table_structure' => GetMessage('SC_T_STRUCTURE')), ); break; case 3: $this->arTest = array( array('check_mysql_table_structure' => GetMessage('SC_T_STRUCTURE')), ); break; case 4: $this->arTest = array( array('check_mbstring' => GetMessage('SC_T_MBSTRING')), ); break; default: $this->arTest = array( array('check_server_vars' => GetMessage('SC_T_SERVER')), ); break; } } else { $profile = 1; if ($fast) { if (IsModuleInstalled('intranet')) { $profile |= 2; $profile |= 4; $profile |= 8; } } else { $profile |= 16; if (strtolower($GLOBALS['DB']->type) == 'mysql') $profile |= 32; } $this->arTest = array(); $step0 = $step; foreach($arTestGroup as $i => $ar) { if ($i & $profile) { if (!$this->group_name) { $c = count($ar); if ($step0 >= $c) $step0 -= $c; else { $this->group_name = $arGroupName[$i]; $this->group_desc = $arGroupDesc[$i]; } } $this->arTest = array_merge($this->arTest, $ar); } } } list($this->function, $this->strCurrentTestName) = each($this->arTest[$this->step]); $this->strNextTestName = $this->strCurrentTestName; $LICENSE_KEY = ''; if (file_exists($file = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/bitrix'.'/license_key.php')) include($file); if ($LICENSE_KEY == '') $LICENSE_KEY = 'DEMO'; define('LICENSE_HASH', md5('CONNECTION_TEST')); $this->LogFile = '/bitrix'.'/site_checker_'.md5('SITE_CHECKER'.$LICENSE_KEY).'.log'; } public static function GetTestList() { $ar = array(); foreach(get_class_methods('CSiteCheckerTest') as $method) if (strpos($method, 'check_') === 0) $ar[] = $method; return $ar; } function Start() { $this->test_percent = 100; // by default ob_start(); try { $this->result = call_user_func(array($this,$this->function)); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->Result(null, GetMessage("MAIN_SC_TEST_IS_INCORRECT")); echo $e->getMessage(); } $this->strError = ob_get_clean(); if (!$this->strResult) $this->Result($this->result); if (!$this->fix_mode) { // write to log if (@$this->OpenLog()) { $text = date('Y-M-d H:i:s') . ' ' . $this->strCurrentTestName . ' (' . $this->function . "): " . $this->LogResult . "\n"; if ($this->test_percent < 100) $text .= $this->test_percent.'% done' . "\n"; if ($this->strError) { $text .= str_replace('<br>', "\n", $this->strError)."\n"; } if ($this->test_percent >= 100) // test finished $text .= preg_replace('#<[^<>]+>#','',$this->strResult)."\n"; $text = htmlspecialchars_decode($text); fwrite($this->LogResourse, $text); } } $this->last_function = $this->function; $this->percent = floor(($this->step + $this->test_percent / 100) / count($this->arTest) * 100); if ($this->test_percent >= 100) // test finished { if ($this->step + 1 < count($this->arTest)) { $this->step++; $this->test_percent = 0; $this->arTestVars['last_value'] = ''; list($this->function, $this->strNextTestName) = each($this->arTest[$this->step]); } else // finish { if (!$this->fix_mode) // if we have a kernel { COption::SetOptionString('main', 'site_checker_success', $this->arTestVars['site_checker_success']); if ($this->arTestVars['site_checker_success'] == 'Y') CAdminNotify::DeleteByTag('SITE_CHECKER'); } } } elseif ($this->result === true) $this->strResult = ''; // in case of temporary result on this step if ($this->result === false) $this->arTestVars['site_checker_success'] = 'N'; } function Result($result, $text = '') { if ($result === true) $this->LogResult = 'Ok'; elseif ($result === null) $this->LogResult = 'Warning'; else $this->LogResult = 'Fail'; if ($result === false) $text = GetMessage('SC_ERROR0').' '.($text ? $text : GetMessage('SC_ERROR1')); elseif ($result === null) $text = GetMessage("MAIN_SC_SOME_WARNING").'. '.($text ? $text : GetMessage('SC_WARN')); else $text = $text ? $text : GetMessage('SC_TEST_SUCCESS'); $this->strResult = $text; return $result; } function OpenLog() { $continue = $this->step > 0; if (!$this->LogResourse = fopen($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].$this->LogFile, $continue ? 'ab' : 'wb')) $this->arTestVars['site_checker_success'] = 'N'; return $this->LogResourse; } function ConnectToHost($host = false, $port = false, $ssl = false) { if (!$host) { if ($this->arTestVars['check_socket_fail']) return $this->Result(null, GetMessage('SC_SOCK_NA')); $host = $this->host; $port = $this->port; $ssl = $this->ssl ? 'ssl://' : ''; } echo "Connection to $ssl$host:$port "; $res = false; try { $res = fsockopen($ssl.$host, $port, $errno, $errstr, 5); } catch (Exception $e) { // echo $e->getMessage()."\n"; } if (!$res) { echo "Fail\n"; echo "Socket error [$errno]: $errstr"."\n"; return $this->Result(false); } echo "Success\n"; return $res; } function Unformat($str) { $str = strtolower($str); $res = intval($str); $suffix = substr($str, -1); if($suffix == "k") $res *= 1024; elseif($suffix == "m") $res *= 1048576; elseif($suffix == "g") $res *= 1048576*1024; elseif($suffix == "b") $res = self::Unformat(self::substr($str,0,-1)); return $res; } function TableFieldCanBeAltered($f, $f_tmp) { if ($f['Type'] == str_replace(array('long','medium'), '', $f_tmp['Type']) || $this->force_repair) return true; if ( preg_match('#^([a-z]+)\(([0-9]+)\)(.*)$#i',$f['Type'],$regs) && preg_match('#^([a-z]+)\(([0-9]+)\)(.*)$#i',$f_tmp['Type'],$regs_tmp) && str_replace('varchar','char',strtolower($regs[1])) == str_replace('varchar','char',strtolower($regs_tmp[1])) && $regs[2] <= $regs_tmp[2] && $regs[3] == $regs_tmp[3] // signed || unsigned ) return true; return false; } ###### TESTS ####### # { # function check_php_modules() { $arMods = array( 'fsockopen' => GetMessage("SC_SOCKET_F"), 'xml_parser_create' => GetMessage("SC_MOD_XML"), 'preg_match' => GetMessage("SC_MOD_PERL_REG"), 'imagettftext' => "Free Type Text", 'gzcompress' => "Zlib", 'imagecreatetruecolor' => GetMessage("SC_MOD_GD"), 'imagecreatefromjpeg' => GetMessage("SC_MOD_GD_JPEG"), 'json_encode' => GetMessage("SC_MOD_JSON"), 'hash' => 'Hash', 'highlight_file' => 'PHP Syntax Highlight' ); $strError = ''; foreach($arMods as $func => $desc) { if (!function_exists($func)) $strError .= $desc."<br>"; } if (!function_exists('openssl_encrypt')) $strError .= GetMessage("MAIN_SC_MCRYPT").' OpenSSL'; if (defined('BX_UTF') && BX_UTF === true && !function_exists('mb_substr')) $strError .= GetMessage("SC_MOD_MBSTRING")."<br>"; if (!in_array('ssl', stream_get_transports())) $strError .= GetMessage('ERR_NO_SSL').'<br>'; if ($strError) return $this->Result(false,GetMessage('ERR_NO_MODS')."<br>".$strError); if (IsModuleInstalled('intranet')) { if (!class_exists('DOMDocument') || !class_exists('ZipArchive')) return $this->Result(null,GetMessage('ERR_NO_MODS_DOC_GENERATOR')); } return $this->Result(true, GetMessage("MAIN_SC_ALL_MODULES")); } function check_php_settings() { $strError = ''; $PHP_vercheck_min = '5.3.0'; if (version_compare($v = phpversion(), $PHP_vercheck_min, '<')) $strError = GetMessage('SC_VER_ERR', array('#CUR#' => $v, '#REQ#' => $PHP_vercheck_min))."<br>"; $arRequiredParams = array( 'safe_mode' => 0, 'file_uploads' => 1, 'wincache.chkinterval' => 0, 'session.auto_start' => 0, 'magic_quotes_runtime' => 0, 'magic_quotes_sybase' => 0, 'magic_quotes_gpc' => 0, 'arg_separator.output' => '&', 'register_globals' => 0, 'zend.multibyte' => 0, ); if (extension_loaded('xcache')) { $arRequiredParams['xcache.cacher'] = 0; $arRequiredParams['xcache.stat'] = 1; } foreach($arRequiredParams as $param => $val) { $cur = ini_get($param); if (strtolower($cur) == 'on') $cur = 1; elseif (strtolower($cur) == 'off') $cur = 0; if ($cur != $val) $strError .= GetMessage('SC_ERR_PHP_PARAM', array('#PARAM#' => $param, '#CUR#' => $cur ? htmlspecialcharsbx($cur) : 'off', '#REQ#' => $val ? 'on' : 'off'))."<br>"; } $param = 'opcache.revalidate_freq'; if (($cur = ini_get($param)) <> 0) $strError .= GetMessage('SC_ERR_PHP_PARAM', array('#PARAM#' => $param, '#CUR#' => htmlspecialcharsbx($cur), '#REQ#' => '0'))."<br>"; $param = 'default_socket_timeout'; if (($cur = ini_get($param)) < 60) $strError .= GetMessage('SC_ERR_PHP_PARAM', array('#PARAM#' => $param, '#CUR#' => htmlspecialcharsbx($cur), '#REQ#' => '60'))."<br>"; if (($m = ini_get('max_input_vars')) && $m < 10000) $strError .= GetMessage('ERR_MAX_INPUT_VARS',array('#MIN#' => 10000,'#CURRENT#' => $m))."<br>"; if (IsModuleInstalled('intranet')) { $vm = getenv('BITRIX_VA_VER'); if (!$vm) $strError .= GetMessage('ERR_NO_VM')."<br>"; else { $last_version = '7.3.0'; $tmp = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/bitrix/tmp/bitrix-env.version'; if (!file_exists($tmp) || time() - filemtime($tmp) > 86400) { $ob = new CHTTP(); $ob->http_timeout = 5; $ob->Download('http://repos.1c-bitrix.ru/yum/bitrix-env.version', $tmp); } if (file_exists($tmp)) $last_version_remote = str_replace('-', '.', file_get_contents($tmp)); if (version_compare($last_version_remote, $last_version, '>')) $last_version = $last_version_remote; if (version_compare($vm, $last_version,'<')) $strError .= GetMessage('ERR_OLD_VM', array('#CURRENT#' => $vm, '#LAST_VERSION#' => $last_version))."<br>"; } } // check_divider $locale_info = localeconv(); $delimiter = $locale_info['decimal_point']; if ($delimiter != '.') $strError .= GetMessage('SC_DELIMITER_ERR',array('#VAL#' => $delimiter)).'<br>'; // check_precision if (1234567891 != (string) doubleval(1234567891)) $strError .= GetMessage("MAIN_SC_ERROR_PRECISION").'<br>'; // check_suhosin if (in_array('suhosin',get_loaded_extensions()) && !ini_get('suhosin.simulation')) $strError .= GetMessage('SC_WARN_SUHOSIN',array('#VAL#' => ini_get('suhosin.simulation') ? 1 : 0)).'<br>'; // check_backtrack_limit $param = 'pcre.backtrack_limit'; $cur = self::Unformat(ini_get($param)); ini_set($param,$cur + 1); $new = ini_get($param); if ($new != $cur + 1) $strError .= GetMessage("MAIN_SC_CANT_CHANGE").'<br>'; if ($strError) return $this->Result(false, $strError); return $this->Result(true, GetMessage("MAIN_SC_CORRECT_SETTINGS")); } function check_server_vars() { $strError = ''; list($host, $port) = explode(':',$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']); if ($host != 'localhost' && !preg_match('#^[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}$#',$host)) { if (!preg_match('#^[a-z0-9\-\.]{1,192}\.(xn--)?[a-z0-9]{2,63}$#i', $host)) $strError .= GetMessage("SC_TEST_DOMAIN_VALID", array('#VAL#' => htmlspecialcharsbx($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])))."<br>"; } if ($strError) return $this->Result(false, $strError); return $this->Result(true, GetMessage("MAIN_IS_CORRECT")); } function check_mail($big = false) { $body = "Test message.\nDelete it."; if ($big) { $str = file_get_contents(__FILE__); if (!$str) return $this->Result(false, GetMessage('SC_CHECK_FILES')); $body = str_repeat($str, 2); } list($usec0, $sec0) = explode(" ", microtime()); if($big) { $eol = \Bitrix\Main\Mail\Mail::getMailEol(); $val = mail("hosting_test@bitrixsoft.com", "Bitrix site checker".$eol."\tmultiline subject", $body, 'BCC: noreply@bitrixsoft.com'); } else { $val = mail("hosting_test@bitrixsoft.com", "Bitrix site checker", $body); } list($usec1, $sec1) = explode(" ", microtime()); $time = round($sec1 + $usec1 - $sec0 - $usec0, 2); if ($val) { if ($time > 1) return $this->Result($this->arTestVars['check_bx_crontab'] ? null : false, GetMessage('SC_SENT').' '.$time.' '.GetMessage('SC_SEC')); } else return false; return true; } function check_mail_big() { return $this->check_mail(true); } function check_mail_b_event() { global $DB, $CACHE_MANAGER; $res = $DB->Query("SELECT COUNT(1) AS A FROM b_event WHERE SUCCESS_EXEC = 'N'"); $f = $res->Fetch(); if ($f['A'] > 0) { $info = defined('BX_CRONTAB_SUPPORT') && BX_CRONTAB_SUPPORT ? '<br> '.GetMessage('SC_CRON_WARN') : ''; if(CACHED_b_event !== false && $CACHE_MANAGER->Read(CACHED_b_event, "events")) $info .= "<br> ".GetMessage('SC_CACHED_EVENT_WARN'); return $this->Result(false, GetMessage('SC_T_MAIL_B_EVENT_ERR').' '.$f['A'].$info); } return true; } function check_connect_mail() { if (!CModule::IncludeModule('mail')) return $this->Result(null, GetMessage("MAIN_SC_MAIL_IS_NOT_INSTALLED")); $rs = CMailBox::GetList(array(), array('SERVER_TYPE' => 'imap')); if ($rs->Fetch()) return true; return $this->Result(null, GetMessage("MAIN_SC_MAIL_INTEGRATION")); } function check_socnet() { if (!CModule::IncludeModule('socialservices')) return $this->Result(null, GetMessage("MAIN_SC_NO_SOCIAL_MODULE")); $oAuthManager = new CSocServAuthManager(); $arActiveSocServ = $oAuthManager->GetActiveAuthServices(array()); if (count($arActiveSocServ)) { if (is_array($arActiveSocServ['Bitrix24Net'])) return true; return $this->Result(null, GetMessage("MAIN_SC_NO_SOCIAL_SERVICES_24NET")); } return $this->Result(null, GetMessage("MAIN_SC_NO_SOCIAL_SERVICES")); } function check_rest() { if (!CModule::IncludeModule('rest')) return $this->Result(null, GetMessage("MAIN_SC_NO_REST_MODULE")); return true; } function check_mail_push() { $site = \Bitrix\Main\SiteTable::getList(array( 'select' => array('LID', 'NAME', 'SERVER_NAME'), 'order' => array('DEF' => 'DESC', 'SORT' => 'ASC'), ))->fetch(); $context = \Bitrix\Main\Application::getInstance()->getContext(); $domain = $site['SERVER_NAME'] ?: \COption::getOptionString('main', 'server_name', ''); if (preg_match('/^(?<domain>.+):(?<port>\d+)$/', $domain, $matches)) $domain = $matches['domain']; if (!getmxrr($domain, $mxhosts) || !count($mxhosts)) return $this->Result(null ,GetMessage('SC_ERR_DNS', array('#DOMAIN#' => $domain))); foreach($mxhosts as $mx) { if ($mx != 'mail-001.bitrix24.com') { print_r($mxhosts); return $this->Result(null, GetMessage('SC_ERR_DNS_WRONG', array('#DOMAIN#' => $mx))); } } if (!$res = $this->ConnectToHost('mail-001.bitrix24.com', 25)) return $this->Result(null, GetMessage('SC_ERR_CONNECT_MAIL001')); echo fgets($res); fwrite($res, "HELO ".$domain."\r\n"); echo fgets($res); fwrite($res, "MAIL FROM: sitecheckerfrom@".$domain."\r\n"); echo fgets($res); fwrite($res, "RCPT TO: rplsitecheckerto@".$domain."\r\n"); echo fgets($res); fwrite($res, "DATA\r\n"); echo fgets($res); fwrite($res, "From: sitecheckerfrom@".$domain."\r\n". "To: rplsitecheckerto@".$domain."\r\n". "Subject: Site checker mail test\r\n". "Content-type: text/plain\r\n". "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n". "\r\n". ".\r\n"); echo ($str = fgets($res)); fclose($res); if (preg_match('#\(Bad Request 400\)#i', $str)) { echo "Success\n"; return true; } return $this->Result(null, GetMessage('SC_ERR_TEST_MAIL_PUSH', array('#DOMAIN#' => $domain))); } function check_socket() { $strRequest = "GET "."/bitrix/admin/site_checker.php?test_type=socket_test&unique_id=".checker_get_unique_id()." HTTP/1.1\r\n"; $strRequest.= "Host: ".$this->host."\r\n"; $strRequest.= "\r\n"; $retVal = false; if ($res = $this->ConnectToHost()) $retVal = IsHttpResponseSuccess($res, $strRequest); if (!$retVal) $this->arTestVars['check_socket_fail'] = 1; return $retVal; } function check_compression() { $strRequest = "GET "."/bitrix/admin/site_checker.php?test_type=compression&unique_id=".checker_get_unique_id()." HTTP/1.1\r\n"; $strRequest.= "Host: ".$this->host."\r\n"; $strRequest.= "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate\r\n"; $strRequest.= "\r\n"; $retVal = false; if (!$res = $this->ConnectToHost()) return false; $compression = IsModuleInstalled('compression'); $strRes = GetHttpResponse($res, $strRequest, $strHeaders); if (preg_match('#gzip|deflate#mi', $strHeaders) && CUtil::BinStrlen($strRes) < 64 * 1024) // comression not supported by server return $compression ? $this->Result(false, GetMessage("MAIN_SC_ENABLED")) : $this->Result(true, GetMessage("MAIN_SC_ENABLED_MOD")); else return $compression ? $this->Result(false, GetMessage("MAIN_SC_COMP_DISABLED")) : $this->Result(false, GetMessage("MAIN_SC_COMP_DISABLED_MOD")); } function check_socket_ssl() { if (!file_exists($this->cafile) || filesize($this->cafile) == 0) return $this->Result(null, GetMessage("MAIN_SC_TEST_SSL1")); if (!$context = stream_context_create( array( 'ssl' => array( 'verify_peer' => true, 'allow_self_signed' => false, 'cafile' => $this->cafile, ) ) )) return false; echo "Connection to ssl://{$this->host}:443 (certificate check enabled) "; if ($res = stream_socket_client('ssl://'.$this->host.':443', $errno, $errstr, 10, STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT, $context)) { echo "Success\n"; fclose($res); return true; } echo "Fail\n"; if (!$context = stream_context_create( array( 'ssl' => array( 'verify_peer' => false, 'allow_self_signed' => true, 'cafile' => $this->cafile, ) ) )) return false; echo "Connection to ssl://{$this->host}:443 "; if ($res = stream_socket_client('ssl://'.$this->host.':443', $errno, $errstr, 10, STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT, $context)) { echo "Success\n"; fclose($res); return $this->Result(null, GetMessage("MAIN_SC_SSL_NOT_VALID")); } echo "Fail\n"; return $this->Result(null, GetMessage("MAIN_SC_NO_CONNECTTO", array('#HOST#' => 'https://'.$this->host))); } function check_ad() { if(!CModule::IncludeModule('ldap')) return $this->Result(null, GetMessage("MAIN_SC_NO_LDAP_MODULE")); $rs = CLdapServer::GetList(); if (!$rs->Fetch()) return $this->Result(null, GetMessage("MAIN_SC_NO_LDAP_INTEGRATION")); return true; } function check_ntlm() { if(!CModule::IncludeModule('ldap')) return $this->Result(null, GetMessage("MAIN_SC_NO_LDAP_MODULE")); if (COption::GetOptionString('ldap', 'use_ntlm', 'N') != 'Y') return $this->Result(null, GetMessage("MAIN_SC_OPTION_SWITCHED_OFF")); if (COption::GetOptionString('ldap', 'bitrixvm_auth_support', 'N') == 'Y') return true; if (($ntlm_varname = COption::GetOptionString('ldap', 'ntlm_varname', 'REMOTE_USER')) && ($user = trim($_SERVER[$ntlm_varname]))) return $this->Result(true, GetMessage("MAIN_SC_NTLM_SUCCESS").$user); return $this->Result(null, GetMessage("MAIN_SC_NO_NTLM")); } function check_ca_file() { if (file_exists($this->cafile)) unlink($this->cafile); CheckDirPath($this->cafile); $ob = new CHTTP(); $ob->http_timeout = 5; if ($ob->Download('http://www.bitrixsoft.com/upload/lib/cafile.pem', $this->cafile) && is_file($this->cafile) && filesize($this->cafile) > 0) return true; return $this->Result(null, GetMessage("MAIN_SC_NO_ACCESS").'"'); } function check_dbconn() { $strRequest = "GET "."/bitrix/admin/site_checker.php?test_type=dbconn_test&unique_id=".checker_get_unique_id()." HTTP/1.1\r\n"; $strRequest.= "Host: ".$this->host."\r\n"; $strRequest.= "\r\n"; $retVal = false; if (IsModuleInstalled('security')) { $file = COption::GetOptionString("security", "ipcheck_disable_file", ""); COption::SetOptionString("security", "ipcheck_disable_file", $this->LogFile); } if ($res = $this->ConnectToHost()) $retVal = IsHttpResponseSuccess($res, $strRequest); if (IsModuleInstalled('security')) COption::SetOptionString("security", "ipcheck_disable_file", $file); return $retVal; } function check_dbconn_settings() { global $DB; $conn = Bitrix\Main\Application::getInstance()->getConnectionPool()->getConnection(); if ($DB->DBHost == $conn->getHost() && $DB->DBLogin == $conn->getLogin() && $DB->DBName == $conn->getDatabase()) return true; echo "/bitrix/php_interface/dbconn.php\n". '$DBHost = "'.$DB->DBHost."\"\n". '$DBLogin = "'.$DB->DBLogin."\"\n". '$DBName = "'.$DB->DBName."\"\n". "\n". "/bitrix/.settings.php\n". 'host = "'.$conn->getHost()."\"\n". 'login = "'.$conn->getLogin()."\"\n". 'database = "'.$conn->getDatabase()."\"\n"; return $this->Result(false, GetMessage('SC_ERR_CONN_DIFFER')); } function check_upload($big = false, $raw = false) { if (($sp = ini_get("upload_tmp_dir"))) { if (!file_exists($sp)) return $this->Result(false,GetMessage('SC_NO_TMP_FOLDER').' <i>('.htmlspecialcharsbx($sp).')</i>'); elseif (!is_writable($sp)) return $this->Result(false,GetMessage('SC_TMP_FOLDER_PERMS').' <i>('.htmlspecialcharsbx($sp).')</i>'); } if (defined('BX_TEMPORARY_FILES_DIRECTORY')) { $sp = BX_TEMPORARY_FILES_DIRECTORY; if (!file_exists($sp)) return $this->Result(false,GetMessage('SC_NO_TMP_FOLDER').' <i>(BX_TEMPORARY_FILES_DIRECTORY: '.htmlspecialcharsbx($sp).')</i>'); elseif (!is_writable($sp)) return $this->Result(false,GetMessage('SC_TMP_FOLDER_PERMS').' <i>(BX_TEMPORARY_FILES_DIRECTORY: '.htmlspecialcharsbx($sp).')</i>'); } $binaryData = ''; for($i=40;$i<240;$i++) $binaryData .= chr($i); if ($big) $binaryData = str_repeat($binaryData, 21000); if ($raw) $POST = $binaryData; else { $boundary = '--------'.md5(checker_get_unique_id()); $POST = "--$boundary\r\n"; $POST.= 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="test_file"; filename="site_checker.bin'."\r\n"; $POST.= 'Content-Type: image/gif'."\r\n"; $POST.= "\r\n"; $POST.= $binaryData."\r\n"; $POST.= "--$boundary\r\n"; } $strRequest = "POST "."/bitrix/admin/site_checker.php?test_type=upload_test&unique_id=".checker_get_unique_id()."&big=".($big ? 1 : 0)."&raw=".($raw ? 1 : 0)." HTTP/1.1\r\n"; $strRequest.= "Host: ".$this->host."\r\n"; if (!$raw) $strRequest.= "Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=$boundary\r\n"; $strRequest.= "Content-Length: ".(function_exists('mb_strlen') ? mb_strlen($POST, 'ISO-8859-1') : strlen($POST))."\r\n"; $strRequest.= "\r\n"; $strRequest.= $POST; if ($res = $this->ConnectToHost()) return IsHttpResponseSuccess($res, $strRequest); return false; } function check_upload_big() { return $this->check_upload(true); } function check_upload_raw() { return $this->check_upload(false, true); } function check_post() { $POST = ''; for($i=0;$i<201;$i++) $POST .= 'i'.$i.'='.md5($i).'&'; $strRequest = "POST "."/bitrix/admin/site_checker.php?test_type=post_test&unique_id=".checker_get_unique_id()." HTTP/1.1\r\n"; $strRequest.= "Host: ".$this->host."\r\n"; $strRequest.= "Content-Length: ".(function_exists('mb_strlen') ? mb_strlen($POST, 'ISO-8859-1') : strlen($POST))."\r\n"; $strRequest.= "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n"; $strRequest.= "\r\n"; $strRequest.= $POST; if ($res = $this->ConnectToHost()) return IsHttpResponseSuccess($res, $strRequest); return false; } function check_memory_limit() { $total_steps = 5; if (!$this->arTestVars['last_value']) { $last_success = 0; $max = 16; $step = 1; } else { if (!CheckSerializedData($this->arTestVars['last_value'])) return false; list($last_success, $max, $step) = unserialize($this->arTestVars['last_value']); } $strRequest = "GET "."/bitrix/admin/site_checker.php?test_type=memory_test&unique_id=".checker_get_unique_id()."&max=".($max - 1)." HTTP/1.1\r\n"; $strRequest.= "Host: ".$this->host."\r\n"; $strRequest.= "\r\n"; if (!$res = $this->ConnectToHost()) return false; if (IsHttpResponseSuccess($res, $strRequest)) { $last_success = $max; $max *= 2; } else $max = floor(($last_success + $max) / 2); if ($max < 16) return false; if ($step < $total_steps) { $this->test_percent = floor(100 / $total_steps * $step); $step++; $this->arTestVars['last_value'] = serialize(array($last_success, $max, $step)); return true; } $ok = false; $res = GetMessage('SC_NOT_LESS',array('#VAL#' => $last_success)); if (intval($last_success) > 32) { $ok = true; $cur = ini_get('memory_limit'); if (preg_match('#([0-9]+) *G#i', $cur, $regs)) $cur = $regs[1] * 1024; if ($cur > 0 && $cur < $last_success) { $res .= '<br> '.GetMessage('SC_MEMORY_CHANGED', array('#VAL0#' => $cur, '#VAL1#' => '512M')); $ok = null; } } return $this->Result($ok, $res); } function check_session() { if (!$this->arTestVars['last_value']) { $_SESSION['CHECKER_CHECK_SESSION'] = 'SUCCESS'; $this->test_percent = 50; $this->arTestVars['last_value'] = 'Y'; } else { if ($_SESSION['CHECKER_CHECK_SESSION'] != 'SUCCESS') return false; unset($_SESSION['CHECKER_CHECK_SESSION']); } return true; } function check_session_ua() { $strRequest = "GET "."/bitrix/admin/site_checker.php?test_type=session_test&unique_id=".checker_get_unique_id()." HTTP/1.1\r\n"; $strRequest.= "Host: ".$this->host."\r\n"; if ($this->arTestVars['last_value']) // second step: put session id $strRequest.= "Cookie: ".$this->arTestVars['last_value']."\r\n"; $strRequest.= "\r\n"; if (!$res = $this->ConnectToHost()) return false; if (!$this->arTestVars['last_value']) // first step: read session id { $strRes = GetHttpResponse($res, $strRequest, $strHeaders); if (!preg_match('#Set-Cookie: ('.session_name().'=[a-z0-9\-\_]+?);#i',$strHeaders,$regs)) { PrintHTTP($strRequest, $strHeaders, $strRes); return false; } $this->arTestVars['last_value'] = $regs[1]; $this->test_percent = 50; return true; } else return IsHttpResponseSuccess($res, $strRequest); } function check_mbstring() { $file = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/bitrix/.settings.php'; if ($this->fix_mode) { if (!file_exists($file)) { \Bitrix\Main\Config\Configuration::wnc(); bx_accelerator_reset(); } return $this->Result(file_exists($file)); } if (!file_exists($file)) { $this->arTestVars['check_mbstring_fail'] = true; $mode = 4; $link = ' <a href="javascript:show_popup(\'' . GetMessageJS('SC_FIX_MBSTRING') . '\', \'?fix_mode='.$mode.'\', \'' . GetMessageJS('SC_FIX_MBSTRING_CONFIRM') . '\')">' . GetMessage('SC_FIX') . '</a>'; return $this->Result(false, GetMessage('SC_ERR_NO_SETTINGS').$link); } if (\Bitrix\Main\Config\Configuration::getValue("utf_mode") !== (defined('BX_UTF') && BX_UTF === true)) { return $this->Result(false, GetMessage('MAIN_SC_MBSTRING_SETTIGNS_DIFFER')); $this->arTestVars['check_mbstring_fail'] = true; } $retVal = true; $bUtf = false; $rs = CSite::GetList($by,$order,array('ACTIVE'=>'Y')); while($f = $rs->Fetch()) if (strpos(strtolower($f['CHARSET']),'utf')!==false) { $bUtf = true; break; } $overload = intval(ini_get('mbstring.func_overload')); $encoding = strtolower(ini_get('mbstring.internal_encoding')); $default = strtolower(ini_get('default_charset')); $current = str_replace(array("-", "windows"), array("", "cp"), $encoding ? $encoding : $default); if ($bUtf) { $text = GetMessage('SC_MB_UTF'); $retVal = $overload == 2 && $current == 'utf8'; if (!$retVal) $text .= ', '.GetMessage('SC_MB_CUR_SETTINGS').'<br>mbstring.func_overload='.$overload.'<br>mbstring.internal_encoding="'.$encoding.'"<br>default_charset="'.$default.'"'. '<br>'.GetMessage('SC_MB_REQ_SETTINGS').'<br>mbstring.func_overload=2<br>mbstring.internal_encoding=""<br>default_charset="utf-8"'; if (!defined('BX_UTF') || BX_UTF !== true) { $retVal = false; $text .= '<br>'.GetMessage('SC_BX_UTF'); $this->arTestVars['check_mbstring_fail'] = true; } } else { $text = GetMessage('SC_MB_NOT_UTF'); if ($overload == 2) { $ru = LANG_CHARSET == 'windows-1251'; $mb_string_req = '<br>mbstring.internal_encoding=""<br>default_charset="'.($ru ? 'cp1251' : 'latin1').'"'; $retVal = false === strpos($current,'utf'); } else { $mb_string_req = '<br>mbstring.func_overload=0'; $retVal = $overload == 0; } if (!$retVal) $text .= ', '.GetMessage('SC_MB_CUR_SETTINGS').'<br>mbstring.func_overload='.$overload.'<br>mbstring.internal_encoding="'.$encoding.'"<br>default_charset="'.$default.'"'. '<br>'.GetMessage('SC_MB_REQ_SETTINGS').$mb_string_req; if (defined('BX_UTF')) { $retVal = false; $text .= '<br>'.GetMessage('SC_BX_UTF_DISABLE'); $this->arTestVars['check_mbstring_fail'] = true; } } if ($retVal) { $l = strlen("\xd0\xa2"); if (!($retVal = $bUtf && $l == 1 || !$bUtf && $l == 2)) $text = GetMessage('SC_STRLEN_FAIL_PHP56'); } return $this->Result($retVal, ($retVal ? GetMessage("MAIN_SC_CORRECT").'. ':'').$text); } function check_http_auth() { $strRequest = "GET "."/bitrix/admin/site_checker.php?test_type=auth_test&unique_id=".checker_get_unique_id()." HTTP/1.1\r\n"; $strRequest.= "Host: ".$this->host."\r\n"; $strRequest.= "Authorization: Basic dGVzdF91c2VyOnRlc3RfcGFzc3dvcmQ=\r\n"; $strRequest.= "\r\n"; if ($res = $this->ConnectToHost()) return IsHttpResponseSuccess($res, $strRequest); return false; } function check_update() { $ServerIP = COption::GetOptionString("main", "update_site", "www.bitrixsoft.com"); $ServerPort = 80; $proxyAddr = COption::GetOptionString("main", "update_site_proxy_addr", ""); $proxyPort = COption::GetOptionString("main", "update_site_proxy_port", ""); $proxyUserName = COption::GetOptionString("main", "update_site_proxy_user", ""); $proxyPassword = COption::GetOptionString("main", "update_site_proxy_pass", ""); $bUseProxy = !$this->arTestVars['last_value'] && strlen($proxyAddr) > 0 && strlen($proxyPort) > 0; if ($bUseProxy) { $proxyPort = IntVal($proxyPort); if ($proxyPort <= 0) $proxyPort = 80; $requestIP = $proxyAddr; $requestPort = $proxyPort; } else { $requestIP = $ServerIP; $requestPort = $ServerPort; } $strRequest = ""; $page = "us_updater_list.php"; if ($bUseProxy) { $strRequest .= "POST http://".$ServerIP."/bitrix/updates/".$page." HTTP/1.0\r\n"; if (strlen($proxyUserName) > 0) $strRequest .= "Proxy-Authorization: Basic ".base64_encode($proxyUserName.":".$proxyPassword)."\r\n"; } else $strRequest .= "POST /bitrix/updates/".$page." HTTP/1.0\r\n"; $strRequest.= "User-Agent: BitrixSMUpdater\r\n"; $strRequest.= "Accept: */*\r\n"; $strRequest.= "Host: ".$ServerIP."\r\n"; $strRequest.= "Accept-Language: en\r\n"; $strRequest.= "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n"; $strRequest.= "Content-length: 7\r\n\r\n"; $strRequest.= "lang=en"; $strRequest.= "\r\n"; $res = false; try { $res = fsockopen($requestIP, $requestPort, $errno, $errstr, 5); } catch (Exception $e) { echo $e->getMessage()."\n"; } if (!$res) { if ($bUseProxy) return $this->Result(false, GetMessage('SC_NO_PROXY'). ' ('.$errstr.')'); else return $this->Result(false, GetMessage('SC_UPDATE_ERROR').' ('.$errstr.')'); } else { $strRes = GetHttpResponse($res, $strRequest, $strHeaders); $strRes = strtolower(strip_tags($strRes)); if ($strRes == "license key is invalid" || $strRes == "license key is required") return true; else { PrintHTTP($strRequest, $strHeaders, $strRes); if ($bUseProxy) return $this->Result(false, GetMessage('SC_PROXY_ERR_RESP')); else return $this->Result(false, GetMessage('SC_UPDATE_ERR_RESP')); } } } function check_pull_stream() { if (IsModuleInstalled('xmpp') && CModule::IncludeModule('xmpp')) { $arMessage = array( "query" => array( "." => array("type" => "get"), "common" => array("#" => ""), ), ); $t = microtime(1); $arResponce = CXMPPUtility::_SendToServer($arMessage, $errorNo, $errorStr); if (microtime(1) - $t > 1) return $this->Result(false, 'XMPP server has failed'); } if (CModule::IncludeModule('pull')) { $text = md5(mt_rand(100000,999999)); $id = CPullChannel::SignChannel(md5($text)); if (CPullOptions::GetQueueServerStatus()) { if (!$ar = parse_url(str_replace('#DOMAIN#', $this->host, CPullOptions::GetPublishUrl($id)))) return $this->Result(false, GetMessage("MAIN_SC_PATH_PUB")); $pub_domain = $ar['host']; $pub_host = ($ar['scheme'] == 'https' ? 'ssl://' : '').$pub_domain; $pub = $ar['path'].'?'.$ar['query']; $pub_port = $ar['port']; if (!$pub_port) $pub_port = $ar['scheme'] == 'https' ? 443 : 80; if (!$ar = parse_url(str_replace('#DOMAIN#', $this->host, $this->ssl ? CPullOptions::GetListenSecureUrl($id) : CPullOptions::GetListenUrl($id)))) return $this->Result(false, GetMessage("MAIN_SC_PATH_SUB")); $sub_domain = $ar['host']; $sub_host = ($ar['scheme'] == 'https' ? 'ssl://' : '').$sub_domain; $sub = $ar['path'].'?'.$ar['query']; $sub_port = $ar['port']; if (!$sub_port) $sub_port = $ar['scheme'] == 'https' ? 443 : 80; } else { $this->arTestVars['push_stream_fail'] = true; return $this->Result(false, GetMessage("MAIN_SC_STREAM_DISABLED")); } } else { $this->arTestVars['push_stream_fail'] = true; return $this->Result(false, GetMessage("MAIN_NO_PULL")); } $ver = CPullOptions::GetQueueServerVersion(); $bNodeJS = $ver > 2; echo 'Server version: '.$ver.($bNodeJS ? ' (Bitrix Push server)' : ' (nginx-push-stream-module)')."\n"; $strRequest0 = 'POST '.$pub.' HTTP/1.0'."\r\n". 'Host: '.$pub_domain."\r\n". 'Content-Length: '.strlen($text)."\r\n". "\r\n". $text."\r\n"; $strRequest1 = 'GET '.$sub.' HTTP/1.0'."\r\n". 'If-Modified-Since: '.date('r', time() - 86400)."\r\n". 'Host: '.$sub_domain."\r\n\r\n"; $strRequest2 = 'DELETE '.$pub.' HTTP/1.0'."\r\n". 'Host: '.$sub_domain."\r\n\r\n"; if (!$bNodeJS) { // POST - to create a channel if (!$res0 = $this->ConnectToHost($pub_host, $pub_port)) { $this->arTestVars['push_stream_fail'] = true; return $this->Result(false, GetMessage("MAIN_SC_NO_PUSH_STREAM_CONNECTION")); } fwrite($res0, $strRequest0); fclose($res0); } // GET - connection if (!$res1 = $this->ConnectToHost($sub_host, $sub_port)) { $this->arTestVars['push_stream_fail'] = true; return $this->Result(false, GetMessage("MAIN_SC_NO_SUB_CONNECTION")); } fwrite($res1, $strRequest1); // POST - message if (!$res0 = $this->ConnectToHost($pub_host, $pub_port)) { $this->arTestVars['push_stream_fail'] = true; return $this->Result(false, GetMessage("MAIN_SC_NO_PUSH_STREAM_CONNECTION")); } fwrite($res0, $strRequest0); $strRes0 = fgets($res0); fclose($res0); // GET - message $strRes1 = fread($res1, 4096); $retVal = true; if (false === strpos($strRes1, $text)) { PrintHTTP($strRequest0, $strHeaders0, $strRes0); PrintHTTP($strRequest1, $strHeaders1, $strRes1); $this->arTestVars['push_stream_fail'] = true; $retVal = $this->Result(false, GetMessage("MAIN_SC_PUSH_INCORRECT")); } // DELETE if (!$res2 = $this->ConnectToHost($pub_host, $pub_port)) { $this->arTestVars['push_stream_fail'] = true; return $this->Result(false, GetMessage("MAIN_SC_NO_PUSH_STREAM_CONNECTION")); } fwrite($res2, $strRequest2); fclose($res2); if ($retVal == true && COption::GetOptionString('main', 'session_expand', 'Y') <> 'N' && (!defined("BX_SKIP_SESSION_EXPAND") || BX_SKIP_SESSION_EXPAND === false)) return $this->Result(null, GetMessage('MAIN_SC_WARN_EXPAND_SESSION')); return $retVal; } function check_pull_comments() { if ($this->arTestVars['push_stream_fail']) return $this->Result(false, GetMessage("MAIN_SC_NO_PUSH_STREAM")); return true; } function check_turn() { if (!IsModuleInstalled('im')) return $this->Result(null, GetMessage("MAIN_SC_NO_IM")); if ($this->arTestVars['push_stream_fail']) return $this->Result(false, GetMessage("MAIN_SC_NO_PUSH_STREAM_VIDEO")); if (COption::GetOptionString("im", "turn_server_self") == 'Y') $host = COption::GetOptionString("im", "turn_server"); else $host = 'turn.calls.bitrix24.com'; $port = 40001; if (!$res = $this->ConnectToHost($host, $port)) $res = $this->ConnectToHost('udp://'.$host, $port); $strRes = ""; if ($res) { stream_set_timeout($res, 5); fwrite($res, "\r\n"); $strRes = fgets($res, 1024); fclose($res); } if (false !== strpos($strRes, "OK")) return $this->Result(true, GetMessage("MAIN_SC_AVAIL")); return $this->Result(null, GetMessage("MAIN_SC_NOT_AVAIL")); } function check_push_bitrix() { if (!CModule::IncludeModule('pull')) return $this->Result(null, GetMessage("MAIN_NO_PULL_MODULE")); if (!CPullOptions::GetPushStatus()) return $this->Result(null, GetMessage("MAIN_NO_OPTION_PULL")); if ($this->arTestVars['check_access_fail']) return $this->Result(false, GetMessage("MAIN_SC_NO_EXTERNAL_ACCESS_MOB")); $host = 'cloud-messaging.bitrix24.com'; $POST = 'Action=SendMessage&MessageBody=batch'; $strRequest = ""; $strRequest .= "POST /send/?key=".md5('key')." HTTP/1.1\r\n"; $strRequest .= "User-Agent: BitrixCloud SiteChecker\r\n"; $strRequest .= "Host: ".$host."\r\n"; $strRequest .= "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n"; $strRequest .= "Content-length: ".strlen($POST)."\r\n"; $strRequest .= "\r\n".$POST."\r\n"; if (!$res = $this->ConnectToHost('ssl://'.$host, 443)) return false; $strRes = ToLower(GetHttpResponse($res, $strRequest, $strHeaders)); if (strpos($strRes, 'xml version=') !== false) return true; PrintHTTP($strRequest, $strHeaders, $strRes); return $this->Result(false, GetMessage("MAIN_WRONG_ANSWER_PULL")); } function check_access_docs() { if ($this->arTestVars['check_access_fail']) return $this->Result(null, GetMessage("MAIN_SC_NO_EXTERNAL_ACCESS_")); return true; } function check_extranet() { if ($this->arTestVars['check_access_fail']) return $this->Result(false, GetMessage("MAIN_SC_NO_EXTRANET_CONNECT")); return true; } function check_webdav() { if (!CModule::IncludeModule('webdav') && !CModule::IncludeModule('disk')) return $this->Result(false, GetMessage("MAIN_SC_NO_WEBDAV_MODULE")); if ($this->arTestVars['check_socket_fail']) return $this->Result(null, GetMessage('SC_SOCK_NA')); $allow = array( "PUT" => array("rights" => "U", "min_rights" => "U"), "LOCK" => array("rights" => "U", "min_rights" => "U"), "MOVE" => array("rights" => "W", "min_rights" => "U"), "MKCOL" => array("rights" => "W", "min_rights" => "W"), "PROPFIND" => array("rights" => "R", "min_rights" => "R") ); foreach($allow as $method => $ar) { $strRequest = $method." /bitrix/admin/site_checker.php?test_type=webdav_test&method=$method&unique_id=".checker_get_unique_id()." HTTP/1.1\r\n"; $strRequest.= "Host: ".$this->host."\r\n"; $strRequest.= "\r\n"; if (!$res = $this->ConnectToHost()) return null; $strRes = GetHttpResponse($res, $strRequest, $strHeaders); if (trim($strRes) != 'SUCCESS') { PrintHTTP($strRequest, $strHeaders, $strRes); return $this->Result(null, str_replace('#METHOD#', $method, GetMessage("MAIN_SC_METHOD_NOT_SUP"))); } } return true; } function check_search() { if (!CModule::IncludeModule('intranet')) return; $tmp = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/bitrix/tmp/success.doc'; if (!CheckDirPath($tmp) || !file_put_contents($tmp, 'SUCCESS')) return $this->Result(false, GetMessage("MAIN_TMP_FILE_ERROR")); $res = CIntranetSearchConverters::OnSearchGetFileContent($tmp); unlink($tmp); if (is_array($res) && strpos($res['CONTENT'], 'SUCCESS') !== false) return true; $strError = GetMessage("MAIN_SC_SEARCH_INCORRECT")."<br>\n"; if ($res === false && function_exists('exec')) { exec('catdoc -V', $output, $return_var); if ($return_var === 0) { $version = $output[0]; if (strpos($version, '0.94.4') !== false || strpos($version, '0.94.3') !== false) $strError .= GetMessage('MAIN_CATDOC_WARN', array('#VERSION#' => $version)); } } return $this->Result(false, $strError); } function check_fast_download() { $tmp = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/bitrix/tmp/success.txt'; if (!CheckDirPath($tmp) || !file_put_contents($tmp, 'SUCCESS')) return $this->Result(false, GetMessage("MAIN_TMP_FILE_ERROR")); $strRequest = "GET "."/bitrix/admin/site_checker.php?test_type=fast_download&unique_id=".checker_get_unique_id()." HTTP/1.1\r\n"; $strRequest.= "Host: ".$this->host."\r\n"; $strRequest.= "\r\n"; if (!$res = $this->ConnectToHost()) return false; if (IsHttpResponseSuccess($res, $strRequest)) $retVal = COption::GetOptionString('main', 'bx_fast_download', 'N') == 'Y' ? true : $this->Result(false, GetMessage("MAIN_FAST_DOWNLOAD_SUPPORT")); else $retVal = COption::GetOptionString('main', 'bx_fast_download', 'N') == 'N' ? $this->Result(false, GetMessage("MAIN_SC_NOT_SUPPORTED")) : $this->Result(false, GetMessage("MAIN_FAST_DOWNLOAD_ERROR")); unlink($tmp); return $retVal; } function check_access_mobile() { $checker = 'checker.internal.bitrix24.com'; $retVal = null; if (preg_match('#^(127|10|172\.16|192\.168)\.#', $this->host)) $status = 0; else { $strRequest = 'GET /check/?license_hash='.LICENSE_HASH.'&host='.urlencode($this->host).'&port='.urlencode($this->port).'&https='.($this->ssl ? 'Y' : 'N').' HTTP/1.1'."\r\n". 'host: '.$checker."\r\n". "\r\n"; if (!$res = $this->ConnectToHost($checker, 80)) { $this->arTestVars['check_access_fail'] = true; return $this->Result($retVal, GetMessage("MAIN_SC_NO_CONNECTTO", array('#HOST#' => $checker))); } $strRes = GetHttpResponse($res, $strRequest, $strHeaders); PrintHTTP($strRequest, $strHeaders, $strRes); if (!preg_match('#^Status: (.+)$#m', $strRes, $regs)) { $this->arTestVars['check_access_fail'] = true; return $this->Result($retVal, GetMessage("MAIN_SC_UNKNOWN_ANSWER", array('#HOST#' => $checker))); } $status = intval($regs[1]); } if (!$status) { $this->arTestVars['check_access_fail'] = true; return $this->Result($retVal, GetMessage("MAIN_SC_NO_EXTERNAL_CONNECT_WARN")); } if ($status != 200 && $status != 401) { $this->arTestVars['check_access_fail'] = true; echo $strRes; return $this->Result($retVal, GetMessage("MAIN_SC_EXTERNAL_ANSWER_INCORRECT")); } if (!CModule::IncludeModule('pull')) return $this->Result(null, GetMessage("MAIN_NO_PULL_MODULE")); if (!CPullOptions::GetPushStatus()) return $this->Result(null, GetMessage("MAIN_NO_OPTION_PULL")); if (!$ar = parse_url(str_replace('#DOMAIN#', $this->host, COption::GetOptionString('pull', 'path_to_mobile_listener'.($this->ssl ? '_secure' : ''))))) return $this->Result(false, GetMessage("MAIN_SC_PATH_SUB")); $sub_port = $ar['port']; if (!$sub_port) $sub_port = 80; if ($sub_port != $this->port) { $strRequest = 'GET /check/?license_hash='.LICENSE_HASH.'&host='.urlencode($this->host).'&port='.urlencode($sub_port).'&https='.($ar['scheme'] == 'https' ? 'Y' : 'N').' HTTP/1.1'."\r\n". 'host: '.$checker."\r\n". "\r\n"; if (!$res = $this->ConnectToHost($checker, 80)) return $this->Result($retVal, GetMessage("MAIN_SC_NO_CONNECTTO", array('#HOST#' => $checker))); $strRes = GetHttpResponse($res, $strRequest, $strHeaders); PrintHTTP($strRequest, $strHeaders, $strRes); if (!preg_match('#^Status: (.+)$#m', $strRes, $regs)) return $this->Result($retVal, GetMessage("MAIN_SC_UNKNOWN_ANSWER", array('#HOST#' => $checker))); $status = intval($regs[1]); if (!$status) return $this->Result($retVal, GetMessage("MAIN_SC_NO_PULL_EXTERNAL")); } return true; } function check_perf() { $arTime = array(); $count = 3; for($i=0; $i<$count; $i++) { if (!$res = $this->ConnectToHost()) return false; if (IsModuleInstalled('security')) { $file = COption::GetOptionString("security", "ipcheck_disable_file", ""); COption::SetOptionString("security", "ipcheck_disable_file", $this->LogFile); } $strRequest = "GET "."/bitrix/admin/site_checker.php?test_type=perf&unique_id=".checker_get_unique_id()."&i=".$i." HTTP/1.1\r\n"; $strRequest.= "Host: ".$this->host."\r\n"; $strRequest.= "\r\n"; $strRes = GetHttpResponse($res, $strRequest, $strHeaders); if (IsModuleInstalled('security')) COption::SetOptionString("security", "ipcheck_disable_file", $file); if (!is_numeric($strRes)) { PrintHTTP($strRequest, $strHeaders, $strRes); return $this->Result(false, GetMessage('SC_TEST_FAIL')); } $arTime[] = doubleval($strRes); } $r = doubleval($count) / array_sum($arTime); if ($r < 10) $strResult = GetMessage("MAIN_PERF_VERY_LOW"); elseif ($r < 15) $strResult = GetMessage("MAIN_PERF_LOW"); elseif ($r < 30) $strResult = GetMessage("MAIN_PERF_MID"); else $strResult = GetMessage("MAIN_PERF_HIGH"); return $this->Result($r >= 10, $strResult.' ('.number_format($r , 2, ".", " ").' '.GetMessage("MAIN_PAGES_PER_SECOND").')'); } function check_cache() { $dir = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"].BX_PERSONAL_ROOT."/cache"; $file0 = $dir."/".md5(mt_rand()); $file1 = $file0.".tmp"; $file2 = $file0.".php"; if (!file_exists($dir)) mkdir($dir, BX_DIR_PERMISSIONS); return ($f = fopen($file1, 'wb')) && (fclose($f)) && (rename($file1,$file2)) && (unlink($file2)); } function check_exec() { $path = '/bitrix'.'/site_check_exec.php'; if (!($f = fopen($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].$path, 'wb'))) return $this->Result(false,GetMessage('SC_CHECK_FILES')); chmod($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].$path, BX_FILE_PERMISSIONS); fwrite($f,'<'.'? echo "SUCCESS"; ?'.'>'); fclose($f); $strRequest = "GET ".$path." HTTP/1.1\r\n"; $strRequest.= "Host: ".$this->host."\r\n"; $strRequest.= "\r\n"; if ($res = $this->ConnectToHost()) $retVal = IsHttpResponseSuccess($res, $strRequest); else $retVal = false; unlink($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].$path); return $retVal; } function check_security() { $strError = ''; if (function_exists('apache_get_modules')) { $arLoaded = apache_get_modules(); if (in_array('mod_security', $arLoaded)) $strError .= GetMessage('SC_WARN_SECURITY')."<br>"; if (in_array('mod_dav', $arLoaded) || in_array('mod_dav_fs', $arLoaded)) $strError .= GetMessage('SC_WARN_DAV')."<br>"; } if ($strError) return $this->Result(null, $strError); return $this->Result(true, GetMessage("MAIN_SC_NO_CONFLICT")); } function check_install_scripts() { $strError = ''; foreach(array( 'restore.php', 'bitrix_server_test.php', 'bitrixsetup.php', 'bitrix_install.php', 'bitrix_setup.php', 'bitrix6setup.php', 'bitrix7setup.php', 'bitrix8setup.php', 'export_file.csv', '1c_bx_import.php' ) as $file) { if (file_exists($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/'.$file)) $strError .= GetMessage('SC_FILE_EXISTS').' '.$file."\n<br>"; if (file_exists($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/bitrix/'.$file)) $strError .= GetMessage('SC_FILE_EXISTS').' /bitrix/'.$file."\n<br>"; if (file_exists($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/upload/'.$file)) $strError .= GetMessage('SC_FILE_EXISTS').' /upload/'.$file."\n<br>"; } if ($strError) return $this->Result(false, $strError); return $this->Result(true, GetMessage("MAIN_SC_ABSENT_ALL")); } function check_clone() { $x = new CDatabase; $x->b = 'FAIL'; $y = $x; $y->b = 'SUCCESS'; return $x->b == 'SUCCESS'; } function check_getimagesize() { $file = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/bitrix/modules/fileman/install/components/bitrix/player/mediaplayer/player'; if (!file_exists($file)) return $this->Result(null, "File not found: ".$file); if (false === getimagesize($file)) return $this->Result(null, GetMessage('SC_SWF_WARN')); return true; } function check_localredirect() { $strSERVER = ''; foreach(array('SERVER_PORT', 'HTTPS', 'FCGI_ROLE', 'HTTP_HOST', 'SERVER_PROTOCOL') as $var) $strSERVER .= '&'.$var.'='.urlencode($_SERVER[$var]); if (!$this->arTestVars['last_value']) { $strRequest = "GET "."/bitrix/admin/site_checker.php?test_type=redirect_test&unique_id=".checker_get_unique_id().$strSERVER." HTTP/1.1\r\n"; $strRequest.= "Host: ".$this->host."\r\n"; $strRequest.= "\r\n"; if (!$res = $this->ConnectToHost()) return false; $strRes = GetHttpResponse($res, $strRequest, $strHeaders); if (preg_match('#Location: (.+)#', $strHeaders, $regs)) { $url = trim($regs[1]); if (!$url) { PrintHTTP($strRequest, $strHeaders, $strRes); return false; } $this->arTestVars['last_value'] = $url; $this->test_percent = 50; return true; } PrintHTTP($strRequest, $strHeaders, $strRes); return false; } else { $url = $this->arTestVars['last_value']; if (!$url) return false; $ar = parse_url($url); $host = $ar['host']; $ssl = $ar['scheme'] == 'https' ? 'ssl://' : ''; $port = intval($ar['port']) ? intval($ar['port']) : ($ssl ? 443 : 80); $strRequest = "GET "."/bitrix/admin/site_checker.php?test_type=redirect_test&unique_id=".checker_get_unique_id().$strSERVER."&done=Y HTTP/1.1\r\n"; $strRequest.= "Host: ".$host."\r\n"; $strRequest.= "\r\n"; if ($res = $this->ConnectToHost($host, $port, $ssl)) return IsHttpResponseSuccess($res, $strRequest); return false; } } function check_sites() { $strError = ''; $bUtf = $bChar = $bFound = false; $arDocRoot = array(); $rs = CSite::GetList($by,$order,array('ACTIVE'=>'Y')); while($f = $rs->Fetch()) { $arDocRoot[] = trim($f['DOC_ROOT']); $bFound = strpos(strtolower($f['CHARSET']),'utf')!==false; $bUtf = $bUtf || $bFound; $bChar = $bChar || !$bFound; } if (count($arDocRoot) == 1) { if ($root = $arDocRoot[0]) $strError = GetMessage('SC_PATH_FAIL_SET').' <i>'.htmlspecialcharsbx($root).'</i><br>'; } else { foreach($arDocRoot as $root) { if ($root) { if (!is_readable($root.'/bitrix')) $strError .= GetMessage('SC_NO_ROOT_ACCESS').' <i>'.htmlspecialcharsbx($root).'/bitrix</i><br>'; } } } if ($bUtf && $bChar) $strError.= GetMessage("SC_SITE_CHARSET_FAIL"); if ($strError) return $this->Result(false, $strError); return $this->Result(true, GetMessage("MAIN_SC_CORRECT")); } function check_pcre_recursion() { $strRequest = "GET "."/bitrix/admin/site_checker.php?test_type=pcre_recursion_test&unique_id=".checker_get_unique_id()." HTTP/1.1\r\n"; $strRequest.= "Host: ".$this->host."\r\n"; $strRequest.= "\r\n"; if ($res = $this->ConnectToHost()) { if ('SUCCESS' == $strRes = GetHttpResponse($res, $strRequest, $strHeaders)) return true; if ($strRes == 'CLEAN') return $this->Result(null, GetMessage('SC_PCRE_CLEAN')); } return false; } function check_method_exists() { $strRequest = "GET "."/bitrix/admin/site_checker.php?test_type=method_exists&unique_id=".checker_get_unique_id()." HTTP/1.1\r\n"; $strRequest.= "Host: ".$this->host."\r\n"; $strRequest.= "\r\n"; if ($res = $this->ConnectToHost()) return IsHttpResponseSuccess($res, $strRequest); return false; } function check_bx_crontab() { $this->arTestVars['check_bx_crontab'] = false; if (defined('BX_CRONTAB')) return $this->Result(false, GetMessage("MAIN_BX_CRONTAB_DEFINED")); $bCron = COption::GetOptionString("main", "agents_use_crontab", "N") == 'Y' || defined('BX_CRONTAB_SUPPORT') && BX_CRONTAB_SUPPORT === true || COption::GetOptionString("main", "check_agents", "Y") != 'Y'; if ($bCron) { if (!$GLOBALS['DB']->Query('SELECT LAST_EXEC FROM b_agent WHERE LAST_EXEC > NOW() - INTERVAL 1 DAY AND IS_PERIOD = "N" LIMIT 1')->Fetch()) return $this->Result(false, GetMessage("MAIN_CRON_NO_START")); $this->arTestVars['check_bx_crontab'] = true; return true; } return $this->Result(null, GetMessage("MAIN_AGENTS_HITS")); } ############################## # MYSQL Tests follow ############################## function check_mysql_bug_version() { global $DB; $MySql_vercheck_min = "5.0.0"; $ver = $DB->GetVersion(); if (version_compare($ver,$MySql_vercheck_min,'<')) return $this->Result(false, GetMessage('SC_MYSQL_ERR_VER', array('#CUR#' => $ver, '#REQ#' => $MySql_vercheck_min))); if ($ver == '4.1.21' // sorting || $ver == '5.1.34' // auto_increment || $ver == '5.0.41' // search // || $ver == '5.1.66' // forum page navigation ) return $this->Result(false,GetMessage('SC_DB_ERR').' '.$ver); return true; } function check_mysql_mode() { global $DB; $res = $DB->Query('SHOW VARIABLES LIKE \'sql_mode\''); $f = $res->Fetch(); if (strlen($f['Value']) > 0) return $this->Result(false,GetMessage('SC_DB_ERR_MODE').' '.$f['Value']); return true; } function check_mysql_time() { global $DB; $s = time(); while($s == time()); $s++; $res = $DB->Query('SELECT NOW() AS A'); $f = $res->Fetch(); if (($diff = abs($s - strtotime($f['A']))) <= 1) return true; return $this->Result(false, GetMessage('SC_TIME_DIFF', array('#VAL#' => $diff))); } function check_mysql_table_status() { global $DB; $time = time(); $strError = ''; $i = 0; $res = $DB->Query('SHOW TABLES'); $cnt = $res->SelectedRowsCount(); while($f = $res->Fetch()) { $i++; list($k, $table) = each($f); if ($this->arTestVars['last_value']) { if ($this->arTestVars['last_value'] == $table) unset($this->arTestVars['last_value']); continue; } // if ($f0['Data_length'] > $warn_size) // $result.= $this->Result(null,GetMessage('SC_TABLE_SIZE_WARN',array('#TABLE#'=>$table,'#SIZE#'=>floor($f0['Data_length']/1024/1024))))."<br>"; if (!$this->fix_mode) $res0 = $DB->Query('CHECK TABLE `' . $table . '`'); else $res0 = $DB->Query('REPAIR TABLE `' . $table . '`'); $f0 = $res0->Fetch(); if ($f0['Msg_type'] == 'error' || $f0['Msg_type'] == 'warning') $strError .= GetMessage('SC_TABLE_ERR', array('#VAL#' => $table)) . ' ' . $f0['Msg_text'] . "\n<br>"; if (time()-$time >= $this->timeout) { $this->arTestVars['last_value'] = $table; $this->test_percent = floor($i / $cnt * 100); return true; } } if (!$strError) return true; if (!$this->fix_mode) { $this->arTestVars['check_table_status_fail'] = true; echo $strError; // to log return $this->Result(false, GetMessage('SC_TABLES_NEED_REPAIR').fix_link(1)); } return $this->Result(false, $strError); } function check_mysql_connection_charset() { global $DB; $strError = ''; if ($this->arTestVars['check_mbstring_fail']) return $this->Result(null, GetMessage('SC_MBSTRING_NA')); $res = $DB->Query('SHOW VARIABLES LIKE "character_set_connection"'); $f = $res->Fetch(); $character_set_connection = $f['Value']; $res = $DB->Query('SHOW VARIABLES LIKE "collation_connection"'); $f = $res->Fetch(); $collation_connection = $f['Value']; $res = $DB->Query('SHOW VARIABLES LIKE "character_set_results"'); $f = $res->Fetch(); $character_set_results = $f['Value']; $bAllIn1251 = true; $res1 = $DB->Query('SELECT C.CHARSET FROM b_lang L, b_culture C WHERE C.ID=L.CULTURE_ID AND L.ACTIVE="Y"'); // for 'no kernel mode' while($f1 = $res1->Fetch()) $bAllIn1251 = $bAllIn1251 && trim(strtolower($f1['CHARSET'])) == 'windows-1251'; if (defined('BX_UTF') && BX_UTF === true) { if ($character_set_connection != 'utf8') $strError = GetMessage("SC_CONNECTION_CHARSET_WRONG", array('#VAL#' => 'utf8', '#VAL1#' => $character_set_connection)); elseif ($collation_connection != 'utf8_unicode_ci') $strError = GetMessage("SC_CONNECTION_COLLATION_WRONG_UTF", array('#VAL#' => $collation_connection)); } else { if ($bAllIn1251 && $character_set_connection != 'cp1251') $strError = GetMessage("SC_CONNECTION_CHARSET_WRONG", array('#VAL#' => 'cp1251', '#VAL1#' => $character_set_connection)); elseif ($character_set_connection == 'utf8') $strError = GetMessage("SC_CONNECTION_CHARSET_WRONG_NOT_UTF", array('#VAL#' => $character_set_connection)); } if (!$strError && $character_set_connection != $character_set_results) $strError = GetMessage('SC_CHARSET_CONN_VS_RES',array('#CONN#' => $character_set_connection, '#RES#' => $character_set_results)); echo 'character_set_connection='.$character_set_connection.', collation_connection='.$collation_connection.', character_set_results='.$character_set_results; if (!$strError) return true; $this->arTestVars['check_connection_charset_fail'] = true; return $this->Result(false, $strError); } function check_mysql_db_charset() { global $DB; if ($this->arTestVars['check_mbstring_fail']) return $this->Result(null, GetMessage('SC_MBSTRING_NA')); elseif ($this->arTestVars['check_table_status_fail']) return $this->Result(null, GetMessage('SC_TABLES_NEED_REPAIR')); elseif ($this->arTestVars['check_connection_charset_fail']) return $this->Result(null, GetMessage('SC_CONNECTION_CHARSET_NA')); $strError = ''; $res = $DB->Query('SHOW VARIABLES LIKE "character_set_connection"'); $f = $res->Fetch(); $character_set_connection = $f['Value']; $res = $DB->Query('SHOW VARIABLES LIKE "collation_connection"'); $f = $res->Fetch(); $collation_connection = $f['Value']; $res = $DB->Query('SHOW VARIABLES LIKE "character_set_database"'); $f = $res->Fetch(); $character_set_database = $f['Value']; $res = $DB->Query('SHOW VARIABLES LIKE "collation_database"'); $f = $res->Fetch(); $collation_database = $f['Value']; if ($this->fix_mode) { if ($DB->Query($sql = 'ALTER DATABASE `' . $DB->DBName. '` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET ' . $character_set_connection . ' COLLATE ' . $collation_connection, true)) $strError = ''; else $strError .= $sql . ' [' . $DB->db_Error . ']'; } else { if ($character_set_connection != $character_set_database) $strError = GetMessage('SC_DATABASE_CHARSET_DIFF', array('#VAL0#' => $character_set_connection, '#VAL1#' => $character_set_database)).fix_link(); elseif ($collation_database != $collation_connection) $strError = GetMessage('SC_DATABASE_COLLATION_DIFF', array('#VAL0#' => $collation_connection, '#VAL1#' => $collation_database)).fix_link(); } echo 'CHARSET='.$character_set_database.', COLLATION='.$collation_database; if (!$strError) return true; $this->arTestVars['db_charset_fail'] = true; return $this->Result(false, $strError); } function check_mysql_table_charset() { global $DB; $strError = ''; if ($this->arTestVars['check_mbstring_fail']) return $this->Result(null, GetMessage('SC_MBSTRING_NA')); elseif ($this->arTestVars['check_table_status_fail']) return $this->Result(null, GetMessage('SC_TABLES_NEED_REPAIR')); elseif ($this->arTestVars['check_connection_charset_fail']) return $this->Result(null, GetMessage('SC_CONNECTION_CHARSET_NA')); elseif ($this->arTestVars['db_charset_fail']) return $this->Result(null, GetMessage('SC_TABLE_CHECK_NA')); $res = $DB->Query('SHOW VARIABLES LIKE "character_set_database"'); $f = $res->Fetch(); $charset = trim($f['Value']); $res = $DB->Query('SHOW VARIABLES LIKE "collation_database"'); $f = $res->Fetch(); $collation = trim($f['Value']); $time = time(); $i = 0; $res = $DB->Query('SHOW TABLES LIKE "b_%"'); $cnt = $res->SelectedRowsCount(); $arExclusion = array( 'b_sale_loc_search_word' => 'WORD', 'b_search_content_stem' => 'STEM', 'b_search_content_freq' => 'STEM', 'b_search_stem' => 'STEM', 'b_search_tags' => 'NAME' ); while($f = $res->Fetch()) { $i++; list($k, $table) = each($f); if ($this->arTestVars['last_value']) { if ($this->arTestVars['last_value'] == $table) unset($this->arTestVars['last_value']); continue; } $res0 = $DB->Query('SHOW CREATE TABLE `' . $table . '`', true); if ($res0 === false) { if ($this->fix_mode) { $res0 = $DB->Query('DROP TABLE `' . $table . '`', true); } else { $strError .= GetMessage('SC_TABLE_BROKEN',array('#TABLE#'=>$table))."<br>"; $this->arTestVars['iError']++; $this->arTestVars['iErrorAutoFix']++; } continue; } $f0 = $res0->Fetch(); if (preg_match('/DEFAULT CHARSET=([a-z0-9\-_]+)/i', $f0['Create Table'], $regs)) { $t_charset = $regs[1]; if (preg_match('/COLLATE=([a-z0-9\-_]+)/i', $f0['Create Table'], $regs)) $t_collation = $regs[1]; else { $res0 = $DB->Query('SHOW CHARSET LIKE "' . $t_charset . '"'); $f0 = $res0->Fetch(); $t_collation = $f0['Default collation']; } } else { $res0 = $DB->Query('SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE "' . $table . '"'); $f0 = $res0->Fetch(); if (!$t_collation = $f0['Collation']) continue; $t_charset = getCharsetByCollation($t_collation); } if ($charset != $t_charset) { // table charset differs if (!$this->fix_mode) { $strError .= GetMessage('SC_DB_MISC_CHARSET',array('#TABLE#' => $table,'#VAL1#' => $t_charset,'#VAL0#'=>$charset)) . "<br>"; $this->arTestVars['iError']++; if ($this->force_repair) $this->arTestVars['iErrorAutoFix']++; } elseif ($this->force_repair && !$DB->Query($sql = 'ALTER TABLE `' . $table . '` CHARACTER SET ' . $charset, true)) { $strError .= $sql . ' [' . $DB->db_Error . ']'; break; } } elseif ($t_collation != $collation) { // table collation differs if (!$this->fix_mode) { $strError .= GetMessage('SC_COLLATE_WARN',array('#TABLE#'=>$table,'#VAL1#'=>$t_collation,'#VAL0#'=>$collation))."<br>"; $this->arTestVars['iError']++; $this->arTestVars['iErrorAutoFix']++; } elseif (!$DB->Query($sql = 'ALTER TABLE `' . $table . '` COLLATE ' . $collation, true)) { $strError .= $sql . ' [' . $DB->db_Error . ']'; break; } } // fields check $arFix = array(); $res0 = $DB->Query("SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `" . $table . "`"); while($f0 = $res0->Fetch()) { $f_collation = $f0['Collation']; if ($f_collation === NULL || $f_collation === "NULL") continue; $f_charset = getCharsetByCollation($f_collation); if ($charset != $f_charset) { // field charset differs if (!$this->fix_mode) { $strError .= GetMessage('SC_TABLE_CHARSET_WARN',array('#TABLE#' => $table, '#VAL0#' => $charset, '#VAL1#' => $f_charset, '#FIELD#' => $f0['Field'])) . "<br>"; $this->arTestVars['iError']++; if ($this->force_repair) $this->arTestVars['iErrorAutoFix']++; } elseif ($this->force_repair) $arFix[] = ' MODIFY `'.$f0['Field'].'` '.$f0['Type'].' CHARACTER SET '.$charset.($f0['Null'] == 'YES' ? ' NULL' : ' NOT NULL'). ($f0['Default'] === NULL ? ($f0['Null'] == 'YES' ? ' DEFAULT NULL ' : '') : ' DEFAULT '.($f0['Type'] == 'timestamp' && $f0['Default'] == 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP' ? $f0['Default'] : '"'.$DB->ForSQL($f0['Default']).'"')).' '.$f0['Extra']; } elseif ($collation != $f_collation) { if ($arExclusion[$table] && strtoupper($f0['Field']) == $arExclusion[$table]) continue; // field collation differs if (!$this->fix_mode) { $strError .= GetMessage('SC_FIELDS_COLLATE_WARN',array('#TABLE#' => $table, '#VAL0#' => $collation, '#VAL1#' => $f_collation, '#FIELD#' => $f0['Field'])) . "<br>"; $this->arTestVars['iError']++; $this->arTestVars['iErrorAutoFix']++; } else $arFix[] = ' MODIFY `'.$f0['Field'].'` '.$f0['Type'].' COLLATE '.$collation.($f0['Null'] == 'YES' ? ' NULL' : ' NOT NULL'). ($f0['Default'] === NULL ? ($f0['Null'] == 'YES' ? ' DEFAULT NULL ' : '') : ' DEFAULT '.($f0['Type'] == 'timestamp' && $f0['Default'] == 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP' ? $f0['Default'] : '"'.$DB->ForSQL($f0['Default']).'"')).' '.$f0['Extra']; } } if ($this->fix_mode && count($arFix)) { if (!$DB->Query($sql = 'ALTER TABLE `'.$table.'` '.implode(",\n", $arFix), true)) { $strError .= $sql . ' [' . $DB->db_Error . ']'; break; } } if (time()-$time >= $this->timeout) { $this->arTestVars['last_value'] = $table; $this->test_percent = floor($i / $cnt * 100); return true; } } if (!$strError) return true; $this->arTestVars['table_charset_fail'] = true; if ($this->fix_mode) return $this->Result(false, $strError); else { echo $strError; // to log return $this->Result(false, GetMessage('SC_CHECK_TABLES_ERRORS', array('#VAL#' => intval($this->arTestVars['iError']), '#VAL1#' => intval($this->arTestVars['iErrorAutoFix']))) . ($this->arTestVars['iErrorAutoFix'] > 0 ? fix_link() : '')); } } function check_mysql_table_structure() { global $DB; $strError = ''; $arInsertExclude = array( 'b_seo_search_engine' => 1, 'b_hot_keys_code' => 1, ); if ($this->arTestVars['table_charset_fail']) return $this->Result(null, GetMessage('SC_TABLE_COLLATION_NA')); $f = $DB->Query('SELECT VERSION() v')->Fetch(); $this->db_ver = $f['v']; $module = ''; $cnt = $iCurrent = 0; if ($dir = opendir($path = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/bitrix/modules')) { while(false !== ($item = readdir($dir))) { // if ($item == '.' || $item == '..') if (strpos($item, '.') !== false) // skipping all external modules continue; $cnt++; if ($this->arTestVars['last_value']) { $iCurrent++; if ($this->arTestVars['last_value'] == $item) unset($this->arTestVars['last_value']); } elseif (!$module) $module = $item; } closedir($dir); } else return false; $file = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/bitrix/modules/'.$module.'/install/db/mysql/install.sql'; if (!file_exists($file)) $file = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/bitrix/modules/'.$module.'/install/mysql/install.sql'; if (file_exists($file)) // uses database... { $arTableColumns = array(); $bModuleInstalled = $DB->Query('SELECT * FROM b_module WHERE id="'.$DB->ForSQL($module).'"')->Fetch(); if (false === ($query = file_get_contents($file))) return false; $arTables = array(); $arQuery = $DB->ParseSQLBatch(str_replace("\r", "", $query)); foreach($arQuery as $sql) { if (preg_match('#^(CREATE TABLE )(IF NOT EXISTS)? *`?([a-z0-9_]+)`?(.*);?$#mis',$sql,$regs)) { $table = $regs[3]; if (preg_match('#^site_checker_#', $table)) continue; $bTableExists = $DB->Query('SHOW TABLES LIKE "'.$table.'"')->Fetch(); if (!$bTableExists && $bModuleInstalled) { if ($this->fix_mode) { if (!$DB->Query($sql, true)) return $this->Result(false, 'Mysql Query Error: '.$sql.' ['.$DB->db_Error.']'); } else { $strError .= GetMessage('SC_ERR_NO_TABLE', array('#TABLE#' => $table))."<br>"; $_SESSION['FixQueryList'][] = $sql; $this->arTestVars['iError']++; $this->arTestVars['iErrorAutoFix']++; $this->arTestVars['cntNoTables']++; continue; } } if ($bTableExists || $bModuleInstalled) { $arTables[$table] = $sql; $tmp_table = 'site_checker_'.$table; $DB->Query('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `'.$tmp_table.'`'); $DB->Query($regs[1].' `'.$tmp_table.'`'.$regs[4]); } } elseif (preg_match('#^(ALTER TABLE)( )?`?([a-z0-9_]+)`?(.*);?$#mis',$sql,$regs)) { $table = $regs[3]; if (!$arTables[$table]) continue; $tmp_table = 'site_checker_'.$table; $DB->Query($regs[1].' `'.$tmp_table.'`'.$regs[4]); } elseif (preg_match('#^INSERT INTO *`?([a-z0-9_]+)`?[^\(]*\(?([^)]*)\)?[^V]*VALUES[^\(]*\((.+)\);?$#mis',$sql,$regs)) { $table = $regs[1]; if (!$arTables[$table] || $arInsertExclude[$table]) continue; $tmp_table = 'site_checker_'.$table; if ($regs[2]) $arColumns = explode(',', $regs[2]); else { if (!$arTableColumns[$tmp_table]) { $rs = $DB->Query('SHOW COLUMNS FROM `'.$tmp_table.'`'); while($f = $rs->Fetch()) $arTableColumns[$tmp_table][] = $f['Field']; } $arColumns = $arTableColumns[$tmp_table]; } $strValues = $regs[3]; $ar = explode(",",$strValues); $arValues = array(); $i = 0; $str = ''; foreach($ar as $v) { $str .= ($str ? ',' : '').$v; if (preg_match('#^ *(-?[0-9]+|\'.*\'|".*"|null|now\(\)) *$#i',$str)) { $arValues[$i] = $str; $str = ''; $i++; } } if (!$str) { $sqlSelect = 'SELECT * FROM `'.$table.'` WHERE 1=1 '; foreach($arColumns as $k => $c) { $v = $arValues[$k]; if (!preg_match('#null|now\(\)#i',$v)) $sqlSelect .= ' AND '.$c.'='.$v; } $rs = $DB->Query($sqlSelect); if (!$rs->Fetch()) { if ($this->fix_mode) { if (!$DB->Query($sql, true)) return $this->Result(false, 'Mysql Query Error: '.$sql.' ['.$DB->db_Error.']'); } else { $strError .= GetMessage('SC_ERR_NO_VALUE', array('#TABLE#' => $table, '#SQL#' => $sql))."<br>"; $_SESSION['FixQueryList'][] = $sql; $this->arTestVars['iError']++; $this->arTestVars['iErrorAutoFix']++; $this->arTestVars['cntNoValues']++; } } } else echo "Error parsing SQL:\n".$sql."\n"; } } if (version_compare($this->db_ver, '5.6', '>=') && file_exists($file = str_replace('/install.sql', '/install_ft.sql', $file))) { if (false === ($query = file_get_contents($file))) return false; $query = preg_replace('# on +([a-z_0-9]+) \(#i', ' on site_checker_\\1 (', $query); $arQuery = $DB->ParseSQLBatch(str_replace("\r", "", $query)); foreach($arQuery as $sql) { if (!$DB->Query($sql, true)) break; } } foreach($arTables as $table => $sql) { $tmp_table = 'site_checker_'.$table; $arIndexes = array(); $rs = $DB->Query('SHOW INDEXES FROM `'.$table.'`'); while($f = $rs->Fetch()) { $column = strtolower($f['Column_name'].($f['Sub_part'] ? '('.$f['Sub_part'].')' : '')); if ($arIndexes[$f['Key_name']]) $arIndexes[$f['Key_name']] .= ','.$column; else $arIndexes[$f['Key_name']] = $column; } $arIndexes_tmp = array(); $arFT = array(); $rs = $DB->Query('SHOW INDEXES FROM `'.$tmp_table.'`'); while($f = $rs->Fetch()) { $column = strtolower($f['Column_name'].($f['Sub_part'] ? '('.$f['Sub_part'].')' : '')); if ($arIndexes_tmp[$f['Key_name']]) $arIndexes_tmp[$f['Key_name']] .= ','.$column; else $arIndexes_tmp[$f['Key_name']] = $column; if ($f['Index_type'] == 'FULLTEXT') $arFT[$f['Key_name']] = true; } foreach($arIndexes_tmp as $name => $ix) { if (!in_array($ix,$arIndexes)) { if($arIndexes[$name]) { if ($name == 'PRIMARY') // dropping primary is not supported continue; $sql = 'ALTER TABLE `'.$table.'` DROP INDEX `'.$name.'`'; if ($this->fix_mode) { if (!$DB->Query($sql, true)) return $this->Result(false, 'Mysql Query Error: '.$sql.' ['.$DB->db_Error.']'); } else { $_SESSION['FixQueryList'][] = $sql; $this->arTestVars['iError']++; $this->arTestVars['iErrorAutoFix']++; } } } } $arColumns = array(); $rs = $DB->Query('SHOW COLUMNS FROM `'.$table.'`'); while($f = $rs->Fetch()) $arColumns[strtolower($f['Field'])] = $f; $rs = $DB->Query('SHOW COLUMNS FROM `'.$tmp_table.'`'); while($f_tmp = $rs->Fetch()) { $tmp = TableFieldConstruct($f_tmp); if ($f = $arColumns[strtolower($f_tmp['Field'])]) { if (($cur = TableFieldConstruct($f)) != $tmp) { $sql = 'ALTER TABLE `'.$table.'` CHANGE `'.$f['Field'].'` '.$tmp; if ($this->fix_mode) { if ($this->TableFieldCanBeAltered($f, $f_tmp)) { if (!$DB->Query($sql, true)) return $this->Result(false, 'Mysql Query Error: '.$sql.' ['.$DB->db_Error.']'); } else $this->arTestVars['iErrorFix']++; } else { $_SESSION['FixQueryList'][] = $sql; $strError .= GetMessage('SC_ERR_FIELD_DIFFERS', array('#TABLE#' => $table, '#FIELD#' => $f['Field'], '#CUR#' => $cur, '#NEW#' => $tmp))."<br>"; $this->arTestVars['iError']++; if ($this->TableFieldCanBeAltered($f, $f_tmp)) $this->arTestVars['iErrorAutoFix']++; $this->arTestVars['cntDiffFields']++; } } } else { $sql = 'ALTER TABLE `'.$table.'` ADD '.preg_replace('#auto_increment#i', '' , $tmp); // if only Primary Key is missing we will have to pass the test twice if ($this->fix_mode) { if (!$DB->Query($sql, true)) return $this->Result(false, 'Mysql Query Error: '.$sql.' ['.$DB->db_Error.']'); } else { $_SESSION['FixQueryList'][] = $sql; $strError .= GetMessage('SC_ERR_NO_FIELD', array('#TABLE#' => $table, '#FIELD#' => $f_tmp['Field']))."<br>"; $this->arTestVars['iError']++; $this->arTestVars['iErrorAutoFix']++; $this->arTestVars['cntNoFields']++; } } } foreach($arIndexes_tmp as $name => $ix) { if (!in_array($ix,$arIndexes)) { if ($name == 'PRIMARY' && $arIndexes['PRIMARY']) // Primary key exists { $this->arTestVars['iError']++; $strError .= GetMessage('SC_ERR_NO_INDEX', array('#TABLE#' => $table, '#INDEX#' => $name.' ('.$ix.')'))."<br>"; continue; } $sql = $name == 'PRIMARY' ? 'ALTER TABLE `'.$table.'` ADD PRIMARY KEY ('.$ix.')' : 'CREATE '.($arFT[$name] ? 'FULLTEXT ' : '').'INDEX `'.$name.'` ON `'.$table.'` ('.$ix.')'; if ($this->fix_mode) { if (!$DB->Query($sql, true)) return $this->Result(false, 'Mysql Query Error: '.$sql.' ['.$DB->db_Error.']'); } else { $_SESSION['FixQueryList'][] = $sql; $strError .= GetMessage('SC_ERR_NO_INDEX', array('#TABLE#' => $table, '#INDEX#' => $name.' ('.$ix.')'))."<br>"; $this->arTestVars['iError']++; $this->arTestVars['iErrorAutoFix']++; $this->arTestVars['cntNoIndexes']++; } } if ($arFT[$name] && !$this->fullTextIndexEnabled($table, $ix)) { if ($this->fix_mode) $this->enableFullTextIndex($table, $ix); else { $strError .= GetMessage('SC_ERR_NO_INDEX_ENABLED', array('#TABLE#' => $table, '#INDEX#' => $name.' ('.$ix.')'))."<br>"; $this->arTestVars['iError']++; $this->arTestVars['iErrorAutoFix']++; } } } $DB->Query('DROP TABLE `'.$tmp_table.'`'); } echo $strError; // to log } if ($iCurrent < $cnt) // partial { $this->arTestVars['last_value'] = $module; $this->test_percent = floor($iCurrent / $cnt * 100); return true; } if ($this->fix_mode) { if ($this->arTestVars['iErrorFix'] > 0) return $this->Result(null, GetMessage('SC_CHECK_TABLES_STRUCT_ERRORS_FIX', array( '#VAL#' => intval($this->arTestVars['iErrorFix']), ))); return true; } else { if ($this->arTestVars['iError'] > 0) { if (is_array($_SESSION['FixQueryList']) && count($_SESSION['FixQueryList'])) echo implode(";\n", $_SESSION['FixQueryList']).';'; $_SESSION['FixQueryList'] = array(); return $this->Result(false, GetMessage('SC_CHECK_TABLES_STRUCT_ERRORS', array( '#VAL#' => intval($this->arTestVars['iError']), '#VAL1#' => intval($this->arTestVars['iErrorAutoFix']), '#NO_TABLES#' => intval($this->arTestVars['cntNoTables']), '#NO_FIELDS#' => intval($this->arTestVars['cntNoFields']), '#DIFF_FIELDS#' => intval($this->arTestVars['cntDiffFields']), '#NO_INDEXES#' => intval($this->arTestVars['cntNoIndexes']), '#NO_VALUES#' => intval($this->arTestVars['cntNoValues']), )).($this->arTestVars['iErrorAutoFix'] > 0 ? fix_link(3) : '')); } return true; } } ############### # } # function CommonTest() { if (defined('BX_CRONTAB') || (defined('CHK_EVENT') && CHK_EVENT === true) || !$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) // can't get real HTTP server vars from cron return "CSiteCheckerTest::CommonTest();"; if (($ntlm_varname = COption::GetOptionString('ldap', 'ntlm_varname', 'REMOTE_USER')) && ($user = trim($_SERVER[$ntlm_varname]))) return "CSiteCheckerTest::CommonTest();"; // Server NTLM is enabled, no way to connect through a socket IncludeModuleLangFile($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/bitrix/modules/main/admin/site_checker.php'); $step = 0; while(true) { if (is_object($oTest)) $ar = $oTest->arTestVars; $oTest = new CSiteCheckerTest($step, $fast = 1); $oTest->arTestVars = $ar; $oTest->ssl = $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on' || $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO'] == 'https' || $_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"] == 443; if (preg_match('#^(.+):([0-9]+)$#', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], $regs)) { $oTest->host = $regs[1]; $oTest->port = $regs[2]; if ($oTest->port == 443) $oTest->ssl = true; } else { $oTest->host = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; $oTest->port = $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] ? $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] : ($oTest->ssl ? 443 : 80); } $oTest->Start(); if ($oTest->result === false) { $ar = Array( "MESSAGE" => ( IsModuleInstalled('intranet') ? GetMessage("MAIN_SC_GOT_ERRORS", array('#LINK#' => "/bitrix/admin/site_checker.php?lang=".LANGUAGE_ID."&express_test=Y")) : GetMessage("MAIN_SC_SITE_GOT_ERRORS", array('#LINK#' => "/bitrix/admin/site_checker.php?lang=".LANGUAGE_ID."&start_test=Y")) ), "TAG" => "SITE_CHECKER", "MODULE_ID" => "MAIN", 'NOTIFY_TYPE' => CAdminNotify::TYPE_NORMAL ); CAdminNotify::Add($ar); break; } if ($oTest->percent >= 100) break; $step++; } $REMOTE_ADDR = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $HTTP_USER_AGENT= $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] = '-'; $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] = '-'; CEventLog::Add(array( "SEVERITY" => "WARNING", "AUDIT_TYPE_ID" => $oTest->arTestVars['site_checker_success'] == 'Y' ? 'SITE_CHECKER_SUCCESS' : 'SITE_CHECKER_ERROR', "MODULE_ID" => "main", "ITEM_ID" => 'CSiteCheckerTest::CommonTest();', "URL" => '-', "DESCRIPTION" => '', )); $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] = $REMOTE_ADDR; $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] = $HTTP_USER_AGENT; return "CSiteCheckerTest::CommonTest();"; } function enableFullTextIndex($table, $field) { $name = '~ft_'.strtolower($table); global $DB; $options = array(); $f = $DB->Query('SELECT * FROM b_option WHERE MODULE_ID="main" AND NAME="'.$name.'"')->Fetch(); $optionString = $f['VALUE']; if($optionString <> '') { $options = unserialize($optionString); } $options[strtoupper($field)] = true; if ($f) $DB->Query('UPDATE b_option SET VALUE="'.$DB->ForSQL(serialize($options)).'" WHERE MODULE_ID="main" AND NAME="'.$name.'"'); else $DB->Query('INSERT INTO b_option (MODULE_ID, NAME, VALUE) VALUES("main", "'.$name.'", "'.$DB->ForSQL(serialize($options)).'")'); } function fullTextIndexEnabled($table, $field) { $name = '~ft_'.strtolower($table); global $DB; $options = array(); $f = $DB->Query('SELECT * FROM b_option WHERE MODULE_ID="main" AND NAME="'.$name.'"')->Fetch(); $optionString = $f['VALUE']; if($optionString <> '') { $options = unserialize($optionString); } if ($options[strtoupper($field)]) return true; return false; } } class CSearchFiles { public function __construct() { $this->StartTime = time(); $this->arFail = array(); $this->FilesCount = 0; $this->MaxFail = 9; $this->TimeLimit = 0; $this->SkipPath = ''; $this->BreakPoint = ''; } function Search($path) { if (time() - $this->StartTime > $this->TimeLimit) { $this->BreakPoint = $path; return count($this->arFail) == 0; } if (count($this->arFail) > $this->MaxFail) return false; if ($this->SkipPath) { if (0!==strpos($this->SkipPath, dirname($path))) return null; if ($this->SkipPath == $path) unset($this->SkipPath); } if (is_dir($path)) { if (is_readable($path)) { if (!is_writable($path)) $this->arFail[] = $path; if ($dir = opendir($path)) { while(false !== $item = readdir($dir)) { if ($item == '.' || $item == '..') continue; $this->Search($path.'/'.$item); if ($this->BreakPoint) break; } closedir($dir); } } else $this->arFail[] = $path; } elseif (!$this->SkipPath) { $this->FilesCount++; if (!is_readable($path) || !is_writable($path)) $this->arFail[] = $path; } return count($this->arFail) == 0; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////// FUNCTIONS /////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function CheckGetModuleInfo($path) { include_once($path); $arr = explode("/", $path); $i = array_search("modules", $arr); $class_name = $arr[$i+1]; return CModule::CreateModuleObject($class_name); } function IsHttpResponseSuccess($res, $strRequest) { $strRes = GetHttpResponse($res, $strRequest, $strHeaders); if (trim($strRes) == 'SUCCESS') return true; else { PrintHTTP($strRequest, $strHeaders, $strRes); return false; } } function GetHttpResponse($res, $strRequest, &$strHeaders) { fputs($res, $strRequest); $strHeaders = ""; $bChunked = False; $Content_Length = false; while (!feof($res) && ($line = fgets($res, 4096)) && $line != "\r\n") { $strHeaders .= $line; if (preg_match("/Transfer-Encoding: +chunked/i", $line)) $bChunked = True; if (preg_match("/Content-Length: +([0-9]+)/i", $line, $regs)) $Content_Length = $regs[1]; } $strRes = ""; if ($bChunked) { $maxReadSize = 4096; $length = 0; $line = fgets($res, $maxReadSize); $line = strtolower($line); $strChunkSize = ""; $i = 0; while ($i < CUtil::BinStrlen($line) && in_array($line[$i], array("0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"))) { $strChunkSize .= $line[$i]; $i++; } $chunkSize = hexdec($strChunkSize); while ($chunkSize > 0) { $processedSize = 0; $readSize = (($chunkSize > $maxReadSize) ? $maxReadSize : $chunkSize); while ($readSize > 0 && $line = fread($res, $readSize)) { $strRes .= $line; $processedSize += CUtil::BinStrlen($line); $newSize = $chunkSize - $processedSize; $readSize = (($newSize > $maxReadSize) ? $maxReadSize : $newSize); } $length += $chunkSize; $line = FGets($res, $maxReadSize); $line = strtolower($line); $strChunkSize = ""; $i = 0; while ($i < CUtil::BinStrlen($line) && in_array($line[$i], array("0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"))) { $strChunkSize .= $line[$i]; $i++; } $chunkSize = hexdec($strChunkSize); } } elseif ($Content_Length !== false) { if ($Content_Length > 0) $strRes = fread($res, $Content_Length); } else { while ($line = fread($res, 4096)) $strRes .= $line; } fclose($res); return $strRes; } function checker_get_unique_id() { $LICENSE_KEY = ''; @include($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/bitrix/license_key.php'); if ($LICENSE_KEY == '') $LICENSE_KEY = 'DEMO'; return md5($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].filemtime($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/bitrix/modules/main/admin/site_checker.php').$LICENSE_KEY); } function getCharsetByCollation($collation) { global $DB; static $CACHE; if (!$c = &$CACHE[$collation]) { $res0 = $DB->Query('SHOW COLLATION LIKE "' . $collation . '"'); $f0 = $res0->Fetch(); $c = $f0['Charset']; } return $c; } function InitPureDB() { if (!function_exists('SendError')) { function SendError($str) { } } if (!function_exists('IsModuleInstalled')) { function IsModuleInstalled($module) { if ($m = trim($module)) return file_exists($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/bitrix/modules/'.$m); return false; } } if (!function_exists('GetMessageJS')) { function GetMessageJS($name, $aReplace=false) { return GetMessage($name, $aReplace); } } if (!function_exists('bx_accelerator_reset')) { function bx_accelerator_reset() { if(function_exists("accelerator_reset")) accelerator_reset(); elseif(function_exists("wincache_refresh_if_changed")) wincache_refresh_if_changed(); } } global $DB, $DBType, $DBDebug, $DBDebugToFile, $DBHost, $DBName, $DBLogin, $DBPassword; /** * Defined in dbconn.php * @var $DBType * @var $DBDebug * @var $DBDebugToFile * @var $DBHost * @var $DBName * @var $DBLogin * @var $DBPassword */ require_once($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."/bitrix/php_interface/dbconn.php"); if(defined('BX_UTF')) define('BX_UTF_PCRE_MODIFIER', 'u'); else define('BX_UTF_PCRE_MODIFIER', ''); include_once($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."/bitrix/modules/main/lib/loader.php"); $application = \Bitrix\Main\HttpApplication::getInstance(); $application->initializeBasicKernel(); require_once($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."/bitrix/modules/main/classes/".$DBType."/database.php"); $DB = new CDatabase; $DB->debug = $DBDebug; $DB->DebugToFile = $DBDebugToFile; if(!($DB->Connect($DBHost, $DBName, $DBLogin, $DBPassword)) || !($DB->DoConnect())) { if(file_exists(($fname = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."/bitrix/php_interface/dbconn_error.php"))) include($fname); else include($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."/bitrix/modules/main/include/dbconn_error.php"); die(); } if (file_exists($fname = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."/bitrix/php_interface/after_connect.php")) require_once($fname); if (file_exists($fname = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."/bitrix/php_interface/after_connect_d7.php")) require_once($fname); } function TableFieldConstruct($f0) { global $DB; $tmp = '`'.$f0['Field'].'` '.$f0['Type'].($f0['Null'] == 'YES' ? ' NULL' : ' NOT NULL').($f0['Default'] === NULL ? ($f0['Null'] == 'YES' ? ' DEFAULT NULL ' : '') : ' DEFAULT '.($f0['Type'] == 'timestamp' && $f0['Default'] == 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP' ? $f0['Default'] : '"'.$DB->ForSQL($f0['Default']).'"')).' '.$f0['Extra']; return trim($tmp); } function fix_link($mode = 2) { return ' <a href="javascript:show_popup(\'' . GetMessageJS('SC_FIX_DATABASE') . '\', \'?fix_mode='.$mode.'\', \'' . GetMessageJS('SC_FIX_DATABASE_CONFIRM') . '\')">' . GetMessage('SC_FIX') . '</a>'; } function PrintHTTP($strRequest, $strHeaders, $strRes) { echo "== Request ==\n". (($l = CUtil::BinStrlen($strRequest)) > 1000 ? CUtil::BinSubstr($strRequest, 0, 1000).' ... ('.$l.' bytes)' : $strRequest)."\n". "== Response ==\n". $strHeaders."\n". "== Body ==\n". (($l = CUtil::BinStrlen($strRes)) > 1000 ? CUtil::BinSubstr($strRes, 0, 1000).' ... ('.$l.' bytes)' : $strRes)."\n". "==========\n"; } ?>